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Project done by Ariel Jurado

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Published by arielsextraemail5, 2021-12-19 21:58:05


Project done by Ariel Jurado


By Ariel Jurado

A blue print to higher heights

S- Specific

I want to accomplish my goal of become a
music teacher. I haveboth the abilities,
skills, and passion to accomplish my goal
This has been my goal since I was 12 years
old. It’s more a dream than a gal. I hope to
share my love and passion with my students
by teaching them how beautiful and healing
music can be.


I will track my progress by
completing my bachelors degre,
earning my teaching license, and
earning a teaching position at a
high school. By completing these
steps I know that I am not only
moving towards my goal, but also
by completing the steps I will have
accomplished my goal.

A- Attainable

But,,, is this attainable?

The question that keeps me up at night. But
I believe I can. I believe that through my
education and the experiences I will gain, I
wwill attain my goal. I will gain every skill
ability and the knowledge I need to teach.
Such as being able to lead a class through a
new song, teaching them brand new skills
necessary to learn music.


Why? Why a teacher?

Well, the music teachers in my life completely
changed my life. They guided me through the
hardest parts of my life with kindness and gave
me my life’s passion- music. Through their
lessons I learned more about myself and my
skills. The end result? To be standing in front of
a classroom of my students and feel at home. To
feel successful and proud of not only myself but
them, for sticking by each other and by me.

T- Time Bound

I’ll graduate by 2025 so by that Fall, I will

have gotten a teaching position at a high

school and began started by very first year

of teaching. Early 2025-

2024 Earn Interview for
teaching Teaching

license Position

2021-2025 Bachelors Degree

Fall 2025 Start
Teaching at high


Thank you for your time.
Ariel Jurado

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