with heavy stacked foam ends hydrauli- or 100 packs, the 8.5-by-11-inch version in Elevation Encompass
cally compressed by hundreds of pounds 25 or 50 packs. All include UPC codes. Visit Bino MGS Harness
of pressure to stand up to 10,000-plus mapleleafpress.com to learn more.
shots with field points. Shot-out targets .30-06
can be easily rehabilitated by repack- Easton Archery Outdoors
ing them in a replacement target cover. Chunk Target
The Broadside Chunk is a solid foam The 6mm Sonic 6.0 is Easton’s new hunt-
design that can be shot with broad- ing arrow for 2022, and it was designed Galaxy
heads (and field points) for quality pre- for speed and pin-point accuracy. The Archery
season practice. Visit 30-06outdoors.com U.S. made shafts use Acu-Carbon, a seam- Black Star
to learn more. less proprietary technology ensuring ex- Recurve Limbs
ceptional shaft-to-shaft and dozen-to- Maple Leaf
Galaxy Archery dozen weight and spine consistency. Press No
These lightweight shafts accept a wide Trespassing
Galaxy’s Black Star target recurve limbs variety of Easton components to offer Signs
are made from top-quality materials more options while assembling finished
but include reasonable MSRPS. Black arrows. Create a lighter setup for flatter
Star limbs are an ILF design that fits any trajectories, or heavier for deeper pen-
compatible riser, and they are offered in etration through higher F.O.C.s. Sonic
short, medium and long in draw weights 6.0 arrows are factory fletched to include
from 20 to 44 pounds in 2-pound incre- Easton’s first true helical orientation with
ments. These limbs allow assembling the company’s 2-inch Bully Vane (designed
a target bow of just about any standard exclusively for Easton by Bohning to pro-
length. Black Star limbs are built us- vide exceptional broadhead accuracy).
ing the latest construction technologies Sonic 6.0 shafts are offered in spine rat-
and materials, including a carbon belly ings of .250, .300, .340, .400, .500 and .600;
and back and bamboo core. Bamboo is mass ratings from 9.5 to 5.8 grains per
known to provide an exceptional com- inch (gpi) and straightness tolerances of
bination of quick arrow velocities and +/- .003-inch. Nocks are preinstalled, and
smooth draw cycles. This translates into inserts are compatible with standard-
a smooth transition into anchor followed thread broadheads/field points. Visit
by a crisp launch and flat arrow trajec- eastonarchery.com to learn more.
tories. For all this performance, Black
Star limbs are priced competitively. Visit Redline Bowhunting
galaxyarchery.com to learn more.
Launched during the 2022 ATA Trade
Maple Leaf Press Show, Redline Bowhunting has gained in-
stant traction with a quality selection of
Maple Leaf Press introduced several new hardcore accessories. One great example
products for 2022, including a reduced, is the Redline RL-1 Carbon Sight, available
3-spot vertical 4.25-by-13-inch target, plus in single- or three-pin configurations.
weatherproof No Trespassing signs. The This side-wheel mover with back-facing
redesigned spot target offers a 50 percent yardage tape that is easily viewed while
reduction in size to simulate shooting at full draw is ready for the field or 3D
standard-sized targets at 10 yards. They course. The 100 percent carbon mount-
are printed on tough 9-point cover stock, ing bracket makes it feathery but stout,
purchased individually or in 25 packs, each the sight including second- and third-axis
holding a UPC code for individual sale. Ma- adjustments for accuracy. The steel pins
ple Leaf also offers two new No Trespass- are backed by aperture-wrapped and pro-
ing sign options printed on the durable tected .019-inch fiber optics, and the peep-
polypropylene waterproof stock used for alignment ring is ultra-bright for quick ac-
other MLP outdoor signs. The new versions quisition. A bright bubble level is included.
include verbiage for people who land- Windage and elevation adjustments are
owners have granted permission to, i.e. tool-less and fast, and the yardage track
“without the consent of the landowner.” has a reliable nonslip design controlled
The 8.5-by-11-inch signs are offered in 50 by a silky-smooth adjustment wheel.
2022 Home Run Products
Easton Archery The red metal yardage pointer is adjust- BCY
Sonic 6.0 able, and a light kit is included. Visit
redlinebowhunting.com to learn more. BCY is now celebrating 32 years in the ar-
Redline chery industry and still providing cutting-
Bowhunting Bohning edge string and cable fibers—materials
RL-1 Carbon Sight used by some of the most demanding
Bohning Bohning, celebrating 75 years of serv- archers, bow manufacturers and string-
Cauldron ing the archery industry, introduces the makers in the business. BCY is a veritable
Jig 2022 Bohning Cauldron Jig. This is an ad- industry touchstone, a leader in the de-
vanced fletching jig offering easier setup velopment of string and cable materials
Rhino Blinds R180 and operation, plus precision repeat- that allow ever greater bow and crossbow
ability. The Cauldron makes fletching a performance. For 2022, that innovation
dozen new arrows fast and simple. The comes through BCY’s all-new Mercury 2
Cauldron Jig can be used to fletch any Bowstring material. Mercury 2 Bowstring
diameter arrow shaft with the nock in is a larger diameter version of the prov-
place. It also provides easy snap-in in- en Mercury original. Made from high-
terchangeable inserts to fletch straight, strength Dyneema, it offers virtually zero
right or left with 2- and 3-degree helical. string creep and improved strength and
Cleaning of the plastic parts is safe and durability ideal for the latest high-perfor-
easy using acetone. Most importantly, mance crossbows and compounds. Visit
the Cauldron Jig is faster, allowing the bcyinc.com to learn more.
adhesion of three vanes simultaneously,
getting archers on the target line or in Mrs. Doe Pee
the field in less time. The stout plastic
frame promotes precise and repeatable The Land Mine is Mrs. Doe Pee’s new-
fletching adhesion that boosts accuracy. est offering, providing a deadly-effective
Adjustable inserts allow vane placement scent delivery system proven to lure
in a variety of positions along the shaft. white-tailed deer into range. Bury The
Visit bohning.com to learn more. Land Mine below ground level and de-
ploy the internal wick, and the seductive
Rhino Blinds urine-based buck lure is released into
the surrounding area. Place The Land
Rhino Blinds’ R180 See Through Blind Mine in shooting lanes near stand sites
has been met with huge enthusiasm, or before trail cameras. The Land Mine
becoming the company’s most popular was extensively tested and is proven to
blind model. Two walls of see-through lure bucks any time between August and
mesh allow hunters to clearly see out January. All Mrs. Doe Pee’s fresh lures
of the blind but prevent game from see- ship within two to three days to ensure
ing inside. The windows/shooting ports product quality and freshness. Fresh
are built on a silent-slide adjustable lures are shipped Monday, Tuesday or
window system, including mesh cover- Wednesday, partially frozen along with
ings that allow users to adjust windows an ice pack to maintain a low tempera-
and netting to nearly any configura- ture during shipping. If you prefer the
tion desired. The R180 comes in several product to be shipped on a specific week,
popular camouflage patterns to meet please use notes during checkout to
customers’ preferences, outside walls leave instructions. MSRP is $35.99. Visit
holding double rows of brush loops to mrsdoepee.com to learn more.
insert natural vegetation and create
seamless blending. The R180 includes Scent Crusher
a large, zipper-less door. All surfaces
have received water- and mold/mildew- The Ozone Base Camp Generator is Scent
resistant treatments, and all corners Crusher’s latest scent-control hit. This
are reinforced for durability. The R180 black-hued generator is a portable gener-
can hold up to three people, with setup/ ator perfect for cleansing hunting cloth-
takedown requiring just minutes. Visit ing and gear with a bath of natural odor-
rhinoblinds.com to learn more. and bacteria-killing ozone. The Scent
Crusher Ozone Base Camp Generator
cranks out ever more odor-fighting ozone tested field-point accurate and reliable BCY
than previous models like the Scent at more than 500 fps, on both targets Mercury 2
Crusher HALO. The refined generator’s and B&C whitetails. SWAT Broadheads is Bowstring
battery provides 6-plus hours of output, 100 percent veteran owned and veteran
and the compact, lightweight and reli- staffed, and the company guarantees the Mrs. Doe Pee Land Mine
able unit runs whisper quiet. The genera- straightness of their heads and promises Scent Crusher Ozone
tor comes with a USB charging port that SWAT heads will “Drain Your Game.” Visit Base Camp Generator
can be plugged into the wall, a computer swatbroadheads.com to learn more.
or auxiliary-power pack. The Ozone Base Gas Bowstrings Ghost XV
Camp Generator includes a snazzy Scent L owdo wn Viewer
Crusher backlit logo and is covered by the
same product guarantees as other com- The Lowdown Viewer has been refined
pany products. Visit scentcrusher.com to to include more advanced features and
learn more. make viewing trail camera images/vid-
eos in the field faster and easier. The
GAS Bowstrings newest Lowdown Viewer version in-
cludes two full-sized SD card ports (one
GAS Bowstrings run about $150 a set, but for captured images/videos, a second
they are a proven name and a safe bet for for storage), both compatible with cards
dealers looking for high-quality replace- up to 128GB. The generous 9-inch screen
ment strings/cables to upgrade custom- and new Scroll Bar feature allow users to
ers’ bows. GAS Bowstrings are now cho- move through a loaded SD card quickly
sen by some of the industry’s biggest bow with the swipe of a finger. A new Snap
makers. The company’s Ghost XV are the Shot feature also allows users to pause
best the company makes, proving to be videos or zoom on still images and save
one of the most consistent, reliable and the single-frame snapshot or enlarged
accurate bowstrings produced in the en- image to an SD card. The Lowdown
tire industry. They are built from premi- Viewer can be used to format SD cards,
um BCY materials selected to give Ghost and a new Navigator Help System in-
XV strings/cables an exceptional blend structional video is built right in, mak-
of speed and stability. GAS Bowstrings ing it easier to get started. The unit is re-
uses a proprietary TTS (Total Tensioning chargeable at home or in a vehicle. Visit
System) building process that produces lowdownviewer.com to learn more.
exceptional performance and extreme
stability, which means peeps come back Banks Outdoors
square to the eye every time. Ghost XV
end servings are available in a wide selec- The “Stump 4 360° Phantom Edition”
tion of colors, and proven Powergrip cen- from Banks Outdoors is new for 2022.
ter serving is standard on this series. Visit It includes eight larger tinted, silent-
gasbowstrings.com to learn more. swinging framed windows to create the
ultimate 360-degree hunting experience.
SWAT Broadheads The Phantom Edition was designed for
dawn to dusk hunting efficiency and
The new Crossbow Magnum Titanium concealment, its window tinting provid-
(X-MAG TI) by SWAT Broadheads pro- ing visual concealment from the outside,
duces a 2-inch entry wound on impact, while allowing hunters an unobstructed
and then after passing through the rib- view out. Seamless polyethylene con-
cage and entering vitals, a 1.5-inch cut struction ensures long life and rugged-
inflicted by the two secondary blades. ness, weather resistance and protection
The milled ferrule is constructed from from the elements. A spacious 30 square
a single piece of high-grade titanium, foot interior provides maximum com-
including a fluted chisel tip designed to fort for several hunters or while filming
crush bone and drive deep into game. hunts. The blind is available as a full ac-
The blades are cut from .036-inch-thick cessory-equipped Pro Hunter or standard
420 stainless steel to withstand punish- Stump 4 model, and it can be elevated
ing bone impacts. The X-MAG TI was with wood or steel legs. The Stump 4 360°
2022 Home Run Products
SWAT Broadheads is perfect for spending quality time with Antler King
Crossbow Magnum Titanium loved ones. Visit banksoutdoors.com to
learn more. Trophy Clover Mix by Antler King of-
Lowdown fers the highest protein and tonnage-
Viewer T rophy Ridge producing clover and chicory perennial
food plot mix around. Seeds are treated
Banks Outdoors Stump 4 360º Trophy Ridge’s React Technology pro- with the company’s Ultra Coat Orange for
Phantom Edition vides the fastest and most efficient way higher germination rates and increased
to sight in, requiring just 10 minutes to forage yield per acre. The blend provides
zero pins from 20 to 100-plus yards. Pat- 30 percent protein to aid antler growth
ented technology automatically calcu- and can be planted in the spring or fall.
lates the precise pin spacing at various Trophy Clover Mix is a mixture of four
distances. For 2022, the new one- and perennial clover varieties, a unique vari-
three-pin Digital React, powered by Tro- ety of chicory and a variety of rapeseed
phy Tech, features a highly visible LED that is Antler King’s hardiest and longest
screen with a digital readout of targeted lasting perennial mix. Trophy Clover Mix
distances. The Digital React allows sight- can last six years on a single planting,
ing in using a SPEED method (requiring driving body, bone and antler growth. At
firing an arrow through a chronograph) maturity, Trophy Clover Mix can grow 2-3
or conventional REACT method. Once feet tall and provide up to 10 tons of high
protein forage per acre, growing roots as
sighted, bowhunters and 3D archers long as 24-30 inches to remain hardy. It
can set their pins at any distance is available in ½-, 3- and 6-acre sizes. Vis-
down to half-yard increments via an it antlerking.com to learn more.
easily controllable wheel. Single and
multi-pin Digital React sights are avail- Vapor Trail Archery
able in right and left-handed configura-
tions. The single-pin is offered with .010 Vapor Trail’s proven Limb Driver Pro-V
or a .019 pin, the Digital React Trio sport- serves as the basis for the company’s
ing two horizontal fixed .019 pins and all-new Pro-VX. The Pro-VX incorporates
a vertical React .010 pin. Both feature a capture option with limb-driven me-
customizable screen colors, brightness, chanics, like the original. A new carbon-
distance increments and up to five pro- fiber, rubber over-molded cage ensures
files to serve unique arrow setups. The arrows remain ready while sitting or
Digital React includes a rechargeable stalking. The cage material is offered in
battery and Trophy Ridge limited life- 10 colors. The Pro-VX features new mi-
time warranty. MSRP is $359.99 for the cro-adjustability for windage and eleva-
single-pin and $379.99 for the Trio. Visit tion, and it has a built-in bubble level for
trophyridge.com to learn more. quick and easy setup—the new configu-
Trophy Ridge Antler King ration ensuring compatibility with many
Digital React Trophy new 2021-2022 bows. The Pro-V limb-
Vapor Trail driven design supports the arrow longer
Archery Clover Mix for better accuracy, the limb pulling the
Limb Driver Victory launcher away with great speed. Visit
Pro-V Archery vaportrailarchery.com to learn more.
Victory Archery
Speed, accuracy and durability come
together in the 3DHV from Victory Ar-
chery. The 3DHV is one of the lightest
and fastest target arrows in production,
using high modulus 100 percent carbon
fiber to produce a low profile .204-diam-
eter arrow that produces laser flat trajec-
tories and minimal wind drift. High-per-
formance 3DHV arrows are digitally spine
aligned and weight matched to +/- .5
grains per dozen for consistency and tight
groups. The Elite model boasts a +/- 001-
inch straightness tolerance, the Gamer
+/- .003-inch and the Sport +/- .006-inch.
They’re available in spines ranging from
.800 to .300, each finished in Victory’s ICE
Nano Ceramic Coating for maximum pen-
etration and easy removal from foam tar-
gets. They come equipped with AAE nocks
and 7-grain uni-bushings, with optional
upgrades available for a customized setup.
Visit victoryarchery.com to learn more.
S ummit Outdoors
Summit’s new Viper Level Pro SD climber
stand combines comfort and security with
added adjustability. Thanks to its patent-
pending EasyLevel dial system, hunters
no longer have to worry about climbing
all the way down to adjust the angle of
their platforms—simply use the dials to
keep the platforms level, while remain-
ing attached to the tree. Like its predeces-
sor, the Viper Level Pro SD comes equipped
with industry-leading features like Quick
Draw PRO cable retention system, Fas-
Track accessory system, wraparound arm
pad, comfortable foam suspended seat,
Dead Metal sound-deadening technology
and more. The stand weighs 26 pounds
and holds up to 300 pounds. The seat
frame measures 27-by-37.5 inches with a
18-by-12-inch seat area and 12-by-20-inch
back, and the platform is 25-by-36 inches.
Eight- to 20-inch trees are compatible,
and it is offered in Mossy Oak Elements
2022 Home Run Products
Terra Gila and Realtree Timber. Visit sight includes a 100 percent lifetime war- Summit
summittreestands.com to learn more. ranty. Visit hhasports.com to learn more. Outdoors
Viper Level
H HA Sports H uskemaw Optics Pro SD
HHA Sports
The team at HHA Sports says the Tetra Huskemaw Optics brings its legendary Tetra Short Bar
Short Bar Dovetail sight has proven the long-range advantage to crossbows with Dovetail Sight
company’s best seller so far this year, the Crossfield 4x40 Crossbow Scope. The Huskemaw
with many Mathews dealers picking this Crossfield is a fixed-power scope that Optics
sight up. The sight features HHA’s new features a calibrated Arrow Drop Com- Crossfield 4x40
Infinite Adjust Plate, which allows for in- pensator (ADC) turret to precisely match Crossbow Scope
dependent second axis and elevation ad- the trajectory of high-speed crossbows at Omega III
justments at 20 yards, along with greater extended ranges up to 150 yards. The cali- Sight
windage adjustments on popular inline brated turret has been developed to meet
mounting sight options. It includes a 4- the demands of today’s high-speed cross-
to 5-inch adjustable dovetail that is com- bows. The high-density, multi-coated
patible with Mathews 2022 Bridgelock lenses provide premium light gathering
System. The sight comes with a dovetail for bright, sharp images, and the one-
puck to mount to the side of a riser. R.D.S piece milled aluminum 30mm tube
Tape Technology provides range tapes with cement-bedded lenses makes
from 20 to 100 yards, and the integrated the Crossfield waterproof, fog proof
scope ring holds a built-in level. Micro and shockproof for reliability in the
and macro toolless windage adjustments most challenging conditions. The Cross-
are included, as well as second- and field is available in a 2 MOA version with
third-axis adjustments. The U.S.A.-made a custom single-stack turret or 1 MOA ver-
sion with a custom dual-stack turret. The
reticle includes red or green dot illumi-
nation with five intensity levels. Visit
huskemawoptics.com to learn more.
Omega Sights
The new 2022 Omega III Sight fits any
crossbow, shotgun, rifle, and even a ver-
tical bow (with the adapter accessory). It
is a precision-adjustable mil dot sight, a
continuous-ranging rangefinder out to
600 yards and HD Video Camera (1080p),
all-in-one unit. It has 2X to 6X digital-
power zoom, an instant video playback
feature, an inclinometer with true dis-
tance calculator and a remote control
to keep hand movement to an absolute
minimum. The new Omega III Sight
package comes with an additional 12-
hour rechargeable power bank, a 32GB
micro SD Card, recharging/video down-
load cable, and detachable sunshield. Its
MAP price is just $499, and it boasts tre-
mendous profit margins for dealers. For
more info on becoming a dealer, email
[email protected].
Morrell Targets
Morrell’s Yellow Jacket Kinetic bag target
is so tough that it includes no fps arrow
Morrell Targets speed limitations. Kinetic version 1.0 is
Yellow Jacket a completely new bag target design, in-
Kinetic Bag cluding construction unlike anything
Pine Ridge Archery Morrell has created before in the Yel-
Earth Tone Dampeners low Jacket line. Testing has shown it is
Buck Rub Gear one of the toughest bag targets ever cre-
Magne’ Drop Raven Claw ated. Its design has two patented float-
Vantage Point Archery ing centers that are built to create twice
Single Bevel broadheads the stopping power of previous bag tar-
gets. It has two shooting sides that are
20 inches wide by 20 inches tall by 14
inches thick. It is hand stuffed with pre-
mium material and weighs 65 pounds,
so it will not topple when shot. This tar-
get is designed to stop the world’s fast-
est, hardest-hitting crossbows, while
providing unsurpassed durability. Visit
morrelltargets.com to learn more.
Pine Ridge Archery
Pine Ridge is offering more colors in their
bow dampening products for 2022 to bet-
ter match any bow outfit. In addition to
bright and flashy hues, Pine Ridge ex-
panded their offerings to include more
camo-conscious tan, olive green and
browns, or “Earth Tone” options. These
three new color options are included
in the company’s most popular string
and bow accessories, including Wish-
bones String Dampeners, Nitro XL But-
ton, Nitro Speed Bomb, Kisser Buttons
(regular and XL) and Nitro Split Limb
Dampeners. Visit pineridgearchery.com
to learn more.
Buck Rub Gear
Buck Rub Gear’s Magne’ Drop Raven Claw
drop-away arrow rest with Raven Claw
arrow retainer is ultra durable and huge-
ly tunable. The launcher utilizes capture
claws that securely contain the arrow
when the bow is at rest, securely hold-
ing the arrow while stalking, and even
when subjected to extreme upward pres-
sure. The capture claws fold completely
flat for maximum fletching clearance,
with no top bar to introduce interfer-
ence. All arrow contact points are com-
patible with felt to allow a silent draw.
Powerful magnets replace spring and
trigger mechanisms to eliminate failure
and bounce-back after release. Adjust-
ments for timing are made easy with a
2022 Home Run Products
Steambow AR-6 Stinger 2 Stokerized SKB Cases
M1 Stasis Plush-lined Case
compression sleeve system built into the Stabilizer
rest, the Red Nyloc Elevation Adjustment accurate, it’s another quality product by
Screw offering further tuning ease. Visit withstand anything thrown at them. Steambow—makers of the FENRIS. The
buckrubgear.com to learn more. Long-term maintenance of the product Stinger 2 is backed by a full array of ac-
is achieved with easy resharpening and cessories—from different limb weights,
Vantage Point Archery (VPA) honing. They are 100 percent American laser sights, tac-lights, red-dots, speed
made. Visit vparchery.com to learn more. loaders or alternative color kits. Visit
VPA precision-machined one-piece broad- steambow.com to learn more.
heads are super accurate and indestruc- Steambow
tible. New for 2022, VPA is launching a Stokerized
Single Bevel 2 Blade lineup. VPA Single The AR-6 Stinger 2 is a magazine-fed,
Bevel broadheads have ideal blade thick- six-shot pistol crossbow that packs a Stokerized introduced its all-new M1 Sta-
ness, 35-degree single-bevel blade angles punch. Its lever-action cocking system sis stabilizer system. Building on the suc-
and edges that can achieve a razor-sharp allows shooters to cock it with ease and cess of the SL Stasis and the M1 Hunter,
edge for maximum devastation. Ma- speed with six bolts, one after the other Stokerized combined the infinite adjust-
chined from either carbon or premium and on target in less than 10 seconds. It ability of the patented Stasis ALL AXIS
S7 tool steels, the ferrule supports the provides lots of backyard fun, but loaded PIVOT point, patented SS1 offset bracket
head all the way to the bone-splitting tip. with broadheads it becomes a viable self- and the M1 small diameter high-perfor-
These broadheads are heat-treated up to defense option. Any adult can operate it mance carbon tubing with .563 OD. Man-
58 Rockwell and are durable enough to and no assault weapons ban can touch ufactured from the stiffest high modular
it. It has even taken wild game. Light- carbon offered, they eliminate vibration
weight, robust, modular and above all and completely cancel dynamic shot
movement. They are available in 15- and
19-inch models, paired with the M1 SS1
Bracket, six 1-ounce weights and two Dual
Saturn Dampeners. They are made in the
USA and backed by an unconditional life-
time warranty. For more information
email [email protected]
SKB Cases
The case experts at SKB have brought
back their plush-lined cases by popular
demand. One key example features a soft,
plush-lined interior that cradles bows up
to 39.5 inches long and 16.5 inches wide.
It also includes convenient lid storage for
quiver, arrows and accessory boxes (sold
separately). Waterproof, military grade
construction, reinforced padlock loops,
built-in wheels and an unconditional
lifetime warranty make this case the
perfect solution for protecting customers
BIGshot Archery Titan 10X Target Hot Trails® Scented Hunting Candles Odin’s Innovations New Scent Beads
bows when they travel. With more than the first target on the market to offer string. The target measures 20 inches
40 years of experience manufacturing 10-sided shooting for maximum dura- long by 17 inches deep to offer a lot of
the best protective cases available, own- bility. BIGshot has remained a leader in shooting surface for quality practice with
ers can rest assured that all their gear— target innovation, and the Titan 10X tar- crossbows, compounds or traditional ar-
from broadheads to scopes, bows and get is another fine example of that. The chery equipment. The BIGshot Titan 10X
everything in between—will be safe and 10 shooting faces provide more shooting is available for shipment to independent
secure in an SKB case. Visit skbcases.com fun and practice benefits and means this archery dealers and outdoor retailers.
to learn more. target lasts much longer than compet- Visit bigshottargets.com to learn more.
ing products. The Titan 10x Target is con-
B IGshot Archery structed from easy-pull foam that means Hot Trails®
shooters won’t get more of a workout
For 2022 BIGshot Archery introduced from pulling arrows than pulling a bow- Hot Trails® Scented Hunting Candles help
the new Titan 10X archery target. It is cover human scent while also serving
2022 Home Run Products
QSE to bring deer beneath stands. Simply scent beads leave hunting areas “Better
Adjustable light up a Hot Trails Scented Candle and Than You Found It.” Learn more by visit-
place it safely in a metal container and it ing odinsinnovations.com.
Peep will burn for up to 5 hours, emitting full-
strength scent from start to finish. Users QSE Adjustable Peep
Ani-Logics Outdoors have observed deer picking up Hot Trails
Black Ops Whiteout Sweet scents from more than 500 yards down- The Adjustable Peep eliminates many of
and Salty Mineral Attractants wind of a burning candle, drawing them the shortcomings of conventional peep
in for a closer shot or helping control sights, including alignment issues and
VIP Archery deer traffic around stands when winds tubing. The peep requires no bow press
Commander aren’t ideal. Doe-N-Heat is Hot Trails’ to install and is instantly adjustable,
Broadhead most popular candle scent, however the even in the field. The advanced sight
White company offers a wide variety of scent weighs only 20 grains and can be easily
Gold options for everything from deer to black adjusted to any shooting style. The peep
Deer bears. Savvy hunters have been using allows simple adjustment if and when
Feed needed, the oval sight aperture becom-
Gold Hot Trails for more than 30 years to ing an elongated circle and allowing
Strike! create successful hunts. Learn more maximum view of the forward pins and
at hottrails.com. target. Once placed, it will stay put, yet
it can be adjusted anytime and any-
O din’s Innovations where with the simple use of a Phillips
screwdriver. The QSE comes in several
Building on the performance of its color options. Visit archerssight.com to
technology that releases infused scent learn more.
over a 30-day period, Odin’s Innova-
tions has introduced new products Ani-Logics Outdoors
and entered new markets. Odin is not
merely an attractant manufacturer, but Black Ops Whiteout Sweet and Salty
one that has applied the significant ben- Mineral Attractants from Ani-Logics
efits of its unique biodegradable polymer Outdoors takes your whitetail recon to
as a delivery system for the company’s a whole new level, attracting more deer
popular scents. Hunters most commonly than ever before. Once deployed, Black
think of the pheromone (dominant buck, Ops Whiteout creates an instant, ben-
scrape blend and doe in estrus) scents eficial mineral lick. By harnessing the
when they think of attractants, but power of attraction and the intensity
Odin’s new products allow creating traf- of bone-building minerals, this strate-
fic in front of trail cameras without fre- gic move tempts your deer herd with
quent re-introduction of human scent. unbelievable attraction, luring deer
Responding to requests from their dealer into the zone of action. Key nutrients
network and customers, Odin’s intro- like essential oils and chelated miner-
duced Jelly Donut, Cherry Pie and Peanut als help to promote health and antler
Butter for hogs and bears, Citronella to growth, making it your No. 1 choice
ward off mosquitos and proven Earth for stealthy mineral attraction. Visit
Scent for masking scent. To ensure that anilogicsoutdoors.com to learn more.
every package is consistently effective
and offers no risk of bacteria or other ele- V IP Archery
ments that could affect its performance,
Odin’s uses only 100 percent synthetic VIP Archery introduced new cutting-
scents. Based upon current regulations, edge technology to create the 2022 Com-
it is legal for use in every state. Also, the mander Broadhead. The innovative
polymer does not contain any food value three-blade Commander Broadhead is
or minerals that would make it consid- a mechanical design that carries surgi-
ered to be bait (check regulations in your cally sharp blades, and it was made to
state carefully before use). Odin’s scent be compatible with compound bows or
beads are not impacted by dew, rain or crossbows. It, along with the two-blade
other moisture events. Odin’s biodegrade Ranger, uses Momentum Management
and Flexcut Technologies. The Ranger
and Commander broadheads use inertia cold tolerant and highly palatable. Visit HODAG HempScent Rope System
technology that is designed to release the whitegolddeerfeed.com to learn more. Bow Spider
blades of the broadhead following arrow
impact. Inertia is the principle of phys- HODAG Outdoors
ics that states an object in motion stays
in motion unless stopped by an outside The HempScent Rope System by HO-
force. When the arrow makes impact, DAG comes with the tagline, “If You
the blades automatically spring open to Hang It, They Will Come.” Building on
save energy and drive deeper. American the success of the HODAG Licking Stick
Made. Veteran Owned. Warrior Approved. and Licking Branch Systems, this new
Visit viparchery to learn more. product is the latest game changer in
the deer hunter’s arsenal. The HODAG
White Gold Deer Feed HempScent Rope System aligns with
the current tactic of the HODAG product
Gold Strike! is another new, high per- lineup—build a scent communication
forming early season blend from the hub, put a camera on it and start to in-
new powerhouse in wildlife nutrition, tentionally inventory, patten and hunt.
White Gold Deer Feed. Gold Strike! em- The HODAG HempScent Rope System in-
ploys the ideal blend of specially-se- cludes 6-feet of specifically blended, real
lected alfalfa, clover and chicory to pro- hemp rope and 8 ounces of the compa-
duce ultra-high yields and high protein ny’s proprietary HODAG AllSeason Scent,
content in a perennial mix that will which is proven to effectively jumpstart
typically last up to 6-plus years if prop- deer communication. This is a simple
erly maintained. Gold Strike! is a di- and effective way to put deer where
verse mix that is both drought resistant, you want them. By hanging the scented
2022 Home Run Products
4KJT Outdoors
Lighted Nocks
T.R.U. Ball Centerline ThermaSeat
Wrist Strap Release
HempScent rope in a well-traveled area included for trigger feel from very light is available in a variety of camo and
you will capture images and video of to very heavy. The Centerline features a solid color combinations for just $10.99.
deer visiting your hub year-round. Visit black anodized head, large black buckle Visit thermaseat.com to learn more.
hodagoutdoors.com to learn more. wrist strap and a $129.99 MSRP. Visit
truball.com to learn more. Moultrie
Bow Spider
4KJT Outdoors The new Moultrie Mobile Delta Base
The Bow Spider provides a fast, quiet and trail camera combines a top-grade im-
easy way to secure a compound bow to Lighted Nocks from 4KJT Outdoors are age sensor with an all-new platform to
a daypack, belt or treestand while also the company’s best-selling 2021 prod- deliver the image quality and reliability
keeping it handy for sudden shot oppor- uct and continue to show brisk sales in hunters want. The unit uses 36 LEDs to
tunities. The Bow Spider revolves around 2022. These rugged lighted nocks come capture sharp nighttime images in 24MP
a simple, lightweight and roundish re- in three different colors—tropical, red resolution and HD video with audio. The
ceiver and bow-mounted stud. The body and green. Tropical lighted nocks blink Delta Base includes a .75-second trigger
is secured by provided belt, straps or multiple colors and then phase to a speed and 80-foot range. Power is pro-
bolts to attach to a pack, hip belt, truck strobe light effect. Lighted Nocks by 4KJT vided by AA alkaline or lithium batter-
headrest, blind or tree. The Bow Spider Outdoors fit .204-inch/X-Nock, .244-inch/ ies, with optional solar power available.
can also be easily attached to a binocular Signature Nock, .246-inch to fit Gold Verizion and AT&T models are offered
harness, backpack or a wall for storage. Tip arrows and .302-inch for standard to provide the best coverage in various
The bow-mounted aluminum stud at- crossbow bolts (these also accommo- hunting areas. Captured images and vid-
taches to the bow’s riser and slides into date .300- and .302-inch bolts). 4KJT Out- eo are routed directly to a smartphone
a slot on the injection-molded receiver. doors Lighted Nocks include an external or computer via Moultrie Mobile’s app,
The bow is safely held in place by a grav- switch allowing bowhunters to easily which includes advanced features such
ity-locking system, yet allows instant turn off illumination to save battery life. as Maps, Weather and Activity Chart-
access. The Bow Spider is available in The nocks activate during release and ing. The unit retails for just $99.99. Visit
green, tan, or black, with a $84.95 MSRP. improved batteries help them remain lit moultriemobile.com to learn more.
Visit bowspider.com to learn more. for up to three days. A light coat of string
wax ensures easy instillation. Visit X-Factor Outdoor Products
T.R.U. Ball 4kjtoutdoors.com to learn more.
X-Factor’s Mathews Edition Xtreme Stabi-
The T.R.U. Ball Centerline wrist strap ThermaSeat lizer was designed to withstand the high-
release for 2022 eliminates torque and est standards of vibration dampening,
includes the new Tri-Hook Bail system ThermaSeat has been manufacturing sound control and durability. X-Factor
that automatically resets after the shot. insulating, USA-made outdoor seats for uses a Thermosetting Polymer Epoxy on
The thin profile allows easier reach to 30 years. Free of chemicals, batteries all their bars to provide the same dura-
the trigger and knurled textured thumb or gimmicks, time-tested Heat-A-Seats bility used on quality golf clubs. Slip-on
and forefinger patches provide sure grip from ThermaSeat provide low-main- weights also set the design apart, and
while drawing. The Centerline release tenance warmth in cool weather. The 6-, 8-, 9-, 10- and 12-inch models can be
can be tucked into a sleeve to elimi- Heat-A-Seat provides an added layer of chosen (MSRP $124.99) in many finishes.
nate potential noise/ snagging. It is protection between your bottom and the Stabilizers can be combined with Single
equipped with a Globo-Swivel (GS) strap ground or stand via premium Insulsoft Adjust 365-degree Sidebar Mounts with X-
with 3/16-inch spaced adjustment holes closed-cell foam that’s warm, soft and Factor roller ball technology offering infi-
to produce the ideal fit. Stainless steel durable. The cushion retains and reflects nite positioning via a single setscrew. The
sears are hardened to last a lifetime, body heat while staying silent, even in Sidebar Mount includes a $128.99 MSRP.
separate travel and sensitivity screws sub-freezing conditions. The Heat-A-Seat Visit xfactoroutdoors.com to learn more.
Moultrie Bow Shop Bible
Mobile Delta Base
The Bow Shop Bible is a downloadable
Trail Camera app designed to help any archer bet-
ter navigate simple to sophisticated
X-Factor pro shop tasks. Some of these include
Mathews Edition Bow Specs for nearly any current
Xtreme Stabilizer compound bow model, Archery Knots
demonstrating useful pro shop skills,
Bow Shop Bible App Calculators for various applications,
The Bow Hitch including the Stabilizer Wizard to find
perfect target-bow balance, Instilla-
Wild Edge SteppLadder tions, Tuning, Arrows, Pin Gap/Sight
MARCH 2022 INSIDEARCHERY.COM Tape and more. Visit bowshopbible.com
to learn more.
Bow Hitch
The Bow Hitch helps bowhunters be-
come more efficient by providing a
simple but effective way to hang or
carry a bow outfit. Once installed, cus-
tomers can carry their bow with the
company’s adjustable pack strap, a bino
harness or a preferred backpack strap.
The system eliminates arm fatigue af-
ter hours in the field and putting bows
on the ground to glass. The Bow Hitch
also allows fast bow deployment, so
there is no more missing hard-earned
shot opportunities due to a bow hang-
ing from a sling or on the back. The
system is silent, requires less move-
ment to deploy and is proudly made
in the USA. Visit thebowhitch.com
to learn more.
Wild Edge
The SteppLadder is a highly versatile
tree-step system that involves less bulk,
less weight and less complicated set up.
Packages allow choosing which setup
is right for specific uses, the customer
only required to choose the optimal
number of steps for their specific cir-
cumstances. Decide how many of those
steps should be spliced with 6-foot
ropes and how many should come
with 8-foot ropes. Pause and make sure
that number adds up to the total, and
then let Wild Edge know what size bag
the customer wants. The system al-
lows assembling a custom ladder for
a safe and comfy climb. A set of five
SteppLadder steps retails for $109. Visit
wildedgeinc.com to learn more. IA
Five Questions with Odin’s Innovations
Odin’s Innovations took a highly unique approach to attractants that has greatly paid You started out with scents for
white-tailed deer. In what other
off. We spoke with Paul Black, president of Odin’s Innovations, to learn more about the markets do you see opportunity? ■
This is the most exciting part! This
company’s revolutionary line-up of biodegradable and long-lasting attractant products. year we introduced Jelly Donut,
Cherry Pie and Peanut Butter for bear
C an you explain your propri- perfectly with cellular cameras. Ani- and boar hunters. What’s the best?
etary technology and how mals won’t eat our product, so it re- We want our customers and dealers
it sets Odin’s Innovations apart mains effective. to tell us. The earth scent smells just
from other scent products? ■ Our like the forest floor! Put it in a mesh
biobased polymer beads allow us What are the best ways customers bag with your hunting gear or hang
to infuse scent—the initial phero- can deploy Odin’s scent products it beside you as a cover scent. Use
mone, lure and new cover and repel- to increase bowhunting success? ■ the citronella in a bag to keep pesky
lent scents—into the material. Then Most of our scents are most effec- mosquitos away!
simple chemistry takes over as scent tive when 3-4 ounces is sprinkled
molecules release over time from the over a 4-by-4-foot area. Our scrape How can using Odin’s scent products
weatherproof beads. University labo- blend is the exception, requiring only save customers money? ■ We have
ratory testing found our product re- an ounce or two. The lure
leased 52 percent as much scent after scents can be used to take a very strong value propo-
30 days as compared to day one! inventory ahead of the sea- sition. Sure, our product
son. We have received a lot is more expensive than a
What advantages do Odin’s scent of reports of animals tak- small bottle of liquid scent.
products offer in the real world of en well ahead of periods But that liquid lasts just
bowhunting? ■ It allows a hunter to when pheromone scents one or two days. You’d use
hunt smarter and more efficiently. traditionally work best. 10 or more bottles to come
If you pour a bottle of liquid scent Use dominant buck 4-5 even close to the effective
on the ground, it is either gone in a weeks before the rut, Scrape Blend period of a single package
couple of days or quickly diluted by into the rut and doe-in-estrus during of Odin’s. That’s just the scent—time
moisture. The scent within our beads and after the rut. Scrape blend has and gasoline aren’t free!
releases over 30 days or more, so you doe-in-estrus scent in it, so if the rut Our dealer network also adds value,
don’t have to disturb the area or in- is earlier or later, you’re still attract- the local business that will spend time
troduce more human scent. It pairs ing bucks. showing customers new products and
technologies. We don’t compete on
price with our dealers. We don’t sell
through big box stores. We control the
sales channels on Amazon to ensure
prices remain above MSRP. All of our
dealers are listed on our website, and
we encourage buying local. IA
WebXtra ■ For more on Odin’s
Innovations please check them out at