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Inside Archery July 2022

Inside Archery July 2022

perience when they either lose their ar- Finally, BIGshot’s new Titan 10X block- wear to any single surface. The 10X is sup-
rows/bolts due to pass-throughs, or they style target—mentioned earlier—is the plied with a kickstand to stabilize the tar-
can’t pull them out of the target without first on the market to offer a 10-sided get while shooting it in “Tree Stand Mode.”
standing on it. BIGshot targets allow ar- design that was made especially for the
chers shooting any type of equipment to demands of today’s high-performance These are but a few examples, as BIG-
enjoy their experience without worrying crossbows. The 10X includes two large shot has an option for every shooting
about target difficulties. faces, four side faces, and four smaller need, from backyard recreation to 3D
corner faces. The 10 shooting faces offer clubs to pro-shop ranges. BIGshot is truly
BIGshot has long focused on leading 150 different shooting spots, which adds a one-stop shop for any target need big or
technology in their target systems, in- shooting fun and prevents premature small. Check out their extensive lineup by
cluding their Video Simulator systems, visiting IA
which lead the world in price and per-
formance. BIGshot is working hard to get
to the next level on every product line,
including a number of very exciting new
products they will be rolling out for 2023.

Even the recent pandemic could not
slow BIGshot Targets down. Brandon
Perelli who, as mentioned, went to great
lengths to keep production rolling while
other companies struggled to supply
product during an unprecedented surge
in archery-product demand combined
with a lack of raw materials. BIGshot
never missed a beat, and continued to
deliver product on time, without back-
orders. BIGshot pulled this off while also
keeping their prices reasonable. This was
made possible largely by utilizing 90 per-
cent U.S.-based suppliers. BIGshot uses
only domestically-produced polymers
and has developed a unique relationship
with their supplier, ensuring a steady
stream of raw materials that allowed
uninterrupted production.

BIGshot continues to innovate and
expand its lineup annually. One of the
newest, most exciting products from
the company is their Backyard BIGfoot,
released this spring. The Backyard BIG-
foot Archery Target is part of BIGshot’s
highly-affordable RealWild 3D line,
combining excellent arrow-stopping
power with easy arrow extraction and
life-like realism.

Another exciting full-sized 3D tar-
get from BIGshot is the Double Duty Pro
Hunter Buck. BIGshot says this innova-
tive target is the first 3D deer target to
offer two-sided shooting, while also of-
fering shooters EZ Pull Field Point Vitals
on the front side of the deer, plus a new
Broadhead Tuning Target on the rear end
of the target.





T reestands undoubtedly revolutionized rounding vegetation, even bare ground, The panels aren’t some flimsy card-
deer hunting, but today’s bowhunter so they seamlessly blend into any en- board or cloth. They are designed from
a stout corrugated, weatherproof and
has even more concealment options. vironment. Most portable blinds cannot highly shatter resistant material made
deliver this kind of cloaking, dependent to withstand the kind of hard knocks
sure to result from serious hunting. Cus-
Ground blinds have opened habitats on printed camouflage patterns that tomers might manage to bend or scratch
a panel, but the blind won’t be rendered
where treestands aren’t practical, while match very specific environments, or unusable. I’m certainly not one to baby
my equipment and find comfort in
also allowing acrophobic hunters a pro- risking sticking out like a beach ball on knowing the GhostBlind can handle be-
ing tossed into a pickup bed and stacked
ductive option while leaving both feet a putting green. The mirrored panels
with gear, stand up to the harshest
firmly planted on the ground. Though tilt toward the ground slightly, elimi- weather or resist damage when dragged
through thick, grabbing woodlots—par-
effective, old-fashioned brush blinds and nating light flashes or the possibility of ticularly in conjunction with the Deluxe
Carry Case.
newer pop-up style hides require either nearby animals becoming alarmed by
The GhostBlind Predator is also afford-
animal acclimation over time, or extra their own reflection. able, including an MSRP of just $259.99,
with a variety of upgrades available to
effort disguising blinds to make them The GhostBlind Predator is a four-pan- customize the hunt. For example, Preda-
tor Height Extenders add 7 inches of blind
immediately effective. Shadow Hunter el blind with shoot-through ports de- height for added concealment when ad-
dressing the wariest animals, the Preda-
GhostBlinds create deadly-effective con- signed specifically to allow bowhunters tor Hunting Chair making a lightweight,
durable and comfortable pairing to the
cealment immediately following set-up. to shoot any style bow while sitting in overall blind system.

GhostBlind ground blinds use mir- a standard hunting chair—maintaining I definitely have some GhostBlind
Predator plans for this fall, including a
rored panels to precisely mimic sur- maximum concealment and minimiz- couple CRP and agricultural fields that
have traditionally been impossible to
ing pre-shot movement. The Predator stake out without drawing whitetail
suspicions. Check out Shadow Hunter’s
includes 102 inches of width (typical- entire lineup of revolutionary blinds
by visiting
ly arranged in an enclosing U or box products/ghostblind-predator. IA

shape), is 46 inches high and weighs just

12 pounds. This is about half the weight

of the average pop-up ground blind.

This makes it extremely mobile and

ideal for hunters who like to trek deep

into remote areas, or those showing up

cold without the benefit of prior scout-

ing. A 1.5-inch-wide carry strap makes it

easy and comfortable to move, with an

optional Deluxe Carry Case offered for

improved protection against scratches

and scrapes. Setup requires less than a

minute, using the provided tent stakes,

tie-downs and bungee cords.

WebXtra ■ For more information on

the GhostBlind ground blind, please go to



Pro-Tracker Archery Bad Boys

T he bowhunter’s home is not just a house—
it’s an extension of who they are as people, tion, causing the animal to suffer.
Sometimes they’d find the animal, and

their passions, experiences and memories. sometimes they’d leave the field un-

able to recover their game. Sure, the ar-

Walls are lined with trophies and row took its life, but much of the sport

framed pictures of them posing with and fun was stripped away from the

their animals. Then come the dozens experience.

of stories of how they took the perfect There are many factors dictating

shot and their prize went down cleanly why arrows fail to penetrate deep which can also lead to missing the kill
zone. This is one of the largest prob-
and quickly. Even if each tale requires enough for that coveted quick and ethi- lems with weighted inserts. They are
going to drop. It’s simple physics.
10 minutes in the telling, they all con- cal kill. Two common culprits are that
Bad Boys weighted sleeves, however,
vey how good it felt to take that animal bow poundage proved too low and the are self-compensating, meaning they
will hit to the same impact point as
cleanly and quickly, and how the ani- arrow did not carry enough Front of standard-weight arrows, but with sig-
nificantly increased momentum. As
mal didn’t suffer. Center (F.O.C.) weight.
the weight of each Bad Boys in-
Then there are the stories of silent Many would argue that a properly creases, the outside diameter
also increases. The added
hunters who took a shot and missed, built arrow is the most important fac- diameter is key, so Pro-
Tracker Archery carries
or worse, didn’t get enough penetra- tor when preparing for their next bow- seven sizes, ranging from 62 to

hunting trip. Adding more weight 300 grains.
As you hit full draw, Bad Boys sleeves
to the front of the arrow allows raise higher on the rest. The added el-
evation automatically compensates for
for harder hits, as the front the added front-end weight, allowing a
Bad Boys-equipped arrow to impact the
is the driving force. same as a standard arrow. What’s more
amazing is that a 40-pound bow, with
Dr. Ed Ashby, respect- a Bad Boys sleeve on the arrow shaft,
can deliver the same momentum as a
ed researcher in arrow flight 70-pound bow! This puts people pulling
lighter draw weights (women, children
dynamics, asserts that F.O.C. is and older shooters) in the same league
as heavy pullers.
critical to increased penetration. The Bad Boys are multi-patented and one
of a kind. There is no other company of-
recommended F.O.C. percentage for fering a self-compensating arrow weight
that provides all the benefits of increased
bowhunters, according to Dr. Ashby, is 10 F.O.C. Check out their F.O.C. calculator on
their website, at IA
to 15 percent. Many companies recognize

Ashby’s sound research and offer prod-

ucts to boost F.O.C., including weighted

inserts, heavier arrows or broadheads,

and weighted arrow sleeves.

As bowhunters, Pro-Tracker Archery

understands that more weight added

to an arrow leads to increased drop,

WebXtra ■ For more information on

the Pro-Tracker Archery Bad Boys, go to


New Millennium Bowhunting Staples—
Trail Cameras & Food Plots

B Trail cam- eras and food plots have
ack in the days when Fred Bear, bBeecnomPeeaarsboing part of the modern
and Howard Hill were shaping humhnuteninnttgrhageaean.dd- quality game-manage-
lines and sparking imaginations with their
Browning Trail Cameras
Defender Wireless riveting adventure films, no one could have
Pro Scout Max
Moultrie Mobile fathomed how high-tech trail cameras would come to
Edge Cellular
Stealth Cam shape our bowhunting passions. The percentage of hunt-
Fusion X
ers who do not own at least one trail camera today is low

indeed, as even dedicated technophobe hunters eventually

succumb to the curiosity of knowing what creatures wan-

der the lands they hunt while they’re occupied toiling for

wages. For some, deploying and checking trail cameras be-

comes as engaging as bowhunting itself, expanding their

enjoyment of the outdoors, understanding of the game we

pursue and expanding our quality time in the habitats we

faithfully haunt during annual fall seasons. Take away

trail cameras—as some states have done—and our experi-

ences are greatly diminished.

Hand in hand, and with a popularity trajectory mirror-
ing trail cameras, is the proliferation of food plots. These
are crops planted without the intension of harvest, includ-
ing seasonal, nutrient-rich foods intended to boost the
overall health of all wildlife, and perhaps provide a shot at
a trophy buck. Food plots have become a huge part of the
quality deer management trend. Food plots not only create
heavier-bodied, larger-antlered bucks, but promote overall
herd health through fitter does that drop stronger fawns.
Once a rarity, food plots are now popular with land man-
agers overseeing large farms as well as those attempting
to make a small lease or parcel more attractive to area
wildlife. Food plot seed is now big business.

But while it is certain that trail cameras and food plot
seed are steady sellers in today’s bowhunting marketplace,
what becomes more confusing is keeping track of the best
products in these product categories. So come along as we
explore some of the newest and best-selling products in
this rapidly evolving arena.

Cutting Edge Trail Cameras

Browning Trail Cameras • Browning Trail Cameras’ De-

fender Wireless Pro Scout Max (MSRP $159.99) is super-
efficient and designed to operate for up to one year on



one set of eight AA batteries. Its high- Covert WC20 low as $7.99. Learn more by visiting
performance features include new RA-
DIANT 6 illumination technology, Dual- Wildgame Innovations
Carrier Technology (AT&T or Verizon Terra Cell Stealth Cam • Stealth Cam’s enhanced
via preinstalled SIM cards), GPS tagged
images, quick .25-second trigger speeds Muddy Manifest 2.0 Fusion X Wireless Cam solves many
and an incredible 100-foot detection Black problems inherent to conventional
range. Illuma-Smart Technology allows Gate cellular-cam technology, offering bet-
adjusting flash intensity, with several R4G ter performance, connectivity and op-
Multi-Shot and Rapid-Fire options pro- eration ease, affordable data plans and
vided. This unit includes 20MP image excellent customer service. Topping the
and 1600x900 HD+ video capabilities, list of upgrades is an improvement in
120-foot IR illumination, 100-foot de- image quality, translating to sharper,
tection range, .35-second recovery, SD more detailed photos. Video can now be
card management options, up to eight downloaded to the app at 720p resolu-
Multi Shot or Rapid Fire images and tion, or on the SD card at 30FPS. Video
other features. Learn more by visiting can also be previewed through the new app in a GIF format (640 x 360, begin-
ning, middle and end of video frames).
Moultrie Mobile • Moultrie Mobile’s The Fusion X continues to run on bud-
get-friendly data plans starting as low
new Edge Cellular Trail Camera with as $4 a month, with the first month pro-
Auto Connect Technology is now ship- vided at the unlimited level completely
ping, providing innovative features free. Unlimited plans cost as little as $15
that enhance performance. It includes a month and that includes the new GIF
super-easy setup and includes built- video feature. The unit is powered by a
in memory and flexible power op- new Stealth Cam Command Pro app, for
tions. Auto Connect Technology scans access any time or any place. The updat-
for and automatically connects to the ed user interface and advanced software
strongest network available from sev- makes setup easier, providing high reso-
eral major U.S. cellular carriers with a lution download capabilities, night color
single SIM card. The new custom an- images, custom tags and filters, and a
tenna also improves connectivity and global gallery to view all gallery images
folds away during storage. An indus- in one album. Learn more by visiting
try-first internal memory system im-
proves reliability by removing compli-
cations associated with SD cards. The Covert Scouting Cameras • Covert’s
camera includes only an on/off switch
and a single button to capture a test WC20 series wireless scouting camera
image—it’s that simple. The Edge can offers a great value (129.99 MSRP) packed
be used with eight or 16 AA batteries, with cutting-edge technologies. WC20
Moultrie’s 12v external power acces- cameras are offered in AT&T or Verizon
sories or the upcoming all-new solar models, both including new 5.5-by-4.5-
panel and rechargeable battery pack by-3.0-inch compact cases. They in-
from Moultrie Mobile, which plugs di- clude a .30-second trigger speed and
rectly into the camera to replace the faster recovery, while providing the abil-
AA battery tray. The Edge features an ity to capture and transmit photos and
expanded 40-degree field of view and 1080p video to a handheld device. The
enhanced trigger speed with 80-foot unit handles SD cards up to 32GB, while
range. The unit captures 33MP imag- transmitting previews to the Covert Web
es and 720p HD video with full audio, Portal and mobile app. The 40 IR No-Glow
transmitting them to the Moultrie Mo- LEDs provide 100-foot flash range, one-
bile app that offers a full range of fea- to three-shot turbo shot burst mode and
tures. The camera retails for just $99.99 MaXimum Silence Image Capture, en-
and includes unlimited plans for as suring customers won’t miss any action.

58 Continued on Page 60


Continued from Page 58 SPYPOINT easy and quick activation and setup of
FLEX the wireless system and data plan se-
The timestamp includes temperature Bushnell lection. Afterwards all camera func-
and moon phase. Set-up is enhanced via CelluCORE tions, firmware updates and cellular
the 1.5-inch color screen and operation 20 plan management functions can be
time is maximized through 12 AA bat- performed remotely through the new
teries. Covert’s exclusive wireless plans Tactacam Stealth Cam COMMAND App. A wide
eliminate the need to visit wireless car- Reveal X range of data plans from Verizon and
rier retail locations and allow a shared Gen 2.0 AT&T cellular networks are available,
wireless plan. There are no contracts with plans starting at $5 per month, and
and Covert offers monthly, quarterly and Cuddeback monthly or annual plans offered with
yearly plans, with a replenish feature Tracks no month-to-month contracts. The unit
that keeps users from experiencing over- Series offers 16MP image resolution, .8-second
age charges. Covert Wireless Data Plans trigger speed, 80-foot flash detection
start at just $4.99 per month for up to 100 range and no-glow IR flash and burst
images; with tiered service offerings up mode with a retail price of just $149.99.
to an unlimited annual subscription for Learn more by visiting
$239.88 per year. Learn more by visiting Black Gate • Black Gate’s R4G cellular

Wildgame Innovations • Wildgame trail camera is built around top-of-the-
line 4G/LTE and ONeSIM technologies.
Innovations’ Terra Cell Camera are now The R4G features a trigger speed of less
shipping, the first WGI camera to use than .4-second and proprietary dual-
hardware network-certified by both lens/dual sensor Lens-Dual Sensor Tech-
AT&T and Verizon wireless networks. nology, anti-fog lenses and a rugged
This certified technology eliminates any waterproof case. ONeSIM Technology of-
previous frustration with third-party fers auto tower detection and one data
support when problems arise. Terra Cell plan for all major network carriers. Cell
customers can choose AT&T or Verizon plans start as low as $3 a month. The
models, both fully supported by WGI’s unit provides 30MP daytime and up to
HuntSmart app, allowing users to ex- 12MP nighttime images. It includes iOS
plore a full spectrum of data, including and Android capability, remote control
one of the most affordable data plans on camera settings, on-request HD image
the market at $12 per month for the un- and video, and an easy to use mobile
limited plan with no contracts. The Terra app. On average, Black Gate offers two to
Cell camera needs either AT&T or Verizon three times larger images and includes
service where the camera is located, but free HD photos on the 500MB and higher
can send data directly to Sprint, US Cel- data plans. Black Gate is a more afford-
lular, Google, T-mobile or other carriers. able way to enjoy the convenience of a
The enhanced app includes features like cellular trail camera. Learn more by vis-
mapping tools, species recognition, pho- iting
to sorting, hunt predictor, buck scoring,
and more, all controlled from a mobile SPYPOINT • In the world of cellular
device. Multiple Terra Cell cameras can
be monitored directly through the app. trail cameras, SPYPOINT’s FLEX elimi-
The camera includes 20 MP resolution, nates the problems of some cell cameras
.7-second trigger speed, 80-foot detection and adds new features, without inflat-
and flash range, quick QR code setup, ing the price. The FLEX offers a unique
cable-lock latch and is compatible with dual-SIM configuration with two prein-
12V DC solar power panels. Learn more by stalled and activated SIM cards, which
visiting automatically connects to the cellular
network offering the best service in any
Muddy Outdoors • Muddy’s new Mani- hunting area. If the camera is moved,
the unit will switch to a different net-
fest 2.0 Wireless Camera is currently
shipping, offering advanced features at Continued on Page 62
an affordable price. A QR code allows

Continued from Page 60 Bushnell • Bushnell’s CelluCORE 20 Low Ani-Logics Killer
work as needed. The unit also includes Glow Cellular Trail Camera includes a low The Plots
an optimized antenna for improved re- $114.99 retail price combined with high- Perfect Deepwoods
ception, capturing images in a 33MP for- performance cellular capabilities. Cellu- 10 Antler
mat and video in 1080p while providing CORE 20 Cellular Trail Cameras are easy Evolved King
reliable connections. Videos are trans- to use and allow fast connection, down- Harvest Red Zone
mitted to the SPYPOINT app and appear load and sorting of high-quality images. 7 Card
in the gallery as an animated preview, The unit includes Bushnell’s renowned Stud
with the option to request a full-length battery life while using Energizer lithium
HD version for viewing. Every SPYPOINT batteries (up to 6 months on 12 AAs) and
customer that activates their first new simple setup. The camera is compatible
FLEX receives five free FULL-HD Video with SD cards up to 32GB and available
Requests, allowing users to test the new in AT&T (A20) and Verizon (V20) models.
feature. SPYPOINT also offers their free The camera can be managed through a
photo transmission plan. The FLEX of- smartphone and the first 30 days of data
fers an improved user interface, push- are free. Service requires no contracts and
button micro-SD formatting, and remote users can start and stop service any time,
firmware updates available directly with data plans starting at $10 monthly
through the SPYPOINT app. The FLEX is based on usage. Capabilities include 20MP
GPS-enabled, maximizing the perfor- image or HD video resolution. The Low-
mance and function of the customizable Glow flash reaches to 80 feet and trigger
in-app maps. A .3-second trigger speed, speed is less than 1 second. Learn more by
100-foot detection and flash range, and visiting
photo, video, time-lapse and Time-
Lapse+ modes are also part of the deal. Tactacam • Tactacam’s Reveal X Cellular
Learn more by visiting
Camera Gen 2.0 is an easy to use, multi-
carrier capable unit that is compact
and easy to hide. The Gen 2.0 offers
improved photo quality, faster data de-
livery, increased battery life and is dual
carrier compatible (AT&T and Verizon).
Users can request images and HD videos
through the Reveal app. Trigger speed is
now sub ½-second and the unit operates
on AA batteries. The flash is adjustable to
reach up to 96-plus feet, which matches
the detection range. Hybrid mode al-
lows more images to be taken and sent
instantly, and there is an external port
for a solar panel. On-board WiFi con-
nects to the app for simple setup and
live view with instant image capture.
The unit allows activating cameras only
when needed, an LED indicator revealing
signal and battery strength. Month-to-
month data plans with no contracts or
activation fees are available. Learn more
by visiting

Cuddeback • Cuddeback recently

launched the Tracks Series, which will
specialize in conventional cell camer-
as outside of the CuddeLink umbrella.
Tracks cellular trail cameras are stand-


LOWDOWN Viewer • Hunters Mate LLC offers dual external paddle antennas for supe-
rior LTE reception in fringe areas. Tracks
the LOWDOWN Viewer, providing an easier and uses an advanced IR image sensor that
more efficient way to review trail camera images eliminates the moving mechanical filter
and video. Founder Al Kaiser says the idea for common in many trail cameras. This re-
the LOWDOWN Viewer came after continued sults in better image quality and reliabil-
frustrations with SD card viewers that came ity. The camera runs on four D batteries,
before, so with the technical help of partner which provides longer battery life than
Josh Caraway they set out to create a better solu- cameras powered by AA batteries. Addi-
tion. The result is a viewer that allows reviewing a thousand pictures in 15 to 20 minutes. Users tionally, Tracks supports connectivity to
can enlarge images and take a Snap Shot to store it on the save SD card held in a secondary all Cuddeback accessories, ranging from
slot. The Viewer also includes a video freeze frame function, which allows enlarging and/or sav- external battery packs and solar panels,
ing the stopped frame with the Snap Shot function. The LOWDOWN Viewer also allows users to mounting systems. The unit is easy
to simply format the SD card. Better yet, the Viewer can be operated without reading tedious to program on site or remotely. Own-
instructions, as it includes a built-in Navigator Help System. The Viewer will run about 4 hours ers can access images through a smart-
on a single charge of the lithium battery bank. The Viewer means less time reviewing data and phone app, email, text messaging or the
more time hunting. The newest version includes improved screen lighting and color quality. online web interface, and emails or texts
In short, the Viewer isn’t like other SD card readers that came before, proving infinitely more can be sent to up to 10 people. The ad-
versatile, super-efficient and a snap to use, even for those who have difficulty operating a basic vanced PIR includes seven adjust stages,
smartphone. See for more information. settings made on a two-line backlit dis-
play. Dual SIM card sockets allow activa-
alone cellular units and do not inter- cellular trail camera. Historically, lesser tion for AT&T or Verizon service. The unit
communicate like the CuddeLink series. cell cameras have been plagued by poor includes an MSRP of just $149.99. Learn
Tracks is built on a new small and ergo- or spotty coverage and mediocre image more by visiting
nomic camera platform that maximizes quality. The new Tracks camera com-
the features users are looking for in a bats this issue with the integration of

Whitetail Institute Imperial Whitetail Clover Tecomate Monster Mix Rackology Plot 365

Fantastic Food Plot Seed ½ an acre with an annual blend of KFP Winter Rye, KFP Winter
Wheat, KFP Rape, KFP Radishes and KFP Crimson White Clover.
Killer Food Plots • Killer Food Plots’ Deepwoods keeps land It can be planted in spring or winter. Learn more by visiting
managers covered throughout the year. Deepwoods (MSRP
$49.99) is a versatile seed blend created by KFP to provide a Ani-Logics Outdoors • Ani-Logics CRUSH Seeds of Science
high-quality forage that requires little to no ground prepara-
tion and the flexibility to grow with minimal sunlight and in The Perfect 10 Food Plot Mix is one of the best from this food
poor quality soil. This has made Deepwoods one of KFP’s most plot powerhouse. The Perfect 10 provides 10 favorite forages
utilized and successful seed blends, whether dealing with low white-tailed deer love. This all-in-one blend was formulat-
pH, very dry to wet soil, poor light conditions, limited access ed specifically for use on Lee and Tiffany Lokoski’s personal
spots or lack of dedicated implements. An 8-pound bag plants hunting grounds, using forage winter wheat, rye grain, for-
age oats, winter peas, crimson clover, Ani-Crush Radish, for-
age collards, Ani-Crush Turnip, Ani-Crush Sugar Beets and
Rape. The mix offers diversity and longevity for long-term at-
traction throughout the deer season. This is also a fall blend.
Ten pounds plants ¼ acre/11,000 square feet (MSRP $26.99), 20
pounds ½ acre/22,000 square feet (MSRP $53.99). Learn more by

Antler King • The whitetail experts at Antler King have been

helping hunters and land managers produce bigger bucks and
healthier does for more than 30 years. From food plots to a full
line of feed, blocks, minerals and attractants, Antler King has
everything needed to keep deer on your customers’ properties
and grow them into trophies.

Antler King’s Red Zone food plot mix was designed to cre-
ate trophy buck opportunities during any season. This seed
mix includes a blend of forage and grain soybeans, peas, buck-
wheat and sunflowers—with each varietal maturing during
different periods throughout the year to create a year-round,
high-quality smorgasbord that will attract deer any time of
the season. Red Zone delivers a high-protein source in the
spring and summer to promote body and antler growth, as
well as high-energy food to fuel the rut and help deer thrive
during harsh winter months. Red Zone can be planted in the
spring or summer, or in the fall at least 60 days before the
first expected frost. A 20-pound bag covers a ½-acre plot. Learn
more by visiting


Evolved • Evolved says 7 Card Stud is does that produce more milk to grow
healthier fawns. The proprietary Rain-
the most adaptive food plot available to- Bond coating provides enhanced seed-
day. This incredible blend of forage vari- ling survivability, and a single planting
ety plants covers all of your customers’ can last up to five years. It is offered in
early, mid and late-season needs to at- 4-, 18- and 36-pound bags that cover a ½,
tract and hold deer on their properties. 2.25 or 4.5 acres, respectively. Learn more
The triticale, oats, winter peas, clover, by visiting
chicory, turnip and radishes provide a
blend deer simply cannot resist. Oats Tecomate Seed • Monster Mix is a
and triticale varieties were developed
for rapid establishment and maximum Tecomate proprietary blend of white and
forage yield that proves highly palatable red clover and chicory that is as good for
and longer-growing than other grain attraction as it is for nutrition. With its
crops. Turnip brassica delivers some of highly digestible protein, white clover
the highest protein and mineral con- has long been a part of trophy whitetail
tent levels among annual forages. It’s management throughout the Midwest,
also extremely adaptable to a wide range Northeast and Southeast. However, the
of soils and climates. Winter peas are addition of chicory boosts the overall
cold tolerant and will continue to grow production and growing season, as well
through winter into late spring, provid- as providing plant diversity. Monster
ing a quick-growing and sweet crop deer Mix withstands heavy browsing pres-
relish. Forage clovers can grow up to 16 sure while providing antler-building
inches tall and withstand tough grow- protein levels of more than 30 percent
ing conditions. Daikon radishes provide and even higher levels of beneficial
protein levels up to 20 percent and reach phosphorous. Additionally, chicory pro-
heights up to 24 inches tall. Chicory of- vides tannins that benefit the rumen of
fers 30 percent protein content with little deer and elk. Monster Mix lasts for three
to no effort required. This true perennial to five years and grows through most of
can survive unattended for many years the year. Best of all, Tecomate Monster
with the help of a long, drought-resistant Mix includes Yellow Jacket seed coat-
taproot. The 10-pound bag covers ¼ acre ing containing moisture retaining Zeba.
(11,000 square feet). Evolved recommends This unique and proprietary technology
120 pounds of 13-13-13 fertilizer per bag has been scientifically proven to pro-
for best results. MSRP is just $19.99. Learn vide a quicker, healthier food plot. Learn
more by visiting more by visiting

Whitetail Institute • Imperial White- Rackology • Rackology’s Plot 365 food

tail Clover has developed a loyal fol- plot blend offers an excellent combina-
lowing because it was genetically engi- tion of some of the highest quality le-
neered specifically for white-tailed deer. gumes available. It also has high-quality
Imperial Whitetail Clover provides an clover and chicory seeds for successful
extremely high level of protein critical establishment, and it’s rich with ant-
for antler, muscle and bone growth. The ler-building protein and high in other
mix thrives in extreme cold as well as key nutrients that deer crave. Plot 365
warm, dry climates and is disease resis- lasts up to 5 years on a single seeding
tant. Whitetail Institute’s R&D team has and handles heavy grazing pressure
continually improved Imperial Whitetail very well. It is extremely heat, drought
Clover over the years by adding new and and disease tolerant and performs well
improved clover varieties. Deer love the in a wide range of soil pH. Users can
taste and keep coming back for more, plant in the spring or fall to hold deer
the clover attracting and holding deer year-round. Plot 365 functions as a high-
from wider areas. The nutrients in Im- protein “stand alone’” food plot or as a
perial Whitetail Clover help grow larger supplement to a small grain plot. Learn
antlers, while also producing healthier more by visiting IA



Five Questions with Morrell Targets

Morrell Targets has earned a well-respected reputation after nearly 40 years in constantly innovating, and customer
feedback is crucial to this develop-
business. We spoke with Morrell team members Butch Thomas and Tanner Morrell ment. One way we receive feedback is
through our website from end users.
to learn more about the company’s latest developments. This is vital criticism we encourage
because it shows us our weaknesses,
W hat are some of your goals After High Roller Foam was released, and it also displays our goal to get
and plans for 2023? ■ With the one of our dealers, JJ Campbell, owner better every year through testing and
technology of bows and crossbows of Archers Pro Shop in Cotter, Arkan- development. We constantly change
constantly changing, here at Morrell sas, said, “In all my years of being in designs and formulas to produce the
Targets we are constantly innovating. the archery business, I’ve never seen highest-quality product for the mon-
We continue to research material and a foam target do what the High Roller ey. We also encourage feedback from
try different things that will give us does. The stopping power is incred- our dealers directly by training our
the edge over our competitors when ible, but the arrow removal is so easy. salesmen to get to the bottom of any
it comes to stopping arrows and bolts I like to watch customers who have issue the dealer may have. Once we
at today’s blistering speeds. For 2023, never shot at them before shooting know the issue at hand, we fix it one
we have stepped up our game. We are their crossbows into them. They brace way or another.
excited to showcase at the ATA Trade themselves to pull out the bolt and al-
Show in 2023 some new products spe- most fall over because it’s so easy.” How does Morrell try to support its
cifically for indoor ranges, as well independent dealers? ■ We strongly
as some other surprises we have up What factors set Morrell Targets believe that the dealers are the grass
our sleeve. apart from the competition? ■ We roots of our industry. Without the
are a family owned and operated busi- dealers, there would be no industry.
Tell us about your High Roller Foam: ness, not owned by a conglomerate.
How was this technology developed, When it comes to doing The mom-and-pop stores have been
and how has the industry reacted to business with Morrell, and always will be at the forefront of
it? ■ We literally searched for years to you will find that we our industry. Knowing that they have
come up with the High Roller Foam. will treat you like fam- all the overhead and payroll that it
Several years ago, we came up with ily. Our targets are very takes to run a business, we as a com-
the idea of a dice target. Immediate- competitive in price, pany must provide quality products
ly we came up with the name “High and dealers make very that support them with great mar-
Roller.” We knew that this dice target strong margins! Our gins. Not only do we provide great
would serve several purposes. First, targets are built to last and go through margins and customer service that is
it would be a six-sided target. Most very strenuous testing in our Proving second to none, but our products are
of today’s targets have either two or Grounds testing center. And when it proudly made right here in the good
four sides, so we knew right there that comes to customer service, nobody ol’ U.S.A.! IA
would give us an advantage. Second, beats Morrell! We take a lot of pride in
we would not release this target un- our customer service. In the rare occa- WebXtra ■ For more on Morrell Tar-
til we had the perfect foam. There is sion, if you were to have an issue with
a constant problem with all brands a Morrell target, simply give us a call gets including the extended interview,
of targets when it comes to stopping and 99 percent of the time your prob- go to
today’s high-speed crossbows. That lem will be taken care of before the
problem is arrow removal. Targets phone call is ended. If for some reason
needed to be denser to stop these super we were not able to take care of it on
speedy bolts, but then the bolts seem the call, then by the end of the day you
to just weld right into the target, so we will be taken care of.
wanted a foam that not only stopped
super-fast bolts and arrows, but also How do you gather and utilize feed-
offered extremely easy removal. back from your consumers? ■ We are


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