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Literary magazine of St. Basil Academy in Jenkintown, PA

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Published by angela, 2018-06-01 12:10:41

Laureate 2018

Literary magazine of St. Basil Academy in Jenkintown, PA

Keywords: St. Basil Academy,Jenkintown,Laureate

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Welcome to the revival of the Laureate. For the first time in three
years, the Saint Basil Academy Laureateis back and better than ever! This
book is a combination of works from two creative writing classes and
submissions from creative students throughout the school. For the 2018
edition, the editorial staff has decided to hold up a mirror to our inner
selves. As you take the time to read through this magazine, we challenge
you to also reflect on your truecharacter.

ClaireHynes& Kelly Breslin

Juliana Gura '18

2018 Laureate Magazine

Cover Art by Juliana Gura

Claire Hynes '19

D edication: M rs. Kenny

W e dedica t e t his y ea r 's La ur ea t e
m a ga z ine t o M r s. Glor ia K enny . She
joined t he Science D epa r t m ent in 20 0 3
t ea ching Biology a nd A na t om y a nd
beca m e t he depa r t m ent hea d. M r s. K enny
ha s dev ot ed t he pa st 15 y ea r s t o Sa int
Ba sil A ca dem y a nd ha s t a ught Biology ,
H onor s Biology , A na t om y , A P Biology ,
a nd Cell Biology a nd Ca ncer . She a lso ha s
been in cha r ge of t he K a ir os r et r ea t s for
m a ny y ea r s. She ha s t he kindest hea r t ,
lov es ev er y gir l she t ea ches, a nd is t her e
for ev er y st udent w ho needs her help.

M r s. K enny lov es her husba nd, 4
da ught er s, 2 sons, a nd especia lly t he
Phila delphia Ea gles. W e w a nt t o t ha nk
M r s. K enny for a ll of her ha r d w or k for
t he pa st 15 y ea r s a nd w ish her t he best of
luck for w her ev er t he fut ur e t a kes her .

D edication: M rs. Chang

W e dedica t e t his y ea r ?s La ur ea t e m a ga z ine t o M r s. Sooky ung
Cha ng. M r s. Cha ng ha s dedica t ed num er ous y ea r s t o t he

Sa int Ba sil A ca dem y Science D epa r t m ent . Ov er her y ea r s of
t ea ching a t SBA , M r s. Cha ng ha s t a ught Chem ist r y , A P
Chem ist r y , A dv a nced Env ir onm ent a l Science, A P
Env ir onm ent a l Science, a nd H or t icult ur e. M r s. Cha ng
int r oduced Science Oly m pia d, R ea ding Oly m pics,

H or t icult ur e Club, a nd K or ea n Cult ur e Club t o t he school. I n
a ddit ion t o being a n out st a nding t ea cher , M r s. Cha ng is a
hum ble indiv idua l w ho is a pr oud m ot her of t hr ee childr en.
M r s. Cha ng spends count less hour s in her cla ssr oom helping
gir ls im pr ov e t heir Chem ist r y skills a nd a ssist ing gir ls in

Chem ist r y la bs. H ow ev er , M r s. Cha ng?s ha r d w or k cont inues
out side of t he cla ssr oom . M r s. Cha ng ha s pa r t icipa t ed in a
sum m er pr ogr a m ca lled A r gonne N a t iona l La bor a t or y a nd
t a ught Chem ist r y t o y oung st udent s in H ong K ong. F or t he
pa st t w o y ea r s M r s. Cha ng ha s pour ed a lot of dedica t ion

a nd ha r d w or k int o t he m ea dow she cr ea t ed in t he ba cky a r d
of SBA . M r s. Cha ng ha s m a de a t r em endous im pa ct on Sa int
Ba sil A ca dem y a nd w e w a nt t o t ha nk her for ev er y t hing she
ha s done t o m a ke t his school a bet t er pla ce. W e w ish t he best

of luck t o M r s. Cha ng w her ev er t he fut ur e t a kes her !

7 ThingsI LikeAbout You

To most people, shoes are just protection for your feet. To me, these saddle shoes have been
my best friend for 4 years:
They were there for me as I nervously walked into SBA on my first day of freshmen year.
They were there for me when our class practiced every Spirit Day dance and our Halloween
They were there for me for me every time I anxiously auditioned for the plays and musicals.
They were there for me when I opened every college acceptance and rejection letter.
They were there for me when I go out in public and people stare at my uniform with
They were there for me every day walking in and out of school happy or disappointed.
They were there for me during my high and low points.
They were there for me when no one else was or could be.
They will be there for me when I walk out on my last day at Saint Basil Academy.
The sole of these shoes have been attached to my feet since freshman year and were there
for me during the most important moments and they will be attached to my soul for the rest
of my life.

Nin a Violi '18

Saddles Saddles they're made of rubber Soph ia M ah on ey '19
wear and they keep you out of trouble.
black and white are the colors of them. Saddle Shoes at Basil's
keep them clean, muy bien. More than just a pair of shoes
sometimes they can smell like stinky feet
but hey, that's what makes saddles They connect us all.
They've got soul. Anya Bohat iuk '18
word out.

M ar issa Ryan '18

First day through the doors My turn.
fresh and new I finally get a brand new pair of my own.
almost spotless After envying four other sisters'
just wishing to be of use I get a pair that I can walk in and travel the halls of Saint Basil
laced up tight Academy everyday.
all ready to go I get to wander my own journey of high school, wearing those
first year down old-school saddle shoes.
three more to go Day by day, lugging them around on my small feet,
Hearing the saddles clunk on the cafeteria floor and looking
Second year through the doors around.
worn but not worn down I see everyone's wearing the same Oxford
excited for another year 's round But they're so different.
goes by fast Some are ripped and doodled on,
laces fraying, Some are clean and bright white as the moon.
white no longer white Some refuse to stay together,
Sophomore year now out of sight But the shoes get the job done.
with two more to go They are the saddle shoe,
The shoes that unites us as sisters.
Third year through the doors So when someone sees a saddle shoe, they know
not looking brand new That's a Basil girl.
this year begins
with barely a back Teagan O'Har a '18
soles worn now
laces tattered Shoes are a significant staple of identity,
aging with the wearer, And my shoes provide me with a state of serenity.
bearer ...of dreams, of hopes Don?t look down upon my black and white saddles,
still trying to treasure and spare Do you know they were there while learning of the Tower of
the days that are left.. Babble?
Looking back on my time I spent at Saint Basil Academy,
With all four years done Effortlessly, they helped me escape the pressures of gravity.
ruffed up edges
In t er lacin g Ch er yl Rem olde '18
souls united.
Still kept in a part of your house Morning after morning we slip into them,
never forgetting Day after day we wear them with pride,
what it is all about And when it's all over we put them to rest,
never be far from sight Thinking of the miles walked and the memories made,
the memories brought to you While wearing these beloved saddle shoes at our favorite academy.
will always shine
this white and black and black and white Kelly Br eslin '19
laced up just right .

Kat e Coyle '18

Accepting Today

Areyour thoughtsproneto what thenext day, especially
theweekend, holds?

Doesit boreyou enough for meto say that today can be
just assanguineasany other yearningday?

That oh so common sentence, "I can't wait for theday to be
over" drainsthejoy... Doeseverythinghaveto beplanned
to beenjoyable? Must it alwaysgo your way?

Every moment you experiencemoldsyour future.

Every wish you makemay end with aswish.

You may betorn astimeisflyingby, remembering Sophia Mahoney '19
somethingso worthwhile, that wasso longago, feelinglike
it happened yesterday, wishingto feel that feelingall over Len ses
I w ash the gray from m y sk i n,
But, wish no moreand and dri nk i n the opalescent,
the capti vati ng color w ashes over m e,
livefor TODAY not tomorrowor yesterday shroudi ng m e i n i ts m agni fi cence.

and thereshall beno sinkingsorrow, asto what happened,
asto what can happen.

Ciani Kensy '18

Li ghti ng stri kes m e,
bri ngi ng forth a new beast,
I spri ng from the shell of the m an I once w as....
m i rrors tell the m ost si m pli ci ti es.

Isolati on bri ngs m e to m y k nees,
As sti fli ng soli tude fi lls m y lungs.
I am surrounded, but alone.
My heart pounds out a crescendo of forlorn
beat s.

Brianna Gracey '21 The others look , but do not see.
They touch but never feel.
Tick -Tock They hear but seldom understand.
She listened to the minuets go by as she got lost in They solely grasp black and w hi te, but they
the spinning of her ceiling fan. i n rose.
Nothing to do, nothing to see, nothing to eat.
Lying on her bed, she wished nothing more than for Alex Morgenstern '22
sleep to take her away from this barren day to an

exciting world in her dreams.
Kelly Breslin '19

Street Lights and Snow Juliana Gura '18
As I stand outside, alone
Beneath the falling winter snow Dog Days

The flittering One day in Saint Basil Academy,
Floating I was about to fall asleep, naturally.
Until I was approached by a fluffy
Fleeting snow
In a little world of my own, black and white dog,
My mind wanders to a time before who trotted over to me with
When glittering lights were the trees' decor
In the City at Christmas time. a little jog.
The trees reached forth their shimmering Patches, the doggy, gave me a big hug,

fingers and Mr. Angus just laughed
To try and escape the steel giants?trap and shrugged.
And while the sparkles did consume me
Maria Storck '20
My soul was empty and bereft.
Once again beneath the moonlight

Of this quiet snow globe scene
Feeling full of natural wonder
A lovelier place I have not yet seen.

Julia Mayro '19

Claire Hynes '19


The Day My Life Changed Forever During the time when my diagnosis
was revealed I had fallen fast asleep.
by Teagan O'Hara The events of the morning and
apparently the seizure itself had
"She had a seizure last night," completely exhausted me. I was
my sister nonchalantly stated as my awoken by my mother . She was
nausea kicked in full blast. It was seven shaking my arm, telling me that it was
fifteen on a cloudy Tuesday morning time to leave. I got changed into my
and as I was getting ready for school, I gray sweatpants and green t-shirt and
felt really out of place and disoriented. jacket and my mother and I walked out
I tripped three times just walking of the hospital and to the van. When
across my living room: the left side of we buckled ourselves in though, my
my face was drooping. When my sister mom asked if I knew what happened. I
asked me a questions I couldn't giggled nervously and replied, "Yeah, I
answer her because I couldn't had a seizure, but what really went on
comprehend. I have a vague with me? Am I okay?" My mom sighed
recollection of my mom sitting me on as she pulled out of the parking spot
the couch; I recall a strong and explained, "Well, the doctor said
gravitational sensation as if I was that there are firings in your brain that
falling off a cliff in a dream and I had triggered the seizure like the one
to jerk myself awake. Yet I was awake, which happened last night. It's a
conscious enough to wonder what was seizure disorder called epilepsy."
going on with me. Was I okay? Was I Absorbing all of this information had
sick? What happened to me last night? me confused. Epilepsy. I had heard of
Was I dying? After then my nine year this condition. I guess I had imagined
old sister, Mary Teresa, mumbled the that people were born with it. I didn't
word "seizure" to my overly concerned know that you could be healthy one
mother, I panicked. No. It can't be. day, or one minute, and then have
Why would my sister say that? I epilepsy the next. I have a label on me
couldn't have had a seizure. I do not now. I have a disorder with seizures.
have medical conditions or any blows Weird. Worse. I am an epileptic! What
to the brain that would cause a will the kids at school think? Will they
seizure. My sister 's words must also laugh at me? Will they make fun of me
have struck a chord with my mother and call me names? It wasn't like I was
who then rushed me to Holy already struggling with girls in my class
Redeemer Hospital in our family's gossiping about me; now they have
black Honda minivan. After getting something else to gossip about. I was
dressed in a paper-like gown, being never someone who would be
forced to drink a gigantic cup of soda, described as normal; I was a weirdo, a
and having to pee in an extremely d an ce-t o-t h e-b eat -of -you r -ow n -d r u m -
small cup, I waited with my family for type and I was terrified about what the
the doctors to explain what was going
on with me.


kids at school would say, or worse, something that I have to deal with
how they would think of me. I started every day. It also provides me with a
getting nervous. My mother noticed. daily challenge: to mind over matter,
Further, she had to tell me that I was to spirit over circumstance. Epilepsy
going to have to take a medicine called has only made me a stronger person
Keppra, which would help me control over these seven years and, possibly
my seizures. Great, so now I'm an ...f o r ever .
eleven year old girl who takes pills like
a grandma and has seizures like one
too. As time went by, and as I began
telling more people about my
condition and the medication I now
had to take, I became incredibly
insecure about myself. I was scared
people were constantly making mean
judgments about who I was and why I
am the way I was. Keppra started to
make me feel super angry and snappy;
some kids started making seizure
jokes. They would mock a seizure and
call me a freak, (which was nothing
new, but now the reason was because
of my epilepsy). This really hurt me
deep inside. Any time my family would
even mention my epilepsy, I would cry,
because I did not want to be known as
this sad, pathetic girl who had seizures
all the time. I wanted to be more than
that. I cried for two years straight
about my epilepsy. One day my mom
stumbled across a website for kids
with epilepsy. At first I was hesitant
about it, thinking it was a camp for a
bunch of weirdos, but I checked it out
and eventually this space became a
second home to me. Here, I can say
and do what I want about seizures and
not worry about people judging me. I
have made some incredible friends
here; friends for life. This network has
helped me to accept the fact that, yes,
I have epilepsy, but it does not have
me. I own it. It does not own me. It is

Brianna Gracey '21 W ild flow e r

The Storm Wildflower, Wildflower, free a s the wind
Pa inted with the tea rs of the sun
Generations upon generations, Da ncing like a gypsy, never to be pinned
sw allow ed by the dark, Blowing in the breeze like a ma n on the run
shake the dust from my soul, Sitting on a bea ch hill, a dja cent to sky's hea ven
show me the bleeding hearts. Listening to wa ves cra sh with roa rs a s grea t a s
Echoes in the w ind, lions
Silhouettes on the sun, Turning every bea chgoer's na p into sweven
Graves of the living, Ma king the Jersey shore seem Ha wa iia n.
The beating of a drum.
Eyes like shattered glass, Wildflower, wildflower ha ppy a s ca n be;
holes in the sky, In the Wildwood dunes, I wish I could sta y
tangled cobw ebs, Wa tching a s the surfers glide on the sea .
color in my veins. But since we must pa rt, I'll see you here next
Show me my reflection, Ma y.
in my future, not my past, Until then, ta ke ca re of my golden pa ra dise;
aw aken the feelings, Continue to grow in the mounds a bove.
empty the storm. Don't let my precious wa ves turn into cold stone
Alex Morgenstern '21 And give the ocea n a ll of my a dmira tion a nd

Erin Drumm '20

Tia Taylor '21

Golden Sou l

Flecks of gold fell in her soul

And thunder rumbled in her head

But in her reflection she saw an ordinary girl.

Everyday her dazzling thoughts were set on fire

And her happiness glowed from within

But in her reflection she saw an ordinary girl.

Ocean storms battled in her mind

And flowers blossomed from the roots of her heart

But she was stifled by her perception of herself

Or perhaps what the world thought it should be.

Even t u ally...

She found the key Julia Hirth '18
When she realized her worth was found within
Dr izzle
herself, not in her reflection;
And she was set free. They wanted a drizzle, but she was a downpour.

Flecks of gold glistened in her reflection. They wanted an easy fight but she shook them to the
Erin Drumm ?20 core.

She was different and that was her greatest power.
They wanted dependency, but she was self-reliant.

They wanted a small mind, but hers was a giant.

She was different and that was her greatest power.

They wanted a puddle, but she was a maverick.

They wanted the truth, so she showed them her best
She was different and that was her greatest power.

They wanted fire, so she turned into rain.

They wanted to hurt her, but she couldn?t feel their pain.

She was different and that was her greatest power.

They wanted a battle but she was a war.
They pinned her wings down but she still learned to soar.

She was different and that was her greatest power.

She was born with fuel in her veins and sparks in her

She was unlike any other because she could never be

Francelie Arguelles '21 Erin Drumm '20

Sink or Swim

by Cheryl Remolde

It was 2:00 in the morning. My mother yelled for me and my sisters to get up. Normally, it would
take three or more attempts for her to finally be successful in waking me up, but I had been waiting all
night to hear the sound of her voice outside my bedroom door. I shot out of bed and raced to the living
room and I waited for the rest of my family to gather. With my pillow and blanket in my hands, I followed

my mother who was ushering all of us outside. We piled in the car in order of seniority, with my two
brothers claiming the second row of seats as the oldest and my sisters and I crammed together in the
back of our family car ? a time worn and tired conversion van. Sitting in the middle of my younger sisters,

giggling and bubbling with excitement, I anxiously awaited our arrival. However, my parents had
strategically planned our departure time, and by the time we got onto I-95 every one of my siblings
escaped into their own dwellings of their inner thoughts. I too drifted into a blissful oblivion and all was
peaceful for a few hours, only until I was abruptly awoken from my sweet slumber by the piercing cries of
my youngest sisters who were battling over the last available Hi-C Fruit punch. Any last hopes of an
undisturbed car ride were destroyed. Phrases like ?are we there yet?and ?I have to pee?were asked every
half an hour and made the trip a very long and extremely exhausting journey as I am sure my parents
could attest to. Finally, 11 hours later, we arrived at our destination. The Remolde family would take on
Corolla, North Carolina, together as always; yet I myself would learn something that would stay with me

long after sun kissed tanned skin and beach blond hair faded away.

With the balls of my bare feet burning from the intensity of the summer ?s sun upon the sand, I
danced my way over to join the rest of my family. There we had a set-up of 7 chairs, everyone in a
different color for each member of the family, a cooler packed full with our lunches, towels, sand toys,
and boogie-boards. The endless shimmering of the soft, salty waves captivated my young mind and heart.
Being the impatient and demanding 7-year-old that I was, I grabbed my mother ?s hand and pulled her
straight towards the ocean that was calling my name. A rush of cold overcame my body as I plunged
further and deeper into the ocean. From ankle, to knee, to chest, I let the ocean take my seven-year-old
body, letting all my conscious thoughts drift away with the drawback of the waves. I let the buoyancy of
my body float me on my back, my body weightless, defying the pressures of gravity. This freedom,
however, was short lived and I was dragged forcefully back to reality when I turned to put my feet down
and could no longer feel the ocean floor.

Panic overwhelmed me. I had drifted too far out to sea. Frantically, I splashed and paddled trying
to get back to my mother who stared back at me with I look I did not recognize. I called out to her. I
screamed. I choked and pleaded in desperation for her to come save me, surely she must see my
distress. In a calm voice, she simply whispered for me to come back. What did she think I was trying to
do? With my face wet with a mixture of ocean spritz and tears, and with waves pounding on top of me
pulling me further out into the ocean, I did not know what to do; however, it was becoming clear that
mother would not be coming to my rescue. I took a deep breath. Think. Rather than desperately driving
my feet down in search of the safety of the ocean floor, I again let them float to the surface. I felt the sway
and sheer strength of the ocean underneath my body. I understood what I needed to do. I rolled onto my
stomach. With the momentum of each wave, I pushed myself along back towards the extended arms of
my mother whose face remained quite plain. I kicked and kicked my legs not in a panic, but with a

purpose. I was determined to make it back to mother, and she was determined to show me that I could
do it all on my own. With each roll of the waves, I propelled myself to the safety of the coast line. She
smiled at me, and with my chin held high above the water, I smiled back.

With a final stroke and last push from the waves, I again felt the sand beneath my feet and the
warm embrace of my mother. I also felt something else that I had not ever experienced before. I felt like I
had accomplished something incredible all on my own. It was the exact lesson my mother was trying to
teach me at such a young age. Rather than rushing out to save me, like most mothers would, she waited.
She waited for me to realize I was not a damsel in distress who needed saving. She waited for me to do
the saving all on my own. I did not need anyone to come to my rescue because I was fully capable of
saving myself. It was this realization that made me appreciate my mother in that moment. She is
responsible for a large part of who I am today because she made me brave, she made me strong, and she
made me fearless. She taught me a lesson that I truly could not live without and for that, I am forever
gr at ef u l.

P op Sonnets

Cheryl Remolde '18 Nina Violi '18 Claire Hynes '19

Mark, to entertain a I stayeth out too late, did get Haply tis the way the lady
cunning mind, nothing on mine own mind hath walked
Yond's what people sayeth, hmm,
Anon, a liberating freedom, Straight to mine own heart
a beacon of light yond's what people and made haste with it,
sayeth, mm hmm
With each others strengths but I can't maketh those folk Out the chambers and past
and weaknesses aligned the doors guarded
stay behind
Comparable to Ben Franklin's At least yond's what people sayeth, As if she had already procured it.
key and kite, thou I say, "Can thy giveth
seeth it right? mmm hmm, yond's what people it backeth to me?"
sayeth, mmmm. Hath said "nev'r in
thy wildest dreams"
Encounters which last two But I journey forth, can't stand ho,
moments, maybe three won't stand still We did dance to the most
wondrous song ev'r
Capable of total agreement, It's liketh I did get this music in
tasting of sweet temptation, mine own mind, declaring it's gonna We kneweth ev'ry line,
I have no memories
Thou is like a dream be soothing
How it goeth, I knoweth
and dance to thee, I shan't forget.

A chance thou will be given for Cause the playeth'rs gonna playeth, Hark, we dance all nigh
playeth, playeth most wonderous.
the flirtatious elation.
And the hate'rs gonna misprise, She hath said her nameth
wast Georgia Rose
I would like to journey misprise, misprise And her father wast
alongside with him Baby, I'm just gonna shaketh, in medical fields,
shaketh, shaketh, shaketh, shaketh
But then I turn and glimpse I shaketh it off, I shaketh it off Hath said I obtained a
the expression of my kin... Heartbreak'rs gonna breaketh, filthy mouth;

breaketh, breaketh, breaketh, The lady did kiss me.
like she meanteth

And the fake'rs gonna fake, fake.

fake, fake, fake

Baby, I'm just gonna shaketh,

shaketh, shaketh, shaketh, shaketh

I shaketh it off, I shaketh it off

with Shakespeare

Teagan O'Hara '18 Marissa Ryan '18 Kelly Breslin '19

The globe is not the best place to Thou should'st sing with Flyeth, white-headed birds
seek a lover happy heart of prey, flyeth!

So the bar is wh're I wend Me Of school we loveth On thy course of action
and mine own cater-cousins so greatly towards vict'ry!

drinking shots F'r many joyous Fighteth, hooked beaked birds
Drinking festinate and then we thoughtful days of prey, fighteth!
We spendeth togeth'r h're Acquire a six point
talketh sloweth Liketh an army score - 1, 2, 3!
Cometh ov'r and stateth up a
undivid'd Hitteth those folk base!
conservation with just me Verily yea we will be Hitteth those folk high!
And trusteth me I'll giveth a And gazeth our large broad
Recalling the
chanceth anon white and gold winged birds flyeth!
Taketh mine own handeth, stand Of Saint Basil Academy Flyeth, keen sighted birds

ho, putteth van the sir on the Flyeth, oh ladies, oh flyeth! of prey, flyeth!
jukebox Aye, to the universita On they course of action

And then we starteth to danceth Mark the good, the great towards vict'ry!
and anon I'm singing liketh joy, the love
Flyeth, powerful soaring
Wench three knowth I wanteth Perchance to leadeth birds, flyeth!
thy loveth the world
To Super Bowl fifty-two
Thy loveth wast handsome f'r Prithee n'er forget and higher!
somebody liketh me gold and blue
Fighteth, proud canines from
Cometh in anon, followeth mine And to thyself always below, fighteth!
own leadeth I may beest crazy, stay true.
Vanquish Thomas Brady
mine not me and the liars!
Sayeth, knave, alloweth's not
Flyeth through thy special
talketh too much trick of Philly!
Grabeth on mine own waist and
As thy chant the words:
out yond corse on me dilly dilly!
Cometh in anon, followeth mine

own leadeth
Cometh, cometh in anon,
followeth mine own leadeth

Claire Hynes '19


Cheryl Remolde '18

Kristina Westervelt '18

Nina Violi '18

Claire Hynes '19
Teagan O'Hara '18

Getting Personal

This We'll Defend

by Kelly Breslin anytime we had a family party. Some times
were better than others, but we made it work.
Deployment (n.) the movement of troops
or equipment to a place or position for military Yeah, that year was tough for all of us, but
action. The first time my dad was deployed I there were certain good things that came out
was only in first grade. When I was six years old, of it. It's recommended that the family take
I didn't really know what a deployment entailed. up a project during the deployment to stay
All I knew was that my dad was going to occupied, so we decided to add an entire
another country for a long period of time. I got addition to the back of the house. Go big or
to talk on the phone with him every week, and go home, right?
then he finally came home when I was in
second grade. No worries, just missed my dad; Home improvement wasn't the only
then I got him back. But my innocence-born good thing to come out of the deployment. I
bliss gradually eroded and all but disappeared had wanted to try horseback riding my whole
entirely when I next heard, "I'm being deployed life, so my mom decided to sign me up for a
again." It was several years later. My dad few lessons, and it didn't take me a very long
caught me off guard one evening after dinner. time to fall in love with the sport. I have now
There was a lump in my throat and a weight in been riding for five and a half years, and
my stomach as he uttered these unexpected horses are one of the most important aspects
words. "Again?!" was the only response I could of my life. My dad is still enlisted in the
muster as I stood at the table picking apart my military. He has to leave for one weekend
muffin. There were so many thoughts swirling every month and for two weeks every
around my brain, but I couldn't seem to put any summer, but after having to spend an entire
of them in a complete sentence. Even if I was year without him - not once, but twice - I am
able to think straight, what would I say? I don't undaunted by these occasional training
remember being told about the first assignments. While I hope and pray that he is
deployment, so I was completely naive to this not sent on another year long deployment
part of the process. during the remainder of his time in the
National Guard, I realize that I have learned
Initially, I played it cool. Sure I didn't some valuable lessons during those
want my dad to leave, but I had lost him to the deployments. Of course some of them were
Army before; it's whatever. Except for one small the usual life lessons of independence,
problem: it's not just whatever. A year is a long responsibility, and maturity. Overall, I believe
time to go without a parent. Now in sixth grade that the most important thing I learned was
and eleven years old, I had more of an the importance of finding the silver lining in
understanding of what went on during military every situation. Life has a funny way of
deployments. I knew I would be able to handle working sometimes, and all I can do is make
the separation, but could I handle the worry? the best out of it.
My family sent him care packages from home,
and my classmates wrote him letters from
school. I emailed him on an almost a weekly
basis, and we Skyped him faithfully as a group

Try, Try andTry Again

by Kate Hendricks-Coyle Focusing on the seemingly
never-ending sidewalk up ahead, I heard
Riding a bike, to most people, comes Brett yell, "Are you ready?" Of course I
naturally, but to me it was not so easy. I had wasn't ready and I mumbled my dissent.
tried to ride a bike before, as every kid does, Yet, before I knew it, the bike had started
but every time my foot pushed down on the moving on the ground. Brett had pushed
pedal it did not seem to stick. My brother and me off, his strength propelling the bike
I were in the backyard of my grandparents' into motion, his confidence sustaining
house, running around and playing tag until motion, my motion. Something clicked
Brett suddenly froze. He looked at me and between my feet and brain. I was
shouted, "Hey Katie, I have a great idea." pedaling and the bike was moving! Doubt
Knowing what his 'great ideas' consisted of I and hesitation trailed behind me, like the
replied, with cautious curiosity, "What is it?" sound of Brett's voice. It was not long
"Follow me," he yelled as he ran away before this seemingly insurmountable
towards the garage. When we reached the skill became natural. I was truly riding a
garage, he pulled open the wooden door. Its bike. Without my brother 's help, I would
screech was familiar. Brett began moving not have been able to do it.
shovels, the lawn-mower, and four-wheelers
out of the way to expose our bicycles hidden I don't have a brother on my dad's
in the back. Giving him a worried look I side. I am an only child to my dad.
reluctantly stuttered, "But you know that I However, with my mom, I belong to a two
can't ride a bike!" He looked at me and then child family. When it comes right down to
at the bike with determination, "I know; that's it... I am a two-family child! This might
why I am going to teach you." As I just sound like a word game to some
approached the bike, anticipation and fear people, but to me it is my life. It was never
began to overcome me. All of my previous easy playing both roles, transitioning
attempts had led to tears, and usually the from one to the other on a regular basis.
need of a First Aid kit. I turned to Brett and At my Mom's house, I competed with my
pleaded, "I can't." Immediately he responded, brother for the title of favorite child.
"Yes, you can." While I hopped onto the bike, However, at my Dad's house, it was the
another proposal of avoidance popped into exact opposite. There was no need to
my head. So, I earnestly shouted, "Are you compete because I already was the
sure you wouldn't rather want to play favorite child, since I was the only one.
basketball or something instead?" Then, to Being a two-family child is not something
my surprise, he stood in silence for a few that all kids experience, which is why it is
moments and thought about it. As I waited so unique and special to me. Having a
for his answer, I hoped that he would agree. sibling on Mom's side and being a single
But he replied with a sly grin on his face, child family with my Dad has helped to
"Nope, you are learning today; you can't put it shape me into the person I am today. It
off forever!" With that I faced forward and has taught me how to be independent yet
prepared myself to ride. selfless to those around me. These
experiences propelled me to strive to
become the best that I can be and to
never cease to appreciate all the little
things in life. I have learned to treasure
my two-family life.

Learning to ride a bike is a "Go for gold, strive for silver, and beg for
universal childhood experience. Some bronze," is a saying that has helped me
people might not even remember the along the way. My family has taught me
learning process. I am amazed at the to achieve excellence in ways that help
impact that my bike learning experience me become better and leave things
had on me. Clearly it was not solely better than found. It has trained me to
about the bike itself. It was a pivotal life understand that expecting perfection is
moment for me, a moment of realization not the right way to go through life
that , all along, through the ups and because it does not define me. Going
downs of separation, of circumstances through every day with determination
outside of my control, factors were at and possibility keeps my attitude
work in me, forming me, transforming positive. Doing, trying, and prevailing at
me into the person I am, and I am my personal best is my way of peddling
determined, I am confident, I am flexible. into a successful future.
Being a two-family child is not something
I chose, but it is something for which I
have come to be grateful.

Reflecting on our last four years

The Stage Resign at ion

Walking out of the girls?dressing room door Year af t er year ,
Inhaling the whiffs of hairspray and per fume m at h t est af t er m at h t est ,
Stepping across the hard, wooden floor. gam e af t er gam e,
Remembering the pirouettes and arabesques executed, spir it day af t er spir it day,
The blocking rehearsed, and the music lear ned, college applicat ion af t er college
I stare out to the empty rows of golden chairs. applicat ion...
Instantly aware of all the memories made on this stage,
But now it ends all in the blink of an eye. How h ave w e becom e so old?
Legally Blonde, Cinderella, Fame, and Hairspray, It ?s t im e f or u s t o let go:
Many different characters and many different roles to play, we have learned t o be bold
An amazing, but challenging task to take on. and w e w ill cont inue t o grow.
I walk along the path of choreography taught,
Reminiscing on the memories that will live on. It is n ow t im e t o see w h at t h e f u t u r e
This place to me is home, h olds,
It is where I sang, danced, and roamed. Sain t Basil Academ y edu cat ed t h e gir l,
It has made me the woman I am today, em powered t he wom an,
It?s where I hope to be again someday. and now it is our t im e t o enlight en t he
I was once a shy, young girl w or ld.
And transfor med into a strong leader.
I love you Drama Club with all of my hear t, M ar issa Ryan ?18
But it is my time to move on and play a new par t.

Nina Violi '18

It 's All Over by Teagan O'Har a

No m or e lock er com bin at ion s.
No m or e st an din g f or t h e pr ayer an d t h e pledge of t h e allegian ce.
No m or e bein g scolded f or n ot w ear in g you r ID?s.
No m or e t r yin g t o get aw ay w it h br in gin g in cof f ee f r om St ar bu ck s or Du n k in Don u t s.
No m or e college applicat ion s.
No m or e bak e sales.
No m or e sn eak in g in on e m or e episode of Gr ey ?s An at om y on you r lapt op du r in g st u dy per iod.
No m or e t r yin g t o n ot car e, becau se deep dow n , you r eally do.

You r eally do car e abou t t h e u n com f or t able u n if or m s.
You r eally do car e abou t t h at pu n gen t lock er r oom , w h er e body odor r ises of f gym bags.
You r eally do car e abou t t h e r am bu n ct iou s caf et er ia, w h er e gir ls m or ph in t o gor illas an d im it at e seagu lls.
You r eally do car e abou t t h e pr eh ist or ic saddle sh oes t h at ar e t oo h eavy t o lu g ar ou n d on you r f eet . Th ey ar e apar t of
you now.

You r eally do car e abou t t h e w om en w h o w or k in t h e k it ch en w h o pr epar e ou r lu n ch es ever y sin gle day an d st ill ser ve u s
w it h a sm ile.
You r eally do car e abou t t h e gym w it h t h e Hallow een an d Spir it Day dan ces, an d t h e spor t s gam es sh ow er ed w it h
scr eam in g an d su ppor t in g f an s.
You r eally do car e abou t t h e au dit or iu m , w h er e t h e am azin g plays w er e per f or m ed, an d t h e assem blies an d m asses t ook
place an d you decided t o t ake a n ap on you r best f r ien d?s sh ou lder .
You r eally do car e abou t t h e m ain t en en ce st af f , w h o alw ays sm ile at you , w h en you w alk past t h em in t h e h allw ay.
In r ealit y, you st ill r eally do car e abou t t h is place.
So goodbye, Sain t Basil Academ y.
I?ll m iss t h e k n ee h igh sock s,
An d t h e saddle sh oes.
I?ll m iss t h e t each er s w h o alw ays sm iled at m e an d ask ed h ow I w as doin g.
I?ll m iss t h e an n ou n cem en t s.
I?ll m iss t h e Dr am a clu b an d t h e am azin g people I h ad t h e pleasu r e of sh ar in g t h e st age w it h .
I?ll m iss m y f r ien ds an d ou r in cr edible m em or ies w e?ve sh ar ed t oget h er over t h e year s.
I?ll m iss Kair os an d t h e t h in gs I h ave lear n ed abou t m yself , God, an d ot h er people I h ave n ever k n ow n bef or e.
I?ll m iss pep r allies f or t h e spor t s t eam s w h o ar e of f t o Ch am pion sh ip gam es.
I?ll m iss playin g in t h e ban d at 7:15 a.m ., w it n essin g M r . Sch m au k 's at t em pt s t o w ake h is m u sician s.
I?ll m iss Th on w h er e w e dan ce all n igh t f or t h e k ids f igh t in g can cer .
I?ll m iss t h e sen ior sw eat sh ir t s an d t h e sen ior polos.
I?ll m iss pr om .
I?ll m iss it all.
Ever yt h in g.

Molly McAndrew '18

Abigail Pen t er '21

Molly McAndrew '18 Ju lia Hir t h '18

Mar ia Abraham '21

Ju lia Hir t h '18 Clair e Hyn es '19
Fr an celie Ar gu elles '21
Br ielle Piecyk '18
Kelly Br eslin'19

Clair e Hyn es '19 Ju lia Hir t h '18
Clair e Hyn es '19
Br ielle Piecyk '18 Clair e Hyn es '19

Ju lia Hir t h '18 Clair e Hyn es '19

Kelly Breslin (Co-editor)
Kate Hendricks-Coyle
Claire Hynes (Co-editor)

Teagan O'Hara
Cheryl Remolde

Marissa Ryan
Nina Violi

Siena Wanders

St. Basil Academy
Jenkintown, PA

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