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304 Stainless Steel Corrosion Compatibility Chart Chemical Compatibility Acetaldehyde ★★★★ A-Excellent Acetamide ★★★ B-Good Acetate Solvent ...

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304 Stainless Steel Corrosion Compatibility Chart - t Nb

304 Stainless Steel Corrosion Compatibility Chart Chemical Compatibility Acetaldehyde ★★★★ A-Excellent Acetamide ★★★ B-Good Acetate Solvent ...

304 Stainless Steel Corrosion Compatibility Chart

Chemical ★★★★ Compatibility Chemical ★★★★ Compatibility
★★★ ★★★
Acetaldehyde A-Excellent Barium Cyanide ★★★ A-Excellent
Acetamide ★★★★ B-Good Barium Hydroxide ★★★ B-Good
Acetate Solvent ★ Barium Nitrate ★★★ B-Good
Acetic Acid A-Excellent Barium Sulfate B-Good
Acetic Acid 20% ★★★ D-Severe Effect Barium Sulfide ★★★★ B-Good
Acetic Acid 80% ★ Beer ★★★★
Acetic Acid, Glacial B-Good Beet Sugar Liquids A-Excellent
Acetic Anhydride ★★ D-Severe Effect Benzaldehyde ★★★ A-Excellent
Acetone ★★★ Benzene ★★★
Acetyl Chloride (Dry) ★★★★ C-Fair Benzene Sulfonic Acid ★★★ B-Good
Acetylene ★★★★ B-Good Benzoic Acid ★★★ B-Good
Acrylonitrile ★★★★ A-Excellent Benzol ★★★★ B-Good
Adipic Acid ★★★★ A-Excellent Benzonitrile B-Good
Alcohols: Amyl ★★★★ A-Excellent Benzyl Chloride ★ A-Excellent
Alcohols: Benzyl ★★★★ A-Excellent Borax (Sodium Borate) ★★ D-Severe Effect
Alcohols: Butyl ★★★ A-Excellent Boric Acid ★★★★
Alcohols: Diacetone ★★★★ A-Excellent Bromine ★★★ C-Fair
Alcohols: Ethyl ★★★★ B-Good Butadiene A-Excellent
Alcohols: Hexyl ★★★★ A-Excellent Butane ★
Alcohols: Isobutyl ★★★★ A-Excellent Butanol (Butyl Alcohol) ★★★★ B-Good
Alcohols: Isopropyl ★★★★ A-Excellent Butter ★★★★ D-Severe Effect
Alcohols: Methyl ★★★ A-Excellent Buttermilk ★★★★
Alcohols: Octyl ★★★★ A-Excellent Butyl Phthalate A-Excellent
Alcohols: Propyl ★★★★ B-Good Butylacetate ★★ A-Excellent
Aluminum Chloride ★★★★ A-Excellent Butylene ★★★★ A-Excellent
Aluminum Chloride 20% ★★★ A-Excellent Butyric Acid
Aluminum Fluoride A-Excellent Calcium Bisulfide ★★★ C-Fair
Aluminum Hydroxide ★ B-Good Calcium Bisulfite ★★★ A-Excellent
Aluminum Nitrate ★ D-Severe Effect Calcium Carbonate ★★★★
Aluminum Potassium Sulfate 10% ★★★★ D-Severe Effect Calcium Chloride ★★★ B-Good
Aluminum Potassium Sulfate 100% ★★★★ A-Excellent Calcium Hydroxide ★★★ B-Good
Aluminum Sulfate ★★★★ A-Excellent Calcium Hypochlorite ★★★ A-Excellent
Amines ★ A-Excellent Calcium Nitrate ★★★★ B-Good
Ammonia 10% ★★★ D-Severe Effect Calcium Oxide B-Good
Ammonia Nitrate ★★★★ B-Good Calcium Sulfate ★★ B-Good
Ammonia, Anhydrous ★★★★ A-Excellent Calgon ★★★ A-Excellent
Ammonia, Liquid ★★★★ A-Excellent Cane Juice
Ammonium Acetate ★★★★ A-Excellent Carbolic Acid (Phenol) ★★ C-Fair
Ammonium Bifluoride ★★★ A-Excellent Carbon Bisulfide ★★ B-Good
Ammonium Carbonate ★★★ B-Good Carbon Dioxide (Dry) ★★★★
Ammonium Chloride ★ B-Good Carbon Dioxide (Wet) ★★★ C-Fair
Ammonium Hydroxide ★★★ D-Severe Effect Carbon Disulfide ★★★★ C-Fair
Ammonium Nitrate ★★ B-Good Carbon Monoxide ★★★★ A-Excellent
Ammonium Oxalate ★★★★ Carbon Tetrachloride ★★★ B-Good
Ammonium Persulfate ★★★★ C-Fair Carbon Tetrachloride (Dry) ★★★★ A-Excellent
Ammonium Phosphate, Dibasic ★★★★ A-Excellent Carbon Tetrachloride (Wet) ★★★★ A-Excellent
Ammonium Phosphate, Monobasic ★★★★ A-Excellent Carbonated Water ★★★★ B-Good
Ammonium Phosphate, Tribasic ★★★ A-Excellent Carbonic Acid ★★★★ A-Excellent
Ammonium Sulfate ★★★ A-Excellent Catsup ★★★★ A-Excellent
Ammonium Sulfite ★★★ Chloric Acid ★★★ A-Excellent
Amyl Acetate ★★★ B-Good Chlorine (Dry) ★★★ A-Excellent
Amyl Alcohol ★★★ B-Good Chlorine Water ★★★★ A-Excellent
Amyl Chloride ★★★★ B-Good Chlorine, Anhydrous Liquid ★★★★ B-Good
Aniline ★★★★ B-Good Chloroacetic Acid ★★★★ B-Good
Aniline Hydrochloride ★★★★ B-Good Chlorobenzene (Mono) ★★★★ A-Excellent
Antimony Trichloride ★★★★ A-Excellent Chloroform A-Excellent
Aqua Regia (80% HCl, 20% HNO3) ★ A-Excellent Chlorosulfonic Acid ★ A-Excellent
Arochlor 1248 ★ A-Excellent Chocolate Syrup ★★★★ A-Excellent
Arsenic Acid ★ A-Excellent Chromic Acid 10% D-Severe Effect
Asphalt ★★★ D-Severe Effect Chromic Acid 30% ★★ A-Excellent
Barium Carbonate ★★★★ D-Severe Effect Chromic Acid 5% ★★ C-Fair
Barium Chloride ★★★ D-Severe Effect Chromic Acid 50% ★★★ C-Fair
★★★ B-Good ★★★★ B-Good
★★★★ A-Excellent ★★★★ A-Excellent
B-Good A-Excellent
B-Good ★ D-Severe Effect
A-Excellent ★★★★ A-Excellent
★★★ B-Good
★★★ B-Good
★★★ C-Fair


The information in this chart has been supplied to Thomas & Betts by other reputable sources and is to be used ONLY as a guide in selecting equipment for appropriate chemical compat-
ibility. Thomas & Betts does not warrant that the information in this chart is accurate or complete or that any material is suitable for any purpose. Before permanent installation, test the
equipment with the chemicals and under the specific conditions of your application. Ratings of chemical behavior listed in this chart apply at a 48-hr exposure period. Thomas & Betts has
no knowledge of possible effects beyond this period.

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304 Stainless Steel Corrosion Compatibility Chart

Chemical ★★★★ Compatibility Chemical ★★★★ Compatibility
★★★ ★★★★
Cider A-Excellent Gasoline, Leaded, Ref. ★★★★ A-Excellent
Citric Acid ★★★★ B-Good Gasoline, Unleaded ★★★★ A-Excellent
Citric Oils ★★★★ Gelatin ★★★★ A-Excellent
Clorox® (Bleach) ★★★★ A-Excellent Glucose ★★★★ A-Excellent
Coffee A-Excellent Glue, P.V.A. ★★★★ A-Excellent
Copper Chloride ★ A-Excellent Glycerin ★★★★ A-Excellent
Copper Cyanide ★★★ D-Severe Effect Glycolic Acid ★★★★ A-Excellent
Copper Fluoborate Gold Monocyanide ★★★★ A-Excellent
Copper Nitrate ★ B-Good Grape Juice ★★★★ A-Excellent
Copper Sulfate >5% ★★★★ D-Severe Effect Heptane ★★★★ A-Excellent
Copper Sulfate 5% Hexane ★★★★ A-Excellent
Cream ★★★ A-Excellent Honey ★★★★ A-Excellent
Cresols ★★★ B-Good Hydraulic Oil (Petro) ★★★★ A-Excellent
Cresylic Acid ★★★★ B-Good Hydraulic Oil (Synthetic) A-Excellent
Cupric Acid ★★★★ Hydrazine ★ A-Excellent
Cyanic Acid ★★★★ A-Excellent Hydrobromic Acid 100% ★ D-Severe Effect
Cyclohexane A-Excellent Hydrobromic Acid 20% ★ D-Severe Effect
Cyclohexanone ★ A-Excellent Hydrochloric Acid 100% ★ D-Severe Effect
Detergents ★★★★ D-Severe Effect Hydrochloric Acid 20% ★ D-Severe Effect
Diacetone Alcohol ★★★★ A-Excellent Hydrochloric Acid 37% ★ D-Severe Effect
Dichloroethane ★★★★ A-Excellent Hydrochloric Acid, Dry Gas ★★★ D-Severe Effect
Diesel Fuel ★★★★ A-Excellent Hydrocyanic Acid ★★★
Diethyl Ether A-Excellent Hydrofluoric Acid 100% ★ B-Good
Diethylamine ★★★ Hydrofluoric Acid 20% ★ B-Good
Diethylene Glycol ★★★ B-Good Hydrofluoric Acid 50% ★ D-Severe Effect
Dimethyl Aniline ★★★★ B-Good Hydrofluoric Acid 75% ★ D-Severe Effect
Dimethyl Formamide ★★★ A-Excellent Hydrofluosilicic Acid 100% ★★ D-Severe Effect
Diphenyl ★★★★ B-Good Hydrofluosilicic Acid 20% ★★★★ D-Severe Effect
Diphenyl Oxide ★★★★ A-Excellent Hydrogen Gas ★★★
Dyes ★★★ A-Excellent Hydrogen Peroxide 10% ★★★ C-Fair
Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) ★★★★ B-Good Hydrogen Peroxide 100% ★★★ A-Excellent
Ethane ★★★ A-Excellent Hydrogen Peroxide 30% ★★★
Ethanol ★★★ B-Good Hydrogen Peroxide 50% ★★ B-Good
Ethanolamine ★★★★ B-Good Hydrogen Sulfide (Aqua) ★★ B-Good
Ether ★★★★ A-Excellent Hydrogen Sulfide (Dry) ★★★ B-Good
Ethyl Acetate ★★★★ A-Excellent Hydroquinone ★★ B-Good
Ethyl Chloride ★★★★ A-Excellent Ink ★
Ethyl Ether ★★★★ A-Excellent Iodine ★★★★ C-Fair
Ethyl Sulfate ★★★★ A-Excellent Iodoform ★★★★ C-Fair
Ethylene Bromide ★★★ A-Excellent Isooctane ★★ B-Good
Ethylene Chloride ★★★★ B-Good Isopropyl Acetate ★★★★ C-Fair
Ethylene Chlorohydrin ★★★ A-Excellent Isopropyl Ether ★★★★ D-Severe Effect
Ethylene Diamine B-Good Jet Fuel (JP3, JP4, JP5) ★★★★ A-Excellent
Ethylene Dichloride ★ D-Severe Effect Kerosene ★★★★ A-Excellent
Ethylene Glycol ★★★★ A-Excellent Ketones ★★★★ C-Fair
Ethylene Oxide B-Good Lacquer Thinners ★★★★ A-Excellent
Fatty Acids ★★★ B-Good Lacquers ★★★ A-Excellent
Ferric Chloride ★★★ B-Good Lactic Acid ★★★★ A-Excellent
Ferric Nitrate ★★★ B-Good Lard ★★★★ A-Excellent
Ferric Sulfate ★★★ B-Good Latex ★★★ A-Excellent
Ferrous Chloride ★★★ B-Good Lead Acetate ★★★ A-Excellent
Ferrous Sulfate ★★★ B-Good Lead Nitrate ★★ B-Good
Fluoboric Acid ★★★ D-Severe Effect Lead Sulfamate ★★★★ A-Excellent
Fluorine B-Good Lime ★★★ A-Excellent
Fluosilicic Acid ★ B-Good Linoleic Acid ★★★★ B-Good
Formaldehyde 100% ★★★ D-Severe Effect Lithium Chloride ★★★ B-Good
Formaldehyde 40% ★★★ B-Good Lithium Hydroxide ★★★★ C-Fair
Formic Acid B-Good Lubricants ★★★ A-Excellent
Freon 12 ★ Lye: Ca(OH)2 Calcium Hydroxide ★★★ B-Good
Freon 22 ★★★ C-Fair Lye: KOH Potassium Hydroxide ★★★ A-Excellent
Freon TF ★★★ C-Fair Lye: NaOH Sodium Hydroxide ★★★★ B-Good
Freon® 11 C-Fair Magnesium Bisulfate ★★★ A-Excellent
Fruit Juice ★★ A-Excellent Magnesium Carbonate ★ B-Good
Fuel Oils ★★ B-Good Magnesium Chloride ★★★ B-Good
Furan Resin ★★ B-Good Magnesium Hydroxide ★★★ B-Good
Furfural ★★★★ A-Excellent Magnesium Nitrate ★★★★ A-Excellent
Gallic Acid ★★★ A-Excellent Magnesium Oxide ★★★★ B-Good
Gasoline (High-Aromatic) ★★★ A-Excellent Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts) D-Severe Effect
★★★★ A-Excellent B-Good
★★★★ A-Excellent B-Good
★★★★ A-Excellent A-Excellent
★★★★ A-Excellent A-Excellent
★★★★ A-Excellent
★★★★ A-Excellent

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304 Stainless Steel Corrosion Compatibility Chart

Chemical ★★★★ Compatibility Chemical ★★★★ Compatibility
★★★★ ★★★★
Maleic Acid ★★★★ A-Excellent Oils: Orange ★★★★ A-Excellent
Maleic Anhydride A-Excellent Oils: Palm ★★★★ A-Excellent
Malic Acid ★★★ A-Excellent Oils: Peanut ★★★★ A-Excellent
Manganese Sulfate ★★★★ Oils: Peppermint ★★★★ A-Excellent
Mash B-Good Oils: Pine ★★★★ A-Excellent
Mayonnaise ★★ A-Excellent Oils: Rapeseed ★★★★ A-Excellent
Mercuric Chloride (Dilute) ★ Oils: Rosin ★★★★ A-Excellent
Mercuric Cyanide C-Fair Oils: Sesame Seed ★★★★ A-Excellent
Mercurous Nitrate ★★ D-Severe Effect Oils: Silicone ★★★★ A-Excellent
Mercury ★★★★ Oils: Soybean ★★★★ A-Excellent
Methane ★★★★ C-Fair Oils: Sperm (Whale) ★★★★ A-Excellent
Methanol (Methyl Alcohol) ★★★★ A-Excellent Oils: Tanning ★★★★ A-Excellent
Methyl Acetate ★★★★ A-Excellent Oils: Transformer ★★★★ A-Excellent
Methyl Acetone ★★★★ A-Excellent Oils: Turbine ★★★★ A-Excellent
Methyl Acrylate ★★★★ A-Excellent Oleic Acid A-Excellent
Methyl Alcohol 10% ★★★★ A-Excellent Oleum (100%) ★★★ A-Excellent
Methyl Bromide ★★★★ A-Excellent Oleum (25%) ★★★
Methyl Butyl Ketone ★★★★ A-Excellent Oxalic Acid (Cold) ★★★ B-Good
Methyl Cellosolve ★★★★ A-Excellent Ozone ★★★ B-Good
Methyl Chloride A-Excellent Palmitic Acid ★★★★ B-Good
Methyl Ethyl Ketone ★★★ A-Excellent Paraffin B-Good
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ★★★★ Pentane ★★ A-Excellent
Methyl Isopropyl Ketone ★★★★ B-Good Perchloric Acid ★★
Methyl Methacrylate A-Excellent Perchloroethylene ★★★ C-Fair
Methylamine ★★★ A-Excellent Petrolatum ★★★★ C-Fair
Methylene Chloride ★★★★ Petroleum ★★★★ B-Good
Milk B-Good Phenol (10%) ★★★ A-Excellent
Mineral Spirits ★★★ A-Excellent Phenol (Carbolic Acid) ★★★ A-Excellent
Molasses ★★★★ Phosphoric Acid (>40%) B-Good
Monochloroacetic Acid B-Good Phosphoric Acid (Crude) ★ B-Good
Monoethanolamine ★★★ A-Excellent Phosphorus ★ D-Severe Effect
Motor Oil ★★★★ Phosphorus Trichloride ★★★★ D-Severe Effect
Mustard ★★★★ B-Good Photographic Developer ★★★★ A-Excellent
Naphtha ★★★★ A-Excellent Photographic Solutions ★★★★ A-Excellent
Naphthalene ★★★★ A-Excellent Phthalic Acid ★ A-Excellent
Natural Gas ★★★★ A-Excellent Phthalic Anhydride ★★★ D-Severe Effect
Nickel Chloride ★★★★ A-Excellent Picric Acid ★★★★ B-Good
Nickel Nitrate ★★★★ A-Excellent Plating Solutions, Antimony Plating 130° F ★★★ A-Excellent
Nickel Sulfate ★★★★ A-Excellent Plating Solutions, Arsenic Plating 110° F ★★★★ B-Good
Nitrating Acid (<15% HNO3) ★★★★ A-Excellent Plating Solutions, Brass Plating: ★★★★ A-Excellent
Nitrating Acid (>15% H2SO4) ★★★★ A-Excellent A-Excellent
Nitric Acid (20%) A-Excellent Regular Brass Bath 100° F ★★★★
Nitric Acid (50%) ★ A-Excellent Plating Solutions, Bronze Plating: A-Excellent
Nitric Acid (5–10%) ★★★ D-Severe Effect
Nitric Acid (Concentrated) ★★★ Cu-Cd Bronze Bath R.T. ★★★★ A-Excellent
Nitrobenzene B-Good Plating Solutions, Bronze Plating:
Nitromethane ★★ B-Good ★★★★ A-Excellent
Nitrous Acid ★★ Cu-Sn Bronze Bath 160° F
Nitrous Oxide ★★★★ C-Fair Plating Solutions, Bronze Plating: ★★★★ A-Excellent
Oils: Aniline ★★★★ C-Fair
Oils: Castor ★★★★ A-Excellent Cu-Zn Bronze Bath 100° F ★★★★ A-Excellent
Oils: Cinnamon ★★★★ A-Excellent Plating Solutions, Cadmium Plating:
Oils: Citric ★★★ A-Excellent ★★★★ A-Excellent
Oils: Clove ★★★★ A-Excellent Fluoborate Bath 100° F
Oils: Coconut ★★★ B-Good Plating Solutions, Copper Plating (Acid): ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Cod Liver ★★★ A-Excellent ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Corn ★★★★ B-Good Copper Fluoborate Bath 120° F ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Cottonseed ★★★★ B-Good Potash (Potassium Carbonate) ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Creosote ★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Bicarbonate ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Diesel Fuel (20, 30, 40, 50) ★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Bromide ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Fuel (1, 2, 3, 5A, 5B, 6) ★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Chlorate ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Ginger ★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Chloride ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Hydraulic Oil (Petro) ★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Chromate ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Hydraulic Oil (Synthetic) ★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Cyanide Solutions ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Lemon ★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Dichromate ★★★ B-Good
Oils: Linseed ★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Ferricyanide
Oils: Mineral ★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Ferrocyanide ★★ C-Fair
Oils: Olive ★★★★ B-Good Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash) ★★★★ A-Excellent
A-Excellent Potassium Hypochlorite
★ A-Excellent Potassium Iodide ★★★ B-Good
★★★★ D-Severe Effect Potassium Nitrate ★★★ B-Good
★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Oxalate ★★★ B-Good
★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Permanganate ★★★ B-Good
★★★★ A-Excellent Potassium Sulfate
★★★★ A-Excellent
★★★★ A-Excellent

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Fax: 901.252.1354 Fax: 450.347.1976

304 Stainless Steel Corrosion Compatibility Chart

Chemical ★★★ Compatibility Chemical ★★★★ Compatibility
★★★★ ★★★
Potassium Sulfide B-Good Starch A-Excellent
Propane (Liquefied) ★★★ A-Excellent Stearic Acid ★★★★ B-Good
Propylene ★★★ Stoddard Solvent ★★★★
Propylene Glycol ★★★★ B-Good Styrene ★★★★ A-Excellent
Pyridine ★★★ B-Good Sugar (Liquids) A-Excellent
Pyrogallic Acid ★★★★ A-Excellent Sulfate (Liquors) ★★★ A-Excellent
Rosins ★★★★ B-Good Sulfur Chloride ★
Rum ★★★★ A-Excellent Sulfur Dioxide ★ B-Good
Rust Inhibitors ★★★★ A-Excellent Sulfur Dioxide (Dry) ★ D-Severe Effect
Salad Dressings ★★★ A-Excellent Sulfur Trioxide D-Severe Effect
Salicylic Acid ★★★ A-Excellent Sulfur Trioxide (Dry) ★★★★ D-Severe Effect
Salt Brine (NaCl Saturated) B-Good Sulfuric Acid (<10%) ★
Sea Water ★★ B-Good Sulfuric Acid (10–75%) ★ A-Excellent
Shellac (Bleached) ★★★★ Sulfuric Acid (75–100%) ★ D-Severe Effect
Shellac (Orange) ★★★★ C-Fair Sulfuric Acid (Cold Concentrated) D-Severe Effect
Silicone ★★★★ A-Excellent Sulfuric Acid (Hot Concentrated) ★★ D-Severe Effect
Silver Bromide A-Excellent Sulfurous Acid ★★
Silver Nitrate ★ A-Excellent Tallow C-Fair
Soap Solutions ★★★ D-Severe Effect Tannic Acid ★ C-Fair
Soda Ash (see Sodium Carbonate) ★★★★ Tanning Liquors ★★★ D-Severe Effect
Sodium Acetate ★★★★ B-Good Tartaric Acid ★★★★ B-Good
Sodium Aluminate ★★★ A-Excellent Tetrachloroethane ★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Bicarbonate ★★★★ A-Excellent Tetrahydrofuran ★★★★ B-Good
Sodium Bisulfate ★★★★ Toluene (Toluol) A-Excellent
Sodium Bisulfite B-Good Tomato Juice ★★ C-Fair
Sodium Borate (Borax) ★ A-Excellent Trichloroacetic Acid ★★★ B-Good
Sodium Bromide ★★★ A-Excellent Trichloroethane ★★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Carbonate ★★★ D-Severe Effect Trichloroethylene ★★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Chlorate Trichloropropane ★★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Chloride ★★ B-Good Tricresylphosphate D-Severe Effect
Sodium Chromate ★★★★ B-Good Triethylamine ★ B-Good
Sodium Cyanide ★★★★ Trisodium Phosphate ★★★ B-Good
Sodium Ferrocyanide C-Fair Turpentine ★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Fluoride ★★★ A-Excellent Urea ★★★★ B-Good
Sodium Hydroxide (20%) ★★★ A-Excellent Uric Acid ★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Hydroxide (50%) ★★★★ Urine ★★★★ B-Good
Sodium Hydroxide (80%) ★★★ B-Good Varnish ★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Hypochlorite (<20%) B-Good Vegetable Juice ★★★★ B-Good
Sodium Hypochlorite (100%) ★ A-Excellent Vinegar ★★★ B-Good
Sodium Hyposulfate ★★★ B-Good Vinyl Acetate ★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Metaphosphate ★★★ D-Severe Effect Vinyl Chloride ★★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Metasilicate B-Good Water, Acid, Mine ★★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Nitrate ★★ B-Good Water, Deionized ★★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Perborate ★★ Water, Distilled ★★★★ B-Good
Sodium Peroxide C-Fair Water, Fresh ★★★ B-Good
Sodium Polyphosphate ★ C-Fair Water, Salt ★★★ B-Good
Sodium Silicate ★★★★ D-Severe Effect Weed Killers ★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Sulfate ★★★★ A-Excellent Whey ★★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Sulfide ★★★★ A-Excellent Whiskey & Wines ★★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Sulfite A-Excellent White Liquor (Pulp Mill) ★★★★ B-Good
Sodium Tetraborate ★★★ B-Good White Water (Paper Mill) ★★★ A-Excellent
Sodium Thiosulfate (Hypo) ★★★ B-Good Xylene ★★★★ A-Excellent
Sorghum ★★★★ A-Excellent Zinc Chloride ★★★★ A-Excellent
Soy Sauce ★★★ B-Good Zinc Hydrosulfite ★★★★ A-Excellent
Stannic Chloride ★★★★ A-Excellent Zinc Sulfate ★★★★ A-Excellent
Stannous Chloride ★★★ B-Good ★★★★ B-Good
★★★ B-Good ★★★ B-Good
★★★ B-Good ★★★ A-Excellent
★★★★ A-Excellent ★★★★ B-Good
★★★★ A-Excellent ★★★
★★★★ A-Excellent
★★★★ A-Excellent
D-Severe Effect
★ C-Fair

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