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Published by , 2017-03-10 11:39:12

Deep Dive - January 2016 Landing Pages

Deep Dive - January 2016 Landing Pages

Marketing Deep Dive:

Landing Pages

Presented By:

Robin Robins

What Is A Landing Page?

A Landing Page Is A Web Page Used As Part Of
A Marketing Campaign Designed To Convert A
Visitor (Prospect) Into A Lead. It Is NOT:

 The home page of your web site

 Your entire web site

 Any page on your web site a visitor may “land”

What Is A Landing Page?

Landing Pages Are Always Used In Conjunction
With Some Other “Driver” Promotion Such As:

 An e-mail broadcast
 PPC ads on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
 Direct mail
 Banner ads
 LinkedIn prospecting
 Radio or TV ads
 Newspaper or trade journal ads

Subject: About your next server upgrade

Hey John,

If you’re facing a server refresh or expansion and have been
thinking about moving to Office 365, Google Apps or some
other “cloud” solution to save money and get greater flexibility
in working remote, then it’s critical that you get and read this
new free report I recently published.

You can instantly download it here:

It contains important information that you will want to know
before saying “yes” to any cloud-based computing solution,
and will provide straightforward answers to questions about
security, data loss, slow performance, transitioning from your
on premise network and a number of other issues some sales
people don’t know or won’t tell you about moving to the cloud.


How To Measure “Success”

Of Your Landing Page:

 Success is usually measured by a percentage of visitors who opt-in or
register, also known as conversion rate.

 Conversion is calculated by dividing the number of leads (opt-ins or phone
calls) by the number of unique visitors (traffic).
Example: 300 visitors, 3 leads = 1% conversion rate

 Your landing page can convert anywhere from 2% to as high as 60%+
depending on the list, your offer, the length of the form and the copy.

 Landing pages to cold prospects will often convert in the 2-5% range; but
it’s foolish to judge success PURELY on conversion percentages!

4 Keys To A Successful Landing Page

 Quality traffic
 The offer
 The copy
 Design and layout

Example Of A Good
Landing Page

Headline: The headline
should be in a large font
and centered. “Free” is still
one of the most persuasive
words in any lead
generation campaign.

Picture: Including a picture

of the free offer will

increase conversion. If
you’re offering a consult,

you can still put an image
of a “report” on the page.

Opt-In Form: It’s critical that the
form is above the fold. The fields
you require the visitor to complete
will depend on the offer you are
making, the type of traffic you’re
sending to the page, whether or
not you have someone who can
research that prospect and follow
up (or not), etc. Keep in mind that
the more fields you require, the
lower your conversion will be.

Key Points About Opt-In Forms

 Make sure the form is above the fold; if the visitor
has to scroll down to find it, your conversion will be
GREATLY suppressed.

 Do NOT use a button that THEN directs the visitor
to an opt-in form. Again, conversion will be greatly
suppressed (see example on the next slide).

Which Performed Better?

Winner-Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Make Sure You SELL The
Free Offer! Do NOT
assume that simply giving
something for free will
cause someone to opt-in.
You MUST SELL the free
offer as though you were
charging money for it!!!!

Phone Number: I prefer
including a phone number on
landing pages. Some people will
call you; plus, there’s a level of
comfort for the visitor to know
there’s a REAL company behind
the offer and site. Just make
sure you using a TRACKING
phone number to accurately
measure conversion.

Testimonials: My personal
testing has shown that NOT
having quality testimonials will
suppress conversion. However,
make sure the testimonials
match the offer and traffic, and
follow my guidelines for a good


If you’re a Producers
Club Member or if
you subscribe to the
“Done-For-You” web
site and newsletter
service, we give you
landing pages along
with promotions.

Landing Page Checklist: Traffic

 Is the traffic highly relevant? For example, clients
you’ve e-mailed SHOULD be far more qualified and
likely to convert than visitors coming to your page
from PPC advertising.

 Does the ad (or e-mail, banner, direct mail campaign,
etc.) adequately describe the offer and who it’s for?

Landing Page
Checklist: Traffic

Landing Page Checklist: Offer

 Is the offer compelling to your target prospect?
 Is the offer pictured or demonstrated?
 Has the offer been SOLD sufficiently?
 Is the form above the fold and easy to fill in?

 NOTE: I suggest eliminating “challenge” questions designed to cut
down on spam; they will crush your conversion.

Landing Page

Checklist: Offer

If you’re good on
camera, a well-done
video can lift conversion.

Landing Page Checklist: Copy

 Is the headline compelling?

 Does the copy build curiosity and desire for the offer
to the point of getting a prospect to opt-in?

 Are there non-anonymous testimonials from clients
SIMILAR to the prospect we are trying to attract?

Landing Page Checklist: Layout

 Make sure the form is above the fold.
 DON’T put graphics behind copy.
 Use DARK fonts on a white background.
 DON’T put multiple offers on the same page.
 TEST true “squeeze” pages vs. subpages, but ALL

landing pages should have a single focus.

And Ultimately...



Don’t Forget We’ll Do This For You!

Our Done-For-You
Web Site Includes
DOZENS Of Landing
Pages And Promotions

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