INNERLOC from the packaging. The heads are deliv-
AERO SERIES ered in two-packs with an MSRP of $39.99.
CARNAGE See to learn more.
.30-06 •WASP ARCHERY The Havalon HV 125-
BLOODBATH grain (also offered in 100-grain models) is
CRIMSON the newest broadhead to come out of the
TALON Wasp Archery/Havalon Knives collabora-
HYBRID tion. Wasp Archery knows broadheads,
NAP and Havalon Knives produces some of
DARK NIGHT the sharpest edges around. Together, they
4-BLADE produced one tough and spooky-sharp
CROSSBOW broadhead. The precision-milled and an-
odized 7075 T6 aluminum ferrule is led
SEPT/OCT 2021 INSIDEARCHERY.COM by Wasp’s trademark Stainless Smart
Tip (SST), a stainless-steel trocar design
made to drive deep and split bone. The
tip is pressed onto the ferrule using hun-
dreds of pounds of pressure, producing a
permanent bond and aligning the tip’s
cutting edges with the blades for straight-
line cutting. The ultra-compact and aero-
dynamic ferrule provides easy tuning,
and the .035-inch-thick surgically sharp
stainless-steel blades produce 1 3/16-
inch cuts. HV blades are easily replaced,
and each pack comes with three ready-
to-hunt broadheads and six replace-
ment blades, with an MSRP of $44.99. See to learn more.
•COLD STEEL For just $2.50 per shot, the
Cold Steel Cheap Shot Bone Saw provides
a classic-style cut-on-contact broadhead
for bowhunters on a tight budget. The
blade is cut from stainless steel, heat
treated and then molded into a stout,
space-age polymer ferrule able to with-
stand hard use. The cut-on-contact edges
include an ultra-sharp single-bevel that
creates spiral wound channels to help
spill more blood after pass-through.
Choose from two models, including one
with standard razor edges or another
with serrated cutting edges. Both mod-
els weigh 125 grains and are compatible
with compound and traditional bows. See to learn more.
Broadheads may look familiar, but stand
apart through superior materials that en-
sure deeper penetration and additional
bone-crushing strength. This starts with
ferrules constructed from 7075 T6 alu- inches for the 3-blade and 1 1/8-by-1 1/8- one-piece steel ferrule and three blades
minum, instead of standard 6065-al- inch for the 4-blade. Three Musacchia encapsulated in flight by the company’s
loy aluminum with substantially lower Broadheads are packaged in a reusable exclusive aerodynamic wrap. On impact,
tensile strength. Ferrules are then hard- hard-case with a retail price of $33.96. See the three razor-sharp, .040-inch-thick
coat anodized for further strength and to learn more. blades slice through the tube to unleash a
complete protection from the elements. conservative 1 1/2 inches of cutting diam-
The cutting trocar tip is high-quality 420 Do-It-All Hybrids eter. Innerloc’s “Deadly by Design” broad-
stainless steel hardened to 42 Rc, the at- head provides true field-point flight from
tack angle refined for greater penetra- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• today’s fastest compounds and cross-
tion potential and bone-splitting abilities. bows and is offered in multiple designs
One hundred grain 3- and 4-blade NBS100 The do-it-all hybrid can prove to be just (custom options can also be ordered). See
models are offered, the 3-blade holding that, a hybrid mechanical/fixed-blade to learn more.
winged bases, the 4-blade cross-locking with an efficient cutting-tip or cut-on-
blades, which slide into the ferrule in- contact leading blade backed by deploy- •.30-06 OUTDOORS The Bloodbath Broad-
terior of both designs to lock securely able blades to increase cutting action.
into place after the trocar tip is screwed Though I also have in mind the less ag- head by .30-06 Outdoors is a hybrid with a
home. Blades are stainless steel with a gressive mechanicals cutting 1 1/2 inches fixed/mechanical design that creates an
51Rc hardness and .025-inch thickness, or less, or wider-cutting fixed-blade heads excellent do-it-all option. The 1 3/16-inch
each held at a 31.5-degree attack angle providing 1 1/4-inch cutting diameters. true cut-on-contact leading main blade
that slices through hide and muscle in- starts penetration off on the right track,
stead of chops. Cutting diameters are 1.25 •INNERLOC/SULLIVAN INDUSTRIES In- slicing through hide on contact and split-
ting encountered bone. The mechanical
nerloc’s Aero Series Carnage mechani-
cal is a rear-deploying design with a
VIP blades are serrated to saw through bone
COMBAT and sinew and open to 2 inches to in-
VETERAN flict maximum soft-tissue damage. The
100-grain design is based on an aircraft
BLOODSPORT grade aluminum ferrule and is both com-
NITEFALL pound and crossbow compatible. They
HYBRID are offered in three-piece blister packs.
BROADHEADS See to learn more.
ALLEN VELOX brid is a four-blade, 125-grain hybrid de-
STEEL ION sign made to deliver pinpoint accuracy
and maximum destruction on target. The
SEPT/OCT 2021 INSIDEARCHERY.COM 7075 aluminum ferrule is led by a bone-
splitting stainless-steel chisel tip. After
breaching hide, the 1-inch-wide fixed
blade, which is sharpened front and rear,
starts cutting before a pair of .032-inch-
thick scimitar mechanical blades are de-
ployed to open to 2 inches. The fail-proof
design ensures success and quick kills.
See to learn more.
NAP DK4 Crossbow (MSRP $39.99), a.k.a.
Dark Knight 4-blade Crossbow, is unlike
anything in the industry. This hybrid de-
sign features a pivoting main blade and
two mechanical bleeder blades made
to provide an ideal combination of deep
penetration and massive hemorrhaging.
They are offered in 100- and 125-grain
models, each with 1 3/8-inch cutting
diameters (crossbow version). The piv-
oting blade enables the head to roll
around encountered bone to maintain a
straight-through path and retain more
pass-through momentum. The bleed-
ers include Spitfire spring-clip technol-
ogy retention to stay closed during flight,
but they reliably deploy on impact. See to learn more.
•SLICKTRICK The new Assailant from
SlickTrick is a unique 100-grain hybrid-
style broadhead holding a massive 2 5/8
inches of total cutting surfaces. The Assail-
ant is based on the proven ViperTrick se-
ries, featuring a Super Steel ferrule, a chis-
el-style tip and a 7/8-inch-wide fixed-blade
backed by 1 3/4-inch expanding blades.
Combined, they produce devastating re-
sults. In flight, the Assailant’s low-profile
design delivers precision accuracy, while
Killer Small Game & Roving Points
I refuse to go afield without a small game or stump-shooting point in my quiver. Tasty grouse and rabbits are encountered on the
trail, or I might just feel like taking some practice shots into a punky stump on my way back to the truck or before exiting
a treestand. These tough points thump encountered small game or minimize arrow loss while targeting natural targets.
•RAMCAT BROADHEADS The 100-grain Smoke Small Game Head features the company’s patented Airfoil System, cre-
ating field point accuracy, while the curved blades work to devastate small game or prevent arrows form burrow-
ing or skipping. The design makes it the perfect point to address encountered small game or to
fire practice shots in the field. The 100-grain, stainless-steel head is provided with a weight
collar to create a 125-grain head and includes a 1 1/8-inch blade diameter. MSRP is $24.99 for
three. See
•WAC’EM ARCHERY The Shocker Small Game Head is offered in 100- and 125-grain options. Both include
five spring steel arms that grab grass and turf to prevent arrow burrowing or skipping while stump shooting, while
also imparting knock-out punches to small game like rabbits. MSRP is $14.99 for three. See
•K-THUMP The SlobberKnocker is a 100-grain trident blunt tip designed to offer field-tip flight at extended
ranges while also knocking small game for a loop and preventing arrow skipping and burrowing. The
patented trident design cuts wind for straight flight and snags grass and debris to make arrow recovery
easier. The blunts are molded from durable polymer. MSRP is $15 for four. See
the stainless-steel construction delivers a super-durable design
that stands up to harsh use. MSRP is $47.99, and they are avail-
able for immediate shipping. See to learn more.
•ROCKY MOUNTAIN Rocky Mountain has been around since
1979, introducing many new concepts to the broadhead arena.
Now under the FeraDyne umbrella, Rocky Mountain’s Switch-
blade broadhead offers the best of fixed-blade and mechanical
traits. Penetration is started with a 7/8-inch-wide, true cut-on-
contact main blade held in a stout aircraft-grade aluminum
ferrule and followed by two 2-inch-wide cutting, .035-inch-
thick expandable blades secured in flight by a simple O-ring
retention system. The combination provides a full 2 7/8 inches
of cutting surface to create blood trails a child can follow. The
100-grain heads are also affordable, a three-pack retailing for
just $24.99. See to learn more.
•SWAT BROADHEADS SWAT Broadheads’ 2021 Juggernaut Ti-
tanium was engineered to provide fixed-blade penetration
potential in a sleek fixed/mechanical convertible design. The
four-blade head can be set up to be shot as a fixed-blade or a
mechanical broadhead. The 100-grain head (125 with the ad-
dition of the W25 weight collar) holds 2.75 inches of total cut-
ting edges, produced by .040-inch-thick blades set at steep at-
tack angles. The adjustable front blades can be set up to cut a
fixed 1 5/8 or 1 3/8 inches wide, or as 2-inch-wide, free-floating
mechanicals. Rear blades cut 1.75 inches wide. Blades are set
into a steel-tough/aluminum-light premium titanium ferrule
with an integrated, multi-faceted cutting fixed blades cutting an inch wide. It also
tip. MSRP for three heads is $54.95. See has two scissoring mechanical blades that to learn more. open to 2 inches wide. A patent-pending
blade retention system keeps blades tight
•VETERAN INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS (VIP) in flight, without rubber bands or O-rings,
but they open on impact and lock into place
The Combat Veteran by VIP is engineered for fixed-blade dependability. The resulting
to provide the straight-through penetra- 1-by-2-inch wound channel makes for fast
tion of a fixed-blade broadhead and the game recovery. See
wide wound channels of a mechanical. to learn more.
The 4-blade head sports .035-inch-thick,
440 stainless-steel blades pivoting on •RAMCAT BROADHEADS The Diamond-
stainless screws. The ferrule is milled
from 7075-T6 aluminum and the cut- back Hybrid Broadhead by Ramcat is a
on-contact tip is milled from titanium. 100-grain combination head. It offers the
The blade system is under tension from dependability of a fixed-blade design that
a ball-bearing and spring system, so delivers a 7/8-inch cut, and it also has twin
when the wider blades are slightly com- mechanical blades that open to 2 inches
pressed all four blades unlock, allow- to reap havoc on any game unfortunate
ing the main blades to open to 2 inches enough to arrive on the receiving end. The
wide and the “bleeders” to swing back to 100-percent stainless steel ferrule is led
1.25 inches wide. The system stores the by a concave airfoil scoop tip to be both
energy needed to deploy the blades in- aerodynamic and deep penetrating. Single
stead of subtracting it from forward mo- bevel edges deliver the initial 7/8-inch cut,
mentum. The wider mechanical blades an O-ring system securing the trailing me-
pivot independently to compress around chanical blades while in flight. Retail price
or through bone, spring action opening for three heads is $34.99. See ramcatbroad-
them to their full 2-inch cutting diameter to learn more.
while passing through soft tissue. See to learn more. •ALLEN COMPANY The Velox Steel Ion
•BLOODSPORT Bloodsport’s Nitefall Hybrid Three Blade Broadhead 100 Grain by Allen
Company is an all-steel fixed-blade design
broadhead is a true hybrid design incorpo- providing an aggressive 1 1/4-inch cutting
rating top-flight materials and engineer- diameter via three rugged .032-inch-thick
ing combined with a design that creates stainless-steel blades. Not only does the
massive wound channels and deep-driv- Velox Steel Ion cut wide, but is designed
ing performance. Materials include a stout to be hugely dependable, including a one-
7075 aluminum ferrule and 420 stainless piece all-steel ferrule and a two-point,
steel blades. The Nitefall promises consis- all-steel blade locking system that en-
tent flight, holding an air-splitting, deep- sures blades will not rattle loose. See
driving chisel tip backed by two vented to learn more. IA
Bear X Impact
B ear Archery has dabbled in crossbows bowhunting performance and afford-
off and on for some years. In fact, the able price tags.
very first modern (wheeled compound style) The 2021 Bear X Impact Crossbow
under review in this issue enters a
crossbow I reviewed and shot, sometime in the new price-point realm by hitting the
late 1990s I believe, was made by Bear Archery. $1,099.99 mark. This is still relatively
affordable for a crossbow with this de-
In 2016, Bear Archery launched Bear X, gree of performance, the next jump be-
a subsidiary dedicated to a full lineup ing crossbow brands/models retailing
of high-performance crossbows priced for upwards of $2,500. With all of the
for the workingman. Many of my blue- included accessories, including a silent
collar friends, shopping for a serious anti-reverse cocking crank that also al-
hunting crossbow, have chosen Bear X lows safely de-cocking the crossbow The riser and limb sets are triple bolted to the heavily
ventilated machined-aluminum barrel/body, axles
models for their ideal balance of ample (the Impact CDXV does not include this only 8 1/8 inches apart when cocked.
cocking crank), this is a real bargain.
The Bear X Impact is compact and lightweight for easy Ultra-Compact Package ■ The Impact is of the forward grip when not in use, but
toting and quick maneuverability in the field, a "bullpup" it easily and quickly pivots to the verti-
design creating a 29-inch length. Bear X’s most compact crossbow design cal position to act as a foot brace during
to date. The crossbow is a highly ma- cocking, or to take a steadier aim from
The 2021 Bear X Impact comes with a anti-reverse, neuverable “bullpup” design measuring a solid rest while shooting. The trigger
silent cranking device that provides easy cocking, just 29 inches from front to rear. The proves crisp and smooth with a very
but also allows de-cocking the crossbow safely. crossbow is 12 1/16 inches wide when manageable 5-pound trigger pull, and
at rest and just 8 1/8 inches wide when the mechanism is equipped with a dry-
cocked. The only crossbow models that fire inhibitor. The safety pushes forward
are more compact retail for at least to fire, marked by a red dot, or back for
twice the price of the Bear X Impact. safe, marked by a green dot. The safety
engages upon cocking.
The Impact is based on a machined
aluminum barrel and body, which are A Quiet Powerhouse ■ The 2021 Impact
well ventilated to reduce weight. The
front of the barrel is triple bolted (one requires just 185 pounds of draw weight
large frontal bolt, two side anchor to generate advertised bolt speeds of
screws) for a secure connection to the 420 fps and a hard-hitting 149 foot-
limb pockets and limb bolts. The riser is pounds of kinetic energy while propel-
generously cupped to eliminate broad- ling 380-grain Bear Archery TrueX bolts.
head interference when cocked and There are several factors contributing
loaded. The molded polymer finger pro- to this performance. First, the Impact
tector/frontal grip, skeletonized pistol
grip/trigger guard, rubber-padded butt
stock and cheek comb/safety cover are
all secured separately with hex-head
machine screws. The milled-aluminum
cantilevered Picatinny scope rail is bolt-
ed to the aluminum safety/triggering
mechanism housing.
Another nice touch is the folding bi-
pod/foot brace. The one-piece milled-
aluminum fork folds back neatly
against the crossbow body just in front
Large-profile "hatchet-style" cams are set for a reverse-draw The Impact is equipped with dual Bear Crossbow Arrow
configuration that generates 420 fps bolt speeds with just Archery Sonic-Stop-style string suppres- Specifications and Flight
185 pounds of draw weight. sors set on carbon rods and anchored by Specifications
two set screws each. This makes them ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Bear Archery Sonic-Stop-style string suppressors are fully adjustable to control string con- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
found on the 2021 Bear X Impact, providing silence tact. This not only introduces dead-even Length
and even bolt separation. nock separation during launch, leading 29 inches Test Bolt
to improved accuracy, but it also makes 20 inches
is built around a 15 ½-inch power stroke, the Impact remarkably quiet by crossbow ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
an inch or two longer than most cross- standards. The parallel limbs certainly ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
bow power strokes in this price class. The help, and the Picatinny rail holds a star- Width
longer the power stroke, the more time like vibration dampener on its under- 12-1/16 inches un-cocked Bolt Weight
the string has to transfer energy into the neath. 380 grains
bolt. The Impact is fueled by large-profile, 8-1/8 inches cocked
reverse-draw “hatchet-style” cams set on Hunt Ready ■ On arrival, the Impact ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
sealed bearings. These cams are held on ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
heavily preloaded, compression-molded requires only bolting the riser/limbs as- Kinetic Energy
quad limbs that terminate in parallel ge- sembly into place, pushing the buss-cable Power stroke 149 foot-pounds
ometry for increased efficiency. slide through the side slot and clicking 15-1/2 Inches
it over the glide rail found beneath the ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
shooting rail. The Impact is supplied with ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
an all-new detachable silent cocking Arrow Speed
crank. A stem extension plugs into a hole Draw Weight 420 fps
just above the top of the butt. The pully- 185 pounds
equipped cocking plate is then pulled ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
over the scope and hooked onto the string ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
between the string stops. A top button is FOR MORE
pushed forward to engage the clutch, or Mass Weight INFORMATION VISIT
clicked back to allow the mechanism to 8.3 pounds BEARARCHERY.COM
be reversed. As mentioned, the device can OR CALL
be used to safely de-cock the crossbow –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 812-467-1200.
and features an anti-reverse mechanism
to stop the crank when the handle is re- Finish
leased. The crank makes cocking the Im- Black with True Timber
pact nearly effortless.
Strata or Veil Stoke
The included Speed Comp 30mm- Camo limbs
tubed crossbow scope includes a speed
dial on the magnification ring that al- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
lows the optic to be dialed to the exact
speed of the crossbow, allowing accurate MSRP
use of the cascading 20- to 100-yard bal-
listic compensation marks. The reticles
can be illuminated to various brightness
levels to match lighting conditions, and
the scope comes with spring-loaded flip
caps to protect the lenses from dust and
moisture. The kit also includes a dual-
gripper four-bolt quiver with offset top
mounting bracket, a padded shoulder
sling with quick-detach hardware and a
lip-balm-style tube of slippery silicone-
based rail lube/string wax. Three TrueX
bolts are also supplied, each holding full-
capture TrueX nocks recommended for
this high-performance crossbow design.
The overall crossbow style is black with
TrueTimber Strata or Veil Stoke camou-
flaged limbs.
The 2021 Bear X Impact is conveniently
compact and very well balanced in the
hands. It’s straightforward to operate and
shoot, and it’s plenty fast for the needs of
a vast majority of big game hunters. The
price is also right for this level of cross-
bow performance, making it ideal for
crossbow aficionados who want to take
their game to the next level, but without
breaking the bank. IA
WebXtra ■ Take a closer look at
the Bear X Impact in action! Please go to
Technology moves fast, and by its na- judging through the optic with a red-dot IQ Bowsights
pointer. A running range display appears in DEFINE Pro
ture, it will only continue to evolve at large numbers and pre-programmed Burris Oracle 2
holdover crosshair marks are of- Rangefinding Sight
a meteoric rate. Here is a sampling of fered for precision aiming. The Omega II Sight
Omega II Sight also includes Adjustable
some of the newest, most cutting-edge an integrated video camera Red Dot
capturing 1080p HD footage Mount
products on the market today. of every shot, allowing shar-
ing or playback after a hit to
REVOLUTIONARY BOW SIGHTS help guide savvy follow-up. The re-
fined Omega II’s laser rangefinder calculates
IQ Bowsights ■ IQ’s DEFINE PRO was recent- range on stationary or moving targets to
600 yards, making it firearms compatible,
ly upgraded to provide a lighter and more but also an ideal crossbow option. Patented
affordable laser-rangefinder-integrated technology provides 2X to 6X Power Zoom, a
bow sight. The bow-mounted laser range- choice of five reticle scales, a low-light en-
finder sight was engineered to optimize its hancement feature, on-screen digital lev-
real-world bowhunting functions, making el and a detachable sunshield. All of
it more intuitive and automatic to deploy these features are packed into a com-
during tense bowhunting encounters. The pact, 12-ounce unit mounted to any
DEFINE Pro can be used to get the range crossbow Picatinny rail. The unit is
while at full draw, so movement that can weather resistant and all functions
alert game is minimized. The laser-rang- are controlled with two round and
ing system includes a three-digit display two rocker buttons. Sight-in is easy,
(whole and 1/10 yards) and provides +/- two 3-volt batteries provide power, video is
1-yard accuracy to 150 yards combined with recorded on a 16GB micro SD card and the
excellent resolution. Yardage is displayed unit is activated through a remote switch—
on an illuminated blue OLED, powered by all with an MAP price of only $399. Learn
a single CR2 battery. One-touch-activated more by visiting
scan mode, full angle compensation and
2-minute activation make shots on mov- Adjustable Red Dot Mount (ARD) ■
ing or stationary targets more fluid—just
hit the trigger, note the inline yardage dis- The Adjustable Red Dot Mount (ARD)
play, select the proper pin and cut the shot! does away with pins and peeps com-
The overall unit is 30 percent lighter than pletely and offers archers a red-dot
beginning models and is packed with user- sight that is reminiscent of the ones
friendly features, including IQ’s renowned used on firearms. The company’s patented
Retina Lock Aiming System. Learn more at Arc Technology ensures that the dot is al- ways centered to the user’s eye, regardless
of the range it is dialed. The ARD moves up
Burris ■ Burris’ Oracle 2 Rangefinding Bow and down in the mounting bracket using a
sliding dovetail system, allowing users to
Sight is a refinement of the original Oracle. easily and intuitively adjust the sight for
Burris listened closely to the user feedback a variety of ranges. The ARD is easy to set
from the original and based the Oracle 2’s up, and it is available in an Elite Package
design on what customers were asking for. that features a longer tube-style housing
Updated features include improved auto- that further boosts intuitive aiming and in-
brightness detection, improved manual creases durability. Since it limits room for
brightness control, improved setup (with error, the Elite Package is the top choice for
micro-adjustments), better waterproofing beginners, and it’s also popular among ar-
and more accurate arrow-drop calcula- chers who shoot 3-D courses. Learn more at
tions. Like the original, the Oracle 2 takes
the guesswork out of aiming by providing
the distance to a target and an exact aim- PHENOMENAL LIGHTED NOCKS
ing point that factors in the angle of the
shot. The Oracle 2 is activated with the Lumenok ■ Category pioneer Lumenok re-
push of a button, and it can be activated at
full draw. Learn more at mains on the cutting edge of lighted-nock
Omega II Sight ■ The 2021 Omega II Sight by
Lil Bow Peep allows conducting precise range
technology with the Lumenok Signature Lumenok pendable and user-friendly lighted nocks
Nock. A refinement of Lumenok’s proven Signature have an external on/off switch that is re-
design, the Signature Nock features a Nock freshingly straightforward. There are no
bright LED that remains lit for up to 40 tools or “tricks” needed to extinguish the
hours. Signature Nocks are brighter than NAP THUNDERGLO Shift FIT. The Shift FIT’s patented, string-
previous Lumenoks, and they are ex- Lighted Nock activated switch triggers the nock to illu-
tremely durable to stand up to hard use. minate immediately when the string is
Lumenok’s Signature Nocks are available Nockturnal Shift FIT released, and its lithium battery provides
in a handy Combo Pack that includes four Buck Rub Gear more than 20 hours of performance. The
Lumenoks, two extra batteries and an Switch Nock Shift FIT is constructed from an ultra-
arrow-puller/extinguisher, which makes strong, impact-resistant polycarbonate
it a breeze to turn off Lumenoks and re- Nock Out Contender casing that protects its super-bright LED,
move arrows from targets quickly. Learn and it is also waterproof. Available in
more at green, red, red/green strobing options, the
Shift FIT weighs approximately 25 grains
New Archery Products (NAP) ■ NAP’s new and comes in packs of two. Learn more at
THUNDERGLO Lighted Nocks are built
from premium components to withstand Buck Rub Gear ■ As a company estab-
repeated high-impact abuse. A polycar-
bonate-blend nock and aluminum shaft lished and operated by an independent
provide the strength and dependabil- archery shop owner, Buck Rub Gear has
ity needed for today’s fast-shooting bows, a knack for making products that fellow
while the integrated LED light provides dealers are looking for. Buck Rub’s Switch
exceptional shot tracking, even in full Nock is one of the company latest offer-
daylight. The THUNDERGLO’s universal- ings. It is a 30-grain lighted nock that ac-
fit collars make these nocks super easy to tivates automatically upon release, and
install, with no special tools required for includes a convenient external switch
installation or operation. The bright LED that allows users to easily extinguish it
unit automatically activates upon arrow with just a fingertip or fingernail. The
launch and stays on until the shooter un- nock is designed with a deeper throat to
clicks the nock to turn it off. THUNDERGLO ensure a secure hold on the bowstring
Lighted Nocks are available with blue, serving, so no shot opportunity is missed
red and green LEDs, and they come in due to unintentional arrow dislodging.
handy three- and six-packs. Learn more Switch Nocks are available with orange,
at red and green LEDs. They are disposable
after the internal battery is depleted, but
Nockturnal by Feradyne ■ The new Shift testing by Buck Rub has shown that the
green LEDs last for about 72 hours (red
FIT lighted nocks from Nockturnal feature and green last for about 36 hours). With
a system that makes them super simple
to switch on and off. These extremely de- Continued on Page 62
Lancehead Crossbows ■ At a glance, you will see that the
Lancehead F1 is unlike anything else on the crossbow market. First
and foremost, it has a noticeable lack of horizontal limbs, making
it look a little more like a rifle than a crossbow. It does have limbs,
though. They are micro-sized torsion limbs, which store more power in less space. Du-
rability and safety were two key considerations when the Lancehead F1 was being developed. The torsion limbs
are constructed from nearly indestructible carbon steel, and they are sealed in a military-grade corrosion protectant, enabling an
extremely high heat tolerance. In other words, the Lancehead F1’s design is much less prone to mechanical failures and injuries from
misuse. The Lancehead F1 is just 3.9 inches wide, both cocked and un-cocked, making it one of the most compact and maneuverable crossbows ever
made. Its 170-pound draw weight generates 360 fps bolt speeds, making it also very deadly to game. Learn more at
Cuddeback CuddeLink Tactacam ■ Tactacam is well known for
its innovative POV cameras that double as
bow stabilizers. The company has continued
to update and improve this key offering, but
Tactacam has also explored a variety of other
unique approaches to capturing high-quality footage in the field. Tactacam’s new Spotter LR is a light-
weight 4K camera that can be attached to any spotting scope on the market, allowing for long-range
filming on the go. Perfectly suited for the Western hunter, the Spotter LR has a flip-up LCD screen that
alleviates eye strain and allows entire groups to watch the action in real time. Long lasting recharge-
able/replaceable lithium-ion batteries allow for extended use in the field, and it accepts up to a 128 GB
micro SD for ample memory. A dedicated app and Wi-Fi capability make it easy to download and share
extremely high-quality and up-close footage. Learn more at
Covert WC30 series Kirsch Continued from Page 60 to communicate with one another. Users
Bloodhound can have up to 15 remote cameras on the
Pro-Tracker Recovery this kind of battery life, combined with same network, with all of them transfer-
System XTN its easy external switch, Switch Nocks ring images back to a “Home” camera,
Tracking should last through multiple seasons. which can be conveniently located at a
62 Dealers can order bulk jars of Switch hunting cabin, as an example. This al-
Nock Nocks that retail for $7.99 per nock. Learn lows hunters to gather information from
more at multiple trail cameras deep in the woods,
without actually visiting the site and in-
Nock Out ■ Nock Out was one of the first troducing human intrusion. Cuddeback
also offers the CuddeLink Cell, which is
companies to develop a lighted nock that a cellular trail camera that elevates the
was strong enough for modern high- CuddeLink system to the next level. Users
energy crossbows, and Nock Out’s new can designate the CuddeLink Cell as the
Contender lives up to this reputation for home camera, allowing them to remotely
durability. The Contender is construct- collect data from up to 15 different camer-
ed from a combination of high-grade as for the price of a single cell plan. Learn
aluminum and proprietary ultra-high more at
strength polycarbonate, making it able
to withstand the roughest conditions. Covert ■ Covert’s WC30 series wireless
These shot-activated lighted nocks have
Universal Fit bushings that accommo- scouting camera is new for 2021 and
date multiple shaft sizes, including X, H, packed with high-tech upgrades. The
S and GT. Contenders are also very easy compact WC30 includes a SIM card, and
to turn off. Simply pull the nock straight users can choose between AT&T and Veri-
back to deactivate the LED, with no tools zon models for the most reliable wireless
or magnets required. They are avail- service in their area. The WC30 captures
able in red, green and orange, and are hi-res images and 720p videos, and users
also waterproof (and blood-proof). Learn can easily download them from the Covert
more at Web Portal or mobile app. A fast 0.2-sec-
ond trigger speed ensures subjects are cap-
&NETXRTA-CGKEINNTGRSAYISLTCEAMMSS tured in the form of sharp photos or video,
with game placed perfectly in the center of
Cuddeback ■ Cuddeback’s CuddeLink sys- the frame. It is equipped with 48 infrared
No-Glow LEDs that deliver a 100-foot flash
tem is a revolutionary new approach to range, and exceptional battery life is pro-
cellular trail cameras. The system does vided by twelve AA batteries. Learn more
not use a cell service or Wi-Fi, but in- at
stead uses a proprietary wireless mesh
network that allows multiple cameras Continued on Page 64
HME Scent Slammer Bag ScentLok
OZ 8K Ozone
Rolling Bag
+ Radial IQ Combo
Scent Continued from Page 62 penetrate the animal like it normally
Crusher would, but the transmitter remains em-
+Plus Kirsch ■ The Bloodhound XTN tracking bedded in the hide. The transmitter has a
Wildgame battery life of 18 to 20 hours and a range of
Innovations nock by Kirsch helps hunters reliably re- up to 2 miles, allowing hunters to locate
ZeroTrace cover downed game when other methods a fatally wounded animal after regular
Portable fail. The XTN Tracking Nock is installed tracking methods have been exhausted.
in the rear open end of an arrow or bolt, The Pro-Tracker Recovery System comes
and multiple sizes of bushings are of- in a complete package with everything
fered to snuggly fit the XTN into popular needed to get started and replacement
arrow/bolt inside diameters. During the parts, providing years of use. According
shot the integrated, ultra-bright LEDs to FCC regulations, they require licensing
activate to let users know it is on. The for legal operation. Users also need to be-
tracking unit pulls off the back of the ar- come familiar with and observe all laws
row during pass through of the target, and regulations governing amateur radio
and users can then use the hand-held licensing and operation of the transmit-
tracking device to locate an XTN from up ters. Learn more at
to 400 yards away. The tracker can locate
up to six unique Bloodhound XTNs at a SPACE-AGE SCENT CONTROL
given time, and they can be recharged
with the included charging kit. Learn
more at
Pro-Tracker ■ The Pro-Tracker Recovery Scent Crusher ■ Scent Crusher’s +Plus is
System is a radio-frequency tracking the company’s latest and most effective
tool that was developed specifically for ozone unit yet. According to Scent Crush-
bowhunting. A radio transmitter rests in er representatives, +Plus units are five
a carrier on the arrow shaft, and it de- times more effective than previous mod-
ploys when the arrow penetrates the hide els, and this is because Scent Crusher was
of the animal. The arrow continues to able to “supercharge” the ozone to
LOWDOWN Trail Cam Viewer ■ The LOWDOWN is a dedicated trail camera viewer/photo manager
with no extra software or unneeded features to slow it down or complicate its use. The LOWDOWN is
ultra-fast and simple to use, cutting down on time spent at camera sites. It features a large touchscreen
that allows users to scroll through captured images and videos. Intuitive operation makes it easy to save
images to a second card, and it’s also a breeze to delete individual or groups of images/videos. Users can
zoom in on photos to glean more detail, and a new SnapShot feature allows them to “freeze frame” a
video, turning individual frames into pictures that can be enlarged and saved. With the LOWDOWN, users
won’t have to struggle with technology, complicated instructions or a long list of operating procedures, and
it also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Learn more at
make it significantly more potent. The to and engage airborne particles as air as well as reinforced construction for
+Plus is a great tool for sanitizing and cycles through the unit. The ions render long-term use. A shoulder strap is also in-
deodorizing a huge variety of high-use odor molecules and scent contaminants cluded. Learn more at
items, including cellphones, keys, masks, inert—all without the use of potentially
mail, groceries, backpacks, purses, shoes, harmful ozone. The ZeroTrace Portable ScentLok ■ The OZ 8K Ozone Rolling Bag
jackets, uniforms, sport equipment, tools is safe for indoor use, even in confined
and much more. The Scent Crusher +Plus spaces like a vehicle or closet, and it + Radial IQ Combo is a culmination of
unit can be used in any enclosed bag, won’t damage clothing or gear. Learn ScentLok’s vast experience with scent
tote or closet, and it’s compatible with all more at elimination. This roller-bag/ozone unit
Scent Crusher bags, lockers and trunks. combo is packed with high-quality fea-
The +Plus unit includes a maintenance- Hunting Made Easy (HME) ■ HME’s Scent tures and components. The included Ra-
free two-year warranty. Learn more at dial IQ ozone unit features a one-button Slammer Bag is a portable and highly design that runs for 30 minutes, the ide-
effective scent elimination tool. Its in- al ozone output and run time to actively
Wildgame Innovations ■ The ZeroTrace cluded ozone unit eliminates odors on refresh gear. The Rolling Bag is made of
clothing and gear, leaving no scent or 600D, PVC-backed polyester for extreme
Portable from Wildgame Innovations residue behind. Variable cycle settings al- durability, and it has an extendable han-
uses ion molecules—not ozone—to de- low users to employ the right amount of dle and durable wheels that provide easy
stroy unwanted scent particles and help ozone to get the job done, while also con- transport. It has eight internal pockets
hunters get closer to game. The Zero- serving battery life. The ozone unit can be and one side zipper pocket, as well as one
Trace Portable features PureION tech- charged with the included wall outlet or dedicated pocket to suspend the Radial
nology, which creates a constant flow car adapter for added convenience, and IQ and fill the bag with ozone. The pack-
of charged particles known as plasma the Scent Slammer Bag has a high capaci- age includes a 12V DC power supply and
ions. These electrically charged positive ty that accommodates plenty of gear. The a power adapter for vehicles. Learn more
and negative ions naturally gravitate Bag has a full-top opening for easy access, at IA
Five Questions with Antler King
Antler King offers a huge selection of feed products, attractants, mineral supplements, blocks and perennial/ Antler King team meetings is the first 20 min-
utes, when we all talk about the deer we are
annual seed products for food plots—all of which are dedicated to improving the overall health of deer and elk tracking, or that new place we planted a food
plot, or the huge buck we just got on camera.
herds. We spoke with Marv Ries, director of sales at Antler King, to learn more. We test every new product extensively, and we
use these products every day. That’s why we
T ell us about the company history seed varieties. For instance, our Trophy Clover have so much confidence in what we make. If
of Antler King: How did it all start, Mix has cold-tolerant varieties of clover, al- we are going to use them, we aren’t going to
tolerate products that are gimmicky or don’t
and what have been some of your key mile- lowing the clover to stay lush and green well work. What’s equally important is that we de-
sign our products to enhance the average hunt-
stones? ■ Todd Stittleburg founded Antler King into late hunting seasons. Other clover variet- er’s success in the field. Our industry needs the
in 1987. Stittleburg was an animal nutrition- ies go dormant as soon as the first frosts oc- next generation of hunters to love the
sport and preserve the legacy. We want
ist, specializing in ruminant nutrition, and he cur, which is typically the start of most ruts in to create products that will increase
was working for one of the largest feed com- the United States. We are also working to in- the hunter’s chances to
not only harvest amazing
panies in North America. He saw the positive novate in the food plot space with deer, but also maximize
the genetic potential and
difference it made when cattle—specifically products like Barricade, an 8-foot overall health of the herd
for future generations. As hardcore hunters,
dairy cattle—were fed correctly and all their annual cover screen or funneling we only approve the-best-of-the-best to be
called an Antler King product.
nutritional needs were met or exceeded. As a plot that provides
Tell us about your standard research and de-
big-time deer hunter, Todd felt that deer and cover to deer and velopment process: How do you get from an
idea, to testing, to a final product? ■ Research
elk could really benefit from a similar feed pro- hunters. and development is a critical part of our busi-
ness. Our company spends hundreds of thou-
gram that would offer them the protein, ener- On the feed sands of dollars on nutritional research every
year to try to understand how we can improve
gy, vitamins and minerals they needed. Stittle- and attractant side of the health and performance of the animal. We
take these research findings, combined with
burg’s first product was a mineral supplement the business, we have decades of experience the most advanced ingredient sourcing team in
the industry, and a team of people that are avid
for deer and elk. It was widely used by people researching and developing top nutrition and hunters, and we start to brainstorm. After we
come up with many new product ideas, we test
raising deer and elk, and it was also used by highly attractive products for wild deer. We them in over 10 states with dozens of hunters.
Only the top-performing products ever make it
landowners to grow bigger bucks. Dozens of have an edge because we work with some of into an Antler King package.
products followed the Trophy Deer Mineral, all the top high-fence deer breeders in the nation. What role do independent dealers play in your
business? ■ The independent dealer is and al-
with a focus on producing bigger bucks and This allows us to stay on the cutting edge of ways will be the backbone of our business. They
are the front-line experts in our field and have
healthier deer. Stittleburg claims that the big- innovation for whitetail nutrition. Grainiac is the consumers’ undivided attention to pass
along the knowledge it takes to grow bigger
gest milestone in his career was being blessed always at the top of my list when recommend- deer. While the big box stores are important to
us to drive brand awareness, the independent
by God to be able to make a living in this great ing attractants for a new dealer to stock. As dealers—at the end of the day—are our best
outlet for sales and product knowledge. IA
outdoor industry. a hunter, this is the most attractive product I
have ever used, and I have thousands of pic-
What are some of your most popular products, tures to prove that it will draw in and hold big
and what factors do you think make them so bucks better than any other attractant out on
popular? ■ On the food plot side of the busi- the market. The biggest challenge for dealers is
ness, we have really tried to focus on seeds that keeping it on the shelves!
have unique characteristics, that are beneficial Ultimately, Antler King makes quality prod-
to certain regions and that will outperform ucts that deliver proven results. Our goal is to
competitive improve the overall health of the deer, which
in return keeps them coming
back for more. This leads to
higher success in the field for
our customers!
What role does passion for
hunting and the outdoors
play in the everyday op-
erations of Antler King? ■
We all come from different
backgrounds, but we got into
this business because we love
hunting! My favorite part of our