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Inside Archery August 2020

Inside Archery August 2020

Keywords: archery outdoors hunting bowhunting

Specifications Arrow Speed

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Mission Archery Switch set at 70.0 pounds at 30 inches.



–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Brace Height . ... .
6 7/8 inches
. ... .
Mass Weight
3.84 pounds
F. ... .
. ... .
80 percent
TK K . ... .
Available Draw Lengths
Adjustable 18 to 30 inches,
in a single bow . . .. .

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Available Draw Weights . ... .

Adjustable 10 to 70 pounds, in a single –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
bow (draw-length dependent)
W . ... .
Available Colors
TP . . .. .
RRealtree Original and Black
. .. . .
P . . .. .


ission rchery s Fast Fit system found on the L . .. . .
witch allows for draw lengths from to inches.
single set screw controls the rotating module –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
ad ustments re uiring less than seconds.
rrow speeds established using a aldwell hooting upplies hronograph . enotes steel inserts


ission rchery s witch compound bow includes Bowhunting Ready
an ergonomic riser holding a re ned lim rip. The
insulating grip offers repeatable hand placement and One thing that became quickly
a comfortable interface that reduces riser tor ue. apparent during test shooting is the
Switch is a very quiet design right
promotes consistent hand placement and out of the box, even the lightest
comfort, while minimizing lateral riser arrows in our test group resulting
torque at full draw and immediately fol- in quiet thumps. The split limbs
lowing release. end in parallel geometry, an inher-
ent silencing factor. Both the cable
The Switch’s streamlined riser design, guard and string stop sit on car-
including generous cutouts and compact bon rods, better absorbing residual
31-inch axle-to-axle specs, result in a feath- vibrations than aluminum rods. The
ery compound weighing less than 4 pounds soft rubber string-stop bumper effec-
out of the box. The stabilizer tap is set for- tively kills bowstring vibrations and
ward of the grip and limb pivot points sit the bowstring is also equipped with a
only slightly forward of the grip throat, single Monkey Tail silencer. The Switch
both traits that provide excellent in-hand really doesn’t require further silencing
balance at rest and especially full draw. accessories.
The Switch is a bow that will appeal
The pivoting, molded-composite limb more to those obsessed with accuracy,
pockets and extra long limb bolts shooting ease and hunting silence than
threaded into rotating steel barrels, big velocity numbers. The Switch isn’t a
allow setting draw weights from just barn burner. It certainly isn’t a dog. What
10 inches all the way up to 70 pounds. it is, though, is a super sweet-shooting
My only minor complaint is the rearward rig that offers huge adjustability, effort-
positioned arrow-rest tap location, as it less tuning, and an ideal setup for white-
forces an overdraw situation with some tail treestand hunting the majority of
advanced rest designs. North American bowhunters enjoy. It is
also unbelievably affordable, retailing for
less than $400, a price point I know from
firsthand experience moves briskly with
beginning and serious bowhunters alike. IA

WebXtra ■ Take a look at the

Mission Archery Switch in action at


Bowhunting icons such as Saxton Pope, without them. It is also safe to say more
Author Young, Fred Bear, Ben Pearson bowhunters now pursue their favorite game
and Glenn St. Charles operated in a from elevated stands or ground blinds, even
time when portable treestands and blinds in the West that was only recently domi-
did not exist. If they needed to elevate their nated by foot hunting.
hunt or create ground blinds, they applied
natural materials as best they could. Those This makes stocking stands and blinds a
were certainly simpler times, without the safe bet. All but the most traditionally bound
intense competition and undeniably warier bowhunter will own at least one treestand
animals bowhunters pursue today. Consid- and blind. And most hunters are now look-
ering the popularity and deadly effective- ing for improved comfort, safety and effi-
ness of the treestands and portable blinds ciency while setting them up and occupying
bowhunters enjoy today it is a wonder to them. This is especially true in light of
the aging demographic of today’s av-
contemplate how bowhunt- erage bowhunter. Early treestands
ers once functioned were often minimalist affairs,


and now, just as often, they would be By Patrick Meitin
considered downright unsafe. The lat-
est stand models offer added comfort
and increased safety, while portable
blinds ensure 100-percent safety, as
well as opening opportunities in habi-
tats offering few viable stand trees.
Treestands and blinds are improving
annually, and customers want the
best for their hard earned efforts. So
come along as we delve into the latest
designs to make any bowhunt-
ing effort, and any archery
shop, more profitable.


Modern Hang-Ons X-Stand heavy duty ratchet assembly, includ-
ing single-pin, micro-position level-
Family Tradition Treestands X-Stand’s Patron hang-on offers all- ing stem. The 19-pound stand is highly
day comfort in a steady operating plat- portable despite holding a huge 26-by-
Family Tradition Treestands makes form. The stand includes steel HD con- 32-inch platform and 18-by-12-inch,
some of the strongest and most com- struction with Weather Defender pow-
fortable stands around, and the HD/ der coating for years of trouble-free -inch-high flip-back Teslin mesh
HO Lock-On Stand is one of their best. use. The 25-pound stand includes a seat. Nylon washers are placed at all
It includes galvanized tubular steel 350-pound weight rating, with a plat- pivot points for silence. The “V” Bracket
for added structural integrity and rust form measuring 24.5 inches wide and system can be assembled quickly be-
resistance, which is then given a du- 30 inches deep and including a built- fore the stand is pulled up, the stand
rable baked-on textured powder coat- in footrest. The seat measures 20-by- then dropping into place. The system
ing to further resist the elements. The 14 inches and includes a Comfort-Flex also allows installation of multiple
premium nylon webbed flip-up seat contoured RelaX mesh seat and high- brackets for use with a single stand at
measures 20 inches wide and 13.25 arch technology backrest, both highly multiple sites. The stand includes rug-
inches deep to provide all-day com- weather resistant. Padded armrests ged steel construction that is powder
fort. The standing platform measures are also included. X-Force grates are coated and anchored with a 1.5-inch
25-by-31 inches for plenty of room to stronger and provide sure footing in “V” Bracket ratchet strap and a sec-
maneuver, and holds a large, welded wet or icy conditions. The seat also ond 1.5-inch stabilizing looped ratchet,
footrest for added comfort. The plat- flips up and the backrest down to clear each with 3,000-pound ratings. The
form is supported by two 1,900-pound, the standing platform when needed. Teslin seat is water, mold, UV and
rubber sleeved chains (not cables) and The Quick Hitch receiver levels the rodent resistant. The stand folds flat
a T-handle screw is provided to hold seat and platform, and all metal con- for easy packing and is compatible
the stand in place while securing it tact points hold self-lubricating nylon with trees measuring 9 to 20 inches
to the tree with two provided ratchet washers for ensured stealth. A four- in diameter. Learn more by visiting
straps. The camo ratchets feature a point full-body harness is included.
3,300-pound breaking strength and in- Learn more by visiting
clude rubber coated handles. The stand HAWK Hunting
is assembled using Grade 8 bolts with True North Treestands
nylon lock nuts, weighs 19 pounds, and HAWK’s Helium Pro Hang-On offers
includes a 20-foot haul rope. The HD/ The TNT P1600S from True North Tree- greater strength and added comfort
HO Lock-On Stand has a 300-pound stands features the company’s patent for 2020. Forged from lightweight
load limit. Learn more by visiting pending, 14-ounce TNT “V” Bracket and

Family Tradition True North
HD/HO Lock-On Stand TNT P1600S


aluminum the Helium weighs only ers not afraid of hiking to find bet- Family Tradition
12 pounds, for improved mobility and ter hunting, but who want to make HOL/20
easier hanging. The affordably priced quick work of setup and enjoy com-
stand features a pressure-relieving fort once aboard. The stand weighs 19 Big Game Warrior
seat with 3 inches of HAWK memory pounds and includes a footrest, back- Elite Ultra-Wide
foam. Bowhunters can rest assured pack straps and mounting chain. The
the ergonomic platform will remain Millennium-Style ComfortMax seat Big Dog
quiet because all contact points are provides lawnchair-like comfort and Setter
solid, with self-lubricating Teflon folds flat for standing shots or back-
washers placed between all metal con- packing. The powder coat finish keeps
tact points. Rubberized attachment rust at bay. The Assassin Speed Rail
hooks prevent noise while packing or Hang On Ladder makes the perfect ac-
hanging. The stand is stabilized by ag- companiment. The innovative design
gressive Tree-Digger teeth, the option- eliminates all metal-to-metal contact
al HAWK Cruzr Bracket makes hang- for silence and is quick to install. The
ing even safer and faster. The stand steel unit is powder coated, and comes
is anchored with a 1-inch cinch strap in three sections allowing climbing
and includes backpack straps and an to 16 feet, even in oddly shaped trees.
adjustable footrest. All HAWK stands The nesting design makes them easy
are tested to TMA standards and to pack. The stand retails for less than
come with a free full-body safety har- $100 and the ladder $70. The Millenni-
ness. The platform measures 24-by-30 um Outdoors designed and manufac-
inches, the seat 16-by-10 inches. Learn tured stand includes a 34-by-26.5-inch
more by visiting platform; the Assassin Speed Rails
weigh 15 pounds and measure 38.5-by-
Ol’Man Outdoors 11-by-9 inches. Learn more by visiting
The Assassin System by Ol’Man offers
the ideal “run-n-gun” package for rov- Big Dog Hunting
ing bowhunters. The Assassin Hang
On Tree Stand is designed for hunt- Big Dog Hunting manufactures stout,
comfortable and completely function-
al treestands offered at a very reason-

Helium Pro Assassin


Rivers Edge able price, including hang-ons, one- and in diameter and includes a 300-pound
Lockdown 2-Man two-man ladders and free-standing weight capacity. Learn more by visiting
towers. The Setter is a large hang-on
Primal Single Vantage with a very comfortable seat, priced at
17-foot Deluxe less than $90. It includes a 24-by-32.5- Family Tradition Treestands
inch platform with incorporated foot-
56 rest, and a 20-by-14-inch, 21-inch high For customers seeking the ultimate in
Comfort Mesh Flip-Up Seat designed for comfort and safety, Family Tradition’s
all-day luxury. The seat and standing new HOL/20 Lock-On Ladder is the choice.
platform both include leveling capabili- Galvanized tubular steel gives the stand
ties, the platform supported by heavy added structural integrity and rust resis-
duty suspension cables. The stand is se- tance, and is finished with an extremely
curely anchored to the tree by an upper durable baked-on powder coating that
cinch belt strap and lower platform sta- will last many seasons. The 20-foot
bilizing strap for rock solid dependabil- stand is delivered in five sections. ur-
ity. The stand comes with a fall arrest ing setup the stand is anchored by five
system and meets all ASTM standards. heavy duty ratchet straps—one for each
The 25.5-pound steel stand includes a section—each owning a 3,000-pound
300-pound weight rating. Learn more by breaking strength. All bolts are Grade
visiting 8 and all nuts are nylon locking type.
The entire stand weighs only 29 pounds
Foolproof Ladders but includes a 300-pound weight rat-
ing. The comfort nylon webbed seat
Big Game Treestands measures 20-by-13.25 inches and the
stand platform is 25-by-31 inches. The
The new Big Game Warrior Elite Ultra- platform includes a welded footrest for
Wide Ladder Stand puts hunters 17 feet added legroom. The standing platform
above the action and includes an 18-by- is supported by two heavy duty, rubber-
10-inch platform and 24-by-14-inch covered chains. Learn more by visiting
seat. The Elite Ultra-Wide provides extra
room for larger hunters, those with lots
of gear or those wearing bulky, insu- Rivers Edge Treestands
lated clothing. The padded shooting rail
can be flipped back while bowhunting The Lockdown 21-foot 2-Man ladder
and the built-in footrest and seat plat- stand from Rivers Edge offers extreme
form can also be folded for full platform comfort and unmatched stability for
use. The leg-contoured, 21-inch-high up to two hunters. The 15.8-by-24-inch
Flex-Tek Zero-Gravity seat and backrest flip-up, padded bench seat features a
design, plus flip-back footrest, guaran- contoured frame that eliminates un-
tee maximum comfort, while the rock comfortable center bars and provides
solid mounting system consists of a room to comfortably seat two hunt-
1-inch ratchet strap, two 1-inch stabiliz- ers. Mesh pockets beneath the seat
er straps and an adjustable support bar. provide convenient storage. Stability
The stand comes with a full-body safety comes through the use of octagonal
harness. The 44-pound stand is 100-per- tubing and 3rd-rail ladder support. The
cent steel for many seasons of trouble- stand also includes a flip-away shoot-
free use. The ladder is taken down into ing rail, handrails and a flip-away
three sections. The affordable stand is footrest on the 28-by-48-inch platform.
compatible with trees down to 9 inches The Lockdown 21-foot 2-Man ladder
features dual tree blades and oversized


Ameristep platform ratchet straps to provide Native
ro Series er a stable anchoring on trees from 12 to o ican erson
20 inches in diameter. The 112-pound
HME 3-Person stand includes a 350-pound load Primos
Ground Blind rating. Learn more by visiting S o escreen

Muddy NAP
nfinit Series antis Series
Primal Treestands
Primal’s Single Vantage 17-foot De-
luxe Ladderstand is made to go up
faster and more safely than any oth-
er ladder design on the market. This
is made possible through the patent-
ed Back Bone Stabilizer Truss System
which enhances ladder strength and
stability, and the patented Grip Jaw
System that grips the tree firmly before
hunters even leave the ground. The
ladder includes a contoured Tex-
tilene Seat measuring 18.5-by-16
inches and featuring soft molded
foam padding. The 20-inch-wide
access ladder includes rounded rect-
angular tubing for added strength
and the armrests and flip-up shoot-
ing rail are padded. The foot plat-
form measures 18-by-27 inches and
includes a footrest. A full-body safety
harness is included. Learn more by

Portable Pop-Ups


Ameristep’s Pro Series Thermal Blind
for 2020 keeps customers warm
when temperatures drop and weath-
er turns nasty. The uni ue, five-hub
pentagon design creates an asym-
metrical shape that offers room for up
to four hunters and gear. The unique
shape and Mossy Oak Elements Ter-
ra camouflage help break up the
blind’s outline and allow it to

melt into any environment.
The blind includes a gen-
erous 59-by-59-by-30-inch
footprint, 84-inch shooting


Rhino Blinds width and 70-inch height. The new, Sewn-in brush loops allow users to
R600 Realtree Edge heavy duty 300D quilted fabric add- add camouflaging vegetation while
ed to the roof, walls and windows the blackout interior further disguises
GhostBlind adds insulating protection from the hunters inside. Inside you ll also find
Predator elements during late seasons. It in- built-in loft pockets ideal for holding
cludes 12 silent slide windows with ozone-generating units, and the silent
Shadow Hunter mesh, eight of those triangular and window sliders can be adjusted while
Marksman four verticals to ensure unrestricted game is present. Learn more by visit-
shooting via 33-percent more window ing
58 coverage. Proven ShadowGuard in-
terior coating eliminates shadows Muddy Outdoors

and silhouettes to help disguise in- Infinity Series round linds from
terior movement. The easy-access, uddy offer infinite user customi a-
walk-through door is quiet and large
enough for smooth, silent access. The tion, with an industry-first window
easy setup hub system makes erec- design and new Veil Camo patterns.
tion and breakdown fast and easy. It All-new Infinity ground blinds are
comes with a carry bag, ground stakes available in two- and three-person
and premium carabiner and cam configurations specifically made for
buckle rope ties for quick, secure bowhunting. Window opening shape
anchoring. The reflective top hub and size can be adjusted to meet
pull strap makes the blind easier changing scenarios, using new Shad-
to locate in the dark. Learn more by ow Mesh window curtains that in-
visiting clude one-way viewing to eliminate
the need for conventional primary
Hunting Made Easy (HME) window panels. The Infinity fea-
tures a silent-slide window adjust-
HME’s new 3-Person Ground Blind is ment system, allowing independent
designed to deliver the function and raising or lowering of dual Shadow
features serious turkey and deer hunt- Mesh windows for top or bottom
ers demand. The blind provides ample viewing. A specialized memory wire
room for multiple hunters or a hunter was incorporated into the windows
and lots of gear. The blind is covered in of the 2-man models for custom win-
new Veil Cervidae camo or a photore- dow forming. The Infinity features
alistic hardwood pattern and offers 75 three independent silent dropdown
inches of interior width and a 67-inch Shadow Mesh windows. Both include
peak height to clear any bow style. Du- ultra-dark interior to keep hunters
al-track, independent horizontal win- under cover. Additional camouflage is
dows provide a wide variety of shoot- provided by two rows of brush straps
ing options, and the top and bottom to add native vegetation. Infinity
halves of the windows can be raised or blinds also include pockets for ozone-
lowered to customize shooting ports. generating units. A carry bag, rope
There is also a small ‘peek window’ and stakes are included. The Infinity
to monitor game moving in from the 2 has a 58-by-58-by-72-inch footprint
rear. Support is provided by conven- with a 75-by-75-inch shooting width,
and the Infinity has a -by- -by-
tional pop-out framework construc- 72-inch footprint and 82-by-82-inch
tion, the exterior shell 300D brushed shooting width. Learn more by visit-
fabric that is water resistant and ing
built to withstand prolonged weather.


Native Blinds 83.5-by-83.5 inches hub to hub and Banks Outdoors
produces a 67.5-by-67.5-inch footprint, Stump 4
Native’s Mohican 4-5 Person Hunting yet only weighs 17.5 pounds. The 600D
Blind includes no zippers or Velcro, for material makes it ruggedly depend-
the ultimate in ground blind stealth. able and the interior has three pock-
The blind is covered in exclusive Dirt ets sized for iPads or tablets. The blind
Road Camo, to blend in a wide variety is secured with an H.D. Stake-Down
of environments, and sized for tradi- system and comes with an EZ Pack
tional bowhunters with longer bows, for portability. Learn more by visiting
or to bring a gang along. Brush holders
are located along the outside surfaces
to accept native vegetation and help Primos
the blind blend more convincingly. An
entire side of the blind hinges open The new Smokescreen Hunting Blind
in a garage door fashion for effortless from Primos provides hunters with
entry and exit, also making it wheel- the company’s remarkable one-way,
chair accessible. This door includes see-through technology—allowing
a reliable magnetic closure. The four hunters to see out while game can’t
windows operate on a slide system to see in—at a much lower price tag. The
create customized shooting ports with Smokescreen includes seven shoot-
silent operation. The blind includes through ports and three max-viewing
a 76.5-inch center height, measures windows for 270 degrees of viewing


capability and a generous field of fire. package that opens to -s uare-feet of
The Smokescreen provides room for floor space. The antis includes these
up to three people to sit comfortably. features, plus peaked front to elimi-
A triangle door makes entry and exit nate s uare profiling, -inch width
smoother. The Smokescreen s and -inch length to accommodate
brushed polyester is durable and punc- up to two hunters. It weighs pounds
ture proof. ubs are milled from reli- cased and creates -s uare-feet of
able aluminum and the blind is cov- floor space. earn more by visiting
ered in proven round Swat amo. The
blind measures inches hub to hub,
includes a 67-inch peak and 56-by-56- Rhino Blinds
inch footprint. It weighs pounds Rhino linds R Realtree Edge com-
and comes with a carry pack, stakes
and tie-down ropes. earn more by fortably accommodates - hunters
with a -inch peak and -by- -inch

Millenium footprint. The polyester hori on-
Buck Hut
Shooting House New Archery Products tal/vertical weave material makes it

Raptor Blinds super tough, but allows for fast and
NA s antis Series ground blinds easy setup and takedown. Rhino linds
Archery Blind were introduced in and remain were designed to withstand the most

60 brisk sellers. They are a ground- brutal conditions, including high

breaking hub-style blind that sets up winds, rain, snow or hail. R Re-

and takes down in minutes. eith altree Edge window systems include

eam, cofounder of ouble ull linds, large, -degree windows around

worked with NAP to create the new three panels and one smaller window

blind, specifically designed to maxi- on the door wall. All feature shoot-

mize usable space and provide more through mesh backed by solid fabric

room for drawing bows. The antis ad ustable up and down and side-to-

features more floor space than five- side on silent-slide tracks for custom

hub designs while also weighing - to shooting-port configuration. An over-

-percent less. The innovative shape si ed, ipper-free door allows silent ac-

dissolves into any surrounding, aided cess. rush loops on upper and lower

by NA s I E INTENT camouflage faces allow for the addition of natural

with true depth of field and convinc- materials for added concealment. The

ing break-up based on a -by- -inch blind comes with tie-down stakes and

base pattern—the largest in the indus- ropes and a backpack-style carry bag.

try. The pattern helps the blind blend All stress points are reinforced and

at greater distances. The windows fea- triple stitched for added reliability and

ture NA s novel ragNet ad ustable the shell is water repellent and anti-

system--a series of hooks and elastic microbial treated to keep the interior

net which provide infinite, silent and dry and the blind mold- and mildew-

instant ad ustments to accommodate free. The blind weighs pounds. earn

any size hunter or terrain slope while more by visiting

using only one finger. The antis is GhostBlind

ideal for solo bowhunters, and includes GhostBlind portable ground blinds in-
clude mirrored panels angled toward
black-back interior fabric, brush loops the ground to perfectly imitate sur-
roundings and help hunters disappear
and tie downs. The blind is wheel-

chair accessible. The two-way ad ust-

able carrying case creates a . -pound


in any terrain. They allow hunters to the blind is built with ShadowMesh sided blinds will now include a super-
relocate quickly, without the “break- critter-proof mesh flooring that keeps sized 34-by-14-inch horizontal gunner
in” period required for game to be- rodents, birds and other wildlife out. window directly across from the door.
come accustomed to more conspicu- Also new is a drop-in carpeted floor This large window provides panoram-
ous pop-up blinds. The GhostBlind providing easy maintenance and ic views to keep tabs on the surround-
Predator Hunting Blind is ideal for long-lasting durability. Learn more by ings and create more opportunities for
crossbow, traditional or compound visiting crossbow hunters. Learn more by vis-
hunters. It also proves excellent for iting
run-and-gun tactics at only 12 pounds Banks Outdoors
and is constructed from unbreakable, Millennium Outdoors
waterproof plastic. The Predator al- The year 2020 brought some excit-
lows shooting while seated or stand- ing changes to Banks Outdoors’ popu- New for 2020, Millennium’s Buck Hut
ing. Hunters are disguised by four lar Stump 4 Blind. Banks started by Shooting House is made to serve bow-
mirrored panels with top shooting implementing their first three-point hunters and gun hunters with a well
slots. After setup, the blind measures door latching system for a tighter seal thought out design that costs much
102-by-46 inches. Dual add-on panels around all door edges to ensure hu- less than hard-sided blind designs.
and 7 inches of height adjustment can man scent stays inside, while also The Q200 Buck Hut includes a shell
be added (sold separately). The sys- keeping nasty weather outside. Banks constructed from heavy duty, wa-
tem comes with a blind, 1.5-inch carry also added a closed-cell, industrial- terproof material made to last many
strap, four tent stakes and tie downs, grade foam floor mat to every Stump seasons. The interior measures 7-feet,
two bungee cords, carry bag and in- 4 blind model to insulate against 4-inches wide, 4-feet deep and 7-feet
structions. Learn more by visiting creeping cold and dampen any inte- tall, so most bowhunters can shoot rior movement. Finally, Stump 4 hard- even while standing. The overall

Semi-Permanent Blinds

Shadow Hunter by Summit Brands

The Shadow Hunter Marksman 6x6
octagon blind was redesigned for 2020
to provide improved performance
while still delivering ultimate com-
fort. The multi-layer ShadowTech
walls include a new interior compos-
ite panel system which gives a total
blackout effect and is also resistant
to thermal transmission. Each panel
includes excellent sound and scent
containment and are weather and
temperature resistant. The material
won’t mold, rot or delaminate. The
ShadowView Window System offers
100-percent silent operation with one
hand. The ShadowTech wall system
is a multi-layer structure built with
professional-grade materials. The ex-
terior walls and ceiling feature alu-
minium siding and are insulated with
a premium 3/4-inch foam. Like before,


footprint is 11-feet, 9-inches-by-8 feet creating a 500-pound weight capacity. Raptor Blinds
to easily allow the use of Millennium’s The multi-configuration windows can
360 Revolution seats (not included). be adjusted horizontally, or vertically Raptor’s 6-by-6-foot Octagon Blind is
The lightweight tower has two ad- for bowhunting. The blind and stand the company’s largest offering, avail-
justable legs for leveling on uneven weigh 323 pounds and stand 15-feet, able in insulated and non-insulated
ground, and all frame parts are made 8-inches tall. Learn more by visiting models. Dimensions are 68-by-68-
from heavy duty, powder coated steel by-79 inches; plenty of room to shoot
any crossbow or bow, including longer

Elevated Safety Gear & Comfort

Hunter Safety System

HSS’s new Shadow treestand harness provides a lower price-point category for budget conscious bowhunters.
It is simple by design yet comfortable and extremely rugged, and priced at less than $50. The Shadow weighs a
mere 27 ounces, though provides a comfortable fit and tactical-release buckles to go on easy, including no dan-
gling straps or weave-through buckles. It can be worn over lightweight clothing or underneath cold weather
gear for all season use. The Shadow harness is tested for safety and conforms to all the standards recognized
by the Treestand Manufacture’s Association. It comes with the standard tree strap, suspension relief strap, safe-
use instructions and DVD and it is backed by the trusted Hunter Safety System name. The brown hued harness
will be available at retailers the second week in August. Learn more by visiting


The American made, standard sized Thermaseat Tree Stand Re-
placement Seat is made to improve any existing treestand
seat or replace one lost to weather or chewing animals on
a favorite ladder or hang-on stand. The seat includes 3-inch
thick triple-layer INFUSION Foam to keep posteriors warm and
happy after long hours sitting in cold temperatures. The SilentTouch fab-
ric is quiet, weather resistant, durable and covered in Realtree Xtra or Mossy Oak camouflage. The
Replacement Seat includes 2-by-48-inch quick-release straps to keep it safe from wind or slippage,
measures 18-by-14-by-3-inches and weighs only 3 pounds. Larger ladder bench-seat models and those
with backrests are also available. Learn more by visiting

Tree Stand Buddy

The Tree Stand Buddy slide-mount system offers hunters a faster, easier, and especially
safer way to secure hang-on treestands. The system is rock solid, 100-percent reliable
and ultra quiet. Hunters start by attaching the Tree Stand Buddy bracket to any single- or
double-post hang-on treestand. The hunter then straps the Tree Stand Buddy receiver to
the tree with ratchet straps. The stand can then be hoisted into position using rope looped
through the receiver. Once in place the hunter climbs the tree—hands free—and slides the
stand bracket into the tree-mounted receiver, finishing by securing the stand with its own
straps. The system means customers will never again need to climb while carrying a stand,
offering a faster, safer way for installing stands. Purchasing spare receivers also allows
hunting many different trees with a single stand and allows taking stands out of the woods
between hunts to prevent theft. Learn more by visiting


traditional bows. Vertical bow win- 63
dows measure 10-inches wide and
34-inches tall (horizontal gun windows
are 10-by-22-inches). Access is made
easy via the 24-by-72-inch locking door.
The 550-pound blind is manufactured
from 100-percent plate aluminum
(1/8- or 3/16-inch thick) for long last-
ing strength, the 3D CAD designs and

N fabrication ensuring precision fit
and finish. All interior and exterior
surfaces receive a “bed liner” Polyurea
coating, creating a durable barrier that
adds strength, seals scent inside and
keeps insects out. Insulated models
include rigid foam panels coated with
bed liner for maximum R- alues and
exceptional sound-dampening proper-
ties. Hinged windows feature alumi-
num frames and scratch resistant ex-
an (polycarbonate) panes. The rubber-
backed, marine-grade carpet dampens
sound, and two carpeted corner shelves
and cup holders are included. Learn
more by visiting

Slayer Outdoor Products

The Slayer Archery Blind is a 6-by-6-
foot (point-to-point) hard-sided blind
made for the special demands of bow-
hunting. It includes a five-sided floor
plan and vertical aluminum-framed
archery windows that allow shoot-
ing while seated or standing, as the
walls are 6-feet, 6-inches tall and the
center peak -feet, -inches. The exte-
rior is made from 3/8-inch LP Smart-
Side Composite material for long life
and resistance to the ravages of harsh
weather, UV rays or chewing animals
and insects. The welded-aluminum
frame adds rigidity and the floor and
all walls are fully carpeted for effec-
tive sound dampening. The perma-
nent hard-sided hunting blind is also
modular, so it can be taken apart and
moved in minutes. Learn more by vis-
iting IA



CenterPoint Archery CP400 Crossbow

with Silent Cranking Device


C enterPoint Archery has carved out is the case of the CP400, the hard-hitting
a firm niche in the highly compet- crossbow under discussion here.

itive crossbow market by offering enter oint Archery has refined their

excellent performance at very reasonable designs and substantially improved per-

prices. With many crossbow brands, cus- formance with the introduction of the

tomers would need to spend upwards of a sizzling CP400 Crossbow. The CP400 in-

grand in order to garner the power-packed corporates licensed HeliCoil technology

performance CenterPoint customers re- within a CNC-machined cam system, and

ceive for less than $800 ($999.99 with the combines that with a custom designed ris-

addition of the Silent ranking evice). As er and fully adjustable stock. The design

elevates CenterPoint into the top tier of

crossbow performance and design.

HeliCoil Push The CP400 from CenterPoint Archery can be
purchased as a standalone, or with a Silent Cranking
The CenterPoint CP400 includes an ex- Device. The Silent Cranking Device reduces cocking
effort by percent allowing almost anyone to load
tremely narrow axle-to-axle width of the weapon.

6-inches when fully cocked, which is made CenterPoint Archery’s CP400 crossbow includes an
AR-style buttstock that allows quick-adjusting length
possible by the CNC-machined aluminum of pull L P to t nearly any shooter. The system is
operated through a spring-loaded underlever with
cam system including patented HeliCoil click-in indexing.
compatible with a wider variety of shoot-
Technology. The cam system is perfectly ers. The I -S E buffer tube, which the
rear buttstock slides over, is a tad smaller
synchronized and balanced for a high ef- diameter than commercial examples, cre-
ating a more compact and lighter design.
ficiency rate. The spits out bolts at
The buffer tube also allows mounting
the magic 400-fps mark while generating the bracket that accepts this package s
revolutionary Silent ranking evice. The
142-foot-pounds of energy to drive them Silent ranking evice offers smooth and
effortless reloading by reducing cocking
through game, even when heavy bone is effort by 80 percent and allowing wom-
en and youth hunters to load their own
encountered. This kind of performance crossbow for follow-up shots. The Silent

The CP400 from CenterPoint Archery includes narrow also flattens tra ectory and allows precise
10-inch axle-to-axle specs at rest, which narrow to 6
inches when fully cocked. The system adds silence, downrange accuracy.
maneuverability and easier toting and storage.
The compact axle-to-axle specs include
CenterPoint Archery’s CP400 crossbow includes a
custom aluminum stock with pistol grip and webbed obvious advantages aside from easier
forearm grip. The pistol grip provides better control
and triggering, while the Web Grip improves safety storage and transport. This kind of com-
from the ight deck.
pactness opens up more shot opportuni-

ties while confined to treestands. It s par-

ticularly useful inside an enclosed blind

by allowing hunters to make shots around

tree trunks or hanging branches, or from

an odd angle without disastrous limb/cam


Chassis Refined

The CP400 includes an aluminum shoot-
ing rail and custom designed stock. The

I -S E AR-style buttstock is highly ad-
justable via a spring loaded underlever
and three-position click indents, making it


Cranking Device Crossbow Arrow
slides on and off almost in- Specifications and Flight
stantly and creates absolute- Specifications
ly zero noise while in use, so ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
it won’t alert nearby game. Length
The aluminum stock 31.75 to 34 inches, Test Bolt
20-inch CP400 Select
includes a vertical pistol adjustable
grip with non-slip side rubber panels for ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
a more relaxed and comfortable hold and ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
improved trigger control during every shot. Arrow Weight
The webbed front grip--also including rub- Width 400 grains
ber side grips for sure purchase in icy or wet 10 inches uncocked, 6
conditions--promotes a comfortable fore- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
hand grip while keeping fingers well away inches cocked
from the flight deck, buss cables and bow- Kinetic Energy
string. versi ed, rubberi ed finger guards –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 142 foot-pounds
offer additional protection from this poten-
tially dangerous area and may also work to Power stroke ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
dampen residual stock and vibrations. 13 inches
Arrow Speed
The oversized foot stirrup allows easy –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 400 fps
cocking, even while wearing heavy, cold-
weather boots and includes crosscuts to Draw Weight ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
improve traction. The stirrup is hinged for 200 pounds
unimpeded cocking when pointed straight FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT
ahead and also serves as a built-in bipod ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
rest when swung downward. This is a CENTERPOINTARCHERY.COM OR
nice touch while shooting prone from the Mass Weight
ground, propped on the edge of a shooting- (with scope) CALL 800-724-7486.
house window, or from any natural rest
like logs or stumps. The stirrup includes a shooting bench or pickup 7 pounds
non-slip rubber feet for sighting from atop hood. The front of the riser also in-
cludes a milled-in piece of Picatinny rail, for ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
those who wish to add their own clamp-on
shooting rest. Sling stud holes are milled di- Finish
rectly into the stock top and bottom. True Timber Strata
The riser is milled from bar stock alu-
minum for strength and rigidity and holds ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
minimalist, milled aluminum limb pockets.
The quad limbs are each anchored at the MSRP
butts with twin screws, the pivot point is MSRP: $999.99 with
plastic lined for shot silencing, and the limb detachable Silent Crank
bolts are threaded into pivoting steel barrels. Device, $799.99 alone

Safety & Silence mechanical Silent Cranking Device with the

The CP400 includes a state of the art ADF package reviewed here. These features make
(Anti Dry Fire) trigger mechanism that pre-
vents the crossbow from being accidentally the CP400 nearly accident proof and ensures
discharged without a bolt firmly in place.
A rubber coated spring arm holds the bolt hunters are ready for any shot opportunity.
against the shooting rail with perfect ten-
sion which prevents it from dislodging The CP400’s extremely narrow tip-to-tip
while stalking, or while shooting downward
at a severe angle from an elevated position. specs also create a parallel-limb configura-
The safety automatically engages during
cocking, whether using the provided rope tion that accentuates silence with its split-
cocking device on standalone models, or the
limb sets working against one another at

triggering to cancel the bounce and vibra-

tions of the opposing set. This stops noise

making vibrations cold, but also makes for

a more efficient system. The also in-

cludes dual bowstring stops, which promote

dead-even bolt separation, and kills bow-

string vibrations for added silencing.

The is a fine example of the mod-

ern crossbow, including a super crisp trig-

ger, compact lines and excellent balance in

the hands or while aiming, yet it is priced

to make it accessible to a larger percentage

of customers. The CP400 includes a 5-year

limited warranty, and comes with 20-inch

CP400 Select carbon bolts and points, a

quick-detach quiver, 3x32mm illuminated

scope calibrated for velocity and the CP400

Select bolt weight, including aiming spots

from 20 to 100 yards, and the Silent Crank-

ing Device. IA

WebXtra See the Center-

enterPoint rchery s P includes dual string stops ust above the ight rail. This provides dead even bolt Point Archery CP400 in action online at
separation for improved accuracy and serves to quiet the crossbow by reducing shot vibrations.



rS owstopper s


By Inside Archery Staff

Arrow butts designed to peak
customer interest and shortstop
today’s fastest bolts and arrows.



S tocking archery targets is really a no-brainer. They sell wmaterial inside a durable bag cover, and the interior gives
themselves, as every archer must own one to enjoy their
pastime. You simply cannot shoot a bow—conveniently, at during impact to absorb arrow energy. Bags tend to be af-
least—without a reliable backstop to catch arrows safely fordable and suitable for field points only.
and without inflicting damage. uring various periods in
my archery path, I have used feed store straw bales, sand roadhead targets double as field-tip targets, though
piles, cardboard boxes filled with old clothing or plastic gro- may prove more difficult to extract high speed arrows from.
cery store bags, and even dirt banks. None of which were Solid-molded foam is generally best for regular broadhead
convenient or easy to use, many weren’t weatherproof, or use. Although fused, layered designs provide easier field-
could hold up to increasing arrow velocity. Today, archers point extraction and hold up well to persistent broadhead
enjoy more convenience--and fun--with portable targets for impacts. Animal targets are typically molded foam and
regular backyard shooting, targets made to withstand the vary greatly in cost depending on the quality of the artwork
abuse of broadhead tuning and sighting, and even realistic and foam (self-healing foam generally adds to cost). In
but affordable targets to add a mental dimension while general, the average backyard customer will be looking for
honing shooting skills for upcoming bowhunting seasons. more affordable options.

When it comes to archery targets three styles remain Target faces are attached to existing target butts, whether
popular and sell most steadily bag, broadhead and bags or foam blocks. They make shooting more interesting
targets, and target faces. Bag targets are usually “pillow- by introducing competition score rings, animal photographs
like” models offering incredible stopping power for even or even fun games like tic tac toe. They all sell briskly.
the highest performing compounds and crossbows, while
also allowing easy arrow removal. They operate by layering The only downside targets pose is with storage or display
issues. Most are bulky and require space. The only dilemma
remaining is determining what your local economy can
bear, and what targets are likely to move best. There will


rS owstopper s fastest arrows or bolts dead while allowing
two-finger removal. The newest addition
Targetsx is the 22-by-22-by-10-inch Crossbow Bag,
designed to handle bolt speeds of up to
always be a market for budget-priced
targets, no matter local demograph- fps. They are specifically designed to
ics, as even a well-heeled customer will handle larger diameter bolts via Dual Band
buy a spare to tote to a hunting camp. Technology. They also incorporate a cross-
The high end products, like the best 3D bow-specific A ( inute of Angle) Sight-
targets or larger blocks, can always be In Grid Target on one face and 12 aiming
made available through special order. dots on the other. Learn more by visiting
To follow are examples from every price
point and target class your customers
are sure to want in 2020. Hurricane Bag Targets • Affordable Hur-
ricane Bag Targets are built to stand up to
B d s B gs BIGshot years of harsh weather and thousands of
IRON MAN shots from high performance compounds
BIGshot Archery • The 32-by-32-by-12- and crossbows. The unique internal design,
inch IRON MAN target from BIGshot Rinehart including Hurricane’s Tri-Core Technology,
allows customers to step back to Crossbow
extreme ranges without fear of losing Bag is built to withstand arrow and
bolts or arrows. IRON MAN Series targets Rinehart bolt impacts in excess of 400 fps,
use a fortified shell that allows Rhino Bag without pass-throughs or dam-
extreme compression of BIGshot’s age. Available in a series of differ-
exclusive military fiber interior ent si es and configurations--as
and best-in-class multidirectional well as models targeted to youth and
woven ballistic core. The IRON MAN crossbow shooters--Hurricane Bag
is engineered to stop even the most Targets include high visibility aiming
extreme compound and crossbow points set against bright backgrounds
systems, as all are rated to 400 fps. for positive aiming. Off-centered im-
IRON MAN targets offer the dens- pact points on each face greatly extend
est target with maximum stop- target life, while still offering two-fin-
ping power. The target weighs 125 ger arrow removal. All Hurricane Bag
pounds and an optional steel stand Targets include hanging grommets at the
is available. Learn more by visiting top corners and a convenient, heavy duty carry handle. The most popular models
are offered in the Hurricane 20-by-20-by-
Rinehart • Rinehart has perfected bag Hurricane 10-inch H-20 and 25-by-23-by-12-inch H-25.
target science. The Rhino Bag offers Bag Both include high visibility aiming
superior construction compared to spots on one side and off-center
polypropylene bags that eventually deer vitals on the other. The tar-
deteriorate under the sun’s UV rays. gets are light enough to be eas-
The Rhino Bag’s polyester construc- ily transportable. Learn more by
tion is UV stable, so it remains pliable visiting
and less prone to damage after years
outdoors. The Rhino Bag is offered in Delta McKenzie Targets • Delta
an 18-by-18- and 20-by-20-inch Cross- McKenzie’s new Speed Bag 500 is
bow Bag or an 18-by-18-, 22-by-22- and a highly affordable option made to
26-by-26-inch Signature/Competition stop today’s fastest bolts and high
Series. All feature a 12-inch thickness, speed arrows. The SB 500 features
five-layer interior and waterproof- a generous pounds of fill weight
wrapped construction to stop the to stop bolts and arrows cold when
delivered at velocities of up to 500 fps. The
68 24-inch square by 10-inch thick target is


designed to provide long life, and the high w
contrast graphics printed on both sides
provide positive aiming points. The 500 69
provides this kind of stopping power as
well as two-finger arrow removal. Learn
more by visiting

Delta SpeedBag Bodaci s Blo s

Kirsch Kirsch Hunting • Kirsch offers three solid-
Cube foam targets molded from the company’s
long lasting, UV-resistant and self-healing
foam to offer many years of trouble-free
use. The black blocks include bright aim-
ing spots, are priced competitively and can
be shot with field points and all types of
broadheads, including mechanicals, while
always allowing easy arrow removal. The
20-by-20-by-8-inch Archery Target serves
as an ideal backyard butt, while the Cube
and Small Cube include molded-in carry-
ing handles for added portability. The Cube
is 16 inches square and the Small Cube 10
inches square, making either a conve-
nient, portable camp target. Learn more
by visiting

Rinehart Rinehart Targets • The Pyramid Target by
Pyramid Rinehart offers versatility in a highly por-
table, self-standing package. The afford-
Delta CHUNK able Pyramid Target is lightweight and
portable via its easy-carry handle, perfect
for packing to hunting camp or shooting in
the backyard. The target offers four shoot-
ing sides, and it is molded from 100-percent
Rinehart Signature Series self-healing
foam to absorb thousands of shots from
the fastest, most powerful compounds and
crossbows while shooting field points or
broadheads. It features a Minute of Angle
(MOA) grid for faster, easier crossbow scope
sighting, plus highly visible target zones
allowing shooters to practice in any light-
ing conditions. The target weighs 7 pounds,
measures 14 inches high and 18 inches
wide and retails for less than $70. Learn
more by visiting

Delta McKenzie Targets • Welded CHUNK
targets from Delta are designed to last
longer, whether shooting field points or
broadheads. The integrated handles make


rS owstopper s BLOCK • The BLOCK Vault incorporates a
locked-in, high density layered core for
Targetsx longer target life. They come in four conve-
it easy to move, so the CHUNK makes nient sizes—16-by-16-by-12, 18-by-18-by-16,
the perfect summer backyard target or Morrell Big 20-by-20-by-16 and 22-by-22-by-16 inches.
one to tote to hunting camp for midday High Roller Each offers four shootable sides and fea-
a shooting form tune-up. The American tures multiple, offset aiming points on
made CHUNK uses a unique weld pro-
cess and self-healing Mo’Foam which opposing sides to provide specific aim-
creates a solid target that stays together ing points for practice while eliminating
far longer than loose layer block targets. concentrated wear to single areas. Like
The exclusive welding process fuses the all BLOCK targets, the Vault allows easy
layers into a single block that require no arrow removal and long target life. The
straps or bands. The cube shape can be open layered PolyFusion Technology foam
shot from all sides to increase longevity. stops the fastest arrows and bolts via fric-
CHUNK is bow and crossbow compatible tion, while fusing the internal layers to the
and available in three sizes—12-, 15- and inner target wall results in more uniform
18-inch cubes—that are all reasonably layer compression which, in turn, means
priced. Rebates are available with bulk easier arrow removal and longer life.
purchases. Learn more by visiting Because PolyFusion foam layers are fused in place, they hold their position without
damaging buckling that is common with
Morrell Targets • New for 2020, Morrell’s BLOCK Vault
Big High Roller target is made from the BIGshot Titan non-fused layered foam. The target is
same High Roller Foam as the original designed to stop all field points and
version, a solid, poured foam that is broadheads. Learn more by visiting
self-healing and formulated to stop any
and all arrows and bolts from today’s
high performance compound bows BIGshot Archery • The Titan 18-inch
and crossbows at speeds up to 500 Broadhead Target stops high perfor-
fps. Morrel says the Big High Roller also mance crossbow bolts as well as arrows
allows the easiest arrow removal of any from today’s fastest compound bows while
solid foam target on the market today. tipped with field points or any broadhead
The target includes fade resistant paint style. It includes Elasto-Flex easy-pull foam
on the bullseyes and the red foam hue so shooters get a workout from pulling
is molded in so it will not fade or turn their bows and not their arrows. The large
a different color around wear areas. The 18-by-18-by-15-inch format is perfect for
Big High Roller is tough enough to stop long-range shooting and the target weighs
all point styles, including field points, only 15 pounds for easy transport. The
mechanical and fixed-blade broadheads. Titan includes five different target faces
The Big High Roller measures 16-by-16- and a unique tapered design to conserve
by-16 inches and includes six shooting space while traveling or during storage.
faces and 21 bullseyes assembled to The taper also positions the target face
represent a dice. This spot spac- perpendicular to a shooter’s sight plane
ing helps minimize wear at a sin- for more natural target acquisition. Learn
gle point to maximize target life. more by visiting
The durable target is weatherproof
and has an E-Z Tote carrying handle 3D F v it
to make it ideal for backyard or hunt-
ing camp use. Learn more by visiting Kirsch Hunting • Kirsch Leitold 3D Targets include more than 140 unique and realistic
animal targets, all realistically sculpted and
hand painted to add spice to any 3D tourna-
ment or outdoor range. Targets range from


Kirsch 3D small critters like rabbits, racoons w
Mountain and various birds to medium
Goat sized targets such as coyotes, red 71
fox, chamois and young boars to
BIGshot most big-game, including animals
from North America, Africa and Europe, as
Rinehart Woodland well as several novelty targets. The sheer
Series-Javelina variety is meant to make shooting fun.
Leitold 3D Targets are designed by Gerhard
AUGUST 2020 INSIDEARCHERY.COM Leitold, a 30-year master taxidermist and
big game hunter, and offer unique and
lifelike representations that also provide
easy arrow removal throughout the entire
series. They are built for easy setup and
stand up to harsh environments, including
UV rays. They utilize self-healing foam for
longer life. Kirsch also offers highly com-
petitive pricing. Learn more by visiting

BIGshot Archery • PROHUNTER Back Yard
3D Targets feature BIGshot’s True Scale
design for realistic practice and a confi-
dence-boosting experience for any seri-

ous bowhunter. The PROHUNTER Series
includes no plastic parts to break and
uses BIGshot’s new Elasto-Flex Foam
technology and EZ Pull Vital insert to

provide an ideal balance between easy
arrow extraction and durability for the
budget-minded backyard shooter. The
series includes a woodchuck, racoon,
doe whitetail and 36-by-33-by-12-inch
buck, which weighs 35 pounds. PRO-
HUNTER 3D targets provide an affordable
alternative for archers who wish to enjoy
the realistic practice that comes with
realistic 3D targets. Learn more by visiting

Rinehart Targets • Rinehart’s
Woodland Series are lifelike
animal targets perfect for 3D
clubs or customers who don’t want
to invest in the company’s more expen-
sive Masterpiece 3D targets. Added to this
series is the new Javelina and Big Jim Buck
for 2020. Woodland Series targets include
a solid, UV-resistant FX Foam body with
a signature Self-Healing Foam replace-
able insert. Once the vital area is shot out,
locking replacement cores are available.

rS owstopper s and self-healing foam to last longer. This
keeps parts and antlers securely attached
Targetsx for easier transport and longer shooting
The Javelina (MSRP $129.99) is 19 inches tall life. The new socket system eliminates
and 31 inches long, mimicking a 75-pound Delta Big Daddy loose antlers and socket wear, so they re-
animal; the Big Jim (MSRP $299.99) is 33.5 main secure for the life of the target. The
inches tall at the shoulder and 43.5 inches cross-body dovetails prevent target sec-
long. The Big Jim features Rinehart’s lock- tions from working loose and remain snug
ing antler feature and scoring rings. Both shot after shot. The target includes mold-
are compound bow and crossbow compat- ed-in heart/vital shot placement marks
ible. Rinehart foam is ultra-durable, resis- on one side and universal scoring on the
tant to UV rays and the harshest weather, other. The 31-by-41-inch target can be shot
and provides the easiest arrow removal with field points or broadheads. Learn
of any foam target on the market. Learn more by visiting
more by visiting
GlenDel 3D Targets • GlenDel 3D targets
Delta McKenzie Targets • Delta come in four versions and are the only
McKenzie’s reasonably priced Daddy 3D 3D target to include four-sided, Polyfusion
Buck target features Delta’s proprietary Technology layered foam replaceable
Antler Socket System, horizontal dove- cores. The core is constructed from high
tailed body sections and locking legs, density, compressed layer foam that is
fused for longer life and easier arrow or
72 bolt removal. The targets are designed
to stop all field points and broadheads.
The huge Full Rut Buck stands 37 inches
at the shoulder and 62 inches to the top
of the head, includes 150-inch antlers
and holds a 14-by-14-by-14-inch replace-
able core. The Pre-Rut Buck represents a
250-pound whitetail and stands 36 inches
at the shoulder and 60 inches total and
also holds a 150-inch rack. The replaceable
core measures 12-by-12-by-12 inches. The
Buck represents a 200-pound whitetail and
stands 34 inches at the shoulder and holds
an 11-by-11-by-11-inch replaceable core. The
GlenDel Crossbow Buck 3D Archery Target
mirrors The Buck, but includes a tougher
core insert to withstand the punishment
of today’s hardest hitting crossbows. Learn
more by visiting

T rget F c

Maple Leaf Press • Maple Leaf Press pro-
vides official target faces for some of
the largest target-archery organizations
and tournaments in the nation. Just as
examples, they are the official supplier
for World Archery (formerly FITA), NFAA
Field, Hunter and Indoor and The World
Archery Festival & Vegas Shoot. Maple Leaf


NFAA animal targets were also recently w
approved for IFAA use. Maple Leaf also
offers authentic and life sized animal tar- made from 24 cubes and includes 127
gets with realistic small-game and big-game video scenes, plus video wall sensors,
depictions in various sizes, and novelty video processing computer, BVR Hunt
Player Software, projector enclosure, wire-
targets such as a dart board. Maple Leaf less keyboard and foot pedal/sensor. The
offers highly competitive prices on all Personal unit includes an MSRP of $2,999,
target styles and prides itself on serv- the Pro $7,999. Learn more by visiting
ing all target needs with excellent cus- IA

GlenDel tomer service. Learn more by visiting
3D Buck
Maple Leaf Press Official Target Faces
I teractive V deo
BIGshot Video Wall
BIGshot Archery • The Pro Archery
Video Wall with Live Hunt technology
from BIGshot Archery includes True
Score Interactive Vitals to deliver a lifelike
experience not available with paper tar-

gets. Designed for those who want
to attract more customers, this is
the most affordable system of its
kind. The system offers the most
realistic hunting practice possible
with unmatched versatility and
easy use. The system is compat-
ible with youth bows, recurves
and all compounds, is ultra-safe
and completely mobile. It can be
loaded in a trailer or broken down
for transport and set up in only a
few minutes at any location. The
6-by-8-foot wall includes live hunt
sensors and interactive software
to add a life sized experience. It is
also an excellent tool for attract-
ing younger adults and kids that
thrive on interactive experiences. The sys-
tem comes complete with all the technology

needed to provide
a truly interac-
tive simulator
experience, at a
price well below
similar systems.
Personal units are
4-by-6 feet, made
from 12 cubes and
include 40 stan-
dard video scenes.
The Pro/Mobile
unit is 6-by-8 feet,



Five Questions with Killer Food Plots

Killer Food Plots is a solution-oriented company that helps hunters create thriving whitetail habitats. The com- and blinds. The Border Patrol and Smoke Screen
walls force bucks to enter the KFP Killer Maze in
pany has created a lot of loyal fans with its wide array of innovative and highly effective products. We spoke with order to check for does and challenge subordi-
nate bucks, instead of only doing a quick drive
Nick Percy and Tracie Lynn of Killer Foods Plots to learn more about this company and its powerful solutions. by. The KFP Killer Maze helps put mature white-
tails directly in front of the hunter.
I n general, what makes your products seasonal food plots. He created a natural feed
stand out from the competition? ■ We program that was high in protein, vitamins and All of our seed blends are specifically formu-
receive tons of compliments from buyers, re- minerals, and that is how lated to deliver the highest nutri-
tailers and customers on our dynamic and eye- his vision for Killer Food tional content necessary to in-
catching packaging design, which is prominent Plots was realized. crease and promote herd health,
throughout the entire Killer Food Plots line-up. while also increasing doe birth
The packaging also provides valuable informa- Today, Nick is still weight and prolonging the im-
tion in bullet-point form, making it quick and fueled by his passion to portant lactation cycle.
easy for the consumer to determine which gain more knowledge
product will work best for their situation. about whitetail health Where do you get the ideas for your products,
Additionally, KFP offers products that are ex- and the types of food and other nutrients that and how do you turn your ideas into real-
tremely unique in the food plot category. Some benefit whitetails the most. Nick works closely world solutions? ■ Nick is constantly develop-
of these products include RE-TAIN moisture and with biologists, veterinarians and other deer ing solutions to combat new problem areas in
nutrient absorbing pellets, GROGANIX Fusion herd managers, and through this research, he the hunting world. One of those problems was
and Hydration Gen II organic fertilizer, KFP Soil develops soil-improvement products and strate- having too much or not enough moisture in the
Defender and KFP Aqua Shield pond treatment. gic seed blends that—when used together—pro- soil. To address that problem, Nick developed
duce highly palatable, nutrient rich forage and RE-TAIN, a 100-percent organic pellet that ab-
All of these organic products cover for the whitetailed deer he loves. sorbs H2O and nutrients all year. It breaks up
work together to deliver results compaction in the soil and creates improved
to the customer that are often What are some of your newest and most ex- oxygen flow to the roots. RE-TAIN releases mois-
unobtainable in other prod- citing offerings? ■ Our four newest products ture and nutrients back to plants at the root
ucts. KFP delivers result-ori- were nominated for Best In Show Innovative level, whenever the plants need it.
ented, organic products that Product of the Year at the 2020 ATA Trade Show.
work together and build up Those products are: GROGANIX Fusion Gen II When Nick was operating that high-fence
the soil year after year. 4-4-4 and GROGANIX Hydration Gen II 7-0-5 OMRI, whitetail preserve, he noticed another problem:
which are both organic fertilizers. These are The deer were simply not receiving adequate
How has Nick Percy’s waterway-safe fertilizers that contain a combi- nutrition. Therefore he created CORE Infuzion,
background and experi- nation of unique ingredients necessary to grow which delivers the nutritional foundation that
ences contributed to the successfully the first time! giant whitetails need to grow. With a core pro-
company’s success? ■ For tein of 33 percent as the foundation, this body-
more than 30 years, Nick KFP Soil Defender is a complete, balanced liq- building deer feed increases immune defenses,
has been gathering knowl- uid fertilizer that improves root and plant mass, as well as doe milk production by approximate-
edge through personal ex- while infusing vital nutrients and minerals that ly 2-3 pounds per day. CORE Infuzion is natural,
will have your plants thriving. infused with vitamins and minerals, and is pro-
perience, and he has also tein-rich. It also supports gut health, improved
actively shared ideas KFP Aqua Shield Pond Treatment introduces a blood flow, muscle and tissue development, and
with wildlife biologists, mixture of enzymes and nutrients that provide a skeletal growth.
foresters, the QDMA, much needed source of energy to revive and in-
various state university crease the population of beneficial aerobic bacte- We believe that success is measured in dif-
habitat-focused programs and ria that dive into the muck and resolve the root ferent ways, depending on a person’s individual
other wildlife-centric organizations. His cause of bad bacteria and algae, and it also reduc- goals. KFP products have all been developed to re-
goal is to conceive and implement real solutions es midge fly larva (causes blue tongue desease). solve the reoccurring issues our customers and
for a healthier habitat and whitetail herd. our staff face out in the field while planting and
Nick also operated a high-fence whitetail What are some of the key ways that your developing whitetail habitats. KFP is focused on
preserve in northern Michigan for many years. products help improve bowhunting success, developing permanent solutions that help our
There he implemented solid management and what other kinds of benefits do your prod- customers achieve their own idea of success. IA
principles, including timber management, the ucts provide? ■ KFP Border Patrol and Smoke
creation of bedding areas, soil correction and a Screen were specifically designed to create walls WebXtra ■ Learn more about Killer Food
balanced nutrition plan. Nick enhanced natu- of security that promote daytime movement by
ral forage by planting key native species and mature whitetails, while also concealing hunter Plots at
movement when they are accessing treestands


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