Since the ministry of the State Office is to "equip pastors to equip leaders for
life," we have entered into a strategic partnership with David Ferguson and the
Great Commandment Network. This partnership will provide an opportunity at no
cost to the pastor for a pastor/spouse retreat. The retreat, accommodations, meals,
and all materials are a gift. More than 15,000 ministry couples from around the
world have participated in these life-changing, marriage-enriching, ministry-
impacting retreats!
The retreat content is drawn from Dr. David and Teresa Ferguson's acclaimed
book, The Great Commandment Principle, which has been provided to every
pastor in Florida with additional resources to be provided at the retreat. The
expected outcomes of this initiative are:
Affirm your significance, value, and worth to the
One who has called you!
Encounters with Christ to revitalize your
: intimacy withHim
Encouragement from His Word to enrich and renew your marriage
and other relationships
Equipping you to equip others for life
Empowered for Great Commandment Great Commission Living
Every pastor needs the prayer support of a team of intercessors. Therefore, we will endeavor to
provide resources to each pastor to assist them in equipping a team of intercessors for his family
and ministry. These books are available through the State Office.
Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life 1|Page
The Pastoral Care Line is a free, confidential, dedicated helpline for pastors. Trained
professional counselors are available every day from 8 am 10 pm (EST). Need care? Call
1-844-PASTOR1 (1-844-727-8671).
The Family Help Center ensures confidentiality.Care4Pastors is a collaborative initiative of
these distinguished partners. We love pastors and have aligned our ministries to serve you
more effectively.
We also make available to you C.L. Roberts Counseling, L.L.C. Our own Carrie Roberts
has recently obtained her degree and state certification as a registered counselor and opened
her counseling practice. After your initial call to her, our office
will consider her recommendation for a schedule for continued
counseling if necessary. This office will consider financial
assistance for the caller without the possibility of confidentiality
infringements incumbent upon her role. Her contact number is
Every pastor needs people who will value them based on who they are and not only what they do.
Therefore, we will endeavor to provide resources to each pastor to assist them in equipping people
to facilitate appreciation and affirmation.
We believe the primary function of the State Office is to "equip pastors to equip leaders for life,"
realizing Jesus equipped His disciples relationally, we will establish relational centers where
pastors and leaders can connect in closer proximity to one another. These centers will provide
opportunities for relevant networking resulting in a collaborative work of equipping one
another for ministry. In addition, a teaching/equipping team will facilitate opportunities for
pastors and leaders to encounter Jesus and His word. The desired outcome of this initiative
will be to encourage, equip, and empower pastors to encounter, encourage, equip, and
empower leaders for the work of ministry. Paul outlines such in Ephesians 4.
Encounters with Christ and other pastors for personal spiritual health and
healthy church function in life and ministry.
Encouragement from the Word of God and strategic principles for healthy
personal, church, and ministry life.
Equipped with tools, systems, resources, and relationships for healthy church
and ministry.
Empowered by the encounters with Holy Spirit and others to serve from a
posture of health and wholeness in life and ministry.
Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life 2|Page
Every (new) pastor assigned will have a mentoring pastor to connect them with an experienced
Mentoring Pastor for a two-year term. The goal of this mentoring relationship is another step
toward equipping pastors to equip leaders for life.
While having the direct responsibility of the spiritual and administrative life of the local church to
which they have been assigned, the New Pastor will be accountable first to the assigned Mentoring
Pastor. Both the New Pastor and the Mentoring Pastor will be given a ministry description and
must agree with the responsibilities and accountability of such an assignment. After the first 12
months, the Mentoring Pastor, Regional and State Bishop, will review the New Pastor in dialogue
with the local church.
Traditionally, our office provides support to pastors through development and resource
opportunities. We intend to encounter, encourage, equip, and empower pastors to encounter,
encourage, equip, and empower leaders for life. The State Office ministry starts in the home of the
pastor. Our present ministry is designed to care for the pastor and their spouse. Regional Relational
Centers are for the pastor, and the Heart2Heart Ministries is the vehicle for ministry to the spouse
of a pastor. The Care4Pastors' Children initiative will complete this pastoral family emphasis. We
cannot forget the care of the children of the pastor. We intend to provide a team of young leaders
who are pastor's children to guide our initiatives alongside these children in significant ways. The
Care4Pastors'Children team will develop and facilitate encounters and encouragement, equipping
and empowering opportunities for the children of pastors to live as mature followers of Jesus both
now and when they leave the covering of the home.
Paul writes,
"at that time, you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and
strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But
now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of
separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments
Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life 3|Page
contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making
peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby
putting to death the enmity."
Paul told the Ephesians recorded in Chapter 4, EACH OF US ARE A PART OF one body BY
one spirit WITH one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God & Father of ALL
Christians are NOT distinguished by country, culture, customs, language, traditions, or
ethnicity. They do not inhabit cities of their kind or use a unique form of speech.
Christians have not developed a philosophical program or plan that defines the Christian
code of conduct.
Christians inhabit cities of every nation according to the circumstances in which they find
Christians follow the customs of their culture: in respect of clothing, food, and the rest of
their ordinary conduct, all in submission to the culture of a heavenly kingdom.
Florida Ministries has intentionally designed a Grace Relations team to seek to bring greater
understanding to the pastors and leaders of this Movement. We are committed to the ministry of
reconciliation and will, as Paul said, "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
peace" (Ephesians 4:3). We will do so as Paul instructed in verses 1 and 2, "I, therefore, the
prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2
with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love"
(Ephesians 4).
A smaller struggling congregation can be nurtured, encouraged, and
enriched by a larger, healthy congregation. The Mothering Church vision
would include reaching other communities by serving a smaller church.
This initiative would seek healthy churches with pastors who desire to broaden
their ministry service by serving a congregation geographically close to their
location. Under the direction of the pastor and leadership team, the Mothering Church would
begin to serve the smaller congregation by teaching, preaching, developing leaders, leading
outreach efforts, conducting revivals, etc. This initiative aims to see the smaller church become
healthy and able to support a bi-vocational pasto
Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life 4|Page
While the State Office will "equip pastors to equip leaders for life"; the life that
permeates each city, county, region, state, nation, and the world, will encourage
healthy pastors and congregations to consider a Mission Church prayerfully.
In addition, we will equip pastors to broaden their base of leadership by
planting new congregations that would extend the local church ministry in other
locations close to the mother church.
An Outreach Church has been a self-governed (independent) church without
peripheral covering. Therefore, such a congregation desiring to progress toward
uniting with the Church of God of Prophecy will be called an Outreach Church.
This being the first of many steps to transition them from alone to becoming a
fully functional part of the family of COGOP in Florida. This effort would require the
involvement of many from a healthy congregation close to the Outreach Church.
Florida Ministries intends to raise the function of evangelist to the level of
equipping leaders in local churches for life. Paul instructs that each function of
ministry is for the encouragement and increase of the body and is necessary for
the church to mature into the full measure and stature of Christ. Therefore, we
recommend that each local church raise the function of evangelist and the
work of evangelism that reaches people with the Gospel in order
for lives to be transformed.
The work of evangelism can occur but not limited to the following:
1) Revival
a. City Wide
b. Local Church
2) Relationship Evangelism
3) Personal Discipleship
We endorse and recommend gifted evangelists for your prayerful consideration for city-
wide and local church evangelistic engagements.
Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life 5|Page
We are so excited about where God is leading us. It will be His inspi- FEBRUARY 2022
ration and anointing that will propel us forward as we seek to serve
one another. For those who were unable to attend the Leadership a great help to me. The
Conference we missed you! Perhaps your peers summarized it best: entire weekend was great.
Not to be dramatic here but...Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Phillip & Wendy Baggett
Jennifer Hobbs
the Conference. It was
You and your team did an awesome job in putting everything together for the con- very good. Lorna
Gwendolyn Singleton Our time together at the
H2H session of the con-
What a beautiful, empowering weekend we experienced. We returned home ference was of quality and
feeling loved, restored, and refreshed with a mind to finish the work excellence as usual!
He has given us to do. Annette Mirelez
Silvia House
This weekend has touched some very deep places in my heart. I knew I could not
miss one moment of this time together and I know God is bringing forth a more
clear focus in my life and purpose (I believe). Jacque Davis
What an enriching State Leadership Conference! WOW! We are
still talking about it and how it has impacted our lives and minis-
try. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Silvia House
Still basking in the overflow for the goodness
of God from the weekend. Charity
7:00 PM EST Our world needs more people living out their Called2Love as Spirit-
empowered disciples who are making disciples who, in turn, make
Monday, February 7 disciples.
Why Love Like Jesus
relational faith that produces a prioritization of love. Thus,
Tuesday, February 15 Called2Love Like Jesus rightly focuses on the powerful simplicity of:
Embrace His Love
Monday, February 21 then in grateful response, love Him as our first priority.
Love the Lord
in experiencing Scripture.
Monday, February 28 LOVING PEOPLE by developing a lifestyle of giving first,
Love Your Neighbor and taking initiative to love our spouse, children, friends,
family, and members of the faith community.
Monday, March 7 LIVING HIS MISSION which mean building a lasting
Love in the Household of
Faith (Matthew 22:37-39).
Monday, March 14
Love on Mission
A great way to stay connected and expedite communication is the private H2H Facebook page.
If you are not a member, request to become one.
A new feature has been added: ASK FOR PRAYER.
In return, ministry wives can see and respond by tapping the I PRAYED button,
then choose to add a comment or message the requestor.
What a privilege to pray bold, life-changing prayers one for another.
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.
If you have not downloaded the Florida COGOP APP, please do so. Utilize the Ministries Tab at the bot-
tom of the home page to access Heart 2 Heart Ministries. Herein, you will find a collection of resources that
can be a blessing to you.
H2H Newsletters
Recommended books written by and for ministry wives
Several requested that we make available the three electives provided at the Leadership Conference.
These will soon be made available to you via a link that will be sent to you in an email.
International Assembly of the Church of God of Prophecy
July 20 24, 2022
Oklahoma City Convention Center
100 Mick Cornett Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73109
opportunity to participate in a survey that will enable us to better
serve you. If you were not present, click the QR code (Quick
Response code) on the left to take the survey. This is an
anonymous survey that guarantees your response will remain
anonymous. Thank you.
1. Open the camera on your mobile device.
2. Hold your device so that the QR code appears in the viewfinder in the camera app.
3. Tap the notification to open the link associated to the QR code, which in this case is the survey.
Should you prefer to utilize a hard copy, please notify Brenda Gillum. Thank you for participating.
Pastoral Care Letter From my heart to yours…
February 2022
Dear Pastoral Care Leader,
What a great time the month of February is! It is a season of showing
love to others. Love is a precious virtue of God and the glue that holds
everything together.
This is an opportunity for you to encourage your congregation to really
show your love and appreciation by doing something special for them.
I am listing some ideas you may want to use.
Valentine Date Night (include gift card to a nice restaurant)
“Theme Filled Baskets”
Housewares Basket: kitchen utensils, etc.
Entertainment Basket: Books, DVDs, etc.
Hoping these ideas are useful in your planning for a wonderful
“Valentine’s Day” celebration, but most of all please remember to pray
for them that they will feel loved by their church family!
Frankie S. Dotson
State Pastoral Care Director
To leave students to fend for themselves in adult settings without first cultivating an
environment for a spiritual encounter with Christ does not create the relationships
needed to support student leaders. Along with a spiritual encounter students must be
equipped, encouraged, and empowered as they are developed into leaders.
The development of effective student leaders doesn’t just happen. We must be
intentional in our efforts. With this thought in mind, EYE2EYE Student Ministries will
implement the four pillars of Encounter, Encourage, Equip, and Empower with a
foundation of Evangelism into each level of ministry.
The Four Pillars with a Foundation of Relational Evangelism
Note: Each step includes the previous step to facilitate new Christian leadership growth
at all levels.
Introduction of Ministry Teams
To accomplish these four pillars, we are going to implement ministry teams within each
local student ministry.
Ministry Team:
1. Peer Ministry (Elementary, Middle, High School, and Young Adults are all
eligible to serve on this team within their respective group(s))
Students turn to their friends first when they have a problem. Peer ministry happens
when we train and equip students to care for and listen to their friends.
2. Peer Evangelism Team (Elementary, Middle, High School, and Young Adult
are all eligible to serve on this team within their respective group(s))
Peer evangelism develops student leaders who use their leadership roles within their
natural friendship circles to share their faith in Christ with those friends.
3. Ministry/Servant Team (Middle, High School, and Young Adult are all eligible
to serve on this team within their respective group(s))
This is where the student ministry program creates intentional ministries where students
can serve the group with a wide variety of duties and responsibilities. This ministry
team allows students to serve in two separate areas:
a. The first area involves groups of students who are comfortable in up-front roles
or doing public leadership. Examples are puppet teams, music teams that lead
worship, small group leaders, and public evangelism teams.
b. The second area involves behind-the-scenes kind of service and may involve
physical responsibility. Examples are teams that create the newsletters, run the
sound system, manage the multi-media accounts, take photographs, serve on a
welcoming team, etc.
4. Planning Leadership Team (These are the leaders of the Elementary, Middle,
High School, and Young Adult groups. Students identified by the leaders of the
High School and Young Adult groups may be eligible to serve on this team as
recommended by their leaders)
This group is involved in the overall leadership of the student ministry. This group of
leaders is involved in planning and decision-making for the entire student ministry
program. They work in partnership with the student ministries director/youth pastor to
implement the student ministry initiatives. Their focus is to equip, train, and nurture the
youth in leadership. This group meets regularly to provide direct leadership over the
student ministry program.
Evangelism is weaved into each of the four student ministry pillars that will be
presented. It is our ultimate goal, as our students encounter Jesus, are encouraged in
their relationship with Christ, are equipped for ministry, and are empowered for life, that
this is done through an intentional leadership and evangelism focus. At every stage, you
will see that students are “cultivating leaders for generational impact” through leadership
preparation and evangelism training. The word of God reminds us of the Great
Commission in Matthew 28: 18-20
“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in
heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to
observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you
always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
Our primary task is to help ground our student leaders in their relationship with Jesus
Christ, and thus doing so, help them to grow up to become like Jesus. To do this we
want to develop leaders who are first and foremost committed to following Jesus, are
anchored in their faith, and are bold enough to lead others into a relationship with
ENCOUNTER (Elementary)
It is never too early to begin developing students into leaders that will make a lasting
kingdom impact. In this phase of ministry experience, we want to be intentional about
ensuring that students have an encounter with God. Before students can share,
evangelize, or encourage they must have an encounter with the God of their
salvation. We hope to create an atmosphere where students experience the love of
God and begin to know him on a personal level. It is during this time that we want our
students to have a genuine, real, and intimate encounter with God.
The critical foundation in student leadership begins by addressing the internal issues of
personal spiritual growth and discipleship. If we develop a student leadership program
around skills alone, we will never have a complete impact. The external issues of
leadership can often be learned, but the internal issues are the most vital because
they’re the glue that holds everything together. The Psalmist David served from the
integrity of his heart then the skillfulness of his hands. (ref. Psalms 78:70-72)
Here are a few recommendations for ministry focus and activities for the Encounter
1. Teach belonging. Students need to know that they are known, loved, and belong
to the family of God.
2. Teach students to be committed to loving and following Christ. This is
discipleship; following and being like Christ.
3. Help students understand that God loves them with an everlasting love.
4. At this age/stage, bible stories are an excellent way to share the love of God with
students. Be sure that as you teach, students come away with the
understanding that God loves them and wants to have a relationship with them.
5. Help students to develop their testimony and share how God has blessed them
and their families. Help them to share about individual and personal encounters
with God.
6. Visit the COGOP Children's ministry page for a plethora of resources:
7. Life.Church provides additional resources for in-person and online ministry at
o ENCOURAGE (Middle)
Encounter (Elementary)
Students come into our student ministries at all different stages and phases of life. We
want them to continue to not only build upon the Encounter Phase, but we want to
continue to foster an environment where those who are new to the ministry, as well as
those who have been a part of the ministry for some time, will continue to grow in their
relationship with God. In addition to teaching students to have genuine encounters and
relationships with God, we want to encourage them in their walk with Christ and teach
them how to be encouragers as well.
During this stage, students tend to turn to their friends for advice. This is also a time
when students begin to question their faith. It is important to help students to
strengthen their faith during this phase. This is a wonderful time to build a community
within your student ministries.
Here are a few recommendations for ministry focus and activities for the Encourage
1. Engage students in team-building activities. Students at this age love physical
activities. Help students to participate in activities that teach valuable lessons
about growing in their faith.
2. Give students opportunities to encourage one another. If they are comfortable,
allow them to share from the word of God. This also helps to develop student
3. Encourage students to support one another in their gifts and talents. You may
want to consider showing up to their events with a group of students or allowing
them to share their gifts with the group first, then with the church.
4. Belonging is super important during this stage. Teach love and acceptance of
students regardless of their differences.
5. It is important to help develop/encourage students in their faith. Seek
opportunities to teach students to intentionally put their faith in Christ. The
strength of leadership development is to stay anchored in the core issues of
helping students mature in their faith.
6. Visit the COGOP Children's ministry page for a plethora of resources:
7. Visit the COGOP Internation Youth Ministry page for a plethora of resources:
8. Life.Church provides additional resources for in-person and online ministry at
• EQUIP (High)
o Encourage (Middle)
Encounter (Elementary)
At this stage, we see that students want more from attending church events. They are
fully becoming whom they are going to be in ministry. As much as it may appear to be
the case, they no longer want to be mere spectators within student ministries or the
church; they want an encounter with God, they want to feel his presence, and they want
to also be a part of planning and spearheading events. At this stage, our students are
captains of their teams and presidents of their organizations at school. They are the
ones who plan, execute, and deliver on huge events at school and within their
communities. Yet, at church, we shy away from giving them these same levels of
responsibilities. If we are honest with ourselves, this is the stage where we begin to
“lose” our youth.
The equipping stage of student ministry is crucial, and it must begin at the onset. The
later we push off equipping them, the more detrimental it will be to our students and
student ministries. Equipping students involves being intentional about teaching real-life
applications for spiritual growth. It means having those courageous conversations.
Here are a few recommendations for ministry focus and activities for the Equip phase:
1. Learn to delegate. As your student ministry begins to grow, you will need to
delegate tasks, duties, and responsibilities to your student leaders. This is a
great opportunity to equip your students with leadership skills. Ask yourself,
“What am I doing that a young leader can do?” Then, equip and develop them to
accomplish that task. Also consider asking yourself, “What characteristics of
leadership will a certain task teach a young person?”
2. Develop an eye for gifts and talents. Students won’t always tell you what they
are good at. It is your job as a leader to pull that out of them and give them
opportunities to display and develop that gift or talent.
3. Intentional mentoring - Who is watching you and your ministry? Who is that one -
at most, two people - whom you can spend and invest additional time with to
prepare them to one day take on your role or a similar role within the
ministry? Help prepare your students for life.
4. At this stage, they are preparing for the workforce, college, career vocational
school, and/or life. Offer guidance where possible. Show that you care for your
students by recognizing and acknowledging these life milestones. Provide
references if you feel comfortable.
5. Equipping them is more than just giving them everything they need; it involves
teaching them how to locate the resources they need to accomplish a given task.
6. Invite students to be a part of the student ministry’s leadership planning process.
7. Illicit their feedback and input.
8. Offer training and workshops on spiritual topics.
9. Offer training and workshops on life skills.
10. Visit the COGOP International Youth Ministry page for a plethora of resources:
11. Life.Church provides additional resources for in-person and online ministry at
12. John Maxwell has a great variety of books that focus on leadership from a
Christian perspective. Visit:
• EMPOWER (Young Adults)
• Equip (High)
o Encourage (Middle)
Encounter (Elementary)
Have you considered that young adults are a part of student ministries? They always
have been, but we have struggled with creating ways of meeting their needs.
Traditionally, it has been expected that one would go from being a member of the youth
ministry (which was geared toward teenagers) to then being an adult who was
responsible for running the church. Many of our young adults ran in fear of not feeling
equipped or ready to take on such tasks and responsibilities. Again, we must be
intentional about building our students in all these different stages. We can no longer
drop the ball when it comes to meeting their needs, Young Adults Lives Matter!
In Philippians 4:9, Paul is speaking to the church of Philippi when he instructs them,
“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into
practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
This is why it is important to include each of the previous pillars in each new stage of
student ministries. Hopefully, no matter what stage students joined our student
ministries, by now they would have seen these principles at work and can apply them to
serve in the church. And more importantly, be able to live them out in their daily lives,
so that others come to know Jesus through them.
This is the stage where our students are fully empowered to work in various roles within
the church. Our focus at this stage is to empower our students for outreach and to
develop others. Many of our students in this stage will also work in our younger
student ministry groups. They may even feel called to develop areas of ministry that do
not currently exist at your local church to fill a ministry void.
During this crucial time of empowerment, we must remember that this group still needs
to be ministered to as well.
Here are a few recommendations for ministry focus and activities for the Empower
1. Consider that many of the members of your student ministry team at this stage
will be working and starting their lives independently. You will want to plan and
schedule with that in mind. Consider inviting them to share ideas of days and
times that work for the group.
2. Connections are super-duper important at this stage. Many of your students at
this stage will be attending college. Whether they plan on returning or not, they
must know that they are a part of your student ministries groups. Implement
ways to communicate and check-in regularly and make a big deal about it when
they return home on breaks.
3. Small groups allow for more opportunities for student ministries to connect at this
stage. Encourage small group bible studies, prayer groups, social media groups,
and social meetups/connections.
4. Offer training and workshops on spiritual topics.
5. Offer training and workshops on life skills.
6. Visit the COGOP International Youth Ministry page for a plethora of resources:
7. John Maxwell has a great variety of books that focus on leadership from a
Christian perspective. Visit:
8. One of our student ministries directors, Minister Gia Roberts, wrote a book that
you may be able to use with your young adults: Take The Lead: A Survival
Guide for Young Adult Christians. Visit:
Look beneath
the surface
Junior Camp 2022
Date: June 25th 29th Scan this QR Code for all John 7:24 NLT
camp applications
Banquet Theme: Masquerade party
Themed days:
Sunday Silly Sunglasses Sunday
Monday Marvelous Mustache Mon-
Tuesday Tie dye (anything)
surface so you can
- judge correctly