11th Annual
Available Now!
Campus West Tarrant County Commissioner Gary Fickes
205 N. Industrial Blvd., Bedford, TX
A Health and Lifestyle Expo for Caregivers, Boomers and Seniors…
“It’s not just an event, it’s an Empowering Experience!”
Friday, October 4, 2019
• Over 2800 Attendees Past Celebrity Guests Event is supported and well-
• Over 150 Exhibitors attended by community
• Professional Health Screenings Bob Lilly ● Randy White ● Jim Sundberg leaders and elected officials.
Neil Sperry ● Troy Dungan ● Scott Murray
Alumni Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders & more!
“Empowering Seniors” from 2009 - 2019
2015 Achievement Award Texas Association of Counties
2012 County Best Practices
Innovation Award
8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Oct. 4
Start your day with the
WBAP Morning Show
at Empowering Seniors!
LIVE BROADCAST from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Hal Jay and others from WBAP, along with
Troy Dungan, Scott Murray and members of the
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Alumni from the ’70s!
● Professional Health Screenings including: Blood Glucose, Hearing, Eyes and more!
● Informative Workshops ● Ask the Doctor Panel ● Over 150 Exhibitors ● Fun Art Class
● Cooking Demonstration ● Carnival Games ● Sweet Treat Cake Walk ● Totes and Treats
● FREE Food ● Entertainment ● BINGO ● Door Prizes and more!
Same location… CrossCity Church | Campus West | 205 N. Industrial Blvd. | Bedford, TX
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Presenting Sponsor
Atmos Energy | Blue Cross Blue Shield | Forest Ridge Funeral Home | Republic Services
of Texas Memorial Park Chapel
Register to attend at
www.EmpoweringSeniors.com or call 817-581-3600
2012 County Best Practices Volunteer of the Year
Innovation Award April 1, 2013
is presented to Gary Fickes
Tarrant County - Empowering Seniors Tarrant County Commissioner, Precinct 3
Precinct 3 Commissioner, Gary Fickes, jokes that, unlike the
TEXAS ASSOCIATION of COUNTIES rest of the HealthCare Heroes’ honorees, he “came kicking
and screaming as a patient in dire need of a liver transplant
Tarrant County was presented with the 2012 in 2008.”
County Best Practices Innovation Award for its
Empowering Seniors Event that helps the county’s In truth, his appreciation of healthcare began in 1994, when
senior residents become more aware of resources he served on the Harris Health Exchange. “This opened the
for problems relevant to aging, such as isolation, window to reveal the depth of care and dedication that goes
transportation, healthcare, financial security, into saving lives, improving outcomes and helping families
identity theft and unemployment. The hope is through the toughest times of their lives,” he says.
that by promoting these programs, other counties
facing similar challenges will be inspired to Following his stint on the Health Exchange, he then became
replicate proven solutions. a member of the board of trustees of Harris Methodist
Hospital HEB in Bedford, which he chaired for two years,
and the board of trustees of the Harris Methodist Health
System. As county commissioner, he works closely with the
JPS Health System on budgets and healthcare facilities
serving the residents of Northeast Tarrant County.
Tarrant County Award Recipients In 2009, he led his staff to create the Empowering Seniors
Expo, which has grown to host more than 1,500 attendees
this past year. The event partners with local hospitals to offer
free healthcare screenings for adults age 50-plus. In 2012,
the Texas Association of Counties presented Gary Fickes
its Best Practice Award for Innovation for his team’s
development of Empowering Seniors.
Commissioner Gary Fickes and Staff
2015 Achievement Award
for its program titled:
Empowering Seniors Health & Lifestyle Expo
Media Coverage Full Page Ad Half Page Ad
Full Page Ad
Quarter Page Ad
Half Page Ad
Promotional Materials and Event Day Handouts
Event Day
Posters &
T-Shirts & Goodie Bags 28 Page Program Event Ticket
Transportation for Seniors, Disabled and Low-income Residents
Over the past eight years, a portion of the proceeds from Empowering Seniors and the Northeast
Tarrant Transportation Summit is donated* and used as supplemental income for the below agencies
and other non-profits. With these funds, agencies can enhance, improve, or expand their services to
provide our senior community with transportation for medical, dental, social, and personal purposes.
Another added benefit from these services is it addresses senior isolation issues by getting the
seniors out of their homes and around others for conversation. It’s a win-win for everybody!
Call A Ride Southlake (CARS)
CARS provides service for senior citizens and disabled adults in Southlake for medical
purposes within a 25-mile radius of Southlake and a 7-mile radius for medical, dental,
social, business and personal needs. Services are provided by volunteers who supply
their own vehicle, time and gas.
CARS was established in 2000. | 817-798-4022 | www.cityofsouthlake.com
HEB Transit
HEB Transit provides transportation for disadvantaged people in Hurst, Euless and
Bedford and access to employment destinations within those cities and the Hurst/Bell
and CentrePort/DFW Airport Trinity Railway Express (TRE) Stations. Services are
provided by Catholic Charities.
HEB Transit was established in 2006. | 817-336-8714 | www.catholiccharitiesfortworth.org
Mid-Cities Care Corps (MCCC)
MCCC’s mission is to preserve the independence of senior neighbors in Northeast
Tarrant County by providing transportation (for routine medical), Helping Hands
projects, and social outreach to break isolation for senior citizens age 65+.
MCCC was established in 1981. | 817-282-0531 | www.midcitiescarecorps.org
Northeast Transportation Service (NETS)
NETS provides transportation services to older adults (55 years of age or
older) and individuals with disabilities in Northeast Tarrant County for medical,
work, social service, senior centers, education and shopping. Services are
provided by both the Fort Worth Transportation Authority and Catholic Charities.
NETS was established in 2002. | 817-336-8714 | www.ridenets.com
Social Transportation for Seniors (STS)
STS provides non-emergency transportation for seniors 62 years and better in North
Richland Hills for leisure and social activities with the purpose of re-engaging isolated
seniors back into the community. Services are provided within a 7-mile radius by
STS was established in 2009. | 817-427-6696| www.stsrides.org
*Over the past eight years, $450,000.00 has been donated to the transportation agencies and other non-profits.
“The entire experience was one of caring”
I participate in a number of these senior events all year, and Empowering Seniors is
clearly the most effective marketing investment I have all year long. You can always
count me in!
A Seven Year Exhibitor
I hear it again and again from fellow senior-focused businesses: Empowering Seniors is “Screenings were
the premier senior event in North Texas. outstanding and
very professional.”
John R, Exhibitor
“It was like spending We have been a sponsor of Empowering Seniors since the beginning in 2009, and are very
time with friends!” proud to have our name associated with such a professionally run and senior helpful event.
It has been my personal experience that Commissioner Fickes and his staff are passionate
about serving seniors. They have created an event that is meaningful, pertinent to actual
needs of boomers and seniors, and reduces the isolation that so many seniors experience.
Each year, as planning gets underway, that passion is revealed in new, creative ways to keep
Empowering Seniors fresh and relevant.
Ron P, Sponsor
What an awesome event! I was so happy to be a part of it. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing some information
with the attendees and I truly enjoyed their conversation, questions, comments, and jokes. It was so nicely
organized and ran so smoothly, it was simply a joy to participate. Thanks for including us in this awesome
event. I look forward to supporting and participating in it next year!
Monica S., Exhibitor
Empowering Seniors event is certainly one of the best in the state. It has been an honor
to share the services available from my agency to attendees.
Agency Liaison, Exhibitor “Great fun and lots of
wonderful prizes!”
The Seniors Event at First Baptist Church facilities on Friday in Euless was just GREAT!!! Many seniors took
advantage of this opportunity and there were Volunteers everywhere. There were so many booths, exhibits
and "things" that all people need to know and to access. Thank You and all the volunteers for the hard work in
organizing and actually having this wonderful event.
Michael D., Attendee
“Thank you for I attended Empowering Seniors and would like to express my sincere appreciation to all
a memorable, those whose hard work made this event possible. They say you don't know what you don't
helpful day.” know and this is certainly true as we get older. As I'm getting older I am facing many
changes and challenges in my life that I am not prepared for. Empowering Seniors serves as
a valuable resource to seniors like me, providing information on a broad scope of topics and
on services that are available to us to help us better mange our lives. I think "Empowering
Seniors" is a very appropriate name for this event. The more we know, the more control we
have in meeting the challenges we face. Thank you,
Mara C., Attendee