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Published by capintec, 2015-10-14 11:18:29

Optility ™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Quick Start Guide

Table of Contents 2
Introduction 4
Dose Calibrator Decay Constancy and Channel Check 9
Receive Shipments (Inventory Receipt) 11
Enter Patient Studies 12
Tc99m Kit Prepreparation 13
Managing Shipments (Updating Box Info, Moving/Removing an Item from a Box) 14
Managing Patient Studies (Changes, Cancellations, etc.) 15
Managing Inventory (Changes, Cancellations, etc.) 17
Filling/Dosing Patient Studies 18
UnFilling/Re-Dosing Patient Studies 20
Waste Processing 22
Area Surveys 24
Area Wipes 25
Patient Study Defaults 26
Patient Study Links 28
Scaler Calibration
Scaler Efficiency


Programs in Optility can be accessed in multiple ways. Many daily use programs are available on the Quick Launch
screen and/or as a button on the Toolbar. The Toolbar can be customized for individual needs. All programs are
available on the menu. Items on the entry screens with a red thumbtack are required entry items.

Dose Calibrator Decay Constancy and Channel Check

(Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu – Health Physics→Dose Calibrator→Decay/Channel)

1. Click the New button to add a new test.

2. Complete the entire form for both the Decay and Channel Constancy tests.

When you select the Channel Setup, your channels will appear. Enter your readings, including the
Instrument Reading, which is the decay constancy reading for your source. Any error readings above the
action level will display in red and be noted in the comments. To display the report for printing, check the
Launch Report box. Enter any additional comments and click OK to file.
3. For a Decay Constancy Test only, do not select a Channel Setup. If one has been selected for you by
default, use the dropdown to select the Blank line from the picklist. Select the Dose Calibrator and Source.

Enter your Instrument Reading for the source. If the error reading is above the action level, it will display
in red and be noted in the comments. To display the report for printing, check the Launch Report box.
Enter any additional comments and click OK to file.

4. Setup and Changing Default Values:
• To set the allowable % error for readings, Go to Tools→System Configuration→Health Physics and.
• To select the default Channel Setup, Go to Tools→System Configuration→Instrument Defaults
• Channel Setups are created in Health Physics→Dose Calibrator→Channel Setup.

Receive Shipments (Inventory Receipt)

(Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu – Inventory→Receive Shipment(s))

1. Complete the Shipment Date Time, Package Number, and Check-In Initials on the form.

Adjust the package receipt date/time for the actual receipt, if needed. The package number can be scanned
from the barcode on the packing list (if available) or typed. If you do not have a package number, you may
type anything, including “None” in the box. To add the first inventory item to the box, scan the barcode
from the packing list or click the Receive Inventory button. Do not click the button, if you are scanning.
If you are scanning, you may review the item as it is scanned into the box (Receive Inventory screen) or it
will go directly into the box, depending on how you have configured your system.

The Receive Inventory screen allows you to confirm that the item correctly scanned, allows you to make
any corrections, allows you to attach the item to a previous order, and add pricing and PO information to
the item. All manual adds will display the Receive Inventory screen.

If you have any previously entered orders, they will appear in the bottom half of the screen. To match an
order with your received item, check the box next to the order. If the Create New Vendor Order is checked,
the system will create an order for you.

If you already scanned your inventory item or typed in receipt information, be sure to click “No”, if you get
the message asking if you wish to set the values from the Vendor Order. “Yes” will fill in/over-write the
form with information from the order.

Once the receipt information is correct for the item, click OK to add it to the box.

When all items have been added to your box, enter any additional comments. The picklist can be used to
select some general comments or type directly into the comments box. Click OK to file.
If your system is configured to prompt you for box surveys and wipes at check-in, you will receive the
following prompt. A box with only non-radioactive items, will not prompt for a wipe and survey of the

Once you have made your selection the appropriate form(s) will display. Complete the form(s).

If you count one background reading, enter the same value for the Outside and Inside Background.
Confirm that the DOT Wipe Test Action Level is set to the correct DPM/100 cm2 value.

When the process is complete, you are given the option to receive a new shipment.

2. Setup and Changing Default Values:
• The option to review scanned inventory in the Receive Inventory screen is set in Tools→System
Configuration→Inventory with the Barcode Receive Dialog.
• Prompting for box wipes and surveys is set in Tools→System Configuration→Inventory
• To set the action level (DPM/100 cm2) for box wipes, go to Masters→Instruments→Scalers, select and
edit the instrument.

Enter Patient Studies

(Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu – Studies→ Studies Management)
1. Click the New button on the Quick Launch or the New button on the Studies Management screen to add a
new patient study.

2. The patient study screen can be customized extensively. For the fastest data entry, use the tab key to
navigate through schedule date, drug, procedure , and patient search fields. This will allow study defaults
to load and the patient search to execute. First name, last name, or patient number can be entered in the

Patient Search. Do not enter this information in the Patient field. When you tab off the Patient Search all
matches will be loaded in the dropdown list for patient. If the patient is not in the list, you may click on the
New button to add the patient. Once the patient has been selected you may see a list of all previous studies
for this patient by clicking on the History button.

Enter Patient Info Here

Using the mouse or the tab key to navigate, complete the rest of the form, being sure to complete all require
fields (red thumbtack).

When your study information is complete, enter any additional comments and click OK to file.
If there was an associated link for a multi-part study, you will be asked if you want to add that next phase.

3. Setup and Changing Default Values:
• Customization of the Patient Entry screen can be set in Tools→System Configuration→Studies.
• Patient Study Defaults can be created in Studies→Study Defaults
• Patient Study Links (multi-part studies) can be created in Studies→Study Links

Tc99m Kit Prepreparation

(Quick Launch, Tc 99mKit Toolbar Button, Menu – Health Physics→Prepare Tc99m)
1. Complete the form, being sure to complete all require fields (red thumbtack).

Set the calibration time to the time that you are making the prep. When you select the Tc99m Kit to
Prepare, the available hot and cold inventory to make the prep will display. If nothing displays, ensure that
you have selected the correct drug to prepare and/or check your current inventory for available source
components. If both of these are fine, you will need to check the setup of the drug (see below).
Once the components are listed, check/select each component used. You must select at least one lot of cold
kits and one source of Tc-99m. Be sure to enter the quantity used for each component. If you used more

than one lot of a particular component, such as two Tc-99m lots, select all lots used and enter the quantity
used from each specific lot. When you enter the Tc-99m inventory, the kit volume will display the volume
from all Tc99m sources. Adjust the volume to the total volume for the kit. Check the concentration and
the expiration. Your prepared kit cannot expire later than any component used in the preparation. When
all information for the kit is complete, and click OK to file.
2. Setup and Changing Default Values:
• Source cold kits (Prepared from Drug) for Tc-99m kit products are set in Masters→Drugs→List. Only

enter the cold kit(s), Tc-99m is not entered, as a source drug.
• Tc Kit Preparation parameters are set in Masters→Drugs→Tc Kit Parameters.

Managing Shipments (Updating Box Info, Moving/Removing an Item from a Box)

(Toolbar Button, Menu – Inventory→ Shipments → Shipments Management)
Highlight the box of interest.

1. Edit - Click the Edit button, right click and select Edit, or double click the box to open the Shipment Edit
screen. Update the information on the box or to remove an item from the box, Uncheck the inventory item.
Click OK to file your changes.

2. Wipe - Click the Wipe button, right click and select Wipe, or double click the box to open the Shipment
Wipe screen. Click OK to file your changes.

3. Survey - Click the Survey button, right click and select Survey, or double click the box to open the
Shipment Survey screen. Click OK to file your changes.

Managing Patient Studies (Changes, Cancellations, etc.)

(Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu – Studies→ Studies Management)

Many of the patient study options are restricted or can only be performed on studies that have not been filled
(assigned inventory). If you Unfill a study (see below) to make changes, you will need to refill (assign inventory) to
the study. For each of these commands, first highlight the study.

1. Edit - Click the Edit button, right click and select Edit, or double click the study to open the Study Edit
screen. Make your changes and carefully review the entire study. Some changes will require re-entry of
the requested dose. Click OK to file your changes.

2. Copy - Click the Copy button or right click and select Copy. A New Study screen will open with
information pre-loaded from the original study. Make any changes and click OK to file them. Filled
studies cannot be copied.

3. Delete - Click the Delete button or right click and select Delete. Confirm the deletion and the study will be
removed from your system. Filled studies cannot be deleted.

4. Void - Click the Void button or right click and select Void. This option does not delete the study. This
option will either mark the study as voided (cancelled) or unfilled, depending on how you answer the
questions. If a study was filled, when you selected Void, it also gives you options to return the inventory
for use with another patient or to dispose of the inventory. If you Edit a Voided study, it will be changed to
an Unfilled study.

5. Link - Click the Link button or right click and select Link. If there is an available link (multi-part study)
available, you will asked to confirm that you wish to add the linked study and then A New Study screen
will open with information pre-loaded from the original study. Make any changes and click OK to file the
study. If there are additional phases set up in the link, you will be prompted for the next step.

6. Admin - Click the Admin button or right click and select Admin. Make any changes to either the person
who administered the dose or the time that the dose was administered. The administered dose will be
adjusted for the new administration time.

Managing Inventory (Changes, Cancellations, etc.)

(Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu – Inventory→ Inventory Management)

1. Edit - Click the Edit button, right click and select Edit, or double click the inventory item to open the
Inventory Edit screen. Make your changes. If adjustments will increase the availabl inventory the
calibrated amounts must be adjusted first. Click OK to file your changes.

2. Delete - If inventory was inadvertently entered twice and has not been used for patients or kit preparation,
it can be deleted from the system. Prior to deleting the item, it must be removed from the box in Shipments
Management (Toolbar Button, Menu – Inventory→ Shipments → Shipments Management). Click the
Delete button or right click and select Delete.

3. Return - Click the Return button or right click and select Return. This option will either mark an unused
inventory, as Returned or if the item was marked for Waste, will return it to current inventory.

4. Revert - Click the Revert button or right click and select Revert. This will change an unused item back to
an earlier status. For example, it will change a Received inventory item back to On Order.

Filling/Dosing Patient Studies

(Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu – Studies→ Studies Management)
Highlight the study, then click the Fill button or right click and select Fill.

The Study Fill screen will display all available inventory for the study.

Make sure the correct lot is selected. You can use the slidebar to scroll to the right for additional information.
Times are very important. Make sure both the Assay and Admin Times are correct, before entering dosing
information. Enter the actual amount at assay time for this lot. If more than one lot was used, you will enter that
information later. For radioactive products, the system displays the suggested activity to draw next to Assay Act.

As you enter the assay, the Admin Activity displays the activity the patient will receive at administration time. If
Residual Activity is recorded, the Admin Activity will be reduced by that amount. If you need to select an
additional lot, check the Get Additional Inventory box. Click OK to file the information.
If you checked the Get Additional Inventory box, the fill screen will display again with the available lots.

Notice that the Dose Requested stays the same, but the Dose Still Needed and the suggested amount to draw (next to
Assay Act) have been adjusted for the first lot selection. Complete the form. If you need to draw from yet another
lot, click the Get Additional Inventory box again. You may use the Get Additional Inventory option, as many times
as needed to fill the dose. Be sure to click the OK, each time you finish the form. If you cancel during any part of
the filling, none of the information is saved. The patient is left unfilled and you can start again. The full
administered dose can be viewed by using the Edit feature in patient studies.
Here are some warning message that you could see, while filling:

1. When the system compared your administered dose to the requested dose, the administered dose is outside
the limits you allow (often +/- 10% of the requested dose). If the dose is correct, click “Yes” or click “No”
to correct.

• You may have entered the wrong assay time or administration time is decayed to the wrong time.
• You may have mistyped the assayed dose or the residual activity.
• You may have entered the study with the wrong requested dose.

You should cancel filling and correct the study, before filling again.

• Your tolerance limit is set too low.
Finish filling, then correct in Tools→System Configuration→Studies.

2. Click OK to continue. You will need to re-try the fill, after reviewing

• You may have a different drug on the study vs. what’s in your inventory.

Review the study and inventory.
• There may be too little of the inventory or you forgot to add the new inventory into your system.

Review the inventory.
• You are on a network and someone at another workstation already filled the study.

Click the Refresh button on the study screen.
3. The volume you are trying to draw is more than what is in the lot. Click OK to continue.

• You may need to draw the dose from multiple lots.
Don’t forget to enter only the assay for this lot and use the Get Additional Inventory to get more.

• You may have selected the wrong lot.
Check the selected lot.

• Your inventory may not be correct.
Cancel the fill and review your inventory.

UnFilling/Re-Dosing Patient Studies

(Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu – Studies→ Studies Management)
If you made a mistake while filling/dosing the patient or you need to make changes to a filled patient that are not
accessible in the Edit or Admin screens, use the Unfill button to reset the patient to Unfilled, so you can start again.
Highlight the study, then click the Unfill button or right click and select Unfill.

Return to Inventory, will put the inventory back, so it can be re-used for another patient. Move Study Fill Inventory
to Waste and Misused/Mishandled will not. The study will be changed to Unfilled and can be edited or re-filled.

Waste Processing

(Quick Launch, Menu – Inventory→Waste→Waste Processing)

Waste processing will automatically open a new bin for each type, if there is no bin of that type open. If you need to
have more than one bin of a particular type open, such as two in-house S-Sharps bins, manually open all the needed
bins in Waste Management using the New button (Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu –
Inventory→Waste→Waste Management).

1. Complete the form.

If you do not have your system configured to process study waste, the lower portion of the screen will not
be visible. Under the Waste Bin ID, each item that you wish to process must have an assigned bin. If you
do not want an item to be processed, select the Blank line from the dropdown picklist. If you would like
the item to go into a different one from the pre-selected bin, select it from the picklist. When the waste
items that you wish to process have been assigned click OK to file.

After you get the message that the waste was successfully processed, you will asked what you would like to
do with the bins.

Carefully read the type of bin, since you may answer differently depending on the bin type.
If the bin should remain open, so more items can be placed in it, select “Cancel”. If the bin is full, but it
will be held for decay, select “Close”. If the bin is full and will be disposed of or if this is a daily Return to
Vendor/Pharmacy bin, select Transfer.

If you transfer the bin, you will be asked for additional information.

Click OK to file your information on the transfer.

Complete the appropriate wipe/survey on the outgoing container.
2. Setup and Changing Default Values:

• Default waste bins are set in Masters→Drugs→Vendor Drug.
• New bin types are created in Masters→Other→Waste Bin Types
• Setting the waste processing mode to None, Inventory Waste or Inventory and Study Waste is set in

Tools→System Configuration→Inventory

Area Surveys

(Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu – Health Physics→Area Monitoring→Area Surveys)

1. Click the New button to add a new test.

2. Complete the form, being sure to complete all require fields (red thumbtack).

Be sure to check the Non-Restricted and Restricted action levels and update, if necessary. Once you select
the Survey Area Group, your areas will display. Enter your readings. Any values above the action level
will display in red and be noted in the comments. To display the report for printing, check the Launch
Report box. When your test results are complete, enter any additional comments and click OK to file.
3. Setup and Changing Default Values:

• Survey Areas are established in Masters→Survey→List. This includes marking areas as restricted and

• Survey Areas are added to a group in Masters→Survey→Group
• Non-Restricted and Restricted action levels can be set in Tools→System Configuration→Health


Area Wipes

(Quick Launch, Toolbar Button, Menu – Health Physics→Area Monitoring→Area Wipes)

1. Click the New button to add a new test.

2. Complete the form, being sure to complete all require fields (red thumbtack).

All results will be calculated in DPM/100 cm2. Enter the actual wiped area for the wipe area size (many
sites are required to wipe a larger area of 250 or 300 cm2). Be sure to check the Calc Non-Restricted and
Calc Restricted action levels. These values are based on the Counting Efficiency % and the CPM/100 cm2
limits and should calculate to 200 DPM/100 cm2 (non-restricted) and 2000 DPM/100 cm2 (restricted) or the
action levels provided by your Health Physicist.
If your scaler reads in DPM units, instead of CPM units, set the Counting Efficiency to 100%. You may
change the Counting Efficiency % by either selecting an efficiency from the Scaler Efficiency dropdown or
by typing a new value in the Counting Efficiency % field. Update the Counting Efficiency and/or CPM
action levels, only if your defaults values are missing/wrong and the Calculated Action Levels are

Once you select the Wipe Area Group, your areas will display. Enter your readings. Any values above the
action level will display in red and be noted in the comments. To display the report for printing, check the
Launch Report box. Enter any additional comments and click OK to file.

3. Setup and Changing Default Values:
• Wipe Areas are established in Masters→Wipe Locations→List. This includes marking areas as
restricted and non-restricted.
• Wipe Areas are added to a group in Masters→Wipe Locations →Group
• To set a specific efficiency for an instrument, go to Masters→Instruments→Scalers, edit the
instrument and select an efficiency from the list.
• To set a general efficiency for area wipes, do not select an efficiency on the instrument. Go to
Tools→System Configuration→Health Physics and enter the efficiency for the Default Scaler
Efficiency % for Area Wipes.
• The CPM/100 cm2 non-restricted and restricted action levels are set in Tools→System
Configuration→Health Physics.
• Wipe area size defaults are set in Tools→System Configuration→Health Physics.

Patient Study Defaults

(Menu – Studies→ Defaults)

Click the Edit button to update and existing default record or the New button to add a new set of defaults.

Review the screen and decide what parameters you wish to establish. The more you add to this screen, the more the
system will try to assist you when entering patients. If only drug and procedure are added, they add to the picklist
for the associated drug or procedure. If you mark either as the default, the system will select this option, as the
default. The standard adult dose is used to enter the dose automatically at patient entry. If you do not have a
standard dose, do not enter one here. If you wish to restrict the dose that can be entered as the requested dose, then
set the limits or leave them blank for no limits. Only fill in dose/kg, if this drug is administered on a dose/kg basis.
Click OK to file your study default record.

Patient Study Links

(Menu – Studies→ Links)
Study Links are used to enter a multi-part/phase study quickly. They are set up, as a chain of events and information
from the first phase is transferred to the next phase. When used in conjunction with study defaults, links can reduce
data entry time and errors.
Click the Edit button to update and existing link record or the New button to add a new link.

The first phase of a link should be a unique starting point. It does not need to be the first study performed on the
patient. Subsequent links in the chain are added in order below. A link with only a drug and the procedure left
blank, will be a drug only study. A link with only a procedure and the drug left blank, will be a procedure only

The duration is used to set a default time for that link. Regardless, of where the link is in the list, the date/time
calculation is always based on the time of the 1st study in the link. If a negative time is entered, that study will be
created with an earlier study time. Click OK to file your study links record

When the first study in the link is entered and filed, the user will be prompted with the option to add the next study
in the link.

If the user selects “Yes”, the pre-loaded study screen will display. The user may edit, as necessary and then file.
The user will be prompted for the next link in the chain, if there is one.
If the user selects “No”, the chain will be broken and only filed portions of the link will be saved.

Scaler Calibration

(Menu – Health Physics→Scaler→Calibration)
This test is used to enter the actual readings from the scaler to determine an efficiency for the instrument. If your
health physicist provided you with an efficiency or a conversion factor, use the Scaler Efficiency test instead of this

1. Click the New button to add a new test.
2. Complete the form, being sure to complete all require fields (red thumbtack).

If the source could be used for I-131 testing, such as the Fume Hood Check or Thyroid Bioassay, you will
be reminded to enter an I-131 conversion factor.

If the results from this test will be the new default efficiency for this instrument, check the Set Default
Efficiency box.

To display the report for printing, check the Launch Report box. Enter any additional comments and click
OK to file.

3. Setup and Changing Default Values:
• To set a specific efficiency for an instrument, go to Masters→Instruments→Scalers, edit the
instrument and select an efficiency from the list.

Scaler Efficiency

(Menu – Health Physics→Scaler→Efficiency)

This test is used to enter efficiency results, usually provided by your health physicist. If you need to enter the
readings from the scaler to determine an efficiency for the instrument, use the Scaler Calibration test instead of this

1. Click the New button to add a new test.

2. Complete the form, being sure to complete all require fields (red thumbtack).

If the source could be used for I-131 testing, such as the Fume Hood Check or Thyroid Bioassay, be sure to
enter the I-131 conversion factor.

If your health physicist provided you with a conversion factor, rather than an efficiency, you can easily

convert the factor to an efficiency with a calculator.

Enter the conversion factor (Example: 1.49).

Click the 1/x button (Example Result: .6711).

Multiply by 100 (Efficiency: 67.11%).

If the results from this test will be the new default efficiency for this instrument, check the Set Default

Efficiency box.

To display the report for printing, check the Launch Report box. Enter any additional comments, such as
who provided the efficiency results, the source, etc. Click OK to file.

3. Setup and Changing Default Values:
• To set a specific efficiency for an instrument, go to Masters→Instruments→Scalers, edit the
instrument and select an efficiency from the list.


Area Surveys · 20 Boxes
Area Wipes · 22 Fixing Wipes/Surveys · 12
Moving/Removing an Item from a Box · 12

D Voiding/Cancelling · 14
Wrong lot(s) were selected for Dose · 17
Dose Calibrator Patient Study Defaults · 24
Channel Check · 2 Patient Study Links · 25
Decay Constancy · 2
Dose Calibrator Decay Constancy only · 3
Receive Shipments · 4
I Add/Change Surveys · 13
Add/Changed Wipes · 13
Inventory Changes and Edits · 12
Changes and Edits · 14
Deleting · 15 Returning Syringes to the Pharmacy · 18
Returning · 15
Reverting to an earlier status · 15 S

Inventory Receipt · See Receive Shipments Scaler
Inventory Updates/Changes · 14 Calibration · 26
Inventory Waste Processing · 18
Scaler Conversion Factor · See Scaler Efficieny
M Scaler Efficiency · 28
Multi-Channel Analyzer · See Scaler
Fixing Wipes/Surveys · 12
P Moving/Removing an Item from a Box · 12
Study Entry · 9
Patient Dosing · 15 Study Updates/Changes · 13
Patient Entry · 9 Study Waste Processing · 18
Patient Studies
Adding linked studies after entry · 14
Changes and Edits · 14 Tc99m Kit Preparation · 11
Changes to Admin Time or Administer · 14
Copying · 14 W
Deleting · 14
Drug Picks for Studies · See Patient Study Defaults Waste Processing · 18
Filling/Dosing · 15 Well Counter · See Scaler
Multi-Part/Phase Studies · See Patient Study Links
Unfilling a Dose · 17

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