JUNE 2022
28 Power of Participation
■ Al Kaiser | LOWDOWN
■ Jake Mancl | HHA Sports
■ Cal Wakelin | Wildside Outdoors
■ Jay McAninch
■ Patrick Meitin | Inside Archery
■ Jack Gavin | Providence
Marketing Group
30 Antler King
Reigning Supreme
30 By Daniel Allred
Market Trends
16 New & Notable
Archery products with
strong sales potential
38 38 Gear Report
Pro-Tracker Recovery System
40 New & Best-Selling Releases
& Stabilizers for 2022
By Josh Honeycutt
48 Gear Report
Vantage Point Archery (VPA)
Single Bevel 2 Blade Broadheads
50 40 52 Gear Report
Victory Archery
RIP XV Hunting Arrow
54 Gear Report
QuietKat Apex 7.5
56 All-Important Bowstrings
& Accessories
64 14 By Patrick Meitin
INSIDE ARCHERY (Volume 25, #5) ISSN #1940-3879, USPS #024-412 is published 10 times per year (Jan / Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep / Oct, Nov, Dec) by Apollo Creative Inc. PO Box 15827, Colorado Springs,
CO 80935. Periodical postage paid at Colorado Springs, CO 80935 and at additional offices. Postmaster please send address changes to INSIDE ARCHERY, P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19055-9998.
10 Inside Track
Bowhunting Isn’t a Competitive Sport
14 Kinsey’s Business
Four Proven Promotional Merchandising
Concepts to Help Drive Sales
18 Your ATA Insights
Make The Old New Again
By Kurt Smith / ATA
20 Industry News
48 56 The latest on news, events and
people in the archery industry
24 ATA Action
ATA Works Toward Sharing Credible
Hunting Participation Data
By Cassie Gasaway / ATA
50 Leading Archery
BCY Inc.
66 Industry 5Q
Five Questions with Todd Williams
54 of X-Factor Outdoor Products
52 40 24
insidearchery.com Online Exclusives
Market Trends
Bowhunt Gear The Coming Outdoor Retail Boom
Bowhunt Game
With gas prices soaring and the cost of living putting
a pinch on family budgets, big-money vacations
and luxury purchases are likely to take a back seat
to simpler activities closer to home. Here are some
factors to ponder.
What Is the Right Survival
Weapon For Your Needs?
Runaway inflation and the continued supply-chain
crisis has scores of people—non-hunters in particu-
lar—contemplating organic protein in the form
of plentiful small game, wild hogs or local deer.
What weapon is best for you?
How to Process Your Own Game Meat
Grocery-store meat prices have spiked, with more
shortages predicted for the near future, leaving many
people looking to the outdoors to fill their freezers.
Here’s what you need to know to ensure good-tasting
meat your family will enjoy.
Archery Gear
Making Old Archery Gear New Again
With a major economic recession on the horizon,
many bowhunters will be looking for ways to get
a few more seasons out of their current bow rig.
Executive Editor Patrick Meitin shares some ideas
on how to make old bows new again.
:WebXtras “Gear Report” tries out the Pro-Tracker Recovery System,
VPA Single Bevel 2 Blade Broadhead, Victory RIP XV Hunting Arrow, and
QuietKat Apex 7.5 ebike. “5Q” chats with Todd Williams from X-Factor.
Inside Archery Digital Edition
Now Inside Archery can be delivered to your door, viewed on your computer,
AND on your smartphone or tablet. VISIT INSIDEARCHERY.COM/DIGITAL
Fresh content daily
on social media!
Bowhunting Isn’t a Competitive Sport
F red Bear often said that any fair-chase animal taken with a bow is a trophy.
Today, too many bowhunters believe that notion is outdated. Given the ca-
pabilities of modern archery equipment, it could be argued that this is true,
though that certainly isn’t an opinion I espouse.
Given my 30-plus years as a servant to the archery industry, I’ve witnessed a
good many bowhunters who seem to believe regularly tagging monster animals
will get them somewhere in this industry. They think it will make them a star,
or maybe the recipient of lucrative endorsement deals. On
more than one occasion, unfortunately, this has led to high-
ly questionable behavior, if not outright malfeasance.
There’s absolutely no way of denying our attitude toward
trophy hunting has changed in the 45-plus years that I’ve
been obsessively pursuing big-game animals with bows and
arrows. Largely gone is Fred Bear’s refrain, sadly replaced
by bowhunting as a competitive sport. Here I’m not talking
about friendly local big-buck contests, but an entire fraternity that judges suc-
cess based on the accomplishments of others. I’ve also seen this attitude morph
into more widespread discontentment with simple backyard whitetail and over-
the-counter Western bowhunting. Bowhunters now feel the need to live up to the
realm of magazine-cover bucks and bulls. No matter how big your success, some-
one is guaranteed to have done better. Count on it.
And please forgive me if this comes across as excusatory in tone, as I’ve certainly
fallen into this mode of thinking myself. It took a couple decades to come to the
shocking realization that I was putting so much pressure on myself while com-
peting with the entire bowhunting universe that I wasn’t having as much fun as I
should. And I love bowhunting more than anything in life.
This shocking realization prompted a very sudden and radical change in my
outlook on life, and bowhunting more specifically. I vowed to enjoy bowhunting—
and the processes it entails—on my personal terms. Admittedly, it took several
years to completely shake the old mindset, but eventually I found a happy place
where I just didn’t care how my bowhunting proclivities or success stacked up
against what other bowhunters are up to. I began enjoying bowhunting for bow-
hunting’s sake, not as a grand competition.
Don’t get me wrong. I admire high-scoring antlers as much as anyone. I still
trophy hunt, if only to prolong the process as long as possible, though animal age
is now a common benchmark, instead of net score. I now sincerely believe that
purchasing a winning Power Ball ticket wouldn’t change that attitude.
I often find myself wishing bowhunters could find a way to return to the uni-
versal attitude enjoyed during my initial seasons as a bowhunter, when any fair-
chase animal taken with a bow was truly a trophy, hunting close to home, col-
lecting healthy meat, feeling deeply blessed—not overdue—when an especially
impressive animal was taken. Bowhunting is so much sweeter when it is not ap-
proached as competition.
Patrick Meitin, Executive Editor
Apollo Creative Inc
Executive Editor
Patrick Meitin • [email protected]
Associate Editor
Daniel Allred • [email protected]
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Inside Archery founded in 1998 by Bill and Sherry Krenz
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Archery, hunting and bowhunting are inherently dangerous activi-
ties. Improper use of hunting or archery equipment may cause se-
rious injury or death. Always follow state and local hunting safety
rules, and get required permits or licenses before hunting. Apollo
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Inside Archery®
is a publication of
Apollo Creative Inc
Printed in the USA.
FCoounrcePprotsvetonHPerolpmDortiivoenSaal lMeserchandising Kinsey’s is the leading distributor to the outdoors and
archery industry. Carrying items from your favorite
R etail merchandising is an art- sumer decision tree, try to display prod- brands, in-stock and ready-to-ship, the company offers
form that is often overlooked. ucts in unique and creative ways that domestic and international retailers a wide array of
Retail stores are commonly mer- will undoubtedly accomplish that. We’ll products and services. Kinsey’s also owns innovative
chandised with a hierarchy of consum- discuss our four proven promotional consumer brands including BlackHeart, Fin-Finder,
ers’ wants and needs called a consumer merchandising concepts you can imple- Elevation and October Mountain Products.
decision tree. The consumer decision ment to help drive immediate sales. For more information, please visit KinseysInc.com
tree is typically organized by product
category, sub-category, brand, price 1 • Promo Bins ■ Promotional bins, or of the merchandise for the displays.
point, size and color. A well-merchan- However, some displays may cost you a
dised store can increase sales as well promo bins, are a great way to merchan- couple hundred dollars. More often than
as provide a positive shopping experi- dise items, whether they are on sale or not, they’re well worth the investment
ence for your customers. Conversely, a at their everyday low price. Promo bins because they help you both merchan-
poorly merchandised store can create a also offer a great way to merchandise a dise items and capture your customer’s
world of problems, as well as frustrated seasonal item, or in-and-out items that attention. It’s also important to note that
customers. If you’re looking for ways to are only available for a limited time. The most point of purchase display racks are
better merchandise in an effort to grab placement of the promo bins is also im- created for popular, high-demand items
a customer’s attention within the con- portant to make sure they grab the atten- that’ll keep your customers satisfied and
tion of your customers. Ideally, a great coming back to your store for more.
place to put them is near or on the way
to a high traffic area. Any additional sig-
nage you can include with the promo bin
will undoubtedly attract your customer’s
attention and help drive sales.
2 • Aisle End Caps ■ Another great way to 4 • Store Signage ■ Finally, another way
merchandise items is by promoting them to efficiently and effectively use promo-
on an aisle end cap. These items can be tional merchandising is with the use of
grouped by category or brand. You could store signage. That signage can call out
also use the end caps as a way to cross product features, sale or promo items
merchandise items. For example, at the and cost or overall lifestyle appeal. Store
end of a trail camera aisle you could use signage can also come in the form of
the end cap for batteries, SD cards, trail branded banners that coincide with a
cam cables, locks and mounting brack- particular product category within your
ets. Similar to promo bins, end caps offer shop. You should consider all the unique
you a great way to merchandise seasonal ways in which you can use signage to
items or limited time in-and-out items. engage with and inform your customers.
Regardless of how you want to use the
end caps, there are multiple ways to use By merchandising your store based
this space creatively. off the hierarchy of the consumer de-
cision tree and promotional merchan-
3 • Point of Purchase Displays ■ Anoth- dising strategies, you’ll be creating a
positive experience for your customers.
er great way to effectively merchandise Utilizing promo bins, aisle end caps,
items is with branded racking or point of point of purchase displays and store
purchase displays. It’s definitely worth signage will help you merchandise your
considering adding them if your shop store to fit your customers’ wants and
has room for point of purchase displays. needs. Not only will it create a positive
Depending on the arrangement, some retail shopping experience, but it will
point of purchase displays are offered at help increase sales to set your business
no additional cost, aside from the cost up for success. IA
Bow Spider SlickTrick Broadheads Killer Food Plots
Assailant Hybrid Carnage Brassicas
The Bow Spider provides an ultra-
convenient way to carry any compound SlickTrick combines high-quality materi- Carnage Brassicas helps maximize the health
bow while also keeping it instantly ac- als, tight tolerances and groundbreaking of a herd by supplying deer with a highly
cessible. The Bow Spider includes a round and designs to deliver devastating results and palatable food source that delivers the high
lightweight slotted bow holder and a bow- quick kills. The Assailant Hybrid provided true field energy, carbohydrates and protein needed to help
mounted stud. The Bow Spider comes with a point accuracy, including a 1 1/8-inch three-shot deer thrive during the rut and support their post-rut
belt, anchoring straps and bolts, which allow it group at 50 yards. While some hybrids penetrate recovery. Killer Food Plots carefully blended Carnage
to be mounted nearly anywhere. The reliable poorly due to large blade surface area, the Assailant Brassicas to deliver high-energy carbohydrate-rich
belt and straps allow compounds to ride on provided deep penetration and durability, despite forage that whitetails crave. Combined with the
a daypack, on the hip, a truck headrest, blind its 1 ¾-by-7/8-inch cutting dynamics. The stainless company’s protein-rich
or tree. It can also be attached to a binocular steel, Alcatraz-locked blades are held on a proven kale, Carnage Brassicas
harness, or a wall for storage. The aluminum ViperTrick Super Steel chisel-tipped ferrule. The provides the basic
stud attaches to any bow riser and then slips broadheads weigh 100 grains and include an MSRP building blocks that aid
into the molded receiver body slot. Bows are of $47.99 per three. Learn more at slicktrick.net. in recovery during and
after the rut, while also
held securely through a gravity- delivering the daily
locking system, yet can be ef- energy whitetails need
fortlessly disengaged when to survive and thrive
needed. They are available during critical times
in green, tan or black, throughout the rest of
and include an the year. Learn more at
MSRP of $84.95. killerfoodplots.com.
Learn more at
Make the Old New Again
H ow many bowhunters are there in the years, and expectations for the visual dia pages. Or, show your process for
United States? What about in your appeal of retail locations and ecom- tuning inexpensive broadheads so they
state? How long have they been bowhunting? merce sites have risen. A store that fly as well as those that cost more. No
could be mistaken for someone’s matter the topic, the message remains
These are all great questions, but if you home or a garage simply isn’t invit- the same—use what you have (or can
read the other ATA article in this pub- ing to new archers, or potential new afford) and get out and have some fun.
lication, you will learn that finding customers for that mat-
accurate answers isn’t easy. The ATA ter. Get more people in the Bringing Back Fun ■ Our
recognizes how important bowhunter door by giving your shop sport has gotten a touch
data is to our members and is work- some curb appeal with serious lately. From tag-
ing diligently to support this initiative. adequate signage, clean ging giant bucks to perfect
While a complete data set will still take parking areas and an at- scores, we might be giving
some time, we already know our indus- tractive main entrance. people who are interested
try plays a vital role in recruiting new Inside, do some work to in getting into archery or
participants, retaining the active hunt- move product displays around to picking it back up again the impression
ers and archers, and reactivating those make the experience better for new that it’s “go big or go home.” Truth-
who have strayed away from shooting customers and fresh for your core fully, that’s not why most of us started
or hunting. customer group. It’s also a great time shooting and hunting. We started be-
That’s a big job, and naturally there to unload any dusty, distressed in- cause it was fun! Get back to basics by
are a lot of people looking for new ventory to make room for new gear. showcasing how fun it can be to get
ideas on how to keep bowhunters and Gear Refresh ■ Fast bows, tough ar- out in the woods or on the range. If you
archers getting into the woods and on have a retail location, invite people to
the range. But we don’t need to con- rows and scary sharp broadheads come in and shoot some balloons, or
stantly reinvent the wheel. Here are a are awesome ways to attract archers have a cookout while holding some
few ways to do your part and boost your and bowhunters. For newbies or friendly competitions with low-pound-
business simply by giving a fresh look folks who haven’t picked up a bow in age recurves. The more people who as-
to some old ideas. several years, though, these can also sociate your business with having fun,
Storefront Face-Lift ■ Your “storefront” provide a serious intimidation fac- the more new customers you’re likely
tor. They might think customers ab- to see.
might be a brick-and-mortar location or solutely need the newest (and most Want some other ideas of how to
a website. In either case, if you haven’t expensive) equipment to even have a revitalize your business, attract new
given it a fresh look in a few years, now shot at success, and that could dis- customers and keep your existing ones
might be the time. Consumer behav- suade them from trying the sport at coming back? Start gathering your own
ior has undoubtedly changed in recent all if it’s not within their budget. It’s data by surveying your current cus-
great to tell everyone about tomers and those in the community.
new gear, but think of Ask what they like about your busi-
how you can attract ness and what new things they’d like
customers by showing to see. As participation data becomes
how you can take older available, you can also begin to com-
gear and give it an inex- pare that information with what you
pensive refresh. Take gather yourself, helping to make more
a 10-year-old bow and informed decisions moving forward.
make it a tack driver by If you want to talk about some other
giving it a tune-up and ideas to help your business be a part
adding a few new acces- of growing archery and bowhunting,
sories, then post a video we’d love to chat. You can contact me
about it on your social me- at [email protected]. IA
HTCroue-nFetoseturannSdadefrHetIanyldlSouyfcstFteeadmmIsento inducted alongside the existing Trees- has faithfully served as Vice President
tand Hall of Fame honorees is so very for many of those years. He dutifully
During the 2022 TMA Members’ Confer- humbling. It has been my pleasure and supported treestand safety training
ence held at The Lodge in Gulf Shores, honor to serve on this Board for the with his generous donations of prod-
Alabama, the TMA Board of Directors past 15 years. During this time, I have uct to TMA and many other organiza-
recognized Jerry Dale Wynder during the seen many changes to our industry and tions involved with hunter education.
Awards Banquet on April 27th as the 2022 have worked diligently with my fellow Wynder has received numerous awards
Treestand Hall of Fame Inductee. board members to represent the best within the hunting industry in recogni-
interests of our members. When I first tion of his dedication to safety and for
The award came as a big surprise to joined the Board, TMA was struggling fostering relationships with other com-
Wydner, who was attending the confer- financially to survive. Today, we are a panies that have similar goals. Wynder
healthy, positive movement represent- has represented TMA and his company
Past inductees John Louk (left) and LJ Smith, Jr. ing the industry and our TMA mem- with the utmost of integrity and is re-
(right) present the 2022 Treestand Hall of Fame bers. I know the TMA mission is pure spected not only as a professional but
and has only one agenda: Help protect also as a person in the treestand and
Induction to Jerry Dale Warner. and support our hunting industry and hunting industry.
its members by sharing and promot-
ence as one of the Board members and ing safe practices while supporting the Wynder continues to exemplify his
Manufacturing Class members. industry standards recognized by TMA. deep passion for promoting treestand
Yes, it has been my honor to serve and safety and endless devotion to his fam-
After receiving the award, Jerry said I’m so humbled to be inducted into the ily, faith and friends. His wife Mary, son
these words, “I want to thank John Treestand Hall of Fame!” Michael and Jerry’s siblings were among
Louk, Executive Director, L.J. Smith, the special guests who were there to
and the TMA Board for considering Wynder co-founded Hunter Safety share in the ceremony. Paul Meeks (2010
me worthy of this great honor. To be System along with his brother John and Inductee) congratulated Jerry by phone
lifelong friend Jim Barta in 2001. With and Tom Gallagher (2012 Inductee) and
a single focus, the company has com- Bob Craft (The Craft Agency) gave encour-
mitted from the very beginning to en- aging remarks by video.
sure the safety of hunters. He has been
granted numerous U.S. patents as an The Treestand Manufacturer’s Asso-
inventor and co-inventor and contin- ciation (TMA) is a nonprofit trade asso-
ues to develop other unique product de- ciation. For more than 27 years, TMA has
signs. Wynder has been elected to serve specifically devoted its resources to pro-
on the TMA Board of Directors since moting treestand safety through educa-
2007. During his 15 years of service, he tion. It endeavors to improve treestand
safety through the support of its mem-
bers as well as fostering relationships Texas. An avid outdoorsman, Worland has
with like-minded organizations. | FOR MORE first-hand experience with Annihilator
“I have been using the broadheads for
RECTOR BY EMAILING [email protected] OR CALL- three years now and have been lucky to
harvest nine animals with them and my
ING (601) 584-7983. Dad and brothers,” said Worland. “I have
never seen a broadhead take an animal as
AWnonrliahnildataosr DBirroeacdtohre oafdsSaAldedss
fast as I have seen with the
Annihilator Broadheads Annihilators.
announced the addition
of Shane T.G. Worland as “I love working for Anni-
Director of Sales. Worland hilator Broadheads because
will be responsible for I truly believe in the product
managing all wholesale and its sheer effectiveness.
accounts, developing new I am honored to be a part of
wholesale client relation- such an amazing team and
ships, managing sales very excited to see what the
reps and tracking analyt- future holds. I started out
ics against key performance metrics. just helping with a few trade shows, and
it turned into a full-time opportunity for
Worland previously served for 22 years me. It's exciting to be a part of the industry
in the U.S. Navy as an Independent Duty that I love.”
Corpsman and now resides in Rockwall,
NASP Begins Awarding $500 Scholarships to
Participating 2022 National Tournament Archers
NASP celebrates its 20th year of “Changing Lives One Arrow at a Time” with the return to in-person competition.
When combined, the 2022 Western and Eastern national tournaments hosted 13,741 student archers, safely par-
ticipating in these exciting in-person events.
Both national in-person competitions were open to all U.S. qualifying NASP archers. Earlier this year, NASP
announced an exciting addition to this year’s event: All archers competing were eligible to be randomly selected
for up to 120 $500 college scholarships. Upon graduation, archers could then apply these funds to the cost of any
post-secondary educational institution or training program of their choice.
NASP established a computerized random selection process using the combined results from Western and
Eastern Nationals. Eligibility only required for each archer to register, attend either national event and submit a
Bullseye score higher than 0. The computer then selected 50 males and 50 females from the combined results.
Coaches of these selected archers have been notified to begin the award process.
NASP President, Tommy Floyd, said, “Since inception, our goal was to help grow the sport of archery, support
the mission of educators, and help young people discover the many positive benefits of participating in the shoot-
ing sports. We have always been a program that aims to reach everyone. The idea of bestowing a $500 scholar-
ship to this many student-archers speaks loudly of our intent to make a positive impact on students that might
not even be thinking about their plans to see post-secondary educational opportunities. Based on the feedback
thus far, that is exactly what these scholarships are doing! We are grateful to our many sponsors who know that
producing this kind of opportunity will and does cause young people to begin thinking about their life preparation
beyond high school. We are absolutely committed to not only reaching more student archers with NASP, but also
the philosophy of recognizing the value in these students investing in
their own life preparation through post-secondary education
and training! NASP is committed to changing lives!”
NASP conducted the 2022 Open Championship in Louis-
ville, Kentucky, June 23-25, where an additional $500 scholar-
ship was randomly given away during each flight.
NASP would like to thank the following sponsors for their remarkable support of the program, allowing this to
be possible: Mathews Archery Inc., Mission Archery Inc., Brennan Industries Inc., Easton Technical Products, Mor-
rell Targets, Avient Corporation, Feradyne Outdoors, Saunders Archery, GSM Outdoors, BCY Fibers, Lancaster Ar-
chery Supply, NEET Products, National Bowhunter Education Foundation, Whitetails Unlimited and the Kentucky
Annihilator Broadheads’ co-founder sition brings clearer focus to FeraDyne’s ically-based research to effectively
Brandon Brodie said, “Day one meeting continued commitment to the extension eliminate odors from sweat, soaps,
Shane it was obvious he is the right guy of industry-changing technologies and food, perfume and more. Scent Crush-
to have on your team. His attitude and ex- product innovation. er products eliminate odor by killing
citement about all things archery is con- the organisms that cause it. Scent
tagious. Customers at events have already “It is our desire to continue to expand Crusher leaves no scent, chemical res-
been commenting about their positive in- our commitment to industry-leading
teractions with him. We’re confident our technologies and brands in all corners of idue or harmful byproducts.
wholesale accounts are in good hands!” the hunting and outdoor space. Dan Drake Ozone, or O3, is the tri-atom-
and the team at Scent Crusher have done ic form of oxygen that is a
In 2020 the Archery Trade Association an excellent job growing Scent Crusher molecule comprised of three
awarded Annihilator Broadheads the Gold through an unwavering commitment to oxygen atoms that rapidly
Award for Best New Archery Innovation. the expansion of ozone-based scent elimi- oxidizes organisms it comes
Annihilators can be purchased online or nation technology,” said FeraDyne C.E.O. into contact with, then converts safely
found in archery shops worldwide. | TO GET Todd Seyfert. “We welcome the opportu- back into oxygen (O2). Scent Crusher ozone
nity to integrate Scent Crusher into Fera- generators produce on-demand O3 (ozone)
MORE INFORMATION, PURCHASE, LOCATE A DEALER OR BE- Dyne’s growing portfolio of industry-lead- that is attracted to contaminants that
ing brands, and we are excited to partner cause odors. The ozone attacks and kills
COME A DEALER, VISIT WWW.ANNIHILATORBROADHEADS. and build upon the remarkable momen- odors through oxidation, and then safely
tum that Scent Crusher has created.” converts safely back to standard oxygen,
COM. TO SEE REAL-WORLD EXAMPLES OF ANNIHILATOR leaving clothing and gear scent-free. Scent
Since 2015, Scent Crusher has been pro- Crusher products include an extensive
GAME HARVEST, LOOK FOR @ANNIHILATORBROADHEADS viding hunters with a full line of field- line of ozone generators, storage lockers
effective products that employ scientif- and bags, totes and much more, in addi-
ON SOCIAL MEDIA. tion to Copper Ion Technology based scent-
control soaps, shampoos and sprays. Cop-
AFecrqauDiryenseSOcuetndtoCorrussher per Ion Technology uses charged copper
ions that work as an oxidation catalyst to
FeraDyne Outdoors, a multi-brand family rapidly react to odor molecules with oxy-
of archery, hunting and outdoor indus- gen from the air to permanently elimi-
try products, announced the acquisition nate odors. When paired with ozone, it is
of Scent Crusher. Developed from NASA- nearly impossible to find a more effective
based research, Scent Crusher is a cat- scent management system. | TO LEARN MORE
egory leader in ozone-activated technol-
ogy used to effectively eliminate odors on ABOUT THE FULL LINE OF SCENT CRUSHER PRODUCTS, VISIT
clothing and gear.
The addition of Scent Crusher comple-
ments FeraDyne’s full suite of category-
leading archery brands into the general
hunting and outdoor markets. This acqui-
ATA Works Toward Sharing Credible Hunting Participation Data
G etting accurate information on the other organizations have tried
number of hunters in America is dif- to calculate nationwide hunt-
ficult, but the ATA has a solution. er and bowhunter numbers
through independent surveys.
Archery retailers, manufacturers and Unfortunately, the accuracy of
the ATA want to know how many bow- these reports can vary greatly.
hunters are in the United States. The The margin of error for most
answer is complicated, but the ATA is surveys ranges from 1-5 percent
working on it. Let’s review why it’s dif- or more, depending on sample
ficult to produce precise data, what ATA size, methodology and cost. If a
staff are doing to provide answers and 2018 survey finds 13 percent of
what information will soon become Americans hunted, and a 2019 In some states, it’s difficult to conduct one survey that
available. survey finds 12 percent hunt- will reflect how many license holders there are as well
ed, you might assume hunter as how many bowhunters. PHOTO © ATA.
The Problem(s) ■ Just as state wildlife numbers declined by one per-
agencies have different rules/regula- centage point during that pe-
tions on hunting, they also have differ- riod. Maybe, maybe not. If both surveys The Current Solution ■ Although the
ent methods of tracking hunting par- had an unheard-of 1 percent margin of goal is to provide a comprehensive out-
ticipation. Some states require buying error, the real population value might look on nationwide bowhunter num-
separate firearms and archery permits statistically be the same for both years. bers in real time, Jennifer Mazur, the
if they wish to do both. Participants Many industry representatives ques- ATA’s senior director of outreach and ed-
in other states need only one permit tion the numbers released in nation- ucation, said we’re not there yet. Mean-
whether using firearm or bow. In those wide surveys, since varying methodol- while, the ATA’s outreach and education
instances, the agency can’t accurately ogies can yield vastly different results. team is working on a document outlin-
determine how many bowhunters it Additionally, they feel they can’t obtain ing the total number of licenses sold in
has without conducting a supplemen- timely participation numbers from each state during the past five years—
tal survey to determine what weapon state agencies. Not having reliable data that helps members understand
type participants choose. These surveys participation data makes it difficult how many people are buying hunting
require additional time/resources, so to make smart business decisions, so licenses, which is the best hunter-num-
they usually aren’t done. the ATA is working toward a solution to ber representation available.
To supplement state agency data, supply members with hard facts. Continued on Page 26
It’s difficult to get accurate information on the number of hunters in America, but the ATA has a solution. PHOTO © BOWHUNTERS UNITED.
Continued from Page 24
The document won’t categorize li- ily than our members,” Mazur
cense sales data by hunter age, category said. “Because we represent
or type; it will simply show the total retailers and manufacturers
number of hunting licenses sold in each across the country, it made
state. One license sold equals one hunt- sense for us to do the legwork
er participating, regardless of whether and provide this data as a ser-
they hunted or harvested an animal— vice to our members. These
assuming if a license was purchased, numbers will be irrefutable
that individual considers themselves and undeniable, so our mem-
a hunter. Because the document will bers can trust them.”
compile the number of license holders The ATA is also working on
in America based on sales, it will be one another project offering more You can narrow your search by year and weapon type
of the most credible and factual sources in-depth information, but on the ASA’s data dashboard. PHOTO © ASA.
of data currently available. that won’t be completed for a
State agencies have always had these few years.
license numbers, but individuals had to secure data transfer protocols to regu-
request the data annually, as it is not The Data Dashboard ■ The future larly compile license sales data from a
typically published. That process was of participation numbers is the data sample of participating states, in a cen-
difficult for those who didn’t know who dashboard. The ATA partnered with the tral location with direct links. Users can
to contact, or when. American Sportfishing Association, state search by year, region and state to find
Mazur said the need for the document fish and wildlife agencies and others in information on hunting, bowhunting
was obvious, and it will prove invalu- 2019 to create a real-time data dash- and fishing.
able for ATA members. board that allows states and industry Although the data dashboard is op-
“Thanks to our state agency partner- members to get an accurate picture of erational, it only has information from
ships, we have the right connections statewide license sales data and infor- 20 states. You can view the dashboard
and contacts to get the data more eas- mation. The dashboard uses automatic, by visiting https://asafishing.org/
data-dashboard/. The platform requires
state agencies to install a compatible
digital software system that connects to
the dashboard to share information eas-
ily. The transition to electronic licenses
and records is slow for most state agen-
cies, but Dan Forster, ATA’s vice president
and chief conservation officer, is helping
state agencies enter the digital era. That
process requires states to approve bud-
gets, change laws and regulations, pur-
chase and distribute software, train staff
members and gain public/user accep-
tance. It’s happening, but it takes time.
Mazur said the industry will have ac-
curate, reliable, up-to-date information
on nationwide hunting and bowhunting
participation numbers when it comes
together in about five years.
The ATA will email current members
when the license sales data document
becomes available on ArcheryTrade.org.
For questions contact Jennifer Mazur
The ATA will continue to share the information that is available. PHOTO © BOWHUNTERS UNITED. at (507) 233-8139 or jennifermazur@
archerytrade.org. IA
Archery Industry Members Participating in the Sport
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO: Visit insidearchery.com/pop or mail a color image with your name,
address, where the animal was taken, and archery gear used—both manufacturer and model—
to Inside Archery Power of Participation, P.O. Box 15827, Colorado Springs, CO 80935.
Jake Mancl • Wisconsin Whitetail Jay McAninch • Virginia Cownose Rays
Marketing & Sales Manager, HHA Sports [WITH GRANDSON JACK]
Bow ■ Mathews VXR 28 Broadhead ■ Grim Former President, Archery Trade Association
Arrow ■ Victory RIP Elite Reaper Mini Mag
Rest ■ HHA Sports Virtus Release ■ Tru-Fire Synapse Bow ■ Fin Finder Broadhead ■ Sting-A-Ree
Sight ■ HHA Sports Tetra Quiver ■ Mathews 6-Arrow Web
Arrow ■ Cajun Archery Reel ■ Cajun Archery
Rest ■ Fin-Finder Winch Pro Bottle Reel
Cal Wakelin • Saskatchewan, Canada, Black Bear
Owner, Wildside Outdoors, Inc.
Bow ■ APA King Cobra DG Broadhead ■ SlickTrick Assailant
Arrow ■ Easton 5mm FMJ Stabilizer ■ Bee Stinger
Al Kaiser • Wisconsin Whitetail Rest ■ QAD HDX Release ■ Carter Chocolate 3-Finger
Quiver ■ Tight Spot Sight ■ Spot Hogg Hogg-It 7-Pin
Founder & President, Hunters Mate/LOWDOWN
Bow ■ Mathews Z7 Broadhead ■ Rage Trypan
Arrow ■ Easton Axis FMJ Quiver ■ Mathews
Rest ■ Mathews Release ■ T.R.U. Ball Assassin
Sight ■ Vital Gear Other ■ LOWDOWN Viewer
Patrick Meitin • Texas Javelina
Executive Editor, Inside Archery
Jack Gavin • Wisconsin Whitetail Bow ■ Mathews V3X 29 Broadhead ■ SWAT Juggernaut Ti
Arrow ■ Gold Tip Rest ■ Mathews QAD
Senior Marketing Manager, Providence Marketing Group Kinetic Pierce Integrate MX
Bow ■ Prime ION Broadhead ■ G5 Deadmeat Quiver ■ Mathews LowPro Sight ■ Mathews
Arrow ■ Victory Archery Quiver ■ Tight Spot 5-Arrow Detachable Bridge-Lock Fixed 5-Pin
Rest ■ Schaffer Archery XV Release ■ Tru-Fire Release ■ Scott Stabilizer ■ Mathews
Sight ■ Black Gold Single Pin Stabilizer ■ Trophy Ridge Archery Summit Flat Line 8-inch
Established in 1987, Antler King was me the stink eye and ask questions played an important role as a pi-
one of the very first companies in like, ‘A mineral supplement—what oneer in this emergent and rapidly
the hunting industry to offer sup- the heck are deer supposed to do evolving market. The company has
plemental feed and food plot seeds with that? And you’re selling seeds managed to be not just one of the
for wild deer and elk. Antler King’s for people to plant out in the woods? originals, but also one of the lead-
founder, Todd Stittleburg, was clear- For deer to eat later?’ Luckily, these ers, continually remaining on the
ly ahead of his time in those early products aren’t foreign concepts cutting edge as the rest of the in-
days, and he fondly recalls the looks anymore. If anything, you’re kind of dustry caught up with Todd Stittle-
of bewilderment he often received viewed as an outlier for not consid- burg’s revolutionary ideas.
when he explained his “nutritional ering things like food plots and prop-
products” for wild animals. er nutrition for your animals.” Today, Antler King is as strong as
it’s ever been. The company has an
“The hunting industry has really As one of the original compan- enduring and trusted legacy, and
come a long way over the years, since ies in the category, Antler King has it also has the team, resources and
I first started,” Todd Stittleburg said. mentality required to further build
“For my first few years in business, upon and maintain this excellent
sometimes people would sort of give reputation.
A New Partnership ist,” Stittleburg said. “I saw the clear
difference it made when we fed ani-
Like many companies in the indus- mals correctly. I could see how dairy
try that have endured for many cattle, for example, were able to pro-
decades, Antler King began from duce more milk and just be general-
ly healthier once they had the prop-
humble beginnings. Todd Stittle- er diet. I had done a fair amount of
burg grew up on a Wisconsin dairy elk and deer hunting growing up, so
it just clicked with me that deer and
farm, where he fell in love with the elk must have a very significant nu-
family traditions of hunting tritional demand on them at different
and fishing at an early age. times of the year. They’re shedding
Stittleburg’s love for hunt- their antlers every year, just constant-
ing and animals would ul- ly dealing with nutritional stress, so
timately shape and define I started looking into the research
his career path. that had been done on deer and elk
“I ended up working nutrition, and I used some of that
for a large feed company
as an animal nutrition-
information to develop my very first product,
Trophy Deer Mineral, which is actually still in
the lineup today. I kept my day job as an animal
nutritionist, but I started spending my nights
and weekends filling up 20-pound bags of min-
eral by hand and driving them to sporting goods
stores and feed mills to try selling my product.”
After years of dedication and hard work, Ant-
ler King’s message became more well received.
Mineral supplements and food plots turned into
common and important tools for hunters, and
this put Antler King in a prime position for even
more development and growth. In order to fully
capitalize on the current demand of the mar-
ket, though, Stittleburg made the decision to
join forces with another major manufacturer,
Kalmbach Feeds.
Kalmbach Feeds is a family-owned company
that was founded back in 1963, and the connec-
tion between Kalmbach Feeds and Antler King
was made through a peculiar coincidence.
“Around June of 2018, there was a fellow I went
to church with who developed a brain tumor
and passed away in about two months, and that
event hit me really hard,” Stittleburg said. “He
was around the same age as me, and it just put
things into perspective. I told my wife, Kathy,
that the next time someone inquired about
buying Antler King, I would actually establish
a dialogue and see if it made sense. That very
next morning, I received a call from a friend in
the industry, and he wanted to put me in touch
with the Kalmbach family.
“My friend said they would be a perfect fit
for Antler King, so I agreed to meet them,” Stit-
tleburg continued. “Shortly after, my wife and
I went out and visited the Kalmbach family
and toured their facilities, and we were just
immediately impressed. Everything was state
of the art and clean enough to eat off of, and
I quickly understood that they did business the
way I did business, with the exact same men-
tality that had guided me for over 30 years. They
were extremely committed to quality products
and their customers’ satisfaction, and I could
just tell it would be the perfect fit. They also told
me up front that they had no interest in flipping
the company. They said they wanted to grow it
and keep it in the Kalmbach family, and that was very im- Todd Stittleburg, founder of Antler King, has been a passionate hunter
portant to me. I had to pass my company to someone who since his youth. His love for hunting eventually inspired him create Antler
would truly grow it and nurture it.” King and help revolutionize the industry by focusing on the health and
nutrition of wild animals. Today, Todd is still an avid hunter, but he also
Antler King was acquired by Kalmbach Feeds in January of deeply enjoys the whole process of growing large bucks on his property
2019, but Todd Stittleburg remains on board as a key part of and tracking their progress through shed hunting and trail-cam recon.
the team. Much like Antler King, Kalmbach Feeds is a down-
to-earth family business with an enduring and well-respect- 33
ed reputation.
“I was basically born and raised in this business,” said Paul
Kalmbach Jr., president of Kalmbach Feeds. “I started work-
ing in the plant when I was 9 or 10 years old, and I remember
mixing feed on Christmas Day because we had to get ani-
mals fed. My grandfather founded the company in 1963, and
we have grown the business a lot over the last 60 years. We
have the fastest-growing equine brand in the country, for in-
stance, and we actually fed five of the horses that competed
in the last Kentucky Derby. We have a lot of lines of feed for
other ‘companion animals’ and livestock, like poultry, swine
and cattle—pretty much everything but cats and dogs—but
we were really interested in expanding our presence in the
hunting market, and doing it in the right way. We wanted
to partner with a company that had the same core values
and beliefs as us, and Todd was looking for the right type of
partner to trust his baby with, a company he has personally
guided and grown for over 30 years. We had a lot to offer
Antler King in terms of capital, research and manufacturing,
and we both ultimately wanted the same thing for Antler
King. We also really wanted Todd to stay involved. He has
a lot of deep expertise in this industry, so we made sure he
was a key partner and remained on staff.”
For Paul Kalmbach Jr., Todd Stittleburg’s role and repu-
tation is a part of Antler King’s history that cannot be
“Todd is a humble guy, so he would never admit it, but I
believe he is one of the most influential innovators in the
industry, especially when it comes to deer management and
growing bigger bucks,” Paul Kalmbach Jr. said. “The value
Todd brought with him is one of the key benefits that came
from our partnership with Antler King. He is recognized as
one of the original experts in the field, and he worked his
absolute tail off over the years to get people to understand
what he was doing with his products. He spent thousands
of hours on the road, selling mineral supplements, going to
trade shows, helping people manage their farms and build-
ing his reputation among retailers and consumers. He was
a key source of education that helped lay the framework for
the future of deer management and the incredible advance-
ments that we take for granted today.”
Advanced Manufacturing
& Research Capabilities
The union of Antler King and Kalm-
bach Feeds provided a lot of benefits
for both parties. Kalmbach Feeds has
been able to explore and innovate in
a new product category, and Antler
King has been able to take advantage
of the robust manufacturing and re-
search capabilities that the Kalmbach
family has developed over the years.
“I believe we have some of the most
technologically advanced manufac-
turing facilities in the industry,” Paul
Kalmbach Jr. said. “We have seven
facilities in total, and they allow us
to manufacture all of our products in
house. We even have our own mo-
lasses plant, for instance, for all our
molasses-based products. So we have
deep manufacturing expertise, but
we also have research facilities and
a team of researchers with over 40
degrees in animal nutrition between
them, including eight PhDs.
Companies don’t last as long as Antler King has without a
stellar team of experts behind the scenes. Included in that
team are (clockwise from the top): Marv Ries, director of sales
(left) and Clayton Baughman, brand and operations manager;
Robie Pruitt, AK product specialist; Donnie Myers, block
manufacturing (right); and Kendra Wolf, AK customer service.
Their job is to stay on the cutting edge the past few years, Todd Stittleburg the way they ought to be treated.
of ruminant nutrition, while also ex- sees that his company philosophy “To make sure my products worked,
ploring other things like the attract- is still alive and well under Antler
iveness of different formulas and King’s new management. I always tried to stay on the cutting
scents. On top of that, we were al- edge of technology,” Stittleburg con-
ready very comfortable with distribu- “My primary goal was always to tinued. “It’s even more important to-
tion to a variety of retail businesses. offer quality products that work at a day, with companies moving at the
All of these factors have really been fair price,” Stittleburg said. “I think speed of light. The Kalmbach team is
able to streamline and grow Antler if you asked my long-time custom- also deeply committed to research and
King, but it’s important to note that ers what Antler King was all about, development, and that’s one of the big-
Antler King already had a great distri- that’s what they would say, and this gest benefits they brought to the table.
bution channel. Todd had developed approach is really what contribut- If they discover a technology that
a really strong relationship with a lot ed to the longevity of Antler King. I works for dairy cattle, for example,
of retailers and consumers over the don’t think this company could have then perhaps there’s a way we can use
years, so it has truly been a win-win stayed in business and been suc- that same technology to benefit deer. I
situation for both companies. We cessful for 35 years if we weren’t of- never wanted to make a product that
have been able to increase our lineup didn’t ultimately benefit deer. There
of products, and Antler King has been fering quality products are some attractants out there that
able to enjoy wider distribution that’s that people wanted, aren’t very healthy for deer, but that
more efficient and economical—all and treating our might not stop them from eating it.
while our team of scientists helps customers I always want to have something in
Todd develop the next generation there that will benefit them nutrition-
of Antler King’s products.” ally, and the Kalmbach team is also
very committed to that mentality.”
After working with
t h e Kalmbach team over The Kalmbach family certainly
sees eye-to-eye with Stittleburg and
is dedicated to providing Antler
King with a very well-rounded foun-
dation of research and development.
“There are certain things we can
learn from our work with other ani-
mals, but deer are still a different
species with different genetics and
needs,” Paul Kalmbach Jr. said. “We
have multiple research sites across
the country in eight different states,
and we use those to thoroughly test
new prototypes and ideas on wild
deer. We are very closely monitoring
these populations to figure out what
does work and what doesn’t work.
It’s extremely important that we con-
tinue Todd’s philosophy of creating
products that work at a good value.
When consumers purchase an Ant-
ler King product, they can always be
confident that it has been thoroughly
tested and produced in a high-qual-
ity manufacturing facility for con-
sistency and quality. We consider that
the Antler King promise, and that is a
promise we intend to always keep.”
Two recent innovations of this ex-
tensive research and development
are “Amp” and “Nutraction.”
“Amp is a new technology that was
developed for deer by our nutrition-
ists,” Paul Kalmbach Jr. explained.
“It basically improves
overall gut health and
helps the animal di-
gest nutrients more efficiently. This attractive, and that’s what Nutrac-
is really important because it allows tion is all about.”
deer to truly utilize all the vitamins
and minerals we are providing them Stewards of the Industry
with. By improving their gut health,
we are improving their nutrition- At its core, the leadership team of
al intake, and that in turn will help Antler King is deeply committed to
them put on more weight. It will im- the hunting industry. A love for hunt-
prove their bone density, antler de- ing was crucial to fueling the original
velopment and coat quality. We can inspiration behind Antler King, and a
do a lot for an animal by improving deep love for hunting still remains as
their overall gut health, so we use a powerful source of guidance.
Amp in a lot of our products.”
“We have a lot of passionate hunt-
“Nutraction, on the other hand, is ers on our team who care deeply about
essentially a combination of nutri- the sustainability of the hunting in-
tion and attraction,” Todd Stittleburg dustry,” Paul Kalmbach Jr. said. “Go-
followed. “It’s the basic idea that a ing forward, one of our major focus-
pound of quality feed doesn’t provide es will always be to help inspire and
any benefit whatsoever if the ani- educate the next generation of arch-
mal refuses to eat it. We need them ers and hunters. It’s a great hobby. It’s
to love eating it and want to eat great for whole families, and we want
more because if we get them to eat 3 to be part of the solution that helps
pounds of a product instead of just 2 grow hunting and helps families
pounds, then they are going to bene- have a wonderful experience while
fit more from it. Our ‘Cotton Candy’ they’re hunting. We know that Antler
product is a great example of how King has a very well-respected repu-
we keep Nutraction in our thought tation, but we are going to continue to
process when developing new ideas. earn that reputation by staying true
It makes use of cottonseed, along to what Todd created. I want hunt-
with some other ingredients, and ers to have confidence—confidence
in the brand and that these products
deer absolutely love it. It will work, but also confidence that we
is both nutritious and are doing what’s best for the industry
and the actual wildlife.” IA
BY PATRICK MEITIN parts necessary for a successful hunt and
recovery. Each system comes with one
I f you bowhunt long enough, you will nating waste and gnawing radio-frequency transmitter with bright
eventually hit a coveted trophy hard anxiety, most don’t mind green light for high visibility in low light
and dense brush. The three-barb hook
but find yourself unable to recover it for what- a little assistance. Besides, is made from ultra-stout steel, and the
there are no rules against system has 18 to 20 hours of battery life
before it needs to be recharged. Two
ever reason, be it ill-timed rain, a dreaded string enjoying an old-fashioned tracking job, 7075 aluminum carriers are included.
The handheld radio-frequency tracking
jump or hits that appear perfect but don’t bring allowing technology to act as backup Receiver includes a backlit LED screen
and can keep track of six transmitters
your animal down immediately. when all other options are completely simultaneously, while also revealing if
exhausted. The Pro-Tracker Recovery your animal is moving or stationary.
Kits also include a YAGI Antenna, a prac-
Wounding any animal makes you sick System nearly guarantees the recovery tice dummy Transmitter for sight-in
with worry and disgusted, and you will of every fatally-hit animal. and shooting practice, dual-trans-
mitter charger, a USB charging
wear yourself to a nub, hoping against The Pro-Tracker Recovery System cable, USB-to-wall plug and
carrying case to pro-
hope for recovery. is comprised of two main elements: a tect your investment.
Thirty spare carrier retainer
There will always be bowhunters three-barbed steel hook transmitter clips (Compound System) or 30
who abhor all things technological, but and carrier that screw onto the front secure bands (Crossbow System)
are provided. Crossbow securing tape is
when it comes to game recovery, elimi- of your arrow, and a handheld radio- added to the Crossbow System kit.
frequency tracking receiver. The Pro-Tracker System includes a 30-
day money-back guarantee, but what
Hunting with the Recovery System impresses me most is 100 percent of re-
views left on Pro-Tracker Archery’s web-
is simple: With the radio-frequency site have garnered five out of five stars.
transmitter and its accompanying car- Perhaps the only downside is the
$549.99 to $599.99 asking price, but in the
rier properly installed, you’ll shoot your big picture, that is a reasonable outlay
for the peace of mind that comes with
animal as you normally would; the knowing you’re ensuring 100 percent re-
covery of fatally-hit animals. Visit pro-
flight of the arrow is not al- tracker.com to see what it’s all about! IA
tered or changed with the ar-
row’s new setup. Once
the arrow hits the ani-
mal, the barbed transmit-
ter deploys from the arrow to
hook and remain in the animal’s
hide. The handheld radio receiver im-
mediately picks up radio signals, up to 2
miles away, to direct you to your trophy.
Pro-Tracker Recovery Systems are
offered for both compound bows and
crossbows, each system including all
WebXtra ■ For more information on
the Pro-Tracker Recovery Sytem, please
go to insidearchery.com/Pro-Tracker.
Competition archers and hunters alike are T.R.U. Ball
entering summer mode, which is when Centerline
many stock up on new gear, or re-
place old pieces no longer in use. T.R.U. Ball
Releases and stabilizers are among the Executive
many archery accessories that serious ar-
chers look to update nearly annually. Trophy Ridge
Draw Point
These are product categories that have
quickly gained popularity in recent years. More Trophy Ridge
bowhunters and target archers than not now Precise
employ a release aid, making them big sellers.
And while stabilizers were once considered op- Cobra Harvester
tional, more archers each year consider them Cobra
must-have gear, adding balance to a fully
loaded bow outfit, but also sucking unwanted Professional
vibrations from the riser to make any bow qui- .30-06 Outdoors
eter. Check out this lengthy list of viable op- Blackhorse Compact
tions available this year.
Rockin’ Release Aids Archery
Archers want a safe, smooth draw, comfort-
able hold and clean break of the trigger. You
can’t have that without a quality release. Fortu-
nately, for 2022 there is a complete list of new
offerings and proven sellers that are sure to
grab customer attention.
T.R.U. Ball Archery ■ The Centerline by T.R.U. Ball
Archery is a wrist-strap style release that is
new for 2022. It features a unique connection
system that promotes a straight-line pull, ef-
fectively reducing torque. It also has the new
Tri-Star Hook System that resets after each
shot. It comes equipped with hardened stain-
less steel internal sears and separate travel
and sensitivity screws for more adjustment
control. Another benefit is its thin profile,
which aids in a more natural finger-to-trigger
feel. Knurled thumb and forefinger tabs allow
for a more positive draw cycle feel. It is even
easy to tuck the release into a sleeve to help
reduce noise in the field. The Centerline comes
standard with the Globo-Swivel strap and re-
tails for $129.99.
T.R.U. Ball’s Executive offers another great
option for 2022. This all-new, patent-pending
hinge-style release is built for improved ad-
justability and also allows users to make
head length adjustments. Once shooters find
a desired length, it can be secured with a lock
screw. The Executive also features a micro-ad-
justable double sear mechanism that provides
improved adjustability for click length, click
speed or no click at all. It comes standard with
an anodized red aluminum head, Quicksilver
corrosion-resistant coating and brass body for
increased weight. Its listed MSRP is $299.99.
Learn more at truball.com.
Trophy Ridge ■ The Draw Point by Trophy Ridge Carter EZ of these features include a lock-back trig-
TruFire ger, snappy jaw release, reduced torque and
is a D-loop style hook release. Its adjustable Exert padded leather wrist strap with buckle. It
wrist strap ensures shooters have ultimate provides a remarkably smooth release for a
control and comfort during the shot. It in- TRUGLO release aid that retails for just $39.95. Learn
cludes a 360-degree rotating shaft that locks Ready Shot more at 30-06outdoors.com.
in place, or allows folding it out of the way if AXCEL Abyss
necessary. Users can also adjust it for their X-Tension Flex Scott Archery ■ Scott Archery recently intro-
preferred length of pull. Paired with a leather
wrist strap, it’s very comfortable and secure. Hot Shot duced the Verge, which is a new hybrid re-
It comes in black, and retails for $79.99. Vapor II lease that functions as a back-tension style
Spot Hogg release built around a versatile index finger
Trophy Ridge’s Precise offers another solid Tuff Guy design. Overall, the design provides increased
option providing improved comfort and the STAN shooting comfort. While this release is new
ability to customize fit. The Precise four-finger Onnex for 2022, nearly two years of research, design
design makes the draw process effortless and and testing were invested into this model.
can even make holding at full draw more com- B3Archery Exit Mini The result was a custom feel. Its two-finger
fortable. Furthermore, the caliper-style head trigger design allows archers to execute the
rotates 360 degrees, effectively decreasing shot with numerous finger placement op-
torque on the D loop and bowstring. It comes tions. Plus, the single-sear mechanism has
in black and includes a wrist strap. MSRP is adjustable travel settings and offers the
$79.99. Learn more at trophyridge.com. ability to add a pre-shot click. The slim auto
return, open-hook design also features a
Cobra Archery ■ The Professional by Cobra Ar- pivoting swivel connector to reduce torque.
MSRP is listed at $149.99. Learn more at
chery is crafted from 100 percent stainless scottarchery.com.
steel, which offers the desired durability and
weight many target archers prefer. Its pat- Carter Enterprises ■ The new Carter EZ is in-
ented roller-sear trigger system is incredibly
smooth, as the extra wide roller helps dis- spired by the NV model and has much the
perse hook pressure, effectively producing an same feel. Its Controlled Engagement Sys-
effortless shot sequence. The release includes tem eliminates the need for a travel adjust-
a spring-loaded hook and head that makes ment, without felt movement in the trigger.
it easier to connect and pull into anchor. For However, it still retains the ability to adjust
those familiar with the aluminum-bodied trigger tension. It also sports an open, self-
Harvester thumb release, this release’s grip is closing jaw and lanyard system, making it
a very close match. It comes in a three-finger
style and retails for $184.99. one of the most hunter-friendly options
in its class. Archers who want a smaller
The Harvester by Cobra is another popular version of the EZ should consider the EZs.
choice. It includes a patented Unified Trig- Learn more at carterenterprises.com.
ger System, one set screw controlling trig-
ger length, angle and rotation, and creating TruFire ■ The TruFire Exert was purpose-
a crisp break when it’s time to cut the shot.
Trigger weight and sensitivity are adjustable. built to help increase accuracy while pro-
It has a natural grip design for consistent viding a crisp and clean feel. The dual-sear
form, as well as the narrow gap between the trigger system leverages top-end technol-
index and middle finger for increased com-
fort during the shot process. Parts are crafted ogy commonly found in the high-end re-
with 100 percent tight-tolerance CNC-ma- leases used by competitive target archers,
chined components, including 6061-T6 and but it is incorporated in a manner that
7075-T6 aluminum and 302 and 416 stainless works well for competition and bowhunt-
steel. It features a full-capture hook design, ing alike. It includes a crisp trigger with
roller sear, removable third finger and fourth micro-adjustable tension and travel, and
finger options, and a wrist strap. It includes the open-hook design allows for quick,
a lifetime warranty. MSRP is $209.99. Learn no-look D-loop hookup. The fold-back de-
more at cobraarchery.com. sign makes it easy to keep on the wrist but
also out of the way when not in use. This
.30-06Outdoors■ The Blackhorse Compact Bow release comes with brass construction,
standard trigger, knurled peg and matte-
Release by .30-06 Outdoors is a featherweight black finish. MSRP is $179.99. Learn more at
design that provides top-end features. Some feradyne.com/trufire/.
TRUGLO ■ The new TRUGLO Ready Shot is a le or BOA wrist straps holding the rigid mi- It is an open-hook design that allows for
cro adjust bar. MSRP is $129.99. Learn more consistent lateral nock travel. Other high-
handheld design built around a selective, at spot-hogg.com. lights include a crisp trigger, easy connec-
no-torque rotating head. It features low- tivity and multiple available sizes. It can be
friction, CNC-machined jaws, patented Stanislawski Archery Products (STAN) ■ The On- shot as a two-, three-, or four-finger release
adjustable jaw gap and multi-position with one button head screw adjustment.
thumb-knob activation. This system also nex by STAN is designed with legacy fea- The purchase also includes two barrel post
allows ambidextrous use, adjustable trigger tures that serious archers have learned to lengths and sizes. MSRP is $279.99. Learn
tension and sensitivity. It comes with an rely on. It also includes versatility, offer- more at ishootstan.com.
adjustable lanyard and is offered in three- ing three different handle types, includ-
and four-finger configurations retailing for ing thumb button, back tension and resis- B3 Archery ■ The Exit Mini by B3 Archery is
$64.99 each. Learn more at truglo.com. tance—all while maintaining any shooter’s
preferred anchor point and peep height. built for small handed archers, thanks to
AXCEL Archery ■ The Abyss X-Tension Flex by
AXCEL Archery is part of the Jesse Broad-
water Signature Series and is said to be a
pull-through release that draws a bow like
no other handheld trigger releases. It also
has a safe-lever let down option, should a
shooter choose to let down without taking
the shot. Thanks to the two-in-one system,
shooters can choose thumb trigger or pull-
through tension options. It is activated by
a simple clockwise or counterclockwise
adjustment of a single screw, and the Tri-
Star Hook System makes loading quicker
and easier. Other features include 16-de-
gree adjustments for string pressure and
improved shot repeatability. Learn more at
Hot Shot Manufacturing ■ The Vapor II by Hot
Shot is another great option for 2022. It
builds on the Vapor platform by adding
even more features, specifically a newer,
more ergonomic handle, which encour-
ages a great feel and reduced hand fatigue.
It also includes a crisp adjustable trigger,
while offering quiet operation and overall
simplicity. It sports an auto-close hook with
no cocking mechanism and a cat’s-eye hook
design that facilitates a torque-free release.
It comes in two styles, including the black
four-finger and the black three-finger. MSRP
starts at $135.95, price dependent on chosen
style. Learn more at hotshotmfg.com.
Spot Hogg ■ A proven top-seller, the Tuff Guy
by Spot Hogg is a high-quality caliper-jaw/
wrist-strap design archers have learned to
rely on. It features wide-ranging micro ad-
justability allowing shooters to find a pre-
ferred tension from light to heavy while
seeking a preferred sweet spot offering a
clean cut-away. It also features excellent
durability, zero trigger creep or travel, a
fold-back design that allows tucking it out
of the way as needed, and a choice of buck-
Sights & Rests Stokerized Micro Carbon M1 SS other excellent hunting option
HHA SportsTetra LRZ Adjustable for 2022 that offers something
its mini three-finger handle. It just a little different. It is a
also features a patented lock- Pine RidgeArchery Nitro Hunter quality-built stabilizer that
and-load release design with a AXCELAntler Ridge provides exceptional dampening
hand-polished, hardened steel Viper X-Strike qualities, while also introducing bow
hook that includes internal sears X-Factor Xtreme Side Bar Mount balance and minimizing harmful vi-
that are machined from high-grade bration through the company’s Saw-
stainless steel. It includes a fully radi- CBETorx Micro tooth vibration dampening technology.
used aluminum handle for added com- Redline Backbar This model comes in 5 ½- and 7 ½-inch
fort. With its modern design, shooters lengths. The former includes an MSRP of
no longer need to push a cocking button to Redline RL-1 $31.35, the latter $33.99. Learn more at
attach the hook to the string. That said, pineridgearchery.com.
it does include a screw inside the thumb .30-06 Outdoors Evo 8-inch
barrel to help adjust for attitude. The Exit Trophy Ridge ShockTop AXCEL Archery ■ The Antler Ridge
Mini comes anodized in black or violet,
both with a polished stainless-steel series by AXCEL is another great
hook. MSRP is $139.99. Learn stabilizer option for 2022. They
more at b3archery.com. feature Kryptos ARC vibration
dampeners designed for the ut-
Snazzy Stabilizers most vibration dampening possible,
which are made possible by its strong
No archery setup is complete without proprietary rubber material that sup-
an effective stabilizer that shooters ports up to 10 ounces of weight. Its
can trust and rely on. Fortunately, the interwoven natural flax fibers also
industry is full of top-shelf products boost vibration reduction and overall
that competition archers, recreational durability. This stabilizer is available
archers and hunters can believe in. in black, coyote tan and olive drab
green and in 6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-inch
Stokerized ■ The Micro Carbon M1 SS options. Learn more at truball.com.
One by Stokerized is an excellent op- Viper Archery Products ■ X-Strike
tion for any archer. With a .563-
inch outside diameter, these are Stabilizers by Viper Archery rep-
excellent small-diameter hunt- resent excellent choices for 2022.
ing or 3D stabilizers. They come These lightweight but stiff carbon rod
in two lengths, including 11 ½ and designs come with two 1-ounce steel end
14 ½ inches. The stabilizers include stain- weights and a matte finish. They are
less steel weights and rubber DSD dampen- available in 8-, 10-, 12-, 14-, 18-, 20-, 24-,
ers. They are made in the U.S.A., available 28-, 30-, 33- and 36-inch lengths. MSRP
in black and retail for $249.99. Learn more
at stokerized.com. starts at $69.99. Learn more at
HHA Sports ■ HHA Sport’s Tetra
X-Factor Outdoor Products ■ The pat-
LRZ Adjustable Stabilizer is an-
other solid option for the year. ent pending roller ball technology
This is a design offering convenient featured in the Xtreme Side Bar Mount by
adjustability, which allows creating the
perfect balance for specific bow rigs. X-Factor is a solid design archers will
The Tetra LRZ Adjustable Stabilizer take notice of. Its revolutionary single-
provides the ability to fine-tune length adjust, 365-degree sidebar mount was
and balance to perfect any bow or acces- introduced in 2020, but continues to sell
sory combination. It even features internal
and external dampening and gives the briskly. No teeth are needed to lock it
shooter the ability to change the in place, so it is truly micro-tunable.
overall length between 6 and 10 Furthermore, a locking set screw
inches. This one rings up at $219.99 locks the bar in place, ensuring it stays
retail. Learn more at hhasports.com. where shooters want it. This prod-
Pine Ridge Archery ■ The Nitro Hunter sta- uct is offered in 6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-inch
lengths, and finished in various solid
bilizer by Pine Ridge Archery is yet an- or camo color schemes. Learn more
at xfactoroutdoors.com.
Custom Bow Equipment (CBE) ■ The Torx Micro bilizer is built tank tough but designed to stabilizer uses a complex fiber and large-di-
squelch bow vibrations and shot noise. This ameter base to improve the aiming experi-
by CBE is a well-crafted stabilizer that is 8-inch carbon fiber model proves excellent ence while dampening post-shot vibration.
new for 2022. This product has incred- at improving bow balance and increasing It also has advanced integrated vibration
ible balance and stability while combin- accuracy, its high-modulus carbon fiber damping geometry for shock management.
ing vibration-reducing technology in a bar making it tough as nails. Two remov- For competitors seeking compactness, the
slim, lightweight design. The Torx Carbon able weights aid in establishing a preferred Contour is compatible with ¼-inch-by-20
Micro is available in a stand-alone stabi- balance, and a wrist strap and mounting weight systems or 5∕15-inch-by-24 flat vari-
lizer offered in 8-, 10- and 15-inch lengths, bar are included. It comes in black and in- weights. Rods come in 10-, 12-, 15-, 24-,
but it also features a tapered fit to ensure cludes an MSRP of $69.99. Learn more at 27-, 30- or 33-inch lengths. Learn more at
the stabilizer doesn’t move once set. The beararchery.com. eastonarchery.com.
high modulus micro carbon rod features
seamless integration of the dampers and EastonArchery■ The Easton Contour is built to Mathews Archery ■ The Flatline stabilizer by
2-ounce stainless-steel weight. The inte-
grated front and back bar quick disconnect handle challenging shooting conditions. The Mathews features new proprietary damp-
allows for easy disassembly for travel and Windcutter 360 is reverse designed especial- ening technology via an EHS Nano con-
storage purposes. MSRP starts at $89.99. ly for harsh wind conditions. Overall, this figuration for added vibration dampening
Learn more at custombowequipment.com.
Redline Bowhunting ■ The RL-1 by Redline is a
highly engineered stabilizer designed for
serious bowhunting. It offers great adjust-
ability in an affordable package, features
three customizable weights in a sleek,
lightweight design and includes a front-
end RL rubber dampening system that ef-
fectively reduces bow noise and vibration.
The RL-1 is also super rugged thanks to the
high-grade woven carbon tube and qual-
ity hardware. It comes in a 10-inch length,
with an MSRP of $69.99.
Archers seeking a high-quality backbar
will love Redline’s new offering. It increas-
es balance and stability by allowing the
addition of rear-situated mass. It is crafted
from machined aluminum with a hard
anodized black finish. It also features a no-
slip design and laser-engraved markings
for precise and repeatable settings. It even
sports dual front face mounting holes and
fits any stabilizer. It retails for just $45.99.
Learn more at redlinebowhunting.com.
.30-06 Outdoors ■ The Evo 8-Inch by .30-06
Outdoors is based on a machined alu-
minum body. It features a forward end
weight, dynamic blade design with con-
toured cut outs and a three-piece damp-
ening system. Overall, the design is built
to last and withstand rough field treat-
ment. This top-selling stabilizer rings up
at $48.95 retail. Look for them with black,
carbon fiber, Dirt Road camo, Muddy Girl
camo or Snow camo finishes. Learn more
at 30-06outdoors.com.
TrophyRidge■ A trusted name in the archery
industry, Trophy Ridge’s Shock Top sta-
Sights & Rests Easton Contour which helps boost
Mathews Flatline balance. Overall
and enhanced full-draw weight is 7.5 ounces. This stabilizer comes
stabilization. The EHS TRUGLO Deadenator in black or Realtree camo. MSRP ranges
Nano is paired with a high from $39.99 to $64.99. Learn more at
modulus carbon fiber rod and precision- Axion Envy Pro Hybrid newarchery.com.
machined end cap weights that ensure Apex Gear End Game
increased rigidity. The Flatline comes PSE Archery Black Mountain ■ The Recon
in 6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-inch lengths and in NAP Apache
eight solid and camouflage finish options. PSE Black Mountain Recon 10-inch stabilizer by PSE’s Black Moun-
Learn more at mathewsinc.com. Doinker Carbon Field with EXO Doinker tain is another excellent hunting option. It
AAE Mountain Series comes in black, Mossy Oak Country, Kuiu
TRUGLO ■ The TRUGLO Deadenator is a com- Dead Center Dead Silent Verde and TrueTimber. It is also offered
Hunting Series Carbon XS in a 6-inch length that weighs 5.1 ounces.
pact hunting stabilizer that effectively re- Limbsaver LS Hunter Micro Both have solid designs that will serve ar-
duces vibration and shot noise through chers well for many seasons. MSRPs vary
molded rubber construction. Its rubber by length and finish options. Learn more at
dampening fins increase surface area to pse-archery.com.
improve efficiency while also allowing a
more compact design. It includes a shorter, Doinker ■ Doinker recently introduced its
more compact option with a soft outer coat-
ing for sound dampening and is engineered new Carbon Field Stabilizer, combining a
specifically for hunting bows. It weighs just strong carbon body with a new modular
.35 pounds and comes in a variety of col- EXO Doinker. This produces better tune
ors and camo patterns. MSRP is just $20.99.
Learn more at truglo.com. configuration, maximum stability and
decreased vibrations and noise. It has
AxionArchery ■ The new Envy Pro Hybrid by a smaller .475-inch diameter carbon body,
which is less affected by wind. However, it
Axion Archery is a solid stabilizer ideal for is stronger and stiffer than ever and works
archers who prefer to keep things compact well with the newly designed EXO Doinker.
and unobtrusive. It is made from CNC-ma- This U.S.A.-made stabilizer is offered in 12-,
chined aluminum and has one full damper 10-, and 8-inch lengths. The 12-inch weighs
and two flat dampers. MSRP is $88.99. Learn 10.9 ounces. The 10-inch weighs 10.4 ounces,
more at axionarchery.com. and the 8-inch weighs 10 ounces. MSRP is
$139.99. Learn more at doinker.com.
Apex Gear ■ The End Game by Apex Gear
Arizona Archery Enterprises (AAE) ■ The
features high-quality materials that
push any bow’s center of gravity fur- Mountain Series by AAE is designed
ther forward to maximize balance and for bowhunters. It is a micro-diameter
optimize in-hand feel. The carbon-fiber
tube is capped with an adjustable stabilizer, which helps reduce wind
end weight system, which allows buffeting at full draw while also
for increased tunability. This stabi- maintaining stiffness. It includes
lizer is available in a 6-inch length,
which weighs 5 to 7 ounces, or 8 inches, an internal vibration dampening
which weighs 6 to 8 ounces. material that helps reduce over-
Provided rubber dampening all vibration and shot noise. It
rings come in seven different comes in a variety of lengths,
colors. MSRP is $49.99 to $54.99. Learn more including 8, 10, 12, and 15 inch-
at apex-gear.com. es, and additional weights are
New Archery Products (NAP) ■ The sold separately. MSRP is $100.99. Learn
more at arizonaarchery.com.
Apache by NAP is built to offer
rugged and dependable construction. Dead CenterArchery Products ■ The Dead
It also features proprietary dampening ma-
terials that help snuff out vibration and Silent Hunting Series Carbon XS by
silence any bow. The stabilizer comes Dead Center Archery is new for 2022, and it
with a 5-inch base, but the 8-inch op-
tion comes with a removable 3-inch features 0.5-inch micro diameter carbon
long, 2-ounce carbon fiber accessory bar, tubing and micro diameter machined
aluminum. As a result, it is the company’s
46 lightest stabilizer series. These stabilizers
come equipped with two 1-ounce weights,
stabilizer silencers and dual O Bee Stinger MicroHex $249.99 to $284.99. Learn
rings, which culminate in a Xtreme System more at beestinger.com.
silent shooting experience. Stabilizer Kit
They are available in 6-, 8- BowJax ■ Bowjax, one of the biggest names
and 10-inch lengths, as well as a variety of BowJax X-It
finishes to help match any bow setup. They End Protector in bow dampening/silencing, brings
are made entirely in the U.S.A. and include shooters the X-It End Protector, crafted
MSRPs from $74.99 to $84.99. Learn more at Tactacam to be added to an existing stabilizer in-
deadcenterarcheryproducts.com. Stabilizer Mount cluding an end cap holding standard 5∕16-
inch thread taps for added vibration and
Limbsaver ■ A company that’s been in the System Stabilizer Kit. Made for bowhunt-
ers, it uses a competition archery approach noise reduction. The super-rubber X-It End
sound-dampening game for decades, Limb- in a format designed for the field. The kit Protector measures 2-by-2-by-¾ inches and
saver’s LS Hunter Micro Bow Stabilizer is includes a longer front MicroHex stabilizer, is offered in BowJax’s wide assortment of
one of its best-selling options. This model a shorter MicroHex back stabilizer and an subtle to bright colors. MSRP is just $6.78.
is proven reliable. It weighs 5.6 ounces and Elite side arm to maximize bow balance Learn more at bowjax.com.
is 8 inches long, but also comes in a 9-inch and vibration control. Additional features
offering. The weight-forward design helps include proprietary Countervail-covered, Tactacam ■ The Tactacam Stabilizer Mount
improve overall bow balance and full-draw micro-diameter carbon fiber tubes that
stability. Crafted from rigid carbon fiber, minimize wind interference. It is light is great for customers who want a hybrid
this stabilizer is ultra durable and does weight with balance adjustment and two- option that stabilizes their bow while also
what stabilizers ought to do, which is to piece end caps for extreme durability. Three recording their hunt. The milled-alumi-
balance the bow and reduce vibration and models of the MicroHex Xtreme System Sta- num stabilizer housing safely secures Tac-
shot noise substantially. MSRP is $99.99. bilizer Kit are available. MSRP ranges from tacam’s advanced POV camera but weighs
Learn more at limbsaver.com. only 4.4 ounces. To record the hunt, simply
hit the start button to activate the camera.
Bee Stinger ■ Bee Stinger recently unveiled The black Stabilizer Mount is compatible
with 5.0, 5.0 Wide, 4.0 and Solo Tactacam
its latest offering, the MicroHex Xtreme models. MSRP is $49.99. Learn more at
tactacam.com. IA
Vantage Point Archery (VPA)
Single Bevel 2 Blade Broadheads
T he first time I bowhunted African Cape make a natural choice for my traditional and penetration. Just
buffalo I epoxied 100-grain steel adap- recurve arrows, though they are certainly as importantly, en-
countered bone is more easily split
tors into one-piece-welded traditional heads. compatible with any modern compound through the twisting dynamic, and
spiral wound channels create more
used for standard American game. massive hemorrhaging.
I mention Cape buffalo and tradi-
VPA broadheads—50 different mod- tional bows because the new Single
Bevel 2 Blade series are heavyweight
They got the job done, but when the els, including 2- and 3-blade designs— heads weighing 150, 200, 250 and 300
grains, in right-bevel CTS or PTS or
arrow was pulled from the opposing are each precision machined from a left-bevel PTS. All include a 1 1/8-inch
cutting diameter. These weights load
shoulder where it had lodged, insert single chunk of carbon tool steel (CTS) the front end of the arrow, creating
ultra-high F.O.C. (Front Of Center) mass
and broadhead parted ways. or premium grade S7 tool steel (PTS, fea- which literally drags trailing arrows
through wound channels for deeper
The second time I pursued mbogo turing a corrosion resistant OD Green penetration. This is important when
tackling massive dangerous game—Af-
heavy modular cut-on-contact heads Duracoat finish). They are heat treated rican Cape or Australian water buffalo,
had arrived. The biggest buff I’ve ever to 58 Rockwell hardness, creating a or even African elephant—or any big
game with comparatively inefficient
seen was lost when the broadhead’s tip broadhead without seams or potential gear (traditional or compound) deliver-
ing low kinetic energy.
curled and the ferrule failed after en- weak spots. The ferrule extends all the
VPA has made quick inroads into the
countering bone. way into the bone-splitting tip to pre- premium broadhead market by manu-
facturing broadheads offering excep-
If I were to travel to Africa tomorrow vent curling or breakage, and the blades tional strength, unsurpassed quality, top
performance and backed by unparal-
to tackle Black Death, Vantage Point Ar- of the 150-grain examples I handled in- leled customer service. VPA broadheads
are also “Proudly Made in the USA.” Most
chery’s new Single Bevel 2 Blade would cluded .065-inch-thick blades. These are importantly in these times, VPA has
product in stock and ready to ship with-
make an easy choice. They would also broadheads that can be trusted to smash in two days of receiving an order. Check
these and other VPA broadheads out by
cinderblocks with minimal ill effects. visiting vparchery.com. IA
For 2022 VPA’s lineup was expanded
to include straight-edged Single Bevel 2
Blade series broadheads, now in right-
and left-bevel options. Single bevel
means cutting edges are ground from
one side of the blade only, in this case
at a steep 35 degrees that can be honed
to a razor’s edge.
Single-bevel edges work with fletch-
ing in flight (right- and left-bevels in
conjunction with corresponding right-
or left-hand helical fletching) and on
impact continue turning through the
target to enhance forward momentum
WebXtra ■ For more information on
the VPA Single Bevel 2 Blade broadhead,
go to insidearchery.com/VPAsinglebevel.
BCY Inc.
B CY Inc, operating out of its approxi- an amazing range of string gies. BCY met continued
mately 25,000 square foot manufac- materials featuring a huge demand by introducing
variety of colors (more than new fiber technologies,
developing new produc-
turing facility in Middletown, Connecticut, is 50 hues applied with a nontox- tion methods and always
being willing to approach
inarguably the largest supplier of bowstring ic, non-bleeding water-based dilemmas from new angles.
treatment) and end and center BCY is thoroughly invested in
archery and keeping up with
material in the industry. serving options. BCY has some- evolving industry needs.
This has led to an impres-
thing for every archer, from sive stable of unique BCY
products, with materials
Founded in 1990, BCY has quickly become dyed-in-the-wool traditionists continually progressing as
the company fulfills its con-
the No. 1 source for any bowstring and to the most technological-sav- tinuing goal of producing what
the industry and archers want
serving material need. BCY is universally vy compound shooter to the and need. This has earned BCY a
reputation for producing string
recognized as a company that truly un- crossbow enthusiast. materials providing consistent
accuracy and performance, ex-
derstands the sport’s unique needs and is BCY is comprised of a dedi- ceptional durability, and most
importantly, reliable products
staffed by people dedicated to serving the cated team of employees who that ensure the utmost in cus-
tomer safety. If there is a technology up-
needs of archers, bow manufacturers and truly understand archery and grade or improvement coming down the
pipe, rest assured BCY will be the first to
professional string-makers seeking the are led by team principles know about it, as they truly have their
finger on the pulse of raw fiber advance-
latest breakthroughs in bowstring fiber owner Ray Browne, Roger ments, how manufacturer needs are
changing and how the newest fibers will
technology. With BCY’s in-depth knowl- Browne, Bob Deston and Chris improve every archer’s shooting and en-
joyment of the sport.
edge of the archery industry, and with Deston. The recent pandemic, and more re-
cently supply-chain issues caused by
the cooperation of their fiber suppliers, BCY does not manufac- skyrocketing fuel prices, have introduced
some challenges for BCY in regards to
the company has been instrumental in ture finished bowstrings and buss obtaining raw materials. They did expe-
rience delays with one or two items due
developing, testing and providing the cut- cables, but instead transforms raw to recent spikes in archery interest that
caused demand to far outpace anticipat-
ting edge, performance-driven bowstring fiber materials into strands that ed needs, but overall BCY has been able
to maintain healthy production levels
materials that drive the archery industry. comprise some of the best bow- and remain abreast of orders due to their
strong business relationships with their
BCY has taken the lead in innovative strings and cables in the archery busi- many fiber suppliers.
One of the casualties of these recent
material improvement and product ad- ness. These fibers are sourced in the events was Angel Majesty bowstring and
vancement by continually exploring new U.S.A. mostly, with some also coming out
ways of adapting the latest bowstring fi- of Europe. These fibers are blended and
bers available. They further hone this de- spun in the Middletown, Connecticut,
velopment through a willingness to listen facility and dyed into a dizzying array of
to both amateur and professional target colors, from subtle camouflage hues to
archers and hardcore bowhunters from glitzy tones, and wound onto spools for
around the globe. This has made BCY a sale to bowstring and bow
trusted name in bowstring manufacturers and archery
material and the choice of distributors and pro shops
some of the largest bow- around the globe.
string and bow manufac- BCY was conceived by
turers in the industry. owners Ray Browne and
BCY strives to remain Bob Deston when they first
abreast of the ever-chang- recognized an opportunity
ing needs of the archery industry by re- to transform then-new Kevlar fiber into
maining intimately involved in all as- bowstring material for a growing archery
pects of the sport, lending the company industry. As compound bows quickly be-
a superior understanding of the techni- came more sophisticated, cranking out
cal requirements that make modern ever-faster arrow speeds and demanding
bows and crossbows perform at their more from the bowstrings and cables that
very best. BCY backs that vast knowledge harnessed them, BCY began their jour-
with laser-focused personal service and ney of keeping pace with new technolo-