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My Best Talk with Executives Volume 3 - June 2019

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Published by John K, 2019-06-18 05:58:41

My Best Talk with Executive Volume 3

My Best Talk with Executives Volume 3 - June 2019

Volume 3 – June 2019

Khun Niramon Makornpruttipong, also known as “Cherry”, our Regional
Director, Administration & Procurement has shared her thoughts and
opinions about what’s going on around her, on the third issue of “My Best
Talk to Executives”, June 2019’s volume.

We asked Khun Cherry some of the questions raised by
our team members and here are her answers…

“Sometime being single is nicer, sometimes in relationship is

Q1: What’s something that
everyone, absolutely everyone,
in the entire world can agree

A: Hunger as everyone
understands in the same way of
how hungry is!

Q2: Which is better between
being single or in relationship?

A: It depends, sometimes being
single is nicer, sometimes in
relationship is desirable.

Q3: What mythical creature do
you wish actually existed?

A: Dragon, as it relates to my
last name meaning. Also it has
same look for both Eastern and
Western world. I wish I could
have Dragon as my flying

Q4 How many messages are in your Q5: What is your favorite Northern
inbox right now? And "How do you Word?
manage emails”?
A: Kho! (โคะ), this is expressed when
A: 263 emails, the easy way to manage
those emails is to categorize by Sender something unexpectedly (either it’s nice
and Subject then you know which email or not nice) happens.
to have your response the first one.

Q6: From your working experiences, what situation you have considered as critical?

A: 2004 Tsunami in Phuket, as some of our properties there were badly affected and
we could not have any news from them at that time as electrical and internet
signal was lost. We have to wait for their contact in the dark situation and
could not know how or where to go to help our hotel members and their
guests. And when all was clear, it’s so tragic to see that trauma disaster
in our Thailand country. But in the plus side, our members throughout
the world threw great assistance to those properties without hesitation
after correct info spread out and that’s the time we realize the power
of the brand!

Q7: If you were given five million dollars to open a small museum, what kind
of museum would you create?

A: Kid Museum, all kind of kids are like white paper, if you paint only the
bright color it’s beautiful. In the museum, there would be all kind of
activities kids would love to play and to join. As well as good nutrient
meals & snacks corner provided and souvenir shops to grasp their
tangible experience back with them.

Q8: If a low cost airline start a new Q9: What kind of people do you go
route to other planet what planet will out of your way to be nice to? Why?
you choose to go and why?
A: Saturn! Wish to feel the Saturn A: Stubborn, narrow minded adults.
rings by my own eyes. It’s not easy to pursue any logic with
those people as you won’t
Q10: What was your biggest understand nor can change their
weakness? And how did you get over mindset. It wastes of our precious
it? time we rather to spend with the ones
A: It’s my workout discipline. I always we love & care.
talk to remind myself if am not well
taking care of my physical and health
these days, what should I could be in
the near future, and what I could not
do it by my own.

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