3. A tendon stretches 3.5 mm when the tension is 14 N. It harmonics decreases as frequency increases. A square
obeys Hooke's law up to this tension. Calculate the wave of frequency 400 Hz is transmitted using a base
energy stored in the tendon. bandwidth of 50 Hz to 4 kHz. Draw a frequency spectrum
4. Draw a diagram showing how the strain varies with stress for the transmitted wave.
for rubber. Explain what is happening during the different 2. Determine the total bandwidth required for a radio station
stages at a molecular level. that is transmitting a base bandwidth of 50 to 4000 Hz.
5. What makes brittle materials brittle? 3. A sinusoidal frequency of 1500 Hz is to be transmitted by
6. Marble is strong in compression and has a Young modulus amplitude-modulation on a carrier of frequency 200kHz.
of 5.0 x 1010 Pa. A pillar of length 5.0 m and cross- (a) State the frequencies that will be received for this
sectional area 1.5 m2 supports a load of 20 000 kg. transmission.
Calculate (b) Draw the frequency spectrum of the received signal.
(a) the stress in the pillar (c) Sketch the waveform of the signal received.
(b) the strain in the pillar 4. What is meant by demodulation?
(c) the compression of the pillar. 5. (a) State the frequency band that is used for TV
7. Explain at a molecular level what happens when metals transmission.
such as copper undergo plastic deformation. (b) Explain why this band is chosen rather than that used
8. Explain what is meant by a composite material. Give two for medium-wave radio.
examples of such a material. 6. How many colour TV channels could be transmitted using
9. Explain using band theory why some materials are the VHF waveband (30-300 MHz)?
electrical conductors while others are electrical insulators. 7. The strength of a signal in a cable falls from 500 mW to
10. State the difference between a p-type and an n-type 100 mW. Calculate the loss in dB.
semiconductor. 8. (a) How often should a signal be sampled to transmit
digitally music that has a base bandwidth from 15 Hz
Sections H10-H12 to 15 kHz?
1. A 'square wave' is made up from a sinusoidal frequency (b) If each sample uses 8 bits determine the minimum bit
equal to that of the square wave together with odd rate needed to transmit the information.
harmonics of this frequency. The amplitude of the
Answers to self-assessment questions
Sections A1-A2 °(b) 2.20 X 10-1 F 9. If given a displacement it returns to its original position.
Wide base; heavy base (load it with metal) so that centre
1. (a) 3.5 X 106 Q (d) 2.5 X 10-5 m2 of gravity is low.
(c) 1.5 X 10-3 m s-1
2. (a) 50 Mm (b) 3.2 mA (c) 39 ns
3. (a) P=FIA (b) kgm-1 s-2 Sections 86-810
4. A quantity that has no units, e.g. a ratio of two lengths. 1. 22.9N
5. Random and systematic errors or uncertainties. 2. Total energy and momentum is conserved in both types.
6. 5.4% In an elastic collision kinetic energy is conserved.
7. (a) 8.3x107 m3 3. 28.6 m s-1 in original direction of motion.
4. 1.7 x 105 m s-1
(b) 2.3% or absolute uncertainty= ±0.2 x 103m3
5. (a) 100 N
Sections 81-83 (b) When velocity is constant there is no acceleration.
1. 6.3 m s-1 This is the case only when there is no resultant force.
2. (a) 20m (b) 9.3 m s-2 6. (See 89.) Viscosity is a frictional force that opposes
3. Mass is the quantity of matter in a body (scalar). relative motion between layers offluid or between a solid
Weight is the force of attraction of the Earth on the mass and a fluid.
(vector). 7. 11.9 mm.
4. (a) See 82. (b) Total PE and KE of all the particles in Radius4 has to be doubled. Radius therefore has to be
the object. (c) See 82. increased by 0.95 mm.
5. (a) 4.0 X 105 j (b) 2 X 105 j 8. (a) 3.8 x 1o-4 N o-(b) 6.7 X 1 3 m s-1
6. 1350 w 9. (a) 5.2 m s-2 (b) -26m
7. 4.52 s
8. (a) 50.3 m (b) 18.8 m s-1 Sections 811-813
9. (a) 0.31 m (b) 12 m s-1 (c) 2.5 m s-1
1. (a) The angle swept out by a radial line per second.
Sections 84-85 (b) rad s-1 (radian per second)
1. Vector quantity has magnitude (size) and direction. 2. (a) 0.040 s
(b) 12.6 m s-1
Scalar quantity has magnitude only.
3. 1.7 x 1o-14 N toward the centre of the circular orbit.
2. (a) 5 N to the right (b) 3 N to the right
4. Velocity is a vector, so when the velocity changes, as it
(c) 9.4 N at 32° to horizontal does in circular motion, the velocity changes. There is
acceleration because this is rate ::>f change of velocity.
(d) 20.5 N at 15° to horizontal (by scale drawing)
5. (a) This is equal to the friction between the cyclist and
3. No resultant moment (torque) and no resultant force. the road.
4. Horizontal force = 205 N; vertical force = 143 N (b) The horizontal component of the normal reaction to
the track.
5. T1 = 39 N, T2 = 22 N, 45 N
6. 2.2 N (c) For an Earth satellite, the gravitational force between
the Earth and the sateII ite.
7. See BS.
8. A reads 503 N; B reads 197 N.
Answers to self-assessment questions 151
6. Section C3
time 1. (a) See C3.
(b) Two sources must be coherent (same frequency and
period constant phase difference) and have similar
amplitudes to produce good contrast between
7. (a) 0.20s (b) 39.5 m s-2 (c) 1.25 m s-1 interference maxima and minima.
8. See 812. 2. Diffraction spreads light form a single slit so that it
9. (a) 111 kN m-1 illuminates two slits to produce coherent sources.
Diffraction spreads out the light from two slits so that the
(b) 28 kN m-1 mv2) beams overlap and produce interference patterns.
=t10. (a) 2.22 x 1o-4 J (Am= maximum v; m =27r/T; KE 3. 1.1 mm
4. (a) At the maximum position the waves are arriving in
(b) 1.67 X 10-4 j (c) 0.055 X 10-4 j
phase and interfering constructively. By moving
t(At half maximum displacement PE is -1- maximum and 0.8 m the wave from the lower speaker travels half a
wavelength further than the other so that the waves
KE is maximum.) are antiphase and interfere destructively.
(b) 0.95 m
11. See 813.
5. 7.30
6. (a)
Sections C1-C2 node anti node node
1. from source (b) 600 Hz; 0.22 m
(c) four times
c 7. 342m s-1
Q) Sections C4-C5
E 1. A real image can be focused onto a screen, a virtual
image cannot. Light rays actually pass through the
fl position of a real image.
2. .( )
(/) _ __,.__ _-i;Li focal length
wavelength principal
2 (a) Refraction: deviation of path of a wave at an interface
between two media. 3. 0.18 m from the lens on opposite side to the object;
Diffraction: deviation when wave meets an a real image
obstruction such as a gap.
4. (a) 0.038 m from the lens (on the same side as the image)
(b) Longitudinal: particles of medium oscillate in (b) 6.6 X
direction of energy transfer.
Transverse: particles of medium oscillate 5. Chromatic aberration and spherical aberration
perpendicular to direction of energy transfer. (see C4).
(c) Progressive: point of maximum displacement moves in 6. (a) At the principal focus of the objective lens
direction of transfer of energy. (b) At 'infinity'
Stationary: points of maximum and minimum
amplitude are fixed. 7. (a) 30 x
(b) 0.93 m
(d) Node: point of zero amplitude in a stationary wave.
Antinode: point of maximum amplitude in a 8. 2.6 X 1o-6 rad or 1.5 X 10-4o
stationary wave.
3. magenta
4. UHF radio, microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet, Sections 01-04
gamma rays. 1. 5.6 x 1018 electrons
5. See C2. 2. (a) An EMF of 12 V means that 12 J of work is done when
6. 15.8°
7. 40° 1 coulomb of charge passes around the complete
8. 83°
9. The radiation is in the form of a transverse wave. circuit. The resistance of the components inside the
Unpolarized transverse waves contain vibrations in all supply (chemicals, wires, etc.) is 0.5 n.
planes perpendicular to the direction of propagation of
energy. The process of polarization selects one of these (b) 2.7 A
planes. Longitudinal waves contain vibrations in the
direction of energy so no further selection of oscillations (c) 24 A
is possible.
10. 9.0 W m-2 (using inverse square law) 3. (a) 6.7 n (b) 11.5 n (c) 38.8 kn
(d) 1.5 n
4. (a) 2.0 A (b) 6.0 n
5. (a) (i) 0.63 A (ii) 1.56 W
(b) (i) 2.5A (ii) 6.3 W
6. (a) More collisions of electrons with the lattice ions
(b) More electrons liberated; has a greater effect than the
increased collisions of electrons with lattice ions
152 Answers to self-assessment questions
7. 2.3 x 10-4m s-1 10. 3.0x107 ms-1
11. 9600 V m-1
8. 4.7 X 10-7 Q m
9. (a) V1=0;V2 =3.6V; V3 =16V;A1=0.16A;A2 =0.08A Sections F1-F3
(b) 5.2 v 1. 3.45 x 105 Pa
(c) Some EMF is 'lost' in producing current in the internal 2. See F2
resistance of the supply. 4. 25.6 J mol K-1
10. (a) 3.0V (b) 1.26V 5. 958 s
(c) 0.3 A in (a); 0.38 A in (b) 6. (a) 40%
11. (a)17V (b)18W (c)36W (b) 12 kW
12. (a) 32.9:1 stepdown(moreturnsoncoilconnectedto
240 V supply) Sections F4-F7
(b) (i) 0.88 mA (ii) 1.04 mA 1. See F4
2. 1.08 X 105 Pa
Sections E1-E4 3. 0.72 x 105 Pa
4. 0.050 mol
1. Similarities: for point charges or masses
5. (a) 156 J
Both obey inverse square law for variation of force with
(b) Work done in expansion so temperature falls
distance: both obey inverse r law for variation of potential
6. See F5
with distance; both act at a distance with no requirement
7. See F6
for a material medium.
8. 6.2 x 1o-21
Difference: electric fields may produce attraction or
9. 350m s-1
repulsion; gravitational fields only produce attraction.
10. 1560W
2. 7.3 X 10-9 N
3. 1.8 X 10-18 j Sections G1-G3
o-4. 3.2 X 1 19 N in opposite direction to the direction of the
field. ia1. (a) ~p ~1 e ?n gy
5. (a) 200 iJC of charge is 'stored' for each volt of potential
difference between the terminals of the capacitor. 2. 82 protons and 124 neutrons in the nucleus with 82
(b) The area of the plates; the separation of the plates; the electrons 'orbiting' the nucleus
permittivity of the medium between the plates 3. The nuclides have the same number of protons in the
6. (a) 0.15 s (b) 0.24 s nucleus but a different number of neutrons.
7. (a) 671JF (b) 4.8x10-3j
4. Proton number 84; mass (nucleon) number 21 0
8. 3.7 m s-2
gy;5. 4~p~ia+2?X + 2gve + X is a positron.
9. (a) Potential at infinity (a very long way from the mass) is
6. (i) 70 (ii) 124
zero. Energy has to be supplied to a mass to move it to
7. o-(a) 8.0 X 1 6 S
infinity. Since energy is added to get to zero potential
(b) 4.8 X 108 Bq
the potential is negative. (c) 3.4 x 108 Bq
(b) 8. See G2
9. (i) 0.026 501 u
R 2Q 3Q 4Q
(ii) 3.95 x 1o-12 J
10. See G3
---- ''--~63MJ Sections G4-G5
10. Speed= 1670 m s-1; period= 106 min 1. (i) 3.o x 1o-19 J
11. (a) mass and distribution of mass (ii) 1.0 x 1015 Hz
(b) (i) 6 rad s-2 (ii) 30 rad s-1 (iii) 11.9 revs (75 rad) 2. 2.9 x 1015 Hz
Sections E5-E8 3. A free electron has zero energy. Energy has to be put in to
1. See E5 raise an electron to zero energy so the electron energies
2. A point where there is no magnetic effect. The resultant inside atoms are negative.
magnetic flux density is zero. 4. 1.87 X 10-20 j
5. 5.3x1014 Hz
3. (a) The strength of the magnetic field when force of 1 N is 6. 1.32 X 10-15 j
7. See G5
exerted on a wire of length 1 m when it caries a 8. 10x10-12 J
current of 1 A. (This is much greater than beta particle energies and
suggests that there are no electrons in the nucleus.)
(b) 25 mN
4. 2.3 x 10-6 N. The force is a repelling force. Sections G6-G8
5. See E7 1. 9.1 X 10-31 kg
6. 1.0V (b) 40 mA 2. 1.27 x 1o-30 kg
7. (a) 240 A s-1
3. 1.6 x 10-13 J; gamma radiation
8. 4.8 X 10-14 N
4. Inelastic collision- no loss of KE in the collision
9. When an electron moves at right angles to a magnetic
Ionization and excitation (see G7)
field the magnetic force is always perpendicular to the
5. 7.4 x 10-15 m
direction of motion of the electron and has constant
6. lepton; baryon; lepton; baryon; meson
magnitude. This is the condition for circular motion. An
(baryons and mesons are hadrons)
electron that starts at right angles to the field is accelerated
7. uua
in the direction of the field but has constant velocity
perpendicular to the field. This leads to a parabolic path.
Answers to self-assessment questions 153
8. (a) This is possible. Lepton and charge numbers are Sections H10-H12
(b) This is not possible. Charge is conserved but baryon
number is not. p is a baryon. All the others are
400 1200 2000 2800 3600 f/Hz
2. 8000Hz
3. (a) 198.5 kHz, 200 kHz, 201 .5 kHz
Sections H4-H6 198.5 200 201.5 f/Hz
1. 1210 N (b) :~0.67ms~
2. Polycrystalline; polymer; polymer; crystalline; amorphous ''
3. 0.025 J
4. See H4.
5. See H4 (stretching glass).
6. (a) 1.3 x 105 Pa 200 kHz (not to scale)
(b) 2.6 X 10-6
(c) 1.3 x 10-5 m 4. See H10.
5. (a) UHF
7. See H5 (defects).
8. See H6. (b) Large bandwidth (24 MHz for colour TV) required
9. See H6. Medium-wave bandwidth has frequency range of less
10. See H6. than 3 MHz
6. 10
7. -7 dB
8. (a) 30kHz
(b) 240kHz
Physical data Symbol Value Physical quantity Symbol Value
kilowatt hour
Physical quantity c 2.998 x 108 m s-1 electronvolt kWh 3.600 x 106 J
Eo 8.854 X 1o-12 F m-1 unified atomic mass unit eV 1.602x1o-19J
speed of light in a vacuum Jlo 4n X 10-7 H m-1 U 1.661 X 10-27 kg
permittivity of free space mp 1.673 x 1o-27 kg acceleration of free fall (energy equivalent: 931.5 MeV)
permeability of free space mn 1.675 x 1o-27 kg (mean, at Earth's surface)
proton rest mass me 9.110x10-31 kg 9.807 m s-2
neutron rest mass mass of Earth
electron rest mass e 1.602x1o-19 C mass of Sun 5.976 x 1o24 kg
-e -1.602 x 10-19 C mass of Moon 1.989 X 1030 kg
proton charge 7.350 X 1022 kg
electron charge (minus sign often omitted)
e!me 1.759 x 1011 C kg-1
specific charge: electron
Planck constant h 6.626 X 10-34 J S
gravitational constant C 6.672 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2 equatorial radius of Earth 6.378 x 106 m
mean distance of Earth from Sun 1.496 x 1011 m
6.022 x 1023 mol-1 mean distance of Moon from Earth 3.844 x 108 m
8.314 J K-1 mol-1
Avogadro constant NA 1.381 X 10-23 J K-1 solar constant 1.352 x 103 W m-2
universal molar gas constant R
Boltzmann constant k 0 K, -273.15 oc 1.496 x 1011 m
3.086 x 1016 m
absolute zero 1.013 X 105 Pa astronomical unit AU 9.461 x 1015 m
standard atmospheric pressure parsec
light year pc
154 Answers to self-assessment questions
Equations to learn
You must learn the following equations. They will not be provided for you on your examination formula sheet. All the equations
need to be known for A level and most of them need to be known for AS level too. You should check whether there are any that
are not required in the AS specification you are using.
Certainly needed at AS and A level
d distance v =d-S
spee = time M
acceIerat1.0n = -ch--a-n'g~e.-in -ve-lo-ci"ty a =d-V
t1me M
force = mass x acceleration F = ma
dens1.ty = -vom1-ausms~e vm
work done = force x distance moved in direction of force p=
ower = energy transferred = ':ark done ,iW= F,is
p t1me taken t1me taken p= i
weight = mass x acceleration of free fall weight= mg
= mass x gravitational strength fk=tmv2
dfp= mg,ih
rkinetic energy = mass x velocity2
change in gravitational potential energy mass x gravitational field strength x change in height
current = -ch.a-rge l=,iQ
t1me M
potential difference = current x resistance V= IR
electrical power = potential difference x current
energy = potential difference x current x time
f= Vlt
potenti.a 1 d'ff = energy transferred V=£
1 erence time
resistance resistivity x length R _p}_
cross-sectional area A
Possibly needed at AS level p= mv
pV= nRT
pressure = -~ V= {).,
momentum = mass x velocity
pressure x volume = number of moles x molar gas constant x absolute temperature
wave speed = frequency x wavelength
Needed at A level only
. mass x velocity2 F=
centnpetal force = rad'IUS
F _ 0102
force between point charges charge (1) x charge (2)
4n x permittivity x (distance between charges)2 - 4ner2
f bt . universal gravitational constant x mass (1) x mass (2) F = Gm1m2
orce e ween pomt masses = (distance between masses)2 r2
. charge stored C=Qv
capacitance = potenti.al d1. fference
For a transformer:
potential difference across coi I (1) number of turns on coil (1)
potential difference across coil (2) number of turns on coil (2)
Equations to learn 155
Needed for OCR Physics A, A and AS level Needed for OCR Physics A, A level only
moment of a force T= Fx centripetal acceleration v2
torque of a couple T= Fx a=-r
power P= Fv
simple harmonic motion a =-(2mYx
x =A sin2mt
x =A cos2nft
strain gravitational field of strength g =mF-
the Young modulus
electric current I= t1Q electric field strength E= !._
power M Q
resistors in series P= I2 R energy of charged capacitor E-_Q_
resistors in parallel time constant of CR circuit - 4ne0r2
force on a current-carrying conductor p = 1':2 force on moving charged particle
photon energy magnetic flux E-- 'td.f_
photoelectric effect R
de Broglie equation C=Qv
refractive index R = R1 + R2 + ...
wave speed R1 =R1+R1.+ ... r= CR
12 F= Bqv
F= Bllsin() tP= BA
E= hf induced e.m.f. e-- Nt1MtP
hf = tP + jmvmax2 thermal energy change !1Q = mcf1()
h mass-energy M= 11m2
radioactivity A= A.N
A.= mv apparent magnitude
m = -2.5 log/+ constant
n = c.
v =fA. apparent/absolute magnitude m- M = 5 log(1r0 )
Hubble's law v= H0d
double-slit interference
force age of Universe
Doppler formula v
lens formula
X-ray attenuation power = -f1 = -1 + -v1
Hall voltage u
VH = Bvd
inverting amplifier gain G= &
power ratio ~no. of decibels (dB) = 10 log ( 1 )
156 Equations to learn
If a reference is given in bold, you should Bernoulli's equation 39 components (vector) 29
beta decay 97 composites 122
look this up first. beta particles 97, 98 computed axial tomography (CAT) 128
big bang 116-11 7 conductance 61
A binary stars 115 conduction (thermal) 91, 94-95
binding energy 100-101 conductivity
absolute zero 84, 88, 90, 135 biofuels 139
absorption spectrum 103 Biot-Savart law 77 electrical 61, 95
AC see alternating current bit rate 133 thermal 94-95
acceleration 22, 26-27 black body radiation 95, 113, 134 conductors (electrical) 58, 61, 123
black holes 115 conservation
centripetal 43 body, human 124-126 of energy 24
of free fall 23, 27 Bohr's model of the atom 103 laws for particles 11 0
accommodation (eye) 125 boiling 91 of momentum 33
action potential 12 6 Boltzmann constant 93 constant volume gas thermometer 85
activity (radioactive source) 98-99 bonding energy 120 convection 91, 95
adiabatic expansion 89 bonds 120 CorioIis effect 141
aerofoil 37, 39 bosons 111, 11 7 cosmic background 116
air bag 41 Boyle temperature 135 cosmological principle 116
air resistance 41 Boyle's law 88, 93 cosmology 116-11 7
aircraft 37 brakes 40 coulomb 58
Airy's disc 56 Brewster's law 51 Coulomb's law 66
alloys 122 Brownian motion 92 couples 31
alpha decay 97, 109 bubble chamber 107 covalent bonds 120
alpha particles 97, 98 bulk strain 120 creep 119
alpha scattering 96 critical angle 51
alternating current (AC) 64-65, 75, 79 c critical density of Universe 117
alternator 75, 79 critical pressure 135
AM see amplitude modulation capacitance 68-69 critical size 101
amorphous solids 118, 122 capacitors 68-69 critical temperature 135
ampere 58, 77 carbon dating 99 CRO see cathode ray oscilloscope
amplifiers 142-144 carbon dioxide in atmosphere 136-137 crumple zone 41
inverting and non-inverting 144 carbon-fibre reinforced plastic 122 crystal structures 121
operational 143-144 carrier waves 131 crystalline solids 118,121
amplitude 48 Cassegrain telescope 57 Curie temperature 123
amplitude modulation (AM) 130, 131 CAT scanning see computed axial current 58-59, 60
analogue signals 130, 132 magnetic effect 74-75
angular magnification 56 tomography cyclotron 106
angular velocity 42, 44, 73 cathode 80
anode 80 D
antinodes 53 rays 80, 135
antiparticles 97, 107 cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) 81 damping 46
aperture 56 dark matter 11 6
Archimedes' principle 83 ceo see charge-coupled device dB see decibel
astigmatism 125 de Broglie wavelength 103, 1OS
astronomical unit (AU) 112 cells (convection) 141 decay (of charge) 69
astrophysics 112-115 cells, solar 139 decay, radioactive 97-100
atmosphere, Earth's 141 Celsius scale 84, 90 defects in crystals 121
atmospheric pressure 82, 141 centre of buoyancy 83 DC see direct current
atoms 90, 96-97 centre of gravity 23, 30 decibel (dB) 126, 132
bonds between 120 centripetal force 43, 72 density 23, 82
atomic mass 96 cepheid variables 114
attenuation chain reaction 101 ofEarth 140
of signals 132 channel (communication) 130, 133 of Universe 117
of X-rays 128 charge 58, 60, 66-69 detectors
audio signals 130 charge-coupled device (CCD) 57, 112 astronomical 112
Avogadro constant 18, 93 Charles's law 88 nuclear radiation 98
Avogadro's law 93 chromatic aberration 55 particle 98, 107
circular motion 42-43 diamagnetism 123
8 dielectric 68, 123
in gravitational field 72 diffraction 48
back EMF 79 in magnetic field 80-81 electron 103, 1OS
background radiation 98 coercivity 123 grating 53
coherent light 52 light 52-53
cosmic 116 coherent optical fibres 129 diffusion 92
bandwidth coil digital signals 130, 132-133
field in 77 dimensions 19
base 130 induced EMF in 79 diode 59, 60
op amp 143 torque on 76 light-emitting 142
radio 131 collisions 34-35 in rectification 65
barometer 82 colour 49, 52 dioptre 125
baryons 110-111 vision 125 direct current (DC) 75
becquerel 98 combined heat and power 138
bending 119 compact discs 104 157
comparator 144
dislocations 121 engine properties 88-89, 92-93
dispersion 49 maximum speed and power 41 real 88, 135
displacement 22 petrol 89 work done by 89
gates, logic 145
angular 42 equilibrium Geiger-Muller tube 98
domains 123 of forces 29, 31 geostationary orbit 72
doping 61,123 thermal 84 geothermal energy scheme 139
Dopplereffect 113,116,127 glass 119,122
dose, radiation 129 escape speed 71 glass-reinforced plastic 122
drag 37, 38-39, 40-41 ether 134 global warming 137, 138-139
drift chamber 107 evaporation 91, 94, 124 gluon 111
drift speed (electrons) 60 exchange particles 111 G-M tube 98
excited state 103 grains (metals) 122
E eye 125 grand unified theories 11 0
gravitation, Newton's law of 70
ear 126 F gravitational field strength g 23, 27, 70-71
Earth variations 140
farad 68 gravitational potential 71
age 140 Faraday's law of greenhouse effect 13 7
atmosphere 141
magnetism 140 electromagnetic induction 78 H
structure 140 fatigue 119
earthquakes 141 feedback 144 hadrons 110-111,117
eddy currents 65, 78 ferroelectric crystals 123 half-life
efficiency 25 ferromagnetism 123
of power stations 138 fibre optics see optical fibres biological 129
thermodynamic 87 fields discharge 69
of transformer 65 radioactive 99
elastic deformation and limit 118-119 electric 66-68 half-thickness 128
electric fields 66-68 gravitational 70-71 Hall probe 76
effect on electrons 80, 135 magnetic 74, 76--79 hearing 126
effect on nuclear radiation 98 fission, nuclear 101 heart 126
electric potential 66-67 Fleming's left-hand rule 74, 80 heat 24, 84, 86--87, 90-91
electric motor 75, 79 flotation 83 capacity 86
electrocardiogram 126 fluid flow 37, 38-39 pump 138
electromagnet 74 flux (magnetic) 78-79 transfer 91, 94-95
electromagnetic force 11 0 flux density (magnetic) 76-77 helicopters 37
electromagnetic induction 75, 78-79 FM see frequency modulation henry 79
electromagnetic spectrum 49 focus 54-57 hertz 48
electromagnetic waves 49, 50, 134 force 23 Hertzsprung-Russell diagram 114-115
electromotive force (EMF) 58 electric 66-67 Hooke's law 118, 120
in battery 63 gravitational 70-72, 11 0 hovercraft 37
induced 75, 79 and motion 32-35, 42-43 Hubble constant 116-11 7
electron microscope 105 nuclear 109, 11 0 Hubble law 114, 116
electronics 142-145 particles 111 hydraulics 82
electron(s) 90 traction 40 hydroelectric energy scheme 139
charge on 60, 96, 135 turning effect 30-31 hypothermia 124
collisions with atoms 108 as vector 28-29 hysteresis
deflection of 80 fossil fuels 138 magnetic 123
diffraction 105 fractures (in solids) 119 rubber 119
discovery 13 5 free electrons 60-61, 90, 94, 120
energy levels in atom 103, 123 frequency 48 ideal gas 88-89, 135
free 60-61, 90, 94, 120 AC 64 images (lenses and mirrors) 54-57
specific charge (e/me) 135 radio 131 impedance 65
stationary waves 155 response graph 47
electronvolt 80 rotation 42 acoustic 127
elementary particles 106-111 spectrum 130 matching 143
elements 90, 96--97 of waves 51 impulse 32, 37
EMF see electromotive force frequency division multiplexing 133 indicator diagrams 89
endoscope 129 frequency modulation (FM) 131 induced charge 58
energy 24-25 friction 40 induced magnetism 74
binding 100-1 01 fuels inductor 79
in black body spectrum 95, 134 fossil 138 inflation (of Universe) 116-117
bonding 120 nuclear 101 infrared 49, 95, 132, 137
in capacitor 68 fundamental forces 110, 116 infrared thermometer 85
conservation 24 fusion, nuclear 101 insulators
electrical 61, 139 in Sun and stars 115 electrical 58, 123
internal 24, 86--87 fusion, specific thermal 91
kinetic 25, 34-35 integrated circuit (IC) 142
levels (electron) 103, 105, 123 latent heat of 87 intensity (radiation) 51, 98
and mass 100, 106 intensity level (sound) 126
nuclear 100-1 01 G interference 52
potential (mgh) 24 internal energy 24, 86--87
quantum 102-103, 134 g see gravitational field strength internal resistance 63
reserves and resources 138 galaxies 112, 11 6-11 7 inversion temperature 135
rest 106 gamma camera 129 inverter 145
schemes 139 gamma rays 49, 98-99 ionic bonds 120
strain 119, 120 gas ionization 98, 103
types 24
constant (molar) 89
158 equations 88-89
ideal 88-89
laws 88
particles in 90, 92-93
ionosphere 132, 141 micrometer 21 permeability 77
ions 90, 120 microwaves 49, 131 permittivity 66, 68
Millikan's experiment 135 phase
deflection of 80 modulation 131
isostasy 140 molar gas constant 89 AC 64
isothermal expansion 89 molar heat capacity 86 oscillation 44
isotopes 90, 96 mole 18 phases of matter 91
molecule 92, 120 photoelectric effect 102
J moment of inertia 73 photon 49, 98, 102-103, 111
moments 23, 30-31 photopic vision 12 5
joints (bones) 124 momentum (linear) 32-33, 106 photosynthesis 13 6
joule 24 photovoltaic effect 139
jouie-Kelvin effect 135 conservation of 33 piezoelectric effect 123, 127
monochromatic light 52 pitch 49
K motion Planck's constant 102
planets 72, 112
kaon 111 circular 42-43, 44 plates (Earth's) 140
Kelvin scale 84, 90 equations of 2 6-2 7 plastic deformation 118-119
Kepler's third law 72 graphs 26, 36 plastics 118, 122
kilowatt hour 139 laws of 32-33 Poiseuille's equation 38
kinetic theory 92-93 linear 26-27, 73 polarization
kinetic energy 25, 34 oscillatory 44-45 of dielectrics 123
rotational 73 of molecules 120
in collisions 34-35 simple harmonic 44-45 in waves 51
rotational 73 moons 72, 112 pollution 138
Kirchhoff's laws 62 MRI see magnetic resonance imaging polycrystalline solids 118
multiplexing 133 polymers 118
L muscles 124 positive holes (semiconductors) 123
positron 97, 107
lapse rate 136 N potential
laser 104, 129, 132 electric 66-67
latent heat 87, 91 nebula 114 gravitational 71
LOR see light-dependent resistor neutrino 97, 107, 110 potential difference (PO) 58-59, 67-68
LED see light-emitting diode neutron 90, 96, 110-111 across battery 63
lenses 54-57 in circuits 58-59, 62-63
in fission 101 potential energy
correcting 125 mass 96 atom separation 12 0
Lenz's law 78 neutron stars 115 mgh 24
leptons 110, 11 7 Newton's laws of motion 32-33 neutron separation 109
lift 37, 39 nodes 53 potential divider 63, 142
light 49, 50-57 nuclear fission 101 power 25
nuclear fuel 101 and velocity 35
speed of 49, 50, 100 nuclear fusion 101, 115 power (electrical) 59, 61
light-dependent resistor (LOR) 59, 142 nuclear radiation 97-101 in AC circuits 64-65
light-emitting diode (LED) 142 nuclear reactions 97, 100-1 01 in/from battery 63
light-year 112 nuclear reactors 101 power of lens 12 5
linear accelerator 107 nuclear safety 101 power stations 65, 138-139
liquids nucleon number 90, 96 pressure 23
nucleus 90, 96-97 atmospheric 82, 141
particles in 90 density 109 law for gases 88
pressure in 23, 82-83 radius 109 in liquids 82-83
logic gates 145 stability of 97 kinetic theory of 93
loudness 49 nuclide 96 in moving fluids 38, 39
luminosity of stars 113 prisms 49, 55
0 proton 90, 96, 107, 110-111
M mass 96
ohm 59 number 96-97
magnetic fields 74, 76-79 Ohm's law 59, 60 pulsars 115
effect on electrons 80-81 Olbers' paradox 116 pulse code modulation 132
effect on nuclear radiations 98 operational amplifier 143-144 pumped storage 138
optical fibres 49, 51
magnetic flux 78-79 Q
magnetic flux density 76-77 medical use 129
magnetic properties 123 in telecommunications 132 quantum energy 102, 134
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 128 orbits 72 quantum mechanical tunnelling 109
magnetic resonance spectroscopy 128 oscilloscope 81 quantum numbers 11 0
magnetism, Earth's 140 oxygen in atmosphere 136, 141 quarks 111,117
magnets 74, 123 ozone layer 141 quasars 115
magnification 54, 56-57
magnitudes of stars 113 p R
mains (AC) 64-65
manometer 83 parallax 114 radar astronomy 113
mass 18, 23 paramagnetism 123 radian 19, 42
parsec 112 radiation
and energy 100, 106 particle accelerators 106-107
mass defect 100 particles, elementary 106-111 background 98
materials 118-119, 120-123 black body 95, 113, 134
Maxwell's screw rule 74 detection 107 doses 129
medical physics 124-129 identification 108 electromagnetic 49, SO
mesons 110-111 pascal 23 from nucleus 97-101
metabolic rate 124 path difference (optical) 52 thermal 91, 95, 113
metals PD see potential difference
pendulum 45
bonding in 120 period 42, 44
electrical conduction in 61
stretching 118-119
strengthening 122
radio waves 49, 130-131 specific charge (electron) 81 truth tables 145 ""
radioactive decay 97-1 00 specific heat capacity 86, 91 tuning 131
specific latent heat 87 turbulent flow 37, 38 .11
law 99 _spectrum
radioisotopes 99, 129 u :
radiotherapy 128-129 absorption and emission 103
Rayleigh criterion 56 black body 95 U-values 95 ('!
reactance 65 electromagnetic 49 ultrasound 127
reaction time 41 of Sun, stars 103, 113 ultraviolet 49 ,•'11
reactions, nuclear 97, 100-101 speed 22
reactor, n'uClear 101 of light 49, 50, 100 catastrophe 134 '!,\i
rectification 65 ofsound 49 uncertainties 20
red giant 115 spherical aberration 55 uncertainty princiJ&lle 111 ,~:i
red shift 113, 116 spring constant 45 unified atomic mass unit 96
reflection 48, 54-55, 57 stability 31,83 units 18 ''0
stacking faults 121 Universe 112,116--117
total internal 49, 51, 55 stars 114-11 5
ofwaves 48 Stokes' law 38 models of 11 7
refraction 48, 50 stopping distance 41
refractive index 50-51 strain 118-119, 120 v
refrigerator 138 energy 119
regenerator 132 strangeness 11 0 van der Waals' bonds 120
relativity 100, 106, 134 streamline flow 38 vaporization, specific latent heat of 87
relay 142 stress 118-119, 120 vapour 135
remanence 123 strong nuclear force 90, 109, 110-111 variables 21
repeater 132 Sun vectors 22, 25, 28-29
resistance 59, 60 energy from 13 6 velocity 22, 26--27
in AC circuits 64-65 life cycle 115
internal 63 spectrum of 103 terminal 36, 38
thermometers 85 structure 115 Venturi meter 39
resistivity 61 superconductivity 61 vernier 21
resistors, series and parallel 59, 62 superposition (waves) 52 virtual image 54
resolving power 56, 103, 113 sweating 124 virtual particles 111
resonance 47 switching (electronic) 142, 144-145 viscosity 38
in air column 53 synchrotron 107 voltage see potential difference and
in RCL circuits 47
respiration 124, 136 T electromotive force
rest mass 100 voltage follower 144
resultant (vectors) 28 telecommunications 130-133
Reynolds' number 38 telescopes w
RMS see root mean square
rocks, dating 99 optical 56-57, 112-113 water balance 137
root mean square (RMS) radio 57, 112-113 water vapour in atmosphere 136
current 64 satellite based 112, watt 25
PD 64 temperature 84-85, 90 wave-particle duality 103, 1OS
speed (molecules) 92-93 control in body 124 wavelength 48, 51
rotation 73 and kinetic theory 93
rubber, stretching 119 thermodynamic 84 electron 103
Rutherford's model of the atom 96 terminal velocity 36, 38 measurement (light) 52-53
tesla 76 waves 48-49, 50-53
s thermal conductivity 94-95 electromagnetic 49, 50
thermal radiation 91, 95 light 49
sampling rate 132 thermal reactor (nuclear) 101 longitudinal and transverse 48
Sankey diagram 138 thermionic emission 80 progressive 58
saturated vapour 136 thermistor 59, 60-61,85, 142 radio 130-132
scalars 25 thermocouple 85 seismic 141
scanning thermodynamics sound 49
first law 86, 89 stationary 53
CATandMRI 128 second law 87 weak force 11 0-111
ultrasound 127 zeroth law 84 weber 78
scotopic vision 12 5 thermometers 84-85 weight 23
seat belt 41 thermoplastics 122 weightlessness 72
seismic waves 141 the,mosets 122 , white dwarf 115
self-induction 79 thinking distance 41 Wien's law 113
semiconductors 58, 61, 123 tidal energy scheme 139 wind belts 141
semicrystalline solids 118, 122 time constant 69 wind power 139
sensors 142 time division multiplexing 133 work 24, 34, 37
shear strain 120 torque 31 conversion into heat 87
SHM see simple harmonic motion on coil 76 work function 102
Sl units 18 total internal reflection 49, 51 work hardening 122
sidebands 130 tracers (radioactive) 99, 129
simple harmonic motion (SHM) 44-45 traction forces 40 X
simple pendulum 45, 46 transducers 127, 142
smoothing 34 transformer 65, 75, 143 X-ray binary stars 115
Snell's law 50 transistor 142 X-rays 49, 128
Solar System 112 transition termperature
solids glass 122 y
particles in 90 superconductors 61
properties and structure 118-123 transmutation (nuclear) 97 yield point 118-119
sound waves 49 Young's modulus 119