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Inside Archery July 2020

Inside Archery July 2020

Keywords: archery bowhunting hunting

to work through the extent expanding, zippered sides allow TINK’S
of the season under typical adjustments to size as needed.
conditions. Deploy more than It is held by a sturdy and du- The original in whitetail attraction has gone
one in larger bags or totes to rable metal frame and comes high tech with the new Tink’s PeeFuser Scent
maximize effectiveness. Tote with a Closet Ozone Generator Diffuser. This ultrasonic diffuser converts
Tamers are sold in 2-packs with 50mg per hour output. The deer urine into a long-range mist that rides
and are an affordable alter- system keeps camouflage cloth- the lightest breezes to attract bucks from
native to expensive ozone/ ing, boots and hunting acces- wider areas. The portable unit can be set on
ion generators. Learn more sories like daypacks and safety the ground or hung from a tree limb to cast
by visiting harnesses scent free and ready a wider net and dispenses attractive scent
for action. Learn more by visit- for 30 seconds every 2 minutes. A ½-ounce
DEAD DOWN WIND ing bottle of lure will last up to 7 hours when
used with the AAA-powered unit. Proprietary
Dead Down Wind’s DZone Closet Dead Down Wind DZone Closet PeeFuser bottles are available in field-prov-
is a collapsible portable hunting closet en #69 Doe-in-Rut Natural and Synthetic
requiring less than 5 minutes to set up. The (for states where urine-based products

WRC Chainsaw Brian’s son effectiveness. Chainsaw to attract deer and hold them for the shot. The Buck-
and Trapper John’s Brian’s Premium Doe Es-
Micro Brew Craft Scents trus is a carefully crafted, Stik keeps deer coming back all year long by taking ad-
high octane doe estrus
scent made with WRC’s vantage of a deer’s sense of sight, touch and smell. The
finest premium doe urine with
estrus secretions and super- patented BuckStik taps into basic herd communication
charged with Territorial Musk
and another secret ingredient instincts. The exclusive design features an integrated forehead
to make it more effective. This
premium line of high performance strip for rubbing, interactive ropes, long lasting leaves and a semi
lures is crafted in small batches and
sold in 4-ounce bottles. Learn more rigid vine perfect for preorbital and forehead interaction. Ad-
by visiting
ditionally, the BuckStik has a scent pad located at the base

of the stick for holding interdigital gland scent. Built with a

BuckStik durable 3/8-inch, 2-piece fiberglass rod, the BuckStik
features an easy-to-use step to securely stab into the

ground. BuckStik has been specifically designed to ac-

commodate many years of whitetail interaction. Simply place the BuckStik

in locations that you want deer to frequent. It will start attracting whitetails

in as little as 24 hours and will keep them coming back all season.

CODE BLUE ■ Code Blue’s easily deployed Doe The BuckStik is a great tool for conducting trail camera inven-

Estrous Scent Stalks offer the latest synthetic scent tory and/or placing below treestand locations during hunting

dispersal technology. Reusable Scent Stalks are im- season. Learn more by visiting

pregnated with doe estrous scent and last for eight

to 10 days. Hang a scent stalk from a licking branch BUCK BAITS ■ Buck Baits Estrus Max Lab Certified Doe

or stab one into the ground on an active or mock In Heat is a urine-based lure approved by the ATA. The

scrape to help lure bucks from wider areas. Each lure simulates a mature doe in peak estrus, creating in-

Code Blue stalk is free of human odors, credible dominant-buck response. Using ATA-approved
Doe Estrous unaffected by rain or freezing
Scent Stalks weather and begins working deer urine, this product goes through an additional lab
immediately after removal
test known as RT-QuIC (learn more at CWDevolution.

com). This advanced test method seeks any trace of

from the resealable package. CWD in urine and assures both game management

Code Blue Synthetic blends are scientifically for- officials and customers that the product is 100-per- Buck Baits
cent CWD free for states requiring RT-QuIC testing. A Deer Urine
mulated to replicate the smell and performance of
lab certification number is placed on each bottle to
natural deer urines, will not break down over time and are legal in all CWD

zones. Scent Stalks come in 5-packs and include hanging hooks. Learn more prove compliance.  Doe in Heat is the company’s

by visiting most popular and effective 100-percent pure doe estrous urine, packaged

in 4-ounce plastic spray bottles. Doe in Heat grabs big buck’s attention and

BUCKSTIK ■ BuckStik allows hunters to inventory, pattern and hunt bucks brings them beneath stands. It is collected and bottled fresh to maximize es-
by introducing an interactive rubbing and licking branch created specifically
trogen content. Learn more by visiting


aren’t legal). Classic #69 Doe-in- fordable unit measures 5- by Ozonics
Rut lure has been field proven 3.75- by 1.5-inches and comes
to attract bucks while creating with a 110V AC USB charger with hours in standard mode, Orion
a “safe zone” for hunters. The cable, and a 12V DC with ciga- and 8 hours in boost mode).
PeeFuser is sold with a ½-ounce rette lighter plug. It can also be
bottle and replacement bottles set for timed settings of 10, 20 Additionally, the Orion features a new
are available. Learn more by or 30 minutes. Learn more by
visiting visiting

“Hyperboost” mode, pumping out 25-per-

HUNTING MADE EASY/ OZONICS HUNTING cent more ozone when environmental

GSM OUTDOORS Ozonics Hunting is the origi- conditions or peak animal activity demand.

HME’s Scent Slammer Hy- nal ozone field generator and The Orion is compatible with existing Ozo-

brid 2-In-1 Ozone Air Puri- the Orion is the latest high- nics accessories and is suitable for use in

fier is a robust scent elimi- output version. Ozonics ozone blinds, treestands and the Ozonics DRiWash

nation system incorporating generators work by blanket- bag. It can also be used to disinfect small

unique multi-function capa- ing hunting areas with highly spaces. The unit features an updated look

bilities for removing odors unstable ozone, which actively and incorporates a rubber over-molded

anywhere. The 2-In-1 Ozone Air Tink’s PeeFuser seeks out other molecules, shell for noise dampening and better grip
Purifier kills bacteria and vi- Scent Diffuser including odor-causing com-
ruses and is 100-percent chemi- pounds, attaches themselves during setup and takedown. The Orion in-

cludes a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty.

cal free, so it leaves no scent or and quickly oxidizes them Learn more by visiting

residue. Ozone is produced naturally when into scent-free compounds. Generated WILDGAME INNOVATIONS

UV light or electricity splits an O2 (oxygen) ozone literally cleanses Hot on the success of the top-
molecule and the freed O1 molecule joins the lower and downwind selling ZeroTrace field genera-
O2 to create a O3 or ozone molecule. Ozone atmosphere surround- tor, Wildgame Innovations re-
is highly unstable so it actively attaches to ing a hunter, creating leased three new scent elimi-
nation products for 2020, all
nearby molecules, like scent, oxidizing them a scent-free zone. The deploying ZeroTrace PureION
technology. Exclusive Zero-
into odorless, inert compounds. Adjustable Orion is a refinement Trace uses PureION technol-
ogy to eliminate odors at the
outputs from 20mg per hour to 90mg/h al- of the successful HR300 molecular level. Generated ion
molecules carry either positive
low the Hybrid 2-In-1 to cleanse a 6- by 7- platform, with a new bat- or negative charges and quickly

by 8-foot room (plugged into an outlet), or tery configuration with

duffle bags, day packs, vehicles or in the double the life (up to 10

field with the rechargeable battery. While

running at 20mg/h the unit will provide up HME Scent Slammer

to 8 hours of continuous operation. The af-


bond with nearby

atoms to stabilize,

turning odor mol-

ecules into inert

compounds. The

all-new ZeroTrace

portable genera-

tor allows hunt-

ers to clean the air

around them and

their gear just about

anywhere. The unit

is compact enough

to be dropped into

a duffle or set in a

vehicle cup holder.

Wildgame The ZeroTrace Vehicle
Unit plugs into any ve-

Innovations hicle’s 12V outlet to de-

ZeroTrace odorize vehicles. Final-
ly, the ZeroTrace Trunk

Unit combines the air-

cleaning effectiveness of PureION technol-

ogy with the generous storage of an airtight

sportsman’s trunk to provide 99.9-percent

deodorization of clothing and gear without

risk of damage, or need to wash it. It also

comes with a 110V cord. Learn more by visit-



Hunter’s Kloak’s Rut Rouser Dual Mister
allows dispensing of two game-attracting
scents simultaneously. It can be set on
the ground where hunters want game to
appear, or to shortstop downwind areas
while on a stand. The unit holds two scent
cartridges, and a cotton wick pulls the
synthetic liquid scents into an ultrasonic
transducer where it is converted into a mi-

Hunter’s Kloak
Rut Rouser
Dual Mister


Scent Crusher Good (Wildlife) Eats
Gear Bag •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

cro-fine mist that is then released into and walk away as contents are bathed in BOSS BUCK ■ Boss Buck’s mineral attractant lineup now
the air at selected intervals of 6, 9 or 15 ozone to become bacteria and scent free. includes Fortified Molasses. Boss Buck formulated the
seconds. A linked remote control allows The new Scent Crusher Ozone Gear Bag is new mineral attractant and infused it with powerful mo-
releasing individual or paired scent from loaded with improved features and will lasses aromas to provide wider reaching attraction. Forti-
up to 160 feet away. Operation is simple extend the life of typical carbon- and sil- fied Molasses is ready to use right from the jug, poured
and spill free. The battery is recharged ver-lined scent-control clothing because into established mineral licks, or onto rotting stumps/
via the USB cable and provides an aver- of less laundering. The sturdy structure decomposing logs and around hunting sites to bring deer
age run time of 5.5 hours. The Rut Rouser utilizes a techno-lite fabric, heavy duty in fast and keep them coming back. Boss Sauce Fortified
remains operational in temperatures as reversed zippers and a weather resistant Molasses instantly creates an irresistible and beneficial
low as 28 degrees F (-3 degrees C). The base to maintain a tight seal. The bag mineral site containing crude protein, phosphorous, zinc,
2.5-ounce scent cartridges are simple to measures 28- by 10.5- by 12-inches, in- manganese, copper, cobalt, iodine, se-
install, quickly interchangeable and last cludes adjustable backpack straps, two lenium, vitamins A, D and E and niacin,
4.5 hours each. They’re offered in a huge exterior pockets and a large inner pock- combined with straight molasses to
variety of scents, like vanilla or apple, or et running the length of the bag. A new, create a site deer will frequent year-
glandular scents, like estrous doe. Learn maintenance-free digital ozone gen- round. Like all Boss Buck products, the
more by visiting erator with 12V adapter and 110V new attractant is made with the best
charger that is airport and TSA com- minerals available in the USA. Learn
SCENT CRUSHER pliant is included. Scent Crusher more by visiting
products are based on NASA research
The redesigned Ozone Gear Bag by Scent and include a maintenance free 2-year RACK ONE ■ Rack One has set itself apart by develop-
Crusher provides a quick, effortless solu- warranty. Learn more by visiting ing products that are both highly attractive to deer and
tion to scent elimination. Hunters sim- IA highly beneficial to deer health. Big Game Peanut Butter
ply place gear in the bag, set the timer & Jelly is made from 100-percent Georgia-grown peanuts
and contains no hulls or fillers. The product is also infused
54 with a natural grape flavor for long range attraction and
proves highly palatable and aromatic. Peanut Butter &

Jelly brings deer beneath stands from far
and wide while providing 22-percent pro-
tein to grow larger antlers and promote
overall health. In addition, it includes
40-percent fat to help deer through the
stressful days of the rut or periods of ex-
tended cold. It is also offered in Peanut

Butter and Apple flavors. Big Game
Peanut Butter & Jelly is sold in
5-pound bags or bars and is afford-

able enough to be fed throughout the year. Learn more by

EVOLVED ■ Evolved Dirt Bag Camo Corn is a crushed
corn kernel feed with a dark dye added. The mixture is
designed to attract big attention from area deer with-
out attracting attention from your hunting competition.
Camo Corn expands on Evolved’s Dirt Bag line of wildly
successful, concealed attractants that keep stand sites
secret from competing hunters. Camo Corn includes real
corn, pulverized into a powder, other ingredients added
to make it more attractive and nutri-
tious, dye added for concealment,
and the mixture then formed into
pellets to create one of the compa-
ny’s most attractive powder mixes
yet. With the additional benefits of
distiller’s grains added to the blend,
this mix offers double the protein
and fat content of corn alone for
improved herd health. Learn more




Covert Bushnell
MP16 Core DS
No Glow
• 16MP resolution
• Sub-second • Day/night Dual
Sensor Technology
trigger speed
• 100-ft. • 100-ft. detection
• No Glow emitters
flash range • 30MP resolution
• Maximus Silence • 1080p video

Image Capture

Rugged reliability, longer battery Capture/Video Units and a reinforced tripod mount. The unit
life and user-friendly setup/inter- requires 8 AA batteries, and includes a
face create satisfied customers. COVERT SCOUTING CAMERAS 2-year warranty. Learn more by visiting
Unreliable, battery-draining or
complicated models result in in- Covert’s MP16 provides 16 MP resolution
creased returns or unhappy cus- with sub-second trigger speed. The 5.1 by BUSHNELL OUTDOOR PRODUCTS
tomers. The trail cameras to follow 4 by 2.9-inch unit boasts a 100-foot flash
are cutting edge models that create range via 40 invisible LEDs that are unde- Bushnell’s Core DS No Glow includes Dual
happy hunters who will continue tectable to humans and game. One- to 10- Sensor (DS) Technology with image sensors
to look to you for the answers. shot Turbo-Shot bursts are possible, record- optimized for daytime and night, resulting
ed on up to a 32GB SD card. Camera setup is in sharper and richer images. The Core DS
conducted on a 1-inch color viewer, with includes a 100-foot nighttime flash range,
camera modes including Maximum Si- and can produce high contrast images
lence Image capture, video and time lapse. without washout thanks to No Glow emit-
The time stamp provides time, date, tem- ters which are invisible to game or potential
perature and moon phase for detailed in- camera thieves. The Core DS design is engi-
tel. The case includes pipe-through security neered to withstand extreme heat, cold and

Stealth Cam Browning
DS4KMAX Patriot

• 32MP resolution • Day/night Dual
• 4k video Sensor Technology
• Day/night Dual Sensor
• PIR image/video • Military-grade
invisible IR flash
combo mode
• Includes 16:9 • Adjustable
flash range
wide-angle ratio
• 2-inch color
viewing screen


Moultrie Cuddleback
A900i Silver Series
• .25-second
• 30MP resolution trigger speed
• Bundle includes
• 20MP resolution
16GB SD card • No Glow emitters
and 8 AA batteries • Daytime color capture
• Pine Barck
camo finishes and nighttime B&W
• Moultrie Mobile • Premium PIR sensor

abuse. The Core DS also offers 100-foot de- 42 NO GLO IR emitters providing 100-foot mode; time, date, moon phase, tempera-
tection, 30MP image resolution, 1080p vid- invisible nighttime illumination, Reflex ture, name image stamp; and GEO-TAG
eo with sound, fast .20-second trigger and .40-second trigger speed and an adjustable GPS tagging. Power is supplied by 8 AA bat-
.6-second recovery speeds, an in-camera IR range. Also new from Stealth Cam is the
color review LCD panel, and Bushnell’s in- PIR combo mode which allows the camera teries. Learn more by visiting
dustry leading 1-year battery life (8 lithium to capture a high resolution image and HD
AA batteries) and 2-year limited warranty. video in the same triggering. The unit in-
Learn more by visiting cludes 16:9 wide-angle ratio, manual shot BROWNING
capability and it can hold up to a 512GB TRAIL CAMERAS
STEALTH CAM/GSM OUTDOORS SD card. The DS4KMAX utilizes Matrix Ad-
vanced Blur Reduction and Retina low light Browning Trail Cameras’ Pa-
Stealth Cam’s DS4KMAX provides 32MP sensitivity technologies to improve low- triot is the newest addition to
image and 4K video quality. Besides one light image quality. Other features include the company’s dual-lens fam-
of the highest resolution levels around, Security Mode with SD rewrite capabili- ily. It features military grade,
the DS4KMAX is packed with cutting-edge ties; backlit menu programming; Quick Set invisible IR flash, with dual
features including dual image sensors for preprogram options; 1- to 9-image burst sensors each dedicated to best-
optimal daytime and nighttime images, quality daytime and nighttime
images. The Patriot features a

Black Gate Covert AW1
R4K Wireless

• 32MP resolution • Available with
• 5MP CMOS sensor Verizon or AT&T
• Wide-angle
• 20MP resolution
detection zone • 1080p video on
• 120-degree angle
16:0 widescreen
Dual PIR senors • Simple Covert
• LCD display
Wireless App


Bushnell Impulse FOOD PLOTS:
Cellular Trail Camera
Trail-Cam Focal Points
• 1 image-per-second
dual processor speed It’s no secret that deer live by their stomachs. Give
them something to eat and they will come. And
• GPS anti-theft alerts while feeding deer isn’t legal in every state, most
• Live camera view states allow planting food plots to create a deer-
• Cellular video transmission movement focal point. Food plots range from
• 150-ft. Wifi/Bluetooth simple, hand-broadcast “shot plots” to full-blown
• Camera leveling arm farming, providing a deer magnet but also improv-
ing the overall health of all area wildlife. Here are
by 3.75 by 2.5-inch case includes a ¼-20 the brands and blends to look for.
tripod socket. The camera is compatible
with Browning Buck Watch Timelapse EVOLVED HABITATS
Viewer software. Learn more by visiting Sugar Beets & Bulbs Pro from Evolved combines
the sweet-tooth allure of sugar beets with a hearty
2-inch color viewing screen and shoots MOULTRIE PRODUCTS T-Raptor turnip/rape hybrid. Sugar beets are a deer
1080p HD videos. Other highlights in- favorite that keep them coming back for more,
clude 24MP image resolution, 110-foot Moultrie A900 and A900i Bundles help while the T-Raptor bulbs give them something to
invisible IR nighttime illumination, customers simplify trail camera setup. forage during cold winter months. Multi-season
a 90-foot detection range, adjustable A900 and A900i units capture super- growing ability keeps deer beneath stands and im-
flash range (Power Save or Long Range), sharp 30MP images and HD video with proves overall herd health. ProGro proprietary bio-
1920x1080 HD Smart IR Video with sound, quick .40-second trigger speeds. The stimulant promotes heartier roots and stronger
lightning fast .15-second trigger speed plants that yield more forage per acre, with plants
and .35-second recovery time, Illuma- A900i includes a 60-foot detection that are high in protein and minerals. Planting is
Smart Technology that automatically and flash range while employing recommended during summer or fall and the blend
adjusts IR Flash for perfectly exposed invisible LEDs, the A900 utilizes adjusts well to a wide variety of soil conditions.
nighttime photos, an all-steel tree- long-range LEDs that extend flash
mounting bracket, SD card-manage- coverage to 70 feet to match detec- Evolved 5 Card Draw is an annual food plot seed
ment feature and long battery life from tion range. Both feature Moultrie’s providing lush growth and nutrient rich forage
8 AA batteries. Multi-Shot and Rapid- ILLUMI-NIGHT sensors for bright, through every season. The 5-seed forage variety
Fire modes can be set up to capture up clear nighttime images. A900i meshes with any spring, summer or fall planting
to 8 images per triggering and the time and A900 Bundles are packaged schedule. It combines fast-growing, low-demand
stamp provides time, date, tempera- with 16GB SD card and 8 AA batter- oats (42 percent) and wheat (42 percent) with long
ture, moon phase, barometric pressure ies that will fuel cameras through lasting perennial white clover (4 percent), barkant
and camera ID. The camera supports 19,000 images. The compact cases turnip (2 percent) and chicory (2 percent), for a di-
up to a 512GB SDXC Memory Card. The 5 verse, highly palatable smorgasbord. The annual/pe-
include ultra-realistic Pine Bark rennial blend is designed for durability, growing back
camo finishes. The cameras are strong after being hit hard. Proprietary seed coating
backed by a 2-year warranty and ensures maximum germination while promoting
larger root systems and stronger plants for thicker,
Browning Defender more durable coverage. The sweet blend provides
Wireless Scout Pro high protein and mineral content and was formulat-
ed to push out a new deer favorite throughout the
• Timelapse Plus camera modes season. It is offered in 10-pound bags covering about
• 120-ft. IR flash ¼-acre. Recommended planting time is summer or
• 80-ft. detection range fall. Learn more at
• Long Range and Fast Motion
• Available with Killer Food Plots (KFP) is dedicated to soil health,
whitetail nutrition and habitat restoration. White
Verizon or AT&T Rage is the embodiment of this commitment, in-
cluding a highly nutritious blend of KFP-proprie-
60 tary radish and sugar beets that provide a summer-


Killer Food Plots
White Rage

Evolved Rackology
Sugar Plot 365 & Premium
Beets Food Plot Fertilizer
& Bulbs

time of protein and a late season of vital carbohy- Plot Fertilizer & Supplement offers a growing blend includes the newest Whitetail Institute rad-
drates needed while whitetails are recovering from boost, with ingredients missing from other brands ish varieties.  These components are included in
the stress of the rut. The super sweet fare entices that improve soil structure for improved aeration Ravish Radish in ratios that Whitetail Institute
repeated visits and more deer beneath customers’ and water movement. Fertilizer & Supplement testing has proven to yield highly attractive forage
stands. White Rage produces up to 15 tons of for- also stimulates beneficial microorganisms to help from early fall through late winter, as well as tubers
age for a long lasting and durable food plot that will improve long term soil pH, particularly in marginal to help deer through the harsh winter months.
stand up to heavy use and provide plenty of ener- sandy soils. Learn more at Designed for planting in late summer, Ravish Rad-
gy-packed carbohydrates. White Rage thrives even ish establishes and grows quickly. Learn more at
in poor soils and is highly drought tolerant. Learn WHITETAIL INSTITUTE
more at
Imperial Whitetail Clover from Whitetail Insti- HEARTLAND WILDLIFE
RACKOLOGY tute is still the standard by which other food INSTITUTE
plot products are measured. Developed through
Rackology products are scientifically researched traditional, non-GMO plant breeding processes, Heartland Wildlife’s Rack Maker Extreme was for-
and formulated by a certified biologist and agrono- Imperial Whitetail Clover contains the only clover mulated for early fall planting, providing a fall and
mist. The company’s Plot 365 Feeding Zone food genetically developed for whitetail deer. Impe- winter food source deer love. Rack Maker offers
plot blend is a mix of premium red and white clover rial Whitetail Clover is extremely attractive to deer excellent nutrition to promote overall deer health
and chicory that require only one planting for up to and packed with antler-building protein. It is highly as well as serving as a magnetic hunting draw. Rack
5 years of steady forage. The seed helps custom- cold tolerant and resistant to drought and disease. Maker Extreme includes a scientifically blended
ers grow higher scoring antlers, with a blend high Designed for good soils that hold moisture, Im- mix of winter oats, winter rye and forage soybeans,
in protein and important minerals which promote perial Whitetail Clover seed is coated with Rain- plus 3 varieties of brassicas; a hybrid turnip, forage
peak deer health. Plot 365 is highly drought, heat bond for enhanced germination. A single planting rape and purple-top turnips. All of these elements
and disease resistant, while also tolerating a wide will usually last up to 5 years. are highly frost tolerant and all include different
range of soil chemistry. The blend works well as a peak attraction periods to ensure deer activity at
stand-alone, or used as a welcome supplement to Ravish Radish combines high-production annual any stage of the hunting season. Learn more at
any small grain crop. Rackology’s Premium Food seed varieties designed to work together to attract
and hold deer throughout the fall and winter. The

Rack Maker

Whitetail Institute
Whitetail Clover
& Ravish Radish


Wildgame Innovations Wildgame Innovations
Insite Cell Insite Air Game

• Automatic photo updates anytime • Bluetooth downloading with app
• Pairs with cell phone • 150-yard range
• Remote-check cameras • 100-ft. illumination range
• 32MP resolution • Live-view setup
• Integrates with WGI • .50-second trigger speed

HuntSmart app

are Moultrie Mobile compatible. They also image resolution and a 5MP CMOS sensor.
include MSRPs of less than $100. Learn The unit can also be setup to capture im-
more by visiting ages at 5-, 8-, 12-, 16-, 20- or 24-MP for added
control. The camera can be programmed to
CUDDEBACK SCOUTING CAMERAS capture stills, 4K video or photo plus vid-
eo, each with multiple shooting options
Cuddeback’s Silver Series IR Flash unit for customized setup to meet specific de-
features a .25-second trigger speed, 20MP mands. The wide-angle detection zone and
resolution, a super fast recovery rate, and .20- to .60-second trigger speeds ensures
foolproof setup. The unit captures color im- no animals are missed. An automatic IR
ages or video by day and black and white filter is coupled with 45 No Glow IR LEDs to
by night. The Silver Series measures a com- provide sharp nighttime images, combined
pact 5.4 by 3.3 by 2.4-inches and holds a with a 65-foot nighttime detection range.
premium PIR sensor and boasts a 100-foot Dual PIR sensors cover a wide 120-degree
flash range, all with an MSRP of only $150. angle. Simple setup, navigation and image
Twenty-four powerful infrared LEDs are review are conducted on a 2.36-inch LCD
invisible to game and humans. Eight AA display screen and SD cards up to 512GB
batteries power the unit for up to 6 months are accommodated. The camera retails
or 10,000 images. The timestamp includes for less than $120. Learn more by visiting
the date, time, moon phase and camera ID.
Learn more by visiting
Remote Access Models
Black Gate’s new R4K Scouting Camera is
an innovative trail camera packed with Covert’s new AW1 wireless trail camera is
impressive features and an even more a 20MP powerhouse available with Verizon
impressive MSRP. The R4K includes 32MP


or AT&T network integration. It includes wireless plan, rather than individual plans
still image capture and 1080p video dis- for each camera. The Covert portal allows
played on a 16:9 widescreen format. The access to accounts any time, with no con-
simple Covert Wireless App and Web Portal tracts and monthly, quarterly or yearly
makes accessing images easy. The palm- plans with a replenish feature that elimi-
sized AW1 in the protective cases measures nates overage fees. For 2020 Covert Wire-
6 by 4.75 x 3.5-inches and includes a pipe- less Data Plans start at $4.99 per month
through security port, camouflage finish for up to 100 images; with tiered service
and reinforced tripod mount, perfect for offering unlimited annual subscrip-
use with Covert’s Tree 60 mount. A 64-de- tions for $239.88. Learn more by visiting
gree field-of-view and .40-second trigger
speed produce excellent and centered pho-
tos and videos. The 60 No-Glow LEDs reach BUSHNELL OUTDOOR PRODUCTS
100 feet, providing even illumination and
exceptional quality. Other features include Bushnell’s new Impulse Cellular Trail Cam-
1- to 10-shot turbo burst mode, MaXi- era is faster and simpler than ever. Its ad-
mum Silence Image Capture, 32GB SD card vanced design combines faster connection
capabilities and a timestamp including with easy linking to any smartphone and
time, date, temperature and moon phase. any provider—without the need for bind-
Data is stored on the media card and sent ing contracts. The unit’s ultra-fast dual
processors work simultaneously to take
to the Web Portal and Wire- 1 image per second versus the 1 per min-
less App. Eight AA batteries ute rate of many cell cameras, translating
give the AW1 long operation, directly into more images following each
setup is quick and simple, triggering event. The Impulse is loaded
and integration into the Co- with smarter features that help custom-
vert Web Portal and Wire- ers make better use of their time and
less App happens in seconds. money. The new app helps sort photos by
Covert’s wireless plans don’t weather and wind data, includes GPS anti-
require visiting retail out- theft alerts and live camera views from a
lets and provide a shared smartphone. Other features include cel-
lular video transmission, 150-foot Wifi/
Tactacam Reveal Bluetooth connectivity, a camera leveling
Cellular Camera arm, live capture and view, and free soft-
ware updates. Data plans can be reviewed
• Color LCD screen at Learn more by
• Adjustable nighttime illumination visiting
• 24MP resolution
• Monthly plans starting at $5 BROWNING TRAIL CAMERAS

Browning Trail Cameras’ Defender Wire-
less Scout Pro offers high performance
at a reasonable price. With 18MP image
capability, 900p HD Smart IR Video (5 sec-
onds to 2 minutes), Timelapse Plus camera
modes, as well as adjustable trigger speeds
and flash, the Scout Pro is very versatile.
The Scout Pro allows downloading of HD
images and videos, activating and manip-
ulating cameras through the mobile app
and no long-term contracts. They are of-
fered in service-specific AT&T and Verizon
models that include 120-foot IR flash and
80-foot detection range, adjustable .22- to
.70-second trigger speed with .40-second
recovery time, infrared LED nighttime


Moultrie Cuddeback
Mobile CuddeLink
X-Series Gen 2
6000 system

• Available with • Browser-based
Verizon or AT&T viewing and
settings of
• Illumi-Night Home and
sensor Remote cameras

• Sub-second • Up to 24
trigger speed linked cameras

• Image • Adjust camera
recognition for delay, Time Lapse
automatic tags Mode, ID, location
number, Remote
illumination with Powersave, Long Range and costs less than $200. or Repeater mode
and Fast Motion settings, Illuma-Smart The Insite Air allows downloading from
Technology automatic IR flash to improve to build an excellent cellular trail camera
nighttime images, SD card management, a distance using Bluetooth technology to and supporting app without a high price
long battery life from 8 AA batteries and up connect to the WGI app, sending all photos tag. The unit includes a color LCD screen
to 8 Multi Shot and Rapid Fire image ca- and videos to a handheld device by press- and requires less than 2 minutes to set up.
pabilities. The timestamp includes time, ing a button. The unit requires moving The Tactacam Reveal app makes setup fast
date, temperature, moon phase, camera within 150 yards, and a download notifi- and easy, and the unit includes the best
ID and barometric pressure for accurate cation is provided. The Insite Air includes battery life in its class. It includes a 96-foot
record keeping. It supports up to a 512GB a 100-foot illumination range, .50-second detection range, adjustable nighttime illu-
SDXC memory card and is compatible with trigger speed, 24MG images and 15-second mination and 24MP image resolution. The
Browning Buck Watch Timelapse Viewer HD 720p videos with no cell service re- remote-access design allows users to keep
Software. The cell system operates on a quired. Fast, easy setup is provided through hunting sites fresh and undisturbed, with
nationwide 4G LTE network and is activat- the WGI app, including live-view setup plans starting at $5 monthly (AT&T and Ve-
ed through month-to-month data plans for perfect camera positioning, monitor- rizon). Images can be temporarily stored
with no contracts. Learn more by visiting ing battery life and SD card status (up to in the cloud and reviewed or managed on 32GB) and changing camera settings. The either the Reveal app or an SD card. Learn
unit is powered by 6 AA batteries and costs more by visiting
WILDGAME INNOVATIONS less than $150. Various service plans are
offered based on image quantity, with no MOULTRIE PRODUCTS
New Wildgame Innovations Insite Cell and contracts or activation fees. Learn more by
Insite Air Game Scouting Cameras offer visiting Moultrie’s new Mobile X-Series 6000 brings
two options for retrieving images and vid- revolutionary Moultrie Mobile technol-
eo remotely while minimizing human dis- TACTACAM ogy to customers at an incredible $119.99
turbance. The Insite Cell pairs with a cell MSRP. XA-6000 (AT&T) and XV-6000 (Veri-
phone to receive automatic photo updates Tactacam unveiled the game-changing Re- zon) cameras are loaded with top-drawer
anytime, anywhere, or remotely check veal Cellular Camera, tapping the compa- features, including 16MP image resolution
cameras. The unit integrates with WGI’s ny’s technology and engineering knowhow and HD video. The long range flash mesh-
new HuntSmart app that automatically es with a 70-foot detection range and an
analyzes images to help customers plan
their next hunt. The Insite Cell features
premium upgrades, including Adaptive Il-
lumination, invisible Lightsout illumina-
tion and 32-megapixel image resolution,
while operating nationwide on any net-
work. It requires only 6 AAs for operation


Illumi-Night sensor provides bright, crisp 65
nighttime images—all with sub-second
trigger speed. They operate on 4G net-
works, providing easy, 24/7 access via the
Moultrie Mobile app. Trail camera photos
upload from the field to the Moultrie Mo-
bile cloud-based server, where they are
viewable via smartphone or computer. The
app makes storage and image searching
easy, and with image recognition, the sys-
tem automatically tags photos with bucks,
turkey, people, vehicles and more. For in-
stance, click on the “Buck” tag to see only
buck pictures. Customers can activate or
cancel monthly image plans anytime with
no activation or cancelation fees. They
come with a 2-year warranty. Learn more
by visiting


Cuddeback’s CuddeLink Gen 2 includes fea-
tures and upgraded performance that offer
extended capabilities and advanced perfor-
mance for 2020. CuddeLink Gen 2 allows
complete control over the Cuddeback trail
camera system, including viewing and
changing settings of “Home” and “Remote”
cameras from any web browser. This in-
cludes adjusting camera delay, Time Lapse
Mode, camera ID, camera location num-
ber, camera mode (Remote or Repeater),
clearing SD cards and changing CuddeLink
and cell configurations. Cuddeback also ex-
panded CuddeLink capabilities to 24 linked
cameras for wider coverage, while also
providing up to 50-percent faster perfor-
mance and 50-percent more images daily.
By setting the date and time on the Home
camera, all Remote cameras will be updat-
ed. CuddeLink’s Dual Cell K Camera is their
most advanced trail camera to date and
key to the new CuddeLink Gen 2 system.
The camera provides a reliable network,
high quality images, an upgrade path
minimizing the per-camera cell costs and
a single-source support system. The Dual
Cell K Camera is used as the Home, with
Cuddeback J and G Models deployed as Re-
mote cameras. CuddeLink Gen 2 is compat-
ible with previous CuddeLink units after
updating to firmware version 8.0.0 or later
(a simple process accomplished through
the Cuddeback website). Learn more by vis-
iting IA



Five Questions with Vapor Trail Scents

Vapor Trail Scents offers a unique selection of different outdoor products. In addition user to know exactly how many hours of
power they have left at any given time.
to highly effective scents and scent applicators, the company produces broadheads, Our headlights run on high for 10 hours
and on low for 20 hours. With the added
electronics, optics, fishing supplies and more. We spoke with Rex Holmes Jr., owner of benefit of the LCD screen, you know you
will never be caught in the dark. The last
Vapor Trail Scents, to learn more about his unique products and company. product I would mention is the THE AFTER-
MATH broadhead. It destroys the inside of
W hat inspired you to create Va- What have been your keys to success the animal and performs flawlessly.
por Trail Scents? ■ I’ve been in in the archery industry? ■ We owe our
the woods and on the water for 60 years. success to making products that really How do you ensure you’re making
While on a hunt in Alabama in 2008, I work. We are constantly brainstorming products that bowhunters truly want
had a group of 23 deer walk out from and developing products that will benefit and need? ■ We live in an 18,000-acre
down wind and pick up my scent. I only other hunters and outdoorsmen, and we Wildlife Management Area, and we also
had a 6-by-12-inch window that the wind develop ideas that have otherwise not travel extensively, so we are in constant
was blowing through. I thought that was even been considered. For instance, we contact with all kinds of outdoor enthu-
absolutely ridiculous, so I developed the developed a broadhead called THE AF- siasts. We listen first-hand to what they
Vapor Maker, a pump-up atomizing spray TERMATH with cupped forward blades. need and want to make their outdoor life
bottle. I used it not only to spray scent This has never been done before because easier, more efficient and safer. Some-
into the air, but also to spray down my it was believed that blades in that posi- times it’s just a simple passing thought
whole body. I was a construction work- tion would slow down penetration. We that snowballs into an idea, and eventu-
er with a twelfth-grade education who discovered that it doesn’t slow down pen- ally that idea becomes an actual product.
knew absolutely nothing about market- etration, and instead it creates an unbe- We are in a continual learning process,
ing or sales, but I had a friend, Sammy lievable wound channel and blood trail. and we want to use our knowledge to
Corley, who made deer scents. He is a Our goal is to create products that make help others.
retired Mississippi game warden. We got hunting easier, and our success has just
together and have done things with scent been a result of that. What are your long-term goals for the
that no other company has been capable company? ■ Our No. 1 goal is to build the
of. We have actually been nose-to-nose What products and innovations are you best products in the world and keep the
with a hog, and the hog did not even ac- most proud of? ■ There are actually sev- price affordable. We want to be the com-
knowledge our presence. eral products that come to mind immedi- pany that customers instantly recognize,
ately. One is the 33 Point Buck Scent and and we want them to know we are dedi-
Eliminator, along with the Vapor Maker. cated to quality and affordability. Our
Our 33 Point Buck scent is made strictly long-term commitment is to continue
from plants that animals eat. The scent to improve and manufacture products
contains no chemicals, so it can be harm- that assist in the enjoyment of outdoor
lessly sprayed all over your body and even sports. On top of that, it’s also extremely
into your eyes. Our Vapor Maker allows important that we provide our indepen-
you to spray your whole body from head dent pro shops with products that really
to toe in 10 seconds. Another important work. We want to make products that
innovation is the preservative we use in are unique and highly effective to draw
our urine-based scents, and this was also more customers into these independent
shops. We have actually had shops tell us
developed from plants. This pre- that they were able to stay open because
servative does not interfere with of our products, and knowing that means
natural pheromones, which is what an incredible amount to us. IA
animals use to communicate. Another
highly praised product is our LCD head- WebXtra ■ Learn more about Vapor
light. We are the only company in the U.S.
that added an LCD screen on our hunting Trail Scents at
and fishing headlights. This allows the


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