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Inside Archery June 2021

Inside Archery June 2021

Keywords: archery,outdoors


Odin’s Innovations

T he inherent limitation of most hunt- State University, utilizing a sophisticated the Odin’s scents your customers want
ing scents has always been longevity. gas chromatography mass spectrometer. are ready to ship immediately.
Tests demonstrated that after 27 days in
Odin’s 100 percent synthetic scent line-
the field, Odin’s polymer scent pellets were up includes Doe-In-Estrous, Dominate
Buck and new Scrape Blend, targeted at ev-
Secondary considerations include effi- still emitting scent at more than 50 per- er-popular white-tailed deer—without the
worry of conflicting with ever-changing
cient deployment without introducing cent of the output recorded on the first day! rules introduced to combat CWD. I know
Odin’s/Hunter’s Kloak scents are effective,
human scent, spills on hunting gear, After the hunt, the polymer pellets are as I’ve witnessed it firsthand. I’ve used
Odin’s scent pellets primarily to “seed”
and even the very recent concern of CWD fully biodegradable, leaving hunting ar- mock or existing whitetail scrapes at
some of my favorite stand sites. Whether
transmission to wild deer populations eas as clean as you found them. This has you agree with it or not, the writing is on
the wall, and hunting with natural-based
through cervid urine-based products. The also been thoroughly laboratory tested. cervid fluids will be subject to increasing
regulation moving forward. Synthetic
products from Odin’s Innovations solve The neat pellets mean no more spilled or scents are the future of deer hunting.

all these problems, and perhaps some you leaked scent, and no more stinky, sticky In states where baiting isn’t legal,
Odin’s offers a legal alternative, as the
haven’t thought of yet. scent on clothing or hands. What’s more, polymer pellets are not consumed by ani-
mals—even mice and greedy hogs. Odin’s
Put simply, Odin’s is different. Odin’s Odin’s scent products are priced competi- Apple and Acorn scents have proven ef-
fective at bringing deer in front of trail
uses a biodegradable, earth-toned poly- tively. This scent-dispersal approach is cameras during preseason inventorying,
and into target areas while hunting. In
mer, formed into small pellets infused tidy, effective and long lasting—truly rev- states where baiting is legal, Odin’s can
still serve an important role. While bow-
with scent. The design holds and intro- olutionary technology designed to make hunting in Texas, for instance, (hunts
typically revolving around corn feeders) it
duces field-proven scents into any hunt- hunting more productive and enjoyable. is common to see does and smaller bucks
quickly clean up time-dispensed corn. It
ing setting. This, first and foremost, re- The recent purchase of Hunter’s Kloak is also common to observe mature bucks,
arriving late for the show, simply “scent-
sults in a scent product that is impervious has helped expand Odin’s lineup of field- check” the feeder site. If they don’t detect
any corn they keep walking. Scattering
to moisture, so heavy precipitation won’t proven synthetic scents. These synthetic Odin’s scent beneath the feeder produces
the illusion of available food and prompts
literally flush expensive scent down the formulas are highly concentrated, not closer investigation and possible shot op-
portunities. Now imagine the year-round
drain, which occurs with most liquid subject to the regulations now surround- possibilities for game animals with high-
ly talented olfactory gear, such as black
products. Just as importantly, Odin’s ing natural urine-based products in more bears, or increasingly widespread and
wildly popular wild hogs.
scent pellets continue to and more states, with supply not depen-
Odin’s trajectory started in 2018, when
disperse highly con- dent on the whims of Mother Nature. the company introduced its original natu-

centrated scent for 30- For preseason and early-season use,

plus days. Scent isn’t Odin’s lure scents (currently Apple

washed away by mul- and Acorn) are not intended for

tiple days of inclement consumption, nor

weather, and it continues do they have any

to release scent without fre- minerals or food

quent visits to hunting areas, value. This allows

eliminating the disturbances use in every state

and human scent those trips introduce. that restricts the use of bait.

Scent laid days or weeks ago is waiting Recent food security concerns and the

and active on arrival to hunting sites, simple need to get out and do something

keeping shooting lanes free of game- under travel restrictions has resulted in

alerting human odors. The pellet deliv- a huge influx of new bowhunters, which

ery system is also cleaner and easier to continue to spawn strong archery and

carry, contained in convenient packages outdoor sales moving into 2021 hunting

or resealable containers to sprinkle where seasons. Record sales have been record-

need, when needed, as needed. ed across the board, with demand com-

Odin’s 30-day effectiveness claim is monly outdistancing supply. Yet even the

more than anecdotal. It was tested by recent pandemic and increased demand

the Chemistry Department of Missouri did nothing to slow Odin’s production—


ral doe-in-estrous product in the company’s their own website or Amazon than MSRPs the fact they are Earth friendly. But Black
long-lasting polymer pellet. After research- found in authorized dealers’ brick-and- is confident that once customers try Odin’s
ing the regulatory environment and seeing mortar shops. products they will come back for more. To
what was coming, Odin’s owner Paul Black assist in these efforts, each dealer is pro-
quickly made the decision to go completely Black notes that during recent ATA Mas- vided a Sample Kit including a small glass
synthetic. The quest to find the most effec- ter Class curriculum offered during the 2021 jar of each scent, so customers can see and
tive synthetic scents in the business ulti- ATA Expo, it was established that a dealer smell the products. Product comes in a dis-
mately led to Hunter’s Kloak, leveraging on should offer inventory at a rate of $200 to play that includes educational information
an established and proven brand. Addition- $225 per square foot. Odin’s display prod- to help customers learn more. Additionally,
ally, Hunter’s Kloak offered other scents ucts provide $290 retail value per square Odin’s maintains an Odin’s Dealer Sup-
available for short and long-term product foot. Odin’s products can involve some port portal containing all of the marketing
development. Within two years, Odin’s syn- small up-front sales effort, explaining the material the company has created; like a
thetic Doe-In-Estrous and Dominant Buck built-in advantages already discussed, poster for in-house display, digital files for
scents were introduced, branding the re- such as weather resistance, longevity, and
lease with “Hunter’s Kloak Inside.”

To extend the selling cycle and appeal to
additional segments of the hunting indus-
try, Apple and Acorn scents were added for
summer deer surveys, also resulting in cus-
tomer reports of successful use while hunt-
ing hogs. A full year ahead of Odin’s scent-
products launch, a five-month field test was
conducted through an outfitter operating
on 12,000 acres in Indiana and Kentucky.
Those trials demonstrated that the products
offered many competitive advantages to
natural food products; primarily the prod-
uct proved effective, were not consumed,
and proved cost effective. And because they
lasted longer, hunters didn’t introduce fre-
quent disturbances to camera sites to put
deer off. The field test was also critical in
showing that deer remained interested over
extended periods, continuing to visit treated
sites, though stopping by for a “five-count”
later in the test than the “eight-count” vis-
its seen immediately following introduc-
tion. In short, $30 worth of Odin’s product
replaced $100 worth of natural corn, only
required a single trip per month, kept sites
undisturbed, but produced similar results.

Odin’s distribution model is centered
around the independent dealer. Odin’s
strives to take care of their dealers, provid-
ing margins that ensure that not only do
they make money, but that customers get a
better price at their local archery pro-shop
or sporting goods outlet than what’s avail-
able on the internet. Yes, Odin’s products
can be found online, but Black works to en-
sure prices remain higher on sites such as



social media, all packaging artwork for e- or ammonia-reeking odors. and growing wildly popular—and typically
commerce, plus photos and videos. Odin’s, while certainly no garage start- offer year-round hunting opportunity in
many areas.
“If our dealers are successful, we will be up concern, remains an agile company
successful,” Black said. able to respond to dealer input and cus- Doe-In-Estrous and Dominant Buck
tomer demand with relative speed. The scents will no doubt prove mainstays with
Odin’s website is a treasure trove of edu- purchase of Hunter’s Kloak synthetic scents whitetail hunters, with Apple and Acorn
cational resources ( is a large part of this ability. Black says he opening possibilities for attracting not
product-science/). Odin’s website also edu- can typically transition from a concept to only deer, but bears and hogs. Scent pellet
cates about the proposition of value, show- a finished product in seven weeks or less. possibilities like sugar beet, peanut but-
ing that a $15 bag of Odin’s, compared to a All Odin’s products are also manufactured ter, vanilla and sweet corn are strong pos-
$9 bottle of liquid scent, may seem more in the U.S., providing more control over the sibilities, again if dealers show there is a
expensive, but the moisture resistance and supply chain. Odin’s encourages dealer in- demand. Odin’s products come with mar-
long-lasting nature of the time-released, put into what specific scent pellets they be- keting support material and eye-catching
synthetic formulas make it conspicuously lieve their customers want and need, and in-store displays, with new introductions
more cost effective over the critical time what would sell best in their region for the like 1.5-inch-diameter, 12-ounce bottles
of hunting season—especially during pe- animals most hunted there. Try that with that slip into the water bottle pouch of most
riods of wet weather, when dumping ad- one of the big-name scent companies! daypacks keeping things innovative.
ditional bottles of liquid scent would be- Black is especially interested in expanding
come necessary. Besides the time-release the lineup for black bears and wild hogs. If you’re interested in becoming an
polymer pellets, synthetic fragrances gen- Hogs, in particular, offer the opportunity Odin’s dealer, contact Paul Black by call-
erally prove stronger, longer lasting, more to spread scent sales across the entire year, ing (316) 393-0440 or emailing paul@
complex and less expensive than natural instead of around a truncated whitetail rut. To check out the
fragrances. Synthetic scents stay fresher Hogs are steadily increasing their range— Odin’s product lineup, visit their website at
longer, without breaking down into dank IA


Lowdown High-Speed Trail Cam Viewer

I bowhunt whitetails in demanding moun-
tain terrain with low population densities, Enter LOWDOWN’s High-Speed Trail
Cam Viewer.

The LOWDOWN is ultra-fast, of-

so trail cam intel is vitally important to my success. fers a larger viewing screen and

is super-simple to operate, even

I also deploy trail cameras on Idaho for a technophobe like me. The

black bear baits and prior to spring tur- LOWDOWN saves time and

key seasons to see what the season has gives more detailed insight of

in store. captured images and videos.

I’ve tried several SD card readers while It also allows users to re-

seeking improved efficiency. Particu- view video footage taken

larly during the frenzied whitetail rut, while hunting, providing

or when I’m hours from better informa-

home in a backcountry tion on the nature of a hit

bear camp, and there just on game and how to best those of us who are growing older. The
newest LOWDOWN version saves data
isn’t time to run home to follow up. The LOWDOWN to a full-sized SD card (instead of past
micros) and is compatible with cards up
use a computer. Overall, was upgraded for 2021 to to 128GB (especially useful for those re-
viewing professional-quality video). The
I’ve found most card readers disappoint- provide even easier use and more flex- new LOWDOWN can now also format
SD cards, eliminating camera glitches
ing. Many just don’t hold up after hard ibility on how to view and manage trail- and keeping cards clean. The new Snap
Shot Feature allows enlarging images
use, and screens are simply too small to cam images and video, or video cap- and then saving them, while enhanced
video features allow freezing video, en-
glean any detail. Toting a laptop into the tured on POV or professional cameras. larging and grabbing a snap shot. It also
has the exciting new Scroll Bar Feature,
woods isn’t exactly convenient either. The LOWDOWN’s speed comes from which after selecting the Quick View
Mode provides a double row of image/
the fact it is dedicated to viewing and video thumbnails for faster scrolling
when faced with hundreds of captures.
managing trail camera images/videos,
LOWDOWN developed high-tech soft-
with no extra software to slow it down. ware to make operation simpler, so
users won’t have to struggle with tech-
Images and video load nearly instantly, nology, complicated instructions or
memorize a long list of operating pro-
so less time is spent at camera sites. It is cedures. LOWDOWN is so confident in
their product they offer a 30-day mon-
also straightforwardly uncomplicated, ey-back guarantee! Check them out at IA
the new built-in Navigator Help System
WebXtra ■ For a closer look at
allowing for operation without reading
the Lowdown Trail Cam Viewer, go to
tedious instructions. The unit is oper-

ated by an intuitive touchscreen, which

allows users to scroll, save and even

zoom to glean more detail. Videos can

be freeze framed, and individual frames

can be enlarged and saved. It also lets

you delete individual or groups of im-

ages/videos, or you can save them to a

second card for filing or later viewing.

The system keeps SD cards free of un-

wanted clutter.

The 9-inch screen (corner to corner) is

60 percent larger than the closest com-

petitor, providing more detail and allow-

ing viewing without reading glasses for



The bowstring is often one of the most overlooked and un- Custom Strings
dervalued aspects of the archery equation. Sure, archers and String Materials
pay attention to their bowstring when it’s causing them
problems, but when strings and cables are doing their job America’s Best Bowstrings
just fine, not much thought is given to them. With a wide
selection of high-quality custom strings available, that Established in 2006, America’s Best Bowstrings (ABB) is
mentality is rapidly changing. Archers are realizing that one of the most popular and trusted custom string makers
high-quality strings provide a noticeable boost to speed, around. ABB’s Platinum Series is the company’s top offering.
consistency and general peace of mind. It’s made exclusively with BCY 452X material, and it was im-
proved for 2020 with clear Ultra End Loops that provide a bet-
Meanwhile, industry leaders have continued to refine ter fit. The Platinum Series has Halo End Servings for longer
the various accessories that attach to a bowstring or help life, and it also features Power Grip Center Serving for the
keep it maintained. String silencers, peep sights and kisser best fit. These features combined provide faster arrow speeds
buttons are all being made with advanced materials and and optimum performance from today’s top compounds.
designs, further boosting a shooter’s experience in notice- ABB also includes a 2-year hassle free warranty against
able ways. peep rotation, creep and serving separation. Learn more at
Here’s a look at some of the custom strings and bowstring
accessories that archers are seeking today.

Ghost XV Camo

ABB Platinum Series Vapor Trail
Vapor Twist


Winner’s Choice Bowstrings GAS Bowstrings Winner’s Choice

Zebra Ghost XV Camo Bowstrings by GAS are Winner’s Choice Custom Bowstrings
Bowstrings hailed as some of the most consistent, has its own special recipe that infuses
reliable and accurate bowstrings pro- its strings with high levels of strength,
duced today. Made from premium BCY durability and dependability. The com-
material, Ghost XV Camo strings provide pany’s unique process entails more
the ultimate balance of speed and stabil- “pre-stretch” than any other process on
ity. When combined with the company’s market. This eliminates creep and peep
exclusive Total Tensioning System, the rotation, and Winner’s Choice backs
result is high level and dependable per- this up with a guarantee against pre-
formance. Ghost XV Camo strings are a mature serving separation, peep rota-
perfect color match for today’s modern tion and string creep. Winner’s Choice
camo patterns, which has made them strings are also equipped with an Ul-
a very popular choice among bowhunt- timate String Loop, which eliminates
ers. End servings and speed nocks are serving wear and string twist. The Ulti-
available in multiple colors, and Pow- mate String Loop comes in a variety of
ergrip center serving is standard on colors, and it’s available with a 1.8mm
all Ghost XV Camo strings. They retail or 2.0mm diameter. Learn more at
between $130 and $150. Learn more at
Zebra Bowstrings
Vapor Trail
A part of the Mathews Archery fam-
Vapor Trail developed its Vapor Twist ily, Zebra Bowstrings builds the kind of
Xtreme (VTX) bowstrings in 1993, after the strings you would expect from this in-
company’s founder was frustrated with dustry legend. The company’s Zebra Tro-
the consistency and quality of the strings phy strings are created with the proprie-
tary new Trophy Process, which reaches
available at the time. Af- new levels of consistency, accuracy and
ter working with several quality. Zebra Trophy strings are crafted
material experts, VTX was with an ultra-premium blend of BCY
born. This unique blend of material. They are pre-conditioned to
fibers successfully elimi- eliminate peep rotation and serving sep-
nates peep twist rotation, aration, and each set of strings is indi-
and VTX is still Vapor vidually inspected, measured and tested
Trail’s flagship material to achieve the highest level of consisten-
to this day. Dealers and cy. Competitive shooters have claimed
consumers love it for its more than $9,000,000 in tournament
stability and consistency wins with help from Zebra Bowstrings,
in changing temperature and that number will certainly continue
and climate conditions. to rise. Zebra Trophy strings are made
“Set it and forget it” tech- in the U.S.A. and available in nearly 40
nology allows you to tune colors for virtually every bow make and
VTX bowstrings with as model. Learn more at
little as three shots. Mil-
lions of color combina- BlackHeart
tions allow archers to
customize their strings BlackHeart specializes in premium
to create a truly unique strings and cables for crossbows. The
setup. VTX strings are company’s strings are handcrafted with
also backed by a life- the right blend of modern materials,
time service guaran- machinery and time-honored tech-
tee. Learn more at niques. BlackHeart crossbow strings feature the company’s innovative Glide-


Vapor Trail
Vapor Twist
Xtreme (VTX)


BlackHeart Stone Mountain Rocky Mountain
Titanium Pre-Stretch strings Bowstrings
Lock servings and exclusive DuraWeave
construction, which provide reliable per- tomize strand count, length and center percent satisfaction guarantee. Learn more
formance and long-term dependabil- serving, with multiple end-serving mate- at
ity. BlackHeart’s new strings and cables rial and colors available. Learn more at
were meticulously crafted to fit the hot- Rocky Mountain Bowstrings
test 2021 crossbow models. Learn more at Stone Mountain Bowstrings Rocky Mountain Bowstrings is a family-
based company that produces versatile
FirstString Stone Mountain’s Titanium Pre-Stretch and high-quality custom strings for com-
strings are crafted with BCY 8125 in the pounds and crossbows, and it also makes
Since its establishment, FirstString has main string and BCY 452X in the cables. strings specifically for youth shooters. The
sold more than 5 million sets of strings The BCY 8125 provides faster arrow speeds, company’s Basic Bowhunter set of strings
and cables. The company manufactures a and the BCY 452X prevents creep. Tita- and cables are an economical choice, and
wide variety of custom and replacement nium Pre-Stretch strings feature a clear they are made with all black BCY materi-
bowstrings, as well as bow accessories. Ultra-Loc loop serving, along with Halo als only. Customers can pick an “Ultra Cus-
FirstString’s new Traditional Target Strings end serving and Halo center serving. tom” option for a wide selection of vibrant
were specifically designed for the discrimi- They include a FRC Wax Kit and D-loop colors. Learn more at
nating target archer. This excellent ad- included, and they are fully customiz-
dition to any recurve target bow is built able. Titanium Pre-Stretch strings are BCY
within AMO standards. Archers can cus- also digitally measured to the exact speci-
fied length, and they are backed by a 100 Since its founding in 1990, BCY has been
dedicated to serving the needs of archers,


BCY Archery

bowmakers and string-makers with Bowstring
the latest advances in bowstring tech- Accessories:
nology. BCY is a leading force in the
development of innovative material im- Pine Ridge Archery
provements and product advancement,
constantly experimenting with ways The secret behind the Pine Ridge Ar-
to adapt the latest fibers to the archery chery’s Kisser Button is the unique
bowstring market. BCY’s 8125 Bowstring blend of materials that are used to
material features 100 percent SK75 create it. The material is soft, while
Dyneema fiber construction, which others are hard plastic. Hard plastic
boosts arrow speeds and provides high does not allow you to flex into posi-
durability. BCY’s 8125 is the preferred tion. With Pine  Ridge’s softer, yet
choice of many 3-D and Olympic-style super-strong material, the kisser is
shooters, and it received a trademark flexible and more comfortable on
from the US Patent and Trademark Of- the lip. Pine Ridge also offers Wish-
fice in February 2021. Learn more at bone String and Cable Dampener that will create a noticeable reduc-
tion of noise and vibration. This
Brownell Archery easy-to-install dampener does not
require a bow press, so anyone can
In 1825, Edward Brownell started a com- quickly add a set to their bow and
pany in Moodus, Connecticut, where instantly quiet their setup. At 14
he supplied twisted linen and nets to grains each, the Wishbone will not
commercial fishermen. This business slow a bow down. Instead, it can
persevered through the decades until increase speed on certain setups
Edward’s grandson, Crary Brownell, at- when placed in the correct location.
tended an archery tournament in 1922 Another great bowstring accessory
and fell in love with the sport. From that from Pine Ridge Archery is the com-
point forward, Brownell began making pany’s Finger Savers and Finger
bowstring materials, and it remains a Savers XL, which are made with a
leading producer to this day—almost strong yet soft material that allows
200 years since the company’s humble the shooter to shoot a bow without
beginnings. Brownell’s B50 Bowstring using a finger tab or release. Fin-
material is a gold-standard for tradi- ger Savers save time, create consis-
tional bows. It’s abrasion-resistant, tency for beginning shooters and
durable, consistent, extremely smooth young kids, and they also work great
and easy to work with. It features 100 for bowfishing. Learn more at
percent polyester construction, and it’s
available in 17 colors. Learn more at


Wishbone The Mini-Serve

Rancho LimbSaver
Safari’s Cat Everlast
String Leech

Rancho Safari saturates strings quickly. It’s odorless, ray of vibration dampening products. The
waterproof and vegan, and Xccelerator company’s 1032 UltraJax L string silencers
Rancho Safari’s Cat Whisker string silenc- Wax also works well to reduce friction on are a popular and affordable silencing op-
ers make a quiet bow even quieter. The slides, wheels and rollers. It is certified to tion. They are easily installed without a
original Cat Whisker was introduced by be crossbow compatible, and it contains bow press. Users simply put the Ultrajax L
Jerry Gentellalli in the early 1980s, and to- 0.51 ounces of product. Learn more at on the string and use the supplied plastic
day’s Cat Whiskers are still a welcomed ad- ties (or their own string material) to cinch
dition to any bowhunting setup. They are the silencer to the string. Available in
fast and easy to install, and they effectively LimbSaver multiple colors, they weigh 21 grains each
silence without eroding speed. Learn more and come in packs of two. Learn more at
at The dampening experts at LimbSaver de-
signed the Everlast String Leech to signifi-
Bohning cantly reduce bowstring noise and also Apex Gear
be highly durable. It brings string oscilla-
The Mini-Server from Bohning is a min- tion to a stop faster, reducing string noise Apex Gear offers a wide range of perfor-
iature string-serving tool that’s perfect for for quiet and smooth shots. As the name mance-driven bow accessories, and it
travel and quick fixes. The compact size implies, Everlast String Leeches are also has a handful of helpful and effective
eliminates the need for a cable spreader, extremely resilient to time and hard use. bowstring accessories. One notable op-
and it also works well with bows that have These durable string silencers will last tion is the company’s POSI Peep Pro XS
short brace heights. The winged design fits shot after shot and exceed performance peep sight, which is CNC-machined from
fingers perfectly for a secure grip. Despite expectations. They come in packs of two aluminum to be sturdy and lightweight.
its small size, it contains 27 feet of black and four, with multiple color options Angled grooves machined on the sides al-
and white serving thread, and affordable available. Learn more at low for perfect peep alignment. It’s avail-
packs of replacement spools are avail- able in three different peep sizes and three
able. Bohning also offers Xccelerator Wax, Bowjax colors to accommodate different shooting
which is a natural-based wax with a soft styles and preferences. Apex also offers
feel for use on natural and synthetic bow- Founded in 2000, Bowjax is committed to Doubledown String Silencers, which were
strings. It softens at a low temperature and bringing the archery industry a whole ar- designed for quick and easy installation
anywhere—with no bow press needed. The
Doubledown’s unique dual-arm design pro-
vides increased dampening of the string or
cable. It is compatible with all bows, and
there is also a crossbow-specific model.
Learn more at

October Mountain

October Mountain Products’ String Se-
rum is designed to take string condition-
ing to the next level.  Its special formula







was designed to both clean and condition threaded interior that accepts lenses. Its
a bowstring.  When dirt and debris col- grooved exterior provides a secure fit,
lect on a string, an application of String and its 37-degree angle provides a clear
Serum will help to remove the dirt and sight picture. Another highly popular
leave the string with a thin protective bowstring accessory from .30-06 is the
coating that can increase its longev- company’s Snot string wax. This pre-
ity. The odor-free formula is also effec- cisely crafted blend of oils, greases and
tive at removing excess wax build-up that wax makes it easy to protect bowstrings
may have accumulated on a bowstring and prolong equipment life. It increases
over time. October Mountain Products string performance and durability, and
also offers the Retna Peep Sight, which it won’t gather dust and debris. It’s also
features a machined aluminum body, 100 percent odor-less, waterproof, non-
deep string grooves and a serving groove toxic and made in the USA. Learn more at
to securely hold the peep in place. The
aperture design provides a clear, round
sight picture—even when slightly mis- Mathews
aligned. Another top choice from October
Mountain Products is its Quick Crimp Mathews’ Monkey Tails are a simple and
Kisser Button, which features ultra-easy effective do-it-yourself string and cable
installation and form-fitted c-clip slots damping system. No bow press is needed,
that protect the archer. Learn more at and they install in seconds. A bowstring with four Monkey Tails attached will expe-
rience a minimal speed loss of 1-2 fps total,
.30-06 Outdoors but those four Monkey Tails will virtually
eliminate all string and cable sound. Mon-
The D Angle Peep Sight from .30-06 key Tails are available in nine different col-
Outdoors features a machined alumi- or options, and they come in packs of four.
num housing, aluminum sun visor and Learn more at

.30-06 outdoors Mathews’



Five Questions with America’s Best Bowstrings

America’s Best Bowstrings (ABB) has built a solid reputation over the years. The company is going out into the field and providing
harvests for your family.
known far and wide for its highly dependable custom strings, and ABB is also known as a company
We are halfway through 2021: What
that will put in long hours to get the job done correctly and on time. We spoke with Bryant Lyon, is your outlook on the rest of the year
ahead? ■ The outlook is great! The last
VP of marketing for ABB, to learn more about the company’s latest happenings. few years we have seen many new
and returning archers and bowhunt-
H ave you seen a surge in the While we are seeing record order
demand for custom strings, volumes this year, we are used to ers. It is very important
and how has ABB adapted to keep seeing this spike in the to us that we make a
up with this surge? ■ There has been five-month busy season great first impression
consistent growth in the demand for every year. What makes to those who are new to
high-quality custom bowstrings for this year unique for us the sport. These are ex-
the last few years, and today that de- is the operating plan citing times for the ar-
mand is higher than ever. We believe that we put in place, chery industry.
that customers are coming to ABB which so far has made The feedback we have been receiving
because of the value they are seeing this year run even smoother than from our dealers is very positive, es-
firsthand with the quality and perfor- years in the past. pecially regarding quality, lead times,
mance that our strings provide. and the ease of tuning with the bow-
Do you feel a newfound sense of op- strings. Relationships matter in this
We are driven by perfection, and timism for the archery industry in industry, and we can confidently say
that does not just stop with the final general? ■ Of course! More people are that our relationships with our deal-
product. We want to perfect how we getting into archery and bowhunting, ers is what sets the tone for how we do
build the product and how to better and we believe they are enjoying the business. The dealers are our backbone
serve our customers. We have worked skill and tradition that it is associated and our greatest asset pertaining to in-
very hard at perfecting and executing with. We think 2020 enlightened a lot put regarding the products and services
our daily operations, while continu- of people on the benefit and fulfill- that we provide. We take great pride in
ing to add highly skilled team mem- ment of being more self-sufficient by delivering to our dealers and custom-
bers that invest into the ABB culture. ers with great customer service every
time. That’s important for the rest of
the year ahead, and it always will be.

What makes your staff exceptional?
■ A great culture at ABB and a passion
for excellence. Our team members
take ownership and pride in every
string that we build. We work togeth-
er with one common goal to achieve,
and that is building the best custom
bowstrings that will improve your ar-
chery experience. IA

WebXtra ■ To find out more about

America’s Best Bowstrings, please visit


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