Millennium Outdoors sections that prove supremely solid and True North Millennium Outdoors
safe. Dual flip-up Teslin seats include Treestands (TNT) Primal Treestands
Millennium’s M150 Monster Hang-On backrests and water-, mold-, UV- and
Stand is made from aluminum to save rodent-resistant material that provide Millennium 51
weight, but it also proves stout and sta- excellent comfort. Seats sit 20 inches Outdoors
ble. The stands weigh just 16.5 pounds high. A fully adjustable/detachable shoot-
via its GoLITE 100 percent aluminum ing rail, double foam padded camouflage
design, which has received a durable, armrests and detachable footrest further
long-lasting powder-coat finish. The accentuate comfort. Nylon washers are
M150 folds flat for easy toting with the found at all pivot points for silence while
included backpack-style shoulder straps. on stand, other anchoring parts includ-
The revolutionary 16.5-by-20-inch Com- ing vinyl coated “D” pins, two heavy-du-
fortMAX contoured tight-sling seat is one ty S-hook ratchet mounting straps and
of the most comfortable in the business. three stabilizing ratchets. The stand sits
It includes a full backrest, 3 inches of 21 feet at the shooting rail and features
height adjustability (17.5 to 20.5 inches) a 43-by-34-inch platform. This 112-pound
to accommodate any size hunter and a stand includes a 500-pound load rating
fold-away option to make the 24-by-37- and is compatible with trees measuring 9
inch platform available for maneuvering to 20 inches in diameter. Learn more by
during tough shots. The Interlock LEVEL- visiting
ING System allows the seat and platform
to level individually up to 15 degrees to Primal Treestands
make the best of crooked trees, without
tools. An integrated footrest is also part of The Primal Treestands 22-foot Mac Daddy
the comfort package. Millennium’s Cam- Deluxe Ladderstand is a durable, rock-sol-
LOCK receiver makes setup faster and id stand that offers the comfort and stabil-
safer. Users first attach the receiver to the ity needed for staking out lofty heights. Its
tree, and then they slip the stand base’s flip-up mesh seat—including foam cush-
aluminum stabilizer into place. Hunt- ioning—and wide foot platform provide
ers can use multiple CamLOCK receiv- exceptional comfort for long sits. Primal’s
ers to stealthily move a single stand to Grip Jaws and Truss Stabilizer system pro-
various locations. The optional M101 pad- vides extremely safe setup while also al-
ded shooting rest rail provides a steady lowing users to take advantage of stand
rest for crossbows and rifles. Each M150 sites with imperfect trees. The innovative
Monster comes with a 35-foot SafeLink and patented Grip Jaw and Truss Stabilizer
safety rope with a Prusik knot and cara- system allows you to lock the ladder to the
biner, plus a four-point safety harness. tree before your feet leave the ground. You
The SilentHUNT design includes nylon can then climb in and attach the ratchet
washers at all contact points for hunting straps. The Truss Stabilizer strap allows
stealth. The stand includes a 300-pound you to install the stand in places that oth-
weight rating. Learn more by visiting er stands will not accommodate, and by applying continuous pressure on the lad-
der, the Truss Stabilizer eliminates stand
Ladder Stands squeaks and creaks. The flip-up seat mea-
sures 24-by-16.5 inches, and the roomy
True North Treestands (TNT) platform is 29.1-by-24 inches. A padded,
flip-up adjustable shooting rail is included,
TNT’s Apprentice is a roomy, 21-foot high and the padded armrests are covered with
two-person ladder stand with all-steel durable, nylon fabric. This sturdy all-steel
construction and a triple connection sys- ladder gets hunters 22 feet above the action
tem that uses stout oval tubing ladder for excellent concealment. Learn more by
Family Tradition Millennium Outdoors or rifles, and it holds an optional cam-
Treestands ouflage skirt (sold separately). A 41-inch
Millennium’s Revolution Series L366 Ladder Extension is also available as an
Rivers Edge Ladder Stand was engineered to provide additional option, adding to the stand’s
extreme durability and complete com- 12-foot, 3-inch height. The stands weighs
Big Game fort. This ladder includes durable steel only 49 pounds and includes a 300-pound
Treestands construction covered with a tough pow- weight rating. Learn more by visiting
Fore Runner Blinds der coat finish. Seats are constructed of
durable, mildew and UV resistant wa-
52 terproof Polytec fabric exclusive to Mil- Rivers Edge
lennium. The 104-pound ladder includes
a lift-up 360-degree swiveling seat, pad- Rivers Edge’s Lockdown 2-Man Ladder
ded shooting rail and camo skirt hold- combines security and concealing height,
ing two gear pockets. The stand raises by allowing users to anchor the platform
hunters to 18 feet (to shooting rail), with tight to the tree before ever leaving the
ladder sections bolted together with ground and providing an 18-foot-high
knobbed bolts for added strength and perch. The stand is equipped with the
noise elimination. The stand comes company’s patent pending Ground-Lev-
with a 35-foot SafeLink safety line with el ratcheting technology, which allows
included Prusik knot and carabiner, users to pull the straps up to the top of
and it meets or exceeds industry stan- the stand and then ratchet them tight,
dards recognized by TMA. It includes a all while standing on the ground. This
300-pound weight rating. Learn more at makes it one of the safest stands around. Lockdown 2-Man ladder stands feature
a flip-up, TearTuff mesh bench seat that
Family Tradition Treestands comfortably seats one or two hunters, the
42-inch-wide platform providing plenty
Family Tradition Treestands’ LD14 ladder of room for standing shots. The Lock-
is constructed of galvanized tubular steel down 2-Man also includes a two-way ad-
for added structural integrity and rust re- justable shooting rail that allows users to
sistance, and it is then given a super-du- set a height and depth that works best for
rable textured powder coating. All of this them. The stand is held securely by dual
is then backed up by Family Tradition tree blades, oversized platform ratchet
Treestands to stand up to years of hard straps and octagonal tubing for un-
use. The LD14 features an industry ex- matched stability. Learn more by visiting
clusive Ergonomic Support System (ESS)
seat using 2-inch-wide nylon strapping
webbed onto fully welded seat frames Big Game Treestands
to ensure they take the load off of hunt-
ers’ spinal column, back, hips and legs to The Warrior Elite Ultra-Wide Ladder Stand
result in less fatigue and added comfort. by Big Game Treestands is a 17-foot model
The 21-inch-high seat measures 15-by- holding an 18-by-10-inch platform and
20 inches. Family Tradition’s ultra-rigid 24-by-14-inch seat. The Elite Ultra-Wide
Dual-Rail Ladder construction eliminates is a great option for larger hunters, or
the need for a tree brace. A 3,300 pound bowhunters toting a lot of gear or wear-
test ratchet strap situated behind the ing bulky insulated clothing. The padded
seat secures the stand to any tree. The shooting rail can be flipped back, and
fully welded, 21.5-by-20-inch upper plat- the built-in footrest and seat platform
form frame adds strength and assembly can also be folded away for full platform
ease, requiring only 19 total nylon lock use. The leg-contoured, 21-inch-high Flex-
nuts and Grade 8 bolts. The premium- Tek Zero-Gravity seat and backrest de-
quality padded rest rail provides safety sign—plus flip-back footrest—guarantee
and steadiness while shooting crossbows maximum comfort, while the rock-solid
mounting system consists of a 1-inch snow. It is so tough that it requires no XENEK Ground Blinds
ratchet strap, two 1-inch stabilizer straps stakes or tie-downs to secure. Setup is
and an adjustable support bar. The stand fast and simple, allowing hunters to re- Rhino Blinds
comes with a full-body safety harness. act to shifting winds or changing game Primos
The 44-pound stand is 100 percent steel patterns. The Fore Runner window con-
to ensure many seasons of trouble- figuration was designed to offer hori-
free use. The affordable three-section zontal and vertical windows that maxi-
stand is compatible with trees down mize shooting opportunities with all
to 9 inches and includes a 300-pound bow types. The blind will accommodate
weight capacity. Learn more by visiting three to four people. The Fore Runner Ground Blind solves problems inherent
to other ground blind designs, without
Pop-Up & the associated hassles. Learn more by
Portable Blinds visiting
Fore Runner Blinds XEnek Blinds
The Fore Runner Blind is a highly The ASCENT ground blind from XENEK
unique, hugely portable soft-side blind is loaded with patented innovation,
that is a snap to move and designed by a design including a wide variety of
serious hunters to hold up to the nas- customizable shooting options and ex-
tiest weather. The Fore Runner’s in- treme durability. The 25-pound blind
tegrated hitch system allows it to be measures 72-by-72 inches between
towed by an ATV or even an e-bike. The the hubs and stands 73 inches high.
transport wheels can be deployed or dis- The XENEK DSX camo pattern was de-
engaged in just minutes, giving these veloped by Dave Smith of Dave Smith
blinds an incredible degree of mobility. Decoys and printed on 600D polyester
Once in place at a favorite hunting site, with black interior backing to disguise
just unhitch, disengage the wheels and movement inside. The panoramic win-
start hunting. The Fore Runner Ground dow with patented adjustment sys-
Blind’s extreme durability comes from tem uses four-way stretch fabric and
a self-supporting aluminum frame de- one-way vision panels are strategi-
signed to withstand heavy wind and cally placed to provide visibility in key
locations. The blind includes 10 built-
in accessory mount locations (Mini-
Barronnett Native Blinds Mount Couplers included with blind) outside, plus an antimicrobial treat-
Blinds and tripod slots are integrated into the ment to retard mold and mildew in wet
wall system. Additional upgrades over environments. Learn more by visiting
Banks typical pop-up blinds include heavy-duty
Outdoors reinforcing cones at all wall corners to
eliminate damage to fabric during set-up Primos
54 and take-down, reinforced rod sleeves
to eliminate puncture through this web- Primos’ proven and hugely popular one-
bing, heavy-duty reinforcing at hub/wall way, see-through blind-wall technology
junctures to protect the fabric, reinforced was a first in the ground-blind market.
window-corner gussets at stress points, The company’s newer Smokescreen
solid fiberglass rods (not hollow) and an- Hunting Blind makes this technology
odized aluminum hubs (not painted). available to hunters at a more afford-
Xenek’s Sniper has all of these reli- able price than the originals, allow-
ability-boosting features but is a touch ing occupants the ability to clearly see
lighter at 21 pounds, while providing a what’s happening around them, with-
72-by-72 hub-to-hub span and 73 peak out game being able to see inside the
height. Its lighter weight comes from blind. The Smokescreen includes seven
a lighter 300D polyester shell material, shoot-through shooting ports situated
but it includes the same DSX camou- on three see-through wall panels that
flage, black interior and customizable provide 270 degrees of viewing capability
window system. Learn more by visiting and a generous field of fire. The Smoke- screen allows up to three people and
their gear to occupy the blind. A trian-
Browning Rhino Blinds gle door makes entry and exit easy, and
Hunting the 300D brushed polyester shell offers
Blinds Rhino Blinds 2021 R180 See Through Blind a durable and puncture-proof barrier
is a portable, hub-style pop-up including against the elements. Reliable milled-
unique two-way mesh on two faces al- aluminum hubs make setup smoother
lowing a totally unobstructed view out of and more trouble-free, and the shell
the blind, while not allowing animals to is cloaked by proprietary Ground Swat
see inside. The R180 is covered with Real- Camo. The blind measures 70 inches
tree Edge camouflage, so it blends nearly between the hubs, and it includes a 67-
anywhere, while added brush loops top inch peak and 56-by-56-inch footprint.
and bottom allows attaching natural The portable blind weighs just 20 pounds
vegetation to melt into any landscape. and is supplied with a carry pack, stakes
The R180 includes a large, zipper-free and tie-downs. Learn more by visiting
door for silent access, plus 270 degrees
of adjustable window openings. Shoot-
ing ports/windows include “silent-slide” Barronnett Blinds
window technology to allow custom
configurations for unobstructed shoot- The Big Mike HD from Barronett is a hub-
ing. The 16-pound blind measures 58-by- style ground blind designed specifically
58-by-66 inches (75 inches between the for serious bowhunting in mind. The Big
hubs) and will hold up to three hunters. Mike HD allows most archers to stand
Setup and takedown require only min- while shooting today’s compounds—the
utes—the overall design including rein- way most bowhunters practice—or to
forced stress points and triple stitched unleash the most unwieldy traditional
corners and reinforcements to prevent bows. The Big Mike HD offers an incredi-
support rods from punching through ble 80 inches of head room, along with 10
fabric. Rhino Blinds receive a durable total zipper-less windows for noise-free
water repellent finish to keep moisture adjustment and seemingly unlimited
shooting options. The 20-pound blind of-
fers 75-by-75 inches of hub-to-hub inte- try, even by wheelchair-bound hunt- but it includes innovative features to en-
rior space and a generous 59-by-59-inch ers. Reliable magnetic closures secure hance stealth and in-the-field function-
footprint. The tightly woven, heavy- the door against wind while hunting. ality. Built from durable 600D polyester,
duty 600D makes the blind almost in- Four slide-system windows provide Elude walls are finished in Shadow-
destructible, and it also has a water- customized shooting ports and silent Flauge 2.0 camo to blend into any habi-
proof shell. Learn more by visiting operation. The blind includes a 76.5- tat, while interior blackout disguises inch center peak that measures 83.5- movement. The 360-degree windows al-
by-83.5 inches hub to hub and produc- low unrestricted shooting options. They
Native Blinds es a 67.5-by-67.5-inch footprint, yet it open and close silently on a Silent-Trac
only weighs 17.5 pounds. The 600D ma- window system that also allows unlim-
The Mohican 4-5 Person Hunting Blind terial makes it ruggedly dependable, ited positioning. Two sides of the blind
from Native Blinds includes a door and and the interior holds three pockets include screen mesh, and the other two
windows that are free of noisy zippers sized for iPads or tablets. The blind is do not. Oversized #10 door zippers, sepa-
or Velcro. The blind is shelled in exclu- secured with a H.D. Stake-Down sys- rating door bottom for easy take-down,
sive Dirt Road Camo that effectively tem and comes with an EZ Pack for strong fiberglass pole support, alumi-
melts into a wide range of habitats. The portability. Learn more by visiting num hubs with engineered tips and pins
blind is big enough to accommodate any and stakes with four tie-downs are also
bow style, including longer traditional included. The Elude includes a 55-by-
recurves and longbows. Brush loops Browning Hunting Blinds 55-by-66-inch footprint, 69-inch shoot-
along the exterior walls allow you to ing width and 5-foot, 6-inch peak, and
add natural vegetation to complete the Browning Hunting Blinds’ all-new it is easily carried in its rugged shoul-
cloaking illusion. The garage-style ac- Elude Blind by ALPS OutdoorZ pro- der carry bag. Learn more by visiting
cess door incorporates an entire side of vides exceptional concealment in a
the blind, allowing silent, effortless en- conventional ground blind platform,
Redneck Blinds Hard-Side Blinds insulated ceiling, acoustical foam-cov-
Shadow Hunter Blinds ered walls and a high-density foam pad
Banks Outdoors underneath a marine-carpeted floor for
Raptor Blinds excellent sound control and insulation. A
New for 2021, the Limited Edition Stump 2-inch roof overhang keeps windows dry.
Slayer 4 360° from Banks Outdoors boasts eight Gear consoles keep gear organized, and
Outdoor silent-swinging, framed windows that built-in shelves and gun racks are includ-
Products create an exceptional panoramic view ed. The blind can be set atop Redneck’s
and 360-degree hunting experience ideal heavy-duty powder coated steel stands, as
56 for bow and gun hunters alike. The seam- well as their unique trailer stand or blind
less polyethylene construction provides sled. The Buck Palace comes completely
extreme durability, weather resistance assembled and includes an instructional
and protection from the elements, while DVD and printed instructions to ensure
the spacious interior with an included safe setup. Redneck fiberglass blinds are
foam floor mat provide maximum com- proudly built in the USA, with optional
fort. This blind is available as a full ac- features offered. Learn more by visiting
cessory-equipped Pro Hunter or standard
Stump 4 model, and it can be elevated
with DIY wood legs or the Banks Steel Shadow Hunter Blinds by
Tower System. Customers can build the Summit Outdoors
blind exactly the way they want with
Banks’ wide range of accessory prod- Shadow Hunter’s 6x6 Octagon Archery
ucts, such as wall insulation, camo cur- multi-person blind was specifically de-
tains or adhesive screens, multiple chair signed for bow or crossbow hunters. It is
options and more. With more than 30 super roomy for unimpeded draw cycles
square feet of interior room, the family- with any bow style. The blind includes
friendly Stump 4 360° enhances the hunt- a rust-proof aluminum exterior and ro-
ing experience and is perfect for spend- dent-proof and waterproof flooring. The
ing quality time with loved ones, filming eight-sided octagon shape provides am-
hunts or creating shot opportunities from ple shooting opportunities and 360-de-
nearly any angle. Learn more by visiting gree situational awareness. A generous hinged, lockable door offers easy access.
The sides hold three 14-by-24.5-inch ver-
Redneck Blinds tical windows, four 8-by-24.5-inch corner
windows and an 8-by-24.5 front window.
The Redneck 6x6 Buck Palace Platinum The blind includes a ceiling-mounted
Blind offers extreme comfort compatible bow holder and upgrade options are of-
with compound bow, crossbow or rifle fered.
hunters. The 375-pound Buck Palace Plati- Shadow Hunter’s 4x4 “Double 8’s” Com-
num 360-degree 6x6 comfortably holds pound Angle Elevator Brackets offer an
three adults and includes 46-inch-tall ver- easy solution for those who wish to el-
tical windows, large oversized horizontal evate the 6x6 octagon Archery blind. They
EZ-Pull silent windows and a roomy 6-by- come in sets of four and allow hunters to
6-foot interior. Windows include a silk- quickly assemble a sturdy, wobble-free
screen camo pattern on the lower half of and safe platform for raising any hard-
the vertical ports. These tinted/tempered or soft-sided blind for a better hunting
automotive glass windows, when com- vantage. They are guaranteed safe, while
bined with the blind’s spaciousness, pro- making corner cuts and jointing near-
vide nearly endless shot opportunities. ly effortless. Elevators are constructed
The blind includes durable fiberglass con- from heavy-duty, high-strength 12G steel
struction with a tough gel-coat finish, and and designed to accommodate common
the interior features a closed cell foam 4x4 posts suitable for supporting heavy
loads. They are engineered with preset feature aluminum frames and scratch Hawk
angles to offer great stability. They are resistant Lexan Polycarbonate panes that Hunting
also robotically welded and given an ex- are lighter than glass. The rubber-backed,
terior grade powder-coat finish to with- marine grade carpet dampens sound, includes rugged, insulated steel walls
stand the elements. Shipping weight and two carpeted corner shelves and cup and a steel foam-insulated floor topped
is 24 pounds. Learn more by visiting holders are added. Learn more by visit- with a 1-inch high-density rubber mat to ing boost stealth. The blind provides plenty
of comfort and space, measuring 7.25-by-
Raptor Blinds Slayer Outdoor Products 5.75-by-6.5 feet. A blackened interior con-
ceals interior movements, like drawing a
The Octagon Blind by Raptor is a 6-by-6- The Archery Blind by Slayer is a hard- bow. The oversized horizontal and verti-
foot hard-sided model and the company’s sided blind measuring 6-by-6 feet point cal windows give bowhunters the ability
roomiest option. It is offered insulated to point, and it was designed specifical- to shoot out of any window. Residential-
or non-insulated, both including 68-by- ly for bowhunters. The five-sided floor glass windows are equipped with eaves
68-inch dimensions with a 79-inch ceil- plan and vertical aluminum-framed to help keep hunters dry, while also of-
ing height. The blind is roomy enough windows are perfect for getting off un- fering one-handed, silent operation. The
for the most unwieldy bow designs. The impeded archery shots while seated, RV-style door is lockable and allows un-
blind can be ordered with vertical bow but the 6-foot, 6-inch walls and 7-foot, restricted access. The blind ships fully as-
windows measuring 10 inches wide and 3-inch center peak also allow users to sembled and field-ready, including foam
34 inches tall or horizontal gun windows take standing shots with nearly any bow. insulated walls, triple drip pane window
with 10-by-22-inch dimension. A 24-by- The exterior is constructed of 3/8-inch gaskets and an awning—all designed to
72-inch locking door provides easy access. LP SmartSide Composite material that’s handle the nastiest weather conditions
The 550-pound blind is covered in 1/8- or tough as nails and highly resistant to while providing thermal, scent and noise
3/16-inch-thick plate aluminum to be ex- harsh weather, UV rays or gnawing crit- control. Multiple tower combo options
tra tough, and the 3D CAD designs and CNC ters. The welded-aluminum frame adds can also be purchased, including 5- and
manufacturing process ensure seamless exceptional rigidity. The floor and walls 10-foot tower bases (sold separately). Ev-
fit and finish. All surfaces receive a “bed are fully carpeted to offer practical sound ery Hawk box blind comes with a limited
liner” Polyurea coating that provides a dampening. This hard-sided modular lifetime warranty. Learn more by visiting
durable barrier and additional strength. blind can also be taken apart and moved IA
This also seals in scent and keeps insects in minutes. Learn more by visiting
out. Insulated models include rigid foam
panels coated with bed liner for maxi-
mum R-Values and exceptional sound- Hawk Hunting
dampening properties. Hinged windows
The new “Compound” box blind by Hawk
LTahencaster In June, when USA Archery named the 24 archers selected
Archery to represent the nation at the 2021 World Archery Youth
Foundation Championships in Poland, those young archers were
flooded with a range of emotions. First, they felt the pride
The Lancaster and sense of accomplishment associated with being
Archery named to a national team pegged to compete against the
best young archers from around the world. And second, they
Foundation felt the real-life pressure of having to raise the money need-
launched its ed to cover travel expenses associated with the trip, which is
charitable mission funded by the archers and their families.
this year, with a
goal of “providing Lancaster Archery Foundation quickly stepped in with a
resources to grant of up to $12,000, aimed at providing each of the archers
grow, educate with $500 to put toward those travel expenses. Among those
and develop team members selected was junior male compound archer
athletes in Matthew Russell.
When Russell’s mother, Leigh Anne Russell, heard about the
archery.” grant from Lancaster Archery Foundation, she quickly sent
a message to the foundation. “I am Matthew Russell’s mom
By P.J. Reilly and I wanted to personally thank Lancaster Archery Founda-
tion and anyone that was a part of making that decision,” she
wrote. “Please know that our family is thankful.”
Other parents of selected archers sent in notes of thanks
as well.
“I am Sydney Sullenberger’s mom and wanted to express
our sincere gratitude for (the foundation’s) support for this
self-funded tournament in Poland,” wrote Allison Kaminski.
“We are extremely grateful.”
Without the support of the foundation, it is possible some
of the archers who shot their way to the top of USA Archery’s
selection process for the world championships might not have
been able to cover the travel costs. Helping with that situation
is precisely why the foundation was created by Rob and Car- from the Lancaster Archery Foundation to help with the
ole Kaufhold, owners of Lancaster Archery Supply. academy’s indoor league. Academy officials said they will
use the money to buy official targets used by World Archery/
“Think of the experience a trip to the youth world cham- USA Archery and NFAA in their respective competitions.
pionships in Poland offers,” said Rob Kaufhold, president of
the foundation’s board of directors. “We’re talking about life The league “provides consistent tournament experi-
experiences as well as archery experiences. These young ence—an application of a participant’s practice and a talent
athletes get to travel with USA Archery to a foreign country, funnel,” the academy wrote on its grant application.
where they will represent the United States in a competi-
tion among athletes from all over “Providing the opportunity for people to compete in ar-
the world. It’s an honor for us to be chery creates the opportunity for tar-
in a position to offer assistance in get archery to grow,” Kaufhold said.
making this trip possible.” Kaufhold is personally famil-
iar with the power of local clubs to
Run by a board of directors com- make archery an impactful sport at
prised of the Kaufholds and manag- the community level. Growing up in
ers from Lancaster Archery Supply, southcentral Pennsylvania in the
the Lancaster Archery Foundation 1960s and 1970s, Kaufhold and his fa-
is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to expand,
develop and promote 3D and target archery. Doing so, the ther regularly traveled to regional, state and national tour-
Kaufholds said, is good for the sport of archery, which of- naments to compete. Through those competitions Kaufhold
fers the chance for people to improve their confidence, dis- honed his skills to the highest level, winning the U.S. Na-
cipline and leadership skills. tional Championship as a high school senior in 1978.
Guided by its mission, the foundation plans to regularly “The more clubs that are involved in archery, the greater
award grants to organizations such as USA Archery, as well the chances are for new people to get into the sport and for
as to local clubs looking to improve their archery facilities competitive archery to thrive,” Kaufhold said.
or start competition programs.
Another goal of the foundation is to help young people
“The ability of the local archery club to attract new ar- attend college, while also shooting competitive archery. To
chers to the sport and to provide a place where veteran ar- do that, the foundation plans to award grants to colleges
chers can practice and compete is critical to making archery and universities that have archery teams, so that those
accessible to as many people as possible,” Kaufhold said. schools can then offer scholarships to prospective mem-
bers of their teams.
Texas Archery Academy, which operates out of the Texas
Archery Club in Plano, Texas, recently received a $1,000 grant Kaufhold had an archery scholarship to James Madi-
son University, where he was a four-year All-American in
The Lancaster Archery Foundation
archery, and where he earned a bache- pionships, hundreds of Collegiate All- at checkout will have the option to donate
lor’s degree in business management and Americans, multiple podium finishers in 68 cents to the foundation to bring their
marketing. That degree has served him national and international competitions total bill to $55. That might not seem
well in founding Lancaster Archery Sup- and double-medal winner at the 2000 like much, but if thousands of customers
ply and eventually turning it into one of Olympics, Vic Wunderle. make such contributions all year long,
the largest archery retailers and suppliers the total donation to archery can be huge.
in the world. “Texas A&M’s archery program not only And of course, people can make straight-
offers the chance for an archer to practice forward donations of any amount to the
“We understand the reality of having and grow alongside excellent competi- foundation through its website as well.
to balance archery with education and tion, but it also provides the opportunity
getting a job and starting a family,” Kauf- of a lifetime,” university officials stated. “If everyone in archery comes together,
hold said. “It is our greatest wish to make with the goal of making the sport bigger
resources and information available to The foundation was started by an en- and better, there’s no reason we can’t
allow archers to pursue their passion for dowment from Lancaster Archery Sup- make sure that anyone who wants to get
the sport throughout their lives.” ply, but it also offers the chance for the involved in archery at least has the op-
archery community at large to give back portunity to do so,” Kaufhold said.
One of the foundation’s scholarship- to the sport. Any customer of Lancaster
grant recipients—Texas A&M Univer- Archery Supply can donate to the foun- For more information on the Lancast-
sity—has one of the most successful dation by rounding up their purchases er Archery Foundation, including how
archery teams in the U.S. Since 1977, it to the next-highest dollar amount. So if to contribute to its efforts, please visit
has produced 21 national team cham- their bill comes out to $54.32, a customer IA
Victory Archery VAP TKO
BY PATRICK MEITIN That’s just the
beginning. The TKO’s
I’ ve been an adoring fan ofVictoryArchery’s like crazy and provide exceptional patented MAXX-KE
VAP hunting shafts from the beginning. down-range accuracy. I killed my last low-torque technology
increases accuracy, du-
elk with a VAP, a bull called into 7 yards rability and even pen-
etration at longer ranges.
The ultra-thin shafts—.166-inch in- and quartering towards me. The arrow These arrows use a 45-de-
gree 3K carbon weave that
side, .242- to .231-inch outside diameter not only breached the facing shoulder improves hoop strength,
provides more uniform spine
across the deflection range—do a great blade, but it exited behind the last rib on consistency and decreases
shaft torque for faster settling
job of bucking crosswinds, penetrate the opposite flank, with the shaft hang- following launch. Paradox goes
both ways, during launch and
ing by just the fletching. That bull made upon impact with game, meaning
MAXX-KE Technology also has the
it only 10 yards before piling up. potential to improve penetration.
Victory Archery is owned by Mitsubi- Like all Victory Archery arrows,
VAP TKO shafts can be purchased
shi Chemical America, one of the larg- in Elite, Gamer and Sport grades,
including +/- .001, .003 and .006-
est manufacturers of carbon fiber in inch straightness specs, respectively.
Each dozen is digitally spine aligned,
the world. This gives Victory Archery matched to within a ½-grain per doz-
en and treated to a slippery ICE Nano-
access to the best raw materials—and Ceramic coating that is quiet across
rests, easier to extract from high-den-
engineers—in the business, in turn re- sity foam targets and minimizes fric-
tion for deeper penetration on game.
sulting in some of the highest-quality A 34-grain one-piece SHOK Insert,
75-grain two-piece SHOK TL Insert or
finished products on the globe. 95-grain two-piece/stainless steel
SHOK TL Insert can be chosen. Finished
From the original VAP was sprung the arrows hold 2.5-degree right-hand off-
set that are hand fletched with Boh-
VAP TKO under discussion here. The VAP ning Blazer or Raptor-II vanes, and the
included IP Nocks are as good as they
TKO is a refined version of the original, get in the .166-inch- diameter arrow
class, as far as I am concerned. Learn
still including the skinny dimensions more at IA
and terminal advantages touched on WebXtra ■ For a closer look at the
earlier. The VAP TKO was a huge step for-
ward in my estimation due entirely to Victory Archery VAP TKO, check it out at
increased mass. If I had only one gripe
about the original VAP, it was weight.
The VAP TKO answers that demand.
Whereas the original VAP weighed 8.7
grains per inch (gpi) in the .300 spine I
prefer (only 7.8 gpi in the 350 most use),
the VAP TKO weighs a just-right 9.5 gpi
in .300 and 8.7 gpi in 350. That, in my
opinion, is an ideal balance of weight
and speed for anything from deer to
moose. VAP TKO shafts are offered in
spines from .500 to .300, weighing from
7.9 to 9.5 gpi.
Elite Archery EnKore
The S.E.T. Difference ■ S.E.T. Technol-
I’ ve come to truly appreciate Elite ogy is the single feature among many
Archery’s approach.
that truly sets the EnKore apart. S.E.T.
Since shooting my first Elite some years Technology (Simplified. Exact. Tun-
ago, I’ve looked to the company’s bows ing.) is a unique technology that allows
to provide buttery-smooth draw cycles, quick and precise micro-adjustments
exceptional balance and ultra-pleasant to cam attitude. A quality arrow rest is
feel that provides easy accuracy. Elite installed and centered. Using an Allen
understands this, wrapping ad cam- wrench a bottom locking bolt is loos-
paigns around these characteristics. ened, the side bolt head turned left or
Elite Archery still hangs their hat on right with the same wrench to tune
shootability, but has begun to crank up away tail-left or tail-right paper-tuning
performance, while also creating bows tears or bare-shaft attitude. The system
that are easier to tune precisely. The rotates the rear limb-pocket cradle to The 2021 Elite Archery EnKore is based on a Dual Riser
Cage design that offers great balance and extreme rigidit
2019 Remedy raised the performance exert various degrees of pressure on
a wider cross-section eliminating vibra-
bar, while the 2020 Kure introduced each split limb and pushes cam “cant” tions and riser flex. Elite was the first
bow company to embrace this approach.
S.E.T. Technology for easier tuning, left or right to jive with arrow spine/
The riser flats include generous cut-
helping Elite reach a new level of cus- point weight and/or rest positioning. outs, the entire sight window recessed,
milling that removes still more mass.
tomer loyalty. For 2021 Elite Archery in- When true arrow flight is achieved set- Meanwhile, strategically-placed trusses
and rear flutes ensure an exceptionally
troduces the EnKore with a new set of tings are locked by retightening the stiff shooting platform. I see plenty of
round and teardrop holes that would in-
ground-breaking features. lock bolt. It is simple and tuning is con- vite shoulder-sling attachment, dual bi-
height sight taps, two-piece quiver sock-
ducted at the most stable portion of the ets and standard front and rear-lower
stabilizer/V-bar taps with stainless steel
bow—without the need for a bow press. sleeves. A larger round hole below the grip
might hold an integral wrist sling. There
The system includes straightforward are plenty of attachment options offered.
“Tail RT” and “Tail LT” labels with arrows The EnKore Grip is a nice finish-
ing touch, slightly narrower than that
and three reference marks to allow ap- found on the 2020 Kure, very comfort-
able and promoting repeatable hand
plying equal adjustments top and bot- placement. Wide limb-pocket bases
move limb pivot points rearward, but
tom. Adjustments remain static with remain just ahead of the grip axis.
the lock bolt loosened, the locking bolt
ensuring tuning longevity.
The forward portion of the limb pocket
Elite Archery’s S.E.T. technology appeared in 2020, system is minimalist milled aluminum
allowing user to quickly and easily tune out left/right holding pin-through limb butts and
paper-tuning tears without a bow press. oversized limb bolts, the rearward S.E.T.
cradle—also milled aluminum—lined
Elite Archery’s LTR cable management system is with cushioning/dampening polymer
adjustable for fletching clearance and holds bearing- to bed and align the twin 7/8-inch-wide
equipped rollers for reduced wear and friction. limbs. The limb bolt threads through a
pivoting steel cylinder.
Dual Riser Cage ■ The EnKore Dual Riser
Cage design creates hollow lateral cages
through the traditionally bulky transi-
tions between the sight window and
upper riser and bow handle and lower
riser sections—reducing weight and
creating excellent balance and stabil-
ity. The design stiffens these areas via
Specifications Arrow Speed
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Elite Archery EnKore set at 70.0 pounds at 30 inches.
Axle-to-Axle Length 29-inch Arrows/ Shaft *Finished Kinetic Arrow
33 inches 100-Grain Tips gpi Arrow Wt. Energy Speed
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Brace Height Victory Xtorsion 300 12.9 532 grains 91.2 ft. lbs. 277.8 fps
6 inches –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bloodsport Evidence 300 11.7 518 grains 92.0 ft. lbs. 282.8 fps
Mass Weight –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
4.55 pounds Easton 4mm FMJ 330 11.0 *502 grains 91.9 ft. lbs. 287.1 fps
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Let-Off CX Max RED SD 350 9.4 *465 grains 91.4 ft. lbs. 297.5 fps
70 or 90 percent –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GT Kinetic Kaos 340 9.9 453 grains 91.0 ft. lbs. 300.7 fps
Available Draw Length –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
23 to 30 inches Bloodsport Justice 300 9.8 443 grains 91.9 ft. lbs. 305.7 fps
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Available Draw Weights Black Eagle Spartan 300 9.0 *439 grains 91.2 ft. lbs. 305.9 fps
40, 50, 60, 65 and 70 pounds –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Beman White Out 340 8.8 416 grains 91.6 ft. lbs. 314.9 fps
Available Colors –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The EnKore’s ASYM Tri-Track Cams draw smoothly Ninja Black, Graphite Grey, Outdoor GT Velocity Pro 340 8.2 387 grains 90.6 ft. lbs. 324.7 fps
and proved exceptionally efficient. They can be set Brown, Outdoor green, Realtree
up with a string or limb stop. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Excape and Edge, Kuiu Verde, Pure
EnKore Powertrain ■ The EnKore is fueled Whitetail and six target colors. Black Eagle Carnivore 350 7.5 363 grains 89.1 ft. lbs. 332.4 fps
by Elite’s new, sealed-bearing ASYM Tri-
Track Cams. They remain true to the silky- –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
smooth draw cycles Elite fans expect, and
include a delayed transition into peak MSRP Victory RIP XV 300 7.0 355 grains 89.9 ft. lbs. 337.6 fps
draw weight making it easier to control.
The let-off valley is generous, yet comes $1,099.99 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
up against a hard wall to promote proper
shooting form. The cable stop is created by Liberty Archery 320 5.9 292 grains 84.7 ft. lbs. 361.3 fps
a wide flat part of the draw-length mod-
ule, or an optional limb stop that rotates to –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
contact hard limb-tip extensions.
Arrow speeds established using a Caldwell Shooting Supplies Chronograph G2. *Denotes steel inserts
The ASYM Tri-Track Cam proved en-
ergy efficient, using a unique approach of FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (877) 503-5483, OR VISIT ELITEARCHERY.COM.
slaving a cable to each side of the cams
to laterally balance the cable load on each a soft-rubber string stop based on a car-
side of the axles. This creates a stable, bon rod, which holds a radiated vibra-
self-correcting system. The EnKore’s 70 to tion dampener at its base, are included.
90 percent adjustable let-off Versa Perfor- Requisite speed buttons are molded rub-
mance Mod System provides maximized ber to double as string silencers. The LTR
performance at every draw length and a buss cable management system holds
boost in arrow velocity. bearing-equipped rollers that keep buss
cables under tension and reduce wear on
ASYM Tri-Track energy is harnessed by the protective serving. A single oversized
Elite’s bomb-proof limbs. Wide riser bases bolt and curved slot allows adjustments for
abbreviate limb length slightly to mini- minimal lateral torque or additional clear-
mize movement after release, and are ance for high-profile vanes. The assembly
preloaded to terminate in past-parallel is anchored on a rigid/skeletonized milled-
geometry proven to increase energy de- aluminum base, double bolted to the riser.
livery and efficiency while minimizing I look forward to toting this one into
post-shot vibrations and noise. New Stabi- the field. I find the 33-inch dimensions
Lock Limb Pockets hold the split limbs 2 just right for my longer draw length, im-
3/8-inches wide for increased stability proving stability and forgiveness during
and torque elimination. demanding shots. The 6-inch brace and
slight reflex proves a sound tradeoff for
EnKore Silence ■ The EnKore is hunt the impressive performance gained. This
quiet on arrival. New Elite VibeX Blocks, is also an impressively efficient machine,
dynamic limb vibration dampeners engi- maintaining even KE in the low 90 foot
neered especially for Elite harmonics and pound range throughout the entire test-
arrow lineup, and closely matching ad-
vertised IBO speed. The balance is unbeat-
able, the grip excellent and the draw cycle
provides that smooth experience we’ve all
come to expect from Elite Archery. IA
WebXtra ■ Take a closer look at the
Elite Archery EnKore in action! Please go
Morrell Targets
M orrellTargets operates out offourplants, that No. 1 slot in the archery target cat- shortages throughout all categories, but
with its main headquarters in Alma, egory by offering industry-leading inno- what really makes them an industry
vation. Morrell keeps their competitors leader is their ability to adapt and make
Arkansas, where Plant 1 and Plant 2 are located. the best of any situation. Morrell is con-
constantly nipping at their heels, just tinually sourcing suppliers and new ma-
terials for their products. They are never
as they would have it. Dale Morrell says satisfied with their supply line.
Plant 3 is found in Mulberry, Arkansas, they will always do their best to remain Tanner Morrell, the company’s Mar-
while Plant 4 is located in Lucedale, leaders in the industry, by producing ar- Kinetic 1.0 Bag Target
Mississippi. Morrell Targets are proud- chery’s best-quality targets. Big Roller
Foam Target
ly made right in the good ol’ USA, and Morrell was a true pioneer when he
the company provides jobs for approxi- created his process for complex archery Buck
mately 100 families during its peak sea- targets. Bag targets certainly existed in 3D Target
son. Taken as a whole, Morrell’s opera- 1986, however most were nothing more
tion comprises approximately 250,000 than burlap bags filled with stuffing
square feet. material. Morrell Targets created a new
Morrell Targets started operations in design strategy in the bag-target catego-
a small garage measuring about 1,200 ry. Morrell’s concept included a patented
square feet and located in Dyer, Arkan- floating center of burlap and a built-
sas. The year was 1986, and the company in target frame, giving the bag a more
employed just six employees. Morrell uniform look. That “generation one”
Targets is a family owned and operated development of the burlap center and
business founded by owner Dale Morrell, bag framing really helped Morrell bag
who still serves as owner to this day. The targets stand out from the competition.
company started with one simple tar- As a company, Morrell Targets would
get, but today it produces more than 131 not be what it is today without a care-
different models, along with countless fully assembled team of vital players. Of
paper targets, poly faces big and small, course, there are the executives inside
plus 131 different replacement covers. the company who have created strate-
The management at Morrell Targets gies to grow at a steady pace over the
takes a lot of pride in their team. From years, but Morrell’s success also hinges
the very beginning, Morrell understood on the dedicated day-in, day-out pro-
duction line, accounts receivable and
payable, logistics and shipping coordi-
nators, collections, graphic designers,
salesmen, marketing, human resourc-
es, managers, supervisors and so forth.
Without a dedicated, intricately meshed
that the recipe for success involved sim- team working together, Morrell would
ply producing a quality product that not have the products that help create
was competitively priced, and offering strategies for growth. Morrell Targets
customer service that’s second to none. depends on every position within the
Morrell Targets has been voted the No. company because they are all a part of
1 target for 27 years in a row—a clear the growth and success of the company.
result of that winning combination of Recent supply-chain shortages have
excellent product quality priced com- certainly proven a headache for most
petitively and their top-notch customer industry members, and Morrell is no ex-
service. Morrell has also remained in ception. Morrell Targets has experienced
keting Director, says, “In times of short- 67
ages, companies will show their ability to
work through adversities. We know mar-
kets will rise and fall, but it is our job to
make the best of the situation at hand.
Without giving too many trade secrets
away, I can assure you Morrell Targets
will come out on top during adversities.”
This is a very exciting time for Morrell.
They have quickly developed a reputation
for producing the best foam in the business
with their High Roller Foam. It’s unique
ability to stop the fastest arrows and bolts,
while still allowing easy arrow removal, is
what archers have been in search of. It is
the future of archery targets. High Roller
Foam products will continue to expand,
and Morrell Targets will match the de-
mand for it. The possibilities are endless.
Outside of foam, Morrell promises a
new bag concept in the not-to-distant
future that will shock the industry. It is
truly a design masterpiece that is com-
pletely unique, and what Tanner Morrell
calls the best bag to date based on their
testing—and “we test everything.” Until
then, dealers and shooters have several
new products to look forward to.
Kinetic 1.0 Bag Target ■ During the 2022 ATA
Trade Show, make sure to keep an eye out
for the all-new Kinetic 1.0 Bag Target. The
Kinetic version 1.0 is a completely unique
bag target design, built unlike anything
Morrell has created in the Yellow Jacket
lineup. The Kinetic 1.0 has been tested to
be the toughest bag target Morrell has cre-
ated yet, including two patented floating
centers that are built to create twice the
stopping power of any current bag target.
The target offers two shooting sides that
are 20 inches wide by 20 inches tall by
14 inches thick. Since it is hand stuffed
with premium material weighing in at
60 pounds, there is no room for this tar-
get to fall over. The target is designed for
shooters seeking a target that will stop the
world’s fastest, hardest-hitting crossbow
bolts—and those yet to come as crossbows
become increasingly powerful. This is the
target of the future.
Big High Roller Foam Target ■ Available Transformer Buck 3D Target ■ Another tar-
for immediate delivery, the Big High get to watch for in 2022, the Transformer
Roller foam target was a 2020 hit, and Buck is a brand-new 3D archery target
it’s molded from Morrell’s renowned standing 39-by-48 inches and measur-
High Roller Foam. Morrell’s signature ing 12 inches thick at the vital core.
self-healing foam will stop any kind The target weighs 22 pounds and is ex-
of arrow/bolt at speeds of 500 fps. tremely lifelike. It holds universal score
Meanwhile, as hinted before, the Big rings on one side and real-life vitals on
High Roller also allows effortless arrow the other. The transformer name comes
extraction. The advanced foam, the from the ability to use it as a 3D buck
aiming spots’ fade resistant paint and target, or transform it into a portable,
molded-in red hue make this target su- free-standing block style target created
per durable and long lasting, whether by the 19-by-10-by-12-inch, 10-pound vi-
shooting field points, mechanical or tal core. The High Roller Foam shooting
fixed-blade broadheads. The Big High core includes a built-in carrying handle
Roller measures 16-by-16-by-16 inches to transport the target whole or as a por-
and offers six shooting surfaces and table core. This is a 3D target made to
21 bull’s-eyes arranged like a dice. This absorb the heavy impacts of even high-
spot arrangement prolongs the life of performance crossbows, while also al-
the target by minimizing wear to any lowing easy arrow pulling.
single area. The target is also highly
weatherproof and sports an E-Z Tote These are only highlights, as Morrell
carrying handle. has a lot going on. Check it all out by vis-
iting IA
MShaardkosmwaHnu6nxte6rOBcltiangdosn Archery
E ach December, I travel to western Texas to
visit friends and family. Since graduation mouth-watering buck arrives, setting
up a bow shot couldn’t be easier. After
weeks occupying freezing north Idaho
28 years ago, that country has transformed from treestands, it’s bowhunting luxury.
a deerless waste to world-class whitetail habitat. Summit Outdoors’ Shadow Hunter
Marksman 6x6 Octagon Archery is the
And luckily for me, my dearest friend pinnacle of this mode of operation and
is happy to host me on his high-quality was designed specifically for serious
deer leases, where I’m allowed to shoot bowhunters. There’s plenty of room to sions and anchored to a solid sub-floor
system with a ShadowMesh barrier.
all the wild hogs possible, and there’s share hunts (68-by-68 inches, with a Solid construction and insect tape keep
gnawing rodents and stinging insects at
a fine white-tailed buck saved just for 77-inch-high ceiling), or to draw a bow bay, while a carpeted floor further muf-
fles interior movements.
me. In this thorny brushland, where from any conceivable angle (even while
The design allows you to spread gear
the South Plains meet Caprock, hunting standing). It provides a full 360-degree out, eliminating the need to root through
daypacks to find needed gear. There is a
is conducted largely from hard-sided field of fire, and the ShadowView Win- corner shelf, an upper shelf, a weapon
holder and even a coat hook. And take
blinds, where I sit sheltered from relent- dow System blacks out interior move- pride in knowing every aspect of the
Shadow Hunter blind is made right here
less prairie wind, December cold (some- ment while allowing an unobstructed in the USA by American workers.
times hot sun) or one of those slow, view of the outside world. One-handed, The 293-pound 6x6 Octagon Archery
blind is available as a stand-alone for
soaking drizzles common to that sea- silent-operating windows allow shot $2,899.99 (with various upgrades avail-
able), or an Elevation Bundle Pack—in-
son. All the while, scent is sealed from setup to any point of the compass, but cluding adjustable/steel ladder/platform
kit, 4x4 Double 8’s Elevator Kit (buyer
the outside world. When a wary hog or they seal tight when closed. Vertical ar- supplies lumber), padded/armrest, of-
fice-style chair and all necessary hard-
chery windows are located on the sides ware offered for an additional $699.99 to
get you off the ground to gain a better
(three), on the door and on the four cor- vantage. Go to
to get more details. IA
ners. The 32-by-66.5-inch locking door
WebXtra ■ For a closer look at the
offers quick access and security.
Marksman 6x6 Octagon Archery, go to
This Vengeance Camo-finished blind
is also made to last. The indestruc-
tible, multi-layer insulated and rust-
proof aluminum exterior walls keep
elements out and scent sealed inside.
Dress comfortably and light up a small
space heater if needed, the walls and
ceiling providing an effective sound
barrier via an inch of
premium foam insu-
lation. Enjoy a camp-
fire or cigar before
the hunt, and interior
scent isn’t getting out
to alert approaching
game. A pass-through
vent system allows
air to circulate dur-
ing warmer early
seasons. Precision
panels are fit into sol-
id aluminum extru-
With the turbulence of the pandemic NASP, S3DA and JOAD are all household an administrator. First, I was an assistant
largely behind us, it is a good time to re- names among industry members today. principal, then principal and then super-
view and celebrate the recent trends in These organizations, and others, have intendent. I was still a principal when I
rising youth and recreational archery par- grown steadily over the years and contin- first heard about NASP, sometime around
ticipation. The majority of sources report ue to captivate more young archers. early 2003. I received my first bow and ar-
that participation is on the rise across the row from my mom and dad when I was
board, and equipment sales have come NASP works with kids in grades 4 nine years old, so hunting and the out-
along for the ride. through 12, making it an initial con- doors had played a huge role in my life. As
tact point for millions of young archers. an educator and archer, NASP just natural-
Inspiring the Next Generation NASP was established in 2002, and it has ly drew me in. I went to the training and
grown tremendously in the past two de- started a program at my school in Somer-
Youth involvement is naturally a major cades. This April, NASP appointed a new set, Kentucky, and the effect it had on the
focal point for the industry. Almost every- president, Dr. Tommy Floyd, who is the students was just incredible. I knew that
one you meet in the archery industry was successor of NASP’s long-time leader, Roy they would enjoy archery and get good at
first introduced to the sport in their youth, Grimes. Floyd has a rich background in it, but I was not really expecting all of the
and we naturally want to inspire today’s education and archery, and he has been effects it would have on them personally.
younger generation to create more life- involved with NASP for the majority of the I saw what it did for them as people. I saw
long archers. organization’s almost 20-year history. how it improved their confidence and self-
esteem, and it was just amazing.”
Many determined organizations are “I was a public educator for over 30
leading the charge in our ongoing efforts years,” Floyd said. “I started out as a biol- After getting involved with NASP in its
to inspire youth archery participation. ogy teacher, but I eventually spent time as early stages, Floyd got to witness the pro-
gram gradually expand.
Percent of Reported Increase in Increase in Increase in “I kept helping with tournaments and ..........2.0..2.0..U..S...L.i.c.e.n.s.e..S.a.le..s. .....A.ll.L.i.c.e.n.s.e..S.a.l.e.s. .....R.e.s.i.d.e.n.t.S..a.le.s. having a lot of fun with NASP,” Floyd said.
West 28.7% 6.8% 7.6%* 2.9% “In 2006, I came to Madison County, Ken-
tucky, where I later became the super-
Midwest 34.8% 1.2% 1.3% 0.7% intendent of that district. There were 19
schools and 12,000 kids in that district,
Southeast 20.7% 8.7% 9.8% 0.8% and within a few years, NASP was in every
school in Madison County. When we had
Northeast 15.8% 5.2% 5.8% 0.2% a tournament, no other schools could at-
tend because we couldn’t possibly fit more
.U...S.... ..................1.0..0.%.. ................4...9..2.%..*.. ............5...4.%.. ..............1...5..%..*......
*Percentages revised based on updated state sales data
kids into the space we had. It became very gain more traction. participate. Before that, our largest event
culturally ingrained at our school district “We hosted a virtual national tourna- to date was the 2019 Eastern Nationals
and just continued to grow. I retired from in Louisville, where we had 14,900 kids
my role as superintendent in 2015, and the ment back in May,” Floyd said. “We want- participate. It’s pretty incredible that we
president of NASP at the time, Roy Grimes, ed to give kids an opportunity and reason topped that record, and we will likely have
asked me to come work for NASP as vice to get together and practice archery again, more virtual events going forward. We
president. Roy and I had a really positive and we decided to do it virtually to work also gave away $500 scholarships to ran-
relationship, and I can’t thank him enough around the restrictions. It ended up be- domly chosen students who participated
for asking me to join. I became president ing very positive, and we had 15,683 kids
when Roy retired this past March, and
I never could have imagined that NASP
would become such a big part of my life.
It was truly one of God’s blessings that he
put in my path, and it has had such a pro-
found and meaningful impact. I have seen
so much success. I’ve seen it do amazing
things with kids all over the United States,
Canada and other countries. I cannot say
enough about the people behind it and the
effects it’s had.”
NASP makes a clear connection with
young archers, and the program has con-
tinued to rise in popularity as a result.
“NASP is great for kids, and it’s also great
for conservation and the outdoor lifestyle,”
Floyd said. “According to our surveys, 66
percent of our kids are first-time archers.
They don’t know anything about archery,
outside of NASP. They are not the daugh-
ters and sons of existing archers, most of
the time. We also have a fifty-fifty ratio of
male and female students, and we work
with a ton of physically challenged kids.
Everyone is welcome. I can’t say enough
about the men and women who work as
Basic Archery Instructors to make all of
this possible. We have trained about 91,000
educators, and they have fostered the par-
ticipation of 19 million students. Last year,
right before the pandemic, we had a little
over 1.3 million kids in the program, from
almost 9,000 schools. About 91 percent of
our kids say that they pursued other out-
door activities after NASP, so we know that
we are on to something special here. We
have something that can take a complete
stranger to the sport, and we can train
them to be successful. We also have a per-
fect safety record, so we have shown that
we can do all of this safely.”
Although the pandemic was a minor
speedbump in NASP’s continued growth,
it’s clear that the program is continuing to
in the virtual event, and that was also very
powerful. A $500 scholarship can do a lot
for a middle-schooler who may or may
not be thinking about their post-secondary
pursuits, so we were very happy to incor-
porate that.”
NASP has also been proven to be a pow-
erful tool for educators, and this will help
ensure the program’s continued growth
and success.
“One of my favorite aspects of NASP
is how it gets kids involved with their
school,” Floyd said. “Many of them have
never participated in a school-sponsored
event. They’ve never worn their school col-
ors, if you will. According to our 2017 sur-
vey, 58 percent of our kids said they feel
more connected with their school because
of their participation in NASP. On top of
that, 40 percent of the kids surveyed said
that NASP motivated them to do better in
the classroom. That is extremely signifi-
cant to the educators out there who are
looking for ways to get kids connected, get
them motivated and show them a skill
that they can use for the rest of their life.”
After being introduced to archery by
NASP, young shooters have a whole world
of other archery-related activities and or-
ganizations to explore.
“Several years ago, we partnered with
the IBO, and we now have a 3-D compo-
nent in our competitions,” Floyd said. “The
3-D aspect is exploding in popularity right
now, and many of our students traveled to
participate in IBO events this summer. We
are really excited that they were motivated
to do that, and we just know the program
is working. Our goal is to have it be every-
where, and that is becoming the case. We
want more kids to participate, and we want
them to turn it into a life-long passion. We
want them to take their Genesis bows into
pro-shops to practice on the range, because
something magic happens when they go
into that shop. They see all these other
types of archery they could pursue, and
they fall in love with it even more.”
Looking ahead, NASP will surely contin-
ue to inspire more kids and create more
archers, and the archery industry will
surely continue to back NASP up and sup-
port this worthy endeavor.
“NASP is fun, and it’s good for kids,” state or region, just reach out to me.” “Our pro-shop was closed for a few
Floyd said. “It’s something that educators Tommy Floyd can be contacted at months last year, but our distribution
and outdoor-minded people can use to in- center and online sales were allowed to
spire kids and connect them with archery [email protected]. You can continue operating,” said PJ Reilly, tech-
and the outdoors. We are committed to also visit for general info nical writer for Lancaster Archery Supply.
growing the sport of archery, and we sup- on NASP and event news. “People were home everywhere, and ar-
port everyone else with that same goal. chery was one of the things they turned
We know we are not alone because we Participation at Large to for entertainment. We know that ev-
have a lot of amazing partners. We have erything related to the outdoors—fishing,
partners who donate equipment, or help NASP is certainly not the only facet of the kayaking, biking—all of it went through
us with equipment grants. We have peo- industry that is thriving. Other youth- the roof, and archery was part of that.
ple who volunteer to help with events, or oriented programs like S3DA and JOAD People who were already participating
just donate funds. We are always looking are also seeing healthy participation and were doing it more. New participants
for new partners, and if someone wants growth. For instance, USA Archery also re- were giving archery a try, and people who
to get involved, the best thing they can do cently held a virtual tournament for JOAD maybe hadn’t done it for a few years were
is just contact me. This is all about work- teams, and this event ended up breaking getting back into it. It has just been busy
ing together and connecting kids with ar- previous attendance records. Likewise, for us ever since. It was busy before the
chery, and it’s been incredible to meet all S3DA continues to see healthy participa- pro-shop even reopened, and it has been
the passionate individuals who continue tion and robust industry sponsorship. especially busy since then. It just hasn’t
to introduce themselves to us and lend really slowed down, either, and since we
a hand. I’ve been introduced to so many Adult participation in recreational and are a distributor and we supply other ar-
people who want to help us, and that’s tournament archery would also appear to chery shops, we can see that they have
just so exciting. If you want to get involved be on the rise. Equipment-sale trends are been in the same boat.”
in any way, or help out in any particular a clear sign of this, and as a multi-plat-
form retailer and distributor, Lancaster The team at Lancaster Archery Supply
Archery Supply was able to monitor these
trends closely.
noticed a few particular product categories great to see as well. We also have Competi- overall license sales (in the 40 states sur-
that seemed to be in high demand. tion Archery Media, which goes out to cov- veyed), compared to 2019. The study also
er national archery tournaments across found that resident license sales increased
“Through our e-commerce platform, we the country. Many of those big tourna- by 5.4 percent on average, and nonresi-
were selling tons of products that allowed ments are seeing increases as well, and we dent license sales went up by 1.6 percent
people to do stuff at home,” Reilly said. have witnessed first-hand that everyone is on average. States were divided into four
“Bow presses and fletching jigs were prob- very excited to get out and shoot together regions: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest
ably two of the most popular items—and again. I would be remiss if I didn’t also and West. All four regions saw an overall
they have remained popular this year— mention the Olympics. Of course, every- increase in license sales, with only five of
but any tool that allowed people to do their one just got to see Olympic archery again, the 40 states reporting less license sales in
own archery work at home saw a signifi- so we have been seeing people coming in 2020 than 2019.
cant increase. After people started coming for all the Olympic recurve stuff. Olympic
back into the shop, bows have just been Conclusion
selling like crazy. The demand was high years always generate a lot
last year, and it is definitely still high this of interest—especially for us, It is a good time to be in the archery in-
year. I think we are seeing what everyone since that is a major focus of dustry. Increased participation in the sport
else is seeing. There was a lot of archery ours—and it was great to see is the common goal of industry members
participation last year, and I fully expect that happen this year, too.” large and small, and that goal is continu-
that to continue this year, based on our ally being fulfilled every day as more and
bow sales and other factors.” Data and general percep- more archers are welcomed into the fold.
tions would also strongly sug-
Lancaster Archery Supply has also gest that hunting participa- “I don’t really see any indicators that
witnessed increased participation at its tion is on the rise. The Council things are slowing down,” said PJ Reilly.
range, and team members have attended to Advance Hunting and the “I thought that things maybe would have
numerous events around the country and Shooting Sports conducted a started to taper off earlier this year—or at
witnessed the participation there. study earlier this year to ex- least flatten out—but that just didn’t hap-
amine 2020 hunting license pen. People are still getting out and shoot-
“Every day at our range is busy,” Reilly sales across the country. The ing their bows, and they are rediscovering
said. “People are just coming in to shoot study gathered data from the or discovering for the first time how much
non-stop. We also have our Lancaster Ar- fish and wildlife agencies of fun it is. We are seeing new archers every
chery Academy, where people can take 40 U.S. states, and the results day, and we really have to stay on top of
classes and private lessons, and those were generally very promis- our inventory to keep up with all the de-
are also non-stop. We’ve seen a lot of kids ing for the hunting industry. mand. It’s just been incredible, and I don’t
come in who are involved with organiza- According to the study, there see any indicators that things will slow
tions like NASP and S3DA, and that’s been was a 5 percent increase in down anytime soon.” IA
.30-06 Outdoors Master Series Targets
P aper target faces have remained an ar- the Master Series Whitetail Tar-
chery mainstay despite the development gets are interesting and certainly
of fancier options that cost much, much more. stimulating. But there is more to
them than meets the eye.
This is especially true in a target-range Masters Series Whitetail Tar-
setting, whether located indoors—such gets offer photographs of five different
as pro-shop shooting lanes—or out- trophy whitetail bucks, printed on thick,
doors—such as a field course. They are quality stock to hold up to hundreds of
highly affordable, withstand hundreds shots. Their high-quality printing re-
of shots and generally prove engag- sults in sharp detail. Each measures
ing—especially when representing true- a near life-sized 18 inches tall/wide and
to-life artwork or wildlife photography. 25 inches wide/tall (horizontal/verti-
Masters Series Whitetail Targets from cal), providing plenty of target area, as
.30-06 Outdoors are one of the latter— well as a welcoming face when taking demonstrate shots that are tricky at
best, potential disasters at worst. As a
high-quality photographs of trophy- shots at longer ranges. But what truly learning tool, I hope these tricky targets
will instill a good dose of reality to the
class white-tailed bucks to excite the sets them apart is that the flip side of potential pitfalls of these shots, and they
should be approached for entertain-
hunting instinct. Taken on their face, each full-color photograph holds a black ment only. That said, these targets are
also suitable for rifle, pistol and air-gun
and white mirror image juxtaposed with shooting, and they certainly offer viable
shot angles for adequate centerfire rifle
greyscale vital areas—including basic
skeletal structure, heart, lungs, liver, For league scoring,
stomach and intestines. All are clearly vital areas could be
penned onto these tar-
labeled. By shooting a group of arrows, gets easily enough (hold
them to a window and
pulling them and then flipping the tar- trace the vital showing
through from the other
get over, the shooter re- side), but I also see them as an engag-
ing range alternative for customers
ceives confirmation on just looking to have fun. The real-life
images certainly provide a stimulat-
how effective shot place- ing alternative to spot targets, while
offering the bonus of shot-placement
ment would prove in the for just $10.95, including a cover page
and stiff cardboard backing to pre-
real world. Of course, they vent damage. Go to
to get more details. IA
can also shoot at the vital
WebXtra ■ For a closer look at the
face for instant feedback.
.30-06 Master Series targets, check it out at
It’s a nifty training tool
for beginning bowhunters to imprint
proper shot placement during practice.
Contained in each notebook-bound
package are targets labeled “Tooth Pick”
(broadside), “Lazy December” (slightly
quartered away), “Pretzel Buck” (twisted
buck licking his hindquarter), “Turn-
ing Heads” (quartered away severely)
and “Wide Willie” (frontal shot). As
educational archery targets, Tooth Pick
and Lazy December are pretty straight
forward, depicting the types of shots
bowhunters strive for. The latter three
bother me slightly, particularly in re-
gards to beginning bowhunters, as they
It’s difficult to believe that another bow season The YJ-425 is both com-
is right around the corner, but time marches on pound and crossbow approved.
and archers are beginning to contemplate hon- It is designed to stop shots from to-
ing their shooting skills in preparation for mak- day’s high-energy setups. Blazing arrow
ing their dreams come true. For that they will need speeds are not a problem, as it stops all arrows
a target to capture released practice arrows, and that from any bow generating up to 425 fps. It is also
is where you, the independent dealer and archery- weather-resistant and sports an EZ-Tote carrying
department manager, comes in. To help you make handle for easy transportation. It features Morrell’s
informed stocking decisions, Inside Archery has famous multi-layered patented design, including 70
compiled a massive list of compound and crossbow layers of material to stop all arrows and bolts dead
bags, blocks, paper and 3D targets that bowhunters, in their tracks. Yet arrows and bolts can be removed
hobbyists and competition archers will be asking for with ease. Furthermore, its IFS (Internal Frame Sys-
by name this season. Also included are some of the tem) Technology creates consistent depth to the tar-
industry’s hottest specialty target items as well. get edges, allowing utilization of the entire target
face. The Yellow Jacket YJ-425 F/P is also an X-Tended
Bags & Blocks life target. After the addition of a new cover, an old,
shot-up target becomes like new. Overall, the target
Most bowhunters and hobby archers use a
bag or block to stop their arrows. These measures 20-by-20-by-16 inches. It is
are the two most common forms a great target for everyday field-
of archery targets, and for good point practice, with an MSRP of
reason—they do the job well only $64.99.
and do it at highly affordable Morrell’s YJ-450 Plus is per-
prices. Here are some of the fect for most shooters’ needs.
best options on the market It is designed for compounds,
for 2021. crossbows and air-bows gen-
erating arrow speeds of up
MORRELL TARGETS to 450 fps or slightly faster.
Featuring four shooting sides—
The Morrell YJ-400 Super one with bullseyes, one with dart
Duper Field Point Target
was new for 2020, and it board and one side sporting full-color
includes a souped-up in- deer vitals—the YJ-450 Plus also features an EZ-Tote
terior with the company’s carrying handle for transportation ease. It is made
Nucleus center. This cre- more dependable through a Nucleus core, which of-
ates a very tough target, with fers a whopping 103 layers of material. This target is
68 layers of material to provide so tough it is guaranteed to stop the hardest-hitting
maximum life. Morrell also jazzed bows on the market, with super-easy arrow removal.
it up with its Internal Frame System The YJ-450 Plus is 19-by-19-by-19 inches with an MSRP
that allows you to shoot every square of $79.99. See to learn more.
inch of the target, once again creating BIGSHOT TARGETS
maximum life. They even gave this target
an EZ-Tote carrying handle to make it simple The new Titan 18-inch multipurpose target by BIG-
to transport. The target is huge at 25-by-27- shot utilizes the same Elasto-Flex foam as the stan-
by-14 inches, giving customers the confi- dard Titan but provides a larger format for shooting
dence to practice really long shots. It’s longer distances while offering greater durability.
weather-resistant, arrows pull easily The Titan works equally well with field points or
and it retails for just $79.99. broadheads. In addition, the Titan’s unique design
Morrell’s Yellow Jacket methodically prepares shooters for bowhunting
YJ-350 F/P target is now success with five specific target faces designed for
called The Yellow each phase of the shooting experience. Furthermore,
Jacket YJ-425. its unique tapered design conserves space while
traveling and during storage, while also BLOCK Infinity Hurricane Cat 5 Rinehart Badger Bag
positioning the target face perpendicu-
lar to the shooting plane for better target molded into the sides of the block, added veraging the proven stopping power of
acquisition. Additional features include stopping power and more. It’s made in BLOCK’s PolyFusion Technology, the high-
easy arrow removal, a larger format for the USA and retails for only $79.99. density, layered-foam inner core encased
long-distance shooting and crossbow with an exterior foam wall lets arrows
compatibility. The 15-pound target mea- Manufactured to be a favorite on the find a path between the internal layers
sures 18-by-18-by-15 inches, with a sug- range, Delta McKenzie’s SideWinder bag to be stopped by friction, not force. It is
gested retail price of $139.99. target features oversized dimensions for safe for use with field points, and both
extra stability and longer-lasting use. fixed and expandable broadheads. Infin-
The Ballistic 450X is BIGshot Target’s It also incorporates easier, one-handed ity crossbow versions can stop standard
most popular field point bag, and it was arrow removal. High-contrast aiming- diameter arrows at speeds up to 520 fps.
designed for experienced crossbow and points make target acquisition easier as Two compound target sizes are available,
speed bow enthusiasts. The 450X has a well. Its higher density fill offers more including the BLOCK Infinity 20 measur-
heavy-duty dual core for longer life and arrow-stopping assurance and increased ing 20-by-20 inches and BLOCK Infinity
extra stopping power, effectively stop- durability. This bag target is printed on 22 measuring 22-by-22 inches. The Infin-
ping arrows and bolts up to 450 fps. The both sides and features high-quality, ity Crossbow 16 measures 16-by-16 inch-
exclusive internal stand design and extra sewn-in handles. The 24-by-20-by-8-inch es. These are 100 percent designed and
weight provide super stability for un- target is designed to be used with field manufactured in the USA and retail from
even backyard terrain. Also, the 25-by-25- points, and it is crossbow compatible. $149.99 to $192.99.
inch 450X is UV-resistant and includes a For a limited time, Delta is offering free
rain barrier for longer outdoor life—all shipping on all SideWinder targets using Hurricane introduced the new Cat 5,
for just $84.88 MSRP. Replacement bags order code DMFREESHIP. MSRP is $39.99. offering advanced arrow-stopping abil-
are available. See to See to learn more. ity thanks to the fortified Hurricane
learn more. Tri-Core Technology, which is built to
FERADYNE OUTDOORS withstand impacts of up to 650 fps, pro-
DELTA MCKENZIE viding longer target life and virtually
BLOCK has introduced the Infinity foam eliminating pass-throughs. The 25-by-
The new Delta McKenzie Greenline block- target. Built around a reputation of long- 25-inch, self-standing design of the Cat 5
style target is built to last and offers up lasting durability, the new BLOCK In- represents a new level of durability and
to twice the longevity of past models. finity locks in extreme stopping power construction among the Hurricane tar-
In head-to-head shooting tests, results and extended target life with exclusive get line. Grommeted corners and a con-
showed the Greenline greatly extends construction and six-sided shooting. Le-
target life on the archery range. The
foundation of the Greenline’s durability
is its exclusive heavy-duty Mo’Foam lay-
ers. In addition, the Greenline uses Del-
ta’s patented process to weld the layers
together into a single block. The result-
ing solid target offers four-sided shooting
and further extends durability. Addition-
al features include integrated handles
Morrell Morrell YJ-425 Morrell YJ-450 BIGShot Titan 18-inch
YJ-400 Super
Duper Field Point
Rinehart 18-1 Rinehart Crossbow Bag SpyderWeb ST 18 American Whitetail T Rex
venient carry handle make for easy use colors. The flip side incorporates a unique crossbow sight-in simple and incredibly
and transport, whether on the backyard vitals design to accommodate popular fi- quick. All in all, this target does what a
range or in route to hunting camp. The beroptic pins. The bag measures 21-by-21- target should—makes sighting in and
all-weather construction of the durable by-9 inches, with a convenient carrying shooting easier. See to
exterior casing features two-sided shoot- handle added to make transport a breeze. learn more.
ing and strategically placed high-visibil- The $44.99 (MSRP) target holds grommets
ity tri-color graphics that are offset to for easy hanging and adds to the bag’s SPYDERWEB
maximize target life. Meanwhile, an in- versatility.
tegrated sight-in grid helps make precise The SpyderWeb ST 18 is another great field
adjustments. It includes a $69.99 MSRP. The Rinehart Target 18-1 is the longest- point target. It is rated for arrow speeds
See to learn more lasting archery target the company has of up to 400 fps and offers quick and easy
ever offered. In fact, Rinehart guaran- arrow and bolt removal. Its revolutionary
RINEHART TARGETS tees it for a full year. With 18 vivid target woven Spylar material face increases its
zones made from Rinehart’s self-healing long-term durability. Now, it even incor-
Rinehart Targets announced the expan- foam, the 18-1 can take arrow after arrow porates a weatherproof design when in
sion of its quality bag-style target line without losing its shape or integrity. The an upright position and set on a dry base.
with the addition of the budget-friendly 18-1 is lightweight and includes its own Furthermore, its durable silk-screened
Badger Bag. It incorporates many of the easy-to-carry handle, making it perfect images make for easier aiming. The
same arrow-stopping features of the for practice almost anywhere, including heavy-duty frame keeps it from shifting,
proven Rhino Bag series, but the new at the club, in the backyard or even in and nylon handles make for easier carry-
Badger Bag target is even more afford- a remote hunting camp. It’s compatible ing. It’s made in the USA, measures 18-by-
able. Plus, it has a dual-sided polypropyl- with field points or broadheads and mea- 18-by-11 inches and weighs 26 pounds.
ene cover with a waterproof barrier and sures 15-by-15-by-15 inches. Free shipping in the lower 48 states is
a burlap stopping core to extend the life offered, with an MSRP of $119.99. See
of the target. This means it will stop ar- The new Rinehart 18-by-18-by-12-inch to learn more.
rows with ease while providing countless Crossbow Bag features exclusive dual-
practice sessions. Visually artistic vitals layered Power Band Technology, which AMERICAN WHITETAIL
make shooting fun with one side of the increases longevity to last season after
bag featuring a badger outline, along season. It can stop crossbow bolts travel- Many people say the toughest animal to
with a variety of shooting dot sizes and ing at up to 450 fps. The crossbow-specif- ever walk the Earth was the Tyrannosau-
ic MOA Sight-In Grid Target Face makes rus rex, so American Whitetail named
their crossbow target after it. Thanks to
BIGShot Ballistic 450X Delta McKenzie Greenline Delta McKenzie the TL PermaCORE, the T Rex was devel-
SideWinder oped to stop short, high-powered cross-
bow bolts cold. Using HiTech rubber,
backed by compression cores, and in-
stalled into a DynaFOAM shell under high
pressure, it creates a totally new way
of absorbing the energy of high-speed
crossbow bolts. Plus, the wound rubber
helps maintain the integrity of the tar-
get, shot after shot, all while allowing
effortless bolt removal. The 16-by-16-by-
20-inch T Rex target weighs 40 pounds
BIGShot Alert and includes free shipping—while retail- sures 36 inches tall to the top of the ant-
Replaceable Vital Deer ing for $199.95. See to lers, 31 inches long and offers an exact
Rhinehart learn more. 1/3 size replica of the real deal, making
Woodland it more affordable and easily transport-
Series Backyard 3D Targets able. Furthermore, it offers realistic prac-
Moose tice, whether preparing to take down
Nothing screams realism or fun like a this bucket-list animal, or just dreaming
KIRSCH good 3D target. In the not-so-distant past, about doing so. Either way, its smaller
Climbing Raccoon many of those on the market were less size helps hunters perfect their long-
than impressive. Today, that’s no longer range skills, as it simulates a 60-yard
the case, as evidenced by these incredible shot when addressed at just 20 yards. It’s
new 3D targets. built tough, molded from solid FX Wood-
land Foam and featuring a replaceable
BIGSHOT TARGETS core made from Rinehart’s Signature
Series foam. This means the target can
The Alert Replaceable Vital Deer by BIG- absorb impacts from the fastest arrows
Shot Targets incorporates a replacement while the self-healing foam core makes
vital core composed of high density, self- arrow removal a breeze. Its unique foam
healing foam. The super-realistic design construction also ensures the target is UV
and low cost of replacement vitals make resistant and impervious to harsh winter
it an excellent choice for backyard prac- weather, making it ideal for year-round
tice, or competitive archery tournaments. practice in the backyard or in the field.
The RV Deer has a universal ring set for Plus, should seasons of shooting sessions
official ASA and IBO scoring. The out- finally take their toll, replacing the tar-
side edge of the replacement plug serves get core is fast and simple using Rine-
as the vitals ring, leaving no confusing hart’s patented locking-insert system
lines for accurate tournament scoring. It (sold separately). It retails for $224.99. See
is available in three head positions, in- to learn more.
cluding alert, sneak and browsing. This
lifelike product anatomically mimics a KIRSCH OUTDOORS
135-pound deer. Its circumference is 37
inches, and its height is 33 inches, with KIRSCH OUTDOORS recently introduced
a suggested retail price of $239.99. See the Climbing Raccoon, which provides to learn more. an active-looking target that adds ex-
citement to any range. Another benefit
RHINEHART TARGETS to this climbing version is attractive
multi-target setup possibilities for the
This year, Rinehart Targets announced 3D course, including a Large Raccoon tar-
the expansion of its popular 1/3-scale get and a smaller Raccoon target placed
Woodland Series with the introduction
of its new 1/3-Scale Moose target. It mea-
KIRSCH Feradyne Feradyne
Zombeaver Big Shooter GlenDel
Billy Goat
Poldi Junior
Texas Xtreme Targets Bugling Bull Spot-Hogg Warthog Safari Maple Leaf Press
World Archery and FITA Targets
under the Climbing Raccoon to create an up and retails for $259. Goat Poldi and Poldi Junior are one-piece
incredibly lifelike scene. The Climbing KIRSCH OUTDOORS also offers a com- targets to be better-looking and easier to
Raccoon and the company’s two other move. The Poldi retails for $749, and the
raccoon options are molded from pre- pact version of the successful Billy Goat Poldi Junior retails for $179.
mium self-healing foam. The foam stops Poldi, the Billy Goat Poldi Junior. The
arrows while also providing easy arrow Poldi Junior provides a humorous target Finally, the Zombeaver introduces
removal. Target paint is bonded with the for a multi-target setup on the archery shooting fun. This target has the same
foam during the manufacturing process, course, including a full-size Billy Goat competition quality self-healing foam
and it is both flexible and UV resistant. It Poldi surrounded by a handful of Poldi the company is known for, with detailed,
won’t crack, flake or fade. Not only can Juniors at its feet. The Billy Goat Poldi Ju- bonded paint that creates eye-popping
it be easily secured to a vertical object, nior and Billy Goat Poldi are made from realism and durability. The target mea-
but it also sets up in a ground scene with premium-quality, self-healing foam. The sures 22.5-by-9.75-by-13.75 inches and
the included stake portals. All in all, the foam stops arrows while providing easy weighs 9.3 pounds, designed in coopera-
Climbing Raccoon is easy and fast to set- arrow extraction. Like other models, the tion with Ghostpack Archery to provide
bonded paint is long lasting. The Billy added fun and years of enjoyable indoor
Pro Shop Range Systems
BIGSHOT TARGETS • The Vegas 900 4x5 Range Target with Reversible Butt is a solid option. It is
large and can handle countless shots resulting from extensive use. It is durable, arrows pull
easily, and it looks great on the range. MSRP is $999.99. Learn more at
MORRELL TARGETS • The MOD 4 Indoor Range System is specifically
designed for clubs and pro-shops. It is built for commercial use, and
all four sides can be shot for a longer maximum lifespan. Its inter-
nal frame system translates to a well-built target that lasts forever,
and the metal frame system increases durability. Furthermore, targets are easy to rotate, ar-
rows are simple to pull and the works is easy to transport. It stands 36-by-72-by-54 inches with-
out the base and weighs 386 pounds. Learn more at
FERADYNE OUTDOORS • The BLOCK Bullseye Archery Target is an af-
fordable option made specifically for the National Archery in the Schools
Program (NASP). Also, it features an easy-on/easy-off, two-sided replace-
ment target sleeve and integrated/removable wheels for easy transport. Whether at school,
or at a club, this is a long-lasting target, standing 34-by-34-by-11 inches and including an
MSRP of $256.99. Learn more at
Saunders Toughenized Face .30-06 Outdoors Tune-It System .30-06 Outdoors Target Face
and outdoor use with an MSRP of $329. long effective life, this is a sound back- square core; the Full-Rut Buck has a 37-
See to learn more. yard range investment. inch shoulder height and 14-inch core;
the Crossbow Buck has a 56-inch height
FERADYNE OUTDOORS The GlenDel Buck has remained a to the antler tips and 11-inch square vi-
longtime favorite, providing easy arrow tal core. MSRPs range from $192.99 to
FeraDyne’s Big Shooter Buck is one of removal via the fused internal core lay- $246.99. See to learn more.
the most affordable 3D targets on the ers and uniform layer compression com-
market. Aside from economics, it of- bined with a long life, curtesy of PolyFu- TEXAS XTREME TARGETS
fers other great features, including a sion technology. Replaceable, four-sided
48-inch height that is 25 percent larger core inserts further extend their useful The Bugling Bull by Texas Xtreme Tar-
than comparable targets, field point and life. The GlenDel Buck comes in several gets offers something most other large,
broadhead compatibility, easy arrow variations, including the GlenDel Buck, 3D targets do not. This system comes
removal, replaceable core inserts and Pre-Rut Buck, Full-Rut Buck and Cross- complete with a taxidermy eye and a
more. The Big Shooter Buck is a great al- bow Buck. The Buck has a shoulder multi-surface replaceable core for the
ternative to high-priced 3D targets and height of 34 inches and a replaceable 11- optimal shooting experience. This Rocky
perfect for casual or serious shooters. inch square core; the Pre-Rut Buck has Mountain bull elk target offers a taste
With an affordable $128.49 MSRP and a 36-inch shoulder height and 12-inch of Western spirit, as well as the excite-
ment that comes while hunting it, while
BIGShot Targets Video Wall • BIGShot Targets created the Video Wall system for serious allowing customers to do so in their
own backyard. It stands 8 feet tall and
archers, introducing an entirely new dimension to archery practice. It comes with 8 feet long. Upon ordering, you will be
everything needed, including the new interactive True Score Vital system and an contacted to discuss pick-up or ship-
exclusive grunt call feature that allows shooters to grunt and stop any buck on ping. Suggested retail price is $1,500. See
video; including their own trail cam videos. Offered in different packages, enjoy to learn more.
the video wall, video wall sensors, video processor, BVR Hunt Player Software, video
scenes and more. The Video wall comes in numerous sizes, including the Person- Paper Faces
al, Personal Pro, Pro Archery, League, and Monster offerings. Standing 9 feet tall
and nearly 15 feet wide, the Paper target faces introduce additional
Monster Video Wall makes excitement and challenge, or provide
a statement at any club, tournament prep for those who already
pro-shop or personal own a reliable arrow backstop. To follow
range. Suggested are some of the latest offerings.
retail ranges from
$2,999 to $13,999. SPOT-HOGG
Learn more at Those who are looking for a high-qual-
ity paper target will find it in the Spot-
Hogg Warthog Safari Target. It features
a 2D, high-definition image of a wart-
hog with two different aiming points.
Red dots serve as great visuals, which
should aid in the shot process. Retail
customers can purchase them for $20. It is now made with a new, wider skirting
See to learn more. to fit most matts. Types include skirted or
square. Color options include four color,
MAPLE LEAF PRESS blue and white, or yellow and red. Seven
sizes are available, ranging from 29 to
Maple Leaf Press offers a complete line of 122cm, and MSRPs range from $0.95 to
four-color, 10-ring World Archery official $33.95. See to learn more.
targets. Each has the World Archery logo,
and sports slick branding. Maple Leaf Press .30-06 OUTDOORS
is a licensed United States target manufac-
turer, is partnered with USA Archery, and .30-06 Outdoors’ patent-pending Tune-It
has been chosen for the Olympics, USA System provides a fresh, user friendly ap-
Archery National Target Championships, proach to bow tuning for less than the cost
USA Archery target trial game competi- of an arrow. Archers can tune their own rig
tions, Canadian Championships, Pan Am with this step-by-step system. Users can
Games, Junior World Championships, also reference all the recommended arrow
Australian and New Zealand Champion- rest and nocking point adjustments right
ships, and other foreign tournaments. on the tuning paper. It takes the guesswork
out of what some view as a mysterious
In 1993, FITA established a new two- task. The Paper Tune-It System includes a
color FITA field face with five rings and tuner frame and 10 sheets of tuning paper,
an inner five-ring for compound shoot- with an MSRP of just $12.95. Additional tun-
ers. The targets have black rings with ing paper is sold in packs of 20.
a yellow bullseye area. The targets are
printed on tag paper, which provides .30-06 Outdoors has also become a
an extremely tear-resistant, waterproof great source for a large assortment of ar-
stock and became the standard for field chery target faces. Customers can choose
tournaments after January 1994. Maple from several 17-by-17-inch, 100-count
Leaf Press offers targets ranging from pads available for competition or for fun
20 to 80cm (8.5-by-8.5-by-34-by-34 inch- and games. Included in the array are the
es) that are tough and made to last. See 10-Ring 40-CM target, Single Spot, Five to learn more. Spot, Three Spot Vegas, Vertical Three Spot
Vegas and Masters Series targets. New
SAUNDERS ARCHERY for this year is the 80-CM 10-Ring target,
which is popular with shops catering to
Saunders Archery’s Toughenized Face is a NASP students. The 100-count pads retail
compound and crossbow practice target for $100, while mini versions retail for
that was developed to withstand harsh $50. For a smaller quantity option, pads
treatment. It contains nylon threads can also be purchased in 20-count packs.
crisscrossing between two layers of heavy See to learn more. IA
stock paper, which triples the target life.
Five Questions with Nation’s Best Sports
Nation’s Best Sports (NBS) is a nationwide sporting goods buying group that was established in pandemic pushed us to up our game
in both information technology and
1956 by Claude Manning. Today, NBS is comprised of more than 400 independent retail mem- marketing communications. Over the
past year and a half, we hosted six
bers, representing more than 1,000 store fronts across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. “Virtual Markets” in a couple differ-
ent formats. This was a challenge to
NBS’ mission is to provide independently owned retailers the ability to effectively compete in an both our members and vendor part-
ners, but we found success through
everchanging environment through aggressive purchasing, marketing and service opportunities. these challenges. Also, this year we
launched an online B2B platform for
We spoke with Luke Cotton, Senior Category Manager for Archery with NBS, to learn more. our members to access and buy prod-
uct direct from our warehouse. This
W hat are some of the advantag- deals not only in market specials, but has become a huge success and a ser-
es of retailers joining Nation’s also when NBS buys the inventory to vice we did not offer prior. We were
Best Sports? ■ While many things house in our 40,000-square-foot ware- able to secure products at exceptional
have changed since our beginning in house to ship direct to our members. pricing, which helped keep our mem-
1956, we still hold true the values of While we do not dictate what our mem- bers stocked and profitable.
our founder in that we—the indepen- bers buy, we trust that our negotiations
dent retailers—are always stronger bring opportunities too good for them What do you see as the future role of
together and that we support those to pass up on. buying groups in the archery indus-
who support us. With those two cor- try? ■ We feel there has never been a
nerstone concepts, we work everyday Why are independent retailers so more important time for the buying
on behalf of our membership to cre- important? ■ We strongly believe groups in the archery industry. As the
ate buying programs and opportuni- that the independent retailers are “brands” continue to consolidate un-
ties that generate not only margin the foundation for our entire indus- der private equity groups, the voices
and generous payment terms, but try, and our dealers have built the of standalone independent retailers
more importantly, we find ways to be “brands” to where they are today. continue to get harder to hear. We
creative in programs that set us apart Consumers seek out our members are actively working to create areas
from our competition. because they are where the people where we can come together and
want to shop because of the qual- form alliances and partnerships with
What role does NBS play in the buying ity products, technical expertise and vendors and other retail partners to
decisions of your members? ■ We have authenticity. Our membership is di- strengthen our cause.
designated category managers who are verse in that we have retailers in all
specialized in different fields through- categories, and regardless of the type If we are to compete in the ever-
out the outdoor industry. We work daily of products sold, the independent re- changing marketplace, we must find
to cultivate relationships with our ven- tail channel must be strong. We know ways to become stronger together, sep-
dor partners and retail members. This that our industry—and specifically arate ourselves from the competition,
helps us to negotiate market programs, the sport of archery—need us, the in- support those who support us, and
specials, exclusive products and oppor- dependent retailers. have a voice loud enough to be heard.
tunity buys for our members. By har-
nessing the buying power of the NBS How was NBS able to support its For more about Nation’s Best Sports,
membership, we can secure incredible members during the COVID-19 pan- please visit IA
demic? ■ As many businesses experi-
enced, we were forced to re-evaluate WebXtra ■ To find out more
our processes and how we do things.
Our pre-pandemic model was focused about Nation’s Best Sports, please
on physical buying markets held visit us at
throughout the year, and suddenly
that was no longer an option. The