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Inside Archery December 2020

Inside Archery December 2020

Keywords: Inside Archery,archery,outdoors,hunting,bowhunting

Continued from Page 50

treestands. The Nanogrip comprises Grey” available for target shooters. ing demographic. The SolutionSD is
a thin, 360-degree layer covering the The 32-inch Nexus 2 includes a offered for any short-draw shooter,
grip area and creating a warm feel- the Eva Shockey Gen II for female
ing, no matter the temperature, and 6-inch brace, 23-30-inch draw length shooters looking for a harder hitting
allows shooting without bulky gloves. capabilities and weighs 4.4 pounds. bow option. Both include Deadlock
It includes a stated IBO speed rating Cams--a system allowing dealers
The Nexus’ cam system has been of 341 fps. The 34-inch Nexus 4 also and end users to quickly tune out ar-
made lighter and paired with a includes a 6-inch brace, but draw row kick and establish a more precise
lighter yolk-cable splitter. This re- lengths spanning 23.5 to 30.5 inches center shot through a threaded axle
finement reduces overall vibration and a 4.5-pound mass. It produces with a dead-reliable locking system.
by 50 percent when compared to the IBO velocities of 345 fps. Finally, the The arrow rest is set up on center
practically vibration-free 2020 Prime 36-inch Nexus 6 includes a 6.5-inch and anchored securely, the Dead-
Black Series. The reduced weight also brace, draw lengths spanning 24.5 to lock system is then used to tune out
makes Nexus the fastest bow Prime 31.5 inches and it weighs 4.6 pounds.
has offered to date, without sacrific- It will push arrows up to 331 fps IBO.
ing shooting forgiveness or stability. All are available in peak draw weights
The Nexus Series includes three mod- from 30 to 80 pounds. Learn more by
els, the Nexus 2, Nexus 4 and Nexus 6, visiting
with axle-to-axle specs of 32, 34 and
36 inches. Nexus models are offered Bowtech
in all of Prime’s current hunting solid
and camo colors with the addition of For 2021 Bowtech went all-in to serve
“Army Green” as a new hunting option archers and bowhunters with shorter
and “Midnight Blue” or “Hammered draw lengths, providing top perfor-
mance for this often neglected shoot-

Bowtech Bowtech Galaxy Galaxy
SolutionSD Eva Shockey Grey Grey
Gen II Dawn Dawn
Recurve Longbow


irregularities such as arrow kicks or ing finished bow weight to only 3.9 structed from diamond wood, zebra
porpoising. Aside from the Deadlock pounds. The riser holds Clutch Grips wood, hard maple and black fiber-
Cams, Deadlock Limb Pockets are also for excellent shooting comfort. Both glass for a high degree of eye appeal,
a big part of what makes these bows the SolutionSD and Eva Shockey Gen and includes a radiused shelf cut just
shoot so well, aligning and locking II accommodate draw lengths from outside center for easy arrow tuning.
the split limbs securely. The silky 21.5 to 28.5 inches, and are offered in The 60-inch bow comes with a bow-
smooth Binary Cam system includes peak draw weights of 50, 60 and 70 string and is designed to be shot with
rotating modules and PowerShift pounds. Both are a compact 30 inches a 7.25- to 8.25-inch brace height. It
Technology. PowerShift allows these between the axles, and spit arrows at is offered in right- or left-hand ver-
bows to be set up to provide a com- speeds of up to 323 fps. The SolutionSD sions, and draw weights from 30 to
fortable draw cycle—say when sit- includes red-highlighted hardware, 60 pounds in 5-pound increments.
ting on a cold treestand—or a slight- and the Eva Shockey Gen II features
ly more aggressive draw cycle that teal-blue hardware. Learn more by The Grey Dawn Longbow is a tradi-
maximizes speed. These adjustments visiting tional “D-shaped” longbow including
require only removing a module, flip- the same materials and construction
ping it over and reinstalling the set Galaxy by Lancaster Archery as the Recurve. This longbow mea-
screws. Shot silence comes through sures 68 inches tip to tip and shoots
a standard string stop, and a side- Customers seeking classic, 1-piece best with a brace height of 6.75 to
mounted orbit dampener which also traditional designs can choose be- 7.75 inches. It is also offered in right-
aids in balance. tween the Galaxy Grey Dawn Recurve and left-hand versions with the
or Longbow. The Grey Dawn Recurve same choice of specs as the Recurve.
Both bows are based on rock solid Bow is a time honored 1-piece de- Both include an affordable MSRP
and lightweight bridged risers milled sign employing recurve limbs for of 199.99. Learn more by visiting
from solid aluminum stock, bring- improved speed generation. It is con- IA



Musacchia Broadhead NBS100


T hough the newer Musacchia broad- modern ingredients that make edge-retaining 51 RC, and held to an effi-
head design closely resembles the the design stronger and more cient 31.5-degree attack angle that slic-
original design at a glance, it is not the reliable during those looming es instead of chops to drive deeper.
worst-case scenarios. Both blade designs are anchored at
the tip with the threaded trocar
same. The new Musacchia NBS100 broad- As a start, the Musacchia fer- tip. In the highly unlikely
event a tip or ferrule is
head is updated in every way. rule is precision turned from severely bent, those
bar-stock 7075 T6 aluminum, blades aren’t going
anywhere. The broad-
And then there is that name, NBS100. instead of the near-standard head remains intact.
Like Johnny Musacchia himself, the 6065 used in most alumi- The overall geometry of
NBS label stands for No Bull---t. num-ferruled broadheads NBS100 models was also re-
today. The 7075 T6 mate- fined to meet changing de-
What really sets Musacchia Broad- rial is magnitudes stron- mands, providing excellent ac-
heads apart are updated materials— ger, and is then treated curacy at the unprecedented
arrow speeds generated by
to hard-coat anodizing to modern compound bows and

protect from oxidation and crossbows. A streamlined 1 1/8-by-1 1/8-
inch cutting dynamic is included with
further strengthen the criti- the 4-blade version, the 3-blade NBS100
including a 1.25-inch cutting diameter.
cal broadhead chassis.
My first experience with a NBS100
The firebrand cut-on- 4-blade included a 250-pound wild hog,
hit low in the shoulder after an on-
contact trocar tip remains the-fly, 35-yard shot taken without the
benefit of a laser rangefinder. Bone was
a central feature, but it was shattered, the heart was perforated, and
that arrow was never found, skipping
streamlined slightly and its off into the West Texas underbrush.
That is truly NBS performance. Musac-
edges optimized to maxi- chia Broadhead 3-packs are also a deal,
at $33.96 retail, including a protective
mize penetration and smash hard plastic case that offers safe storage
of assembled heads, and replacement
through heavy bone. This and practice blades between hunts.

trocar tip is milled from 420 Check out Musacchia Broadheads by
visiting The
stainless steel, instead of NBS100 won’t disappoint. IA

rust-prone carbon steel, and WebXtra ■ For a closer look at

hardened to 42 RC. Musacchia Broadhead NBS100, go to
The internal, ferrule-

contained blades are liter-

ally at the heart of the de-

sign’s supreme reliability.

The NBS100 4-blade includes

cross-locking blades that

slide through the ferrule

middle from the nose, creat-

ing a center column of steel.

The 3-blade holds individual

blades with internal flanges

that also slide into the fer-

rule interior. The stainless

steel blades are .025-inch

thick and hardened to an



Coming At You In 2021!

Exciting products your
customers will be
looking for in 2021


I’m not ashamed to admit I’m an unmiti-

gated gear junkie. Even when I’ve settled on a piece of gear that has served me unfail-
ingly in the field, I’m never quite convinced I couldn’t find something just a bit better.

I’m not particularly brand or model loyal. video camera and lighted aiming-dot
I jump from one piece of gear to the next, system all in one unit. The rangefinder
looking for that broader perspective that is viable for up to 600 yards and the unit
aids in my role as a product reviewer, but retails for only $439. The new Omega II
I’m also driven by a burning curiosity to Sight mirrors the Omega I in geometry
audition every new product I can get my but now includes many added features.
greedy hands on. Omega II Sight These include a low light

Judging by my en- enhancement fea-
counters with bow- ture for shooting
hunters in the field, I’m during prime early
not alone in this regard. dawn or late dusk
We once carried every- hours, five indepen-
thing needed for a day of dent reticle scales
bowhunting in the pockets of suitable for crossbows,
our surplus military fatigues. vertical bows or fire-
Now we must lug a sizable daypack arms, 2x to 6x zoom, a digital
to hold it all, while walking around with level on the LCD screen and detach-
so many items strapped about our person able sun shield for shooting in bright sun-
we resemble an old-time tinker wagon. I light. The new Omega II comes complete
killed my first archery deer while packing with a 16GB micro SD card, two lithium
a $25 recurve with clip-on quiver, four $5 CR2 batteries that provide approximately
arrows, and a pair of cheap shirt-pocket four hours of life, a picatinny rail mount-
binoculars bouncing on my chest. Today ing bracket and remote control. The
I contemplate possible hold-up while tot- unit weighs only 12 ounces and makes
ing a couple grand’s worth of merchan- the ideal companion for any crossbow
dise for a leisurely evening in a treestand. equipped with a pic rail. The ability to
record HD video of the hunt adds to its
A recent National Shooting Sports sales appeal. Learn more by visit-
Foundation survey revealed the ing
average deer hunter annually
spends upwards of $2,362 on new Inventive Outdoors
gear. Who can blame them? New
gear is exciting, and promises CWD-Free Deer Attractant from
greater enjoyment of our precious Inventive Outdoors is guaran-
time outdoors, and maybe even teed, and legal in all states that
increased success rates by solving allow scent attractants. With
recurring problems encountered the growing concern within
while bowhunting. So in that spirit, the hunting industry of CWD,
we present you with some hot new
products for 2021 sure to become a many deer urine attractant
new addition to some gear junky’s
wish list. companies turned to synthetic

Omega Sights CWD-Free formulas; lures that are not
The new 2021 Omega II Sight by Lil Bow urine based so do not contain
Peep, LLC is patented technology includ- Attractant important scent compounds
ing a built-in laser rangefinder, HD 10 0p
and components found in real

urine. CWD-Free provides a safe and le-
gal alternative to synthetic scents, using
the company’s urine neutralization and


2021 New&Notables

conversion system to through self-healing qualities. The foam shoulder mount on a flat wall. The new
is also UV resistant and Pedestal System from Full Range Hanging
create a true urine- stands up to harsh winter Systems allows an exciting new avenue for
weather. Learn more by displaying up to three shoulder mounts on
based “hybrid” deer at- visiting a single pedestal system. The Pedestal Sys-
tem adds versatility and excitement to any
tractant. These pro- FGorroeunRdunBnlienrds trophy room for a retail price of just $140.
The Pedestal System is easily combined
cesses target “bad” Fore Runner Blinds is a with any reasonable base, like a whiskey
portable soft-sided blind barrel, tree stump or custom environmen-
or unwanted com- designed by hunters to hold tal display incorporating branches from
up to harsh late season ele- natural environments. Learn more by vis-
pounds found in urine Rinehart ments and remain 100-percent iting
while leaving the “good” or 3D Moose user friendly. Fore Runner Blinds include
an integrated hitch system that allows
desired compounds intact. them to be towed by an ATV or UTV. The
retractable wheels can be engaged or dis-
This system also targets uric acid and engaged in only minutes for fast mobility
into a favorite hunting spot. Fore Runner
neutralizes urine pH to eliminate the
Fore Runner
formation of ammonia, so it will not Ground Blind

degrade over time. This also means Ground Blinds features a rigid, self-sup-
porting aluminum frame to stand up to
it is as fresh after a week as it was the punishing wind and snow, without the ThermaSeat
hassle of tiedowns and stakes. Setup re-
first day it was applied. When the neutral- quires minimal effort and the blind in-

ized urine is combined with the propri- cludes large horizontal New Hampshire based ThermaSeat re-
and vertical windows
etary scent additives containing synthe- to maximize shot op- cently introduced the new Hybrid RX, pro-
portunities. Fore Runner
sized natural compounds, the result is a Blinds are designed to viding ultimate comfort whether
hold three to four people.
urine-based, 100-percent CWD-free deer Learn more by visiting sitting on the ground or in
attractant without Cervidae urine or the a stand. The Hybrid
HanginFgulSl yRsatnegmes
CWD prions associated. This makes it legal RX holds a “G4”
The Full Range Hanging System al-
in states that have banned natural deer lows any shoulder mount to pivot 180 premium gel
degrees, eliminating the need to choose
urine attractants. Deer react naturally a fixed position to permanently hang a core surrounded

to these scents because they are natu- by ½-inch, rigid

rally urine based. Learn more by visiting closed cell foam that protects against cold, ThermaSeat
wet ground with a 1.25- Hybrid RX
Rinehart Targets inch layer of premium

New for 2021, Rinehart Targets introduces comfort foam and a 1.25-inch G4 premium
the 1/3-Scale Moose to the Woodland Se-
ries. This moose target is crafted to cre- gel core. The base is made from non-slip
ate an exact 1/3-size replica of the real
animal, making it more affordable (MSRP rubber-coated fabric to eliminate slippage
$224.99) than a full-sized Rinehart moose
when used on stand and the pad includes

a shoulder carrying strap. The ThermaSeat

Hybrid RX is offered with Mossy Oak, Re-

target. This scaling allows bowhunters altree or Black covers and is designed to
to simulate a 60-yard shot while stand-
ing at only 20 yards. The target features be lightweight and last a lifetime. Learn

more by visiting

realistic sculpted fea- Nose Jammer
tures and painted details
to look like the real deal, Nose Jammer Wax Sticks of-
fer another option for hunters
but measures 36-inches to
the top of the antlers and to overwhelm their quarry’s
31-inches long. The target
sense of smell. Nose Jammer

is molded from Rinehart is designed to overwhelm the
solid F Woodland Foam,
with a locking replaceable sense of smell of big game

animals and predators such

core made from as elk, whitetail, prong-
Rinehart’s Signa- horn, hogs and coyotes. The
ture Series foam,
to stop the fast- formula contains vanillin
est arrows and
provide long life Nose and other natural aromatic
Full Range Jammer
Hanging Wax compounds, including lignin, a
Stick Continued on Page 60


2021 New&Notables

Continued from Page 58 Apex Gear
Crosspeak Scope
major support structure for trees, grasses
and shrubs. These compounds don’t alarm Ballistic Reticle (ABR) is easily calibrated to Scent Crusher
game animals, but instead temporarily crossbows shooting from 260 to 500 fps, Halo Series Covert Closet
jam their olfactory system. This happens with precise hold-over marks supplied for
when those compounds are delivered at ranges from 20 to 100 yards. The single- bled is 59 inches high. It weighs only 15
concentrated levels, overloading the ol- piece, milled-aluminum tube is 30mm for pounds. An insulated exterior pocket keeps
factory gland found in an animal’s nose maximum light transmission, and has re- snacks or drinks cool with the addition
and helping hunters’ odors to go over- ceived a black, non-glare finish. Fogging is of an ice pack, another 10-by-9-by-3-inch
looked. Wax Sticks offer a quick, easy and eliminated through nitrogen purging. All ozone-free exterior pocket also included.
reusable way to deploy this game-chang- The bag has heavy duty roller wheels,
ing hunting tool. Learn more by visiting lenses are fully coated to pro- reinforced pull straps, and the rigid rack mote image brightness and support system can be set up quickly, or
contrast. The windage and folded into the bag for easy storage. Learn
Black Gate Hunting Products elevation adjustment tur- more by visiting
rets provide ½-inch move-
The R4K Scouting Camera from Black Gate ments. The 14/1-ounce scope Cold Steel
Hunting Products offers a high perfor- comes with 30mm alumi-
mance option at an affordable price. The num rings, a neoprene rain The Cheap Shot Bone Saw from Cold Steel
R4K features an HD 32MP camera (5, 8, jacket and a limited lifetime are deadly effective broadheads that cost
12, 16, 20 and 24MP settings also possible) warranty. Learn more by vis-
and 5MP CMOS sensor. Capture iting only $2.50 each, so shooters don’t
modes include photo, 4K vid- have to worry about losing or
eo and photo/video; and the Scent Crusher damaging an expensive piece of
camera’s ultra-wide detec- terminal gear after a missed shot.
tion zone and .2- to .6-sec- Scent Crusher’s new Halo Series The Cheap Shot Bone Saw includes
ond trigger speed mean an innovative hybrid construction
no passing animal will be Covert Closet is highly versatile that includes a 1-piece blade made
missed. The fully automatic
IR filter is coupled with and an easy and safe way to elimi- from heat-treated stainless steel
45 IR/No Glow technol- and a screw-in ferrule molded from
ogy LEDs to capture sharp nate odors and bacteria from hunt- stout, space age polymer to stand
nighttime images, with a up to harsh use. The cut-on-contact,
detection and flash range ing clothing and gear. The Covert fixed-blade design sports effective
of 65 feet. Dual PIR sensors Black Gate single-bevel cutting edges that are whetted
cover a full 120 degrees. The R4K Scouting Closet can be used as a travel to a razor’s edge and create spiral wound
2.36-inch LCD display allows Camera channels that won’t plug up. There are
easy setup, navigation and image review bag or deployed as a closet. The two versions of the affordable design, one
and the unit is compatible with SD cards with a standard razor’s edge and another
up to 512GB. All of these features are avail- system allows using it as a mo- with serrated cutting edges. Both weigh
able for less than $120. Learn more by vis- 125 grains and are perfect for compound
iting bile roller bag while traveling, but or traditional bowhunters. The affordable
broadheads will be available for sale very
APEX GEAR once at the end destination it can soon. Learn more by visiting

The all-new CROSSPEAK Illuminated be converted into a stationary Continued on Page 62
Crossbow Scope from APEX GEAR allows
shooters to dial in exact bolt speed, and closet. The bag/closet uses Scent
in conjunction with the speed-calibrated
crosshairs, make longer shots easier. Ex- Crusher’s new battery-operated
cellent optics provides clean viewing and
the etched glass reticles can be illumi- Halo Generator to dispense Cold Steel
nated in red via 10 brightness settings. The odor-killing ozone. New Cheap Shot
2- to 7-power magnification also allows techno-lite fabric, heavy duty Bone Saw
more precise aiming at any range. APEX’s
reversed zippers and a weather resistant

base maintain a complete seal and are im-

pervious to hard use. The unit measures

32-by-20-by-13 inches, and when assem-


2021 New&Notables

Continued from Page 60 Victory Archery foam targets. They are offered in Elite/V1 ting 2-inch blade to fold around bone, then
VAP-SS Elite .001-inch straightness tolerances), .003 snap back to maximum cutting width af-
Victory Archery Gamer/V3 .003) and Sport/V6 .006) and ter passing to ensure straight-line pene-
tration. The scalpel-sharp blades are made
The VAP-SS from Victory Archery combines spines from .250 to .400. Learn more from high grade stainless steel and come
technologies found in the original low- by visiting .036-inches thick for dependability. Learn
diameter VAP with the stainless steel more by visiting
infused Xtorsion to create a bone break- PVreotdeurcatns I(nVnIoPv)ative
ing, deep driving shaft which also pro- BIGshot Archery
vides flatter trajectories. The .166-inch VIP’s Combat Veteran Broadhead is made
diameter shaft cheats crosswinds from top quality, 100-percent American BIGshot Archery’s Pro Archery Video Wall
and reduces friction to enhance materials. The 4-blade broadhead of- with Live Hunt technology and True Score
penetration and slip through
game effortlessly. New SHO fers a hybrid design combining the BIGshot Pro Archery Video Wall
inserts protect the front of best attributes of fixed and me-
the shaft from splitting chanical designs and includes
and strengthen the fore-
end. Proprietary ICE Nano Ceram- efficient Momentum Manage-
ic coating creates a slick surface
that is silent over an arrow rest, ment Technology. The broad-
reduces friction through game and makes VIP
arrows easier to extract from high density Combat head produces 1.25-by-
Veteran 2-inch wound channels

and is led by a cutting,

bone-smashing titanium tip. Inte-

rior suspension allows the wide cut-


Interactive Vitals pro- SPYPOINT required, with
vide a highly realistic Link-Micro-S-LTE models offered
shooting experience.
The excitement of the to provide the best coverage in
affordable interactive
system ensures deal- specific areas. The camera re-
ers will keep custom-
ers coming back for more, quires only downloading the
and is perfect for attracting a
younger set through its inter- SPYPOINT app, activating the
active system. The interactive
video wall offers more ben- new camera, installing the micro
eficial practice possible and
maintains interest through un- SD card and battery pack, and
surpassed versatility. The easy-to-oper-
ate system is youth-bow, traditional and powering on to receive remote-
compound compatible and super safe.
It is also mobile, easily broken down, access images. Learn more at
transported and set up in minutes. The
6-by-8-foot wall includes live hunt sen-
sors and interactive software for true-
to-life shooting. Everything is Maple Leaf Press
included, and at a price well
below that of similar setups. A Maple Leaf Press, in collaboration
personal, 4-by-6-foot, 12-cube with the S3DA, have come up with an
setup with 40 standard video indoor target face that features S3DA 3D
scenes, or a Pro/Mobile, 6-by- Vital Scoring. These targets will be used
8-foot, 24-cube setup with 127 during indoor events along with the
video scenes, video wall sen- blue and white NFAA targets, which Ma-
sors, video processing comput- ple Leaf Press also produces. Offered in
er, BVR Hunt Player Software, brown and black, the 17-by-17-inch tar-
projector enclosure, wireless
keyboard and foot pedal/sensor are of- gets are printed on
fered. Learn more by visiting videotar- Maple Leaf Press high-quality 7-point
S3DA Targets paper and include
a PC code for retailing convenience.
SPYPOINT’s Link-Micro-S-LTE and -LTE-V
are the smallest solar powered, cellular Maple Leaf Press offers more varieties of
trail cameras available. They provide a
.4-second trigger speed, 0-foot range official targets than any other company
and flash, 10MP resolution for photo and
multi-shot modes and operate on an LTE in the world. NFAA, IFAA, World Archery,
cellular network. The integrated solar
panel powers the rechargeable lithium Vegas, and now these new S3DA targets,
battery, so users never have to buy bat-
teries. The Link-Micro saves space, time are all a part of Maple Leaf’s convenient
and money, with a simplified platform
with no superfluous features. The unit mix and match pricing. Learn more by
includes easy ac-
tivation with no visiting
personal cell plan

Arizona Archery Enterprises, or AAE, is
releasing the new Mountain Series Sta-
bilizer Bars for 2021. These are the latest
hunting stabilizers in the Hot Rodz line-

AAE Mountain Series Stabilizer


2021 New&Notables

up, the Advante-X “Mountain Series.” The Elevation Altitude 46 TCS Case to segregate quivers, stabilizers
Mountain Series includes a .50-inch di- and arrow tubes. All include soft
ameter, high-modulus, ultralight carbon
bar that utilizes a new internal Vibration lining, including a protective
dampening material to deliver an amaz- ssttrriinngg//ccaamm cradle. Learn more
ingly soft and quiet shot without sacrific- by visittiinnggeklienvasetiyosnienqcu.cipopmed. .com
ing much weight. Coming in weights from
2.1 (8 inches) to 3.1 ounces (15 inches) the Easton
Mountain Series is the perfect stabilizer
for backcountry mountain For 2021 Easton introduces the
hunters or anyone looking to
maximize their stabilization new ultra-thin 4mm Axis Long
while keeping their mass
weight to a minimum. permanently into Range. The 4mm Axis LR offers
Learn more by visiting a 416 stainless-steel ferrule. bowhunters the ultimate micro diam-

The cut-on-contact blade includes con- eter arrow, offering more speed and deeper

cave cutting edges for unsurpassed pen- penetration. These Utah-made shafts are

etration combined with wide

cutting diameter. The new

Contour + , includes four blades

Odin’s Innovations and is offered in many popu-

lar weights. They come in

Odin’s Innovations’ unique three packs inside a hard case

scent beads include a time- with an integrated broadhead

release formula that dispens- wrench. The bleeder blades Easton 4mm
are fast and easy to install Axis Long Range
es scent for up to 30 days, and

since they won’t be eaten by and compatible only with

game they remain in the field Plus ferrules. KP100 Plus single engineered with specialized carbon-fiber

through the duration of their bevel broadheads include stan- to increase arrow velocity. Easton 4mm

effectiveness. After the scent dard #8-32 threads. The popular nocks and front-of-center boosting 8-32

is exhausted the 100-percent Odin’s 100-grain version (also available half-out inserts are included to help tight-
biodegradable makeup leaves Scent iinn 112255-- aanndd 115500--ggrraaiinn)) iiss 11..0077 iinncchheess en arrow grouping. The 4mm Axis Long
no harmful residues or pollut- Beads wide and 1.18 inches long. The main blade Range is available in four sizes, including
ants behind. For 2021, Odin’s is is a rugged .050 inches thick, the 8-grain 250, 300, 340, and 400 and with standard
bleeder 17-4 stainless steel with single straightness tolerances and in the ultra-
introducing new 12-ounce bottled scents, bevel and .625-inch cutting width. A dark precise +/- .001 Match Grade. They retail
finish eliminates glare. Learn more by vis- for $105.99 per six pack. Learn more by vis-
the 1.5-inch diameter bottle designed to iting iting

fit perfectly into the water bottle pouch of

most backpacks for easy transport. Odin’s

has also partnered with Hunter’s Kloak Elevation Vapor Trail

and will be introducing many new scent

options that will help bowhunters not Elevation Altitude 46 TCS Case keeps The Gen 7X by Vapor Trail takes the com-
akrecehpesryarcgheaery ogrgeanr izoerdgananizdedsaafned frsoamfe pany’s proven limb-driven, drop-away
only score on white-tailed deer, but dfraommagdea.mTahge. cTahsee caisse biusilbtuialtroaurnodunda arrow rest and makes it more versatile.
astesetle-ebla-bnadnededfrafmraemaenadndwiwll iltlotteottewtowo The floating V launcher provides maxi-
other game such as black bear and bows. Four lift points, including a pad- mum forgiveness and it can be adjusted
for drop speed, making it a popular design
wild hogs. Sugar beet, peanut butter, ded carry handle, and a removable
shoulder strap are included Vapor Trail
vanilla and sweet corn are all under for easier transport. The zip- Gen 7X
pers are lockable and roller
strong consideration, with dealer
wheels make it easy to navigate
input encouraged. Odin’s offers a busy airport. Skid plates and a
durable exterior shell ensure lon-
marketing support material and in- ger life. Separated compartments
hold compound bows measuring
store displays to all authorized KuduPoint up to 43 inches and di-
Contour+ vider pockets can be used
dealers. Learn more by visit-



KuduPoint Broadheads are rugged and
unfailing, the 420 stainless-steel, single-
bevel/variable-pitch main blades swaged


with the unique qual- cell coverage. All cameras in
ity of stubbier hex
keys. The tool was the system can be covered
made specifically for
reaching inside tight spots with a $10 per month plan,
common with archery setups. The
ReachIt features a hex bit socket that providing up to 750 im-
can also hold any standard hex bit,
Vortex Optics Crossfire II Crossbow Scope and assortment of hex bits and a carry ages monthly, or for 30
case. The ReachIt includes 24 tools in
among accuracy obsessed archers. Only one, is stoutly made and the carry case a month users can download
authorized dealers may sell these rests, can be attached to a shooting stool or
eliminating online competition. They are hip quiver. Tools include 11 hex wrenches unlimited images. Gen 2 firm-
offered with 12 interchangeable colors to from .50- to 1/4-inch, four Phillips-head
match any bow’s color scheme. They in- bits, two flat-head screwdriver bits and ware provides better control
clude a full-capture rubber-over-molded seven Torx bits from 10 through 40. Learn
carbon cage for no-look shooting and more by visiting over user CuddeLink network,
can be activated by either the top or bot-
tom limb. Micro-adjustable windage and Cuddeback including changing camera
elevation and an integrated bubble level
make setup faster and more precise. A Cuddeback’s CuddeLink Cell trail cam- settings via a smartphone,
silencing Shag Pad, nonslip limb-mount- era offers both remote, direct cell service
ing pad, activation cord and mounting or can be set up as as repeaters to better tablet or home computer.
bolt are included. Learn more by visiting help cover stand sites in areas with poor All cameras in the net-

Vortex Optics work can be reached re-

The new Crossfire II 2-7x32mm Crossbow motely at any time. Com-
Scope by Vortex Optics offers serious cross-
bow hunters a better option than package Cuddeback patible Cuddeback camer-
optics. The reticle was configured to maxi- CuddeLink Cell as include patented Power
mize crossbow versatility and includes red
and green illumination to accommodate House IR flash to provide 100-foot reach.
shooting at the edges of legal shooting
hours. The scope system is sighted at 40 The CuddeLink Cell operates on four D-cell
yards and then proves accurate holdover
marks from 20 to 100. The magnification batteries with four times the power capac-
ring is correlated to specific velocities,
ity of eight AA batteries. Cuddeback’s Solar
for instance, a 3 0 fps crossbow is
accurate when set at 4 power. Power Bank can also be added. Learn more
Rings, flip caps and a neoprene by visiting IA
cover are included with each
purchase. The scope retails for
about 279.99, so it’s priced to
sell. Another huge selling point
is Vortex’s unconditional,
transferable, lifetime VIP
Warranty. Learn more by

Last Chance Archery

The ReachIt Wrench from
Last Chance Archery is
the first tool of its kind. It
Last Chance combines the convenience
ReachIt Wrench of a standard hex-key set



Five Questions with Bohning

Approaching 75 years in the business, Bohning has established itself as one of the most enduring and many consider the world’s #1 hunting vane,
was developed when large, fixed broadheads
iconic companies in the archery industry. We spoke with Scott Hamlin, director of North American became the craze. Nocks, vanes, points,
wraps, quivers and paints have all been ad-
sales, to learn more about what brought the company here and where it might be going next. vanced by the increased speeds, accuracy
and tolerance-holding ability of today’s bows,
G ive us a brief history of Bohning. a target archer since an early age and avid arrows, sights and archers. The Bohning
How did it all start, and what have hunter, leads our pro-staff and field testing Stainless Premium Field Points are a great
been your key accomplishments? ■ In division, and together our team produces example of this. As equipment was being
1946, Rollin Bohning—a chemist and an amazing results. The Griffin Vane, released
archer—was frustrated with the available in 2020 as an Olympic recurve engineered with tighter toler-
adhesives for attaching broadheads to ar- vane that replaces Mylar, is a ances, Bohning recognized the
rows. Documented in his hand-written great example. More than two need for field points to match
journals are his trials, tests and ideas for years of testing and trials led those advancements. Our
a solution. After working with Fred Bear in to this marvel of engineering, field points are guaranteed
nearby Michigan and Doug Easton in Cali- which was built from the ground-up from to be concentric and spin true, and they are
fornia, Rollin developed the very first Boh- recommendations and suggestions. also guaranteed to weigh within ¼ of a grain
ning product: Ferr-L-Tite, which remains (1/800th of an ounce) of the published weight.
the premier insert-to-arrow adhesive today. Ultimately, we are always listening to These points perform excellently, and they
and seeking out opinions, trends and infor- are available at a price that is very reason-
As the industry evolved and grew, so did mation that pertains to archery. We partici- able for anyone who is already buying high-
Bohning. In the 1960s, under the leadership pate in market surveys every few years and tolerance-rated equipment.
of Rollin’s son-in-law and daughter, Colby study the work of our industry partners to
and Martha Johnson, the accessory line ex- ensure our accessories always match equip- How does Bohning support independent
panded and the popular Fletch-Laq paints ment advancements. archery pro-shops? ■ One of the great-
were introduced. est traditions at Bohning is our honest,
How have the events of 2020 affected the straightforward business approach to our
In the 1980s, the company’s current company’s operations and mentality? ■ dealers and vendors. The relationships and
president and Colby’s son-in-law, Larry The events of this year have had negative and friendships built from decades of “doing the
Griffith, assumed leadership of Bohning. positive effects at Bohning. Because we make right thing” in regards to helping dealers
Since then Bohning has developed and most of our products in-house, we went grow and improve profits is what we are
marketed numerous vanes, nocks and now right to work building inventory as soon as most proud of at Bohning. We deeply trea-
our Premium Stainless Points. In addition restrictions were lifted. As the “season” ap- sure seeing others live the life they choose,
to all of Bohning’s dependable products, proached it became apparent that many off- where they choose, doing what they choose.
it has also been said that our customer shore suppliers couldn’t meet demand, and In fact, it is one of our main motivations as
service and honest dealings are the most those customers turned to Bohning. a company. You only need to walk through
widely respected in the industry. our front door to see what I mean. Bohning
Our production, packaging and shipping works diligently to reduce and control costs
What makes Bohning such a strong in- departments have been running at full ca- so we can ensure that our worldwide dealer
novator? ■ Bohning is constantly receiving pacity since our return in May. The work network can be profitable selling our prod-
ideas from employees, friends, business environment here at Bohning is such that, ucts. Our marketing in print, TV, radio, digi-
partners and even developers. It is normal although there are larger stacks of orders, we tal and social media outlets exceeds what
here to have several years of planned pos- just continue to trust our system and make, most companies twice our size employ.
sibilities on the schedule. Larry puts most pack and ship products to thousands of shops
of his focus and dedication into this part of all over the world. And with 2021 marking At the North end of one of Michigan’s
his business. Once we receive or brainstorm Bohning’s 75th anniversary, our sense of pride largest dairy areas, you will find our facil-
an idea, our chief engineer, Bob Potter, and and continued dedication to every archer ity, and you are always welcome to stop and
our VP of production, Mike Barnes, work drives us to do our best every day. visit all of us here at Bohning, 7361 North 7
with several members of the sales depart- Mile Road, Lake City, MI. IA
ment to explore the possibilities. We don’t What role does the latest technology play in
just want to make “something,” we want the development of your newest products? WebXtra ■ For more about Bohning
to make something that’s much better. Our ■ The advancement of archery equipment in
chief chemist, Nicole VanderMeulen, leads the past 25-30 years has directly influenced go to
the testing and verification team. DJ Hunt, our technology. The BLAZER VANE, which


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