NFL/national anthem "Dear Maggie" advice A Reinvented Show
controversy: Page 5 column coming soon! Choir: Page 4
The Shanahan Times
814 Shanahan Road Lewis Center, Ohio
October, 2017 Volume 1, Edition 1
Berlin Principal Announces Mascot and Colors Make Way
By: Ella Walls For 6th
On August 23, 2017, Olentangy Berlin prin- Sanjana Suresh Grade PBL
cipal, Todd Spinner, announced the final deci-
sion for the mascot and colors of the new high Front view of Berlin High School under construction. By Jack Davis
school. The decision was made a day before Au-
gust 23, by the Olentangy Board of Education. the property was almost 90 acres and the build- Olentangy community for 20 years. In the mes- Last year, many teachers on existing PBL
The colors selected were royal blue and light ing is roughly 307,000 square feet. In his sage he states, “I cannot wait to get the keys and (Project Based Learning) teams, thought it
blue, and the mascot chosen was a bear. An an- message, Principal Spinner gave lots of infor- officially open the doors and welcome all our would be beneficial for the 6th grade to have a
nouncement on the Olentangy school’s website mation about himself and about Berlin High students!”. The school will open by the start of PBL team. This year, their dreams have come
explained how both the mascot and name of the School. He was principal at Westerville Central the 2018-2019 school year. true. With their requests taken into account by
school are part of Olentangy’s history. The High School for ten years and has lived in the the administration,Team 604 has become the
school itself is named Berlin for three reasons; official 6th grade project-based learning team.
the township it is in, the road it is on, and the The teachers are ecstatic and love learning the
school that was in the area through the mid material alongside students. The material is fun
1900s. The mascot of the previous Mid 1900’s but does present some challenges. As with new
Berlin was also a bear which is part of the rea- changes in the style of learning, many of the
son why Olentangy decided to use the bear mas- original features of the traditional classroom
cot for Berlin High School.Along with the layout have been eliminated. Is Project Based
announcements of the colors and mascot, Prin- Learning the way to go or will the traditional
cipal Spinner has posted a variety of updates style of teaching remain prevalent both in our
about the school on Twitter and on the Olen- school and others like it? Time will tell.
tangy website. As of August 23, 2017 Principal
Spinner said that 95% of the school was under 601
roof and as of September 18, 2017 he said that
the turf was out down in the stadium. In a mes-
sage from Principal Spinner to Berlin families
on the Olentangy website, it was announced that
Great Crisis
in Gaza Strip
By Sami Yousef According to B’Tselem (an Israeli in- Lauren Lecklider
formation center for human rights) in 2005, Is-
Gaza Strip is a small, self governing Palestin- rael said that they would end martial law, a form PBL Teachers Mr. Gellenbeck, Miss Lecklider, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Solether and
ian territory in the Southern part of the settle- of military government involving the suspen- Mr. Hardymon
ments of Israel. The small land is approximately sion of ordinary law, in Palestine. In contradic-
140.9 square miles, putting its population of tion to this statement, Israel continued to control the crisis happening in Gaza Strip at this time. radic and unpredictable. The hospitals in Gaza
1.816 million at about 12,889 people per square Gaza’s air and sea travel, the crossings between “Israeli officials announced on 11 June that … Strip are limited to generators, which are prone
mile. That’s a dangerously congested amount of Gaza and Israel, and the registry of population they were reducing electricity to consumers in to malfunction and make work very hard for ur-
people, and is often referred to as overcrowded. for Gaza. Afterwards, in 2007, Hamas, a resist- the Gaza Strip by 40 percent,” In Gaza, the elec- gent medical care.
To add to the situation, the Zionist party (the ex- ance movement against the Zionist party, took tricity problem was already a visible issue.
tremist founders of Israel) is constantly bomb- control of the Gaza Strip territory. Israel back- Power outages run for almost 18 hours a day,
ing the land. According to the Electronic lashed to this by imposing a siege on Gaza meaning most of the water supply there is spo-
Intifada, an online Gaza Strip news resource, Strip, prohibiting Palestinians and any imported
the late Hazem Abu Murad (head of Gaza’s po- items to enter or exit Gaza Strip. “[The siege]
lice bomb squad) estimated that Israel has has caused a severe economic crisis in Gaza,”
dropped about eighteen to twenty thousand tons stated B’Tselem. The crisis in Gaza Strip has
of explosives, killing thousands. That’s equiva- also taken a blow at the already bad electric
lent to the amount that the U.S dropped on problem in Gaza Strip. Human Rights Watch, a
Japan in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. site whose main goal is to advocate for those
who cannot advocate for themselves, explained
Since the beginning of TIMES... Hurricanes Hit Hard
By Caroline Chubb and Maddie ceeded as a team,” remarked Rishika Gorai, dis- By: Leanne De Silva matters as the ocean warm temperatures
Koons tribution manager. cause hurricanes, giving climate change
Over the past few months, many hurri- a large part in this. The water vapor in
A meeting was set up on September 27th for all Many of the 8th graders working on the canes have occurred down south by the the atmosphere is another cause of these
6th, 7th, and 8th graders who wanted to start a paper volunteered to take on difficult roles, in- Gulf Coast, Bahamas, and Florida. Why disasters. In all, if these next few years
school paper. Anyone who had a passion for writ- cluding managers and editors. Other students so many, and how do they happen? Ac- continue with climate change and bad at-
ing, editing, drawing, or photography were en- decided to put their thoughts and plans into writ- cording to National Geographic some of mospheric conditions, hurricanes may
couraged to join what would soon be known as ten action, and after merely a month of inter- the main reasons are the climate, atmos- become more evident here in the U.S.
The Shanahan Times. Since that day, so much views, meetings, and edits, the arduous task was phere, and sea level rise. The climate
dedication and hard work was shown by every completed. On Tuesday, October 31th, 2017, the
contributor. “It was a really fun and unique ex- proud editors of the newspaper present their
perience. It was difficult, but in the end, we suc- very first edition of the Shanahan Times.
The Shanahan Times Page 2
Features October, 2017
We Need More
By Charlotte Cornely night...They’re not concentrating well. Caroline Cornely
They’re maybe feeling a little more emo-
Do you wish you could get more sleep at tional.” It also states “Their hormones are ac- 8th grader Caroline Cornely surveys English class to determine the most fa-
night? Do you often feel tired during the day? tually changing to make them want to go to vored Halloween candy. Here are the results.
The answer is simple: start school later. I bed later and wake up later.”
have read recent research about this topic
that supports my position. In my experience as a first-year middle
schooler, the transition to the earlier start
In Ohio, the average middle school start time is very difficult. I get up 75 minutes ear-
time is 7:52am. Around the country, teens lier every morning compared to elementary
and tweens are not getting the correct school. I feel more tired during the school
amount of sleep. In Survey finds U.S. schools day and I have trouble concentrating when I
start ‘too early’, it says “Their bodies’ inner am overtired. I am certain that other
clocks make it hard for them to go to bed be- students have struggled with the earlier start
fore 10:30 or 11:00 p.m. but to get to school time. Based on research, I believe that mid-
on time, they have to wake up as early as 5:30 dle schoolers need more sleep to perform bet-
a.m.” It also states “A first school bell just ter in school. It is my opinion that a later
after 8am slices into the 8.5 to 9.5 hours of start time would help me be a more produc-
sleep tweens and teens need to be healthy and tive student and improve my overall well
perform at their best.” being. I encourage all of the readers to dis-
cuss the issue of start times with their parents
In 'How Starting School Too Early and even contact school board members to
Is Hurting Teenagers’ Health' it states request a change. Without such action, I
“When students wake up at 6:30 a.m. or ear- truly believe that I will be overtired and
lier to make it to school on time, they physi- yawning until the day I graduate.
ologically feel like it’s the middle of the
Dear Horoscopes
By: Maggie advice experts will help By: Lillian Towles Make lemonade: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer
you get through the prob-
"Dear Maggie" is lem. All submissions will Signs as writers: Squeeze it in people’s eyes: Aries, Gem-
coming to the Features be anonymous. If you Writes non-stop but doesn’t share it: Scor- ini, Sagittarius, Leo
section of The Shana- would like your ques- pio, Capricorn, Leo
han Times. "Dear Mag- tions to be answered you Makes orange juice and leave everyone
gie" is an advice column can contact us at dear- Writes two pages then gives up: Aries, wondering how you did it: Taurus, Capri-
in which students like [email protected]. Gemini, Aquarius corn, Aquarius, Libra
you submit problems to
the column. Our team of Writes a book a day: Taurus, Virgo, Sagit- “Life doesn’t give you lemons, you have
tarius to work for it”: Virgo
In a constant stage of writer's block: Can- The “I don’t need to writes this down…
cer, Libra, Pisces I’ll remember it” squad: Aries, Gemini,
Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
When life gives you lemons...
Upcoming PBL Projects
By: Meenakshi Kappagantula “PBL Gurus” come up with. The very first chose along with their group. All of the groups input too. 701 also sent out surveys to the
was: What makes Delaware, Ohio an attrac- had wonderful ideas that were creative and Delaware citizens and got a little help from
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I tive place to live in for a diverse population? practical. They also visited Delaware, Ohio on Tom Homan, the City Manager, who also sent
Students had to create a service or a business a site visit (never to be known as a field trip by out a couple of survey questions of his own
may remember. Involve me and I learn”-- that applies to a certain demographic they the teachers) to interview citizens to get their for the students to use as a backup reason for
their idea. The Delaware panel, which in-
Benjamin Franklin. This famous quote is ex- cluded Mr.Homan, came in to answer some
questions and to also get a glimpse of all the
actly what the 701 PBL team has followed for ideas at the end. As of right now, Team 701
is kicking off their next project with the driv-
the past 5 years of formation. Each ing question: Power of one- How can one per-
son make a difference in the world? Now I
year a new generation of ideas are born to speak to you as a student when saying, PBL is
really, really fun! Mr.Cline, Mrs.Thomas,
make a difference in society. This wonderful Mrs.Dewitt and Ms. Zettler (the team 701
staff) always encourage creativity, maximum
opportunity provides a real world experience learning and involvement. This is just the
beginning of a wonderful year with more proj-
through education with a very involving ap- ects on the way!
proach. This years rises the fifth year of this
team, better yet, PBL 5.0! As they just get
done with their very first Delaware project,
students are exposed to everything from re-
searching skills, to presenting skills. There are
many more projects to complete and enjoy,
one skill at a time. Each of the projects are Staff Photo
based upon a driving question, the teachers or Members of team 701 gather outside in the courtyard.
October, 2017 News and Features Page 2
Dad Designs Deadly Massacre in Las Vegas Leaves Nation in
By Vaidehi Patel
By Jaydn Cash
Nephi Garcia, is a 32 year old fashion de- On Sunday October 1, 2017 at around Photo, courtesy TIME.COM
signer who lives in Utah. He got started 10 10:08pm local time, gunfire broke loose from
years ago, working on high fashion designs. the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay onto the mas- Concert goers scramble to safety after hearing gun shots.
However, as his life changed so did his career. sive crowd at the Route 91 Harvest festival. The
"Once I had kids, it started to feel like the in- thousands of people enjoying the country music Las Vegas shooting was “an act of pure evil”. fled. Police are still not releasing whether the
dustry wasn't really working for me," Garcia concert were suddenly brought out of their Students in school also hearing about this shooting was an act of terrorism or not, but have
told BuzzFeed. His daughter, Lili asked him happy state when shots louder than the musi- deadly shooting are having a response to the stated that Paddock was not associated with any
to make her a costume for their upcoming cian rang in the air. Terror rose in the atmos- event. “It was absolutely terrifying and it’s terrorist groups outside of the country. Stay
Disney trip. He made a Fairy Godmother cos- phere as crowds of people ran for fear of their sickening watching the story unfold on the tuned at for more information.
tume out of old fabric he had. Visitors all over lives. According to CNN news, around 22,000 news” , said Natalie Reese, an eighth grade stu-
Disney started going crazy over Lili’s cos- people were attending the concert. Witnesses dent at Shanahan Middle School.As of Friday
tume! By the next day, he had 10 orders! stated that gunshots lasted from around 10 to 15 October 6, 2017, Paddock’s motives have still
minutes non-stop. The police have confirmed not been confirmed, leaving investigators baf-
"I try to make costumes that go out- that the known suspect was 64-year-old Stephen
side of the box," Garcia said. It takes four to Paddock from Mesquite, Nevada. Smoke
six hours to complete one. "I hate repeating alarms that went off in his room when he began
designs, so I always try to vary each dress so shooting helped SWAT teams find where he
that they're unique." Garcia is most famous was. After barging into his room, they con-
for his transformation dress, which turns from firmed the suspect dead on the scene and be-
one dress into another in seconds. lieve that he had committed suicide. The attack
has not been labeled as domestic terrorism yet,
Garcia also makes “adult” cos- due to the fact that police are not sure of the
tumes. "An adult dress can take anywhere shooter’s motives. In an interview with CNN,
from 12 to 48 hours of work." Garcia uses Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo stated,
very expensive fabric, which makes the price “We have to establish what his motive was
of his costumes very high. A kids costume is first”. At least 59 casualties have been reported
usually $600 and his adult costumes are so far with over 527 wounded still. The event is
$1,800. confirmed to be the deadliest shooting in mod-
ern US history. In a speech addressed to the na-
tion, President Donald Trump stated that the
It's Up to You NowThe Shanahan Times Contributing Editors
Features: Caroline Cornely, By: Madison Koons continue to be passed down to the next pres-
Design and Lauren Lanzendorfer ident. And I’m hopeful …, that it will con-
Layout: Gracy Last year, Donald tinue the reflect the people”. Many children
Trump was elected have been more involved in this election than
Frea, Camp- Puzzles and Comics: Belle president of the United in the past.Recently, at a local youth soccer
bell Goh-John- Hutton, Nina Frase, Josh States. Since then, the game, in response to his coach telling the
son, Marissa Zunic US has seen a variety team to build a wall and defend the goal, an
Johnston, Ella of provocative histori- eight-year-old boy yelled, “Donald Trump,
cal moments, including calm down!” This occurrence is just one in-
Walls Photo Editors: Rachel many strong discus- stance of how children act towards the pres-
sions among children. ident.“This is the first time that I would say
Mathew, Megan May, Na- things have gotten so critical of respect,” said
News: Olivia Eisenhower, talie Reese, Ella Schw- President TrumpThis poses an interest- Mr. Cline. Every president in history has had
Marissa Johnston, Madison ertfager Google Images ing question:Why does people who supported him and people who
Koons, Sami Yousef don’t. It is impossible to have a president that
the current presidency everyone will agree with. According to
Advertising, Marketing, have the influence on children that it does, FiveThirtyEight, this election has seen ap-
Clubs, Activities, and and Distribution: Vaidehi and how can this country overcome its dif- proval ratings drop as far as 36.6%, one of
Sports: Caroline Chubb, Sa- Patel, Rory VanGorder, ferences? The short answer to this question the lowest in history and the country has been
vannah Claar, Isabelle Wal- Vishal Vivek can be summed up with a quote from Robert extremely divided. Recently, there have been
ters, Danielle Arhin Cline, a 7th grade Social Studies teacher at protests, marches and assemblies from a va-
Shanahan Middle School. “I think as kids get riety of groups.News channels and late night
older they will become more polar because shows have expressed their opinions with
they’ve become more passionate about world heartfelt speeches and political skits. As par-
issues that aren’t a part of their everyday life ents will impose their beliefs on their chil-
…, this moment and this president is part of dren,many could say there is no end in sight
a bigger picture. It’s part of the rest of my life to the division.
..., any president does not define that. It will
Friday Football students must leave the game if reported out Ethan Grunkemeyer
of a seat more than once for no intended pur-
Controversy pose. According to administration, this is to The Braves took the field against Liberty the Wickiup (Braves Student Sec-
ensure that students are safe at all times.Mc- tion) was decked out in neon for the theme "Light up Liberty"
By Caroline Chubb Daniels stated, “There are several hundred, if
not more than a thousand middle school stu-
Friday night football is a tradition that’s dents who attend our home football games and
been celebrated all over the country since the very few actually sit in the stands to watch the
late 1800’s. For middle school students at game...nothing good happens while middle
Olentangy, there has been an ulterior motive school students are under the bleachers or
for attending these games;socialization. Re- roaming around unsupervised during the foot-
cently, there was an alteration to those experi- ball games.” This infuriated many students
ences due to a very serious issue. A lengthy who regularly attend games and do not involve
message written by Principal Joshua Mc- themselves with inappropriate misconduct. To
Daniels was posted to the school’s website, gather more intel, a current Shanahan Student,
listing new rules for remaining games. These Ella Schwertfager, was interviewed to shed
caused conflict between dministration and stu- more light on this topic. “I’d say about two or
dents. The rule indicates that being under the three of ten students attending the games ac-
bleachers or in the surrounding field is now tually do bad things there. Most students don’t
prohibited. The field will be locked off and do anything bad.” According to these state-
ments, it seems as if the rules are not favored
by the students.
October, 2017 Clubs and Activities Page 4
A Reinvented Show Choir
By: Rory VanGorder called The Leading Tones), al- han Middle School. Nina performance of singing and
lowing students to prepare for Boyce states “My favorite dancing on stage, and ranked
Partnered up with Zack the intensities of high school thing about show choir is by a series of judges. The SMS
Triscari, Nina Boyce, the choir show choir. The transition took watching the students finally Leading Tones is a group that
director at Olentangy Shana- two years to complete and understand the dances and meets once a week for two
han Middle School (SMS), once it was up and running, rocking it. It is so fun to watch hours after school to rehearse
began the transition in 2010 Boyce and Triscari decided to them in performer mode.” A their singing and dancing pro-
from an ordinary show choir make the SMS Leading Tones show choir is a group of musi- ductions.
into a competition group (now a permanent resident of Shana- cal competitors who put on a
Excitement Grows
for School Garden
By Savannah Claar organic. According to student Savannah Madison Koons
Claar, with three fruit trees and one giant
“The garden, clean, cut and polished has greenhouse, all students involved have their 8th grade Show Choir takes a break from rehearsal to pose for a picture
had dramatic transformation since the be- hands full each and every meeting. Accord-
ginning of the school year", according to ad- ing to Claar, there was a student she noticed
visor Mrs. Walters, “It looks better already!” watering the soil, who weeds the gardens and
The garden had to be weeded and mulched plants flowers every single meeting. After
in order to face the challenge of growing car- being asked to interview, she said, “If the
rots for the school’s cafeteria. Several stu- garden wasn’t carefully mended every week,
dents had the task of weeding a butterfly it would not survive.” Even on a rainy,
garden, tended by the STEM team. The gar- cloudy day, the gardeners seize to disperse.
den was completely covered in weeds. There is now an up and coming garden in the
The school club meets together every Tues- Olentangy community. Thanks to all the
day and Thursday from 3PM to 4PM to plan help from staff and students, the main goal is
ways to make the garden green, healthy and to help create a healthy environment for
both staff and students at Shanahan.
October, 2017 Sports Page 5
NFL Kneeling
Bump, Set, Spike!Causes Outrage
By Charlie Thacker 7th & 8th Grade Volleyball Teams Have a Strong Season
By Marissa Johnston
On August 14, 2016 at
1:00 P.M. former quarter-
back for the San Fran-
cisco 49ers Colin Molly Hartzell has been playing
volleyball for three years and this
Kaepernick started his year is her first year on the 7th
grade Shanahan Middle School
first peaceful protest (SMS) volleyball team. She says that
her favorite thing about volleyball is
against racism and police the chance she gets to meet new peo-
ple and just to play the sport along
brutality by sitting during side her friends. When Molly joined
the 7th grade volleyball team she re-
Colin Kaepernick takes a the national anthem at alized that it wasn’t as competitive
knee in protest during a their home football field, as the club she had been in, but that
it was more tight knit and inclusive.
49ers game (Google Images) Levi’s Stadium. It didn’t When talking about the season,
Molly thought that it was a very am-
take long for his actions bitious season even though they did
meet some tough defeats. Many in-
to stir up controversy. According to SB juries of her fellow teammates also
resulted in some losses, but they
Nation’s webpage, the second week of Kaeper-
nick’s protest, people caught on and it created an
uproar. Some said it was disrespectful of the flag,
the symbol of the United States. Others said it was
demeaning to those who have served in the mili- Toby Carpenter
tary. One fan held up a sign that stated “Kaeper- The 7th grade team celebrates their 2nd place tournament finish.
nick #7 Have you thanked a ‘VET’ lately for your
right to disrespect our flag?” National Football made up for it substantially and im- shown through the tough defeats
proved throughout the entire season and downfalls and are now looking
League News states that Colin Kaepernick ex- with a end score of 10 wins and 3 forward to what next year might
losses. Molly and the rest of her 7th bring.
plained himself later saying “I am not going to grade SMS Volleyball team has
stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that
oppresses black people and people of color. To me,
this is bigger than football and it would be selfish
on my part to look the other way. There are bodies
in the street and people getting paid leave and get- Both Volleyball Teams Perform
Well in End of Season Tournaments
ting away with murder.” The next week he started to
change his way of protest during the national an-
them by kneeling so as to not disrespect those who
served and are serving in the United States mili-
tary.Since the beginning of the 2017-2018 NFL sea-
son, Kaepernick has not been signed to a NFL team
and the controversy has subsided. Then President
Trump said at an Alabama rally "Wouldn't you love
to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody By Danielle Arhin wins in the tournament to ulti- ing middle schools (Blendon,
mately take 1st place. They de- Grizzell, Worthingway, Ga-
disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that [expletive] off On Saturday October 7, the 8th feated all 3 middle schools hanna, Walnut Springs, Karrer,
grade Shanahan Girls Volleyball (Mccord, Dublin Davis, and Lib- Big Walnut, Kilbourne, Heritage,
the field right now, out — he's fired!'" This of Team played in Dublin City erty) in two sets. Mccord, Orange, Berkshire, Hy-
Schools 2017 Volleyball Tourna- atts, and Liberty). In the end they
course didn’t solve anything but created more con- ment in hopes to win a champi- On Saturday October 14, the finished up the season with a
onship to cap off an amazing 7th grade Shanahan Girls Volley- overall record of 10-4 and took
flicts coming during the NFL games. After Presi- season. The girls faced off against ball Team finished their season 2nd place in the tournament.
3 other teams in the tournament. with a trip to the 2017 Marysville Watch out for them again in their
dent Trump said those words over 24 teams in the Their regular season record was Bunsold Volleyball Tournament. 8th grade year!
12-2 and they collected 3 more The girls had decent competition
NFL joined the protest. The Tennessee Titans, Pitts- playing against other neighbor-
burgh Steelers, and the Seattle Seahawks didn’t
even show up for the singing as they stayed in the
locker room, except for Alejandro Villanueva for the
Pittsburgh Steelers who stood in the tunnel singing
along to the national anthem. What Kaepernick has
started as a strong protest against police brutality
and racism, has become a bigger movement and
America’s most popular sport has now become a
political arena.
GOLF Fall Sports End - Win-
Redistricting Means ter Sports are on the
No Returners Horizon
By Mark Weaver, Coach for the first time ever. They handled By the 8th Grade Sports Staff rumble. The basketball teams will officially begin their sea-
themselves with great class all season son on Tuesday, November 28th at Blendon Middle School
Overall the SMS Golf team finished long and were great teammates to each The 2017-2018 fall sports have ended and the winter in Worthington. Prior to that, they will have two scrim-
the season with a record of 3-14. The other. sports program is about to begin. 7th grade football ended mages.
team consisted of 2 8th graders, Tyler the season with a 0-6-1 record and the 8th graders finished
Phillips and Ben Gerich and 6 7th Unfortunately, due to redistricting, we 3-4. Both teams had a solid fan base and a good show of The girls first face Blendon Middle School at home, on
Graders, Reagan Clifton, Josh Stiltner, will not return any members to our golf support at home games. Tuesday, November 28th after scrimmaging the same
Dylan Wilkins, Logan Howell Jace team for next season. We wish all 8 schools as the boys team prior to their season officially be-
Boyce and Kyle Smetiouk. members much success in high school Girls Tennis had a fun 8-5 season and although wins were ginning.
(Olentangy and Berlin) and at their new up and down, 8th grader Sonia Chirravuri mentioned that
Our top golfer for the year was Tyler middle schools (Hyatts and Berkshire). highlights included high school and college mentors, and a The wrestling mats will come out on Thursday, No-
Phillips who lead the way with the top chance to improve at the game, make friends and be active. vember 30th for the Scouts' first match at home against
scoring average followed by Kyle Sme- Any 6th or 7th graders who are inter- The Cross Country team experienced a high level of suc- Olentangy Hyatts. This is sure to be a close one!
tiouk. The team improved a lot from ested in competing in golf next season, cess with highlights including the girls' 1st place finish at
the start of the year. 7 of our 8 team there will be a meeting in the spring the Hilliard-Darby Dash Invitational and the boys running For more information about schedules and teams, check
members were playing competitive golf with details. well at most of the invitationals, all of which were 2 miles the school website or stop into the office. Come out and sup-
and much more relaxed and energized the other races, ac- port our Scouts!
cording to Ava Vaught, 7th grade runner.
Tryouts are currently underway for the girls and boys
baskeball teams and the wrestling teams are getting ready to
October, 2017 Puzzles and Comics Page 6
Marissa Johnston
Apple Comic
Halloween Seek and Find
Google Images Google Images
Happy... ...Halloween!
Can you find 5 or more differences between these pictures? Google Images
Lily and Luna Zoe Mattox
Google Images Google Images
Rory VanGorder Have you carved your pumpkin yet?
Can you answer these riddles?
October, 2017 The Shanahan Times Page 7
Fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. In a
9 by 9 square Sudoku game:
* Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1
through 9 in any order
* Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1
through 9 in any order
* Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must in-
clude all digits 1 through 9
zPersonalize, cut out and give to someone specialz
October, 2017 The Shanahan Times Page 8
Before anything else, we are all human.
It’s time to embrace diversity.
Let’s put aside labels in the name of love.
Rethink your bias at