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Published by darina zhelezova, 2020-06-19 09:01:23



page 289 page294

11NP 2 NP 3P 4NP 5NP 6P 7P 8NP 1 1 Open the packet at the other end.
2 See the diagram at the top of the next page.
2 (possible answer)
3 Take the car to the garage; find a baby-sitter for
Dear X tonight; see Oliver at 3.30.
l'm sorry to trouble you, but I have a question that I
can't find the answer to, and I wonder if you can help 2 Pour mixture into large saucepan, heat until boiling,
me. Could you possibly tell me the difference between
shy and timid? then add three pounds sugar and leave on low heat for
I look forward to hearing from you. 45 minutes.
Yours sincerely, Y
31 Are you coming today?
page 290
2 Thanks for a great party.
1 1 Could 2 wondered, were 3 hoped, would 3 Just to let you know.
4 might 5 did you want 6 Would, brought 4 Will you be here (on) Thursday evening?
7 could 8 Did 9 Would 10 Did 5 Are you OK?
6 (l) got your message.
I2 was thinking / thought, was 2 was hoping / 7 (l) will be at (the) barbecue at nine.
6 (l) need more information.
hoped, didn't 3 were wondering / wondered, could
4 Were 5 was wondering / wondered, could page295
6 lwas expecting
3 (possible answers)
1 l'll have to ask you to come back on Tuesday. 2 1 Hospitals are to take / will take fewer patients.
2 l'll need two copies. 2 A dog travelled 500 miles and found its owners.
3 l'm afraid you'll need to pay in advance. 3 A/The boy has been found safe.
4 That will be f25.60, please. 4 A boy has found a safe.
5 Ministers were warned three years ago about flood
page 291
6 (possible answers)
1 lt's kind of expensive. I
2 The music's quite boring.
3 I think l'll go for a walk.
4 We are writing to congratulate you on your prize.
5 We're thinking of meeting again next week.
6 Maybe we'll sell our house.
7 She's rather bad-tempered.
8 This meat smells a bit funny.
9 I would like to thank you for your donation.

10 We are writing to ask if you would give a talk to our


I 1 I do like old cowboy films.

2 Annemarie did talk a lot.
3 His voice does get on my nerves.
4 Do excuse me for interrupting you.
5 I do think it's time to go home.
6 Do be polite to your grandfather.
7 I do apologise for coming late.
8 Do say hello to Sally for me.

2 1 do like 2 do throw 3 did have 4 was
5 didflnd 6 didendup 7 dofix 8 will



o few 166 after anyway: discourse marker 266
o knowledge tzs 246 and any way306
o little too
d lot of tos tenses 52, 204 apart fromt discourse marker 264
o lot of and lots of 168 apologise for + -ing f orm 95
o on: see articles after all: discourse marker apostrophes in plurals 303
abbreviated styles zo+ 264,306 opparently: discourse marker 266
able: be able to 59,60 approach: no preposition 1 15
occommodation: agreei not usually progressive 28 arrange for somebody to do

uncountable 125 ain't 9 something 96

accuse: structure 97 oll right: discourse marker 263 arrive at or in 193
active and passive verb forms 297 alight: position 175 articles 142-149
alike: position 175
active verbs with passive alivei position 175 basic rules 142-145
expressions without articles
meanings 85 oll tst,tos
actually: discourse marker 265, (e.9. in bed) 144
all that meaning 'the only thing generalising with articles 1 46-1 47
266,267 generalising without the 144
that'261 geographical names 144
adjective clauses 2OB-21 5 superlatives without the 185
adjective complement after be, and everybody/everyo ne 1 57 various other points 148-149

seem etc 1 73 and whole 158 as
after verb + object (e.g.You make and /ike I89
structure with not 5
me nervous) 1 11 as, since and because
adjectives 172-178 all day and every day 1 57
all the same: discourse (reasons) 240
adjective or adverb? 1 73
marker 265 as, when and while 240
comparison 181- l86
allow + infinitive or -ingformgg as ... a ... 188
order 174 alone: position 1 75 as much 165
already with present perfect or inverted word order 258
participles used as adjectives (e.g special word order 257
broken, falling) 176 simple past 45,49 as ... as 181
+ present orfuture242
position 175 d/so: discourse marker 265 as a motter of foct: discourse

structures after adjectives 1 78 although marker 267

use of and 174 tenses 242 as a result" discourse marker 264
without nouns (e.9. the asfar as .,, isconcerned:
and though 306
blind) 177 discourse marker 263
advonced used before noun with always os for: discourse marker 263
He's always etc 26, 47
active meaning 176 position 180 as lwas saying: discourse
adverb clauses 232-247
adverb particles 1 1 2, 1 1 6-1 17 position in imperatives 10 marker 263
amn't 302 as if zqt
adverb or adjective? 1 73 American and British English 310
it looks as if 228
comparative adverbs '1 82 irregular verbs 298-299
position of adverbs 180 as regards: discourse marker 263
difference between adverbs and as soon ds: tenses 52,204
conjunctions 254-256 omong and between 197 os though 241
amount'. a large amount etc 1 68
position 179-180 and zoz it looks as though 228
advertisements: a bbreviated
leaving words out after and 280 as well as 306
language 294 aswell as thaf: discourse
advice: uncountable 1 25 with adjectives 174
advise + -ing f orm 94 marker 265
try and etc202,307
+ infinitive or -ingform99 another four tables elc 126 osk: structures 1 19
afford + infinitive 93 another thing is: discourse asleep'. position 175
afloat: position I75 ossume: not usually progressive 28
afraid: position 175 marker 265 astonish: not usually

afraid (o0 + infinitive or -lng any 161-162,164,169 progressive 28
form 100
and some basics 161, 162 at any ratei discourse marker 266
afraid so/not 279 at leasti discourse marker 266
'free choice' meaning 164

or any of 169
or no article 162

with comparatives 186
anyhow: discourse marker 266
anyone and any one306

anything that ... 208


af: placeand movement 193 British and American English 310 inverted word order 237
df: suggesting aggressive COng rAtu late: structure 97
tenses 49
behaviour 1 15 conjunctions 2oo-206
broadly speaking: discourse
attempt: * infinitive 93 difference between conju nctions
marker 264 and adverbs 254-256
auxiliary verbs: see be, have, do
and modals but double conjunctions 203
notes on some conjunctions
avail ab I e: structu res 306 discourse marker 265
awakei position 175 leaving words out after but 280 240-243

baggage: uncountable 1 25 by tenses after conjunctions 204-205
bank: treated as plural I26 and until 197 consequently: discourse
and with 198
be 16-18 (method) 194 marker 264

+ infinitive (l am to ... etc) 34,37 in passive structures 78 adverb, not conjunction 254
ambeingetc 16 by the way: discourse marker 263 consider
don't be ... 10
there is 17-18 coll + object + adjective/noun (e.9. /
be able to 59,60
be going fo 3o-33 + object + adjective/noun (e.9. Are consider it an honour.) 111
or present progressive or you calling me a liar?) 1 11 + object + infinitive 97

will3O-33 with two objects: structures 1 'l 8 consist
wos going to (future in the not usually progressive 28
can 58-62,65-67 consist of 114
past) 37 can see, feel etc29
can't and may not 66 contain: not usually
be supposed tozt
be used to and used to 105 can't bear + infinitive or progressive 2B
-ingform 10'l
be used to 105 continue + infinitive or
becouse can't have ...ed etc 68-70 -ingform 101

because, since and as care for/about 114 contractions 302
(reasons) 240 causative structures 1 20-1 21 cook with two objects:

tenses 242 couse somebody to do structures 1 18
two possible meanings of because- cost: not usually progressive 28
something 96 costly: adjective, not adverb 1 73
clauses in negative sentences 9
before (adverb) with present certain (ofl + infinitive or could s,-oz,oo-ol
-ingform 100
perfect 45 could have...ed etc 68-70
before (conjunction) certainly: discourse marker 265 in indirect speech 221
choir, chairman 132 246 chance: used like an uncountable in sentences with if 234

tenses 52, 204 noun I25 countable and uncountable
change: used like an uncountable
before turning fo: discourse nouns 125
noun 'l 25 covered by/with 84
marker 263 choir: treated as plural 126
begin + infinitive or -ing form 101 cowardly: adjective, not
believe choose * infinitive 93 adverb 1 73

+ object + infinitive 97 clauses and sentences 200 crash into 114
believe in 1 14 c/eon: meaning'completely' 306
believe in + -ing form 95 cleft sentences 260 daily:ad)ective and adverb 173
collopsed: used before noun with dore:forms306
believe so/not 279
active meaning 176 daren't 306
I don't believe .. . B collective nouns with plural verbs
not usually progressive 28 dates 3t 1
belong: not usually progressive 28 and pronouns 126 dead
besides come and .,.307
commentarieszgq meaning'completely' 306
and except 198 comparatives and superlatives
the dead"l77
discourse marker 265 1 82-1 86 deadly:adjective, not adverb I 73
bef + present tense for future 306 deaf, the deaf 177
adverbs 1 82 deal: a great deal 168
between and among 197 forms '1 82 decide + infinitive 93-94
blind: the blind 177 modification wilh much,
born gs declarative questions 286-288
far etc 186 declare (performative verb) 26
both tsg,tog more and more etc 'l 83 defining relative clauses 210,
the more ... the more etc 183
both ... and 203 215
complements of nouns 133
and both of 169 complex indirect speech: demonstratives (thrs, rhdr etc)
bother + infinitive 93
break: active form with passive structures 275 1 s0-1 51
this, that and it 253
meaning 85 COnCerni not usually deny'. not usually progressive 28
progressive 2B
briefly: discourse marker 263 depend on tt+
bring with two objects: condition: on condition that 238
conditionals 232-239 + object + -ing form 97
structures 1 1B not usually progressive 28
in indirect speech 221 describe:structures 1 1 B, 1 1 l


deserve: not usually with do 10,16,20,292 first: position 174
progressive 28 emphatic imperatives 1 o first of all: discourse marker 263
encourage somebody to do first time etc: with perfect
despite thi s/that: discourse
something 96 tenses 54
marker 264 firstly'. discourse marker 263
end-weight zst
determiners: enjoy + -ingform 93-94 fif: not usually progressive 28
enough 167,169 focus on 114
articles, demonstratives and
+ infinitive 102 for ... to ... 102,104
possessives 142-153 enter no preposition 1 15
quantifiers 156-169 equipment: uncountable 1 25 after enough 167
developed: used before noun with escapedi used before noun with
for.,.ing purpose 194
active meaning 176 active meaning 176 for and during 197
difference: used like an even: position 179
even so'. discourse marker 265 for another (thing): discourse
uncountable noun 1 25 every 160
different: very different 306 marker 263
and each 160,169
difficulty: used like an uncountable every day and all day 157 for example: discourse
noun I25 every one 160,169
structure with not 5 marker 265
directly z+z ev e ry b ody /ev e ry o n e and
discourse markers 262-269 for i nstance: discourse
discuss: no preposition 1 15 all 157
dislike everyone and every one 306 marker 265

+ -ingform94 everything and all 157 for one fhing: discourse
evidence: uncountable 1 25
not usually progressive 28 except and besides 198 marker 263
except for'. discourse
distancing: past, progressive and forbid + infinitive or -ingformgg
marker 264 forget + infinitive or -ingformgB
future forms used for politeness forgive: structure 97
exclamations 13 formality
290-291 with negative questions 7
actives and passives 81
divide... into 114 expect complex noun phrases in formal
+ infinitive 93-94
divorce or be divorced 85 wtiting 274
do expect so/not 279 informal structures with lf 239
inverted word order 258-259
auxiliary with negative words 4 expect somebody to do
emphatic uses 10, 16,20,292 /ittle and few 166
in structures with something 96
phrasal verbs and one-word
ellipsis2T6-277 in negative structures B
experi en ce: countable or equivalents i 16
doso 2ll polite formulae in written
uncountable 125
doubt: not usually progressive 28 explain: structures 1 1B invitations etc 291
dozen: plural without -s 311
dream about/of 114 faded: used before noun with pronouns in lt's methat ...
dropping words see ellipsis active meaning 176
drown or be drowned 85 etc 260
during and for 197 fail + infinitive 93 structures in informal speech and
foir: adverb 306
each and every 160,169 fallen: used before noun with active writing 281-283
each other 136-137
early:adjective and adverb 173 meaning 176 that or who in relative
echo questions 286-2BB family: treated as plural 126
either far: with comparatives 1 86 clauses 21 4
quantifier 159,169 fractions 3t t
either ... or 203 + object + infinitive 97 frankly'. discourse marker 266
elder andeldest: position I75 + object + infinitive in passive 96 frequency: adverbs of
el ect + object + adjective/nou n + object + infinitive without
frequency 180
(e.9. They elected Susan to96 friendly: adjective, not adverb 1 73
frightened by/of84
President.) 111 can feel 29
feel like + -ing form 94 fronting 257
ellipsis (leaving out words) progressive or not 2B-29 furniture: uncountable 1 25
further: discourse marker 265
after and, but and or28O few and little 166,169 fu rthermore: discourse
after auxiliaries 27 6-277 fewer and less 166
fewest 166 marker 265
in spoken sentences 281 filled aymnhe+
with infinitives 278 finally: discourse marker 263 future
find + object + infinitive 97
with 50 and not: believe so fine zoo will, going to and present forms
etc 279 finished: be finished 306
embedding 270-273 future in the past 37
future passive 78
in speech: stress 292 future perfect 36
future progressive 35
it... that260 future verb forms used for

position of adverbs 180 politeness 290-291

what...lsetc 261


gendeilI32 her: see personal pronouns if only tenses 206
get here: with inverted word order 26,
if possible 237
as passive auxiliary 79 259
if so/not 279
get divorced, dressed, drowned, here's and there s + plural
noun 127 in indirect speech 221,222
married 85 meaning'although'238
hesitate + infinitive 93 used for politeness 291
get on with 113 him: see personal pronouns i//: position 175
his, her, hers etc: see possessives
get somebody to do home: prepositions 307 imagine
honestly: discourse marker 266 I don't imagine ... 8
something 120 hope
imagine so/not 279
get something done 120-121 * infinitive 93-94
i m mediately: conju nction 242
get something happening 120 + present tense for future 307 imperatives 10-1 1
have got 19
hope so/not 279 not used in requests 289
give impress: not usually
passive structures 79 how... a...1BB progressive 28
with two objects: structures 1 1B how...!word order 13
give up + -ingform94 z+o
how-clause as subject, object or
go and ...307 complement 227 in addition: discourse marker 265
go on + infinitive or -ing form 98 in all/most/some coses discourse
going to see be going to how many as subject: word
gonna (='going to') 302 marker 264
gotta (='got to') 302 order 2
government: treated as how to .. . 222 in and on 193
in any case: discourse marker 266
plural 126 how long haveyou been here / are in case and if 235
i n conclusio n: discou rse
gradable and non-gradable you herefor? 44
marker 263
adjectives 309 however
granted'. discourse marker 265 adverb, not conjunction 254-256 in fact: discourse marker 267
in front of and opposite 198
group nouns: with plural verbs and on the other hand 3O7 in general: discourse marker 264
and pronouns 126 conjunction in adverb in order to zql
in other words: discourse
grown-upi used before noun with clauses 243
active meaning 176 marker 265
discourse marker 264, 265
guess so/not 279 i n pa rticu la r: discou rse
had betterlt marker 265
hundred, a hundred, one in short: discourse marker 263
in indirect speech 221
hundred 311 in spite of this/that: discourse
hafta (= 'have to') 302 plural without -s 3l 1
half (of) zoo marker 264
happen: if . .. happen to 237 I don't know: discourse
hardly in the first place: discourse
marker 266
need hardly + infinitive 74 marker 263
not used with not 4 I feel: discourse marker 266
with inverted word order 258 in the same way: discourse
hate I guess: discourse marker 266
+ infinitive or -ing form 100 I reckon: discourse marker 266 marker 264
+object +-ingform9T
not usually progressive 28 /: see personal pronouns i ncide ntally: d iscourse
I suppose: discourse marker 266
have 19 I think: dlscourse marker 266 marker 263
I'd rather you... etc: tenses 206
have a swim etc 'l 32 l'm afraid: discourse marker 266 include: not usually
idea: used like an uncountable
have something done 120-121 progressive 28
have something happen/ noun 125 increosed: used before noun with

happening 121 identifying relative clauses 210, active meaning 176
have (got) fo and must63 215
he: see personal pronouns adverb, not conjunction 254
headlines zgs if (conditional clauses) 232-239 very... indeed3OT
and in case 235 indirect speech 21 8-223
+ object + infinitive in passive 96 and whether in indirect
+ object + infinitive or complex structures 275
questions 222
-ingform99 'indirect'verb forms in polite
discourse marker 265
+ object + infinitive without requests erc290-291
to96 if any,164
infinitives 88-106
can hear 29 if .. . happen to 237
* preposition (a garden to play in
hearabout/of114 if .. . should 237
etc) 1 02
not usually progressive 28 if .. . was/were to 237
help somebody (to) do something after enough/too 102
if I were you 239 after nouns 1 33
96,307 if in doubt 205 after noun/pronoun phone callsto
if it were not for etc 236
make, nothing to do etc
if necessary etc 237
if not and unless 235
.for . .. to . . 102, 104

for there to be 104

in indirect speech 222


infinitive clauses24T know + object + infinitive 97 make something happen lzl
nfinitive of purpose24T know:notusuallyprogressive28 manage * infinitiveg3
nfinitive or -ing form both know what I meon?i discourse many a 165
possible after some adjectives/ marker 267
verbs 9B-10'l known by/tog4 many and much 165,169

103nothing to do / be done with of 169

andsimple, perfect, passive lack marry

negative 89-91 15no preposition 1 no preposition 1 15

verb + object + infinitive 96-97 28not usually progressive or be maruied 85

93verbs followed by infinitives /ast: position 174 mass nouns: see countable

without to92,96 lastly:discourse marker 263 motteri not usually progressive 28

information structure 251-252 least 166 may 58-59,66-67

information: uncountable 125 leaving out words: see ellipsis discourse marker 265

'ing forms 88- l06 169/ess and fewer 166, may have ...ed etc 68-70

after prepositions 194 let may not and can't 66

-ing f orm or infinitive both + object + infinitive without with inverted word order 259

possible after some adjectives/ to96 moybei position 179

verbs98-101 letme,him... etc 12 ,7re: see personal pronouns

perfect -ingformsgl mean
letmesee: discourse marker266 + infinitive or-ingformgg
to 105 let me think: discourse marker 266
verb + object + -ing form 96-97 let's lZ not usually progressive 28

with determin ers my speaking 266let's see: discourse marker mean somebody to do

etc 106 like something 96

insist on 114 + infinitive or -ingform 1oO meanttohave-edetc91

+ -ingform9| if/when/whereyou likeeLc2TS meanwhilei adverb, not

97+ object + -ing form 28not usually progressive conjunction 254

instructions: abbreviated like and as 189 meAsure: non-progressive use 28

language 294 likely melf: active form with passive

intend 173adjective, not adverb meaning 85

+ infinitive 93 structure 307 me,'e: position 175

might 58*59,66-67
+infinitive or-ingform101 |isten+ object+infinitiveor-ing inindirectspeech22l
interested (in) + infinitive or form 99
-ing form 100 little might have ...ed etc 68-70

inversion 258-9 and few 166 mind you'. discourse marker 264

237in conditional clauses with inverted word order 258 mine, yours etc: see possessives

involve: not usually live on llq misrelated participles 245

28progressive lively: adjective, not adverb 173 miss + 'ing f orm 93

irregular verbs 298-299 lonelyi adjective, not adverb 173 modal verbs 58-74

it look in indirect speech 221

It ... thdt emphatic structure 260 264discourse marker money'. uncountable 125

it,heorshe (animals,countries preposition 112, 114 monthlyi adjective and

etc) I32 progressive or nol28-29 adverb'l 73

it, this and that 253 look forward to more 165,169

17if is and there is + 105 comparative structures 182, 183,

26or looking forward to 184, 186

229preparatory object 264look here: discourse marker with of I69
preparatory subject 228
see also personal pronouns look out for 113 more or less: discourse

itistrue fhaf:discourse lofsofand alotof 168 marker 266

marker 265 love morethanone...isingularor

+ infinitive or -ingform 101 plural 127

it looks as if/though ...228 not usually progressive 28-29 moreover'. discourse marker 265
it's no use zol
it'stimeyou... etc: tenses206 lovely:adjective,notadverb I73 most 165,169

it'\Ol /uck: uncountable'l 25 superlativestructures 182,

its and it's 302 luggage: uncountable 125 185, 186

with of 169

just majority: the majority of + plural much
not just any 164 verb 1 26 and many 165,169
with present perfect or simple or very wilh past participles (e.9.
past4s,49 make
+ object + adjective/noun (e.9. much imitated, very
264just as: discourse marker 111You make me nervous.)
keep on: + -ingformg4 96+ object + infinitive in passive frightened) 176
kind of: discourse marker 266 + object + infinitive without uses 187
with comparatives 'l 86
with of 169


must 58-59,63,65 nonetheless: discourse marker 264, on top of that: discourse
and have (got) to 63
26s marker 265
in indirect speech 221 once: conjunction242
must have. . . ed etc 68-70 nor 9
my, your elct see possessives one another 136-137
myself , yourself etc 136-137 and or202 oneof ...i singular 127
or or after not9 one,you and they (general meaning)
name (performative verb) 26
need not 138
and no 5
+ infinitive 93 one(s)i substitute for countable
modal or ordinary forms 74 extra not in if-clauses239 noun 139 passive meaning 95 extra not in negative
need somebody to do sentences 9 only ... with inverted word
order 258
something 96 not .. . or/nor 9
needn'tin indirect speech 221 need only + infinitive 74
not usually progressive 28 not all/every: structu re 5
not used with never, hardly etc 4 only to .. . 247
negatives +-9 position I79
complex negative structures and not onlyiwith inverted word open: active form with passive
reading difficulty 273 order 258
meaning 85
I don't think etc I notes: abbreviated language 294
nothing opposite and in front of 198
negative imperatives 1 0
negative questions 6-7 not used with not 4 or 202
negative questions as nothing to do / be done 103
and nor202
exclamations 13 nouns 124-133 leaving words out after or280
negative questions not used in or nor after not9
+ infinitive: ph one calls to make or rather discourse marker 266
requests 289
negative sentences ending in / etc 1 02 ought s8-s9,64
after verb + object (e.g.They
don't thinWsuppose 9 in indirect speech 221
nof not used with negative elected Susan President) 111 ought to have .. .ed elc 68-70
countable and uncountable 1 25 Ouf, ours etc: see pOSSeSSives
words 4 group (collective) nouns 126 owe
structures after nouns I 33 not usually progressive 28
neither 9 noun clauses 218-229 owe it to ... 229
noun complements 133 own
quantifier 159,169 noun phrases in formal notanovvn 307
neither ... nor 203 not usually progressive 28
never writing2T4
not used with not 4 nouns for activities: d swim participle clauses 244-24s
position 'l 80 participles
position in imperatives 10 etc 1 32
with inverted word order 258 plural forms 303 past participles with active
nevertheless: discou rse marker meaning (e.9. a retired
nouns in groups 128-131 general) 176
news headlines 295 noun + noun or preposition past participles wilh very (e.9. very
news: uncountable 125 frightened) 176
structure i 28-1 30
next position 174 noun + noun or possessive used as adjectives (e.9. broken,
no falling) 176
structure 130,131
and not 5 particles 112,116-117
no andyes in answers to negative noL4l: discourse marker 263 passives 78-85

questions 6 now (that) 242 active verbs with passive
no, not any and none (o0 number: a number of + plural
meanings 85
161,164 verb 1 26 complex structures 82-83
with comparatives 186 numbers 311 get as passive auxiliary 79
passive and active verb
no doubt discourse marker 266 of coursei discourse marker 265
no matter who etc243 of: with quantifiers I69 forms 297
offer + infinitive 93-94 passive infinitive: to be taken
no sooneri with inverted word often: position 180
order 258 etc 1 03
OK: discourse marker 263 position of prepositions 79
non-defining relative clauses present passive with perfective
old: the old 177
210,215 on 246 mea nin g (packed, fi n ished
on and in 193 etc) 84
non-identifying relative on condition that238 reasons for using passives
on the contrary: discourse
clauses 210,215 B0-81
non-progressive verbs 2B-29 marker 264
non-restrictive relative clauses verbs that don't passivise 85
on the one hand: discourse past and perfect tenses 40-54
none (of) 161,169 ;marker 264 past instead of would... after
conjunctions 204
on the other hdnd: discourse

marker 264

and however30T

on the whole: discourse

marker 264


past or past perfect in indirect prefer one(s/: substitute for countable
speech 220-221 noun 139
+ infinitive or -ing form 101
past tense used for politeness not usually progressive 28 possessives 1 52-1 53
somebody to do something 96 reflexives 136-137
past tense with present or future fhey (singular indefinite use) 139
prepare + infinitive 93 with -lng form s: me/my speaking
meaning 206 prepositional verbs 1 i 4-1 1 s,
etc 1 06
past continuous: see past 308-309
progressive see also quantifiers
prepositions i92-198 proper position and meaning 307
past participles punctuation 300-301
+ conjunction s (e.9. the question of
passive or adjectival 84,176 whether) 133, 196 with adverbs and conjunctions
with active meaning (e.g. a retired 254-256
after infinitives (a garden to play in
general) 176 quantifiers 1s6-169
wilh very (e.9. very etc) 102 question tags 284-285
frightened) 176 after verbs, adjectives and nouns
in complex indirect speech
past perfect 51-52 308-309 structures 275

expressing completion 204 in passive structures 79,84 question-word clauses 227
in indirect speech 220-221 prepositional verbs 1 12-15 as subjects 2
prepositional verbs in passive questions 2-3
passive 78 decla rative questions 286-288
structures 79, 84 echo questions 286-2BB
progressive 53 position 193,195 in polite requests 289
position in questions 3 negative questions 6
past progressive position in relative clauses 212 position of prepositions 3
reply questlon s 284-285
and simple past 41 ,46-47 structures after nouns 1 33 rhetorical questions 286-288
future in the past 37 with -lng forms 194 questioni used like an uncountable

passive 78 present continuous: see noun 'l 25
present progressive quite
past simple: see simple past
perfect present perfect meanings with gradable and non-
gradable adjectives 309
and past tenses 40-54 and simple pasl 42-43, 45, 48-49
infinitives 89-91 instead offuture perfect 204 word order 305, 307
-ing forms 91 quite the opposite'. discourse
passive 7B
performative verbs 26 marker 264
perhaps: position 179 progressive 44-45,50
permit + infinitive or -ingformgg present progressive rother
personal pronouns 134-5 I'd rather you... etc: tenses 206
and simple present 22-29
he, she or lt (animals, countries word order 305, 307
etc) 1 32 for future reference 30-33
reading complicated sentences
he or she 132 passive 78
with -ing forms: me/my speaking present simple: see simple real:informal use as adverb
etc 1 06 173,307
persuade somebody to do present tenses 22-29 realisei not usually
present instead of future after
something 96 conjunctions 204 progressive 2B

phrasal verbs 't 12, 116-117 not used to say how long 26 really: discourse marker 266
p/oy: structures I 19 present: position and reasoni used like an uncountable
pleasei not usually progressive 28
plenty of 16s meaning 307 noun .l25
plural or singular: see singular or reckon so/not 279
pretend + infinitive 93 recognise: not usually
plural present continuous: see
plurals progressive 28
present progressive
irregular and special plurals 303 preventi structure 97 reduced relative clauses 211
with no singular 303 progress: uncountable 1 25 reflexive pronouns 136-1 37
progressive forms used for regarding: discourse marker 263
poetry: uncountable 1 25 regret
point: used like an uncountable politeness 290-291
promise + infinitive or -ingform93
noun 125 not usually progressive 28
polish: active form with passive + infinitive 93-94 relative clauses 2OB-21 5
not usually progressive 28 and reading difficulty 270-273
meaning 85 performative verb 26 in complex indirect speech
politeness 289-291 structures 275
poOr: the poor 177 + infinitive: nothing to do
possess: not usually reduced relative clauses 21 1
etc 1 02
progressive 28
demonstratives 1 50-1 5 1
possessive nouns (sand s)
each other, one another
posSessiveS (my, mine etc) 136-137
personal pronouns (l,you etc)
1 52-1 53
possible: structu res 307 pronoun problems 253
practise + -ing form 94
one, you and they I 38


relative pronouns 208-21 5 in indirect speech 221 start
rely on 114 + infinitive or -ingform 101
remember should have .. .ed 68-70
that . .. should 225 + object + -ing form 97
+ infinitive or -ing form 98 with if 237 still: discourse marker 264,265
can remember29 stop
not usually progressive 28-29 shout ot/to 114
+ -ing form 94
remind... of/about 114 shrink: active form with passive + infinitive or -ingformgS
repetition 293 + object + -ingform9T
reply questions 284-285 meaning 85 stress in speech
reported speech: see indirect in contractions 302
sick: the sick 177 showing reference of not 5
speech silly: adjective, not adverb 1 73 used for emphasis 292
requests 289-291
reseorchi uncountable 1 25 similarly: discourse marker 264 subjunctives 224
resemblei not usually simple past 41-47 such and so I88
suffer from 11q
progressive 28 and past progressive 41,46-47 su ggesti structu res 93, 1 1 8, 222
resent + object + -ing form 97 and present perfect 42-43, 45 superlatives and comparatives

restrictive relative clauses passive 78 182-186
perfect tenses after
210,21s simple present
retired: used before noun with superlatives 54
and present progressive 22-29 suppose
active meaning 176 for future reference 31
rhetorical questions 287 -288 I don't think/suppose after negative
rich: the rich 177 passive 78 sentences 8,9
right: discourse marker 263
run into 114 since not usually progressive 28 246
satisfy: not usually progressive 28 suppose so/not 279
say since, as and because supposed: be supposed to 7 1

and tell219 (reasons) 240 supposing zze
not followed by object + sure (of) + infinitive or
tenses 49
infinitive 1 1 1 sing: structures 1 19 -ingform"lOO
say so/that 279
scarcely singular and plural: irregular surprise: not usually
need scarcely + infinitive 74 progressive 28
with inverted word order 258 plurals 303
scratchi active form with passive surprised by/at 84
singular or plural sweor
meaning 85 a good two hours, another four
secondly: discourse marker 263 * infinitive 93
see tables etc 126
performative verb 26
+ object + infinitive or a number of, the majority of 126 swollen: used before noun with
-ing form 99
expressions wilh and 126 active meaning 176
can see 29 group nouns 1 26
three miles etc 126 tag questions: see question
prog ressive or not 28-29 verbs with ony/none of 164 tags
see ... as .. . 11'l verbs with either and neither 159
seem smell tails in spoken language 282
+ infinitive 93 toke it that .. . 229
in negative structures 8 can smell29 talk somebody into doing
not usually progressive 28
seldom: with inverted word progressive or not 28-29 something 97
tal ki ng of/abo ut: discourse
order 258 smile at 114
sel/: active form with passive marker 263
meaning 85 toste
send and such 188
can taste 29
passive structures 79 discourse marker 264 progressive or not 28-29
with two objects: structures i 1B so ... d ... 1 88
sentences and clauses 200 featn: treated as plural ,l26
sexist language 1 32 so I hear, understand etc 279
shall s$-sg so much 165
with inverted word order 258 and say219
in indirect speech 221 so as to 247
tell somebody to do something 96
she: see personal pronouns SO that + present or fulure 242 tend + infinitive 93
so to speok: discourse marker 266
sheer: position 175 some '161-163,169 tenses
shocked by/at a+ in indirect speech 220-221
short answers2S4-285 and any 161 past, progressive and future forms
used for politeness 290-291
should s9-sg,64-65 or no article 162 tense simplification after
pronunciation 163 conjunctions 204-205
(if Iwere you,) I should 239 see also present, past etc
with of 169
346 INDEX sort of: discourse marker 266 text messages 294
speaki ng of/about: discou rse than

marker 263 + present or future242

specialise in tt+

spelling zoo
spend ... on 114

+ -ingform95
split infinitives 88
spoken grammar 257, 281 -2BB

,', :h inverted word order 258 to + object + infinitive in passive 83
infinitives without to 92 + object + infinitive or -ingform
-ank ... for + -ing form 95 instead of whole infinitive 278
:rct conjunction) to 105 96-97
+ object + -ingform9T
:': out after reporting verbs 222 to a great exfenf: discourse + particle 112,116-117
- :i after prepositions 196 + preposition 1 1 2-1 1 5, 308-309
marker 264 + preposition in passive
-' : i- cl a uses 21 8-226, 228-229
-'::-clauses after nouns 1 33 to begin urifh: discourse structures 79
+ thdt-clause in passive 82
::ct relative pronoun) 208-21O, marker 263 + two objects 1 1B-1 19
+ two objects in passive
215-217 to return to the previous point
structures 79
:3 /ing out thot and reading discourse marker 263 very or (very) much: with past
to some extenti discourse
difficulty 270-273 participles (e.9.
marker 264
:ct this etc: see demonstratives to start with: discourse marker 263 very frightened, much
to sum up: discourse marker 263 imitated) 176
? at is to soy: discourse marker
to tell the frufh: discourse wait
marker 267 and .. . 307
:-e: see articleS wait for somebody to do
too ,..
:e blind, deaf etc 177 something 96
- e English, French etc 171 + infinitive 102 Wanna (= 'want to') 302
:efactthat 196,226 too ... d ... 1BB
:e moment (that) 242 too much 165 want
fofol: position 175
?eir, theirs etc: see possessives traffic: uncountable 1 25 * infinitive 93
::ern: see personal pronouns
:-en: discourse marker 264 translate into 114 in negative structures 8
:-en: adverb, not conjunction 254 travel: uncountable 1 25 not usually progressive 28
fry+ infinitive or -ingform99
-'ere want somebody to do
"2'e goes... (simple present) 26 try and 202,307
^ , erted word order 26,259 something 96
turning now to: discourse
:r€re's and here's + plural noun 1 27 wos/were to have -ed etc9l
marker 263 we: see personal pronouns
Terc is 17-18 weather: uncountable 1 25
':' there to be 104 ugly:adjective, not adverb 173 weeklyi adjective and adverb I73
uncountable and countable weigh: progressive or not 28-29
Terefore well
nouns 125
:: ;erb, not conjunction 254 discourse marker 266, 267
: scourse marker 264 understand position 'l 75
+ object + infinitive 97 vvere: instead of was224,233
=e. y^gular indefinite use I39 uvhaf (question word)
can understand 29 as subject: word order 2
:^zy, you and one (general not usually progressive 28 word order 13
what to ... 222
meaning) I38 understanding complicated what-clause as subject, object or
sentences 270-273
.:e also personal pronouns complement 227
unless 235 whot (relative pronoun) 209
-ink unlikely
what .../s: emphatic
::cut/of 114 adjective, not adverb 1 73 structure 261
,.out/of + -ing form 95 structure 307
what is more: discourse
:cn't think .. . 8 until and by 197
:cn't think after negative up: meaning'completely' 'l 17 marker 265
us: see personal pronouns
sentences 9 what sort of ... as subject: word
use: it's no use 307
^ ot followed by object + order 2
infinitive I 1 1 usedto...73
whatever 227
:'ogressive or not 2B-29 and be used to 105 conjunction in adverb
vanished: used before noun with clauses 243
:nird person without -s (that she active meaning 176
go erc) 224 verb relative use 215

:tis is fhe first time etc: with + infinitive 93 tenses 52, 204
+ infinitive or -lng form (both when, as and while 240
perfect tenses 54 246
possible) 98-101 when to ... 222
:lis. thdt etc: see demonstratives + object + complement (e.9. You
:\ough wheneverconjunction in adverb
make me nervous; They elected
zl'd although 307 clauses 243
Susan President) 111
:pecial word order 257 + object + as + complement
(e.9. / see this as a great
clural without -s 31 1
:nousand, a thousand, one + object + complement in

thousand 31 1 passive 83

till 197


:ountable or uncountable I 25
; s time you... etc tenses 206


where British and American English 310 yearlyiadjective and adverb 173
compound adjectives (e.9. French- yes and no in answers to negative
relative use 21 5
speaking) 176 questions 6
where-clause as subject, object or
complement 227 end-weight 251 yet
fronting 257
where to .. . 222 discourse marker 264
whereas in exclamations 13 with present perfect or simple
in negative questions 6
and while 241 in phrasal verbs 1 1 2-1 13,117 past 45,49
in questions 2
discourse marker 264 you; see personal pronouns
whereveri conjunction in adverb in sentences with ellipsis 280 you, they and one (general meaning)
in spoken questions 286-288
clauses 243 inversion 258-9 138
inversion in conditional
whether you know: discourse marker
clauses 237
and if in indirect questions 222 266,267
whether ... or...: meaning'it order of adjectives 1 74
you know what I mean?
doesn't matter order of clauses 25 1
position of adjectives 175 discourse marker 267
whether ...' 241 position of adverbs 179-180
position of all 157 you see: discourse marker 267
whether-clause as subject, object position of both 159 young: theyoung 177
or complement 227 position of each'160 your, yours etc: see possessives
position of enough 167
which .,.? as subject: word position of first, next,last 174
position of linking adverbs and
order 2
conjunctions 255
w h i ch (r elative pro n ou n ) prepositions after infinitives (a
garden to playin etc) '102
atwhich point etc 213 prepositions and particles in
whichever 227
passives 79,113
conjunction in adverb prepositions in questions 3
prepositions in relative
clauses 243
clauses 21 2
while quite 305,307

and whereas 241 rather3O5,307
so... a, as... a, how... a,
discourse marker 264
foo ... a l88 246
structures with os and
while, as and when 240
though 257
who ...? as subject: word
subjects in negative
order 2
imperatives 1 1
who-clause as subject, object or sucha...188
complement 227 verbs with two objects 1 19
with question-word subjects 2
who (relative pronoun) 208-210, Work: countable or
uncountable 125
whoever22T worry or be worried Bs

conjunction in adverb worth: it's worth 307
would 58-59,6s
clauses 243
future in the past 37
whole tsa (if lwere you,) lwould 239
in indirect speech 221
and o// 158
in sentences with if 232-239
whom 307
whose (question word) willingness, typical behaviour
and who's302
whose ... as subject: word would have .. .ed etc 68-70
would like / would have liked to
order 2
whose (relative pronoun) 214 have -ed etc 91
why'. relative use 215
would like * infinitive 93
would like somebody to do
modal uses 58-59,65
will, be going to or present something 96
t4l,,ife: structures 1 19
progressive 30-33
willingness, typical behaviour 72
with if 236
not usually progressive 28
tenses after I wish etc 206

with and by 198
word order 304-305

always and never in
imperatives 10


Step-by-step progress Clear simple explanations, realistic examples and

varied exercises take you from understanding to production.

Grammar and

vocabulary Learn to understand and use more words as you practise structures.

reading Learn to handle confusing sentence-types.

speaking Learn to understand and use the structures of spoken English.

writing Study and practise the structures of formal written English.

pronunciation Understand and produce structures with natural stress and rhythm.

Grammar through

discovery Work out rules from examples.
exploration Use the internet to find out more about English.

personalisation Practise grammar by talking about your own experience.

About the authors tr

Michael Swan and Catherhe Walter are experts in rnakinE drgltal sense
English and language teaching. Michael is the author
of Practical English [Jsage. Catherine is a Lecturer Pronunciation for grammar CD-ROM practises
in Applied Linguistics at Oxford University. Their rhythm, stress and intonation. Listen, think,
weli-known books include The Good Grammar Book repeat and record.
and How English Works (the basis for Oxford English
Grammar Course Basic and Intermediate). Online exercises take you from practising
g ram ma r lo usi ng g ra m m a r.

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