MAY 2022
28 Power of Participation
■ John Reichert | Big Tine
■ Jonathan Clark |
Last Chance Archery
■ Matt Burdette | Landgea
■ Sarah Pfister | Badger Archery
■ Patrick Meitin | Inside Archery
■ Brian Murphy | HuntStand
30 Odin’s Innovations
A New Approach to
30 an Established Industry
By Daniel Allred
Market Trends
18 New & Notable
38 Archery products with
strong sales potential
38 Gear Report
Banks Outdoors The Stump 4
Limited Edition 360º
40 2022’s Hottest Sights & Rests
Bowhunters and target shooters
have never had it better
By Patrick Meitin
40 56 48 Gear Report
Pine Ridge Archery
Nitro Split Limb Dampeners
54 Gear Report
Annihilator Broadheads
56 2022 Head-Turning Recreational
& Target Archery Gear
64 26 By Josh Honeycutt
INSIDE ARCHERY (Volume 25, #4) ISSN #1940-3879, USPS #024-412 is published 10 times per year (Jan / Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep / Oct, Nov, Dec) by Apollo Creative Inc. PO Box 15827, Colorado Springs,
CO 80935. Periodical postage paid at Colorado Springs, CO 80935 and at additional offices. Postmaster please send address changes to INSIDE ARCHERY, P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19055-9998.
12 Inside Track
Facilitating The Offseason
16 Kinsey’s Business
Four Proven Organic Marketing
Strategies to Drive Sales
20 Your ATA Insights
Purpose Built
By Kurt Smith / ATA
22 Industry News
48 40 The latest on news, events and
people in the archery industry
26 ATA Action
The Best ATA-Member Benefits
for Your Business Type
By Cassie Gasaway / ATA
50 Leading Archery
66 Industry 5Q
Five Questions with Robert
50 Kaleta from GhostBlind.
54 18 26
insidearchery.com Online Exclusives
Bear Bowhunt
Isn’t It Time You Bowhunted Black Bears?
Black bear hunting is available in key Western
U.S. states and many Canadian provinces through
June. Inside Archery’s editor explores your options,
from affordable guided hunts in Canada to DIY
options in the Western U.S.
Exotic Bowhunt
Is A Texas Exotic Hunt For You?
The Lone Star State is home to a vast variety of
exotic game, from delicious axis deer, to species
like blackbuck antelope and aoudad sheep that
have become endangered in their home ranges.
Here’s what you need to know.
Hog Bowhunt
Three Approaches To Effectively Baiting Hogs
Hogs live by their bellies, making baiting hugely effective.
Our resident hog expert, Patrick Meitin, discusses three
productive approaches to bowhunting wild hogs over
bait—from classic to more interactive approaches.
Amphibious Bowhunt
Amphibious Bowhunting Assaults
Inside Archery’s Executive Editor provides the
lowdown on the wildly fun pastime of bowhunting
summer bullfrogs, from finding productive waters,
to effective hunting approaches, to creating a
sumptuous frog-leg meal of them.
:WebXtras “Gear Report” tries out the Banks Outdoors The Stump 4
Limited Edition 360º, Pine Ridge Archery Nitro Split Limb Dampeners, and
Annihilator Broadheads. “5Q” chats with Robert Kaleta from GhostBlind.
Inside Archery Digital Edition
Now Inside Archery can be delivered to your door, viewed on your computer,
AND on your smartphone or tablet. VISIT INSIDEARCHERY.COM/DIGITAL
Fresh content daily
on social media!
Facilitating the Offseason
I ’ve always contended there is no such thing as a bowhunting offseason.
Sure, seminal events such as September bugling elk, November rutting
whitetails or gobbling spring turkeys may not be on the table, but there is
always something to pursue, if not species as desirable as those already men-
tioned. For me, these offseason alternatives are as organic as the big game spe-
cies that ultimately drive us. If I can’t hunt elk, I’ll tackle bullfrogs. If whitetails
are only a distant hope, there are usually wild hogs somewhere to keep me in
meat. When spring turkey are off the calendar, somewhere there are undoubt-
edly carp or burrowing rodents to belabor.
Granted, these alternatives might not stir the intense
passions big game provides, but they still offer enjoy-
able pursuit. It’s not just something to do until it is time
for bigger things, but fun and excitement of its own. I’ve
always approached bullfrog shoots, hog hunts, varmints
and bowfishing as stand-alone entertainment. Would
I skip elk, deer or turkeys to shoot frogs, hogs, ground
squirrels or carp? Probably not. But during the proper season I certainly look
forward to these activities with glee—everything in its proper place…
The problem with many offseason activities is they require knowledge and
some small degree of effort to scope out. Unfortunately, people don’t seem to
have the same sense of adventure they once had. Sure, they’re up for offseason
activities, but they seem averse to putting in the time to find productive spots.
That’s where you can help, giving customers a little nudge in the right direction
to help them find offseason success.
This can come in the form of one-on-one information sharing, website blogs,
newsletters, fliers or in-store seminars. I know what you’re thinking: “I’m not
giving away my hotspots to the general public and ruining my own fun!” I get it.
I guard my secret spots like lost treasure. A lot of hard work and expensive fuel
goes into finding productive spots.
But you don’t have to give up your No. 1 spots, and think of this as an invest-
ment in future sales. A customer, or group of customers, is more likely to invest
in a full bowfishing kit, for instance, if you hand them info on some genuinely
productive, easy-access wade spots to skewer carp.
You don’t have to provide the most detailed micro instructions, just enough
to get them started. Access directions to the head of a large lake or section of
public river, details on how to take advantage of a particular public hunting
area, pointing out a set of drainage ditches holding untold numbers of bullfrogs.
You’re supplying just enough intel to get customers interested and set on the
right path, while leaving plenty of room for engaging exploration.
Keeping customers engaged through the offseason makes for good business.
Offering that little extra, making yourself a friend instead of a merchant, is
part of supplying above-and-beyond customer service and creating fiercely loy-
al customers.
Patrick Meitin, Executive Editor
Apollo Creative Inc
Executive Editor
Patrick Meitin • [email protected]
Associate Editor
Daniel Allred • [email protected]
Kurt Smith | Cassie Gasaway | Josh Honeycutt
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Design & Production
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Tara Bondar
Social Media Manager
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Video Editor
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Inside Archery founded in 1998 by Bill and Sherry Krenz
Inside Archery® Copyright © 2022 Apollo Crreative Inc. All rights re-
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Archery, hunting and bowhunting are inherently dangerous activi-
ties. Improper use of hunting or archery equipment may cause se-
rious injury or death. Always follow state and local hunting safety
rules, and get required permits or licenses before hunting. Apollo
Creative Inc uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-
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warranties or representations as to accuracy or completeness. All
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Inside Archery®
is a publication of
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Printed in the USA.
SFotruartePgroievsentoODrgriavneiScaMleasrketing Kinsey’s is the leading distributor to the outdoors and
T here are plenty of ways to mar- archery industry. Carrying items from your favorite
ket your business. Paid options ask you or your employees, that would brands, in-stock and ready-to-ship, the company offers
include print, radio, television, most likely be a great opportunity to domestic and international retailers a wide array of
billboards, as well as digital ads, mainly create a blog post for your website. Also, products and services. Kinsey’s also owns innovative
Facebook and Google Ads. The downside think of what topics or content would consumer brands including BlackHeart, Fin-Finder,
of those paid strategies is that they cost provide value to your customers. In pro- Elevation and October Mountain Products.
your business money. If they’re done cor- viding valuable content, you help build For more information, please visit KinseysInc.com
rectly, that ad spend can do great things trust and a relationship with your cus-
for your business’ bottom line. However, tomer. Consider writing articles like Top Google My Business Listing
there are also organic marketing strat- Three Compound Bows, Top Five Hunting
egies that don’t cost your business as Arrows, Best Archery Releases for Begin- Google recently announced they are get-
much money to implement. The only real ners, as examples. Think of topics that ting rid of the Google My Business app,
associated cost is the time it takes to put your customers would be searching for but the service is being rebranded as
in the work to create the organic market- on Google and YouTube and craft web- Google Business Profile. With Google
ing efforts. We’ll cover four proven or- site content around those questions and Business Profiles, businesses are able to
ganic marketing strategies that will help search queries. In doing so, you’re not keep their business’ listing updated via
your business drive sales. only providing valuable content to your Google Search or Maps. This is an abso-
customers, but you’re helping your web- lute must for businesses, as it not only
Social Media site’s ranking on Google with search en- helps people find them and get direc-
gine optimization. tions, but also helps keep them updated
If your business doesn’t already have so- with your phone number and business
cial media accounts, you need to make Email Newsletter hours. Google Business Profiles also allow
sure to create those as soon as possible. customers to leave reviews and post pho-
Having a presence on social media apps For your customers who love to read, tos of your business. The more reviews
like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and an email newsletter is a perfect organic and photos your business has, the better
TikTok provide a way for current and po- marketing channel. Unfortunately, most the ranking on Google Search and Maps.
tential customers to keep up with what email marketing platforms do have a If you haven’t given your Google Business
is going on with your business. Most of cost associated with them, but creating Profile an update or refresh, it’s time you
the social media sites are free to use, so the email newsletters is where the true add it to your organic marketing strategy.
why not take advantage of that user base opportunities lie. In putting out an email
to market your business? Think of these newsletter weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or There are many paid and organic mar-
as additional websites that help you get quarterly, you get an opportunity to keep keting opportunities for your business
found on the internet. Your location and your customers updated with the latest to take advantage of. With so many op-
hours will be available for those interest- product offerings, upcoming sales and tions available, it is easy to get paralysis
ed in your business. Posts can be as sim- promotions, contests, giveaways, as well by analysis. However, if you focus on the
ple as noting an hour change, showing as relevant seasonal products and topics. above proven strategies of social media
off a new shipment received, announcing The email newsletter is also a great place presence, valuable website content, timely
an approaching hunting season, basically where you can use and cross promote email newsletters and updated Google
anything that engages or interests your your other organic marketing campaigns Business Profile you’ll be setting your busi-
clientele. Keeping a regularly updated so- and channels. You can promote your so- ness up for organic marketing success. IA
cial presence is a great way to take advan- cial media accounts, plug your website
tage of organic marketing opportunities. and blogs, as well as any other marketing
efforts you have going on.
Website Content
Another way you can take advantage of
organic marketing opportunities is to fo-
cus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
with blog posts on your website. If there
are questions your customers regularly
Pur-Pro Products Obsession
2022 FX-30
Pur-Pro hunting seats offer a super-comfortable, flex adaptable,
weather and waterproof cushion ideal for maximizing rear and back Obsession’s 2022
comfort while occupying stands or blind chairs. Instead of a fabric- FX-30 is fueled
covered cushion, Pur-Pro incorporates a one-piece, molded polyurethane by the new TRAX
cushion with a tough skin that’s formed during the manufacturing process. Cam, creating quick arrow speeds,
They are soft enough to be comfortable but firm enough to offer support, high adjustable let-off and smooth
for hours of sitting comfort. The USA-made seats ensure on-time delivery draw cycles. The TRAX Cam is milled
at an affordable price point. Further development led to molded polyure- from 6061 alloy aluminum and includes
thane flat pads that easily attach to a variety of settings. Custom logos can be added for retailers, clubs, outfitters draw-specific modules installed
and individuals. Pur-Pro is continually working on new ideas and products. Learn more at pur-pro.com. without a bow press. The FX riser is a
stiffer, flex-free platform. Axion Limb
Huskemaw Optics Crossfield 4x40 Dampeners make the bow ultra-
quiet. The new TorqueLess
Huskemaw Optics’ newly refined Crossfield Angled Cable Rod boosts
4x40 Crossbow Scope gives crossbow arrow speeds, elimi-
hunters 150-yard capabilities while nates lateral torque and
shooting 450-plus fps crossbows through precision creates smoother draws. A
custom turrets calibrated to specific crossbow/bolt combinations. The scope is a compact 9.7 inches long rear stabilizer mount provides an
and weighs 20.1 ounces. The objective lens is 40mm for excellent light gathering abilities, and the eyepiece extra tap for creating bow balance, while
is 36mm for easy target acquisition. The one-piece 30mm tube makes it rugged and the field of view is 31.4 the TorqueLess custom grips increase accuracy
feet at 75 yards. Each turret click includes a 2 MOA value, corrections made at 120 MOA per turret revolution. potential by promoting consistent and proper hand
High-density multicoated lenses, red/green illuminated center dot, adjustable zero stop, dust caps, flip-up lens placement. The adjustable string suppressor rod allows
caps and microfiber cloth are included. Learn more at huskemawoptics.com. custom tuning. Learn more at obsessionbows.com.
Vantage Point Antler King Southern Greens
Archery Single Bevel
2-Blade The whitetail nutrition experts at Antler King promise a constant flow of deer
traffic from early archery season into late gun season with Southern Greens
VPA’s new-for-2022 Single Bevel 2-Blade series are food plot seed. It features protein-rich collard greens, providing a quality energy
each milled from a single piece of carbon tool steel source to help deer withstand the demands of the rut, winter months and aid in spring
or S7 tool steel to include stout blades with 35-de- antler growth. Big brassica leaves offer plentiful protein and calcium early, radishes
gree single bevel edges that are easily resharpened providing sweet, high-energy food source following frost. Winter wheat and oats offer
by the user to a razor’s edge. Straight-edged, single palatable nutrition well into the spring, clover then appearing to power healthy fawns
bevel edges promote deeper penetration and and regain body mass. Southern Greens is a cold- and drought-tolerant blend that
blood-letting spiral wound channels. They grows well everywhere from the balmy South to the frigid North. An 8-pound bag cov-
receive an OD Green Duracote finish to ers approximately ¼ acre/11,000 square feet. Learn more at antlerking.com.
protect from corrosion. Ferrules ex-
tend to the bone splitting tip, and Elevation Encompass Bino Harness
heads are heat treated to 58
Rockwell hardness—features The Encompass Bino Harness from Elevation helps keep optics protected,
allowing them to shrug off secure and instantly accessible. The design includes a dual-magnetic closure
hard bone impacts. They system allowing one-handed operation, while protection for expensive optics
are offered in heavy- comes from a 7.5-by-5.5-by-2.75-inch enclosed case. The ergonomic strap system
duty 150-, 200-, 250- provides six-point adjustment to fit any user, plus an optional tree strap. The neoprene
and 300-grain right sheathed, quick-connect buckles are stealthy, while allowing the harness to go on and
bevel options (left com- come off easily. The Encompass is offered in ambush green and is compatible with
ing soon), each with a 1 ⅛-inch Elevation’s MGS (Modular Gear System) to allow adding additional items. It holds four
cutting diameter. Learn more strategically placed stretch pockets, a rear dump pouch and front zippered pocket,
at vparchery.com. and a lens cloth is included. Learn more at kinseysoutdoors.com/elevation.
Purpose Built
P urpose-built archery gear really gets Staffing ■ Your team must be built to up to achieve success, you need to de-
me excited, giving me confidence and fine it. Your idea of business happiness
meet customer needs. For a manufac-
enthusiasm in that product. turer, that likely means you have staff might be a particular amount of profit.
members who are extremely talented To make that profit, you’ll need to sell
Being “purpose built” doesn’t stop with at designing products, and in some and ship “X” number of units. If running
gear. The principles also apply to your instances also great at talking to cus- at maximum efficiency and unable to
business, and they can have a huge tomers. If that’s not the make and ship “X” number
impact on your success. Here are a few case, give your customers/ of units, you aren’t set up for
ways to analyze your operation and business partners the best success. You’ll either need
make an honest assessment of whether experience by comple- to redefine goals or make
it’s built for its intended purpose and menting the “back room” business structure changes
how you might make some changes to work with additional in- to increase capacity. For re-
better your chances of success. dividuals who are knowl- tail operations, happiness
Products ■ Whether you’re making a edgeable and personable. may be more involved with
In retail settings, everyone needs to impact on the community than purely
product or putting it on your shelf, every possess basic customer service skills. financial gain. Business structure is
item should be built for a specific job. But You may have hired your team with still key. To really have an impact on
besides the “what,” it’s important to look purpose, but what gets overlooked the community, you’ll need dedicated
at the “who.” Who is using that product? more often is building staff mem- staff who get outside of your shop and
If the intended user is not put at the fore- ber skill sets with training and tools engage with other individuals and orga-
front of product design (or product selec- needed to serve all types of custom- nizations. If current staffing levels don’t
tion in a retail business), we end up with ers. If you want to stock and sell youth allow time to do that, a reevaluation is
something without value or usefulness. equipment, train staff members on again in order. Formulate a different
I’ve come across bows marketed to how to communicate with kids and way to define business happiness or
young shooters but manufactured with parents. If your range will be an im- make changes within your business that
aggressive draw cycles that are un- portant source of revenue, you need to allow you to better achieve your goals.
manageable for that age group. I’ve also have someone with skills to manage Every archery business has a different
encountered new archers with long schedules, market events and teach intended purpose. What’s truly impor-
draw lengths who have trouble finding shooters. It’s not likely one person pos- tant is that leaders within each business
correctly spined arrows for light draw sesses all three skills, so be strategic understand how they define success
weights but also long enough to shoot when assigning specific responsibili- (business happiness), and how they can
safely. It’s likely these products were ties to the right staff member. put people, products and processes in
created/marketed with good inten- place to best serve that purpose. If you
tions, but with a larger focus on manu- Business Structure ■ Is your business aren’t quite sure how to make that as-
facturing processes/efficiencies than set up to realistically accomplish your sessment, consider developing a small
on the end user. Flip the script and put goals? An honest evaluation might team of trusted employees, customers
a strong emphasis on finding represen- surprise you. Let’s start by asking the and other stakeholders to help. Tak-
tatives of your target audience to truly question, “What is your definition ing this first step helps you determine
test prototypes and listen to their feed- of business happiness?” if changes need to be made and should
back. Making changes Hank Yacek offered a de- give you a good idea of where to begin.
may not maintain all tailed discussion on For more help with your business op-
manufacturing this topic during an erations, check out our MyATA Learning
efficiencies, but Archery Industry Mas- Center, where you can view helpful vid-
end users recog- terclass because it carries eos on different facets of your business,
nize a product so much importance. Before such as marketing, profitability and de-
that’s purpose built you can determine if fining business happiness. Reach out to
for them. your business is set me at [email protected]. IA
NBeAsStPInToFuorunraYmeeanrst Participation ing Organization’s NASP IBO 3D Challenge of the 120 $500 scholarships as a result
was nearly back to pre-pandemic numbers of competing in one of the national NASP
NASP tournament participation roared as well, with 4,974 archers participating events.
back from the pandemic with its largest from 30 states. Archers competed on foam Looking ahead, the NASP Open Cham-
in-person event since 2019, includ- replicas of North America’s big game pionship Tournament will be held June
ing 12,213 archers compet- animals such as turkey, 23-25, 2022, at the Kentucky Exposition
ing in the 2022 Eastern coyote, bear, prong- Center. | MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND ON THIS
National Tournament. horn, white-tailed deer EXCITING EVENT AND OTHERS AT NASPSCHOOLS.ORG.
NASP in-person com- and bighorn sheep. IAnldJ.uKcateisdeIrn, HtouMntaerrqsuMisaWtehFoo'sunWdheor,
petition numbers returned to NASP also experienced an-
near pre-pandemic levels with student other first at the Kentucky Exposition Cen-
archers from 32 states gathering at the ter, with the first-ever JROTC Eastern Na- As in all Marquis Who's Who biographi-
Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, tional Tournament. Competition included cal volumes, individuals profiled are se-
Kentucky. Once inside the familiar tour- 124 JROTC cadets from sixteen schools rep- lected on the basis of current reference
nament site, student archers competed in resenting seven states. value. Factors such as
the largest bullseye and 3D archery tour- NASP would like to thank its position, noteworthy
nament held since the pandemic can- medal level sponsors for their accomplishments, vis-
celled almost all in-person NASP events. contributions to this year’s ibility and prominence
In the NASP Eastern National Bullseye Eastern National Tournament. in a field are all taken
Tournament, 11,303 archers from 32 states These dedicated sponsors into account during the
demonstrated their proficiency with the make events like our national selection process.
80cm round bullseye targets. tournaments possible. Mr. Kaiser serves as
The bullseye competition wasn’t the Finally, NASP will begin no- the founder of Hunters
only tournament held at this year’s East- tifying randomly selected na- Mate LLC, a company
ern Nationals. The International Bowhunt- tional participants, who will receive one he launched in 2015 to support his unique
trail-cam viewer. The Lowdown is a nine-
NDA Celebrates Introduction of CDW Research & Management Act in Senate inch HD color viewer that was designed
specifically for hunters and photogra-
The National Deer Association (NDA) applauds the recent introduction of the Chronic Wasting Disease Research phers to help them study and process
& Management Act in the United States Senate. The bill’s introduction serves as a companion to the House of thousands of images and videos from
Representatives version, which passed the House in December. The NDA is proud to endorse the legislation, their scouting cameras. Headquartered in
joining a strong group of conservation and industry organizations. The Act will support management efforts and Wausau, Wisconsin, Kaiser works along-
side his business partner and younger
research to combat chronic wasting disease (CWD), which is a contagious, neurological disease affecting
deer, elk and moose that is always fatal. son, Josh, who was instrumental in the
“We appreciate the initiative taken by Senators John Hoeven (R-ND) and engineering aspects of the Lowdown
Martin Heinrich (D-NM) in introducing comprehensive CWD legislation that will viewer.
support state and federal research and management of the disease,” said Nick Kaiser spent many years in the Wis-
Pinizzotto, NDA President and CEO.
consin ginseng growing industry as a
“CWD represents the most significant threat to deer and deer hunting, and farm manager, owned by his father,
managing it requires a comprehensive effort by hunters at the grassroots level as well as local, state and federal himself and younger brother. His father
agencies and decision makers. Passage of this bill would be helpful in that regard.” served as an inspiration while coming
of age. Kaiser was pivotal in improving
Like the House bill, the Senate companion authorizes $70 million annually from Fiscal Year 2022 through Fiscal the business and forming partnerships
Year 2028 for research and management of CWD, with the money to be split evenly between research and man- with various groups to grow and produce
agement. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will administer the funds through cooperative
agreements. The bill also includes authorization for USDA and state and tribal agencies to develop educational
materials to inform the public on CWD and directs USDA to review its herd certification program (HCP) within 18 significantly more organic ginseng. On
months of the bill’s passage. a local level, Kaiser is active through his
The introduction of the Chronic Wasting Disease Research & Management Act in the Senate following quick church, Saint Anne Parish. In addition to
House passage last fall is a huge step towards increasing federal leadership and assistance in combating CWD. attending weekly mass, he supports vari-
Strong bipartisan support and quick movement in both chambers is proof of the importance of wild deer to the ous summer gatherings for parishioners
American people and the direness of this always-fatal disease. The NDA will continue to advocate for the bill’s and volunteers his time with fundraising
passage in the Senate and signing by the President. events. Kaiser is also aligned with sev-
eral nonprofit organizations, including
Formally launched on November 10, 2020, the National Deer Association is a non-profit deer conservation
group that leads efforts to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. Formed by combining the
strengths of two long-serving, successful organizations, the National Deer Association has a combined 38 years
of action that has changed deer management for the betterment of hunting and protected North America’s most
vital and admired game species for future generations. | LEARN MORE AT DEERASSOCIATION.COM. INSIDE ARCHERY MAY 2022
Heroes Hunting, Raised at Full Draw and each animal from varying distances of 50
several outdoor organizations that support to 100 yards away. The “Rent Guns & Gear”
hunting, fishing and other outdoor sports. optics observation deck will provide mul-
tiple tripods with spotting scopes and bin-
Kaiser is a member of the Archery Trade oculars. Each animal will be scored from
Association (ATA) and a National Spon- the optics platform, with contestants pro-
sor of Whitetails Unlimited. A graduate of viding a net score. Additionally, each en-
Fox Valley Technical Institute, Mr. Kaiser trant will guess the gross score and outside
received an associate degree in game and width for tie breaking purposes.
fish management and a second associ-
ate degree in forestry. Kaiser has an over- The top three contestants in each species
whelming love for the outdoors and truly will be recognized. First place will receive
enjoys helping manage God's many won- five points, second place three points and
derful creatures. | MARQUIS PUBLICATIONS MAY BE third place one point. The person with the
most cumulative points will be the overall
MARQUISWHOSWHO.COM. “Folks are always arguing about who’s
the best at judging animals in the field,
PFioeplde J&udYgoiunnggCIhnatrmopdiuocnesshNipew
well now you can put your
Pope & Young is proud to in- skills to the test,” said Dylan
troduce the First Annual Na- Ray of Pope & Young. “Some
tional Field Judging Champi- guys spend months behind
onship. This first of its kind glass looking at animals,
event gives big game enthu- and now you get to prove
siasts a chance to field judge and just how good you are with a
test their abilities to judge an animal on
the hoof. good set of optics.”
Pope & Young was proud to partner with
Each contestant will have the chance to
field judge different animals representing Rent Guns & Gear to help present the very
five to six different species. Contestants first competition in Ogden, Utah, at the
will have a set amount of time to judge Bakcou Center, Weber County Archery Park
on May 14.
Pope & Young is North America's leading A&M National Champion Aggie Archers), archery targets on the market to our valued
bowhunting conservation organization. If it is clear archery is in Washburn’s blood. customers.” | TO LEARN MORE VISIT RINEHART3D.COM.
you are a fair chase, ethical bowhunter, and In fact, her deep passion for the sport has
you care about preserving the culture and fueled her career path. Prior to joining EANqrAcuShiPpemAr nPenrnootguWrnaicmnensRe2er0ss2u2ltAsc&aSdeelmecicts
future of bowhunting, then you should be- Rinehart in 2015, she held several roles in
long to the Pope & Young Club. | JOIN TODAY AT the archery and outdoor industry, includ- The National Archery in the Schools Pro-
ing Director of Marketing for New Archery gram continues its focus on academic suc-
POPE-YOUNG.ORG. Products. Washburn also worked for the cess through recognizing students for their
Arizona Game & Fish Department as an improvement and achievements in the
RTtoainnPejraheaWsriadtseThnabrtguerntsPVriocme oPtreedsident Archery Educator, giving back to the com- classroom. In the 2017 NASP student survey,
munity that helped shape her. While at 40.15 percent of respondents said NASP made
Rinehart Targets, one of the world’s most re- Arizona Game & Fish, her main focus was them want to work harder in the classroom.
spected names in quality archery targets, an- to develop the sport of archery within the NASP cares about academic success!
nounced that Rinehart Targets Vice President state, including a heavy focus on the NASP
Tanja Washburn has been promoted to the program, fostering a community archery As school archery activity is roaring back
position of President, effec- from the COVID-19 pandemic, participation
tive immediately. partnership with the ATA in the Academic Archer program has made
and archery ranges, as a strong return as well. NASP coaches again
“Tanja is an extraordi- well as partnering with utilized local criteria to nominate their de-
nary leader and has played various NGOs and manu- serving students. Registration for the Aca-
a key role in the company’s facturers to accomplish demic Archer program concluded for the
many milestones of success the organization’s mis-
over the past seven years of sion. She was also elected 2021/2022 school year on April 1 with an all-
her employment with us,” to the Employee Associa- time high of 32,286 students enrolled into
said James McGovern, own- tion as President and sat the program.
er of Rinehart Targets. “This on many employee en-
promotion is well deserved. gagement committees. Educators from 42 U.S. states and three
With her hard work and vision for success at “I am truly honored and excited to take
the helm, we are confident that she will lead on this new role at a company I have called
us to even greater levels of future accom- home for the past seven years,” said Wash-
plishments. It has been a privilege to work burn. “I look forward to working with our
alongside her all these years.” entire team to continue to enhance the
Rinehart Targets product lines and deliver
As a competitive shooter since the age the most lifelike, durable and long-lasting
of 15 (and former member of the Texas
Canadian provinces enrolled students in the Archery for donating the arrows. curriculum is important to the mission
NASP Academic Archer Program this school Academic Archer will open again on Sep- of educators and beneficial for students.
year. Students who earn this honor through Perhaps a qualifying student from your lo-
their hard work in the classroom are recog- tember 1, 2022 for the 2022/2023 school year. cal school will be among the winners next
nized at national events and through recog- NASP is predicting the numbers to some- year! | FOR MORE INFORMATION ON BRINGING THE ACA-
nition programs at many schools. day top 50,000 students. Be sure to recog-
nize the achievements of your students DEMIC ARCHER PROGRAM IN YOUR SCHOOL, PLEASE VISIT:
From the onset of the Academic Archer and help NASP spread the message of how
program, NASP and Easton Technical Prod- teaching archery as part of the in-school NASPSCHOOLS.ORG/OPPORTUNITIES/ACADEMIC-ARCHER OR
ucts have partnered to provide 10 randomly
selected Academic Archers with a new Gen- CONTACT KEVIN DIXON AT [email protected]. IA
esis bow and custom Easton 1820 arrows.
Carri Garrett of Easton Archery said,
“Easton is proud to sponsor a program that
is so beneficial in acknowledging the hard
work that the NASP students put forth in
their education while enjoying the great
sport of archery. Congratulations to all the
2022 Academic Archers!”
Kevin Dixon, Project Director of NASP
said, “The students are the stars of NASP,
so it’s a real motivating factor for all of us
when they succeed. We’re all thankful for
the opportunity to recognize these students
for their academic success and hope this
program encourages other students to set
and reach individual academic goals.”
Tommy Floyd, President of NASP, said,
“NASP is all about student success—success
in the classroom as well as success on the
range. Through our emphasis on academ-
ics, we truly believe that NASP continues
to achieve one of its longstanding goals of
helping to motivate students for success
in the classroom. It is our intention to in-
creasingly send the strongest of messages
about how teaching archery as part of the
in-school curriculum can be important to
the mission of educators. We believe that
this results in a greater likelihood that
NASP will be around to motivate countless
generations of young students!”
Following the close of registration for
Academic Archer, NASP conducted a ran-
dom computerized drawing from among
all registered students and selected 10 stu-
dent names. Each of these young people
wins a new Genesis Bow in the color of
their choice and custom Easton Academic
Archer Arrows. NASP would like to thank
an unnamed generous sponsor who pur-
chased the bows, and of course, Easton
The Best ATA Member Benefits for Your Business Type
J oin the ATA or renew your membership
to take advantage of benefits created Masterclass,” which features 16 sessions
about business, coaching, marketing and
for your specific business. archery tech. Most courses in the MyATA
Learning Center are free, but the Master-
Regardless of where you work in the ar- class is available to ATA members at the
chery and bowhunting industry, the Ar- discounted price of $100.
chery Trade Association is here to support
your needs. Whether you’re a manufac- Business Resources ■ Want to hire help? Get
turer, retailer, distributor, sales represen- sample position descriptions (bow tech-
tative or media member who lives and nician, marketing manager, etc.) and
breathes archery and bowhunting, the sample interview questions from the ATA. The Technical Guidelines were updated in 2021 and
are a valuable resource for manufacturers. PHOTO © ATA.
ATA has something that will make your Not sure how much to charge for labor
ence the guidebook or work with a MyATA
life and operations better. Take a look and services? The ATA has a document service provider (archerytrade.org/myata-
service-providers) to get FET assistance.
at these ATA-member benefits that were that outlines prices nationwide. Want to
Intellectual Property Information ■ The ATA
created for your specific membership cat- host events? Check out the ATA’s Archery & worked with a MyATA Service Provider to
create a document that outlines the own-
egory. Then, join the ATA or renew your Bowhunting Event Idea Booklet. Then, use ership, registration and enforcement of
trademarks, copyrights and patents to
membership to gain access to the exclu- the Archery Event Planning Workbook to help manufacturers understand the laws
and stay out of trouble.
sive benefits. help plan and execute your events. Many
Technical Guidelines 2021 Version ■ The ATA
Please know that the benefits listed of the ATA’s resources are in the Resource created the Technical Guidelines docu-
ment (available through the Resource Li-
under a specific membership category Library or MyATA Learning Center. They’re brary) in 2009 and recently updated the
document to ensure consistency in how
are available to all membership types. free with your ATA-member credentials. the archery and bowhunting industry
tests, measures and evaluates products.
However, the ATA understands some re- Or, contact Nicole Nash, ATA’s senior Following the guidelines helps promote
uniformity and compatibility between
sources are more useful than others, de- manager of outreach, at nicolenash@ components made by all companies,
which makes buying decisions easier for
pending on your business goals. archerytrade.org, to request the resources. consumers.
Retailers & Ranges: Range Development Resources ■ The ATA Industry Partners
created the “Archery Range Guide: Retail
Business Development Online Courses ■ Visit Edition” and “Archery Range Guide: Tem- (Nonprofit & Government Entities)
the MyATA Learning Center to get educa- porary Range” to help members build ef-
tional content on demand. Take an in- ficient archery ranges. Each guidebook in- Field to Fork Curriculum ■ The ATA worked
teractive course with videos, quizzes and cludes tips, maps, graphics, photographs, with partners to create the Field to Fork:
handouts. Many retailers like the “Basics case studies, how-to details and pos- A Curriculum for Mentored Hunts guide-
of Archery Retail” and “Compound Bow sible layouts and suggestions for building book, which gives step-by-step directions
Technician Fundamentals” videos. Oth- ranges. These resources are available in for hosting mentorship programs that
ers rave about “2022 Archery Industry teach new hunters how to confidently
the ATA’s Resource Library (www.
Manufacturers & Distributors:
Join the ATA or renew your membership to take advantage of Federal Excise Tax Guidelines ■ The ATA
benefits created for your specific business. PHOTO © ATA. created a federal excise tax guide-
book to help educate its members
on how to pay federal excise tax-
es, which are collected by the IRS
and distributed to state wildlife
agencies by the U.S. Fish & Wild-
life Service to fund conservation
projects. ATA members can refer-
source and cook their own meat. The guide Other Membership Categories View the latest industry conservation data via reports
explains how “Field to Fork” programs sup- and surveys. PHOTO © ATA.
port and build participants’ confidence as (Outfitters, Sales Reps, Media, etc.)
they learn how to hunt and obtain their messages to members who want to use
own meat. Conservation Initiative ■ The ATA’s Conserva- their voice for good.
tion Initiative strives to boost hunting par-
Hunting Mentor Guide ■ The ATA’s Hunting ticipation nationwide by teaching archers Access to the ATA Trade Show ■ The ATA Trade
Mentor Guide, created in 2019 with part- and nonhunters their role in conservation, Show is the archery and bowhunting in-
ners, provides ATA members and partners and detailing how hunters contribute gen- dustry’s largest and most inclusive show.
with resources and knowledge to help non- erously to wildlife management programs. The event is closed to the public. Only ATA
hunters become hunters. It explains why The initiative shares activities, resources members can attend so they can focus on
it’s important to mentor and create new and information with ATA members and business. The Show is a can’t-miss industry
hunters, and helps you find potential new partners to help recruit new hunters and event. It attracts archery professionals from
hunters, train new mentors and brain- explain how outdoorsmen and women im- across the country, and even the world, to
storm what to do for a mentored hunt. prove land access, wildlife management discuss the market, build relationships, try
and habitat restoration programs. Visit new products and grow their businesses.
Explore Bowhunting Curriculum ■ The Explore www.archerytrade.org/conservation-ini-
Bowhunting Curriculum created by the ATA tiative to learn more. ATA Staff Support ■ Each ATA staff member is
and partners is available through a partner- driven to help you succeed. They’re avail-
ship with the National Field Archery Asso- Industry Data, Surveys & Reports ■ Get exclu- able for advice and questions. Consider
ciation. This program introduces kids and sive research and information on industry them your personal support team, and don’t
adults to archery while teaching bowhunt- trends and market demographics. hesitate to reach out if you need something.
ing skills. It’s a great educational resource to Visit the ATA’s membership page at www.
attract newcomers and provide them with All Members archerytrade.org/membership/ to see ev-
the information they need to succeed. The erything the ATA offers.
ATA also has an Explore Bowfishing Curricu- Membership Directory ■ The ATA helps busi-
lum. Contact Josh Gold, ATA’s senior man- nesses make connections by providing Renew Your ATA Membership ■ The ATA’s mem-
ager of R3 and State relations, at joshgold@ contact information in its free member- bership year runs from April 1 to March 31.
archerytrade.org for more information. ship directory. Members must electroni- The ATA opened dues renewals for existing
cally “sign” a confidentiality agreement members on March 1. To renew, please log
View video courses on Retailers and Ranges through the to view the document. Search for mem- into you MyATA member dashboard ac-
MyATA Learning Center. PHOTO © ATA. bers by name, category, membership type count and click “Pay Membership Dues &
or other filters. The dynamic directory Open Balances.” Then, follow the prompts
Partner with Field to Fork, view our Hunting Mentor helps members form and foster business to renew and pay.
Guide, or offer Explore Archery or Explore Bowhunting relationships.
classes. PHOTO © ATA. Join the ATA as a New Member ■ The ATA opened
MyATA Service Providers ■ MyATA service pro- its 2022-2023 membership year to new mem-
viders are ATA-vetted companies that of- bers on April 1. If the benefits above interest
fer discounts and expert support. Consult you, visit the ATA’s membership category
professionals about issues like insurance, page and click the appropriate link to apply
bookkeeping, brand protection, federal for a membership in your business category.
excise taxes, supply-chain strategies and You will need to create an account to apply
product risk and liability. Visit www.ar- for membership. Your application will be
cherytrade.org/myata-service-providers to reviewed and approved by ATA Staff within
review your MyATA service providers, and seven business days. ATA reserves the right
learn how they can help. to change your membership category based
on the verification documents provided.
Advocacy Efforts/The Action Alert System ■ The
ATA works on behalf of its members to Questions? Contact Sarah Haala, ATA’s
enact laws and policies that help the ar- Trade Show coordinator, at (507) 233-8131 or
chery and bowhunting industry. ATA staff [email protected]. IA
advocate for you on issues like counterfeit-
ing, land access, hunting regulations, fed-
eral excise taxes and minimum advertised
pricing. The Action Alert System was also
created to help members stay informed
about key issues and provides prewritten
Archery Industry Members Participating in the Sport
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO: Visit insidearchery.com/pop or mail a color image with your name,
address, where the animal was taken, and archery gear used—both manufacturer and model—
to Inside Archery Power of Participation, P.O. Box 15827, Colorado Springs, CO 80935.
Brian Murphy • Kentucky Whitetail Jonathan Clark • Iowa Whitetail
V.P. Corporate Relations & Media/Marketing Director, Last Chance Archery
Strategic Partnerships, HuntStand
Bow ■ Mathews VERTIX Rest ■ Vapor Trail Bow ■ Mathews TRX 34 Broadhead ■ NAP Spitfire
Broadhead ■ NAP Killzone Release ■ Tru-Fire
Arrow ■ Black Eagle Arrows Rest ■ Hamskea
Arrow ■ Carbon Express Maxima Red Stabilizer ■ Trophy Ridge Zombie Slayer Release ■ T.R.U. Ball RAVE
Sight ■ HHA Optimizer Lite King Pin Quiver ■ Trophy Ridge Sight ■ AXCEL Landslyde
John Reichert • Kansas Whitetail
Matt Burdette • Ohio Whitetail Key Account Sales Manager, Big Tine
Bow ■ Hoyt Ventum 33 Broadhead ■ NAP Killzone
Brand Manager, Landgea Arrow ■ Victory Archery RIP TKO Stabilizer ■ Shrewd Bars
Crossbow ■ TenPoint Broadhead ■ Rage Rest ■ Hamskea Release ■ Ultraview
Bolt ■ TenPoint Scope ■ TenPoint Sight ■ AXCEL Release & Grip
Patrick Meitin • Idaho Turkey Sarah Pfister • Montana Whitetail
Executive Editor, Inside Archery Owner, Badger Archery
Crossbow ■ BearX Impact Broadhead ■ NAP Spitfire Maxx Bow ■ PSE Xpedite Broadhead ■ Muzzy Trocar
Bolt ■ BearX TrueX Scope ■ BearX Arrow ■ Black Eagle Rest ■ Hamskea Hybrid Hunter Pro
Quiver ■ Rancho Safari Blind ■ Rhino 180 Arrows X Impact Release ■ Carter Nock On Silverback
Catquiver Mini See Through Blind Sight ■ Black Gold Pro
Odin’s Innovations is a fresh name in the scent effective and more elegant alternative to the bottled liq-
uid lures and other attractants that have become com-
attractant and lure market that is shaking monplace over the decades.
things up with its revolutionary new approach Odin’s Innovations’ unique approach is clicking with a
lot of hunters, but only after they put aside preconceived
to long-lasting scent dispersal. notions and try the new technology for themselves. As for
Paul Black, he’s just getting started. He has a decisive plan
Paul Black, founder of Odin’s Innovations, refers to him- for the future, but he’s also listening closely to dealer and
self as a “serial entrepreneur.” This is certainly a fitting consumer feedback to make sure he keeps coming out
title, since Odin’s Innovations is the fourth company he with the next best thing.
has created.
A More Elegant Alternative
Paul Black has had a lot of experience growing and op-
erating successful companies, and his latest enterprise The creation of Odin’s Innovations was inspired by the dis-
is proof of this. Odin’s Innovations was founded back in covery of the company’s signature polymer.
2018, and it has steadily built a loyal following in just a
few short years. In fact, Odin’s Innovations experienced “I was already collaborating with a company that de-
an almost 400 percent increase in sales last year, and velops different biodegradable materials, basically
Paul Black anticipates that this year will contin-
ue at that pace. investigating more environmentally friendly
materials than traditional plastic,” Paul
“I’ve always been an independent business- Black said. “They had created a polymer
man,” Paul Black says. “I love working with that could absorb a significant amount
other business owners and growing with them. of liquid scent and release the scent over
I have been lucky over the years to have worked
with many valuable suppliers. I’ve had a lot time. As many of the team were whitetail
of great business associates. I have had com- hunters, they first tested it with natu-
panies that provided products for which we ral doe in estrus urine. They introduced
were dealers, but also provided services to the material to me to see if I thought
distinguish us from our competitors.” there was a commercial market for this
Odin’s Innovations is rapidly gaining more at- application. I did some research and saw an obvi-
tention because Paul Black has something that other ous lack of new technology available for the delivery
companies don’t: a special polymer material that contin- of scents in the hunting industry. This product category
ually releases scent over the course of many weeks—for had seen, essentially, no changes for years, so it made per-
more than 30 days, at least. Combined with the compa- fect sense to me. There’s a huge number of deer hunters
ny’s highly effective synthetic scent options, these poly- using doe in estrus and dominant buck products, and I saw
mer pellets attract a variety of wild game (depending on this material as a better way to deliver that scent.
the scent used) and keep them coming back—without “Also, we found an industry that was being impacted by
the hunter introducing human scent by going out to the regulatory changes,” Black continued. “Early on, we com-
field to reapply more. In essence, it’s a simpler, more cost mitted to using 100 percent synthetic scents. The change
was not only in response to regulatory concern for CWD,
Paul Black, founder of Odin’s Innovations, has
been an entrepreneur for the majority of his
career. Odin’s Innovations is his latest
endeavor, and it has also proven itself
to be one of his most successful.
but efficacy is critical, and nature isn’t pre- INSIDE ARCHERY MAY 2022
dictable and consistent. We have complete
control over the formula for synthetic scents.
When we first introduced synthetic scents,
we used the proven scents developed by Hunt-
er’s Kloak. They had developed a portfolio of
amazing synthetic scents and it made sense
to use these, instead of trying to reinvent
them. In 2021, we acquired Hunter’s Kloak.”
Odin’s Innovations uses the polymer in the
form of small pellets, and these pellets essen-
tially function like sponges full of scent mol-
ecules. Through the basic chemical process of
diffusion, the chosen scent molecules slowly
release from the pellets and into the air. Unlike
traditional liquids, these infused pellets won’t
soak into the ground or be affected by rain and
moisture, and they also won’t freeze. Also, no
gloves are required. All together, these quali-
ties provide a less messy and more efficient
solution for attractant and cover scents, and it
doesn’t leave a mark on the environment.
“The product will biodegrade in about four to
six months, which is comparable to the length
of time it takes a banana peel to decompose,”
Paul Black said. “That aspect was critical to me
personally. I love the outdoors, and it annoys
me when I see trash out in nature. I believe this
material absolutely provides a better solution,
and the fact that it’s gone in a few months is a
nice cherry on top. There’s no dripper or wick
left hanging in a tree, no aerosol can thrown
away, and that was all very important to me
from the beginning.”
Scientific inquiry is essential to Odin’s In-
novations. Further research evaluated how
effective the material really is.
“I was hearing reports from the field that
the scent lasted for ‘three weeks or so,’ but
the anecdotal evidence wasn’t good enough!”
Paul Black said. “During the second year of
the business, I wanted to investigate and con-
firm these reports. I believe it’s part of basic
business ethics to prove something before
you claim it, and the evidence from the field
was not sufficient. So, we enlisted help from a
university to actually measure how the scent
molecules were being released. A professor
from the chemistry department created the
top to bottom: ■ Paul Black (center) assembled a
passionate and hard-working staff to assist him in
the growth and development of Odin’s Innovations.
Included in that team are (from left to right) Levi
Keplar, Stacy Roll, Samuel McVay and Jesse McVay.
■ The company’s products are manufactured,
warehoused and shipped from a collection of facilities
in Kansas, which provides Odin’s Innovations with a
reliable and streamlined supply chain. ■ Instead of
hiring big-name influencers, Odin’s Innovations has
an “Affiliates Program” that lets any user get engaged
and earn money by spreading the word about
Odin’s Innovations.
guidelines for the test. We pulled packages
at random from our inventory and poured
them onto the ground outside to expose the
material to actual weather conditions. Over
a 27-day period, samples were collected every
three days and secured in an airtight glass
container. The chemical lab used a ‘Gas Chro-
matography Mass Spectrometer’ to measure
the amount of scent released from the sam-
ples. I knew that if I didn’t like the answer, I
would have to shut down the company. After
27 days, the volume of scent being released
was still 52 percent the amount released on
day one. My goal was to confirm that the ac-
tual performance was greater than or equal
to what we said. We only collected samples
for 27 days, but I wish we had collected it lon-
ger because it was clearly still quite effective.”
As Paul investigated expanding his lineup
with additional scents, he had more to learn.
In order to do that, he partnered with an out-
fitter for a five-month field test.
“We started out with just doe in estrus
and dominant buck scents, but later intro-
duced other scents such as apple and acorn,”
Paul Black said. “Before we released ‘lure’
scents, we needed to find out if the animals
would eat this material that smelled just like
food. They did not. We saw over the course
of a month that the volume of the material
wasn’t being reduced, so it was clear that
even animals like mice and racoons weren’t
eating it. We also had to see if the deer lost
interest when they never actually found an
apple. We found out that they didn’t stay
as long, but they kept coming back.”
For 2022, Odin’s Innovations offers ten
different effective scent options, and that
list will likely continue growing. There
will be some winners and some losers.
“There has been a lot of learning and
improvements made over the years,” Paul
Black said. “We modified the process and
have been able to increase the amount of
scent that is absorbed. We were getting
reports from our field staff about how
they were blending our doe in estrus and
dominant buck scents together to create
mock scrapes. We thought that was a
great idea, so we responded with a new
scrape blend. It has performed well. We
just listened to what people told us and
responded accordingly. Our continued
development of other scents has been
great for our dealers because now they
have products that aren’t just targeted at
the rut. They have Odin’s products to sell
throughout other parts of the year.”
Since Odin’s Innovations is new, Paul
Black believes that independent shops—as
well as farm and ranch stores and co-ops—
With such a new and revolutionary product, Odin’s
Innovations needed to slowly but surely prove that
its approach was more effective than methods of
the past. After a few years, the word has spread, and
hunters across the country now believe in Odin’s
Innovations and rely on it to get the job done.
are the best avenue for reaching consumers. 35
“I want to work with independent business own-
ers because this product is new and different, so it
requires a more personal touch,” Paul Black said.
“The product is unique and requires a little educa-
tion. Smaller businesses have a relationship with
their customers, so we think that’s a more appro-
priate channel to get our message out. I think that
approach has been validated by how well we see the
product perform at these shops and bigger stores
that have top-performing archery departments.
Those are the shops that have that one-to-one con-
nection, and everyone who brings in the product is
generally very pleased with it, especially when they
really show it off and explain it to their customers.”
Grassroots Growth
Paul Black’s consideration for his independent
dealers is actually at the forefront of his business
approach. According to him, he’s taking a “guerril-
la warfare” approach to marketing and growth by
slowly and steadily building his reputation among
independent pro-shops. The company also has a
strong “Affiliates Program,” where any user can get
engaged and earn money by sharing information
about Odin’s Innovations and driving activity to
the company’s website.
“I’ve only ever wanted to sell products that were
fresh, new and truly better than what’s already on
the market,” Paul Black said. “I think running a
successful business boils down to a couple of key
things: Number one, offer something that has a
strong value proposition, and number two, service
the hell out of your customer. Make sure that they
are having a good experience and that both sides
are benefiting. Then, continue to evolve and bring
more value to the customer. And when I say ‘cus-
tomer,’ I am referring to my dealers as well as the
consumer. The dealer channel is the bulk of our
business, so I try hard to be a good partner to them.
The fact that our product works very well is obvi-
ously important, but we also offer a good margin
and protect that margin by not selling to big box
stores and adjusting our price online, so we do not
compete with them. We put all our dealers on our
website and encourage people to buy local. It’s sort
of slow, grassroots growth, but I believe it’s sus-
tainable growth.”
Paul Black is also aware that people are natu-
rally skeptical, so it will simply take time for his
new approach to be widely accepted.
“There’s always going to be resistance to some-
thing new and different,” Paul Black said. “A lot of
hunters are used to using the same thing INSIDE ARCHERY MAY 2022
their dads used. In my view, we obviously
have a much better solution, but every-
body doesn’t jump right on a new solu-
tion. I also understand that the dealer is
ultimately there to sell the products that
are in demand, not to blaze trails for me.
I have chosen a slower path, and I know
it’s just going to take time. As more deal-
ers and hunters are successful with it,
the word will keep spreading and more
people will get past their hesitation to try
something new. It was pretty difficult to
get new dealers for the first two years, but
it has become a lot easier now that we’ve
been around for a while and people have
heard good reports from the field.”
Another key part of the future of Odin’s
Innovations is investigating and offering
new scent options.
“Two of our newest scents are Earth and
Citronella, and they both illustrate that
this technology can be used as more than
just an attractant,” Paul Black said. “These
scents were also developed by Hunter’s
Kloak, and they really nailed them. When
someone smells the Earth scent, in par-
ticular, it connects! It truly smells like the
floor of a forest. When put in our mesh
bag, it can function as an effective cover
scent. When put in a small sheer tie-bag,
it can go in with your gear to mask the
scents. The scent only releases when it’s
exposed to air, so if the hunter stores the
bag in a plastic bag when it’s not needed,
then a little 3-ounce bottle could easily
last all season. Citronella, on the other
hand, will keep the mosquitos away from
someone, say, turkey hunting, but it’s
also great for camping or barbeques. All
these new options and developments are
ultimately done for our dealers, to extend
their sales window. We also developed a
retail display that allows dealers to bring
in scents incrementally or change them
around for different seasons, and the dis-
play provides twice the revenue per square
foot than that recommended by the ATA.
We are always trying to find new ways to
MAY 2022 INSIDEARCHERY.COM be a better partner to our dealers. Sugges-
tions and recommendations are always
Odin’s Innovations also has an extreme-
ly reliable supply chain, and this will con-
tinue to play a crucial role for the company.
“Our supply chain is 100 percent in the
United States,” Paul Black said. “This is a
great advantage that will accommodate
our growth and our desire to develop new
products. The polymer was developed
and is manufactured in Kansas. We have
our packaging and fulfilment centers in
Kansas. In fact, our new 3-ounce bottle is
made by a facility that is part of the Na-
tional Industries for the Blind. We work
with Alphapointe’s plastics division. We
get a high-quality product, and they con-
tinue to employ people who are blind or
visually impaired—it’s a win-win.”
Primed for the Future
In Scandinavian culture, the deity Odin is
the leader of the “wild hunt,” a group of
ghostly hunters who chase their quarry
through the thick woods on cold, windy
nights. Odin’s Innovations was named in
honor of this association because of the
mystical advantages it provides to hunters.
“I think there are two ways that you
can go about creating a business: evolu-
tion or revolution,” Paul Black said. “I see
evolution as the slow-paced approach of
creating a very similar product to what’s
already on the market and just making
minor adjustments to the packaging and
features. Revolution, on the other hand,
is making a big impact with something
that hasn’t been done before and chang-
ing the market in a more rapid way, and
that’s what we are going for. We offer
something that truly does work and truly
does allow hunters to get more results
for less money. You get 30 days’ worth
of scent instead of just the few days you
might get from pouring some liquid on
the ground. The biggest hurdle has been
getting people to give it a chance. It’s get-
ting easier, though, and that’s been satis-
fying to watch. More hunters and dealers
are believing in it, and I am very confi-
dent that whoever tries it will keep com-
ing back to get more.” IA
Banks Outdoors
The Stump 4 Limited Edition 360º
A fter a long November occupying sharp-eyed deer.
northern Idaho whitetail stands in New for 2022, Banks Out-
doors returned to the drawing board as a standard Stump 4 model. Both in-
clude more than 30 square feet of inte-
swirling snow, freezing rain and cutting wind, to make the hard-blind experience rior space—80 inches high, 77 inches
across—which would make it perfect
it’s always a welcome relief during annual De- even more relaxing and productive. for filming hunts or sharing hunts with
cember forays to the Lone Star State to enjoy The Stump 4 Limited Edition 3600 keeps others.
hunters under cover from the prying
The blind is made to last a lifetime,
the comfort of a quality hard-side blind. eyes of game and the elements while including ultra-durable, UV stabilized
seamless polyethylene construction—
also maximizing visibility and shot op- so there are no air leaks or gaps for
invading insects to probe. The exterior
Such blinds cut West Texas wind, allow portunities. You won’t miss any of the features a paintable, weathered-wood
texture that is extremely weather re-
toting a blind heater to abate morning action around you, like what can hap- sistant and impervious to rotting. The
rigid steel-plate base offers heavy-duty
chill and relax while reading a book and pen in other blind designs. assurance and secure tower mount-
ing. The blind arrives assembled and
waiting, without fear of being busted by This is accomplished through wrap- is equipped with a storage shelf, light-
around tinted, framed windows larger weight wall insulation,
floor mat, bow hanger,
than previous models. The tinting camo curtains, bi-pod,
overhead light, vent kit
keeps interior movements, like draw- with carbon filters, coat
hook and anchor kit. The
ing a bow, concealed but allows occu- blind weighs 400 pounds
and includes a 26-by-45-inch lockable
pants to clearly see outside, even early door. The lock feature allows storing
gear in the blind with less fear of theft.
and late when light is poorest. Banks Outdoors has a wide range of
blinds that start at $2,399, all includ-
The true 360-degree view is accom- ing a lifetime warranty. The Stump
4 Limited Edition 3600 is set up to be
modated by eight silent- elevated, those options sold separate-
ly. Banks offers a Deck Plate ladder
swinging framed win- landing, Steel Ladder, 4- or 8-foot Steel
Tower Systems or 4- or 8-foot Skid Kits
dows set on the round to get these blinds off the ground. This
blind was manufactured in limited
shell and opening to quantities, so get yours now by visiting
banksoutdoors.com. IA
every point of the com-
pass. They can all be left
closed to seal in scent
and weather out, but quietly swung
open to create shooting opportunities
as needed. The blind includes three
14-by-22-inch corner windows and five
34-by-14-inch flat-side windows, mak-
ing it archery, crossbow or firearms
compatible. This blind is offered in a
fully equipped Pro Hunter version, or
WebXtra ■ For more information on
Banks Outdoors' The Stump 4 360º, go to
By Patrick Meitin
Bowhunters and inch mover pin. The sight can be set up for
target shooters have right- or left-hand use and includes a bubble
never had it better. level and pin light. Pins sport a rugged truss
blade design for reliability. Check it out at
Since I started bowhunting seriously in the 30-06outdoors.com.
late 1970s, bow sights and arrow rests have
improved steadily. Gone are the flimsy, ele- AXCEL Archery
mentary solid-pin sights and simple stick-on
rubber rests of my youth, replaced by parts New for 2022, the lightweight and highly ef-
CNC-milled from aircraft quality aluminum ficient Armortech Lite Hunting Sight is sure
and space-age carbon fiber, vastly more so- to be a top choice with hard-driving, weight-
phisticated operating systems and reliability conscious bowhunters. The compact sight
we never could have imagined in my youth. includes a lighter direct mounting bracket
Today’s sights are vastly brighter, worlds featuring more options for greater elevation
stronger, and much more precise and user latitude. The Armortech Lite also holds com-
friendly. The average modern arrow rest al- plete sight leveling capability, with true sec-
lows tool-less micro adjustability wrapped ond- and third-axis adjustments. Each axis
around more accurate drop-away action that has a two-screw locking system for quick and
does not sacrifice arrow security. secure settings. The new windage bracket
system allows more overall travel, and both
Modern bowhunters, looking for every pos- windage and elevation include independent
sible edge in today’s more competitive hunt- gang-movement lock levers. The sight in-
ing fields, have enthusiastically embraced cludes an AccuStat II Scope with individual
this new technology. This includes sights micro adjustable pins in three-, four- or five-
allowing more confident aiming at the very pin configuration and .019- or .010-inch pin
edges of legal shooting hours, more precise diameters. Each pin is backed by 24 inches of
adjustments combined with more secure ultra-flex durable fiber. A rheostat cover can
lockdowns, as well as clever features that be used to adjust pin brightness, and a hous-
enhance the shooting experience and boost ing-protected bubble level is included. A sin-
accuracy. The latest arrow rests have become gle lock screw allows changing sight heads,
easier to install, set up and fine tune, while instead of the entire sight. All Armortech Lite
allowing precision tuning and accuracy-en- Hunting Sights accommodate right- or left-
hancing features—many of the best combin- handed shooters. The sight is anodized black
ing full capture capabilities with drop-away and retails from $329.99 to $359.99, depending
action. All of us are now shooting more con- on options. Check it out at axcelsights.com.
sistently and at much longer ranges due to
these cutting-edge accessories. IQ Bowsights ■ The Micro Sight by IQ Bow-
The marketplace is awash in new devel- sights now includes an improved bladed-pin
opments, fresh products archers and bow- system 50 percent thinner than previous ren-
hunters will be seeking out to elevate their ditions, and it also has enhanced fiber optic
game. Here is a sampling of the sights and containment. The five-pin, all-aluminum
rests your customers will be looking for in design allows precise adjustments, and the
2022 and beyond. company’s patented Retina Lock Alignment
Technology improves precision while using
Superlative Sights a peep or allows dispensing with the peep
altogether. The Micro holds tool-free, micro-
.30-06 Outdoors ■ The Aluma 6-Pin Sight adjust windage and elevation knobs, the
angled mounting bar offering multiple bow
by .30-06 Outdoors is the company’s pre- and quiver attachment points. Laser-etched
mier offering from its Aluma series of bow windage and elevation marks offer quick and
sights. This rugged and stylish sight fea- accurate settings, the round pin housing al-
tures reliable all-aluminum construction, lowing consistent peep alignment. The new
a bright orange head with a luminescent pin system allows tighter pin gaps for today’s
peep-alignment ring for quick sight-picture fastest bows, and the fully captured fiber op-
acquisition, five .019-inch diameter fiber- tics ensure in-field reliability. The sight is
optic backed pins, plus an additional .010- offered in right- or left-handed models with
Sights & Rests
second- and third-axis adjustments, .30-06 Outdoors Trophy Ridge ■ The new Digital React Trio
.019-inch pins, built-in light adapter and Aluma 6-Pin
bubble level. The 10.5-ounce sight in- Pro is Trophy Ridge’s most exciting and
cludes an MSRP of $199.99. Check it out AXCEL Archery innovative product to date. It features
at feradyne.com/iq-bowsights.com. Armortech Lite Hunting two fixed horizontal, .019-inch diameter
RockyMountain ■ Rocky Mountain’s 5-Pin IQ Bowsights pins and a vertical React .010-inch pin,
Micro Sight while utilizing patented React Tech-
Direct Mount sight has been around a nology to mathematically adjust pins/
while but is worth revisiting because Rocky Mouintain yardage indicators to be spot on at
it offers a solid option combined with 5-Pin Direct Mount any distance. React Technology is one
an affordable $99.99 MSRP. It includes CBE of the fastest and most efficient ways
100 percent aluminum construction Trek Pro to sight in a bow, requiring 10 min-
and holds five fully captured .019- utes or less to dead-nuts zero pins from
inch diameter fixed pins. The sight 20 to 100-plus yards. Digital React sights
includes all-round tool free mi- with Trophy Tech feature highly visible
cro windage and elevation adjust- LED screens with a digital readout of
ments, built-in light adapter, sec-
ond- and third-axis adjustments and targeted distances, while weighing
laser-etched windage and elevation just 13 ounces. Turning the main
hash marks. Southpaws are left out of adjustment wheel lights up the LCD
the loop with this one. Check it out at Screen and shows each yardage mark
feradyne.com/rockymountain/. in even or ½-yard increments. All that’s
required is sighting in the 40-yard verti-
Custom Bow Equipment (CBE) ■ CBE Trek cal pin using the tool-less windage and
elevation knobs, powering up the sight,
Pro and Trek Bow Sights are new mov- entering a verified arrow velocity—and
ers made to provide easy accuracy. all distances are dialed in. The sight can
Just sight in for 30 and 60 yards and also be sighted in manually. The sight
then simply affix one of the 14 laser-en- includes customizable screen col-
graved aluminum sight tapes to dial in all ors, brightness and distance incre-
other yardages. The sight features micro- ments. Up to five arrow profiles
adjustable windage and elevation with a can be stored, and third-axis level-
top-pin zero stop and Rapid Drive Technol- ing is included. The sight comes with a
ogy for fast adjustments. The sights hold 6-foot USB charging cord and plug, op-
two floating pins and multiple indicator tional backup sight tapes and yardage
pointers to address any yardage. The indicators, quick-start guide and detailed
sights include first-, second- and third- manual for customizing your setup. MS-
axis adjustments, right- or left-handed RPs are $379.99 for the single-pin version
versions and complete quiver compatibil- and $399.99 for the Trio Pro. Check them
ity. Pins are backed by 12 inches of .010- out at trophyridge.com.
or .019-inch fiber optics and protected by
CBE’s Blade Pin design. They are offered HHA Sports ■ HHA Sports’ Tetra Tour-
with one, three or five pins, each with
customizable peep alignment rings and nament Edition Short Bar 4-5-inch
rheostat light plus new Sliding Rheostat to Adjustable Dovetail offers a more com-
further control pin brightness. A 41mm pact sight option. The bar mounts to a
lens can be threaded onto the head. compact base block, the dovetail exten-
The lightweight 6061-T6 aluminum sion secured by a knurled finger knob
construction ensures reliability, or compact nylon-tipped hex-head set
the Trek including a Smart Mount screw. Three extension-bar indents are
bracket system, the Trek Pro a carbon provided and the bar is also compatible
dovetail extension bar. MSRP is $249.99 with Mathews’ Bridge-Lock system. The
and $329.99, both backed by CBE’s Tough
As Nails Guarantee. Check them out at new Infinite Adjust Plate allows inde-
custombowequipment.com. pendent elevation and second-axis
42 adjustments (third axis through
the extension bar), windage and
elevation adjustments based on
a tool-free design. Heads hold a Trophy Ridge adjustment windage knob and enclosed
single vertical or multi horizontal Digital ReactTrio Pro fiber optic aperture ring. The custom-
bladed pins, all backed by aper- izable/removable quick acquisition RL
ture-wrapped fiber optics for max- HHA Sports sight ring, adjustable yardage pointer,
imum brightness. The mechanical TetraTournament Edition ultra-smooth wheel adjustment and
rheostat hood can be used to create an Buck Rub Gear
ideal pin brightness. The 1 ⅞-inch sight Carbon Fixation bubble level make it user friendly.
aperture holds a neon-green peep align- Yardage tape and a rheostat light
ment ring with integrated bubble level, Redline Bowhunting are included. The sight is of-
the inset ring helping to reveal torque at RL-2 Single Pin Slider fered in black, gun metal gray and
full draw. The side yardage dial runs Black Gold
smoothly and locks via a turn lever. green, with an MSRP of $139.99. Check
Multiple yardage tapes are provided Dual Trac it out at redlinebowhunting.com.
for various bow/arrow combina-
tions, the stainless steel yardage Black Gold ■ Built on the industry-lead-
needle providing precise yardage dial-
ing. White windage and elevation hash ing Pro Sight platform, Black Gold’s Dual
marks are included. Check it out by visit- Trac mover sight introduces new levels
ing hhasports.com.
of brightness, durability and ad-
Buck Rub Gear ■ Buck Rub Gear’s Carbon justability ease. It features Black
Gold’s Pro Pin, which ensures a
Fixation Sight solves many inher- more defined aiming point with
ent deficiencies found in other bow
sights by offering the versatility of less target obstruction. But what
a fixed pin for close ranges and a really sets this sight apart is
second mover pin for adaptability the second, independently-adjust-
on the fly or additional range capa- able Pro Pin, providing an addi-
bilities for longer shots. The mover
sight is housed in the fixed aperture tional quick aiming point without mov-
to eliminate the need to shift anchor to ing the yardage dial. The Dual Indicator
align the peep, as is required with mover System provides two independently-ad-
sights with moving apertures, resulting justable yardage pointers for short and
in faster target acquisition and main- longer ranges, allowing quicker reaction
taining consistent shooting form. to shot opportunities with less move-
The mover system also includes fi- ment. Each pin is backed by extended
ber optic yardage indicators easily
viewed while at full draw. Carbon fiber optic material stored in an over-
construction makes the sight light- head protective case. The sight pro-
weight to reduce bow torque. Check it out vides micro windage, elevation,
at buckrubgear.com. first- and third-axis adjustments,
Redline Bowhunting ■ Redline’s RL-2 Single plus a non-micro adjustable second axis.
The narrow pin throat ends in a round
Pin Slider Bow Sight was designed to pinhead, for less target blackout and a
offer a lightweight (8.4 ounces) and
extremely rugged single-pin mover more defined aiming point. The micro-
sight at a price marked to move. fiber groove protects the fiber while
The sight is streamlined and simple maximizing light absorption. It fea-
to operate, and made to stand up to tures Black Gold’s Unconditional
harsh use. The RL-2 Single Pin Slider Guarantee to the original owner.
Bow Sight is offered in both right- and
left-handed configurations. It includes Check it out at blackgoldsights.com.
second- and third-axis adjustments, a
.019-inch diameter fiber optic pin, tool- Viper Archery ■ The Viper Archery
free locking adjustment knob, precise
Competition Target Sight and Target
MAY 2022 INSIDEARCHERY.COM Scope are made for serious 3D competi-
tion. The sight is machined from 6061-T6
aluminum to be stout and lightweight,
with aluminum or carbon bars offered.
A quick-release design allows quickly
adjusting elevation and then lock-
ing it solidly into place. Multiple
elevation rail mount positions and
Sights & Rests
second- and third-axis adjustment offer Viper Archery the wrapped fiber optic farther forward
precision dialing. It is compatible with Competition for increased light exposure when shoot-
all Viper scopes or those with 10-24 or 10- Target Sight ing from cover such as ground blinds.
32 threads. MSRP is $399 to $449. Custom The proven Pro-Brite pin design increas-
colors are available upon request. Viper’s Apex Gear es brightness without crowding the sight
Target Scope is a single up-pin scope fully Magnitude picture and includes a Revolve rotary
machined from 6061-T6 aluminum and TRUGLO LED sight light ($20 value) for added il-
including all stainless-steel hardware. VEROS 5-Pin lumination. A machined anti-reflective
They are offered in 1 ¾- or 1 ⅜-inch diame- texture inside of the sight housing and
ters, the Zeiss-coated glass available in 2-, a removable aluminum sunshade sig-
3-, 4- or 6-power magnification and with nificantly reduces glare when shooting
.010-, .015-, or .019-inch pin diameters— in bright sunshine. A quiver mounting
each backed by 24 inches of fiber for max- adapter is included with the detachable
imum brightness. A complete scope in- model, direct mounting accommodated
cludes housing, retainer ring and lens, with the standard model. MSRP starts at
with an MSRP of $164.99. Check them $130.99. Check it out at apex-gear.com.
out at viperarcheryproducts.com.
ApexGear ■ The new Apex Gear Magnitude
offers an ultra-bright hunting option
Bow Sight is a multi-pin sight designed packed with user-friendly features.
for bowhunters seeking high-quality at a Pro-Brite pins are backed by extra-
great price. It is CNC-machined from 100 long fiber optic strands enclosed in
percent aluminum and includes stain-
less steel hardware, the five-pin design a protective cover, without sacrificing
also adaptable from right- to left- pin brightness. The patented Decreas-
hand use. It is available with a de- ing Diameter Pin, a.k.a. DDP system
tachable dovetail mounting bracket (three .019-inch diameter and two .010-
or fixed mounting bracket design, inch pins) places smaller-diameter pins
both with multiple mounting loca- for longer ranges for precise aiming.
tions. The Magnitude offers second- and Lightweight aluminum construction
third-axis and micro-adjustable windage
and elevation adjustments. The 2-inch and dampening Tru-Touch soft-feel
aperture holds a new glowing peep- technical coating makes it hunt
alignment ring with vertical and hori- ready. It is adjustable for right- or
zontal gaps to help better detect torque at left-handed bows and utilizes sec-
full draw. The sight’s pin housing moves
ond- and third-axis adjustments. Mi-
cro-adjustable windage and elevation
movements include strong pre-loaded
Mathews UltraRest joints. The aperture features a new
Integrate MX glow-in-the-dark peep-alignment ring,
Vapor Trail Archery a Tru-Lite Pro rotary LED ($20 value)
Limb Driver Pro-VX available for further illumination, in-
Buck Rub Gear cluding a shielded design that prevents
Magne’ Drop light spillover. A new RizeWrap angled
Raven Claw fiber holder allows even greater light
Trophy Ridge exposure to all pin fibers. The thread-
Whisker Biscuit V Max ed aperture accepts a sunshade (sold
Apex Gear Overtaker separately). Choose from black (MSRP
$94.99) or Realtree Edge Camo (MSRP
$105.99). Check them out at truglo.com.
Revolutionary Rests
Mathews Inc. ■ The sleek UltraRest In-
tegrate MX was a team effort between
bow gurus Mathews and rest masters
Quality Archery Designs. The ultra-com-
pact, micro-adjustable arrow rest was
engineered specifically for Mathews
bows, including an Integrate dovetail
mounting system that provides fast and
simple setup and a bulletproof mating
between rest and riser. The streamlined
housing allows for precision tuning,
each micro-adjustment click represent-
ing .0019-inch of movement for wind-
age and elevation. The system not only
provides a more streamlined and secure
connection between bow and arrow
rest, but some of the most precise ad-
justments around. The rest is activated
by the downward buss cable, and it in-
cludes a deep launcher fork and top con-
tainment bar to keep arrows in place be-
fore and after the shot. The finely tuned
mechanism ensures the launcher
adequately supports the arrow during
launch but drops to clear fletchings ev-
ery time. MSRP is $289.99. Check it out at
Vapor Trail Archery ■ Vapor Trail’s thor-
oughly proven and hugely popular Limb
Driver Pro-V arrow rest serves as the
basis for the company’s new Pro-VX.
Like the original, the Pro-VX incorpo-
rates full-arrow capture combined with
limb-driven drop-away action. A new,
carbon-fiber, rubber over-molded cage
ensures arrows stay in place no matter
what. The cage material is available in
10 colors to match any bow outfit color
Sights & Rests
scheme. New micro-adjustable windage to eliminate failure, fletching contact .30-06 Outdoors
and elevation, as well as a built-in bub- and bounce. The rest is right- or left- REV
ble level, offer quick and easy setup, with hand convertible. Drop timing adjust-
refined mounting that provides compat- ments are a snap, using the rest’s built- Hamskea Archery
ibility with most 2021 and 2022 bows. Va- in compression sleeve system, with the Epsilon
por Trail products are made in the U.S.A. red Nyloc Elevation Adjustment Screw
The Pro-VX includes an MSRP of $209.99. allowing further fine tuning. Combined, Trophy Taker
Check it out at vaportrailarchery.com. the design requires less setup time and Smackdown
gives shooters peace of mind in the LockUp Click
Buck Rub Gear ■ Buck Rub Gear’s Magne’ field. MSRP is just $169.99. Check it out at QAD Limited Edition
buckrubgear.com. UTRAREST Patriot
Drop Raven Claw arrow rest is a light-
weight 5 ounces but is highly adjustable Trophy Ridge ■ Trophy Ridge made the INSIDE ARCHERY MAY 2022
and super reliable. The drop-away design
includes a few highly unique features. renowned Whisker Biscuit better by in-
First, the Magne’ Drop Raven Claw in- troducing the new V Max version. This
corporates a one-of-a-kind Raven Claw Whisker Biscuit offers increased ac-
launcher, which includes capture claws curacy and efficiency over the original
that securely hold the arrow when the through patented V-Notch technology.
bow is at rest. When the bow is drawn, The game-changing V-shaped support
the arms open and upon release the design automatically centers the ar-
launcher folds completely flat for maxi- row using only two points of contact,
mum fletching clearance with no top bar eliminating any side-to-side arrow
interference. Second, powerful magnets movement and resulting in greater con-
replace spring or trigger mechanisms sistency shot to shot. The Whisker Biscuit
V Max’s perpendicular bristles reduce
vane drag and allow the arrow to slice
through the bristles without eroding ve-
locity. The accurate and rugged arrow
rest is super simple to set up, including
an advanced tool-free micro windage
and elevation adjustment system hold-
ing laser-engraved reference marks on
the aluminum housing. The rest is
compatible with any arrow diameter
and offers full-containment security.
The rest is also bowhunting quiet, featur-
ing rubber arrow guides that allow quick
and silent arrow loading. The rest is du-
rable, lightweight and affordable, with
an MSRP of just $79.99. Check it out at
Apex Gear ■ The new Overtaker from Apex
Gear is a limb-driven arrow rest designed
for easy setup, reliability and precision
accuracy through micro adjustments.
The new arrow rest provides prolonged
arrow support and stays engaged after
a slow bow let-down. The Overtaker’s
steel launcher and smooth, spring driv-
en over-molded launcher provides clean
and consistent arrow flight. It allows up-
per- or lower-limb activation and easy
installation without a bow press. It is
designed to operate with today’s fastest able. A Delta V arrow guide and riser
bows and includes independent windage mounted arrow guide are included, and
and elevation adjustments via a micro- customized engraving is available. A new
adjust system featuring a pre-loaded over-molded steel containment bracket
dovetail. The full containment steel keeps things quiet before and during
launcher with removeable containment the shot, while allowing quicker load-
shroud houses a patent-pending, spring- ing. The Epsilon Arrow Rest comes with
driven launcher that survived more than either a Universal L-Bracket or Mathews
one million cycles with zero failures dur- approved C.O.R. Mount Bracket. A target
ing destructive testing. Different mod- conversion kit is available. Check it out
els accommodate right- or left-handed at hamskea.com.
shooters. Check it out at apex-gear.com.
Trophy Taker ■ The Smackdown LockUp
.30-06Outdoors ■ The REV Arrow Rest from
Click Arrow Rest from Trophy Taker is a
.30-06 Outdoors is an easy-to-install high-tech, limb-driven drop-away rest
drop-away that offers high-performance that helps shooters get the most out of
and precision that modern archers and modern compounds. The Smackdown
bowhunters need and demand. It in- LockUp Click is engineered to be easier to
cludes a cable attachment clamp, so it set up and tune, and precision machined
requires no bow press during installation to last forever—including a lifetime
to set the rest activation cord up using guarantee. A full arrow lockup contain-
the downward buss cable. The ultra-qui- ment ring keeps arrows under control
et launcher provides a smooth draw and before and during the shot. Windage and
ensures game won’t be spooked during elevation adjustments are micro adjust-
the critical draw cycle. This rest is made able through sure-grip knobs to make
for right-hand bows. It also includes pre- it field serviceable without a bow press.
cise windage and elevation adjustments. The design includes a rubberized steel
The rest features snazzy orange accents containment ring with easy loading gate
and includes an MSRP of just $48.99. and wider windage adjustment for new-
Check it out at 30-06outdoors.com. er 1-inch-thick compound risers. MSRP is
$149.99. Check it out at trophytaker.com.
HamskeaArchery ■ The Epsilon Arrow Rest
Quality Archery Designs ■ The Limited Edi-
from Hamskea is a limb-driven drop-
away featuring C.O.R. Mount Technol- tion ULTRAREST Patriot was introduced
ogy, which positions the arrow at center to commemorate our active military
shot by design and offers a more com- and veterans that have sacrificed, and
pact platform. The technology places the continue to sacrifice, so much for our
rest in-line behind the riser, eliminating freedoms. In honor of our troops QAD is
quiver interference. The rest is micro ad- re-releasing this limited edition Patriot
justable through click-detent windage rest. QAD will donate $5 for every Patriot
and vertical adjustments (.003-inches rest sold to an organization that supports
per click), rest integration super se- our wounded veterans. With this rest you
cure and precise via the new Picatinny will not only shoot the best rest but you
clamping system. The rest can be set will shoot in honor of our troops. This is
up for activation through the top limb, QAD’s way of saying thanks to all our Ac-
bottom limb or downward buss cable. tive Military and Veterans, while adding
Zero Tolerance Technology (ZTT) elimi- “God bless, you are in our thoughts and
nates lateral shaft movement with three prayers at QAD.” Each rest is designed,
stainless steel ball bearings that ensure manufactured, and assembled from start
maximum launcher stability. It also in- to finish by the hands of hard working
cludes a patent pending noise eliminat- Americans. This has helped build QAD’s
ing elastomeric Rebound Dampener and reputation as the leading drop away ar-
cord clamp tensioner. Launcher spring row rest in the industry. Visit qadinc.com
torsion and launcher angle are adjust- to learn more. IA
Pine Ridge Archery
Nitro Split Limb Dampeners
I’ ve always been pretty obsessed with my local deer—hunted year round by
bow noise, long insisting there’s no mountain lions—and smaller African
plains game—hunted year round by need for tools or a bow press. On the
several newer compound bows I have
such thing as a hunting bow that is too quiet. leopards. You don’t beat these animals used them on, they hold tight and
worked as advertised. I see no reason
to the jump. The better approach in- they wouldn’t function just as well on
The notion of beating big game ani- volves giving them less to react to.
The molded rubber blocks with limb
mals to the jump with raw speed is ab- The bow-dampening revolution grooves are nearly indestructible and
have proven resistant to cracking after
surd, sound traveling at 1,125 fps, while started some 20 years ago. Bowhunt- a couple years of use. They are pack-
aged in pairs, to be placed on the up-
the fastest compounds hit just 365 ers have long addressed the bowstring, per and lower limb sets, though there
are no rules saying you can’t stack ad-
fps and the fastest crossbows 500 fps. adding yarn puffs or rubber material to ditional dampeners to tame an espe-
cially radical compound or crossbow.
Whitetail reaction time to perceived calm the guitar-string-like twang of a You could also mix and match colors to
create a custom look.
threats is measured in milliseconds, released shot. In the past two decades,
Pine Ridge says the 2.187-by-1.433-
dependent on environmental influ- bowhunters like me began to focus on by-.65-inch, .6-ounce dampeners will
accommodate a maximum limb gap
ences such as predators. The jumpiest other parts of the bow, particularly the
of 1.20 inches. Walking out to my bow
animals I’ve bowhunted have included limbs. Pine Ridge Archery has been a shop, I checked the fit of several popu-
lar bow brands, finding them compat-
major part of the rubber-dampening ible with new Bear Archery (tightest
fit), Mathews, Obsession Bows, Hoyt,
revolution, offering Wishbones, Nitro Prime, Bowtech, Xpedition Archery,
Elite Archery and PSE models, just from
Whiskers and Brush Buttons to hush what I had on hand.
bowstrings, Nitro XL and standard They offer a simple and affordable
(MSRP $11.99 per pair) solution to silenc-
Buttons and Nitro Speed Bombs offer- ing needs. Get more information on this
and other Pine Ridge Archery products
ing combination speed buttons/string by visiting pineridgearchery.com. IA
silencers, and the Nitro Split Limb
Dampeners under discussion here.
Pine Ridge dampening products are of-
fered in a wide variety of camouflage
and bright colors, including black, tan,
olive green, brown, red, blue, orange,
lime green, pink, purple, yellow and
I was attracted to Pine Ridge’s Nitro
Split Limb Dampeners upon release, as
they were super simple to install any-
where they are needed, yet so highly
effective. This is a solid-rubber design,
wedge fit into the gaps of split com-
pound or crossbow limbs without the
WebXtra ■ For more information on
Pine Ridge Nitro Split Limb Dampeners,
go to insidearchery.com/PineRidgeNitro.
mat the SD card to ensure your camera
T here have been a slew of field SD cam viewer that really worked to pro- is starting the week with fresh mem-
card viewers offered to hunters over cess and study trail-cam pictures and ory space. The Viewer can be operated
the years, but very few have made the task videos. I had become truly frustrated. I without reading tedious instructions,
as it includes a Navigator Help System
carried the thought of creating a high- that’s built in to walk you through all
of checking trail cameras and saving data so speed trail-cam viewer around in my the functions and features.
efficient and enjoyable as the relatively new head for many years, until I finally “With a full charge the Viewer will
run approximately 4 hours, as there’s
LOWDOWN Viewer. met a young man named Josh Cara- a lithium battery bank built right into
the unit. Our manufacturer ensures
way, who had some expertise with us the battery should cycle 400 to
500 times without problems. You can
Hunters Mate LLC, makers of the LOW- electronics. I told him of my ideas and charge your Viewer at home (via the
provided wall plug) or while you’re
DOWN Viewer, is headquartered in gave him a little seed money that got on the move in your vehicle (with
the provided cigarette-lighter plug-in
Wausau, Wisconsin, for now a small him started on the path. I also told charger).”
start-up company operating out of Josh that if we could create the high- The LOWDOWN’s built-in and in-
genious features mean the hunter
their homes. Office, warehouse, ship- speed trail-cam viewer I had been spends less time taking inventory
and more time pursuing their target
ping and service spaces were cre- dreaming of, I would take him on as a animals. And the folks at LOWDOWN
continue to improve the quality and
ated in spare rooms and converted partner and we would take this viewer performance of the Viewer each year.
For instance, the last batch of LOW-
basements. One large basement was to market for all hunters to enjoy. Sev- DOWN Viewers manufactured came
with improved screen lighting and
converted to warehouse product, for en years later, and here we are.” color quality.
example, other spaces used as the In the beginning, software develop- Al Kaiser says, “Our first thoughts
were that it would be great, and
shipping department and service cen- ment posed a huge challenge in the much easier, to have the LOWDOWN
Viewer built in the U.S.A. But try as we
ter. LOWDOWN’s key principals keep creation of a great high-speed trail- may, we just couldn’t find anyone to
do so stateside. Every manufacturer
office space in their homes, where cam viewer, as did finding the qual- we met with informed us that all the
components were going to come from
most of the marketing takes place. ity manufacturing facilities necessary overseas and the cost of getting the
parts delivered and assembly would
From these humble settings comes to produce a finished product. Many be close to double the cost than if we
manufactured in the U.S. So we were
a product that has absolutely revolu- years of effort and substantial invest- essentially forced to go overseas,
though that also posed a great deal of
tionized trail-cam viewing. ment were required to make the ad- unexpected challenges.
LOWDOWN’s staff has also remained vanced and highly unique features of
streamlined, including Founder and today’s LOWDOWN Viewer a reality.
President AL Kaiser, Vice President “The LOWDOWN Viewer allows re-
and Chief Product Engineer Joshua viewing a thousand pictures in 15 to
Caraway, and Social Media Manager 20 minutes,” says Al Kaiser. “You can
Adam Kaiser (Al Kaiser’s son). Al Kai-
ser’s business efforts recently earned
him a spot in the Marquis Who’s Who,
biographical volumes where individu-
als profiled are selected on the basis of
current reference value. Factors such
as position, noteworthy accomplish-
ments, visibility and prominence in a also enlarge a picture and take a Snap
field are all taken into account during Shot and send it to the save card. The
the Who’s Who selection process. Viewer also includes a video freeze
Regarding the LOWDOWN Viewer, frame function, which allows you to
Al Kaiser says, “The idea for the LOW- enlarge and/or save the stopped frame
DOWN Viewer came after many, many with the Snap Shot function. The LOW-
years of not being able to find a trail- DOWN Viewer also allows you to for-