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TCR - Extended Lore & Panthion - The Homebrewery

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Published by TCR, 2024-01-19 23:04:54

TCR Lore

TCR - Extended Lore & Panthion - The Homebrewery

A deep dive into the extensive lore of TCR. This book will be updated over time with important events.

WOLRD PROLOG b e f o r e C u r r e n t t i m e s NOTE: This section will cover the key events in the expanse of time before current day in TCR 2

Pre-Jora (PJ) PJ - Eons: Primordial chaos gives birth to the Primordials. PJ - Millennia: Io creates the multiverse. PJ - Millennia: Primordials sculpt their domains. PJ - Millennia: Quatel gods conflict, leading to Hell’s creation and Asmodeus’s rise. PJ - Millennia: Io populates the material plane. PJ - Millennia: Primordials and Dragons dominate. Sablethrone reigns as the king of all dragons and the direct child of Io. PJ - Millennia: Io creates the World Tree. PJ - Millennia: Io empowers the World Tree, leading to the birth of gods. PJ - Millennia: Gods craft more beings and astral realms. PJ - Millennia to Centuries: Chaos aligns with Primordials against Io. PJ - Centuries: Formation of the divine council. PJ - Centuries to Decades: Chaos creates the Lords of the Apocalypse and the Nameless One. PJ - Decades: Axios begins his conquest, burning down his home world. PJ - Decades: Sablethrone is defeated by Axios, disowned by dragonkind, and becomes Axios’s mount during the Omniscience War. PJ - Decades: Sablethrone battles gods alongside Axios, exploiting Axios’s divine debuff powers to slay some of the weaker deities. PJ - Decades to Year 0: The Omniscience War devastates countless planes of existence, and the gods meet to discuss the problem and how they would deal with it. PJ - End times: Morridan’s coup against the bickering and usless gods. PJ - End times: Morridan’s Allies fight Axioses allies Tiamate & silica, and as mistra kills silica morridan takes mystras heart then seals her in a prison dimention to save her from the horrors he must commit. # PJ - End times: Axios burns downt he world tree & has his final one on one with Morridan as there allies fight each other. PJ - Final Moment: Morridan swallows the World Tree’s seed, making himself the new host of the World Tree. 3

After Omniscience War (AOW) AOW Year 0: Morridan creates Jora, secures Sablethrone’s children in a safe demi-plane, and appoints Sablethrone as Jora’s guardian. AOW Year 1: Time in Jora is adjusted to be 10,000,000,000 times faster than outside. Morridan confines himself to a celestial dungeon, initiating his intermittent slumber due to fractured sanity. AOW Year 2: Michal, the Archangel and newly appointed god of time and space, guards the universal time barrier between Jora and the outside. AOW Year 12: Morridan observes the disintegration of the old world. Bhal and Bob collaborate on creating new races in Jora, like Vampires and Gargoyles. AOW Year 13: Morridan formally appoints Sablethrone as Jora’s guardian and starts inviting races from outside Jora. AOW Year 14: Ubtoa constructs the “Star Dungeons” within the moon. The Vampire Queen creates the first generation of vampires: Bevormamire, Carl, and Benjorn. AOW Year 15, Month 4: Bhal accuses Sablethrone of breaking the pact by not preventing the genocide by Runatria and presents this as if Morridan is aware. AOW Year 15, Month 5: Asmodaus invades Jora from Avernus. AOW Year 16: The elemental mages are formed, empowered by the shards of Mystra. AOW Year 17: Sablethrone, collaborating with the elemental mages, confronts Asmodaus, inflicting a mortal wound but is gravely injured and retreats. Postbattle, Sablethrone recovers in Albion, protected by a barrier erected by the elemental mages. AOW Year 17 end of war: the elimental mages used all there powers combined to make a barrier around britania, that not even admodaus could enter or exit. bar a small entrace gate that pointed sounth towards france. AOW Year 17, Month 1: Asmodaus bragens AOW Year 17, Month 2: Bhal curses Sablethrone, leading to a forced slumber and the start of his transformation into a black dragon. AOW Year 17, Month 4: Sablethrone enters a deep slumber and becomes enveloped by the terrain. AOW Year 18: The Vampire Queen falls in love with Higgins, “The Missing Mage,” afflicted by a curse from a corrupted shard of Mystra. AOW Year 19: The Queen requests Morridan to remove Higgins’s curse. Morridan confines Higgins to Fluxefront and turns him into a progenitor vampire. AOW Year 20 - 24: Higgins discovers portal creation ability, explores the outer realms, attracts cosmic attention, and seals Chaos within a shield. AOW Year 25 - 50: Higgins constructs “The Orrery” for navigating time within Fluxefront. Morridan restricts travel due to Higgins’s actions, affecting creatures with souls. AOW Year 51: Higgins learns that observed events in Fluxefront become immutable. AOW Year 52: Higgins befriends Asmodaus. AOW Year 55: Higgins creates soul coins to liberate souls in Fluxefront and establishes “Sanctuary.” AOW Year 56: Higgins introduces the “Crystal Key” for travel to Sanctuary and invites Captain Regives. AOW Year 57: Sanctuary is transformed into a guild of mercenary adventurers. AOW Year 101: Bevormimire is overthrown by Syslas, who discovers Acusad (formerly Sablethrone) and plans to build a city above him. AOW Year 102: Laws of the new city are established with Acusad enforcing them. AOW Year 110: as acursad’s curse took hold AOW Years 110 - 201: Britannia flourishes under new governance while Asmodaus conquers the world outside, ending the conflict among demons and devils. 4

Pre-Jora (PJ) PJ - Eons: Primordial chaos gives birth to the Primordials. In the vast expanse of nothingness, before the formation of stars and the birth of time, there existed a state of unfathomable chaos. This primordial chaos, a boundless and turbulent sea of potential, was the progenitor of all existence. Within this formless void, the first entities to emerge were the Primordials, beings of immense power and the embodiment of the fundamental forces that would shape reality. The Primordials, born from chaos, were not gods in the traditional sense but rather forces of nature personified. They were the architects of the cosmos’s physical laws, wielding the raw energies of creation to mold the universe’s very fabric. These beings were the embodiment of elements and concepts, such as earth, air, fire, water, and the esoteric forces that govern the existence of all matter and energy. As the Primordials carved out the cosmos from the chaos, their actions laid the groundwork for the multiverse’s structure. They sculpted the elemental planes, vast domains that would serve as the foundation for all matter and life. These planes were the raw clay from which worlds were shaped, and the Primordials were the first sculptors, their wills shaping the destiny of countless realities. Yet, despite their immense power, the Primordials were not omnipotent. Their creations were influenced by their inherent nature, often volatile and unpredictable. The worlds and realms they crafted were reflections of their chaotic origins, teeming with potential but also fraught with danger. The birth of the Primordials marked the beginning of existence as it is known, a critical moment in the prehistory of the cosmos that set the stage for all that was to follow. From their actions, the seeds of life and the principles that govern reality were sown, leading to the eventual emergence of gods, mortals, and the endless variety of beings that inhabit the multiverse. PJ - Millennia: Io creates the multiverse. In the nascent stages of existence, as the Primordials shaped the raw forces of nature, a new consciousness emerged from the fabric of the cosmos, transcending the elemental chaos from which it was born. This entity was Io, a being of unparalleled intellect and vision, whose emergence marked a pivotal moment in the cosmic timeline. Io, often referred to as the Great Dragon or the Dawn Father, possessed an innate understanding of the delicate balance required to sustain a thriving, multifaceted universe. Where the Primordials wielded the brute forces of creation, Io brought order, purpose, and a deeper layer of complexity to the cosmos. His vision extended beyond the physical realms forged by the Primordials, envisioning a multiverse teeming with life, diversity, and infinite possibilities. With a will that bent the fabric of reality, Io began the monumental task of creating the multiverse. Each universe within this vast tapestry was a unique expression of Io’s boundless imagination, a carefully crafted domain where the laws of physics, magic, and existence could vary wildly from one to the next. These universes were interconnected, forming a complex web of realities that shared fundamental connections yet remained distinct in their individual natures. At the heart of Io’s creation lay the Material Plane, a balanced nexus where elements and energies converged in harmony. This plane served as the anchor for the multiverse, a stable foundation from which countless worlds and realities would spring forth. Around it, Io shaped the Inner Planes, realms of elemental purity that embodied the raw essences of fire, water, earth, air, and more. Beyond the physical and elemental, Io conceived the Outer Planes, realms of ideology, morality, and belief. These planes reflected the diverse spectra of alignment and philosophy, from the heights of celestial paradise to the depths of infernal abysses. They were the domains of deities and spirits, places where the souls of mortals would find their final rest or eternal reward based on their actions and beliefs in life. Io’s creation of the multiverse was not just an act of unparalleled power but also one of profound wisdom. He understood that for the multiverse to thrive, it must be governed by a balance of forces, both creative and destructive, orderly and chaotic. To this end, Io instilled within the fabric of the multiverse mechanisms for selfregulation and renewal, ensuring that it would endure through the ages, evolving and adapting to the endless cycles of creation and destruction. Thus, from Io’s vision, the multiverse was born—a vast, intricate tapestry of existence that would serve as the stage for the grandest stories ever told, from the epic sagas of gods and heroes to the humble tales of the smallest creatures. 5

PJ - Millennia: Primordials sculpt their domains. As the multiverse began to take shape under Io’s meticulous design, the Primordials, those titanic beings born from the swirling chaos that preceded creation, set forth to sculpt their own dominions within this burgeoning cosmic tapestry. Each Primordial, a personification of the fundamental forces and raw elements, wielded their immense power to carve out realms that reflected their essence and nature. The Primordials, unbound by the constraints of morality or the structured hierarchy of gods that would come later, acted as forces of nature. Their creative process was primal and instinctual, driven by their inherent connection to the elements they embodied. They shaped the elemental planes, vast and boundless realms that served as the purest expressions of the elemental forces: the fiery depths of the Plane of Fire, the boundless skies of the Plane of Air, the endless seas of the Plane of Water, and the vast wildernesses of the Plane of Earth. These domains were not mere static environments but living embodiments of the Primordials’ wills, constantly shifting and changing according to their whims and desires. The landscapes of these planes were extreme and unforgiving, shaped by the untamed energies that flowed through them. Volcanoes erupted spontaneously in the Plane of Fire, storms raged eternally in the Plane of Air, tides crashed with unimaginable force in the Plane of Water, and mountains rose and fell in the blink of an eye in the Plane of Earth. But the Primordials’ influence extended beyond the creation of elemental planes. They delved into the fabric of the cosmos, infusing their essence into the nascent worlds and realms that dotted the multiverse. Their touch could be felt in the molten core of a planet, the gusting winds of a nascent world, the deep currents of an ocean world, and the rich soil of verdant lands. In their act of creation, the Primordials were not driven by a desire for worship or adoration, unlike the gods that would follow. Theirs was a primal need to express their nature, to see the raw chaos from which they sprung given form and structure. However, this process was not without conflict. The Primordials’ visions often clashed, leading to cataclysmic interactions that shaped and reshaped the cosmos. Mountains were raised only to be torn down by furious storms, seas were boiled away by infernal heat, and tranquil landscapes were shattered by seismic upheavals. Despite the inherent volatility in their nature, the Primordials’ work laid the foundation for the multiverse’s diversity and complexity. They introduced the raw energies and materials that would serve as the building blocks for life and civilization. Their domains, though inhospitable to many forms of life, would become crucial to the balance of the cosmos, acting as reservoirs of elemental power that maintained the fabric of reality. In the grand tapestry of creation, the Primordials were the first artists, their broad strokes setting the stage for the more intricate designs of the gods and the unfolding dramas of mortals. Their legacy, though overshadowed in many myths by the deeds of deities and heroes, remains integral to the very existence of the multiverse. 6

PJ - Millennia**: Quatel gods conflict, leading to Hell's creation and Asmodeus's rise. The saga of the Quatel gods, initially thought to be a separate pantheon, reveals a deeper narrative intricately tied to the very fabric of primordial existence. In an unforeseen twist of cosmic lore, it transpires that these entities were not gods in the traditional sense but rather two distinct Primordials, embodying the dualistic nature of creation and destruction, order and chaos. One of these Primordials ascended to preside over the celestial realms, an embodiment of order, light, and creation, destined to forge a domain that mortals would come to know as Heaven. This being’s essence was infused with the ethereal beauty and boundless grace of the celestial planes, becoming a beacon of hope and a symbol of the benevolent forces in the cosmos. In stark contrast, the other Primordial, who would later be known to many as Asmodaus in his avatar form, embodied the darker aspects of existence—deceit, ambition, and retribution. In a cataclysmic event that shook the foundations of the multiverse, this Primordial was cast down from the celestial heights, its divine wings torn asunder. This act of violent transformation marked the birth of Hell, specifically the domain known as Avernus. Stripped of its celestial grace, this being’s form twisted into that of a serpentine creature, a physical manifestation of its fall from grace and its newfound dominion over the infernal realms. Asmodaus, in his reduced state as an avatar, retained the cunning and will of his true Primordial form but was bound to the rules and limitations imposed by his new realm. His vast body, now serpentine and wingless, coiled around the layers of Hell, providing structural stability to the infernal dimensions and becoming an integral part of Hell’s very existence. This revelation that the Quatel “gods” were in fact Primordials sheds new light on the ancient conflicts that shaped the early cosmos. The dichotomy between these two beings represents the fundamental balance between creation and destruction, a theme that resonates throughout the multiverse. Their struggle and the resulting creation of Heaven and Hell underscore the perpetual cycle of cosmic balance, where even the most divine entities are subject to the laws of cause and effect, action and consequence. The story of Asmodaus and his celestial counterpart is a poignant reminder of the fluid nature of power and identity among the cosmos’s oldest beings. It illustrates how even the mightiest can fall or ascend, reshaping the universe’s spiritual and physical landscapes in their wake. This narrative adds a rich layer of complexity to the cosmology, intertwining the origins of Heaven and Hell with the primordial forces that predate the gods themselves. 7

PJ - Millennia: Io populates the material plane. In the vast tapestry of creation, following the tumultuous era of primordial crafting and the celestial restructuring by entities like Io, the Material Plane emerged as a central nexus within the multiverse. This plane, a harmonious blend of the elements and a convergence point for the myriad energies of existence, was fertile ground for the next monumental act in the cosmic drama: the introduction of life. Io, often revered as the Great Dragon or the Creator, possessed a vision that extended far beyond the mere formation of cosmic bodies and elemental planes. With the Material Plane serving as the cornerstone of his creation, Io sought to infuse this realm with diversity, complexity, and the spark of life. His intent was not merely to populate this plane with beings but to create a vibrant ecosystem where life could evolve, adapt, and thrive in myriad forms. With a deliberate and careful orchestration that contrasted the chaotic spontaneity of the Primordials, Io began the process of seeding life across the vast and varied landscapes of the Material Plane. This act was both meticulous and generous, as Io imbued the plane with the potential for countless life forms, from the simplest microorganisms to complex sentient beings capable of thought, culture, and magic. Forests took root, teeming with vegetation and diverse flora, creating lush, verdant worlds where life could flourish in abundance. Oceans and rivers were filled with creatures that danced through the currents and depths, each species a testament to Io’s creative prowess. The skies were painted with the wings of birds and other aerial beings, filling the air with songs and the vibrant colors of their plumage. Among the multitude of creatures, Io bestowed particular attention on the sentient races, imbuing them with the gifts of intellect, emotion, and free will. These beings were scattered across the Material Plane, each adapted to their unique environments yet linked by the common thread of life’s sacred flame. Dragons, a reflection of Io’s own majestic form, soared across the skies, commanding the elements and the arcane forces with their innate power. Humanoids of various shapes and sizes—humans, elves, dwarves, and countless others—forged civilizations, each culture a mirror of the diverse aspects of Io’s own nature. Io’s act of populating the Material Plane was not a singular event but a continuous process, an ongoing experiment in creativity and evolution. He watched over his creations with a detached yet benevolent gaze, allowing them the freedom to forge their own destinies while subtly guiding the cosmic balance to ensure the perpetuation of life. This era marked a significant transition in the cosmos’s history, from the raw elemental chaos and divine conflicts to a period of growth, discovery, and the blossoming of civilizations. Io’s legacy was thus cemented not only in the stars and the ethereal planes but in the vibrant, beating heart of life itself that pulsed throughout the Material Plane. 8

PJ - Millennia: Primordials and Dragons dominate. Sablethrone reigns as the king of all dragons and the direct child of Io. In the millennia following Io’s monumental act of populating the Material Plane with life, the cosmos entered an era of grandeur where Primordials and Dragons held dominion over the vast expanses of creation. This period was marked by the majestic rule of the dragons, the most splendid and powerful of Io’s creations, who soared across the skies of countless worlds, embodying the elemental forces from which they were born and the intricate magic that wove the fabric of the multiverse. Among these magnificent beings, one dragon stood supreme—Sablethrone, the King of All Dragons. Sablethrone was not just another dragon; he was the direct progeny of Io, born from the essence of the Great Dragon himself. This lineage granted Sablethrone an unparalleled majesty and power, making him a being of cosmic significance, revered and feared by all who knew of his existence. Sablethrone’s reign was a golden age for dragonkind. His wisdom, might, and the inherent authority as Io’s direct descendant allowed him to unite the diverse and often fractious dragon species under his rule. Chromatic and metallic dragons, often at odds with each other, bowed to his will, recognizing in him a leader whose strength and lineage were beyond dispute. The dominion of Sablethrone and his dragon kin was not limited to the skies and mountaintops; it extended deep into the mystical realms, where the boundaries between the physical and the ethereal blurred. Dragons, by their nature, were deeply attuned to the arcane energies that pulsed through the cosmos, and under Sablethrone’s guidance, they became stewards of magic, guarding ancient secrets and powerful artifacts that shaped the destiny of the Material Plane and beyond. Yet, Sablethrone’s rule was not solely about power and dominion. As the son of Io, he inherited a portion of his sire’s wisdom and foresight. Sablethrone sought a harmonious balance between the dragons’ will to dominate and the need to preserve the intricate web of life that Io had so carefully woven. This balance was crucial, for the dragons’ immense power held the potential to both create and destroy, to nurture life or to bring ruin. Under Sablethrone’s reign, dragons became revered as god-like beings, symbols of the primal forces of creation and destruction. Their lairs were places of untold wonder and deadly peril, attracting brave and foolish adventurers alike. The myths and legends that surrounded Sablethrone and his kin were told and retold across countless worlds, immortalizing them in the annals of history and the collective consciousness of all sentient beings. Sablethrone’s connection to Io also imbued him with a deep understanding of the cosmic balance, the delicate dance of creation and destruction that governed the multiverse. He acted as a guardian of this balance, intervening when necessary to guide the course of events in a direction that would ensure the continuation of Io’s grand design. In this era, the cosmos thrived under the watchful eyes of the Primordials and the majestic rule of the dragons. The Material Plane, in particular, blossomed into a realm of unparalleled diversity and beauty, a testament to the creative vision of Io and the stewardship of his greatest creation, Sablethrone, the King of All Dragons. 9

PJ - Millennia**: Io creates the World Tree. As the multiverse matured under the dominion of Primordials and the celestial dance of dragons, Io, the progenitor of this vast cosmos, conceived a new, grand vision. This vision was to anchor the sprawling complexity of creation, to weave together the myriad threads of existence into a harmonious tapestry. The embodiment of this vision was the World Tree, an ethereal and cosmic entity whose roots and branches would extend into every corner of the multiverse, connecting all planes and realms in a symbiotic nexus. The creation of the World Tree was a monumental event, transcending the mere act of conjuring matter or shaping energy. It was the orchestration of life, magic, and destiny, a cosmic symphony that resonated across the boundless reaches of existence. The World Tree’s roots delved deep into the foundational planes, drawing from the elemental essences of fire, water, earth, and air, while its towering branches reached upward, brushing the celestial domains and the abodes of deities. This magnificent Tree was not just a physical structure but a living, breathing entity, conscious and aware. Its leaves shimmered with the magic of the weave, the arcane fabric that underpinned all magical forces in the multiverse. Its sap flowed like the rivers of fate, imbued with the potential to nourish and transform. The World Tree’s fruit bore the seeds of new worlds, new possibilities, each a realm in potentia, awaiting the right conditions to bloom into existence. Io’s purpose in creating the World Tree was manifold. It served as a stabilizer for the multiverse, preventing the forces of chaos from tearing apart the fabric of reality. It was a conduit for the flow of magic, ensuring that this vital force remained accessible and balanced across all planes. Moreover, the World Tree was a beacon for all sentient beings, offering a connection to the divine essence of Io and the foundational energies of creation. The World Tree also acted as a guardian of knowledge and history. Its vast network of roots and branches recorded the ebb and flow of civilizations, the rise and fall of empires, and the lives of countless beings. It was a living archive, accessible to those who knew how to listen to its whispering leaves and creaking boughs. In the shadow of the World Tree, new guardians arose— ethereal beings and spirits drawn to its power and tasked with its protection. These guardians were diverse, ranging from minor deities to nature spirits, each playing a role in the Tree’s preservation and the maintenance of cosmic balance. The creation of the World Tree marked a pivotal epoch in the multiverse’s history. It symbolized the unity of all creation, a reminder of the interconnectedness of life, magic, and destiny. For Io, the World Tree was both a legacy and a promise—a promise that the multiverse, in all its diversity and complexity, was part of a larger, cohesive whole, forever sustained by the life-giving essence of the World Tree. 10

PJ - Millennia: Io empowers the World Tree, leading to the birth of gods. In the millennia that followed the creation of the World Tree, a transformative event unfolded that would redefine the very fabric of the cosmos. Io, the great architect of the multiverse, chose to further empower this already monumental entity, imbuing it with an even greater portion of his divine essence. This act was not merely an enhancement of the Tree’s existing capabilities but a fundamental expansion of its role within the cosmos. The World Tree, already a nexus of life and magic, was to become a cradle for divinity itself, a conduit through which the spark of godhood could be kindled. As Io’s essence suffused the World Tree, its branches shimmered with newfound potency, and its roots pulsed with deep, resonant power. The Tree’s connection to the weave of magic intensified, and its leaves became aglow with ethereal light. This light was not merely physical but symbolic of the enlightenment and transcendence that were to come. From this divine radiance, the first gods were born, not created as mere beings of power but birthed from the World Tree’s very essence. These deities were diverse in form and domain, each embodying different aspects of the cosmos and Io’s multifaceted nature. There were gods of the elements, mirroring the primordial forces that shaped the universe; deities of life and death, representing the eternal cycle that governed all existence; and gods of knowledge and wisdom, custodians of the lore that the World Tree itself preserved. These nascent gods found themselves inherently linked to the World Tree, their powers and very existence intertwined with its fate. They drew upon the Tree’s energy to shape their divine realms and to exert their influence over the Material Plane and beyond. In return, they acted as stewards of the Tree, protecting it from harm and ensuring that its vital role in maintaining the balance of the multiverse remained unimpeded. The empowerment of the World Tree and the birth of the gods marked the beginning of a new era in the cosmos. It was an age of greater complexity and deeper understanding, where the newly born deities engaged with the universe in ways that the primordial forces could not. They interacted with the burgeoning mortal races, offering guidance, granting boons, and sometimes exacting worship and sacrifices. The gods also brought with them the concept of order and morality, introducing laws and codes that transcended the primal instincts that had previously dominated the sentient beings of the Material Plane. Temples and shrines dedicated to these gods began to dot the landscapes of countless worlds, each a testament to the deepening relationship between the divine and the mortal. Yet, this new pantheon of gods also introduced the potential for conflict, both divine and mortal. The gods’ differing domains and ideologies led to disputes and battles that echoed across the heavens and the earth. These divine conflicts, while sometimes destructive, also drove the evolution of the cosmos, leading to the creation of new realms, the rise and fall of civilizations, and the endless cycle of stories that would become the mythology of the multiverse. In empowering the World Tree and giving birth to the gods, Io set the stage for the next chapter in the cosmic saga, one where the interplay of divine will, mortal ambition, and the inexorable forces of nature would weave the ongoing tapestry of existence. 11

PJ - Millennia: Gods craft more beings and astral realms. As the newly birthed gods settled into their roles within the cosmos, drawing from the World Tree’s empowered essence, their creative impulses flourished. No longer mere spectators to the primordial forces that shaped existence, these deities began to exert their own influence, crafting beings and realms that reflected their diverse domains and ideologies. This period marked a significant expansion of the cosmic tapestry, introducing a complexity and depth to the multiverse that had never before been seen. Each god, imbued with a portion of Io’s creative spark, set forth to populate their domains with life. These divine creations ranged from celestial beings like angels, who served as messengers and soldiers of the gods, to more esoteric entities that personified concepts such as dreams, fate, and time. The gods also crafted myriad races of mortals, each imbued with a unique essence and purpose, destined to populate the Material Plane and the myriad worlds within it. But the gods’ creativity was not limited to the beings they brought forth. They also turned their attention to the fabric of the multiverse itself, shaping astral realms that would serve as their divine abodes. These realms were as varied as the gods themselves, each a reflection of its creator’s nature and power. The realms of light and celestial harmony rose high in the astral skies, resplendent in their beauty and serenity, home to gods of justice, valor, and benevolence. These paradisiacal domains were replete with soaring citadels of crystal and gold, vast gardens where the souls of the righteous found peace, and serene landscapes that echoed with angelic hymns. Conversely, gods of darkness and malevolence carved out their domains in the lower astral depths, creating infernal realms of fire and brimstone, nightmarish landscapes where fear and despair reigned. These were the hells and abysses, where demons and other foul creatures dwelled, and where the wicked were said to be consigned in the afterlife. Between these extremes lay a myriad of realms, each unique and wondrous. There were realms of eternal autumn, where harvest gods presided over cycles of growth and decay; realms of boundless libraries and infinite knowledge, guarded by deities of wisdom and lore; and realms of elemental fury, home to gods of storm, sea, and volcanic fire. The crafting of these beings and realms by the gods was driven by both their innate desire to create and their need to establish a cosmic order. The celestial beings served as extensions of the gods’ wills, carrying out their decrees and maintaining the balance of power within their domains. The mortal races, with their free will and untapped potential, added a dynamic element to the cosmic drama, their actions and fates woven into the everexpanding narrative of the multiverse. Moreover, the astral realms served not only as divine residences but as focal points for worship and pilgrimage for the gods’ mortal followers. Temples on the Material Plane mirrored the celestial majesty of these divine abodes, serving as gateways for prayer, sacrifice, and communion with the divine. This era of divine craftsmanship brought a richness to the cosmos that surpassed even the wildest dreams of the primordial forces. It was a time of myth-making, where every star told a story, every realm held a mystery, and the tapestry of existence was embroidered with the legends of gods and mortals alike. The multiverse, once a raw canvas of elemental chaos, had become a masterpiece of divine artistry, an endless wellspring of tales of heroism, treachery, love, and loss. 12

PJ - Millennia to Centuries: Chaos aligns with Primordials against Io. As the multiverse blossomed under the creative influence of Io and the pantheon of gods he had birthed, a profound shift began to stir within the foundational layers of existence. The millennia that followed the gods’ ascendancy were marked by relative harmony and expansion, but as centuries rolled on, an undercurrent of tension started to swell, foretelling a conflict that would once again reshape the cosmic order. Chaos, the primordial essence from which the earliest beings and the very fabric of the multiverse had sprung, remained an ever-present force, wild and untamed despite the structured layers of reality imposed by Io and his divine progeny. It simmered beneath the surface, a reminder of the raw potential and unpredictability that underpinned all creation. During this period, Chaos began to align more closely with the Primordials, those first entities that had emerged from its depths and had shaped the elemental planes. The Primordials, though having played a crucial role in the cosmos’s early formation, found their influence waning as the gods took up the mantle of creators and overseers. This gradual shift in the cosmic balance did not sit well with many Primordials, who viewed the gods’ intricate creations and the burgeoning civilizations of mortals as constraints on the pure expression of elemental power. Sensing an opportunity, Chaos whispered to the Primordials of a return to the primordial state, a cosmos unbound by the rigid structures and laws imposed by the gods. It spoke of a reclamation of their former glory and the freedom to shape reality according to their primal nature, without regard for the order that Io and his offspring sought to maintain. This alignment of Chaos with the Primordials set the stage for a profound cosmic upheaval. The Primordials, emboldened by the raw power of Chaos, began to challenge the gods’ dominion, seeking to unravel the intricate tapestry of life and civilization that had flourished under divine rule. They unleashed their elemental fury upon the Material Plane and the realms beyond, causing natural disasters of unprecedented scale, tearing rifts between the planes, and threatening the very stability of the multiverse. Io, perceiving the growing threat, rallied the gods in defense of their creations and the cosmic order they had worked so diligently to establish. The gods, despite their diverse domains and often conflicting interests, recognized the existential threat posed by the unleashed Primordials and their chaotic ally. They forged temporary alliances and marshaled their celestial armies, preparing for a conflict that would span the breadth of creation. This era, bridging millennia and centuries, became known as the Time of Upheaval. It was a period marked by cataclysmic battles between the forces of order and chaos, divine beings clashing with primordial entities in a struggle to determine the fate of the cosmos. The battles raged across the stars, within the elemental planes, and on the worlds teeming with life, leaving indelible marks on the fabric of reality. In this tumultuous time, heroes rose from among the mortal races, champions imbued with divine power or elemental fury, taking up arms in the cosmic struggle. Their deeds would become the stuff of legend, echoing through the ages as a testament to the resilience of life and the enduring quest for balance in a universe where creation and destruction danced eternally hand in hand. 13

PJ - Centuries to Decades: Chaos creates the Lords of the Apocalypse and the Nameless One. As the eons passed and the multiverse matured under the stewardship of Io and the burgeoning pantheon of gods, a profound shift began to ripple through the cosmic fabric. The era transitioned from millennia to mere centuries, a blink in the eye of eternity yet significant enough to herald a new chapter in the cosmic saga. Within this period, the very essence of Chaos, a primordial force that predated the structured creation of Io, began to stir with intent and purpose. Chaos, unlike the gods or even the Primordials, was not a being of conscious will or discernible motive. It was the embodiment of unpredictability, the antithesis to Io’s order, a force that sought neither malice nor benevolence but simply existed to counterbalance the rigidity of cosmic order. However, as the gods continued to craft and impose structure upon the multiverse, the essence of Chaos found itself increasingly constrained, its boundless nature curtailed by the ever-expanding weave of fate and destiny spun by the deities. In an epoch where centuries melded into decades, Chaos, sensing the gradual stifling of its infinite potential, aligned itself with the Primordials—those ancient architects of the elemental chaos from which the multiverse was born. This alignment was not an alliance in the traditional sense, for Chaos could not communicate or conspire as gods or mortals might. Instead, it was a natural gravitation towards the forces that echoed its untamed nature, a confluence of the primordial and the chaotic that sought to reassert the fundamental unpredictability of existence. Within this crucible of raw energy and primordial might, Chaos began to manifest its counteraction to the divine order. It birthed the Lords of the Apocalypse, entities that were neither god nor Primordial but something else entirely—avatars of destruction, each embodying a cataclysmic aspect of nature unbound. These Lords were not creatures of malice or evil in a moral sense; they were the personification of natural disasters, the wildfire, the hurricane, the earthquake, and the deluge, forces that could rejuvenate as readily as they could destroy. Simultaneously, in a move that seemed to counter its own nature, Chaos brought forth the Nameless One, a being of profound mystery and enigma. The Nameless One was not a force of destruction but an observer, a collector of knowledge and secrets that traversed the multiverse unseen and unknown. Where the Lords of the Apocalypse heralded change through upheaval, the Nameless One represented the unpredictable nature of knowledge and truth, the power of the unknown to alter the course of destinies. The creation of these beings by Chaos served as a reminder that, despite the gods’ attempts to impose order and structure upon the cosmos, the underlying nature of existence remained untamed and unpredictable. The Lords of the Apocalypse roamed the edges of creation, their very presence a threat to the stability of realms and worlds, while the Nameless One moved through the shadows of history, its motives and actions inscrutable. This era, where Chaos aligned with the Primordials against the order established by Io, set the stage for conflicts that would echo through the ages. It was a time of dynamic equilibrium, where the forces of creation and destruction, order and chaos, engaged in an eternal dance that shaped the fabric of the multiverse in ways both visible and unseen. 14

PJ - Decades: Axios begins his conquest, burning down his home world. At the onset of his remarkable journey, Axios was but a young and ambitious orc farmhand, embodying the raw strength and resilience characteristic of his kind. His imposing physique and tenacity made him a formidable presence, even among his peers. Yet, it was not just his physical prowess that set him apart but also a burning ambition that smoldered within him—a desire to transcend the mundanity of his origins and achieve greatness. This ambition was put to the ultimate test when Axios faced death in its most abrupt form. During a conflict, a spear found its mark, piercing his heart and seemingly sealing his fate. To the astonishment of all who witnessed, Axios refused to succumb to this mortal wound. In a display of willpower that defied the very laws of nature and life, he commanded his heart to reject the foreign object, to push the spear out and mend the torn flesh and shattered bone. This miraculous act of self-healing was not wrought through magic or divine intervention but through Axios’s sheer force of will and the nascent chaotic power that coursed through him, unbeknownst to him at the time. It was a vivid testament to his indomitable spirit and a harbinger of the extraordinary path that lay ahead. Axios, with his orcish heritage of strength and endurance, had become a vessel for something far greater, a force of change that would challenge the very fabric of the cosmos. Emboldened by his survival and the mysterious powers at his command, Axios’s ambition blossomed into a revolutionary vision for his world. He sought not just personal excellence but the elevation of all who could prove their merit. His kingdom, founded on the principles of continuous self-improvement and the pursuit of mastery in all endeavors, became a magnet for those who shared his unyielding spirit and desire to push beyond the limits of the possible. Axios, the orc who defied death and rose to become a beacon of change, led his movement with the conviction of one who had looked into the abyss and emerged victorious. His followers, drawn from all corners of the multiverse, saw in him not just a leader but a living testament to the power of will and the endless potential of the spirit to overcome any obstacle. In the final decades leading up to the Omniscience War, the tale of Axios, the once young and ambitious orc who transcended his mortal bounds, took a pivotal turn. Emboldened by his brush with death and the inexplicable powers that surged within him, Axios set his sights on a grander stage. No longer content with the confines of his own existence or the stagnant state of his home world, he embarked on a campaign of conquest and transformation that would become the stuff of legend. Axios’s home world, a diverse realm teeming with life and potential, had long been mired in cycles of conflict and complacency. It was a world where the old ways ruled unchallenged, where change was feared rather than embraced. To Axios, this was anathema, a stifling cage that held back the true potential of its inhabitants. Driven by his core belief in the necessity of change and the pursuit of excellence, he resolved to upend the existing order, to burn away the chaff and bring forth a new era of innovation and growth. His campaign began subtly, with Axios using his charisma and formidable will to gather a following. He attracted the disenfranchised, the ambitious, and those who, like him, yearned for something more. But as his power and influence grew, so too did the scale of his ambitions. Conquest followed, not for the sake of dominion but as a crucible for change. Towns, cities, and eventually entire nations fell before his advancing forces, each victory bringing him one step closer to reshaping the world in his image. Yet, Axios’s methods were not merely martial. His innate power, a gift from the primordial essence of Chaos itself, allowed him to perform feats that blurred the line between the possible and the impossible. He bent the very laws of nature to his will, reshaping landscapes, altering the fabric of reality, and, in his most audacious acts, igniting the very ether to set ablaze the institutions and traditions that he deemed obsolete. The burning of his home world was both literal and metaphorical. Cities were engulfed in ethereal flames, symbols of the old order reduced to ashes, but from these ashes rose the seeds of a new civilization—one that prized innovation, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of mastery in all forms. Axios’s vision was not of destruction for its own sake but of the painful, necessary birth of a new world from the old’s embers. This era of Axios’s conquest was marked by turmoil and upheaval, as the old world struggled against the inexorable tide of change. But it was also a time of unparalleled innovation and discovery, as those who aligned with Axios’s ideals pushed the boundaries of what was thought possible, inspired by their leader’s example to transcend their limits. Axios’s campaign, while bringing him near-godlike status among his followers, also sowed the seeds for the Omniscience War. His actions caught the attention of the deities, particularly those who viewed his radical reshaping of the cosmos as a direct challenge to their authority. Yet, for Axios and those who stood with him, there was no turning back. The burning of his home world was not the end but the beginning of a grander saga that would eventually see Axios ascend from the mortal to the divine, forever altering the course of cosmic history. 15

PJ - Decades: Sablethrone is defeated by Axios, disowned by dragonkind, and becomes Axios's mount during the Omniscience War. In the pivotal decades leading up to the Omniscience War, the narrative of Sablethrone, once the sovereign of all dragons and the progeny of Io, takes a dramatic turn. This era is marked by his confrontation with Axios, a being of immense power and ambition, whose origins are rooted in the primal chaos, embodying the essence of change and evolution . Sablethrone, embodying the pinnacle of draconic majesty and power, found himself in an unprecedented conflict with Axios. Axios, driven by a vision to reshape the cosmos, challenged the existing order, wielding the chaotic energies bestowed upon him by the very essence of Chaos itself. This clash was not just a battle of strength but of ideologies, with Sablethrone standing as a guardian of the old world and Axios as the harbinger of the new. The battle between Sablethrone and Axios was monumental, a clash that resonated across the cosmos. Axios, with his chaotic powers and the ability to exert his will over his own body to perform feats beyond the conceivable, proved to be a formidable adversary. Sablethrone, despite his immense power and divine lineage, was ultimately defeated by Axios. This defeat was not merely a physical one but symbolized the shifting tides of cosmic power and the inevitable change that Axios represented. In the aftermath of this defeat, Sablethrone’s status among dragonkind was irrevocably altered. Once revered as the epitome of draconic power and wisdom, his defeat by a mortal-turned-divine being like Axios led to his disownment by his kin. The dragons, who had once united under his banner, now saw him as diminished, a symbol of the old order that had failed to withstand the tide of change. The consequences of this defeat extended far beyond the loss of status. Sablethrone was compelled to serve Axios, the very embodiment of the change he had resisted. He became Axios’s mount, a role that was both a literal and symbolic representation of his fall from grace. This transformation was a poignant reflection of the cosmic shift that was taking place, with the old guards of the cosmos being usurped by new forces, epitomized by Axios and his revolutionary vision. Sablethrone’s journey from a sovereign to a servant, from the king of all dragons to a mount for Axios, encapsulates the theme of transformation and upheaval that marked this era. It was a time when the established order was challenged, and the very foundations of the cosmos were reshaped in the wake of new, transformative powers coming to the fore. 16

PJ - Decades: Sablethrone battles gods alongside Axios, exploiting Axios's divine debuff powers to slay some of the weaker deities. In the tumultuous decades preceding the Omniscience War, the alliance between Sablethrone and Axios took on a new dimension as they turned their sights toward the celestial realms. United in their campaign against the established order, Sablethrone, despite his fall from grace, and Axios, empowered by the essence of change, embarked on a bold crusade against the gods themselves. This period marked a significant escalation in their conquest, as they sought not just to reshape the mortal realms but to challenge the very pillars of divine authority. Axios, wielding the chaotic energies bestowed upon him, possessed a unique ability that became pivotal in their battles against the gods. His powers included a divine debuff capability, an ability to weaken or nullify the divine attributes and powers of the gods themselves. This formidable power disrupted the gods’ control over their domains and rendered them vulnerable, stripping away their immunities and diminishing their capacity to wield their divine magic. Sablethrone, leveraging his immense strength, draconic magic, and intimate knowledge of the divine realms, became the vanguard in their assaults. Together, they orchestrated strategic strikes against the celestial abodes, targeting the weaker deities whose domains were crucial to the maintenance of the cosmic balance. These deities, often embodying aspects of nature, fertility, and minor elements, found themselves overwhelmed by the combined might and cunning of Axios and Sablethrone. The battles were fierce and cataclysmic, sending shockwaves through the astral planes and casting shadows of turmoil across the heavens. Each deity that fell under their onslaught represented a ripple in the cosmic order, a thread unraveled from the tapestry of creation. The consequences of these divine defeats were felt not just in the celestial realms but across the mortal worlds, manifesting as natural disasters, plagues, and anomalies that defied explanation. Sablethrone, in these conflicts, found a new purpose, albeit one born from desperation and the desire for redemption. His participation in the battles alongside Axios was a testament to his complex nature—a being torn between his draconic heritage and the inexorable tide of change that Axios represented. For Sablethrone, the battles were not just a means to aid Axios’s crusade but a personal quest to reclaim a semblance of his lost majesty and power, even if it meant walking a path of destruction. This era of divine confrontation underscored the fragility of the established cosmic order. The gods, once deemed untouchable, found themselves at the mercy of two beings who defied the natural hierarchy. The alliance between Sablethrone and Axios, and their subsequent battles against the gods, marked a pivotal chapter in the prelude to the Omniscience War, setting the stage for a conflict that would redefine the boundaries between the divine and the mortal, the creator and the created. 17

PJ - Decades to Year 0: The Omniscience War devastates countless planes of existence, and the gods meet to discuss the problem and how they would deal with it. As the decades progressed towards the inception of Year 0, the cosmos found itself engulfed in the turmoil of the Omniscience War, a cataclysmic conflict that would come to define the end of an era and the dawn of a new cosmic order. The war, sparked by Axios’s relentless pursuit of change and his radical challenge to the established divine order, rapidly escalated beyond mere skirmishes or localized disputes into a full-blown existential crisis that threatened the very fabric of the multiverse. Axios, having already demonstrated his formidable power by reshaping his home world and even subjugating the mighty Sablethrone, turned his sights on the broader cosmos. His campaign of transformation, underpinned by a philosophy that revered change above all else, brought him into direct conflict with the pantheon of gods who had, until then, presided over the multiverse with relatively unchallenged authority. The Omniscience War was not a conventional conflict by any means. It was waged across countless planes of existence, from the celestial heights of the heavens to the infernal depths of the hells, and everywhere in between. The battlefields were as varied as the combatants, with clashes occurring in the ethereal realms of dreams and nightmares, the elemental planes of fire and ice, and the myriad worlds of the Material Plane. As Axios and his followers, including the once-king Sablethrone, now his mount and ally, moved across the planes, they left a trail of devastation in their wake. Entire realms were unmade, their fundamental truths rewritten by Axios’s chaotic influence. Even some of the gods, especially those less powerful or more closely aligned with the aspects of reality that Axios sought to overthrow, fell before his might. These divine beings, once thought immortal and invincible, were slain or diminished, their essences scattered or absorbed by the maelstrom of change that Axios embodied. The scale and intensity of the conflict soon compelled the gods to convene and address the unprecedented threat posed by Axios. This assembly of deities, some of whom had rarely interacted or cooperated, was a testament to the gravity of the situation. The gods, representing a vast spectrum of domains and ideologies, set aside their differences and rivalries in the face of a common enemy whose vision threatened to unravel the very tapestry of creation they had helped weave. The discussions among the gods were fraught with tension and urgency. Traditional rivalries and enmities were temporarily forgotten, replaced by a collective focus on the existential crisis at hand. Strategies were debated, alliances formed, and plans laid out, all with the singular goal of countering Axios’s relentless advance. The gods recognized that the Omniscience War was not merely a battle for territorial control or divine supremacy but a fight for the preservation of the cosmic order itself. As the decades drew to a close and the pivotal Year 0 approached, the gods’ council marked a crucial turning point in the Omniscience War. The decisions made during these celestial deliberations would set the stage for the dramatic events that followed, as the gods moved from the halls of debate to the fields of battle, determined to stem the tide of change that Axios represented and restore balance to the cosmos. 18

PJ - End times: Morridan's coup against the bickering and useless gods. As the Omniscience War reached its zenith, with Axios’s relentless march bringing him ever closer to the World Tree, the cosmos stood on the brink of irreversible change. It was during these fraught times that Morridan, a god known for his strategic acumen and unwavering resolve, perceived the disarray and indecisiveness among the pantheon as an existential threat greater than Axios’s impending assault. In a bold and controversial move, Morridan orchestrated a coup, aimed at consolidating the powers of the gods to forge a weapon capable of halting Axios’s advance. Morridan, alongside his wife Mystra, the goddess of magic, rallied a coalition of deities who shared his sense of urgency and vision for a unified front against Axios. This alliance was not merely a pact among gods but a desperate gambit to amass the necessary might to confront a foe who had already laid low many of their kin and threatened the very foundation of the multiverse. The gods who stood with Morridan were among the most powerful and influential within the pantheon: Io, the Great Dragon, from whom all dragonkind originated, and a being of creation and balance whose wisdom and power were unparalleled. Mystra, Morridan’s consort, whose dominion over the Weave of Magic made her an indispensable ally in the fight against Axios. Michael a celestial being of order and justice, whose legions of angels represented a formidable force of righteousness. Bhaal a god associated with death and mortality, whose understanding of the finality and transition could provide crucial insights into countering Axios’s chaotic influence. Ubtoa, a deity shrouded in mystery, associated with mazes and puzzles, representing the unpredictable and enigmatic aspects of the divine. Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, a paragon of honor, justice, and protection, revered by dragonkind and mortals alike for his unwavering commitment to righteousness. With this formidable array of allies, Morridan set about his grim task. The gods who refused to cooperate, who clung to their portfolios and personal domains amidst the looming catastrophe, were forcefully divested of their divine essences. Morridan, driven by a ruthless pragmatism, extracted their “hearts” - the core of their divine powers - and assimilated them, a process as harrowing as it was necessary. However, as Morridan’s coup unfolded within the hallowed chambers that surrounded the seedling cradle of the World Tree, Axios and his formidable new allies, the Lords of the Apocalypse, breached the divine assembly. The gates to the debate chamber, a place of discourse and deliberation, were shattered as these avatars of destruction entered the fray, heralding a battle of unprecedented scale and ferocity. In the chaos that ensued, Bahamut, the noble Platinum Dragon, met his end. His fall was a tragic loss, a testament to the war’s devastating toll on the cosmos’s staunchest defenders. Morridan, despite the considerable powers he had amassed, faced the grim reality of the long and arduous battle that lay ahead. The stage was set for a confrontation that would determine the fate of the multiverse, a final stand against Axios and the forces of change he wielded. 19

PJ - End times: Morridan's Allies fight Axioses allies Tiamate & silica, and as mistra kills silica morridan takes mystras heart then seals her in a prison dimention to save her from the horrors he must commit. As the Omniscience War reached its apocalyptic crescendo, the battlegrounds witnessed the convergence of divine might and chaotic fury. The end times were marked by a series of cataclysmic confrontations that pitted Morridan’s formidable alliance against the fearsome allies of Axios. Among the most pivotal of these clashes was the battle against Tiamat and Sileca, formidable entities aligned with Axios’s cause. Tiamat, the draconic goddess of greed, envy, and tyranny, embodied the darker aspects of dragonkind. Her presence on the battlefield, with her five heads each spewing death and destruction, was a testament to the chaos that Axios’s crusade had unleashed. Sileca, another of Axios’s potent allies, brought her own brand of devastation, her powers complementing Tiamat’s in a deadly dance of destruction. In the midst of this chaos, Morridan’s allies stood resolute. Leading the charge was Mystra, the goddess of magic and Morridan’s consort, whose command over the Weave of Magic was unparalleled. Mystra’s battle with Sileca was a spectacle of arcane might, a duel of spells and counterspells that tore through the fabric of reality itself. The confrontation reached its climax when Mystra, tapping into the depths of her divine power, succeeded in vanquishing Sileca, a victory that came at a great cost. It was in the aftermath of this victory that Morridan made a decision that would forever alter the course of divine history. Witnessing the lengths to which his allies and he had to go, the horrors that were unleashed in the name of preservation, Morridan resolved to shield Mystra from the further atrocities that were to come. In a moment fraught with sorrow and grim determination, Morridan turned against Mystra, not out of malice but out of a twisted sense of protection. Morridan extracted Mystra’s heart, the core of her divine essence, in an act that was as much a betrayal as it was a sacrificial attempt to save her from the unfolding carnage. With her heart in his possession, Morridan sealed Mystra in a prison dimension, a realm isolated from the rest of the cosmos where she would be safe from the horrors of the war and, perhaps more importantly, from the dark path Morridan himself was poised to tread. This act of sealing Mystra away was a turning point for Morridan, a clear demarcation of the lengths he was willing to go to achieve his ends. It underscored the tragic nature of the Omniscience War, where allies turned on allies, and the lines between heroism and villainy blurred beyond recognition. As Morridan stood amidst the aftermath of his actions, the weight of his decisions heavy upon his shoulders, the war raged on, drawing ever closer to its inevitable, world-shattering conclusion. 20

PJ - End times: Axios burns downt he world tree & has his final one on one with Morridan as there allies fight each other. In the twilight of the Omniscience War, the multiverse stood on the precipice of irreversible change. The end times were marked by a confrontation so profound that it would forever alter the fabric of existence. At the heart of this cataclysm was Axios, now more than a mortal, a being of chaos and change, standing against Morridan, the god who had amassed unparalleled power in a desperate bid to preserve the cosmic order. The final act of Axios’s campaign of transformation was as symbolic as it was devastating: the burning of the World Tree. This act was not merely the destruction of a cosmic entity but an assault on the very foundation of the multiverse. The World Tree, which connected all planes of existence and served as a source of balance and stability, was engulfed in ethereal flames, its branches withering, its roots smoldering. This act of destruction represented the culmination of Axios’s philosophy of change, an irrevocable severing of the ties that bound the cosmos in harmony. As the World Tree burned, the final showdown between Axios and Morridan unfolded. This was not a battle of armies or allies but a singular duel that would determine the fate of all existence. Around them, their respective allies clashed in battles of their own, the outcomes of which were overshadowed by the monumental conflict at the heart of the maelstrom. The duel between Axios and Morridan was a clash of ideologies as much as it was a physical confrontation. Axios, wielding the chaotic powers that had propelled his rise, faced Morridan, who had absorbed the essences of countless deities in preparation for this moment. The battle raged across dimensions, their blows echoing through the planes, distorting reality with each impact. Morridan, despite the overwhelming forces arrayed against him, leveraged the combined might of the portfolios he had acquired. Each divine essence within him lent its power, from the fury of storms to the inexorable march of time. He was a god of gods, a composite entity that represented the united front of the multiverse’s pantheon. The battle’s climax came with a moment of profound sacrifice and realization. Morridan, understanding the true cost of victory, tapped into the very essence of the World Tree itself, drawing upon the remnants of its power in a desperate bid to end Axios’s onslaught. The final blow was a confluence of all the divine energies Morridan had assimilated, a strike that transcended the physical to touch the core of Axios’s being. Axios’s defeat was not just the fall of a god or the end of a war; it was the cessation of a cosmic upheaval that had threatened to unravel the very threads of existence. As Axios fell, the flames consuming the World Tree flickered and died, leaving behind a cosmos forever scarred but still standing, its destruction averted by the narrowest of margins. Morridan’s victory was pyrrhic. The cost of the war, the lives lost, the gods fallen, and the scars inflicted upon the multiverse were a heavy burden. He stood amidst the ashes of the World Tree, a symbol of what had been sacrificed in the name of preservation. The end times had passed, but the future remained uncertain, a new era born from the ashes of the old, with Morridan as its architect and guardian, forever changed by the weight of his choices and the war that had defined an epoch. 21

PJ - Final Moment: Morridan swallows the World Tree's seed, making himself the new host of the World Tree. In the aftermath of the Omniscience War, as the cosmic dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into silence, Morridan stood amidst the ruins of what once was a vibrant nexus of life and magic—the World Tree. Its destruction, a casualty of the war’s final, devastating acts, left a void where once stood the multiverse’s anchor. However, the demise of the World Tree was not absolute; a glimmer of hope persisted in the form of a single seed, the embryonic essence of the Tree itself, capable of birthing a new era. Morridan, now bearing the collective weight of thousands of godly portfolios, found his sanity fraying under the immense burden. The divine essence of so many deities, each with its complex domain and powers, was a cacophony that threatened to overwhelm even his formidable will. The balance that once defined a deity’s existence—limited to managing around ten portfolios—was shattered, leaving Morridan in a precarious state of omnipotence tinged with encroaching madness. As Chaos sensed the vulnerability in the cosmos’s wounded fabric, it began its insidious work, seeking to unravel the remnants of order and return the multiverse to its primordial, unformed state. It was in this moment of existential peril that Morridan, with a clarity born of desperation and omniscient insight, knew the path he must take. The decision to swallow the World Tree’s seed was one of profound sacrifice. Morridan understood that in doing so, he would become both sanctuary and crucible for the nascent Tree, his divine essence serving as the nourishment and bedrock for its growth. This act was not without its consequences; the divine energies coursing through him, already a maelstrom from the assimilated portfolios, reacted violently to the seed’s potent life force. Morridan’s physical form began to wither and burn, a sacrificial pyre to the birth of a new World Tree. As his flesh necrotized and fell away, revealing the skeletal frame beneath, Morridan initiated the creation of a new pocket universe within the remnants of the old multiverse. This was a monumental act of divine will, an attempt to forge a haven where the new World Tree could flourish, safe from the encroaching chaos that sought to claim all. In this pocket universe, Morridan labored to hasten the growth of the new World Tree, pouring the remnants of his being into the soil of creation. His allies, having triumphed over Tiamat and witnessed Sablethrone’s surrender, stood by, uncertain of the future but united in their resolve to support Morridan’s final, desperate gambit. The creation of this pocket universe and the nurturing of the new World Tree represented a glimmer of hope in the face of oblivion. Morridan’s transformation into the very bedrock of a new cosmic order was a testament to the sacrifices endured by the gods in their struggle against chaos. Though his body succumbed to the divine energies that ravaged it, Morridan’s spirit remained indomitable, a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding the nascent Tree towards its destiny as the anchor of a reborn multiverse. 22

AOW Year 0: Morridan creates Jora, secures Sablethrone's children in a safe demi-plane, and appoints Sablethrone as Jora's guardian. At the dawn of Year 0, in the aftermath of the cataclysmic events that reshaped the cosmos, Morridan embarked on a pivotal endeavor to forge a sanctuary amidst the chaos—a new realm named Jora. This realm was conceived not merely as a refuge but as a testament to the resilience and potential for renewal within the multiverse. In the creation of Jora, Morridan sought to preserve the essence of what was lost and to lay the foundations for a future where the balance could be restored. Central to Morridan’s vision for Jora was Sablethrone, once the King of All Dragons, whose fall from grace and subsequent service to Axios had marked one of the Omniscience War’s most tragic tales. Morridan, in his newfound wisdom and authority, saw in Sablethrone not just a fallen monarch but a being of immense potential and inherent nobility, whose alignment with Axios had been born of circumstance rather than true allegiance. In a moment of profound significance, Morridan approached Sablethrone, not as a conqueror to a vanquished foe but as a visionary to a crucial ally. Their conversation, set amidst the nascent beauty of Jora, was a meeting of minds and spirits, where past grievances were set aside in favor of a shared commitment to the preservation and flourishing of this new world. Morridan spoke to Sablethrone with a candor and empathy that transcended their previous enmities. He acknowledged the immense pressures and threats that Sablethrone had faced, recognizing the weight of the choices that had led him to ally with Axios. Morridan conveyed his understanding of the protective instincts that had driven Sablethrone, especially regarding the safety of his offspring—innocents who bore no responsibility for the war’s horrors. In a gesture of trust and reconciliation, Morridan offered Sablethrone a role of paramount importance: the guardian of Jora. This was not merely a title or an assignment of duty but an acknowledgment of Sablethrone’s intrinsic strength and his capacity for guardianship and stewardship. Morridan entrusted him with the safety of this nascent realm and its future inhabitants, believing that Sablethrone’s wisdom, garnered through both triumph and tribulation, would be instrumental in guiding Jora towards stability and prosperity. Furthermore, Morridan took measures to ensure the safety of Sablethrone’s children, securing them in a protected demi-plane where they could grow and thrive away from the lingering shadows of war and conflict. This act of safeguarding the future of Sablethrone’s lineage was a testament to Morridan’s commitment to healing and renewal, to breaking the cycles of vengeance and strife that had so often marred the history of the cosmos. As their conversation concluded, an unspoken agreement was forged between Morridan and Sablethrone. It was an accord born of mutual respect and a shared vision for Jora —a world that would stand as a beacon of hope in a cosmos still reeling from the scars of the Omniscience War. In accepting his new role, Sablethrone embraced a path of redemption and renewal, becoming a cornerstone in the foundation of Jora and a symbol of the resilience and indomitable spirit that defined the new era Morridan sought to usher in. 23

AOW Year 1: Time in Jora is adjusted to be 10,000,000,000 times faster than outside. Morridan confines himself to a celestial dungeon, initiating his intermittent slumber due to fractured sanity. As Morridan retreated into his celestial dungeon, contending with the overwhelming burden of his fractured sanity, he was not left to navigate the complexities of Jora’s governance alone. In his periods of slumber, a cadre of steadfast allies remained in Jora, ensuring the realm’s stability and prosperity, each contributing their unique powers and perspectives to the sanctuary Morridan had forged. Ubtoa, known for his affinity with enigmas and labyrinths, undertook a task of profound significance: the crafting of a throne room for Morridan. This was not merely a seat of power but a place of rest for Morridan’s skeletal form, a form ravaged by the divine energies and the myriad portfolios he bore. The throne room, a sanctum within the celestial dungeon, was where Morridan could find solace, his form resting upon a throne designed by Ubtoa to accommodate the god’s changed visage. In this solemn space, the suspended form of Axios, once a formidable adversary, now served as a grim reminder of the war’s toll and Morridan’s ultimate victory. Transformed in death, Axios resembled a colossal black oni, a testament to the chaotic force he wielded in life. This display behind Morridan’s throne symbolized the end of the conflict and the sacrifices made to secure Jora’s future. Io, the progenitor of dragonkind and a paragon of creation, continued to lend his support to Morridan, embodying the life-affirming forces that Jora was meant to nurture. His presence in Jora was a beacon of stability and growth, guiding the realm’s evolution with a gentle, yet omnipotent hand. Michel, the archangel and god of time and space, took on the critical role of overseeing Jora’s temporal boundaries. His dominion over these fundamental aspects ensured that Jora’s accelerated time flow remained a sanctuary for rapid healing and growth, insulated from the chaotic remnants of the cosmos. Bhaal, the God of Death, engaged in the delicate task of creating new races within Jora, weaving the tapestry of life with threads of mortality and renewal. His interactions with key figures like the Vampire Queen and Higgins underscored the intricate dance of life and death that underpinned Jora’s existence. Bob, a collaborator with Bhal, delved into the supernatural genesis within Jora, infusing the realm with an array of mystical beings and phenomena that enriched its diversity. Sablethrone, in the years to come will bear the name Acusad, undergoing a transformative journey, becoming a foundational figure in the establishment of a new city under an accord with sylas. His story, from a guardian of Jora to a key player in its political and social fabric, exemplified the realm’s capacity for redemption and change. Together, these allies formed the pillars upon which Jora rested, each playing a vital role in the realm’s governance and development during Morridan’s periods of seclusion. Their collective efforts ensured that Jora remained a bastion of hope and renewal, a testament to the enduring legacy of Morridan and the united will of the gods to foster a sanctuary amid the remnants of a war-torn cosmos. 24

AOW Year 2: Michal, the Archangel and newly appointed god of time and space, guards the universal time barrier between Jora and the outside. In the second year after the creation of Jora, following the tumultuous period known as the After Omniscience War (AOW), Michael, the Archangel now vested with the divine mantle of god of time and space, assumed a pivotal role in safeguarding the realm’s unique temporal dynamics. With Jora’s time flowing at a rate 10,000,000,000 times faster than that of the surrounding cosmos, Michael’s task was both critical and complex. Michael’s guardianship focused on the universal time barrier, an intricate construct that delineated Jora’s accelerated temporality from the slower, more uniform progression of time in the external universe. This barrier was essential not only for maintaining Jora’s intended nature as a haven for rapid healing and development but also for preventing any potential temporal disruptions that could arise from the interface between these vastly different time flows. To ensure the integrity of this temporal barrier, Michael marshaled a host of celestial beings, each attuned to the delicate balance of temporal and spatial energies. These beings, under Michael’s command, formed a vigilant watch over the barrier, repairing any breaches and reinforcing its structure against possible incursions or anomalies that might threaten the stability of Jora or the broader multiverse. In addition to defensive measures, Michael’s role entailed regulating the passage of entities into and out of Jora. Given the realm’s unique temporal properties, strict controls were necessary to prevent unauthorized access that could lead to catastrophic outcomes. Michael, with his profound understanding of time and space, was uniquely equipped to manage these transitions, ensuring that they occurred seamlessly and without adverse effects on either Jora or the wider cosmos. Moreover, Michael’s divine portfolio allowed him to manipulate temporal currents within Jora to suit the needs of its inhabitants and align certain events with the cosmic timeline. This capacity to adjust and harmonize temporal flows underscored the symbiotic relationship between Jora and the rest of the universe, despite their differing temporal realities. Under Michael’s stewardship, the universal time barrier stood as a testament to the collective resolve of the gods to protect and nurture Jora in the aftermath of the war. His vigilant oversight ensured that Jora remained a place of potential and renewal, a testament to the resilience of the cosmos in the face of past upheavals and a beacon of hope for the future. 25

AOW Year 12: Morridan observes the disintegration of the old world. Bhal and Bob collaborate on creating new races in Jora, like Vampires and Gargoyles. By the twelfth year in the epoch known as After Omniscience War (AOW), Jora had flourished under the stewardship of Morridan and his divine allies, becoming a sanctuary of rapid evolution and regeneration. However, beyond the protective confines of Jora, the greater multiverse faced a starkly different reality. With the structures and balances that once maintained order now severely weakened by the war and Morridan’s subsequent withdrawal, chaos began to assert its dominance over the cosmos. From his celestial throne, crafted by Ubtoa and set within the heart of Jora, Morridan bore witness to the gradual unraveling of the old worlds. The view from his throne was not merely a window to the external universe but a portal through which the very essence of creation could be observed. Morridan, his form now skeletal and his mind fragmented by the immense burden of countless divine portfolios, watched with a mixture of sorrow and resignation as the remnants of what once was were slowly consumed by the primordial ether. This ether, the raw, unformed substance from which the cosmos had originally sprung, was reclaiming the multiverse in the absence of sufficient divine intervention to maintain order. Entire realms, their structures weakened and their guardians fallen or weakened in the war, began to dissolve into the formless void from which they were born. It was a slow, inexorable process, like the tide wearing away at the shore, as the primordial chaos undid the intricate tapestry of existence woven over eons. Amidst this backdrop of cosmic dissolution, Morridan’s sanctuary, Jora, stood as a stark contrast—a realm of vibrant life and unbridled potential. Within Jora, Bhal, the God of Death, and Bob, a lesser deity who had found favor with Morridan for his loyalty and ingenuity, embarked on a collaborative endeavor that embodied the spirit of innovation and resilience that Jora represented. Together, they turned their divine creativity towards the genesis of new races, beings that would thrive in Jora’s unique environment and contribute to its burgeoning diversity. Vampires were among the first of these new creations, beings of the night that balanced the line between life and death. They were a testament to Bhal’s domain, embodying the cycle of predation and renewal, their very existence a reflection of the complex interplay between mortality and immortality. Gargoyles, sculpted from the living stone of Jora’s mountains, emerged as guardians and watchers, their stony visages belying a sentient awareness granted by Bob’s whimsical yet purposeful design. These new races, along with others that followed, added layers of complexity and depth to Jora’s societal tapestry. They were not merely inhabitants of this sanctuary but active participants in its ongoing story, each race bringing its unique perspectives and abilities to the collective endeavor of building a world that could stand as a beacon of hope amidst the chaos consuming the old universe. As Morridan observed the contrasting fates of the old worlds and his sanctuary, a profound understanding settled within him. The disintegration of the old was an inevitable part of the cosmic cycle, a precursor to new beginnings. Jora, with its vibrant life and ever-evolving societies, stood as a testament to the resilience of creation, a promise that even in the face of chaos and dissolution, the spark of innovation and the will to thrive could give rise to new worlds and new possibilities. 26

AOW Year 13: Morridan formally appoints Sablethrone as Jora's guardian and starts inviting races from outside Jora. In the thirteenth year of Jora’s creation, as Morridan sought to enrich the sanctuary with the diversity of the cosmos, he imposed a harrowing criterion for new races wishing to join: the sacrifice of half their population’s life energy. This stark toll was deemed necessary to maintain ecological and magical equilibrium within Jora, given its accelerated temporal flow. However, the integration of new races into Jora’s fabric did not proceed as harmoniously as Morridan had envisioned. The factions of Runatria and Axium, in particular, diverged sharply from the ideals of cooperation and harmony that Morridan had hoped to foster. Driven by ambition and a blatant disregard for the indigenous sanctity of life in Jora, these groups engaged in acts of murder, pillage, and enslavement, starkly contrasting the realm’s foundational principles. Runatria, a domain of dragons and dragonborn, many descendants of Sablethrone’s lineage, engaged in particularly heinous acts against druidic communities. These druids, dedicated to reviving a long-lost forest within Jora’s barren expanses, faced brutal opposition. Runatria’s draconic forces, in a horrifying display of power and contempt for Jora’s vision, glassed vast swathes of land to obliterate the druids and their restoration efforts, committing a genocide that darkened Jora’s history. This era became a somber chapter in Jora’s annals, as the high ideals of unity and diversity were marred by the shadows of conflict and despotism. The realm’s indigenous peoples, once living in concord with the land and each other, were now subjugated by new rulers whose lust for power overshadowed the noble principles upon which Jora was established. From his vantage point, Morridan witnessed the discord and violence that his conditions for entry into Jora had inadvertently sown, betraying the sanctuary’s core ethos. The unintended consequences of his well-intentioned but stringent admission criteria became a source of deep contemplation and concern for Morridan. Amidst this turmoil, Sablethrone, appointed as Jora’s guardian, found himself in a precarious position. Torn between his duty to protect Jora and his kinship with the dragonborn of Runatria, he faced a profound moral quandary. Ultimately, Sablethrone’s decision to abstain from intervening in Runatria’s actions against the druids underscored the complex web of allegiances and responsibilities that defined his guardianship. However, recognizing the threat posed by Axium’s expansionist ambitions, Sablethrone took decisive action to contain them, preventing their departure from the Southern Island they had cultivated and ensuring that their influence remained limited, safeguarding the broader stability of Jora. 27

AOW Year 14: Ubtoa constructs the "Star Dungeons" within the moon. The Vampire Queen creates the first generation of vampires: Bevormamire, Carl, and Benjorn. In the fourteenth year of the After Omniscience War (AOW) era, the realm of Jora witnessed significant developments that would add new layers to its already rich tapestry. Among these was the creation of the “Star Dungeons” by Ubtoa, a deity known for his affinity with mazes and enigmas. Ubtoa chose the moon, a celestial body that had long fascinated the inhabitants of Jora, as the site for this ambitious project. The Star Dungeons were not mere prisons but complex labyrinths that served multiple purposes: they were places of trial for those seeking to prove their worth, sanctuaries for containing beings too powerful or dangerous for Jora, and repositories for knowledge and artifacts that were too potent to be left unguarded. The construction of the Star Dungeons was a feat of divine engineering, blending Ubtoa’s intricate understanding of spatial magic with the celestial energies of the moon. These dungeons were designed to be self-sustaining and ever-changing, with their corridors, chambers, and trials shifting in unpredictable patterns. This ensured that no two experiences within the Star Dungeons were the same, and that the challenges within remained relevant and formidable. Meanwhile, on Jora, the Vampire Queen, a figure shrouded in mystery and power, embarked on a venture that would forever alter the realm’s social and supernatural landscape. She used her ancient and arcane knowledge to create the first generation of vampires, beings endowed with her own potent blood magic. Among these initial vampires were Bevormamire, Carl, and Benjorn, each chosen for their unique strengths and qualities. Bevormamire, with his unparalleled charisma and strategic mind, quickly rose to prominence within the vampire community, shaping the culture and ambitions of his kin. Carl, known for his cunning and adaptability, became a master of survival and subterfuge, navigating the complexities of vampire politics with ease. Benjorn, with his brute strength and indomitable will, ensured that the vampires could defend their newfound place in Jora’s hierarchy. The creation of these first vampires by the Vampire Queen was not an act of mere whimsy but a calculated move to introduce a new dynamic into Jora’s ecosystem. Vampires, with their blend of mortality and immortality, their need to balance their predatory nature with their place among other races, brought new challenges and opportunities for interaction within the realm. The emergence of the Star Dungeons and the creation of the first generation of vampires marked the fourteenth year of Jora as a period of significant expansion and complexity. These developments, born from the divine will and supernatural prowess of Ubtoa and the Vampire Queen, respectively, added new dimensions to Jora’s cultural, social, and mystical landscape, enriching the realm’s narrative and setting the stage for future tales of adventure, intrigue, and discovery. 28

AOW Year 15, Month 4: Bhal accuses Sablethrone of breaking the pact by not preventing the genocide by Runatria and presents this as if Morridan is aware. In the fifteenth year of the After Omniscience War (AOW) era, specifically in its fourth month, a significant event unfolded that would test the allegiances and moral foundations of Jora’s guardianship. Bhal, the God of Death, known for his inscrutable motives and deep involvement in the cycle of life and death, confronted Sablethrone with a grave accusation. Bhal charged Sablethrone with violating a sacred pact by failing to intervene in the genocide committed by Runatria against the druidic communities endeavoring to restore Jora’s lost forests. This accusation was not merely a matter of failing to prevent an atrocity; it was framed as a breach of the fundamental covenant that bound the guardians and deities of Jora—a pact that underscored their collective responsibility to safeguard the realm’s inhabitants and uphold the principles upon which Jora was founded. The gravity of Bhal’s charge lay not only in the act itself but in the implication that Sablethrone’s inaction had directly contravened the will and directives of Morridan, the architect of Jora and its overarching authority. Bhal’s presentation of the matter as if Morridan were already aware of and aligned with this accusation added a layer of complexity to the situation. This framing put Sablethrone in a precarious position, suggesting a potential rift between him and Morridan and implying that Sablethrone’s guardianship might be under scrutiny or even jeopardy. The implications of Bhal’s accusation were manifold. For Sablethrone, it was a moment of reckoning that called into question his actions—or lack thereof—and the broader implications for his role as Jora’s guardian. The charge of breaking the pact brought to the fore the tension between Sablethrone’s allegiance to his kin in Runatria and his duty to protect all of Jora’s denizens and uphold the realm’s ideals. Furthermore, this event highlighted the intricate dynamics and potential for conflict among Jora’s deities and guardians. The relationships and agreements that underpinned the governance of Jora were shown to be delicate, susceptible to challenges that could arise from differing interpretations of duty, allegiance, and the greater good. As Sablethrone grappled with the accusation and its ramifications, the broader community of Jora awaited the response and potential actions of Morridan. The outcome of this confrontation would not only affect Sablethrone’s standing and role within Jora but also signal how transgressions against the realm’s foundational covenants would be addressed, shaping the future course of Jora’s divine and moral governance. 29

AOW Year 15, Month 5: Asmodaus invades Jora from Avernus. In the fifteenth year of the After Omniscience War (AOW) era, just a month following the grave accusations leveled against Sablethrone, Jora faced an unprecedented threat. Asmodaus, the cunning and formidable ruler of Avernus, launched an invasion into Jora. This sudden assault from Avernus, a realm synonymous with infernal machinations and the darker aspects of the cosmos, marked a critical juncture in Jora’s history. The invasion was not merely a physical assault on Jora’s lands but an ideological affront to the sanctuary that Morridan and his allies had strived to create. Asmodaus, known for his strategic acumen and relentless ambition, saw in Jora’s burgeoning realm an opportunity to expand his dominion and influence. The timing of this invasion, following closely on the heels of internal strife and discord within Jora, suggested a calculated move by Asmodaus to exploit the realm’s perceived vulnerabilities. The forces of Avernus, led by Asmodaus himself, tore through the universal barriers separating Jora from the rest of the multiverse, their arrival heralded by rifts of brimstone and shadow that scarred the landscape. Asmodaus’s legions, comprised of demons and other infernal entities, brought with them the chaos and corruption of their home realm, threatening to despoil Jora’s sanctity and undermine the principles of renewal and harmony that defined it. The impact of the invasion was immediate and devastating. Communities that had thrived in Jora’s nurturing environment found themselves under siege, their homes and lives threatened by the onslaught of infernal aggressors. The landscape, once a testament to the realm’s rapid healing and growth, bore the scars of battle, with swathes of land laid waste by the conflict. The guardians of Jora, already contending with the fallout from recent tensions and accusations, were forced to rally in defense of the realm. Sablethrone, despite the recent challenges to his guardianship, stood at the forefront of Jora’s defense, leveraging his immense power and strategic insight to counter the invading forces. The other deities and celestial beings allied with Jora were also called upon to lend their might to the realm’s defense, each contributing their unique abilities to the effort to repel Asmodaus’s forces. This invasion by Asmodaus was a pivotal event that tested the resolve, unity, and very foundations of Jora. It demanded a coordinated response from all of Jora’s protectors and inhabitants, challenging them to set aside their differences and unite against a common foe. The outcome of this conflict would not only determine Jora’s immediate survival but also shape its future trajectory, defining the character of the realm and its people in the face of adversity and existential threat. 30

AOW Year 16: The elemental mages are formed, empowered by the shards of Mystra. In the sixteenth year of the After Omniscience War (AOW) era, a pivotal development occurred within Jora that would significantly impact its magical landscape and societal structure. With the portfolio of magic fractured into countless shards during the tumultuous events leading up to and following the war, a portion of these shards found their way into Jora. This dispersal was part of a broader effort to hasten the growth and restoration of the Weave, the underlying fabric of magic that permeated the realm. As these shards, remnants of Mystra’s once-unified domain over magic, embedded themselves across Jora, they became catalysts for a new era of magical understanding and mastery. Mortals who encountered these shards found themselves imbued with extraordinary powers, each shard granting dominion over a specific element of magic. These individuals, drawing upon the essence contained within the shards, became known as the Elemental Mages. The Elemental Mages were distinguished not only by their mastery over particular elements but also by the colors that came to symbolize their powers and identities. “The Red Mage,” for instance, wielded the fierce and untamed energies of fire, while “The Blue Mage” commanded the fluid and ever-changing forces of water. Each country within Jora, recognizing the immense power and utility of these mages, sought to have one serve as their court mage, integrating them into the fabric of their governance and society. However, not all Elemental Mages were content to serve in the courts of Jora’s nations. Some, like “The Grey Mage,” chose a path of solitude and secrecy, retreating to their own domains where they could explore the depths of their powers away from the prying eyes and political machinations of the realm’s power structures. These reclusive mages became subjects of legend and speculation, their true capabilities and intentions known only to a few. The formation of the Elemental Mages marked a significant evolution in Jora’s magical paradigm. Empowered by the shards of Mystra, these mages embodied the fragmented yet potent legacy of the goddess of magic. Their existence and the powers they wielded were a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Jora’s inhabitants, reflecting the realm’s capacity to thrive and evolve even in the aftermath of cosmic upheaval. As the Elemental Mages carved out their roles within Jora, they contributed to a diverse and dynamic magical landscape, enriching the realm with their unique perspectives and abilities. Their interactions with the societies they served or chose to remain apart from added layers of complexity to Jora’s already intricate tapestry, setting the stage for new alliances, conflicts, and tales of wonder that would unfold in the years to come. 31

AOW Year 17: Sablethrone, collaborating with the elemental mages, confronts Asmodaus, inflicting a mortal wound but is gravely injured and retreats. Post-battle, Sablethrone recovers in Albion, protected by a barrier erected by the elemental mages. In the tumultuous seventeenth year after Jora’s creation, a confrontation of epic proportions unfolded within the darkened halls of Asmodaus’s infernal castle. Sablethrone, the guardian of Jora, took to the heart of enemy territory to face Asmodaus in a battle that would test the limits of their strength and resolve. This was not merely a clash of forces but a duel of titans, with Asmodaus at the zenith of his power within the fortified depths of his dominion. The battle between Sablethrone and Asmodaus was fierce and unforgiving. Sablethrone, channeling the full might of his draconic heritage and the guardianship bestowed upon him, managed to inflict a mortal wound upon Asmodaus. This momentous act, achieved against the backdrop of Asmodaus’s full strength and the malevolent energies of his castle, was a testament to Sablethrone’s valor and prowess. However, the victory was not without its costs. Sablethrone himself was gravely injured in the exchange, beaten to the brink of death by the infernal lord’s relentless onslaught. The intensity of their battle left Sablethrone with no choice but to retreat, his once indomitable form now a testament to the brutalities of their encounter. Asmodaus, though mortally wounded by Sablethrone’s strike, managed to escape into the depths of his castle, his trail marked by the blood he spilled. It was only through the intervention of one of his vassals that he was spared from the clutches of death, his wounds tended to in the shadowy recesses of his infernal stronghold. Meanwhile, the broader battle raged on across the material plane of Jora. Angels and deities allied with Jora lent their might in an effort to stem the tide of Asmodaus’s forces. These celestial beings fought valiantly to protect the realm, their divine powers clashing with the infernal legions that sought to claim Jora for Avernus. Despite their efforts, the forces of Avernus, bolstered by the dark energies of their realm and the strategic acumen of Asmodaus’s generals, overwhelmed Jora’s defenders. The material plane, once a sanctuary of growth and renewal, was overtaken by the legions of Avernus, its lands marred by the scars of invasion. Faced with the inexorable advance of Asmodaus’s forces, the inhabitants of Jora were forced into a strategic retreat to Britannia. This last bastion of resistance became a refuge for those displaced by the war, its shores a stark contrast to the desolation that had befallen the rest of Jora. The duel between Sablethrone and Asmodaus, and the subsequent retreat to Britannia, marked a pivotal moment in Jora’s history. It was a time of heroism and sacrifice, a reminder of the fragility of sanctuaries in the face of overwhelming darkness. Yet, within Britannia’s protected borders, the spirit of Jora endured, its people united in their resolve to reclaim their realm and restore the light that Asmodaus’s invasion had sought to extinguish. 32

AOW Year 17 end of war: the elimental mages used all there powers combined to make a barrier around britania, that not even admodaus could enter or exit. bar a small entrace gate that pointed sounth towards france. As the seventeenth year of the After Omniscience War (AOW) era transitioned into the concluding phase of the Avernus invasion, the Elemental Mages of Jora, empowered by the scattered shards of Mystra’s oncewhole domain of magic, rallied together in a moment of critical unity. The realm, having endured the ravages of Asmodaus’s relentless assault, found itself at a pivotal juncture, with Britannia emerging as the last refuge against the encroaching darkness. In a display of formidable solidarity and magical prowess, the Elemental Mages devised a plan to secure Britannia’s safety and ensure it would stand as a sanctuary for all those who had survived the horrors of the invasion. Drawing upon the elemental forces at their command— each mage channeling the distinct power of their shard— they began the arduous process of weaving a barrier of unparalleled strength around Britannia. This barrier, a masterpiece of elemental magic and collaborative will, was designed to be impenetrable by any force that Asmodaus or the remnants of his infernal legions could muster. It served as a glowing testament to the mages’ dedication to the preservation of Jora’s last stronghold and their defiance against the shadow of Avernus that had fallen over the realm. However, with strategic foresight and an acknowledgment of the need for Britannia to maintain connections with what lay beyond its shielded borders, the Elemental Mages crafted a singular gateway within the barrier. This gate, facing south towards the lands that once bore the brunt of Asmodaus’s invasion, was conceived as a controlled point of entry and exit. It allowed Britannia to cautiously engage with the outside world, admit potential allies, and offer refuge to those who sought sanctuary from the remnants of chaos that lingered beyond the barrier’s protection. The establishment of this barrier, punctuated by the strategically vital gate, marked the end of the Avernus invasion’s most acute phase and the beginning of a new era for the survivors within Britannia. It was a period characterized by reflection, rebuilding, and a cautious optimism for the future. The Elemental Mages, having expended a significant portion of their power in the barrier’s creation, had not only fortified Britannia but had also sown the seeds of hope for the eventual resurgence and restoration of Jora. Within the protected realm of Britannia, life began to slowly mend and flourish anew under the watchful guardianship of Sablethrone and the elemental magic that now suffused its lands. The barrier stood as a radiant bulwark against the darkness, a symbol of resilience, and a promise that even in the aftermath of devastation, renewal and safety could be found. 33

AOW Year 17, Month 1: Asmodaus bragens In the early days of the seventeenth year AOW, an event unfolded that would send ripples through the very foundations of Jora and its celestial hierarchy. Asmodaus, the infernal ruler whose name had become synonymous with the recent strife and turmoil, made an unexpected appearance in Morridan’s throne room. The presence of Asmodaus within this sanctum, a place shielded by powerful magics and guarded by the likes of Morridan, Ubtoa, and Michael, was nothing short of shocking. To the astonishment of all present, Asmodaus appeared unscathed, radiating health and vitality as if the recent conflicts had left him untouched. This facade, however, was a testament to his cunning and one of his most insidious portfolios—the ability to deceive. Even Morridan, with his vast wisdom and insight, found himself momentarily duped by this illusion, a fact that underscored the depth of Asmodaus’s trickery. Holding what seemed to be an upper hand, Asmodaus initiated a negotiation with Morridan, proposing terms that would reshape the cosmic landscape of Jora and its surrounding planes. He offered to withdraw his infernal influence from the material plane, sparing Britannia from further destruction. In exchange, Asmodaus demanded that Avernus be integrated into Jora’s planar ecosystem, much like the Ethereal Plane, Shadowfell, and the Feywilds had been. This integration would not only expand his realm of influence but also entwine the fates of Avernus and Jora in a manner unprecedented in their history. Furthermore, Asmodaus addressed an issue that had arisen in Jora’s unique cosmological structure—the absence of a defined afterlife, which had led to an accumulation of restless spirits and ghosts within the realm. In a gesture that was ambiguously magnanimous, he offered to take the souls of the deceased to Hell, providing a destination for those caught in the liminal space between life and death. Morridan, faced with the immediate threat to Britannia and the broader implications of Asmodaus’s proposals, found himself in a precarious position. The welfare of Jora and its inhabitants weighed heavily upon him, clouding his judgment and compelling him to accept terms that he might have otherwise scrutinized more carefully. To the astonishment of Ubtoa, Michael, and even Asmodaus himself, Morridan agreed to the pact, albeit with a crucial stipulation—Asmodaus was to cease direct interference with mortals, a condition aimed at safeguarding the agency and destiny of Jora’s inhabitants from infernal manipulation. This agreement marked a significant turning point in the celestial politics of Jora, binding the realm to Avernus in ways that would have far-reaching consequences. The shock of Morridan’s acquiescence, even under duress, revealed the complexities and challenges of divine stewardship in a cosmos where the lines between friend and foe, benefactor and malefactor, were increasingly blurred. The ramifications of this pact, both seen and unforeseen, would continue to unfold in the tapestry of Jora’s destiny, shaping the lives of its denizens and the balance of power among its celestial guardians. 34

AOW Year 17, Month 2**: Bhal curses Sablethrone, leading to a forced slumber and the start of his transformation into a black dragon. In the second month of the seventeenth year AOW, a momentous and tragic event transpired that would forever alter the fate of Sablethrone, the guardian of Jora. Bhal, the God of Death, driven by motives obscured by his enigmatic nature and perhaps influenced by the recent tumult within Jora, directed his divine ire towards Sablethrone. The reasons for Bhal’s actions were manifold and complex, entwined with the intricate tapestry of divine politics, allegiances, and the unfolding consequences of the recent invasion by Asmodaus. Bhal, wielding the profound and fearsome powers at his command, pronounced a curse upon Sablethrone. This was no ordinary curse, but a potent and insidious malediction that targeted the very essence of Sablethrone’s being. The curse induced a deep, unnatural slumber upon Sablethrone, a forced state of dormancy that removed him from the affairs of Jora and its inhabitants, effectively silencing his wisdom and strength when they were most needed. But the curse’s effects were far more profound and transformative than a mere enchanted sleep. As Sablethrone lay in his imposed slumber, the dark magic of Bhal’s curse began to work a deeper, more sinister change upon him. Sablethrone’s once-noble form, that of a majestic dragon known and revered across the cosmos, began to undergo a harrowing metamorphosis. His scales, once a gleaming testament to his draconic lineage and the light he had championed, slowly darkened, taking on the obsidian hue of a black dragon. This transformation was not merely physical but symbolic, marking a departure from Sablethrone’s past and the ideals he had embodied as a guardian of Jora. The transition towards the form of a black dragon, creatures often associated with malevolence and destruction in many cosmic myths, was a stark contrast to Sablethrone’s previous existence and a visible sign of Bhal’s curse taking root. The implications of this curse and Sablethrone’s ensuing transformation reverberated throughout Jora. The forced slumber and metamorphosis of such a key figure in the realm’s defense and governance created a void, leaving questions and concerns about the future stability and direction of Jora. Moreover, the nature of the curse and the dramatic change it wrought in Sablethrone raised deeper questions about the balance of power among the gods, the intricacies of their interactions, and the potential for conflict and retribution within their ranks. As Sablethrone’s transformation continued, the once-great guardian found himself caught in the throes of a destiny he had not chosen, a pawn in a larger game played by deities with their own inscrutable agendas. The curse, with its profound implications, would come to define Sablethrone’s path and the role he would play in the ongoing saga of Jora, a realm caught between the machinations of gods and the resilience of its inhabitants. 35

AOW Year 17, Month 4: Sablethrone enters a deep slumber and becomes enveloped by the terrain. By the fourth month of the seventeenth year AOW, the curse that Bhal had cast upon Sablethrone reached its zenith, plunging the guardian dragon into an even deeper state of enforced slumber. This was not merely a physical dormancy but a profound magical stasis that disconnected Sablethrone from the realm he had sworn to protect and from the flow of time itself. As he slept, a remarkable transformation unfolded, not just within Sablethrone but in the very land around him. As the days passed, the terrain of Jora began to respond to Sablethrone’s presence and his deep, enchanted sleep. The magic of the curse, imbued with the essence of death and transformation, seeped into the earth, intertwining Sablethrone’s fate with that of the land. Gradually, the natural world began to envelop him, as if claiming the guardian dragon for itself. Grass, vines, and flowers sprouted around his resting form, weaving a verdant cocoon that melded with his scales, now darkened to the hue of midnight from Bhal’s curse. This merging of Sablethrone with the terrain was symbolic of his deep connection to Jora and the natural forces that governed it. It was as if the land itself sought to protect and preserve Sablethrone during his vulnerable state, cradling him within its embrace. Over time, his slumbering form became a part of the landscape, a living monument to the sacrifices made in defense of the realm. This phenomenon was not unnoticed by the inhabitants of Jora. Whispers and rumors spread about the guardian dragon’s fate, his form now a part of the land, shrouded in mystery and magic. To some, this place became a site of pilgrimage, a sacred ground touched by the direct interplay of divine forces. To others, it was a somber reminder of the cost of war and the burdens borne by those who stand in defense of their world. As Sablethrone’s slumber continued, the natural world’s embrace served as both a shield and a testament to his enduring presence within Jora. Even in this state of magical stasis, he remained a guardian, albeit in a different form, his essence intertwined with the land he had protected. The enveloping terrain, now imbued with a part of Sablethrone’s power and spirit, stood as a beacon of resilience and continuity, a sign that even in the darkest of times, life finds a way to endure and safeguard its champions. 36

AOW Year 18: The Vampire Queen falls in love with Higgins, "The Missing Mage," afflicted by a curse from a corrupted shard of Mystra. In the eighteenth year following the After Omniscience War (AOW), a tale of unexpected love and complex magic unfolded within the boundaries of Britannia, now a sanctuary under the protection of the Elemental Mages’ barrier. The Vampire Queen, a formidable figure who had risen to prominence within the realm through her strength, cunning, and the legacy of the first generation of vampires she had created, found herself ensnared in the web of an unforeseen affection. The object of her affections was none other than Higgins, known colloquially as “The Missing Mage,” a title that spoke to his enigmatic nature and the peculiar curse that afflicted him. Higgins had come into contact with a corrupted shard of Mystra, a remnant of the goddess’s shattered portfolio of magic that had dispersed across the cosmos in the wake of the Omniscience War. This particular shard, tainted by the turmoil and destruction of the war, bore a malevolent curse that wreaked havoc on Higgins’s very existence. The curse caused Higgins to blink in and out of the material plane, pulling him into other realms and dimensions without warning. This unpredictable and uncontrollable aspect of his existence earned him the moniker “The Missing Mage,” as he would often vanish midconversation, only to reappear in some distant land or a completely different plane of existence. The Vampire Queen, in her encounters with Higgins, saw beyond the curse that plagued him. She was drawn to his resilience, his unwavering spirit in the face of constant displacement and uncertainty. For her, a being who had known the depths of darkness and the complexities of immortality, Higgins represented a beacon of light, a soul who navigated the chaos of existence with grace and determination. Their love story was one marked by the interplay of light and shadow, of the enduring human spirit and the eternal night of vampirism. The Vampire Queen’s affection for Higgins brought a new dimension to her existence, softening the edges of her dominion and introducing a vulnerability that she had long since thought eradicated. However, their union was not without its challenges. Higgins’s curse meant that their moments together were fleeting and unpredictable, each encounter cherished for its rarity and the uncertainty of when the next would occur. The Vampire Queen, in her power and wisdom, sought ways to alleviate the burden of Higgins’s curse, to anchor him to the material plane so their time together could be prolonged, their connection deepened beyond the brief intersections of their cursed and immortal lives. As their love story unfolded, it became a legend within Britannia, a tale of love’s power to transcend the boundaries of curses and the constraints of time. It served as a reminder to the inhabitants of the realm that even in the aftermath of war and amidst the struggles of a new beginning, the capacity for love, connection, and transformation remained an indomitable force within the heart of Jora. 37

AOW Year 19: The Queen requests Morridan to remove Higgins's curse. Morridan confines Higgins to Fluxefront and turns him into a progenitor vampire. In the nineteenth year AOW, the unfolding romance between the Vampire Queen and Higgins, “The Missing Mage,” reached a poignant crossroad. Driven by her deepening affection for Higgins and the pain of their transient encounters, the Queen sought a resolution to the curse that plagued her beloved. Believing in the possibility of a reprieve, she approached Morridan, the architect of Jora and a being of immense power, to plead for his intervention. The Queen’s request was fraught with complexity, for Higgins’s curse was not merely a simple spell but a deeply embedded affliction tied to a corrupted shard of Mystra. Such a curse was woven into the very fabric of his being, making its removal or alteration a matter of considerable consequence and difficulty. Morridan, moved by the Queen’s plea and recognizing the unique bond between her and Higgins, contemplated the predicament before him. His solution, while unconventional, was born out of a desire to honor the Queen’s request while navigating the intricate web of cosmic laws and magical balances. ; Morridan decided to confine Higgins to Fluxefront, a plane of existence that served as a nexus for the Weave of Magic, a realm where the raw, unbridled energies of creation flowed in abundance. This confinement was not meant as a punishment but as a sanctuary where Higgins’s curse could be contained and his existence stabilized. In Fluxefront, the erratic nature of his curse would be less disruptive, and he would be closer to the source of magic that both bound and tormented him. Furthermore, in a move that would forever alter Higgins’s path, Morridan transformed him into a progenitor vampire, akin in nature to the Queen. This transformation was both a gift and a remedy, granting Higgins a new form of existence that was innately more resilient to the flux of magical energies and better suited to the unpredictable environment of Fluxefront. As a progenitor vampire, Higgins gained a profound connection to the Vampire Queen, their fates and beings intertwined more deeply than before. This decision, while made with the best of intentions, carried with it a weight of consequences. Higgins’s new existence as a progenitor vampire within the boundless realm of Fluxefront opened up new possibilities and challenges for both him and the Queen. Their love, now transcending the mortal plane and the limitations of Higgins’s curse, embarked on a new chapter, one that would test the bounds of their connection and the nature of their transformed beings. The Queen’s request and Morridan’s response became a testament to the lengths to which beings, mortal and divine, would go in the name of love and companionship. It underscored the complexities of intervention in the face of curses and the transformative power of love to redefine destinies. In the tapestry of Jora’s history, their story wove a thread of hope, sacrifice, and the enduring quest for solace in the aftermath of tumult and turmoil. 38

AOW Year 20 - 24: Higgins discovers portal creation ability, explores the outer realms, attracts cosmic attention, and seals Chaos within a shield. In the years spanning from the twentieth to the twentyfourth AOW, Higgins, now a progenitor vampire and a resident of the enigmatic plane of Fluxefront, embarked on a remarkable journey of discovery and adventure. Adapting to his new form and the boundless energies of Fluxefront, Higgins unearthed an innate ability that would redefine his existence: the power to create portals. This newfound capability allowed Higgins to traverse the myriad realms and planes of existence with a newfound ease, a stark contrast to the involuntary and erratic translocations of his past. With each portal he conjured, Higgins delved deeper into the outer realms, exploring the farthest reaches of the cosmos and the myriad wonders they held. His adventures took him to places of breathtaking beauty and unfathomable danger, realms untouched by the wars that had scarred Jora and the material plane. As Higgins’s explorations grew bolder, his presence and activities began to attract the attention of cosmic entities and powers. His ability to navigate the spaces between realms, coupled with his unique nature as a progenitor vampire, made him a figure of intrigue and interest among the denizens of the cosmos. Some viewed him with curiosity, others with caution, and a few with a sense of foreboding, recognizing in him a potential catalyst for change and upheaval. It was during one of his ventures into the chaotic fringes of the cosmos that Higgins encountered Chaos itself—an entity or force fundamental to the fabric of existence, yet elusive and enigmatic. In a daring and unprecedented act, Higgins managed to encapsulate a manifestation of Chaos within a shield, a feat that echoed across the planes and solidified his reputation as a being of significant power and ingenuity. This act of sealing Chaos was not merely a display of Higgins’s growing mastery over his abilities but also a protective measure, an attempt to safeguard the realms he had come to cherish from the unpredictable and often destructive nature of Chaos. The shield, now containing a fragment of Chaos, became both a symbol of Higgins’s journey from a cursed mage to a cosmic explorer and a testament to the delicate balance that governed the multiverse. The years from AOW 20 to 24 marked a period of transformation and discovery for Higgins, one that saw him transcend the limitations of his past and embrace a role that straddled the realms of legend and reality. His adventures and the cosmic attention they garnered added a new layer to the ongoing saga of Jora and its inhabitants, weaving his story into the broader tapestry of a realm continually shaped by the actions of its most remarkable figures. 39

AOW Year 25 - 50: Higgins constructs "The Orrery" for navigating time within Fluxefront. Morridan restricts travel due to Higgins's actions, affecting creatures with souls. In the expansive period from AOW Year 25 to 50, Higgins, now deeply embedded in the mysteries and potentialities of Fluxefront, undertook a project of unparalleled ambition and complexity. He began the construction of “The Orrery,” a device conceived to master the flow of time within the enigmatic confines of Fluxefront. This was not merely an instrument of navigation but a profound expression of Higgins’s desire to understand and engage with the temporal dimensions that underpinned reality. The Orrery, with its intricate mechanisms and magical sigils, was a marvel of both craftsmanship and arcane science. It allowed Higgins to chart paths through the temporal eddies and streams of Fluxefront, granting him unprecedented control over the perception and experience of time within this plane. Through The Orrery, Higgins could witness the echoes of past events, unravel the threads of present occurrences, and explore the myriad possibilities that the future held. However, the creation and use of such a powerful tool did not go unnoticed by the celestial powers that watched over the multiverse. Morridan, ever vigilant of the delicate balances that governed the cosmos, viewed Higgins’s manipulation of time with a growing sense of concern. The unrestricted traversal of temporal boundaries, especially by beings endowed with souls, posed risks that could ripple across the planes, potentially unraveling the fabric of reality itself. In response to the potential threats posed by The Orrery and the broader implications of Higgins’s actions, Morridan made a decisive move to restrict travel to and from Fluxefront. This edict was aimed at curtailing the unforeseen consequences that might arise from the manipulation of temporal forces by soul-bearing entities. Morridan’s decision reflected a cautious approach to the stewardship of the cosmos, prioritizing the safeguarding of its fundamental structures over the freedoms of individual exploration. This restriction had significant implications for creatures with souls, who found their ability to interact with Fluxefront—and by extension, the unique temporal insights it offered—severely limited. For some, this represented a loss of opportunity and knowledge, a closing of doors that had once led to unimaginable discoveries. For others, it underscored the responsibility that came with wielding great power, acknowledging the need for restraint and wisdom in the face of cosmic forces that were beyond complete understanding or control. The period from AOW Year 25 to 50 thus became a time of reflection and recalibration for the inhabitants of Jora and the broader multiverse. Higgins’s construction of The Orrery and Morridan’s subsequent restrictions served as poignant reminders of the complex interplay between discovery and duty, innovation and safeguarding. As the inhabitants of Jora navigated these challenges, they were confronted with the enduring question of how to balance the thirst for knowledge and advancement with the imperative to protect the integrity and harmony of the cosmos. 40

AOW Year 51: Higgins learns that observed events in Fluxefront become immutable. In the fifty-first year of the After Omniscience War (AOW) era, Higgins made a profound discovery within the mystical bounds of Fluxefront, one that would significantly alter his understanding of time and its manipulation. Through his interactions with The Orrery, the intricate device he had constructed to navigate the temporal streams of Fluxefront, Higgins uncovered a fundamental principle of the plane’s temporal mechanics: once an event in Fluxefront was directly observed, it became immutable, fixed in the fabric of time. This revelation came as both a surprise and a crucial insight to Higgins. The Orrery had granted him unprecedented access to the ebbs and flows of time, allowing him to witness past occurrences, understand the present more deeply, and catch glimpses of potential futures. However, this newfound understanding introduced a weighty responsibility. The act of observation, he learned, had the power to cement events into the unalterable past, removing them from the realm of potentiality and speculation into the realm of definitive history. The implications of this discovery were manifold. For Higgins, it meant that his explorations and interventions in Fluxefront’s temporal currents had to be conducted with greater care and consideration. The knowledge that his mere observation could lock an event into place added a layer of complexity to his endeavors, forcing him to consider the ethical and practical consequences of his actions more thoroughly. This characteristic of Fluxefront’s temporal nature also illuminated the delicate balance between knowledge and influence. Higgins realized that his pursuit of understanding and his desire to explore the mysteries of time came with the power to shape the very events he sought to study. This duality of observer and influencer was a profound lesson in the interconnectedness of knowledge, power, and responsibility. Furthermore, Higgins’s discovery shed light on the unique nature of Fluxefront as a plane where the fabric of time was unusually malleable yet bound by certain immutable laws. This paradoxical quality made Fluxefront a place of endless possibilities but also a realm where the consequences of one’s actions, once observed, became etched into the continuum of time. As Higgins continued his journey within Fluxefront, armed with the knowledge of time’s immutable nature upon observation, he navigated his powers with a newfound sense of caution and wisdom. This understanding deepened his respect for the mysteries of the cosmos and the intricate laws that governed its operation, reinforcing the idea that even in a realm as boundless and enigmatic as Fluxefront, there were rules that even the most powerful beings must heed. 41

AOW Year 52: Higgins befriends Asmodaus. In the fifty-second year following the After Omniscience War (AOW), a most unexpected development unfolded that would further blur the lines between friend and foe within the cosmos. Higgins, known as “The Missing Mage” and now a progenitor vampire with the unique ability to navigate through time and space, extended the boundaries of his explorations and interactions. Among the many curious and powerful entities he encountered, one stood out due to the sheer improbability of their connection— Asmodaus, the infernal lord whose name had been synonymous with strife and conquest in Jora. The circumstances that led to their meeting were as unusual as the friendship that ensued. Asmodaus, recovering from the wounds inflicted by Sablethrone and reevaluating his strategies in the cosmic chessboard following his withdrawal to Avernus, found in Higgins not an adversary but a being of intriguing potential. Higgins, for his part, approached Asmodaus devoid of the preconceptions and animosities that had colored the perspectives of many in Jora and beyond. Their interactions, initially marked by caution and curiosity, gradually evolved into a rapport that transcended the typical boundaries of celestial and infernal relations. Higgins’s unique status as a being who had transcended his human origins and Asmodaus’s interest in the arcane and temporal manipulations Higgins was capable of provided a common ground for their unlikely friendship. This bond between Higgins and Asmodaus was not without its complexities and contradictions. On one hand, it represented a bridge between realms and ideologies often considered irreconcilable. On the other, it raised questions and concerns among those who were aware of this developing camaraderie. The alliance between a figure of Higgins’s background and a being as historically antagonistic as Asmodaus prompted speculation and wariness among both celestial and infernal observers. Yet, within the context of their friendship, both Higgins and Asmodaus found opportunities for growth and insight. Higgins gained a deeper understanding of the infernal realms and the intricate dynamics that governed them, while Asmodaus was exposed to perspectives and possibilities that had previously been beyond his consideration. The friendship between Higgins and Asmodaus, emerging in the year 52 AOW, stood as a testament to the post-war era’s shifting alliances and the fluid nature of relationships in the cosmos. It underscored the potential for understanding and cooperation in the most unexpected of circumstances, challenging the established narratives of eternal enmity between the celestial and the infernal. 42

AOW Year 55: Higgins creates soul coins to liberate souls in Fluxefront and establishes "Sanctuary. In the fifty-fifth year following the After Omniscience War (AOW), Higgins embarked on a significant endeavor that would leave a lasting impact on the denizens of Fluxefront and beyond. Drawing upon his deepening mastery over the arcane and temporal forces within this unique plane, he devised a method to create “soul coins” – a novel concept aimed at liberating the souls that found themselves trapped within Fluxefront. The invention of soul coins stemmed from Higgins’s observation of the plane’s peculiar nature, where souls, especially those of beings with unfinished business or those caught in the tumult of past conflicts, often lingered without direction or purpose. These souls, untethered and unable to move on, contributed to the growing complexity and instability within Fluxefront. Higgins, moved by compassion and guided by his understanding of the plane’s intricacies, sought to provide these souls with a means of liberation and purpose. Soul coins, as conceived by Higgins, were more than mere currency. They were intricate arcane constructs that encapsulated the essence of a soul, providing it with sanctuary and the possibility of purposeful existence within Fluxefront. Each coin was imbued with a fragment of Higgins’s own power, ensuring the safety and preservation of the soul within. With the creation of soul coins, Higgins established “Sanctuary,” a haven within Fluxefront where these liberated souls could reside. Sanctuary was not just a physical space but a concept of refuge and renewal, where souls could find respite from their eternal wanderings and contribute to the collective knowledge and culture of this plane. It became a melting pot of ideas and energies, enriched by the diverse experiences and wisdom of the souls that called it home. The establishment of Sanctuary and the creation of soul coins were met with a mixture of awe and skepticism among the inhabitants of Fluxefront and the wider cosmos. Some viewed Higgins’s actions as a noble endeavor, a beacon of hope for lost souls seeking redemption and peace. Others, wary of the potential implications of manipulating souls in such a manner, watched closely, pondering the long-term consequences of Higgins’s initiative. Regardless of the varied perspectives, Higgins’s creation of soul coins and the founding of Sanctuary marked a pivotal moment in the post-war era. It underscored the possibilities that arose from the intersection of creativity, compassion, and power. Sanctuary, with its promise of liberation and renewal for trapped souls, became a symbol of the transformative potential that individuals like Higgins held—a testament to the capacity for change and growth in even the most unlikely of places. 43

AOW Year 56: Higgins introduces the "Crystal Key" for travel to Sanctuary and invites Captain Regives. In the fifty-sixth year following the After Omniscience War (AOW), Higgins continued to nurture the growth of Sanctuary within Fluxefront, introducing a key innovation to facilitate this expansion: the “Crystal Key.” This artifact, a marvel of arcane craftsmanship, was designed to ensure safe and controlled passage to Sanctuary, symbolizing the unity and shared purpose that defined this haven for liberated souls. Crafted to navigate the unique energies of Fluxefront, the Crystal Key became a cornerstone of Higgins’s vision to bridge Sanctuary with the wider cosmos. Among the earliest to receive this key was Captain Redgraves, a renowned adventurer whose reputation for courage and leadership spanned the realms. Her invitation to Sanctuary signified a pivotal evolution of the refuge from a mere sanctuary for souls into a vibrant center of exploration and fellowship. Captain Redgraves’s proven leadership and adventurous spirit were deemed by Higgins as essential in fostering the ethos of discovery that Sanctuary aspired to embody. As Sanctuary’s mission broadened, so too did the function and significance of the Crystal Key, leading to its renaming as the “Questing Crystal.” This change reflected its enhanced role in enabling the pursuit of adventures and quests by the members of the newly formed “Sanctuary Guild.” This guild, grounded in the values of exploration and collective enlightenment, quickly became a beacon for beings from across the cosmos, attracted by the promise of shared adventures and growth. The Questing Crystal, emblematic of the Sanctuary Guild, facilitated members’ journeys across realms, aiding in the discovery of ancient mysteries and the forging of deep inter-realm connections. However, as the guild grew and its members ventured further, Michael, the archangel endowed with dominion over time and space, intervened. Concerned by the potential implications of unchecked travel and the impact on the delicate cosmic balance, Michael used his celestial powers to sever the links between Fluxefront and any worlds not directly tethered to Jora. This act effectively confined the Sanctuary Guild’s explorations and ventures within the boundaries of Morridan’s realm, ensuring that the Sanctuary’s influence and activities remained within a controlled and safeguarded domain. This intervention by Michael marked a significant moment in the evolution of Sanctuary and its guild. While it limited the scope of their explorations, it also underscored the importance of maintaining cosmic order and the responsibilities that came with the power to traverse realms. The introduction of the Questing Crystal, the inclusion of Captain Redgraves, and the subsequent celestial decree by Michael collectively shaped the destiny of Sanctuary, guiding it towards a future where adventure and discovery were balanced with the overarching need for cosmic harmony and stewardship. 44

AOW Year 57: Sanctuary is transformed into a guild of mercenary adventurers. By the fifty-seventh year following the After Omniscience War (AOW), Sanctuary had evolved significantly under Higgins’s visionary leadership. From a haven for liberated souls within Fluxefront, it had grown into a vibrant community, united by a shared ethos of exploration and mutual support. This year marked another pivotal transformation for Sanctuary, as it embraced a new identity and purpose, transitioning into a guild of mercenary adventurers. This transformation was driven by both necessity and the inherent spirit of the community that Sanctuary had fostered. As more souls, each with their own stories and skills, found refuge within its bounds, it became apparent that Sanctuary could offer more than just safety—it could provide a purpose. The members of Sanctuary, many of whom had backgrounds as warriors, mages, and explorers, found a renewed sense of belonging and utility in the guild’s new direction. The guild’s formation capitalized on the diverse abilities and experiences of its members, offering their services to the wider realms for tasks that ranged from exploration and artifact recovery to protection and conflict resolution. This mercenary approach allowed Sanctuary to not only contribute positively to the cosmic balance but also to ensure the sustainability of the guild and its members. Sanctuary’s transition into a guild of adventurers was facilitated by the Questing Crystal, now an even more crucial tool in their endeavors. With the Crystal, members could traverse the complex landscapes of Fluxefront and beyond, undertaking missions that spanned the realms within Morridan’s domain. The restrictions imposed by Michael, which limited their reach beyond Jora, shaped the guild’s operations, focusing their activities within the realm and its immediate connections, thereby ensuring their actions remained aligned with the cosmic order. As Sanctuary’s reputation grew, so did the complexity and significance of the missions they undertook. The guild became known not just for the prowess and reliability of its members but also for their adherence to a code of honor and respect for the delicate balance of the cosmos. This reputation helped attract more souls to Sanctuary, each drawn by the promise of adventure, camaraderie, and a chance to make a meaningful impact in the post-war cosmos. The transformation of Sanctuary into a guild of mercenary adventurers in the year 57 AOW represented a significant chapter in its history. It marked the full realization of Higgins’s vision for a community that not only provided refuge but also empowerment and purpose. Sanctuary, now a guild, stood as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its members, their willingness to embrace new roles in the ever-evolving tapestry of the cosmos, and their commitment to making a positive difference in the realms they touched. 45

AOW Year 101: Bevormimire is overthrown by Sylas, who discovers Acusad (formerly Sablethrone) and plans to build a city above him. In AOW Year 101, a transformative discovery reshaped the legacy of Sablethrone, now known as Acusad, and heralded the birth of a new era under Sylas’s leadership. Following the overthrow of Bevormimire, Sylas, in his newfound position of power, set about expanding his dominion, inadvertently stumbling upon a hidden marvel that would redefine the landscape of Jora. Sylas had established a modest settlement, unknowingly atop the slumbering form of Sablethrone, who had been enveloped by the terrain over the years, his draconic essence merged with the land itself. During an exploratory venture beneath the settlement, Sylas encountered the ancient guardian, whose presence was veiled by the land but whose aura was unmistakable. In their conversation, Sablethrone, burdened by the weight of his past and the transformations he had undergone, refrained from revealing his true name. Instead, he referred to himself as “Accursed,” a reflection of his perceived state and the complex legacy that had led him to this point of eternal slumber. Sylas, with a blend of humor and camaraderie, seized upon this declaration, affectionately dubbing the dragon “Acusad.” This name, born of jest and a newfound friendship, would come to define the guardian’s new identity in the chapters to come. With Acusad’s tacit consent and driven by a mutual agreement that promised the dragon a hoard of wealth in return for his cooperation, Sylas embarked on an ambitious project. He envisioned a marvelous city that would rise from the terrain shaped by Acusad’s entombed form, a city that would stand as a testament to their unlikely alliance and the potential for renewal and greatness even in the most unexpected circumstances. The construction of this city was a marvel of architectural and magical ingenuity. Utilizing the natural contours created by Acusad’s form, now hidden beneath the earth yet defining the landscape, Sylas and his cohort of builders, mages, and architects designed a sprawling metropolis that harmonized with the dragon’s resting silhouette. At the heart of this city, directly above Acusad’s head, a grand castle was erected, its foundations anchored to the dragon by massive chains that pierced through the ground, symbolizing the unbreakable bond between the city and its guardian. This city, built atop Acusad, quickly grew into a beacon of civilization and power within Jora, drawing inhabitants from far and wide. It was a place where the past and present merged, where the legacy of a guardian dragon became the foundation for a new chapter in the realm’s history. Under Sylas’s leadership and with Acusad’s silent vigil, the city thrived, a testament to the enduring spirit of Jora and the remarkable tales that continued to shape its destiny. 46

AOW Year 102: Laws of the new city are established with Acusad enforcing them. By AOW Year 102, the legal and social framework of the city atop Acusad had evolved into a sophisticated system, deeply influenced by its unique origins and the complex relationships between its founders, Sylas and Acusad. The laws governing this metropolis were designed to ensure order and reflect the nuanced understandings between these two figures and their connections to other beings. Vampires were excluded from the city’s protective laws as part of the foundational agreement between Sylas and Acusad, acknowledging the intricate power dynamics and allegiances that facilitated the city’s creation. Dragons, on the other hand, were exempted out of Acusad’s nostalgic connection and empathy for his kind, despite his transformation over time. A profound ritual marked entry into the city, setting it apart from other domains. Newcomers underwent an experience where their consciousness was momentarily separated from their physical form, engaging in a dialogue with Acusad amidst a misty, mountainous vista within their minds. This ritual was pivotal in determining whether individuals aligned with the city’s values, granting them a mark of acceptance and the protections it entailed. However, those who failed to resonate with the city’s principles remained unmarked, living within its bounds but outside the law’s protective embrace. Acusad clarified that only the marked could freely enter and exit the city. Children born within the city were exempt from the trial until their eighth birthday, allowing them time to learn the community’s values. Until this rite of passage, Sylas extended his protection to these youths, ensuring their safety and integration into the city’s fabric. The laws of the city were as follows: 1. Do Not Kill the Marked: Protecting marked individuals, ensuring conflicts are resolved without lethal violence. 2. Do Not Steal from the Marked: Safeguarding the belongings of marked individuals, fostering mutual respect. 3. Yearly Tribute for Residence: Residents must contribute a yearly tribute, symbolizing communal responsibility. 4. No Destruction of the Marked’s Belongings: Extending protection to the physical integrity of the marked’s possessions. 5. Exclusions for Vampires and Dragons: Neither protected by these laws nor bound by their restrictions, due to their unique roles and histories. Enforcement of these laws was carried out by Acusad, utilizing a divine spell of holy light to strike down violators with overwhelming force, ensuring the city remained a bastion of order and harmony. This legal and ritualistic framework fostered a community bound by shared values and deeply connected to its draconic guardian, emphasizing life’s value, respect for personal property, and collective responsibility for the city’s future. 47

AOW Year 110: as acursad's curse took hold By AOW Year 110, the profound and insidious nature of the curse that had befallen Acusad began to manifest more overtly, marking a troubling phase in the guardian dragon’s existence and, by extension, the city that thrived atop his slumbering form. Acusad’s transformation, a gradual shift from his silver dragon heritage to a darker, more malevolent entity, brought with it not just physical changes but a profound alteration in his psyche and moral compass. As the curse deepened its grip, Acusad found himself grappling with a maelstrom of chaotic and sinister inclinations that were at odds with his original nature. This internal conflict was not a complete usurpation of his being but rather a warping of his perceptions and judgments, skewing his once-noble intentions and clouding his wisdom with darker impulses. This shift in Acusad’s disposition had tangible repercussions for the city and its inhabitants. The rigorous and discerning process that once governed entry into the city, ensuring that only those aligned with its core values were granted the protective mark, began to falter. Acusad’s compromised judgment led to the admission of individuals who viewed the city not as a community bound by shared principles but as an opportunity for exploitation. The unmarked residents and those specifically exempt from the city’s protective laws, such as vampires and dragons, found themselves increasingly vulnerable to the machinations of these exploitative newcomers. The city, once a beacon of order and sanctuary, began to see the emergence of factions and elements that sought to take advantage of Acusad’s altered state, using the city as a shield from their adversaries while preying upon the less protected members of the community. This period marked a challenging chapter in the city’s history, as the very foundations of trust and mutual respect that had underpinned its establishment began to erode. The inhabitants, especially those who had been part of the community since its inception, found themselves at a crossroads, navigating the complexities of a changing social landscape while striving to uphold the values that had once defined their collective identity. Acusad’s struggle with his burgeoning chaotic nature and its implications for the city underscored the fragile balance between individual transformation and communal stability. As the guardian wrestled with his darkening thoughts and perspectives, the city atop him faced the task of adapting to these changes, seeking ways to preserve its core ethos in the face of evolving challenges and threats from within. 48

AOW Years 110 - 201: Britannia flourishes under new governance while Asmodaus conquers the world outside, ending the conflict among demons and devils. During the expansive period from AOW Year 110 to Year 201, the realm of Britannia experienced a profound transformation and blossoming under its new governance, while monumental shifts were occurring beyond its borders. Under the stewardship of Sylas and the enigmatic presence of Acusad, Britannia not only solidified its internal structure but also fostered the growth of a vibrant, deeply cultured society. As the city built upon Acusad became a beacon of innovation and unity, the surrounding territories of Britannia followed suit. Each country within Britannia took deliberate steps to strengthen its borders, creating a stable and secure environment that encouraged the flourishing of arts, sciences, and commerce. This era was marked by a renaissance of sorts, with each region developing its own distinct cultural identity, enriched by the diverse tapestry of its inhabitants. The people of Britannia, shielded from external turmoil, were free to delve into the depths of their heritage and innovate upon it, creating traditions and legacies that would be passed down through generations. Meanwhile, outside the protective barriers of Britannia, the broader world was undergoing a drastic realignment under the shadow of Asmodaus. Having recovered from his injuries and the initial setbacks, Asmodaus embarked on a campaign of conquest that was unparalleled in its scope and ambition. With a combination of strategic brilliance, sheer force, and infernal might, Asmodaus succeeded in bringing vast swathes of the world under his dominion. This period of conquest was not just about territorial expansion; it represented a significant shift in the balance of power among the infernal realms. Asmodaus’s leadership and vision brought an end to the long-standing conflict between demons and devils, a feat that had eluded many before him. By unifying these traditionally adversarial factions under a single banner, Asmodaus established a period of relative peace and stability within the infernal ranks, albeit peace forged through conquest and subjugation. The consolidation of Asmodaus’s power and the unification of the infernal realms had far-reaching implications for the cosmic balance. While it brought an end to the internal strife that had plagued demons and devils, it also positioned Asmodaus as a formidable force, one whose ambitions and influence extended far beyond the confines of the infernal domains. Within Britannia, the news of Asmodaus’s conquests and the establishment of his widespread dominion was met with a mix of concern and introspection. While the protective barriers and the realm’s inward focus shielded it from immediate threats, the inhabitants of Britannia remained acutely aware of the delicate balance that governed the broader cosmos. The flourishing of Britannia under its unique governance and the rise of Asmodaus as a dominant power outside its borders marked a complex era in the post-AOW landscape, characterized by profound cultural development within and shifting power dynamics without. 49

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