TELLING IT AS IT IS Flood management Trailer driver
page efforts will page facing 10
be improved, charges over
3 says PM 5 10-death crash
ON WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22, 2021 Residents in Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam being
taken to safety by a Fire and Rescue Department
No. 7930 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) team. – ADIB RAWI YAHYA/THESUN
Flood of criticism
█ BY MUHAMMAD YUSRY oDeluge of brickbats directed
[email protected] at authorities over poor relief P9
response to disaster victims
aftermath of the recent floods claimed that a woman was told by a Fire thousands out of their homes.
that took lives and destroyed and Rescue Department staff that “our The floods also left 21 dead.
property, netizens are venting shift is over, we will come back The military, on its own
anger at the authorities over poor tomorrow”. initiative, deployed more than
response to cries for help. 300 troops to help in the
Arshad Mahmud (@arshadiswriting) evacuation of those affected in SPEAK UP
Trending on Twitter yesterday was a tweeted that the Meteorological the recent disaster.
video of a group of people struggling to Department issued a warning about Other agencies that mobilised
lower a senior citizen in a wheelchair potential flooding months ago, and resources and deployed assets
down from the roof of a porch, a there were requests for the authorities and personnel to assist flood
poignant tale of how ordinary people to fix the water pumps in Taman Sri victims were the Fire and Rescue
have had to step in where the Muda, Shah Alam, but those requests Department and police.
authorities have failed. were ignored. Apart from these agencies,
many non-governmental
It also showed that Malaysians, “Why was the warning ignored?” organisations and individuals
irrespective of race or creed, will step Some flood victims commented that also joined rescue operations or
up to help one another in times of crisis. if they had waited for the authorities to efforts to distribute food and
send help, they would have died of water to those stranded.
Social media has been awash with starvation. A number of them have been
criticism and complaints about the Many also questioned the slow using their own boats and
failure of the various agencies to response of the National Disaster four-wheel-drive vehicles to ferry
respond promptly to the pleas of those Management Agency (Nadma), and its victims to relief centres.
who were caught in the floods across reluctance to seek help from the These unsung heroes have
nine states. Armed Forces. probably saved many lives that
Nadma was set up after the 2014- may have otherwise been lost.
For some, including the elderly and 2015 floods that swept across the east
young children who have been sitting coast states of the peninsula, forcing
on the roof of their homes since
Saturday, rescuers only arrived
yesterday to take them to safety. Most
had spent two to three nights without
sleep, and the entire duration without
food or water.
Twitter user @NatashaNanelle
Internet access ‘Keluarga Malaysia initiative
for as low as needs better monitoring’
27 sen a day
o Among problems with the programme government will provide financial Women’s Aid Organisation
KUALA LUMPUR: Consumers can is lack of information on its progress, says aid and support to all citizens. deputy executive director Yu Ren
generally enjoy mobile broadband former senior civil servant Chung said there is a noticeable
services for as low as 27 sen a day. An assessment of its progress was increase in the effort to combat
█ BY ASHIQIN ARIFFIN Ramon Navaratnam. made on the 100th day of its launch domestic violence and to make
Communications and Multimedia [email protected] He said one of the problems with during a three-day celebration from stalking a crime in the country.
Deputy Minister Datuk Zahidi Zainul PETALING JAYA: The intention is Dec 9 to Dec 12.
Abidin said the basic prepaid mobile good, but the execution is flawed. Keluarga Malaysia is a lack of However, he said, more needs to
broadband package is RM10, while Furthermore, not enough is known information on its progress. Ramon proposed that the be done to help women feel safe and
the basic postpaid mobile broadband about the progress made. progress of the Keluarga Malaysia secure. “This is especially essential
package is RM8. “People are not aware of what programme be documented in a given that the concept of Keluarga
This more or less sums up the has been done because such booklet that can then be distributed Malaysia is supposed to be inclusive.
“The Malaysian Communications sentiments of stakeholders about information has not been properly to the people to keep them
and Multimedia Commission the Keluarga Malaysia initiative communicated to stakeholders,” he informed. “We want to see leadership from
constantly monitors the packages launched by Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri told theSun. the government on key issues such
and prices offered to consumers to Yaakob on Aug 22, when he was “There is a gap between as the status of the action plan to
ensure that they can access the sworn in as prime minister. The Keluarga Malaysia concept planning, implementation and address child marriage, the timeline
internet at an affordable price,” he focuses on the Malaysian family, information.” to give Malaysian women the right of
said in the Dewan Negara yesterday. A good way to measure its rebuilding the economy, bridging citizenship for their children born
success, or lack thereof, is to economic gaps and uniting the He also emphasised the need for abroad, and more,”
He was responding to a question introduce a monitoring system to people regardless of their political a schedule of the action plans. “We
from Senator Robert Lau Hui Yew on enable people to know every plan affiliation. need to state what we intend to For all its good intentions, there
the government’s strategy to ensure under the initiative and the rate of achieve and the targeted dates when remains some gaps in the Keluarga
that the price of 4G internet access is success of each, according to former It is to be done by instilling family those objectives are to be fulfilled.” Malaysia programme, said Third
affordable, especially for the B40 senior civil servant Tan Sri values among Malaysians through Age Media Association founding
group. inclusiveness, togetherness, and He acknowledged that 100 days president Cheah Tuck Wing. He
contentment. are too short a period to make an said, for instance, there is nothing
Zahidi said major mobile service assessment of how far the plan has for senior citizens.
providers are also offering free Under the initiative, the worked out for the people.
internet of one gigabit (GB) per day, Cheah said many members of the
which is equivalent to 30GB of free “A lot of them are repetitive ideas, association are disappointed that
data per month from April 1, 2020 but we don’t see quantitative figures whatever has been laid out under
until end of this year. to show the rate and degree of the initiative does not cater to the
achievements.” needs of senior citizens.
Apart from the basic package,
Zahidi said most major mobile MERRY GIFT ... “Malaysia is fast becoming an
telecommunications companies had An employee of a ageing nation, possibly by 2030.
also offered unlimited data packages novelty shop Therefore, the government should
for prepaid plans for as low as RM30 displaying snow prepare for it so that this group does
a month from June 2020, equivalent globes, a popular not become a burden to society and
to RM1 a day. present during the government.”
Christmas time.
“Digi also offers special data – BERNAMAPIX He added that among other
packages to youths aged 12 to 24, things, people want the government
who subscribe to prepaid packages at to extend the retirement age and
RM30 a month for 15GB of high- implement a universal pension
speed data.” scheme.
He said for high-speed fixed “Perhaps the government should
broadband services, there were plan some kind of incentive to be
service providers offering a basic given to companies to employ
package of 30 Megabits per second senior citizens.”
(Mbps) at RM80 per month.
He also highlighted the need for
For areas without high-speed the government to provide better
fixed broadband coverage, Zahidi infrastructure for the care of senior
said Telekom Malaysia offered the citizens that does not limit their
Broadband Lite Package at RM38 movement, as many senior citizens
with 50GB of data, apart from other are active and still able to contribute
packages. to the country.
“Since the target of fixed line Liberal fiscal policy to continue, says minister
broadband package is for household
BRIEFSuse and taking into account the KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s fiscal launch of the “World Bank Malaysia He added the government will Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines
Statistics Department report that an policy has been expansionary over Economic Monitor Report – Staying adopt a holistic and targeted and Thailand Dr Ndiame Diop said
average household in 2019 the past two years, and will continue Afloat” yesterday, he said the approach to eradicate hardcore that while the re-opening of the
comprised four people, the price of to be so to ensure the well-being of government remains committed to poverty in about 50 localities in the economy and continued support
fixed line broadband per person was Keluarga Malaysia, said Minister in eliminating hardcore poverty by country next year. from external demand are expected
32 sen per day. the Prime Minister’s Department 2025. to facilitate recovery next year, the
(Economy) Datuk Seri Mustapa He also highlighted the need to economic shock had exacerbated
“Clearly, there are various options Mohamed. “We acknowledge the input from address the issue of low wages. the hardship that the poor and
offered.” – Bernama the World Bank team here and vulnerable were already facing
He said that in line with the 12th globally with regard to sharing best “In the 12MP, our target is to before Covid-19, Bernama reported.
SIGNIFICANT GROWTH Malaysia Plan (12MP), the practices in poverty alleviation. improve the share of compensation
OF BATIK INDUSTRY initiatives under Budget 2022 focus of employees to gross domestic “Addressing the challenges faced
on speeding up recovery, “I am also taking note of the product from 37.2% to about 40%. by these groups, as well as
KUALA LUMPUR: The number of strengthening economic resilience World Bank’s report on narrowing educational disparities
batik entrepreneurs in the and accelerating reforms. multidimensional poverty (MPI) in “If we want to achieve this target, will require both immediate and
country has risen to 775 as of Oct Malaysia, ‘Improving Measurement we need more Malaysians working long-term policy responses.”
31, a testament to the positive Mustapa said the government’s and Policies in the 2020s,’” he said. in the skilled category.”
development of the industry. short-term policies are important to He said in the short term, it is
Tourism, Arts and Culture drive economic recovery next year, In making the MPI measurement He said the government will essential that policy measures are
Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri and it is equally critical to put more inclusive, Mustapa said the continue to work closely with the geared towards maintaining
told the Dewan Negara yesterday medium and long-term institutional government would take into World Bank and other international financial support for the poor and
that in 2009, there were only 120 reforms in place to strengthen account the World Bank’s organisations, as well as the private vulnerable, ensuring greater
batik entrepreneurs registered resilience. suggestion to set more ambitious sector and civil society inclusivity with social insurance and
with her ministry, with sales value income and non-income poverty organisations to improve the lives of mitigating further learning losses.
of only RM30.9 million. A decade In his opening speech at the indicators. Malaysians.
later, the sales value had risen to
RM176.4 million. – Bernama World Bank country director for
SUPPLY BILL GETS Sarawak wants representation in IRB
KUCHING: The Sarawak Committee, which was formed to grant under Article 112(d) of the this at a ceremony to welcome him
KUALA LUMPUR: The Dewan government is looking into claiming work out the final details of the Federal Constitution. If we know on his first day of work after being
Negara yesterday unanimously the state’s right to have a Malaysia Agreement 1963 had spelt how much of the revenue was sworn in as the chief minister.
approved the Supply Bill 2022, representative on the Inland out in paragraph 24 of its report that contributed by Sarawak, at least 20%
after it was tabled for third Revenue Board (IRB) to get accurate Sarawak and Sabah must be of it must be given back to the state,” He said the IRB representation
reading by Finance Minister figures on the nation’s revenue, represented in the IRB. he said. would be discussed with his Cabinet
Datuk Seri Tengku Zafrul Abdul Chief Minister Tan Sri Abang Johari members, Bernama reported.
Aziz. It underwent three days of Abang Openg said yesterday. “When you know the country’s Abang Johari, who led Gabungan
debate after it was tabled in the overall revenue, then the state can Parti Sarawak to victory in the just- Asked when he would announce
House on Dec 14. The Bill, which He said the Inter-Government ask for a reasonable amount as a concluded 12th state election, said the line-up, he said: “Krismas dolok
is the first budget under the (Let’s celebrate Christmas first).”
administration of Prime Minister
Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob,
was approved at the committee
stage in the Dewan Rakyat on
Dec 13. – Bernama
Little girl’s joy on FLOOD MESS ... Residents of
meeting a prince Kampung Jawa Batu 18 in Hulu
Langat, Selangor began the daunting
KUANTAN: Even in the most dire situation, task of cleaning up after floodwaters
children have the gift of seeing the best in the receded yesterday. – ADIB RAWI
At the flood relief centre in Sungai Isap here,BRIEFSPM admits weaknesses
11-year-old Nur Yasmi Abdullah could not in handling of floods
contain her delight on meeting Pahang Regent
Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah yesterday. oIsmailSabrisaysimproving not that of the federal government alone, but transparent about this and I do not want to
disastermanagementisa also state governments, and the frontliners are cover anyone. In other states, (such as) in the
“I never expected that I would meet the jointresponsibility the districts. east coast, floods have become like an annual
King’s son. He even stopped to greet me and event, so all the preparations have been made,
gave me a gift,” she beamed. JELEBU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail “The National Disaster Management just waiting to open the PPS (relief centres),
Sabri Yaakob did not deny weaknesses in flood Agency (Nadma) only coordinates ... if it is which have been identified and already there.
Nur Yasmi and her family of five had to seek management, especially in Selangor, but gave considered a weakness in coordination, I do
shelter at the relief centre when their house in an assurance that they would be improved not defend anyone in this situation, for me “Every year, the flood evacuees will move to
nearby Permatang Badak was submerged in from time to time. everyone must be held accountable,” he told the same place,” he added.
flood waters. reporters after visiting the flood victims at
He said the responsibility of managing Dewan Besar D’Sury here yesterday. He said there are rules for opening a
Tengku Hassanal was accompanying his flood disasters was not that of the federal disaster operations centre and standard
parents, Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan government alone, as state governments and Ismail Sabri said during a meeting with operating procedures that have to be followed,
Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah relevant authorities at the district level also mentris besar yesterday morning, it was whereby an operations room is required to be
and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah play an important role. found that the preparedness to face floods in opened when a house is affected.
Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah as well states such as Terengganu, Kelantan and
as his brother Tengku Amir Nasser Ibrahim “I don’t deny (the weakness) and will Pahang was in order as the floods, especially, He said in Selangor, it was not one house,
Shah on their visits to three relief centres to improve in the future ... The responsibility is during this time of the year, is a normal but all were affected by the floods, especially in
distribute essentials. phenomenon. the Petaling and Shah Alam districts.
At another relief centre, senior citizen However, he said the floods that occurred “I don’t blame the netizens for making
Halimah Abdullah, 60, worried about her 80- in Selangor were unexpected. complaints, I’m thankful (to them) for
year-old husband Zakaria Abdul Salam. The continuing to complain to me,” he said.
couple were separated when they were “In Selangor, there is a problem … we are – Bernama
evacuated from their home in Bukit Rangin
Damai earlier. Every which way to reach relief centre
Halimah said she and her 21-year-old PASIR MAS: A senior citizen had to wade not have a boat or facilities to navigate the floodwater, the pain from the old injuries was
daughter hitched a ride with a neighbour to through chest-high floodwater for almost floods. I had to get out of my house to avoid overwhelming.
head for the relief centre while another 500m to get to a relief centre at Sekolah any untoward incident.
neighbour took Zakaria with him. Kebangsaan (SK) Gual Tinggi after her “After the harrowing experience, my thighs
home in Kampung Alor Pasir, here, was “When the water started to rise to chest began to feel sore and numb.
“My husband later called to say that the car submerged in water. level, I decided to drag my two grandchildren
he was travelling in had a flat tyre and it took and son-in-law to the nearby relief centre,” she “I am thankful that as soon as I arrived at
some time to replace it. He ended up in another Recounting the moment, Che Som Isa, 67, said when met at SK Gual Tinggi, Rantau the relief centre, the health staff promptly
relief centre,” she said. who sustained a hip fracture in a road accident Panjang yesterday. attended to me to reduce the pain,” said Che
about 10 years ago, said she did not expect the Som.
“He had been admitted to the hospital a few water to rise so fast. The mother of six children aged between 32
times so I’m worried about his health. I feel and 48 said as a result of the accident, the She said this was not the first time she had
better if he is with me,” she added. – Bernama “I had to wade through the floodwater last fractured femur had to be installed with a to evacuate to a flood relief centre as her
Saturday evening because my family and I did metal rod, and as she wade through the house had been hit by floods every monsoon
ALL IS FORGIVEN, since 2014. – Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR: Mydin Mohamed
Holdings Bhd managing director Datuk
Dr Ameer Ali Mydin said he forgave
those who stolen from one of the Mydin
Mart outlets during the floods.“Honestly,
I do not support their act of stealing, but
at a time of emergency, they would
probably have had no choice and forced
to do so for their survival,” he said in a
statement yesterday. “Sincerely, I would
like to make halal what they have done
as they were merely trying to stay alive
as aid had come in late,” he added. The
statement was issued in response to the
break-in at company’s store in Taman Sri
Muda, Shah Alam. Ameer said he was
deeply touched and sympathised with
those affected by the floods, especially
when the country was still struggling
with the Covid-19 outbreak. – Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR: The government has
been urged to consider giving a
moratorium on loan repayments of at
least six months to all flood victims. Md
Shukri Shuib, a fellow at the Institute of
Malaysian Political Analysis at Universiti
Utara Malaysia said this could be done
through the Finance Ministry to ensure
that they are not burdened with financial
woes. He said they only have to produce
the relevant documents to prove that
they are victims of the floods. “Banking
institutions have funds to ensure that
their profitability will not be affected
when they provide such facilities,”he said
on the Koresponden Bernama
programme yesterday. – Bernama
Volunteer among 17 killed in Selangor Cops getting donors and helpers in line
SHAH ALAM: A volunteer is among 17 persons He said as at 8am yesterday, a total of 30,632 SHAH ALAM: Police have restricted the enable the smooth conduct of rescue work.”
who have perished in the floods in Selangor. victims from 4,672 families had been evacuated number of vehicles of volunteers and donors Baharudin was responding to a claim made
to 203 relief centres in Selangor. from entering the Taman Sri Muda floods site
Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari said so as not to cause any hindrance to rescuers by a TikTok application user that the
that as at 8am yesterday, 10 bodies had been “The number of victims is expected to trying to evacuate victims stranded at home. authorities at Taman Sri Muda had restricted
recovered in Klang, three in Hulu Langat and increase because in some districts, the the public from entering the flood-hit sites to
four in Sepang. floodwater is still rising, like in Kuala Langat, Shah Alam police chief ACP Baharudin Mat hand over food and contributions to victims.
Kuala Selangor, and Sepang,” he added. Taib said yesterday only a certain number of
“The state government conveys its vehicles of non-governmental organisations He said at the time the TikTok user had
condolences to the families of the victims He said those who refused to evacuate had (NGO) were allowed into the affected areas to made the video, police and rescuers from other
concerned for having lost their loved ones,” he been informed of the risks. avoid congestion and to make way for lorries agencies were carrying out rescue work
told a media conference yesterday. ferrying evacuees. intensely at the affected areas.
Amirudin pledged his one month salary to
He said the state government would Tabung Ikhtiar Selangor Bangkit, a platform for “We appreciate NGO and public’s efforts to All supplies received from donors will be
contribute RM10,000 to each bereaved family individuals as well as companies to contribute to help the victims. However, we remind all distributed to victims by police and the Welfare
and RM1,000 to each family affected by the the restoration of areas affected by the floods. – parties to adhere to orders of the authorities to Department, he added. – by Charles
floods. Bernama Ramendran
█ BY ELLY FAZANIZA ‘Lockdown not C VID-19
[email protected] necessary yet’ UPDATE
PETALING JAYA: There is a new front in
the Covid-19 war due to the Omicron As of noon yesterday
variant, but with limited new
information, experts are advising o Health experts say strict adherence to current Total 2,724,684
people to continue with the same SOP enough to curb spread of Omicron concafisremsed
precautions that have been in place
since day one of the pandemic. Total
active cases cNaesews 3,140
The standard operating procedures “It is unnecessary, given that we Universiti Malaya social and
(SOP) must be strictly observed, and already have a high vaccination rate. preventive medicine chief Dr Victor 52,218
everyone should be vaccinated as the However, if more have to be admitted Hoe also encouraged booster shots.
new strain, said to be more infectious, to hospital, drastic measures will have Total
sweeps across the globe. to be taken,” he added. “People who are still undecided recoveries Current
about getting vaccinated should recovery 96.83%
First detected in Botswana, Omicron Association of Private Hospitals consider it. After all, the vaccine is free 2,638,191
is said to be nearly 70 times more Malaysia president Datuk Dr Kuljit and it can be administered at public or rate
virulent than its previous incarnation – Singh said the current strategy would private clinics.”
the Delta. However, it is said to be less have to be changed if more people are Death 6,294Brought
deadly. Apart from that, little else is admitted to intensive care and if there He said the SOP currently in place toll
known about the variant. is increased mortality. should be enough to protect people, as -in-Dead
long as they observe it strictly. 31,135
On Saturday, the number of “We also need to study
Omicron cases in Malaysia surged from international data to determine if the Hoe also ruled out the need for PROGRESS STATISTICS FOR THE NATIONAL COVID-19 IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME
two to 13, prompting the government Omicron variant leads to more another movement control order for As of December 21, 2021
and health experts to issue an advisory admissions in intensive care units or a now, but said a Temco may be Received second doses
to individuals to be more vigilant in higher fatality rate,” he added. necessary if the healthcare system is
observing the SOP. overwhelmed. 25,957,963 25,554,597
Despite the emergence of Omicron,
Malaysian Medical Association Kuljit said a travel pilot programme Public health specialist Dr MySTEP sets 80,000 jobs target
president Dr Koh Kar Chai said: “If we between Singapore and Australia has Mohammad Farhan Rusli said people KUALA LUMPUR: The participants who completed
are not careful, there is a possibility of a shown that there is a way forward for are panicking not because of the government will extend the MySTEP were not automatically
surge in the number of cases that can those who have been vaccinated. emergence of Omicron, but because Malaysia Short-Term hired, as the usual procedures
overwhelm our healthcare system.” they fear of another lockdown. Employment Programme, or for recruitment in the public
The programme allows MySTEP, next year by providing sector and GLC were
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Singaporeans to enter selected parts of “For us, it is just inconvenient. But 80,000 job opportunities to help applicable.
Sabri Yaakob has advised Malaysians to Australia for business or leisure. for the nation, it is detrimental to the
remain vigilant despite the fact that the economy.”
number of new cases has dropped Kuljit also urged the public to a get
significantly over the past four months. their booster shots. He said the best way forward is to
track the Omicron surge, while
The daily tally breached the 20,000 “We should not gamble with our ensuring that everyone strictly
mark on Aug 11 when 20,780 cases were health,” he said. observes the SOP.
reported, and it peaked nine days later
with 23,564 cases. It has since dropped
below the 4,000 mark.
Despite the potential surge in
infections, Koh said it was premature to
declare a targeted enhanced movement
control order (Temco).
reduce unemployment, “The government is
including among people with confident participants have the
disabilities. edge to be selected at interviews
Finance Minister Tengku based on the experience gained
Zafrul Abdul Aziz said in line through MySTEP,” he said.
with efforts to ensure those with The government, through
disabilities could secure jobs, Service Circular Letter No. 3 of
the government had set a 2008, provides a policy of 1%
special quota of 1% for this employment opportunities in
group under the MySTEP 2022 the public service for people
programme. with disabilities, in line with
“According to the efforts to further increase the
achievements of 2021, a total of capacity of human capital,
61,000 people have been placed especially for this group.
in the public sector and MySTEP is a programme
government-linked companies that offers contractual short-
(GLC), including people with term employment
disabilities registered with the opportunities in the public
Social Welfare Department,” he sector and GLC to enhance
said when winding up the marketability as well as provide
debate on the Supply Bill 2022 opportunities for participants to
for his ministry in the Dewan gain on-the-job experience
Negara yesterday. and prove themselves to
Tengku Zafrul said employers. – Bernama
Day to celebrate batik heritage
KUALA LUMPUR: Dec 3 has for her support, interest and
FLORAL CANOPY ... Visitors to Sharm Fertigasi nursery in Kedah are enthralled by a display of flowering plants that are among been declared Malaysia Batik contribution towards the batik
24 colourful varieties offered for sale. – BERNAMAPIX Day in an effort to strengthen industry.
the local craft industry and
Lenggong, Labuan get geopark status promote the use of the product. “On Dec 3, 2003, the late Tun
Endon Mahmood initiated the
IPOH: Lenggong in Perak and Labuan rich in unique rock landscapes, Rusukan Besar, Pulau Rusukan Kecil Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysian Batik-Crafted for the
have been recognised as the latest biological heritage (eight bio sites) and and Pulau Kuraman), that are the Minister Datuk Seri Nancy World movement to bring local
national geoparks after the Kinta Valley cultural heritage (19 cultural sites), also habitats for various bird species Shukri said the date was not to batik to the international stage.”
National Geopark in Perak, Jerai features various international- (swiftlets, Pacific Reef-egret, Anhinga compete with the International
National Geopark in Kedah and the standard geological formations. and Crimson Sunbird). Day of People with Disabilities Earlier, Senator Datuk Ras
Kinabalu National Geopark in Sabah. Previously, nine geo-archaeological (PwD) as there were also PwD Adiba Radzi requested that the
sites in Lenggong had received World “The diversity of cultural heritage among batik entrepreneurs. government consider changing
Energy and Natural Resources Heritage Site status from the United can also be seen in the community that the date for Malaysia Batik Day
Minister Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan Nations Educational, Scientific and lives in water villages.” “The two celebrations as it coincides with the
said the recognition was given under Cultural Organisation. complement each other, in line International Day of People
the National Geopark Development Takiyuddin said the Labuan Takiyuddin said the recognition of with the vision of Malaysian with Disabilities.
Programme led by the federal National Geopark, with an area of 402 Lenggong and Labuan as national batik, which is for all regardless
government through the ministry. sq km, features the evolution of geoparks was a significant of ability to promote unity in Meanwhile, Nancy said
sedimentary rocks and landscapes achievement for the country, especially diversity of multi-racial under the Guidelines for the
“The recognition of Lenggong and that formed Labuan Island as well as the state government and local Keluarga Malaysia,” she said Classification of Tourist
Labuan as national geoparks was made biological sites. authorities, as it reflects efforts in when winding up the debate on Accommodation Premises for
on Dec 16 during the National “Among them are mangrove forests conserving nature and sustainable the Supply Bill 2022 for the City, Highland, Resorts,
Geopark Committee Meeting No. 1 of (Kinabenuwa), coastal forests (Tanjung management of geosites of ministry in the Dewan Negara Innovative and Boutique
2021,” he said in a statement Kubong), wildlife sanctuary (Pulau extraordinary value, in line with the yesterday, Bernama reported. Hotels, it is now mandatory for
yesterday. Ular) and marine parks (Pulau National Development Agenda and the hotel operators to provide a
United Nations Sustainable She said the date was chosen room and toilet facilities in
He added that the 2,068 sq km Development Goals. – Bernama in appreciation of the late Tun public areas for the PwD group,
Lenggong National Geopark, that is Endon Mahmood, the wife of adding that those who fail to do
Malaysia’s fifth prime minister so would not be eligible for
Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, grading by the ministry.
Aviation group awaits nod for S’pore-Penang air VTL
GEORGE TOWN: Malaysia Aviation Group Covid-19 pandemic. creative economy. “end-to-end” travel solutions to travellers
(MAG), the parent company of Malaysia “The success of the recently launched air He added that as a national airline, through the Covid-19 Safety Accreditation
Airlines, is still awaiting the approval from Programme, which was launched yesterday.
Singapore and the government on the proposal VTL route should be taken as a benchmark for supported by Firefly and MASwings, it would
for air Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) between the implementation of the proposed air VTL continue to provide a smooth and safe travel “I hope the Penang edition of the
Singapore and Penang, which was submitted route linking Penang and Singapore. However, experience for travellers, Bernama reported. programme and TSA Malaysia will enable
several months ago. the decision on the implementation has yet to visitors to enjoy their holidays knowing that
be made. “This is based on our seven-star rating for their safety is guaranteed.
Group chief executive officer Captain Izham Covid-19 health and safety measures by Airline
Ismail said the group hoped that the proposed “We have to wait for decisions by Singapore Ratings.” The VTL between Changi Airport and KL
air VTL route could be implemented as soon as and (Health Minister) Khairy Jamaluddin,” he International Airport was launched on Nov 29,
possible in order to revive the economic sector, said at ceremony to launch the partnership Meanwhile, State Tourism and Creative as announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri
especially tourism, which was affected by the between Travel Safe Alliance (TSA) Malaysia Economy Committee chairman Yeoh Soon Hin Ismail Sabri Yaakob and his Singaporean
and the Penang exco office for tourism and said the committee would ensure the recovery counterpart Lee Hsien Loong on Nov 8.
of Penang’s tourism sector by providing safe
Mohd Rafi being led to court by police yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX Police launch
manhunt for lock-up
Trailer driver in 10-death escapee ‘Long Tiger’
crash facing 10 charges
KANGAR: Police are actively tracking
o Accused pleads not guilty to driving in dangerous manner, exceeding RM20,000. down a man of Rohingya descent known as
resulting in collision with stalled vehicles on roadside Earlier, Selangor chief public prosecutor “Long Tiger”, who escaped from the
Tangkak magistrate’s court lock-up in
SHAH ALAM: A trailer driver was charged in Puteri Hidayah Abdul Razak, 12; Mohd Aizat Mohammad Al-Saufi Hashim said the Johor recently.
the magistrate’s court here yesterday with 10 Syazwan Abdul Razak, 10; Mohd Rokaizat prosecution did not offer bail as the offence was
counts of driving in a reckless or dangerous Rezky Abdul Razak, nine; Mohd Hidayat non-bailable. Deputy Inspector-General of Police
manner that resulted in the death of 10 Hakimie Abdul Razak, seven; Puteri Nur Ain Datuk Seri Mazlan Lazim said all police
individuals along the Elite Expressway last Syalwana Abdul Razak, three; Muhammad Raid However, he proposed bail of RM5,000 for chiefs at state and district levels have been
Saturday. Fathi Abd Razak, 10 months and Mohamad each charge if the court allowed it. alerted on the matter.
Rahimi Rolex, 27.
Mohd Rafi Jaafar, 37, pleaded not guilty after “We also propose that the accused must “Pictures of the suspect have been
the charges were read to him separately by a Mohd Rafi was alleged to have committed surrender his driving licence to the court and he distributed,” he said at a press conference
court interpreter before magistrate Nur Faizah the offence at KM8.3 of the Elite Expressway, cannot disturb the witnesses,” he said. after a working visit to the Perlis contingent
Abdul Sani. Shah Alam-bound, in Subang Jaya at 12.02am police headquarters here yesterday.
on Dec 18. Mohd Rafi requested for a lower bail as he
He was charged with driving a trailer lorry in had to support his wife and three children. Abdul Hamim Ab Hamid, 32, had
a dangerous manner resulting in the death of The charges are under Section 41(1) of the escaped from the court lock-up at 11.55am
Norul Naziah Buyong, 37; Mohd Razarul Amin Road Transport Act 1987, which carries a Nue Faizah then set bail at RM1,000 for on Dec 15.
Abdul Razak, 17; Razatul Aliah Abdul Razak, 16; jail term of up to 10 years and a fine not each charge and ordered the accused to report
to the nearest police station once a month. In another development, Mazlan urged
retired policemen affected by floods to
She fixed Jan 26 for mention of the case. come forward to facilitate assistance.
On Dec 18, a mother and her eight children
were among 10 people killed in a crash involving He said the Police Heritage Trust Fund
four vehicles at the USJ Rest and Service Area of also covered disaster assistance of up to
the Elite Expressway. – Bernama RM10,000 for retirees. Police are
identifying the total number of affected
31 held for break-ins at grocery stores retirees.
SHAH ALAM: Police arrested 31 foreigners not compromised, crime prevention teams, district police have put up two tents as Mazlan urged those who had changed
yesterday to facilitate investigations into led by a senior police officer have been distribution centres in the area to accept food address to update their information so that
break-ins at several grocery chain stores at stationed at various locations affected by the aid, used clothes and other daily essentials necessary assistance could be made,
flood-hit Taman Sri Muda here on Monday. floods from donors. adding that records showed there were
42,279 police retirees nationwide.
Shah Alam police chief ACP Baharudin “We advise those in flood-hit areas to not He said a total of 3,982 residents rescued – Bernama
Mat Taib said the foreigners comprised commit any act that is against the law as stern from the floods were temporarily housed at
Indonesians, Bangladeshis, Nepalis and action will be taken against them,” he said. 17 evacuation centres here. Single mum fined
Myanmar. for insulting King,
On Monday, at least 100 people broke into Baharudin disclosed that there were four ex-premier
He said they are being investigated for several grocery stores, such as Mydin, cases of deaths yesterday, bringing the total
burglary under Section 457 of the Penal 7-Eleven and KK Mart, and stole food and to 12. He said the bodies of seven men and KUALA LUMPUR: A single mother was
Code. essential items. five women were sent to the Shah Alam fined RM10,000 by the sessions court
Hospital for post-mortem. yesterday for making offensive and
Baharudin said to ensure that security is In another development, Baharudin said insulting statements against Yang
di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah
Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah and
former prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin
Yassin in MalaysiaFlipFlop blog.
Judge M. M. Edwin Paramjothy meted
out the fine on Lai Yuet Ming, 65, after she
changed her plea to guilty to both the
charges on Dec 6.
The court fined her RM4,000, in default
three months’ jail, on a charge of
intentionally making and initiating
offensive and malicious communications
against Muhyiddin through the
“MalaysiaFlipFlop” blog on March 23, 2020.
She was charged under Section 233 (1)
(a) of the Communications and
Multimedia Act 1998 for the offence against
the former prime minister.
On the charge of intentionally making
statements against the King, the woman
was fined RM6,000, in default six months’
jail. The offence was committed on the blog
on March 21, 2020.
The charge was under Section 505 (b) of
the Penal Code for making a statement
amounting to public mischief, which
carries an imprisonment of up to two years,
a fine or both.
Both the posts were read at the Cyber
Crime and Multimedia Investigation
Division, Commercial Crime Investigation
Department, Bukit Aman police
headquarters at 1.40pm on May 6, 2020 and
10pm on March 21, 2020.
The prosecution was conducted by
deputy public prosecutor Najihah Farhana
Che Awang, while lawyer Rajsurian Pillai
represented Lai. – Bernama
Omicron now dominant strain in US
o WHO chief calls for cancellation of New Year events “We have to focus now on ending this Paris has already canceled its New Year
pandemic,” he said. celebrations, and Germany is expected to roll
WASHINGTON: The fast-spreading Omicron The White House reported that a mid-level, out tight restrictions on private parties and
variant is now the dominant strain of Covid-19 fully vaccinated and boosted staff member had The European Union (EU) approved its fifth close nightclubs, according to a proposal seen
in the United States, health authorities reported tested positive for Covid-19 after spending 30 Covid-19 jab on Monday – from US firm by AFP.
on Monday, as the World Health Organisation minutes in proximity to the president three days Novavax – with Europe already far ahead of
(WHO) called for greater efforts to ensure the prior. other parts of the world with its rollout of “New Year’s Eve celebrations with a large
pandemic ends next year. vaccines and booster shots. number of people are unjustifiable in the
Biden has so far tested negative. current situation,” read the draft document.
The new variant has fuelled record case Early data suggested Omicron could be Authorisation of the jab, which uses a more
surges, forcing a return to harsh restrictions in more infectious and possibly have higher conventional technology than other Covid Morocco has announced a blanket ban on
some countries. resistance to vaccines, despite indications that vaccines, has raised hopes that people worried New Year’s Eve celebrations.
it is not more severe than the Delta variant. about getting vaccinated might now come
But in the United States, President Joe Biden Since it was first reported in South Africa last forward. But British Prime Minister Boris Johnson
does not plan on “locking the country down”, month, Omicron has been identified in dozens ruled out any further tightening of England’s
press secretary Jen Psaki said. of countries, dashing hopes that the worst of the The other vaccines approved in the bloc are coronavirus rules over Christmas, while
pandemic is over. from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and pledging to keep the situation “under constant
Omicron now accounts for 73.2% of new US WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Johnson & Johnson, and the EU has already review”.
cases over the past week ending Saturday, the Ghebreyesus called for nations to redouble signed a deal to buy up to 200 million doses of
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention efforts to help end the pandemic, calling for the two-shot Novavax vaccine. Queen Elizabeth II is understood to have
said. New Year events to be cancelled because it was cancelled plans to spend Christmas at her
better to “celebrate later than to celebrate now “At a time when the Omicron variant is Sandringham estate and will instead take
In some regions of the country – the Pacific and grieve later”. rapidly spreading, I am particularly pleased “sensible precautions” and stay at Windsor
Northwest, South and parts of the Midwest – it with today’s authorisation of the Novavax Castle, according to British media.
already comprises more than 90% of new vaccine,” EU chief Ursula von der Leyen said.
infections. The Netherlands has already imposed a
London on Monday announced it had Christmas lockdown, and von der Leyen has
cancelled a New Year’s Eve event in the central warned that the Omicron variant could be
Trafalgar Square for 6,500 people. dominant in Europe by mid-January. – AFP
Man fined for
wanting Modi’s face
cut from vaccine drive
NEW DELHI: An Indian man went to court to Thailand reinstates mandatory BRIEFS DOTING DAD ... A man shields
complain about Prime Minister Narendra Modi Covid quarantine procedures his daughter from the sight of the
promoting himself as the face of the nation’s needle as she gets a Covid
Covid vaccination drive – but walked away BANGKOK: Thailand will reinstate its registered for the quarantine waiver and vaccine jab in the Indonesian city
yesterday with a fine for wasting the judge’s time. mandatory Covid-19 quarantine for foreign sandbox programme will still be eligible, said of Yogyakarta yesterday. – AFPPIX
visitors and scrap a quarantine waiver due to government spokesman Thanakorn
Modi has been the focus of a massive concerns over the spread of the Omicron Wangboonkongchana. HONG KONG ADDS BRITAIN
advertising blitz touting his government’s variant of the coronavirus. TO STRICTEST ENTRY TIER
triumphs in fighting the pandemic, despite “This is not to shut off tourists but to
nearly 500,000 Indians dying of Covid-19. The decision to halt Thailand’s “Test and temporarily suspend arrivals,” he said. HONG KONG: Travellers to the financial hub
Go” waiver means visitors will have to undergo from Britain will have to initially quarantine
His visage has been plastered on billboards hotel quarantine, which ranges between seven The decision will be reviewed on Jan 4, he in a government camp, joining 12 African
and even the side of passenger planes. to 10 days. said. nations and the United States on the city’s
strictest entry tier. Most people arriving in
The campaign is at odds with the fierce Meanwhile, a so-called “sandbox” Meanwhile, the Cabinet yesterday Hong Kong must undergo 21 days of hotel
criticism levelled at his government since the programme, which requires visitors to remain approved a new package of economic quarantine and frequent testing before
pandemic began, with political opponents in a specific location but allows them free stimulus measures, including tax breaks for being allowed out. But people from
dryly suggesting his face should also be printed movement outside of their accommodation, shoppers, as it looks to revive an economy countries deemed to have high Omicron
on the death certificates of Covid victims. will also be suspended in all places except for struggling with the collapse of its vital tourism infection rates must spend the first four
the tourist resort island of Phuket. sector. days of quarantine in a camp before seeing
Peter Myaliparampil of southern Kerala state out the rest of their isolation in a hotel.
had objected to Modi’s face being printed on his “After Dec 21, there will be no Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy is Britain was added to that list yesterday,
vaccine certificate with a message exhorting the new registrations for ‘Test and Go’, only expected to expand 4% next year after just 1% joining Angola, Botswana, Eswatini,
public to fight the coronavirus. quarantine or Phuket sandbox,” said deputy predicted for this year, Finance Minister Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique,
government spokesman Rachada Dhanadirek Arkhom Termpittayapaisith said at a news Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, the US,
In his petition, Myaliparampil said he had yesterday. conference. Zambia and Zimbabwe. – AFP
paid for his own vaccine and the image of Modi
on his certificate “served no utility or relevance”. The announcement came a day after The economy will be helped by domestic IRAN’S YEMEN ENVOY DIES
Thailand reported the first case of local consumption, exports, government spending AFTER EVACUATION
But the Kerala High Court threw out the case, transmission of the Omicron variant. and economic measures, he said.
saying it appeared to be politically motivated TEHRAN: Iran’s envoy to Yemen died of
and fined him 100,000 rupees (RM5,567). It also came after Thailand reopened to Among the measures approved yesterday, Covid-19 yesterday despite his evacuation
foreign visitors last month, ending nearly 18 the government will offer shoppers a tax from the capital Sanaa in a rare exemption
Myaliparampil’s lawyer said they would months of strict entry policies that contributed deduction of up to 30,000 baht (RM3,750) per from a Saudi-led air blockade. Foreign
appeal the decision. – AFP to a collapse in tourism, a key industry and person on their goods purchased between Jan Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh
economic driver that drew 40 million visitors 1 and Feb 15. blamed the “slow cooperation of certain
Millions tested in in 2019. countries” in facilitating the Saturday
China as cases rise The Cabinet also agreed to extend a cut in evacuation for the death of Hassan Eyrlou.
About 200,000 visitors who had previously some property transfer fees to 0.01% until the He served as envoy to the rebel-installed
BEIJING: The Chinese city of Xi’an began end of next year. – Reuters administration in Sanaa, which is
testing millions of residents for the coronavirus recognised only by Tehran. “The ministry
yesterday after the detection of more than 40 announces the death of Hassan Eyrlou,
new cases raised concerns of wider ambassador of Iran to Yemen’s National
transmission ahead of a busy travel season. Salvation Government,” Saeed said. – AFP
China, where the virus was first detected, has
slowed new cases to a trickle since the middle of
last year through border restrictions, targeted
lockdowns and lengthy quarantines as it
pursues a zero-Covid strategy.
But the country is now fighting local
outbreaks in several cities, including key
industrial hubs in the east and south.
Authorities are keen to extinguish the
flare-ups ahead of a crucial period that will see
the capital host the Winter Olympics in
February as well as a surge in cross-country
travel during the Lunar New Year.
Xi’an – a historic northwestern city of 13
million people – recorded 42 new cases
yesterday, bringing the total number detected
since Dec 9 to 91, according to figures from the
provincial health commission.
The city also shut schools and large indoor
recreation venues while encouraging residents
to avoid going out and congregating in large
groups, according to local government notices.
The museum housing the world-famous
Terracotta Army said in an online statement
that it had closed from Sunday “according to the
needs of epidemic prevention work”. – AFP
Philippine troops race to BRIEFS MINISTER SWIMS TO
deliver aid to typhoon victims SHORE AFTER CRASH
o Hundreds of thousands left homeless in wake of storm On nearby Negros Island, Carl Arapoc, 23, ANTANANARIVO: A Madagascan
said there was no electricity in his city and his minister was one of two survivors
MANILA: Troops raced yesterday to deliver strongest typhoon to hit the country this year. family was using “driftwood” to cook. to have swum 12 hours to shore
food and water to typhoon-ravaged islands in One of the hardest-hit islands was Bohol – yesterday after their helicopter
the Philippines as charities appealed for aid “A gallon of water used to cost 25 pesos crashed off the island’s
to help hundreds of thousands left homeless known for its beaches and dive spots – where (RM2), now it’s 50 pesos.” northeastern coast, authorities
by the deadly storm. at least 96 people have died, provincial said. A search was still ongoing
Governor Arthur Yap said on Facebook. There has also been widespread for two other passengers after the
At least 375 people were killed and destruction on Siargao, Dinagat and crash on Monday, with the cause
hundreds injured when Typhoon Rai A state of calamity has been declared on Mindanao islands, which bore the brunt of was not immediately clear, police
pummelled the southern and central regions the island, where people sat under umbrellas the storm, packing winds of 195kph. and port authorities said.
of the archipelago on Thursday, wiping out next to their empty water drums. Secretary of State for Police Serge
wooden houses, uprooting trees and Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana has Gelle and a policeman reached
knocking out power across entire islands. Yap said the province had run out of ordered the military to deploy ships, boats, land in the seaside town of
money and pleaded for President Rodrigo aircraft and trucks to deliver food, drinking Mahambo separately yesterday
“Never in my entire life have I encountered Duterte’s government to send funds to buy water and medical supplies to survivors, who morning, apparently after
such a typhoon,” said Catholic Bishop food and drinking water for desperate have been struggling for basic necessities. ejecting themselves from the
Antonieto Cabajog in Surigao, on the families. aircraft. In a video shared on
northern tip of Mindanao island. Heavy machinery, including backhoes and social media, 57-year-old Gelle
“If you won’t send money to buy food, front-end loaders, also have been sent to clear said: “My time to die hasn’t come
“To say ‘super’ is an understatement,” he send soldiers and police because there will be roads. yet.“ The general said he was cold
told a Catholic church-run news agency. looting here,” Yap warned during an interview but not injured. – AFP
with radio station DZBB. The Red Cross is also flying relief to
More than 400,000 people were sheltering popular tourist destinations Siargao and EX-PRIEST JAILED 12
in evacuation centres or with relatives, the While other parts of the Philippines Bohol islands. YEARS FOR SEX ABUSE
national disaster agency said, after their celebrated Christmas, Bohol was “undergoing
homes were damaged or destroyed by the a Yolanda-like situation”, he added, using the Many on the island of Palawan had “never” DILI: A defrocked American priest
local name for Typhoon Haiyan in 2013. experienced such a strong storm, Catholic was jailed for 12 years yesterday
priest Eugene Elivera in the provincial capital for sexually abusing children at an
Puerto Princesa said, adding: “The challenge East Timor shelter, in a case that
now is how to begin again.” – AFP caused sharp divisions in the
deeply Catholic nation. At least 15
‘Livestream China hits out at criticism over women had accused Richard
queen’ accounts Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong Daschbach, 84, of sexually
disappear after abusing them when they were
record fine BEIJING: China blacklisted four Olympics, sparking fury in Beijing of China’s treatment of Uighurs, a children at his shelter in the
members of a US federal and reciprocal measures. rare bipartisan issue in polarised enclave of Oecusse, with fears
BEIJING: The social media accounts of commission on religious freedom Washington. that there may be many more
an influencer known as China’s yesterday in the latest tit-for-tat China announced yesterday victims. A panel of judges found
“livestreaming queen” disappeared response to Washington’s own the latest targets – four members The announcement came days the ex-priest guilty of several sex
yesterday, after she was ordered to pay sanctions targeting alleged of the United States Commission after the US unleashed a volley of crimes at the shelter, which was
a record 1.3 billion yuan (RM842 perpetrators of “genocide” in on International Religious new actions over Xinjiang that founded in the early 1990s and
million) fine for tax evasion. Xinjiang. Freedom (USCIRF). included a ban on virtually all housed hundreds of orphans and
imports from the region – a major impoverished children. They
Huang Wei, known by her The move came as Beijing also The Chinese Foreign Ministry global cotton producer – over handed down several sentences
username Viya, is one of China’s most hit out at Washington for named chairman Nadine forced labour allegations. totalling 37 years behind bars, but
prominent livestreamers in an appointing a new special Maenza, vice-chairman Nury presiding judge Yudi Pamungkas
e-commerce sector that has coordinator for Tibet and blasted Turkel as well as commissioners On Monday, the US also said that was reduced
accelerated its rapid growth despite global powers over their criticism Anurima Bhargava and James named a new “special considering his age. – AFP
the coronavirus pandemic. of local elections in Hong Kong W. Carr as newly sanctioned. coordinator for Tibetan issues”,
that vetted out the opposition. who will be tasked with restarting Japan hangs
Boasting over 110 million followers “These countermeasures dialogue between the Dalai Lama first prisoners
on social media, Viya reportedly sold China’s treatment of Tibetans, include the prohibition of the and China, as well as promoting since 2019
products worth a total of 8.5 billion Uyghurs in Xinjiang and an above-mentioned persons from “respect for the human rights” of
yuan in just one evening during ongoing crackdown on dissent in entering China and the freezing of Tibetans. TOKYO: Japan hanged three
China’s recent Singles’ Day shopping Hong Kong have contributed to their assets in mainland China, prisoners yesterday, its first
festival. worsening diplomatic relations Hong Kong and Macau,” Zhao said China was “firmly executions in two years, with the
between Western powers and spokesman Zhao Lijian told opposed” to the move. government saying it was necessary
But her star has fallen fast since Beijing. reporters. to maintain capital punishment in the
authorities on Monday announced the He also took exception to face of continued “atrocious crimes”.
1.3 billion yuan penalty – the biggest Xinjiang in particular has “Chinese citizens and criticism from G7 and European
of its kind in Beijing’s sweeping prompted Washington to slap institutions are also prohibited nations over the recent polls in Japan is one of the few developed
crackdown on celebrities. sanctions on a growing list of from dealing with these people.” Hong Kong. countries to keep the death penalty,
Chinese politicians and and public support for capital
Viya’s accounts vanished from companies as well as a diplomatic Set up in 1998, USCIRF is a “These Western countries punishment remains high despite
major online platforms yesterday, with boycott of the upcoming Winter federal commission that surveys should face up to the reality that international criticism, especially from
her livestreaming page on the religious freedom around the Hong Kong has returned to China rights groups.
Alibaba-owned Taobao shopping site world and has been a vocal critic for 24 years,” Zhao said. – AFP
rendered inaccessible. More than 100 people are
FIELDS OF GOLD ... A farmer harvesting chrysanthemums in Hung Yen province, Vietnam yesterday. – AFPPIX currently on death row in Japan, most
Searches for her account on the of them for mass murder.
Twitter-like Weibo and Douyin, China’s
version of TikTok, also returned no Executions are carried out by
results. hanging, usually long after
Chinese censors closely monitor
content on the country’s tightly One of the three executed
controlled internet and frequently yesterday was Yasutaka Fujishiro, 65,
order the removal of accounts who used a hammer and knife to kill
belonging to people who fall out of his 80-year-old aunt, two cousins and
the ruling Communist Party’s good four others in 2004.
The other two were 54-year-old
Beijing has launched a broad Tomoaki Takanezawa, who killed two
crackdown on tax evasion and clerks at an arcade game parlour in
perceived immoral behaviour in the 2003, and his accomplice Mitsunori
entertainment industry that has Onogawa, 44.
targeted online influencers and
celebrity fan groups. The executions were the first
under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida,
Tax authorities in the eastern who took office in October.
province of Zhejiang said on Monday
that Viya “evaded 643 million yuan “Given that atrocious crimes keep
of taxes” between 2019 and last year occurring one after another, it is
by “concealing personal income necessary to execute those whose
and (making) false declarations of guilt is extremely grave so it is
income”. inappropriate to abolish capital
punishment,” deputy chief Cabinet
She had already been fined 530,000 secretary Seiji Kihara said.
yuan in June for breaching advertising
laws, after some fans accused her of Members of the Japan Federation
peddling counterfeit products. – AFP of Bar Associations “strongly protest”
the executions, the body’s president
Tadashi Ara said in a statement.
Ara urged the government to
“abolish capital punishment and stop
all executions until it is abolished”.
[email protected]
Clear-headed ways needed
to curb drink rape More must be done
ONE glass of Mediterranean wine to prevent floods
helps you to fully digest a A young woman from out of town Alcohol is recognised as the most harmful
slice of turkey at Christmas sought the help of an employee in a drink in the world, and some governments IT was good to read about flood victims
dinner. Just one for cheers. have moved decisively to curb its use through a picking up the pieces as waters began to
prestigious trading company in variety of means such as high taxes, restrictions recede (“Calm after the storm”, theSun
Tokyo to get her a job there. She on sale, and health-safety awareness refers).
As it says in the New Testament of trusted the man because he was an campaigns.
the Bible: “Go ahead and drink a alumnus of her university. And it was also heartening to see
little wine, for instance; it’s good for He took her to a karaoke bar Malaysia is going in the opposite direction newspapers and social media reports
your digestion, good medicine for where he got her drunk, escorted her with politicians turning it into a cause celebre about Malaysians readily extending help
what ails you.” back to her hotel room, and raped her. for the religious freedom of non-Muslims. to our hapless flood victims.
Cardiologists firmly believe that one In China, a female employee of a
glass of wine is good for heart patients as it world-famous multinational technology The bottle signifies religious freedom? That But as prevention is better than cure,
smoothens the flow of blood and improves company who went on a business trip was certainly does not come from the Bible or the it is critical that we learn some key
blood anti-oxidant levels because of the forced to drink too much alcohol at a dinner Tripitaka of Buddhism. lessons from the tumultuous floods.
polyphenols in grape, especially red grapes. with a client. She was taken back to her room
But a glass of wine isn’t to be understood where she was raped by the client and her Influential politicians have even claimed At the government level,
literally, as the term denotes a wine pour of 5oz supervisor. that restrictions on alcohol sale hinder stakeholder’s agencies, including our
which fills a quarter of the standard-size red In Sydney, an Uber driver picked up a freedom besides interfering with the Meteorological Department, must be
wine glass that restaurants use. woman passenger at King’s Cross customary lifestyle of non-Muslims. proactive.
A 750ml or 25 oz bottle of wine nightclub district. She was high
has about 13% alcohol or 97ml. So on drink and fell asleep at the Is it an infringement of non-Muslims’ This includes close constant weather
one glass of wine is less than 20ml “If purchasers back seat. The driver stopped at a customer lifestyle to hinder the freedom of monitoring and liaising with overseas
of alcohol. buy any drink quiet side street and raped her. rapists to use alcohol on their intended counterparts to timely assess potential
above these victims? regional floods.
It’s a safe healthy limit, levels, make In Singapore, a 15-year-old girl
according to medical journals. was invited to play a game of The government should introduce new Incompetent flood management
You can drive yourself home Truth or Dare in which she had to conditions on liquor production and sale to leads to significant national economic
completely sober. drink beer each time she failed a enhance health and safety measures for loss, including agricultural and fishery
question. She fell into a stupor consumers, especially women. loss, productivity loss from not being
The problem is that if you’re a and was raped. able to work or trade and negative
lady in bad company, you will be Push the industry to manufacture alcohol- knock-on supply chain disruptions.
persuaded to drink a second, Emails detailing the use of reduced liquor by offering generous tax
alcohol as a weapon of rape in incentives. Don’t focus on religion or revenue, Most hapless flood victims will
the outletthird, and fourth glass. but focus on guarding health and safety. certainly mark down our government
Really bad company will give university campus male agencies charged with flood
fraternities around the world are Whisky should have maximum 20% alcohol management in terms of their inefficient
register theiryou large pegs of whisky or some common. content, wine 10%, and beer 2.5% at lower and/or delayed untimely performance.
names, MyKadother hard liquor. One email targeting first-year prices.
One whisky peg is 60ml. At 40% female students suggested It is not more investigations or
alcohol content, you are drinking inviting girls over for drinks to get Can the industry reduce alcohol content? inquiries that are needed, but strong,
them “in the right state of It’s already being done around the world. proactive and competent leadership
numbers, and24ml in perhaps two minutes. intoxication”. from relevant government agencies,
Three pegs and you now have The ingredients for liquor are plants that including properly coordinating a local
In Malaysia, a 25-year-old girl can be grown in many regions. You don’t need and national response.
volume of72ml of alcohol, much of it lodged met a guy on an online dating site high alcohol content because the aroma and
in your brain. purchase in a and he became a friend. flavour should not depend on it. Accountability for failure of
What is the intention of the bad databank leadership must, arguably, lead to a
similar to One night, upon his insistence, One type of beer sold in Malaysia has only “heads must roll” outcome.
boys? The Old Testament of the MySejahtera she had many drinks in his 0.02% alcohol and it tastes as good as standard
Bible warns: “Don’t drink too apartment and then woke up to beer with 5%. How often have we seen our drains
much wine and get drunk. Do you find herself being raped. and rivers clogged due to the negligent
really prefer seeing double, with The government can boost the sale of disposal of rubbish?
your speech all slurred? Reeling Alcohol intoxication is also one alcohol-reduced content by penalising liquor
and seasick, drunk as a sailor? of the factors contributing to with alcohol above the levels of 20% for whisky, At the individual and business levels,
‘They hit me,’ you’ll say, ‘but it domestic violence in Perak, a 10% for wine, and 2.5% for beer. if the tumultuous floods have taught us
didn’t hurt; they beat me, but I anything, is that we must strive to be
didn’t feel a thing.’” report by theSun (Dec 14 issue) If purchasers buy any drink above these environmentally conscious.
When you, lady, stop feeling stated. levels, make the outlet register their names,
anything, that’s when the bad boys start A study conducted last year by France’s MyKad numbers, and volume of purchase in a This includes properly disposing
removing all your clothes. Alcohol is a rapist’s Student Observatory of Sexual and Sexist databank similar to MySejahtera. household or industrial factory waste.
choice weapon, and it’s legal. Violence in Higher Education found that many
In Bangkok, two models who were hired as rapes were committed under the influence of This exerts psychological pressure on them This would have helped to reduce the
party entertainers were forced to drink until alcohol – girls were made to drink as much as to buy less of the standard products and switch severity of record flood levels.
they passed out. possible. to the alcohol-reduced varieties.
One woke up naked in a bedroom, and the Women get drunk faster and on fewer Pray, do not adopt a “business as
other died from extreme alcohol intoxication. A drinks than men do, because they have less Think out of the box for solutions, and while usual” attitude after the floods recede.
sexual predator was arrested. body water to dilute alcohol. at it, take a look at the scores of drinks loaded
with harmful processed sugar. Stakeholders, including government
agencies, individuals and businesses,
Isn’t it time for restrictions to be imposed to must do their part and be proactive and
safeguard public health? coordinated, with effective planning and
dealing of flood management issues,
The writer champions interfaith harmony. which are likely to happen more often
Comments: [email protected] due to climate change.
Sze Loong Steve Ngeow
@EVANGELIONE INSTAGRAM Hello, Dolly! Gentle Bones & JJ
Dollmaker Yeo Mei Ying crafts beautiful and Lin drops collab
thoughtprovoking figures using simple materials, single
creating a range of unique collectibles
>>> Page 4&5 >>> Page 3
Xmas gift
suggestions for your
>>> Page 7
ROBERT PATTINSON’S The legacy of a rock star
upcoming portrayal of oDirectorMattReevesrevealsthelate KurtCobainwasthespiritual launching grunge rock into
Batman will be nothing like inspiration for the upcoming Batman movie mainstream music.
the previous depictions of
the iconic character. Instead of However, Cobain struggled to
playing him as the famous overcome his battle with drugs and
womaniser, Pattinson is set to show a depression, taking his own life in
different side of the superhero. 1994.
Director Matt Reeves recently Today, Cobain remains one of the
revealed the reason behind this. icons of alternative rock and the most
celebrated musician of all time. But
Speaking during a recent to play the grunge version of Batman,
interview with Empire, Reeves Reeves wanted someone who could
opened up about how late Nirvana pull off the balance between
frontman Kurt Cobain was the sole vulnerability and power.
inspiration during the creative
process. Upon watching Pattinson’s
performance in the 2017 crime
“When I write, I listen to music, thriller Good Time, Reeves knew
and as I was writing the first act, I put Pattinson was capable of doing it.
on Nirvana’s Something In The Way,”
Reeves explained. “I thought that was a great mix.
He’s also got that Kurt Cobain thing,
“That’s when it came to me that, where he looks like a rock star, but
rather than make Bruce Wayne the you also feel like he could be a
playboy version we’ve seen before, recluse.”
there’s another version who had
gone through a great tragedy and Pattinson himself is reportedly
become a recluse. excited for fans to see this new side of
the superhero, as the actor excitedly
“So, I started making this puts it: “I don’t think that’s been
connection to Gus Van Sant’s Last done before.”
Days, and the idea of this
fictionalised version of Kurt Cobain Fans of the DC hero can catch the
being in this kind of decaying movie when it arrives in cinemas on
manor.” March 4 next year.
Along with the members of
Nirvana, Cobain was a force to be
reckoned with. The band were so
influential that they were credited for
No one does it better than Mortensen ISnusptpaogrrtamforleJaoyk after
THROUGHOUT the years, Peter Despite his LAST week, the private praised Joy for being sweet.
Jackson’s casting has been flawless. awkwardness, Instagram account of Red A fan commented: “I’m
During the time span of Lord of the Velvet‘s Joy was allegedly
Rings, the role of Aragorn, or Strider, has Mortensen hacked, and her private sure Joy feels taken aback at
always been one of the most important delivered a images were leaked online. It her private account being
characters in the franchise considering memorable is still unclear who did the hacked and leaked
how he symbolises strength and performance as hack, or what their everywhere … but I have to
courage. Aragorn. – motivation was. say, I’m quite amazed to see
While Viggo Mortensen has been WARNER BROS how clean her private
portraying the character perfectly, it was been there for weeks, and months in The pictures included a account is for an idol.”
revealed that the 63-year-old was in fact some cases, preparing for the arduous selfie of Joy with her
replacing another actor who was cast in task of shooting the whole trilogy.” boyfriend, Crush, and a Another fan commented:
the vital role when production first He added: “I also felt awkward, picture of their hands “[Joy’s] private account is so
started on the first Rings instalment, The because I’d never been in a position of making a heart shape pure and it’s so cute to see
Fellowship of the Ring, which premiered replacing another actor.” together in front of their how many people she was
20 years ago on Dec 19, 2001. When asked about the release of drinks. following.”
Jackson’s first choice was Irish actor, Fellowship two decades later, Mortensen
Stuart Townsend, who was 27 years old revealed the entire experience has Besides that, fans also Despite that, the fact
when filming began in 1999. Not long helped him prepare to direct his own found out that Joy follows remains that her privacy was
afterwards, Jackson made the difficult feature film, Falling, which was released some of her fan accounts on violated. While it was a relief
call to replace his original in theatres earlier this year. her private Instagram, and that Joy’s private content did
Aragorn with Mortensen The Lord of the Rings trilogy is that she has also shared not lead to any major
which made the situation Things would have been currently streaming on HBO Max. appreciative pictures of controversy, netizens
awkward for everyone much different if some gifts she received from continue to rally in support
involved. Townsend (left) remained fans. of Joy, urging others to
According to in the role. – BBC respect her privacy and
Mortensen, his age was the considered. The filmmaker The incident has led avoid posting or sharing the
key reason why Jackson reportedly approached many fans defending Joy’s leaked pictures.
realised he had made an Russell Crowe and Daniel privacy, and asking for the
error. The American actor Day-Lewis before they photos to be taken down. Earlier this year, Super
explained the production both turned him down. Junior‘s Leeteuk, iKON, and
needed someone who was Despite the terrible BTS also had their official
Mortensen revealed he circumstances in which fans social media accounts
felt unprepared about discovered the photos, many hacked.
taking the role. “The other actors had
slightly older.
Aged 41 at the time he
was cast, Mortensen wasn’t
the first older actor that Jackson had
Rosé’s bodyguard fall goes viral
A screenshot from the video showing Rosé’s bodyguard AN old video showing tripped over an elevated Fans have rallied behind Joy following her account hacking. –
falling over. BLACKPINK star Rosé’s bollard. The bodyguard flailed INSTAGRAM
bodyguard falling over for a few moments before
recently went viral. In the falling to his knees.
video of the January 2020
incident, BLACKPINK’s Rosé The sound of the man
stopped to pose for falling surprised Rosé, who
photographers while heading turned around and appeared
to the airport airport, to want to go to help him.
elegantly dressed in grey and However, at that moment,
black pantsuit with a black tie another bodyguard went to
and a cross body white his aid, and Rosé turned back
handbag. towards the photographers,
immediately schooling her
However, something else features into a controlled pose.
caught the eyes of the
photographers. Fans who saw the video
praised Rosé for being able to
Rosé’s bodyguard, who had keep her composure and
escorted her to the spot, was continue carrying on as if
so focused on his task that nothing had happened.
SINGAPORE’S musical icons A soulful collaboration Gentle Bones
JJ Lin and Gentle Bones have o Gentle Bones and JJ Lin are making waves with At Least I Had You (left) and JJ
been taking Asia by storm! Lin’s latest
Fans expressed their of optimism and hope for the evoke a sense of loneliness. Gentle musical instrument, the piano. collaboration
excitement after the first future. Bones can be seen playing the For both of them, the song came has sent their
announcement of the unexpected guitar, an instrument that he has fans into a
collaboration, considering how it Filmed on a SG$3 million all- been playing throughout his about after they began frenzy.
has been their longtime desire for marble set, the music video kicks off breakthrough. On the other hand, contemplating their reason for
this collab to happen. with both musicians performing Lin was playing his preferred making music. It also symbolised Scan
the song by themselves which their journey since they first QR Code
Meanwhile, local music fans to watch
have embraced Gentle Bones and
are excited to hear what has the MV
resulted from his collab with ventured into the industry.
Mandopop legend JJ Lin. The track
At Least I Had You has already The video also pays homage to
garnered attention and set many those who have accompanied them
records, including topping music throughout their careers as
charts from QQ Music, Netease, musicians.
KKBOX, Apple Music and regional
radio charts. It looks as though their fans can
expect more exciting content from
The track was dropped at the them in the upcoming weeks.
right time, as the recently-released
Spotify Wrapped revealed JJ Lin and
Gentle Bones to be Singapore’s Top
Artistes of 2021, taking first and
second place respectively.
The long-awaited music video
for At Least I Had You premiered
exclusively on Singapore’s national
television on Channel 5. It was
released worldwide on Dec 13,
including on both Gentle Bones’s
and JJ Lin’s YouTube Channel,
Gentle Bones’s Facebook page as
well as Cross Ratio’s Facebook page.
Fans who attended Lin’s recent
two-day After The Rain show were
surprised with a special appearance
by none other than Gentle Bones
himself. The 27-year-old performed
with Lin and the two shared their
thoughts on the track.
Lin mentioned the song came
during a rough period of his life,
whereas Gentle Bones revealed that
the song was about questioning
their existence, and searching for
the meaning of life despite the
challenges and struggles that they
have to endure.
The music video stressed the
message behind the song through
the incorporation of lamps and
mood lighting as their main
elements to further express a sense
Spotify’s Most Popular K-Pop OSTs of 2021
BESIDES great onscreen chemistry Sweet Night by V. – PINTEREST Call Me Maybe by Saya. – POPGASA.COM Always by Yoon Mirae. – POPGASA.COM
between the cast and a well-written place. Korean girl group GFriend’s
script, a successful drama has to have Yuju is the voice behind I am in the two beautiful leads, Lee Hyun Bin Cho Jungseok, has 21.6 million season of the drama Hwarang. The
a solid official soundtrack, also mood for dancing. It has been and Son Ye-Jin, and the track has 34.6 streams. track features refreshing vocal
known as an OST, as a finishing streamed about 9.12 million times. million streams on Spotify currently. 0 4. Starlight by SF9 Chani performances by V and Jin of BTS,
touch. 0 8. Love So Fine by Cha Eun-Woo 0 6. Always by Yoon Mirae Starlight was released in 2021 for True and was even nominated as “Best
(Astro) Always was released in 2016 for the Beauty making this the fourth song OST” at Melon Music Awards 2017,
On Dec 1, Spotify revealed its long Surprise, surprise! A third track from drama Descendants of The Sun. The from the same series that made it to and it has 81.8 million streams on
awaited “2021 Wrapped” list of the True Beauty made it to the list, this Korean drama starring Song Joong Ki the Top 10, with 13.0 million streams. Spotify.
top albums, songs and playlists. The time Love So Fine, which is sung by and Song Hye Kyo made headlines 0 3. I am missing you by Sunjae 0 1. Sweet Night by V (BTS)
report includes its global year end- the series lead Cha Eun-woo. It almost every day for its cast and it’s Yet another track from True Beauty, BTS member V went solo for this
end lists of most streamed artists of currently has 9.35 million streams on OSTs as have been sweeping all this one is sung by Sunjae, and is track, which is from the hit drama
the year on the platform. Spotify. Korean music charts. It currently has about expressing the love in a Itaewon Class. It bagged the record
0 7. Flower by Yoon Mirae 55.6 million streams on Spotify. woman’s heart. Currently on Spotify, of “The most streamed Korean OST
Among the data, the K-pop genre This track was released in 2019 for the 0 5. Aloha by Cho Jungseok it has 19.1 million streams. in history” and “The most streamed
has the most-streamed K-pop artistes Korean melodrama Crash Landing Aloha was released in 2020 for the hit 0 2. It’s definitely You by Jin&V Korean solo song by soloist in
and songs of 2021. on You. The series popularity is owed medical drama Hospital Playlist, (BTS) 2020.”
largely to the chemistry between its which even caught the attention of It’s definitely you from the 2016
This year has also been the best for Netflix. This track, sung by series lead It has been streamed a whopping
K-pop, as the genre has grown in 180.1 million times on Spotify. – by
popularity throughout the world, Thashine Selvakumaran
with more people gaining interest
with the genre.
In addition, more K-pop acts have
emerged, attracting international
interest. So, here are the lists of the
top K-Pop OSTs of 2021, based on the
data collected by Spotify.
0 10. Call Me Maybe by Saya
Call Me Maybe was released on 2020
for the South Korean comedy drama
True Beauty, an adaption from a
comic webtoon, and starred Cha
Eun-Woo, a member from a popular
Korean boyband Astro, Moon Ga
Young and Hwang In-Yeop. The song
has over 7.15 million streams on
Spotify currently.
0 9. I am in the mood for dancing
by Yuju
True Beauty took another spot in the
top 10 with another song in ninth
AFTER partnering with Animal Crossing: fashion items, is available starting today to
New Horizons in fall 2020, the Tommy spice up the outfits of Roblox’s most A piece of herself
Hilfiger brand is making another foray stylish avatars with the American brand’s o Dollmaker Yeo Mei Ying feels a connection to each of her precio
into the metaverse with a virtual clothing preppy touch.
collection aimed at the avatars of users on █ BY S. TAMARAI CHELVI creates with fabric, felt or fibre is not just a receive is that
the Roblox platform. Among the highlights of this virtual mere toy. Instead, each artistic creation is she said.
collection are a Tommy Jeans backpack FAR from being just another toy for meaningful to her.
But that’s not all, as the American label reinterpreted by @PolarcubArt, a Tommy little children to play with, dolls “To be ho
has asked eight user-generated content Hilfiger helmet revisited by @Zealocity, have captured the imagination of “Dolls have a special meaning to me, make their
creators from the Roblox community to and a skateboard designed by children around the world, and they are my companions, they are so grumpy, they
reinterpret some of its most iconic pieces. @MiracleDropsRBX. Roblox’s 50 million are often a child’s most treasured pretty and perfect, they inspire me to I guess it dep
daily active users – and their avatars – can possession. create stories. They are a good medium to particular mo
What do Ralph Lauren, Nike, and Vans now access the platform’s multiple tell stories and expressions. They
have in common? They are all fashion experiences fully kitted out in Tommy Over the years, artisans have been resemble many beautiful and wonderful “Actually, I
brands, of course, but they have also, and Hilfiger. revolutionising the whole idea of dolls, things,” explained Yeo. be described
above all, embraced the gaming world of including dollmaker Yeo Mei Ying, who little kids, if
Roblox. A new playground for luxury and “I love how the brand has already been has crafted different looks and created She creates visually beautiful – and they show you
ready-to-wear brands, the platform now unofficially adopted into the Roblox custom clothes and accessories like most importantly, collectible – figures. they don’t hav
offers a new collection of virtual clothes platform, with users creating their own handbags, weapons and shoes. She Unlike most dolls which have Western Sculpting a b
from the Tommy Hilfiger label. Tommy Hilfiger styles. We couldn’t pass shares her creations on her Instagram at features, Yeo’s original and creative dolls Yeo sculpts h
up the chance of partnering with some of @evangelione. are uniquely Asian. If you take a closer using materia
However, the brand of the eponymous these fans to take this self-expression one look, you will realise that the dolls clay.
American designer wasn’t content with step further, empowering them to bring Yeo explained: “I have always been resemble Yeo herself.
just dreaming up a few pieces for the their creative twist to official brand styles,“ into crafting and dolls. I started making “For the b
avatars of Roblox gamers; it teamed up said Tommy Hilfiger in a statement picked dolls while I was in primary school, but This is because she symbolically and stuff it
with user-generated content (UGC) up by WWD. those were just simple stuffing dolls and places a little piece of herself inside her fibre and wi
creators who put their personal touch on paper dolls. creations, making each doll special to her. form the figur
essentials from the Tommy Hilfiger In recent weeks, fashion brands, as well formed with M
wardrobe, in 2D and 3D. as some beauty brands have been rolling “I started turning my passion into a “Every doll has a little piece of my and wool,” sai
out numerous initiatives as they try to business in 2006. I was blogging about my heart,” claimed Yeo.
With the “Tommy x Roblox Creators” break through in the metaverse. Roblox’s handmade works and dolls, and people She
collection, Tommy Hilfiger is South Korean counterpart, Zepeto, has started requesting to purchase them.” However, each doll tells its own story handmakes
demonstrating its investment in providing partnered with luxury brands such as and reflects different personalities accessory fo
immersive digital experiences that are Gucci, Louboutin, and Ralph Lauren, but Yeo believes that there are endless inspired by different eras, country or doll. A simple
accessible to the masses. The entire also with fast fashion giants like Zara. possibilities in terms of creativity when cultures. can take up to
collection, which includes 30 virtual comes to dollmaking, and decided to to complete, w
explore creating dolls with various types There is a Japanese doll named Rena complicated
The Tommy X Roblox Creators collection was designed hand in hand with user-generated of materials and experimenting with which is dressed in a kimono. Another needs about t
content designers from the Roblox community. different techniques, carving her own Little Red Riding Hood-inspired doll is days or som
niche in the world of dolls. named Miss Vanilla Buttercream, while week.
another, Miss Blue Velvet, is inspired by
As the orders kept coming in, Yeo took cakes. There are also the King and Queen The most
the opportunity to hone her skills and of Hearts, dolls inspired by poker cards. process invo
expand her online business One-of-a-kind details on the
( by opening a Yeo describes her dolls simply as ‘one-of-
physical shop in 2015. a-kind,’ although doll collectors have a She reveal
A medium to express creativity different view. important par
For Yeo, dolls are a medium to express her mouth details
imagination and creativity. Every doll she “I remember one time, a customer to get it right, s
described my dolls as ‘the sad kind of time is of the e
happy.’ Although, most of the feedback I
Yeo feels at home surrounded by the dolls she
“It’s challenging to me because I have the world. For instance, the first doll she particular favourite doll. “I really don’t
so many ideas, but too little time.” made was inspired by the late actress have a favourite one but every time I
ous creations Inspired by imagination Audrey Hepburn, and she even named make a new one, they are my favourite
Every doll has its own character and is the doll after her. until the next one comes out.”
t they are ‘grumpy dolls,’” inspired by many things.
onest, I didn’t purposely “Movies and stories inspire me the Recently, she sculpted a Christmas
expressions happy or “For example, I like Alice in most. Historical figures like Marie tree cake doll,. She admitted that she
just turned out that way. Wonderland very much, [and] I like to Antoinette, and [looks from] the Victorian loved using dolls as a medium to do
pends on my mood at a recreate characters from fairytales and and Edwardian eras, and even cultures installation art and exhibitions.
oment. see how they would look like,” said Yeo. such Japanese and French, as well. I am
I quite like my doll to easily inspired,” she revealed. “I would love to do bigger scale
as grumpy, just like She is also inspired by films and exhibitions and installations in the
they are not happy history, as well as various cultures around Surprisingly, Yeo does not have a future,” a hopeful Yeo said.
u they are not happy,
ve to pretend.”
her dolls from scratch
als like fabric, felt, and
body, I use fabric
with polyester
ire or clay to
re. The hair is
Mohair, felt,
id Yeo.
or the
e doll
o a day
while a
two to three
metimes even a
t challenging part in the
olves crafting the minute
led: “The face is the most
art, I stitch the tiny eye and
s by hand, so it’s very difficult
sometimes. Apart from that,
Love was in the
air for Twitter
this year
Living with the blues EVERYONE may be talking about the
metaverse these days, but Twitter users are
longing for more relationships that have a more
physical component. The social network seems
to have been hit by Cupid’s arrow. In 2021,
Twitter has observed an increase in discussions
around love. A trend that could go beyond the
virtual to the real in 2022.
“After more than a year of staying at home,
people are pouring their hearts out on Twitter,
and the message is clear: They’re craving IRL
connections in the new year,” Twitter’s
marketing team explained in its report. In 2021,
users of the social network didn’t hold back
when it came to talking about love online. The
volume of such discussions increased by 65%
compared to 2019, said the platform, which did
not indicate the figures for 2020.
oHere are some simple Less virtual in 2022
ways to help you In Twitter’s view, this trend shows the desire of
manage depression internet users to reconnect with reality in 2022.
After two years that have been largely defined
by the covid-19 pandemic, which led to a series
of lockdowns and other restrictions, keywords
such as “bar” or “public” made Twitter users
react more than the word
“virtual.” In a comparative
█ BY THASHINE SELVAKUMARAN study conducted by Twitter
between Jan 1 and Nov 1 for the
AS the Covid-19 pandemic continues, years 2020 and 2021
many of us are dealing with in the United States,
challenges that can bring about the keyword “virtual”
feelings of depression. And when was used less, 52% less
you’re depressed, you can’t just will yourself compared to last year,
to “snap out of it.” while words like
“public” and “bar” were
Fortunately, there are ways to manage more widely present in
these feelings of sadness and despair. They discussions. They
may seem simple, but they can help a lot. and feelings can release pent-up emotions. drinking may make your depression appeared 32% and 22%
You will be surprised how much better you symptoms worse. more respectively in Twitter conversations:
Use these strategies to guide your feel after writing for a few minutes each day. Organise your sleep schedule “[The] growth in keywords like “public” and
symptoms of depression and boost your self- Writing before bed and pouring out your People with depression often go through “bars” are a sign that people want to leave their
esteem towards a positive thinking lifestyle. thoughts might also help you sleep better. sleeping disorders, either getting too much homes again. Also, it’s clear that the talk
Express yourself Look for support from people sleep or not enough, resulting in them feeling revolves around human connection and
By doing things you can enjoy, it can help turn It definitely feels good to talk to someone tired all the time. positivity this year,” said Twitter. A positivity also
depression around. With depression, your about our problems, as it helps us focus on observed on other social networks where giving
sense of creativity might not be as energetic as what’s wrong. A good, compassionate listener Getting a good amount of rest is very compliments is increasingly in fashion.
it once was, but you will gradually feel more can help encourage you. important for your body. Avoid using your People have also been sharing their views on
energetic as you make time for activities like electronic gadgets when you are getting ready dating apps on Twitter. The social network
painting, cooking or even dancing. Allow yourself to lean on your loved ones for bed. Have a regulated sleeping schedule counted 110,000 tweets about downloading
when depression is bringing your self-esteem and follow it accordingly. Train your body by dating apps in 2021 alone. Dating apps have
For example, watching a movie with down. It is a chance for them to understand going to bed early, and practice waking up been top of mind for many Twitter users with
friends can make you feel way better, and what are you going through. after a certain number of hours. the topic generating a tweet every seven
having social connections will also be able to Eat healthy seconds on the social network, between
stop you from sinking further. It is important Food has an effect on mental health. Eating a Depression is a treatable mood disorder; it January and November 2021 in the United
to have a balanced social life to lift your healthy, balanced diet helps a person to feel is important to take mental health seriously States, Twitter reported.
spirits. well physically, which supports mental by working on it continuously. Following This growing interest in dating apps was also
Keep a journal health. Going for long periods without eating these steps can help you develop a more observed by App Annie in its ranking of the top
Writing down thoughts and problems allows might affect your mood and energy. balanced perspective and help relieve your applications in the third quarter of 2021. Tinder,
individuals to identify the patterns related to symptoms. It definitely takes time to heal, so the dating app, was the third most popular app
their depression. On days when you do not Focus on fruits, vegetables and simple remember to show yourself some love and for consumer spending in the United States,
feel like talking to others, journals can keep carbs, and try to avoid alcohol, as excessive kindness. behind TikTok and YouTube. – ETX Studio
you company. Writing down your challenges
/thesundaily theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | DECEMBER 22, 2021
█ BY MARK MATHEN VICTOR Gifts for the big boys
CONTRARY to what women o If you’re scrambling to get your man the
might say about their men – perfect gift this Christmas, here are some ideas
or men in general – the male
human being is not a
complicated creature. Men can stare
at the wall for hours and think of
absolutely nothing.
Men are also creatures of habit,
and what they need (and appreciate)
are largely objects of practicality.
Don’t overcomplicate the process of
gift buying for them, especially with
Christmas just around the corner.
This list of potential Christmas
presents can be for your brother,
boyfriend, husband, father, step-
father, and so on.
Gaming console A gym membership
Let’s start off with the priciest, and lets your man know
most possibly absurd gifts – the you want him to stay
current generation of gaming and healthy. – PEXELS
consoles, most likely sold out due to
the worldwide shortage of processing
The Xbox Series X and Series S
retail for between RM1,500 to
RM2,800, while the PlayStation 5
retails for between RM1,900 to
RM2,300. Due to how hard it is to find
these consoles, especially at retail
prices, you might be forced to get one
from a scalper.
For those unaware, scalpers are
people who buy and resell items at far
higher prices. As such, use proper
judgement in finding a console within
a reasonable price range, or you risk
getting scammed.
On the other hand, the Nintendo
Switch is far easier to find, and costs
half of what a gaming console does.
Gym membership If you want to splurge on a
This is a personal favourite, because gaming console, be sure to do
gym memberships are expensive. your homework and not get
Membership packages depend on the scammed. – PINTEREST
number of months joined, with each
pricier package being a better deal
than the previous one, and with each
individual visit being far more
affordable than walk-in rates.
Gym memberships are also
basically a guilt trip. Sign your man or
male relative to a one-year gym
membership that will probably range
between RM900 and RM1,200, and he
will feel compelled to go because of
how much you lovingly spent for him.
You can also throw in a personal
trainer package, so that he doesn’t
cluelessly go to the gym and wildly
swing the equipment around.
Clothes Exercise caution and common sense when buying clothes for your man. – FREEPIK
As a general rule of thumb, don’t buy
clothes for men. In most instances, Money clips wherever they might come in handy. Whiskey aficionados know that it into play, as they’re an alternative to ice
we won’t like what you get us. We’ll These can be found in most places, Having a money clip with RM1 and should not be watered down, which is cubes that allow one to keep the drink
wear them, but it won’t be at the top especially on e-commerce platforms RM5 notes in the car is great for where this set’s whiskey stones come cold without diluting the whiskey.
of our list of items to grab in case the like Shopee, and they’re very emergency situations, such as at the
house is on fire and we have to affordable. And stylish. toll booth or when you need to pay for Whiskey stones are an alternative to ice cubes and stop
quickly throw something on to parking. your drink from being watered down. – AMAZON
escape. They’re highly practical for men Air fryers
who carry huge stacks of paper Buy into the hype. Everyone that
There’s also the high likelihood money with them, and will help the ownds one never knew they needed it
that the clothes might not even fit or messier subset of men be a little bit until after they got it.
suit that specific man’s personal style. neater.
These contraptions eliminate the
But if nothing else on this list suits Due to how compact thye are, need to be a faux chef when frying
your fancy, and you’re really intent on multiple money clips can also be kept most food items. And for guys that love
buying an article of clothing, be to snack on fried food while half-naked
practical. Buy men articles of clothing in their homes, an air fryer is a
they will use daily, such as boxer godsend.
briefs and socks.
It’s also a healthy option as it
doesn’t need oil to fry food. Wrap your
head around that.
USB wall chargers
Another practical item for the tech-
reliant guy. Not much else has to be
said, other than maybe find one that
has several USB slots, for convenience.
An airfryer makes the perfect gift for people who want fuss-free frying. – PINTEREST Whiskey Stones Gift Set
A little on the pricier side, these are
ideal for the man who appreciates and
understands whiskey.
Sdoigmneityoftethame p, wrohdicuhctasrdeecsrieganteedd by the sew x
by KL-based
These come just in time for the festive season, allowing you to support a good cause while also decorating your home. batik
OCAL NGO Dignity has been providing
quality education and holistic care to
underprivileged children for the past 21
L Flourishingyears. Beginning from its humble roots
as a classroom of just 20 students in 1999, Dignity with
Dignity is currently educating 1,650 students
this year and is internationally recognised as the
largest, most comprehensive learning centre for
the underprivileged in Malaysia.
The debut collection titled Flourishing
Dignity was designed by the creative team of
Dignity’s transformational enterprise, sew x
dignity. The designs are then stamped and dyed oThe Dignity for Children Foundation (Dignity)
by local artisans in Kuala Lumpur, and sewn by launches its inaugural batik collection
its in-house tailors comprising refugees and
women in the B40 group.
Dignity head of enterprises Natalie Tan said:
“This batik collection serves as a visual symbol
of how students at Dignity are given the The first flower featured is the jasmine, the Why not add a dash of colour to your dining
opportunity to grow, flourish and be national flower of Pakistan. It connotes modesty table and kitchen as you help a section of
empowered, regardless of their circumstances and purity. The motif can be found on a variety Malaysia’s refugee community and members of
and countries of origins. It also underscores the of household items sewn – coasters, potholders, the B40 group to flourish with dignity? All sales
diversity and beauty of the Dignity community.” aprons, cushion covers, tissue covers, table and proceeds will go towards giving more
Sticking to the tradition of batik patterns and runners, placemats and childhood buntings. children the opportunity to receive a better
motifs, the Flourishing Dignity collection drew The items are available in a variety of colours – quality education at Dignity.
inspiration from the national flowers of the golden yellow, moss green, cherry red and For more information on the Flourishing Some of the other producs under the Fourishing
homelands of its multinational students. ocean green. Dignity Batik line, visit Dignity collection.
Seiko announces new Speedtimer series
IN the 1960’s, Seiko announced itself on the comfort on the wrist.
international sports timing stage with a whole Seiko Prospex Speedtimer Solar Chronographs ... (from left) SSC813, SSC815, SSC817 and SSC819. In addition to the limited edition watch, a
new generation of high-precision equipment.
Its masterpiece came in 1969, when it from Seiko’s most advanced chronograph 8R the hallmarks of the 8R Caliber series. new creation with the same case and bracelet
introduced the Seiko Speedtimer with the series, Caliber 8R46. It shares the same The watch, with a limited edition of 1,000 and also powered by Caliber 8R46 joins the
innovative Caliber 6139. It was the world’s first performance attributes as Caliber 8R48 but main Prospex collection.
automatic chronograph. incorporates two sub-dials instead of three and timepieces, is presented on a stainless steel
has a date window at the six o’clock position. bracelet that is specially designed and The dial design is a subtle nod to Seiko’s and
Today, a new series of six watches inspired constructed for the series. Japan’s first chronograph wristwatch, the
by the Speedtimer and Seiko’s rich and The vertical clutch and column wheel Crown Chronograph from 1964.
continuing tradition of sports timing join the ensure the precision and durability which are Its thickness, weight and low center of
Prospex collection. A limited edition watch with gravity ensure stability and a high level of Its beveled hour markers, sharp hour and
a new automatic chronograph movement pays minute hands with coloured Lumibrite, its
faithful tribute to the design of the 1964 chronograph pushers and the markers on the
stopwatch, while a second version with the outer dial ring echo the design of the original.
same caliber and a series of four solar
chronographs complete the range. The new series also includes four new solar
chronographs powered by Caliber V192. The
The limited edition chronograph’s dial pays case shape is faithful to the original but its
homage to the 1/5th second stopwatch from 39mm diameter, the combination of hairline
1964 and every detail of its design inherits the and smooth polishing on the bracelet and the
precision and legibility that were crucial to the curved sapphire glass bring it right up to date.
high performance of the original.
These new solar chronographs are offered in
The numerals at each ten-second mark and four different dial colours; white, navy, gold and
the markings stand out prominently against the black.
plain white dial and guarantee the same high
level of legibility. Their dials have a sandblast finish which
ensures the high level of legibility that is a core
The watch incorporates a new movement characteristic of every Prospex watch.
All four watches will also join the main
Prospex collection.
Frank insight into tumultuous times
REVIEW election, I was shocked.” Mahathir explained the need to
by Eddie Hoo He went to great lengths to explain topple Umno, a party which he
the difference between being a “pro- served as president for 22 years.
ANY way you cut it, Tun Dr Malay” and an anti-everyone else. “After I stepped down, Umno
Mahathir Mohamad’s latest “I have spent my entire life and leaders began prioritising their own
book will draw praise as well career being ‘pro-Malay’. If what interests, or their families’ interests,
as criticism. people mean by that term is the above everyone else’s. Cash became
Never one to mince his words, the dedication of time and energy king.
former prime minister does not towards helping the Malay “What were the mistakes made by
believe in populism. community progress, then, yes, I am Umno leaders and members? The
certainly pro-Malay. Being pro-Malay first was to consider Umno as a
In his own words, if the entire does not entail being springboard for self-
political system degenerates into anti-everyone else. enrichment. Umno was
populism, what you will have is moral However, there are He struck the right only accepting new
collapse because you no longer can those who desire to be chord with the members who were not
say “no”. seen as ‘Malay-first’ perceived to be a threat
even ahead of being masses, especially to the position of
He knows well that his book Malaysian.” urbanites, on the existing leaders.”
Capturing Hope will be met with Then there was need for separation He struck the right
cynicism and doubt as well as praise. Datuk Seri Anwar of powers among chord with the masses,
Ibrahim, whose especially urbanites, on
His first line in the preface says it: cooperation would have the legislative, the the need for separation
“This book is an account of my side of the making of strange executive and the of powers among the
the story …” bedfellows in politics. judicial branches of legislative, the executive
“The most important the government and the judicial
Mahathir feels duty-bound to thing was to defeat branches of the
speak up and right the wrongs he sees. (Datuk Seri) Najib government.
(Abdul Razak) at the Central to PH’s
“Politicians and national leaders election. To do so, I had success in ousting BN
have a duty to debate and explain to work with the was the 1MDB scandal.
important public issues because the Opposition. Anwar might stand in “There was indeed something very
majority of ordinary folk aren’t able the way of any cooperation, so I rotten in the state of Malaysia, and we
to see very far ahead into the future,” decided it would be best to meet him would all soon learn its name:
he wrote. to see if we could work together for a 1Malaysia Development Berhad
common purpose.” (1MDB).”
“Most see just the present because While Mahathir found Anwar Mahathir gives a concise account
they have to deal with the concerns of accommodating in their first meeting of what went down with 1MDB. What
their immediate surroundings. But in 18 years, the same could not be many have heard and read in bits and
having been in politics for over 80 said for his former deputy’s wife and pieces is succinctly written in one
years, I can see trends and I can daughter. chapter.
deduce what will happen in the “Anwar was very friendly. We However, the sea change
future more accurately than most shook hands and I was invited to his Mahathir sought extends beyond
other people who may simply be room – he had a room in the court correcting the wrongs of current
guessing.” And that captures the complex – and we were there for leaders, especially those in Umno.
essence of this book. almost an hour. We talked like old “I have talked about the need for
friends, although of course we didn’t honesty, and I’m rarely liked for it. It
DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang has talk about why he was jailed. I think is fine, but if you are angry reading “People go around saying ‘Malu must take into consideration that
said that it provides an invaluable he, too, realised that the only way to this at least consider that it is apa, bossku?’ That is, ‘Oh, my boss, more than 30% of Malaysians are not
insight into the past tumultuous fight Najib was to work together. precisely this attitude and this what have you done to be ashamed Muslim.”
decade. “While he made the effort to be fracture that has weakened so many of?’ It is utterly mindboggling that
friendly, his family did not. His wife Malays to the point that they are fantasies like this are actually The riveting part of the book is on
Having stood on different sides of Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan willing to believe whatever nonsense accepted by some people.” the fall of PH, and he ended the
the political divide for the most part Ismail was at first very antagonistic fed to them by politicians and chapter with a one-liner: “You can
of their lives until the formation of and his daughter Nurul Izzah Anwar religious ideologues. Beyond the current political draw whatever conclusion you wish
Pakatan Harapan (PH), how the two was worse. Nurul will never forgive “It has come to the point where imbroglio, Mahathir wrote about the from that.”
key politicians in the country put me.” some Malays have serious difficulty need for assimilation and existing
aside their differences for a common With the political alliance with differentiating between truth and racial bias. In conclusion, Capturing Hope
good is dealt with in the book. PKR and DAP secured, Mahathir’s falsehood, and nowhere is this gives you an insightful look at the
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia clearer in recent times than in the The best prognosis by the doctor is goings-on in the corridors of power.
“I had been accused of practising (Bersatu) went on to alter history and attitude towards Datuk Seri Najib this: “The whole idea of a ‘Malay-
cronyism, being a dictator and topple the mighty Barisan Nasional. Abdul Razak. Muslim Government’ is also a sham. It is frank and positively what we
being corrupt – to the Opposition I The reality is that you cannot have need to read to understand what
was the devil incarnate, and some of such a government in Malaysia. You transpired in the country as it goes
them really did loathe me. So, when through a sea change.
I was chosen by the coalition of
Opposition parties as their
chairman and candidate for prime
minister in the 2018 general
Technical fit of new jet fighter critical to nation’s air defence
COMMENT dog-fight to only a couple of select models from Turkey and China. meet the minimum technical requirements.
by Sherman Socka the current six who have submitted their bids. Given the two extensive operating theatres The technical requirements will no doubt
MALAYSIA sits on an important international The interested bidders are understood to be which the RMAF may be required to manage impact on the practical range of weight and
gateway along the strategic Straits of Malacca. Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), which is simultaneously, the long-range deployment cost-effective design and performance of the
partnering with local company Kemalak will also require the LCA’s air-to-air re-fuelling LCA.
It is geographically spread over two land Systems Sdn Bhd to offer the FA 50 jet fighter; capability, which, it is speculated, has been
masses, with coastlines snaking 2,905km and Turkey Aerospace Industries, offering its LCA found lacking in some of the aircraft offered by Generally, it is argued that while cost is
separated by 640km of contentious sea to the known as Hürjet; China National Aero- the six bidders. important a well-designed lightweight fighter is
East and West. Technology Import & Export Corp (Catic) with able to match or perform better than a heavier
its L-15 fighter jet; Italy’s Leonardo with its M- We cannot have a fighter jet that is only able type plane-for-plane in many missions at a
The resulting demand on air capability and 346 planes; India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd to fly from the peninsula to Sarawak, and lower cost.
power for the Royal Malaysian Air Force with its Tejas fighter; and Aerospace unable to continue further or fly back without
(RMAF) to support maritime surveillance and Technology Systems Corp Sdn Bhd, which is landing to refuel. The LCAs, which have caught the attention
defend our sovereignty can be extremely 71.43%-controlled by Tan Sri Ahmad Johan’s of the RMAF, have varying features and
arduous. National Aerospace and Defence Industries The air-to-air refuelling is essential. Any advantages of their own such as weapon
Sdn Bhd (Nadi), 23% by a company called suggestion to establish a forward base just to system effectiveness, superior manoeuvrability
The RMAF must stay relevant by shaping its Russian Aircraft and 4.76% by another Russian cater to the fighter jet’s landing to refuel is a as well as small visual and radar signatures.
defence and fighting capability to ensure outfit Rosoboronexport, offering MiG 35 waste of precious resources of time and money.
threats are effectively deterred and countered planes. The technical features notwithstanding,
where necessary. Building on the two strong technical what will tip the scale is the LCA that offers
Interestingly, Pakistan was touted to be a requirements – supersonic speed and air-to-air competitive features with cost-effective design
It must be equipped adequately in the favourite to bag the LCA contract in Malaysia refuelling capability – additional key technical and performance, and a total comprehensive
aspects of intelligence, surveillance, target with its JF-17 Thunder fighter jet (JV with capabilities are sought for the LCA by the package which the successful supplier is able to
acquisition and reconnaissance. China), but it did not participate in the bid. RMAF. offer. This must include the best value palm oil
countertrade commitment.
As RMAF evaluates the six international In this regard, it is not surprising that a key Based on its tender, the technical
bids which closed Oct 6, the technical features consideration in the 18 LCAs is the requirements include versatility of Fighter The comprehensive package is expected to
of the jets to meet operational and combat requirement for supersonic powered fight jets Lead-In Trainer/LCA feature, Integrated cover payment options, RMAF fleet ecosystem
requirements of the air force’s geostrategic to cover the wider space with agility and speed Beyond Visual Range air-to-air missile system fit based on commonality and inter-
needs to defend and protect the Malaysia air as the aircraft may be required to conduct and a platform able to conduct air-to-air and operability, to double up as lead-in fighter
space can be very exacting on the aircraft to be operations in the two theatres simultaneously air-to-ground missions effectively, with a trainers, to cover scope of integrated logistics
acquired. and at very short notice. future maritime strike capability. and all-level maintenance system support as
well as scope for transfer of technology and
This relatively high technical threshold Looking at the submitted bids from the Given this, a comprehensive evaluation on local content requirements.
requirements for the supply of 18 Light Combat manufacturers, it appears three of the aircrafts merits should point to the Tejas from India
Aircraft (LCA) for the RMAF could narrow the may not meet this critical requirement: Italy, having the edge over the Korean FA-50 and Sherman Socka is an Industry and Investment
Chinese L-15. Analyst. Comments: [email protected]
The other three jet fighters do not seem to
DECEMBER 22, 2021
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Fax: 03-7785 2624/5
A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Email: [email protected]
Advertising Tel: 03-7784 8888
21/12/2021 Fax: 03-7784 4424
Participation Bought Sold Net Email: [email protected]
RM m
% RM m RM m
42.9 Institutions 752.6 677.1 75.5
32.4 Retail 564.6 515.9 48.7
24.6 Foreign 348.8 473.0 -124.2 1.31
100.0 1666.0 1666.0 0.0 1,492.59 12.11 226.47 31.52 579.78 120.16 12.03 62.80
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 3,085.08 3,625.12 28,517.59 17,789.27 2,975.03
Source: Bursa Malaysia 22,971.33 7,355.00
KL MARKET SUMMARY Fiscal Responsibility Act
December 21, 2021 a crucial tool: World Bank
INDICES 10,835.42 CHANGE -4.61
FBMKLCI 1,492.59 -1.31
CONSTRUCTION 151.81 +0.49
FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,288.06 +44.02
ENERGY 667.27 +0.03 World Bank Group’s lead economist, Dr
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 613.20 +3.75 o It is indispensable in Apurva Sanghi, noted a counter-cyclical
HEALTH CARE 2,148.42 -42.75 order for Malaysia’s trend in fiscal policy during the pandemic as
TRANSPORTATION 831.17 -8.24 economy to move forward government expenditure has gone up, debt
PROPERTY 685.10 +3.06 and for management of has increased and the fiscal deficit is
PLANTATION 6,374.73 +22.43 fiscal space, says its expected to touch 6.5% of GDP against an
FBMSHA 11,613.44 -25.68 country manager earlier projection of 5.4%.
FBMACE 6,172.75 -34.15
TECHNOLOGY 93.81 +0.41 █ BY AMIR IMRAN HUSAIN SAFRI On this, he views the increased spending
[email protected] as necessary given the scale and intensity of
TURNOVER VALUE PETALING JAYA: World Bank Malaysia sees the crisis.
2.451 BIL RM1.665 BIL the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) mooted
in Budget 2022 as an indispensable tool in “However, the problem is that revenue
5 MOST ACTIVES the management of Malaysia’s fiscal space, Matsuda (left) says the FRA should not be seen has been persistently dropping, not just in
December 21, 2021 according to its country manager Dr as a‘magic ball’ and Apurva believes Malaysia the last year or two but almost over a
Yasuhiko Matsuda. has reasonable external buffers. decade,” said Apurva. In addition, he said,
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) is an efficient tax measure and it should be the expansionary Budget 2022 further
SWIFT 158,559,100 96.0 -7.0 He believes a national blueprint for fiscal on the table for consideration but it should constrains Malaysia’s fiscal space which
LAMBO 108,526,500 4.5 responsibility is a requirement for the also be coupled with better measures to obviously has consequences on long-term
DGB 84,772,000 3.0 UNCH Malaysian economy to move forward as well ensure expenditure efficiency.” fiscal sustainability.
SAUDEE 69,405,100 6.0 UNCH as a means to carve up a larger fiscal space.
SCOPE 63,640,800 26.0 UNCH Matsuda said the World Bank has some “We do not suggest something be done
“There seems to be concern about the thoughts on improving the efficiency of right away, as we are still in a situation where
-2.5 level of indebtedness and its impact on public spending; however, it requires some we have a negative output gap and fiscal
long-term macroeconomic stability, which difficult decisions on public sector policy needs to be expansionary but
5 TOP GAINERS is a legitimate concern in any circumstance,” efficiency and productivity, given the high targeted at those affected,” said the
December 21, 2021 Matsuda said at a virtual press conference level of emolument expenditure. economist.
following the launch of the World Bank’s
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM Malaysia Economic Monitor report entitled In the latest Malaysian Economic He believes FRA is important for the
ATECH 22,193,900 1.91 0.21 “Staying Afloat” yesterday. Monitor, the report laid out that the medium term as it sets out a fiscal
AJI 15.40 0.20 country’s operating expenditure (opex) is consolidation path and there is a need to
ALLIANZ 200 12.88 0.20 If the FRA is well designed and complied estimated to be at 14.3% of gross domestic improve the tax collection framework,
VITROX 15,400 19.58 0.18 with, he said, it will be an important tool in product (GDP), dwarfing the development revisiting wasteful tax expenditure and
DUFU 16,400 4.14 0.17 stabilising the country’s fiscal management. expenditure projection of 4.6% of GDP. securing taxation from other sources such
828,400 “However, at the same time, it should not be as consumption taxes, sin taxes which will
seen as a ‘magic ball’ as no single piece of It also pointed out that the rigid opex – help alleviate the issue.
5 TOP LOSERS legislation can fix the economy.” consisting of emoluments, retirement, and
December 21, 2021 debt service charges – is slated to touch 68% of For Malaysia, the World Bank has
The country manager opined that the GDP by 2022, placing additional constraints retained its GDP growth projections of 3.3%
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM legislation should be seen as a tool in the on the already limited fiscal space. for 2021 and 5.8% for next year.
NESTLE 45,300 131.60 0.40 overall approach towards fiscal credibility,
SAM 48,900 21.04 0.30 as the report also raised the issue of more “The increased expenditure on these Apurva has identified the uncertainty
PPB 699,900 16.50 0.22 efficient spending. items, together with the decline in revenue, brought about by the new Omicron variant,
PETDAG 203,900 19.60 0.20 will narrow the government’s fiscal space prolonged global supply chain disruption
CHINTEK 4,200 0.18 He conceded that emoluments and rigid and could pose risks to long-term fiscal and slower economic recovery in China as
7.12 expenditure are difficult to address in any sustainability,” said the report. well as a possible resumption of a US-China
economy. trade tension as downside risks to Malaysia’s
EXCHANGE RATES DECEMBER 21, 2021 In addition, it highlighted that the debt external demand.
“Moving forward, goods and services tax service charge has exceeded the
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy administrative limit of 15% of federal “Overall, Malaysia has reasonable
government revenue since 2020 and it is external buffers,” he said. However, the
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD projected to rise to 18.4% in 2022, following problem is the uncertainty of the pandemic,
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2740 4.1490 4.1390 an increase in debt. particularly with the Omicron variant.
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.0580 2.9370 2.9210
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1370 3.0450 3.0370 “If push comes to shove, there is a need
1 EURO 3.3120 3.2240 3.2120 to prioritise health and the booster
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.8430 4.6880 4.6680 vaccination program and these are the fiscal
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.8900 2.7840 2.7680 outlays that need to be made.”
1 STERLING POUND 3.1370 3.0450 3.0370
1 SWISS FRANC 5.6550 5.4770 5.4570 Malaysia remains preferred destination
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.6400 4.5350 4.5200 for German investors, says chamber CEO
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 118.1700 112.0500 111.8500
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.0890 4.7690 4.5690 KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian-German directly to the Prime Minister’s Office to pushed the chamber to online events, new
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 67.2000 64.6000 Chamber of Commerce and Industry relay the concerns and plight of its member podcast series and services to assist
100 INDIAN RUPEE 55.5800 52.8200 N/A (MGCC) has undergone a massive companies on the prolonged movement companies affected by the MCO, as well as
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.7600 5.4100 52.6200 transformation since the onset of the Covid- control orders (MCO) and multiple sets of the establishment of a “war room” to provide
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0309 0.0280 19 outbreak in January 2020, keeping itself standard operating procedures (SOP). immediate information updates to members
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.7650 3.6480 5.2100 on its toes amid the new normal to on policies and SOP via email and website.
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.5000 0.0230 continuously serve its members and clients. “The sentiments were echoed by other
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.4500 N/A 3.6380 chambers of commerce and it garnered “We introduced a work-from-home
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.7300 2.2900 A recent business outlook survey by the tremendous support from the industry players. policy and revamped the workflows to be
100 SAUDI RIYAL 118.3100 8.2300 N/A Association of German Chambers of running fully in digital so that our staff can
100THAI BAHT 115.5600 112.3200 2.0900 Commerce, the global umbrella “We felt that our concerns and those of work safely within the comfort of their
13.3200 109.7000 8.0300 organisation of all German business our members are justified to ensure homes. We also started an internal
11.8200 112.1200 chambers, revealed that Malaysia remains Malaysia stays competitive as a business transformation process by restructuring
109.5000 the preferred business destination for destination,” he told Bernama recently. departments and building internal working
11.4200 German investors, despite the turbulence groups to work on MGCC’s vision and
caused by the pandemic. Bernbeck said the chamber is very mission, human resource, leadership,
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama grateful to the government for its positive products and services,” he said.
CEO Daniel Bernbeck said the pandemic response and efforts to address the issues
brought some unprecedented challenges, plaguing the industries. Bernbeck said he is proud to highlight
wherein the chamber had to adjust to the that MGCC has successfully managed to
new normal very quickly to help members “The government was quick to improve lobby the interests of its members through
in keeping their businesses afloat. the SOP for manufacturing sectors, sorted numerous advocacy efforts directly or by
out visa issues and reopening the economy joining forces with other chambers of
He said MGCC had to take drastic in stages through the National Recovery commerce in Malaysia.
measures by writing a confidential letter Plan,” he said.
Bernbeck said the new normal has
/thesundaily 11theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | DECEMBER 22, 2021
OFFER FOR COMPLETE initiatives at Dubai Expo 2020
o Spotlight on industry’s sustainable The MPOC said the sector has business sector but also general
PETALING JAYA: Hextar Tech Sdn measures and management, programme will contributed significantly to consumers and the young,” she said.
Bhd (formerly Get Asia Group Sdn also focus on pepper and cocoa providing a continuous inflow of
Bhd) and Datuk Ong Choo Meng earnings through the export of raw She said the MPOC will conduct
have offered a conditional commodity and valued-added public awareness activities at the
voluntary takeover of all the products, and the sustainable Malaysia Pavilion on the benefits
remaining 91.2 million shares in concept would further provide a and applications of palm oil and its
Complete Logistic Services Bhd strong platform for Malaysia in the products.
(CLSB) representing 70.89% of KUALA LUMPUR: The palm oil Ministry of Plantation Industries and global market for palm oil exports.
the total issued shares of the industry’s sustainable initiatives and Commodities will be held at the In 2020, palm oil exports earned On the pocket talks, the MPOC
latest practicable date (LPD) for management are vital in ensuring Malaysia Pavilion from Feb 6 to 12, US$17.39 billion (RM73 billion) for said that the topics will cover price
RM2.50 per share. As at the LPD, palm oil remains one of the main 2022. Malaysia, a 7% increase from 2019, and market outlook reports, the role
CLSB has a total number of 128 pillars of Malaysia’s domestic which accounted for 26% of the of palm-based bioactive compounds
million shares in issue and 62,000 economy, as well as a globally “The MPOC, as the promotional world’s palm oil production and 34% in health, trade expansion through
outstanding share issuance accepted food source. body for palm oil, will showcase the of all exports. logistics investments, and the use of
scheme options. “The offer is Malaysian palm oil industry’s MPOC CEO Wan Aishah Wan palm-based ingredients in food
conditional upon the Hextar and The Malaysia Pavilion has placed sustainable initiatives and formulations.
Ong having received, on or special emphasis on the country’s management. The programme will
before the closing date Jan 11, sustainable agricommodities at include a focus on pepper and cocoa The Malaysian Palm Oil
2022, valid acceptances in Expo 2020 Dubai to be achieved via crops and products. Certification Council will also deliver
respect of the offer shares, which two trade and business week a pocket talk focused on the palm oil
would result in Hextar and Ong programmes focused on the sector, “The initiatives include a certification scheme implemented
holding in aggregate more than as well as its permanent exhibit hall mandatory certification scheme, in Malaysia, it said.
50% of the voting shares in CLSB,“ on “Sustainable Agricommodities”. regulatory guidelines, good
it said in a statement. agricultural practices and the The Malaysia Pavilion at Expo
The Malaysian Palm Oil Council development of cutting-edge 2020 Dubai has scheduled a 26-week
CENSOF ACQUIRES 51% (MPOC), in a statement yesterday, technology by the upstream, Hamid commented that being the thematic trade and business
STAKE IN TECH FIRM said the food-based Sustainable midstream and downstream sectors second largest producer of palm oil programme, and the non-food based
Agricommodities Week, led by the of the industry,” it said. in the world, this is an important Sustainable Agricommodities Week
KUALA LUMPUR: Financial sector for Malaysia. will be held from Jan 23 to 29, 2022. –
management software solutions Bernama
provider Censof Holdings Bhd “Expo 2020 is not only the perfect
platform to create awareness of the
has entered into a share purchase benefits and various uses of palm oil,
agreement to acquire a 51%
equity interest in Cognitive but also the importance of
implementing sustainable
Consulting Sdn Bhd (CCSB) for initiatives. Our programme is
RM3.7 million with a profit
guarantee scheme. The purchase designed to reach not only the
consideration of RM3.7 million
was derived after taking into
consideration the current A snapshot from
average price-to-earnings ICDM’s conferment
multiple of 7.5 times and the ceremony with
average profit before tax for honorary fellows
FYE2021 and FYE2022. The (seated from left)
consideration is expected to be Mohaiyani, Tan Sri
partially funded through the Tay Ah Lek
balance proceeds from the representing Teh,
disposal of Dagang Nexchange Arshad, ICDM’s
Bhd shares back in August 2020 chairman Tan Sri
and internally-generated funds. Zarinah Anwar with
Farah Suhanah
Ahmad Sarji
KUALA LUMPUR: Swift Haulage representing the
Bhd has made its official debut on late Tun Ahmad
the Main Market of Bursa Sarji. Standing are
Malaysia Securities Bhd yesterday (from left) ICDM
under the stock name Swift. The board members
leading integrated logistics Joel Neoh, Datuk
service provider said its initial Azmi Mohd Ali and
public offering (IPO) raised Lim.
approximately RM161.9 million
(at an issue price of RM1.03 per ICDM confers honorary fellowships on four individuals
IPO share), comprising a public
issue of 157.14 million new shares PETALING JAYA: The Institute of demonstrated the highest standards reflected in the success of Public during his lifetime.
and an offer for sale of 177 million Corporate Directors Malaysia of ethics and integrity as well as Bank Bhd, and Datuk Mohaiyani Lim elaborated that the
existing shares, including the (ICDM) has conferred honorary exemplary current and past service Shamsudin for her contribution and
over-allotment option. Group fellowships on four individuals, in public and private sectors,” she impact in governance standards in dedication of the four has benefitted
CEO Loo Yong Hui said Swift recognising their contributions to said in a statement. the financial services sector over the a broad spectrum of Malaysia’s
Haulage will continue its corporate governance and service to years when she served as first society.
commitment to strive for society. The four recipients are Tun female chairman of Maybank.
operational excellence. “Our Arshad Ayub for his leadership in “As the centre of excellence for
enhanced capital base and Its president and CEO Michele education and contribution to The final honorary fellow named the professional development of
expansion plans will serve to Kythe Lim said the institute sought Malaysia’s civil service and is the late Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul boards and directors, we are
strengthen our capabilities and to recognise these individuals who corporate sector, Tan Sri Dr Teh Hamid for his leadership in committed to working closely with
competitiveness in the industry,” are role models in the director Hong Piow in recognition of his governance which led to his regulators, partners, industry
he said in a statement. – Bernama community. achievement and contribution in appointment to various positions of experts and boards directors to raise
the financial services sector trust as well as the awards received director professionalism and
INSURERS READY TO “These role models have enhance board effectiveness.”
TO EXPEDITE CLAIMS Senai Airport City to dispose of industrial land to Wiwynn Tech for RM68m
KUALA LUMPUR: The General KUALA LUMPUR: MMC Corp Bhd’s Wiwynn Technology is a wholly manufacturing vice-president Robin the Apac market.
Insurance Association of Malaysia (MMC) indirect wholly owned owned subsidiary of Wiwynn. Wang said the Senai Airport City To-date, Senai Airport City has
(PIAM) said insurance providers subsidiary Senai Airport City Sdn Free Industrial Zone provides the
have made certain waivers to Bhd (SACSB) is disposing of two “Senai Airport City Free company with great geographical invested approximately RM550
expedite claim settlements made vacant pieces of industrial land at Industrial Zone was selected by benefits, a rich talent pool and a high million on completed industrial
by flood victims. Chairman the Senai Airport City to Wiwynn Wiwynn as the preferred site to degree of operational flexibility to plots with infrastructure and utilities.
Antony Lee Fook Weng said this Technology Service (Malaysia) Sdn expand its cloud IT infrastructure grow its Asia-Pacific (Apac)
included waiving the need for a Bhd (Wiwynn Technology) for manufacturing facilities to develop business. This year, SACSB received seven
police report, setting up RM68.3 million. high-performance computing notable foreign direct Investments
additional hotlines and providing server, storage products and rack MMC said the Senai Airport City and domestic direct investments
loss adjusters at the scene. “We The purchase of the land parcels, solutions for leading data centres in is the only industrial development involving approximately 57ha of
are actually removing some of the each one measuring 4.8ha and 7.9ha the Asia Pacific region,” MMC said in area in Iskandar Malaysia with a land sales.
requirements. Some insurers are is expected to pave way for the a statement yesterday. 162ha gazetted free industrial zone
also able to give emergency cash setting up of Taiwan-based Wiwynn and free commercial zone that caters SACSB CEO Gan Seng Keong
immediately of up to RM5,000 Corp’s (Wiwynn) cloud information Construction of the infrastructure for export-oriented industries – an attributed Senai Airport City’s
depending on the policy (with technology (IT) infrastructure manufacturing facilities is expected ideal location for principal or success to its complete and
flood cover), without even having manufacturing facilities. to be completed by 2023. regional distribution hub to serve dedicated basic infrastructure and
to go through the full process (of its connectivity to the seaports and
claims),” he said on Bernama TV’s Wiwynn’s supply chain and airports. – Bernama
The Brief programme yesterday. –
MUMBAI: India has allowed
56b yuan in Shanghai IPO imports of refined palm oil until
December 2022, the government
said in a notification, as the
world’s biggest vegetable oil
buyer tries to bring down edible
oil prices. The move could reduce
India’s crude palm oil (CPO)
imports, with buyers shifting to
o What could be country’s refined palm oil as exporting
biggest public offering in a countries such as Indonesia levy
decade comes a year after it higher taxes on CPO shipments
was ejected from NYSE than refined palm oil. The Indian
Ministry of Commerce and
Industry issued a notification on
Monday saying imports of refined
palm oil would be allowed until
Dec 31, 2022. Indian buyers could
import 1.5 million tonnes of
SHANGHAI: China Mobile aims to raise up to 56 refined palm oil and 7 million
billion yuan (RM37 billion) in what could be the tonnes of CPO in the 2021/22
country’s biggest public offering in a decade, a marketing year that started on
year after being kicked off the New York Stock Nov 1, said Sandeep Bajoria, chief
Exchange. executive of Sunvin Group, a
vegetable oil brokerage and
The world’s largest mobile network operator consultancy firm. – Reuters
by total subscribers is selling shares publicly in
Shanghai, as a growing number of US-traded
Chinese companies seek listings in China or THAILAND’S ECONOMY
Hong Kong amid rising Sino-US tensions. PROJECTED TO
Washington this month blacklisted Chinese China Mobile says proceeds from the offering will be used to develop projects including premium 5G GROW 4% NEXT YEAR
networks, infrastructure for cloud resources and intelligent ecosystems. – REUTERSPIX
companies, including AI company SenseTime BANGKOK: Thailand’s economy is
Group, over allegations of human rights premium 5G networks, infrastructure for cloud In October, US officials told China Mobile to expected to expand 4% in 2022
violations, and finalised rules to kick non- resources and intelligent ecosystems. discontinue its services in the country, ending after only 1% growth predicted
compliant Chinese firms off American for this year, helped by domestic
exchanges in three years. consumption and exports,
Finance Minister Arkhom
China Mobile said in a prospectus that it Termpittayapaisith said yesterday.
plans to sell up to 845 million shares at 57.58 Public spending will remain a key
yuan apiece, raising as much as 48.7 billion yuan driver of growth next year, he told
before an over-allotment option is exercised.
After that option is fully exercised, it will raise China Mobile’s smaller state-owned rivals, nearly two decades of operations, in a move that a news conference. The ministry
up to 56 billion yuan, making the public share China Telecom and China Unicom, are already Beijing called “malicious suppression” of planned to sell 30 billion baht
sale China’s fifth-biggest on record, according to listed in China. Chinese companies. (RM3.7 billion) of government
Refinitiv data. It would also be China’s biggest China Telecom, the country’s biggest fixed- The US Federal Communications savings bonds in January, he
listing since Agricultural Bank of China’s public line operator, debuted in Shanghai in August Commission said the firm’s “ownership and added. Yesterday, the Thai
offering in 2010. after raising US$7.3 billion in its IPO. China control by the Chinese government raise Cabinet approved another
Unicom has listed shares of a subsidiary in significant national security and law package of measures to boost
China Mobile said proceeds from the offering Shanghai since 2002. enforcement risks”. – Reuters, AFP consumption and support an
would be used to develop projects including economy still struggling with the
Indonesia starts Geely, Renault to announce collapse of its vital tourism sector.
building major hybrid-focused auto joint venture The measures include a tax
industrial estate deduction of 30,000 baht for
in Kalimantan BEIJING: Geely Holding and Geely’s so-called Compact currently available in three shoppers, an extension of the
France’s Renault are likely to Modular Architecture (CMA), a powertrain options, petrol-fuelled, existing co-payment scheme and
JAKARTA: Indonesia started announce a deal to jointly produce midsize vehicle underbody conventional petrol-electric a cut in property transfer fees, a
construction yesterday of an the Chinese automaker’s hybrid structure shared by Geely and hybrid, and plug-in electric hybrid. government spokesman told a
industrial estate on Borneo island, vehicles in South Korea and look at Volvo, as well as its supply chains It was not immediately clear news conference. – Reuters
which officials said aims to use possibly exporting cars duty-free and manufacturing facilities in which one it plans to produce in
hydropower for plants producing to the United States, three people China, the sources added. Busan, but one of the three TURKISH LIRA REBOUNDS
items including semiconductors, familiar with the matter said. sources said the petrol-fuelled and ON GOVT GUARANTEE
lithium ion batteries, solar panels Renault will focus on vehicle hybrid models were going to be
and aluminium products. The joint-venture (JV) deal, in design, sales and marketing for its produced in South Korea. ANKARA: Turkey’s lira gained as
the works since early this year and newly defined brand in China, the The aim is to localise the much as 15% in volatile trade
Located in North Kalimantan which also involves joint sources said. production of certain Lynk hybrid yesterday, having posted a
province, the estate will span operations in China, will allow vehicles in South Korea, the sources historic rebound from record
30,000ha and include investment Renault to shore up its struggling For Geely, the deal could mean said. lows in the previous session, after
from China and the United Arab business in South Korea and more a production foothold in South Geely might possibly gain a President Tayyip Erdogan unveiled
Emirates, President Joko Widodo broadly its presence in Asia. Korea and access to Renault’s “backdoor entry” into the US a plan he said would guarantee
said at a ground-breaking ceremony. assembly plant in the country, market due to the deal, one of the local currency deposits against
“Indonesia‘s economic Renault, which exited China where the latter has been making market fluctuations. The currency
last year, will gain a way back into and selling cars for over two opened slightly lower then
strengthened to the day’s day
high of 11.0935 versus the dollar
in early trade. It later gave up
some of its gains and stood at 13.92
the world’s biggest auto market by decades via a local brand with a sources said. at 0856 GMT. The government
transformation starts here where we forming a new, plug-in hybrid- Samsung Group unit. The Chinese automaker is promised to guarantee deposits in
will manage our natural resources focused brand that will be A model Geely plans to produce looking at the possibility of taking lira, sending the currency soaring
from the upstream to downstream managed jointly by it and Geely, advantage of South Korea’s free- some 25% – its biggest intra-day
to create massive job availability,” the sources said. at Renault’s plant in the trade agreement with the US and rally on record. Under the measure,
Jokowi, as the president is popularly southeastern South Korean port city export its Lynk & Co vehicles to the the government promised to pay
known, said in a broadcast event. Geely is expected to work with of Busan is the Lynk & Co 01 sport- world’s No.2 auto market, two of the difference between the value
Renault to come up with a new utility vehicle, one source said. the sources said. – Reuters of savings in lira and equivalent
The government says the estate lineup of green cars that use dollar deposits. – Reuters
will be “green” as it will use energy The Lynk & Co 01 model is
from a planned hydropower project.
Up to US$12 billion (RM50.5
Japan upgrades economic view for first time in 17 monthsbillion) of investment will be needed
for the hydropower project alone
and nearly US$1 billion for a port, TOKYO: Japan raised its overall reported in the third quarter. But private consumption for the second mood improved to a two-year high.
senior minister Luhut Pandjaitan said. economic assessment for the first economists expect a rebound in the month running. Authorities also raised their
Indonesia also planned for an time in 17 months in December as final quarter of 2021 after pandemic “We upgraded our consumption employment assessment for the first
electric vehicle battery plant to be consumers and companies turned curbs were lifted by end-September. assessment given the further time in 15 months.
built at the industrial estate. more optimistic about the outlook “The economy is picking up as recovery in services ranging from The government downgraded its
The project is being led by PT on falling Covid-19 cases at home. severe conditions due to the restaurants to entertainment and view on capital expenditure for the
Kalimantan Industrial Park Indonesia Authorities raised their views on coronavirus are gradually easing,” the other sectors, as well as the rebound first time in 13 months.
(KIPI), which controls the land to be private consumption and business government said in its December in car (sales) amid eased supply Meanwhile, the Yomiuri
used for the estate, Luhut said. KIPI is conditions, with the services sector economic report yesterday. constraints,” a government official newspaper reported that Japan is
led by coal tycoon Garibaldi Thohir. underpinned by easing coronavirus But the government said it was told reporters before the Cabinet considering raising its forecast for
Earlier this year, Luhut said restrictions, but flagged ongoing necessary to “closely monitor” any approved the report. fiscal 2022 real gross domestic
Australia’s Fortescue Metals Group risks from supply constraints and raw risk from coronavirus variants such as The government also upgraded product growth to 3.0% or more
and China’s Tsingshan Holding material prices. Omicron on economies and financial its view on business conditions after after taking into account the impact
Group could invest billions of dollars The world’s third-largest economy markets. the Bank of Japan’s quarterly tankan of a record ¥36 trillion (RM1.33
at the industrial park. – Reuters shrank slightly faster than initially Authorities raised their view on survey showed Japan’s service-sector trillion) extra budget. – Reuters
330022 JJoobbss 332222 NNoottiicceess Outplayed
Digital Marketing England greats rue England’s batsman
PP..AA SSPPOORRTTSS SSDDNN.. BBHHDD.. second straight Ashes Jos Buttler plays a
Senior Executive ((iinn LLiiqquuiiddaattiioonn)) defeat in Australia defensive shot on
the last day of the
Job Description: CCoommppaannyy NNoo:: 119988880011000066553355 ENGLAND’S heavy 275-run loss to second cricket Test
· Design and develop online marketing strategies, ((117733889933--XX)) Australia in the second Ashes Test on match of the Ashes
digital roadmap, creative campaigns that aligned with Monday had former players
the business goals and directions. VVoolluunnttMMaarereyymmWWbbieiennrrdsdsi’i’nngg--uupp questioning not only the tourists’ series against
· Provide creative ideas for content marketing. NNOOTTIICCEE OOFF FFIINNAALL MMEEEETTIINNGG team selection in Adelaide but also their Australia at
· Plan and manage our social media platforms. NNOOTTIICCEE iiss hheerreebbyy ggiivveenn tthhaatt batting abilities.
· Able to create content & produce graphics for social ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo SSeeccttiioonn 445599 ooff tthhee Adelaide Oval. –
media postings. CCoommppaanniieess AAcctt,, 22001166 tthhee FFIINNAALL Australia went 2-0 up in the five-match AFPPIX
· Prepare a copywriting for marketing campaign. MMEEEETTIINNGG ooff tthhee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff series and Monday marked 4,000 days since
tthhee ccoommppaannyy wwiillll bbee hheelldd aatt England had won an Ashes Test Down Under, Chris Woakes’ selection was also criticised
Requirements: UUnniitt FF,, 1166tthh FFlloooorr,, GGuurrnneeyy TToowweerr,, their last victory coming in the 2010-11 series. after he picked up only one wicket for 149 runs
- Diploma/Degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing or 1188 PPeerrssiiaarraann GGuurrnneeyy,, 1100225500 in the match, with Geoffrey Boycott saying the
GGeeoorrggeettoowwnn,, PPeennaanngg oonn 2244tthh England rested spinner Jack Leach and, on runs he added in the middle order did not
equivalent JJaannuuaarryy 22002222 aatt 1111..0000 ffoorr a track where his Australian counterpart offset his “lack of wicket-taking ability abroad”.
- Excellent understanding of digital marketing tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ppuurrppoosseess:: Nathan Lyon picked up five wickets, skipper
((11)) TToo rreecceeiivvee tthhee FFiinnaall SSttaatteemmeenntt Joe Root ended up bowling 26 overs himself “England keep selecting Chris Woakes for
concepts and best practices ooff AAccccoouunnttss ooff tthhee LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr while fast bowler Ollie Robinson also switched his late order runs to help out their fragile
- Required Skill(s): Google Adwords, Google Analytics, iinn rreellaattiioonn ttoo tthhee wwiinnddiinngg uupp to off-spin. batting. Did his runs in Adelaide affect the
ooff tthhee ccoommppaannyy aanndd ttoo rreecceeiivvee winning or losing of the test? No,” Boycott
SEO/SEM, Social media marketing and optimization aannyy eexxppllaannaattiioonn tthheerreeoonn.. “Robinson bowling off spin, Lyon ripping it wrote in The Telegraph.
Office based in Petaling Jaya ((22))TToo rreessoollvvee uunnddeerr SSeeccttiioonn square and England’s spinners sat on the
551188((33))((bb)) ooff tthhee CCoommppaanniieess bench. You couldn’t make it up, really,” former “If he was trying to hit the middle of the
Send in your application with your photo AAcctt,, 22001166,, tthhaatt tthhee bbooookkss,, England captain Mike Atherton wrote in The Aussie bats then he succeeded... We need to
to [email protected] aaccccoouunnttss aanndd ddooccuummeennttss Times. pick bowlers to take 20 wickets and our
ooff tthhee CCoommppaannyy aanndd ooff tthhee batsmen have to do better.
LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr bbee ddeessttrrooyyeedd aafftteerr “The margin of defeat was a mighty one,
tthhee eexxppiirraattiioonn ooff tthhrreeee ((33)) and the fighting spirit on the last afternoon “The two openers are walking wickets and
mmoonntthhss ffrroomm tthhee ddaattee ooff tthhee should not camouflage the fact that England, the Aussie bowlers are queuing up to get at
FFiinnaall MMeeeettiinngg.. for the second time in as many Tests, have them,” Boycott added.
DDaatteedd tthhiiss 2222nndd DDeecceemmbbeerr 22002211 been out-thought and outplayed.
TTeehhTTeeoonngg HHeenngg “It’s not ideal but Joe Root at some stage
LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr “Once again the batting has been may have to bat (at number) three... England
OOffffiiccee:: UUnniitt FF,, 1166tthh FFlloooorr,, GGuurrnneeyy completely underwhelming and they face a have to do something different because they
TToowweerr,, 1188 PPeerrssiiaarraann GGuurrnneeyy,, returning and refreshed Pat Cummins next as are not scoring enough runs to put Australia
1100225500 GGeeoorrggeettoowwnn,,PPeennaanngg Australia announced an unchanged squad for under any sort of scoreboard pressure.” –
the Boxing Day Test. Root’s Ashes dreams Reuters
332222 NNoottiicceess hang by a thread.”
CCToToHmHmHEHEMpMp..IIIICKaCKaNNNNeeO(n.O(n.mmiiTTCyTTnMCynMW(W(HHbHHH1bH1NLPNLPEEieEE7ieE7EniAoniAorqrN7qN7AMMdA:MMsdN:sNu5uG5GiN’1iN’1IAAniIAAn6i6EVdE9DVd9DSTTgSTTg3S3oaS8oa8TTD-TTD---lt9ltu9EEuADuEENiADuNio0poRR0pRRnC)nC.).n1n1tTBtTBOO)OOa0)a,0,HHFFr0FF2r02yDyD0000..2121565677 BB((IEIEn[n[LRLRMLMLeeI(IT(gTNegNIeIHnHimAnGimAGssEcEcNHtNHbtobIroIrDCANDCeAarNearOprMOtprMtITI’iTN’(MoisN(Mooso6H6HrMrnMnVP4TaEVP4TaEAoHA6tNAoHA6tNMeMelN7ERlN7oERuodud7AII.7AnII.MnENMEN1iT21iTt2ntSnESa-TAE0a-TA0HrEHTM0ArETMS0ASy)yRT)R4TCE4]CaE]aELE0TLA0lOTAlORiaR1ia1qF2qFyS2y0S0OuO0us0Ds0D0iF1iiFd1iN8daN8a6a62)a.2).tBt6B6iio7Ho7HnnDD)).. CaICIannnonodmdmtthphp((eaehahn)n)imimeaeasansantdAtdAttececrtSrtS2e2eoc0oc0ft1ft1iio6o6SnS;n;eecc44tt66iioo66nn((11))4(4(aa66))55(o(o11ff)) tt(h(heeee))
NNOOTTIICCEE OOFF FFIINNAALL MMEEEETTIINNGG 2016 DSSScAoDSScSDAoDouEteyeaoutEeyaentmkArcntmkArcaauvsbuevsbepelpymeelygmeghnehlneSelSoeoboenobEendnEwdnnewdnedhnehneyr1yr1sr.,swr.,3waa3a2aaa2N,Nanl,na0nln0oBsd4oB,sm2d4,m2.h.6h16d1de5d2eh5dM,2uhM,ue,.e0e,.0letlttaytJ0layhJi0lhdinldanlepaa(epa(gtPlgtPalyahayaahaSessSensseotneottipstipsaafaafeePe1ePl1lidBcridB“2cnr“2noi:oeCoi:teagCotagfhflhno.llnlo.llimiJnKmJRnKRFaFgahgpehlMpeylMoyhoohsaoasaaoaooooaonoo,n,rmnrlmny,ly,uKSudKS”d”tMaetaMa)eiaM)iMoyloyylyaeaen,an,annKndnKdrrgasiiguasiiu2nm2nmoreolrel0eay0earyt,rt,
NppNuuOOrrTTssIIuCuCaaEEnnttiiststoo hhSSeeeerrcceettbibiooyynn g4g4i5i5vv99eennooffttththhhaaeett IN THE MATTER OF RREESSOOLLVVEEDD::
CCoommppaanniieess AAcctt,, 22001166 tthhee FFIINNAALL NATURE’S SELECT (M) CpCTTBbpmSaJLPdCCTpTBbPJLmSapdaaiHruouueahoehaiHruouueoheqhueqnueltrrttnmcadAltrrttmcaaudAhtiaausphtiasptenT.utennhTi.uuilnphioulidposioAdaosiooeAanoaoaesntPaaasntPla[ifnfrhlj[igfneflnrhjNgnetlonreNytoreyeo1otiBe4o1otiiB4RbNeiJRbnNoerJ2fnor52aofy5.assoCaIy.itfssCaItCitf6tgnaCl6KgnhaylotKhyymotaymsrrgoaasrrAgohmaAohdempuoFdeaNpu,FaaNoc,afeocrpflcernpplcyoSnptooo[yoStodoo[htoddaNShto.daNooSeh.eooeheKin2KieRnmrnl2eeusxRmrnlweu6,saxawy6,a0cayt0IeecptIeepn9MCyen9tCM1CiyetC1vrionbCvirog0nbdCicg06odoeKce6ooneKdeeono1deioo1nmrinNnimsrnNiiarsr1miaarrn1maaaweapnaoaweapspo8lspDg8lnnrDlog,.nnrlo,aao.y-aaaoy--4aaddSLr-4a.dd1SLrlnu.u1lnauu3lria7e3lriS07eqinSp0utqinttpu9etttk1t9ee-yhk1htude-lyhhuhdls(h6s0s(m6se0aa1imeaaE1iadyESa13duyS1iAtt3)uiAttht)rpeah(t6repe2ap(6e2cpbcspabnhtpspar0nht5pr0t5Mo)atMovu)oaovvu]o-ov1]r-fn12irronfn2w1isrosncew1s3sces,30saly,00ealyoe0ueeu,oeu,eu,1bnf,1-bTsnff-T4nsroaf4nrNoa65edaN6t5esdats6trno6trn,S4iooa,S4ioa2aat2aat0ttt.drM0ttt.drMnn0Yhhbhinn0Yhhbh6tin5l6tn5lidd0oeeeeysidd0oeeeeys]t.,]t., B[IB[In1n1hh11dtdt66hh22ee((7R7R8m8mee55ggaa--iitMstMstttete]r]rr)ar)a;;ttooiiofofnnWWiNiNnnonon..i:i:nngg2200PP11aa55rr0a0a1g1g0o0o3n3n77S4S4d6d6n4n4 Ponting slams Root’s captaincy
MMEEEETTIINNGG ooff tthhee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff SDN. BHD. taoaTaotaThhHsurHsureestsAtAhiieihirenTrnTototrsrrsreekitkitssshosihoinepneepfefddeddetctchtLhtLatoaoteiieiimqvmqvddeueuCioCiosisiordnordntitimraggmraggiitshbtsbhpopottuttuarsarststnstenteahahyyneenbeebdiideiitentnchchiinoenoeaaaantrntrcencentticirrdcnrrdneioeiobbscrscruaudtaadtastrstarsaoseoenhtnrhtrhhic,ic,eeeheeshessrseprep,e,
tthhee ccoommppaannyy wwiillll bbee hheelldd aatt (605426-M) asAiddlardsAiadladdrneeneeecneiiNecnieiNgdsrlgdrsrltdmaertdmDaceaeivDcaeivotcohtclamahilameainetonTtaonTnalfnxnlfsxnnyHsernnytHedrptd,pgsi,egsiAefsteAfsteeoihseoTihs,enT,,rtqd,rchwdrchwduiduitddnetdnelhiulhiyuiadgyiadgnantatmasCymasatCyati,teio,tonegoaoongaaovarmvergrmesgresesntslesntlesprih,priLht,ausLtausaseaisentb,isntqb,snhqnhatiatuicyleuaecyleatietiihtuiiihxtduiixrindribnaerebaaeareaeaeeerseecgersetcgdgt,dg,,omua,omuaeiertiirntbinspnsibspnsiocyoc,clsyhc,lshonalonalltuletacueytnacytnhrdoiherddoiaeamedaameeiseeisnnenbnnnbmtissmtissdgnsyydgnsyy,,,, AANNDD
GU1tJU1GJthha8ane8neeennoioittufrufrogoFPagFPa,le,lreelreloy1oty1rtrowos6ws62wi2wittaiaih0nh0nnrnr2g2aga,F,F22nnlplpooPPuauaooeertrtrGrGpn,pn,1u1oauoaGG0rs0nrsnunun.e.geg0r0eressnn00y:y:ee,,ooyayann..T1mT1moo002.2w.w2244f5fe5eotot0hr0hrrr,, (CAPITAL REDUCTION ) JDDJOIOIRRHHEENNCCTRTROOOORRBBEERRTT SSPPRRAAGGGG
((11)) tTStTSttohohootteaeatttteehhmmLeLerriieeqeeqcnucnwuweteitididiiinvnvaadeodeottoifoifnnrrggAAtcticihunhunccepepoouurrnoneoetftlflsasFaFtititnitniohohoaoaneneflfl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN DDaattee:: 2222 DDeecceemmbbeerr 22002211 -I-InnUUptpthh))eeRRmumullaeaetststtee11rr99oo77ff22tthhee CCoommppaanniieess ((WWiinnddiinngg after comments on bowlers
pursuant to Section IINNBB((ITEITEn[n[HLHRLRMLE2MLE2eeI(I0(g0NeMgNIeMI1nim1nGimGsAs6cA6cHtHbtTobTrorAAAeTAareTarNprMEtNprMEt’i’(oiRDs(ooRDso66rMrnMnV4OaIV4OaINNoA6tNFoA6tNFeel7Rl7ToRuTodTudT7IH.7nIH.HnNHN1i21iEt2nEEtnEEa-E0a-0HMrHMMC0rMCS0Sy)y)O4AOE4]AaE]aL0MTLA0MlTAlia1Tia1qTqPySPEy0SE0uAusADRs0DR0iiiNdiNN8daN8aOOaI2)aI.2).EEFtFBt6B6SiSio7Ho7HnAnADD)C)C..TT
ccoommppaannyy aanndd ttoo rreecceeiivvee aannyy 117(10) of the Companies SKnrtaMatadtocsooiNranSKMtttosadcaoiNoshhheshhhpelrnnnffoieaplOrnfnnfoiaeasOeeeeeqaseeeeeqetddylbetddBTlyitbn,atBiyiTutin,atmiiycurocrmhcerocrIhecenaIiuiecCKnaiaiuierwCKbireaierbfwbrllsenirgbfnnllsnergdaliEinneuidaliEiayiemuiaaiyoriembgdadinaioirdbglddnaitidlnmdtlmIrnmdeliemrIgrr,eiSeSrgor,dSSboevdtefrtbevthesfirtDehhnySswioDeoeshnyoSnewoseosonHesapHsmeaapraebismleasraebirlgsmueErrgesimureEctkretiesimrctktrioepmantursnopRxuantusonRsxussiossvsihnenlc2vthnaceEnlymcM2utacEymMuaesoddaaelgs1hodddeaEBlog1chdueEBocrodunaenrodnaeennfhhiYendfhhilaY.dnlyrflda.LnliJyrfdyLsiJeryics,dtetoriic,ditn1tGoaioainnh1GaibqodainhidbqdtimNcdwte3tnmmNnIcwte3enimeunIoeiVreucolVr,fucolai,fuaeeoofiariareeEofSirerrdESaore.ansd4aoois.auns4otisuNmEataNnrrmEahdasnrsm6ronh5dssm6oen5ynAetdynAeoted2rseoodTe,o2rsodT,oddslp,0stlrpHr,0iiS2trHrJisiiS2hcsJnissrfhup0csnsrfup0Aa0audwoAaa0iaeudwoaieplptplTsnp2ldtcanvTsin2ldocanvaPaii,oadPeaoib,ddtehe2eco.bdteh2erc.tnethrtrnetahesrefhaesefBhstrLaBstrnrLatt1tarentedto1taPpeaehheidouhoPpa(ehhiuheoq(l2eqnqiel2asrqdienieleasrCfdieflenCfuttofunrbauttoriiu.rbasrhiis.rtsehrg,tisfrtaeritlg,ttifaedietl.tnihrlede.hnsiqhrlochsnwqyocenwdynadaeadFnaJdeauKafuFJeyuKfudyitdemhdllaitdermhtillaalho)rlaotialho)rlaaoaeobirayaeobinybreocnbeonbreocnrbeortortiarsrtortiasnddhoeoesyssyrsnddhoeoesyssyrsf,,,f,,, BBeettwweeeenn
eexxppllaannaattiioonn tthheerreeoonn.. Act 2016, that the Special TLTTLTAAIAAIQQNIINUYUYAIIAIIDTDTIIAANCNCTTIHIHONONAARGRGNNSS
((22)) atLomFA5TatLmoFTA5hhoific1ociifc1cqnoqenoec8tc8tuantu,ant,o(oh(hilt3rilt3rudeudeheehe2Me2M))nxanxa(ss(s0s0bptbteptteCoCo1so1so)if)eifelorlr6orrvr6rvtaotamoom,ieo,iebtnbmtnmfifaiepagoepgottnhna.nhat.nuttdutddhandhhanhneneetyeetyeodsodsfteftetdaCdtdraCdrhrhronaoonaoooteteytdyhctdmhcmeeeeurSurSdepbdepobmeoomeoeaoefaocffacfaeneonottffttnittinkitik(thoh(ehohee3te3stsneessneessr)r,), Resolution set out below DDaattee:: 2222 DDeecceemmbbeerr 22002211 [(D([DR1R1CC0e0e0gT0gTO2iO2iss5W5Wttr9r9aNaN66tt-i-SiSoPoPQnQ]n]))UUAARRNENEooSS..:D:DNN BB22HH00DD11220011001177008855 FORMER Australia skipper Ricky able to sense when your bowlers
DDaatteedd tthhiiss 2222nndd DDeecceemmbbeerr 22002211 were duly passed by AAnndd ......PPEETTIITTIIOONNEERR Ponting has questioned Joe aren’t bowling where you want
CChheenngg HHoooonngg KKeeoonngg Members of the Company Root’s comments about them to. That’s what captaincy is
LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr on 20th December 2021. [(W[(WR1R1I1eI1eNN6g6gNN2i2issI7I7NtNtr8r8GaGa55tt-Pi-PioMoMAAnnR]R]))AAGGOONNNNoo..S:S: DDNN..2B.2B...0RH0RH1E1DED5S5S00PP11OO00NN33DD77E4E4N6N64T4T 332222 NNoottiicceess England’s bowlers during the all about.”
1TO1TOo0of0ffwfw22iicc5e5eee0r0r,:,:GGUUeen1n1ooi8i8ttrrggFF,e,ePPt1t1eoeo66rwrwtstshhniniaa,,FrFrPPalaloeoennononrraa,,nGnGGGgguuuurrrrnnnneeeeyyyy,, CAPITAL REDUCTION Ashes and said that as captain of
Special Resolution AADDVVEERRTTIISSEEMMEENNTT OOFF PPEETTIITTIIOONN IN THE MATTER OF THE the touring side the onus is on Ponting also suggested that
The issued and paid COMPANIES ACT, 2016 him to make changes when England’s bowling attack was at
up share capital of the modmhadbrfofoBpcCioN[dmomobfarhdBfcpo[iCNosuo1esuo1eornfn’yeairoHoOrnfn’yeairoHOmcaarr0gemcaarr0gmesydtumsydntDuTlnkyDT0htusldcyk0htioustdcsriothisIrtrhpihiIetr2elopstiihCeoc2elheonstiCiocahenreiaaarenaane(a5hnnaenf(kE5helnegfkRsEtelegpsRstfnpsgtf9eetngtc9eetuaceWiueapMrWeieypMrotodc6diyottiodc6diiintidstgiine1ndsebtgde1rnofeb-diriaof-idiattncidanstdtnPucianspdPosuohraphosCoehrahbbhdCtregbbhdtcttr]gytctt]niyternihoo)yeyaarirshoo)yyhaaris.hsnatar.snatmreardrnasmreodr,noaseioA,ogtycegiotAgtycDggotuaytDguraiytbprion-t2bfepoon-t2fndeoftypCndhftypCUychauKUbyohd0ocanuKbohd0oeenpoeeeproenpnrtreefu2npnrteefu2dregoTfdrhteeogoTfhtyeos2ayhNs2adhONrioeondftOrittoeoneftvtlt;oetvahrl;HohhtiioahrafHnhWhoiioafneWltomeneltmteen.eetoaieD.eeooainDto:fqpgnt:fqpNtgotaLNhretnootanLhrenosehpnhuehsehphuehrur2resdrour2,taresdcoea,tateicdeateihdom0aSrhiorm0amSretirymettiyoatfahiioa1sasfQaohnii1smcasQCmonidmpcCmodnbpetoaanabb2netpaagaob2nUhpgooUhun.ooubnite.ioe0ybpiteinae0yepdAudnaerCdAtudvrtCentvf1pteontfha1pohrthRaoehroRrorcetowPPPr0ructsatwPPrPe,0utsaeire,rnEmeirrnEimbereee1rtibeoeeee1rtnieeoaniespaluspttt27lufpttt27lgwdfp3l9miiaigwSd3o9miiaiStottt00tattt00ia0otttm.iiiisD0otttam.iitisDa283oohhhobetnb283oohhhobenborteortseNsnnh1n50deeeeeNyyynnh1n50deeeeeyyyr;,r;, needed. its best when Root left the field
Company be reduced from AND due to a groin injury and the
RM100,000.00 divided into PJ5TM5TJPMah0eah0eeele4rle4ranasns99naenPaeP00rkerkeaaututDiDittttGuaGiuaiooamuKamuKnnnonuouaeae.c.caanrnroo’l’llsalsaeeDlDlaaaaada,d,mdmdLLrrBaBaeueununsumsmskssksapiapititruirussaarr,,DaDaCCtataiimtLmtLyyeWeWaavvNniNneilelsaosalolay.ay.11rara36a36ahh,,,,,, IN THE MATTER OF Root said after the pink ball captaincy was briefly passed over
100,000 ordinary shares of G. K. LAND SDN BERHAD Test that his bowlers needed to to Ben Stokes.
RM1.00 each to RM2.00 FKKTAKAKTFhlzuelheuzooleealeeaaoaollnrSanrSa,P,PeeSeLSeLBBrrtuhtunhlniliomtaomt,a,iichocShoSppknkini(uu(uuefefroCror.C&r.&r’,r’,smsmHHRResuesuiiroverovellelyyelyyiicrcroJcoJciitafitafiototl4yl4yarar,6s,6snn88JJIa-Iaa-pap1r1rloleoa1ea1hhnEnE)M)M(,(,22S5Se5e))u1,su1,sl22sl22sttrn0arn0assnd0nd0.. Company Registration bowl fuller and “be a bit braver”.
divided into 2 ordinary No.: 197301002931 “The interesting thing for me
shares of RM1.00 each “I nearly fell off my seat when is the only time they bowled full
representing a capital (16393-H) I heard that,“ Ponting told a in the game was when Joe Root
reduction of RM0.99998 (Incorporated in Cricket Australia website. wasn’t on the ground,“ Ponting
for every existing ordinary said.
shares of RM1.00 each, Malaysia) “Whose job is it then to make
and that such reduction (In Members’ Voluntary them change? Why are you “The start of day four when
be effected by returning captain then? Stokes took over the captaincy
RM0.99998 per shares Winding-Up) was the only time in the game
to the holders of 100,000 At an Extraordinary General “If you can’t influence your they pitched the ball up.”
shares, being capital in Meeting of G. K. LAND SDN bowlers on what length to bowl,
excess of the needs of the BERHAD duly convened what are you doing on the field? The third Ashes Test will be
Company. and held at Suite 729, 7th played at the Melbourne Cricket
Dated this 22nd December Floor, Menara Hai-O, Jalan “Joe Root can come back and Ground from Dec. 26-30. –
2021 Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala say whatever he likes but if Reuters
Yan Sien Wee Lumpur on 17th December you’re captain, you’ve got to be
Company Secretary 2021, the Special Resolution
……MM…S…Seeosos…l…slsiicrcrsi…si…tt..ooKKr…r…seseeef…f…ooSsSsrrg…eg…ettdrhdrhnne…e…,,PSPS……eieiuutti…i…t&t&iioo…Hn…Hnueue…er…eryy.... set out below was duly Fury willing to give up world title
passed :
CALL TO PLACE CLASSIFIED ADS oNmAfao2aomsoabobomANof2aamoosabboooin’bbffnry0enion’bfbfnry0engocurugcuruood2ytood2ynlttsshnlpttessshtopvvte2hstovv2thhehttthieohtteaceeihoeeasceeheesdpeed(psrekdnn(sesrkdnnsettveistveihehstdaarpheihdaarpienrbtnenrbtrenemmriereasemmrhiedasonhyvetdonyvetasortaseeort,deoeeees,deoeseeosresnornansannddstaisoanoddstiloonlhturniohyturionyrcinricsgioe,iotsfnogoe,notwfno,niwhf,boihnfbnotfnnntgiifnogiiooelcfehooeolcfpeohoiopofittrfcitftorrcirfteohrhersptse,hohespst,:ooit:oirehtonenorrehtonensorfisosfisoeeftisaeleef(tisaloe(rna2ofrnia2ttfimsnttfmitttnsnPaftetoit9ttnPatetro9hhir,eehdhi,eedmmedetmmedeteneanrehneanrfhto,fdto,dioe,bnidioe,bnidrrdtorrdtmdotymydmaistsyyamaistsaia.ottai.oa)thcnaaf)hcnnouafynnou,piyny,epiaTydieraTddistrd)dstao)dmaantoohr.mantohtor.itohinsehnnpseemnpefm,faet,bdaaetPbdpaPpawMdawtuecMdtueoecotneoowtnpnwdpohsndrohtrsimaortrimaopniaisrtpneiaisrtetrtttrtetettetmeuiiciehlttetmuiicihlheohbncvsheohbncavnsshainshidneeeeeegssdneeeeeegrsstt,rtt, RESOLVED THAT the TYSON FURY may relinquish his organise an in-ring meeting with
Company be wound WBC heavyweight title and seek Whyte, however, Fury may
MS. SHOBA (W((((((W(TFEFETRReamPeamPlxleSx:eS:eeBNBflN0fl0::/:/o3:o1g31gC:C-:8e-8e9090n0Ln0L23232e2eTT1-1-r8r8442aF2aF00002l2l)@/)4@/466L4L48k8k008Ks8Ks44)s)sS4Sh4h8l8/l/ee))GgGgaaLLll..0c0coo66mm//))DD CC TT SS -- up voluntarily and Mr. a new opponent if a bout with prioritise staying active over
Foong Chee Sum, (I/C No. Dillian Whyte cannot be made by keeping his belt but waiting
T 03 7784 8888 691031-10-5397) of 15, March, according to Bob Arum. longer to fight.
F 03 7784 4424 Jalan SS23/21, Taman
SEA, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Fury was this month ordered “If we can’t come to a deal
Selangor be and is hereby to fight mandatory challenger with Dillian Whyte, we’ll do a
appointed as Liquidator for and interim title holder Whyte fight for the Ring Magazine belt
the purpose of such winding next time out, and the “Gypsy and the ‘lineal’ title and we’ll pick
up under Section 439(1)(b) King” has made clear his another opponent,” Fury’s US
and Section 445(1) of the intention to compete again by promoter Arum told talkSPORT.
Companies Act, 2016. March at the latest.
BY ORDER OF THE BOARD “We’ve got to get Tyson back
FOONG CHEE SUM If that proves too soon to in the ring by the end of March.”
BRIEFS Cash in king Infantino says
Woods‘worn out’ he has majority
after PNC swing FIFA seeks to woo member federations backing
with windfalls for biennial World Cups
TIGER WOODS admitted he was FIFA yesterday claimed staging the World Cup FIFA president Gianni Infantino believes
feeling“worn out”after coming every two years would offer enormous financial continental tournaments. he has majority backing for his biennial
second with son Charlie at the benefits for its member federations as president In contrast to its own studies, a report commissioned World Cup plan, after national football
PNC Championship. The 45-year- Gianni Infantino expressed hope that the highly leaders were told the switch would create
old has been undergoing exten- by European football’s governing body UEFA recently extra revenue for the world body.
sive rehabilitation since sustain- estimated a shortfall of between €2.5 billion and €3
ing serious leg and ankle injuries controversial plans will not be derailed by opposition billion (RM12b - RM14.5b) over four years for European “If I was going to a vote tomorrow
in a car accident in February. from Europe and South America. federations if FIFA adopts its plan. probably the majority would vote in
Woods made his first competitive Infantino was speaking after FIFA held a virtual “We have just finished a feasibility study of over 700 favour of a World Cup every two years,“
appearance since playing in the global summit with federations to discuss the project, pages. It is very thorough, so maybe some will change Infantino told a news conference after the
same tournament last December although there was no vote on the subject yesterday and their minds,” Infantino said about the opposition to the summit.
and finished runner-up on 25- he refused to confirm if there would be one at the next project from Doha, where he gave a press conference
under, two shots behind John FIFA Congress on March 31. alongside Arsene Wenger, FIFA’s head of global “But it is not the topic, we are looking
Daly and his son John Daly II in Football’s global body published findings from two development who has championed the biennial at the entire calendar and how we can
Orlando.“I’m just happy and separate feasibility studies which it claimed showed proposal. make football better and how many we
thankful I’m able to do this. I still there would be “a strong upturn in football’s economic “There is a lot of opposition and there is as well a lot can bring on board with a new way of
have my own leg, which was situation” if the World Cup was held as a biennial of voices in favour and FIFA is a global organising body, organising the future in football,“ he
questionable for a while,”Woods tournament rather than the current four-year cycle for so we need to really try to combine all these different added.
told“I’m just really the men’s and women’s competitions. points of view.”
tired. I’m not used to this. This is One study, by market researchers Nielsen, estimated UEFA, as well as leading European clubs and Infantino would not state when any
my fifth round of golf this year. I’m that approximately US$4.4 billion (RM18.5b) of leagues, have all united in opposition to the biennial vote would be held, saying: “It is about
a little worn out. The fact I had my additional revenues would be generated over four World Cup plans. getting the right decisions for football at
son there, he’s an unbelievable years, with income from gate receipts, media rights and In South America, CONMEBOL rejected the the end of the day and we will take the
player and partner. We had a sponsorship increasing from US$7 billion (RM29.5) to proposal, and in the meantime it has become a close time that it takes, to come to this decision.
great strategy going in. I thought US$11.4 billion (RM48b). ally of UEFA’s – last week it emerged that South Everything is open and flexible,“ he said.
we were going to be in there, our To help convince its 211 member federations – 207 of America’s 10 nations could join the UEFA Nations
whole goal was never to make a whom participated in yesterday’s summit – FIFA vowed League after 2024. “We continue the dialogue, the
bogey and we never made one. to hand over an extra US$19 million (RM80m) every “I don’t believe we are making enemies. My role as analysis, we hope we can make progress,
We got on a run which was great four years to each one, with the amount the same for FIFA president is to try to bring everyone on board,” one way or the other, or some middle
and it got interesting and tight major federations such as Brazil and France as it would added Infantino, who insisted “the prestige of a way, we will see,“ he said.
towards the end.” be for Andorra or Guam. competition like the World Cup will not be undermined
However, FIFA did not reveal the methodology used by it becoming more frequent.” Arsene Wenger, FIFA’s head of Global
PGA OK with Saudi for the study, at a time when the desire of broadcasters “I think everyone agrees that the current situation is Football Development said he hoped the
International to keep paying more for rights has been questioned by not satisfactory, everyone sees the gap is getting bigger debate would change in the coming
experts in football finance, and it offered no details as to and bigger between a few who have it all, and others weeks.
THE PGA Tour has granted per- the potential repercussions for domestic leagues or who have nothing.” – AFP
mission to its members to miss “We face opposition but what I regret
one of its own events and instead is that 90% of this opposition is emotion
compete at February’s Saudi and not facts and not analysis, we have to
International, Golfweek reported get over this fear because most of the
yesterday, citing a memo to play- emotions that we face are based on fear,“
ers. Thirty players including Phil he said. – Reuters
Mickelson, Dustin Johnson and
Bryson DeChambeau were Inter looking to Inter Milan’s Napoli’s 1-0 win in the San Siro on Sunday saw
granted waivers to miss the PGA end 2021 in style current manager them climb above Milan to sit second on goal
Tour’s AT&T Pebble Beach Pro- Simone Inzaghi difference. They too went unbeaten in their opening
Am, which is taking place over the INTER MILAN will look to go out with a bang in the (right) with 12 league games before falling away. Victory over
same Feb. 3-6 weekend. Players Italian top flight’s final round of fixtures before the former boss Spezia will keep them in the title hunt. – Reuters
that compete at the Saudi winter break this week after a year to remember for Antonio Conte.
International had to commit to Simone Inzaghi’s Serie A table toppers. of the season, have stuttered of late, losing three of
playing the event in the future as their last six league games.
a condition of the waiver. The PGA Inter lifted their first Scudetto in 11 years in May, Empoli are Milan’s final opponent tomorrow
Tour confirmed the accuracy of finishing 12 points ahead of rivals AC Milan in (3.45am) and will be no pushovers, having already
Golfweek’s reporting and in an second. beaten Juve and Napoli this season.
email added a statement from
Andy Pazder, PGA Tour chief tour- After losing key figures in that title success during
naments and competitions offi- the close season – coach Antonio Conte, top
cer:“While we certainly have goalscorer Romelu Lukaku and flying fullback Achraf
grounds to deny conflicting event Hakimi – things did not start well this term, with Inter
releases, we have decided in this playing catch up until recent weeks.
instance to allow a group of Tour
players the opportunity to play They have found top gear again, however, to sit
with conditions attached that will top of the standings by four points. Inter were
contribute to the success of AT&T crowned winter champions, too, following their sixth
Pebble Beach Pro-Am in future successive league win, at Salernitana on Friday, and
years.” Milan’s loss to Napoli on Sunday.
Lineker hits out at FIA Friday’s 5-0 success took Inter to 100 goals in a
calendar year for the first time in their Serie A history,
LEWIS HAMILTON was denied a with Torino their final opponent of a successful 2021
record-breaking eighth Formula tomorrow (1.30am Malaysian time).
One world title because of an
unfair final lap of the season, Gary By their high standards, Juventus’s 2021 has been
Lineker has claimed. Lineker’s nothing short of woeful.
comments came as the former
England international hosted the Looking to make it 10 successive league titles last
2021 Sports Personality of the season, rookie coach Andrea Pirlo could only steer
Year award at the weekend. Juve to fourth position – a return that cost him his
Hamilton, a two-time winner of job.
the award, was omitted from the
six-person shortlist after finishing Massimiliano Allegri returned to save the day in
runner-up to Verstappen in the the close season, taking charge of the Turin club for
title race. But the seven-time the second time, but he has fared even worse.
champion’s stellar season was still
recognised during a video mon- Milan are again looking likely to be one of Inter’s
tage of the Formula One season. main title challengers, but Stefano Pioli’s side, who
“That was the most incredible went unbeaten in their opening 12 league matches
end to a season that had abso-
lutely everything, possibly apart Valencia down Levante in seven-goal thriller
from a fair final lap,”Lineker said.
The presenter added of Hamilton: GONCALO GUEDES and Carlos Soler doubled their advantage as Roger minutes of normal time remaining “We grew into the game, and after
“He’s a class act, and now a knight scored twice each as Valencia came Marti finished off a counter-attack. from another counter-attack. Guedes’ goal we were determined for
of the realm. Arise Sir Lewis from two goals down to secure a 4-3 the victory. We achieved it deservedly,”
because you deserve all the acco- derby victory at La Liga basement side Valencia pulled a goal back just Enis Bardhi reduced the deficit in Bordalas told
lades. You are one of the greatest Levante yesterday. before the interval via a superb stoppage time, but Alessio Lisci’s men
sport stars Britain has ever pro- Guedes strike from the edge of the could not save themselves from “We gave them too many chances,
duced.” The hosts took the lead in the 21st area after a neat one-two. defeat. then the team suffered from being
minute after being awarded a penalty excessively ambitious and it could
after a Mouctar Diakhaby handball. Soler equalised five minutes into While Levante – still without a have cost us dearly, but I want to
the second half with a penalty after league win this term – remain bottom congratulate the players.
Jose Campana had his spotkick Ruben Vezo fouled Hugo Duro. of the table, seven points adrift of
saved by Jasper Cillessen but put the safety, Jose Bordalas’Valencia are up a “It was a difficult game, and we
ball away on the follow-up. The visitors went ahead via a 72nd- position to seventh, swapping places achieved a very important victory.” –
minute Soler effort before Guedes with Barcelona. Agencies
Three minutes later Levante completed his own brace with five
TOUCHLINES No excuses for Arsenal
Arteta insists Gunners won’t use Covid chaos as reason for loss of form
NEWCASTLE UNITED are keen to ARSENAL will not use the ongoing
bolster their attacking options in disruption caused by Covid as an ready that unpredictable things are going to the next six days.
January with Manchester United’s excuse for any dip in form, according happen – and stop complaining about “I think it is very difficult for everybody,”
26-year-old French striker Anthony to manager Mikel Arteta. everything that happens.
Martial and Inter Milan’s Bosnian Arteta added. “It is very difficult for yourself
front man Edin Dzeko, 35, on their “Then you will find excuses. We can find and the way you have to do your work, it is very
shortlist. The Gunners have been one of the clubs who excuses for everything. We know what is going difficult for (chief executive) Vinai
MANCHESTER UNITED are close to have fared best amid the latest outbreak to happen, we know bad news will come Venkatesham because he is dealing with a lot
bringing highly rated French mid- sweeping through the Premier League, probably, so we have to expect it and try to of meetings, a lot of responsibilities to try to
fielder Boubacar Kamara, 22, to Old decimating the fixture schedule along the way. prevent it if we can with all the protocols we defend the interest of the club in the right way.
Trafford from Marseille for what would Their 4-1 win at Leeds was the only top-flight have. But we have to be prepared as well with “It is difficult for the players, for myself, for
be Ralf Rangnick’s first signing as game to survive on Saturday as the victory Plan B, C and D.” the staff because we don’t know really who is
interim manager. ensured Arsenal would be in the top four at Chelsea boss Thomas Tuchel led criticism of going to be available to do what, and we are all
MANCHESTER UNITED have joined Christmas. the Premier League over the weekend, accusing trying to help each other and get the best out
the race to sign River Plate and Ahead of their Carabao Cup last eight clash it of risking the health and safety of his players of the situation.
Argentina forward Julian Alvarez, against League One outfit Sunderland after the Covid-hit Blues failed in a bid to have “We have to respect the decisions I made
21. overnight, Arteta stressed the need to roll with their match at Wolves on Sunday postponed. because we have to believe that those
REAL MADRID are in talks with the punches and have plans in place to deal as Yesterday the Premier League decided decisions are based first of all on the well-
Antonio Rudiger in a bid to sign the well as possible with any Covid issues. against halting the season or postponing the being of all of us, that we are involved, and
28-year-old Germany defender when Asked whether he has had to take a different fixtures between Boxing Day and new year. secondly because we have to protect the game,
his contract with Chelsea expires in approach in recent weeks, Arteta replied: “Have Arsenal face a trip to Norwich on Dec. 26 and that is important as well.” – The
June. a really positive approach and your mindset before hosting Wolves and Manchester City over Independent
EVERTON have agreed a £17m Klopp slammed for ‘bullying’ referees
(RM96m) deal for Dynamo Kyiv and
Ukraine left-back Vitaliy JURGEN KLOPP needs “to be admirer of his team… but I do Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp shouts
Mykolenko, 22, paving the way for reigned in” as the Liverpool think we have to look at the way during the English Premier League
out-of-favour French defender manager’s antics could almost be he’s operating now,” Jordan said
Lucas Digne, 28, to leave the Toffees classed as “bullying”, believes to TalkSPORT. match against Spurs at the Tottenham
amid interest from Newcastle and former Crystal Palace owner Hotspur Stadium in London. – AFPPIX
Leicester. Simon Jordan. “He’s operating at a level
EVERTON could be offered Juventus which makes him omnipotent
and Brazil midfielder Arthur, 25, as The former Borussia around every aspect of the
part of any deal for the Italian club to Dortmund boss was booked technical area, whether it’s
sign Digne. during the Reds’ 2-2 away draw bullying the opposition, bullying
ARSENAL are eyeing a move for two with Tottenham Hotspur after the fourth official, bullying the
Juventus players – Arthur and his side were not given a media.
Swedish winger Dejan Kulusevski, penalty when Diogo Jota was
21. brought down in the box by “I don’t like to use the word
NEWCASTLE and West Ham are Emerson Royal. ‘bullying’ because it invokes
monitoring the situation of dynamics of others being weaker
Tottenham’s English midfielder Dele It proved to be a key moment, but he’s very, very strong and is
Alli, 25. as Antonio Conte’s side ended moving into a territory where I’ve
BAYERN MUNICH and France Liverpool’s six match winning not seen many managers
winger Kingsley Coman, 25, who is streak, and enabled Man City to operate.”
a transfer target for Liverpool and pull three points clear at the top
Manchester United, is negotiating a of the Premier League table. And while Jordan admitted
contract extension with the he sometimes enjoys watching
Bundesliga champions. Klopp’s was also frustrated Klopp’s mind games, he believes
NEWCASTLE are interested in French Harry Kane was not given a red he can often go too far.
striker Moussa Dembele, with Lyon card after the England captain
open to selling the 25-year-old if a caught Andrew Robertson with a “I like it in one respect but I
suitable offer is made for him. very late and out of control was watching the game and
ERLING BRAUT HAALAND’S agent challenge in the first-half. thought to myself ‘you’re getting
Mino Raiola has denied claims that a bit carried away with yourself,
the 21-year-old Borussia Dortmund After the match, Klopp you’re getting a bit too much
and Norway striker has a pre-agree- confronted referee Paul Tierney, latitude,’ Jordan added.
ment to make a move to Real and was heard saying “I have no
Madrid in the summer. problems with referees, only you. “I just watch him and think he
BARCELONA have agreed personal You have never played football.” needs to be reigned in a bit. I just
terms with Ferran Torres but have not think he’s pushing the envelope
yet finalised a deal for the 21-year-old And amid the controversy, and he’s asserting his personality
Spanish forward with Manchester City. Jordan sharply claimed Klopp over people in a way that I think
Aston Villa have made an offer for may need to be brought down a should be managed a little bit
Liverpool and England defender Joe peg or two, as his behaviour is differently.
Gomez, 24. (CalcioMercato) borderline “bullying”.
JUVENTUS are eyeing a move for a “He’s not out of control, he’s
striker in January with Arsenal’s “I’m a massive admirer of pushing the envelope.” – Express
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, 32, Jurgen Klopp and a massive Newspapers
Manchester United’s Edinson
Cavani, 34, and Paris St-Germain’s Mahrez wants City to keep foot down in title chase
Mauro Icardi, 28, all on their
shortlist. RIYAD Mahrez has warned following Sunday’s 4-0 win at lowly everyone can drop points and we said.
Manchester City they cannot afford Newcastle after both their closest have to keep focused.” “Sometimes it’s not easy, but we
to let standards slip if they are to rivals could only manage draws.
achieve their dreams despite Manager Pep Guardiola was have to try to be focused in every
strengthening their position at the “We are in very good form. I don’t unhappy with his side’s first-half game and give everything because
top of the Premier League table. know if it’s our best form, but we are display at St James’Park but consoled we know we have the quality to
in very good form and we have to himself with his team’s consistency. arrive there at the end, so we have to
The reigning champions will head keep going. keep going.
into Christmas sitting three points “We try to be consistent,
clear of second-placed Liverpool and “We have to not drop it because otherwise you wouldn’t win leagues “We’re in a very good moment
six better off than Chelsea in third at this moment in the year, there are and trophies. The most important and we have to keep it up and keep
a lot of games and it’s difficult, thing is to be consistent,”Mahrez going.”– The Independent
Cottagers blow chance to go five points clear after stumble against Blades
FULHAM missed the chance to go playoffs, with their fourth win in a The decisive moment of the “It wasn’t our best performance “The main reason is clear for me.
five points clear at the top of the row. game came in just the third minute definitely,” Fulham manager Marco We did so many good things so far
Championship as they suffered a when Ndiaye, receiving the ball in Silva told BBC Sport after the game. this season and we did the right
surprise 1-0 loss at home to Sheffield Despite Fulham suffering their his own half, advanced as Tosin things until now.
United yesterday. first defeat since Oct. 2 to end a run Adarabioyo and Tim Ream back- “We had a lot of unforced errors
of 11 unbeaten matches, the London tracked before the forward struck an tonight and didn’t create the “This was a really bad evening,
Iliman Ndiaye’s early goal at club remained two points clear of accurate shot into the bottom problems that we should have not because of the result but
Craven Cottage meant the Blades Bournemouth at the top of the table. corner. created for them. because of the way we played.
remain unbeaten under new
manager Paul Heckingbottom. Only the top two teams at the Sheffield United then protected “We try to perform better than “We have to analyse it now and
end of the regular season are their lead with aggressive defending our opponents but the main thing prepare the game against
They moved up to 11th place in guaranteed promotion to the that denied Fulham room to play. we should do is do it our way. Birmingham on Boxing Day.” –
the table, three points off the Premier League. Tonight we didn’t do it our way. AFP/Agencies
TELLINGtheSuITASITnISSPORTS I just watch him and think he QU OTE OF THE DAY
needs to be reigned in a bit. I
just think he’s pushing the
envelope and he’s asserting his
personality over people in a way that I
think should be managed a little bit
differently. He’s not out of control.”
WEDNESDAY • DECEMBER 22, 2021 Former Crystal Palace owner Simon Jordan on Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp
Tuchel must rediscover golden Chelsea’s Thiago Silva in action with
Wolves’ Raul Jimenez during Sunday’s
touch to avoid bleak midwinter English Premier League match at the
Molineux Stadium in Wolverhampton.
█ RICHARD JOLLY six points that hurt.”
Whether he was bloodied in the process
THOMAS TUCHEL was midway through an answer remains to be seen. The nature of managing
when he interrupted himself to ask if Manchester Chelsea is that the first slump tends to also prove
City had won. Confirmation came. the worst and the last.
“OK, so that’s predictable,” he said, his lack of Their previous Champions League winner,
confidence in Newcastle United justified even Roberto Di Matteo, was gone in November. Tuchel’s
before he knew their margin of defeat. predecessor, Frank Lampard, began December top
But the gap between English and European of the League and was gone in January, with a
champions had also widened. City are now six setback at Molineux part of his undoing.
ahead of Chelsea. That Tuchel’s weakened team showed greater
Tuchel pronounced himself satisfied with his toughness is an indication that history may not
point at Molineux. He had begun his own repeat itself.
rationalisation of a stalemate with Wolves with the Yet this has been his worst month in charge of
indisputable assertion that “the circumstances are Chelsea. In itself, that reflects the success of going
the circumstances”. from 10th to 4th last season and then leading the
There were the seven Covid cases in the Chelsea League this season, of conjuring a Champions
squad, the responsible approach that meant Kai League win from a side who started 2021 in a
Havertz was omitted against Everton and then nosedive.
Jorginho against Wolves when they had symptoms Tuchel has often seemed the decision-maker
but had not tested positive. extraordinaire, the man whose choices came with
While he had 14 outfield players left, he said, added insight. Even the leftfield moves seemed
“look in more detail”. Trevoh Chalobah, he claimed, product of inspiration, not desperation.
had only had two training sessions, N’Golo Kante But not at Molineux, where Tuchel displayed
and Mateo Kovacic one apiece. more creativity in his deployment of the last men
Perhaps theirs is a tale of our times, of a standing than his side did on the pitch. His back
superclub’s supersized squad diminished by a virus, three was abandoned with three-quarters of the
forced to play after others managed not to but game remaining.
nevertheless boasting such resources that Ross With the notable exceptions of James and
Barkley, a veteran of 33 England caps, was left Mason Mount, Chelsea have had too few matvh-
unused. winners of late, but Tuchel has also stopped being
The governing body rejected Chelsea’s request the catalyst, the manager with the golden touch.
to call the game off. He looked agitated on the touchline in
“We had an opinion and the Premier League Wolverhampton, though he sounded more
had an opinion,” Tuchel said. “We agree to disagree.” philosophical and serene afterwards.
The circumstances – including Wolves’ The chances are that he would welcome a break
formidable defensive record and the redoubtable may get one, but his side could be further behind
resistance of Romain Saiss, Conor Coady and co – before they play again.
made it a good draw. The context made it a bad A point at Molineux might have been a
one. damage-limitation exercise, as a team who
Chelsea are now playing catch-up and they have suddenly kept conceding only allowed one shot on
slipped further behind. Tuchel outlined where a target, and he scarcely looks in the Lampard death
season that may have been derailed. spiral.
“The problem are not the points we dropped But if this is another bleak midwinter for
today,” he said. “The points that hurt are the points Chelsea, they may again need Tuchel the original
we lost at home against Manchester United, thinker to plot a path back to the top. They need
Show mustagainst Burnley and against Everton. These are the Tuchel to be Tuchel again. – The Independent go on
Premier League opts against postponing round of fixtures despite Covid chaos
█ JAMIE BRAIDWOOD matches went ahead on Sunday despite their whether this season’s Carabao Cup semifinals “The League continues to work with clubs to
squads being hit by Covid absences, both should be played across one leg rather than the encourage vaccination among players and club
THE Premier League is set to continue highlighted the danger of players rushing back traditional home and away ties. staff, as well as promoting the government’s
through the festive period despite the from injuries in order to fulfil fixture public health vaccination messaging to clubs and
escalating crisis caused by Covid-19 commitments. A Premier League statement read: “It was the wider public.
across top-flight squads, with 90 confirmed at a Premier League club meeting that
confirmed cases among players and staff All 20 Premier League teams are scheduled to while recognising a number of clubs are “No specific details as to clubs or individuals
recorded last week play three matches between Boxing Day and Jan experiencing Covid-19 outbreaks and will be provided by the League, and player
3. Seven Premier League teams, including challenges, it is the League’s collective intention vaccination rates will now be publicly
The option to postpone a full round of fixtures Chelsea and Liverpool, also face Carabao Cup to continue the current fixture schedule where communicated at the end of each month,
during the Premier League’s festive programme quarterfinals this week. safely possible. beginning in January.”
was discussed in a meeting of all 20 clubs
yesterday. Given the impact on top-flight squads, one “The health and wellbeing of all concerned The English Football League (EFL) will also
option on the table was rescheduling an entire remains our priority and the League will continue over the festive period, despite a
Only four Premier League matches took place round of fixtures to a later point in the season. continue to monitor and reflect public health number of Boxing Day fixtures across the
across the weekend as the number of guidance, always proceeding with caution. Championship and League Two being
postponements due to Covid-19 outbreaks in the The idea of moving gameweek 20, which is set postponed due to Covid-19.
past week reached 10 fixtures. to be shown live in the UK on Amazon Prime “A range of issues were discussed at this
between Dec. 28 and Dec. 30, was discussed but afternoon’s meeting, including the adaption of “The EFL can confirm that its programme of
The Premier League had previously resisted did not receive universal support. the Premier League Covid-19 postponement games in the league and Carabao Cup will
calls to enforce a break, and is set to stand by its process in response to the impact of the Omicron continue with fixtures to be played where it is safe
intention to “continue its current fixture schedule Meanwhile, the Football Association has variant. to do so, and the set squad criteria can be fulfilled
where safely possible”. decided to scrap third and fourth round replays by club,” the organisation said in a statement.
from the FA Cup in an attempt to help with the “The League also confirmed to its clubs today
Growing concerns around player welfare, mounting fixture congestion. that 92% of players and club staff have received “While the league acknowledges there will
sporting integrity and confusion over the one, two or three Covid-19 vaccination doses, likely be future postponements to navigate where
inconsistencies of postponements led to calls The Premier League has yet to decide when with 84% of players on the vaccination journey. Covid-19 cases are identified, there is optimism
from managers for space to be freed up during the matches postponed due to Covid-19 will be that disruption can be minimised following
the hectic festive period. rescheduled, and the midweek dates in late “Players who have had one or two doses are implementation of ‘red protocols,’ a daily testing
January and mid-February could offer clubs a required to wait for the appropriate time period regime and ongoing vaccination rollout.” – The
Chelsea manager Thomas Tuchel and window to fulfil their fixtures. before receiving either their second or booster Independent
Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp, whose vaccinations.
There are also discussions taking place on
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