Educational Talent Search - Thomaston Upward Bound - Fulton County
Student Support Services - Classic Upward Bound Thomaston
Student Support Services - STEM
Upward Bound - Clayton County Upward Bound Math/Science Thomaston
Upward Bound - West Clayton County
02 What is TRIO
03 TRIO Directory
04 TRIO Day
06 Scholar's Bowl Champs
07 Student Reflections
08 Community Service
09 SSS Classic
10 Recent Photos
Articles written by TRIO staff unless noted.
Edited by Kenneth J Stallings Jr
We are TRIO
The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal
outreach and student services programs designed to
identify and provide services for individuals from
disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes eight
programs targeted to serve and assist low-income
individuals, first-generation college students, and
individuals with disabilities to progress through the
academic pipeline from middle school to
postbaccalaureate programs. TRIO also includes a
training program for directors and staff of TRIO
The recipients of the grants, depending on the specific
program, are institutions of higher education, public
and private agencies and organizations including
community-based organizations with experience in
serving disadvantaged youth and secondary schools.
Combinations of such institutions, agencies, and
organizations may also apply for grants. These entities
plan, develop and carry out the services for students...
Additionally, in order to be served by one of these
programs, a student must be eligible to receive services
and be accepted into a funded project that serves the
institution or school that student is attending or the
area in which the student lives.
On February 24, 1986, a congressional
resolution (H. Con. Res. 278) declared that
Saturday, February 28, 1986, should be
designated as "National TRIO Day" to
commemorate the annual achievements of
the Federal TRIO programs in communities
across the country.
Every year since then, our community has
reserved the fourth Saturday in February
as National TRIO Day — an opportunity to
focus the nation's "attention on the needs
of disadvantaged young people and adults
aspiring to improve their lives if they are to
become contributing citizens of the
country, and to the talent which will be
wasted if that investment is not made."
This year the Thomaston TRIO programs
hosted their TRIO students and TRIO
professionals from all over Georgia for
National TRIO Day. Former Thomaston TRIO
employees joined us for the day of
celebration. We were also joined by the
Georgia TRIO President, Ms. Holly
Lawrence. Students and staff members from
14 different TRIO programs were
represented at the event.
Congratulations to the Clayton County Upward
Bound program for winning the annual Scholar's
Bowl Competition. The CCUB students competed
against Upward Bound students from all over
Georgia. While doing so they represented
themselves, their families, and Atlanta
Metropolitan State College. Our scholars were able
to show people from across our state that AMSC
and Clayton County are to be watched out for.
Next up, our scholars will be participating in the
regional competition on March 30, 2019.
WRITTEN BY MAKAYLA SMITH Upward Bound helped transform me into the
person who was accepted into and now attends
My name is Makayla Smith Upward Bound including Yale University. Going into my freshman year of
and I have been in Upward Mrs. Zanders, Mr. Kenny and high school, I did not talk much unless I deemed
Bound for 3 years. Over Ms.Carr. I appreciate all of it necessary and I was timid in my classes because
these years, Upward the time they have invested
Bound has helped me in in me. I have met lots of I doubted myself if I was not 110% sure about
many ways. They have people and students by being things. Upward Bound created an environment
helped guide me all in this program. I am very where I was able to work through these habits.
throughout my high school grateful for all the The Upward Bound counselors were always very
journey. Whenever I need opportunities I have been welcoming, and I was able to make friends with
something I know that all I given and fun places that I people who went to different high schools which
have to do is ask. The have gone. Being in this helped me become more willing to interact with
resources and counseling program has pushed me to people. The summer portion of Upward Bound
at my target school, stay focused on my end goals was also very helpful for me because I was able to
Jonesboro High School, are after high school. I could go into the school years with some knowledge of
sometimes limited so never give up on myself the subjects to come - this gave me the ability to
without the Upward Bound knowing that so many people
in this program believed in feel confident in my classes. The skills I
me. This program has shaped developed during Upward Bound of interacting
with others and being confident in my classes are
skills that will help me succeed at Yale and
beyond. Upward Bound will always be a family I
feel I can lean on.
Denae Clowers
program I may not have me into an open minded
been able to reach all of person and I know that they
my academic goals. will continue to do that even
I have been provided with when I am gone.
great mentors through
Clayton Gives
The Clayton and West Clayton Upward Bound
programs recently had the opportunity to give
back to their larger community. Students from
both programs completed a day of service
volunteering with local youth. Our scholars
were able to represent Atlanta Metropolitan
State College and their various high schools
while tutoring and mentoring K-6th students.
The activity was enjoyed by all and the Upward
Bounders took valuable lessons away from
working with young people that are striving to
get to where they are. Many of the young people
that we served during our community service
are eligible for TRIO programs, which made the
experience that much more relevant and
The Student Support Services program seeks to assist students to graduate from AMSC
with their Associate’s Degree and to continue to receive their Bachelor’s Degree. We
provide assistance to help students pass all of their courses (including yours!),
excellent tutoring, academic workshops and support in a wide range of student
concerns. If you have a student that you believe could benefit from our services, please
send them to Room 105 in the Academic Building (500) and we will handle the rest!
Thanks you in advance!
Mr. Pierre was one of six AMSC students to receive an academic
scholarship from the Assistance League of Atlanta, through their
relationship with the Atlanta Metropolitan College Foundation!
After reading the requirements, Mrs. Felder, the SSS Director,
happily nominated Mr. Pierre for all of his service throughout the
Metro Atlanta area and for always volunteering his time to assist
in the TRIO computer lab and with his fellow peers. When a
student is stressed out about an assignment, Mr. Pierre reminds
them of the awesome academic assistance that the TRIO SSS
program offers and will even walk them to a counselor or tutor if
necessary. We are proud of our SSS student and will continue to
support his efforts to assist himself and others. Congratulations
Mr. Pierre!!!!
The Student Support Services program offers workshops to AMSC student participants to assist
with academic and social/personal matters. On Wednesday, March 27th, the SSS program will
work with the AMSC Human Resources department to facilitate a workshop on resume writing
and interview skills. We appreciate the collaboration and know that our SSS students will
benefit greatly from it. If any department on campus would like to collaborate with the SSS
program to offer opportunities to AMSC students, please contact the Student Support Services
Director, Mrs. Felder at 404.756.2741 or [email protected]. We look forward to providing
excellent supportive services to our students! Thank you in advance!
"Education is
the most
weapon which
you can use to
change the
Nelson Mandela
We hope that you have enjoyed
our initial TRIO Newsletter. We
will be working to do a better
job keeping the campus abreast
of our collective
accomplishments. As always we
are deeply appreciative of the
assistance that each of our
programs, participants, and
families receive from the Atlanta
Metropolitan State College
Community. Let's Go