28 Power of Participation
■ David Holder | Raised Hunting
■ Jordan Coffta | The Outdoor Group
■ Bob Woodcock | Critter Gitters
Hunting Equipment
■ Patrick Meitin | Inside Archery
■ Keith Beam | GSM Outdoors
■ Cory Miller | Black Eagle Arrows
30 30 Tink’s: 50 Years
of Proven Results
Tink’s Celebrates its 50th
Anniversary in 2022
By Daniel Allred
Market Trends
38 Bow Report
Mathews V3X 29
40 40 Gear Report
60 Ani-Logics Outdoors
42 2022 Early-Release Bows
By Patrick Meitin
50 Crossow Report
Ravin Crossbows R500
38 56 Bow Report
Elite Archery EnVision
58 Gear Report
BLOCK Targets
Infinity Crossbow Target
60 2022 New Product
Sneak Peek
24 By Daniel Allred
INSIDE ARCHERY (Volume 24, #10) ISSN #1940-3879, USPS #024-412 is published 10 times per year (Jan / Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep / Oct, Nov, Dec) by Apollo Creative Inc. PO Box 15827, Colorado Springs,
CO 80935. Periodical postage paid at Colorado Springs, CO 80935 and at additional offices. Postmaster please send address changes to INSIDE ARCHERY, P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19055-9998.
10 Inside Track
Supply Chain Troubles
14 Kinsey’s Business
End of Year Business Review
52 28
56 16 Your ATA Insights
You Talk Too Much
By Kurt Smith / ATA
18 Industry News
The latest on news, events and
people in the archery industry
24 ATA Action
Events to Attend at #ATA2022
By Cassie Gasaway / ATA
52 Leading Archery
Musacchia Broadheads
66 Industry 5Q
Five Questions with Jake Major
from Cobra Archery
24 50
insidearchery.com Online Exclusives
Treestand Comfort
Surviving Extreme Stand Sits
Patrick Meitin shares his insights into dressing for
success to survive the roughest treestand hunting
weather, including approaches to comfortably address
cutting wind, persistent moisture and killing cold
while maintaining shooting efficiency.
Archery Equipment
Choosing A Hunting Sight
There are many styles of effective bowhunting sights,
but which is best for the bowhunting you do most?
Inside Archery’s Executive Editor discusses the
merits and pitfalls of various pin configurations
and operational systems.
Successful Bowhunting
Strategies For Mitigating
String-Jumping Game
Executing a good shot but still missing or wounding
an animal due to string-jumping is disheartening.
Inside Archery’s Patrick Meitin offers hard-earned
advice on methods used to minimize this eventuality
and make cleaner shots on game.
Better Shooting
Keeping Your Hunting Edge
Through Simple Stump Shooting
You practice diligently all summer to become a deadly
shot, only to lose your edge during hunting season
due to little shooting practice. Executive Editor Patrick
Meitin reveals how he stays sharp in season by fun
and simple stump-shooting.
:WebXtras “Gear Report” tries out the Ani-Logics Outdoors and
BLOCK Targets Infinity Crossbow Target; “Bow Report” takes a look
at Mathews’ V3X 29 and Elite’s EnVision; “Crossbow Report” examines
Ravin’s R500 Crossbow; and “5Q” chats with Cobra Archery.
Inside Archery Digital Edition
Now Inside Archery can be delivered to your door, viewed on your computer,
AND on your smartphone or tablet. VISIT INSIDEARCHERY.COM/DIGITAL
Fresh content daily
on social media!
Supply Chain Troubles
T he evolving supply-chain issues plaguing this country are beginning to show
in very real ways. Grocery store aisles are growing bare, for instance, and not
just the looted toilet-paper shelves witnessed at the onset of the pandemic. At
this point last year the economy was quickly recovering despite the obvious difficul-
ties, with even people struggling to make ends meet in the most restrictive lockdown
states able to at least find food for meals. There certainly wasn’t a concern of finding
gifts to put under the Christmas tree—though if that is your main worry during this
national emergency, things have gotten pretty sad in my esti-
mation. Though, it can’t be dismissed that Vice President Harris
was warning us way back in August to order gifts early in hopes
of taking delivery by Christmas…
The outdoor world, due to unprecedented demand resulting
from new and returning interest in the outdoor sports because
of COVID restrictions and general uncertainty—as well as panic
hoarding fueled largely by our sensationalist media—has seen
a serious pinch in available goods this past year. Shortages have begun to hit the real
world, products are not only more expensive, but harder to find. Even raw materials
used to manufacture products in the U.S. are in short supply, including most metals,
petroleum-derived plastic products, basic parts such as nuts and bolts and bearings,
and even paper to print this very magazine.
Container ships delivering the overseas goods we so depend on are stacked up like
spring log jams outside American ports as endless government “aid” packages, private-
sector vaccine mandates and other assorted government regulations cause millions of
workers each month to depart the workforce. The sharp-stick truth is there are too few
people available to unload ships and drive trucks to move goods from point to point,
which has exasperated the supply-chain crisis.
I regularly see Facebook memes proclaiming, more or less, “American-made goods
don’t get stuck in shipping ports.” I see a lot of truth in this, though I am not naïve
enough to believe anything is so straightforwardly simple. It does raise a point though.
Why, in a country as indisputably great and innovative as the United States of America,
aren’t we producing more of our own raw materials and manufacturing more of our
own goods? Or, at least farming it out to contiguous countries like Mexico and Canada,
where in a pinch you could send over a couple employees in a rental truck to pick up a
shipment of desperately needed parts?
I understand there are obvious cost savings in allowing China to dominate manufac-
turing, as it is difficult to compete with what is essentially slave labor. But a “Made In
USA” label has its value, a price most Americans are willing—even prefer—to pay for.
This has become especially true in light of our current situation. There is opportunity
here, money to be made by filling the holes left by what has been revealed as a sadly
vulnerable supply-chain system.
Patrick Meitin, Executive Editor
Apollo Creative Inc
Executive Editor
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Inside Archery founded in 1998 by Bill and Sherry Krenz
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Archery, hunting and bowhunting are inherently dangerous activi-
ties. Improper use of hunting or archery equipment may cause se-
rious injury or death. Always follow state and local hunting safety
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Inside Archery®
is a publication of
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Printed in the USA.
End of Year Business Review
A s the year begins to wind down
and hunting seasons begin to sure future sales and success. Kinsey’s is the leading distributor to the outdoors and
close, it’s a good time to reflect The other benefit of running these archery industry. Carrying items from your favorite
on the past year’s business. One thing brands, in-stock and ready-to-ship, the company offers
businesses can do is run reports that’ll reports is not only to highlight where domestic and international retailers a wide array of
help analyze where your business is your business is doing well, but to lo- products and services. Kinsey’s also owns innovative
currently at and where you want to go cate potential categories and services consumer brands including BlackHeart, Fin-Finder,
heading into the new year. where you see emerging trends and Elevation and October Mountain Products.
opportunities. If you notice sales in
Creating and running reports like a specific product or service category For more information, please visit KinseysInc.com
category sales reports and margin re- grew steadily throughout the year, or it
ports will help provide insights into outdid last year’s numbers, it may be over year to track the long-term suc-
your business. There’s also value in worthwhile to spend more time and at- cess of your business.
planning for 2022, which includes tention on those categories and servic-
making SMART goals. In running re- es in the coming year. Likewise, if you 2022 Plan with SMART Goals
ports and reflecting on the successes notice sales declining in a particular
and speed bumps of 2021, you can take category, it may need more time and After running your reports and reflect-
your insights and learnings into 2022 attention, or potentially less inventory, ing on your successes and failures,
with a game plan for success. retail space and attention moving for- it’s time to make some SMART goals
ward. Either way, the category sales for your business heading into 2022. A
Category Sales Report report will help you and your business SMART goal is a goal that is Specific,
recap last year’s revenue and help nav- Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and
A category sales report tells you how igate heading into 2022. Time Bound. An example of a SMART
much revenue is being generated for goal is to grow the bow accessories
each product category, such as ar- Margin Report category by 10 percent in 2022. In set-
chery, clothing, fishing, firearms, ting a SMART goal for your business,
ammo and so forth. It’s a great way Working in tandem with the category you and your employees have a North
to look back at this past year’s sales sales report, businesses can run mar- Star to help navigate the business for-
and see which categories generated gin reports. In doing so, it will help you ward throughout the year. Ideally, you
the most revenue. You can also look locate not only which categories are should create three to five goals for
at service revenue categories such driving your business, but what cat- your business to focus on achieving in
as e-comm sales, in-store sales, ar- egories drive profitability for your busi- the new year. Once the goals are set, the
chery classes, archery range time or ness. To calculate your net profit mar- question is what sales tips, tactics and
bow tech services. In doing so, you gin, you take net profit divided by net strategies are you going to implement
can help prioritize where you allocate sales and multiply that by 100. in order to achieve that goal through-
your time and attention to help en- out the year? If 2021 proved anything,
For example, say your archery cat- it is that you may need to get creative
egory’s net profit was $30,000, while and navigate the supply chain issues
your fishing category’s net profit was in order to both achieve your goals and
$25,000. Your business’s overall net ensure your business’s success.
sales were $100,000. After running
your net profit margin calculations by With 2021 coming back to some sem-
category, you notice you have a higher blance of normalcy it’s good to analyze
net profit margin of 30 percent on your the good, bad and the ugly of this past
archery category than you do on your year. In doing so, you’ll help ensure you
25 percent net profit margin for your stay mindful of what to do and what
fishing category. not to do in order to help your business
succeed moving forward. IA
It’s good to not only know those prof-
it margins by category, but to compare
those to other categories. It is benefi-
cial to look at those sales numbers and
profit percentages by quarter and year
You Talk Too Much
“I ’ve had more inventory than any other The 80/20 Rule of Active Listening sug- assume they want a bow with a 70-pound
shop, and I have a whole pile of new guns gests that when interacting with a cus- draw weight, or you see the account his-
tomer, any salesperson—whether for a tory of a dealer and assume they are look-
over in the corner. And I don’t price gouge… guys retailer, wholesaler or manufacturer— ing for the cheapest products available.
are telling me I have the best prices in the area.” should be talking only 20 percent of the Assuming you know the customer’s needs
time. The other 80 percent of the inter- or motivations will lead to more talking
This could have been a normal conversa- action is spent actively listening. This and less listening. Especially in the case
tion as I walked into a small firearms re- doesn’t mean you sit and of a new customer, ask more
tailer near my home, but to be honest I had formulate your next com- questions than you may think
no interest in his firearm inventory dur- ment, but intently listen to is necessary and actively lis-
ing that visit. I came into the shop with a what a customer wants and ten to the responses. Putting
clearly stated purpose of looking for am- needs. When you can repeat in more effort to learn about
munition for a hunting rifle. When I asked back what the customer has the customer will allow you
a question about what types of ammuni- stated, they are given con- to make a much better rec-
tion he was receiving on a regular basis, it fidence in your suggestions ommendation of products or
was all over. Supply shortages had been an moving forward. Asking clarifying ques- services while also making the customer
issue for everyone, and I had hit a nerve. tions will help to home in on the right feel valued and appreciated. In the retail
I left the shop that day without making product, service or solution to give the world, this is a moment of truth where
a purchase, not because there was no in- customer an excellent experience. You’ll you can gain or lose a customer for life.
ventory available, but because the propri- also avoid the pitfall of creating a dis- We like to talk about ourselves and our
etor’s rambling made me less focused on connect between the customer’s needs passions, but in the world of business, lis-
why I’d visited in the first place. My ques- and your response. tening is powerful. Not only do you get an
tion about the product was never really When More Is More ■ Whether we like it opportunity to learn about your customer,
answered, but I was convinced that I didn’t but you gain the ability to be much more
need to buy anything that day anyway. He or not, receiving and responding to mes- efficient with your time spent with them.
did most of the talking and didn’t seem in- sages via email and social media is part Knowing exactly what they need gives you
terested in the questions I was asking. of doing business. From my experiences, the chance to pinpoint the appropriate
this is when a sales representative is products and services and make a sale.
least likely to provide a longer response. As we approach trade show season,
When asked about available inventory think about how you can start to do more
through a social media message, the re- listening and less talking. If you find
tailer from the example above respond- yourself manning a booth and speaking
ed with one word: “Yes.” I’ve seen similar to dealers or consumers, open each inter-
responses from manufacturers, or a re- action with a probing question that gives
sponse that says, “Please call us.” When you insights into that attendee’s interests
a customer sends an email or messages or goals. If you are a retailer, try asking
you, they are indicating this is their pre- customers what types of products they
ferred method of communication. Take would like to see in your store in the up-
the time and respond accordingly with coming year. Most important, after asking
as much information as you can. Ask the question, give them all your attention
You can probably think of a time or two some clarifying questions just as you and listen.
when you’ve encountered a similarly long- would in person, and invite a follow-up We look forward to seeing you at the
winded salesperson, and I’m confident this response from them. upcoming ATA Trade Show in Louisville
type of scenario plays out in archery busi- Start With a Blank Slate ■ A common where you can engage in meaningful
nesses on a regular basis. So, what could conversations and learn more about your
make the situation go differently? root cause of salespeople doing too much business partners. If you have any ques-
talking is making assumptions about tions about how you can make the most
80/20 Rule ■ This is the foundation for ef- the individual or business to whom you of the show, please reach out to me at
are selling. You look at their stature and [email protected]. IA
fective communication with a customer.
AwnitthleRruKbinLginAenMnaoruknecteinsgPartnership King and see their full lineup of products, curate and most lethal broadhead on the
visit antlerking.com. market today! All but one of the many ani-
Antler King announced a new partnership mals already taken this year by ABB team
with RubLine Marketing for all branding RubLine Marketing is a strategic mar- members have gone down within sight!
and marketing efforts. keting agency with roots deep in the out- The Helix is a super lethal 2-blade cut-on-
doors and has what it takes to elevate your contact broadhead. You will measure your
The Ohio-based company produces lead- company’s marketing efforts to the next recovery in seconds…. not in how long the
ing nutritional products for white-tailed level. | IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN ANT- blood trail was.” says Jerry. | FOR MORE INFOR-
deer, including several premier food plot
blends, cover screen options, nutrition LER KING DEALER, CONTACT [email protected]. FOR MATION CONTACT ABB BY CALLING (330) 893-7155 OR VIS-
packed blocks, powerful attractants and
comprehensive line is not only designed to
grow bigger bucks, but healthier deer. With MARKETING AT [email protected]. AND HELIX SOCIAL CHANNELS.
more than a decade of success in the out-
door and hunting space, RubLine Market- AAcmqeuriirceas’sSBtreicsktlBaonwd’sstArirncghserInycH. elix CCaoindseHrovnaotiroend AwwitahrdPrestigious
ing is a perfect fit for Antler King’s 30-plus
years of experience in whitetail nutrition. America’s Best Bowstrings (ABB) announced The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation be-
the acquisition of Strickland’s Archery stowed its highest honor, the Wallace Fen-
“We could not be more thrilled to have Helix from Tim and Shirley Strickland of nell Pate Wildlife Conservation Award, to
the opportunity to work with Antler King,” Montrose, Colorado. ABB is rebranding the John Caid. The Arizona native and RMEF
said Chase Rohlfsen, President of RubLine broadhead as Helix Broadheads and an- life member is a 36-year volunteer who
Marketing. “They truly set the standard in ticipates shipping broadheads out of ABB’s also served a decade on the organization’s
whitetail nutrition. It is obvious by their re- Walnut Creek, Ohio, location in November. board of directors, with two years as board
tail presence that they not only have their chair during a time of proficient growth
products dialed in, but also their operation. Tim Strickland designed the Helix af- and success for RMEF.
The Antler King team is full of passionate, ter an ill performing head caused him to
talented and dedicated professionals.” lose a 406-inch bull elk. The elk was killed “The Rocky Mountain Elk
a couple weeks later and was Foundation has meant the
“We’re excited to partner with the in- grazing when another hunt- world to me,” said Caid. “I was
dustry experts at RubLine Marketing to er killed him. Tim set out to extremely honored to even be
achieve our aggressive growth goals,” said make the best flying, best considered for the board. And
penetrating broadhead on the to get elected chairman of the
Clayton Baughman, Brand and Operations market and was soon selling board is crazy. And now this. It’s been re-
Manager of Antler King. “Their knowledge the Helix to many grateful bowhunters ally home to me and I truly appreciate ev-
and expertise, paired with our high-quality around the globe. erything that’s happened. That’s one of the
products and company values, will take highlights of my life, obviously.”
Antler King to the next level.” “I was tipped off that the Stricklands Caid joined RMEF in 1985, nine months
were potentially interested in selling Helix after its establishment. He served as a com-
A leader in nutritional products for by a good friend within the archery indus- mittee member and helped create the RMEF
whitetails, Antler King has been helping try and so I reached out to Tim,” said Jerry Pinetop Lakeside Chapter before eventually
hunters and land managers produce big- Mullet, President and CEO of ABB. “After entering his service on the board.
ger bucks and healthier deer for more than having a lengthy discussion with Tim, I Professionally, Caid spent 34 years as a
30 years. From food plots to a full line of purchased some broadheads to try out and biologist and eventual director of the White
feed, blocks, minerals and attractants, was very impressed with the product from
Antler King has everything you need to the get-go. Continued on Page 20
keep deer on your property and grow them
into trophies. To learn more about Antler “The impressive thing about the Helix
is the single bevel design which assists
the vanes in ensuring phenomenal arrow
flight, making the arrow deadly accurate.
The unique shape of the head creates lift
capability at long ranges, and the continu-
ing rotation of the broadhead through
animals results in super-quick kills. After
shooting several whitetails in a few states
already this season and seeing the results
from our team members and friends, I am
convinced that the Helix is the most ac-
Continued from Page 18
Mountain Apache Game and Fish Depart- ty and capacity to meet this demand and con- tinue to shoot and be involved
ment, where he transformed the agency’s tinue providing quality products and superior with the sport for years to
elk hunting program by instigating a series service. In the current environment this takes come,” association officials
of habitat enhancement and research proj- significant investment and effort, which we wrote in their grant application.
ects that bolstered elk numbers and genetics. believe will better position us to meet the “Motivating kids to go to college and com-
needs of our customers in the future.” pete in archery is one of the core missions
He continues to collaborate with RMEF, of the Lancaster Archery Foundation, so
where he now works as general manager “We expect 2022 to be another busy year awarding the Wisconsin S3DA grant was an
of the UU Bar Ranch in New Mexico, a land- for everyone in the archery industry,” said easy decision,” said Rob Kaufhold, the foun-
scape he helped transform into one of the Tyson Yates, Easton’s Director of Sales. “We dation’s president.
world’s premiere elk hunting destinations. have a new arrow coming out, our Sonic “The more people and organizations
6.0 series, that will be made in the USA at we have helping kids use archery to ad-
“We heartily congratulate John on behalf our Utah factory, which we expect will be a vance their education, the more young
of the board, our entire organization and popular addition to our line. This expansion people we will have getting involved in
membership. We appreciate everything he’s to the carbon facility is part of our continued archery,” Kaufhold said. | FOR MORE INFORMA-
done for the organization,” said Mark Baker, effort to be a great partner for our retailers,”
RMEF board chair. “John’s service has been TION ON HOW YOU CAN DONATE TO HELP ORGANIZATIONS
invaluable to where we’ve been as a conser- Easton’s Salt Lake City factory, distribu-
vation group and where we’re at today.” tion center and office headquarters total LIKE WISCONSIN S3DA STATE ASSOCIATION, PLEASE VISIT
approximately 164,000 square feet spread
Surrounded by family and friends, Caid across two neighboring buildings, with an LANCASTERARCHERYFOUNDATION.ORG.
received the award in front of hundreds of additional facility located in Indiana repre-
onlookers during a RMEF gathering at the senting another 43,000 square feet used for Bowhunters United Offers
PBR World Finals on November 6, 2021, in fletching arrows and distribution. | FOR MORE $50,000 Worth of Prizes
Las Vegas. in Membership Sweepstakes
Founded more than 37 years ago, fueled Bowhunters United, a national consumer-
by hunters and a membership of more than LSaunpcpaosrttesrWAirscchoenrsyinFoSu3nDdAaPtrioongram facing bowhunting organization, owned and
231,000 strong, RMEF has conserved more operated by the Archery Trade Association,
than 8.2 million acres for elk and other wild- Lancaster Archery Foundation has awarded absorbed Bowhunting 360 and now offers
life. RMEF also works to open and improve a grant to an established Wisconsin youth consumers a one-stop shop for all things
public access, fund and advocate for science- program that’s working to help young people bowhunting. BU also launched a yearlong
based resource management and ensure advance their education through archery. membership sweepstakes in October giving
the future of America’s hunting heritage. | The foundation awarded Wisconsin S3DA members multiple opportunities to win epic
State Association $1,000, which will be used hunting trips and prizes.
DISCOVER WHY “HUNTING IS CONSERVATION” AT RMEF.ORG to buy target cores to repair old targets. The
LAS grant will allow the association to divert BU’s mission is to unite bowhunters and
OR 800-CALL ELK. more funds toward its scholarship program, promote and preserve the sport of archery.
which provides financial assistance to ar- It celebrates the lifestyle, focuses on conser-
EAarrsotwonPErxopdauncdtisonCarbon chers who want to go to college. vation efforts, promotes a positive image of
bowhunters and advocates on behalf of bow-
Easton Archery is expanding and increasing The Wisconsin S3DA association consists hunters nationwide.
capacity at its Salt Lake City, Utah, manufac- of 21 clubs and five
turing facilities. Recent investments in peo- school teams. Its mem- To provide a comprehensive education
ple, equipment and facilities have allowed bers compete in local, and membership platform dedicated to
Easton to greatly increase output to meet the state and national S3DA bowhunters, the ATA has merged the Bow-
demand for Easton products. tournaments. Funding for the association
comes from a variety of sources, including hunting 360 brand with Bow-
The strong demand for archery products grants, tournament fees and raffles. hunters United. Bowhunting
has been challenging in the current environ- 360 was created in 2017 as
ment of labor shortages and supply chain “By using funds from grants like this a website and social media
difficulties. The recent investments made (from the LAS Foundation) we are able to accounts on Facebook and
by Easton put it in a better position to meet provide more scholarships to more kids and
the needs of retailers and consumers mov- increase the likelihood that they will con- Instagram to attract, inspire
ing forward. and educate bowhunters. As BU developed,
it became clear the ATA didn’t need two
“It’s exciting to see the incredible growth separate but similar brands working to-
and excitement surrounding archery,” said ward the same goal. Therefore, Bowhunt-
Easton President Aaron Lucky. “Easton’s top ers United will stand alone as the premier
priority is to help ensure we have the capabili-
Continued on Page 22
Continued from Page 20
platform for all bowhunters. & Associates has years of representation
BU has created a new, user-friendly web- experience and an incredible reputation
site and offers three membership amongst the dealers they service.
tiers available at an annual rate The group is well known for its
as part of the brand relaunch in high levels of customer service
early October. and sales results along with
servicing premium brands.
The BowhuntersUnited. “We are very excited to part-
com website is free to access. ner with Steve Kaufman & As-
It has hundreds of how-to, life- sociates. Their reputation and
style, technology and entertain-
ment articles about bowhunting. commitment to customer service is
Web visitors will find information on a perfect fit with our brand and values.
gear, hunting strategies, practice routines, We pride ourselves in making a top qual-
hunting land, wild game meals and more. ity product and standing behind it with our
Articles are sorted by topic and can be found customer service and lifetime transferable
using the drop-down menu at the top of the warranty and we feel that Steve Kaufman
page, or by using a specific term or phrase & Associates are the perfect sales represen-
in the search box. tation group to exemplify these values and
help us service the brand in the central
New archers should explore the Bowhunt- United States” said Jim Klossner, Owner of
ing 101 page for step-by-step information Athens Archery.
on how to start bowhunting. Each section Tracie Klossner, Owner of Athens Archery
lists relevant and helpful articles to support also stated, “Having trusted partners that
newcomers on their journey to becoming a can show our bows directly to the dealers is
bowhunter. significant to both us and dealers. We can’t
be more excited about this partnership and
The “Find a Store” button allows users to the value that Steve Kaufman & Associates
enter their zip code to find nearby archery brings to all of us.”
shops. Newcomers can travel to their near- “Our group is excited to represent Athens
est archery pro-shop to practice, purchase Archery and are anxious to show their bows
gear, take a class or connect with like-mind- to our dealers. Jim and Tracie are commit-
ed individuals. ted to producing an exceptional line of com-
pound bows with attention to the highest
People can also shop for BU gear, includ- quality product that dealers will recognize
ing hats, T-shirts and membership gift box- when in their hands.” said Dan Krueger with
es through the “Shop Gear” button. Steve Kaufman & Associates.
Founded in 2009, Athens Archery has
Show your support for Bowhunters Unit- the focus of producing the highest qual-
ed and join today. Encourage your friends,
family and customers to join as well. | VISIT ity compound bow line with superior
customer service. Athens bows of-
BOWHUNTERSUNITED.COM TO LEARN MORE. fer something for every archer, no
matter if they’re in the treestand,
ASttehveensKaAurcfmhearny &paArstnsoecrsiawteitsh mountains, 3D range or pound-
ing X’s. The bows are known
Athens Archery, a compound bow for their smooth draw, adjust-
manufacturer focused on pro-
viding a high-quality bow with ability, stability and consistency. All Athens
industry leading customer bows are built in the USA and are backed by
service, has partnered with a lifetime transferable warranty, ensuring
Steve Kaufman & Associates for sales repre- confidence in purchasing. | CHECK OUT THE COM-
sentation in the central United States that
will help service the rapidly growing Athens PLETE ATHENS 2022 LINEUP AT ATHENSARCHERY.COM. INQUI-
compound bow line.
RIES SHOULD BE SENT TO [email protected]. IA
Founded in 1990 and specializing in the ar-
chery and hunting industry, Steve Kaufman
Events to Attend at #ATA2022
L earn which events offer free food, harnesses the combined buying power night browsing exciting new products
networking opportunities, entertain- of its retailing membership to receive featured at the Show during this high-
ment options and special product pricing at manufacturers’ best wholesale prices energy event. The night features Inno-
the 2022 ATA Show. for the Hot Show, a members-only vations Doorbusters promotions, which
event. Retail attendees can expect to see include deals on some of the hottest
items for the new year and special one-
tabletop displays filled with products by night-only promotional pricing and pro-
gram offerings. All manufacturers who
The 2022 ATA Trade Show will debut new ARRO-member manufacturers. Mem- have a display at Outtech Innovations
will also have a booth on the ATA Trade
products and provide great deals and bers must wear their ATA badge to at- Show floor. The event will also have
free food, drinks and a special enter-
networking opportunities, but it also tend. ARRO members can also enjoy free tainment performance. Email sales@
outtech-online.com with questions.
has some must-attend events offering food and attend the Dealer Reception or
free food, live entertainment and spe- annual member meeting on January 6
cial product pricing! Don’t forget to at- from 5 to 6 p.m. Contact ARRO’s Deb Col-
tend these exciting events while you’re grove at [email protected] or
in Louisville, January 7-9, for #ATA2022. (800) 234-7499 with questions.
ARRO Hot Show ■ THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, Outtech Innovations ■ THURSDAY, JANUARY Archery & Outdoor Alliance ■ FRIDAY, JANU-
FROM 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. IN SOUTH WING C • 6, 6:30 P.M. • For more than two decades
Once again, the Archery Range and Re- Outtech has hosted ‘Outtech Innova- ARY 7, FROM 8:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M., BOOTH 1701
tailers Organization invites its mem- tions’ to kick off the ATA’s annual Show.
bers for a best-buy opportunity. ARRO Reunite with old friends and spend the (NORTH WING) • Easily browse products
by all the National Archery Buyers Asso-
ciation and Nation’s Best Sports mem-
bers in one convenient location on the
Show floor for Buyers Day. Anyone can
attend by showing their Show badge.
Please contact NABA’s Kelly Kelly at
[email protected] or (903) 675-
2233 if you have questions.
Connections: An ATA Happy Hour presented
by Xpedition Archery and Outdoor Sports-
man Group ■ FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 6 P.M. IN
FREEDOM HALL • Attendees raved about
the 2020 Connections event, so the ATA
brought it back for the 2022 Show. At-
tendees can expect to enjoy free food,
free beverages and the laid-back,
peer-to-peer conversations they expe-
rienced at the 2020 Show. There will
also be opportunities to learn, gather
Continued on Page 26
Booth Events ■ Many exhibitors host booth
events to attract buyers and provide
unique, enjoyable experiences at the Show.
Booth events could be anything from a ce-
lebrity appearance or product demonstra-
tion to a stand-up act or wild game cook-
ing demonstration. Many exhibitors are
still brainstorming ideas for booth events
at the 2022 Show. The booth event sched-
ule will be available for attendees in the
official 2022 ATA Trade Show mobile app
in late December, so stay tuned.
Continued from Page 24 engaging and encouraging content for Canceled: 2022 USA Archery 25 Meter Shootout
bowhunting newcomers and veterans. ■ In a mutual decision made by the ATA
insights and gain practical knowledge This year’s Media Summit will feature and USA Archery, the USA Archery 25 Me-
from industry experts. The event will mini presentations by industry profes- ter Shootout has been removed from the
feature ax throwing, a bourbon tast- sionals. Press attendees will receive an ATA 2022 Schedule of Events. We’ve come
ing tour and product giveaways by ATA- email invitation in December with addi- to the realization that this event was not
member manufacturers. It’s the perfect tional details. viable for either the ATA or USA Archery to
event to attend to connect with indus- move forward this year.
try friends, laugh and enjoy yourself.
Entertainment will be provided by Xpe- Plan Your Trip ■ Use the free ATA mobile
dition Archery and Outdoor Sportsman app (www.archerytrade.org/get-app)
Group. Check the Connections webpage to add these events to your calendar.
(www.archerytrade.org/connections) Then view the Schedule of Events at
soon to see the exciting details. ArcheryTrade.org to see all #ATA2022
Show happenings. IA
ATA’s Media Summit—Press and Media Mem-
bers Only ■ FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, FROM 4:30 P.M.
TO 6 P.M. IN ROOM C102 • The ATA hosts a
summit each year to gather press and
media members for the opportunity to
discuss ideas and strategies to grow the
archery and bowhunting community by
recruiting newcomers, reaching audi-
ences outside the hunting industry and
creating a positive public image of hunt-
ers. The advice and concepts shared will
help press members create educational,
Archery Industry Members Participating in the Sport
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO: Visit insidearchery.com/pop or mail a color image with your name,
address, where the animal was taken, and archery gear used—both manufacturer and model—
to Inside Archery Power of Participation, P.O. Box 15827, Colorado Springs, CO 80935.
David Holder • Free-Range New Mexico Oryx Patrick Meitin • Fall Idaho Turkey
Executive Editor/Co-Owner, Inside Archery
President/Dad, Raised Hunting Bow ■ Bear Archery Refine EKO Sight ■ Trophy Ridge Joker
Bow ■ Bear Archery Refine EKO Stabilizer ■ Trophy Ridge Arrow ■ Gold Tip Kinetic Pierce Rest ■ Trophy Ridge HXL
Arrow ■ Gold Tip Hunter Pro Hitman Kit 6-8 inch
Broadhead ■ TRUGLO Quiver ■ Rancho Safari
Broadhead ■ NAP Spitfire XXX Quiver ■ Trophy Ridge Titanium X Fixed 3 Catquiver Mini
Sight ■ Trophy Ridge React 5-Pin Lite 1 Pro Stabilizer ■ Trophy Ridge Release ■ Spot Hogg
Release ■ Carter Quickie Rest ■ Trophy Ridge Sync Hitman Kit 8-10 inch Whipper Snapper
Bob Woodcock • South African Kudu
Owner, Critter Gitters Hunting Equipment
Bow ■ Hoyt Carbon RX-3 Broadhead ■ German Kinetics
Arrow ■ Easton FMJ Rest ■ Trophy Ridge DropZone
Sight ■ HHA Sports Quiver ■ Hoyt
Keith Beam • Texas Whitetail Release ■ T.R.U. Ball
Director, GSM Outdoors
Bow ■ Oneida Eagle Broadhead ■ NAP DK4
Arrow ■ Bloodsport Sight ■ TRUGLO
Rest ■ TRUGLO Release ■ Scott Archer
Jordan Coffta • New York Whitetail Cory Miller • Idaho Elk
Territory Manager, The Outdoor Group Sales Rep, Black Eagle Arrows
Bow ■ Elite Archery EnKore Broadhead ■ Slick Bow ■ Darton Archery Spectra E
Arrow ■ Black Eagle Carnivore
Arrow ■ Victory Archery VAP TKO Trick Assailant Broadhead ■ KuduPoint Broadheads Rest ■ Ripcord
Sight ■ CBE Engage Hybrid 3 Pin Stabilizer ■ CBE Sight ■ Black Gold
Release ■ STAN Archery
Release ■ Scott Archery Apex Torx Stabilizer Kit
ince its founding five decades ago, Tink’s
has become a staple in the bowhunting world. For many, Tink’s signature #69 Doe-in-Rut
is not just the original buck lure, but the best buck lure. It’s the lure their father used, and
the lure their grandfather used before him. The data would be nigh impossible to gather,
but one could argue that Tink’s #69 Doe-in-Rut has contributed to the successful harvests of
more trophy whitetail bucks than any other buck lure around. Tink’s did it first and did it
right, and the company has thrived for 50 long years as a result.
Tink’s special ingredients for its #69 Doe- coincidence for someone who ended up be-
in-Rut—along with the company’s other ing renowned for pungent scents.
proprietary scents—are somewhat akin to
the secret recipe for Coca-Cola. They are Tink Nathan started making his own ar-
timeless and proven formulas that many rows and selling them to sporting goods
others have tried to replicate and emulate shops in the late ‘50s. He steadily built his
unsuccessfully. But Tink’s has done much reputation as a highly accomplished bow-
more in its long history. The company has hunter, even being credited as the fourth
also created top-performing lures for other man in modern history to shoot an el-
parts of the whitetail hunting season, along ephant with a bow. Tink was also a con-
with effective lures for bear, elk, moose, tributing editor for “Bowhunter Magazine”
hogs, predators and more. in its early years of publication, and “Ask
Tink” was their No. 1 column.
Tink’s continues to innovate new delivery
methods that further contribute to hunting Tink Nathan’s focus turned to lures
success, and this has been one of the com- when he had a son of his own. He passed
pany’s key focuses in recent years. You see, on the family tradition of hunting to his
Tink’s already figured out many of the per- son the same way his father did for him.
fect scents long ago, and now the company His son fell in love with hunting, and Tink
is thinking outside the box to develop ad- wanted to give him an extra advantage
vanced methods that easily and effectively in the field. He located a farm that raised
disperse these tried-and-true scents for the deer for venison and asked them to collect
modern hunter. doe urine during estrus.
Living Up to the Legacy Tink crafted his secret formula for #69
Doe-in-Rut, and upon seeing how effective
Tink Nathan was a well-known and re- it was, he started selling it. At first, he sold
spected bowhunter long before he made the lure from his house and his red Volk-
his name in the lure category. He was born swagen van, with his co-workers at the NRA
in San Antonio in 1941, and his father gave being some of his earliest fans. Tink even-
him his first bow when he was a young boy. tually brought it to local hunting stores that
Hunting was a family tradition that Tink agreed to stock it on consignment, and it
Nathan gravitated to early. His father was ended up selling successfully. Tink traded
an excellent hunter and a member writing services for ad placement in “Bow-
of the military, so Tink and his
father hunted throughout Eu- hunter Magazine” as a savvy
rope during his childhood. way to get Tink’s in front of
hardcore bowhunters.
As it turns out, Tink’s unique first
name was the result of his father’s military From there, Tink’s #69 Doe-
affiliation. One of his dad’s support team in-Rut made its way to the mainstream.
members referred to him as “Stinky,” due It was and remains a proven tool that hunt-
to the smell of his diapers. It was shortened ers rely on. Soon after, Tink developed other
to “Stink” and then finally “Tink,” a funny highly effective lures in the early decades,
including #1 Doe-P and Trophy Buck, which
have each created a solid legacy of their own.
Tink’s®, #69 Doe-in-Rut® & #1 Doe-P® are a registered trademark of Tink’s® hunting products and Arcus Hunting, LLC.
These days, Tink Nathan is enjoy- our consumers. That’s what brought us on their laurels and simply “coasting” on
ing his retirement and the fruits of his here, and that’s our motivation daily.” their good reputation.
many years of labor, but the compa-
ny that bears his unique name forges Staying on Top “It feels great to be No. 1,” said Aman-
ahead, building upon the solid reputa- da Popp, Marketing Leader for Tink’s.
tion he developed. Tink’s long history of proven results “We feel strongly that we offer the ab-
plays a key role in the company’s con- solute best deer lure on the market,
With the company’s 50-year mile- tinued dominance in the lure category. due to our proprietary formulas, but we
stone fast approaching, the team at Customers are confident when they buy also take R&D very seriously. We do ex-
Tink’s is taking some time to reflect and Tink’s product, but that doesn’t mean tensive consumer research, gathering
celebrate. that the company’s leaders are resting data from many sources to find ways to
“Our 50-year anniversary is certainly
a celebration, but it is also a source of
some pressure,” said Corey Consuegra,
President at Tink’s. “We walk through
the doors everyday knowing we carry a
torch that has been passed to us by Tink
Nathan and many other exceptional
leaders who have built this brand. For
us, the 50-year milestone is a reminder
that we need to continue to carry that
torch forward and make sure that every
day we are prioritizing the experience of
An Industry Legend
Tink Nathan is indisputably one of the true pioneers
of the bowhunting industry. His experimentations
with natural lures essentially spawned a whole new
category of products, a category of products that is
extremely robust 50 years later—with his
brand still at the top. Tink Nathan’s hunt-
ing savvy has ultimately helped millions
of bowhunters succeed, thanks to both his
products and advice. Tink Nathan’s iconic
bottles remain one of Tink’s most popular
products today, and that’s partly because
these bottles have become synonymous
with the hunting tradition.
continuously improve. Our key scents— remains our top selling product. That’s
including #69 Doe-in-Rut, #1 Doe-P just because it’s so universal, whether
and Trophy Buck—those recipes never you’re pouring a little on the ground,
change, but we are always investigating dipping a scent wick in or putting it in
new dispersal methods to give our con- a dripper. It’s also what a lot of hunters
sumers the best way possible to get those grew up using, but as a company we have
scents into the woods. We know our for- evolved. For instance, canned dispens-
mulas make us the leader, but we also ers have been a major focus of ours in
want to show that we are leading the the last 10 years. That’s because cans al-
way in innovative dispersal methods.” low you to emit scent in many ways. Our
cans use a technology called Bag on Valve,
Tink’s has introduced many unique or ‘BOV,’ which is unique and very impor-
and effective delivery methods in previ- tant to Tink’s. There is a bag-like reser-
ous years, but many customers still go for voir that contains our pure formula, and
the original. a separate chamber provides air pressure
to emit the scent. Others in the market-
“Tink’s is known as America’s No. 1 place are using a propellant within the
buck lure because it sells as America’s No. scent, but we believe that adds an unfa-
1 buck lure,” Consuegra said. “The recipes miliar and unnatural scent to the mix.
have gone unchanged for a good reason, We don’t want to spook deer with some
but we are always trying to find new extra chemical, and we want to keep our
ways to better deliver these proven for- scents pure, so ‘BOV’ technology is a huge
mulas. We have historically been known
for our signature bottles, and the bottle
deal. Our customers also have confidence that they are getting the 35
same proven Tink’s scent, unaltered and undiluted.”
One highly effective “BOV” delivery method from Tink’s is the
Gel Stream, which provides a very precise scent-delivery option
for hunters.
“The Gel Stream is one of our top-selling items,” Consuegra said.
“It’s a 5-ounce can that shoots up to a 10-foot stream of pure, natu-
ral deer lure. It allows the hunter to stand back and keep their scent
from disrupting the natural urine, and they can apply it in very
precise, strategic locations—whether that’s on the side of a tree,
or on a specific area of the ground. The long-lasting gel sticks to
leaves, bark and other vegetation, and it won’t weaken in rain or
be dried by wind. The Gel Stream also uses ‘BOV’ technology, so the
formulas are still undiluted, and it just gives hunters a very versa-
tile new way to utilize our proven scents.”
Two other new innovative options are the Fogger and Buck Puck,
which each have their own advantages.
“The Fogger takes the opposite approach of the Gel Stream,” Con-
suegra said. “The Gel Stream is designed to put scent into very pre-
cise locations, and the Fogger is more about pure quantity and play-
ing the wind. You can do short bursts of any of our key formulas, or
you can lock the tab down and it will behave like a ‘pest fumigator,’
emitting a huge cloud of natural lure. You really want to make sure
you’re on the other side of the wind when you lock it down because
it’s going to emit for more than 3 minutes, distributing scent that
will really play the wind well.”
“The Buck Puck is yet another option with its own unique advan-
tages,” Consuegra continued. “Of course, it has the same proven for-
mulas that bring deer in, but it addresses the consumer who wants
a less-mess option. They know deer urine works, but they are tired
of getting it on their hands and clothes. It’s basically like a wax ‘lol-
lipop’ that can easily be hung on any small tree limb or plant, what-
ever location you are trying to draw your target deer to, and it lasts
for up to a week—all without any mess on your hands and gear.”
Ready for the Hunting Boom
Tink’s product advancements put the company in a prime position
for the recent boom in the hunting and outdoor industries.
“Like most of the industry, the demand for Tink’s prod- during the rut, so they naturally rely on #69 Doe-in-Rut, but
ucts has been very high for the last two seasons,” Consueg- our other scents like #1 Doe-P and Trophy Buck are great for
ra said. “We are incredibly satisfied to not only have new other times of the season. For example, #1 Doe-P is really
and reactivated hunters in the space, but also preexisting effective at calming the herd and giving the deer a sense
hunters with additional time on their hands. Working re- that the area is safe, which makes it great for early sea-
mote has allowed a lot of hunters to control the time in son hunting and scouting. Trophy Buck is a solid option for
which they get their job done, allowing them to also control the early season and pre-rut, acting as a dominance and/
the time when they are sitting in the stand, and that’s been or curiosity lure. Consumers need to be aware of these fac-
very beneficial to us. The supply chain has been challeng- tors to use our products to their maximum potential. They
ing, specifically for plastic and metal, but Tink’s products also have many options to choose from, so we want to edu-
are primarily manufactured here in Covington, Georgia, cate them about all the tools they can have in their arsenal
and we have done whatever it takes to get the materials when heading out into the woods.”
we need and get our products to retailers. Quite frankly, it’s
been all hands on deck here. We are doing everything we In response to the spread of CWD, Tink’s has also devel-
can to build the right products at the right time, and we are oped highly effective synthetic scents—but more impor-
working in lockstep with our retailers, always communi- tantly, Tink’s has worked tirelessly with other natural lure
cating about when product will be available and what we companies to ensure that their products are CWD free.
can do to help them succeed.”
“We went through great lengths to make sure our syn-
Tink’s wide assortment of innovative delivery methods are thetics truly smelled like natural deer urine, even if they
great for new and experienced hunters alike, and the com-
pany is also placing a major focus on education to help hunt-
ers of all skill levels learn more about Tink’s effective tools.
“We do a lot of education and outreach to help consum-
ers differentiate between our scents and know when they
should be used,” Popp said. “Most hunters want to hunt
are lab created,” Consuegra said. find this level of cooperation in many other in-
“Some other synthetics on the mar- dustries. It’s pretty incredible.”
ket have a ‘Windex’ smell, and it took
a lot of effort to figure out something Poised for the Next Half Century
more authentic and natural smelling.
Our mentality was that we are the best Tink’s 50-year milestone serves as a powerful
when it comes to natural urine, so we source of confidence and inspiration for the
sure as heck better be the best in syn- company’s team. It signifies Tink’s resilience
thetic deer urine, too. Tink’s is also a and growth, and it also signifies the sheer effec-
leader in CWD prevention and educa- tiveness of the company’s proven scents.
tion efforts, and we work very closely
with other companies in our cat- “There was never a doubt that Tink’s would
egory—like Wildlife Research Center, make it to 50 years,” Consuegra said. “We knew
Code Blue, Conquest Scents and many we had the right scents to get the job done, and
others. With help from the ATA, now that’s been proven again and again, year after
RHSA, we established the Deer Protection Program. This year. We will not lose sight of why we are here,
program ensures all of the urine we are purchasing is though, and why we’ve made it this far. We are
CWD-prion free through annual audits and inspections. ultimately here to increase hunters’ success in the field.
We also use the RT-QuIC test on every batch of natural We are here because we are passionate and committed to
urine, which further certifies the safety of our products. them. We are here to help create those moments of acceler-
All considered, we think it is very special that we can ated heartrates when a big whitetail walks underneath the
come together with our competitors to work towards the stand. That’s what we live for, and that’s what continues
greater good. We created the programs together because to motivate us every day. Over the last 50 years, Tink’s has
we all want healthy deer herds, and I don’t think you can helped millions and millions of hunters find success in the
field. This success will be our motivation for the next 50
years, and for future generations to come.” IA
Mathews V3X 29
you might be interested in. ordered with 80 or 85 percent let-off rat-
S ince its conception, Mathews bows have In the strictest sense, Mathews’ 2022 V3X ings, each providing peak performance at
undergone nearly annual improvements all draw lengths.
Series is identical functionally to the 2021
to technology, performance and shooting feel. V3 Series—with some minor dimensional Enter the V3X ■ The V3 was offered in 27
tweaks. What changed is Mathews’ com-
For the past decade in particular, I find my- pletely new approach to the accessories and 31 inch models, indicating between-
self asking each time I review a Mathews the V3X wears and especially how they are the-axle dimensions. The V3X Series in-
bow how the company could possibly im- integrated into the overall system. This is cludes the V3X 29 tested here, measuring
prove on their latest incarnation. It seems true Mathews innovation, but I’m going to 29 inches between the axles, and the V3X
with each year’s newest introduction, cliff-hang you here a moment to review 33 with a 33-inch axle-to-axle span. Aside
Mathews takes bow design and perfor- what made the 2021 V3 so exceptional—so from the slightly increased dimensions,
mance as far as it can possibly be pushed. I exceptional those traits remain largely in- out of the box the 2022 V3X Series closely
invariably anticipate being proven wrong, tact in the V3X for 2022. mirrors the 2021 V3 Series.
knowing Mathews will somehow outdo
themselves yet again. Well, it finally hap- What Makes It Tick ■ The V3 introduced a The V3X 29 includes a 6-inch brace
pened. Mathews finally hit a wall in com- height and hits the scales at 4.47 pounds
pound bow technology, with nothing new noticeably longer Extended Bridge Riser— (the V3X 33 has a higher 6.5-inch brace
to offer for 2022… And if you believe that, I the longest Mathews had released to that and 4.67 mass weight). The V3X’s conspicu-
own some beachfront property in Arizona date—combined with wider and shorter ously long riser to axle-to-axle ratio intro-
split limbs. An all-new Nano 740 Harmonic duces remarkable stability, like last year’s
Mathews' 2022 V3X 29 and 33 are not just a better Damper set on an elongated webbed ex- V3, which I previously remarked was the
bow, but a complete hunting package. New Bridge- tension provided enhanced bow balance, best-balanced Mathews bow model I had
Lock Sight Technology, closer-fitted LowPro Quivers and in addition to improved silence through a yet handled. Good balance equals steadier
patent-pending Stay Afield System (S.A.S.) string/cable system precisely tuned to the specific har- aiming and easier accuracy. But aside from
maintenance offer an enhanced owner experience. monics of each V3 Series model. the obvious dimension changes, what
truly sets the V3X Series apart is Mathews’
The new Centerguard Cable Contain- reconfiguration of accessory attachment,
ment system set the roller-equipped cable which spawned an all-new lineup of V3X-
guard at a down-sloping angle to move dedicated gear. These include Bridge-Lock
buss-cable contact points to the precise Sight Technology, LowPro Quivers and pat-
center of the riser, improving cam tim- ent-pending Stay Afield System (S.A.S).
ing and tuning ease, while also increasing
fletching clearance. The refined limb de- Mathews was already moving in this
sign boosted preload, with tips terminat- direction via QAD Integrate MX arrow rest
ing well past parallel to improve efficien- mounting and the Silent Connect System
cy, shot silence and post-release feel. The (SCS) kit. Integrate MX arrow rests dove-
quad-limb pockets were also streamlined tail directly onto the rear edge of Mathews
to remove weight without sacrificing sta- risers, for a sleeker, fail-proof attachment
bility and reliability. and easy tuning. SCS involves lightweight
studs bolted between the limb pockets
Of course the V3 held the same revo- to allow quick and silent attachment of
lutionary Crosscentric Cam System with Mathews’ Genuine Bow Rope or Bow Sling.
SwitchWeight Technology as used on the These advancements make Mathews bows
V3X. The Crosscentric is one of the smooth- more user friendly. This year’s V3X acces-
est cams in the industry, while also proving sory systems take that concept to new
extremely efficient, torque-free, accurate
and fast. SwitchWeight Technology al-
lows changing draw length and peak draw
weight in 5-pound increments, through an
incorporated module and without swap-
ping limbs. SwitchWeight modules can be
Specifications Arrow Speed
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Mathews V3X set at 70.0 pounds at 30 inches.
Axle-to-Axle Length 29-inch Arrows/ Shaft Finished Kinetic Arrow
29 inches 100-Grain Tips gpi Arrow Wt. Energy Speed
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Brace Height CX Triad 300 10.9 564 grains 97.2 ft. lbs. 278.5 fps
6 inches –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Easton T64 DF 7.9 tapered 528 grains 95.1 ft. lbs. 284.7 fps
Mass Weight –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
4.47 pounds Bloodsport Evidence 300 11.7 518 grains 99.5 ft. lbs. 294.1 fps
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Let-Off Arrow Tech MT 12.2 508 grains 100.8 ft. lbs. 298.9 fps
80 or 85 percent –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Victory VAP-SS 300 9.9 473 grains 99.0 ft. lbs. 307.0 fps
Available Draw Lengths –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
25.5 to 30.0 inches CX Max RED SD 350 9.4 465 grains 98.7 ft. lbs. 309.2 fps
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Available Draw Weights Black Eagle Spartan 340 9.9 453 grains 97.1 ft. lbs. 310.6 fps
60, 65, 70 and 75 pounds –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Victory VAP 300 8.7 424 grains 95.9 ft. lbs. 319.1 fps
Available Finishes –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
First Lite Specter, Under Armour Easton Hexx 330 7.9 386 grains 93.2 ft. lbs. 329.7 fps
Forest All Season, Realtree Edge,
Optifade Sub Alpine and
Elevated II, Black, Granite, Black Eagle Carnivore 350 7.5 363 grains 91.1 ft. lbs. 336.2 fps
Green Ambush and Stone
top: The 2022 V3X is powered by the renowned –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Crosscentric Cam, a smooth and hugely-efficient system. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Victory RIP XV 300 7.0 355 grains 92.7 ft. lbs. 342.8 fps
bottom: The Nano 740 Harmonic Dampener offers MSRP
improved vibration control and balance. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
heights, a completely refined hunting unit Liberty Archery 320 5.9 292 grains 91.4 ft. lbs. 375.5 fps
providing measurable results while assem-
bled—not bare out of the box. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Most noticeable is Mathews’ Bridge-Lock FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (608) 269-2728, OR VISIT MATHEWSINC.COM.
Sight Technology. This includes a riser modi-
fication providing a precision slot for com- in six-arrow fixed (about 6.7 ounces) and
patible dovetail sight extension bars. Stan- five-arrow detachable (about 10.2 ounces)
dard-issue mounting brackets are dispensed models, specifically engineered around V3X
with, the stand-alone sight dovetail sliding geometry to offer a 56 percent closer riser
through the riser center and anchored with fit and improved bow balance. Carbon and
a single brass-tipped set screw. This ap- milled-aluminum construction also reduce
proach eliminates outboard mass and moves
the sight weight into the riser center, auto- vibrations. The fixed version is a no-non-
matically improving bow balance, stream- sense two-piece design that bolts through
lining everything and introducing more the provided riser sockets, the detachable
vibration control. Mathews partnered with model including an ultra-clever design pro-
AXCEL to create the V3X-specific sight, though viding the same rigidity of the fixed. I’m gen-
some sight models from Spot Hogg and HHA erally not a big bow quiver fan, but these de-
are also compatible, with more to come. signs just might change that attitude. MSRPs
Mathews’ Bridge-Lock Fixed 5-Pin Sight in- are $199.99 (fixed) and $249.99 (detachable).
cludes tool-less micro-adjust elevation and The Stay Afield System (SAS) combines
windage, plus individual micro adjustments newly incorporated cam spurs and an eas-
of its .019-inch pins. Simple first, second and ily pocketable fluorescent-orange servicing
third axis adjustments are provided. The cable. The cam spurs and servicing cable al-
sight’s ultra-high modulus carbon bar dove- low changing individual buss cables or the
tails through the riser’s center, providing bowstring quickly and easily without a bow
faster one-screw attachment (standard side press. The system could also be used to in-
taps are provided for conventional sight sys- stall peeps or string silencers in the field or
tems). The concentric inner-recessed/outer- at home. MSRP is $39.99.
standard peep-alignment rings and bubble Together, the 2022 V3X and its dedicated
level make it easy to detect and eliminate accessories create a more efficient and en-
torque at full draw, and extended pin fi- joyable shooting experience through a more
bers are aperture wrapped to ensure bright streamlined, balanced and quieter outfit
aiming points. The sight retails for $349.99. that is also much easier to service. And yes,
it shoots every bit as nice as the 2021 V3! IA
Mathews’ new LowPro Quivers are offered
WebXtra ■ Take a closer look at
the Mathews V3X in action! Please go to
QAnuia-lLiotygiNcustOriuttiodnooFrosr:White-Tailed Deer
T he quality deer management philosophy by providing whitetails on their hunting
has really taken hold in North America. properties with the nutrition needed to
maintain peak health. Understand that
Serious deer hunters with the means are this isn’t just about growing larger ant- long-range attraction. The blend features
buying hunting land, or investing heavily lers, as healthy does produce healthier key minerals like calcium and phospho-
in making leased or privately accessible fawns, which benefits the entire herd in rus, as well as important but overlooked
ground more appealing to whitetails. Se- the long term. trace minerals such as copper (do not
lective cutting and burning is preformed, place where sheep are present), zinc, se-
interior fences made deer friendly, safe Ani-Logics is one of the biggest names lenium, and manganese, while chelated
watering sites constructed, food plots in the business of producing healthier minerals increase mineral absorption
carved out, and protein/mineral supple- deer herds and higher-scoring antlers. rates by up to 70 percent. Healthy es-
ments offered. It’s all part of a manage- Ani-Logics’ biologists, veterinarians and sential oils provide anti-inflammatory,
ment philosophy that keeps hunters en- scientists produce one of the widest vari- anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal
gaged year round, creates pride in making eties of whitetail attractants, nutritional
habitat more productive, produces more supplements, mineral and food-plot seed properties, while heat-stable,
deer with higher-scoring antlers and, of around. Two of the most popular are next-generation probiotics aid
course, increased hunting success. highlighted here. in digestion and support the im-
Obviously not every deer hunter can Ani-Supplement Gold Deer mune system.
afford the equipment or investment in Feed is a year-round product Ani-Protein Block
hunting land, food plot seed and fertilizer scientifically formu-
to improve available deer habitats, but lated from the highest- 365 offers an easy
hunters can help out in some small way quality ingredients to solution for providing deer with the pro-
promote overall deer health. The experts tein needed to withstand stressful peri-
at Ani-Logics incorporated a proprietary ods, including lactating does and buck
antler growth, and build strong bodies.
blend of rumen degradable proteins (RDP) This scientifically formulated and bal-
anced protein is delivered in an aro-
and bypass proteins formulated especial- matic 25-pound block, which also con-
tains minerals deer need and crave. The
ly for white-tailed deer. It also contains block targets key minerals like calcium,
phosphorous, copper, zinc, selenium and
the necessary minerals for peak body manganese to promote optimal antler
growth, and it uses the same approach
health and enhanced antler growth, in- used in other Ani-Logics products to en-
sure higher absorption and better value,
cluding the company’s Ani-Shield TX4 plus proprietary attractants to lure and
hold deer. The block will last up to three
Technology, a concentration of vitamins, months in the field—if it is not consumed
by deer first!
minerals, probiotics and essential oils.
Ani-Logics Outdoors nutritional prod-
Mold inhibitors keep the feed fresher lon- ucts are offered in many forms, so check
them out by visiting anilogics.com. IA
ger to eliminate waste, while maintain-
ing peak appeal, nutritional value and
WebXtra ■ For a closer look at the
Ani-Logics products, check them out at
t’s that time of year again! Time to move last year’s bow models to
the discount rack to make room for the exciting new models arriv-
ing for 2022. Increasingly, bow companies have begun releasing their
newest models earlier, most notably in advance of the annual ATA Trade
Show. Companies such as Bear Archery have long done this, with a great-
er number now following suit, including Mathews and Hoyt, which have
traditionally launched at the Show to great fanfare.
New bow models always bring a lot of excitement to any archery shop. There are
customers who will upgrade right away, of course, as some just need to keep abreast
of every development. Even if a customer plans to hold on to their bow for another
year, they’re still likely to come around to have a look at the newest models, creating
increased foot traffic and potential sales.
And there is a lot to be excited about for 2022. While the theme was once speed,
speed and more speed, the recent trend seems to be leaning toward improved
shootability and tuning ease wrapped around bowhunting stealth. The latest
models, overall, provide customers with the most pleasant shooting experience
yet, along with easier accuracy. Let’s dive right in, as the selection is extensive.
Bear Archery • Bear Archery launched 10 completely new bows for 2022,
including a new flagship, six hunting and youth models and three new tra-
ditional options.
Bear’s 2022 flagship is the aptly named Refine EKO. The 4.4-pound Refine
EKO is a further refinement of the Legend Series EKO lineup, including the
2021 Redemption EKO and 2020 Status EKO. The Refine EKO splits the differ-
ence between those earlier models, providing forgiving 33-inch axle-to-axle
and 6 3/8-inch brace height specs while matching the Redemption EKO’s
342 fps velocity potential. The refined riser offers easier in-hand balance,
as well as additional accessory attachment points to add additional
balancing options. Of course, EKO Cam technology allows setting up
for let-offs of 75, 80, 85 or 90 percent and draw lengths from 26.5 to
30.5 inches in a single bow, without sacrificing performance or
any given setup combination. Features that remain include
Align Lok Technology—a riser-embedded bubble level—for
faster, more precise bow-sight second- and smooth draw cycle and a draw-length range 33 (6.5-inch brace, 33-inch axle-to-axle, 4.67
third-axis leveling, and repositioned Vibra- from 25.5 to 31 inches in a single bow. Alas- pounds, 27-31.5-inch draw lengths) models
tion Reduction Systems (VRS) dampening kan bows ship with an optional limb stop continue the company trend of a long riser
disks that reduce residual riser vibration for customers preferring a more solid rear to axle-to-axle ratio for exceptional stabil-
by up to 25 percent. New for 2022, the new wall. The Alaskan offers impressive in-hand ity and easy accuracy. What sets them well
GRIZgrip provides more relaxed and natural stability through a 6.25-inch brace height, apart from last year’s V3 series are an all-new
hand placement (the popular VERSAGRIP still past-parallel quad limbs, and hard-hitting host of model-specific accessories. V3X com-
offered as an option), while new KillerWave bowhunting performance through a 335 fps pounds are equipped with new Bridge-Lock
limb dampeners tie the preloaded quad IBO velocity rating. New KillerWave wedge- Sight Technology, patent-pending Stay Afield
limbs together and better squelch shot noise. fit limb dampeners are also included, im- System (S.A.S) and a riser refinement allow-
Other standard silencing features are part of proving accuracy and bowhunting stealth. ing the use of LowPro Quivers—all develop-
the package. Options include 45-60 or 55-70 Options include 45-60 or 55-70 pound draw ments accentuating Mathews’ performance.
pound draw weights, right- or left-hand ris- weight, right- or left-hand risers and new
ers and Veil Whitetail, Mossy Oak Bottom- Mossy Oak Break-Up Country, Veil Whitetail, Bridge-Lock Sight Technology provides
land, Fred Bear Camo, Realtree Edge, Iron, Fred Bear Camo, Realtree Edge, Iron, Olive, a center-riser dovetail for sight mounting,
Olive, Throwback Tan and Black finishes. Throwback Tan and Throwback Black fin- eliminating the standard mounting bracket
The Refine EKO has an MSRP of just $999.99. ishes. For all this, the Alaskan has an MSRP to reduce weight, improve balance, stream-
of just $529.99. • CHECK OUT ALL OF BEAR ARCHERY’S line mounting and reduce felt vibration.
The 2022 Alaskan revisits the value- Most popular sight brands (AXCEL, Spot-
packed roots of 1950-60s Bear Archery NEW 2022 MODELS BY VISITING BEARARCHERY.COM. Hogg and HHA) fit the dovetail cutout, but
Alaskan recurve models. This is a 32-inch, Mathews partnered with AXCEL to create the
3.9-pound compound packed with perfor- Mathews, Inc. • Mathews’ 2022 V3X 29 Bridge-Lock Fixed 5-Pin Sight (MSRP $349.99),
mance technologies via the all-new DHC including micro-adjust elevation and wind-
hybrid cam with 80 percent let-off, silky- (6-inch brace, 29-inches axle-to-axle, 4.47 age adjustments and individual micro
pounds, 25.5-30-inch draw lengths) and V3X
Bear Bear Mathews
Refine Alaskan V3X
adjustments of the .019-inch pins. The sight ence by improving accuracy, shootability Technology) and VibeX limb blocks hush
also allows simple first, second and third and shot silence. The completely reimag- every shot and virtually eliminate residual
axis adjustments and features an ultra-high ined 2022 EnVision melds a target-inspired vibration. The EnVision measures 31 inches
modulus carbon bar that dovetails through design with compact and stealthy hunting between the axles and weighs 4.45 pounds.
the center of the riser, minimizing weight compatibility. It includes wider limbs and The EnVision has an MSRP of $1,199.
and vibration. a longer, straighter riser to strategically
position the bow’s mass over the grip and The 2022 Terrain was designed to offer a
Featherweight LowPro Quivers are offered rearward to provide rock-solid steadiness serious bowhunting package with compact
in fixed six-arrow (MSRP $199.99) or detach- at full draw. Like other recent models, the dimensions, comfortable draw cycle and
able five-arrow (MSRP $249.99) configura- EnVision features Elite’s proprietary S.E.T. highly shootable demeanor. The hybrid cam
tions, and are engineered around V3X geom- Technology—Simplified. Exact. Tuning. Easy system provides a rock-solid rear wall and
etry to offer a tighter fit. LowPro quivers are S.E.T. tunability and a forgiving 6 7/8-inch up to 85 percent let-off, while the 7-inch
compatible with Mathews’ Genuine QAD In- brace height promise to make this one of the brace height makes it ultra-forgiving, while
tegrate MX Rest and Bridge-Lock compatible company’s best-shooting bows yet. The En- relinquishing an IBO speed rating of 325 fps.
sight, moving arrow load 56 percent closer Vision is based on an ASYM Tri-Track Cam A rotating modular system allows setting
to the riser to further enhance bow balance System with a Versa Performance Mod, pro- a single bow up for draw lengths from 25.5
and minimize vibration. viding unprecedented adjustability and 334 to 31.5 inches in half-inch increments. The
fps IBO speeds, while also allowing draw- 32.5-inch, 3.9-pound Terrain also provides
Finally, the new Stay Afield System (SAS) length adjustments from 23.5 to 30.5 inches. a generous 15-pound draw weight span al-
features specially modified cams paired The cam system allows micro draw-length lowing new archers to work into heavier
with a minimalist fluorescent-orange ser- adjustments in precise ¼-inch increments, poundage. The 4-pound Terrain includes an
vicing cable that allows safely removing or and let-off can be customized from 70 to 90 Elite milled-aluminum Riser Cage renowned
repairing strings/cables in the field—with- percent. All-new VRT (Vibration Reduction for stability and excellent balance in the
out a bow press. It works through strategi- hand, and it holds a slim Precision Grip for
cally placed cam hooks that allow replacing Elite
individual buss cables and the bowstring, EnVision Elite
or installing peeps or split-string silencers. Terrain
This ultra-lightweight and compact system
is the ultimate emergency bow kit to keep
backcountry archers in the hunt. MSRP
is $39.99.
The V3X and these specially made acces-
sories work together to enhance the shoot-
ing experience. The top-to-bottom hunt-
ing system results in bows that are more
streamlined, better balanced and quieter.
V3X bows will be offered in a new Granite
solid finish, in addition to seven other solid
and camouflage options. The V3X 29 includes
an MSRP of $1,199, the V3X 33 $1,299—both
fueled by the proven, ultra-smooth and effi-
cient Crosscentric cam system with Switch-
weight technology. • CHECK OUT THESE 2022 MOD-
Elite Archery • Elite Archery has designed
several new bows for 2022, including the
value-packed Terrain and Basin, and the
performance-enhanced flagship EnVision.
The inflation-proof Terrain and Basin were
conceived to serve the new legion of archers
who have entered the sport in the past year,
both models retailing for $699 (the latter in-
cluding complete accessories packages).
Elite’s flagship for 2022, the EnVision, is
all about enhancing the shooting experi-
comfortable and repeatable hand positing. models. This model is accessorized with a The BM31 measures 31 ¼ inches between the
Hunting silence is provided through VibeX built-in Picatinny sight mount and Hoyt’s axles, which are held on super-slim paral-
Blocks limb dampeners and an integrated new Vital Point Grip that lends the model an lel limbs. The bow weighs just 3.8 pounds.
string stop. Available options include 45-60 unmatched shooting experience. • CHECK OUT Available options include draw weights of
and 55-70 pound draw-weight spans, and 40, 50, 60 and 70 pounds (80 pounds on spe-
four color options, including new Mountain THE REST OF HOYT’S 2022 OFFERINGS AT HOYT.COM. cial order) and a multitude of camouflage
Tan and Brown Sienna. The terrain includes and solid finishes. The Black Mamba 31 has
an MSRP of $699. • CHECK OUT THESE NEW ELITE APA Archery • The new Black Mamba 31 an MSRP of $1,199 (USD). • CHECK OUT APA AR-
ing a compact, lightweight and high-perfor-
Hoyt Archery • One of Hoyt’s main 2022 mance design sure to become a fan favorite. Athens Archery • Athens’ 2022 flagship
The BM31 is loaded with APA’s exclusive fea-
early releases, the Carbon RX-7 introduces tures—like the practical Tool Center (includ- bow is the Vista 31, which includes updates
the next generation of carbon bow technol- ing a broadhead wrench and nock indexer, featured in the entire Vista Series.
ogy. Hoyt didn’t just conduct a REDWRX up- carbide knife sharpener and cam-lock pin),
date, but created an evolutionary system un- the ability to change strings and cables in The Vista 31 resulted from customer input,
like any other. Hoyt tested the 2022 RX-7 for the field, integrated wrist-sling slot/lock building on the popularity of the RT-X Cam
several years, striving to trim weight, reduce screw and the Reverse Carry Handle, just as System with adjustable 80 to 90-percent let-
vibrations and improve the overall shoot- quick examples. This new scorcher provides off, in combination with Vista Series stabil-
ing experience. Weighing in at 3.9 pounds, IBO arrow speeds of up to 350 fps via a forgiv- ity. The 2022 Vista 31 is touted as the compa-
this new sleek and slender design provides ing 6 ¾-inch brace height and 80 percent let- ny’s most stable, repeatable and adjustable
a power-packed package without the mass. off dual-cam system—a great combination hunting bow yet. It features Athens’ new
The RX-7 also reduces shot noise by 24 per- of speed and shootability. The cam system TCS (Tunable Cable System) roller guard,
cent, compared to already stealthy previous allows draw lengths from 25 to 31 inches. Limb-Lok pocket system and ultra-stable
1-inch-wide split limbs terminating in past
Hoyt APA Athens
Carbon Black Vista
RX-7 Mamba 31
parallel geometry. New low-profile X-Out and weighs 4.4 pounds. The INLINE 1 and 3 The E2 Cam rides on a larger 5/8-inch, high
limb dampeners by Mountain View Products share $1199 MSRPs. The INLINE 5 includes 343 performance bearing system for improved
were added for stealth and a more pleas- fps IBO specs through a 6-inch brace height, efficiency, arrow speeds and durability. The
ant shooting experience. The Vista 31 mea- weighs 4.5 pounds and includes an MSRP Carbon Levitate sends arrows at 348 fps IBO
sures 31 inches between the axles, weighs 4.2 of $1,249. All INLINE models accommodate velocities, the E2 Cam engineered to maxi-
pounds and includes a 6.5-inch brace height draw lengths from 26 to 30.5 inches, and mize arrow speed—and let-off dynamics—
to push arrows to IBO speeds of 340 fps. Draw they can be ordered in peak draw weights at every draw length. The 32.25-inch Carbon
length adjustments can be performed from from 30 to 80 pounds. • CHECK OUT THESE NEW Levitate includes a 6-inch brace height and
24.5 to 30.5 inches through #1 and #2 mod- weighs just 3.6 pounds out of the box. Let-
ules, without a bow press and in half-inch PRIME BOWS AND OTHERS BY VISITING G5PRIME.COM. off is adjustable from 80 to 90 percent, while
increments. Order in peak draw weights of the rotating cam allows setting the bow
40, 50, 60, 65, 70 and 80 pounds, with a wide PSE Archery • PSE’s new Carbon Levitate up for draw lengths between 27.5 and 31.5
selection of high-quality finishes to choose inches. Order in peak draw weights of 60,
from. • CHECK OUT THESE MODELS AND OTHERS BY offers more—more power, vibration con- 70 and 80 pounds, and in solid Black, Char-
trol, stability, and mounting options—while coal, Green, Tan, Spec Ops, Nock On, Gun-
VISITING ATHENSARCHERY.COM. also reducing torque. Its new glare-free fin- ship and Sandman finishes. MSRP is $1,899.
ish makes it hunting friendly. The Carbon • CHECK OUT THESE PSE BOWS AND OTHERS BY VISITING
G5 Outdoors/Prime • The 2022 INLINE Levitate is powered by the all-new E2 Cam
System, set on a proven Evolve platform, but PSE-ARCHERY.COM.
from Prime Archery is touted to be the com- it has been enhanced to boost stability, ef-
pany’s most accurate bow to date. The IN- ficiency and accuracy. Cam width was in- Martin Archery • The 2022 DSX ONE offers
LINE compound bow takes shooting feel to creased to create a more stable base that re-
new levels, and in what has become a Prime duces cam lean and improves tracking. The a hugely upgraded version of the 2021 mod-
tradition, it is offered in three models. The limbs and limb pockets were also widened to el. The DSX ONE includes Martin Archery’s
INLINE 1 measures 31 inches between the increase stability, consistency and accuracy. new “Wide Body” design, and features a
axles. The INLINE 3 is 33 inches, and the IN-
LINE 5 is 35 inches. Prime’s completely new Prime PSE
lnline Cam System was designed specifically INLINE Carbon
to enhance accuracy by equalizing cam load Levitate
throughout the draw cycle. To do this, Prime
brought the cable track in line with the
string track. As the bow is drawn, the cable
track slides in line with the string, putting
the cable and string on the same plain. The
in-line binary system introduces a remark-
ably balanced cam, which translates into
accuracy. The InLine cam System allows
silky-smooth draw cycles without sacrific-
ing speed, and the added limb dampener
also makes these bows deadly quiet and
vibration free. Prime’s balanced Center Bal-
anced/Swerve Technology risers are milled
from 82x aluminum, the stiffest and lightest
aluminum alloy in the industry. Nanogrips
are molded from NASA-engineered Aerogel
to insulate hands from frozen risers in cold
weather. Torque is further reduced through
the Flexis Roller Guard, a cable management
system that flexes inward at full draw to
eliminate lateral torque, but provides ample
fletching clearance on release. Prime shoot-
ers also receive free strings and cables for
life (check website for details).
The INLINE 1 provides IBO speeds of 332 fps
via a forgiving 7-inch brace height, and the
bow weighs 4.3 pounds. The INLINE 3 pushes
arrows to 337 fps with a 6.5-inch brace height
wider limb gap for more cam adjustability The 33-inch axle-to-axle bow weighs just 4 The Spectra E 32 is also ultra-quiet, while
and ease of tuning. It also incorporates the pounds. The cam system includes a com- relinquishing a buttery-smooth draw cycle.
“Wide Body Pocket” design, with TRI-LOC fortable and adjustable 75 percent let-off, The redesigned riser is milled from 7075
and the new “ONE INCH LIMB.” Martin has and peak draw weights of 60 or 70 pounds T-6511 aluminum that is “pre-stretched and
also added Poly Bushings to ensure accu- can be chosen. Its $849 MSRP adds to its pre-stressed” to ensure little or no flex under
rate limb alignment. New riser features in- appeal. • CHECK OUT XPEDITION’S EXCITING OTHER stress. The .790-inch-wide limbs and limb
clude a Picatinny rail sight mount and 2022 pockets add stability, and the grip angle was
Hamskea C.O.R. rest mounting. All flagship MODELS BY VISITING XPEDITIONARCHERY.COM. changed to provide a more comfortable at-
2022 Martin Models will have the new riser titude. The 32-inch axle-to-axle bow weighs
mounting systems and will be included on Darton Archery • The 2022 Spectra E 32 4.9 pounds and includes a forgiving 6 7/16-
the NEW 2022 MTX line. The Martin MTX will inch brace height, but it provides IBO arrow
be released in January. • CHECK OUT THE REST OF from Darton Archery was redesigned top to speeds of 330 to 335 fps. This bow can be or-
bottom, retaining only the 452X strings from dered in peak draw weights of 40, 50, 60 and
MARTIN’S 2022 OFFERINGS AT MARTINARCHERY.COM. the original. The Equalizer Cable System 70 pounds (with 10-pound downward adjust-
(E System) provides a totally balanced shoot- ment possible). Right- and left-hand models
Xpedition • The 2022 APX from Xpedition ing system. The 85 percent let-off cams are also offered, with an MSRP of $1,049.99.
(80-percent let-off cams can be ordered for • CHECK OUT DARTON ARCHERY’S COMPLETE LINEUP BY
offers the company’s renowned perfor- states requiring such), which are made from
mance with an MSRP geared for the mid- 7075 aluminum, include a draw module ad- VISITING DARTONARCHERY.COM.
price market. The APX offers draw-length justable from 25.5 to 31 inches and positive
adjustments from 26 to 30 inches in ½-inch limb and cable stops to give shooters com- .30-06 Outdoors • The Warrior River Cour-
increments via its user-friendly rotat- plete draw length control. Split yokes anchor
ing mod requiring no bow press. The APX on the outside of the stout ¼-inch-diameter age Bow Package from .30-06 Outdoors was
provides IBO arrow speeds of up to 340 fps axles to help equalize/stabilize the limbs and a big hit in 2021, providing an affordable but
through a forgiving 6.75-inch brace height. reduce the load on the 5/8-inch bearings. serious hunting package for beginning
Martin Xpedition Darton
E 32
bowhunters, or simply those strapped for Finder decided a youth-friendly version
cash. The $349-MSRP Dirt Road Camo and was just what was needed. The 4-pound
Black packages remain, with a new Army F-31LE Compound Bow makes the sport
Green option added for 2022. These 30-inch, of bowfishing even more accessible, LE
3.8-pounds bows include milled-aluminum standing for Light Edition and offering a
risers and cams. The hybrid cam system also lighter draw weight than the proven F-31.
holds sealed bearings, and a silencing string The 30-inch axle-to-axle platform includes
stop is included. These right-hand-only bows a forgiving 8-inch brace height, and it is
will hit IBO speeds of 310 fps and are adjust- adjustable for draw weights from 15 to 29
able for draw lengths from 18 to 31 inches (no pounds. The F-31LE is fueled by zero let-
bow press required) and draw weights of 20 off cams that ensure a clean release and
to 70 pounds within a single bow, making make it more conducive to the snapshoot-
them ideal for growing archers. Strings/ca- ing common while bowfishing. Deep-
bles are made from rugged BCY material, and grooved tracks eliminate the possibility
the split limbs are made from tough Gordon of a derailed string while shooting at odd
Glass. The package includes a five-pin sight, angles or during snatch-back draw cycles.
full-containment arrow rest, wrist sling, Also included are an anti-slip grip ideal for
rubberized stabilizer, installed peep and shooting with wet or fish-slimy hands and
string loop. They include a 5-year warranty. factory-installed Finger Savers for pain-
• CHECK THEM OUT BY VISITING 30-06OUTDOORS.COM. free shooting. Construction includes high-
quality Gordon Glass limbs and corrosion-
Fin-Finder • After the resounding success resistant stainless-steel hardware. • CHECK
of the Fin-Finder F-31 Compound Bow, Fin-
.30-06 Fin-Finder
Outdoors F-31 LE
Ravin Crossbows R500
I n the relatively-new and quickly- has ever seen. Ravin was one of the first
evolving world of hunting crossbows crossbow companies to introduce cross-
the name Ravin is synonymous with not only bow models with axle-to-axle specs
compact lines, but industry-leading speed. measuring less than 6-7 inches. This
is another obvious draw, as one of the
Beyond argument, Ravin makes some of the knocks against crossbows has always
fastest crossbows available. been their unwieldy nature. Any of the
advantage crossbows offered over con-
While raw speed is a huge selling point, temporary compound bows was offset
Ravin also broke new ground—some by the difficulty of toting them afield.
would say forced other crossbow com- Ravin changed all that, in turn forcing
panies to reevaluate their entire ap- an entire industry to begin thinking
proach—by also offering some of the within new dimensional parameters. The Ravin R500 illuminated optic can be dialed to
specific bolt speeds, allowing precision aiming from
most compact crossbows the industry The new Ravin Crossbows R500 takes 20 to 100 yards.
everything the company is known for observe two sets of “buss cables” (for
lack of a better term), slaved top and
to new extremes. The exciting new bottom and driven by a reverse-draw
configuration. The system requires an
R500, as the name suggests, propels ultra-wide limb stance to anchor out-
board cables, and it also offers the sta-
bolts to an unprecedented—that I am bility needed for such incredible forces.
There are also dual, Teflon-sleeved
aware of anyway—500 fps. The fact cable slides, located top and bottom of
the bolt flight path. The reverse-draw
it does this with a not-so-inconse- bowstring runs through the middle.
R500 string and cables appear notice-
quential 400-grain bolt is not lost on ably thicker than standard bowstrings.
me. The R500 also redefines the term With a substantial draw weight of 300
pounds, it would seem cocking this beast
compact, providing a 28-inch overall would involve some effort, but cocking
effort is reduced to just 17 pounds through
length through a bullpup design, and the R500’s integral VersaDriving Cocking
System. A stand-alone draw handle plugs
jaw-dropping 3.6-inch cocked axle-to- into butt-stock sockets. I have always ap-
preciated this about Ravin Crossbows—
axle width, making it the narrowest no separate cocking contraption to plug
on and off and stash between shots, save
shot-ready crossbow on the market to- the lightweight and easily-pocketed cock-
Ravin's new Hexcoil Cam System includes dual sets day. For all its performance, the R500
of buss cables, top and bottom, with the bowstring weighs only 8.4 pounds. The R500 defies
running through the middle. the unwieldy crossbow mystique.
Ravin's new Hexcoil Cam System allows even more Compact Power
compact lines, the R500's axle-to-axle span just 3.6
inches while cocked. The basis for the R500’s next-level per-
formance and remarkably compact
dimensions is Ravin’s revolutionary
Hexcoil Cam System, without which
none of this would be possible. The all-
new proprietary HexCoil Cam System
includes cams that rotate a complete
360 degrees, allowing increased energy
storage in a more compact package,
while also relinquishing incredible ac-
curacy and surprising shot silence.
Upon studying the system more
closely, it becomes apparent that this
cam technology is a complete depar-
ture from the drive systems that came
before it. Viewed from behind, you will