About Bitbuy Korea Bitcoin Exchange
Introducing 비트코인 거래소. Margin trading is possible with up to 100x leverage. This is a link
with a fee discount applied.
Currently, the place where Doji Coin margin trading is possible is Bitmax.
What is Bitbuy Korea?
Bitbuy Korea is a cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform established in March 2018 and
registered with BVI. It is headquartered in Singapore and has offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
We have users around the world, including North America, Europe, Russia, Japan, Korea, and
Southeast Asia, and are focused on serving everyone from individual retail customers to
specialized derivatives traders.
To this end, we are providing 24/7 multilingual online customer service to provide timely
solutions for users, and we are striving to create a fair, transparent, and efficient trading
environment. Products currently on the platform include BTC/USD, ETH/USD, XRP/USD, and
EOS/USD perpetual contracts.
Bitbuy Korea is a derivative cryptocurrency trading platform that emphasizes leveraged trading
of Bitcoin and Aetherium trading pairs up to 100x. This service provides a permanent contract
that allows you to exchange contracts based on cryptographic prices rather than actual
cryptography. Headquartered in Singapore, Bitbuy Korea crypto Exchange has users all over the
world, including North America, Europe, Russia, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia. The
founding team consists of experts from the Forex industry, investment banks, and early
blockchain adopters. In a relatively short period of time, Bitbuy Korea has built a large trading
base of over 100,000 users. Bitbuy Korea's reputation is no server downtime', with up to
99.99% of the system functions available. Bitbuy Korea promises that account and transaction
data will not be compromised, primarily due to system errors, due to a state-of-the-art
matching engine that can complete transactions in less than 10 microseconds. Bitbuykr Korea is
publicly available on its website to cover all financial losses due to system failure or downtime.