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RRC The Equipping Pastor/Church Participant Guide

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Published by FLCOGOP, 2021-10-25 17:05:41

RRC The Equipping Pastor/Church

RRC The Equipping Pastor/Church Participant Guide


As COVID-19 began to impact our lives personally, I began Liz has served in ministry alongside of her hus-
tracking our losses. Since January of 2020, Scott & I have lost 28 band, Clint, since 1993. The Knowles’ currently
friends and family members. In Florida, we have been made serve as Regional Bishop for the Church of God
aware of 55 deaths among our ministry partners, obviously, not
all Covid related. And, there are many that we’ve missed or were of Prophecy in Ohio and West Virginia.
not made aware of, I’m sure. At times, the sense of loss has
been daunting. There were times I dreaded opening a text Liz is an Administrative Assistant and leads
message or taking a call, or refused to go on Facebook for dread Women’s Ministries for their two states. She has
of being informed of another loss. You’ve realized these same an Associates Degree in Music Education and a
emotions. Consequently, never before has the church had such
an opportunity to minister as our congregants, neighbors, and Bachelors in Pastoral Counseling with an
co-workers have been impacted by sickness and death. emphasis in Addiction.

Thus, the focus for this month will be grief counseling and self- Celebrate Recovery, support groups and
care. Herein we will consider: women’s half-way houses are places where Liz
feels right at home in. She is passionate about
• The grieving process
• Importance of self-care, emotional and spiritual health while hope and sharing hope.

helping others
• Support for those who grieve

QUESTION 1 In 2018, I lost my sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and father-in-law
As you reflect upon the passing of your within seven months. We also lost four other family members. How
friend or loved one, what remembrances did we get on the other side of grief? We simply had to walk through
(celebrations, gatherings, events, trips) do it, and faith was an essential ingredient.
you have (positive or negative)?
Scott and I processed our grief based on our relationship with each
CAREGIVER: family member, our unique personalities, and the type of death each
Pray that your friend or loved one realized. Some deaths came as no surprise, others were totally
will continue to experience joy as unexpected. Some were loved ones we spoke with occasionally, others
they remember how special the conversed with daily. Some we had not seen in years, others we
deceased was to them. If grace and prioritized frequent encounters. As a result, grieving our losses looked
forgiveness needs to be extended, different based on personal relationships. With that being said, there’s
ask God to heal those broken no way to offer you 5 Simple Steps to Processing Grief, for it’s so personal.
When Genise, Mom and Dad Gillum passed away, Scott spent hours
QUESTION 2 looking at their photos and reminiscing. He wept every day for
Now that your friend or loved one is months and secluded himself. His grieving was evident as he
gone, what do you miss the most about frequently gave voice to his losses. I, on the other hand, found it very
them? difficult to look at family photos and became weary of our
discussions. Business kept me emotionally healthy. We processed our
CAREGIVER: losses very differently although the depth of my relationship with my
As a caregiver, offer comfort. in-laws was deep, rich, and intimate.
Thank God for who this person
was to the one you’re attempting I had to be intentional, attentive, and patient with Scott on multiple
to care for. fronts. Often, I simply sat beside him as he wept. No words. Just
comfort. When I expressed sorrow, it was not uncommon for him to
QUESTION 3 respond, “Me too”. I allowed him space to grieve and be reflective.
How has (and will) this loss of someone He allowed me to busy myself. Remember: Each person’s grief is
so dear impacted your life as well as the uniquely his or her own. It is neither predictable, orderly, nor easily
life of those closest to you? Cite family categorized.
members and how you perceive they are/
will be impacted. Months into our losses, a dear friend concerned about our emotional
health, Dr. David Ferguson, gave us several questions to process
CAREGIVER: together. (Cited on this page.) Perhaps these questions will help you
Pray for those named whose lives process personal loss and serve as a tool to help others you seek to
are forever changed as a result of walk alongside.
this loss.
QUESTION 4 What will you miss the most about this person who was so special?
What expectations and hopes did you CAREGIVER: Thank God for the deceased and how they impacted
have for your friend or loved one --- that the life of the one you are seeking help.
will not be realized due to their passing
away? (Example: future weddings, fami- QUESTION 6
ly celebrations, etc.) Cite specific ways that your deceased friend or loved one expressed their love. What
did they do that communicated to you, their love?
CAREGIVER: CAREGIVER: Affirm this individual in how their friend or family
Express your sorrow to the one member made their love and care known. Celebrate them being
you are seeking to comfort, for loved.
they will never experience future
life celebrations as they had hoped. QUESTION 7
What are some of the emotions you have experienced as a result of losing this spe-
cial person?
CAREGIVER: Pray that God would restore emotional health and
close with a prayer of gratitude for the one who has passed.

We’re often more concerned about I have always been drawn to other
securing our own comfort than pastor’s wives when they lose their
offering it to the one who needs it life partner. In 2020/2021, four
most. So how do we best walk with those personal friends/ministry wives lost
who grieve? How do we overcome our
biases and resistances to become their husbands (in Oklahoma,
deliverers of comfort? Here are some Indiana, Alabama, and Tennessee)
ways you and I can bring relief to those due to Covid-19. Consequently, for
who grieve: one year, I endeavor to send a card
on a monthly basis to let them know
ALLOW THE GRIEF. Take a deep
breath and let it be what it is. Let it be they are not forgotten.
ugly, unmanageable, and unattractive. Below are additional ways to express

ANTICIPATE INTERNAL care to a grieving friend:
RESISTANCE. Our survivor nature
makes us shrink from suffering. And yet • SHARE MEMORIES which
pain is one of life’s most valuable tools. includes reflections, photos or
Anticipate your resistance to it. Don’t be cards.
surprised. Then reframe how you see it.
Pain is a profound teacher. • REMEMBER SPECIAL
DAYS such as birthdays,
MOVE CLOSER. When we don’t know wedding anniversary’s or
what to do or say, we tend to not respond. anniversary deaths. Stay
Acknowledge this, and then do the connected.
opposite. Avoidance reeks of rejection.
And rejection only complicates and • BE PRESENT. Comfort with
extends grief. your presence.

EMPATHY. Allow yourself to feel the ASSISTANCE. Meals. Lawn-
loss, just a little bit. Like taking a trip care, etc.
together, allow yourself to travel down the
emotional road of their experience, • ACCEPT SILENCE. Listen
honoring the losses by being willing to feel more than you speak.
a small portion of their pain. Expect to
feel uncomfortable, even heavy. (Source: • ALLOW FOR THE GRIEF
How to Bring Relief to Those Who Grieve by PROCESS. This entails talking,
Michele Cushatt) tears, and time.

GIFT. For one a widow
friend, I gifted the book, Seeing
Beautiful Again, by Lysa Terkeurst
(50 Devotions to find redemption in
every part of your story.)

Grieving is not isolated to death As ministry wives it is imperative that we take time to process, grieve,
alone. We can grieve: and give attention to self- care. In the July newsletter we emphasized
the importance of rest. I quoted author, Noah BenShaw, “It’s the space
• LOSS OF A between the notes that makes the music.” And I add, it’s the ‘space’ between
RELATIONSHIP. hospital visits, funeral homes, life celebrations, your secular job, and
A friendship that was deeply regular church gatherings that enables you to enjoy the rhythm of
meaningful. Perhaps the loss significant ministry. What are you doing to provide relief from the
is from a transition or the tension of this stressful season of ministry?
result of trust issues, per-
haps a divorce that broke In an article by Doug Clay entitled Pastoral Self-Care in a Pandemic, he
fellowship with an in-law. offered the following recommendations for pastors, and I add, their
wives. These suggestions were the outcomes of a Zoom meeting with
• LOSS OF A JOB a Mental Health Care Committee.
due to our actions or at the
hands of social injustice, 1. Be mindful of your boundaries
perhaps even, a byproduct 2. Find a trusted friend to process with
of Covid-19. 3. Intentionally manage your input
4. Take are of yourself
• LOSS OF A HOME 5. Humor really helps
from bankruptcy, a fire, or 6. Hold realistic expectations
transition. 7. Worship privately
8. Control what you can
• LOSS OF HEALTH 9. Instill hopefulness

• LOSS OF INCOME Mark Dance, Executive Director of Care4Pastors, suggests the
following for pastoral leaders in his article, 4 Post-COVID Steps Every
Such losses can result in a Pastor Needs to Take:
downward spiral that impacts
our emotions, zeal, and energy • Grieve
ultimately impacting our effec- Grieve your pain of losing family, friends, even church members
tiveness. who have made their exit from your local church. Process your
emotions with someone you trust. The good news, “... LifeWay
Please know, your self-care is Research recently found that 91% of US churchgoers surveyed
important for the physical, men- said they plan to return to the level of in-person, pre-Covid church
tal, emotional and spiritual well- attendance once the threat of the pandemic has waned.”
being as a ministry wife. Find
someone whom you trust and • Refocus
process your losses. Obviously, I This season has forced pastors to consider what is important and
make myself available to you. what is not important. So, refocus, dream, innovate, take risks,
Seek professional help, if need cease ineffective ministries, begin new ones.
• Celebrate
One source available to you is Celebrate whatever wins you’ve realized, be it giving, member
Focus on the Family’s Counseling engagement, the discovery of online worship, etc.
Department, 1-855-771-
HELP (4357) weekdays from • Rest
6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Mountain Vacate. Find a way to refresh. Refocus. Pace yourself. In doing,
Time). Consultations are availa- so your local church will benefit.
ble at NO COST to you due to
generous donor support and will
be with one of their licensed or
pastoral specialist. Please take
care of yourself!. You are loved!

• David expressed at one of the lowest When Sarah Beckman was interviewing people to aid
points of his life that God saw what her in writing the book, Alongside, many cited strong
he was going through, “You keep sentiments regarding what wasn’t helpful as they
track of all my sorrows. You have collected were grieving. Because we are in positions that man-
all my tears in your bottle. You have rec- date a response to those grieving, it would be good
orded each one in your book” (Psalm 56:8, to be reminded of their reflections:
NLT). David knew that God never
missed a moment, a tear, or a sigh • When providing meals (which is certainly appro-
from any of His children. We have a priate) don’t deliver dishes that have to be re-
Father who keeps track of every single tear we cry. I have turned. Use disposable containers.
gifted this item to families that have realized significant
losses. It’s a lovely, decorative glass vase with a tag citing • Don’t publicly discuss information the family has
this passage of Scripture. Source: not made public. If in question, ask what is ap-
(Tears in a Bottle—$30.00) ‘Tears are not a sign of weakness. In propriate to share and when.
fact, crying is an indication of the griever’s willingness to do the ‘work
of mourning’. (Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph. D.) • Rather than say, “Let me know if you need anything,”
inform the family of what you would like to do
• Devotional Books: on their behalf. Generic statements are unhelpful
and put the burden on the individual you desire
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. A book that provides words to assist. Specific offers show that you mean
of reassurance, comfort, and hope written as if Jesus was business. They cite how you desire to make life
speaking to you personally. easier for the person to say ’Yes’ to your offer or
to ‘decline’.
Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado. Reflections to draw
you closer to God as well as understand His direction and • ‘Please don’t forget my struggle.’ Thus the importance
timing. of remembering to connect days, weeks, and
months after a loss. Our goal is to come along-
• Give the gift of GRACE. Yes. Give the gift of grace, lots side of one other and make their challenges more
of grace, especially to the person facing the loss. Emotions bearable. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way
are running high. Offer forgiveness and understanding be- you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2, NIV).
cause it’s not about you—it’s about the person who has True service is that which does not look for
lost someone so dear. acknowledgements nor “Thank You’s”.

The following Florida ministry wives recently lost their beloved life partners.
Your card of concern would be a welcomed gift.

BETTY ADKISON (Alcus), P. O. Box 6061, Marianna, FL 32447
MARY HOSKINS (Ruben), 408 Wilmont Ave., Panama City FL 32401

“...encourage one another and build each other up…“ (1 Thess. 5:11).


Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To every thing there is a season…”

Having grown up in Virginia, I always looked forward to the change of seasons, especially from summer to autumn… the crispness in the
air. The drop in humidity. The turning of the leaves. Though the changes are less dramatic here in Florida, I do believe God has lined up a dramatic shift

that we can await with anticipation! The season we are currently enduring has not been an easy one, but according to Ecclesiastes 3:1, even it has a
purpose. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.” Fellow Ministers of God, for those who have been found
faithful in this difficult season, I believe the Father will use it to prepare our hearts for what is to come. Psalms 126:5 “Those who sow in tears shall
reap with joyful shouting.” So what is to come? …The Harvest! Are you ready?

Ministerial Tithers: Love, Dan State Support Monticello
Adderley, Romeika Love, Elaine by Local Church Moore Haven
Adderley, Zhivago McLean, Carmen Arcadia Niceville Worship Center
Anderson, Rosie Miller, Chris Auburndale The Well Ocala
Baker, Rosetta Miller, Larry Belle Glade SE 12th ST Ocoee
Bates, Ron Miller, Ronald Bokeelia Okeechobee
Beauchamp, Maxie Milwood, Loretta Bonifay Kansas AVE Orlando All Nations
Bona, Patricia Mirelez Sr., Eddie Bonifay New Bayview Orlando Orange Center
Brown, Godfrey Mirelez, Annette Bristol My Father’s House Orlando Restoration Center
Bumgarner, Marion Morris, Daisy Brooker Lighthouse Ormond Beach Strong Tower
Burnett, Monique Moultrie, Fred Capitola Palatka
Caley, Joshua Mullings, Almando Chipley Palm City
Caley, Wilbur Mullings, Lewellyn Clewiston Unity Palm Harbor Crossroads Cha
Campbell, Errol Neal, Leonard Cocoa God's Lighthouse Port St Lucie Lifeline Min
Capron, Frank Nester, William Daytona Beach New Life Port St Lucie Unity
Christian, Linnette Norman, Shelva Deerfield Beach Punta Gorda
Collier, Sylvia O’Steen, Eunice Fernandina Beach Quincy
Creasy, Scott Parrot, Thomas Ft. Myers Glorious Riviera Beach Wings of Love
Daniels, Harrold Ramsay, Vincent Ft. Myers Marion St Family Wor. Sanford Lake Mary Faith Min
Davis, James L. Register, Curtis Ft. Myers Michigan AV Sanford Pillar Ground of Truth
Davis, Willie R. Rolle, Jonathan Goulds Triumphant Sanford True Praise & Worship
Dean, Anna Ross, Rebecca Hallandale Sanford Whole World Gospel
Dean, Noward E. C. Simon, Raymond South Miami Higher Praise
Deans, Yvonne Singleton, Lawrence Havana St Augustine New Beginning
Dotson, Joe Sterling, Michael Sunrise Oakland Park BLVD
Douglas, Henry Sullivan, JV Homestead House of Prayer Tallahassee Dade ST
Downs, Benjamin Sullivan, Shel Jack. 21st ST Tallahassee Miccosukee
Downs, Jacinth Sullivan, Van Jack. Buckman ST Tallahassee Westway
Dupree, Bryant Taylor, Alvin Jack. Lighthouse Christian Tampa Forest Hills
Forbes, Nathaniel Thomas, James Jack. Mandarin Tavares
Foskey, Sylvia Thompson, Samuel A. Jack. Westside International
Francois, Pelixon Tinsley, Billy Key West Valrico
Frederick, Curtis Tucker, Charles Kissimmee Faith Assembly
Futch, Jeff Vernon, Troy Lauderhill Glory Train Mission Wellington Abundant Life
Gailey, Cheryl Whitten, Richard Leesburg Winter Garden Bay ST
Gamble, Samuel Whittle, Athensa Lorida Winter Garden Southside
Graham, Winford Whyte, Lawford Mascotte
Green, Lee Walter Wilkinson, R. Nixon Melbourne Overcomer
Grundy, Donald Williams, Aurelius Miami #1
Heron, Wantworth Williams, Cornelius Miami Centerville
Hile, Dale Williams, Hazel Miami Haitian
Hill, Mike Williams, Winston Miami Perrine Center of Hope
Hobbs, Philip Willis, Henry Miami Ridgeway
House, Chuck Willis, John Milton Abiding Faith
House, Shawn Willis, Mack
Hughes, Byron Wilson Jr., Arthur
Hunter, Terry
Hurlburt, Danny
Jackson, Derrick
James, Carlton
Jean, Jean
Kitchens, Libby Mack
Leachman, Yvette
Lee, Jerome A.
Lewis, Keturah
Lockwood, Scott

Are you ready for the next Season?

Church of God of Prophecy State Office in Florida
State Treasurer - Troy T. Vernon

From my heart to yours…

Pastoral Care Letter
November 2021

Dear Pastoral Care Leader,

First of all, I would like to “Thank You” for being such a blessing to your pastor and family
during “Pastor Appreciation Month.” Please remember to encourage everyone to continue
praying for them during the entire month!

We will soon be entering the “Thanksgiving” season, so may we all remember to give
thanks to the ONE who has brought us through these past months. We have certainly been
blessed to be able to give Him thanks and praise for all His benefits.

Please remember that you are the key to making your pastor feel loved and appreciated
especially during this holiday season.

A great idea for a Thanksgiving Love Basket would be to have a basket placed in the church
and have everyone add all the fixings for a complete dinner!

May this Thanksgiving season be one of truly giving God thanks for all He has done in your

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Happy Thanksgiving,
Frankie S. Dotson
State Pastoral Care Director









"Withhold not good from them to whom it is due,
when it is in the power of thine hand to do it."
Proverbs 3:27 KJV

Frankie S. Dotson,
State Pastoral Care Director

"REACHING FORTH” Philippians 3:13


5th at 7pm
6th at 9am

Camp Sonshine
24165 Dan Brown Hill Rd.
Brooksville Fl. 34602

Women’s Ministry Director ONLINE registration
386 334 0114
[email protected]

State of Florida Church of God of Prophecy – Women’s Ministry - CULTIVATE


Training Dates & Locations

September/October, 2021 – IMAGINE SESSIONS – Online
Keeping Marriages Healthy Tuesday, Sept. 14 - Oct. 19
Thursday, Sept. 16 - Oct. 21
A Journey From Institutional to Missional Tuesday, Nov 9 - 30
Tuesday, Jan. 11 – Feb. 15
Thursday, Jan 13 – Feb. 17
November – FLORIDA MINISTRIES – Online

The Equipping Pastor/Church
Thursday, Mar. 3 – 24
Tuesday, Apr. 5 – May 10
January, 2022 – IMAGINE SESSIONS – Online Thursday. Apr. 7 – May 12

A Journey from Institutitional to Missional
Hope Filled Living

January 28-30 – Florida Initiatives – Orlando, In Person

• Licensure

• Church Planting

• Leadership Development

• Partnerships

• Communication

• Local Church Budget Prep

February – FLORIDA MINISTRIES – In Person
TOPIC: Leadership Styles

• South Region: TBA

• South Central Region: TBA

• Central Region: TBA

• North Central Region: TBA

• Nothwest Region: TBA


TOPIC: Church Culture

A Journey from Institutitional to Missional

Called 2 Love

Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life 1 | P a g e

The Equipping Pastor/Church

An equipping initiative of Florida Ministries.
6001 Monarch Blvd.

Leesburg, Florida 34748

Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life.
Encounter & Encourage, Equip & Empower



This learning module is designed and compiled to introduce you to an equipping pastor and an
equipping culture. Portions of this material can be found with additional information in the
resource entitled, "The Equipping Church Guidebook." You can access this resource on
Amazon with the following link.
http://www.Equipping Church Guidebook, The: Mallory, Sue, Smith, Brad, Rehnborg, Sarah Jane,
Wilson, Neil: Books

The answers to each fill-in-the-blank can be found on page 17 of this learning module.


Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life


When we talk about an equipping focus or culture, we are moving back to
the original directive of the New Testament. We intend to guide pastors and churches to
reboot their operating system back to the original as best we can to the New Testament.
Church, as usual, will not transform the world. Only a New Testament spirit-driven church
impacts the world. Shift cultures of origin to a kingdom culture where Jesus is King, and we
are His servants, His ambassadors.

Equipping ministry ____________________ ____________________ to understand and live out their
calling in every area of their lives. An equipping culture impacts how each one serves their
spouse, children, church, and their community. An equipping culture results in maturity
beyond what someone believes, to behaviors and what they are becoming. This process
begins with a person being assimilated into the faith community and feeling like they
belong. Once one feels they belong, the process of becoming and believing morphs into "a
new creature in Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:17); then, shepherd them into becoming a
follower of Jesus – a disciple who disciples others.

Healthy church leaders place developing an equipping culture (where they endeavor to
place the right tools in the right people’s hands at the right time) as a _________________________
___________________________ . An equipping culture begins with the Biblical mandate of leaders
who understand the following passage,

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors
and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the

body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12 NKJV).


Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life

1) The key leaders of an equipping culture understand the Biblical importance of
equipping ministry and are proactive in casting the vision for an equipping culture
and personally modeling the equipping culture with their lives. Paul said to the
Thessalonians, "So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have
imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye
were dear unto us" (1 Thessalonians 2:8, NKJV). Meetings conducted, sermons
preached, Bible studies presented, newsletters, hiring staff members, and even how
buildings are built express the culture these leaders are endeavoring to facilitate.

2) The key leaders of an equipping culture view the equipping ministry with such
importance that a person is hired or appointed as a primary point person. This
person should have the gifts and passion for leading an equipping culture in the
church. This person may prove to be one of the most critical people on your team. If
there is no one with the gifts and passion for equipping, the pastor will begin to cast
the vision and prepare someone to serve along their side. Intentional equipping
illustrates the culture of developing leaders rather than just waiting on a leader to
show up. As a pastor, you will work with Holy Spirit to raise one who can lead an
equipping team toward an equipping culture in the church.

3) The key leaders of an equipping culture understand that most people require
competent shepherds, guides, counselors, and a supportive team. They work with a
strategy of next steps to facilitate learning and understanding what their gifts and
passions are, then serving in a manner where those gifts and passions are expressed
in the church's life. Healthy churches must develop leaders and build systems with
structures that move people from guests to active participants in a ministry team.
This system of on-ramps assists in moving people from consumer to contributor.
Systems and

4) Structures serve as on-ramps that move people from viewing the service online to
attending the church to being the church in the community, living out their spiritual
DNA in all aspects of life.

Disciple Leader





mobilizing believers of Jesus to discipleship and servanthood is primary
where the pastor is not the doer of all significant things


Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life

a ministry that functions through the power of Holy Spirit where His gifts
flowing from the disciple of Christ function to carry the authority of the kingdom
of God, thereby making more disciples
a culture that shares the vision and equips leaders based on their gifts, passions
as designed by God
a culture of building dynamic teams that broaden the base of leadership to
increase the capacity for ministry
a culture that develops systems and structures that serve the church rather than
the church serving the systems and structures
a culture where diversity is celebrated
where leaders equip leaders and disciples disciple
church life is prayer, work, fellowship, and fun

TEAM Excercise

Discuss the following with your team and answer whether the
statements are true or false.

The ultimate goal of an equipping culture is to:

____________ meet the need for workers in the various programs of
the church

____________ care for the poor, misplaced, broken of the community
that will engender more ownership in the church

____________ close the back doors of our churches

____________ increase giving in our churches

____________ provide personal fulfillment through ministry

____________ help followers of Jesus mature spiritually by using their God-given gifts to serve
each other and the community so that the entire church attains the maturity God


1) Volunteer Management
2) Gifts Assessment
3) Small-Group Program
4) Social Gospel Ministry
5) Membership Retention Program
6) A Pastoral Care Ministry
7) Mentoring Program


Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life


There is nothing more ____________________ than for church leaders to focus
on how they can fulfill what Scripture defines as one of their primary functions.

It was He (Jesus) who,
"…gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, some
to be pastors and teachers…" (Ephesians 4:11, NKJV).

God gives leaders to the church to equip additional leaders for ministry. They do not
appoint themselves; they serve God by leading others into a ministry that develops others,
that serve and develop others; when the base of ministry has broadened, the capacity of

ministry increases.

Leaders must serve as ____________________________.

The purpose of the gifts, as mentioned earlier, is
to prepare the church to do works of service.

"…to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ might
be built up…" (Ephesians 4:12, NIV).

Preparing God's people is the mission or purpose statement for church leaders.

When believers serve in ministry rather than consume the ministry of others, they grow.
That is is the Biblical sequence we see in this passage from Paul to the Ephesians.

"…until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and
become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ…" (Ephesians,
4:13 NIV).

Notice the sequence:

In a leadership meeting, ask your team these questions,

1) Do the programs and activities we provide in our churches equip people for service?
2) Are people serving in ministry or just consuming the ministry?


Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life

Remember, the goal is not church program activity, but opportunities that ___________________
& __________________________ the church.

Ministry, Encounter,
Encourage, Equip, &
Empower Expression for
Servanthood, Life Mission,


As an equipping church, our goal would be to disciple one who disciples.
When this occurs, the outcomes are exponentially increased.

With this understanding: What you have learned ____________________________ and what you
have been given, ______________________________ it away.

As an equipping pastor/church, the goal is
individual health that leads to congregational
health. Equipping is relational ____________________
____________________ discipleship that leads to
___________________________ __________________________
discipleship that leads to whole community

"From him, the whole body, joined and held
together by every supporting ligament, grows and
builds itself up in love, as each part does its work (Ephesians 4:16, NIV).

Many people mistakenly define equipping by the ____________________ they do rather than by
the individual _______________________________ that ____________________.

Ask your leadership team the following question,
1) What percentage of the church is engaged in expressing their God-given passion in

Equipping is much more than a program that a pastor leads and the church embraces. It is a
culture that permeates everything we do as leaders. It is a reboot to God's original plan of
equipping leaders to do their works of service that increases and edifies the church.


Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life


The equipping culture in the church cannot be laid out on a whiteboard
in a one size fits all program. Equipping is not a simple, quick fix. Most pastors
expect immediate results and find it hard to set up systems and structures that lead a
church into the transition from church as usual or by
what is expected into church Unusual to meet the new
testament mandate to make disciples who disciple. The
equipping culture must be understood as crockpot
cooking, not microwave.

Systems serve as ______________ _________________to
ministry service.

1) We live in a culture with a superstore, supersize, mega-church mentality. Choices,
choices, choices, location, location, and location are the day's marketing strategy.
Slick websites, smoke and mirrors, program-driven activities provide a shadow but
may lack substantive transformational goals. While those elements of church are
pleasing to the human senses, they promote a consumer culture. That culture
screams, "come and see," rather than "go & tell." There must be the come and see
that leads to the "go-and-tell" empowering of every believer to find their gifts and
passion and express it everywhere they go. People shop church like car lots, looking
for the best religious goods and services. It used to be a guest would get their first
glimpse at your church in the parking lot or foyer, but today, the first stop is online.
Be assured the guest who comes to attend have already been online and has seen
something that connected with them.

2) Church leaders tend to import a program or copy some curriculum to meet a need
or address a problem within our ministry to see the other church's results. Many of
these programs have been highly successful in other churches, but they do not fit
every context. At the same time, some of these may make a big impression they have
little impact. The question then becomes are we looking to IMPRESS or IMPACT?


The programs, ideas, or curriculum from
other churches can serve as a starting place
but should never be the goal. Every church
has general purposes, but the church your
serve is individually unique in its purpose.


Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life


The equipping pastor/church will function in specific values relative to
developing an equipping culture. Without these as an intentional priority of the
leadership, the church will never move from the Moses model of ministry, where he was
the "doer of all significant things." It was so burdensome to Moses, Jethro said to him, (as
Moses wrote about in Exodus), "Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able
men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to
be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens: And
let them judge the people at all seasons: and it shall be, that every great matter they
shall bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge: so shall it be easier for
thyself, and they shall bear the burden with thee. If thou shalt do this thing, and God
command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all this people shall also go to
their place in peace" Exodus 18:21-23, NKJV). Jethro's admonition matches the Pauline
approach of whole-life discipleship. Paul told Timothy, "And the things that thou hast
heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall
be able to teach others also" (1Timothy 2;12, NKJV). The intentional equipping of the
church does not move as a programmatic system. Equipping is oven into the fabric of the
entire church. If this is not the case, the church is nothing more than a gathering of people,
not the temple of Holy Spirit, the body of Christ, which brings the authority of Christ's
kingdom into the cultures of the world.

1) The equipping culture recognizes the inherent value of prayer as a means
of discerning God's vision, developing leadership, and planning toward an equipping
culture. Equipping church leaders rely on prayer, making sure that the church's
work is in alignment with God, His Word, and functions in the power of His Spirit.

2) Every member within the body of Christ is
called and gifted into ministry. The church's leadership must lead the body's
membership into understanding their calling and gifting that the body may be
edified and increase as specified in Ephesians 4. Leadership intentionally equips for
works of service in the family, church, community, and the world.

3) Leaders demonstrate genuine care for people with a
spirit of humility and authenticity, willingly making themselves accountable as they
equip others to use their gifts in the body of Christ.

4) Healthy community in a team setting is built around the
uniqueness of each person's gifts, embracing accountability to team members with a
willingness to work for the good of the whole church.


Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life

5) The church recognizes and embraces the organic
character of change that responds creatively and proactively to shifts in culture. The
church continually changes methods but always maintains the message. The
content forms the container.

6) An integral part of embracing
the intentional priorities of an equipping culture involves shifts in language. The
words we use to communicate specific values are important. Our language and
ministry philosophy will reveal what we believe. Jesus said, "out of the abundance
of the heart, the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34, NKJV).

The following reflects some vocabulary shifts:

From recruit to
From delegate to
From volunteer to
From volunteers to
From administration to
From committee to
From programs to

From visitor to
From exclusive to
From behavior modification to

The list will continue to grow as you continue to follow Holy Spirit in the methodology of
the ministries you lead. Remember, methods are always negotiable, dynamic, evolutionary,
ever-changing, but the message is concrete, static, never changing! Andy Stanley said, We
have been married to the methods of the church and dated the message when we ought to
marry the message and date the methods." Methods, systems, and structures must serve the
church, and not the church serving the methods or systems and structures. Work to
become comfortable with change, but the message must never be negotiable.

Discuss with your leadership team additional language shifts necessary?

From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________

From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________
From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________
From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________
From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________
From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________

From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________
From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________
From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________
From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________

From ________________________________________ to ________________________________________


Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life

Theology is revealed as you search the Bible, and methods are understood as we interact
with the people we serve. Your search in the Scriptures and your relationship with Jesus
are essential, and all the ministry methods, while important, are lifeless without the
Lifegiver. Your leadership of the people you serve must be steeped in God's Light.

Psalm 36:9 "In thy light O Lord, we have light."

What is His Light? Below are at least four significant and divine sources of light. And, we as
a church must walk in God's Light to the best of our knowledge and ability

Genesis 1:3
Psalm 119:105

John 8:12
Matthew 5:14

Walking in the LIGHT connects to our primary purpose, according to Ephesians 4.
Encountering, encouraging, equipping, empowering through preaching, teaching,
counseling, shepherding, serving, and guiding others to embrace God as Creator,
experiencing God's Son and His Word, all the while engaging God's people in relationships.

TEAM EXERCISE – Lead your ministry team through the
following discussion starters.


I have learned… _____________________________________________________________________________________

I am reminded… _____________________________________________________________________________________

I plan to lead…_______________________________________________________________________________________


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Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life


Use the following as a discussion guide with your leadership
team regarding an equipping culture.

We must understand the why as the reason we do what we do. A means is the what – what
you do regarding activities. If the what's are not carefully connected to why, you may have
too many programs, meetings, and conflicts. In short, you will have a highly complex
church. As a result, you may find much of your time running diversely directed programs,
spending your time corralling people who lead programs toward competing or divisive

1) In addition to Ephesians 4, identify other Bible passages and church documents that
address the purpose of church leadership.

2) The following are considered part of the roles of church leaders
a. Guard and teach the doctrine of the church
b. Shepherd and care for the flock
c. Provide vision and direction
d. Pray for the church and provide a spiritual example

Which of these are the means that are necessary to equip the saints? What are some
other means, activities, and programs in your role as church leaders? What are some
other purposes of your role as a church leader?

3) Discuss examples of church failure to differentiate between the "means" of your role
and the "purpose" of your position. What happened? How was it corrected? How
could it have been avoided with the clarity of purpose from the beginning?

4) The root meaning of the Greek term in Strong's concordance translated "equip" is
"to mend a broken bone or repair a torn fishing net." So, as you equip the people in
your church, what is broken that must be considered before they are ready to do the
works of service?

5) Leaders must clearly understand Ephesians 4:11-16. If leaders equip for works of
service, then the entire church will grow to maturity. Is the purpose of church
(a) to mature the saints
(b) to equip the saints so that God will mature them?

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Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life

What is the leader's role, and what is God's promise?
Is the purpose of church leaders to

(a) exercise their gifts
(b) exercise their gifts in a way that they see people doing works of service as
a result?

How would (b) look different from (a)?

6) Ephesians 4:11-16 must be communicated as follows:
a. God gave leaders to the church with specific gifts
b. The purpose of these leaders is to equip the saints for works of service.
c. As saints are equipped for works of service, the entire body will grow to
d. Maturity results in reduced confusion, greater truth, and individuals
connected to Christ and each other forming a complete interdependent body.

7) How would you restate or add to this? How could this be restated to determine how
to focus your time and activities toward a clear purpose? Using this compass, what
would be the most critical item on your "to-do" list as church leaders? What would
be on your "to stop doing" list? As you apply this compass to the church programs
and activities you oversee, how do these equip the saints for works of service? How
would you measure this?

8) What is the difference between the following?
a. Creating an equipping culture that implements a particular church strategy
such as closing the back door through which visitors slip away without
becoming members
b. Creating an equipping culture that implements a particular church purpose
such as "membership" or "service."
c. Creating an equipping culture that established the foundation and church-
wide internal culture with systems and structures on purpose. Driven by
God's strategy for ministry to equip the saints for their works of service.

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Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life


Across all Christian denominations, we find a history of theological support for gift-based
service in ministry by all believers. The emphasis and methods may vary, and there may be
huge disparities between the theology and practice of equipping ministry, yet there is an
amazing agreement in the central points. In large part, this is due to the many scriptural
references on the subject. In the following essentials, you will find these texts and their
significance for equipping ministry. You can build on these passages as you develop Bible
studies, write sermons, and create vision pieces to educate and inspire your congregation
about the importance of serving through giftedness to equip every believer for their work
of service adequately.


Romans 12:1-6

An equipping culture is one that at its core is the biblical admonition of serving others. Life
in Christ above all else is an act of love and _______________________________________ to Christ.
Worship is not merely an event that takes place when we arrive on the church property for
“worship services”. When we use this language, we emphasize that worship occurs when
you come to church rather than extending our service to outside the walls of the church.
God has given gifts and we are _______________________________________ of the gospel, our time,
treasure, talent, and every relationship God has given us opportunity to pursue.


Ephesians 2:10, I Peter 2:5, 9-10, Matthew 25:31-46
An equipping culture is one that embraces the priesthood ministry of
all believers. Clergy, lawyers, doctors, teachers, mailmen, homemakers, contractors,
physically fit as well as those with disabilities are _______________________________________.
In this essential we find the foundation for changing our language of volunteer to
_____________________________ or servant leader. Using the term volunteer implies that you can
_________________________________ to do something. It sounds as though it is optional. In the

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Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life

kingdom of God, fulfilling your individually unique place is your greatest life. As we
embrace our God given design, we will serve out of our sweet spot that produces a greater
impact through influence in relationships. For this we were created.


1 Peter 4:10-11, I Corinthians 12:12, Chapter 14
Our gifts are to be used to accomplish ________________ will and give
glory to Him as Creator. He is the Source and will forever remain the
Source of gifts given. Relationships are the resource God uses to make
a difference in the world.


Romans 12:4-8, I Corinthians 12:4-12, 18, Mark 10:42-44

The purpose of spiritual gifts is to serve the ________________________________
not the individual. We grow to a level of maturity as we serve. As we
serve, we glorify God while growing in our relationship with Him and others. Gifts are to be
used in everything we do. Gifts are given to serve the community, not the individual.


Romans 15: 1-3, Philippians 2:21, John 15:12-17, 21:15-17
Ephesians 4:16

We do not live to ____________________________________ neither for ourselves. I am afraid we have
more Philippians 2:21 Christians than we do Philippians 1:21 Christians.

CONSIDER WITH YOUR LEADERSHIP TEAM: Compare the Philippian passages and
search the "one another" passages in the scripture. God uses the challenges of
relationships and our service to one another to teach us about His relationship with us. The
church is the village that impacts our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the world.

Getting involved by using your gifts accelerated your spiritual growth immensely. God
designed it that way. Don’t head for the grandstands when you enter the kingdom of God.
Head for the playing field. That is where the excitement is. That is where the action is, but

most of all that’s where our Creator is!

Wayne Cordeiro 14 | P a g e
Doing Church as a Team

Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life


James 1:22-27, James 2:14-17

Jesus spoke about new wine and old wineskins. He was
emphasizing wine is active and dynamic, which forms the wineskin. In other words, what is
being poured in should form the container. We tend to allow the containers to restrict the
contents. A church will never become an equipping church where containers are

Hence, the metric used when evaluating spiritual growth is, if the
containers (people) are being ___________________________________ in
relationships of service, mentoring, discipling, teaching, and
preaching, etc. Numbers are important, but they cannot tell you
about the spiritual formation of an individual life that now is
growing into impacting others in the manner they have been
impacted. Deep spiritual growth _____________________________ as we
serve others.


Ephesians 4:11-16

The 20st Century church shifted away from the view of the ministry function of apostle,
prophet, evangelist, pastor/teacher as __________________________________, to a view of the leader
as a manager, or CEO. We are not called to manage people; people are externally
unmanageable. In this Century, God seems to be calling men and women to align with the
primary role of equipping people for works of service. We must be equippers of equippers,
disciples that disciple. While understanding an equipping culture may be new to you, it is
as ancient as the beginning of time. The work toward an equipping culture is a REBOOT to
God's original plan.


TEAM EXERCISE – Lead your ministry team through the
following discussion starters.

I have learned ___________________________________________________________
I am reminded __________________________________________________________
I plan to lead ____________________________________________________________

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Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life



Use the following as a discussion guide with your leadership
team regarding an equipping culture.

1. What is the most compelling Bible passage for encouraging your leadership team to
increase attention toward an equipping culture?

2. Which of the Biblical principles supporting equipping ministry is the most
personally motivating or convicting as you consider this shift to an equipping

3. Which of these principles should be emphasized in your teaching as you encourage
your congregation toward intentional caring through greater personal involvement
based on one's unique gifts and passion?

4. What are some of the necessary biblical components of an equipping ministry
system based on these principles? How can these principles be integrated and
communicated in whatever system you build?

5. As you implement equipping ministry in your church, how can you ensure that,
along with finding members to meet ministry needs, you emphasize the importance
of personal spiritual growth through service?

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Page 2 Page 14
Prepares People God’s
Primary Focus Community
Page 4
False Page 15
False Fruitful
False Occurs
False Equippers

Page 5

Page 6
Whole Life
Whole Church

Page 7

Page 13

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Equipping pastors to equip leaders for life

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