SEPT / OCT 2022
30 Power of Participation
■ Micah Brown |
Annihilator Broadheads
■ Sarah Pfister | Badger Archery
■ Jonathan Clark |
Last Chance Archery
■ Marty Cecil | B3 Archery
■ Justus Leimbach |
Allen Company
32 ■ Luke Guest | Hunters’ Hollow
32 Elevation
A Brand for Every Shoot,
Every Season
By Daniel Allred
40 Market Trends
40 Gear Report
SWAT Juggernaut
Titanium 100-grain
42 High-Tech Bowhunting Gear
By Josh Honeycutt
42 56 48 Gear Report
BIGshot Archery Titan 10X
54 Gear Report
56 Archery Products
To Jump-Start
64 The Selling Season
28 By Inside Archery Staff
INSIDE ARCHERY (Volume 25, #8) ISSN #1940-3879, USPS #024-412 is published 10 times per year (Jan / Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep / Oct, Nov, Dec) by Apollo Creative Inc. PO Box 15827, Colorado Springs,
CO 80935. Periodical postage paid at Colorado Springs, CO 80935 and at additional offices. Postmaster please send address changes to INSIDE ARCHERY, P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19055-9998.
12 Inside Track
More Outdoors Manners Please
16 Kinsey’s Business
Three Ways to Upsell & Cross-Sell
Archery Products & Services
18 Your ATA Insights
Keep Up
By Kurt Smith / ATA
20 Industry News
The latest on news, events and
people in the archery industry
48 42 24 Inside Retailing
The Archery Shoppe,
Albuquerque, NM
28 ATA Action
Understanding Top Financial
Business Terms & Processes
By Cassie Gasaway / ATA
50 Leading Archery
Summit Outdoors
66 Industry 5Q
Five Questions with Scott Burow and
24 Jason Shull from Banner Witcoff
56 50
insidearchery.com Online Exclusives
Bowhunt Whitetails
How to Call Early-Season Whitetails
Most whitetail hunters think of the rut when it comes to
effectively calling whitetails. Truth is, early seasons can
be just as effective for calling bucks that are establishing
pecking orders. Patrick Meitin tells you how.
Should You Be Bowfishing in the Fall?
The spring carp spawn and warm summer months
are typically the most popular times for bowfishing
action. But Inside Archery’s Executive Editor insists
that fall months can be just as action packed for
bowfishing. Learn why.
Bowhunt Bears
Try Black Bear Hunting This Fall
A spring black bear hunt is certainly exciting, but in
most of the nation fall opportunities are far more
common. Executive Editor Patrick Meitin provides
insight on where to look and how to succeed on
public lands near you.
Bowhunt Whitetails
3 Key Aspects to Creating
Effective Whitetail Mock-Scrapes
Scrapes are an important aspect of whitetail communica-
tion. You can lure and hold bucks beneath stands by con-
structing mock scrapes. Our resident whitetail expert tells
you how, where and when to deploy for the best results.
WebXtras: “Gear Report” tries out the the SWAT Juggernaut
Titanium 100-grain, BIGshot Archery Titan 10X, and LOWDOWN Viewer.
“5Q” chats with Scott Burow and Jason Shull from Banner Witcoff.
Inside Archery Digital Edition
Now Inside Archery can be delivered to your door, viewed on your computer,
AND on your smartphone or tablet. VISIT INSIDEARCHERY.COM/DIGITAL
Fresh content daily
on social media!
More Outdoors Manners Please
I daho’s archery-only season is two weeks old as I write this. I’ve been do-
ing a lot of backcountry driving as a result, investing in a hunt here and
there, towing my camp trailer hours into the boondocks anticipating later
elk efforts, entertaining our Lab by shooting a few grouse. Sadly, I also can’t help
but notice the volume of roadside trash has increased substantially since my last
summer fishing trips.
Northern Idaho wildlands are pretty trash free, at least
relative to other parts of the country I’ve visited. A substantial
increase in roadside trash doesn’t amount to the drifts of rub-
bish witnessed around large cities in, say, interior Old Mexico
or southern Africa, so a little really stands out. But still, there
is no excuse to pitch trash along any roadside, but most espe-
cially when traversing gorgeous mountain habitat.
I also can’t help but notice a spate in generally disrespectful behavior from out-
doors folk lately. The group at a crowded 3D tournament camping area blaring
loud music late into the night… hunters who leave campfire rings brimming with
half-burnt cans and trash… the pair of ATVs roaring around a locked, “road-closed”
gate where I had just parked my truck to begin hiking in search of elk. There are
many more episodes to relate, but you undoubtedly get the picture.
Complain about such behavior to friends my age and they’ll blame it on young-
sters with a sense of entitlement. But that pair of ATVs were driven by grown
men trying to pretend I did not exist, knowingly ruining my plans with no care
whatsoever. And it was a grownup who passed me on the highway recently, casu-
ally tossing a beer can out the window of his pickup—rear glass slathered with
archery-brand stickers, Washington plates.
The world is full of douchewits, obviously. But I would hope folks wearing cam-
ouflage, vehicles advertising hunting sentiments or brands, carrying a bed full
of bow cases and archery targets, would present a better front to the nonhunting
public. Especially in a world full of those who would like to legislate us out of
I passed two hunter safety courses as a kid, one at 9 so I could buy a hunting li-
cense, a second in 7th grade as part of an outdoors class. I attended a National Bow-
hunting Education class while in college so I could bowhunt with Eastern friends.
Those were worthwhile endeavors, and programs I fully endorse today. But all the
bad behavior I have witnessed lately makes me wonder if a large part of that cur-
riculum might not be dedicated to upholding the hunter’s image, understanding
you are representing a larger thing than yourself and acting accordingly.
Admittedly, I often feel like an old curmudgeon these days. Insisting everything
was better when I was young (it was). That the percentage of douchewits was
much lower than it is today (it was). But for gosh sake, at the very least, quit toss-
ing litter on the roadside!
Patrick Meitin, Executive Editor
Apollo Creative Inc
Executive Editor
Patrick Meitin • [email protected]
Associate Editor
Daniel Allred • [email protected]
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Tara Bondar
Social Media Manager
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Inside Archery founded in 1998 by Bill and Sherry Krenz
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Archery, hunting and bowhunting are inherently dangerous activi-
ties. Improper use of hunting or archery equipment may cause se-
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Inside Archery®
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Printed in the USA.
3 Ways to Upsell & Cross-Sell Kinsey’s is the leading distributor to the archery and out-
Archery Products & Services doors industry. Carrying items from your favorite brands,
I n certain states, archery season in-stock and ready-to-ship, the well-established company
is upon us or will be very soon. you could outsource those services to offers domestic and international retailers a wide array
As with any retail business in Kinsey’s. We offer a custom arrow pro- of products and services. Kinsey’s also owns innovative
their prime selling season, it is impor- gram where we assemble arrows based consumer brands including Alpine Archery, BlackHeart,
tant to ensure your foundational prod- on you and/or your customers’ needs. Fin-Finder, Elevation, and October Mountain Products.
ucts and services offerings are solid. Again, by offering these upsells and
However, the second thing you want to cross-sells, you will be adding to your For more information, please visit KinseysInc.com
make sure you offer is relevant upsells business bottom line, while also taking
and cross-sells. It is the easiest way to good care of your customers. easiest ways to offer upsells and cross-
add value to your customer’s experi- sell opportunities to your customers.
ence while visiting your store, while 2 • Archery Range Upsell ■ Another Whether you are helping them with a
also increasing their purchase size. way your archery business can offer purchase, or they come into your store
Incremental sales will help with your an upsell is at your archery range. For knowing what they need, if you mer-
business’ bottom line, while also help- example, you can offer hourly, daily, chandise similar products together,
ing the customer fulfill their wants monthly, or yearly range time pack- you can capture incremental sales.
and needs. It will be a true win-win ages at various price tiers. You could An example would be merchandising
for both parties. We will discuss three also incentivize the largest, most ex- socks and foot warmers next to the
simple ways your archery business can pensive range time package to include boots and footwear section. You could
offer relevant upsells and cross-sells to membership perks. Those perks could also make sure you have SD cards, bat-
your customers. include one range guest per month, teries, trail camera locks or lock boxes
exclusive offers and event access, 10 next to your trail-cam selection. The
1 • Bow-Tech Services Upsells & Cross-Sell percent off select purchases, as well as possibilities are almost endless. In do-
■ As an archery shop, it is important bow-tech service discounts. Again, this ing so, you will be helping your bottom
you offer your archery customers bow- membership package acts as a form of line while also helping your customers.
tech services. Whether you’re setting a loyalty perks program.
up a brand-new bow or doing routine As an archery shop, you first need to
bow maintenance for a customer, it is Unfortunately, we know this isn’t focus on your foundational products
always good to offer bow-tech service always an option for all archery busi- and services. Once those are taken care
upsells and cross-sells. For example, if a nesses if they don’t have an on-site of, you need to locate and implement
customer comes in for a new bowstring range. If this is the case you might upsell and cross-sell opportunities. By
and peep sight, you could ask if they’d create your own version of an annual implementing upsells and cross-sells
be interested in upgrading their arrow loyalty perks program your customers at your bow-tech services, archery
rest, sight or stabilizer. You could also can participate in. range, and merchandising around
offer bow-maintenance packages. your shop, you will be setting
3 • Merchandising Upsells & Cross-Sells your business up for success. IA
For example, a “Basic Tune” or an ■ Finally, another way to offer upsells
upgraded “Bowhunter’s Tune & Lube” and cross-sells is how you merchan-
package. You could also offer custom ar- dise your store. If you are not already
row and fletching services. If you aren’t taking advantage of this, it is one of the
able to offer those
services in house,
Keep Up
Y ou’re in deep! In just about every your staff’s ability to lean on the sys- all day—but are you sharing the most
part of the country, archery hunting tem when they need accurate infor- valuable information? Finding out
seasons are ramping up or just around the mation. Make sure everyone on your that the warehouse is swamped and
corner, and that means business operations team understands that accurate re- getting orders shipped out a day later
cord-keeping equates to a better cus- than usual? That is key information
are running at full steam. tomer experience, so taking an extra that could help a colleague when they
minute or two to prop- speak to the next dealer
Shops are full of bows hanging on the erly enter orders or sales with a time-sensitive
wall waiting for last-minute fixes, and must be a top priority. need. The bows piling up
desks are crammed with sticky notes in the back waiting for
for customers who need phone calls re- Keep Asking Questions ■ repair work can cause
turned. Frankly, this can be a time of When things get busy, it’s headaches, but you can
year when the wheels start to fall off if easy to take on the “as- help alleviate problems
you’re not careful. sembly-line” mentality by communicating ev-
If all this sounds familiar, or you’re and try to move through ery possible detail about
just looking for some ideas on how to customers as quickly as possible. Ef- that work order. Write it down or enter
keep things running smoothly, here are ficiency is important, but each cus- notes in the computer system so any-
a few tips: tomer’s needs are still unique. When one who interacts with that customer
picking up the phone or greeting the can determine what needs to be done,
Lean On Your Systems ■ Keeping track next person through the door, don’t when parts are scheduled to be deliv-
of inventory management, purchase assume that they need the same ered, and when they can expect to be
orders and special orders can seem like thing as the last five customers. When back up and ready to hit the woods.
a hindrance when you’re just trying you’re running a mile a minute, one The quality of interactions with cus-
to keep up. It is tempting to jot things of the most difficult things to do is tomers during this season could make
down on paper to put into the computer stop and listen. But listening is also or break a future relationship with
“later,” but as those notes pile up, the what gives you the ability to best meet them. It’s a chance to prove you are
chance that mistakes will occur com- the customer’s needs, and boost sales. the right choice to meet their future
pounds. Not having all the information Keep asking probing questions that needs, which could equate to consid-
in your computer system also inhibits help you develop a full understand- erable sales over time. Follow these
ing of the customer, and use their an- three tips and you are on your way to
swers to guide your next steps. providing a positive experience and
creating a return customer. There’s
Overcommunicate ■ You are probably always room to improve on processes,
talking to staff and team members and picking up quick tips like these
can be a great way to keep growing.
For more tips, consider attending edu-
cational sessions at the 2023 ATA Trade
Show in Indianapolis, Indiana, Janu-
ary 11-13, 2023, to learn from peers and
industry professionals and get take-
aways you can implement in your
business processes right away. If you
have questions about Trade Show edu-
cation or ideas on what you would like
to learn, please let me know by email-
ing [email protected]. IA
NTtVoeMecCwRhoDnImmo&mlpoCregWoryvDcSeiaEidmvlioTzieelluasRrttiTtof-ooQnrPuPCCIaCWRrTDten:setr are partnering to commercialize a USDA- products are built to perform in those
licensed RT-QuIC laboratory test. Pending crucial moments.
RT-QuIC (Real-time quaking-induced the license process, the companies began
conversion) testing for Chronic Wasting offering RT-QuIC reagents for research Redline Bowhunting’s tagline is “De-
Disease (CWD) is a new testing technol- purposes June 15, 2022. These reagents sign, Develop, Test, Repeat” This is the
ogy with a long and successful track re- can be used by state agencies in pilot maxim of the Redline Team. Gathered
cord in research studies. The key advan- studies before the USDA-licensed test is from experienced and passionate hunt-
tage for RT-QuIC compared to past CWD available commercially. ers with, collectively, more than 100
testing technologies is dramatically im- years of experience in the outdoors and
proved sensitivity through PCR-like am- CWD Evolution offers the first com- the outdoor industry, the Redline team
plification of the CWD agent. mercial RT-QuIC test and has been a culminated decades of ideas with 24
leader in advancing RT-QuIC testing in months of design, research and testing
Benefits of RT-QuIC technology include the diagnostic world. to establish a brand that offers hunters
bringing hunters better and archers highly engineered, top-qual-
control of CWD, reduced VMRD was founded in 1981 by D. Scott ity accessories.
introduction of CWD to Adams, DVM, Ph.D., and currently em-
new regions, easier and Redline Bowhunting products are now
simpler sample col- ploys more than 50 research- available at more than 300 trusted dealers.
lection for testing ers, lab technicians and sup- | TO LEARN MORE, VISIT REDLINEBOWHUNTING.COM.
of harvested game, port personnel. From its site
timelier CWD test results, and the pos- in Pullman, Washington, &pMaoArustnsnoetacrsiianwtVeiitsehwStPervoeduKcatusfmLLaCn.
sibility of live animal testing for wildlife
management agencies and game farms. VMRD develops and Athens Outdoors is furthering its exist-
manufactures veteri- ing partnership with Steve Kaufman &
CWD Evolution founder Davin Hen- nary diagnostic test Associates for sales representation in the
derson said, “RT-QuIC offers new testing kits and related reagents for distribution central United States to service Mountain
technology that will give wildlife man- in more than 77 countries. As a rapidly View Products LLC, which manufactures
agers badly needed new tools in their growing company, VMRD strives to pre- compound bow accessories. Athens Out-
toolbox to combat CWD.” He added, “The serve its family-focused culture and core doors has three companies under its
addition of a predictive live animal test values of integrity and quality | FOR MORE umbrella, with Mountain View Products
for CWD is a game changer. Many states joining the existing Athens Archery and
are poised to use this test as soon as it ON CWD EVOLUTION, GO TO TESTCWD.COM. FOR MORE Apex Manufacturing companies.
becomes available.”
ON VMRD, GO TO VMRD.COM. Founded in 1990 and specializing in
VMRD CSO, Don Knowles, said, “Provid- the archery and hunting industry, Steve
ing quality-controlled RT-QuIC reagents ARlel-dNlienwe BLionwehoufnStoinftgGRoeoldesases
to the diagnostic community is an im- Kaufman & Associates has
portant first step in reducing CWD and Redline Bowhunting announced its years of representation ex-
preserving wildlife.” all-new assortment of soft goods to com- perience and an incredible
pliment an already-popular reputation amongst the deal-
CWD Evolution has a decade of RT- line of precision sights, quiv- ers they service. The group is
QuIC testing experience, and VMRD is a ers and stabilizers. Garnering well known for its high level
USDA-licensed manufacturing facility instant attention during its of customer service and sales
that has commercialized more than 20 launch at the 2022 ATA Show, results along with servicing
USDA-licensed diagnostics over the past Redline Bowhunting offers a premium brands.
four decades. Together, the companies full line of lightweight, yet “We are very excited to further our
rugged sights, stabilizers and partnership with Steve Kaufman & As-
quivers at prices that fit the budget of to- sociates. Their reputation and commit-
day’s bowhunters. ment to customer service is a perfect
fit with our brand and values. We pride
This all-new line of soft goods is de- ourselves in making top quality archery
signed to fit the needs of the Redline accessories that will work with most
bowhunter, both in the field and on the bow manufactures’ products. Steve
road. The Redline team has spent count- Kaufman & Associates are the perfect
less hours field testing all of their prod-
ucts to ensure the success of the hunter
in all types of conditions. They put the
needs of the hunters first, so Redline
sales representation group to help expand that dealers will recognize when lar crossbows. Ridgemont Outdoors also
the brand in the central United States,” in their hands,” said Dan Krueger took over the premium Red Hot Crossbow
said Jim Klossner, owner of Mountain with Steve Kaufman & Associ- Accessories line of products in order to
View Products. ates. | CHECK OUT THE COMPLETE ATHENS provide customers the OEM Parker Hunt-
er and Red Hot Crossbow bolts with cap-
Tracie Klossner, owner of Mountain OUTDOORS FAMILY OF COMPANIES BY VISITING ture nocks, Red Hot Crosspro Broadheads,
View Products, also said, “Having trusted MOUNTAINVIEWPRODUCTSLLC.COM, ATHENSARCHERY.COM Tri Loc quivers, EZ Roller rope cockers,
partners that can show our accessories AND APEXMFGLLC.COM. Sidewinder Crank cockers and discharge
line directly to the dealers is significant to bolts. The Red Hot line of premium cross-
both us and dealers. We can’t be more ex- PRaidrgkeemr Boonwt sOuAtsdsoetosrs Purchases bow products is compatible with most
cited about this partnership and the value other popular crossbow brands, and they
that Steve Kaufman & Associates brings to Parker Bows closed for business in are still made in the U.S.A. Ridgemont
all of us.” 2019. Parker Bows was well respected in Outdoors is currently not manufactur-
the archery industry for producing high ing any new bows or crossbows, but
“Our group is excited to represent quality, U.S.A.-made compound bows and very well could in the future if the right
Mountain View Products and are anxious crossbows at affordable prices. Ridgemont investor is found. | LEARN MORE BY VISITING
to show the Altra 1 and 2 piece quivers Outdoors recently stepped in to rescue the
and X-Out limb dampeners to our deal- Parker name, purchasing all of the com- RIDGEMONTOUTDOORS.COM.
ers. Jim and Tracie are once again com- pany’s assets, including all proprietary
mitted to producing an exceptional line LHWaeonlrpcldeasd3t-GeDerCtAhTracehmaempryioUFnSoAsuhtniopdsation
of products with the attention to quality patents, trademarks, molds and tooling to
facilitate the manufacturing of all Park- The World 3-D Championships in Terni, It-
er parts, such as limbs, cams, triggers, aly, concluded recently, and the Lancaster
stocks, strings and cables for their popu- Archery Foundation helped get Team USA
to the event. The 24 archers who competed
in Terni were all required to pay their way
to the competition. To help offset that cost,
the Lancaster Archery Foundation provid-
ed each team member with $1,000.
That is just one example of how the
foundation works to support and pro-
mote competition archery. And during
the month of September, the Lancaster
Archery Foundation is seeking donations
from archery supporters in response to a increase their purchase total to a round archery experience. Thankfully, we have
challenge from Easton Foundations. number. The difference between the pur- a great team that collaborates in an envi-
chase total and the amount billed to the ronment where they can see their impact
In recognition of the 100th anniversary customer goes to the foundation. Custom- firsthand.”
of Easton Archery, the Easton Foundations ers can also add a fixed dollar amount
has pledged to match every donation to The Outdoor Group offers medical, vi-
to their order upon checkout on the sion, dental, PTO, 401K, and holiday pay.
Lancaster Archery Foundation during the Lancaster Archery Supply website. Their 70,000-plus manufacturing facility
month of September, up to a maximum of | CUSTOMERS SHOPPING AT THE LANCASTER AR- is vertically integrated; operating several
$100,000. shifts to produce the “World’s Most Shoot-
CHERY PROSHOP, OR WITH A CUSTOMER SERVICE able Bow” (Elite Archery) and the product
Besides helping archers travel to inter- for several other premium archery brands
national competitions, the Lancaster Ar- TECHXPERT ON THE PHONE, CAN ADD A DONATION such as Scott Archery, Custom Bow Equip-
chery Foundation gives grants to a number ment (CBE), SlickTrick and Solid Broad-
of causes, including JOAD, S3DA and 4-H TO THEIR TOTAL UPON CHECKOUT. DONATIONS ALSO heads, Clutch Outdoors and others.
programs, as well as Boy Scouts and Girl
Scouts, clubs and summer camps looking CAN BE MADE AS CONTRIBUTIONS GIVEN DIRECTLY The Outdoor Group is actively looking to
to acquire new equipment in order to in- fill a variety of roles, including Design En-
troduce more kids to archery. The founda- TO THE FOUNDATION THROUGH ITS WEBSITE, LAN- gineer, Customer Service Representative,
tion also provides educational opportuni- CNC Vertical Programmer and Graphic De-
ties for archery athletes through college CASTERARCHERYFOUNDATION.ORG.
scholarships. sign Intern. | IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN GROWING
The Outdoor Group Is Hiring
Donations can be made to the Lancast- WITH THE OUTDOOR GROUP, PLEASE LEARN MORE ABOUT
er Foundation in a few ways. Customers The Outdoor Group is looking for proac- THESE OPPORTUNITIES AT WWW.TOGLLC.COM/JOIN-OUR-
shopping on the Lancaster Archery Supply tive, creative and solution-oriented pro-
website (lancasterarchery.com) can make fessionals who want to TEAM. SEND RESUMES TO [email protected]. IA
contributions through the “round-up pro- grow with the company.
gram feature,” which allows customers to The Outdoor Group is
constantly focused on
providing the utmost
quality of service through
a community that func-
tions as a team, fosters
professional growth and
encourages innovation.
“It really is an exciting
time to be at The Outdoor
Group,” said Josh Sidebottom, CEO. “We’ve
been able to keep up with growing de-
mand and continue to innovate, offering
our customers products that enhance the
Albuquerque Archery Shop Stays On Top Through Store Expansion
The Archery Shoppe
Store Profile shop was sold to an English investor, Co-owner Gina Chavez and part owner/ general
who promptly bankrupted the busi- manager Annette Gonzales keep things running
■ Headquarters: Albuquerque, NM ness, leaving Albuquerque without a smoothly at The Archery Shoppe.
bow shop for two years. Noble Sinclair
■ Owners: Mark and Gina Chavez and Mark and Gina Chavez stepped in Head bow tech Gabe Lovato, an employ-
to purchase the business from Jack ee of 19 years, and inventory and spe-
■ Years in Business: 20 years D’Ambrosio in 2001. cial orders manager Annette Gonzales,
a 10-year employee, have been brought
■ Square footage: 7,200 (total), 3,500 The Archery Shoppe quickly became in as limited partners as reward for
(store floor), 3,700 (shooting lanes). the largest archery pro-shop in the en- their passionate service.
tire state of New Mexico, and that is
■ Staffing: Full-time: Six. Part-time: Five. when their growing pains began. The Retailing Q & A
original shop, just 4,000 square feet,
■ Bow Lines: Bowtech, Hoyt, Mathews, was stuffed with merchandise, and Inside Archery: How has expansion of
PSE, Bear Archery and various tradi- allowed for just a handful of shooting The Archery Shoppe benefited the over-
tional brands. lanes—far too few for the plans the all health of the shop?
new owners had in mind.
■ Arrow Lines: Gold Tip, Easton, Victory
Archery and custom traditional wood Sinclair and the Chavezs were lucky
arrows. enough to discover a lot in the same
high-traffic vicinity, and at a price they
■ Crossbow Lines: Raven, PSE and Bow- could manage. Ground breaking on the
tech/Stryker. new site started quickly, eventually
resulting in the business’ 7,200 square
■ Inside Numbers: Estimated annual foot building they operate out of today.
revenues: $1.7 million. Percentage (esti- The new building includes 3,700 square
mate) of store’s revenue generated by bow- feet of shooting lanes and 3,500 square
hunting: 60%; by target and recreational feet of retail space. More recently, Sin-
archery: 40% clair decided to retire, selling his inter-
est in the business to Mark and Gina.
■ Store History: The Archery Shoppe
was formally known as Albuquerque
Archery, which its original owner suc-
cessfully operated for decades. The
The Archery Shoppe’s owners found an empty lot in a centralized, high-traffic area of Albuquerque,
New Mexico, and built a shop from the ground up to serve their specific needs.
Left to right, are part owner/manager Gabe Lovato, and bow techs/sales associates The Archery Shoppe co-owner Gina Chavez created an Archery in the Schools City Champion-
AJ Stevens and Dale Reed. Lovato has been working in the shop more than 20 years. ship Tournament to help Albuquerque archers prepare for the state-wide tournament.
Gina Chavez: We were operating out of a Gina Chavez: It took us about 12 years shop is feeling cramped in their current
4,000 square foot space and becoming ex- to pay off the real estate and new build- space, is it best to wait until you have
tremely cramped. We had formed plans ing. We have had absolutely no regrets, sufficient funds saved for new space or
to generate considerably more cash other than if we had it to do over again, expansion, or to take the gamble and
flow, such as hosting birthday parties, we would definitely build a bigger space. borrow money to undergo expansion
4H groups and other group activities, but Knowing what we know now, I feel right away?
our limited space was hindering growth. 10,000 square feet would be more ideal.
Since expanding, for example, we have Gina Chavez: As with any investment, you
become heavily involved in the National Inside Archery: In your opinion, if a have to work hard to make any business
Archery in the Schools Program.
Doug Crestin talks to customers during Traditional Shooters Night,
We found an empty lot not too far when single-string shooters come to shoot, and enjoy some pizza and soda.
down the road, in the same quality busi-
ness district, purchased it and began
building our existing shop. In this way
we went from 4,000 square feet to 7,200
square feet.
Right away the expansion proved
hugely beneficial. The added space not
only gave us some breathing room on
the retail side—allowing a more orga-
nized and less chaotic layout—but it
allowed us to host much larger archery
events. For instance, it gave us the space
to host important state tournaments
and indoor 3-D shoots during periods
when weather made outdoor tourna-
ments uncomfortable.
I believe we were one of the first, if not
the only shop (in New Mexico) built from
the ground up specifically to serve as an
archery shop.
Inside Archery: How long did it take The
Archery Shoppe to recoup the investment
in the additional space? Was it worth it
in the long run?
Traditional archery is big in Albuquerque, as evidenced by the huge showing during The Archery Shoppe’s The Archery Shoppe hosts frequent shoots and
Traditional Shooter’s Night. get-togethers, which help bring new customers
in and create a sense of community.
profitable. So in my opinion, no, don’t Inside Archery: Would you say it is bet-
wait! Take the gamble and make it hap- ter, from a standpoint of operating a Inside Archery: If you had it to do over
pen now. If you have the business traffic shop, to move to a larger space or build again, knowing what you know now,
and the drive, you can make it work. an addition to expand existing space, what mistakes might have been avoided
granted room permits? during the move to the larger space?
Arrow maker and bow tech Sergio Garcia puts the finishing
touches on a customer’s arrows by gluing in the inserts. Gina Chavez: If you can design and build Gina Chavez: If I could do it all over
The Archery Shoppe builds a lot of custom arrows. your own building to serve specifically again, I would definitely build a bigger
as an archery shop, that is absolutely store!
The Archery Shoppe is heavily involved in many more ideal. This allows you to design
aspects of youth archery, including NASP. your shop exactly the way you want it. Inside Archery: Did the move to a larger
Shownn are trophies for one of those tourneys. We are also located in a high-traffic re- space cause any confusion with long-
tail location. So the property was a little time customers that you know of, and
more pricey, but the investment was how did you deal with that?
well worth it.
Gina Chavez: The move never caused any
I see many shops located in industrial confusion to our existing customer base.
areas, which I feel isn’t as appealing to We had signs up and the store plans dis-
most customers—especially for single played for all our customers to see.
mothers with children. This is especially
important to us, because we host a lot of Inside Archery: Are there any other bits
birthday parties, youth groups and pri- of advice you can offer shop owners
vate lessons. Four of our staff are Level 3 who might be feeling cramped and are
archery instructors. contemplating expanding their shop or
moving to a larger space?
Inside Archery: How did you continue to
efficiently operate your business while Gina Chavez: My advice to anyone con-
making the transition between your old templating moving to a bigger shop is,
and new space? Did this create gaps in just do it! Reach out to all potential or-
service and revenue, or were you able to ganizations about your new space and
make the transition without undue prof- the new possibilities. And, as with any
it interruptions? business, strive to be No. 1 in customer
service! IA
Gina Chavez: We never closed shop while
making the transition. We welcomed WebXtra ■ For additional infor-
customers in while we were moving into
the new store and found they were just mation about The Archery Shoppe go to
as excited as we were. insidearchery.com/ArcheryShoppe
Understanding Top Financial Business Terms & Processes
R efresh your understanding of key TERMS TO KNOW & UNDERSTAND: when you pay the vendor. The accrual
finance-related terms so you can accu- basis focuses on the substance of the
rately assess your business to ensure its survival. Profitability (Net Income) Versus Cash transaction. It records income when it
Flow ■ Fitzgerald said new business is actually earned and expenses when
they actually occur, not when the
owners are often unfamiliar with cash is paid. Business owners will use
terms like accounts payable (money
Yes, it is the busy season, but you these terms, while veterans some- owed to vendors) and accounts receiv-
able (money owed to your business,
should never be too busy to evalu- times confuse them. In short, net in- typically received from customers) in
the accrual basis of accounting. FOR-
ate the health and well-being of your come is the total profitability of your VIS encourages all businesses to oper-
ate on the accrual basis, but Fitzgerald
business finances. Your family and business. It is the result of revenues said manufacturers might use the
cash basis approach for tax purposes.
your employees rely on you to know, minus expenses, taxes and costs of
Profit vs. Profit Margin ■ Profit is the dif-
understand and assess numbers to goods sold. You can determine net ference between an amount earned
and what you spend buying, operat-
make sound business decisions. Fi- income through profit and loss state- ing, marketing, and producing some-
thing. In short, it is money you keep
nancial mistakes and misunder- ments. However, not everything that or invest after paying your bills. Profit
margin is the ratio of a company’s
standings can have devastating con- costs money is factored into your net profit to revenue. Profit is measured
in dollars, and profit margin is mea-
sequences. Review these terms so you income on the P&L statement. sured as a percentage. To make a prof-
it, your margin must be more than
can be confident your business is fi- That is why it is important to under- what you paid for the product and
overhead expenses (including things
nancially stable. stand cash flow, which is the amount like insurance, rent, utilities, mainte-
nance repairs and office supplies). To
To define and decipher confusing of operating cash that flows through learn more about profit margins, read
ATA’s article “ATA Business School:
finance terms, we spoke to three ex- the business. It refers to the cash gen- Profit Margins 101 (Part 1).”
erated from revenues. Business own- Financial Adviser vs. Accountant ■ Lastly,
Fitzgerald said there is a distinction
ers must understand how cash flow between a financial adviser and an
accountant. Typically, a financial ad-
differs during slow and busy seasons viser helps businesses develop invest-
ment portfolios and examine future
so they can plan business expenses planning. In contrast, an accountant
helps business owners determine fi-
throughout the year accordingly. For
instance, Fitzgerald encourages ATA
members to think about bank debt or
capital improvements.
“Those things will be assets or li-
abilities that we’re taking care of with
our cash flow but not directly impact-
ing our net income,” he said. “We can
be profitable but not feel like we’re
Refresh your understanding of key financing terms so growing from a cash perspective. The
you can accurately assess your business to ensure its distinction between those two things
survival. PHOTO © JOHN HAFNER. is critical for a new operator.”
perts on the FORVIS (formerly BKD Accounting Methods: Cash Basis vs. Accrual
CPAs & Advisors) MYATA service provid- Basis ■ Business owners can take one
er team, including: Nathan Fitzgerald, of two approaches when recording
director in tax and outsource account- and maintaining financial transac-
ing services, Dakota Comer, senior as- tions. Comer said the cash basis meth-
sociate, and Rane Bateman, outsourc- od records sales when you receive
ing associate. cash from the customer and expenses
of-sales system like Celerant Technol-
ogy’s Cumulus Always On.
Most business owners will reach
a point where they don’t understand
some part of their taxes and finances.
Comer said that is where a qualified fi-
nancial resource comes into play. “It’s
smart to outsource at least some of
your accounting efforts,” he said. “Many
ATA members focus on operational ele-
ments of business because that’s where
their passion is, and that’s what they’re
good at. We’re good with taxes, numbers
and accounting. This is our passion.”
Working with a trained financial pro-
Determine whether you’re using the cash basis method or accrual basis method of accounting. PHOTO © JOHN HAFNER. fessional helps you establish confidence
and allows you to focus on what you’re
good at. Determine your needs and find
nancial goals and objectives while re- FINANCIAL RESOURCES someone who can meet you where you
viewing the business finances to help Whether you are a new or longtime are at, whether you need a temporary
owners evaluate them and achieve business owner, it is best to use soft- or constant presence, or someone only
those goals. If you are looking for finan- ware programs and financial resources at tax time.
cial help, search for the right person. to ensure your accounting efforts are as The FORVIS team strives to be a help-
Better yet, find someone who is also accurate as possible. ful resource for ATA members. The
knowledgeable about the industry. Fitzgerald said ATA members should MyATA service provider welcomes calls
View the Small Business Adminis- use a digital general ledger platform and questions on all accounting mat-
tration’s glossary of business financial and do away with paper reporting to ters without upfront fees. If the is-
terms for a full list of financial terms minimize errors. The best software pro- sue is involved, FORVIS will commu-
and definitions. gram to use depends on your business nicate its fees and rates to you before
GET A PULSE ON YOUR BUSINESS size. For example, most retailers can sharing advice. Please contact Comer
WITH FINANCIAL FORMULAS use QuickBooks, whereas manufactur- ([email protected]) or Bateman
ers would likely use Sage Intact or Mi- ([email protected]) for assis-
Once you understand basic financial crosoft Dynamics. Consider other soft- tance. Visit the MyATA service provider
terms and processes, you can input ware programs, including an accounts website to view other companies ready
numbers into equations to determine payable system like Bill.com or a point- to serve you. IA
your business’s overall health. The FOR-
VIS team said no single metric drives
everything, and different businesses
will use different formulas. They cre-
ated a quick cheat sheet to help ATA
members apply and analyze their busi-
ness numbers.
Calculating the inventory turnover
rate (how often you see through stocked
product), amount sold per ticket (how
much the average customer spends
each visit) and the break-even point or
analysis (how much you need to make
to break even considering all factors)
are important metrics to consider to get
a pulse on your business and make bet- Retailers should respect their customers’ new shopping habits post-shutdowns. PHOTO © STRAIGHT 6 ARCHERY.
ter decisions.
Archery Industry Members Participating in the Sport
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO: Visit insidearchery.com/pop or mail a color image with your name,
address, where the animal was taken, and archery gear used—both manufacturer and model—
to Inside Archery Power of Participation, P.O. Box 15827, Colorado Springs, CO 80935.
Marty Cecil • Kentucky Whitetail Jonathan Clark • Georgia Whitetail
Production Manager, B3 Archery Media/Marketing Manager, Last Chance Archery
Bow ■ Mathews V3X 33 Arrow ■ Easton A/C/C Bow ■ Mathews V3X 33 Arrow ■ Black Eagle
Broadhead ■ B3 EXO2 Sight ■ B3 Comp Hunter Broadhead ■ NAP Spitfire 100 Zombie Slayer
Rest ■ Hamskea Release ■ B3 Exit Pro Rest ■ Hamskea Epsilon Sight ■ AXCEL LandSlyde
Other ■ GAS Bowstrings Other ■ Last Chance Archery Release ■ T.R.U. Ball Rave
Micah Brown • Idaho Rocky Mountain Elk
Co-Founder/Co-Owner, Annihilator Broadheads
Bow ■ Backcountry Bows Broadhead ■ Annihilator 125
Arrow ■ Victory RIP TKO Sight ■ Option Archery
Luke Guest • Greenland Muskoxen Rest ■ Hamskea Epsilon Release ■ STAN Xtinction 2
Quiver ■ Tight Spot 5-Arrow Stabilizer ■ Crossover Stabilizer
Vice President, Hunters’ Hollow, Inc.
Bow ■ Mathews V3X 33 Sight ■ Mathews
Arrow ■ Easton 4mm FMJ Bridge-Lock 5-Pin
Broadhead ■ Magnus Rest ■ QAD Integrate
Stringer 125 4-Blade
Justus Leimbach • Colorado Pronghorn Sarah Pfister • Montana Mule Deer
Product Development Coordinator, Allen Company Owner, Badger Archery
Bow ■ Hoyt RX-3 Arrow ■ Gold Tip Airstrike Bow ■ PSE Carbon Levitate Broadhead ■ Grim Reaper Hades
Sight ■ Black Gold Pro 5-Pin Rest ■ QAD MXT
Arrow ■ Black Eagle X Impact Sight ■ Black Gold Pro 3-Pin
Release ■ STAN BlackJack Release ■ Carter Evolution Rest ■ Hamskea Epsilon
A Brand for Every Shoot, Every Season
As a leaading target-archery brand with a growing foothold
in the bowhunting market, Elevation is on the rise.
Just as its name would seem to 33
imply, the goal of Elevation is to
“elevate” the archery experience.
The company pursues this goal in a
variety of ways. For starters, Elevation
produces truly thoughtful and effective ar-
chery products that simply get the job done.
Elevation grew its reputation in the target
market, but it has recently branched out into
the hunting market to provide its effective
solutions to a wider scope of archery partici-
pants. Elevation draws inspiration from its
highly passionate and experienced leadership
team, but the company also listens closely to
the feedback of professional shooters and av-
erage consumers.
On top of all that, Elevation is operated
by Kinsey’s, the wildly popular and highly
renowned archery distributor that has be-
come a fixture of the archery industry since
its founding back in 1952. Considering that
Kinsey’s is behind it, it’s really no wonder
that Elevation has soared to such incredible
heights since its launch in 2015. Elevation
is admired by archers of all skill levels and
disciplines, from the most casual weekend
shooters to the top competitors in the world,
and it’s also admired by the archery pro-shop
community that already had a tight-knit
bond with Kinsey’s.
Looking ahead, Elevation has more plans in
the works to keep its upward trajectory going.
The company is continuing to deliver thought-
ful and effective archery products, and it is
also maintaining a close connection with the
grassroots of the archery community. These
factors and more will surely continue to drive
the company forward and elevate the experi-
ence of many more archers.
Addressing Voids in the Market
As the largest archery distributor in the
country, Kinsey’s has a crystal-clear view of
the products and brands that are in high de-
mand. Likewise, Kinsey’s has the unique abil-
ity to identify product ideas that would be in
demand if such a product was available. This
firm finger on the pulse of the archery indus-
try is what gave the Kinsey’s leadership team
the initial idea behind Elevation and its other
consumer brands.
“The first consumer brand we launched was
October Mountain Products, back in 2007,”
said Justin Gorman, Kinsey’s Vice President of
Sales and Marketing. “The original goal
of October Mountain Products was really
to fill some of the gaps that we identified
in our general assortment. In the begin-
ning the goal wasn’t really to make over-
ly creative products. It was more about
producing products that were simple,
effective and a solution to that gap we
identified in our assortment.”
As the years passed, the goal behind
Kinsey’s brands evolved into the goal
that drives them today.
“As we have grown our brands, though,
the focus has shifted a little,” Justin Gor-
man continued. “We were originally
producing these very simple products
that filled gaps, but now the real focus
is on making new products—products
that really solve problems. Across all of
our brands, we are still trying to produce
products that fill gaps we have identi-
fied, but we are also going above and
beyond to create products that are truly
fresh and innovative from a technologi-
cal standpoint, as well as visually ap-
pealing and downright effective.”
Elevation was launched in 2015 to
serve as a targeted solution to another
gap that Kinsey’s perceived in the ar-
chery market.
“Elevation was created because we
identified a need for some high-quality
target archery gear in the market,” said
Michael Meiran, Kinsey’s Brands Man-
ager. “There were a lot of companies fo-
cusing on hard goods for target archers,
but no one was really focusing exclusive-
ly on soft goods—things like quivers and
cases, which archers still really need to
travel and compete. At the time, there
was no company concentrating just on
soft goods, so Elevation was able to effec-
tively fill that void and grow from there.”
Elevation’s debut product was the
Nerve Field Quiver, a lightweight and
streamlined quiver that was built pre-
cisely for the needs of target archers.
“With the Nerve, we were really trying
to give target archers everything they
needed in one package,” Michael Mei-
ran said. “The process of developing it
involved taking a good look at all of the
many quivers that have been produced
over the years and asking, ‘What’s miss-
ing here? How could up on that interest by making
we do better?’ We thought an effort to travel to archery
about all the accessories tournaments across the coun-
that target archers use, all try every year to interact with the
the pockets and compart- community.”
ments they might need to be ef-
ficient on the range. We thought These interactions with tar-
about things like how indoor com- get archery participants at
petitors use larger diameter shafts, annual tournaments went on
so we gave them a bigger opening to to fuel more innovative ideas.
accommodate that. We also wanted to “I think a good amount of our
make something that looked sleek and product development process takes place
unique. In fact, one of our primary goals when we go to these shoots personally,”
was to make the coolest-looking quiver Justin Gorman continued. “Elevation
on the market, in addition to the staff attends events in the ASA, the Total
most thoughtful.” Archery Challenge, the indoor cir-
cuit and the Vegas Shoot. We also
Staying in Touch with attended IBO and NFA events in
the Archery Community the past, and all these events are
really where the majority of our
Elevation’s Nerve Field Quiver product development ideas come
received at lot of enthusiasm from. It helps us understand the
from the target archery com- needs of those archers through
munity soon after its launch. our observations, and consum-
The Nerve’s innovative features ers also aren’t shy about telling
simply clicked with the archers it you what they want to see add-
was designed for, and since then, ed or improved. We pay close
Elevation has remained close in attention to that feedback and
touch with the communities it is de- really take it to heart.”
veloping products for. Meanwhile, Elevation has also
built a robust pro-staff of elite profes-
“For a lot of target archers, the Nerve sional shooters who lend their insight
really just seemed to click,” Justin Gor- to the company’s product development
man said. “Elevation was able to gain process.
notoriety in the target market fairly “Our pro-staff currently has 44 pro-
quickly because customers responded to fessional shooters, and collectively they
it so well. There had been some stagna- achieved a lot of success and podium
tion in the soft-good market for target finishes this year,” Michael Meiran said.
archery, and we were able to introduce “Some of the best shooters in the world
something fresh and cool, and it re- are proudly on the Elevation pro-staff—
ally got our name out there. Archers all including archers like Dan McCarthy
throughout the target circuit were tak- and Tim Gillingham, for example. Since
ing notice of Elevation, and we followed
we are already attending the shoots that our pro-staff dated iteration of the Nerve Field Quiver that was re-
is competing in, we naturally spend a lot of time with designed for slightly different needs.
our pro-staff and have developed a very personal rela-
tionship with them. They work with us on an almost “The Mettle was developed as an answer to some of
weekly basis, providing us with product feedback and the feedback we received for the Nerve,” Justin Gor-
just general observations about what they would man said. “The Nerve is extremely streamlined. It’s
like to see. It’s incredible to work
with some of the best shooters in small and lightweight and very much suited for
the world. It has provided us with a the needs of indoor and field archers—but
lot of valuable suggestions, and they the archers who spend a lot of time on
also enjoy simply using our products the 3D course wanted something a little
because they get to help with the de- different. They wanted something big-
velopment process and create the prod- ger. They wanted to carry more arrows,
uct they wanted to see.” and they also needed to bring more ac-
cessories with them because they don’t
A prime example of a product devel- have easy access to their main bag like
oped with input from Elevation pro-staff an indoor archer does. The Mettle is
members is the Shooter Stool, a handy exactly that. It has a larger mouth for
portable seat equipped with thoughtful ac- more arrows. It has expanded pock-
cessories for 3D competitors. ets for more accessories—even a
dedicated scorecard holder. Any
“The basic idea behind the Shooter Stool archer can still use it obviously,
came from our many interactions with the tar-
get archery community, but the idea was fur- but it really is the ideal quiver for the 3D course, with
ther refined by feedback from our pro-staff,” Jus- every little detail being carefully thought of.”
tin Gorman said. “We saw a clear need for a product
like the Shooter Stool, a premium portable seat that Every Shoot, Every Season
helps archers relax and stay organized during a long
day on the 3D course, and then we bounced our ideas Elevation has built a solid reputation in the target
off our pro-staff members to help us arrive at the best market, and the company will certainly continue to
possible solution. We are currently developing an up- thrive there, but Elevation is also branching out and
dated version of the Shooter Stool that is set to come applying its expertise to the hunting market.
out next year, and we have worked especially close
with Dan McCarthy to develop it. We gave him time “The mantra here at Elevation is, ‘Every Shoot, Ev-
to interact with the prototype and give us his honest ery Season,’ and it’s a testament to our commitment
feedback, and we have internalized that feedback to to every archer,” Michael Meiran said. “Even though
create something that we all agree is the best way to we started out in the target archery market, we are
do it. It’s what the pros are looking for, and it’s also now looking into the needs and desires of bowhunt-
what the more average competitor is seeking.” ers. The ‘Every Shoot, Every Season’ mentality really
came about very naturally because of who we are as
Ample feedback from pros and consumers also archers. Just like many consumers, we are avid par-
greatly contributed to the Mettle Field Quiver, an up- ticipants of every type of archery—from backyard
practice, to competitive shooting, to bowhunting. We
attend the competitions, and we hunt in the fall, so
we feel we are committed to the whole
community. That’s what ‘Every Shoot,
Every Season’ means. It means we will
be there for you—no matter the time of
year, no matter the weather or the situ-
ation. Elevation will be there for you, at
every shoot and during every season.”
One of Elevation’s debuts in the hunt-
ing market is the company’s Modular
Gear System, or MGS, which is a collec-
tion of purpose-built accessory packs
that offer bowhunters a high degree of
“As we were brainstorming and com-
paring our hunting styles, we arrived at
the idea that every hunter does things a
little differently,” Justin Gorman said.
“Something that works for one hunter
might not work for another, so rather
than trying to create a one-size-fits-all
solution, we instead focused on mak-
ing a system that was highly customiz-
able. That’s what the MGS is all about.
It’s an accessory-carrying system that
fits the needs of different hunters in
unique ways. A key piece of the MGS is
the Encompass Bino Harness, a protec-
tive pouch that keeps binoculars safe
and easily accessible. Just like the tar-
get products we are known for, the Bino
Harness and other pieces of the MGS
were very thoughtfully built, with extra
attention paid to every little detail. We
thought long and hard about all the ac-
cessories a bowhunter might need, and
we thought about how quickly and qui-
etly they might need to grab them or put
them away. The MGS is an extremely
versatile system that suits countless dif-
ferent situations and hunters, and it’s
something we will continue to develop
and expand on.”
Another product line sure to make
waves in the hunting market is Eleva-
tion’s collection of backpacks, which
were designed specifically for whitetail
“Most other companies are developing
packs with Western hunters in mind,
so we wanted to develop the ultimate
pack for the whitetail hunter,” Michael
Meiran said. “We have a whole range of
sizes—from the smaller 650-cubic-inch
Forester Lumber, to the medium-sized
1,200-cubic-inch thoughtfully designed soft goods,
Canopy Tri-Zip, to the much larger Elevation has taken a path less
1,800-cubic-inch Emergent. Each one of traveled and managed to carve out
them has a different configuration and its own unique niche. Looking ahead,
size, but all of them were very purpose- Elevation has a lot more room to grow,
built for the needs of the whitetail hunt- and judging from the incredible lon-
er. For instance, they all are equipped gevity of its parent company, Kinsey’s,
with a detachable drop pocket, which it is fair to say the company has what
allows users to securely carry a bow or it needs to develop into an even more
rifle with ease. They were all also de- prominent industry staple.
signed with the concept of ‘hunting “The reputation that Elevation has been
from the outside in,’ which means that able to build among archers and pro-shop
we wanted it to be easy to access essen- owners in the last eight years has felt like
tial gear without digging around deep a very natural progression,” Justin Gor-
inside the pack. There are pockets and man said. “For dealers, in particular, it
openings on the sides that make it fast has been easy to develop some natural
and easy to grab things like game calls, trust in Elevation because they know
wind indicators and range finders— about Kinsey’s long history of servicing
without opening up the top and digging independent pro-shops. As Elevation con-
through the main compartment, where tinues to grow in the coming years, we
hunters might have less-frequently used are going to keep building on that repu-
items like spare cloths or their lunch. Ul- tation, and one of our main goals will
timately, the goal was to provide users also be to grow even more in the hunting
with a pack that is perfect for the needs market. We have done well in the target
of a whitetail hunter on a treestand, and market, and we are never going to lose
I think that’s what we were able to ac- track of our roots in the target market,
complish with our pack lineup.” but we are also going to innovate more
in the hunting market and develop more
Continuing to Elevate of a reputation there, expanding on our
the Archery Experience pack lineup and MGS. We want Elevation
to be seen as a lifestyle brand, a hybrid
The team at Elevation has its sights set between the target and hunting markets,
on the future. By focusing specifically on but we will still always keep the dealers
and their needs in the back of our mind.
One of the reasons Elevation was created
in the first place was to give dealers great
products with great margins, and we are
going to continue doing that while also
driving more excitement and engage-
ment around this incredible brand. Every
Shoot, Every Season—that will truly re-
main our motto and mission.” IA
SWAT Juggernaut Titanium 100-grain
F rom our commanding vantage atop herd boar circled to marshal his troops,
the Caprock escarpment, we’d discov- cutting across my bow at a guesstimat-
ed 40 yards. There was no time to think
ered not just two high-scoring whitetail bucks, it through or reach for a rangefinder. I
but a distant sounder of wild boar. hit full draw and let’r rip on the shuf-
fling black boar.
My friend was greatly intrigued by the My lead was ever so slightly gener-
bucks, but they were uninterested in ous and my hold ever so slightly low,
his rattling. As a lifelong Texan, he cer- resulting in a low shoulder hit. The ary blades 1 ⅜ inches with mechanical
or fixed-blade action. Those blades are
tainly was not interested in the hogs, aggressive mechanical zipped through made from .040-inch-thick stainless
steel to stand up to punishing hits, like
but as an Idahoan who had driven 30 both shoulders and skipped into the the shoulder bones of that hefty Texas
hog. The ferrule, as the name sug-
hours to enjoy the fruits of West Texas, hard ground beyond. Blood spewing gests, is precision milled from light-
weight but stout titanium. SWAT says
I certainly was! from entrance and exit wounds turned these heads will “Drain Your Game!”
and that is no exaggeration.
In time I was closing in on those initial cringe into joy. The fat hog did
The two-stage blade system is held
hogs, hearing them grunting softly not make it out of sight. in flight by a military-grade strap. The
front blades use a scissoring system
through the thick brush, the wind curl- I would experience similar per- activated by front deploy tabs and are
guaranteed to remain closed in flight,
ing back my eyelashes. Suddenly the formance in the coming days—on a even from today’s high-performance
crossbows. Once deployed blades lock
40-yard javelina, again on a 23-yard open. The second set of blades are a
flip-back design activated by small
whitetail buck. Like the hog, the SWAT
rear tabs. The second-
Juggernaut Titanium 100-grain me- ary blades cannot open
until the front blades
chanical resulted in those animals cut the retaining band
during deployment, as it
falling within sight—which is saying secures the tips of the trailing blades.
Overall, the compact head offers pin-
something in the thronged West Texas point accuracy at any speed or range.
The SWAT Juggernaut Titanium 100-
mesquite and cedar flats. Grain is sold in three packs, or customers
can choose a six pack with a free prac-
This was no accident, the Jugger- tice tip. Check out this design and other
devastating SWAT Broadheads models by
naut engineered to not only produce visiting swatbroadheads.com. IA
gaping wound channels, but to also
provide penetration
mirroring a fixed-blade
broadhead design. This
is remarkable consid-
ering the four-blade
design. The first set of blades can be
set up to cut a 1 ⅜- or 1 ⅝-inch entry
hole, or left to free float, the second-
WebXtra ■ To take a closer look
at the SWAT Juggernaut, please go to
Archers are always looking for an edge. But more impor- Kirsch
tantly, using products they can use and rely on is vitally XTN
crucial. This makes stocking products that effectively Garmin
facilitate that effort important to good business. Not Mini 2
doing so can lead people to walking out and find what Burris
Oracle 2
they are looking for in someone else’s shop, develop-
Omega III
ing brand loyalty with your competition, which isn’t
good for your bottom line.
Like other industry sectors, your customers are
searching for electronic archery gear such as tracking
devices, sights, lighted nocks, ozone and ion generators,
e-bikes, and more. Offering these items can satisfy cus-
tomers and boost your bottom line. Thus, keeping new
and popular items in stock is important for keeping cus-
tomers happy. As such, here are numerous items to con-
sider including in your inventory this season.
Tracking Gear
Tracking is a continually evolving aspect of the outdoors.
Whether it be GPS tracking to help customers keep track
of themselves or tracking mechanisms used for finding
wounded game, these are popular items that many cus-
tomers are searching for.
PRO-TRACKER ■ Poor shots, inopportune weather and
other unforeseen factors can hinder blood trailing ef-
forts. Customers seeking a better way to recover downed
game can find it in the Pro-Tracker Recovery System.
The system offers the ability to locate mortally wounded
animals, even when other search methods have failed.
This system uses radio frequency to home in on the
location of the animal. The transmitter is attached to
the arrow shaft and then deploys as the arrow passes
through the animal, attaching itself firmly to the hide.
It remains attached to the hide even as the arrow exits
the animal by using a stout, double-barbed hook. With
a lengthy battery life of 18-20 hours, it provides ample
time for recovery. When purchasing the complete sys-
tem, customers get one tracking radio frequency receiv-
er with backlit LED screen (which shows if the animal is
moving or stationary), one YAGI antenna, one radio fre-
High-Tech Gear
quency transmitter alpha, one practice Garmin Xero in electronic sights with battery sourc-
dummy transmitter alpha (only compat- Ali Pro es. Some of these products even in-
ible with certain targets), two aluminum clude integrated rangefinders. Note,
carriers, one dual charger for transmit- Sig Sauer BDX these products are not legal in every
ters, one USB charging cable, one USB to Combo state, so it is important to check lo-
Edison plug, one carrying case, 30 re- Kit
tainer clips and 30 secure bands. Find cal regulations prior to stocking these
more information at pro-tracker.com. Buck Rub Gear products.
Lighted Switch
KIRSCH OUTDOORS ■ The Bloodhound Nock BURRIS OPTICS ■ The Oracle 2 Range-
XTN Tracking Nock by Kirsch Outdoors Finding Bow Sight by Burris Optics is
provides bowhunters with a highly ef- Nockturnal based on the original Oracle design,
fective tracking method. Upon arrow Shift but it incorporates refined features,
launch, its integrated, ultra-bright LED Nock
lights activate to indicate its “on” sta- including auto brightness detection,
tus. Upon impact, the transmitter pulls 4KJT Outdoors improved manual brightness control,
off the arrow during pass-through and Lighted improved micro adjustments, improved
secures to fatally hit game. It interacts Nock waterproofing and more accurate arrow-
with the handheld Tracker up to 400 drop calculations. It is capable of ranging
yards away and is compatible with NAP Thunderglo deer to 200 yards and reflective targets
up to six unique Bloodhound XTNs. Lighted to 500 yards. This unit is powered by one
A magnetic device is used to turn the Nock CR123 battery, has a 2,000-plus cycle bat-
XTNs off. This system is available with tery life and weighs 20 ounces. Find more
multiple bushing sizes to fit popular in- information at burrisoptics.com.
side arrow and bolt diameters, is crafted
from aircraft-grade aluminum and in- OMEGA SIGHTS ■ Customers search-
cludes recharging capabilities. Find more ing for an all-in-one crossbow scope
information at kirschoutdoors.com. will love the features held by the Ome-
ga III. The sight integrates a sighting sys-
GARMIN INREACH MINI 2 ■ The inReach tem, laser rangefinder and an HD video
Mini 2 by Garmin is a great communica- camera, making it possible to shoot ac-
tion device. Explorers will feel confident curately while recording the harvest. It
knowing the inReach Mini 2 provides offers real-time ranging up to 500 yards,
two-way text messaging, location track- easy elevation and windage adjustments
ing and weather updates, thanks to the and is highly water resistant. The HD
global Iridium satellite network. Should video recording system allows instant
an emergency occur, inReach Mini 2 us- playback capabilities for in-field shot-
ers can trigger an interactive SOS mes- placement review, but it weighs only 13
sage to the Garmin IERCC, a 24/7 staffed ounces. The sighting system includes five
professional emergency response coor- independently adjustable aiming dots,
dination center. Furthermore, it is rug- which also move laterally for preci-
ged, compact, lightweight and includes sion tuning. The 1.5-by-2-inch LCD
robust features. It offers long battery life screen includes a five-position dimming
and can pair with more than 80 different feature, and the rangefinder has an inte-
Garmin devices. It measures 4-by-2 inch- grated True Distance Calculator for com-
es and weighs 3.5 ounces. An active satel- pensation on angled shots. Included ac-
lite subscription plan is required, which cessories include a 12-hour Rechargeable
starts at just $11.95 per month. Find more Power Bank, sturdier mounting bracket
information at garmin.com. with improved adjustments, 32GB micro-
SD card, two 3-volt batteries, two-button
Electronic Sights remote control, sunshield and anti-glare
LCD screen. It comes with a 1-year limited
Another modern archery wonder is found manufacturer’s warranty. Find more in-
formation at omegasights.com.
Lumenok Build-A-Bolt Ozonics HR500 HME Scent Slammer
Portable Ozone Air Cleaner
GARMIN ■ The new Xero A1i Pro by to 500 yards. Find more information at NOCKTURNAL ■ The Nockturnal Shift
Garmin is its latest Xero series bow sigsauer.com. Nock incorporates numerous benefits,
sight. Refining the innovative Garmin including strong clear polycarbonate
Xero A1i, the newly designed Pro ver- Lighted Nocks construction in a completely shock-
sion provides archers with micro ad- proof and waterproof design. These
justments and Auto Calibration for a While not yet legal everywhere, lighted nocks fit X, H, S and GT diameter ar-
faster setup. New features include Dy- nocks are currently permitted in most rows and weigh approximately 25
namic Level, Flight Apex and XD Mode, states. These tiny tools make hunt- grains. They are available in red, green
which help archers shoot more accu- ers more ethical by allowing them to and red-green strobing colorations,
rately. It even has a redesigned mount, see where their arrow lands, even in with internal batteries lasting up to
allowing quick, precise (.35 MOA) low-lighting conditions. This helps 20-plus hours. They are offered in
changes to elevation, windage, pitch hunters better determine how long to two packs. Find more information at
and yaw. It also offers adjustments for wait before blood trailing and makes feradyne.com/nockturnal.
sight roll (second axis) correction. Its arrow recovery easier. These aspects
quick-detach dovetail mount makes have made lighted nocks super popu- 4KJT OUTDOORS ■ 4KJT Lighted Nocks
setup easy. Additional features include lar with modern bowhunters. are steady sellers. They are ultra rug-
customizable arrow profiles, laser lo- ged and are available in three differ-
cate features to mark target location, BUCK RUB GEAR ■ Buck Rub Gear Light- ent colors, including tropical, red and
dual-color LED pins for easier identifi- ed Switch Nocks are an excellent offer- green. The tropical version blinks dif-
cation, silent ranging up to 100 yards ing available to consumers, at a price ferent colors before phasing to a strobe
on game and 300 yards on reflective lower than many competitors. They light effect. Lighted Nocks from 4KJT
targets, and an ambient light sen- feature a reliable, durable build that are offered in models to fit .204-inch/
sor that controls pin brightness. Find hunters can use with confidence. They X-Nock, .244-inch/Signature Nock,
more information at garmin.com. feature an external on/off switch, fit- .246-inch/Gold Tip and .302-inch that
ting ridges for a more universal inter- fit standard crossbow bolts with inside
SIG SAUER ■ The Sig Sauer BDX Combo nal shaft fit, and a throat especially diameters of .300- to .302-inch. Each
Kit comes with a scope and rangefind- designed to ensure a reliable hold on
er, which can be paired and are com- the string. They come in red, green or
patible with today’s high-performance orange and are sold individually or in
crossbows. The SIERRA BDX scope has three packs. Find more information at
built-in BDX technology that offers buckrubarchery.com.
holdover dot locations. Shooters can
use it without the app, or take their ScentLok BE:1 OZ Wildgame Innovations Scent Crusher Halo
shooting to the next level by un- 8k Ozone Bag ZeroTrace Portable Series Locker Lite
leashing the power of the Sig Sauer
app. When purchased separately the
rangefinder is easily paired to the
scope for fluid operation, while the
kit comes pre-paired. The rangefind-
er comes with eight preloaded bal-
listic groups, and the scope includes
SmartBDC reticles to provide holds out
High-Tech Gear
4KJT Lighted Nock features an external hunter’s greatest hurdle. Other big a micro-USB and features 18-hours of
switch so bowhunters can easily ex- game animals have an incredible continuous use, thanks to a 500mAh
tinguish illumination and maximize sense of smell, too. Years ago, this battery capacity. Find more informa-
battery life. The nocks are activated sparked a new sector of the outdoor tion at hmeproducts.com.
during release, and they now include industry with a focus on reducing or
improved batteries that allow them to eliminating human odors. It started SCENTLOK TECHNOLOGIES ■ The
remain lighted for up to three days. To with sprays and clothing, and even- ScentLok BE:1 OZ 8k Ozone Bag Plus
aid in installation 4KJT recommends tually led to odor-killing machines Radial Nano Combo delivers hunters
adding a light coat of string wax. Learn driven by ozone and ion technologies. a one-two punch of odor-destroying
more at 4kjtoutdoors.com. To follow are some of the most recent ozone technology. The bag is 32-by-16-
offerings. by-16 inches, which is large enough to
NEW ARCHERY PRODUCTS (NAP) ■ NAP hold two sets of hunting clothes, base
Thunderglo lighted nocks offer intense OZONICS ■ The new Ozonics HR500 is layers, socks, hats, gloves, boots and a
LED illumination and automatically the latest offering by the ozone-gener- variety of hunting accessories. Avail-
activate during arrow launch. The ator original, which now includes sig- able in distinctive BE:1 Gray or Mossy
LED remains on until it is unclicked. nificant performance enhancements. Oak Terra Gila, the BE:1 OZ 8k Ozone
Universal collars make them compat- Some of these include a noticeable Bag features durable, water-resistant
ible with G, X, H and S diameter ar- reduction in noise while in Boost and construction and convenient carry op-
row shafts. They are available in blue, Hyperboost modes. It also has an app tions. The bag’s 8,000-cubic-inch inte-
green or red, and come in a pack of integration that enables remote-con- rior is lined with Carbon Alloy, Scent-
three or six. Find more information at trol compatibility. Keep up with im- Lok’s top odor-adsorbing technology,
newarchery.com. portant data, such as remaining bat- which combines treated carbon, acti-
tery life, current local weather condi- vated carbon and zeolite. These highly
LUMENOK ■ The Lumenok Build-A- tions and more via the Ozonics app. porous particles adsorb and trap a
Bolt Crossbow Bolt Builder gives cus- You can also adjust the ozone output wide variety of odor molecules, just as
tomers the option of creating custom of the unit to suit prevailing condi- they do in ScentLok’s industry leading
crossbow bolts with lighted nocks. The tions. A remote key-fob can be added scent-control apparel. Odors within
company’s Custom Build-A-Bolt Selec- to the HR500 to facilitate increasing the bag are then destroyed with ozone
tor helps customers create the optimal ozone output. Find more information via the included OZ Radial Nano por-
bolt. These kits are sold in three-packs at ozonicshunting.com. table ozone generator. The OZ Radial
and are available in custom lengths Nano is rechargeable and runs up to
from 16-22 inches. Choose between HUNTING MADE EASY (HME) ■ A por- six hours per charge. Find more infor-
Bohning X-Vanes or Blazer Vanes, table unit, the HME Portable Ozone Air mation at scentlok.com.
brass or aluminum inserts, and a Cleaner removes unwanted odors. It is
choice of nock profile and colors. Find small and lightweight, so doesn’t take WILDGAME INNOVATIONS ■ Many
more information at lumenok.com. up a lot of room. It works in hunting, hunters want scent elimination ca-
sports and gym bags and is rated for pabilities on the go. The Wildgame
Space-Age Scent Control up to 160 cubic feet. It will not dam- Innovations ZeroTrace Portable helps
age clothing. It is rechargeable using with that, and can be recharged us-
The power of a whitetail’s nose is a ing standard outlets, USB ports and
12-volt vehicle plugs. It even fits in
■ TACTACAM a vehicle cupholder. Once running,
The Tactacam 6.0 is an excel- this device creates a constant flow
lent option for customers seek- of charged particles called plasma
ing a weapon-mounted camera. ions that cling to airborne particles
This point-of-view camera is craft- while cycling through the air. Once
ed with durability and performance in bonded, the ions render odor mol-
mind. It features an 8X zoom, new image stabi- ecules inert. This device comes with
lization, and captures 4K footage at 60 fps. It includes the portable unit, 110V adaptor, 110V
a screen, generates Wi-Fi, is remote compatible and is water- DC power cord, USB cable and vehicle
proof up to 30 feet. Find more information at tactacam.com. charger. Find more information at
SCENT CRUSHER ■ Many modern QuietKat Ibex great traction and can tackle rough
hunters choose to treat their hunt- Rambo Megatron terrain. With dual battery technol-
ing clothing and smaller gear with
scent-reducing treatments. This is ogy totaling 34ah, it has a range of
made easier with a bag or locker up to 80 miles. Alternate between
system, such as the Scent Crusher front-wheel, rear-wheel or all-
Halo Series Locker Lite. It offers a wheel drive as needed. This bike has
convenient way to minimize odor a stand-over height of 31.6 inches,
and contaminants. The Locker is 28 frame size of 19.7 inches and weighs
inches wide, 69 inches tall and 20 77 pounds, with a maximum speed
inches deep. It is crafted with techno- of 28 mph. Find more information at
lite fabric, heavy-duty zippers, metal rambobikes.com.
shelving and a weather-resistant
base. It is powered by a 110V/12V pow- BAKCOU ■ The Bakcou Mule Jager is
er source. Find more information at another excellent e-bike for those
feradyne.com/scent-crusher. looking for a rugged and powerful op-
tion. The Mule Jager comes with a 17-,
Hunt-Ready E-Bikes 19-, 21- or 25-amp battery. The Rohl-
off Speed Hub has a gear range of 526
A hunting approach that is taking the percent. It can shift without pedaling,
hunting world by storm, e-bikes are and the bike is powered by a Bafang
wildly popular among those who wish G620 Ultra motor. High-grade alumi-
to cover greater distances or slip into num gives this e-bike a load capac-
hunting sites while leaving less dis- ity of 300 pounds. Stand over height
turbance and ground scent behind. is 29.5 inches, and its top speed is 35
Fortunately, consumers have choices mph. The bike weighs 67 pounds with-
in the market, including these cutting- out the battery. Find more informa-
edge options. tion at bakcou.com.
QUIETKAT ■ QuietKat recently an- Bakcou Mule Jager RUNGU ■ Rungu Dualies’ dual-front-
nounced the release of the brand-new wheel, 9-inch-spaced e-bikes all but
Ibex e-bike. It offers the latest in full- eliminate over-the-handlebar flips
suspension electric bicycles. It de-
ploys 4.8-inch CST Tires and an up- or side slide-outs while turning in
graded FireLink 4-Bar suspension in rough or slippery terrain because
the rear, providing 130mm of travel there is more tire surface in con-
to traverse rocky and rugged terrain. tact with the ground. Steep uphill
Furthermore, the Bafang Ultra mo- pulls are also made more stable be-
tor delivers power and performance, cause of a higher ratio of front-end
while the massive 21ah battery pro- weight. The dual-tire front makes
vides extra range to ride further. With them suited to soft sand and mud,
TEKTRO hydraulic brakes, and a snow (up to 9 inches deep), logs and
fully adjustable air-suspension rocks. Each front tire assumes its
fork and rear shock, riders can own pivot path and grip thanks to
maneuver rougher terrain. Avail- Ackerman Steering, while a smooth
able accessories include pannier ride is provided by FreeRide In-
bags, light systems, fenders and dependent Suspension and an
cargo trailers. Find more information extra-long wheelbase. The step-
at quietkat.com.
through frame was designed for
RAMBO ■ The Megatron by Rambo is a Rungu Dualie easy mounting and stand over.
1,000-watt e-bike offering exceptional XR Rubicon Rungu’s Extra Range (XR) models
power with its Bafang motor. It gets includes a dual battery system to
provide added range. Learn more at
SEPT / OCT 2022 INSIDEARCHERY.COM riderungu.com. IA
BIGshot Archery Titan 10X
W ielding a 30-inch draw, traditionally Many block-style targets are labeled
shooting a lot of draw weight—even crossbow friendly, but pulling short
in cold treestand settings—and adopting ever- bolts from these models can require
pounding on the protruding field point
heavier carbon arrows as modern compounds end with a hammer to provide enough
have become faster and more efficient, I have shaft to get a firm grip on.
surfaces, and also tilting an extra-large
long needed an archery target with serious BIGshot Targets has a solution for end face perpendicular to an elevated
position to expose maximum surface
stopping power. high-energy shots from heavyweight area while shooting downward from a
stand, deck or hillside.
compound bows or crossbows—or just
As hinted, each face presents a
More recently, following a serious in- the average archer looking for a large unique target scenario. As examples,
one side includes a mockup of a deer’s
jury and being granted a (hopefully target that will last nearly forever. The vitals, another a series of descend-
ing dots large to small for long-range
temporary) “Reasonable Modification- Titan 10X, the newest addition to the Ti- shooting, a gridded crossbow face for
faster sight-in, games like tick-tack-
Archery” permit, I have been shoot- tan target family, is the industry’s first toe or beer pong, a standard dot face
and others. These strategically placed
ing crossbows more frequently while 10-sided target. BIGshot’s proprietary aiming points—all 150-plus of them—
as mentioned help spread wear around
working to rehabilitate by left hand and foam already offers a tough backstop,
various parts of the target while mini-
wrist. Anyone who has shot a modern which also allows easy arrow extrac- mizing cross-cutting that can cause
premature foam wear.
crossbow flinging bolts in excess of 450 tion. The Titan 10X also includes 10
The BIGshot Titan 10X includes a
fps knows that standard targets are no shooting faces, each offering a unique handy molded-in rope handle, mak-
ing it easy to drag into the backyard for
match for this level of kinetic energy. targeting system and more than 150 in- practice, or to hunting camp to remain
sharp. The 10X is broadhead compat-
dividual aiming points to help spread ible, even when shot with fixed-blade
designs. Overall, the Titan 10X offers
impact zones and target abuse over huge value, and better yet, they are in
full production and ready to ship.
a wider area. Combine a heavy-duty
Check out the Titan 10X and BIGshot’s
foam formula with aiming points that full array of industry-leading archery
targets at bigshotarchery.com. IA
encourage spreading arrow/bolt dam-
age around, and you have a target
that stops the hardest-hitting missiles
while lasting much longer. This makes
the Titan 10X a real value-packed target.
The Titan 10X provides three modes
of shooting: placed on a wide side for
shooting the two end faces, placed on
an end to shoot any of the eight side
faces, or placed in Treestand Mode with
the supplied kickstand. This allows
laying the target on one of the smaller
WebXtra ■ To take a closer look
at the BIGshot Titan 10x, please go to
Summit Outdoors
S ummit Outdoors is a leading hunting that offers comfort and temperature
supplier with a passion for innovation, control. SlotLock (formally Speed Cinch)
was also added in 2017, offering multi-
quality and value. purpose anchoring stakes with a clever
knot-free fastening system. Finally,
Summit Outdoors is a family-owned GhostBlind was added in 2020. This rev-
company that is passionate about cre- olutionary product uses tilted mirrored
ating professional-grade products at a panels to seamlessly mimic surround-
solid value for the hunting and outdoor ing terrain—even in open spaces lack-
enthusiast. The Summit Outdoors brand ing natural cover.
portfolio features industry leaders in Like any quickly emerging company,
their respective product categories in- as Summit Outdoors grew, the compa-
cluding blinds, ladder platforms, chairs ny had to find ways to ensure a steady
and accessories. stream of raw materials while still de-
In addition to building premium- livering the best value possible. This The Shadow Hunter lineup includes
many popular enclosed blinds featuring
grade products the average hunter can continues to drive the company today. exclusive Vengeance camo that mimics
tree bark. One of the most unique fea-
afford, the company believes in an ex- The product development team has in- tures of the Shadow Hunter blinds are
the easy-adjust ShadowView windows.
ceptional customer experience. Sum- vested a considerable amount of time These windows operate silently and can
be adjusted to any size opening with just
mit Outdoors focuses on serving the and energy to reduce production time one hand. All of this is done below the
window line for added concealment.
customer before, during and after their and keep up with continued demand. Additionally, the blackout shields are
designed to disguise interior move-
purchase. The company listens to cus- Conducting nearly all manufacturing in ments while also keeping windows free
from condensation.
tomer feedback to provide industry- the U.S.A. also streamlines production
Each Shadow Hunter blind features a
leading service, quality and value re- and delivery times. Summit Outdoors’ 77-inch roof height and composite panel
construction for weather protection,
sulting in life-long customers. goal is to eventually transition all its as well as sound- and scent-blocking
stealth. ShadowTech multi-layer wall
Joel Harter knows all about building brands to 100 percent made in the U.S.A. insulation, rust-proof aluminum exte-
rior and the ShadowMesh floor keep the
long-lasting customer relationships. Shadow Hunter blinds, GhostBlind elements and pests out. Shelves, a coat
hook and a weapon holder allow for
It was his passion for Shadow Hunter and Elevators are all proudly made in safely storing gear, and the door locks
for added security.
blinds and his loyalty to the brand that the U.S.A., which makes it easier to keep
One of the most versatile Shadow
led him to buy the company in 2014. dealers fully stocked. Even during the Hunter blinds is the Marksman 6x6 Oc-
tagon Combo which is ideal for solo ar-
Founded in 1996, Shadow Hunter is one unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak, Sum- chery hunts or sharing rifle hunts with
friends. It includes three windows with
of the most trusted brands of hunting mit Outdoors was able to keep the supply shooting rests to accommodate cross-
bows or firearms, and four vertical cor-
blinds in the industry. “I was very con- chain flowing and product in stock at the ner windows for unimpeded bow shots.
fident in Shadow Hunter because I used retail level. The company is proud to have Each Shadow Hunter Blind is thought-
fully and carefully crafted to last a life-
the products and believed in them,” a very dedicated and knowledgeable op-
Harter said. “We used Shadow Hunter erations team that manages materials
as a platform to acquire other specialty and requirements efficiently—which is
brands and add them to the family.” also at the core of the company’s contin-
And thus, Summit Outdoors began. Har- ued growth. “On-Time and In Full” are
ter is also CEO of Pro Products and Sum- core values at Summit Outdoors.
mit Brands, the latter founded in 1958. Everything Summit Outdoors devel-
After purchasing Shadow Hunter, ops receives the company’s innovative
Summit Outdoors acquired Elevators focus on delivering the best quality
in 2016. Elevators are the original and products and enhancing users’ experi-
most trusted brackets for creating an ences. There are always new projects
elevated base for enclosed blinds. Tail- and refinements to existing products
Mate (formerly Hunt Comfort) was in the company pipeline. Every product
purchased in 2017, providing custom- in the Summit Outdoors portfolio offers
ers with premium seat cushions and unique utility, and each product com-
chairs with unique GelCore technology plements the others.