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Published by houstonchristian, 2022-02-28 10:02:36

Annual Report 2020-21 | Houston Christian High School

2020/2021 Annual Report


Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 | 1 |

“My help comes from the Lord,
the maker of heaven and earth

. . . the Lord will watch over
your coming and going both

now and forevermore.”

Psalm 121: 2, 8

| 2 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021


Looking back over the history of Houston Christian High School, it is evident that the
Lord has blessed this school and continues to aid in its growth and impact on future
generations of leaders. From the generosity that allowed our purchase of the mulch
field where the school now resides to the recently developed Fine Arts endowment from
Founding Trustee Jeannette Clift George, we thank God for his faithfulness and guidance
through our 23 years.
These moments in our history not only support Houston Christian but encourage our
commitment to the mission and community of this school and its pursuit to provide high-
quality, dynamic Christian education to Houston families. The 2020-21 school year was no
different. As we traversed similar obstacles faced by schools throughout the world, we
strengthened our resolve to provide the same level of rigor and support to our students
as in previous years. Once again, we were overwhelmed with gracious support. God
blessed us with partners and donors who aided us in returning to campus and keeping our
students and staff safe and healthy.
We are pleased to report that despite the difficulties we faced, we furthered our mission
of advancing the highest academic standard for the development of moral character, the
enrichment of spiritual lives, and the perpetuation of growth in Christian ideals. Our faculty
and staff are amazing! They provided a nearly seamless transition to distance learning at
the beginning of 2020 then utilized resources and technology to provide hybrid classes
for a brief period at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year before all students returned
to campus.
Through the generosity of our parents, alumni, and friends, Houston Christian was able to
achieve such success. We extend our eternal thanks for their support. This report includes
many of these contributions, including grandparents’ gifts in honor of their grandchildren,
alumni gifts made during our first Alumni Giving Day, and a special new endowed fund
that was created by a family honoring their father who wanted other students to benefit
from the Houston Christian experience. These donations will have an everlasting impact
on the mission and vision of Houston Christian High School. You will also see updates
on many of our programs, seeing firsthand what these investments have provided our
students, staff, and faculty.
Regardless of the circumstances, our donors have remained committed to supporting and
investing in the education of future leaders. We pray that the Lord will bless this faithful
generosity that is having an eternal impact on the lives of students.

Dr. Stephen M. Livingston Mary Daffin
Head of School 2020-2021 Board of Trustees Chairman

Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 | 1 |



Houston Christian is a college-preparatory school dedicated to the highest academic standard for
the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives, and the perpetuation of growth in
Christian ideals.


Inspiring young people to lead by uniting faith, intellect and gifts to reach their greatest promise.

Statement of Faith

To ensure the perpetuation of these basic concepts, it is resolved by the founders of the school that
all those who become associated with Houston Christian as a member, trustee, officer, administrator,
faculty or staff member must believe and publicly acknowledge his or her belief in the divine
inspiration of the Bible, that God created the world out of nothing, that Jesus Christ our Lord and
Savior is the preexistent Son of God and was born of a virgin, that He died to pay the price of the sins
of all people, that He was bodily resurrected from the grave, and that, by repentance and acceptance
of and belief in Him, by God’s grace, the individual is saved to abundant and eternal life in the
presence and power of the Triune God. It is further resolved that the teachings of this school shall
never deviate from the above principles.

| 2 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021

Core Values


Demonstrate integrity Serve one another in Pursue the ideals of the Cultivate intellectual vitality
through ethical harmony with honesty Christian faith in heart, through the curriculum.
and humility. mind and action.

2020/2021 Parent Volunteers


Elizabeth Elliott Tanner Spears

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Houston Christian High School has always been a leader in innovative, ADDITIONAL MEASURES
dynamic education, and that doesn’t change based on the obstacles we
face. Our community has weathered many storms throughout the years Below is a list of additional
– both figuratively and literally. The 2020/21 school year was especially measures we took on campus
challenging as we endured both the COVID-19 pandemic and Winter Storm to ensure our facilities provided
Uri, which caused minor damage to some of the campus buildings and the safest learning environment
caused classes to be canceled for a week in February. possible for your student(s).
Daily continuous cleaning and
We began the school year focused on providing the highest quality sanitizing of the entire campus,
education in the safest and healthiest way possible. Over the summer, our nightly disinfection and sanitization
staff worked tirelessly to enhance or modify our procedures to match Increased hand sanitizers and
or exceed the health recommendations from the Centers for Disease wipes throughout campus
Control and Prevention, Texas Education Agency, and local health officials. Installed touchless hand dryers and
sinks in most campus bathrooms
In March 2020 and through the end of the academic year, Houston Christian Installed several new touchless
was forced to cancel all large gatherings, including those which were water fountains
expected to be revenue-producing, due to COVID-19. Houston Christian Installed touchless payment options
incurred an operational loss due primarily to lost income while continuing to at lunch lines and the coffee bar
pay for all fixed and contractual expenses. The school received a Paycheck Installed an air ionization system
Protection Loan of $1,460,300, which was fully forgiven at the end of 2020. in our air conditioning system that
kills pathogens and bacteria
Thanks to the generosity and foresight of the donors listed below, Houston Installing plexiglass dividers
Christian was able to provide the health and safety measures to bring where social distancing cannot
students back to campus in a safe and healthy environment. be achieved
Planned additional seating to allow
for social distancing during lunch
Teacher health training


| 4 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021


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2020-2021 Budget Revenues Sources


88.5% Net Tuition
5.2% Fundraising
2.7% Other
3.6% Restricted

2020-2021 Budgeted Expenses* [excludes one-time roof replacement spending]


75.0% Payroll
12.3% Plant/Capital
9.0% Program
3.9% Admin
0.1% Debt

| 6 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021



Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 TUITION
enrollment numbers remain the primary $26,400
source of income for the school and
continue to be a heavy focus for


Houston Christian High School is proud 2020/2021
to provide its high-quality, dynamic COST PER STUDENT
education to the world’s next generation
of leaders. The students who attend are $30,280
supported by the generous contributions
of our friends and donors as tuition does Strong enrollment with
not cover the total cost of an education a clear focus on our
here at Houston Christian. mission and vision is

Houston Christian reduces the cost of Houston Christian’s goal
its education by an average of about 10
percent, along with providing indexed
tuition and merit scholarships, to create
a culture of inclusivity and support
from the day families set foot on
campus. These efforts provide a unique
opportunity for our community to come
together and fill the gap to support
Every Mustang, Every Day!

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Houston Christian High School, a non-profit and mission-based school, is
thankful for all of its generous donors. Each year, the school asks its community
to support the school with unrestricted funds that help the school meet its
budgetary needs and program goals. With the Mustang Fund, Houston Christian’s
annual fund, the school is able to continue to develop it’s academic program by
providing curriculum, professional development, and enhancements to the co-
curricular program that include the arts, athletics, and other programs that are
not covered by tuition.

In Honor/Memoriam

Kitty Maceo in honor of Savanna Carlson
Marilyn Horak in honor of Katelyn Clark
Anonymous in memory of Ben M. Dazzio
Tom and Margie Adolph in memory of Mr. Joseph Fogarty
Neala and Bronwyn Fogarty in memory of Mr. Joseph Fogarty
Nanette Garelis in memory of Mr. Joseph Fogarty
Patti Heinrichs in memory of Mr. Joseph Fogarty
Herb Martin in memory of Mr. Joseph Fogarty
Kristy Murray in memory of Mr. Joseph Fogarty
Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Rumford in memory of Mr. Joseph Fogarty
R.E. “Bob” & Vivian Smith Foundation in honor of the Mulanax Family
Dr. Manju Monga and Tony Kerrigan in memory of Neil Kerrigan
Elisa and Greg Holland in memory of Janis Masonhall
Jim Masonhall in memory of Janis Masonhall
Erika Masonhall in memory of Janis Masonhall
Clay L. McDaniel in memory of Kathy McDaniel
Linacre, Inc. in memory of Susan K. Reynolds
Diane Mills in honor of Layla and Savannah Tutor
Education Division TECO in Houston honoring Lunar New Year

| 8 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021


Each year we invite our students’ grandparents to Houston Christian for a
memorable chapel service and lunch. This year, because we couldn’t have
grandparents on campus, we created an online experience with a very special
video, a live stream of the chapel service, an opportunity to send a note to
their grandchild, and took photos of many of the grandchildren and sent them
to their precious family.

We thank the grandparents who supported their grandchildren by watching
the program this past year, and hope that we will be in person again soon. We
also are grateful for gifts in support of our mission and vision.

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Arnold Mrs. Carolyn Mills
Mrs. Carole DeLongchamps Ms. Diane Mills
Mrs. Sharon Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Doyle Ms. Patti Mullendore
Mrs. Mabryn Fleener Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fowler Ms. Ellen Polanski
Mr. and Mrs. Ganim J. Ganim Sr. Mrs. Catherine Reavis
Dr. and Mrs. Leighton Hill Ms. Emily Rhine
Mr. Joel A. Hodge Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Buz Schageman
Ms. Marilyn Horak Mr. and Mrs. John Selman
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kepper Jr. Ms. M. Gay Speller
Ms. Kitty Maceo Ms. Linda C. Teagan
Mrs. Barbara McCutcheon Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Tutor
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. George Woodman


Congratulations to Jane Yuan ‘21 for her Silver Key award from the
Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, the nation’s longest running national
art competition, for her portfolio entry that included five pieces of art,
one of which is displayed here, Tall Grass.

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Thank you to our volunteer Each year, we are blessed with 100% Mustang Fund participation from our Board of Trustees, full-time teachers, and
hour funds and company staff. Not only do they support our mission, but they also show our community, corporations, and foundations their
matches. These companies belief in supporting every student. In addition, despite the inability to be in person, our virtual efforts to
have made a meaningful create community connected parents, grandparents, and alumni as we strived to reach our goals. We are thankful for
commitment to education: the tireless efforts of the communications team and Calvin Venus, who made sure that our messages were visible and
as inspiring as our in-person events.
BP It is with tremendous gratitude, we thank all of our donors who helped us reach our Mustang Fund goals.

Cabot Oil & Gas Corp, Lauren and Brandon Abel Nelly and Bob Brierty Stephenie and Michael Cox
Chevron Humankind Jackie and Mark Adickes Helen Broussard Kim and Ron Crandall
Corey Alemand Shanna C. Broussard Diane Creekmore
ConocoPhillips Natalie and Rick Alexander Kathy and Brian Brown Crestwood Midstream Partners
Crestwood Midstream Partners Marie and Brandon Allen Staci and Jim Brown Kari and Ben Cromeens
Michele and Joe Allen Eva and Robin Brown Stacia and David Currier
Dell Technologies Pam Allen Billi Jo and Mike Buckles Andrea and Pete Dadinis
Enterprise Products Tracie and Clayton Allgood Rochelle and Seth Bullock Mary and Sam Daffin
ExxonMobil Foundation Jennifer and Richard Allison Rosemary and Mark Bunch Anne and John Dalton
FMC Technologies Julie Ambuehl Annie and Alan Burnett Laura and Dennis Dawson
Griesenbeck Architectural Allison and Bill Anderson Stephanie Butts Sonia Delgadillo
Gloria and Jorge Arizpe Cabot Oil & Gas Corp Jana and Pete DeLongchamps
Products Karen and Richard Arnold Chris and Alys Caldwell Patty and Patrick Dennis
Group 1 Automotive Kay and Jack Arnold Laleesa and Steve Calvert Kelly and Eric Devlin
Morgan Stanley Investment Kara and Hunter Barrow Sue and Marlon Caruthers Luda and DuVal Dickey
Carol Bartels Kim and Jim Cezeaux Mona and Fadi Dimassi
Banking Division Heather and Stuart Beken Grace and Chi-Sheng Chang Karen and Jerry Diven
Murphy Oil Benevity, Inc Shimelle A. Charles Audra and Greg Dmitrowicz
Holly and Wade Bennnett Bev and Rolando Chaves Tresha and Greg Dobbins
Phillips Petroleum Company Nady and Nayla Benyamine Yiyie and Chris Chen Kathryn L. Donelson
Shell Oil Company Foundation Kris and Jon Bergmann Chevron Humankind Catie and Casey Donohue
Kelly and Scott Biar Katherine and Danny Chin Rebecca and John Drexel
Wells Fargo Educational Robin and Brett Brinkley Elizabeth Chretien Patricia and Keith Droz
Matching Gift Program Marta and Jim Birchfield Katie and Jimmy Clapp Amy and Luke Drury
Leigh Ann and Matt Boucher Sally and Jason Clark Maria Oden and Brian Duffy
Susan and Jim Boyd Hilary Brawner and Tony Clark Stacy and David Dye
BP Foundation Leigh Ann and Andrew Cloutier Gar Edmonds III
Jessica and Scott Braquet ConocoPhillips Education Division TECO in Houston
Michael Bredeweg Jodie and Randy Corson Ashley and AJ Eisenman

| 10 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021

Elizabeth and Mike Elliott Connie and Chad Hill Linacre Inc MUSTANG FUND
Brenda and Rick Ellis Kelley and Jason Hodges Amy and Jeff Lindsay
Vicki and Mark Ellis Angela and Dan Hollaway Sara and Dan Lindsay Cassandra and Jamie Mott
Lisa and Don Emery Andi and Peter Holt Stephanie and Bobby Linhart Elise and Jonathan Mueller
ExxonMobil Foundation Jenny and Bill Honeck Nataliya and John Lister Joellan and Chris Mullen
Alissa and Jeff Faircloth Maya and George Houston Becky and Steve Livingston Diana and Simon Mumford
Tracy and Marc Ferruzzo Houston’s First Baptist Church Lisa D. Longwell Denise and Don Munton
Mr. and Mrs. L. Ed Finlay Melissa and Josh Hoyt Amy and Bill Lowry Liz and Franklin Myers
Marguerite and Bryan Fleener Sophia and Roland Huai Ellen and Jason Lozano Amal and George Nassar
Wenche and Eistein Fosli Marianne and Phil Innes Andy and Lisa Macan Tamara and David Nelson
Kelli and Jordan Fox Shelley and Richard Jackson Amber and John Mackel Dana E. Nelson
Rhonda and Quinton Freeman Julie and David Jenkins Melinda and Pete Maillet Tricia and David Newman
Charles L. Fridge III Kristin and Brad Jennings Jodi and John Malanga Ollieta and Yohance Nicholas
Jennifer and Carlos Fuentes Olivia Jolet Michelle and Bill Mallin Andy Nixon
Patricia and John Ganim Bonnie and Mike Jones Gris and Vic Marchon Caroline and Terry Nixson
Michele and Tyrone Gonzales Robyn and J.D. Joyce Kathy and Scott Martin Samantha and Robert Norwood
Tamara and David Gordon Shehnaz and Ketan Kapasi Michelle and Cray Martin Melissa and Dan Ochs
Gretchen and Tom Grace Nora and Jeff Kapche Lora and Chuck Martinez Shea and Randy Ortega
Lisa and Eddie Granados Courtney and Tim Kearns Gloria and Joe Martinez Christine M. Pallenik
Gail and Bob Gray Susie and Jim Kelley Kelly and Gregg Matte Jan M. Pearson
Kathryn and Terry Green Rae and Charles Kelley Kristen and Thomas McCarty Bill Peel
Cynthia and John Gualy Silena and David Kennedy Pamela McClendon Veena and Librado Pena
Jemmina and Jaime Gualy Amanda and Mike Kem Courtney and Mark McCollister Anthony Perez
Marie and Milton Guerrero Ruthy Khawaja and Majed Khalifa Heidi and Mike McCurdy Kate and Chris Pemoud
Krista and Howard Guild Elizabeth and Bryan Kimzey Clay L. McDaniel Linda and Tim Peterson
Cindi and Gunner Gundersen Dave Kinard Nathalie and Kevin McDonald Phillips 66
Kim and Mike Gustafson Nicole and Ryan Klasen Tricia and Gerry McGreevy Theodora and Marshall Pounds
Laurie and Alfredo Gutierrez Amy and Aric Klein Liz and Jeff McHugh D. Poveromo
Leigh Ann and Chris Hackerman Eva and Curtis Knobbe Laurie and Dean McKenzie Jake Powers
Mike Zrubek and Nikki Hadaway Amanda and Travis Koch Brooke McLane-Hugginson Laura and Darren Price
Brooke and Derek Halverson Vanessa and Carlton Kon Courtenay and Loc McNew Shirley and Jeff Ralston
Monica and Jay Harmon Kim and Andy Krieger Debbie and Steve Meisgeier Laura and Brad Rapp
Crystal and Trey Hartman Carol LaCook Maribel and Sam Mendizabal Jody and Paul Rasplicka
Hailey and Charlie Hasenbank Jenna and Wayne LaFlamme Amy and Rodney Meyers Regan Ray
Ann and Ray Hawkins Sarah and Joel Lambert Jennifer and Brian Minson Jill and Jim Read
Lauran and Dwight Helms Mary Lyn and Obie Langford Heather and Mark Mize Stacy and Jim Reed
Tod J. Henning Kim and Robert Lankford Katelin and Matt Moore Kristi and Clayton Richter
Holly and Todd Herauf Kandi and Mike Lawson Gabriela and Aaron Morales Alexandra and Lukas Rieke
Molly and Joel Hermes Denise and Brian Lemasters Amy and Brad Morello Lisa R. Ritchie
Amy and Mike Hessel Sheila L. Lemon Andrea and Hardie Morgan David M. Romero
Heather and Jeff Rosandich
Deborah and David Roylance

Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 | 11 |

MUSTANG FUND Lynne and Mark Staggs Leigh and Tong Utakrit Gifty and Chris Wilmot
Marisa and John Stahl Molly and Craig Vandegrift Nancy and Tom Wilson
Danny Ruiz Jenee and Nick Stefanakis Juli and Richard Vaughn Thomas C. Yllander
Courtney and Greg Ruth Gail W. Stewart Kelly and Calvin Venus Cheryl and John Zatopek
Justine Warburton and Kirstin Stewart Sarah Villaseñor
Frank Schageman Josephine and Wayne Stringer Stacey and Greg Voinis
Courtney and Mike Schisler Kimberly and Christopher Suckow Teresa and Waymon Votaw
Diane and Nathan Schulte Sylvia A. Swain Ami and Bob Wallace
Angel and Adam Schwing Jill and John Sweeney Sandy and Jerry Walters
Kay and Tony Seeliger Christy and Lowen Tabor Michele K. Webb
Deidre Shearer Sonju Kang and Keith Takahata Sherrie and Jim Webb
Shell Oil Company Foundation Monica Thayer Jacqueline and Teddy Wheeler
Bill and Sheri Sheppard The Howard Hughes Corporation Jennifer and Marcus White
Donette and Cary Simonds Kelly and Jeff Thibault Lucy and Henry White
Valerie and Ken Sink Cathleen T. Thomas Kara and Richard Whiting
Lisa and Kevin Sivils Secily and Scott Torn Lisa and Gordon Wilkinson
Angela Sklavos Maria-Angelica Torres Taylor and Nellis Willhite
Jill and Jason Skufca Susan L. Traub Ali and Thomas Williams
Kristin and Luke Smith Sherry and Troy Tucker Debby and John Willis
Yanin and Justin Smith
Holly and Tanner Spears

Special recognition to our Vision Leaders - This exceptional group of donors comprises past
board members, alumni parents, and a past faculty member’s family. These donors have given
consecutively each year for over ten years to annual operations, campaigns, special requests,
and events. Many have given for fifteen or more years, and one has given for twenty-nine
consecutive years (this includes gifts to Northwest Academy.) Several have made their
donations go farther with matching gifts and volunteer hour gifts.

These donors’ commitments to Houston Christian’s mission have resulted in over $4.7 million
in support. These Vision Leaders have changed lives. Thank you!

Given Consecutively for 10+ Years Given Consecutively for 15+ Years

Kelly and Scott Biar Garfield J. Edmonds
Mary and Sam Daffin Cynthia and John F. Gualy
Kim and Michael J. Gustafson Kelly and Michael E. Handel
Julie and David M. Jenkins MetroNational Corporation
Drs. Manju Monga and Anthony J. Kerrigan Andrea and Hardie W. Morgan
Jim Masonhall and family Marlene and Kurt D. Nondorf
Ami and Robert Wallace William Peel
Kristin and Lucian R. Smith
John D. Willis Given Consecutively for 29 Years
Mary Lyn and Obie M. Langford

| 12 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021


Balance on June 30, 2020 Houston Christian High School faces its 25th year, and as we near this important
milestone, we’ve taken stock of some of the campus’s strategic goals, one of
[includes Board designated endowments] which is establishing and growing a healthy endowment. 2020 was a volatile
year as our country’s economy suffered from the turmoil of COVID-19 pandemic
$3,959,784 IN 2019 and the uncertainty surrounding the presidential election. However, as liquidity
was swiftly injected into the economy, the stock market indices stabilized and
$3,963,304 IN 2020 even rallied to provide healthy returns to our investments.
Financial Aid
Faculty The bulk of our $5.24 endowment was launched by Founding Trustee Jeanette
Facilities Clift George’s $1M gift bequeathed to the school in 2018. This has been
Programs augmented by other generous gifts in recent years, all by current or alumni
families who see the need for tuition support. We look forward to seeing this
$5,248,656 IN 2021 burgeoning account grow along with the school.


Neil Kerrigan ’16 Spiritual Life Endowment Fund
Pullin Family Endowment Fund for the Program for College Rediness
Dye Family Scholarship Endowment
Fogarty Family Scholarship Endowment


The school finished a $430,000 project to replace the roof on
the MetroNational Gymnasium roof.

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Strategic philanthropists founded Houston Christian with passion and vision. In 1997, ministers from several evangelical
churches, together with community leaders and founders of faith in Houston, came together around a common goal—to
establish an interdenominational college preparatory high school dedicated to the highest academic standards and true
development of a student’s life calling. With nothing but forty-five acres of bare land, and a mulch pile, these innovative
pastors, entrepreneurs, and civic visionaries came together to create a Christian environment where bright young minds
could learn and thrive—and make a difference in the world.

Throughout its history, Houston Christian has grown and advanced through the ongoing vision of its board members
and donors who believe in the mission established by the founders. In 2015, Houston Christian’s leaders once again
saw the time to advance the mission of the school through the Neighborhoods to Nations strategic plan. To reach the
ambitious goals set forth in the plan, HC launched a fundraising effort that resulted in many additions that propelled
the school forward in its next chapter.

The Neighborhoods to Nations strategic plan includes four major initiatives:
• Promote Global Opportunities in Education, Service and Leadership
• Develop Outstanding Leadership Programs
• Exceptional Faculty
• Optimize Resources

Through significant and meaningful gifts, Neighbors to Nations could begin to fulfill its strategic plan. We thank all
who contributed to advancing our strategic plan. Houston Christian families, alumni, faculty and staff, and members of
the Board of Trustees, including local business, civic, and religious leaders invested in a sustainable future for Houston
Christian High School and principled leaders of tomorrow.

Harrell Family Strength and Conditioning Center
Brown Family Dance Studio
The Oden Grand Foyer
The Russell Allen Family Scoreboard
Distinguished Leadership Wall in honor of James and Jean Livingston

Other important projects include the black box control room, the stadium sound system, funds for professional
development, debt reduction, and endowments in recognition of scholarship.

| 14 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021

Camellia and David Abendroth Jeannette Clift George Allison and Mark McMillan Jaclyn Rusk
Russ Allen Kathleen and Paul Grabowski Courtenay and Loc McNew John & Judy Schneider
Marsa and Butch Alsandor Jae and Mike Graham Amanda and Joe Mellor Beverly and Randy Schorre
Julie Ambuehl Sarah Golis Maribel and Sam Mendizabal Eddie Scott
Gloria and Jorge Arizpe Michele and Tyrone Gonzales Metty and Aaron Metoyer Lisa and Kevin Sivils
Egypt Armstrong Kay Graham Michelle Mikeska Pat and Peter Skrobarczyk
Karen and Richard Arnold Karess Grant Angela and Carlo Minotti Jill and Jason Skufca
Leslie Arnold Lou Ann and Milton Gray Donna Miszler Ashley and Gary Smith
Julie and Scott Arvin Cynthia and John Gualy Andrea and Hardie Morgan Amie and Jeff Springmeyer
Hannah and Mark Bailey Kim and Mike Gustafson Stina and Paul Mosvold Stedman West Foundation
Pam and Jeff Baker Faith and Joe Gutierrez Shelly and Jerome Mulanax Gail Stewart
Carol Bartels Kelly and Mike Handel Patty and Tim Napp Nancy Stevenson
Danielle and Eric Belvin Jaimie and Todd Hansen Aracely and Kevin Neeley Karen and John Stuart
Mary Beth and David Blackley Mary Jean Hardy Carolyn and Keith Newman Kathy and Phil Sweger
JoBeth and Joe Bock Monica and Jay Harmon Vanessa and Linus Nguyen Jill and Kerr Taylor
Leigh Ann and Matt Boucher Willie and Forrest Harrell Harrell Family Marlene and Kurt Nondorf Barbara Thompson
Beverly and Max Bowman Foundation Samantha and Robert Norwood Caroline and Andy Trowbridge
Kathy and Brad Bracewell Linda Harvard John Ousley Parker School Uniforms
Jan and Mark Bradley Brenda and Andy Hendricks Natalie and Brady Parish Leigh and Tong Utakrit
Adrienne and Cole Bridges Dorothy and Steve Hobbs Jan Pearson Michelle and Mark Vaughn
Cindy and Tom Brown Laura and Nick Hosford-Yunker Bill Peel Kelly and Calvin Venus
Tammy and Billy Brown Houston’s First Baptist Church Jeff Perek Elizabeth and Patrick Villarreal
Staci and Jim Brown Martha and Jim Hunt Anthony Perez Teresa and Waymon Votaw
Eva and Robin Brown Julie and David Jenkins Linda and Tim Peterson Paige Kinkade and Steve Wang
Lauren and Joe Byars Amber and Carson Joachim Elaine and Johnny Pickle Michele Webb
Jerrod Carpenter Olivia Jolet Paulette and Mark Pidala Sherrie and Jim Webb
Johnny Castillo Lauren and Roger Kaestner Susan Plourde Suzanne and Bret Wells
Grace and Chi-Sheng Chang Susie and Jim Kelley Laura and Darren Price Sara and Mark Welshimer
Bev and Rolando Chaves Manju Monga and Tony Kerrigan Myra and Randy Pullin Karin and Steve Wende
Kate and Shaun Clarke Susan and Mattias Kjellqvist Sharon and Craig Quinilty Lisa and Gordon Wilkinson
Pat and Jim Cleary Nicole and Ryan Klasen Laura and Brad Rapp Nancy and Tom Wilson
Ken Craig Karen and Rusty Klasen Lisa Ritchie Mary Gayle and Sam Wolgemuth
Kim and Ron Crandall Carol LaCook Norman Ritchie Board of Trustees gifts
Diane Creekmore Sarah and Joel Lambert Heather and Jeff Rosandich
Anne and John Dalton Christin and Andrew Lazo Danny Ruiz Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 | 15 |
Hailee and Joel Davis Dan Lee
Dana Dawkins Amy and Jeff Lindsay
Jana and Pete DeLongchamps Stephanie and Bobby Linhart
Tammy and Joseph Derzapf Nataliya and John Lister
Margaret and Kirk Dice Trey Little
Karen and Jerry Diven Becky and Steve Livingston
Audra and Greg Dmitrowicz Lana Loveland
Laurie and Duncan Dodds Dani and Tripp Lybrand
Claire and Don Dotson Travis Maddry
Cathy and Bill Doxtater Libba and Mike Maddry
Stacy and David Dye Susan and Jon Malone
Mindi and Bill Ehrenstrom Gabe Malouf
Brenda and Rick Ellis Sandy Manzo
Lisa and Don Emery Miscellaneous
Tracey and Chris Ferstl Emily and Fernando Martins
Susan and Andrew Finnell Caroline Masters
Kathleen and Juan Flores Gregg Matte
Melissa and John Flower Jill and Dan McCleary
Julie and Anthony Fritsche Pam McClendon
Jamie and Saul Garfield Heidi and Mike McCurdy
Susan and James Garman Linda and Dave McKechnie


This year, we were proud to host investigative reporter and esteemed author
of Race Against Time, Jerry Mitchell. Mitchell was working for the Clarion-
Ledger in the 1980s when he decided to begin investigating unsolved civil
rights killings. His dogged pursuit of justice eventually led to arrests of several
Klansmen. He’s continued his work for the past several decades, and now
shares his insight on history, social justice, and media throughout the United
States, while also running the Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting.

We would not have been able to provide such a renowned speaker to our
faculty, staff, and students without the support of our generous sponsors.

Top: Installment of the Distinguished Service Medal commemoration, in honor of James The Handel Family
and Jean Livingston. Sterling McCall Auto Group
Bottom: Dr. Price leads a discussion with Jerry Mitchell with HC staff and invited guests Houston’s First Baptist Church
Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church
| 16 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 Rapp & Krock
Grace Presbyterian Church
Benchmark Epoxy
First Presbyterian Church Houston


Our annual Mustang Classic Golf Tournament, usually held around
Homecoming, was replaced with a fun run this year due to COVID-19. The
Mustang Canter gave our supporters a chance to run on their own time while
still being part of a fun community event.

Not only did our runners get a score, but our best filmed “canters,” also were
rated. We enjoyed this creative “pivot” and are grateful for all our supporters.

Congratulations to all who participated in the Mustang Canter! We had 82
participants and many video submissions!

Dr. Mark Adickes
Athletic Orthopedics & Knee Center 1st - Michael Bredeweg 21:29
The Brown Law Firm HC Science Teacher
Collier Legal Search
Clark, Love & Hutson, PLLC 2nd - Grace Munford 24:10
Dynamic Sports Training HC Alum ‘14
Danielle and Charles Fridge
Gray Reed 3rd - Steve Ellis 25:26
Group 1 Automotive HC Alum Parent
Laurie and Alfredo Gutierrez
Sarah and Joel Lambert 4th - J.D. Joyce 26:39
Morgan Stanley Private Wealth HC Parent
Management – Londa Thibault
PFS Group Best Canter Jon Bergmann
Prosperity Bank – Bellaire HC Science Teacher
Provista Realty
Dr. Sally Thomas Best Costume Elizabeth Chretien,
UBS Investment Banking Company Monica Thayer, and
Kara Whiting
Top: Elizabeth Hall, Jemmina Gualy, and Cheryl Zatopek HC Visual Arts Teachers
Left: 2021 Seniors, Kennedy Hawkins, Elisabeth Jackson, Sydney Donelson, and Ragan Broussard
Right: Mike and Elizabeth Elliott Best Group Cheryl Zatopek,
Elizabeth Hall and
Jemmina Gualy

Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 | 17 |

GALA 2021


Gala Chairs Robyn Joyce and Heather Mize walk the red carpet
| 18 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021

Gala Chair Robyn Joyce and Co-Chair Heather Mize created a Hollywood Night to remember at Houston Christian High
School! The gala was dedicated to faculty and staff, HC’s Shining Stars!

The chairs and their team of volunteers transformed the MetroNational Gym with old-world glamour! Divisi Strings,
Hope City Church’s technical display, and the beautiful decor set the stage for a memorable, successful evening. Not
only did we surpass the goal, but it was the highest in over five years! With silent and live auction items, our community
supported the goals while also bidding on many one-of-a-kind events and opportunities. The Paddles Up option
to enhance HC’s technology systems was lively and funded the full package - over $65,000. Our families and other
supporters actively supported our students’ education and advanced the mission - while having a great night out.
Everyone was a Hollywood Star on April 9, 2021!

DIRECTOR GABLE Marguerite and Bryan Fleener
Sonya and Robert Gass
Sterling McCall Auto Group Jeff and Shirley Ralston Patricia and John Ganim
Pete and Jana DeLongchamps J. Mace Meeks / Insgroup Tamara and David Gordon
Earl and Susan Hesterberg Stacy and James Reed | Tracie and Kathryn and Terry Green
Clayton Allgood Crystal and Bart Hartman
Marianne and Phil Innes
PLATINUM Shelley and Richard Jackson
James Avery Artisan Jewelry
Mary and Sam Daffin HEPBURN Robyn and J.D. Joyce
Silena and David Kennedy
J.D. Joyce Investment Management Group, Clark, Love & Hutson, PLLC Christine and Robin Killion
LLC J. Carter Breed Properties Elizabeth and William Kimzey Family
Jan Griesenbeck Sheryl King and William Hanna
PFS Group Drs. Amy and Aric Klein
SILVER LEVEL Kim and Andy Krieger
Lisa and Michael Lallinger
Fogarty Alumni Table Kay and Tony Seeliger Sarah and Joel Lambert
Andrea and Hardie Morgan Thompson & Knight/Cassandra and Jamie Ling Wang Photography
Rapp & Krock, PC Mott Sara and Dan Lindsay
Jaci and Jim Smith John Lister
Gail Stewart Becky and Steve Livingston
GARLAND Melinda and Peter Maillet
Courtney and Mark McCollister
The Brown Law Firm, LLP Courtenay and Loc McNew
Candela Custom Homes Heather and Mark Mize
BRONZE Leslee and John Murphy
Coach David Nelson
Dr. Mark Adickes, M.D. Irelan McDaniel, PLCC Christine Pallenik
Natalie and Rick Alexander PFS Group Amy and David Ratliff
Kelly and Scott Biar Abejas Boutique Kevin Sivils
Leigh Ann and Matthew Boucher Jackie and Mark Adickes Family Holly and Tanner Spears Family
Clark, Malanga, Lambert, Dennis Natalier and Rick Alexander Jenee and Nick Stefanakis
Collier Legal Search Tracie and Clayton Allgood Kelly and Jeff Thibault
Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa, Allison Redmon Photography & Films ‘01 Total Wine & More
Fulshear, Texas Karen Arnold Sherry and Troy Tucker
Houston’s First Baptist Church Aspire Fine Homes Ami and Robert Wallace
Deidre Shearer Bingle Vet Annette and Drew Weber
Morgan Stanley/Private Wealth Management Leigh Ann & Matthew Boucher Wendy and Andrew Wray
Sherry and Troy Tucker Jessica & Scott Braquet
Camp Cho-Yeh

Liz and Franklin Myers Katherine and Danny Chin
Katie and Jimmy Clapp
Charles Clark

Laurie and Alfredo Gutierrez Jodie and Randy Corson
Jana and Pete DeLongchamps
Sadie Rose duVigneaud ‘18

Teresa and Ted Botner | Murphy Oil Corp Victoria and Mark Ellis
Beatriz and Andres Reiner Loren and Kelly Fisher

Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 | 19 |

GALA 2021 - HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS Kelsey Allen-Gassen and Steve Gassen Angela and Carlo Minotti
Goff Financial Group Heather and Mark Mize
GALA INKIND AND DONORS Melissa and David Goodall Amy and Brad Morello
Jackie and Mark Adickes Tamara and David Gordon Cassandra and Jamie Mott
Mandy Ahr Kathryn and Terry Green Murphy Oil
Natalie and Rick Alexander Jemmina and Jaime Gualy Amal and George Nassar
Tracie and Clayton Allgood Kim and Mike Gustafson Tamara and David Nelson
Allison and Bill Anderson Laurie and Alfredo Gutierrez Tricia and David Newman
Karen and Richard Arnold Crystal and Trey Hartman Shea and Randy Ortega
Kara and Hunter Borrow Kristin and Chris Hawkinson Christine M. Pallenik
Kelly and Scott Biar April and Nick Hiemstra Karen and Lee Partridge
Lynn Borman Andi and Peter Holt Linda and Tim Peterson
Teresa and Ted Botner Marianne and Phil Innes Laura and Darren Price
Leigh Ann and Matt Boucher Shelley and Richard Jackson Amber and Steve Primrose
Jessica and Scott Braquet James Avery Artisan Jewelry Rosa M. Quintanilla
Michael Bredeweg Kristin and Brad Jennings Amy and David Ratcliff
BRONCA Heidi and Scott Jerry Allison and Andrew Redmon
Holly and Dave Brunnert Stacy and Jason Johnson Olivia Reed
Rochelle and Seth Bullock Robyn and J.D. Joyce Kristi and Clayton Richter
Rosemary and Mark Bunch Rae and Charles Kelley Lisa R. Ritchie
Heather and Paul Burkhart Silena and David Kennedy Doris and Miguel Romero
Camp Cho-Yeh Christina and Robin Killion Mr. and Mrs. Andy Schatte
Tabitha and Kevan Casey Elizabeth and Bryan Kimzey Marc Schindler
Erin and Alex Cestero Sheryl and Brad King Angela and Brent Shaw
Katherine and Danny Chin Amy and Aric Klein Deidre Shearer
Charles Clark Stacy and Dean Krajinovic Martha and Ted Shrader
Hilary Brawner and Tony Clark Kim and Andy Krieger Lisa and Kevin Sivils
Sally and Jason Clark Jenny and Chris Krummel Jaci and Jim Smith
Sally and David Cooper Stacey and Todd Lamb Kristen A. Smith
Jodie and Randy Corson Sarah and Joel Lambert Steve Solymosy
Kelli and Steven Coscio Sara and Justin Leighton Holly and Tanner Spears
Mary and Sam Daffin Sheila L. Lemon Jenee and Nick Stefanakis
Anne and John Dalton Giovanni Lewis Gail W. Stewart
Sara and Scott Davenport Sara and Dan Lindsay Josephine and Wayne Stringer
Jana and Pete DeLongchamps Nataliya and John Lister Kimberly and Christopher Suckow
Patty and Patrick Dennis Becky and Steve Livingston Kelly and Jeff Thibault
Priscilla and Chad Dickson Sarah and Dallas Lusk Total Wine & More
Karen and Jerry Diven Melinda and Pete Maillet Madeline and Chad Townsend
Patricia and Keith Droz Jodi and John Malanga Van Q. Tran and Sally Thomas-Tran
Stacy and David Dye Lora and Chuck Martinez Susan L. Traub
Kay and Dan Egger Kristen and Thomas McCarty Sherry and Troy Tucker
Angela and Brian Eggleston Ben and Jennifer McClure Maria and Garrett Tyra
Elizabeth and Mike Elliott Courtney and Mark McCollister Caroline and Bob Vaughn
Kim and Steve Ellis Nathalie and Kevin McDonald Annette and Drew Weber
Vicki and Mark Ellis Courtenay and Loc McNew Jacqueline and Teddy Wheeler
Kelly and Loren Fisher Melange Catering & Special Events Taylor and Nellis Willhite
Marguerite and Bryan Fleener Amy and Rodney Meyers Ali and Thomas Williams
Neala N. Fogarty Christine and Wes Mikulich
Sam and Larry Franco Robbie Miller
Patricia and John Ganim
Sonya and Robb Gass

| 20 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021


Kyle Hartman ‘22 placed 18th overall at the The Houston Christian robotics team,
USATF Junior Olympic Cross Country National StangTech, drove its robot straight into
Championships. This distinction earned him first place at the 2020 North Houston
All-American and was the first time a Houston BEST Robotics competition. StangTech
Christian athlete has attended the Junior has steadily grown since its inception
Olympics. seven years ago to now reach 41 students
who fill a variety of roles on the team.
Mustang basketball players Noah Kon ‘21 and HOUSTON AWARDS:
Amani Bartlett ‘21 both committed to Division 1st Place BEST Video Design Challenge
1 college athletic programs this year. Kon will 1st Place BEST Marketing Presentation
attend Northern Illinois University and Bartlett 1st Place BEST Critical Design Review
will attend Syracuse University. 1st Place BEST Engineering Notebook
2nd Place BEST Robot
BEST Engineering Notebook


Cameron Alemond ‘21 and Jonathan Chen ‘22 placed third and first places
respectively in the 2021 Model UN competition where students represented
different countries throughout the world. Students were evaluated on how well
and accurate they portrayed a delegation of a certain country.
Emily Mallin ‘21 was named a National Merit Semifinalist for the 20-21 school year.

Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 | 21 |


Indexed Tuition provides students and their families with an opportunity
previously perceived to be unavailable to them. This program, in its 3rd year,
has allowed 445 students to be in school and seeking an education founded in
Christian Leadership. Without this innovative tuition program, these students
would not have gotten Tommy Tune nominations, helped HC win awards in
the arts, robotics, and academics, enriched the classroom, or been a part of a
community that values its faith-based approach to academics. We thank all of
our donors who see the value in offering opportunities to students.
On April 24, 2021, Houston Christian hosted its first Alumni Giving Day that
supported Indexed Tuition. Thank you to all alumni and alumni parents who
responded to that request, and allowed Houston Christian to have its first
successful alumni giving program.

Greater Houston Community Foundation Patty and Tim Napp
Jenny and Roberto Aguilar Kristi and Garrett ’10 Nondorf
Russell W. Allen Shirley and Jeff Ralston
Avery Blackwell Laura and Brad Rapp
Katherine and Danny Chin Allison ’01 and Andrew
Leigh Ann and Andrew Cloutier Redmon
Anne and John Dalton Jenee and Nick Stefanakis
Kim and Steve Ellis Jill and Tom Stevens
Hailey ’09 and Charlie ’08 Hasenbank Gail W. Stewart
Ann and Ray Hawkins Juli and Richard Vaughan
Robyn and J.D. Joyce Sarah Villasenor
Manju Monga and Tony Kerrigan
Courtney A. King ’16 Judith Williams
Lindsey ’06 and Steven Leeper
Giovanni Lewis
Kristen and Thomas McCarty
Courtney and Mark McCollister
Barbara McCutcheon
Matthew A. Metoyer ’16
Theresa and Jim Mitchell
Taylor and Nick Moll ’13
Andrea and Hardie Morgan

| 22 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021


The Alumni Association of Houston Christian flourishes
thanks to the continued support and engagement of
our alumni community. Mustangs represent our school
across the globe while pursuing careers in business,
education, and missions. Through these successes,
our alumni have shown us in so many ways how
Houston Christian empowered them to achieve more
and dream bigger. Here are some of their stories.
Go Mustangs!

185 Registered users on HC Connects, the Alumni Association’s No. 1 resource
for peer-to-peer mentorships, advice, and networking! Alumni can download
the app or visit to sign up today!

First Annual HC Alumni Day was September 21, 2021, and we launched HC
Connects to our alumni!

We have hosted six Mustang Meet & Eat lectures for HC Students. Alumni from
different fields of work are invited to campus to talk about their educational
and career experiences.

The Alumni Association recruited ten alumni for the Alumni Engagement
Committee to help navigate the last year of virtual events and initiatives!

We have sent almost 80 baby onesies out to We have a higher number of families participating in the Senior Brick project
our Mustang Sweethearts and alumni families! where they can leave their mark on campus. Students and parents enjoy the
We are excited to see our Mustang Legacy Party on the Patio, the Brick Reveal, where they can celebrate another senior
growing! milestone before graduation.


Instagram @HC_Alumni
Facebook @HCAlums

Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 | 23 |


Mary Daffin, Chairman Rick Alexander Mike Gustafson Head of School
Gail Stewart, Vice Chairman Darron Anderson Ann A. Hawkins Dr. Stephen M. Livingston
Hardie Morgan, Secretary Rev. Dr. James Birchfield J.D. Joyce Principal
Brad Rapp, Treasurer Pete DeLongchamps R. Scott Martin Dr. Darren Price
David Dye Rev. Gregg Matte
| 24 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 Charles Fridge Rev. Andy Nixon
John Gualy William Peel, Jr.
Rev. Dr. David “Gunner” Gundersen Jeff Ralston

Thank The Houston Christian community persevered through a difficult year for
You students, faculty, and staff with uncompromising support. As a result, generations
of Mustangs will be empowered to serve others throughout the state, nation, and
world with great honor. Through your generosity, HC will continue to impress on
the world its strong leadership and foundation through Christian principles.

These lists were created carefully and with great attention to detail. If we missed your name, we apologize greatly.
Please contact us, and we will ensure that it will be listed in the online version of the Donor Honor Roll.

2700 W Sam Houston Pkwy N
Houston, TX 77043

| 4 | Houston Christian High School 2020/2021 CLASS OF 2021

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