VOU 1 Nd 12 Dec. 1~12
'l(tf,1~,'t(f,,t AGAIN
e.j.tO, Women's Place at ISU
11111 MllCll Mlltl . ••
A f'OLlC'f. I Go RS that re~ul~r anymore, as sev 0 ral
FoLl.. Olo\l'i.: ~-MOST (oR AT trASr won't be _ot;nd ir1 tili~; if_>sue,
:rhe Post-Amerikan comes out everv cacJWI E ) o F TMA !1'tl,f! 3end all news articles, hook and
third !riday, except the next on~, record reviews, how-to-do-it ar-
which will come out four 7ridays IN TH•S PAPI IS: ticles, inforrration, com~e~tarv,
after this one, The paner is out carcoons--A·.:·l'Fi::r;--to the or·-
together at 114~ North ~t., in. W(tlTTE'N 'JY PEDJ'L.E'-- fice, ihis inclu~es letters to
Normal. the eJitor, whic~ we welcome, e-
l'ROPfSS•Olll" l HUNlltJQ> ven though we don't have an edi-
Policy of sorts1 All material in tor.
this issue is the product of indi- iEINCrSf'-' So
viduals who argue and differ with Classified ads are !ree and should
each other, so no one article "T"HfRE- ISN 1i be sent to the o~fice. ~e~uler
should be construed as renresent-
ing the paper's line (we don't IWIVCtl IN THIS advertising costs JO bucks a paPe,
really have one,) 'rhis includes
the regular columns, which aren't AU. OF T>IE tr! 15 for a ~alf, etc, Gall B28-
You can make some bread hawkina
the Post--up to 5~ for e ch copv
sold, Call 828-7026, 82 -3701,
or 828-7944, Call toda:v Hawk
this issue!
Normal Bloomington
Apple Tree; 117 E Beaufort The Joint, 6o5t North N'ain
Fritz Pretzels, 115 North St,
Caboose Records, 101 North St, McLean County Pant Co., 601 N, Main
Omega Shop, 111 E. Beaufort DA's Liquors, Oakland & !'fain
Mr. Goodbar, 111~ North St.
Student Stores, 115 North St. Al's Book •forld,· 111 w. Front
Minstrel Record Parlor, 311 s. Main Book Bazaar, 205 N, Main
Maple Grove Trading Co,, 310-!- N. Main
Mother Murphy's, 111~ North St, News Nook, 402t N, Main
Budget Tapes and Records, 111 E. Beaufort Book Hive, 103 W, Front
Bottle Shop, 1201 E, Oakland
Gaston's Barber Shop, 212! N. Center
Book Bazaar, Eastland Shopping Center
On Saturday, November 18th the Pantagraph Jones trying to accomplish? understatement. We told him that we were
ran an article in which ~Ir. Oonald L. Jones of still renting the house and he said that he
· 805 E. Bell reported the theft of furniture These are but a few examples of the rather didn't care, that he had purchased the items
·valued at $200 from an "apartment building" bizzare treatment we have received from Mrs. from "this Mrs. Jones" and since a "colored
at 903 W. Mulberry, Bloomington. ~lr. James L. Jones. We rented the home begining the first lady" would take possession the next day, he
Miller of 202 N. Grove, Normal was given as the of September of this year for $250 a month plus was going to remove the furniture regardless
owner of the furniture and ~lr. Jones as owner all utilities. We immediately reported to Mrs. of what we said or did. We told him we were
of the home. Jones that a number of repairs should be made going to contact the housing authority and a
on the hO!fSe and she agreed to 1) Supply us lawyer. Before he left, he claimed there had
We have been renting the house at 903 W. paint and brushes to paint the rooms 2) Put: a been a refrigerator in the basement two weeks
Mulberry since September and we were rather shower in 3) Provide an "oriental rug" for the previously which was rather strange since Mrs.
shocked the morning that the above described living room 4) Allow us the use of one of the Jones had the refrigerator removed a good three
article came to our attention. For starters, two refrigerators in the basement. She refused weeks before. When we questioned Mrs. Jones
Mr. Donald Jones does not own the house, or in other ways evaded 1) correcting the poor about the whereabouts of the refrigerator, She
rather his wife Evelyni s buying it from Mr. water pressure 2) fixing the bannister railing claimed she had given it to a friend so that
Miller. Furthermore, Evelyn Jones handles leading to the second story 3) replacing the ·she might keep her baby's milk cold, but after
all of the rental procedures. chimney which had allowed water to spot walls it had been brought to her friend's home,
in the two upstairs bedrooms 4) Repairing it wouldn't work, so it was now at a junkyard.
Secondly, we did not live in an "apart- floor tiles which were missing and corroding
ment" house and we feel this was contrived on in the dinin~ area S)Fixing a cabinet door in The.day after the two men came to our home,
the part of the Jones' to circumvent a the kitchen. the article about the stolen furniture appeared
rec~ntly passed'Bloomington ordinance in the Pantagraph. We do not know for certain
We never got the shower. She took both to this day whether one of the men was Oonald
resiuiring a,ir non-family d~ellings of more the refrigerat0ro "ron the basement. Our Jones, but if neither was, how could Mr . .Jones
"oriental" rug turned out to b~ 8TI old ru" file a theft report when he hadn't even come to
than five persons to file for a license and which we had to ,_-,ick up from the front porch ,the house? On reflection though, it makes more
for the landlord to provide clean linens and of a house were the tenants were throwing it sense that he filed a false report without
washroom facilities on each floor, among other away. having been to the house, though this would
things. Did Mr. Jones list the building as an see~ to be a rather obscure practice.
"apartment building" by error or to prevent And still this is not all. On October Regardless of the identity of the two men, the
legal reprimand? 14th, the ceiling in the living room collapsed. false theft report did appear and while most of
We immediately went to Bielfeldt Real~ where the household was oil'fhanksgiving break, an
Oviously our major concern was in dealing Mrs. Jones works to report it. She was not investigator came to our house and named two
with the stolen articles, though we were there so we left word that she should contact :of the members of the household as robbery
somewhat distraught since no articles from us immediately since the situation was dangerous. .suspects, that is, suspects for a robbery that
the house were missing. Immediately after Two days later she showed up with her son and had never taken place. We are waiting for more
reading the article, we called Mrs. Jones told us that a little glue and some tiles info on the situation and when we do get some;
(since she owns and rented the house to us) would repair it as good as new and added that we' 11 let you know. For the meantime, the
and she hung up on us after telling us that the ceilings of all old homes fall in. We house will be condemned, since :-trs. Jones made
her husband is handling the matter, and she then told her that we" <lid not feei that her absolutely no effort to clean up or fix the
knew nothing whatsoever about it. We then measures would provide safety to the members ceiling for over a month in which we were
went to the home of Mr. James Miller and he of the household, that she had been negligent still occupying the home.
was as confused as us. First he pointed out in her position as landlady and that we felt
that 1:here was not $_200 _worth. of furniture the housing authority should supervise the NOTE: Hopefully this will be the first of a
damage correction. Upon hearing this she split series of articles written by persons who
lin the house to begin with, and that Mr. Jones (without cleaning up the piles of plaster) have had 'dealings with Mrs. Jones or
and the next contact we had with her was others who feel their rental situation
had not contacted him about the alleged through innumerable other persons, prospective with other landlords is or was unfair.
robbery. He came to our home and proceeded to buyers of the house, another real estate
check out the robbery report, and after careful agent handling the attempted sales, Mr. Miller Paul Potocky
inspection, his conclusion was that nothing, and her husband, who allowed himself in at 9:00 Steve Folkers
with the exception of a $5 garbage carrier, was on a Friday evening with a friend, each John Peterson
.Jeri Light
missing. carrying a can of Pabst and proceeded to inform Mike Patrick
us that he was removing furniture, two Roger Svenhaugen
Since the furniture which Mr. Miller owns ·refrigerators, and the stove before noon the
was no.t stolen, since Mr. Donald L. Jones of next day. To say he was bell igerant is a gross
805 ~Bell does not own the home, and since
the house was rented as a complete unit and
not as apartments. just what are Mr. and Mrs.
do if it continues as it
h0, Sometimes the hash you ~et has
is 27. What you probably work for
if you have a job
61, · When a small country in-
vites Arnerikan investment, 28, Hippie slang for "interes-
you can be sure the U.S.
is the ___ ted in." ·
f2, Star of Dr. Strangelove 29. pig doktor organization
69 Poqolar D~mavJ!l (abbv,)
6J, When an FBI agent comes to 31. --d1 what none of us
your door, make sure he wants to be
never ___
32, Revolutionary Environmen-
talists• Retreat (abbv,)
DO,./N 33. The Grey Panthers fight
ANOTHER 1. The thin~ those wierd-o's for the rights of the
twirl during football half-
J6. What straight people think
times, you are
2, Frequent setting for polit- 37, First initial of a prime
ical disruptions slab of Texas pork,
GJ!)l[ ]~~ 9UJ1l/jjJ 1 and 3. Who makes those Levi bell- What the U.S. really is,
bottoms you're wearin~? but claims North Vietnam
4. Yao's middle name
40, We can be sure that the
5. What pigs sometimes use to structure of international
capitalism will continue
fight crowds of citizens
REJIOLUTIONARY... 6, She'll let you get anythin~ to generate -----~ in the
you want at her place of future (two words)
business, 44, What you might want to
be if you got really sick
7, ~ost people only have one of everything being so
of them, but Christine fucked up.
Jorgenson had two,
46, When the Berkeley City
8, A guy trying to pick you Council may have a radical
up has the ---- for you,
9, Papa Kennedy's middle ini- majority, (This is a
PUZZie I tial trick to get you to read
the rest of the paper,)
10, Silent and insidious, the Also: "the coolest month"
clap------- women without (a trick to get you to
their knowing it, read "The Wasteland")
11. What hippies with no money What you'd feel like do-
are ing if you heard Nixon or
43. --CC; abbreviation for 12, Someone who escapes from Agnew talk,
Stokeley Carmichael's or-
ACROSS ganization. the pigs is an -------. 49, a transparent rap
35. --G: type of plane used 13. Acid can help bring a more 51. Andy's partner
___ vision of things.
by the North Vietnamese
l, What you have to watch out 19. Young Marxists for a Vital 53, Weird hippie ceremony
36, What half the things you
for do probably are, with all America (abbv,) 54. What gamblers give you be-
the repressive laws lately
5. Tools for pleasure 21. One way of dealing with fore they take your money
56. What Ezra Pound wasn't
14. What nervous hippies have a breast is to ------ it,
in their pants, 38. object of imperialist greed 23. --ts What the very fabric 58. Desmond Morris is a naked
15. Poor people's butter 41. Where it's of Amerikan society will
16. Semi----; tribe victimized 42, Who Tommy wanted everyone s
by Amerikan imperialism
to hear, see, touch, and
17. You don't want a bald one 43. What greasers do to their
18, "Will you still need me 0
engines at stoplights
when I'm ?" L
44, We must ---- our critical
--Beatles revolutionary conscious- u
ness ,until it is sharp e-
20, What birth control pills T
stop from becoming babies nough to discern racism, 0'
sexism, and elitism where-
21. Two words for shit; one ever it may exist,
English, the other French
(two words) 45. You're my sweet potato,
and I --- yours,
22. What life under the op-
pression of Amerikan pig 47. middle initial of Dogpatch N
capitalism breeds Congressman
24, a right-on Vietnamese 48. "What are ---- damn hip- 0
pie punks trying to prove?"
group (abbv,) • --Archie Bunker N
25. D-- of iniquity--hippies' 50. fairly cheap automobile
26, A----; a good way to hit 51. A one-letter word P.
back at the pigs 52. Al's specialty
27, What National Lampoon 55, bCene of famous WWII
makes money from ghetto uprising
29, What you should get in 57, What unwed mothers aren't
gear, you lazy hipn; 0 1
Ju, poisonous weea capitalist 59, Imperialist invasion fleet
pushers want you to smoke defeated in the 16th cen-
(brand name) tury,
BISllll11iillt 'WANT SOM& GEANS?..• 'WE'LL, 110/ MO'T OF
L.\118Y, Oo~'T TU&N\ ARE WOME.H/
MAPPENltiG- . . . . PEOPLE I HA Vf N17
. HUGrH? WH'I'
1'v£ kWowN
HI r.-tc S(t400Lf
'/OU ltND HU'1'H 'fl I
111£Mf• . ·
by Phoebe and Polden Caulfield a few days, Dr. Rudnicki gave Jean some medicine
for her rash. After the examination, the
In our last article (Post-Amerikan Though Rudnicki had told her the doctor said he didn't know if Jean had
~10) we reported on our interviews with pills were unnecessary, she doubted his gonorrhea or syphilis, or both.
several of Dr. Rudnicki's ex-patients. claim that she was sterile. Barb told
There were two false diagnoses reported, ;US her family doctor, a fynecologist, According to Jean, Rudnicki said
O!te of e:onorrhea and one mistaken preg-- knew of her irregular periods but never the test for gonorrhea was too difficult
nancv dia2"nosis. Two women were told bv had said anything about her possibly and expensive. Instead, he gave her
Rudnicki that they had cysts, and had t~ -beinR sterile. And she ~aid she felt some antibiotics, just in case she did
have extra appointments scheduled; the sure-he would have mentioned it. have it.
cysts disappeared spontaneously, Another
women complained of ~eadaches, and was CAt.&.: 818-702,. 821-')Ct.,.,,. ofl 8l8.;J70I - Jean said Rudnicki took some blood
given three separate pelvic examinations. -...--·- - · - - :L:... .~ for a syphilis test, and told her to
We also reported speakin~ with two women come back in a week,
who were not at all displeased with Dr. ALL you &UVS
Rudnicki. When Jean came back, Rudnicki said
A W~OLE the blood test was inconclusive. Jean
Since that article, we have conduc- Of ~REAO said he took another blood sample and
ted interviews with two more of Rudnicki's scheduled another appointment.
ex-patients. posn/ AND
According to Jean, when she saw the
BARBARA'S STORY OF doctor again, he told her she had syph-
ilis. Yet, for some reason, Jean told
Barbara went to Dr. Rudnicki in the /1/1 us, Rudnicki took a third blood sample.
Spring of 1971. She wanted to renew her This one was to be sent to California
prescription for birth control pills. But she said Rudnicki's warning wor- for analysis,
After sittin~ in the waiting room for two ried her. She didn't want to impair her
hours, she finally got to see Dr. Rudni- capacity for having children, All this waiting made Jean upset.
cki. The month's uncertainty about whether or
Barb finally called Planned Parent- not she really had syphilis weighed on
Barb told us that a nurse was pre- hood for advice. They referred Barb to her mind. The worrying began to inter·
sent all durin~ the examination, but that a place in Peoria, and she went. fere with Jean's school work. Jean said
she was alone with the doctor during the she was also very concerned about how to
pre-examination interview. Barb told us that the people in pay for all these blood tests, let alone
Peoria couldn't imagine why any doctor the expense of treatment, if she needed
"It was his rap that got me," Barb could say, 'rom a simple interview, that it, She finally had to take time from
told us. "Questions totally irrelevant she was sterile, Barb got her prescrip- her studies to get a job.
to m:v method of birth control, such as tion for pills renewed.
how often do I have sex? Do I ever plan After another two weeks, Jean got
on getting married?" "He said, 'Don't JEAN'S EX PER/ENCE the results of the California analysis.
you think you ought to take a break?' She told us that Rudnicki said the test
and that's verbatim." Jean first went to Dr, Rudnicki in was "negatiYe with some positive fac-
the Fall of 1971. She had a rash around tors." Jean said she was told that
"I inferred that he considered me to her vulva, and also thou£ht she had a there could be somet~ing "seriously
be promiscuous," Barbara told us. "I had veast infection wrong" with her and that she should see
some bruises around my collar bone, and an internal medicine specialist,
he said, 'You two must really go at it,'"
Jean endured the further expense of
Barb said that Rudnicki wanted to seeing an internal medicine specialist.
know about periods as they were before She said he did not report anything wrong
she started taking the pill, According with her, but he did give her a lecture
to Barbara, after telling Rudnicki of on the VD epidemic and the morals of
her highly irregular periods, the doctor today's youth,
said "Well, you're probably sterile,"
"He really hit me in the face," she told By this time, Jean told us, her or-
us, "I was really shaken." iginal reasons for going to the doctor
were gone. Her rash had cleared up, and
Dr, Rudnicki didn't want Barb to whatever she had thought was a yeast in-
continue taking the pill, Barb said he fection had gone away by itself.
told he~ that-if she was sterile, there
was no need to worry about birth control. When Thanksgiving vacation came,
But, Barb said, Rudnicki warned that if Jean went home and saw her family doctor.
she wasn't sterile, the longer she took She said she described the symptoms that
the pill and supressed ovulation, the had first caused her to see Dr, Rudnicki.
less likely it would be that she could Jean's family doctor said it was probabl
ever conceive. a yeast infection.
This really put Barb in a bind. We will continue to report on Dr,
She had to make a decision soon, as her Rudnicki as we talk to more of his pa~
pills were almost gone, If she was go- tients, Also, we encourage women who
ing' to continue on birth control pills, have had experience with this gynecolo-
she had to. renew her prescription within gist to write to the Post-Amerikan. All
that protects the privacy of the examin-
ing room is your silence.
<l anlJr. 5
Editor1 he gave me some that said "samples." Is all for sex and this person or any other
jthat a crime, to help someone that does who is not married and goes to this sort
I'm writing this story concerning Dr. not want to have a child? of doctor specialist must like it too,
Richard Rudnicki. I can't really believe Dr. Rudnicki likes his patients, What There are two sides to every story, so
what I'm reading as I've been going to
this doctor for almost two years and he kind of a person would he be if he didn't? far I've only heard one, If a man looks
A doctor that doesn't like his people had at these girls in their short dresses,
has never said or done anything out of
the way, These ladies say he has touched better get the heck out of that profes- the first thing they do is yell "cops,"
sion. As for his telling her how good-
them too long, and stood too close. If they don't want to be looked at then,
First off, how in the heck is he supposed looking she was, well to me that is a com- for pete sake, put some clothes on. I'm
to examine a person if he doesn't get at pliment. She should have enjoyed that. no angel--God in Heaven knows this--and
a position to see them? He sure can't do A lot of people give compliments everyday. I've seen several doctors that I wouldn't
it across the room. If the patient has Are they supposed to be some kind of man- mind flirting with including Dr. Rudnicki.
or seems to think she has a lump in her iac just for that? ~y God, what is this But that does not make me some evii per-
world coming to anyway? I feel real good son, and I sure am not going to stop
breast or· whatever, well he has to feel if I go somewhere and a man says my your looking at anyone. I could also say a
around it to see if it's spreadable or
not. If a person wants a good ~omplete looking good or how pretty you look to-
few things about one of these women, but
examination they are going to have to go day. Wow someone needs help and not from I'll keep my mouth shut as I can't afford
through this, Who wants a doctor that a gynecologist either. You are picking
a law suit right now. I guess that's why
takes one look at you and that's that? on one doctor. You can't tell me that
I like Dr. Rudnicki so much. He doesn't
there aren't other doctors in this town
Now his detected sexual overtones, what that doesn't get close or say something care what kind of person you are or how
is that? A low, soft, sweet understand- nice about their patients. What about poor vou are. He takes all kinds of pat-
ients and I thank God that he is avail-
ing voice? I'd rather hear that then to them? Are you going to spread their name able when I'm sick and need him.
hear a yelling, screaming, shouting all over town? You know I sure feel sorry
voice. Sure he has moods, as he is on for men, any man, doctor or not, these --Sharon Hamilton,
Sunnyside Court
call twenty-four hours a day and then has girls, women, whatever go around town with
maybe 25 to 50 patients a day at his of- their skirts and dresses and swim suits
fice plus the ones at the hospital and that look like they have nothing on and P.S. I'm not the only person that feels
deliveries. Who wouldn't be moody? I really Kpect a man to keep his eyes this way. Who are we to judge a-
know I sure wouldn't want to be in his closed. I have more respect for these nother human being when we had bet-
shoes. His questions? Well I don't teenage "hippies" as people call them be- ter take a look at ourselves first.
know this Carol's situation, but it may cause they are open with everything. I'm
be that he had to dig deep to find out.
You just can't tell an illness from look-
ing, that's for darn sure. That's what
he is there for--to find out what the
ailment is all about, and he should know
what he's doing. If the patient knew
different then she shouldn't have been at sulted in my being hospitalized twice. I still
have extremely high hospital bills because of
his office in the first place. (The following letter was mailed to the this and the bill he charged me. I then got mar-
ried, which should have been insignificant to
I can't really believe that he would pro- Post-Amerikan office. The author re-
position anyone in the examining room. quested that her name not be printed.)
First, because there is a nurse in there him. However, he often made remarks--or his at-
with him--unless you ask to see him pri- I read your article about llr. Rudnicki. I had titude seemed to degrade me because at first I
vately. I can sure see why the doctors similar experiences when I went to him. I first was single. Ile blamed all my vomiting on nerves,
have the nurses in there now with the ac- went to him for birth control pills. He was very and went so far as to recommend a psychiatrist.
Q~s~tio~s that can be brought upon them. I left his office crying two different times. He
rude and tried to make me feel ignorant. Ile made gave me strong medication which didn't stop the
They really go through a hell of a lot to remarks about my single status, questioned me a- vomiting, and could have been harmful to the
and help people and then see what they bout my sex life, and wanted to know how often I baby.
get in return. Doctor Rudnicki has al- had relations, if my "boy friend" was fa.ithful,
and even if my sex life was sat is factory. I told During my 4th month we moved. ~ly new doctor
ways been a perfect gentlemen to me. him that in the past pills made me very ill, but diagnosed my problem immediately as a hormone
When I would be upset and crying he al- he didn't seem interested.
ways knew the words to help me and they reaction. Proper medication was prescribed and
were not dirty ones. Anyone can exagger-
ate a word, touch, or feeling. I went to
another doctor before Dr. Rudnicki name to These pills made me sick too, so I just quit tak~ I made it through my pregnancy much easier. I
~own . and this doctor understood real ing them and became pregnant. I was very sick was still somewhat ill but everything was under
well that I was having problems and he during the early part of the pregnancy.-llis in- control. In June I gave birth to a healthy 8-lb.
ability to diagnose my problem correctly re- boy, no thanks to Dr. Rudnicki.
tried very hard to help me. He knew I
could not afford birth control pills so
On Monday, 11/ovember 27, an Illinois Rureau of Inves-
tigation narcotics agent got what was coming to him.
He was beaten, stabbed, and had his throat slit.
Aptly named, Peter Lackey was working undercover trying
to bust dopers.
And the people caught up with him, as they hopefully
will catch up with all running dog lackeys who fuck
around like that.
Lackey got away a year ago when some people he was
trying to buy dope from were shooting at him.
But for Lackey, as for the rest of his despicable kind,
it was only a matter of time.
Whoever it was who successfully dealt with this Lackey
ought to get a medal. But the way things go, he'll
probably get only a lot of heat.
But to whoever it was, we all say right on!
And all you other stool pigeons and pigs around better
check this out and think again. We'll be after your ass
too, and we only have to catch you off guard· for one sec-
ond and it's all over.
--John Q. Public
Student Stores, for the first time, noticed a rip-off.
Someone got a free TOMMY. That was stupid. Any ripping
should be done to the big cats who deserve it for their
price screws. Student Stores is getting fucked over en-
ough by the university without others aiding and abeting.
Let's readjust our priorities.
--.John Q. Public, Jr.
by Citizens Committee Against Monopoly Re<l Lion qrothers a11d sisters ,expressin~ their unrelenting determination
to overthrow the oppressor. They say ''Right on! Smash the State, today!
Several months ago (Post-Amerikan
#8) we urged the comml:inity to sabotage T~E ApplE TAlks:
General Telephone Company's directory
assistar.ce survey. Choosing a good stereo component system involves a lot more than simply shopping for the best
price. Although price is important, too often one thinks that the biggest savings on every well-known
For several weeks, operators were componen't is the best deal.
asking anyone who called directory as-
sistance (13) to report their own phone A much surer way to evaluate stereo components is to shop for value...in other words, ask, "What
number. The company was trying to find total sound am I getting for my money?" When you spend wisely, there will be NO OTHER possible
out if use of the service was random or system that you could purchase that will give you as much sound for your money.
dominated by a small group of frequent
users. If the use distribution was At Appletree Stereo, we have the interest and the honesty to point out the better values in stereo
skewed, the company was planning to es- equipment. You'll probably find (like all our customers have) that we can sell you a more reliable,
tablish a charge for calling the opera- better sounding and more satisfying system than any of our competitors can' offer.......including the
tor, big chains that sell you whatever they have the most of.
This type of charge has been sug- We are making a sincere effort to inform you as accurately and efficiently as we can with the pros and
gested in other cities. cons of each component(s) so that yo :c.an make the wisest and least confusing choice.
In a September 26 AP release, AT&T's This approach requires a lot of communication since we must help you understand product quality,
president was reported to be seeking to benefits, performance, sound quality and service.
impose a charge for calling directory as-
sistance, The report cited a survey con- When you come in, we know one thing. We can help you and give you more sound for a lot less
ducted in New York City1 50~ of direc- money than anyone else.
tory assistance calls are made by 5~>& of
the company's customers. So, read this newsletter, and drop into our store. We'll be more than happy to talk to you.
wnen we urged non-coopera"tion with Our store has the atmosphere and there~s plenty of room in our two sound rooms (especially designed
Gen Tel's survey, we hoped that the use to let you listen to each component in an ,environment like your dorm or apartment).
pattern could artificially be made to ap-
pear random. We've set up our special systems on custom designed wall to help you select the one that best suits
your personal needs. Our sompetitors still can't figure out how we can give so much sound for so little.
And some inside information recent-
ly obtained from a Gen Tel employee in- Our salesmen know about stereo equipment. So, if you've got questions, they'll have answers.
dicates that we were somewhat successful, But, they won't bother you if you want to browse.
According to the company's employee, We've kept our exclusive policies that others try to imitate:
a lot of the computer cards showed either I. 30 day exchange privledges
outright refusal to reveal a phone num- 2. extended 5 year warranty
ber, or an attempt to fabricate a number. 3. complete service to protect your investment
The operator can ae~e~t a fabricated Our service department is more ready than ever to take care of any proble:ns you may have with your
phone number only if the prefix is wrong. stereo equipment. We've purchased even more test gear to make sure your unit performs the way it should.
If you're calling from an 829 prefix, you
can get away with using a fake number as Even if you're not in the immediate market for a stereo system, stop in and find out why we've set up
long as it, too, has an 829 prefix. a business that makes shopping anywhere else a complete waste of time.~
Although a lot of the fake numbers tP.i Come in and pick up a copy of Apple Tree Newsle_tter tP.i
were detected, probably an equally large
number of fabricated phone numbers, all '~apple absolutely
with the correct prefix, went through no hassle
without calling attention to themselves. L::J tree
stereo shopping
And every one of those fake numbers center
helped screw up the company's attempt to
charge us for using directory assistance.
!ctually, General Telephone Company
deserves a more devastating blow than a
few messed-up surveys. The company is
one of the most important producers of
the electronic battlefield.
Sylvania is a subsidiary of the
General Telephone and Electronics Corpor-
ation. According to the 1972 Moody's
Public Utility Manual, Sylvania's pro-
ducts "include military electronic sys-
tems and equipment; electronic counter-
measures, counter-countermeasures and
weapons systems including missile and
anti-missile systems; reconnaisance,
data processing, communications, radar,
antenna and navigational systems, and
support equipment, installation and main-
tenance of such systems and lasers and
special communications and detection sys-
tems for police and industrial use,"
Another General Telephone subsidiary,
the Lenkurt Electric Co., produces "com-
plex specialized military equipment," ac-
cording to Moody's,
So whatever we do to General Tele-
phone Co, doesn't match what it does to
Horatio Alger may be dead, but the Senator Eastland, one of the upper Cuba. How little most of us knew about this
Great Amerikan Dream is not so ellusive house's most prominent reactionaries, country just 90 miles off our coast.
as one may think. Yes, folks, as this bestowed the honors.
testimonial will show, Amerika is still In the fall of 1970 I went with the Venceremos
the land of opportunity it always was, Eastland has always believed that Brigade to spend 6 weeks working and traveling
Lots of opportunities here. And a~y boy the Venceremos brigades--groups of USA in Cuba.
or girl can grow up and make the Big youth who spend several months working
Time--status, prestige, recognition, fame in Cuba--merited more attention than they In early 1969 people from various movement
and fortune, all these and more are yours were getting, Accordingly, in a speech groups got together to organize Americans into
if you just stand up and be counted! several years ago, Eastland scolded A~er Brigades to visit Cuba, They wanted to help the
ika for not taking note of and rewarding Cubans achieve their goal of 10 million tons of
And two Bloomingnorm people who subversion like the Venceremos brigades. sugar in the 1970 sugar cane harvest.
stood up have now got themselves counted. Eastland then read into the Congressional
Record the names of all travelers in the I went on the Third Brigade after the sugar
Yes, two of our very own local peo- first two trips to Cuba, cane harvest was over, so we worked with citrus
ple, now enjoying the envy of the com- fruit on the Isle of Youth. We were divided
munity, recently received recognition and Recently, Eastland discovered that into 15 work brigades, In each work brigade
honors from the hallowed halls of the the Venceremos brigades were continuing, there were about 25 Americans and six to ten
US Congress itself. but still without the national acclaim Cubans, At times groups from other countries
their efforts merited. Eastland pro- such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Brazil and other
Officially entered in the Congres- claimed that the brigades deserved praise S.E. Asian and South American countries would
sional Record as dangerous subversives not only as subversive activities, but come to work and talk with us while they were
and threats to national security were also for the other worthwhile pursuits visiting Cuba.
Kathy Cox and Phil Dick, two honored and thev stimulated. Perhaps exaggerating
~espected citizens of our communitv their virtues, Eastland extolled the bri- After four weeks of picking fruit and ferti-
gades for bringing about bombings, sabo- lizing fruit trees we got a vacation, two weeks
tage, and disruption, So Eastland hon- of traveling in Cuba. We visi~ed many different
ored the members of the last· four Vence- places and talked to many different people and
learned a lot,
remos brigades by reading their names,
too, into the Congressional Record. Senator Eastland in his continuing crusade
for Freedom and Democracy has just introduced
Eastland himself is no loafer--he the names of the members of the last four bri-
gades into the Congressional Record. He felt
does his part in subverting the free en- that these subversives and bombers ought to be
terprise system, Every year he receives known by all, He gave a somewhat impassioned
speech on this threat to national security and
hundreds of thousands of dollars from the American way of life, He also mentioned the
the federal government for leaving idle training in guerrilla warfare we were supposed
his Mississippi farmland. · to have received.
Cox and Uick say "Right on! Support When you hear that Alger is dead, Senator Eastland is off the wall. I think
the Cuban people in their struggle remember that his spirit and example live his idea of a threat to national security wears
against U.S. Imperialism!" on. A few years ago Kathy Cox and Phil a trench coat and sunglasses and divulges mili-
Dick were only average people just like tary secrets. He's having unnecessary night-
you and me, They might even have lived mares. We've seen the lies about Cuba laid bare.
next door. But their model stands as an While still very poor this country can feed all
example to all of us that diligent ef- the people, Illiteracy has been nearly elimi-
fort can still be rewarded with all the nated. Parts of Cuba where doctors had never
prestige and honor bestowed on the better been now have complete medical care. We saw
born. that there is a real alternative to capitalism.
--James.Hasbrouck As to our having received guerrilla training;
it might have been useful but it was not pro-
vided. We can work out our own ways of dealing
with this social order.
Kathy Cox
WAR REVIEW Though the American military has been say-
ing that the· liberation offensive is "blunted,"
In four years Richard Nixon has spent over Instead they are fighting to destroy the Saigon "bogged down," or a "failure," this is not the
$62 billion dropping more than 7.7 million tons Army. case.
of munitions on Indochina, obliterating a quarter
of South Vietnam's hamlets, and reducing cities The NLF's press agency claims that the sev- The People's Liberation Armed Forces are
like An Loe and Quang Tri to rubble. Four and en-month offensive resulted in capture, death, now executing over 100 attacks a day, including
a half million Indochinese civilians have been or injury to almost a third of Saigon's million- many near Saigon.
killed, wounded, or made homeless du:ing Nixon's man army, and caused severe damage to eight of
administration. Over 40,000 South Vietnamese Thieu's thirteen divisions. And these attacks may well be only a prelude
civilians have been executed without trial under to the "unpleasant m.ilitary surprise" Nixon was
.the CIA-sponsored Phoenix Program. The New York Times reported six Saigon divi- promised if he backed out of the recently nego-
sions badly damaged or completely put out of ac- tiated peace settlement.
But the U.S. has never found a way to elim- tion.
inate the People's Liberation Armed Forces! who --LNS, condensed and re-written
this year are staging their biggest offensive
since Nixon took office.
ILLlSA L CLOTH We hare 4011 denim
in stock
Things are closing in on Thieu, wno nas been
forced to eliminate all pretenses to democratic CAN YOU
Displaying or even possessing an NLF flag
Every Vietnamese over 15 must have an iden- Mon.-Fri. 10-8:30
tification card and a South Vietnamese flag in Sat. 9:30-5:30
his possession. 120,000 police regularly stop
civilians to check for ID's and flags.
Thieu has abolished trials for all those
suspected of Communist leanings. Local elections
of hamlet chiefs, for those hamlets that still
exist, have been abolished.
Red and blue cloth, the materials for NLF
flags, have been outlawed.
Thousands of Thieu's political opponents,
including non-communist neutralists, languish in
prisons where torture is common. The New York
Times reports that the unofficial slogan of
Thieu's police is "If they are innocent, beat
them until they are guilty."
In October, Thieu said that "anyone promot-
ing a coalition with the communists" would not
be allowed to live "more than five minutes."
But how are Thieu and the U.S. going to stop
the liberation armed forces?
The 1iberation forces don't fight for rea 1
estate, which the U.S. could bomb off the map.
8 Poem From Prison
CULTURE Ever imagine yourself on a bad trip;
0 acid conscience burning out--busted--
FILM ernment policy. It dealt with the misuse of brouEht down--jailed--losing touch with
language (bombing called "pacification.") It the cosmic consciousness? Branded for
wasn't particularly heavy, I thought. life with the official USA stamp--
One partial paragraph read: "Which is
All I can say is that I was there
uN c••:~,~•U:~:::~:~:~1i FIVE why the killings reported on the North Viet-
namese attacks are such atrocities and Lieuten- and so was David and so were about 50
T Slaughterhouse-Five begins with ant Calley is an American hero ... "
other people who enjoyed getting high.
E its hero Billy Pilgrim sitting in A mo·rement person told me afterwards I was So we arrive at a poem by David written
incorrect in writing the article the way I did. in prison ~nd directed to whom it may
his study, typing a letter telling of The Vietnamese, he said, had never committed concern. Grok isolation, awareness,
atrocities--merely acted in defense and for despair and hope.
his experiences when suddenly the liberation.
~:::egutwhole ::e::r:: novel was excused similar
acts of horror on our part. A Sequel to Ribald In the Plight of J, s.
read in high school. I remember
being uncomfortable reading about (As a movie, Slaughterhouse-Five is i am :vellow
Eliot Rosewater in one scene playing slickly done. George Roy Hill is a competent like sundown haze
with a foot-long pubic hair. Then director who does right things, if not partic- prostrate, on stretches of trodden sand
wondering about feeling uncomfortable. ularly startling things. All the characters like tired dust, dead asleep
look exactly like they are supposed to, even on rusted red mirrors
if I hadn't thought of them as looking that and cracked window panes
way before. i am the ghost of black winter roofs
and cold shadows
High school, then, was a strange (All the scenes reconstructed from the i am the storm spi~it
R time to be reading Vonnegut--science book are done well to beautifully. The film the acid portrait
fiction absurdity. He wasn't a best- presents less of Vonnegut's conflicting no hope
seller then. Peer response (negative) possible philosophical conclusions. It is sat- each silent stone screams ••• dream
became an exercise in bizarreness.
isfied instead to concentrate on presenting patterns
patterns lost in certainty
rrupted by a the situations of the book. This creates risks. tin-canned and kicked right through the
One film critic, who apparently hadn't read NO HOPE· WORLD BAl•K
flash in time. Billy Pilgrim, so he Vonnegut, criticized the novelist's "dreary i am the lunar madness
says, is unstuck in time. What this fatalism." On the basis of a film Vonnegut
really means is a subject for debate hadn't done.) the neon regalia blinking somnolP.~1t
and confusion. (Debates always create · insanity signals
confusion.) In the Vonnegut book · The film is important, then, for its i the wasp
and the movie of the book he shuttles back and events. Billy P. gqes everywhere he can in the white/coke heap of cosmic ruin
forth and sideways in time in his life, and modern American history, including a planet
evidently he has no control. called Tralfamadore. Much of his life is in my face splits into hideous laughter
can you hear the sound dyin~ to death
Billy P. survived the fire-bombing of WWII and a New England su in the dried stains of seaman's swamp
i am here
Dresden in WWII, and so in real life did The film hasn't come to Bloominrton- without the light or the way
Vonnegut. The act of war was a stupid and brutal Normal, yet. i am the ATMAN~MARA
one, by the way, as Dresden wasn't a militarily more nights of blood and pain
valuable city. It was a test, really. burb, alternating i am the manila envelope marked1
There's a general in the film (in a scene satire of heroics (in the American sense) and to whom it may concern
that's a bit overdone) who is writing a book of bourgeois life (in the American style, with
on Dresden, having never been there. Naturally the French meaning to the word.) Neither, we ----DAVID C. MEID
it is a defense of Allied policy. are shown, is an adequate defense against life.
Spread ihe \v'ord
One person I know responded to the scene Its meaning, for me, is divided among the
by calling it unfair. The general is made to political, the social, and the cosmic. It may The Persuasions' second~ capella album for
be a greater caricature idiot (than the book could not be so for you. The film is a depiction of Capitol, SPREAD THE WORD (ST-11101) grows on
have done him) by spouting cliche nonsense about absurdities that kill in the name of a lack of you like ergot, I hate to say it, but my dad,
the German's atrocities as if it a sense of their own ridiculousness. The an old SPEBSQA freak, could dig it despite the
importance of such literature is to prevent us culture gap, as the arranging and harmony are
flawless, Meaning its fine stoned tunes,
Last spring I wrote a column about the from fostering delusions about ourselves.
bombing in Vietnam. It dealt with the use Of the barbershop/spiritual/·male vocals
of self-righteousness as a tool to justify gov- Fvr our own protection. school, the Persuasions keep the religion down
to a bouncey "Lord's Prayer" and a bluesy
--BSherman "When Jesus Comes", but other tunes remind one
a little too much of the ol' all-persuasive
Record Reviews Judea-Christian Ethic. Namely "T.A. Thompson",
the capitalist Rev. of the Upstairs Baptist
Oealin' Blues------... So for those of you who feel you can dig it-- Church; the recent "Heaven Help Us All"; the
the first (to my· present knowledge) album of overpolished "Ten Commandments of Love", which
"I made my money dealin 1 white dopers blues; old blues if you please I feel was written to be ragged-grease; and
Started out on the street with age being a state of mind. Dylan's "Three Angels", which begins and ends
the album. The last takes getting used to
I'm <loin all this dealin 1 P,S. Not recommended for young heads. ("A truck wif no wheels/an' the Tenth Avenue
Just to keep myself high. 11 vus going wes'"), having gone from Northern
Virgo Jewish poetry to black Chicago spiritual, but
P. Kelley it leaves you vibrating,
The Ship_ _ __
Words a lot of people should be able to The other tunes are from all over. Bill
relate to, but not everyone of course as music The Ship is a folk odyssey with weak and Wither' s "Lean on Me" is a living, breathing
rarely achieves universal appreciation, each good spots, nic~ harmonies and instrumentation, bird released from the cage of AM radio. The
listener has his or her own preferences. How- and a sporadic set of lyrics. Credit for the album's most forgettable tune is "Without a
ever Kelley has produced a unique and worth- composition goes to two guitarists of the group Song"; one of the best is ''When I Leave These
while album, Overall I would call it the musi- (6 and 12 string), Steve Melshenker and Steve Prison Walls", a slick big-city prison ·blues.:
cal autobiography of the philosophical mind Cowan, The musical expertise of the other
trip of a dealer--interesting, sentimental, players makes me wish they'd had more of a hand "I'm gonna catch the first thing smokin'
reflective, blue, and very real. Mind trips in the actual writing. Certain songs sound too Chicago way/Ever'thing is gonna be OK/But you
which encompass the entire 'counter culture'. much like others--in chord progression, parti- can dig me anytime on the block/(Do-wop) Forty-
cularly. Some groups can get away with that Seventh Street, baby (do-wop) is really my
Highlights of the album take ones moods on sort of thing. The Ship almost doesn't. block (0000).!!
a journey across rugged mountains and placid
valleys, Kelley lifts the spirit with "I've .I haven't listened to the album as much as My favorite is "Hymn 119", a well-done ver-
Been Told 11 , 'Well I've been told and it 1 s been I'd like. It's a debut work and interesting sion of the popular but true junkie-veteran
said/Everything is in your head/The total man enough to warrant more playing, but somehow I theme. "But I didn't know when you send a boy
by living free/Creates his own reality'; and haven't found it in me. The group treads a off/to serve his country/That you would send
"Inspiration"--mountain climbing music. Then dangerous line with the sort of harmonies they my son back to me/a stoned junkie/Now, can't
he returns us down the perilous slopes to the do, minus any particularly memorable soloist, you see what you done done/to my only son • • • /
shadowed valleys with "Heather"; 'You say you It takes a peculiar sort of energy w/slickness while he was fighting in your war. "
want to go back home/Well you never can/Your to pull off mellow high-voiced male harmonies.
mother is embarrassed and/Your father is the (Think of the Beack Boy singing "Sloop John B,") I rate the album M for mellow.
man,• And across the barren valley floor with When that sort of thing comes off--and it does The Persuasions are: Jerry Lawson--lead,
''He Could Never Feel". As Kelley leaves us he enough times on the album to make me want to Joseph Russel--lead and second tenor, Jimmy
is once more on his way upward with "Don't hear their next album (and see them in NFOTM's Hayes--bass, Herbert Rhoad--baritone, and
Turn Around." concert)--it can be an energizing thing, Jayotis Washington--first tenor.
"Time is running out The album is about one male's desire to go Fogo
And without a doubt to sea, the experiences of calm and storm and
The end's getting nearer of being lost at sea, and the desire to go out
Understand the rules again when he gets back, I suppose the whole
Recognize your tools thing can be taken metaphorically; as an alle-
Your pathway is clearer." gory of life, et al. But I don't want to, I
just want to listen to the singing again.
"The human turns to drugging, as to nursing
from the breast, comin~; to the ar,e of weiming, c
only when he's put to rest." 0
---Kahlil Gihran u
h'llITE CROSSES--scarce--hundred lots rWl :)15 to "Build revolutionary consciousness in the masses," said these brothers
$211 when available. KNOW YOUR HEAD. and sisters after an evening at the Red Lion. T
GRASS--good Mexican poWlds SlSO arid up to $200,
Commercial (U.S. grown) pounds $90.
good weieht, decent stone.
ilASil--1\dt;RE??? ! !
FUCKERS--pinktabs, Coke and Demerol, 6 hour
trip at $1.50 a hit.
Mellow if your head is there.
QIIVA--Brow11 ~lexican Heroin priced high,
$100 to $110 per ?ram. 2 to 4 hit dimes.
Note--llealers--send (anonymous) letters concern-
ing prices to Street Scene c/o Post-Amerikan--
help establish commw1ity unity.
Puff the Ma ic Dra on
Without apology to Rev. Charles. 88f»£NT£8
Lutwidge Dodgson, as we are all his
children. The hippie Oysters looked at them 'But not on .J.!!!I' the Oysters cried,
But ne'er a word they saida Turning a little blue.
"You like poetry?"
"Ye-es, pretty well--~ poetry," They were too stoned to organize, 'We built your tanks and planes and guns,
said Alice doubtfully. "Would you tell Too fucked-up in the head-- And •• and voted for youl'
me which road leads out of the wood?"
"What shall I repeat to her?" ~oo wearied of the struggle 'The war is fine,' the Walrus said,
said Tweedledee, looking round at Tweedle- To leave their oyster-bed. 'Do you admire the view?'
dum with great solemn eyes, and not
noticing Alice's question. But four old Oysters hurried up 'We've been far too permissive,
"The Walrus and the Carpenter is the Despite acute chillblains1 Allowing you to get fat.'
lon~est:" Tweedledum replied, giving
his brother an affectionate hug. Their heads were cropped, neat, show-off The Carpent~ pulled out a butter-knife
Tweedledee began instantly1 heads, And a butter-pat,
"~lephants were shining--" 'Twas clear they'd taken pains, And picking up a tender young Oyster
And this was odd, because, you know Lightly daubed the Sprat.
¥ere Alice ventured to interrupt
him. "If it's very long," she said, as They hadn't any brains. 'I weep for you,' the Walrus said,
politely as she could, "would you please 'I deeply sympathize.'
tell me first which road--" Four other Oysters followed them,
And yet another four, With sobs and tears he sorted out
Tweedledee smiled gently and began Those of the largest size,
again1 And thick and fast they came at last,
Ignorant as before-- Holding hi~ pocket handkerchief
"Elephants were shining on the sea, Before his streaming eyes.
O'er armored naval might, A neatly ordered march of death
Along·a polluted shore. •o, Oysters,• said the Carpenter,
O'er carriers and cruisers-there
To prove that wrong was right, The Oysters walked, and walked, and 'We've had a pleasant terml
walked, We'd like to thank you one and all,
And that the sun could damn well shine
In the middle of the night. And walked with growing fears. We'd like to thank your firm.'
'Much longer must we walk But none were there to feel afraid
The jackasses left sulkily
Because they thougrt the sun So, through this val~ of tears?' None were left to squirm.
'Oh,' replied the Carpenter,
H~d uot no business beine there The Carpenter had ceased to sob,
-After the dama~e done-- 'Three or four more years,' The Walrus seemed dejected--
' It's very rude of him,' they said The Walrus and the Carpenter 'We 've finished them all, how ever will
'To deny us of our fun.' Walked on a mile or so, We become re-elected/'
The sea was dark with oil slicks And stopped at a Howard Johnson's priced They trotted back to the oyster-bed;
The beach, a porcine sty. Conveniently lowa The others had defected!
You could not see a cloud because And all the little Oysters snapped The Walrus on an ice-floe set to sea
Of bombers in the sky; To attention in a row. Making ugly sounds.
No birds were flying overhead-- 'The time has come,• the Walrus said, The Carpenter is left alone
There were no birds to fly. 'To talk of many thingsa Hoping that he drowns,
The Walrus and the Carpenter Of communists--and dominoes-- A saviour woodless by a dirtied sea,
Were walking on the right Of lettuces--and ••• uh,kings ••• Await to buy the rounds."
They laughed like anything to see And why the city's boil1ng: hot-- "I like the Walrus best," said
Such proof of national might. And whether doves have wings.• Alice, "because he was a little sorry
for the poor oysters,"
'If this were only every day, 'But wait a bit,• the Oysters cried,
The world might see the light.' 'Before we have our chat; "He ate more than the Carpenter,
though," said Tweedledee. "You see he
If seven John Waynes with seven-shooters For some of us are out of shape, held his handkerchief in front, so that
Shot for half a year, And all of us are fatl' the Carpenter couldn't count how many
he tooka contrariwise,"
Do you suppose,• the Walrus said, 'I know,' replied the Carpenter,
'That it would be perfectly clear?' 'You may thank me much for that.' "That was meanl" Alice said indig-
nantly. "Then I like the Carpenter
'I doubt it,• said the Carpenter, 'A lot of bread,' the Walrus said, best--if he didn't eat so many as the "
And shed a tiny tear. 'Is what we Chiefies need1 Walrus."
'O, Oysters, come and walk with usl' Some pepper-gas and napalm-balm "But he ate·as many as he could get,"
The Walrus did beseech. Allows our kind to breed-- said Tweedledum,
'Conservative walk, conservative talk Now, if you're ready, Oysters dear, This was a puzzler. After a pause,
Along the grimy beach; We can begin to feed.' Alice began, "Welll They were both
very unpleasant characters---"
\'fe cannot bore more than before,
Come, clap your hands for each.'
They did, and the theatre department was
As a woman graduate student at ISU, ally recognized University they could favorably impressed. When making up her
I sometimes look around my classes ahd create if-onlv they could get rid of the order, she went around to the people tea-
see with shock and sadness that there are damn stutlen~s and faculty. ching intro courses and almost everyone
only two or three feminine faces among a said~that Student Stores would be the best
total of fifteen or twentv students. -I Di1enfranchi1ed place,
wonder what happened to that three-women-
to-one-man ratio back in the 101 classes. Rose Marie said that she felt "dis- Then she went to her department
And I wonder, if I ever go on to get my enfranchised" here, not only because of chairman and told him that she wanted to
PhD1 will there be even fewer women at her contingency status, She described place the order at Student Stores, He
that level? What will that feel like? ISU as working on a model in which, "The said "Well, that matter is now out of our
How will people look at me then? And administratio~ is the management, the fa- hands," The teachers are not allowed to
then I wonder, what if I make it, write cultv are laborers, and the students are decide where to order their books, no mat-
my dissertation, and go boldly out to cans. of corn," She also sees that many ter how much inconvenience the Coop caus-
teach at a University? ~'l'hat then? department heads and c_hairmen are passing es·-the Administration decides for them,
down the Administration's word to the
Rose Warie Bank knows what then. teachers instead of representin~ the tea- Rose Marie.mildly suggests that "the
She started teaching at ISU this fall in chers' points of view to the Administra- University get out of the book business."
the Theater department. She has her PhD tion, There is an inevitable friction She has written a letter to the Textbook
from the University of Iowa, where she between administration and faculty when Policy Committee, and is still waiting for
was politically active for five years. the University works on the managerial an answer. Then she will have to decide
I was interested in her impressions of model, which Rose Marie says is a sad whether to go against the ruling and
ISU, knowing that she wou..].d have a fresh- place her order with Studept Stores or to
er view of the situation of women here thin~ wnen ··we should be pulline together play it safe, (The APT Bylaws have four
than those of us who have settled in. aeainst external forces which oppress all criteria to judge a teacher by--one of
She told me that what she sees here at of us," them includes "cooperation,")
the University is the same sad thing she
sees nation-wide--that "there is an out- Ms, Bank has felt frustrated in sev- Most of us have been here long e-
ward appearance of progress being made, ,eral of her attempts at action within her nough that it doesn't surprise us that the
while in actuality there is none." department, In the fall, she was in Coop runs out of books and sets back tea- ·
charee of orderine the texts for the in- chers and students for a few weeks because
Magnificent Out t~oductorv drama courses, There were 450 some people just can't get their books,
I students enr~lled, and the books would but Rose Marie had "never heard of such a
cos~ auuu~ ~12,0U per stuaent. ~ne piaced thingl"
The theatre department has five new her order at the Coop for 450 sets of
teachers this year, The first professor books, and the Coop in turn ordered J?O as I think that we need to keep people
recruited is a man in Children's Theatre a matter of policy, like Rose Marie Bank around for a long
and Creative Drama, who was hired early time--people who can analyze a situation
last spring on a permanent contract, In Pi11ed and its implications, and who will at
April, a directive came down from Berlo least make some noise about what they
that all new teachers be hired on what is S_he was pissed off. don't like or what screws them over, Ob·.
called a "contingency contract," A con- viously, the University isn't that con-
tingency contract means that you are ap- W~en it came time to order books for cerned about keeping such people around,
pointed for one year, with the University second semester, she suggested at the de- ~elf-examination around here seems to
having the option of renewing your con- partment meeting that they ask some Stu- ~ean examination-by-Berlo-or-the-state,
tract -or not, Ln contrast to all other dent Stores people to come talk to them, and change around here seems to be quiet
types of contracts, the contingency con- hatchet jobs on anyone who presumes to
tract allows the University to let you go try to protect students from outrage,
without stating any~· The teacher
on contingency contract is in danger ev- --Melody Schwartz
ery time (s)he makes a few waves or dis-
turbs the status quo of the department,
'!'here doesn't even have to be any con- I0
crete evidence against the teacher for
his/her contract to be terminated, The KIYE
teacher is also not allowed to vote on
Appointments, Promotion" and Tenure c9 J03 (,J., Front) l3/oom1n9toh
boards in :the department--~. even if
(s)he stays here fifty years, The APT t: Newspapers·~
Board is the people who decide who's go-
ing to advance in position and who's not, COIN f 'raRJf-J.. Magazines
(Remember the Carrol. Cox thing? 'l'nai.
was an APT Board investigation,) A con- STAM?
tingency contract also ailows the Univer-
sitv to let go of a professor when (s)he SUPPLIES
is getting dangerously close to tenure,
because they don't feel like paying more
salary, or because they don't feel like
having him/her around that long. Well,
the next four appointments in the theatre
department were on contingency contracts,
and they were--guess who?--four women.
Rose r.~arie calls the contingency contract
a "magnificent out" for the University in
a touchy situation,
This whole thing makes me wonder who
this university is here for, when bril-
liant young teachers, who students like,
are walking a tightrope between Hovey .
Hall and their department chairmen, while
anaesthetized old fools whose minds
stopped sometime back in the Middle Ages
have comfortably sunk their roots into
the school's budget and are sucking its
bl-ood, Sometimes I think that the people
in Anmi ni.st-r::l"l:i on have wet dreams a.hnn+.
what a·,great, smootn.Ly running, nation-
r;: - - - c.vr'OT OJT COT l)Uf _5•11_our_ V7 CUT oo T CoJT . OVTi
0- --
tr@)~OioClt \\t..\J1NoRTHST NoRMAL !U-INors 61761 I
UJtlPfllJ -:co111cs:
I J'
1 1SY~\eJs~S I UND!:RsTAND yov'R€ C!lARt:;.tNCr 1 BVck'S R)R. 10
NAME' '-'P /lclult 11./ovelties--'
/tctult Paperbacl<s
Tt'llflf"T 100/ 8:1.8-37':22
t.1'71( 5 AM- ~PM MON-SAT
1!J1rN1 L(Nf 5 AM- JJ__: 30 PM SUN.
IN fAq; I MIC,-~T OOtlftTEt
'._;;;- 007 - cur- oo cur O<JT cur f!JVT cur 007 cor our
Li.berated? 11
(NOTES TO THE RADICAL MAN) To feel the waiting of her life
Why aren't the men talking? If part of the movement's To know the wishes unlived in her mind
concern is to free ourselves from sex roles and games, You think in your wisdom To hear the silent scream for all those ages
certainly that freeing includes men. So where is the You can let her be free That now rises unsilenced in her throat.
g:oup of men dealing with their sexism and trying to Or maybe its your innocence you claim; You will never know her
l~berate themselves and their brothers from sex oppres- But then, freedom is not yours to give And she will take her freedom
sion? Some men say they are dealing with it--but on a That is, unless you've held her slave. And be born.
personal level. (Meaning they thinak about it in their And if you've ever owned her soul
heads--rarely does it show in their relations with women.) You will never be old enough Ronna Case
flow can you do it alone? Men are constantly being rein-
forced ~o conform to their sexual role by other men, by
everytlung in the culture (even hip culture) . Anyone
serious in changing his oppressive ways in relating to
women and understanding his dehumanizing sexual condi-
.tioning would seem' to need a male liberation group--if
~nly for support. Even those who think they aren't sex-
ist or_male chauvinist (the "I'm already liberated" atti-
tude). Isn't it a pain to try to be a Mick Jagger or a
superstud? Wouldn't you rather be yourself? It is a pain,
for women to try to develop free, human relationships .* Ques\:.~e1'-5 x~sv~x-eci
when men are still into "being men." In the last issue 'ik J"l_ecljc..a.1 Se.rvic..e5
of the P-A, there was a far-out article on male libera- '*t 'Le ~r Ser")fic..e.s
tion. In it, the author got the message: " ... the battle ·11 you oaid over 3.89 for any 5.98 LP.
of women to be freed need not be a battle against men as
oppressors. The choice about whether men are the enemy II
is up to the men themselves." You give us little choice
as it is now but to confront you as the enemy.
Jeanette, Linda
Dec 8--midni<:ht--Normal Theater: Woodstock MINSTREL RECORD PARLOR 311 S. MAIN
Dec 9--10 AM to 9 PM--Wesley Foundation: Women's Self- IN THE CAMPUS COURT MOTEL
lfelp Conference
Dec 9--midnight--Normal Theater: Woodstock
Dec 9--5:30,8:00,10:30--Capen Aud. The Boston Strangler
lJec 10--lOAM to 3PM--Stevenson Hall 101, ISU: Women's
Sel f-llelp Conference.
Dec 10--8:15--Horton Fieldhouse--The Temptations
Dec 11--8: 15--Capen Aud. Jazz Ensemble Concert
Dec 13--8:15--Centennial 121, !SU: lecture on surrealism
by Barford
Dec 16--midnight--Normal Theater: C.C. & Company
Jan 3--8PM--Wesleyan Lounge--Duck Soup
.Jan 5&6--5:30,8,10:30--Capen Aud. Rilly .Jack
.Jan 5--8-12-- ISU Union Ballroom: "!Hack Society" !lance
.Ja1: 7--SPm--ilayden Aud. ISU: Film Society: Citi::e11 Kane
The DAILY VIDETTE story sheets and she had to have all five or of 'professionalism'?
I would have to go, The meeting ended,"
Prefaces On bein~ an e l or "We mention these questions not
So, also ended Mr. 1-fendryx's Campus merely becm1se of the conflicts that
"You'll have a lot of sunshine, but Editorship. Thursday afternoon, before have thus arisen, but because there is
storms will always be brewing and many the week was up, ~endryx was fired by issue on the present direction of the
times it'll be hard to find a friend the editor-in-chief before Jim Baumann, paper as defined by the presently self-
who can understand, Somehow the magic associate editor, and Jim Sedgewick, the contradi~tory and out-dated 'Hand-book.'
will take care of it, though •• ," paper's manager. ·Other· editors hadn •t Should the paper even be governed by
Carole Ealicki, uec, 1, 1072, open submitted the full five time sheets by the 'Handbook'? Who should write the
editorial to Jim Baumann. Friday, but kept their positions, (Two •Handbook'? Should the 'Handbook'
found their salaries cut,) determine stvle or should it designate
"I cannot, nor could any person in Fours Changes
"What, ultimately, is the role of
charge of management, tolerate insub- One of the changes ll'is. l!alic;:ki has editor-in-chief?
ordination on the part of salaried staff brought to the paper has been to make it
members , • , " Carole 1'alicki, i'1 ov, 16, a "daily"--four days a week with a two "We propose, in addition, that the
1972, letter of termination to Steve day time lag, board create a complete system of checks
uendrvx, ex-Campus Sditor, and balances set up for the purpose of
preventing any conflicts from being
~s The editor-in-chief Another has been the rewriting of unreconciled, Publications Board could,
the Vidette Style Book, Formerly used with a more easily recognizable set of
The controversy and battlE' for con- as a text for journalism students, the criteria, even function as an appeal
trol of the Vidette didn't begin several book was revamped by the editor-in-chief board,"
weeks ago--as it must have appeared to into a rule book for the paper, giving
some of the Publication Board--it had the editor power over the paper, the The proposal cited the document of
been building over a year, budget, selection of next editor, and Steve Hendryx for further details on the
the school magazine--which has its own tension that was the Vidette. It was
From her co-editorship last Spring editor and no-real affiliations with the signed by nine staff members.
(with ~ike Waters) where she began paper.
alienating .one portion of her readership Sevens The candidates for editor
with a number of pro-3erlo articles and Front page of the ~ Book credits
editorials; to the summer and fall ~alicki with the writing, No Board or Four men were running for position
editor-in-chieftainship, where she began other individual is known to have of editor-in-chief, the position created
alienating her staff and a further portio approved it. by Carole 1-f, (Co-editorship, once com-
of her readership with the phenomenon of mon practice, no longer was being con-
the Daily "Vidette, Carole Halicki has Another change has been to change sidered, Nobody knew why,) Candidates
been a figure Of diligence. the emphasis of the paper--from "student were Carole's ex-co-editor, Mike Waters,
paper to university paper," in her own two staff editors, Greg Pierce and Mike
On November 21, 1972, some of the words, The lay-out in the process ac- Butler, and associate editor Jim
staff members began to question the quired a nice consistency1 three pages Baumann,
direction of that diligence, for national news, two for editorials,
Twos Incidents
On Nov, 16, the editor-in-chief The staff structure changed from a The race was to be primarily bet-
fired one of the Vidette staff members ween Butler and Baumann. Butler had the
for "insubordination," She also lowered semi-peer relationship to a management/ support of the majority of the staff,
the salary of several other members, employee relationship, where a student A poll of staff members gave him twice
can be fired for "insubordination," the votes over Baumann and Waters.
The number didn't include those who said
Reason given for the move, by the editor- These are the changes Carole Halicki they could work with Butler, even though
in-chief, was that the budget wasn't made, t~ey hadn't voted for him, and those who
working out right, (Ms, Halicki had said they could never work with Baumann.
designed the budget. ) This was .the first Jim B,, however, had the editor-in-
chief on his side. Formerly a paid re-
time-as far as anybody could remember Q) porter, he ··d risen to the associate edi-
tor position (second in power, comparable
such an occurence ever happening. l'ci•-~=--"--~-'-~~-,...~~~~~--->------11 to vice-president) through Carole's ap-
Salary for the editor-in-chief comes• ·nl:.--------vtir:teilll&-~"*''--.--.i..--------:~:--t pointment, She wrote a recommendation
out of ::i.dvertizing rev<>nue, rather than +ro >_•_--_-_----~-------a. for him to the Board as a member of the
Board, Naturally, this, in some circles,
~·----,--.-."'11:-:!--+-..-~-·w. increased the antipathy towards Jim
Student Fees like for the rest of the ~·r ----rn ~.,.--y----/-->o,c-----'-'----L~-
staff, Reason for this is Carole~. Eight1 The Proposal
isn't a full-time student (carrying as
The proposal was to be dittoed and
she does only seven hours) and rules of mailed to members of the Board the day of
Student Fees say that only a full-time the meeting. The day before the piece
was inadvertantly unveiled. Taking the
student can be salaried from the fund, ditto from the p~rson who was typing it
in the Vidette office, Carole inter-
"Rules of Publication Board say preted the proposal inevitably as a whole
slam against her. Like the poll taken
only a full-time student can be editor, three days before that had favored Butler,
but what of that? Carole called the proposal "childish."
Threes On being an editor She al.so called a staff meeting that
afternoon, before the Publications Board
"Please keep in mind that this 0 meeting Tuesday, I went to report it for
letter is written to you as Campus the Post-Amerikan.
Editor of the Vidette from the Editor- $1{ n eing an editor
in-chief of the Vidette •• ," Carole Nine1 The staff meeting
Halicki, letter of termination to ~·
Steve 'fendryx. Prior to the staff meeting, it looked
Members of the staff decided to like an ordinary enough afternoon on the
The firing of Steve Hendrvx took question the unquestioned policies. paper--more people milling about and ner-
place, in part, through a controversy vous, perhaps--with staff laying and past-
over time sheets, Because the budget Some thought the eaitor might have too ing Tuesday's issue, With the meeting
needed straightening, a memo said, about to begin, somebody turned off the
editors were--required to account for much power. Some thought that power stereo. A brief silence ensued,
every minute of their dav for the next was working in the wrong direction, as
week, "This was not our pay time sheet,n The meeting began with an introduc-
Hendryx says, "but another one, Ms, in the noticeable lack of articles on tion of Richard Godfrey, head of News
Halicki said it would be used for ana Publications, and the editor-in-
reorganization," Berlo and negative emphasis in articles chief 's declaration that Godfrey would
help "clear up any questions of policy."
Hendryx refused and went to the on Student Government, A full series
edi tor-in-cr.ief personally. Members of of rumors spread about the editor-in- "If we can't be open about things,"
the paper, the more vocal ones in dis- chief and the president. She'd named the editor-in-chief began, "we might as
agreement with paper policy, were sus- well stop working together," At which
picious of the word "reorganization." her cat after him. ' point she levelled in on me, taking
They had been told before beginning their notes in the corner, "I see we have
jobs in Fall, that their positions and A proposal was drafted up by students a non-staff member present," she began.
salaries would be stable for the semester "Bill, why are you here?"
So i-<endrvx spoke to HalicJci Wednesday, to present to the Publications Board,
after two days of not submitting time ostensibly the presiding board over the "Oh," I mumbled, "I'm reporting."
sheets. (The editor-in-chief hadn't paper. The Board selects Vidette editors; At which point I was told I was in the
been in town Monday or Tuesday,) in fact, one was being selected for next midst of a closed staff meeting and I
semester's position the next week. couldn't attend, I left, forgetting to
"Rather than an itemized listing of ask if Godfrey was a staff member.
the dav," 1-fendryx states in a document Sixs From the proposal
later submitted to the Publications Afterwards, I was told by people
Board; "I gave to her that afternoon a "Our request is the following, that who'd attended that not too much had
paper, which told how I thought my before the editor-in-chief be selected been said. Godfrey told Hend~yx, also
department could be improved by removing by the Board, the following questions
some of the mechanical duties • • • • being considered(
"Later in the afternoon Ms. Halicki "What is the role of the general
and I talked about the matter. I then manager? How is he expected to relate
told Ms. ?.alicki that I would compromise to the editor? What role does the
general manager have in determining the
I and turn in the rest of the week's time direction qf the paper?
2 sheets, since she insisted there were no
"What is the status of the bude:et?
ulterior motives. "However, Ms. Balicki Who is responsible for it? Why are-they?
would not accept the remaining time
"What is the role of the Vidette
itself? Towards what audience is it
directed~ Should the emphasis be on
university, local, or national news?
"What, properly, is the definition
at the meeting though no longer on the offered by Georgene Curry, staff member magic die." Carole ualicki, open edi-
on the Board who had submitted the pro- tori~l to Jim Baumann.
staff, that his firing was the result of posal, that an appeal process would be
an important option. 3eventeen1 On becoming an editor/
a "personality conflict," and that these Round two
tthheine~eset"iwnegr,e a fact of life," Outside. Thirteens Watchdogs Another Vidette staff meeting was
he repeated his sentiments, announced for 'l'hursday followin,o; the
Two of the candidates for the posi- Tuesdav Publications Board meeting,
Tens On being an editor/Changes tion, describing the role of the paper, Severai staff members were worried fur-
used the metaphor that the paper's edi- ther, rumors spreading that those
from the document of Steve Hendryxs tor should be a watchdog, No one said students resnonsible for the proposal
who the role of veterinarian would go to, and/or the poll were, in Carole .-.'s
"I maintain that Carole Halicki has words, "going to be dealt with,"
too much power, Inexperienced in finan- Fourteens On becoming an editor/Round
one continued Meeting ol the Publication Board re-
cial matters, the budget she set has been c onvenetl in executive session, so tl-\e
over $200 a week since September," During the interrogation of Greg public was kept out in the halls of
Pierce, the editor-in-chief asked how he Stevenson, again. Renee Spenser, Board
"And rather than shatter her dream intended to help the direction of the member coming down from student teaching,
of being a daily (which our ad director paper, "We're ~oing beyond being a stu- was there. Both 3aumann and Butler were
admits she can't handle), Ms, Halicki dent paper to a university paper, you asked to stay in session with the Poard,
sought to cut salaries, not issues per know," she said. "This isn't just a stu-
dent newspaper, anymore." ·rhe paper, Two additional letters o!' reco"'lrnend-
week. she stated, was moving towards "profes- ation were submitted to the Board in
sionalism" and wasn't going to move back- favor of Mike Butler, Gre~ Pierce'3
"And rather than confront us face wards, letter reads "While mechanics is Jim's·
to facP. about her oversieht, she did it greatest strenffth, it may also be his
under the guise of time sheets, Insub- When the public session began, with greatest weakness, During this semester,
ordination? ••• all four candidates in the room, I asked Jim has spent his time laying out
if this definition of progress was some- front page and editorial pa,ge, while hav-
It reminds me of last semester when thing that had been agreed upon or voted ing little interaction with the rest of
the Vidette was reprimanded for having upon by the Board or the staff, No, I the staff, As Associate Editor he has
was told, the direction of the paper was not 1-iad to mana~e a st~ff or work closely
alcoholic beverages in the newsroom, and determined by each editor, for the dura- with reporters. To my knowled~e he has
Ms. Halicki pointed her finger at Richard tion of their term. never worked with or offered assistence
to the various departments as we ran into
Limacher, then news editor, and Gene r'ollowing the public questioning difficulties during the semester, In
Bailey, publisher. There she sat in all (where Jim B, was asked what he thought other words, Jim appears to be more con-
her innocence, when in her desk lie a "insubordination" was--rather than if he cerned with mechanics than content,,,"
would tolerate it--and all were asked
bottle of tequila with which we had what they thought "professionalism" was,) Mike Waters' letter reads "Butler
the Board went into "executive session," has been an editorial staff member for
spiked punch a few days before, Insub- Public was asked to leave, four semesters. I believe that this
ordination? Whose? type of internship is a vital necessity
for anyone occupying the important lead-
Elevens Publications Board ership position of editor.,,"
Publications Board contains nine fa- After an hour and twenty-five min-
culty and administrators to seven_stud- utes, the selection of next Vidette
editor-in-chief was announceds Jim
ents, despite regulations to the con- Baumann, with a vote of 8-6,
trary. Members say that there was a
dearth of students applying for the Eighteens Outside the executive session
Board last year and, consequently, the
number is below what it should be. In The group was leaving the ~irst
an issue of the Vidette this semester, Publications meeting, and the next
editor-in-chief was rather good-natured-
though, listing those University boards ly askin~ me why the Post-Amerikan hadn't
with vacancies, Publications Board was carried any recent criticisms of the
not there. 'Tidette. I had told both him and Carole
that I was doing a story on the selection
Chairman of Pnblications Board, for Wfth lJ voting members (two absten- of editor for the next issue, Carole
the period of Vidette editor selection tions--the chairman and Baumann's girl- said she was looking forward to it; she
was Gene Watson. Through his suggestion, friend--and one member. gone student appreciated the humor.
neither the proposal nor Hendryx's let- teaching), the Board had decided a maj-
ter nor a mysterious anonymous letter ority of 8 or more was needed for elec- Meeting time and place for the
were going to be discussed, (The anon- tion. Public and candidates waited out second session were announced in a memo
ymous xeroxed letter stated that the au-. in the hall for members to co~e to a sent out during vacation. In it chairman
thor couldn't reveal a name "for fear of decision, At 12105, Watson, the chair- Watson included the suggestion that the
being fired," and that Carole Halicki man, came out and said a decisi.on hadn't issues raised by the proposal and other
wasn't a full time student.) Instead, been reached, The eight majority documents were wholly a matter for the
the Tuesday, 8sOO, meeting of Publica- couldn't be made, Executive session was next editor rather than the Board--
tions Board would deal only with the to be reconvened next Tuesday, at 5100, including the suggestion of a checks
selection of next editor-in-chief, after Thanksgiving, and balances svstem. Georgene Curry
never received· a copy of the memo, The
The meeting was open to the public, Fifteens Inside the executive session proposal was forgotten.
with even a final question period open
for the public to ask of candidates-- According to several members of the The group was leaving the second
after the Board got to question each Board, primary conflict in the meeting Publications meeting, and I went over
candidate individually and provided the took place between Carole ~alicki and to ask the next editor-in-chief for some
Board felt there was enough time to of- Georgene Curry. Ms, Curry, a signer of quotes, He didn't have anything to say
fer the public its due. Order of appear- the proposal, had in the act announced right then, he said, but if he could
ance was picked through a random decis- her sympathies against present po·licy, call me tomorrow,,,. Carole Halicki,
ions Butler, Baumann, Waters, and Ms. Halicki condemned 1) the staff poll smile on her face, raised her fist and
Pierce. favorine Butler, 2) some of the letters said, "Long live the press!"
Twelves On becoming an editor/Round one of recommendation, and 3) some of the Nineteens The second staff meeting
Many of the questions were rather questions, all as attacks on her. "I The second Vidette staff meeting
traditional. What were the candidate's love," she is reported to have said, "the was held that Thursday, In the trad-
plans? How did he expect to relate to paper and the kids working on it,,," (A ition o.i' bureaucratic anticlimax, noth-
pressure groups? How did he expect to similar message is reported to have been ing happened,
relate to the president? Other questions given at the Vidette staff meeting.)
were something else. Twentys Being an editor
The vote that came to a standstill
Ms. Halicki, knowing that one of the in the meeting tallied as the followings F'riday' s Vidette contained an open
candidates was sweating out a 1-A, asked Butler, 7; Baumann,6. Pierce and Waters editorial by editor-in-chief, Carole
his draft status, Knowing that Mr. Bau- were told they were out of the race, Halicki, congratulating Jim Baumann on
mann, the candidate she was favoring, had The one member of the Board out student his appointment.
worked for Tazewell Printing, she made a teaching was going to be contacted and
point of asking other candidates detailed asked to attend next session. "It seems a lot of people," she
and trick questions about printing pro- wrote,"were concerned about who this
cedure. ("Can you describe the process Sixteena On being an editor next Editor should be, They had all kinds
by which a color ph.oto is printed?") One of reasons for caring, There were many
of the other candidates, Mike Waters {who "Knowing the foundation has been ways that caring was expressed, Whether
--remember--already was co-editor once) laid that will be the basis for building all the ways were fair or not is debatable.
called Carole for it, Referring to the the full potential of this newspaper, and Perhaps it's only important that at
numerical code name for a headline ma- believing that you can build upon it, Least people cared enough to care,"
chine, she'd asked him if he knew what makes this last hard task a little bit
its function was. "I don't know, Carole" easier, ----Compiled
he replied, "I haven't worked for Taze-
well like Jim." The group laughed. "Be careful with it, because the I SHOR£,
concrete may not all be dry yet, and the
Members of the Board (usually H~li foundation may need a little more time RPPRlCIAT!. THC.
cki) asked each candidate (except Bau- to become as firm as it n'eeds to be to
mann) what they would do when confronted carry the weight of the fu~ure potential HVMOR!/
with insubordination. Since the Board you can help this paper achieve,
had already decided they weren't going
to deal with the proposal or other doc- "Good luck, Jim, and don't let the
uments· for the present, the move on Ha-
licki's part was surprising, Each can-
didate responded similarly--that a lar-
ger consensus would be needed, perhaps
half that of the editorial board, before
any extreme action could be taken,
All three agreed to a suggestion,
4~~ 4~Qt,,
\\Qus\o\\ 1e\\\\\e
Arlington \\~·
111 E. Beaulort NORMAL
In The Ballery Of Shops Breat Specials Erery Week
·oeoutv Sherills Kill Black students 15
At 41JO AM November 16, four people ac- killin~s on the 16th. The campus was searched, but the only
tive in the student movement at Louisi-· weapon to be found among the students
ana's predominately black Southern Uni- Conf lie ting Stories was "one long knif~," accordin~ to Sher-
iff Amiss.
versity (s.u.) were arrested on various Ea xmacattltyerwohfatmhuacphpednisepd uotne. the lcth is still
State, local At first both the Governor and the sher-
misdemeanor char~es. iff stated that none of the deputies
and school authorities have bee~ chang- could have fired the fatal shots. But as
Later that morning three or four hundred the evidence began to mount, the Governor
students gathered at the school's admini- ing their stories several times to jive was forced to admit that "it is obvious
stration buii;ding to demand an explana- that there are discrepancies and uncer-
tion. with the facts as they are uncovered. tainties." The sheriff still contends
that none of his men fired anything ex-
A short while later, two of them lay dead Student leaders and non-activist students cept tear gas,
of buckshot wounds in the head. report that when the students gathered at
the administration building on the 16th The day after the shooting, the Governor
Build-up (to find out why the others were arrested) told reporters that the deputies were
armed with both #J shotgun shells and
The events leading up to the shootings be- President Netterville told them to wait tear gas shells. He said the two were
in his office and they would discuss the so similar that "if I held them up, you
situation when he returned from a meet- couldn't tell them apart." He said, how-
ing. ever, that he was drawing no conclusions
from the similarity of the two types of
gan on October 24, when 1000 students Both Netterville and Louisiana Governor shells.
mthaarcthesd.u.onPtrheesidSetantte, Capitol demanding Edwin Edwards flatly denied this claim.
Dr. Leon Netterville, Edwards claims that Netterville told him Two days after the shooting, the Governor
of the "planned takeover" as early as had become more definitea "I have no
be replaced. The demands focused on the Nov 15th and that county Sheriff Al Amiss doubt it was a deputy sheriff who fired,"
'Was asked to stand by. Edwards did not the Governor said in an interview with -
inferior education at Southern University explain how the takeover could have been reporters and federal officials,
compared to the state's white universi- plapned before the early morning arrests
occurred. But why would the deputies have to ftave
ties, especially neighboring Louisiana live ammunition at all? And why should
State University. More student control Shortly after s.u. President Netterville tear gas shells and buckshot shells be
of academic affairs was also a demand. nade to look so alike that such a mis-
left the students with his promise of a take could be made?
The march to the Capitol followed campus meeting, Sheriff Amiss and his deputies
arrived with riot gear. After the shooting, the National Guard
,demonstrations in which over 25;$ of the came in and the campus was closed until
after Thanksgiving. And the Guard, at
9000 students participated. the time of this report, was going to be
on the campus after Thanksgiving. And so
On Oct. 26, a small group of students re- Sheriff Amiss claims he gave the students will the students' demands
presenting the protestors took the de- five minutes to leave the administration
mands before the State Board of ~ducation, building. Many of the students denied The quality of education at s.u. is still
which named a committee to study the is- hearing this warning.
sues. inferior to that of Louisiana's white
But seven minutes after arrival, the de- university. And the State Board of Edu-
But on Oct. Jl, when students marched on puties open up with tear gas. As some cation is still all white.
the administration building saying they of the students fled, they returned the
were going to personally escort the Pres- gas•cannisters to the deputies. Members of Students United, the name giv-
ident off campus, officials closed the
campus. At this point, according to first hand en to the protest movement at s.u., say
reports, the sheriff's men lowered their
New Orleans Campus riot guns and fired point blank into the they e;icpect future protests to be met
crowd. Two of the guns contained bu~k with violence. However Fred Prejean, one
On Nov 1, sst.uud. etnotoskattheth e New Orleans shot. The last two of the students dash- of the students arrested in the pre-dawn
campus of administration ing from the building dropped to the hours of the 16th, said "The students
building and demanded that Dean Emmett pavement. have no plans to drop the issues or to
stifle their demands."
Bashful resign. The campus was closed Number 3 Buckshot
down. When it re-opened on Nov 6, stu- --from LNS
dents boycotted classes and retook the
administration building. They held the
building until Nov. 9, when Dean Bashful
submitted his resignation. Denver A. Smith and Leonard Brown died
from pellets "consistent with #3 buck-
Back at the Baton Rouge campus, students shot," according to the coroner. All
beg_l!.Jl a boycott Nov 10 in support o~ the the pellets recovered were nearly iden-
orig~nal demands. It ~qntinueu until the
tical in size, shape, and weight.
(LNS)--Private Billy Dean Smith, the 1st a fragmentation device exploded in an of- yers, Curtis had said that a man ne saw
GI ever charged with fragging his offi- ·ficers barracks in Bien Hoa, Two lieu- running away from the fragging site may
cers in Vietnam, is finally free after tenants were killed and a third wounded. have been Billy Smith.
20 months of pre-trial imprisonment,
When the commanaing officers arrived on But Curtis told the court-martial anoth-
iis case, which attracted international the scene, they figured Smith as a "trou- er storya he was in his room at the base
attention as the symbol of GI resistance blemaker" who had it in for them. Agents "reading a book and doing smacir,--smoking
to the US military, ended in a resound- of the Army's Criminal Investigation Di- heroin" when he heard the explosion. "I
~ng defeat for the Pentagon. A career- vision (CID) pulled Billy out of a line- sat there for a couple of minutesr then
officer jury.acquited Smith of 6 charges, up of his entire batallion. From that I went outside and saw a lot of people
including the deaths of 2 white officers iay on the Army brass worked diligently milling around, and a colored man run-
and the attempted murders of 2 of Smith's to build its sloppy case against Smith. ning," Curtis testified. "The man I saw
~it commanders at Bien Hoa, Vietnam. running was not Billy Dean Smith,"
The Srenade Pin
"I am glad to be free," Smith said, "but Another "witness," who supposedly over-
I can't really be free until the war in A grenade pin was the only piece of hard heard Smith admit the fraggings while in
foutheast Asia is over. The blood of· 6 evidence against Billy. CID agents said the brig, was completely discredited. He
million Vietnamese has soaked the soil .they found the pin in Billy's pocket af- had an extensive history of fraud.
in that land." lter the fragging. An Army expert testi-
fied that it "matched" a piece of the Luther Howard, a friend of Billy's, was
Smith explafned his prosecution as part grenade found at the explosion site, supposed to testify that Smith wanted to
of an effort to intimidate anti-war Gis "get" the unit commander. But Howard did
and discourage the fraggings which have The defense pointed out that the Army's not go along. Instead, he testified that
done in hundreds of unpopul.ar on·icers. "expert" was the first man in history to when he was questioned in Vietnam, he was
"The Army needed a scapegoat and singled match a pin with its grenade. Defense told that Billy had implicated him in the
me out because I was an outspoken critic lawyer Luke McKissack then called three fraggings. In return for a promise to
of the war and was not afraid to expose .experts who testified emphatically that testify against Billy, the Army promised
the racism of the Vietnam War," he said. there is no scientific way of matching it wouldn't prosecute Howarrl.
pins with their grenades,
Billy Dean Smith's trial dia !'.Luduce a Other witnesses testified that many Gis rhe prosecution's case was such a farce
pile of evidence against the US Army. collect the pins, much like matchbooks that Smith hardly needed an alibi; yet
Aside from establishing Billy's inno- he had one. Henrv Mcclay said "I was in
cence, the court heard testimony that aand bubble gum cards. After that, it was a bunker smoking aope with Billy Smith
vast numbers of. Gis use heroin, that when we heard the explosion." McClay
American soldiers drag women from Viet- almost unnecessary to note that man who said he had never mentioned this before
namese villages onto US bases and rape committed a fragging would hardly want to as he had heard that Billy had confessed
them without reP.rimand, and that sol- hang onto the grenade pin. Billy himself and implicated many others. McClay did
diers in Billy'~ unit frequently talked insisted that the pin was planted on him. not want to be hassled as an "accomplice,"
ibout killing the unit's commander.
The Pros11cution Witnesses
Others testified that blacks had to band
together for sl.trvival--white officers of- When the prosecution called up its only Rumors, threats, fear of reprisals--that
ten order them to the front while as- eyewitness, the Army's case suffered a is all the Army's cas~ amounted to by the
signing whites to the rear. dramatic setback, Bradley Curtis shocked time the 9-week court-martial ended. For
the courtroom by admitting he was "hos- this the Army.had constructed a special
But the "case" against Billy spoke for tile to the government in this caae," He
itselfa One early morning in March, '71, said he had decided to tell the truth now ..courtroom at :r·t. Ord, and built it 3 times
that he was no longer in the army. In a over. Twice it was burned when-Gis sta-
pre-trial interview with prosecut~on law-
tioned at Ord demonstrated against Smith's
Last year, ten Harvard graduate students Portugal actively promotes European settlement write. Tn /\1:gola, the literacy rate was only
prepared a detailed pamphlet documenting the in Africa. This not only helps solidify Portu- 10';. In Guinea, with a million people, only 11
University's holdings in the Gulf Oil Company, guese control, but also helps alleviate the mo- 6-fricans had a lllliversity education.
a company very active in the Portuguese colony ther country's unemployment problem.
of Angola. No Independence
Social Conditions
The pamphlet also reviewed the history of All through the 1950's, while other colonies were
Portuguese colonialism in Africa, a history Although 90% of the African people live and moving toward independence, the growing peaceful
spanning five centuries of domination over Ango- work on the land, the average Europea- owns 60 p<otests of the Angolan, Guinean, and :-Iozambique
la, Mozambique, and Guinea. times as much land as the average African. In peoples were met with increasing violence.
Mozambique, the European farmer is given 125
For years the people of these Portuguese acres while the African gets o~ly 25. Each colony experienced police massacres
colonies have been fighting a little-publicized which solidified opposition to Portuguese rule.
but gruesome war against foreign control. Portugal claims to have a "civilizing" mis- Followir.g a succession of popular protest and
sion in Africa,but acknowledges as "civilized" harsh repression, revolutionary movements devel-
And Gulf Oil Company, along with the Uni- only those Africans classified as "assimilados" oped in all three colonies: Angolan Peoples
ted States, has been active in that war. --those educated in the Portuguese language, re-
ligion and culture.
But on the wrong side.
By 1960, Portuguese figures shelled that on-
*** ly 15% of Mozambique's population could read or
Although Gulf is currently prospecting for
oil in Mozambique, its major operations are in
Angola. In 1966 Gulf discovered its first An-
golan oil in the Cabinda region, which is now
the most profitable area in Portuguese Africa.
Until Gulf discovered the Cabinda oil, Portugal
relied on oil from the Middle East.
Portuguese Africa
For five hundred years, Portuguese have PoK!ll&ESE Liberation Movement (~IPLA, the African Party for
been in Africa, but only in the last century the Independence of Guinea and the Cape Verde
have they been able to solidify their control. (.DLOllllES • Islands (PAIGC), and the Mozambique Liberation
While other European nations gave up their col- Front (FRELIMBO).
onies in the face of powerful independence move- IN AflllCA
ments, Portugal merely changed its possessions' These revolutionary forces now control
names to "overseas provinces," and claimed they large areas in which they have built their own
were an integral part of Portugal itself. schools, clini'cs, markets, local governments,
and other social institutions.
Portugal's African colonies include Angola,
Mozambique, Guinea, ~d the Cape Verde Islands. They have pinned down an estimated 150,000
Portugal is the last European country still lay- Portuguese troops. They have forced Portugal to
ing claim to major colonial holdings. spend half its national budget on military ex-
penses. And now Portugal is faced with rising
And since 1961 this small country has been dissatisfaction within its own boundaries.
waging a brutal war, attempting to maintain dom-
ination over the land, labor, and resources of Gulf's Alliance
thirteen million Africans.
Colonial Economics Gulf, through its subsidiary in Angola--
Cabinda Gulf Oil Co.--is the largest American
operation in Portuguese Colonial Africa. The ~
During the first centuries of colonization, jANGOLAN COFFEEl
Portugal's primary economic interest in Angola
was slave trading. One of the main causes of the African revolt a- the world.
painst Portugal is connected with coffee. After
In the 19th century, the forced-labor sys- WWII, world demand for coffee soared, and Portu- The American Comnittee on Africa has suggested
tem replaced slaving. Africans were put to work gal d'isplaced Africans to provide iand for cof- a boycott of Portuguese coffee, which is used
on coffee plantations and diamond mines owned by fee plantations in Anpola. almost entirely for instant coffee.
white settlers and foreign investors.
Every African in Portuguese colonies must be ab- Instant coffee brands of Angolan origin are:
Years of colonial rule have provided Portu- le to prove employment--Western style wage la- Maxim, Sanka, Yuban, Taster's Choice, Nescafe,
gal with an external, non-competitive market for bor. Africans are forced to abandon their tra- and Decaf. All these brands are produced bet-
its exports, and a source of raw materials and ditional means of subsistence (living and work- ween only two firms: General Foods and Nestle.
cheap labor. The colony also provides vital ing on their own small plot of ground) and work
foreign exchange through investors like the Gulf for subsistence wages on European coffee plan- A similar boycott was successful in Holland.
Oil Company. tations. Before the boycott, Holland bought a quarter of
Angola's coffee. No"I, the· Dutch buy coffee al-
Portugal itself is a poor, unindustrialized Angola is the 4th largest coffee producer in most entirely from independent African nations.
country plagued by unemployment and inflation.
Economically, it relies heavily on its colonies.
Through land grants and other concessions,
Communt"t_y /or J'ocial llction... dentical: "In compliance with the by-laws I
would like to be considered for nomination to
CS A &rallilti ship 30 days before annual meeting. MlAHPCo the Board of Directors of MIAHPCo." Several
membership wasn't notlf led of change. This time were writtm on Chapman's office stationery. Of
Ralston Purina pollution hearing had last round, Nominating Committee chairman Dr. Robert Chapman course, these application forms were not made
hopefully, on Nov. 28, in Bloomington City Hall. presented his hand-picked slate for board. Mem- available to the other 6 who wanted to be nom-
Pollution Control Board had rejected agreement bers wanted to nomlnatt:• 6 others from the floor. inated.
made in Sept. by RP and Environmental Protection Chairman Dr. Robert Killough said by-laws re-
Agency. This time EPA simply said lt had no quire 30 days notice. These names had been The State is showing some interest ln the
further evidence and both sides asked Board to glvui to Chapman 30 days ln advance. But, he Petition and ~omplaint, pushing some for negot--
accept agreement. EPA guys still claim it ls a said, some arm't MIAHPCo members. Right, since iat ion of differences.
good, strict settlement. Board closed off new memberships last March.
(Some of Chapman's nominees hadn't beui members At Board meeting on Nov. 30, Killough .'lamed
MlAHPCo still messes up local health planning. either, but Board opened membership to than MlAHPCo r~rescntatives to the regional organ-
Petition and Complaint to State about MIAHPCo only.) Two extra nominees were definitely mem- ization: 5 providers, 2 consumers, l phony
was printed ln the last issue of Post-Amerlkan, bers, so why couldn't they be nominatE'd? They "consumer", Paul Mitzner, State Farm executive.
and covered events thru Oct. 24. Since then hadn't applied, as the by-laws require. 1lut
the annua1 meet lng was held in Pont lac and mor£, Membership freeze lifted slightly to allow some
nonsense has occurrEd. Last year people attend- they had applied orally to a board Member who new members but not all McLean County applicants
ed annual meeting, complained about improper gave the names to Chapman. in yet. Interestingly, most Livingston County
representation on the board, and got two elect- members favorud admitting all McLean County ap-
ed from the floor. To prevent such improprie- Chairman: They have to apply in writing. plicants, but l:!loomington-NoTI!lal doctors, hospi-
ties this year, By-Laws Conunittee chairman Dr. tal administrators, and Chapman's nurse opposro.
Robert Chapman pushed a change thru requiring People: Why? By-laws say nothing about
potential nominees to apply for board member• writtm applications. "I understand that there has been and con-
tinues to be opposition to the war in Vietnam •••
Chairman: Because we require lt. A personal However, under no circumstances will I be affec-
letter shows sincere interest. ted by it."
Chair's ruling appealed. Appeal beatEn. --Ri~hard M. Nixon
Chapman's slate elected. Later a visitor to
t!lAHPCo office inspects these "personal letters'
--most are one smtence long and amazingly. i-
' s Vie.fnam. 17
company is unquestionably a mainstay of colon- directed against the African majority which sees But the United Nations, the World Council of
ialism. Gulf as part of the Portuguese enemy. Churches, and the governments of Denmark, Sweden,,
and Holland disagree. There has been continual
United Nations reports have stated that com- Dayton vs. Gulf pressure to halt NATO arms shipments to Portugal.
panies like Gulf provide direct aid to the col- Columbia University dumped its Gulf stock, and
onial system "by giving financial, economic, and After the Harvard students published their pam- even the Dayton City Council has decided to quit
military assistance to administering powers phlet, the University was torn by demonstrations purchasing Gulf products.
which are engaged in supressing national libera- demanding a severing of connections with Gulf.
tion movements." (llarvard's Gulf stock is worth $17 million.) But Nixon provided Portugal with a $400 mil-
Harvard finally sent an "investigator" to Africa, lion loan, and Gulf still pumps $45 million a
And Gulf does pay plenty of money to Por- and he finally concluded that selling Gulf stock
tugal. In 1970, Gulf was producing almost 90 "would have no practical effect in advancing the year into the Portuguese military machine.
thousand barrels o"' oil a Jay in Angola. Gulf independence of black Angolans."
But the liberation forces are still gaining
pays $45 million a year to Portugal, and the in spite of the powers pitted against them.
money is used to deny self-determination to
Gulf has contributed a large portion of the
revenues necessary for Portugal's war agair.st its
colonies. In addition, Gulf provides the white-
dominated regimes of Southern Africa with a stra-
tegically-located source of oil.
Young Angolans learn in an outdoor classroom
in a liberated area of Angola (credit: MPLA)
Portugal's receipts from Gulf amount to 30% GULF'S world- EMPIRE
,of its military budget, hardly an inconsequential wide
sum for a poor country.
Gulf is the 10th largest U.S. corporation lombia, and Ecuador.
Portugal's Alliance and the 4th largest oil company in the world.
Incorporated in 1922, Gulf is engaged principal- Gulf's oil and natural gas marketing system
Gulf does get something in return for its ly in the production, transportation, refinement, is also worldwide, covering North America, South
support of white hegemony. and sale of crude petroleum products. The com- America, Europe, the Caribbean and Asia. Gulf
pany is also in chemical manufacturing, coal owns or has an interest in refineries in Canada,
When Gulf struck oil in 1966, Portugal moved mining, mineral exploration, and nuclear fuel Venezuela, Kuwait, Denmark, the Netherlands, the
additional troops into the area. Portugal also processing. Phillipines, Taiwan, Korea, France, Iran, Puerto
intensified its "resettlement" program, which Rico, Ecuador, Spain, and Wales.
closely resembles the Vietnamese "strategic ham- Gulf, headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pa., has
let" scheme. 219 subsidiaries throughout the world, 89% of To move all that oil around, Gulf has its
which are wholly owned by the parent company. own marine fleet too--48 fully-owned and 29
Gulf's contract with Portugal stipulates Most of the subsidiary drilling companies co- chartered tankers. Since 1970, Gulf has received
that the government "agrees to undertake such ordinate oil explorations with production, refin- five giant 326,000-ton super-tankers.
measures as may be necessary that the Company ing and marketing. Gulf's immense resources en-
may carry out its operations freely and effi- able it to control all stages of oil production Gulf is one of the top 100 defense contrac-
ciently, including measures to permit the Com- --thereby lessening its dependence on the host tors, supplying primarily jet and aviation fuel,
pany the use of and free access to public land country. fuel oil, gasoline and other petroleum products.
and such measures as may be necessary to prevent
third parties from interfering with the Company's Gulf's annual sales in 1970 were more than The people behind Gulf are not dwarfed by
free exercise of its contractual rights." five bil,lion dollars, more than ten times Niger- its grandeur. Gulf was started by the already
ia's national budget. wealthy Mellon family. The Mellons own a 25%
Oil camps are surrounded by 8-foot barbed .controlling interest in Gulf. They also own
wire fences and spotlights. Gulf's facilities The largest importer of foreign oil in the
are in fortified isolation from the surrounding U.S., Gulf produces crude oil from vast reserves controlling interests in ALCOA, the Koppers Co.,
community. And this "defense," of course, is in Kuwait, Venezuela, Canada, Iran, Nigeria, Co- First Boston Corporation, and the Mellon Nation-
al Bank and Trust Co. The family fortune is
estimated at between $4 and $8 billion.
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Che Red Flag Jan'tCal'ro) Car~IT WITNESSED MANY A DEEif"INDVOW-
:!till !!21 CHANGE-ITS COLOR Now:
--Jameo connan, isag
"Debrayism," the revolutionary theory worked out war runs deep, the Communist party at tirst Part of this problem stems from the period
by Regis Debray on the basis of a Zimited account supported ~he policy of armed struggle but later about which Gott writes. After all, it was one
of the Cuban experience, is no Zonger taken very f?rmed their own guerrilla group with an essen- which "ended" badly, although in reality the
seriously, even by Debray himself. Variants of tially r~formist line, Colombia is the only struggle did not end at all but was transformed
it ca~ arise, ~owever, wherever the organized coun~ry in Latin America where foquista groups to another level. Starting at almost the same
Zeft ~s refoT'l'lnst or cZass-coZZaborationist. Un- and ideology are still in operation, time as Che's death, a new group of revolu-
der such conditions Debl'Qyism becomes an attrac- tionary parties began to emerge •
tive shortcut for rebeZZious individuals unwiZZ- .The open split between the Communist partie.s
ing to engage in the hard and error-strewn task and the Cuban leadership reached its widest These new formations-- the PRT of Agentina,
of bui Zding a revolutionary party. Hence it point in 1966, when Fidel Castro found it neces- the MIR of Chile and the unrelated MIRs of
seemed usefuZ to roprint the foZZowing essay by sary. to lambast the Venezuelan Communist party Bolivia and Peru--have combined, with various
Bari'y Rubin and Stephen Torgoff from the Novem- for its class collaboration and opposition to degrees of success, the Leninist concept of
ber 29 Guo.rdian as a sort of epitaph to one of the possibilities of revolution. Inter-party proletarian leadership and a vanguard party with
the poZiticaZ cUPronts of the 1960 's, useful,. at polemics are now conducted more quietly, but an acceptance of the need for armed struggle,
that time but destructive whenever it reappears. the study of this period reveals much about the even in the process of building this party and
real relations between the Cubans and the conti- ·working class base, and a rejection of reformism
Richard Gott, Latin American correspondent nental revisionist parties. and working-class support for a mythical national
for the Manchester Guardian, has what may be
considered the definitive book on that conti- capitalist revolution.
nent's guerrilla struggles of the 1960s,
In Venezuela the guerrilla movement was no- Debrayism--or that theory which he once
Although published this year, the book covers where near as important or successful as it was represented but now has himself rejected--was
the period from the triumph of the Cuban revo- in Colombia due to some of the historical and a phase through which much of the Latin American
lution in 1959 to the death of Che Guevara in class structure differences between the coun-. left apparently had to pass. The attempts to
1967. It chronicles the successes and ultimate tries. Venezuela has a large, important and create a revolutionary crisis by rural clashes
failures of the revolutionary guerrilla war militant urban working class while in Col0mbia between the guerrilla band and the army isolated
waged by the groups which followed the political the peasantry and its political activity carries the left from the masses. It is important to
line made famous by Regis Debray--foquismo, or remember that, whatever their errors, the
the theory that a small rural armed unit can relatively more weight, An understanding of guerrillas were revolutionaries while the
set the masses into motion without the mediation Communist parties were committed to maintaining
of a political party. the differences between Latin American countries
is important to analyzing the different forms bourgeois society.
Gott recites--and meticulously 'documents and strate_gieSj of left groups in different coun- The revisionist Communist parties' concept
with much information up until now ·not available tries. Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile
in English--the history of foquista groups in - have large urban working classes and relatively of a two-stage revolution--of a bourgeois demo-
Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. proletarianized rural inhabitants as opposed to cratic stage with the workers and peasants
countries where the peasantry remains by far the following the national bourgeoisie to be fol-
The ideological confrontations that led those most numerous and economically important class-- lowed by a long-term peaceful evolution to
who participated in the Debrayist groups to Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and the Central American socialism--was decisively challenged, That
adopt the positions they did is also recounted, this is the case can be seen in .the evolution
although somewhat more anecdotally than in ideo- countries. of the present Marxist-Leninist revolutionary
logical terms, The nature of the main force on parties which trace their origins to the Cuban
the left against which they were reacting--and One especially interesting aspect of Gott's revolution and not to the revisionist parties.
in some ways over-reacting--the traditional reporting on Peru is his story, which might be
Communist parties, is presented in devastating amusing i.f it wasn't so tragic, of how the con- Still, as a historical book, "Guerrilla
scope and detail by Gott, tinental reoresentatives of the Fourth Inter- Movements in Latin America" is vital to under-
national helped to turn Hugo Blanco's modest standing today's Latin American revolutionary
In the chapter on Guatemala, Gott follows success in peasant organizing into a fiasco, left. It can be highly recommended to anyone
the development of the guerrilla movement resulting in Blanco's arrest. interested in the continent or in third world
through its military successes, its following :evolutionary movements in general.
of the lines of first the Communist party and
then the Trotskyists and its ultimate rejection The chapter on Bolivia is the most important If the const:ruation of the futUPe and its
of both. This chapter is, in some ways, disap- in the book. Gott, who was there during much aompZetion for.aZ~ time is not our thing, aZZ
pointing since the material is out of date, of Che Guevara's ill-fated guerrilla campaign, the more aertain ~s what we have to acaompZish
One feels that a knowledge of more recent devel- has written a detailed account of the develop-
opments,. which are very difficult to get infor- ment and destruction of guerrillas, detailing in the present, I mean THE RUTHLESS CRITICISM
mation on, would be most•useful in evaluating their relationship with the Bolivian Communist
the Guatemalan experience, party, which failed to ..deliver on promised aid. OF EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS, ruthZess both in
'In Colombia, where the tradition of rural Gott, while an honest journalist who is very the sense that the critiaism does not fear its
sympathetic with the Latin American revolutionary own results and just as ZittZe the aonfZiat
struggle, is no Marxist and much of his approach
to history is pragmatic, Faced with the mili- with the powers that be. '
~arr defeat of group after group and the death
of Guevara, Gott concludes that, for the for- xa.ri Man
seeable future, the revolutionary struggle it-
Letter to Ruge
self is finished in, Latin America. September 1843
"I am leaving Saigon optimistic as to "Current trends will lead to neu"tra.Liza-
the progress that can be made during the tion at best and more likely to a commun-
coming year." ist state."
--Robert McNamara, 12/20/63 --Robert McNamara, 12/21/63, to
1.l~llGJr lfOIE
Best Deal on Kegs in Town
Christmas in MY soul Farmworkers ameked 19
by LAURA NYRO Financed by wealthy agribusiness interests, including the 11atio11al farm
bureau, legislatiou has been iutroduced in tweuty states to outlaw the
United Farmworkers' boycott of non-union lettuce.
I love my country Black Panther brothers The California proposal was on the November ballot. If passed, the pro-
as it dies bound in jail position would have banned strikes at harvest time and also made it a
In war and pain Chicago seven and felony to speak the words "boycott lettuce." In addition, the proposition
before my eyes the justice scale pr.ovided for imprisonin~; anyone who crossed into Califonlia after uttering
"boycott lettuce" in another state.
I walk the streets Homeless Indian Large California growers carried on a massive and misleading campaip,n in
favor of the proposition's passage. Billboards saying ''Support Farmwork-
where disrespect has been of Manhattan Isle ers' Riahts" urged the public to vote "yes" on the anti-farmworker propo-
sition.'' The proposition was defeated.
The sins of politics all God's sons have gone to trial
The politics of sin and all God's love is out of style
the heartlessness that darkens my soul on Christmas
on Christmas In Arizona, a new law provides for a year in jail and a fine of $5000 for
sayin,g the words "boycott lettuce." Some farmworkers attempted to speak
Red and silver Now the time has come to fight with Arizona's Governor Williams before he si.~ned the bi 11. The Governor
on the leaves laws in the book of love burn bright reportedly told his aides: "As far as I'm concerned, those people don't
Fallen white snow exist." The farmworkers now have enough si?,natures for a rec al 1 of the
runs softly through the trees for thee America
People you must win Governor.
her digni-ty
Madonnas weep for all the high court world to see A large p:rower in Poplar, California, is enlisting the aid of vi:~ilantes,
for wars of hell on Christmas
They blow out the candles the federal government, and the local authorities in order to crush the
and haunt Noel Christmas in my soul farmworkers' union. Though the grower is importing illegal scab labor from
The missing love Christmas in my soul
that rings through the world Christmas in my soul Mexico, the U.S. Immigration Service regused a United Farmworker request
for a credentials check. The Immigration Service has, however, been known
on Christmas to harass union workers in the fields, demanding to see c.itizenship papers.
The local sheriff is so interested in helping the grower smash the strike
that there are now more deputies than strikers. And in early October
vigilantes invaded the Farmworkers' office, smashing equipment and terror-
izing the staff. --from LNS
iPost-Amerikan workers say "Write on! The CARS WITHOUT DRIVERS?
·pen can be mighty as the sword!"
The administrator of the Environmental Protection
Agency made the following projection from cur-
rent automobile statistics:
"Statistics show that the rate of occupancy
of cars during peak loads is down to 1.2 persons
per vehicle, and at the present rate of passen-
ger decline by 1980 one out of every three cars
will be tooling along without a driver. That
wouldn't be much more absurd than the present
practice of encasing qne man in 5,000 pounds of
steel, adding 400 horsepower and then making him
creep along at five miles per hour breathing a
combination of synergistic poisons."
Briefs from
16 political activists who are filing ***
suit against NYC's "Red Squad" won a pre- u
liminary battle in court wh;n the.judge Fearing that Congress would again over-
ruled against the Red Squad s motion to z ride his vetoes, Nixon waited until the
dismiss. The suit charges the NYC Police legislature adjourned, and then pocket-
Department's Security and Investigation *** vetoed domestic spending bills. Nixon
Section with violating constitutional vetoed 30 billion for HEW, ~million to
rights in its us~ of informers, ~nfiltra On Oct, 31, the date Nixon was supposed fight water pollution (Congress recently
tion, interrogation, overt surveilla~ce, to siun a Vietnam peace treaty, 8000 dem- overrode another Nixon pollution veto)
intelligence-gathering, and electronic cmstrators gathered outside a Republican and several bills expanding veteran's
surveillance. The Red Squad freely ad- dinner in Boston and shouted "sign now," health care and crippled children's vo-
mits using methods ranging from photog- Police pushed the protesters back with cational training, Nixon did sign a .$74
raphy to wiretaps and infiltration, but billy clubs and german shepards, until billion defense bill and approved 2 bil-
claims they are justified, the crowd was far enough away that the lion for military construction,
dinner guests could not hear clearly.
*** Two activists managed to get inside the ***
hall, but were ushered out when they
Because GI's in foreign countries are for- shouted "Nixon, Agnew, you can't hide; we 21 months since ~he indictment, and 2~
bidden to participate in "demonstrations," charge you with genocide," while Mrs. Nix- years since the incident trial has been
soldiers from Japan's Iwakuni base spon- on was speaking. set for 2 GI's charged with bombing the
sored a "peace tour" of Hiroshima's A- water, power, and communication facili-
bomb memorial park, Although the event *** ties at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin. The de-
was sponsored by a new group, resistanc~ fendants say the govt. has no evidence
at Iwakuni base is years old, Last spring, Florida fruit pickers have formed a farm but arrested them because they were the
GI's at the base revealed that nuclear workers group to organize for better wor- most active and visible GI activists at
weapons were being stored at Iwak1;ffii, in king conditions and to meet the needs of the base. The defendants think the long
violation of the U,S,-Japan Security their neople, needs not met by the regu- delay is a govt. device to discourage
Treaty, lar co~ty social welfare agancies, In further GI political activity. (The
1969, the county sent back a $20,000 fed- trial is not a court martial, but a fed-
*** eral grant when it was realized that the eral case; John Mitchell himself made the
fruit pickers would have had a say in how announcement of the indictment,)
A Saigon Catholic priest, Father Chan Tin, the money was spent. The county food
has been sentenced to five years in pri- distribution center requires the fruit ***
son and fined $7000 for printing "subver- pickers, who are often paid in cash, to
sive" articles, Father Tin was in good show their check stubs before they can
spirits, remarking that many of his friends get any food,
were already in prison and that he prob-
ably wouldn't have to serve his full sen- ***
tence--"! don't think Thieu will last a-
nother six months~" U.S. A ids Marcos
*** Phillipines President Marcos, who re- Tax Resistance
cently declared martial law and impris-
The big lettuce growers trying to crush oned thousands of civilians, has been re- Tax resistance is an American tradition,
the United Farmworkers are pretty tight ceiving U.S. help in building a police going back to the Boston Tea Party, the
with Nixon and the Republicans, who spon- state. Since 1966, when Marcos became · Whiskey Rebellion, and the Mennonites'
sored buttons like "Elephants like Let- Pres., the U.S. has been conducting sev- and Quakers' refusal to pay taxes for the
tuce," and "Boycott grass; not ~ettuce," eral "internal security"· programs aimed
One grower reciprocated, producing let- at training a special Phillipine police French and Indian War. Now, in !1.!:!..:.1
tuce with the brand name "4 More Years." force in crowd control. In addition,
the U.S. has been working on nation-wide Gonna Pay For ~ No ~. Robert Calvert
*** computerized intelligence and identifi- explains everything anyone needs to kn?w
cation systems so Marcos can keep track about all kinds and methods of tax resis-
Getting Together Publications, a bilin- tance. The book is available for $1.50
gual Chinese community paper, has compiled of political dissidents, Many ot the U.S. from War Tax Resistance, 339 Lafayette
an anthology written by and about Chinese- Street, NYC, 10012.
American workers, Send $3 to Getting To- trainers worked previously in Saigon •.
gether Distribution, PO Box 26299, San ***
Francisco, 94126, ***
The Federal Price Commision !!ranted Mc-
Saying they had become increasingly con- On November 4, 4500 people marched thru Donalds a 4-cent increase in the price
cerned over the "broadening gap" between working class and third world neighbor- of a Big Mac, not long after Mc Donalds'
the business world and the public sector, hoods in NYC to protest the war. The Board Chairman donated 3208,000 to
United Aircraft Company, the main produc- marchers were greeted with cheers and Ni~on's re-election fund. Representa-
er of Vietnam helicopters, hired Clark clenched fists from onlookers, many of tive Benjamin Rosenthal charged that the
MacGregor to direct the company's Wash- whom joined the march. price hike was "just too absolutely co-
ington activities, MacGregor was chair- incidental,"
man of Nixon's re-election campaign. ***
*** Legalization of marijuana was on the Cal-
ifornia ballot in November, but voters The last remaining charges against Leslie
Pentagon Luxuries rejected it. The voters passed another Bacon, conspiracy to firebomb a.NYC bank,
proposal setting up mild restrictions on have been dropped, The only evidence a-
Nixon's drive to cut federal spending is industry's and land developers' further gainst her was govt, wiretaps conducted
directed at social welfare agencies like ruining of the state's coastline, The under the "Mitchell Doctrine," which held
HEW, because, according to Nixon, the cuts proposal passed despite a million-dollar that electronic surveillance was OK in
that can be made in defense spending "cer- deceptive advertising campaign against "national security" cases. The doctrine
tainly are minimal," But a recent article it. also stated that the attorney-general
in Parade details tax-supported plush liv- could decide what comprised a threat to
ing supplied for the higher military *** the nation's security, Since the Supreme
brass, This includes gourmet meals, GI Court overruled this "doctrine," the govt
house servants, luxury yachts, and man- A special UN report calling for an immed- has dropped charges against several move-
sions, Senator Proxmire said this "makes iate ban on napalm use will be debated ment people, including Abbie Hoffman,
a mockery of the Pentagon's constant cry David Hilliard, and Diane Donghi,
that cutting their budget would harm our soon. The u.s., a heavy user of napalm,
national security,"
declined to participate in the report's
*** preparation, Portugal is also a heavy
user of napalm in its colonial wars in
On Nov 6, 5000 people marched through the
streets of Madison in a TDA (The Day Af-
ter) demonstration, One of the speakers
announced that Karl Armstrong, accused of
bombing the Army Mathematics Research Cen-
ter in 1970, received 2000 write-in votes
for Madison district attorney,
A trial on the constitutionality of Dade *** Daniel Ellsberg amd Anthony Russo, defen-
County Florida's public school corpor-· dants in the Pentagon Papers trial, lost
al pu~ishment policy has revealed in A study proposing that every home radio a round in the Supreme Court, The defen-
sworn testimony that teachers in Miami's dants had filed a motion claiming their
classrooms often use wooden sticks, belt and TV set and every car and boat sold right to a fair trial had been impaired
buckles, and brass knuckles to "maintain by govt, wiretapping, The Court rejected
discipline and order," in the U.S. be equipped with a special them by a 7-2 vote,
receiver for govt, broadcasts was pre-
*** pared for one of Nixon's committees. The ***
study's existence was made public by Re-
Insect Warfare presentative Moorhead. who fears the re- Phillipines President Marcos' declara-
ceivers could function as a govt, spy tion of martial law on Sept 23 was, ac-
Liberation Press Agency in South Vietnam system and propaganda outlet. cording to many observers, a prelude to
reports that the U,S, has introduced a cancelling the 1973 ~lections. (By Phil-
new warfare technique--insect warfare. *** lipine law, Marcos would not be able to
The report says that on July 27, planes run in •73,) The govt. has closed all
dropped hundreds of containers of insects Alcoholic beverages should have all ad- universities and schools, made any strike
over a heavily NLF area, The insects at- ditives listed on their labels, according or demonstration illegal, closed ali news-
tacked the rice crop, destroying over 2/3 to the Center for Science in the Public
of the crop in some villages, Interest, The researchers say that in the papers and TV stations excepts the ones
mid-60's, 47 people died because brewers
*** added cobalt to beer to make the head Y.arcos owns himself, and imposed travel
thicker, Doctors couldn't figure out why restrictions as well as a curfew on all
Stewarts Point, Calif,-- Richard Oakes, generally healthy beer drinkers were hav- Filipinos, Recently the govt. announced
Mohawk leader of the 1969 occupation ing heart attacks, it would begin censoring all outgoing AP
of Alcatraz Island was buried Sept, 27 press dispatches,
on his wife's reservation, Oakes ***
was shot Sept. 21 by a Yf.~CA campground ***
manager when he went to inquire about Women employees of California's Crown
the arrest of a youthful friend. The Re,dwood Company, which manufactures and From The Guardian:
state failed to press first degree sells redwood furniture to Sears, are tak-
murder charges, the third such failure ing legal action against the company, The ***
involving the killin~ of Indians in women charge discrimination in pay rates,
the last nine months. Women, whose jobs are often harder and 50 Attica prisoners staged· a brief dem-
more physically strenuous, start at $1.79
Atlanta-- Industrv is moving South to an hour; men start at $2,40, onstration Nov 8, in violation of a pri-
take advanta,cz;.e or'the South's lower son rule against congregation in large
wages and unorganized labor, but black *** groups. They were all placed in isola-
workers in Atlanta are strikin~ back tion,
--literally, A wave of wildcat strikes In Nov,, Berkeley voters rejected a mea-
involving more than 6000 workers has sure designed to keep city council con- ***
gripped Atlanta since mid-summer, trol in the hands of the wealthy business
and suburban community, A coalition of Charged in 1967 with conspiracy to blow
New York-- With the Riviera getting blacks, students, women, and youth de- up the Statue of Liberty and assasinate
more and more crowded, the interna: feated the measure, and the same coalition moderate black leaders, Muhammad Ahmed
tional jet set is lookin,cr for new may well bring a radical majority on the has evaded capture until this Sept,
watering holes and Arist~tle Onassis Berkeley city council next April. ~Scholar called Ahmed's charges a
is building one in Southwest Africa, "frame-up,"
Onassis plans a million-acre preserve ***
called Paradise Wilds in Namibia ***
(Southwest Africa), a territorv with
a population of 2 million Africans Members of the Vietnam Veterans Against
who are governed by the racist Union the War charged with conspiracy to dis-
of South Africa. rupt the Republican Convention pleaded
not guilty Nov, 6, They did inform the
l'iew York-- Portuguese Angola is the judge that they were guilty of "war
fourth largest coffee exporter in the crimes against the people of Indochina."
world and the U,S, imports 15 percent
of its exports, Since JO percent of ***
the revenue goes to the Portuguese
government, the U.S. is directly sup- 450 Koreans marched on the South Korean
Embassy in Washington to protest the dic-
porting Portuguese colonialism and the tatorship's declaration of martial law.
Angolan forced-labor system which com-
pels An~olans to work on the coffee ***
The Supreme Court ruled that workers can
*** "You're under arrest!" not be fired simply for refusing to cross
a picket line,
Over half the prisoners in the Terre New York-- U,S, tobacco companies are
H~~te federal penitentiary staged a non- doing better than ever despite their ***
violent work stoppage Nov. 6, They de- inability to advertise on radio and
manded an end to overcrowding (one-man television, Tobacco has simply moved Sev?r~l hundr?d supporters of the Gay
cells ~r~ housing.two and three people) into professional sports throu~h spon- Activists Alliance demonstrated in front
recogn~tion of prisoner unions, improve- sorship of such events as the rodeo of the NYC Police headquarters against
~ents in wo~k and study release programs, Winston Awards, bowling's Winston- harassment of gays, Nov. 11,
Job counseling, and an end to guard har- Salem tournaments, Marlboro tennis,
assment, Raleigh golf, and raeirig's Camel Cup ***
*** The Committee of Southern Africa has
called for a boycott of all products im-
Another ~ederally f~nded drug study, ported from the white-supremacist coun-
secret sin?e June, is ,croing to be ig- try, In particula~, the committee men-
nored, This one recommends that the tioned Kaffir Tea, now Leing sold in many
know~edge6ble educate the ill-inform- health food stores, The product is pro-
ed, instead of vice-versa. Also the duced by forced labor, Also, "kaffir"
r-eport advocates acceptance of s~me is the South African equivalent of
dr~g u~e--particularly pot-smoking "nigger,"
--in ';lew of the government's "bur:den
of failure,"
22 NOVEMBER 71h THHOU6H BLACK EYES by R:1lph Dring
The results of the November 7th election pa.-e it to what they had seen. And a movie was Also many black war<ls voted heavily for ilirnrahan.
were certainly amazing, and even in some aspects, made of the events suITounding the death of a fact which surprised and <lismaye,J many blad.
,gratifying. This is especially so, when one
considers the P.vents that led up to them. Fred Hampton. It included television newsreel leaders. !low could blacks he so stupid as to vote
footage of States Attorney Edward Hanrahan for a racist murderer? But like true liberals
ONE ASPECT: In November 1960, Richard contradicting himself in telling about the they never considered askinP the electioll ju,!ges
Nixon, the Republican candidate, lost the
police raid. The name of the movie was "The how they ~ot their johs. .. . .
Presidential election to John F. Kennedy, the Murder of Fred Hampton. 11 It was shown in many So Fdw~1·tl :1~1irah;m becamt"' t11"' 1lemocrat1c cai:J1-
Democratic candidate. In a very close race,
Cook County, Illinois stole enough votes to different parts of the world and even won a date for <:tates ,\ttor1:ey. 11: this 1h::sitio1; he felt
place Illinois in the Democratic column, thus
winning the election for Kennedy. Nixon would Cannes film festival award, but it was banned strong enoug- to critize Se1:ator George ~!er.oven;, the
not forget this 12 years later. Unlike Eisen-
hower, John F. Kennedy saw no Constitutional in Chicago. Democratic candidate for President and eve1: to rec-
obstacle to a President declaring and waging
war on his own initiative. So, on the instruc- With all this evidence, one would think omend ticket splitting wit!1 llemocrats \·oting for a
tions of his father, Joe Kennedy and his
spiritual counsellor, Cardinal Spellman, he that Edward Hanrahan would be indicted on Republican Presid~1t and llemocrats for all other
set up a puppet Catholic government in Vietnam
1and later sent in troops to impose it upon the charges of conspiracy to commit murder, o~ offic.es (except perhaps Covenor). Thus !"le wo1: the
predominantly Buddist people. Who knows what
accesory to murder or perhaps even murder. But endorsement of Senator r.eor~e ~lcGovern, who told a
Nixon might have done, had he been President
in his place? in Chicago, the rulers and their minions are Chicago audience that he enJorsed the entire llemo-
Later, when the Vietnam War had become not servants of law, but rather consider them- cratic ticket from too to bottom. Senator Mcr.oveni
somewhat unpopular, there were attempts to
selves to be the law. Therefore it took years did not feel any !'lore. hesitation in doinr, this than
end the war by nominating and electin~ a peace
candidate for President. So, in August 1968, and countless petitions to get Edward Hanrahan he did in telling Lvndon Johnson t-at he supported
it took the efforts of the Chicago Police, indicted for anything. Is not the State's him and would ha~e ~oted for him had he been a cand-
supported by military contingents and under-
cover private police, to elect Hubert Humphrey, Attorney, along with the police and the judges, idate in the (18 campaign.
,to the Democratic nomination for President.
.This also had the indirect effect of electing the Law? ' However, States Attorr.ey Hanrahan did still
Richard Nixon to the Presidency as Illinois ·When at last Edward Hanrahan was indicted, have some opposition. Senator Adlai ~tevenson and
slid into the Republican column and nationwide
it was for the trivial offense of "conspiracy gubernatorial candidate Dan Walker refused to endorse
·votes were lost through the zealous votes of the
to obstruct justice. 11 And he made every attempt him. Senator Stevenson did not object to "the murder
Chicago Police upon national newsmen. Thus in
1968, the man who was denied the Presidency in to get the case dropped or delayed_. But the of FreJ Hampton and ~lark Clark." lie objected. to Ed-
1960 by Cook County became President through
its help. objectors were too persistant for that. They ward Hanrahan' s being under indictment. lie did not
ANOTHER ASPECT: On December 4th, 1969, wanted not only justice, but justice in a Court think that a successful and effective politician
State Attorney's police broke into the Chicago
and according to legal procedure. In this they should allow himself to be under indictment during
apartment of Fred Hampton and killed Fred
Hanpton and Mark Clark, while Fred was still were different from some black youngsters, an election campail(n. So Edward Hanrahan asked for
,asleep in bed. :Ek>th were· leaders of the Illinois
iChapter of the Black Panthers. The Police whose naive idealism led them to the use of a bench trial (rather than a jury) and proceeded to
:called it self-defense and the Black Panthers
called it murder. rifles in draining Justice from the veins of obtain acquittal from a friendly Democratic machine
I This event would ordinarily have been on
!no significance, as the Chicago police are living Chicago Policemen. They did not have judge. This was enough to win him endorsement from
'.accustomed to casual killings along the line the patience that 200 years of oppression has Adlai Stevenson for election on November 7th.
iof what they perceive to be their duty, and
;usually they are not only exonerated by, but bred in adults of their race. It was to stop But there still remained a maverick. Dan Wal-
:also endorsed, either overtly or tacitly, by this wanton killing of Chicago police, that ker, IJemocratic candidate for goveuor, refused to
+,he news media.
constituted the reason for the Liberals per- endorse Hanrahan, even though George McGovern, Mayor
tlUt this time it was different. The
Panthers opened the apartment for public in- severance in the legal struggle for justice. Daley, and Senator Stevenson, "all honorable men",all
spection. Thousands entered, and took pictures,
and.examined things for themselves. When the Time passes much faster than does the case noteworthy liberals, had already done so.
newspapers and radio, ·and television told them against Edward Hanrahan. Soon it is time for Come November 7th. Richard Nixon is now ~resi
the police version of the raid, they could com-
primary election of the Democratic candidate for dent of the United States. He does not intend to let
Cook County States Attorney. Three candidates Cook County, Illinois steal another elect~on from him
materialize. EdwardHanrahan, still under· Enter federal officials to keep the election honest.
indictment, still facing trial; Raymond K. Berg, Exit November 7th. S-nator Mcl.overn, who en-
a traffic court judge supported by the "party dorsed Hanrahan for States Attorney in Cook County
regulars" as an alternative to Hanrahan for is overwhelmingly defeated. Illinois votes for Nixon.
those blacks who know that only machine can- Chicago fails to give McGoveni a substatial lead even
didates win local elections; and Donald Page in Cook County. Cook County votes in a Republican,
Moore, a reforrre r ·who first challenged Hanrahan Bernard Carey, for States Attorney. Black w~rds in
because he didn't like massacres that make police Chicago, that voted so heavily for Ha~r~han in the ..
look like murderers. . primaries when no special federal officials w7re pre-
...~ natural thought, ·of those who oeat:vt: in sent to keep the election honest, now go heavily for
Democracy and Freedom, is that naturally a ra.Cist Bernard Carey. The first Republican States Attorney
such as Hanrahan, would lose the black and sincere in Cook County for about a decade. .
liberal vote. Wouldn't one of the other candidates Yet not all the election followed the tide of
win? But on March 21, 1972, Hanrahan won the nom- President Nixon, Senator Percy and Attorney General
ination with a plurality of42%. Divide the O?pos- William Scott. Dan Walker, the maverick Democrat who
ition and wi,n the v_ote - an old election gimmick. refused to endorse Hanrahan, is elected govenor.
Is Fred flampton dead? Yes, his body has been
]?uried. But his spirit has been restless·
C?oN- ~Rl
12-9 PM
/0-6 ITT
We Carr Necessities f;r our Mind l Bod
"We will never allow the imposition on
the 17 million people of South Vietnam
of a communist government, with the
bloodbath that would ensue."
--Richard Nixon, 7/27/72
For four years, Nixon has used the spectre Brothers and sisters at the Red Lion say "Right on! Encl the war now!"
of a "communist bloodbath" to justify the war in
Vietnam. On October 26, presidential advisor that there was a terrcrist bloodbath going on in duit for CIA funds. Tile book was then published
Henry Kissinger once again alluded to "possible North Vietnam. Tile campaign included the distri- and distributed abroad by the USIA.
massacres'·' after a cease-fire as one of the rea- bution of fake leaflets (purporting to be the
sons why the U.S. would not sign the peace agree- work of the conununi~ts) which threatened repri- Porter found that the bloodbath charges in
ment negotiated with North Vietnam. sals against Cathdics, and the operatio_!l__of a this book are based on fraudulent documentation.
For example, Chi himself admitted in a recent in-
The massacre predictions are almost always liberation radio whose broadcasts sought to terview in the Washington Post that his claim of
based on the bloodbath that allegedly took place give the impres•,ion that the Viet Minh were car- a bloodbath aimed at Vietnamese landlords was
in North Vietnam after the Viet Minh came to rying out revenge killings. based on an incident in a single village where
power in 1954. Nixon has claimed, for example, one person was executed. On this basis, he
that according to the Catholic Bishop of Danang, Chau labels as ridiculous the charge by the "guessed" that 5\ of the people in the North were
half a million people died in slave labor camps Bishop of Danang that half a million people died killed--a figure which Nixon translated in his
in North Vietnam between 1954 and 1956. in slave labor camps in North Vietnam. July 27 speech as a "minimuin of 500,000 people."
But recent evidence reveals that not only A recently'released study by Gareth Porter Chi also made up quotes from Viet Minh di~
is. the charge of a communist bloodbath untrue, (of the Cornell University International Rela- rectives which made it appear that they had a
but that the eritire myth was invented by the CIA tions of East Asia Project) gives further evi- deliberate policy of liquidating the landlords.
and other U.S. government agencies with the help dence that the bloodbath charges are untrue.
of British intelligence. Researching the origins of the bloodbath story, Tile original -purpose of the bloodbath story,
Porter found that almost all accounts of a blood- according to Col. Chau, was to justify Saigon's
In October, Col. Nguyen Van Chau, a former bath in the works of such well-known writers as refusal to carry out the elections and reunifi-
high official of the Saigon government, told a Bernard Fall and Sir Robert Tilompson are either cation promised in the 1954 Geneva accords. Hav-
reporter from Dispatch News Service International undocumented or are based on accounts found in ing served that purpose it has since become a
that the alleged communist bloodbath was "one a single book: ~Colonialism to Communism, full-blown myth, encouraged, financed, and· pro-
hundred per cent fabricated" by intelligence ser- by Hoang Van Chi. moted by U.S. officials.
vices financed by the U.S. government.
Chi, who worked for the U.S. Information --from I.NS and the-War Bulletin
Col. Chau was in a po~ition to know. From Agency (USIA), was paid to write this book by
1954 to 1962 he was head of the Psychological the Congress for Cultural Freedom, a known con-
Warfare Section of the Saigon Army, an agency
that played an active role in spreading the
bloodbath myth.
Chau stated that the Saigon government waged
"total psychological warfare" from 1954 to 1956
in order to persuade Vietnamese and world opinion
Maude suouressed Personals Maw open with
Archie Bunker's sister-in-law, Maude, has Merr:v Christmas,
been dropped from the schedules of WMBD-TV Maryann and Patl
(31, Peoria) and WCIA-TV 1(3, Champaign)I over
a double episode making light of abortion. As Love, JV!ark and
far as known, these two central Illinois sta- Susie
tions are the only ones in the country that
have dropped the CBS series for "poor-taste" in ¥am1 Went for a
the matter. swim.
In Bloomington-Normal Maude can only be Oph
picked up at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday on Channel 2
(Chicago), which is not included in the CATV
channels. It is unclear whether the drop is
permanent or not.
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