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MPX - Spell Check - The Homebrewery

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Published by TCR, 2022-09-21 19:34:32


MPX - Spell Check - The Homebrewery

This is a system for Experiance which is designed to fill you game with a variaty of opertunities for your party to level up. You gain XP at the end of every Session and this is designed to reward Quality Not Quntity.

WHATIS MXP E x p l a i n e d Welcome to the world of Milestone Experience (MXP), a fresh approach to rewarding players in your role-playing games. As a Game Master transitioning from the traditional Experience Points (XP) system, you'll find MXP to be a collective and holistic method that emphasizes the party's shared journey. Unlike XP, which is often combat-centric and individually tracked, MXP encourages a variety of gameplay by rewarding the most significant event in each category per session. This means if your players face multiple combats, only the most challenging one—the one with the greatest impact—will count towards MXP. It's designed to promote diverse experiences, fostering teamwork and ensuring that every aspect of your players' adventure, from puzzle-solving to exploration, is recognized and valued. Embrace MXP, and watch as your players collaborate and thrive in a game that celebrates their collective achievements. To further ease your transition to Milestone Experience (MXP), we’ve provided a specially designed Excel Calculator. This tool is a boon for Game Masters, automating the MXP calculations and ensuring equitable distribution of rewards among players. Simply enter the details of your party’s adventures into the calculator, and it will do the rest. You can find this invaluable resource at the provided link, ready to enhance your gaming sessions with efficiency and fairness. Here’s the link for your convenience: Excel Calculator for MXP: MXP Calculator Happy gaming, and may your adventures be ever rewarding! As you turn the pages, you’ll find a comprehensive breakdown of the various tasks that players can undertake during their quest, each accompanied by the corresponding Milestone Experience (MXP) rewards. These tasks are categorized by difficulty levels, with MXP rewards increasing to reflect the complexity and ingenuity with which your players tackle challenges. This layout is designed to guide you, the Game Master, in recognizing and rewarding the diverse accomplishments of your party, ensuring that every strategic decision and bold action is acknowledged and contributes to the collective advancement of the group. 2

MILESTONEEXPERIENCE (MXP) Milestone Experience (MXP) is awarded at the end of every session, reflecting the characters’ progress and determining when they level up. This system rewards the entire party for their collective actions during the game. With smaller, more manageable numbers, MXP emphasizes completing quests and unique tasks, offering higher rewards for these achievements. In the realm of role-playing games, you have the flexibility to tailor the experience system to your players' needs. You can opt for individual progression, where each player's character levels up independently, or you can embrace a unified approach with Guild Experience (GeXP). By choosing GeXP, you amplify the XP requirements tenfold, but in return, all players level up in unison. This collective leveling system, as adopted by TCR, creates a cumulative experience across the entire server, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared achievement. It's a communal journey that celebrates the guild's milestones together, making every level gained a testament to the collaborative spirit of the game. MXPTABLE LEVEL cumulative XP required 00 0 01 50 02 150 03 300 04 500 05 800 06 1,150 07 1,550 08 2,000 09 2,500 10 3,050 11 3,650 12 4,300 13 5,000 14 5,525 15 8,000 16 N/A 17 N/A 18 N/A 19 N/A 20 N/A 3

LEARNED A SECRET Rewarding players for their curiosity in exploring the world and its lore fosters a richer experience. By taking notes and interacting with NPCs, players unravel the game’s backstory, which developers can acknowledge through in-game rewards or narrative depth. This not only enhances player engagement but also encourages a thorough exploration of the game’s universe. 4

LEARNED A SECRET Minor….. ‘Current Quest’ In the context of a role-playing game, a ‘Current Quest’ secret refers to information that has immediate relevance to the quest at hand. It’s a tidbit that can provide an advantage or insight within the current gameplay, enhancing the player’s experience and potentially guiding them to success. However, its utility is limited to the present quest and does not carry over to future games or quests, reflected in its minimal MXP (Mystery Experience Points) value of 1, indicating its transient importance. MXP Calculation: 1 Major….. ‘Countrywide’ In a role-playing game, a ‘Countrywide’ secret represents high-stakes information that could affect the stability or governance of an entire nation or significant region. Possessing such knowledge places the party member in a precarious position, as it may attract unwanted attention from powerful entities or factions within the game world. The revelation of this secret could lead to major plot developments or conflicts, and the relatively higher MXP (Mystery Experience Points) calculation of 2 underscores its potential impact on the game’s narrative and the risks involved in handling it. MXP Calculation: 2 Massive….. ‘Worldwide’ In the realm of role-playing games, ‘Worldwide’ secrets are the most profound and game-changing discoveries a player can make. They are the result of extensive in-game research, exploration, and meticulous preparation, often requiring players to delve into the deepest dungeons or decipher ancient texts. These secrets hold the power to alter the course of history within the game world, with consequences that can topple governments or shift the balance of power. The MXP (Mystery Experience Points) calculation of 3 reflects their immense value and the significant impact they have on the narrative, potentially reshaping the entire gameplay experience. MXP Calculation: 3 5

COMPLETION OFTHEQUEST Completing a quest in a role-playing game is a testament to a player’s skill and perseverance, offering a sense of accomplishment and progression. As players overcome challenges and achieve their objectives, developers can recognize their success with experience points, items, or story advancements. This not only validates the players’ efforts but also propels them forward, eager to tackle new adventures and unravel further mysteries within the game’s world. 6

COMPLITION OFTHEQUEST Minor….. ‘Under-Achieved’ In a role-playing game, a ‘Minor: Under-Achieved’ outcome signifies that the party has not met the primary goal of their quest, potentially leading to an overall failure. Despite this, the players still gain experience from what they have managed to accomplish, albeit partially. This experience is quantified by a minimal MXP (Mystery Experience Points) value of 1, which serves as a small consolation for their efforts and encourages players to learn from the experience and apply this knowledge to future quests. It’s a reminder that even in failure, there is a lesson to be learned and progress to be made. MXP Calculation: 1 Major….. ‘As Requested’ In a role-playing game, achieving a ‘Major: As Requested’ status signifies that the party has successfully completed the quest in accordance with the given specifications, or very close to it. They managed to accomplish their objectives efficiently, without overreaching or omitting any requested tasks. This level of precision and adherence to the quest’s requirements is rewarded with an MXP (Mystery Experience Points) calculation of 2, reflecting the party’s competence and thoroughness in fulfilling the quest’s directives. MXP Calculation: 2 Massive….. ‘Over-Achieved’ In the context of a role-playing game, a ‘Massive: Over-Achieved’ distinction is awarded when the party not only fulfills the quest’s requirements but also goes above and beyond what was asked of them, to the client’s benefit. This exceptional performance is recognized with significant experience gains and rewards, reflecting the extra effort and positive impact made. The MXP (Mystery Experience Points) calculation of 3 is indicative of the substantial value and commendable initiative demonstrated by the party in exceeding the quest’s expectations. MXP Calculation: 3 7

COMBAT In the dynamic world of role-playing games, players often face a diverse array of adversaries, each presenting a unique challenge. These foes range from minor nuisances to epic nemeses, with varying levels of difficulty that test the players’ strategy, adaptability, and resourcefulness. The uniqueness of each adversary lies in their attributes, abilities, and the context within which they are encountered, ensuring that each battle is a distinct and memorable experience within the game’s narrative. 8

COMBAT Easy An ‘Easy’ combat challenge in D&D 5e is a skirmish where the party is expected to succeed with minimal risk. These encounters serve as confidence builders or narrative progressors rather than true tests of the party’s abilities. MXP Calculation: 1 Medium A ‘Medium’ difficulty encounter provides a balanced challenge, requiring strategy and resource management without overwhelming danger. It’s the standard against which a party’s combat readiness is measured. MXP Calculation: 2 Hard ‘Hard’ encounters push the party’s limits, demanding clever tactics and close cooperation. These battles are taxing and may result in significant resource depletion or character injury. MXP Calculation: 3 Deadly ‘Deadly’ combat scenarios pose a high risk of character incapacitation or death. Only well-prepared and experienced parties should engage, as the outcome can sway dramatically on the roll of a die. MXP Calculation: 5 Guaranteed Death ‘Guaranteed Death’ encounters are designed to be nearly insurmountable, often serving as plot devices rather than fair fights. Survival is rare, and the MXP reward inversely reflects the number of casualties. MXP Calculation: (10 - {Number of Players Killed}) 9

SAVEING NPCS In the immersive world of role-playing games, NPCs (Non-Player Characters) often serve as companions and guides to the players on their journey. When these allies face peril, players who intervene to save them from certain doom not only act heroically but also gain valuable experience. This experience is not just a numerical increase in their character’s abilities, but also a narrative enrichment, as it strengthens the bonds between the characters and adds layers of depth to the story. Rescuing NPCs can lead to new alliances, reveal critical information, or even alter the game’s direction, making such acts both rewarding and potentially game-changing. 10

SAVEING NPCS Minor….. ‘Unimportant or 1-2NPCs’ In a role-playing game, a ‘Minor: Unimportant or 1-2 NPCs’ scenario occurs when players save NPCs who are not critical to the quest’s progression or whose absence wouldn’t adversely affect the outcome. Saving such NPCs, especially in small numbers like 1 or 2, is considered a minor act within the game’s context. The MXP (Mystery Experience Points) calculation of 1 reflects the relatively low impact of this action on the overall narrative and quest dynamics. It’s a nod to the players’ good deeds, albeit with limited repercussions on the game’s unfolding story. MXP Calculation: 1 Majour….. ‘Important or 3-10 NPCs’ In a role-playing game, a ‘Major: Important or 3-10 NPCs’ event occurs when players rescue an NPC who is pivotal to the quest’s progression, or a group of NPCs numbering between 3 and 10. The survival of these NPCs can significantly ease the quest’s challenges, while their loss would complicate but not thwart the mission. The MXP (Mystery Experience Points) calculation of 2 reflects the moderate impact and importance of these NPCs within the game’s narrative, rewarding players for preserving key characters and potentially influencing the storyline’s development. MXP Calculation: 2 Massive….. ‘Essential or 11+ NPCs’ In a role-playing game, a ‘Massive: Essential or 11+ NPCs’ scenario unfolds when players rescue an NPC who is absolutely vital for the quest’s completion, or when they save a large group of NPCs, numbering 11 or more. The survival of this essential NPC is crucial, as their demise would render the quest nearly impossible to finish, likely resulting in the forfeiture of any gold rewards. Similarly, saving a significant number of NPCs can have a profound impact on the game’s world and narrative. The MXP (Mystery Experience Points) calculation of 3 reflects the high stakes and potential game-altering consequences of the players’ actions in such critical situations. MXP Calculation: 3 11

SOLVINGPUZZLES Puzzles are a versatile element in a Game Master’s (GM’s) arsenal, designed to challenge players’ problem-solving skills and add depth to the gameplay. They can range from deciphering riddles that guard ancient secrets to assembling multiple artifacts to unlock a mystical door, or interpreting a poem embedded with a cipher that leads to hidden treasures. Successfully solving puzzles can lead to significant rewards, both tangible and intangible, such as gaining access to new areas, acquiring valuable items, or unlocking further layers of the game’s story. Puzzles encourage players to think creatively and collaborate, making them a fundamental aspect of the interactive storytelling experience in role-playing games. 12

SOLVINGPUZZLES Very Easy (DC 5+) Example: Unlocking a door with a rusty key. Description: A straightforward task that requires minimal effort. MXP Calculation: 1 Easy (DC 10+) Example: Solving a simple crossword puzzle. Description: Solvable with basic thinking and a little effort. MXP Calculation: 2 Moderate (DC 15+) Example: Deciphering a coded message using a substitution cipher. Description: Requires deeper engagement and critical thinking. MXP Calculation: 3 Hard (DC 20+) Example: Solving a complex riddle that involves lateral thinking. Description: Demands keen insight and creativity. MXP Calculation: 4 Very Hard (DC 25+) Example: Navigating a maze with hidden traps and illusions. Description: Pushes players’ abilities to the limit. MXP Calculation: 5 Near Impossible (DC 30+) Example: Cracking an ancient cryptic puzzle to reveal a hidden treasure. Description: Requires extraordinary effort and perhaps collaboration. MXP Calculation: 6 13

LIBERATE AN IMPORTANT ITEM In role-playing games, liberating an important item is a critical task that can significantly influence the game’s narrative. Whether it’s retrieving a key from a mummy’s tomb to free a trapped individual or intercepting a letter containing sensitive war plans, such actions can shift the balance of power and alter the course of events. These items often serve as plot devices, driving the story forward and providing players with opportunities to make impactful decisions. Successfully securing these items not only advances the quest but also rewards players with a sense of achievement and potentially game-changing information. 14

LIBERATE AN IMPORTANT ITEM Minor: ‘Personal Item’ When players recover a ‘Personal Item’, they retrieve an object of sentimental value to an individual within the game. Such items often come with intriguing backstories, adding personal touches to the narrative. While not pivotal to the quest’s main objectives, these items enrich the story and reward players with a deeper connection to the game world. MXP Calculation: 1 Major: ‘Important to Government’ Securing an ‘Important to Government’ item involves items of state significance, such as experimental weapons, war plans, treaties, or foundational legal documents. These items carry weight in the game’s political landscape, and their acquisition or protection can have far-reaching consequences on the storyline and the players’ standing within the game. MXP Calculation: 2 Massive: ‘Ancient/Religious/Equally Rare Item’ Acquiring an ‘Ancient, Religious, or Equally Rare Item’ represents a significant achievement, as these items are steeped in the game’s lore and history. They may not possess magical properties, but their rarity and sentimental value make them highly sought after, often fetching a handsome price and potentially unlocking new avenues in the quest. MXP Calculation: 4 15

AVOID/BEATTRAP Traps in role-playing games serve as a thrilling challenge for players, often strategically placed by the Game Master (GM) in dungeons or guarded areas to deter intruders. Successfully avoiding or disarming these traps requires keen observation, problem-solving skills, and sometimes a bit of luck. Overcoming these deadly mechanisms not only prevents potential character harm but also adds a layer of satisfaction and achievement to the dungeon-crawling experience. Traps are a testament to the GM’s creativity and the players’ ingenuity, making them a celebrated aspect of the game’s interactive and hazardous environment. 16

AVOID/BEATTRAP Very Easy (DC 5+): Minor obstacles, like pressure plates or tripwires. Example: A simple pressure plate triggers a hidden door. MXP Calculation: 1 Easy (DC 10+): Hidden pitfalls or basic magical effects. Example: A tripwire snare in a corridor. MXP Calculation: 2 Moderate (DC 15+): Complex mechanisms or arcane wards. Example: A glyph of warding on a treasure chest. MXP Calculation: 3 Hard (DC 20+): Elaborate contraptions or deadly spells. Example: A rotating blade maze. MXP Calculation: 4 Very Hard (DC 25+): Ancient curses or fiendish illusions. Example: A mirror that transports to another dimension. MXP Calculation: 5 Near Impossible (DC 30+): Reality-warping traps or godly challenges. Example: The infinite staircase. MXP Calculation: 6 17

FINDING A HIDDEN ROOM Discovering a hidden room in a role-playing game is a thrilling moment that rewards players’ curiosity and attention to detail. These concealed spaces, often tucked away in dungeons, ancient buildings, or forgotten keeps, are treasure troves of secrets waiting to be uncovered. Whether they contain lost artifacts, crucial plot elements, or simply add to the lore of the game world, finding these rooms can provide players with advantages and deepen their immersion in the game’s narrative. It’s a testament to the players’ exploration skills and the game designer’s creativity in crafting an engaging and mysterious environment. 18

FINDING A HIDDEN ROOM Minor: ‘Small or DC 5-10’ A ‘Small’ hidden room, or one that is ‘Easy to Find’ with a DC ranging from 5 to 10, may not fit a full party but still contains interesting lore or items. These rooms are a quick find, offering a small but immediate reward. MXP Calculation: 1 Major: ‘Medium or DC 15-20’ A ‘Medium’ hidden room, or one that is ‘Less Easy to Find’ with a DC between 15 to 20, can fit a full party and contains more substantial lore or items. The moderate difficulty in finding these rooms provides a rewarding challenge. MXP Calculation: 2 Massive: ‘Large or DC 25-30’ A ‘Large’ hidden room, or one that is ‘Hard to Find’ with a DC between 25 to 30, is so expansive it could house several parties. The significant challenge of discovering such a room is matched by the value of the treasures within. MXP Calculation: 3 19

PARTY DYNAMICS Party dynamics play a crucial role in the enjoyment and depth of role-playing games. Conflicts within the party can lead to dramatic tension and character development, while moments of camaraderie can create memorable bonds and stories that players cherish. These interactions are essential, as they bring the characters to life and make the game more than just a series of challenges to overcome. A party that actively engages with each other, whether in harmony or discord, is often more invested and immersed in the game world, leading to a richer and more fulfilling gaming experience. 20

PARTY DYNAMICS Minor….. ‘Acquaintances Unveiled’ The party members have peeled back the initial layers of unfamiliarity. Whether these revelations have sown seeds of trust or mistrust, they now navigate the nuances of each other’s personalities. This stage often sets the tone for future interactions and is a common starting point chosen by the GM. MXP Calculation: 1 Major….. ‘Intricate Bonds’ Through shared trials and triumphs, the party has woven a complex tapestry of relationships. These bonds may manifest as staunch alliances or simmering rivalries, each with the potential to alter the course of their journey profoundly. MXP Calculation: 2 Massive….. ‘Narrative Nexus’ At this juncture, the party’s dynamics evolve in unexpected, yet enriching ways. The GM is encouraged to bestow this level of recognition when the group’s collective story has been significantly shaped by their internal dynamics, for better or for the narrative’s intrigue. MXP Calculation: 3 21

LOCATION AFFECTED GREATLY The game’s landscape and societal fabric are at the mercy of the players’ actions. Success or failure in their quests can lead to profound transformations, both visually and within the underlying social order. This fluidity ensures that the world is a reflection of the players’ journey, with each decision and outcome carving a unique path through the game’s history. 22

LOCATION AFFECTED GREATLY Local to Game This level signifies major changes that are confined within a particular questline. The quest’s conclusion might lead to significant shifts in the storyline or gameplay mechanics, affecting the quest’s trajectory and outcome in a substantial way. MXP Calculation: 1 Village When a village undergoes major changes, it’s a transformation that can be felt in every street and home. The players’ actions might lead to a complete overhaul of the village’s social structure, economy, or even its very existence, leaving a lasting impact on the narrative. MXP Calculation: 2 City Major changes to a city can redefine its skyline, culture, and politics. The players’ decisions could trigger events that reshape the city’s identity, from a change in leadership to a full-scale reconstruction after a cataclysmic event. MXP Calculation: 3 Country At this level, the players’ actions bring about major changes that alter the course of a country’s history. This could manifest as a revolution, the end of a long-standing conflict, or a shift in national ideology, with far-reaching consequences for the entire land. MXP Calculation: 4 Realm Major changes at the realm level are world-altering events. The players’ quests could lead to the creation or destruction of entire planes of existence, fundamentally changing the universe’s structure and the fate of all beings within it. MXP Calculation: 5 23

PARTY ROLEPLAY The art of roleplaying is a skill that varies widely among players within a party. As individuals become more adept at embodying their characters, they not only enhance their own immersion but also enrich the collective experience. Mastery of roleplay allows players to delve deeper into the game’s world, opening up new avenues for interaction and storytelling. It’s through this practice that the narrative becomes truly collaborative, with each player contributing to the unfolding epic in their unique way. 24

PARTY ROLEPLAY Minor….. ‘Foundational Roleplay’ At this stage, the party is taking their initial steps into character immersion. They may occasionally slip out of character and need guidance on basic roleplay concepts. However, they show a willingness to engage, attempting to interact through their characters’ perspectives. This level is about laying the groundwork for more complex roleplay interactions in the future. MXP Calculation: 1 Major….. ‘Engaged Roleplay’ The players begin to take ownership of their characters’ actions, initiating basic in-character decisions without prompting from the GM. The game’s pace improves as unnecessary out-ofcharacter interruptions diminish. This level marks a transition into smoother gameplay, where players start to think and act more consistently as their characters. MXP Calculation: 3 Massive….. ‘Immersive Roleplay’ At this pinnacle of roleplay, the party demonstrates a deep understanding of the game’s rules and a commitment to staying in character. Roleplay becomes almost second nature, with minimal breaks and a focus on nuanced, character-driven interactions. Questions posed are typically complex or aimed at enriching the narrative, such as seeking detailed reactions or descriptions to enhance the scene. MXP Calculation: 5 25

THEVILLAIN’S DEMISE In the tapestry of gaming narratives, the villain stands as a pivotal figure, often driving the plot and challenging the party’s morals and resolve. The journey to confront and potentially vanquish this adversary can span multiple sessions, providing a clear and compelling objective. This pursuit not only tests the party’s ingenuity and strength but also serves as a catalyst for character development and group cohesion. The eventual downfall of the villain, should the party succeed, often marks a significant turning point in the campaign, leaving a lasting impact on the game world and the players themselves. In contrast to the other MXP options we’ve discussed, this particular mechanic functions as a session-wide multiplier. It applies to all experience points (XP) earned during the session, amplifying the rewards for the party’s endeavors. This multiplier effect underscores the significance of the party’s actions and decisions throughout the game, providing a comprehensive boost to their progression and growth. It’s a powerful incentive that encourages strategic gameplay and cohesive team efforts, as every victory and achievement contributes to an enhanced session tally. 26

THEVILLAIN’S DEMISE Minor Villain: ‘The Persistent Thorn’ A ‘Persistent Thorn’ is a villain who, while not the mastermind, consistently irritates the party. They must appear in at least three sessions to qualify for this title, ensuring their repeated interference is a significant nuisance. As an underling or a captain of the guard, they have a knack for survival and evasion, reappearing at the most inconvenient times to thwart the party’s plans. MXP Calculation: Multiplies all XP for the game by 1.5x The One in the Shadows: ‘The Puppeteer’ ‘The Puppeteer’ is a figure nearly as lethal as the ultimate antagonist, orchestrating events from behind the scenes. They should feature in at least Six sessions to truly feel the weight of their influence. Often a mob boss or a high-ranking official with a vendetta, they send minions to disrupt the party’s progress. Once their cover is blown, they’re found to be more vulnerable than their underlings. MXP Calculation: Multiplies all XP for the game by 2x The Terror: ‘The Nameless Dread’ ‘The Nameless Dread’ is an entity infamous for its malevolence and the palpable fear it instills. To instill the proper level of fear and anticipation, they should be a looming threat over at least Nine sessions. Merely mentioning its name can bring misfortune or worse, as it is a creature of nightmares made real. MXP Calculation: Multiplies all XP for the game by 4x The Presence: ‘The Cataclysmic Force’ ‘The Cataclysmic Force’ is a villain whose impact is felt across the land. They should be central to the narrative for at least Fifteen sessions, heralding chaos as entire countries tremble at their approach. Reserved for epic campaigns, this foe embodies calamity, often leading to large-scale conflicts or a series of quests culminating in heart-wrenching tragedy. MXP Calculation: Multiplies all XP for the game by 6x The Big Bad: ‘The Endgame Nemesis’ ‘The Endgame Nemesis’ is the ultimate villain of the campaign, whose defeat is the party’s crowning achievement. They should be a significant part of the campaign narrative, appearing or influencing events in at least Thirty sessions. Bringing this foe down will not only earn the party fame, envy, and riches but may also attract the ire of those who revered or feared the vanquished foe. MXP Calculation: Multiplies all XP for the game by 10x 27

Support TCR The Cracked Realms One time Benefactor £1.50 Join per month ✓ Radiant MXP: When playing in a game the MXP earned by the party at the end of the game is increased by 20% (This Membership Show more 28

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