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Inside Archery March 2021

Inside Archery March 2021

Keywords: hunting,outdoors,archery

Continued from Page 50

Future Plans

ForeRunner Blinds is really just getting started.
The company’s unique blind is well suited for
hunting grounds across the country, and the Fore-
Runner team will continue updating and adapting
its product line.

“You can expect us to explore different blind de-
signs and different e-bike accessories,” Yoder said.
“I think e-bikes will continue to grow in popular-
ity, and we have some very cool accessories in the
pipeline that will make e-bikes even more practi-
cal. We also recently developed a set of skis for the
blind, so my fellow hunters in Canada and cold-
weather states can transport it with a snowmo-
bile. There are a lot of other ideas we want to bring
to the market. We are still a small family-owned
company, but we have a good foothold that will
help us continue to grow.”

Yoder’s vast experience in farming and land

Continued on Page 54

ForeRunner blinds are designed to withstand all sorts of
weather. Daryn Yoder and his son, Colby, (left) display the
rugged and sturdy nature of the ForeRunner’s metal frame.


Continued from Page 52 I think it’s something else that gets the job done, and it has a hard
makes us special. We are even working and dedicated team behind
management will probably also come trying to have everything made it. These factors will surely help Fore-
into play. in the state of Iowa. I don’t know Runner Blinds build a bright future.
if we’ll ever be able to make our
“I’ve been working with different covers here because almost all “It’s a fairly new company, but we
seed mixtures for a long time,” Yoder textiles are made in China, but are growing,” Yoder said. “Everyone
said. “I’ve always really enjoyed study- I would still like to do as much asks: How do you grow a company
ing different mixes, seeing when they manufacturing here as I can. It would during COVID shut-down mode? I
work and when they don’t. I’ve spent a support the state and our community, don’t really know the answer to that
lot of time helping people grow bigger and that’s one of my major goals in question, but I do know you have to
deer on their property, and I’ve even life. We live in the poorest county in the hustle. I know that when someone
been involved in the development of state. There are no manufacturing jobs, buys a blind from me—both dealers
some of my own alfalfa, clover and just agriculture and construction. So it and end-consumers—I am going to
corn varieties. It’s something I really is a personal dream of mine to bring in take care of them 100 percent. Fore-
enjoy, so one day there will probably new jobs and help this community, and Runner Blinds aren’t a throwaway
be a food plot product line under the I hope ForeRunner will help me do that. product. They’re built to last, built
ForeRunner banner.” We have a large warehouse here in our to be versatile and effective, and we
county that’s been empty for a while. completely stand behind them. We
American manufacturing will also The factory moved to Mexico about take care of our customers the same
play an important role in the future 15 years ago, and it’s been empty ever way we take care of our family, neigh-
of ForeRunner. since. I drive by that place every other bors and community.” IA
day or so, and I think maybe there’s a
“It was imperative for the blind to place for us there, one day.”
be American made,” Yoder said. “There
aren’t many blind companies manufac- Conclusion
turing in the United States, and I don’t
hold that against other companies. But ForeRunner Blinds is a true home-
grown American company. It has a
unique, down-to-earth product that


APA Archery Black Mamba 31

A Acompany hashtag like “We The Carry Handle provides improved socket is now located above the sight
Are Not The Same” might be balance and riser stiffness by serving as window, accepting the same system that
a support bridge to decrease hand shock. is an option for balance/vibration control
on the string-stop rod.
considered just another hackneyed It also provides a convenient handle
he machined ute on the front of
while hiking or climbing. Cam Lock the grip adds rigidity, but also provides
a reference mar for bow-hand fingers.
advertising slogan tossed out like a allows quick and easy replacement of It also marks center shot, while reference
marks surrounding the rest taps and
politician’s empty platitudes. the bowstring buss cables in the field, or going through the Carry Handle provide
peep instillation and other tuning needs reference for arrow leveling across the rest
launcher. The optional interchangeable
But in the case of APA Archery, that slogan without the need for a bow press. The Riser grip system found on longer Black Mamba
models is not available on the 31.
runs emphatically true. APA certainly Fang provides a built-in hook for hanging
A WDS (Weight Distribution System)
isn’t the same. Based on performance APA bows on any tree limb, without the disk is held just above the bottom limb
pocket opposite the accessory surface to
alone the company has long been known need for a separate bow hanger. The improve balance, an additional WDS tap
provided under the limb pocket at the
for producing many of the fastest bows in Camera Mount (sold separately) is easily top if needed. All riser edges are uted
for improved structural rigidity and to
the industry. But aside from the obvious attached to an upper riser tap to make trim mass, and sockets are provided
for a two-piece arrow quiver. Another
appeal that comes with raw speed, APA POV videoing more streamlined and APA exclusive is the Direct Mount Sling
option, an orifice milled beneath the grip
bows include some decidedly unique convenient. Finally the APA Tool Center, and including a set screw to anchor a
braided wrist sling, without the need for
features. APA’s reverse Carry Handle, Cam located just below the grip, includes an a base plate normally held beneath the
stabilizer and prone to loosening. The
Lock, Riser Fang, Camera Mount and Tool integrated nock-indexing tool, broadhead entire works is covered in a Soft Touch
Armor, a rubberi ed finish that helps
Center, just to name the obvious, truly set wrench, carbide knife sharpener and the eliminate contact noise and is warmer
to the touch in cool weather.
these bows apart. anchoring bolt for the above-mentioned
Efficient Energy Transfer
Cam Lock rod. These features alone set
The Black Mamba 31 is fueled by perhaps
APA Archery's Weight Distribution System (WDS) APA bows apart at a glance. the last remaining dual-cam system in
the business. This is where that APA speed
is added to the riser opposite the accessory surface APA Archery made its name on blazing comes from. In the past such systems
to add balance and absorb excess vibrations. speed. APA has long produced bows were prone to synchronization issues
due to uneven buss cable stretch. First off,
coming in at less than 4 pounds out of the string/cable material is now 100 times

box, a product of the company’s ultra-slim

risers and limbs. More recently APA has

begun producing quieter bows offering

smoother draw cycles, more forgiving

demeanors, and especially easier tuning

characteristics. APA bows still relinquish

impressive velocities, the Black Mamba

31 under discussion here given a 350 fps

IBO speed spec.

APA Archery's Micro Tune system allows advancing Black Mamba Riser
or retarding the top or bottom cam to create
perfect cam synchronization. APA’s Black Mamba riser is a user friendly
design that provides the chassis for five
models—the Black Mamba 28, 31, 33, 35
and 38. Of course it is accentuated by its
firebrand Carry andle and ool Center.
But the Black Mamba riser now holds a
larger Riser Fang, allowing hanging these
bows from larger limbs. Dual sight taps
include a higher set on the forward edge
of the riser, and a lower set on the riser’s
rear edge. Dual rest taps accommodate
a wider variety of rest brands/styles
or allows double anchoring for added
security. A MTM (Mass Transfer Module)


Specifications Arrow Speed

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– APA Archery Black Mamba 31 set at 70.0 pounds at 30 inches.



–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Brace Height VICTORY XTORSION 300 12.9 532 GRAINS 85.8 FT. LBS. 269.4 FPS

6 3/4 inches –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BLOODSPORT EVIDENCE 300 11.7 518 GRAINS 85.8 FT. LBS. 273.1 FPS

Mass Weight –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

3.8 pounds EASTON 4MM FMJ 330 11.0 *502 GRAINS 84.5FT. LBS. 275.3 FPS

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Let-Off CX MAX RED SD 350 9.4 *465 GRAINS 81.1 FT. LBS. 280.3 FPS

80 percent –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

The X1 Cam on APA Archery's Blac Mamba 31 include –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GT KINETIC KAOS 340 9.9 453 GRAINS 80.1 FT. LBS. 282.2 FPS
XS Tune Mods to create dead-even rear-wall
dynamics and a precision tune. Available Draw Length –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

superior to anything available when two- 25 to 31 inches BLOODSPORT JUSTICE 300 9.8 443 GRAINS 80.7 FT. LBS. 286.4 FPS
cam bows dominated, but APA’s system
also includes XS Tune Mods. X1 Cams come –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
equipped with XS modules with rotating
draw stops. Loosening a single robust bolt Available Draw Weights BLACK EAGLE SPARTAN 300 9.0 *439 GRAINS 81.8 FT. LBS. 289.6 FPS
allows these limb-stop mods to be rotated
to ensure dead-even cam rotation and 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 (custom order) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
draw-stop contact at full draw. This also pounds
allows some small amount of tuning for a BEMAN WHITE OUT 340 8.8 416 GRAINS 80.1 FT. LBS. 294.5 FPS
preferred feel, creating a slightly harder or ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
slightly softer rear wall. Tuning marks are –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
etched into each cam marking proper buss Available Colors
cable orientation. GT VELOCITY PRO 340 8.2 387 GRAINS 81.7 FT. LBS. 308.3 FPS
Desolve Wing, Matte Black and
Bolt-on modules allow setting these sandstone standard, Kuiu Verde 2.0 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
bows up for draw lengths from 25 to 31 and Vias 2.0, Slate Grey, OD Green
inches in half-inch increments, with BLACK EAGLE CARNIVORE 350 7.5 363 GRAINS 83.0 FT. LBS. 320.9 FPS
modules designed to provide maximum and three target colors optional
performance at individual draw lengths. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Each forward cam edge includes seven ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
round holes that accept the Cam Lock rod VICTORY RIP XV 300 7.0 355 GRAINS 90.0 FT. LBS. 337.9 FPS
(draw the cam partially, insert the rod and MSRP
let down to release tension on bowstring/ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
cables). $1,159 US, base price
LIBERTY ARCHERY 320 5.9 292 GRAINS 83.5 FT. LBS. 358.9 FPS
Another important tuning option is
the Micro Tune system found within the –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
bearing-equipped cable guard rollers. A red
knob serves as a lock, and a black knob Arrow speeds established using a Caldwell Shooting Supplies Chronograph G2. *Denotes steel inserts
is used to perform micro adjustments.
Simple tuning adjustments are made by FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (866) 353-7378, OR VISIT APAARCHERY.COM.
unlocking the system with the red knob,
and rotating the black knob inward to Hunting Machine
advance the bottom cam or outward to
advance the top cam. No tools are required. The Black Mamba 31 is hunt silent out
Once a perfect tune is discovered the red of the box. The carbon-rod string stop is
knob securely locks adjustments in place. equipped with a LimbSaver rubber bumper
Between the XS and Micro Tune systems and the limbs hold LimbSaver BroadBand
it is easy to keep the Black Mamba 31 in limb dampeners. Limbs terminate in
perfect shooting form. parallel geometry for further vibration
control, and buss cables are kept under
The super-narrow, solid Twin Flex 2 tension by the Micro Tune rollers (also held
Limbs are engineered to distribute load on a vibration-absorbing carbon rod).
energy throughout the entire limb, helping
to more efficiently store energy during The Black Mamba 31 isn’t APA’s fastest
the draw cycle and then transfer that model, but it provides plenty of bowhunting
energy into the arrow during launch. The speed, and actually seemed to prefer the
limb splits and tips are pinned for added lighter test arrows, which also generated
reliability. the highest velocity and kinetic energy
numbers. The relatively high brace height,
comfortable grip and smooth-drawing
cams make this a pleasant shooting bow.
The 31 ¼-inch axle-to-axle specs offer a
just-right compromise between stability
and maneuverability, and the bow proves
remarkably well balanced without the
need to add excessive stabilizer weight.
The Carry Handle really does offer a more
comfortable toting feel and the Tool Center
and Cam Lock system give bowhunters
a real sense of independence. I’ve shot a
handful of APA bows over the years. This
one, in my opinion, is the best balance of
pure shootability and speed to date. IA

WebXtra ■ Take a look at the

APA Archery Black Mamba 31 in action


Every new season brings an avalanche of fresh archery products, sparking
renewed excitement for any serious archer or bowhunter. As the consum-
mate gear junky, I’m always anxious to learn what new innovation, tech-

nology or engineering approach will make my accessories, and es-
pecially my bows, lighter, tougher, more forgiving, easier to

tune, more efficient or ust aesthetically sna ier.
Still, the introduction of this refined gear, par-
ticularly as it pertains to compound bows, comes
with a small amount of apprehension. It means
abandoning old friends, bows I’ve carried over

countless miles
and created cher-
ished memories
around. I worry
about moving
away from

What 2021 Has in Store

By Patrick Meitin INSIDE ARCHERY MARCH 2021


a bow I’ve come to
trust absolutely to
move on to a model
that may prove less ap-
pealing in some small
way. In the past, several years
might pass before emerging
bow technologies coaxed me
to abandon old favorites.
As the years pass that has
become less true. Bow tech-
nology seems to change so
quickly today that using
a bow three to five years old
can mean missing out on many
worthwhile developments. It is


true, many bows have become faster, Despite the challenges erates IBO speeds of 342 fps. The V3
but just as importantly they have also of the previous year, the archery in- 31 measures 31 inches between the
become quieter, more forgiving, more dustry has been working tirelessly in axles, includes a 6-inch brace height,
comfortable to shoot, more efficient preparation for 2021, producing bows weighs 4.5 pounds and also pushes
and also lighter. There is no such that will make it easier to drop an old arrows to 342 fps IBO. Improved long-
thing as “too quiet” in bowhunting. favorite and take a chance on some- riser/short-limb geometry, includ-
Forgiveness equals tighter groups, ex- thing new. ere are the agship bows ing the highest riser-to-axle-to-axle
tended maximum yardage and added customers will be inquiring about in ratio produced by Mathews yet, im-
confidence in the field. Comfort the New Year. proves stability and creates the feel
pleasant draw cycles and inherent of a much longer target bow. The
balance stability leads to more Mathews buss cable contact points on the
shooting enjoyment, which leads to roller-e uipped Centerguard Cable
more fre uent practice. fficiency Mathews’ 2021 V3 Series, including Containment system optimi es cam
gives you more for less, meaning timing, makes tuning easier and
you don’t need to pull as much draw the 27 and 31, feature longer Extended improves vane clearance. Limbs
weight to realize the same results, are heavily preloaded and the limb
which ties directly into increased Bridged Risers and hold an incorpo- cup design is lighter than previous
shooting comfort. Light mass out of models. New Nano 740 enhances 3D
the box allows users to add stabiliz- rated amper, new Centerguard damping and balance, making this
ing accessories without creating a one of the best balanced Mathews
boat anchor still another facet of Cable Containment system and re- models in recent years. Crosscentric
shooting enjoyment. Cams with Switch eight echnol-
fined limbs and poc ets. hese new ogy create huge efficiency percent-
ages. he Silent Connect System SCS
additions to the agship platform carries over from the 2020 VXR. Visit to learn more.
create the finest shooting Mathews
Bear Archery
bows yet. The V3 27 measures a com-
Bear Archery’s 2021 Redemption EKO
pact 27 inches between the axles, in- includes important upgrades to last
year’s Status EKO, while maintaining
cludes a 6-inch brace height, weighs the smooth draw cycles and versatil-
ity of the remar able Cam sys-
4.29 pounds out of the box and gen- tem. The Redemption EKO includes
31-inch axle-to-axle specs, 6.25-inch
Mathews Bear Elite brace height and weighs only 4.1
V3 Redemption EnKore pounds out of the bo . Cam tech-
EKO nology provides a silky smooth draw
cycle and the ability to set up any EKO
bow with 75-, 80-, 85- or 90-percent
let-off settings. he Cam allows
this while maintaining optimum
performance at 26- to 30-inch draw
lengths via rotating modules requir-
ing no bow press. The three-track
system introduces Equalized Kinetic
Orientation to ensure synchronized
cams. Two spiral tracks, coupled with


the Roller Hinge Guard system, elimi- EnKore, which allows shooters to APA Archery
nate cam lean throughout the draw tweak individual limb tension with-
cycle by shifting the cable load to- out a bow press. Loosen a set screw, The King Cobra MT from APA Archery
ward the center of the cam during the turn another screw to tune out left- offers a smoother draw cycle and
most stressful portions of the draw right arrow kicks and retighten the easier tuning than Cobra models
cycle. The dealer-exclusive Bear Leg- set screw to lock settings securely. It’s that came before. This is made pos-
end Series bow holds zero-creep Con- fast, exact and simple. The Tri-Track sible by the King Cobra MT’s Rotating
traband Strings. The dual-axis milled Cam system is laterally balanced to Draw Stop and Micro Tune buss-cable
riser offers excellent balance, and remove torque and fully synchro- system, which allow micro-tuning to
the vertical cutouts allow for Align nized for smoother draw cycles and create any shooter’s desired feel. The
Lok, a bubble level integrated into improved arrow ight. he n ore King Cobra MT also produces some
the riser to help establish 2nd and 3rd includes a 6-inch brace height (+/- of the fastest arrow speeds in the in-
axis leveling during bow-sight setup. 1/8-inch) and allows draw lengths dustry without sacrificing bowhunt-
New, sandwiched Vibration Reduc- from 23 to 30 inches in half-inch in- ing stealth. APA says this is the ideal
tion System (VRS) modules promise crements. The 2021 Remedy includes bow for bowhunters handicapped by
to reduce riser vibrations by 25 per- similar features, but measures 34 shorter draw lengths, or any archer
cent. Two “H” dampeners sit outside inches between the axles, includes a seeking maximum performance at
each limb pocket, the limbs hold the 6 3/8-inch brace, weighs 4.6 pounds any draw length. Arrow speeds of up
ShockWaves Dampening System and and propels arrows to 331 fps IBO. The to 370 fps IBO (70 pounds at 30 inch-
the bow is equipped with a SonicStop Remedy accommodates draw lengths es) are possible with the King Cobra
string stop and Roller Hinge Guard from 24 to 31 inches in half-inch in- MT, making it one of the fastest bows
for silence. ow profile ersa rip or crements. Visit to yet devised. The King Cobra MT mea-
proven NaroGrip options are offered. learn more. sures 33 3/8 inches between the axles
The Redemption EKO is quiet, shock and weighs only 4 pounds. The MT
free, forgiving and highly efficient. APA Martin
Visit to learn more. King Gearhead
Elite Archery Pro

The 2021 EnKore from Elite Archery is Cobra DSX
the follow-up model to the company’s MT
2020 Kure. The 33-inch, 4.55-pound
EnKore produces impressive 340 fps
IBO speeds, while using Elite’s ASYM
Tri-Track Cam System and proven
S.E.T. Technology for easier initial
tuning and frustration-free long-
term shooting. For 2021, the cam sys-
tem includes a newly designed rotat-
ing module that boosts speed while
allowing more shooting comfort and
forgiveness. This Versa Performance
Mod System gives shooters a choice
of let-offs from 75 to 90 percent to
create a preferred full-draw feel,
but also helps generate faster arrow
speeds without sacrificing a but-
tery smooth draw cycle. Last year’s
S.E.T. Technology remains with the


Cam includes an 80-percent let-off DSX Pro includes draw- just-right balance. The streamlined
and drops into anchor without jar- length specific cams. ach ensures limb pockets include Martin’s Pre-
ring transitions. This bow is offered ideal draw force curves to maximize cise Weight Technology, allowing
in draw lengths from 24 to 30 inch- performance and arrow speeds at users to decrease or increase draw
es, and peak draw weights of 50, 60, individual draw lengths, while pro- weight by 5 pounds. Hunting si-
70, 80 and 90 pounds. Also new and viding ultra-smooth draw cycles. lence comes from extreme parallel
worth investigating is the 31-inch, Let-off is adjustable from 65 to 85 limbs, an adjustable string stop and
3.8-pound APA Black Mamba 31 (see percent through the cams’ limb- a torque-eliminating cable guard
Bow Report in this issue for more in- stop system. They come strung with system. Riser ends each hold a WDS
depth coverage). Both include APA’s standard Threadz Bowstrings, or GAS (Weight Distribution System) module
Reverse Carry Handle, Fang Riser and Bowstrings can be special ordered. with a heavier steel weight on the
Tool Center. Visit to The DSX 31 and 31 Pro are based on bottom and a lighter aluminum on
learn more. a rock-solid milled-aluminum riser the top—each suspended in dampen-
with large, strategically placed cut- ing rubber—to optimize bow balance
Martin Archery outs to weigh an easy-to-carry 3.8 and also reduce riser vibrations. The
pounds out of the box while remain- DSX 31 and 31 Pro (30 5/8-inches, ax-
Martin’s 2021 DSX 31 and DSX 31 Pro ing shock-free and quiet. The narrow le-to-axle) provide a smooth draw
are fueled by the company’s new grip holds Starboard side panels (Ac- cycle combined with 336-340 fps ar-
DSX Cam. The standard DSX in- tionwood and Zerbrawood also avail- row speeds. A DSX 33 and DSX 33 Pro
cludes a module system for each able). Dual sight taps provide vertical (with 27- to 31-inch draw lengths)
draw length (in ½-inch increments latitude and three stainless steel sta- is the other half of this series. Visit
between 26 and 30 inches), and the bilizer mounts are available to create to learn more.

PSE .30-06 Gearhead Archery
EVO Xpedition Courage
EVL X37 bow For 2021 Gearhead Archery expand-
package ed the Disrupter Series released last
year. Gearhead Archery also added
an adjustable cam system to the Dis-
rupter Series, designated as the Dis-
rupter Pro Series. Pro models include
a Disrupter 20 and 24 Pro that also
provide additional draw length ad-
justment via a pinned rotating cam
module. The Disrupter 20 Pro allows
draw-length adjustment range from
25 to 28.5 inches, the Disrupter 24
Pro 26 to 30 inches, both in ½-inch
increments. Adjusting draw length
requires only minutes and does not
require a bow press; the cams are
controlled through a micro-tune
limb stop allowing up to 85-percent
let-off. Draw weight can be adjusted
10 pounds through the Zero Gap limb
pockets, which secure the limb butts,
precisely cradle the limbs and adjust
within a tight tolerance square pillar.
Of course, Gearhead’s modular grip


system is fully interchangeable—the Cam System with adjustable 80- to
Pick A Grip System provides vari- 90-percent let-off. The 2021 Evolve
ous options and permits increasing/ Cam now features PSE’s patent-pend-
decreasing draw lengths in ¼-inch ing Precision Buss Tuning System,
increments (total ½-inch forward or providing EVO EVL users the ability
1¼ inches back), and left-right move- to custom tune their setup for excep-
ment to correct grip torque or to pre- tional accuracy. The Evolve Cam pro-
cisely align center shot. The stout vides a pleasant shooting experience
7075 aluminum, dual-panel shoot- and launches arrows with authority.
through riser is extremely rigid and The riser holds patented multiple
stress-free to boost accuracy and sight taps for more latitude in verti-
stability. As a unit, the Disrupter Pro cal positioning, and the new Quality
series allows some of the shortest ax- Archery Designs (QAD) Integrate dove-
le-to-axle dimensions in the indus- tail mounting system. PSE innovative
try in bows that perform like much Quick Disconnect barrel mounts al-
longer models. The Disrupter Pro 20 low for integrated and seamless con-
measures 20.5 inches between the nection of accessories such as shoul-
axles, weighs 4 pounds, includes an der slings. The EVO EVL 32 measures
adjustable 5.75- to 7.5-inch brace via 32 inches between the axles, weighs
the Slider Grip and produces arrow 4.5 pounds, accommodates draw
speeds of 315 fps (28-inch draw length, lengths from 25 to 30.5 inches and
385-grain arrow). The $799 bow can launches arrows at 345 fps IBO. The
be ordered with peak draw weights of EVO EVL 34 measures 34 inches be-
55-65 or 65-75 pounds. The Disrupter tween the axles, weighs 4.7 pounds,
Pro 24 measures 24.625 inches be- accommodates draw lengths from 26
tween the axles, weighs 4.25 pounds, to 31.5 inches and pushes arrows to
includes a 5.5- to 7-inch brace (with speeds of 338 fps IBO. Each includes a
Slider Grip) and launches arrows at 6¼-inch brace height. The long limb
up to 330 fps IBO. The $824 bow can bolts can be let out up to 10 turns for
be ordered in the same draw-weight easy string and cable replacement
spans as the 20. The 4-pound Disrupt- in the field. he is offered in draw
er Pro 24 Short Draw provides draw weights from 50 to 80 pounds, and
length options from 23.5 to 27 inches the 34 offers draw weights from 60
and draw weights of 45-55, 55-65 and to pounds. oth offer finishes in
65-75. Also new for 2021, check out Black, Tan, First Light Fusion, Kuiu
the Disrupter Carbon Fiber line. Visit Verde 2.0, Mossy Oak Country, Real- to learn more. tree Edge and Kryptek Altitude. Visit to learn more.
PSE Archery
Xpedition Archery
PSE Archery’s 2021 EVO EVL Series,
including the 32 and 34 models, was Xpedition Archery’s 2021 X Series fea-
engineered to be the company’s most tures three new patented technolo-
stable, vibration-free and tunable gies; proprietary X-Loy by Magnite,
bowhunting bow to date. PSE start- an 80-percent adjustable let-off Lever
ed by widening the limb stance— Cam and the ETS (Energy Transfer
the widest PSE has yet offered—and System) cable system. X-Loy by Mag-
paired those with the company’s nite includes a blend of alloys infused
renowned, smooth-drawing Evolve with carbon to make risers lighter


includes a 6.5-inch brace weights adjustable from 20 to 70
height and pushes arrows to 348-350
and stronger than machined alumi- fps IBO. Its draw-length span is 26.5 pounds and draw lengths from 18 to
num. The 2021 LVR (Lever) Cam allows to 31 inches. The X37 measures 37.5
kinetic energy and momentum to inches between the axles, weighs 3.9 31 inches. A bow press is not required
reach new heights while accommo- pounds, includes a 7.5-inch brace and
dating a wide span of draw lengths delivers IBO arrow speeds of 332-334 to make adjustments and the milled-
in ½-inch increments via a rotating fps. ever and Mini ever cams allow
module (no bow press needed). And, 29- to 33.5-inch and 24.5- to 29-inch aluminum cams include sealed
the ETS cable system enhances buss- draw lengths, respectively. All draw
cable dynamics by preloading and lengths are adjustable through rotat- bearings for improved efficiency.
minimizing movement to increase ing modules in ½-inch increments,
performance and efficiency. Models all are offered with 50-, 60-, 65- and They hold BCY string material for
include the 2021 X30, X33 and X37, of- 70-pound peak draw weights and all
fering IBO speeds from 334 (X37) to include minimalist X-Lock Pockets. reliable peep rotation and limbs are
352 (X30) fps and weighing only 3.6 Visit to learn
to 3.9 pounds. The X30 measures 30 more. milled from Gordan Glass to be rug-
inches between the axles, weighs
3.6 pounds and includes a 6.25-inch .30-06 Outdoors ged and dependable. The bow pack-
brace height that produces arrow
speeds of 350-352 fps IBO. It accom- For 2021, .30-06 Outdoors offers new age comes with a five-pin fiber optic
modates draw lengths from 25.5 to 30 Courage Compound bow packages,
inches. The X33 measures 32.5 inches in black or Dirt Road camo. These sight with .019-inch pins, LED sight
between the axles, weighs 3.7 pounds, are right-handed bows with draw
light, peep, wrist sling, full-contain-
Bowtech Hoyt
Solution Ventum ment arrow rest and 5-inch damp-

Prime ening stabilizer. The 3.8-pound bows
measure 30 inches between the axles

and produce IBO arrow speeds of up

to 310 fps. They are a true bargain,

with an MS P of for the blac

model and for the camo version.

Both include a 5-year warranty. Visit to learn more.

Bowtech Archery

Like last year’s Revolt Series, the 2021
Solution comes in two versions; the
Solution and SolutionSS. The Solution
offers a well balanced compromise
between speed and shooting comfort
by offering a super smooth draw cy-
cle and remaining dead in the hand
after release. It also delivers arrows
at 346 fps to narrow pin gaps. The So-
lution is driven by the highly tunable
and accurate DeadLock Cam system
with side-to-side tunable cam axles
to help shooters find the ideal center
shot for their style of shooting. The
parallel limbs are coupled with a cen-
ter-pivot riser design that moves the
limb pivot point in line with the grip
for more forgiveness and stability. It
also makes for a remarkably quiet
and vibration-free setup. DeadLock
Pockets keep the split limbs perfectly
aligned and anchored, while the ro-
tating mods allow setting up a single

Continued on Page 66


Draw weights from 30 to 80 pounds Continued from Page 66 Athens Archery
are available. Standard silencing fea-
tures include Limb Shox, riser Shock ing. The new In-Line Sight New for 2021, Athens Archery intro-
Pods, Roller Guard with sealed bear- Mount provides improved balance duced the Vista series of bows. Driv-
ings and Stealth Shot string stop. through a picatinny rail for mount- en by their brand new RT-X rotating
New features include the smooth ing bow sights on the front of the cam it delivers the smoothest, most
and fast HBX Cam, In-Line Picatinny riser instead of the side for a more stable, and forgiving platform ever
Sight Mount, optimized stabilizer streamlined fit, better balance and produced by Athens. The Vista 33
location that boosts front of center improved reliability. The Integrate and 35 feature the company’s patent
balance and produces a lower center Rest Mounting System is now tucked pending Limb-Lok pocket, 1-inch wide
of gravity, a more streamlined Inte- inside the riser to be more stream- split limb design with a longer riser
grate rest-mounting system and an lined and better balanced. Balance is to provide the ultimate in stability
In-Line Sidebar location compatible also improved through the SL Sidebar and forgiveness. At 33 and 35 inches
with Hoyt’s SL Sidebar mount. The Attachment, moved lower to improve ATA respectively, the new Vista series
riser holds an X-ACT Grip for com- center of gravity, and proves to be will be at home from the tree stand to
fortable, repeatable hand placement. lighter and less obtrusive than stan- the mountain as well the 3D course.
The HBX Cam is an all-new system dard sidebars. Finally, the 2.25-inch Past parallel limb design with the
designed to boost performance at all In-Line Short Stop Stabilizer sits low new Axion limb dampeners make the
draw lengths while allowing a super and up front on the riser to lower the Vista series one of the quietest and
smooth draw cycle and easy tun- center of gravity and improve overall shock free bows to come from Athens
balance by acting in the same capac- Archery. For more information visit,
ity as a 6-inch standard stabilizer.
Visit to learn more.
Continued on Page 70

Athens Pit
Elite Hoyt Summit 6 Viper
Ember Eclipse Air


2021 Women deer hunting. The Royale also covers hallmark Elite features, including
& Youth Bows draw lengths between 12 and 27 a caged aluminum riser, stainless
inches. All of these adjustments steel cam bearings, plus aluminum
Mathews can be conducted quickly and eas- pockets, cams and mods. The split
ily with an Allen wrench and with- limbs hold Elite’s VIBEX dampen-
For serious female bowhunters seek- out the need for a bow press. The ing blocks, with Winner’s Choice
ing a serious hunting bow, Mathews Royale hits the scales at a feath- strings also added. The bow retails
introduces the 2021 Prima, a model ery 2.7 pounds; mass jumps to 3.3 for $499.99 as a stand-alone, or can
offering the same performance po- pounds only when all the included be purchased from Elite autho-
tential as the 2021 V3 Series. The accessories are added. The cam sys- rized retailers as a “ready to hunt”
Prima weighs just 3.93 pounds, tem includes a smooth draw cycle package, including sight, stabilizer,
measures 30 inches between the ax- and comfortable 75-percent let-off. quiver and full capture rest made by
les, includes a 5½-inch brace height It pushes arrows to speeds of 290 Custom Bow Equipment (CBE) for an
and generates arrows speeds of up fps (50 pounds at 27 inches). The added $100. Visit
to 321 fps (27.5-inch draw length, EnduraFiber Limbs are tough and to learn more.
powerful, and the RockStops offset
pounds . i e Mathews’ agship string suppressor keeps things quiet Hoyt
models, the Prima is powered by the and vibration free. The RTH (Ready
ground-breaking Crosscentric Cam To Hunt) Royale comes with a Tro- Hoyt’s 2021 Eclipse is a bow designed
system, resulting in silky smooth phy Ridge Mist sight, 5-Spot Quiver, specifically for women, weighing
draw cycles, excellent accuracy and Whisker Biscuit rest, Fletcher Ar- just 3.7 pounds and taping a com-
maximized downrange energy. Like chery No Tie Peep and a string loop. pact 29 inches between the axles.
the 2021 Mathews V3 Series, the Pri- This is a model providing serious
ma is also equipped with the new he optional tra it introduces five women bowhunters features men
CenterGuard Cable containment sys- Trophy Ridge Wrath Arrows, precut have been enjoying for decades.
tem, to optimize cam timing while to 27 inches and holding 100-grain The longer riser provides shoot-
also creating additional vane clear- field points, five spare inserts and ing forgiveness and stability with-
ance. All-new Nano 740 3D Damp- a Trophy Ridge Youth Release. Visit out adding weight. The Eclipse en-
ing helps reduce vibration and shot to learn more. dured , dry fires during testing,
noise markedly, as well as adding meaning it’s rugged enough for any
improved balance. The riser holds Elite Archery hunt. Silence is introduced through
an Engage Grip to promote consis- Hoyt’s Limb Shox, Stealth Shot and
tent hand placement and torque Elite Archery’s Ember is the compa- Shock Pods and the slim grip ac-
reduction. Visit ny’s most adjustable bow model. The cepts Hoyt’s comfortable X-ACT grip
to learn more. Ember allows draw lengths from 15 for repeatable hand placement. The
to 29 inches and draw weights from bow allows set-up for draw lengths
Bear Archery 10 to 60 pounds. The 31¼-inch Ember from 23 1/2 to 28 inches via two cam
includes a 6¼-inch brace height and sizes with interchangeable modules
Bear Archery’s 2021 Royale repre- weighs only 3.6 pounds, but launch- to ensure maximized speed and en-
sents the ideal introductory bow es arrows at speeds of up to 310 fps ergy for specific draw lengths. he
for young archers. It is incredibly (29 inches at 60 pounds). The Em- Eclipse is rated to 314 fps when set
lightweight for easier handling and ber Cam includes a solid rear wall at 28 inches at 60 pounds. The sleek
made to grow with young shooters to lacking in many low-poundage, and maneuverable riser incorpo-
provide years of uninterrupted use. two-cam bows by incorporating a rates Quality Archery Designs’ Inte-
Draw weight can be adjusted from limb-stop system. This introduces grate MX Rest as well as an SL Side-
5 pounds, up to 50 pounds suited for more repeatability and accuracy. bar Stabilizer Mount. The Eclipse
The Ember is equipped with many


Cam is super smooth and optimized perience through a combination of modating draw lengths down to
for shorter draw lengths, the TEC parallel limbs and tight toleranc- 23.5 inches and draw weights from
Riser made thinner and lighter for es, and maximum speed delivery 30-60 pounds. The Pit Viper Air is a
easier toting, without sacrificing in- through the efficient modular M 27½-inch axle-to-axle bow with a
herent strength. Visit to cam system with an adjustable 80- forgiving 7½-inch brace height and
learn more. to 90-percent let-off range. The cam weighing only 3.2 pounds for easy
system allows an extensive draw- toting. It is powered by a smooth-
Athens Archery length (23.5 to 29 inches) and peak- drawing single-cam system with
weight (30 to 70 pounds) range, al- an 80-percent let-off and produc-
The 2021 Summit 6 from Athens Ar- lowing it to be versatile enough for ing IBO speeds of up to 320 fps (60
chery features a 6-inch brace height the entire family. Get more details pounds at 30.5 inches). The riser
and pushes arrows to 345 fps. The by visiting is trim and easy to handle, and
Summit 6 includes an axle-to-axle includes APA’s Riser Fang for easy
spec of 30.5 inches, making it ide- APA Archery hanging, Tool Center (including
al for treestand hunting, while its Cam Lock rod), complete silencing
4.2-pound mass weight makes it Though a bow that can be adjusted accessories and a bearing-equipped
ideal for ladies and youth shoot- up to 30.5 inches of draw length, roller guard. Visit
ers. The Summit 6 offers a smooth, the APA Archery Pit Viper Air makes to learn more. IA
quiet and shock-free shooting ex- an ideal woman/youth bow accom-



PSE Archery 2021 Drive NXT

P recision Shooting Equipment the top five bow brands in the industry much the same as the volve Cam, cams
founder and owner Pete Shepley through constant innovation and solid slaved together and anchored at opposing
designs. ends on a split yoke that wraps onto
interior spindles located to each side of
moved operations from Mahornet, Last year, for much of my early the cam and unspooling as the bow is
season and during a couple weeks of drawn. he Precision uss uning System,
Illinois, to Tucson, Arizona, in 1982. located within these split yokes, provides
the whitetail-rut, carried a PS micro-ad ust tuning capabilities. he
system also eeps draw-force energies
Within a year PSE bows dominated much , a -inch, -inch braced centered on the axle to eliminate torque
and cam lean at full draw. raw length
of the Western bowhunting scene, which . -pound bow with a long riser, heavily- is controlled through a rotating module,
two tor -head screws loosened, the
is also the time frame in which the preloaded limbs and super-smooth - module rotated until a reference pin
fills the appropriate inde hole and then
company entered my orbit—back when I percent let-off volve Cam System. hat retightened. raw lengths are ad ustable
in half-inch increments and pin holes
was a New Mexico neophyte bowhunter. bow wasn’t PSE’s fastest by any means, coded A inches through inches .

My first high-performance compound, but it was extremely pleasant to shoot, so ows are delivered at inches, ma ing
it easy to count holes for the required
a PSE Vector purchased in 1983, would much so the -pounds of draw weight draw length, without the need to consult
a chart. At least that was my approach.
uic ly help me tag my first pronghorn felt nearly pounds lighter. So can’t The cam was pretty straightforward and
adjustments highly intuitive.
buc , first bull el , first bragging-si ed help but compare the PSE bow under

mule deer, and then go on to form so discussion here, the rive , to

many more bowhunting memories. I the EVO NXT I spent so much time with

have held a soft spot for PSE Archery last season.

bows ever since, while the company has imensionally the two bows are uite

consistently maintained a solid spot in similar, both 33 inches between the axles,

though the rive is labeled a

The 2021 Drive NTX from PSE Archery holds a host mid-priced hunting bow less than

of silencing features, including wedge- t limb relin uishing high-level performance.
dampeners with arms holding outboard As such, the rive holds fewer bells
weights to s uelch vibrations. and whistles, such as dampening rods in

the riser ends, sting-stop-rod dampening Forgiving Chassis

star, bearing-e uipped roller guard and he rive is built on a new -inch

utes on the riser edges. ut honestly, an inch shorter than the

I actually like the feel and shooting riser milled-aluminum riser engineered

dynamics of the newer rive better to include generous cut-outs. t does not

Pleasant Drivetrain include the at-edge utes of the

NXT, but all edges are radiused to give

hereas the was fueled it a clean look and comfortable feel. The

by the large-profile volve Cam System rive riser is a straight design that

generating arrow speeds of - the aligns the grip throat perfectly with the

rive holds the newer Cam limb pivot points, geometry that lends

System, which also generates a touch any bow more forgiveness and stability

more velocity. emar ably, the Cam at full draw. he rive includes a

PSE's 2021 Drive NXT includes two stainless steel accomplishes this while maintaining -inch brace height, another forgiveness
stabili er taps one in the traditional location, another
located lower to improve full-draw balance without a draw cycle that can be described as factor contributing to this model’s sweet
e cessive stabili er weight.
nothing short of buttery. The large shooting demeanor.

profile cams brea through start-up

inertia effortlessly, the draw-force curve

develops super smoothly and there are

no arring bumps or surprises during let-

off. It is my kind of system, especially

after a few hours perched motionlessly

in a cold treestand, and drawing with my

reconstructed shoulder.

he uad- rac Cam System wor s


Specifications Arrow Speed

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PSE Archery Drive NXT set at 70.0 pounds at 30 inches.



–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Brace Height VICTORY XTORSION 300 12.9 532 GRAINS 91.8 FT. LBS. 278.8 FPS

7 inches –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BLOODSPORT EVIDENCE 300 11.7 518 GRAINS 91.5 FT. LBS. 282.0 FPS

Mass Weight –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

4.3 pounds EASTON 4MM FMJ 330 11.0 *502 GRAINS 92.4 FT. LBS. 287.9 FPS

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Let-Off CX MAX RED SD 350 9.4 *465 GRAINS 89.0 FT. LBS. 293.5 FPS

80 percent –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

PSE Archery's 2021 Drive NTX is fueled by the new ZF –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GT KINETIC KAOS 340 9.9 453 GRAINS 89.5 FT. LBS. 298.2 FPS
Cam, which is smooth-drawing and generates
impressive arrow speeds. Available Draw Length –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

24 to 31 inches BLOODSPORT JUSTICE 300 9.8 443 GRAINS 89.6 FT. LBS. 301.7 FPS

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Available Draw Weights BLACK EAGLE SPARTAN 300 9.0 *439 GRAINS 92.4 FT. LBS. 307.8 FPS

60 and 70 pounds –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

i e the , the rive includes –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BEMAN WHITE OUT 340 8.8 416 GRAINS 89.1 FT. LBS. 310.5 FPS

two stainless steel stabili er taps, one Available Colors –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Mossy Oak Country, GT VELOCITY PRO 340 8.2 387 GRAINS 83.1 FT. LBS. 311.0 FPS
Kuiu Verde 2.0 and Black.
located in the standard position forward –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
and below the grip, and a second a couple BLACK EAGLE CARNIVORE 350 7.5 363 GRAINS 82.9 FT. LBS. 320.7 FPS
inches above the bottom limb poc et. VICTORY RIP XV 300 7.0 355 GRAINS 83.9 FT. LBS. 326.3 FPS


Adding a stabili er to the second stabili er LIBERTY ARCHERY 320 5.9 292 GRAINS 79.2 FT. LBS. 349.5 FPS

tap successfully lowers the center of balance –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Arrow speeds established using a Caldwell Shooting Supplies Chronograph G2. *Denotes steel inserts

to create a steadying pendulum effect for FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (520) 884-9065, OR VISIT PSEARCHERY.COM.

roc -solid aiming. his dynamic also ma es

it possible to receive the same stabili ation

from a shorter stabili er model with less

weight. he rive includes four stac ed also makes it a part of the model’s vibration-

sight bow-sight taps to provide latitude in dampening system. The ComfortGrip that

vertical positioning. here is ust one rest arrived on the test bow (the same as the

tap, a cutout ust fore of this tap eliminating EVO NXT I hunted with) seemed a tad

the possibility of a second. he ’s bul y at first glance, but it proves truly

milled-aluminum limb poc ets are replaced comfortable. t was also highly welcomed

with glass-filled polymer numbers, limb during those cold mornings on stand,

butts pinned and the long limb bolts effectively insulating hands from free ing

they allow up to limb turns threaded metal. A lower-profile self-grip is also

through swiveling barrel nuts. Integrated offered for reduced tor ue. he rive can

uic isconnect Sling System holes are be ordered alone, or with a PS eady o

provided beneath each limb poc et, allowing Shoot Pac age not tested here .

seamless mating of PS ’s bow sling system. he rive is a true bargain,

Stealth Equipped comfortably sandwiched between the

budget-priced bows that fre uently come

he rive includes a standard with lac luster performance and the ag-

molded cable slide riding on an anodi ed ship bows many blue collar bowhunters

aluminum cable guard rod. A tor -head simply can’t afford. he rive is

loc ing screw pulls opposing washers super sweet shooting while producing

together to effectively anchor the slide respectable arrow speeds and creating

rod into the riser, but also allowing tight arrow groups without demanding a

ad ustments for attitude. he string stop lot of the shooter. At these 70-pounds-at-

is held on a carbon rod for added vibration -inch specs the arrow sweet spot as far

control. he rive ’s split limbs are not as delivered energy goes would appear to

as heavily pre-loaded as the , but be a 340-grain arrow with 300 spine. The

the tips terminate in parallel geometry to rive is also hunting uiet out of

lend this bow good vibration and noise the bo . li e it. And hope PS will allow

control. he limb sets each hold wedge-fit me to hold on to this bow long enough

dampeners with a trident of rubber arms to put it through the paces on spring
gobblers. IA
holding small outboard weights to uietly

dissipate residual vibrations. They are

easily repositioned as desired. WebXtra ■ Take a look at the

PS ’s rive swappable Comfort rip

System is really part of the riser con- PS Archery rive in action

figuration, but it’s rubberi ed composition at pse driven t



During a typical year, following a typ-
ical in-person ATA Show, one of the
most common questions you’ll hear
is “What looks interesting this year?”
Even the hardest of hard-core tradi-
tionalists is a consummate gear junk-
ie at heart. Archers and bowhunters
are always interested in what’s new
because archery and bowhunting are
so inherently difficult, challenging,
and sometimes downright frustrat-
ing. If there is something out there
promising to solve a recurring prob-
lem, help us shoot slightly better, or
give us the slightest edge on the range
or in the field, we want one.


he archery industry is filled with brilliant minds who 91
unfailingly deliver year after year, introducing new gear
that helps us shoot higher target scores and gives us that
all-important edge in the field. f course there was no in-
person A A Show this year to provide the ability to handle
and even shoot the newest archery and bowhunting of-
ferings, but to follow are some products we believe will be
hot in . hese standout products are the goods archers
and bowhunters will be loo ing for this year; the prod-
ucts that will bring customers through your doors and

eep cash registers ringing


2021 Standout Products

BCY BCY Bowstring X-Factor Outdoor Products
452X, D97, BCY continues to be a leader in bow- X-Factor Outdoor Products’ Xtreme
and X99 string materials, string serving and Side Bar Mount and Xtreme Balance
accessories by incorporating the latest Stabilizer (6-, 8-, 10- and 12-inch bars)
Bear Archery high-tech materials. Most of BCY’s top- were introduced in 2020, but new col-
Mag Riser quality bowstring materials include a or options are being offered for 2021,
Launch Edition high percentage of yneema fiber, a including uiu erde . , ore pi-
Recurve high modulus polyethylene wonder fi- fade and Ambush reen patterns. he
ber that offers extreme durability and Xtreme Side Bar Mount, previously of-
X-Factor Xtreme Balance Setup versatility. his MP fiber has re- fered in black anodize only, includes
92 cently been upgraded, and the higher patented Roller Ball Technology with
grades are now being used in most BCY single-adjust, 365-degree adjustments
offerings. hese new fibers provide without teeth, allowing micro adjust-
lower creep and improved abrasion ments, and added locking set screw
resistance, and they are now found in for security. Xtreme Balance Stabi-
BCY’s 452X, D97, 8125 and X99 materi- lizers employ a thermosetting poly-
als. Strand sizes remain unchanged, mer epoxy for lifetime durability, 3.5
and the industry’s largest variety of ounces of end weights (a three-pack of
colors is available to match any bow- 1-ounce weights is optional), and they
hunting outfit. et more details by vis- are capped with patented A-Tech Rub-
iting ber SBT end for vibration and sound
control. et more details by visiting
Bear Archery

Bear Archery’s Mag Riser Launch Edi- .30-06 Outdoors
tion recurves include 50 limited edition
bows with matte black, right-handed The Pioneer Sling & Stick from .30-
A-handles with a gold coin and gloss 06 Outdoors is an affordable option
curly maple wood limbs with black ($39.95) for any crossbow hunter, pro-
tips. Each bow is hand numbered and viding a combination shoulder sling
includes a numbered soft case and that quickly converts into a shoot-
limb socks. The modernized cast-alu- ing stick. It includes all-steel swivels,
minum Mag Riser and classic Take- heavy-duty construction and rein-
Down design combine for extreme forced stitching to be durable. Com-
accuracy and packing convenience. fort comes through a padded shoulder
The Mag Riser features a comfortable design with non-slip backing and a
molded wrist-style grip and bushings thumb loop balancer. Other features
for stabilizer and quiver. An adjustable include a quick-release clasp, adjust-
center-shot side plate allows for per- able height (18-36 inches), tension ad-
fect arrow tuning. This collector piece justable locking height and Dirt Road
includes a set of #3 45-pound limbs to Camo. The versatile design is ideal
create a 60-inch bow. Interested par- for crossbows, combining easy toting
ties can contact these dealers: Big Jim’s with an instantly available, steady-
Bows (229-420-5669), 3Rivers Archery ing rest. et more details by visiting
(260-587-9501), Stickbow Supply (443-
622-4891), Adventures Archery (813-664-
8700), Lancaster Archery (855-922-7769) Bohning Company
or Archery Past (503-913-1340). Each
dealer has five bows. et more details Bohning has been serving archers
by visiting and bowhunters for 75 years, devel-
oping a reputation for ingenuity and

Continued on Page 94


2021 Standout Products Continued from Page 92

.30-06 Outdoors excellent customer ser- Tink’s
Pioneer Sling & Stick vice. For 2021, Bohning’s
Bohning Pocket Quiver hottest product is the Tink’s new Disposable Scent Drippers
Pine Ridge Archery new Pocket Quiver. The provide an easy and mess-free option
new color palette molded-polymer Pocket for toting and deploying popular white-
tail-luring scents. The new Disposable
Tnk’s Disposable Quiver provides a safe, con- Scent Drippers are available in three
Scent Drippers venient and secure way to car- of the company’s best-selling scents,
ry field-tipped arrows on the pre-loaded with Tink’s #69 Doe in Rut,
HHA Sports range or into the field. he in- Tink’s Power Scrape Mock Scrape Start-
Tetra Stabilizers genious Pocket Quiver holds six er or Tink’s Power Scrape Mock Scrape
arrows of any diameter, slipped Finisher. Each is designed for various
into a hip pocket or attached to stages of the whitetail rut. The dispos-
a belt or pack strap and secured able drippers are designed to dispense
with the integral anchoring clip. It 3 ounces of alluring scent consistently
stays anchored where needed and for up to three days and can be easily
gives archers fast and trouble-free ac- switched out as needed. The units are
cess to six arrows. The Pocket Quiver tough and durable to prevent accidental
is made in the USA, measures 3.75-by- messes in daypacks or jacket pockets.
5.125-by-1.25 inches and is made Get more details by visiting
from rugged materials to stand up to
rough use. Get more details by visiting HHA Sports
HHA Sports has introduced a lineup of
Pine Ridge Archery new Tetra LR and LRZ Stabilizers and
accessories for 2021. The new Tetra LR
Pine Ridge Archery is offering addi- Stabilizer System includes a complete
tional colors in all of their molded system of stabilizers, weights, side bar
string and bow accessories for 2021 brackets, quick disconnects and slings.
to help dealers and customers bet- Stabilizers are offered in 6-, 8- and 10-
ter match any camou age bow setup. inch options wrapped around the trend
Pine Ridge has long offered a wide of adding both front and rear stabiliz-
variety of bright colors, but recog- ers, reducing vibration and noise while
nized many prefer something less increasing balance and accuracy. Pack-
ages include various Tetra stabilizers
ashy while bowhunting. hat is why and V-Bars coupled with a LR-DC Quick
they’ve introduced “Earth Tone” Tan, Disconnect system. Tetra LRZ Stabiliz-
Olive Green and Brown options to the ers allow for finer tuning by incorpo-
lineup for the camou age conscience. rating internal and external dampen-
These colors will now be options for ing and a micro adjustable length from
those purchasing Pine Ridge Wish- 6 to 10 inches to achieve perfect bal-
bones String Dampeners, Nitro XL But- ance. The LR-VBAR is a single-side bar
ton, Nitro Speed Bomb, Kisser Buttons mount with an integrated quick dis-
(Regular and XL) and Nitro Split Limb connect for fast and easy stabilizer in-
Dampeners. Get more details by visit- stillation and removal, and customiz-
ing able weight-system balance. Get more
details by visiting

Whitetail Properties

Whitetail Properties is a real estate
company created for the sole purpose

Continued on Page 96


2021 Standout Products Continued from Page 94

Whitetail Properties of bringing together buyers Barbarian MXT, a titanium mechanical
Buck Rub and sellers of hunting, ranch broadhead designed especially for cross-
Gear and farmland. The company bows. The design takes the high-speed,
Classic Jim works on a foundation of a pas- hard-hitting nature of modern cross-
sion for wildlife and rural land bows into consideration. It features
Cobra management. Whitetail Prop- rugged .070-inch-thick 420 stainless
Barbarian erty agents are land special- steel blades, one-piece titanium ferrule
ists, with the company’s team and 100-, 125- and 150-grain weights. A
MXT covering more than 20 states low in- ight profile ensures straight
(and counting) and made up
AXCEL of many of the finest land manag- ight, opening to . inches on - and
Landslyde ers and market analysts in the rural 125-grain versions, 1.75 inches on the
96 real estate industry. Whitetail Proper- 150. The sharp trocar tip, patent-pending
ties agents love to hunt, love the land blade retention system (no bands, clips
and strive to make smart investments or O-rings) and sharp blades drive deep
that benefit their families in order to while also ensuring e cellent accuracy
cement financial stability. hether a and absolute dependability. Each is spin
first-time buyer or an e perienced in- tested for balance. Get more details by
vestor, Whitetail Properties is the best visiting
place to find hunting, farm and ranch
land for sale. Get more details by visit- AXCEL Sights
AXCEL’s 2021 Landslyde slider sight fea-
Buck Rub Gear tures a silky-smooth Quick Adjust Knob,
which is used to dial precise yardage or
The Classic Jim release by Buck Rub for rapid head adjustment. The remov-
Gear includes a time-tested over-cen- able scope block can be changed quick-
ter trigger-linkage design—and in line ly and easily, allowing for the use of
with a Buck Rub tradition, it sells at a multiple housings or easy storage. The
very reasonable price. The over-center Landslyde accepts all AXCEL metal sight
trigger design has proven to be one of tapes (eight two-sided tapes are sup-
the most dependable, smooth, crisp plied with purchase). The sight features
and adjustable trigger mechanisms in- dual adjustable red pointers, for use as
corporated into bow releases. The Clas- reference with a second aiming point,
sic Jim features a hunter-friendly auto increased windage travel (eliminating
self-locking gate closure that elimi- the need for an offset block in most cas-
nates the need for springs and prevents es) and 1st, 2nd and 3rd a is ad ustments.
premature releases and the associated The Landslyde can be purchased with
safety issues involved. The Classic Jim single or multi pins, or with no scope
is an inde -finger-activated design that or housing. Mounting options include
sports a quick and comfortable Velcro- a non-dampened direct or Carbon Pro
equipped wrist strap and highly adjust- dovetail. The sight also includes a new,
able nylon-webbing connection strap. adjustable dead stop for no-look refer-
While the Classic Jim is meant primar- ence for top-pin zero. The LandSlyde
ily for bowhunting, it also serves well is USA-made and retails for $319.99-
for all target and 3-D shooting. Get more $524.99, depending on options. Get more
details by visiting details by visiting a

Cobra Archery Realtree Outdoors

Cobra Archery has jumped into the Known for producing photo-perfect
broadhead market with the all-new likenesses in their deadly effective cam-
ou age patterns, ealtree too a more

Continued on Page 98


2021 Standout Products Continued from Page 96

Realtree Excape abstract approach when designing their people. Get more details by visiting
ForeRunner Ground Blind newest pattern, EXCAPE. The elements
incorporated introduce a true sense of
Scent Crusher Halo Series realism. The Western-targeted pattern Scent Crusher
Covert Closet (though it proves as effective in Eastern
woodlands) includes open pockets, non- Scent Crusher has refined the way
98 distinct shapes and overall tonal grays hunters use ozone to keep gear and
that are especially at home in open en- clothing scent free. The new Halo Se-
vironments by effectively mimicking el- ries Covert Closet conveniently, safely
ements found in desert, mountain and and easily destroys odors and kills
prairie settings. EXCAPE’s unstructured bacteria commonly found on hunting
appearance didn’t happen by accident. gear. The Covert Closet is a two-in-one
The seemingly abstract elements were product, serving as a roomy roller bag
purposefully structured to closely mir- for travel, but easily converting to a
ror natural elements. The overall effect portable ozone closet. Cleaning ozone
is a pattern that dissolves the human is produced by the refined and battery-
outline up close or far away by incor- operated Halo Generator, contained
porating a combination of camou age in the lightweight, high-tech fabric.
elements perfected by apex predators Heavy-duty reversed zippers create a
and common features organic to West- safe seal, and a tough, weather-resis-
ern terrain. Get more details by visiting tant bottom protects gear. The travel bag measures 32-by-20-by-13 inches,
but it expands to 59 inches high after
ForeRunner Ground Blinds assembly. The entire package weighs
only 15 pounds. Exterior storage/orga-
ForeRunner Ground Blinds combine nization pockets include an insulated
the highly portable nature of a soft- pouch made to hold snacks, drinks
sided ground blind with the rugged and an ice pack, plus a 10-by-9-by-3-
longevity of a hard-sided blind. Soft- inch ozone-free side pocket. Get more
side ForeRunner Blinds are purpose- details by visiting
built to offer fast and easy portability
to keep customers one step ahead of Maple Leaf Press
their quarry, but they include a rugged
aluminum frame so they will stand Maple Leaf Press is the one-stop shop
up to harsh weather and last through for everything imaginable in paper
many seasons. ForeRunner Ground target faces. Maple Leaf Press works
Blinds are equipped with a hitch sys- with all archery organizations, in-
tem that allow them to be easily towed cluding Scholastic 3D Archery (S3DA),
by an ATV, or even an e-bike, helping NFAA, IFAA, World Archery and the
hunters access out-of-the-way spots.
Retractable transport wheels are ef- egas Shoot to provide official target
fortlessly engaged and disengaged for faces printed on quality, tear-resistant
mobility. The rigid, self-supporting 7-point paper. The newest targets in-
frame, which requires no tiedowns clude indoor target faces with S3DA
or stakes, was engineered to stand up 3-D vital scoring and 17-by-17-inch
to heavy winds or snow that can de-
stroy typical pop-ups. Large horizon- AA five-spot targets in brown or
tal and vertical shooting ports allow black, plus new Rushmore Rumble
users to shoot crossbows or vertical targets produced for the new NFAA
bows with ease, with enough interior tournament recently held in South Da-
space to accommodate three to four kota. This face includes Maple Leaf’s
5-Spot Vegas target with new Rush-
more Rumble Face. Each target holds
a convenient UPC code and Maple Leaf


Press strives to ensure their targets are hold weight. The thumb and index ten- Maple Leaf
competitively priced (including price- sion levers are held throughout the S3DA
match programs). Get more details by draw cycle, and it fires when the pres- Targets
visiting sure is relaxed. Adjustments are con-
ducted through a side lock screw. Get T.R.U. Ball
T.R.U. Ball more details by visiting X-Tension
R/T Release
T.R.U. Ball’s all-new X-Tension R/T and Odin’s Innovations
X-Tension R/T GS wrist-strap style re-
leases can be shot using pull-thru or Odin’s infused, time-release polymer
relax trigger activation. Shooting as a pellets dispense alluring scent for up
pull-through release requires setting to 30 days, and the earth-toned scent
the release 5 pounds heaver than hold pellets are 100 percent biodegradable.
weight at full draw, and then draw- Odin’s recent acquisition of Hunter’s
ing the bow with the thumb and index Kloak means there are many new
finger tension levers tightly depressed scents being introduced. One of the
throughout the draw cycle. Removing newest is Scrape Blend, which was de-
pressure from the thumb and index veloped as a result of customer feed-
tension levers and pulling through the back. Scrape Blend is a mixture of doe-
shot allows the shot to cut after pull in-estrus and dominant buck, with the
weight has exceeded the hold weight infused scents remaining independent
by 5 pounds. To trigger the shot with of one another. Odin’s scents now
relax-trigger activation, the release is come in 12-ounce containers designed
adjusted 5 pounds less than full-draw to fit into the water bottle pouch of


2021 Standout Products most daypacks. Odin’s is also striving to better serve deal-
ers, introducing new displays to provide education (actu-
Odin’s Innovations Scent Pellets ally allowing customers to smell the product) and generate
Rancho Safari Catquiver Mini interest. The Hunter’s Kloak acquisition also creates larger
AAE Mountain Series Stabilizer Bar profit margins, while allowing dealers to en oy a revenue
cycle running from May through the following January.
100 Get more details by visiting

Rancho Safari

Rancho Safari Catquiver back quivers have been around
since the 1970s, but continuous upgrades have allowed
them to remain abreast of the times and highly viable
to modern bowhunters. The more streamlined Catquiver
Mini is the most recent design approach, but even that
model has undergone persistent upgrades to make it
compatible with today’s modern equipment. Catquiver
Mini back quivers allow users to separate the quiver from
the bow for improved balance and accuracy, while also
keeping arrows handy and instantly accessible. Arrows
are pressure fit into the length-ad ustable design. he top
hood hides bright etchings and protects natural feathers,
and the lower cradle holds broadheads at the tip to elimi-
nate dulling. The padded shoulder strap makes it a back
quiver or allows for convenient hanging while on stand,
or the quiver can be lashed to a daypack for instant ac-
cess during spot-and-stalk pursuits. Full-sized arrow and
shorter crossbow bolt models are offered. Get more details
by visiting

Arizona Archery Enterprises (AAE)

Spanking new for 2021, Arizona Archery Enterprises’ Moun-
tain Series Stabilizer Bars are already proving to be the
most popular hunting models in AAE’s Hot Rodz Advante-
X Mountain Series lineup. Each Mountain Series stabilizer
includes a bar made from ultralight high-modulus carbon
measuring .50-inches in diameter. The Mountain Series
incorporates a brand-new internal vibration dampening
material that helps these accessories produce incredible
vibration-free and silent shooting, without excess weight
added. Models measure from 8 to 15 inches long and weigh
from 2.1 to 3.1 ounces, making them the perfect combina-
tion for bowhunters hi ing rough terrain or ust loo ing
to trim some weight from their bow outfit all without
sacrificing performance. et more details by visiting ari-

Tenzing Outdoors

Hangtime Day and Lumbar Packs are made especially for
treestand hunters. They include rigid, EVA-molded shells
that hold their shape when hung on a bow hanger and


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