Mrs. Grandon’s 1st Grade
Rainforest Animals 2019
Anaconda by Brooklyn Bass
Here is a picture of an anaconda…
The anaconda looks like….
Anacondas never stop growing and they grow up to 30 feet
long like a school bus. Females are always larger than the
males. These large snakes weigh up to 550 pounds. The color of
an anaconda is dark green. They have two rows of black spots
and white marks on their sides. The skin is scaly but dry to
touch. These snakes have no fangs and smell with their tongue.
The anaconda is the biggest snake in the world.
What does the anaconda eat?
Anacondas eat fish, turtles, capybaras, pigs, jaguars, and deer.
They eat 40 pounds of food per day. Anacondas lie in wait to
catch their prey. They suffocate them by squeezing their prey.
How is the anaconda baby like their parents? How are they
different? How do the offspring survive?
Baby anacondas are dark brown with dark spots. Moms are
gray. The baby is shorter and the mom is longer. Fourteen to
eighty-two babies are born at a time. They live on their own
right when they are born.
Who is the anaconda’s predator?
There are no animal predators that pick on anacondas. People
hunt anacondas for their skin. They use their skin to make
What are some other interesting facts about the anaconda?
Anacondas are giant nonpoisonous snakes. They are the
heaviest snake in the world. These snakes are active at night.
Jaguar by Hailey Bunger
Here is a picture of a jaguar.
The jaguar looks like….
The jaguar is 5 to 6 feet long. They can weigh between 220 and
350 pounds. A jaguar can swim well so they can get across the
lake. Their fur is deep yellow golden brown to blend in with the
stuff around them. They have a long head. They have big legs to
run to get their prey.
What does the jaguar eat?
The jaguar can eat crocodiles, turtles, fish and capybaras. They
can eat 85 different types of animals. It can kill the animal in a
single bite. They hunt at night so when they are asleep the
jaguar can surprise or ambush their prey. They can stick their
teeth into the back of the skull of the animal. It can go without
food for 92-113 days.
How is the jaguar like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
The jaguar baby patterns are the same as their mom. Adults
have darker fur than their babies. Mamas have blue eyes and
the babies have brown eyes. Jaguars have one to four kittens at
a time. The babies stay with their mom for two or more years.
Who is the jaguar’s predator?
The jaguar is becoming extinct because people are killing them
for their fur. People kill them because they hunt farm animals.
They are also becoming extinct one more way. People are
destroying their habitat. There is one more predator and it is an
What are some other interesting facts about the jaguar?
The jaguar lives on their own. They are excellent swimmers.
The spots are in the shape of a rose. They can live 12 to 15
Piranha by Tanner DeBuhr
Here is a picture of a piranha.
The piranha looks like….
A piranha is eight - twelve inches long and weighs seven
pounds. They are silvery with an orange belly and red patches
for camouflage. They have strong jaws with sharp triangular
teeth. They have deep bodies, saw- edged bellies, and blunt
heads. Their jaw bone is so strong and it can crush a human
hand in 5-10 seconds.
What do the piranhas eat?
Piranhas eat fish, fruit, seeds, insects, crustaceans, snails and
some aquatic plants. Piranhas hunt in groups. They have very
sharp teeth. They swim fast to catch prey. Piranhas live in the
How is the piranha like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
The piranha adult is bigger than the baby. The mom has sharp
teeth and the baby is born with no teeth. They can lay up to
5000 eggs. The adults protect the eggs and 90% can survive
until hatching.
Who is the piranha’s predator?
Humans use piranha’s teeth to make tools and weapons.
Dolphins, crocodiles, and turtles are enemies. Other predators
are herons, caimans, and water snakes.
What are some other interesting facts about the piranha?
Piranha means fish tooth. Like sharks, they have special sensory
organs to help find blood in the water.
Anaconda by Emri Dennis
Here is a picture of an anaconda.
The anaconda looks like….
The anaconda is 16 feet long. Its weight is 550 pounds. They are
brown or olive green. Their eyes and nostrils are on the top of
the head. They can grow up to 30 feet long. It is 12 inches
around the waist. They have oval shaped black spots on their
What does the anaconda eat?
The anaconda likes a lot of food like fish, turtles, deer, caimans,
capybaras, pigs, and jaguars. They use a strong and muscular
body to kill its pray. It usually hunts at night for its food. It can
pull pray underwater and then swallow it whole.
How is the anaconda like their parents? How are they
different? How do the offspring survive?
The baby anaconda has yellow oval shaped spots. The adult
anaconda is longer than the baby anaconda. The babies are two
feet long. The adult anaconda gives birth to 20 or 30 young. The
babies have individual life the day they are born.
Who is the anaconda’s predator?
The anaconda’s predators are jaguars and large black caiman.
People are destroying their homes. They also make clothing
and shoes from their skin. People also sell them as pets.
What are some other interesting facts about the anaconda?
The anaconda can hide underwater to attack its prey. It grows
its whole life. It can eat a whole pig.
Jaguar by Easton Dice
Here is a picture of a jaguar.
The jaguar looks like….
The jaguar can grow 5 or 6 feet long not including the tail.
Males usually weigh 220 pounds. People hunt jaguars for their
beautiful golden and brown fur. They have lots of black spots.
What does the jaguar eat?
A jaguar’s jaws are so strong it can break open a turtle’s shell.
When they are hunting, one bite then their prey is dead.
Jaguars eat capybaras and fish and they eat avocados. Jaguars
hunt alone at night.
How is the jaguar like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
Baby jaguars have gray fur with black spots. When they grow
up then they get orange fur with black spots. The females have
two to three babies at a time. Mom protects the babies for two
Who is the jaguar’s predator?
The forests have been destroyed because people cut them
down. Farmers hunt jaguars because they eat cattle. Anacondas
are known to eat jaguars.
What are some other interesting facts about the jaguar?
Jaguars can live from 12 to 15 years. They are the biggest cats.
These big cats like to hunt alone at night. They live by
themselves. They eat 85 different kinds of animals.
0rangutan by Brinlee Eberhart
Here is a picture of an orangutan.
The orangutan looks like….
The orangutan is a large reddish ape. It is almost 4.5 feet tall
and weighs as much as 285 pounds. They have long powerful
arms and short legs.
What does the orangutan eat?
Orangutans eat fruit, leaves, bark, bugs, jackfruit, and bird eggs.
They use sticks to catch bugs. It holds the branch with one arm
when it eats.
How is the orangutan like their parents? How are they
different? How do the offspring survive?
Orangutan babies are a lot like their parents. They are the same
color. They have the same hands and feet. The mom has more
fur than the baby. A mom is bigger than the baby and has a
bigger face than the baby. Females give birth once every eight
years. Babies stay with their mother for six years. They have
two or one babies.
Who is the orangutan’s predator?
Orangutans are hunted by people who also destroy their
habitats. They use them as pets. Other enemies are leopards,
bearded pigs, crocodiles, pythons, and black eagles.
What are some other interesting facts about the orangutan?
Orangutan means man of the forest. They have 32 teeth and
shaggy red and orange hair. It lives 50 to 60 years in the zoo
and 30 to 40 years in the wild.
Piranha by Payton Feckers
Here is a picture of piranha.
The Piranha looks like….
The piranha is eight to twelve inches long. They can weigh 7.7
pounds. It is silver orange to almost black. This animal is
medium sized. They have deep bodies and saw edged bellies. It
has strong jaws with triangular teeth that can bite through
hooks made of silver.
What does the piranha eat?
A piranha is a cannibal. That means they will eat each other.
They eat in large groups. It eats its prey in 5 to 10 seconds. It
eats birds, snails, fish, seeds, fruit and plants. It will feast on
food when it falls into water.
How is the piranha like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
Baby piranhas have spots. Adults do not have spots. The female
lays up to 5000 eggs. Ninety percent of the eggs survive
because the mom and dad protect them.
Who is the piranha’s predator?
Piranha’s enemies are dolphins, water snakes, herons, people,
turtles and crocodiles. People harm them to use the teeth for
tools and weapons. They kill it then they eat it.
What are some other interesting facts about the piranha?
Piranhas are small animals with big teeth. They swim in packs
for safety. These fish will only attack if you mess with them or
their eggs. When piranhas get caught by fishermen they bark.
Lemur by Dayton Henson
Here is a picture of a lemur.
The lemur looks like….
The lemur is 2.5 to 27.5 inches long. They can weigh 1.1 ounces
to 20 pounds. It can be black, grey, brown, or reddish. They
have long back legs and large eyes. A lemur’s tail is longer than
its body.
What does the lemur eat?
Lemurs like to eat fruit, leaves, flowers, tree sap, and tree
bark. They also eat small animals and insects. They hang upside
down from their feet to eat. Their long tongue helps to reach
into flowers for food.
How is the lemur like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
The lemurs look like their parents. Babies are called pups. They
cling to their mom’s front, then their backs when they’re
Who is the lemur’s predator?
The lemur has several enemies. They are humans, fossa, and
harrier hawks. Humans are enemies because they cut down
many trees and hunt them.
What are some other interesting facts about the lemur?
Lemur means “spirit of the night.” They live on Madagascar
islands. They are intelligent and can learn to use tools and do
easy math.
Lemur by Anita Ganeri
Boa constrictor by Chloe Higdon
Here is a picture of a boa constrictor.
The boa constrictor looks like….
The boa constrictor is ten feet long. Their color can be silver,
red, tan, yellow, pinkish, or green. They can weigh 100 pounds.
Its head is a long triangular shape. It can have lines, circles,
diamond, and oval shapes on their skin. They camouflage into
their homes, so that they don’t get eaten. They have hooked
teeth. They do not use their teeth to eat, just to catch food.
What does the boa constrictor eat?
The boa constrictor eats birds, reptiles, mammals, rats, mice,
and squirrels. It hunts at night. They get their prey and squeeze
it so tight that it cannot breathe. Boa constrictors move up into
trees to catch birds and bats.
How is the boa constrictor like their parents? How are they
different? How do the offspring survive?
The boa constrictor baby is smaller than their parents. They
both have triangular heads and both have circles and brown on
their skin. They have 25 or more babies and up to 60 babies at a
time. They are left on their own from birth. They are born with
instinct to hunt.
Who is the boa constrictor’s predator?
The boa constrictor’s enemies are white bellied sea eagles,
wedge tailed eagles, humans, jaguars, and crocodiles. They all
like to hunt them.
What are some other interesting facts about the boa
The boa constrictor gives birth to live young babies. There is a
high demand for their colorful skin with interesting prints.
Orangutan by Myles Jay
Here is a picture of an orangutan.
The orangutan looks like….
The orangutans are almost 4.5 feet tall. It has shaggy red
orange fur. They can weigh 285 pounds. They use their feet and
hands to walk in the trees. Males are two times taller than
females. They have short thick bodies. They have long,
powerful arms and short legs. They have 32 teeth. They can
stretch their arms between 7-8 feet wide.
What does the orangutan eat?
They eat fruit, leaves, bark, and insects. They eat mammals and
birds. Orangutans use their feet to walk on branches.
How is the orangutan like their parents? How are they
different? How do the offspring survive?
Orangutan babies are a lot like their mother. They also have
brown eyes. They have orangish shaggy hair. The baby doesn’t
have a black face but the adult does. The baby is really tiny but
the adult is big. The baby has tiny hands but the adult doesn’t.
They only make one baby. Baby orangutans stay seven years
with their mom. They depend on her for food and protection.
Who is the orangutan’s predator?
Tigers and leopards hunt orangutans on the ground. Humans
are predators because they hunt them illegally. They also
destroy their homes.
What are some other interesting facts about the orangutan?
Orangutans live in trees to avoid predators. They are the largest
mammals to live in trees. The orangutans use sticks to check
the depth of the water.
Tiger by Caiyge Kannegieter
Here is a picture of a tiger.
The tiger looks like….
The tiger is 11 feet long. They can weigh up to 660 pounds.
Their long tail provides balance. Stripes on a tiger are like
human fingerprints. They have large paws and they can hide
their sharp claws. Tigers have blue eyes and excellent vision.
What does the tiger eat?
A tiger can ambush their prey. They can kill their prey with their
long retractable claws. They eat deer, python, wild boars,
crocodiles, and bears.
How is the tiger like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
The baby tiger cub has brown fur and the mom doesn’t have
brown fur. They can have two or three baby cubs. The dad has
to carry the baby cub, because it can’t walk very good.
Who is the tiger’s predator?
People kill tigers for fur and self-defense. Buffalo, elephant and
bears also kill tigers. People go and poach in the rain forest to
kill them. Tigers have lost lots of habitat because people are
cutting it down.
What are some other interesting fact about the tiger?
Tigers have excellent sight to see their prey at night. Tigers are
excellent swimmers, because they need to clean themselves.
Capybara by Owen Kurtz
Here is a picture of capybara.
The capybara looks like….
The capybara can weigh 100 pounds! The females are longer
than the males. The females are four feet long. They are brown.
Their long sharp teeth help them chow prey. They have a barrel
shaped body. Their fur is wiry.
What does the capybara eat?
The capybara is an herbivore. They eat fruit, bark, grass, and
aquatic plants. They eat eight pounds of grass per day. They
even like to eat their own poop because it gives them protein.
The jaw hinges non-perpendicular with chewing back and forth.
They even chew several times.
How is the capybara like their parents? How are they
different? How do the offspring survive?
The capybara usually has four babies. Capybara babies look a
lot like their parents except they are smaller. They both have
brown fur. They both look like a giant guinea-pig! All the
females protect the babies. Babies stay with the group and eat
from their mothers.
Who is the capybara’s predator?
The capybara has many enemies. Here are a few: humans,
jaguars, anacondas, caimans, pumas, ocelots, and harpy eagles.
Humans kill capybaras for their meat and to produce leather
from their skin.
What are some other interesting facts about the capybara?
The capybara is the world’s largest rodent. They are very social
animals. They are semi-aquatic and like water. They live almost
anywhere except Antarctica.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog by Kambray Lavenz
Here is a picture of a red-eyed tree frog.
The red-eyed tree frog looks like….
A red-eyed tree frog has a brightly-colored green body with
yellow and blue markings. It has long slender legs for jumping
and they have suction cups on their feet. Red-eyed tree frogs are
1.5 to 2.75 inches in length. They weigh 0.2 to 0.5 ounces.
What does the red eyed tree frog eat?
Red-eyed tree frogs are meat eaters. They eat small frogs,
grasshoppers and insects. To catch their prey, they use the
element of surprise. Their sticky tongue gets their food, then
they swallow their prey whole.
How is the red-eyed tree frog like their parents? How are they
different? How do the offspring survive?
When they are little red-eyed tree frogs are yellow. When they
are an adult they are green. They have different eye colors. The
adult has red eyes. The baby has black eyes. The mom could
have 40 eggs at a time. The babies have the ability to hatch
early if a predator is approaching so they won’t die.
Who is the red-eyed tree frog’s predator?
Red-eyed tree frog’s enemies are snakes, bats, toucans, spiders,
and owls. Tadpoles are targeted by dragonflies, fish, water
beetles, and young alligators. Humans are cutting down the
trees so the red-eyed tree frog will die.
What are some other interesting facts about the red-eyed tree
They rest on an underside of a leaf during the day. They are
not poisonous.
Sloth by Ellie LeBahn
Here is a picture of a sloth.
The sloth looks like….
The sloth weighs 8 to 17 pounds. It can grow up to 2 feet long.
It is black brown with wiry fur. They have a flexible neck that
allows rotation. Sloths have round faces, sad eyes, small ears,
and short tails.
What does the sloth eat?
Sloths eat plants, types of leaves, fruit and twigs. Sloths’ claws
help them grab leaves.
How is the sloth like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
Baby sloths are different than their mommy. Both have whitish
faces. The baby has short fingernails. Mommy has long
fingernails. Baby sloths have pinkish noses and mommy has a
blackish nose. Sloths have one baby at a time. Baby sloths need
to grab their mother’s fur immediately.
Who is the sloth’s predator?
Predators of sloths are jaguars, snakes, ocelots, and birds of
prey. Claws are used as a tool against predators. Sloths can bite
and produce high pitched sounds.
What are some other interesting facts about the sloth?
Sloths usually spend 20 hours per day sleeping. Sloth’s fur is a
home for moths and other insects. Sloths rarely come down
from the trees because they cannot walk.
Lemur by Erik Newcomb
Here is a picture of a lemur.
The lemur looks like….
The lemur weighs 1.1 ounce to 20 pounds and is 2.5-27.5 inches
long. They are reddish, gray, brown, or black in color. A lemur
has large eyes, a fox face, and long back legs. They have long
bushy tails that are longer than their body. It has human like
hands with opposable thumbs. The lemur uses a claw on its toe
to groom.
What does the lemur eat?
Lemurs eat fruit, leaves, seeds, flowers, tree sap, and bark.
They will also eat small vertebrates and insects. Lemurs hang
upside down to eat. Their feet hang on to the branches.
How is the lemur like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
Lemurs and their babies look alike. Babies are called pups. The
babies survive on the mother’s back.
Who is the lemur’s predator?
Lemur’s predators are fossa, harrier hawks and humans. Hawks
take baby lemurs off their mother’s backs at night with their
powerful claws. Illegal hunting puts lemurs at risk. Ninety-nine
percent of lemurs will probably become extinct in the next 20 -
25 years.
What are some other interesting facts about the lemur?
Lemurs make a loud alarm call to warn of danger. The biggest
lemur is the indri. Lemurs live only in Madagascar.
Lemur by Anita Ganeri
Toucan by Avery Smith
Here is a picture of a toucan .
The toucan looks like…
A toucan is a very colorful bird. It can weigh 24 ounces and
grow to 2 feet tall. Toucans have a very, very long tail and a
long beak to get food. Their bills are black and orange and blue
and brown and green and red and white and yellow. Keratin
makes bills strong and light.
What does the toucan eat?
Toucans mostly eat fruit. They will also eat seeds, eggs, and
small animals. They use their bill to gather fruit and peel it. Its
long tongue helps the toucan taste and catch insects.
How is the toucan like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
Toucan babies do not have feathers. They have one colored
beak. Grownup toucans have colorful bills. They both have
wings. Their parents bring them food and teach them how to
get their own food.
Who is the toucan’s predator?
Harpy eagles eat toucans. Other predators are boa constrictors,
jaguars, ocelots, and humans. Rats eat toucan’s eggs. Humans
kill them for their colorful bill for trophies and other things.
Humans catch them for pets.
What are some other interesting facts about the toucan?
There are 35 species of toucans. Toucans can be kept as pets.
Toco toucans are the largest of all toucans. The bright beak is
about 8 in long.
Toco Toucan by Anastass Suen
Sloth by Emie Tott
Here is a picture of my sloth.
The sloth looks like…
The sloth can grow up to 27 inches long. They can weigh from 8
to 17 pounds. They’re usually grayish brown or tan with wiry
fur. They have two or three toes. Their long curved claws are 3
to 4 inches long. Sloth have round faces, sad eyes, and small
What does the sloth eat?
Sloths are herbivores. That means they are plant eaters. They
eat leaves, fruit, and twigs with their claws.
How is the sloth like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
The baby is different than the mommy. The mommy’s nose is
black and the baby’s nose is pink. The baby’s fur is white and
the mommy’s fur is green. Sloths have one baby a year. Babies
grab their mother’s fur immediately when they are born.
Who is the sloth’s predator?
Sloth’s predators are jaguars, snakes, ocelots, and birds of prey.
When sloths are on the ground they are easy prey for
predators, because they are so slow. They only move 13 feet in
a minute when on the ground.
What are some other interesting facts about the sloth?
Sloths sleep between 9 and 15 hours a day. They always look
like they are smiling. Males can attack males, also females
attack other females. Sloths’ eyesight and hearing are not very
Howler Monkey by Brayten Werkmeister
Here is a picture of a howler monkey.
The howler monkey looks like….
The howler monkey’s tail helps them to grasp onto branches.
Their tail is 20-30 inches long. The body of the monkey is 16 to
28 inches tall. These monkeys can weigh from 6 to 22 pounds.
The color of the thick hair can be black, brown, or red. The
monkey’s tail has thick fur. The underside of the tail tip has no
hair to give them a better grip. The howler monkey has a large
throat with a special organ that makes a very loud sound. The
jaw juts out on this monkey and it has a beard.
What does the howler eat?
Howler monkeys are mainly vegetarian. They eat leaves, fruit,
flowers, and nuts. They also like to eat eggs from bird nests. It
uses its tail to help them grip branches as it eats and moves
around high in the trees.
How is the howler monkey like their parents? How are they
different? How do the offspring survive?
Howler monkey babies are usually different. The baby’s chest is
darker. The baby has less fur. The baby’s nose is the same color
as its moms. Babies are born one at a time.
Who is the howler monkey’s predator?
Howler monkeys get eaten by harpy eagles. Humans kill them
for their meat and fur.
What are some other interesting facts about the howler
Howler monkeys can be heard up to three miles (4.8 km) away.
There are 15 species of howler monkeys. Sometimes howler
monkeys are kept as pets. Troops of between 10 to 20 monkeys
live together.
Tiger by Rylen Woods
Here is a picture of a tiger.
The tiger looks like….
The tiger is the largest of all cats. They are ten feet long and
three feet tall. These big cats weigh between 350 and 640
pounds. Tigers are deep yellow or orange. They have dark
stripes on their head, body, and legs. They have black rings on
their tails. Tigers are strong and have large paws and sharp
claws. Their eye sight is very good.
What does the tiger eat?
Tigers eat large mammals like wild boars and deer. They also
hunt pythons and crocodile. To catch their prey, they use the
element of surprise. Tigers are strong and fierce hunters.
How is the tiger like their parents? How are they different?
How do the offspring survive?
Mother tiger and their babies both have black stripes. Baby
tigers have light fur and white ears. Three to four cubs are born
at a time. Moms are protective but many babies are killed by
predators. They leave their mother at two years old to start a
new life on their own.
Who is the tiger’s predator?
Adult tigers have no animal predators. Humans hunt tigers.
They want fur. Some people have tigers for pets. Lots of
countries have laws to protect tigers.
What are some other interesting facts about the tigers?
Tiger’s stripes are camouflage. Their stripes are all different,
like our finger prints. They can swim four miles with prey in
their mouth.