2017-2018 Printing Companion
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tell it in print!
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Check out our YouTube channel
for lots of Video How-to’s!
Table of Contents
Newspapers ................................................. 3-4
Staple Bound Publications ........................... 5-8
Glue Bound Publications ............................. 9-12
Customization............................................... 13
Beyond Publications ..................................... 13
Design Options............................................. 14
Newspapers - 11”x17”
Each page is 11” wide. Margins should be set
to 0.5” from the page
edge on all pages.
Each page is 17” tall. Newsprint can
have color!
Full Color (limited
to front page,
back page, and
center spread)
Spot Color (one
accent color)
Scan the QR code with your
smartphone to flip through
these newspapers online!
You have two paper options: Images should be
30# Recycled Newsprint high resolution.
OR We recommend at
35# Highbright Newsprint least 130 dpi.
Newspapers Resources
Download a FREE InDesign template for newspapers!
We know margins can be confusing, so we’ve created a blank InDesign template for newspapers with
margins already set. Its FREE to download at www.SchoolPrinting.com/templates.
Don’t have Design Software? That’s OK, use ours. It’s FREE!
If you do not have software such as InDesign, Publisher, Quark, etc., it’s no problem! We have free design
software available to our customers.
3 Visit www.SchoolPrinting.com/design-online to see your options.
Newspapers - 11”x17”
Turnaround Time - Orders received after 9am will be printed the following business day.
- Please make sure all page counts are in multiples of 4.
For example, you can have a 4, 8, or 12 page newspaper, but not a 6, 10, or 13 page newspaper.
DAY •Photos should be 130 dpi.
•Clip art should be 600 dpi.
For orders received •Import images into the document.
before 9am •Do not copy and paste. Do not resize images by more than 20% after placing them into your
•UPS Ground shipping to the contiguous U.S. is included for FREE with each order.
•Orders take 1-5 days to be delivered once they are shipped from our facility.
Please Note: In December and July we have extended turnaround time for newspapers.
Sample Pricing: button.)
(Please see our website for more pricing and different quantities. Just click the
Black and White Newsprint Black and White Newsprint
on 30# Recycled Paper: on 35# Highbright Paper:
Qty 4 8 12 16 20 24 Qty 4 8 1122pgs. 161p6gs. 20 pg2s.0 24 pgs.24
pgs pgs pgs pgs pgs pgs pgs pgs pgs pgs pgs pgs
200 $180 $220 $260 $300 $340 $380 200 $220 $300 $380 $460 $540 $620
500 $210 $262 $314 $366 $418 $470 500 $250 $342 $434 $526 $618 $710
1000 $260 $332 $404 $476 $548 $620 1000 $300 $412 $524 $636 $748 $860
1500 $310 $402 $494 $586 $678 $770 1500 $350 $482 $614 $746 $878 $1010
2000 $360 $472 $584 $696 $808 $920 2000 $382 $529 $675 $822 $968 $1114
2500 $410 $542 $674 $806 $938 $1070 2500 $430 $595 $761 $926 $1092 $1257
Color Options: Full Color Newsprint: Newspapers
Add $350
Spot Color Newsprint: Full color is available on the front page,
Add $50.00 for one page. back page and center spread.
Add $30.00 for each additional page. Four page newspapers will have color on
Spot color is a single color used as an the front and back pages only.
accent. One spot color is available
each month. Visit our website for the 4
scheduled spot colors.
Staple Bound Magazines
Bleeds should be set to .125” for Images should be high Margins should be
all magazines that have content resolution. We recommend at set to 0.25” from
going to the edge of the page. the page edge on all
least 300 dpi.
The spines of staple bound
magazines are held together
with staples.
Common Magazine Sizes:
8.5”x11” 7”x10” 8”x8”
Staple Bound Magazines Custom sizes also available.
Resources Scan the QR code with your
smartphone to flip through
these magazines online!
Margins and Bleeds got you confused? No Problem. FREE templates!
We know margins and bleeds can be confusing, so we’ve created a blank InDesign template for
magazines with margins and bleeds already set.
Its FREE to download at www.SchoolPrinting.com/templates.
No design software? No problem! Use our FREE software!
If you do not have software such as InDesign, Publisher, Quark, etc., it’s no problem! We have free design
5 software available to our customers. Visit www.SchoolPrinting.com/design-online to see your options.
Staple Bound Magazines
Turnaround Time - Please make sure all page counts are in multiples of 4.
For example, you can have a 4, 8, or 12 page magazine, but not a 6, 10, or 13 page magazine.
- We recommend all staple bound magazines be less than 40 pages.
•Photos should be 300 dpi.
Days •Clip art should be 600 dpi.
•Import images into the document.
•Do not copy and paste. Do not resize images by more than 20% after placing them into your
3 business days. SHIPPING:
Please do not count weekends. •UPS Ground shipping to the contiguous U.S. is included for FREE with each order.
•Orders take 1-5 days to be delivered once they are shipped from our facility.
Please Note: Each May we have extended turnaround time for magazines and booklets. Turnaround time increases by two days.
Sample Pricing:
(Please see our website for more pricing and different quantities. Just click the button.)
Self-cover magazine with color on all Self-cover magazine with color on all
pages on 60# Standard Text paper: pages on 80# Glossy Text paper:
Qty 4pgs 8pgs 12pgs 16pgs 20pgs 24pgs Qty 4pgs 8pgs 12pgs 16pgs 20pgs 24pgs
200 $202.40 $276.80 $351.20 $425.60 $500 $812 200 $206.80 $285.60 $364.40 $443.20 $522 $600.80
500 $854 $999 500 $284 $909 $1065
1000 $273 $418 $563 $709 $1444 $1707 1000 $413 $418 $596 $753 $1554 $1839
1500 $391 $654 $917 $1181 $2034 $2415 1500 $542 $698 $963 $1269 $2199 $2613
$509 $890 $1271 $1653 $956 $1370 $1785
This pricing is for sizes 8.5”x11”, 7”x10”, and 8”x 8 ” publications. Staple Bound Magazines
Custom sizes also available.
Color Options:
Pricing available on our website at www.SchoolPrinting.com/get-quote.
Black & White Full Color A Combination of Black &
White and Full Color
Paper Options: Cover Options:
Pricing available on our website at www.SchoolPrinting.com/get-quote.
• 60# Standard Text • Glossy Cover
• 80# Glossy Text • Matte Cover
• Self-Cover (same paper as the inside pages)
• 100# Glossy or Matte Text 6
Staple Bound Booklets
Images should be Bleeds should be set to .125” for The spines of staple bound
high resolution. We all magazines that have content booklets are held together
recommend at least going to the edge of the page.
with staples.
300 dpi.
Margins should be set to
0.25” from the page edge
on all pages.
Common Booklet Sizes:
5.5”x8.5” 8.5”x5.5”
Staple Bound Booklets Scan the QR code with your Custom sizes also available.
smartphone to flip through
these booklets online!
Avoid delays, download a template!
We know it can be intimidating to set up your pages from scratch, so we’ve created a blank InDesign
template for booklets with margins and bleeds already set.
Its FREE to download at www.SchoolPrinting.com/templates.
Running low on time and energy? Check out our FREE resources!
Sometimes it’s hard to fill every single space on the page, so we’ve created games, ads, horoscopes,
coloring pages, and pre-designed downloadable templates that you can download and use for free.
7 Find them at www.SchoolPrinting.com/free-resources
Staple Bound Booklets
Turnaround Time - Please make sure all page counts are in multiples of 4.
For example, you can have a 4, 8, or 12 page booklet, but not a 6, 10, or 13 page booklet.
- We recommend all staple bound booklets be less than 40 pages.
•Photos should be 300 dpi.
Days •Clip art should be 600 dpi.
•Import images into the document.
•Do not copy and paste. Do not resize images by more than 20% after placing them into
your document.
3 business days. SHIPPING:
Please do not count weekends •UPS Ground shipping to the contiguous U.S. is included for FREE with each order.
•Orders take 1-5 days to be delivered once they are shipped from our facility.
Please Note: Each May we have extended turnaround time for magazines and booklets. Turnaround time increases by two days.
Sample Pricing:
(Please see our website for more pricing and different quantities. Just click the button.)
Self-cover booklet with color on all Self-cover booklet with color on all
pages on 60# Standard Text paper: pages on 80# Glossy Text paper:
Qty 4pgs 8pgs 12pgs 16pgs 20pgs 24pgs Qty 4pgs 8pgs 12pgs 16pgs 20pgs 24pgs
200 $177.40 $228.80 $279.20 $329.60 $380 $430.40 200 $181.80 $228.80 $279.20 $329.60 $380 $430.40
500 $656 500 $656
1000 $233 $339 $444 $550 $1116 $761 1000 $244 $361 $444 $550 $1116 $761
1500 $325 $523 $720 $918 $1576 1313 1500 $347 $567 $720 $918 $1576 $1313
$417 $707 $996 $1286 $450 $773 $1095 $1286 $1865
This pricing is for sizes 5.5”x 8.5” and 8.5”x 5.5”publications.
Custom sizes also available.
Color Options:
Pricing available on our website at www.SchoolPrinting.com/get-quote.
+ Staple Bound Booklets
Black & White Full Color A Combination of Black &
White and Full Color
Paper Options: Cover Options:
Pricing available on our website at www.SchoolPrinting.com/get-quote.
• 60# Standard Text • Glossy Cover
• 80# Glossy Text • Matte Cover
• Self-Cover (same paper as the inside pages)
• 100# Glossy or Matte Text 8
Glue Bound Magazines
Images should be high Margins should be set to 0.25” from the page
resolution. We recommend at edge on all pages.
least 300 dpi.
Bleeds should be set to .125” for
all magazines that have content
going to the edge of the page.
The spines of glue bound magazines
are held together with glue.
Common Magazine Sizes:
8.5”x11” 7”x10” 8”x8”
Glue Bound Magazines Custom sizes also available.
Resources Scan the QR code with your
smartphone to flip through
these magazines online!
#1 CAUSE FOR DELAYS: Incorrect page & bleeds setup. Use a template!
We know margins and bleeds can be confusing, so we’ve created a blank InDesign template for
newspapers with margins and bleeds already set.
Its FREE to download at www.SchoolPrinting.com/templates.
My Design Online is a FREE program you can use to design your magazine!
Don’t have InDesign, Publisher, or any program to design in? No problem! We have free design software
9 available to our customers. Visit www.SchoolPrinting.com/design-online to see your options.
Glue Bound Magazines
Turnaround Time - Glue Bound Magazines need at least 40 pages.
- Please make sure all page counts are in multiples of 2.
For example, you can have a 40, 44, 48, or 52 page magazine, but not a 41, 45, 49, or 53
page magazine.
•Photos should be 300 dpi.
Days •Clip art should be 600 dpi.
•Import images into the document.
•Do not copy and paste. Do not resize images by more than 20% after placing them into
your document.
5 business days. SHIPPING:
Please do not count weekends •UPS Ground shipping to the contiguous U.S. is included for FREE with each order.
•Orders take 1-5 days to be delivered once they are shipped from our facility.
Please Note: Each May we have extended turnaround time for magazines and booklets. Turnaround time increases by two days.
Sample Pricing:
(Please see our website for more pricing and different quantities. Just click the button.)
Glossy/Matte cover magazine with color on all
pages and 60# Standard Text inside paper:
Qty 40pgs 44pgs 48pgs 52pgs 56pgs 60pgs
200 $1047 $1122.40 $1196.80 $1271.20 $1345.60 $1420
500 $1980 $2707
1000 $3535 $2126 $2271 $2416 $2562 $4852
1500 $5090 $3799 $1703 $4325 $4589 $5632
$4371 $4686 $5001 $5317
This pricing is for sizes 8.5”x11”, 7”x10”, and 8”x 8 ” publications.
Custom sizes also available.
Color Options:
Pricing available on our website at www.SchoolPrinting.com/get-quote.
+ Glue Bound Magazines
Black & White Full Color A Combination of Black &
White and Full Color
Paper Options: Cover Options:
Pricing available on our website at www.SchoolPrinting.com/get-quote.
• 60# Standard Text • Glossy Cover
• 80# Glossy Text • Matte Cover
• Self-Cover (same paper as the inside pages)
• 100# Glossy or Matte Text 10
Glue Bound Booklets
Margins should be set Bleeds should be set to .125” for
to 0.25” from the page all magazines that have content
going to the edge of the page.
edge on all pages.
Images should be high
resolution. We recommend at
least 300 dpi.
The spines of glue bound booklets are Common Booklet Sizes:
held together with glue.
5.5”x8.5” 8.5”x5.5”
Glue Bound Booklets Scan the QR code with your Custom sizes also available.
smartphone to flip through
these booklets online!
Need help? We have FREE InDesign templates for download!
We know margins and bleeds can be confusing, so we’ve created a blank InDesign template for
newspapers with margins and bleeds already set.
Its FREE to download at www.SchoolPrinting.com/templates.
Ideas getting low? Get inspired by looking at what other schools have published.
Check out a sampling of our favorite publications and get inspired!
11 www.SchoolPrinting.com/archive-mag/
Glue Bound Booklets
Turnaround Time - Glue Bound Booklets need at least 40 pages.
- Please make sure all page counts are in multiples of 2.
For example, you can have a 40, 44, 48, or 52 page booklet, but not a 41, 45, 49, or 53
page booklet.
•Photos should be 300 dpi.
•Clip art should be 600 dpi.
•Import images into the document.
•Do not copy and paste. Do not resize images by more than 20% after placing them into
your document.
5 business days. SHIPPING:
Please do not count weekends •UPS Ground shipping to the contiguous U.S. is included for FREE with each order.
•Orders take 1-5 days to be delivered once they are shipped from our facility.
Please Note: Each May we have extended turnaround time for magazines and booklets. Turnaround time increases by two days.
Sample Pricing:
(Please see our website for more pricing and different quantities. Just click the button.)
Glossy/Matte cover booklet with color on all
pages and 60# Standard Text inside paper:
Qty 40pgs 44pgs 48pgs 52pgs 56pgs 60pgs
200 $807 $857.40 $907.80 $958.20 $1008.60 $1059
500 $1584 $1690 $1795 $1901 $2112
1000 $2879 $3077 $3274 $3472 $2007 $3867
1500 $4174 $3363 $3586 $3810 $3670 $4257
This pricing is for sizes 5.5”x 8.5” and 8.5”x 5.5”publications.
Custom sizes also available.
Color Options:
Pricing available on our website at www.SchoolPrinting.com/get-quote.
+ Glue Bound Booklets
Black & White Full Color A Combination of Black &
White and Full Color
Paper Options: Cover Options:
Pricing available on our website at www.SchoolPrinting.com/get-quote.
• 60# Standard Text • Glossy Cover
• 80# Glossy Text • Matte Cover
• Self-Cover (same paper as the inside pages)
• 100# Glossy or Matte Text 12
Customization Coil Binding
We offer some special Coil binding is available on
options to make your all books and magazines.
publication stand out. Email [email protected]
Contact your Customer for a custom quote.
Service Rep. today to find Add 2 days to turnaround time.
out more about these
UV Coated Cover
great features!
$25 Setup + .32 per side
Customer Service: Super Gloss Coating adds extra
1.866.435.7577 shine to your cover!
[email protected] Add 2 days to turnaround time
Translucent Vellum Insert
.50 per book/sheet
Insert can be used as the first and/or last page
of content in Glue Bound books.
Customization & Beyond Publications Beyond Publications
You have lots of options Apparel Office Printing
when printing with Vinyl
Spirit Gear
SchoolPrinting.com. Not Banners
only can we print your
publication, you can also
get t-shirts, letterhead,
spirit gear, banners,
and more! Contact your
Customer Service Rep. to
get a quote on these great
Customer Service:
[email protected]
Design Options
Option 1. My Design Online
My Design Online (MDO) is a free, online program, that allows our customers to create newspapers,
magazines and sports programs from pre-designed templates. This web-based program provides users with
an uncomplicated, budget-friendly way to produce a quality publication. Simply copy and paste your text
into the spaces provided and upload images and ads into the designated boxes to nish each page of your
Once you have setup your SchoolPrinting.com account,select the Design Online option
on the website to setup your My Design Online account.
The East Sider Page 6 Page 10 Opinion June 2017
The Video Game Braniac College preparationsSpicing up
Review of Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
vacations for
Continued from Page 2 music in this game is absolutely amazing. The you hold down one of the buttons, the higher and and gives him invincibility. These power-ups help
spice up the already fun gameplay. That isn’t all, summer of 2017 begin today, not tomorrow
by August Semczuk though. In the first two acts of every zone (except
Genesis had a very limited sound chip, with most longer Sonic will jump. Sonic also spins while Scrap Brain), if Sonic runs past the goal post with The end of your junior year marks the
He destroyed the robot, only to find out that one 50 or more rings in tow, a Big Ring will appear. beginning of your senior year
of his animal friends was inside! “Who could’ve of the music coming out of it having a very dis- jumping, so you can take out badniks like that too. Sonic can jump into this Big Ring to be transport-
done this?” wondered Sonic. Enter Dr. Ivo ed to one of the 6 Special Stages. The Special
“Eggman” Robotnik. He is a mad scientist who tinct twang to it. But in this game you wouldn’t be But watch out, some badniks have spikes on the Stages in this game are rotating mazes that Sonic
was using the animals of South Island as living has to maneuver around in his ball form while
batteries for his robot army, and was using the able to tell. The tunes in this game are all catchy tops, which means you should probably roll into avoiding dead ends. In these dead ends, there are
robots to find the six “Chaos Emeralds”. In this circles that say “Goal”. They are lying to you!
game, there are only 6 Emeralds, and we find out and easy on the ears. The only songs in the game them instead. South Island is made up of 6 That is not your goal! Avoid these at all costs.
later in Sonic 2 that the 7th was hidden away There are several types of blocks in theses stages
somewhere else. Robotnik wants the Emeralds to that has some sort of twang are the boss theme stages:Green Hill Zone, Marble Zone, Spring Yard other than the main squares that shape the mazes.
construct a super weapon to take over the planet. The plain peppermint blocks are safe places for
Sonic catches wind of Robotnik’s scheme, and he and Spring Yard Zone, but personally I think it Zone, Labyrinth Zone, and Scrap Brain Zone, with Sonic to jump off of. The “UP” peppermints make
runs across the island fighting robots and the the maze spin faster, while the “DOWN” pep-
Robotnik, and gathering the emeralds on the way. works in their favour. This game set the very high each zone having 3 acts, with the third act ending permints make the stages spin slower. The “R”
You are given NONE of that story from the actual blocks make the maze spin in the reverse direc-
game, by the way. This all came from the game’s standard for awesome music in all of the Sonic in a bossfight with Robotnik (except Scrap Brain, tion, and the bumpers bounce Sonic all over the
manual, personal interpretation, and outside place. The R and bumpers are the most annoying
sources from Sega. All in all, it is a very simplistic games to come. but I’ll get back to that later). Instead of coins, things in these stages, and they drive me up a Amal Srour
plot, and it’s a good one at that. It establishes the wall. The Chaos Emeralds are always surrounded Spri-Hian Staff Writer
5332 Lake Worth Road good guy, Sonic and the bad guy, Robotnik right Now for the most important factor in a video Sonic collects golden rings that he can nab, and by a few layers of these diamond things that even-
from the get-go, and isn’t overly complicated from tually chip away as you touch them. They aren’t
there on out. game, the gameplay. When you press left or right getting 100 will grant you with an extra life. too much trouble. The Special Stages are also Owen Hagarty
Let’s move on to the presentation. This game is filled with Rings, and if you get 50, you get a Spri-Hian Staff Writer
May 2017 Volume 1, Edition 2 very nice looking, especially compared to what on the D-pad, Sonic will go either left or right, Unlike in Super Mario, where getting 100 or more “Continue”. If you get a “Game Over”, these
the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (the allow you to restart at the beginning of the zone It is June, and summer is right around
World War II Veterans on Honor Flight Receive Genesis’ rival system from Nintendo) could do. and if you keep hold- "It establishes the good guy, Sonic coins will reset the you died in. There are a lot of complaints about the corner! Nothing is better than no With less than a month left of this
The SNES could display 32,768 colours, while the ing down on one of counter back to 0, in zones like Marble, Labyrinth, and Scrap Brain school, and time to relax. Some the of school year, it is time to prepare for
Genesis could only produce 512; but the levels because you don’t go as fast as you do in Green the best moments of the summer season the upcoming year. As juniors, this
Support from Ms. Schmidt's Civics Students and sprites in Sonic The Hedgehog pop out so those directions, Sonic and the bad guy, Robotnik right Sonic The Hedgehog, Hill, Spring Yard, and Starlight. I’ve never under- come on trips for vacation. If you are summer is the most important to
much and are so nice looking, I think a Sega will slowly gain speed from the get-go, and isn’t overly the counter continues stood these complaints. Sonic is a Platform game, up in the air over a place to go, here are mentally prepare yourselves for sen-
employee showing off the Genesis at a game con- and momentum, going to go up after 100, which means naturally there is going to be a heavy two very different places that may ior year.
vention in 1991 said, “It doesn’t how many emphasis on jumping and precision platforming. catch your eye:
colours you have, but what you do with them”. from a brisk jog to a complicated from there on out." allowing you to get a And I like that a lot, and it is something that has The first being the island of Bora Bora, By this time, you should have
Sonic’s, Robotnik’s, and the enemy’s sprites are full-on sprint. It feels huge ring bonus at the stayed an emphasis even in the more modern a tropical paradise located in the French schools in mind that fit your needs.
very detailed, and all of the stages are colourful, games. Polynesia. The island is fairly small, In order to accomplish this task, you
nicely detailed, and a pleasure to look at. The more natural and fun end of some stages. with a dormant volcano surrounded by can simply sign up for college visits,
lush forests, and perfect sandy coasts. or do research on various colleges.
that Sonic gains The rings also do one The island is known for it’s tourism, so
there is plenty to do, including kayak- At this point, most students have
By Ms. Schmidt to show how much they appreci- momentum gradually August Semczuk other thing that ing, snorkeling, and hiking. Don’t for- taken the SAT; if not, it must be done
and Mrs. Burns ated the service given by these ex- rather than just going Mario’s coins do not. If get the signature beach lounging and before the application process begins
traordinary men and women. exploring Vaitape, the local town of in the fall. Having a set score ready
Students in Ms. Schmidt’s civics fast from a standstill Sonic gets hit by a haz- Bora Bora. A trip to this island does to be sent will make your life a lot
classes were given an incredible Students were given an assign- cost a wealthy sum though, as nights simpler when the time comes.
opportunity this year to honor ment that required them to write or like Mario when the run button is held down. If ard or enemy while he has at least 1 ring, the ring rank upwards of $1000 in most resorts,
those who had risked their lives to draw a picture that would be while flights round trip can be around Many students lose the ambition to
provide us with freedom. The mo- shared with veterans participating you press up or down while Sonic is standing still, or rings will pop out of Sonic, and you have to $3000. Although, if you have the work hard, because they think uni-
ment came in October 29, 2016, in the Honor Flight. When the vet- money, Bora Bora can be the perfect versities do not pay attention to your
when the students were able to erans boarded their return flight, the camera will pan in that direction and he will scramble to get them again. This is great for getaway; don't forget your passport! senior year, but it is the opposite,
honor veterans, who predomi- they given more than 2,000 per- San Francisco, California, the bay especially for those who have
nately served in World War II and sonalized thank you letters and either look up or duck. When you press down beginners, as they can basically be hit infinitely if area’s most popular city, offers a great already been accepted; the first
some who fought in other battles, pictures, including the ones writ- adventurous vacation for anyone across semester can determine your accept-
through the Honor Flight South ten by Ms. Schmidt’s seventh while Sonic is in motion, he performs a spin they always have one ring. Throughout Sonic’s the country. The hilly downtown ance status. So, maintaining grades
Florida Organization. grade students. The veterans were streets, including America’s oldest should be a top priority going into
overwhelmed by the thoughtful attack, being able to destroy badniks on the travels, he will come across several power-ups in Chinatown and Union Square, are senior year.
The Honor Flight took place at letters and praise for their duty to packed with many great restaurants and
the Miami International Airport. our country. One veteran in par- ground and (if on a downwards incline) will gain the form of monitors to aid him on his adventure. local culture. A trip to San Francisco Starting senior year, your guidance
Seventy Eight World War II veter- ticular, named Mr. Weiss, was also offers surrounding cities worth counselors will become your greatest
ans were greeted at the airport by brought to tears by the outpouring ridiculous momentum and speed. Nothing is more The shield allows Sonic to get hit an extra time exploring that are only a short drive ally. They will be your go-to in order
1,500 cheering people with signs, of love and appreciation shown in away, this includes San Jose and to send your transcripts and semester
and even the Dolphins cheerlead- the students’ letters. satisfying than spinning on an incline and blazing without losing his rings, the 10 ring monitor gives Oakland. For high school students, grades to the college of your choice.
ers were there to show support. many well known universities can be a
Additionally, many Florida digni- L.C. Swain civics teacher, Ms. through badniks and soaring through loops. The Sonic 10 rings, the Power Sneakers will make short visit, for example Stanford and It is a good idea to send your SAT
taries, such as congressmen, may- Schmidt, accompanied Mr. Weiss University of California, Berkeley. scores as soon as possible. Once you
ors, and even U.S. Senator Marco to Washington D.C. to tour the Start button pauses and unpauses the game, and Sonic ultra fast for a short amount of time, the 1- Round trip flights waiver around $500, are satisfied with the score you have
Rubio, attended the homecoming monuments. (Continue on page 2) so a vacation in San Francisco may be gotten, sending them will make you
even though the Genesis has an A, B, and C but- up monitor gives Sonic an extra life, and the worth it! eligible to scholarships. Being pre-
pared and showing you are ahead of
ton, all three do the same thing: jump! The longer invincibility monitor surrounds Sonic in sparkles Researchers the game lets colleges know you are
An album that clear up evo- Nicole Noce
changed Every student should meet and talk with their guidance counselor to review their plans
lution with
underground responsible. which college offers the best award Mentally preparing yourself and
hip-hop new evidence Paying for college is a big fear, so package for your situation. making sure you are aware of what is
to come will pay off, so you will not
Photo credit: Ms. Schmidt Continued from Page 2 many so try to attend a Financial Aid By May 1st, College Counseling be scared or worried for the future.
by Luka Pena Program to register for the FAFSA Offices begin to submit end-of-year Give yourself time to absorb reality,
Civics teacher, Ms. Schmidt, and Mr. Weiss, a World War II veteran visit the (Free Application for Federal Student reports and transcripts to schools for but enjoy yourself as you move
Lincoln Memorial during the Honor Flight tour. Speaking of Madlib, his top-tier pro- Aid). You can complete the FAFSA students placed on the waitlist, so it along. Senior year is one of the most
duction compliments DOOM’s bars at fafsa.gov after October 1 to apply is important to have notified your important times of your life, so have
immensely, sampling obscure old for financial aid. Compare financial college of choice and submitted fun with it while you can.
and (at the time) newer movies and aid award notifications to determine admissions forms.
tracks with some fresh sounds, with
Florida State Representative to Display L.C. Swain Artwork Daedalus’ accordion off Country remembers
“Experience” being the primary
By Ms. Chau source for “Accordian”. A little those who risked
and Mrs. Burns known fact about the production of
David Silvers represents this album is that most of the beats their lives
Students in Ms. Chau’s art House District 87 which covers were drummed live unlike most rap
class recently received wonder- areas of West Palm Beach, albums where drum loops are James Surplus Memorial Day has been a holiday since 1971.
ful news about an assignment Lake Clarke Shores, Palm arranged, allowing Madlib to change Spri-Hian Staff Writer
they created on tropical fish; Springs, and Lake Worth. L.C. up the tempo and tone at anytime to
newly elected state representa- Swain Middle School is located suit the backing track leading to In biology, we all learned about Jonathan Abraham
tive, David Silvers, would like in the area he represents for our great jazzy style like in “Money Darwin’s finches on the Galapagos Co-Editor-in-Chief
to display their artwork in his state. One of his goals is to fos- Folder” Where he adds breakbeats islands and the theory of evolution and
Photo Credit: Ms. Chau district office. ter art appreciation for students whenever he please making the beat PHOTOGRAPH BY MICHAEL J CHEN OF TIME OUT NEW YORK natural selection. But the question that Nicole Noce On May 29th, 2017, the United 20,000 Union and Confederate sol-
in his district, and his hope is to change with DOOM’s bar delivery. "Widely considered the most important Underground Hip Hop album of the last 20 years." stands is when did vertebrates start to States celebrated Memorial Day. For diers buried at Arlington.
achieve this goal by displaying It’s honestly something that's hard to evolve from species that live in water? The question of where we come from has perplexed those who do not know about the hol-
local student art work. describe in text but it sounds dope. humans for our entire existence. iday, the main purpose is to remem- Memorial Day was celebrated
According to one of CK-12 ber those fighting for the country, or every May 30th, the day General
The fish pictured above received an award for its creativity. Continued on page 6. Foundation’s publication, the first ver- water. Although the insects were out of up with limbs from fins.” died while doing so. Logan had picked for the inaugural
tebrate walked out of the water onto reach, aquatic animals had vision that According to previous studies, inver- Decoration Day. But in 1968,
Honor 8th Grade Tropical The beats of this album definitely the “gangster” era of the 1930s. The their exploits. Favorite tracks: Accordian, Raid, land around 385 million years ago.You was 70 times clearer looking through The holiday was first known as Congress passed the Uniform
Flight Prom Fish reflect a more noir-like tone reminis- intro skit “The Illest Villains” (co Money Folder, Figaro, Great Day, may be asking what even is a verte- air. Because of this, their eyes, over tebrates made the leap to land 50 mil- Decoration Day after the American Monday Holiday Act, which estab-
Page 2 Page 6 cent of the more modern era beats of produced by DOOM) is wholly To conclude, This album changed All Caps, Rhinestone Cowboy brate. A vertebrate is an animal with a time, moved to the tops of their heads lion years beforehand. Although there Civil War in 1868. According to lished that Memorial Day will be cel-
Page 5 L’orange and sometimes Kool Keith. made up of snippets from old radio underground hip hop from 2004 on, backbone/spinal column whereas an and tripled in size before they started was a significant time barrier between History, the leader of an organization ebrated on the last Monday of May,
dramas and movies, calling the two It’s absolutely worth a try. Least Favorite tracks: America’s invertebrate is an animal without a their venture onto land. Professor the vertebrate and invertebrate transi- for Northern Civil War veterans, according to History. Shortly after
The noir styling helps establish the “America’s two most powerful vil- Most Blunted backbone. Until recently, it was MacIver of McCormick School of tion to land, all mammals, birds, rep- General John A. Logan, decided to that, Memorial Day was recognized
pair as a set of movie villains from lains” and telling a short story of 9.5/10 believed these water vertebrates grew Engineering stated that, “Our hypothe- tiles, amphibians, and most land based have a day of remembrance later in as a federal holiday in 1971.
legs and climbed out of the water, but sis is that maybe it was seeing an unex- animals, share a common ancestor, the month of May.
why would they need to do that? ploited cornucopia of food on land — who at one point had the audacity to Memorial Day is a three-day week-
millipedes, centipedes, spiders and peek above their known domain. During the first Decoration Day at end event to remember those who
Scientists and researchers from more — that drove evolution to come Arlington National Cemetery in risked their lives to protect their
Northwestern University discovered Arlington, Virginia, General James country from harm. If you a see a vet-
that the evolution of water vertebrates Garfield delivered a speech in front eran or current soldier, thank them
into land animals were based on what of 5,000 participants. Those partici- for their bravery and protecting
their eyes could focus on. These water pants then decorated the graves of America.
vertebrates would focus on land-based
insects when they peeked out of the
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