Buck Rub Gear
L everaging off of a hugely success- vited the owner—only in his late twen- archery service. Buck Rub Outfitters
ful pro-shop, Buck Rub Gear has ties—to annual bowhunts at Grouse built their current 15,000 square foot
Haven in Michigan. These hunts con- facility in 2001, but as the internet
began to take a bite out of the retail
become a bow accessory powerhouse. tinued until Fred Bear’s death. market share it was decided to expand
into product manufacturing. From the
Buck Rub has assisted and influ- start, Buck Rub Gear’s rule was to avoid
getting too far over their skis with the
Buck Rub Outfitters, the archery pro- enced the design of numerous prod- manufacturing end until they were
confident of their supply chain. COVID
shop, and Buck Rub Gear, the bow ac- ucts over the years. The Kaz-Away Rest slowed things somewhat, but Buck Rub
Gear has been able to ship to their cus-
cessory manufacturer, operate 20 by Vital Bow Gear, the original secure tomers in a timely manner.
minutes west of Milwaukee on In- capture drop-away rest, was actually Buck Rub Gear products are inspired
by more than 40 years in the archery
terstate Highway 192 in southeastern named after Kazmierski. The design, industry and seeing, hearing and
working on a wide variety of products.
Wisconsin. The current facility was once spring driven, now employs pow- Interacting with customers in the retail
arena on a daily basis provides all-im-
designed strictly for the purpose of op- erful magnets, and today the Magne portant insight. A retailer learns what
works or fails, what satisfies or disap-
erating an archery business, including Drop rest with the Ravin Claw launcher points, what is practical or impracti-
cal, providing a huge advantage when
a 1,000-square-foot utility building, is the only drop-away rest that secure- deciding what products deserve more
investment in time and resources.
15,000-square-foot retail shop, indoor ly holds an arrow like a “biscuit-style”
Simply listening to consumers’ needs
range and Buck Rub Gear’s manufac- rest and without top-bar interference. through conversations with thousands
of bowhunters annually, hearing com-
turing assembly and warehouse. All of Buck Rub Outfitters recognized the well plaints about the common issues on
both slider and multi-fixed pin sights,
Buck Rub Gear’s machining and injec- thought-out designs of the Vital Bow sparked the idea for the ideal hunting
sight—Buck Rub Gear’s Carbon Fixation
tion molding is conducted off sight by Gear products and bought the patent Sight. The Carbon Fixation offers the
versatility of a fixed pin for close rang-
numerous jobbers across the country, rights and remaining assets to launch es. The second pin allows for adapt-
ability on the fly with additional range
while the carbon injection molding is Buck Rub Gear. A huge advantage that capabilities for longer shots. Having a
slider sight contained within a fixed
done overseas due to the restrictions a retailer working with consumers aperture eliminates the common issue
of the need to shift anchor to align the
imposed by the United States Environ- daily has is they learn what does and peep, as occurs with many slider sights
with moving housings. This provides
mental Protection Agency (EPA). doesn’t work in real time. This gave a more natural reaction to quick shot
opportunities, while keeping shooting
Buck Rub Outfitters, Ltd. is the com- Buck Rub a huge advantage when form consistent. In addition to the perk
of having two pins, there are also fiber
pany’s registered corporate name, creating or resurrecting products and optic yardage indicators so shooters
while Buck Rub Gear is the trade name ideas that are innovative and hugely
of the company’s manufactured bow functional.
accessory products. When Buck Rub was started in 1978,
Bowhunting has been owner Greg the company did a whooping $78,000
“Kaz” Kazmierski’s passion since he in retail sales. They incorporated in
was able to hunt. He camouflaged bows 1982 and became a distributer in the
for a local archery shop in the mid ‘70s mid ‘80s. With that they became the
as a part time job, a first archery distributor us-
few years later be- ing a computerized order
coming the owner entry system, giving cus-
after home con- tomers real time product
struction came to a halt availability when they
in the late ‘70s and he was laid called in an order. This
off from his water well drilling job. was a big deal given that
Buck Rub started as a retailer. In the the internet had not yet appeared.
early ‘80s, they started an archery-only Buck Rub Outfitters eventually
consumer show that propelled them opened two additional retail outlets.
into distribution and multiple retail lo- As the market changed, distribution
cations. It was at that show that Fred and other retail outlets were closed
Bear recognized the entire Buck Rub and consolidated to concentrate on
staff’s passion for bowhunting and in- the company’s strong suit—retail and
can reference distance settings while at 53
full draw.
Many years of setting up and paper
tuning bows lead to specific features in-
corporated into Buck Rub Gear’s arrow
rests designs, making it easier for the
end user to fine tune, install and en-
joy more room for infinite adjustment
where other rests didn’t have the capa-
bility or range to easily correct issues
that commonly occurred during tuning.
Buck Rub Outfitters observed the issues
associated with available products—like
not being able to mount a quiver onto
certain sights, lighted nocks that were
difficult to turn off or didn’t fit into the
arrow shaft well, along with rest contact
wearing felt off the rests or contacting
the top bar when tuning.
Buck Rub Outfitters equips archers
and carries a wide variety of accessory
brands for customers to choose from.
Consumers are able to see, shoot and
compare firsthand Buck Rub Gear prod-
ucts against all the leading brands. Cus-
tomers can see plainly that at each price
point they are getting the best value for
their money with Buck Rub products.
Buck Rub Gear products are field test-
ed by the company team and engineers,
as well as thousands of customers who
provide direct feedback. Various versions
of the current Magne’ Drop rest, for in-
stance, have been field tested during the
past 20-plus years, with incremental im-
provements introduced periodically. The
latest Raven Claw launcher, for example,
required more than 32 runs of prototypes
to get everything perfectly timed so the
retractable top bars clear the fletch-
ing and shaft to allow contact-free ar-
row flight. It also maintains total arrow
containment that securely and silently
grabs the arrow so even significant up-
ward pressure or something like crawl-
ing through tall grass won’t jostle the
arrow free from the retractable top bar.
The Magne’ Drop Original and Raven
Claw launchers are best known for their
secure arrow capture, ensuring silent
and complete arrow control. The Magne’
Drop series are all driven by three Neo- premature release or failing springs. products provide the price value the con-
dymium rare earth magnets that cre- They allow setting trigger tension and sumer wants and the margins dealers
ate a magnetic spring. They are stron- feel to preferences and are now tapered need—all supported by the company’s
ger than coil springs and more reliable to quicken string-loop attachment. “One And Done” MAP policy.
than a trigger mechanism, the internal They are time-tested designs replicat-
components driven by magnets. Rest ed and improved to adapt to modern From the beginning, Buck Rub was
function is more consistent than con- bowhunting. driven by a passion for bowhunting and
ventional designs driven by springs or being one with nature. They also believe
triggers. Shooters do not have to worry Buck Rub Gear designers also felt that it should be easier to be one with equip-
about freezing weather or temperature available lighted nock systems were ment for added stealth in the woods.
changes, or chronic parts failure. Once lacking in some ways, so spawned the Years ago, Kaz had the opportunity to get
the Magne’ Drop rest is set up, locked SwitchNock. The SwitchNock combats to know and bowhunt with Fred Bear.
down and tuned there is nothing that many common issues and includes an When you break down archery to its
can go wrong. Buck Rub Gear backs external switch that makes them easy to basics, simplicity is driven by physics,
this up with an Unconditional Lifetime turn off, fitting ridges that allow them to and over the years setting up and tun-
Warranty. tightly fit multiple shaft diameters and ing thousands of bows, observing vari-
a deeper throat and detents to keep the ous trends that ebb and flow in the ever-
Buck Rub’s Classic Releases reintro- nocks from falling off the string during changing archery industry, seeing what
duced the classic Jim Fletcher design, letdown. people like, don’t like and seeing what
with the reliable and crisp over-center sticks and what customers value most,
trigger system. The Classic FH and the The folks at Buck Rub Gear believe that being a retailer turned manufacturer,
Classic Jim are two releases custom- simplicity, functionality and depend- Buck Rub has gained unique insight as
ers and dealers alike have learned to ability are the most important features an archery insider with upwards of 45
trust completely. There is no chance of bowhunting consumers seek—as well years in the industry and counting. IA
as price. Every one of Buck Rub Gear’s
The Scent Crusher Basecamp is designed, intended and instructed to not be used in
field with the use of blinds, tree stands or any other in field hunting pursuit of game.
T he Kinsey’s Dealer Show was back ucts, and many picked up bows or guns for
for 2022 and live at the Hershey the first time! Following the first day of the
Lodge and bigger than ever, in show was Casino Night. Casino Night fea-
terms of both the number of ex- tured an opportunity for dealers to inter-
hibitors and attendance! The show kicked act, enjoy some great food and play casino
off Friday February 25, filling the Hershey games for prizes and Kinsey’s dealer bucks
Lodge with retailers and manufacturers to spend at the show.
from both the archery and firearms indus-
try. This was an amazing combination as Saturday kicked off the main day of the
it brought retailers from both industries an show, where archery and firearms retail-
opportunity to look at cross-industry prod- ers explored manufacturers in both catego-
ries joined again for a full day of buying
action. Throughout the show, manufac- archery. KDS Sponsors put on an excit- left to right: ■ Kinsey’s Dealer Night was packed
turers were doing giveaways over the ing prize giveaway during an amazing full of retailers trying their luck to win prizes and
loud speaker, mixing up the day. The dinner, followed by a concert by Jame- money to spend at the show! ■ Al Perelli, owner of
combination of industries introduced son Rodgers. Bigshot Archery, and Tina Perelli, his wife, talk to
new business to many exhibitors, stem- dealers about BigShot’s standout targets. ■ The Bear
ming from Kinsey’s new expansion into Day three was another great show Archery team showed up with their impressive selec-
the firearms industry. Saturday night day. This KDS was the most “normal” tion of 2022 offerings. ■ Kinsey’s welcomes dealers
was Dealer Appreciation night, where show of the season. In fact, it was far be- back to the Hershey Lodge for the 2022 Kinsey’s
Kinsey’s Staff welcomed back the in- yond normal, as the Hershey Lodge was Dealer Show after a year away. ■ Tim Barber shows
dustry in person, and talked about how packed full all 3 days, and retailers and retailers his incredible Omega Sight, which offers
important the show and retailers are to manufacturers alike expressed their ex- range-finding and video all in one amazing package.
citement about the show’s success. IA
clockwise from top left:
■ BCY brought a wide array of its
highly admired string material to
the show.
■ Nathaniel Dearolf, marketing/
creative director for Kinsey’s,
helps out an attendee.
■ Primal Treestands let attendees
get a close look at some of its latest
ground blinds.
■ Jack Baugh of On Duty CBD tells
retailers about his unique CBD
■ Matt Minshall, owner of .30-06
Outdoors, had a wide range of
affordable and effective products
for the show’s attendees.
■ T.R.U. Ball and AXCEL drew
steady visitors with its exciting
new innovations for 2022.
■ Jason Fuller of Killer Instinct
displays one of the company’s
compact and deadly crossbows.
clockwise from top left: 59
■ Kelsey Heisey and Justin Gorman
represent the fourth generation of
the Kinsey’s family to work for the
family business.
■ Jameson Rodgers took the stage
during Dealer Appreciation Night.
■ Pine Ridge Archery’s Jerry Tepps
intrigued attendees with the
company’s wide spectrum of colorful
■ Industry staple QAD experienced
steady interest during the show.
■ Kinsey’s consumer brands include
BlackHeart, Elevation, October
Mountain Products and Fin-Finder
Bowfishing, and they all naturally
had a strong presence at the show.
■ Anthony Majewski
of Buck Baits hosts a
giveaway for dealers.
■ Victory Archery made
an appearance with its
highly effective assort-
ment of carbon arrows.
If any sector of the archery market
is more rabid than the crossbow
crew, I’ve yet to find it. They expect
improvement when new crossbows
come out each year. They like their gear,
and they know what they want. Crossbow
hunters are some of the most educated
customers in the market, and they of-
tentimes understand what they’re
looking at and what they want.
Still, the industry surprises them with things they didn’t even know they
needed or wanted but did. Overall, the 2022 crop did just that. Check out
these exciting new options that recently hit the market. From one end to
the other, your customers are sure to find one that’s right for them.
Ravin Crossbows | Ravin’s new R500 Series crossbows deliver staggering speeds of
500 fps with a 400-grain arrow. The Ravin Electric Drive System enables push-button
cocking and de-cocking. The new Ravin Adjustable Turret Scope offers advanced op-
tics equipment. This series also offers axle-to-axle widths of 3.6 inches when cocked
or 7.6 inches uncocked. Each of the bows in this series feature the new proprietary
HexCoil Cam System. The series includes the upgradable R500, R500E (with Ravin
Electric Drive System), R500 Sniper (with Ravin adjustable turret scope, scope level,
and .001 premium arrows) and the R500E Sniper, with a complete set of features
and accessories. Individually, the R500 uses the new R500 draw handle and the new
VersaDrive cocking system, with its internal screw drive, to move the Trac Trigger Fir-
ing System (TTFS) back and forth. The internal clutch within the VersaDrive system
eliminates over-cocking and allows cocking and uncocking to be stopped at any point
during the process. This crossbow retails for $3,049.99.
The R500E adds the new Ravin Electric Drive System to the R500, allowing users to
cock or de-cock the crossbow with the push of a button. Users will also have the op-
tion to seamlessly cock and de-cock the R500E manually with the included R500 draw
handle. The Ravin Electric Drive consists of a 12-volt battery and motor unit that can
be easily detached from the stock for storage or recharging via the included charging
dock. MSRP is $3,349.99. The Ravin R500 Sniper adds the new Ravin Adjustable Turret
Scope. With this, shooters can adjust yardage on the fly with a quick turn of the eleva-
tion turret. The R500 Sniper includes the Ravin scope level, which ensures perfectly
balanced shots, as well as six premium bolts with straightness tolerances of +/- .001-
inch. MSRP is $3,449.99. The top-of-the-line R500E Sniper comes with a complete set
of features and accessories, including the new Ravin Electric Drive System, new Ravin
adjustable turret scope and Ravin scope level. MSRP is $3,749.99. All are available in
slate gray coloring. Learn more by visiting
Ravin R500 Series
Mission SUB-1 XR
Darton Toxin Mission Archery | The Mission SUB-1 XR is designed
RD100 XT
TenPoint for accuracy and delivering a hard-hitting bolt from a
Nitro 505 compact frame. It features technology that allows safe-
Wicked Ridge ly de-cocking the crossbow with the push of a button.
Fury 410 It comes with a match-grade, rolling sear dual-stage
Excalibur trigger set at a crisp 3 pounds. It also has an easy-load
Mag Air arrow retention arm. Its high let-off, fully synced cam
X16 Tactical system eliminates horizontal nock travel, which provides
uniform arrow launch and superior accuracy. Plus, the patented
62 CNC machined rail eliminates vertical nock travel for additional
accuracy potential. The stock allows for six different length-of-
pull adjustments and 1.25 inches of adjustment in the
comb for a customized fit. Thanks to an ergonomic
pistol grip, this crossbow is contoured for a positive
grip and can be configured with any AR-style, non-
beavertail-style grip. MSRP starts at $1,699.99. Learn more by
Darton Archery | Darton’s new Toxin RD100 XT features a
trackless composite barrel design, making it a lightweight 7.9
pounds. It also uses a patented bullpup forward trig-
ger design to maximize its power stroke. This cross-
bow has a 13.375-inch axle-to-axle width at brace,
9.125-inch axle-to-axle width at full draw and an over-
all length of 32.5 inches. With that, your consumers get
a comfortable, better-balanced design with more performance.
Because of its smooth power stroke, modest 165-pound peak
draw weight and 16-inch power stroke most hunters will find
this crossbow a breeze to cock, while still having the ability to
launch a 400-grain arrow at 380 fps. Furthermore, this crossbow
incorporates reverse-draw cams, patented anti-dry-fire design,
auto-engaged safety, Sims Limb Saver technology and more.
It utilizes a 3-pound trigger pull, sling studs and an oversized
foot stirrup. The narrow axle-to-axle dimension at full draw
and its short overall length also allow this crossbow to be
used more easily in a blind. MSRP is $699.99 to $1,225.12,
depending on the package chosen. Learn more by visiting
TenPoint Crossbows | The new TenPoint Nitro 505 is a se-
rious powerhouse. It offers silent cocking and safe de-cocking
with only 5 pounds of force required to operate. It features its
new cocking strap that handles more than 2,000 pounds of force.
It comes with a variable speed scope with a customized reticle
and external target turrets for accurate shooting out to 100 yards.
The new 20-inch Micro-Trac barrel reduces string-to-barrel
contact by 50 percent to increase string life, purportedly
outlasting rail-less crossbows by hundreds of shots. It even
has increased strand count for added strength and durabil-
ity. This bow also includes the new RX8 cam system, which
powers the reverse-draw engine, rotating 404 degrees to create
the longest speed-generating power stroke ever on a crossbow.
It features wider cable grooves for reduced cable wear. Also, its
S1 trigger is a two-stage, zero-creep design featuring a roller sear
system that provides greater trigger control. Drilling down on
specs, it is 6.5 inches wide when cocked, 12 inches wide when Xpedition
at rest and has a 30.5-inch overall length. It also has a 17-inch X-430
power stroke, 300-pound draw weight and weighs 7.9 pounds.
It shoots up to 505 fps, depending on arrow setup. MSRP CenterPoint
ranges from $3,049.99 to $3,749.99. Learn more by visiting Wrath 430X SYKD Hunt
Vindicate XVC
Wicked Ridge | The new Fury 410 De-Cock by Wicked Ridge
SA Sports
gets part of its name by allowing shooters to silently cock the Empire Punisher 420
crossbow with an easy 5 pounds of effort, and then safely de-
cock the crossbow by backwinding the handle. It also has a re- Killer Instinct
verse-draw advantage and a 15.5-inch power stroke that gener- Lethal 405
ates more speed with less draw weight. It includes a two-stage,
zero-creep trigger design featuring a DFP (dry fire prohibitor) 63
that delivers a consistent, crisp, 3.5-pound pull. Its elongated
power stroke also increases the distance the bolt nock is en-
gaged with the string, which is a critical component in
performance, as the longer the nock remains engaged
with the string, the more accurate the crossbow will be.
Regarding specs, this model has a 9-inch cocked and 15-
inch uncocked width, and an overall length of 29 inches. It has
a draw weight of 200 pounds and weighs 7.5 pounds. This cross-
bow comes topped off with the RangeMaster Pro Scope, featur-
ing multi-coated glass for optimal light gathering. The variable
speed scope includes lighted aiming points for precision down-
range accuracy. It shoots up to 410 fps and comes with a scope,
cocking device, quiver and three bolts. MSRP is $1,049.99. Learn
more by visiting
Excalibur Crossbow | Excalibur’s new Mag Air is a
comfortable, lightweight and maneuverable crossbow
that shoots about 305 fps via a 136-pound draw weight. Ex-
calibur crossbows use attachable cranks, integrated cranks
and rope cockers to achieve as little as 12 pounds of draw effort.
Also, this crossbow has an overall length of 31 inches, weighs
4.9 pounds without accessories and 6.7 pounds with accesso-
ries. According to Excalibur, a fully accessorized Mag Air is
up to 1 pound lighter than most competitors’ crossbows
without their accessories installed. At the heart of this is
the Gen2 Synthetic mainframe, which is specifically en-
gineered to reduce weight while maintaining maximum
strength. This model also offers versatility for youth and
adults, offers recurve reliability and comes fully accessorized
with a rope cocking aid, fixed power scope, four-bolt quiver,
three bolts and three field points. MSRP is $579.99. Learn more
by visiting
Gearhead | The Gearhead Archery X16 Tactical crossbow is
crafted with a takedown, packable design. The X16 Tactical has
a precision dovetail joint with a robust clamping mechanism.
This allows the X16 Tactical to be assembled in the field
without sacrificing accuracy. Just slide the two halves to-
gether to the alignment stop and tighten the cam clamp
into place. It is built with a 2-pound-pull Trigger Tech trig-
ger box and an arrow rest that can be paper tuned. Overall,
it has a 16-inch power stroke, and 14.75- trous trigger safety, aluminum flight rail is just $249.99. Learn more by visiting
or 18.5-inch axle-to-axle widths. It weighs for performance and durability and a crisp
6.25 pounds, with draw weights available 4.25-pound trigger with little to no creep.
in 75, 90 or 125 pounds. It shoots up to 350 It includes a 15-inch power stroke, and it Barnett Crossbows | The Hyper XP
fps. MSRP is $1,549.00. Learn more by vis- measures 17.75/14.5 inches between the
iting axles uncocked/cocked. It has a 185-pound 405 has numerous advantages, but great
draw weight and a 7.95-pound mass. It is weight distribution and a narrow profile
Xpedition Archery | The Xpedition X-430 speed rated at 380 fps. The crossbow pack- make this crossbow feel more comfortable
age includes a rope cocking aid, five-bolt to shoot, a quality any customer can appre-
includes a CNC-machined cam system. It quiver, three bolts with field points, limb ciate. It features a crossbow platform that
sports a lightweight, anti-dry-fire trigger dampeners, string wax, rail lube and a easily transfers shooting skills from one
pack, compact riser design, exchangeable 4x32mm illuminated scope with inter- form to another without any adjustments
retention spring and other user-friendly changeable red and blue illumination and or compromises. Furthermore, the Hyper
features. It has a 14.5-inch power stroke, lens covers. MSRP is $499.99. Learn more XP 405 is built around the small diameter
13-inch cocked and 17.5-inch uncocked by visiting HyperFlite bolt. HyperFlite narrow diam-
axle-to-axle widths, 37-inch overall length eter bolts provide numerous advantages,
and 200-pound draw weight. The alumi- SA Sports | The Empire Punisher 420 including deeper penetration, less wind
num, composite frame brings mass to just drift, increased durability and delivery of
8 pounds and it shoots up to 430 fps. The by SA Sports features a very narrow pro- maximum kinetic energy. Other features
kit includes a cocking rope, shoulder sling, file. It has a 12-inch uncocked width and include a TriggerTech 3-pound trigger,
string wax, string stops, string silenc- 7.75-inch cocked width. It offers a reverse- single bolt assembly, an anti-dry fire trig-
ers, limb dampeners, detachable six-bolt cam design and sends bolts at 420 fps. ger system, custom composite laminated
quiver, three bolts and a 4x32mm scope. Other features include CNC-machined limbs, three Picatinny rails, crank cocking
MSRP is $699. Learn more by visiting cams, string stops, adjustable foregrip, device, adjustable butt pad, side-mount 3.5-pound precision trigger, anti-dryfire quiver and more. This crossbow comes
trigger technology, full-length synthetic with a rope cocking device, premium side-
CenterPoint Archery | The Wrath 430X stock and a Picatinny rail. Specs include mount quiver, bolts, lubrication wax and
a 15.5-inch power stroke, 185-pound draw an illuminated scope. Learn more by visit-
by CenterPoint has an inverted cam design weight and 8-pound mass. This crossbow ing
and CNC-machined aluminum rails for package includes a sling, rope cocker,
durability. A ball bearing retention spring detachable quiver, three bolts and scope Axe Crossbows | Axe Crossbows opti-
keeps arrows in place. Its full bearing with illuminated reticles. Learn more by
cam system produces smooth operation visiting mizes performance with the AX440. The
and increased speeds, shooting up to 430 AX440 looks different, introduces extreme
fps. Axle-to-axle specs measure 9 inches Killer Instinct | The Killer Instinct Le- efficiency and includes excellent maneu-
when cocked and 13 inches when at rest. verability, stability and shootability. The
Overall length is 32 inches, including the thal 405 offers 405-fps velocity but does crossbow is just 30.5-inches long and
stirrup and when the folding stock is fully so with quiet performance. It has a light- measures less than 12-inches axle-to-axle
extended. It has a 15-inch power stroke, weight composite frame that features an when cocked, with mass centered over
200-pound draw weight and propels bolts over-molded grip and adjustable X-Lok the shooter’s hand for improved balance
at up to 430 fps. The crossbow weighs forearm piece for maximum comfort through the reverse limb system. This
9 pounds. Its folding stock and stirrup and control. Integrated rubber suppres- configuration uses the most efficient
doubles as a stable bipod with three-stage sors produce quiet, stealthy performance part of the split limb system from just
locking. It offers a full accessory package and lightweight carbon bolts offer im- 15 inches of power stroke to launch bolts
with a silent cranking device, parallel proved accuracy. Furthermore, a consis- at 440 fps. The proprietary cam system
quiver, three bolts, rail lube and a 4x32mm tent, 3.5-pound trigger improves the shot is linked by parallel cables, the unique
illuminated scope. MSRP is $699.99. Learn process. This crossbow has a 210-pound configuration eliminating cam lean and
more by visiting draw weight and 14.5-inch power stroke. limb torque, further enhanced by an ex-
It has 14.75-inch cocked and 18.75-inch clusive cable brace that moves flex away
SYKD Hunt | The SYKD Hunt Vindicate uncocked axle-to-axle specs and a 34.5- from the crossbow’s center. These features
inch overall length. This crossbow pack- center the string to move along the same
XVC crossbow is crafted with aluminum age includes a rope cocker, three-bolt plane throughout the entire power stroke.
and composite material. It is loaded with quiver, three Killer Instinct HYPR Lite Car- The stock utilizes dual, full-length carbon
great features, including an adjustable bon Crossbolts with field tips, string sup- guide rods that when combined with the
tactical buttstock for various preferences pressors and rail lubricant. A 4x32mm shoot through riser and a tunable roller
and different sizes of shooters, adjustable scope extends overall range. MSRP rest create a free-floating bolt system that
foregrip, anti-dry-fire system, ambidex-
minimizes contact, friction and torque. The AX440 fires .166-inch Barnett
diameter 19.5-inch bolts that enhance accuracy, durability, pen- Hyper XP 405
etration and safety. Safety also comes from an integrated silent-
crank system and fail-safe 3.5-pound trigger assembly with Dry- Axe AX440
Fire Inhibiting technology. The crank system can be stopped or Rocky Mountain
continued from any position along the guide rail and also
safely de-cocked. The adjustable comb has 1.25-inches RM400 Black
of height adjustment, length of pull and the stirrup is
also fully adjustable. The kit includes Axe’s new scope
system with optimized AX440 reticle, compact, side-mount
quiver and three proprietary .166 Axe micro-diameter bolts. This
crossbow weighs 10.5 pounds and includes an MSRP of $2,099.99.
Learn more by visiting
Rocky Mountain | Rocky Mountain’s expanded crossbow
lineup now includes the RM400 Black. This crossbow
combines excellent performance and a reasonable price
of just $299.99. The RM400 Black is based on a precision-
molded, one-piece black stock and a rock-solid limb sys-
tem, which results in a feathery 7.4-pound mass. It comes
with everything needed to shoot, including a standard reti-
cle 4x32mm scope, rope cocking device, RM Quiet Crank ($99.99
value, free), quick-detach three bolt side quiver, three PileDriver
Carbon Express crossbolts with practice points and rail lubri-
cant. The RM400 Black dimensions are 18.5-by-35 inches, sport-
ing a 195-pound limb system that cocks to just 14.5-inch-
es wide and launches 380-grain crossbolts to speeds
of 400 fps. The RM400 Black features a DFS (Dry Fire
Safety) system that auto engages when the crossbow is
cocked, plus dual string suppressors and limb dampeners
to reduce shot noise. A large stirrup allows easy cocking,
and the foregrip is adjustable for feel. Learn more by visiting IA
Game-Changing Crossbow Scopes
Huskemaw Optics • Huskemaw Optics Crossfield 4x40 Crossbow Scope Omega Sights • The newly refined 2022 Omega III Sight is an all-in-one
is made to maximize crossbow performance through a calibrated Arrow optic providing multi-dot aiming, an integrated rangefinder with 500-meter
Drop Compensator (ADC) turret that precisely matches the trajectory of ranging capabilities and HD video recording. The Omega III holds five fully
high-speed crossbows out to 150 yards. The Crossfield utilizes high-density, adjustable aiming dots that are completely customizable to accommodate
multi-coated lenses to gather more light in dim conditions, while providing any crossbow/bolt combination. Each aiming dot can be independently
bright, sharp images. The heavy-duty, one-piece 30mm aircraft aluminum adjusted for yardage, while also moving laterally for precision tuning. New
housing and cement-bedded lenses make it ultra-reliable, fog-proof and features include LCD five-position dimming feature, integrated True Distance
waterproof. The 2-MOA version includes a custom single-stack turret allow- Calculator for angle compensation when shooting from elevated positions
ing 60-clicks/120-MOA per turret revolution. It sports a fast-focus eyepiece, and instant video playback/review. The 13-ounce unit
glass-etched reticle, red/green illuminated dot with five intensity settings features a 12-hour Rechargeable Power Bank, sturdier
and zero stop turret. The 9.7-by-4.3-inch optic weighs 20.1 ounces and in- mounting bracket with improved adjustments, 32GB
cludes 40mm objective and 36mm micro-SD card, two 3-volt batteries, two-button re-
ocular lens. MSRP is $399. Learn mote control, sunshield
more at and anti-glare LCD
screen. MSRP is
$499. Learn more
Five Questions with Archer Sight
Archer Sight is the producer of unique and highly effective products like the Game a newer version that adapts to the mul-
tiple bowstring sizes being used today.
Sled and Quick Sight Elite (QSE). We spoke with Alan Small, founder, to learn more.
How do you ensure that customers get
W here did you get your ideas, and adjustments if/when needed. Be it on many years of use from their QSE? ■
how did you develop those ideas a range or on a remote hunt, even in We offer a “Lifetime Warranty” to re-
into real-world products? ■ My hunt- the back yard, having the ability to fine place the peep if there is breakage and/or
ing adventures and experiences brought tune the peep for accuracy becomes a dissatisfaction occurs. Standing behind
about my ideas for the Game Sled line huge benefit. The QSE may not be the our customers and dealers is essential.
and more recently the QSE “Adjust- total answer for every archer, but the There is a continued upgrade/revision
able Peep.” These specialized hunting QSE does offer a quick and effective so- process for the QSE, and as this occurs,
products were the result of my desire lution to common problems. there will be an offering for our cus-
to succeed in the field, and when suc- tomers/dealers to receive the upgraded
cessful, have a smooth way to leave the How has the QSE been updated and unit free of charge once released. This
field with a trophy in tow, effortlessly improved over the years? ■ Since the benefits both the end users and dealers,
and with minimal stress. As a lifelong inception of the QSE, we have continual- and it exemplifies our promise to ac-
archer, starting when I was eight years ly worked on finding better material so- tively stand behind the product. We are
old, I became enthralled with slinging lutions to help reduce one inherent peep committed to help keep archers in the
arrows. Over the years, there has been issue: cracking. As the QSE requires the field—preventing them from spending
a lot of joy, but of course, there has also use of hardware to install and clamp to unwanted time at home or at the shop.
been frustration—mainly with keeping the bowstring, it has come to our atten-
the sight in proper alignment with the tion that some individuals may over- What role do independent archery
peep. I found that permanently installed tighten and cause the unit to crack. dealers play in your business, and how
in-string peeps could move because of do you try to help them thrive? ■ This
string twisting and string creep. After a Alternately, not securing and pre-shoot- peep will help build an archer’s confi-
long time of trying to solve these issues ing prior to the final stage of securing dence, and that will create loyalty be-
and others, I created the QSE, which is may damage the QSE. Mostly, this is- tween a shop and its customers. The QSE
a highly adjustable peep that installs in sue comes from alternate sizes of bow- reduces downtime and demonstrates to
mere moments. The QSE is NOT made strings that are now more common to customers that the shop has their best
from inferior plastic, but at this time, archery equipment. Even with detailed interest at heart. We are committed to
the proprietary product material for- instructions, all are different to inter- supporting our dealers and having an
mula cannot be shared. It has always pretation, and without blame, damage open relationship with technicians and
been and always will be my goal to pro- can occur. After the initial release of staff to help eliminate any concerns
duce only the highest quality and best- the QSE, a change of hardware has been and ensure product integrity. Feedback
designed products that will help fellow made that significantly reduces damage with concerns and issues helps us build
archers and hunters succeed. to the QSE. With every sale, we provide a better design and eradicate future is-
ongoing assistance and product sup- sues. All our adjustable peep lines have
How does the QSE work, and what port through e-mail or phone. Presently been designed, manufactured and pack-
benefits does it provide to hunters? ■ we are addressing the alternate string aged entirely in the USA, with absolutely
The QSE is an adjustable peep that al- sizes, and with engineering and field no plans to offshore these products. We
lows an archer to fine tune their style testing, we are working hard to release also guarantee our dealers that quality
and form to their archery equipment. and product integrity are foremost con-
It works for left- and right-handed siderations by backing every sale with a
shooters, and archers can easily self- Lifetime Warranty. IA
install the QSE (or if they choose, they
can obtain assistance from their local WebXtra ■ For more on the
archery facility). The QSE helps archers
become totally in tune with their equip- Archer Sight QSE please check them
ment, and it also allows for in-the-field out at