Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02
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Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
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It is mandatory that equipment damages get reported immediately and prior to moving the equipment.
Damages that are not reported prevent the Company from recovering any cost from the entity that may
have caused the damages. Violations of the policy may result in disciplinary action up to, and including
termination of employment.
Federal and State laws require inspection by the driver. Federal and State inspectors may also inspect
commercial vehicles. An unsafe vehicle can be put “Out of Service” until the driver/owner fixes it.
Per the FMCSA regulations, a driver is responsible for performing three (3) types of inspections:
1. The pre-trip inspection is a systematic parts and system check done before each trip. Its purpose
is to find problems that can cause accidents, breakdowns, or poor performance. Such inspections
are required by law for interstate trucking and are required by company policy.
2. During in route inspection, the driver should check the rigs controls and instruments while driving.
At each stop, he/she should also check critical items including the cargo.
3. The post-trip inspection is a thorough check at the end of each trip, day, or tour of duty which is
necessary on every vehicle driven or pulled and is required by the Company. It must include
completing a vehicle condition report listing any problems you find.
Federal Regulations also require a yearly safety inspection with a decal or sticker verifying the inspection
has been done. A Buddy Moore Trucking service inspection sticker meets the requirements of the Federal
Regulations and must be in place before leaving the company’s property. Failure to have this inspection
sticker could result in very expensive fines for the driver and the company. Unless otherwise directed, this
annual inspection will be conducted at the BMT Shop.
Things that should be checked include:
• Fluid levels
• Service and parking brakes: (running tests and retests of brakes can be accomplished smoothly
by braking and should be made as soon as possible after leaving the truck parking area. In
route brake tests should be made frequently including tests at crests of grades, prior to railroad
crossing stops and while driving on a road with a wet surface.
• Steering mechanisms
• Lights and reflectors
• Tires
• Wheels and rims
• Horn
• Windshield wipers
• Rear vision mirrors
• Emergency equipment, i.e. fire extinguisher(s), reflectors
The goals of a proper inspection are:
1. To identify:
• A part or system that is malfunctioning or has already failed or is missing
• A part or system that is in imminent danger of failing or malfunctioning
• A part or system that is all right or is functioning properly
2. Knowing what to look for and having a consistent routine to follow when performing the inspection.
3. Avoiding unnecessary down time associated with equipment failures and to protect the company’s
safety scores by identifying and rectifying issues prior to travel on the highways.
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• Watch gauges for signs of trouble.
• Use your senses to check for problems (look, listen, smell, feel).
• Tires, wheels, and rims
• Brakes
• Lights
• Brake and electrical connections to trailer
• Trailer coupling devices
• Cargo securing devices
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• Wheel, Rim, & • Fuel • Fifth Wheel • Suspension &
Tire Assembly
Tanks, Air Frame
• Left Front Tanks & • Rear Attachments
Suspension Drains
• Battery Suspension, • Brake Chambers &
• Left Front Brake Box Frame
• Fluids • Exhaust Attachments, & Brake Linkage
• Belts and Hoses System Axles • Brake Adjustment
• Components • Frame • Wheels, Rims, &
• Steering • Air & • Brake Chambers
Electrical Tires
Linkage Lines & Brake Linkage
• Front Axle and • Brake • Load Security,
Frame Adjustment Covering, &
• Rear Wheels, Reefer Chute
Rims, & Tires
• Rear Lighting &
• Headlights 2 • Brake
• Turn Lights
Signals • Turn
• Windshield 7 Signals
& Wipers
• Tail, Marker,
1 10 9 Reflectors &
• Wheel, • Gauges & • Fifth Wheel • Suspension &
Rim, & Tire Warning Devices Assembly
• Left Front • Steering Wheel • Rear Attachments
Suspension & Pedals
Suspension, • Brake
• Left Front • Mirrors & Glass Frame
Brake • Heater/Defroster Attachments, & Chambers &
• Seat Belts Axles Brake Linkage
• Fluids • Emergency • Brake
• Belts and • Brake Chambers Adjustment
Equip • Wheels, Rims,
Hoses • Horn Chambers & & Tires
• Components • Documents Brake Linkage
• Steering • Brake • Load Security,
Linkage • Rear Wheels, Covering, &
• Front Axle Rims, & Tires Reefer Chute
• Rear Lighting &
and Frame Reflectors
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Vehicle maintenance can take the form of three (3) distinct programs: preventive maintenance, demand
maintenance, and crisis maintenance. While all three (3) types have their role, the most cost effective
control is preventive maintenance. The groundwork for a good preventive maintenance program starts with
management and is finalized by the Maintenance Department. A review of the manufacturer’s specifications
and recommendations for periodic preventive maintenance is conducted to ensure adequate maintenance
Preventive maintenance (PM) is performed on a mileage basis as directed by the Maintenance Department.
A typical PM includes oil/filter changes, lubrication, tightening belts and components, engine tune-ups,
brake work, tire rotation, hose inspection/replacement, and radiator maintenance.
Demand Maintenance is performed only when the need arises. Some vehicle parts are replaced only when
they actually fail. These include light bulbs, window glass, gauges, wiring, air lines, etc. Other “demand
maintenance” items involve vehicle components that are work based on information from the vehicle
condition report.
Crisis Maintenance involves a vehicle breakdown while on the road. While situations of this type may
happen regardless of the quality of the PM program, it is an expensive alternative to not having an effective
PM program at all. Crisis maintenance situations should be minimized through proper PM procedures.
Servicing/Maintenance of Trucks and/or Trailers
When the truck or trailer is due servicing or needs repairs, proceed as follows:
1. Fill out work order report. Please include the next departure date and time on the work order so
mechanics will know when you need your equipment, these forms are kept in the drivers room.
2. Reporting trailer damage: each time you hook to a trailer, inspect the trailer before moving the
trailer. If you notice any damage, you must report it before moving it. If the trailer is at a customer’s
yard and the damage appears fresh, report the damage to someone of authority before moving the
trailer. Also contact the BMT Maintenance Department and report the damage during the business
3. When reporting trailer damage, be sure to give the date, your name, your tractor number, the trailer
number, the location where the trailer is located, the name of the person it was reported to on-site,
and a description of the damage.
4. Failure to report trailer damage could result in the damaged trailer being charged to your work
BMT’s vehicle inspection and maintenance program is only as good as its record keeping procedures. All
vehicle maintenance records for maintenance performed will be filed in the Shop/Maintenance/Safety files.
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In order to maintain a safe and pleasant working environment, Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. strongly
advocates, and is committed to, maintaining a ban on alcohol and drugs at the workplace. BMT takes this
issue very seriously and it is important for employees to understand that this policy applies to ALL
employees of the company, without exception, including all part-time and temporary staff.
No employee is permitted to consume, possess, sell, transfer, or purchase alcohol, illegal drugs, narcotics,
or controlled substances while on the job, in company vehicles, or on company property. Involvement in
such activities constitutes grounds for disciplinary action up to, and including termination of employment.
Any prohibited substances found will also be turned over to appropriate law enforcement agency and may
result in criminal prosecution in addition to any disciplinary actions imposed by the company. Acceptable
use of drugs include non-performance enhancing “over the counter” medications and those substances that
have been prescribed to the employee by a licensed physician. Any employee who is under prescribed
medication but who may be in any way impaired by its side effects must report its use to his/her supervisor
immediately. All employees must report all prescribed medication use to his/her supervisor immediately.
BMT will not tolerate any employee who reports for duty while impaired by, or is under the influence of
alcoholic beverages or drugs. Employees who work under the influence of an illegal substance are
considered to be a threat to the safety of themselves, their co-workers, and the public. All employees have
a duty to report any evidence of alcohol or drug abuse to a supervisor immediately. Failure to report cases
where the illegal substance poses an immediate threat to that individual, his/her co-workers, or the public,
may result in disciplinary action for the non-reporting employee. It is also the policy of BMT to assist
employees with drug or alcohol problems in finding medical help when possible.
Be advised that all information pertaining to the Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. Substance Abuse
Policy is held in strict confidence. No information will be released by BMT, beyond management,
without the individual’s written authorization or as required by company, local, county, state, or
federal rules and regulations. All records are secured.
Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. is committed to comply with the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing
Act of 1991, the Alabama Drug-Free Workplace certification, and all other local, county, state, and federal
rules and regulations pertaining to substance abuse.
BMT adopted the Code of Federal Regulations 49 CFR Part 40 effective January 1, 2000 and the Alabama
Drug-Free Workplace Certification effective January 1, 2010.
The BMT policy applies to all employees. BMT reserves the right to require current and prospective
employees to sign an Application/Employee Consent Form and to submit to mandated tests to determine
the presence or non-presence of prohibited substances.
BMT requires testing for the following:
1. Amphetamines
2. Cannabinoids (Marijuana, THC)
3. Cocaine
4. Ethanol (alcohol)
5. Opiates (Morphine and Codeine)
6. Phencyclidine (PCP)
BMT requires the following types of tests:
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02
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Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
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1. Pre-employment: a drug screen must be done prior to an employee being hired into any safety
sensitive position.
2. Random: unannounced random drug and alcohol testing distributed throughout the year will be
done on a number of employees in safety sensitive positions equal to established guidelines.
3. Post-accident: drug and alcohol tests are required within 32 hours and 2-8 hours, respectively, after
any of the following DOT defined accidents:
• Where a fatality was involved
• When a CDL employee received a citation and someone received medical attention away
from the scene.
• When a CDL employee receives a citation and a vehicle is required to be towed from the
4. Reasonable suspicion: a trained supervisor may request an employee have a test when he/she
has reason to believe the employees behavior or appearance indicate alcohol or drug use.
5. Return-to-duty and follow-up: any employee returning to duty after testing positive must have
completed a recommended rehabilitation program. Requires a minimum of six (6) tests during the
first year and follow-up testing can continue for up to five (5) years.
Any employee requested to undergo a drug test will be required to provide a urine specimen at a designated
collection site. The collection site person divides the specimen into two (2) containers in your presence.
These two (2) samples, called primary and split, are sent to a certified testing laboratory.
If the first test is positive, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) will notify the employee or driver to find out if
there is a medical reason for the drug use. If the employee or driver can document why the substance is
being taken, and if the MRO finds it legitimate medical use, the test may be reported as negative to the
employer. After being notified that the first test was positive, a driver has 72 hours to request a test of the
split specimen. If the employee/driver makes this request, the split specimen is sent to another certified
laboratory for the test. If the employee/driver does not contact the MRO within 72 hours but can prove to
the MRO that the employee/driver had a legitimate reason for not doing so, the MRO can order a split
specimen test. NOTE: removal from safety-sensitive duty, as required by the DOT, following a positive drug
test should not be delayed to await the results of the split specimen test. If the analysis of the split sample
does not confirm the presence of a drug, the MRO cancels the test and reports this to DOT, the employer,
and the employee. BMT’s policy is any costs associated with a split specimen will be the responsibility of
the employee/driver.
In addition to the removal from a safety-sensitive function required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Association (FMCSA) regulation, BMT may take the following disciplinary action against any
employee/driver who tests positive.
1. Pre-employment test: applicant may be disqualified
2. Reasonable suspicion: post-accident, random, return-to-duty, or follow-up: employee may be
3. Refusal to cooperate with or adhere to the testing procedure: employee may be terminated
Those employees who receive a confirmed positive test result may contest or explain the result to the
employer within five (5) working days after written notification of the positive test result.
Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. offers assistance to those employees in need and maintains a resource file of
assistance programs and other persons, entities, or organizations designed to assist employees with
personal or behavioral problems. The Employee Assistant Program (EAP) will be made available to those
employees who self-identify a need for assistance prior to an incident taking place that requires a
drug/alcohol test.
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Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
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BMT company policy, FMCSA rules and regulations, Alabama Drug-Free Workplace regulations, and other
local, county, state, and federal regulations prohibit the following conduct as it relates to the use of alcohol
and drugs.
1. No person will be qualified to actively perform their assigned duties if he/she uses a Schedule I
drug, amphetamine, narcotic, alcohol, or other habit-forming drug or has a current clinical diagnosis
of alcoholism.
2. No employee may use or be under the influence of alcohol within four (4) hours before going on
duty, operate, or having physical control of a motor vehicle owned or leased by Buddy Moore
Trucking, Inc.
3. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are allowed on BMT property at any time.
4. Commercial drivers will be disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for a minimum of
one (1) year if he/she is convicted of operating a commercial motor vehicle while under the influence
of drugs or alcohol.
Alcohol: alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and the number one most widely used and abused
drug in our society. A 12-ounce can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, and a 1-1/2 once shot of hard liquor
all contain the same amount of alcohol. Hot coffee or a cold shower does not speed up sobriety. The only
thing that does is time. Each 1-1/2 ounce of alcohol takes the average body about one hour to process and
The effect of drinking alcohol depends on the state of the brain at the time, and this in turn, depends on the
drinking environment. In a quiet environment (little brain activity), perhaps at home watching TV, an alcohol
user will experience relaxation or drowsiness at low to moderate doses.
In a social setting with lots of sights, sounds, and social interaction (lots of brain activity), low doses of
alcohol may feel stimulating. This is caused by depression of the higher brain center, which produces
apparent stimulation by reducing anxiety and self-consciousness. A drinker may become more talkative
than normal and demonstrate increased self-confidence and loss of self-restraint.
So alcohol can feel like a stimulant … but it is not. These effects are a result of the suppression of normal
brain activity. As alcohol rates increase, significant depression of brain activity can result in slurred speech,
loss of coordination, and loss of emotion control. High doses of alcohol can inhibit vital brain functions. This
can produce deep sedation and slow down the breathing rate, which can result in a coma or death.
According to the National Safety Council, it is estimated that 50% of all traffic fatalities involve intoxicated
or alcohol impaired drivers or non-motorists. While a person is under the influence of alcohol, he or she is
far more likely to have an accident than while sober because alcohol adversely affects judgment and
Marijuana: marijuana, a central nervous system depressant, also called “grass,” “weed,” “pot,” “joint,” “Mary
Jane,” among other street names. While alcohol dissipates in a matter of hours, marijuana can stay in the
body for up to 28 days.
The effects of marijuana depend upon the amount used, its potency, the circumstances and the
expectations or mood of the user. Some physical effects include a faster heartbeat and pulse rate, impaired
short-term memory, restlessness, altered sense of time and reduced ability to perform tasks, which require
concentration. The drug has a significant effect on a user’s judgment, caution, and sensory/motor skills.
Tests have clearly proved that while under the influence of marijuana, users cannot perform tasks involving
concentration and manual dexterity, such as driving a car, as well as normal.
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Cocaine: cocaine is a powerful central nervous stimulant, which increases heart rate and blood pressure.
Cocaine in a powder form is usually inhaled (snorted) or ingested. It can also be liquefied down to be
injected into the body. Other names for cocaine are “coke,” “nose candy,” and “snow.” Another form of
cocaine, when smoked or free-based, is called crack. It acquired its name from a popping sound heard
when it is heated.
Generally, cocaine produces a feeling of mental well-being and exhilaration. A user may feel energetic,
talkative, and mentally alert – especially to sensations of sight, sound, and touch. At the same time, cocaine
inhibits appetite and the desire for sleep. In some respects, the effect of cocaine is similar to that of
amphetamines. Like those drugs, cocaine use can produce anxiety or panic attacks. The after effects of
cocaine can include tiredness and depression. Excessive doses can cause heart failure and death.
Amphetamines: amphetamines are drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, that is, they increase
activity in the brain. Some common names for amphetamines are “speed,” “uppers,” “bennies,” and “black
Amphetamines will speed up the nervous system and cause adrenaline to be released promoting a feeling
of alertness and an increase in speech and general physical activity. The side effects are users tend to
become exhausted, both physically and mentally, after a period of time using amphetamines. Users may
also feel fatigued, depressed, irritable, and restless. Other side effects include blurred vision,
sleeplessness, and dizziness.
Opiates: opiates (includes heroin, morphine, and codeine) are considered narcotics, which provide relief
of pain and induces sleep. Some narcotics (morphine and codeine) may be prescribed by a physician or
can be found in cough syrups (codeine). Common names for opiates are “horse,” “morpho,” “hard stuff,”
and “brown sugar.”
Opiates tend to relax the user. When injected, the user feels an immediate rush, which is a strong wave of
pleasurable relaxation and relief from anxiety, but also restlessness, nausea, reduced vision, change in
sleeping habits, and possible death.
Phencyclidine (PCP): phencyclidine or PCP, also called “angel dust,” “rocket fuel,” and “killer weed,” was
developed as an anesthetic in the 1950s. Due to its unusual side effects in humans, it was restricted to use
as a veterinary anesthetic. Today, it is no longer legally manufactured and has no use in medicine.
PCP is a very dangerous drug that can produce violent and bizarre behavior in people. More people die
from accidents caused by erratic and unpredictable behavior produced by the drug than from the drug’s
direct effect on the body. Another problem is that many people do not realize they have taken PCP because
it is frequently laced (to increase the high) with other illicit drugs such as marijuana and the buyer is not
aware of its presence. The effects of PCP may be any of the following: impaired perceptions, violent
defensive behaviors, paranoia, psychosis, cardiac seizure, and death.
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Many factors determine the number and types of documentation required to improve performance. For new
employees, a trend of violations (i.e., absenteeism, productivity or quality problems) will justify employee
counseling, such as verbal informal contacts for not conforming for the first time; then, a written or final
warning. If the same performance problem continues, or other performance problem(s) develop within the
employee’s familiarization period, the next step would normally be recommending discharge. A more senior
employee may require additional progressive disciplinary steps. Progressive discipline is defined as formal,
documented counseling steps, each more severe than the preceding step. In determining the applicable
progressive disciplinary steps, BMT recognizes that based upon a comprehensive investigation of the
violation and severity of the violation there may be the need to skip disciplinary steps and/or recommend
immediate termination of employment. The “Disciplinary Action Form” is used to document all formal
progressive disciplinary action steps.
Verbal Warning – except in cases of very serious prohibited conduct that warrants termination on the first
offense, employees should be given a verbal warning. A verbal warning will be issued when a rule has been
broken, or when job performance has not been satisfactory and improvement is required. The discretion as
to whether to issue a verbal or written warning will be left up to the Operations Manager. The verbal warning
will be documented and placed in the employee’s file.
Written Warning – except in cases of very serious prohibited conduct that warrants termination, employees
should be given a written warning for subsequent violations after being issued a verbal warning. This written
warning must clearly state that continuation of the behavior or performance will lead to a final warning on
the next offense, or in cases of performance, possible termination if immediate improvement is not shown.
Final Warning – except in cases of very serious prohibited conduct that warrants termination, employees
should be given a final warning prior to termination. This final warning must clearly state that continuation
of the behavior or performance may lead to termination on the next offense, or in cases of performance, if
immediate improvement is not shown.
Suspension – once the final “cliff” event has occurred, the Operations Manager counsels the employee,
reviewing the incident(s) leading to the employee being suspended. The Operations Manager explains that
the suspension status gives the employee an opportunity to prove the company with a statement (if
necessary) and give the Operations Manager time to review all the facts, conduct an investigation, and
determine if termination is justified.
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Equal Employment Opportunity
Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for
employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or status as a
disabled veteran in accordance with applicable federal laws. In addition, BMT complies with all applicable
federal, state, and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment. This policy applies to all terms
and conditions of employment, including but not limited to hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff,
recall, transfer, leave of absence, compensation and training.
Any employee who feels his/her rights have been violated in this regard should contact BMT management.
Immigration Reform Act
BMT, Inc. will not knowingly employ, recruit, or refer any alien who is not authorized to work in the United
States. Upon employment, you will be required to present verification of U.S. citizenship or lawful
admittance to work in the United States as provided under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
Employment at Will
Your employment with BMT is at will. You may be terminated at any time for any reason, no reason, with
or without cause, with or without notice. This document does not create a contract between the Company
and any person for employment or for the programs of any benefit. No commitments regarding employment
or continuation of the programs or policies contained in this document are made. Neither this document,
nor other communication, or any Company practice is intended to create, imply or guarantee any term of
employment or benefit.
Only the Company President may make an agreement for employment for a specified term, and such
agreement must be in writing, must identify the employee by name, and must be signed by the President
and the employee. To alter the employment-at-will relationship, such writing must expressly state: “The
employment-at-will relationship is altered,” and “Employment may only be terminated for cause.”
Open-Door Policy
It is important that we maintain a positive work atmosphere and resolve problems as they arise. Our
personnel practices are based on an open-door policy and we encourage you to bring your questions,
suggestions, and complaints to our attention. We welcome communication between the employee and
management. We will give careful consideration to each employee comment in our effort to improve our
Should you have a specific job-related complaint or concern, you should promptly discuss the matter with
your Dispatcher or the Safety Director. If you are unable to resolve your complaint or problem with the
Dispatcher or Safety Director, or would prefer to speak with a Company official, contact the Vice President-
Administration or the President. The Company strictly forbids retaliation or harassment against an employee
who makes a complaint about any member of management or any Company policy or practice.
Anti-Harassment and Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of BMT, Inc. to maintain an environment for all of our employees that is free of harassment
and discrimination. BMT prohibits, any form of harassment or discrimination of our employees. It is never
justifiable to discriminate or harass an employee because of the employee’s race, color, age, sex, religion,
national origin, disability, or any other reason.
Harassment and discrimination are counterproductive and do not serve the principles on which our
Company operates: We respect the dignity and worth of each employee. We believe that each employee
should feel free to develop fully his/her potential, neither hindered by artificial barriers nor aided by factors
that are not related to merit.
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One example of unlawful harassment is sexual harassment. Generally, sexual harassment occurs when:
(1) submission to the sexual advances of another employee is a term or condition of hire, continued
employment, or promotion; and (2) non-submission affects the worker’s or applicant’s hire, continued
employment, or opportunity for promotion. Sexual harassment also occurs when unwelcomed advances,
abusive physical contact, or repeated comments interfere with the employee’s work performance.
Certain conduct and comments of a sexual nature that may not amount to unlawful sexual harassment are
still inappropriate in the workplace. All employees are expected to use good judgment and to avoid even
the appearance of improper conduct in all of their dealings with other employees. Supervisors and
managers especially must exhibit the highest degree of personal integrity at all times, refraining from any
behavior that might be harmful to their subordinates or to the company.
The company will not tolerate discrimination or harassment. You must not tolerate it either. If you believe
that you are being unfairly harassed or discriminated against, report the matter to your supervisor
immediately. If you should feel uncomfortable reporting the problem to your supervisor, or if the
objectionable conduct continues after you first report it, then report it to the Vice President-Administration,
at once. It is the employee’s responsibility to report harassment and discrimination immediately, whether
from a co-worker, supervisor, or outside visitor or vendor. The Company President and other Company
officers are committed to our employees and will investigate each complaint of harassment and/or
discrimination. Appropriate action will be taken in compliance with the results of the investigation.
Anyone who is aware of another employee in violation of this policy should immediately report the matter
to the President or another Company official.
The Company strictly forbids any kind of retaliation against an employee who complains of harassment or
Probationary Status
The first 90 days you work at BMT, or work in a new position with the Company, are considered an
introductory period. You will receive general information about the Company, your job duties and BMT rules
and conduct standards. During this time, you are given a chance to learn your job, and the Company is
given a chance to observe you on the job. If you find you are not satisfied with your position during the 90
day period, or if BMT should become dissatisfied with your performance, you may resign without detrimental
effect to your work record. At the end of the introductory period, a review of your work performance may be
Completion of an introductory period does not guarantee continued employment for any specific length of
time. Employment with BMT, Inc. is at-will and for an indefinite period and may be terminated at any time,
with or without cause, at the will of the employee or the Company.
Company Service Credit
Company service credit is the length of your continuous full-time or regular part-time employment with BMT,
Inc. This begins with your most recent date of hire. BMT Service Credit is the controlling factor in
determining your eligibility for participation in the Company benefits plans such as vacation, group
insurance, etc.
Annual Driver Review Policy
BMT conducts an annual review of all drivers. This review meets and/or exceeds the criteria set forth in
Sections 391.25 and 391.27 of the FMCSAR. Your work performance, attendance, wages, safety, rules
and conduct standards, and other matters pertaining to your work performance shall be reviewed on an as-
needed basis.
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Change in Personal Information
Promptly report any changes in your personal information (name, address, telephone number, marital
status, etc.) to the Payroll Expense Clerk. Failure to do so could result in a loss of benefits to affected
Dressing and Grooming Requirements
While on duty, a driver is expected to be neat and well groomed. Preferred attire will consist of clean casual
clothing; shirts and pants should be clean and in good repair. While on duty, no driver should wear t-shirts
or hats with offensive statements. Must wear closed toe, slip resistant shoes. No sandals or flip flops. If
you have questions about appropriate attire and/or grooming, check with BMT management. Anyone who
violates this standard will be subject to appropriate discipline.
Unauthorized disclosure of confidential Company information can be cause for termination of employment
with BMT, Inc. Drivers are not to discuss with customers, employees, or anyone else the origin, destination,
or rate of your load. The Company’s itineraries, customer information, business procedures or tactics, or
any other procedures are considered highly confidential. Failure to adhere to this will result in dismissal. All
Company information not intended for public information (Company policies and procedures, customer
information, etc.) is the property of the Company. All computer data files, computer disks, customer price
rate information, etc. are considered highly confidential. No employee is allowed to reveal, copy, or remove
any such information without the written authority of a Company officer.
No one is permitted to transmit, store, remove, or make copies of any Company records, reports, or
documents without the prior approval of the President or the Vice President-Administration. All publications
(policy handbooks, manuals, etc.) issued to employees are to be returned upon separation before receipt
of the final paycheck.
BMT, Inc. recognizes the need to provide full-time drivers an opportunity to spend time away from job
responsibilities and provides paid vacation time off for this purpose.
Time off for vacation should be requested at least two weeks in advance, if possible, and approved in
advance by BMT management. No more than three (3) drivers may be on vacation at a time except when
specifically approved by a member of the Management Team. Time off will be scheduled on a first come
first served basis. All vacation hours must be used during the next 12 months after they are earned. No
vacation hours may be carried over to the next year.
Full time Driver’s Vacation Schedule
Length of Service Days Earned Per Year
One Year – Two Years 5 Days
Three Years and Over
10 Days
Full time employees, after completing one full year of continuous employment, are eligible for five (5) days
of vacation. Effective with the third anniversary from the date of hire and each anniversary thereafter, full
time employees receive ten days’ vacation each year. All vacation days must be taken within the next twelve
12 months after they are earned.
On rare occasions, work demands may make it necessary for BMT management to delay your vacations.
In that case, your eligibility for the remaining vacation time may be extended for up to 90 days beyond the
anniversary date deadline.
Any employee who resigns and later is rehired will accrue vacation time based on his/her most recent hire
date. No vacation time will be paid in the event of retirement or resignation.
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Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
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Holiday Closings
In order for all personnel to be able to spend holiday time with their families, BMT will not be open for
business on New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Drivers will be paid for this time off.
If a customer requests hauling, a driver may be asked to work a holiday. If you are requested to work and
you want to be off, you are responsible for finding another driver to fill in for you.
Group Insurance (Medical)
Group medical insurance is available to all full time drivers and their dependents. Please contact the Human
Resources (HR) Department for complete information on how to obtain the insurance. The HR has booklets
provided by the insurance carrier that will explain in detail the coverage offered.
BMT specifically reserves the right to change, alter, or amend its policy regarding insurance benefits at any
time, with or without notice.
Benefits Continuation
The Federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives employees and their
qualified dependents a limited opportunity to continue health insurance coverage when leaving the
employment of BMT. Except in cases of termination due to gross misconduct, an employee or his/her
dependents may choose to continue health insurance coverage for up to 18 months under BMT health plan.
Under COBRA, the employee or beneficiary pays the full cost of coverage at BMT’s group rates plus an
administration fee. The Company or the insurance carrier provides each eligible employee with a written
notice describing rights granted under COBRA when the employee becomes eligible for coverage under
the health insurance plan. The notice contains important information about the employee’s rights and
Military Leave
Full time employees who are called to active duty in the United States Armed Forces will be granted a
military leave of absence. The Company complies with federal and state laws regarding military leave. As
soon as you receive the order, you should give your supervisor a copy of the official Notification Order to
Report. Employees who have satisfactorily completed active military duty will be re-hired upon release,
depending upon the period of service, as follows:
Period of Service Requirement
Less than 31 days Return next regular workday, after safe travel home & 8 hours
rest time
From 31-180 days Submit application for employment within 14 days of release
from service
181 days and above Submit application for employment within 90 days of release
from service
While on military leave, you and your dependents have the right to continue in the group health plan for up
to 24 months of service. The employee will be responsible for up to 102% of the total premium. Those
employees on military leave for 31 days or less will not be charged more than the amount he or she would
have paid if still employed.
Employees ordered on extended active duty, with no return date specified, will not be considered to have
a break in service if he or she returns to work within the time indicated. Upon reemployment, you will be
given credit for any months and hours of service you would have been employed but for military service in
determining eligibility for Family and Medical leave, if applicable. An employee who fails to apply for
reinstatement following release from duty is subject to the Company’s discipline policy for unexcused
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Jury Duty
Drivers who are summoned to jury duty should notify management so that arrangements can be made for
someone to take over your duties during your absence. A copy of the summons should be given to BMT
management. When released from jury duty, you should report back to work as soon as possible, allowing
for reasonable driving time.
On-the-Job Injuries/Worker’s Compensation
If you are injured while on the job, you must report the injury immediately. You must report the injury whether
or not you need to seek medical treatment. You should obtain authorization from management prior to
seeking medical treatment, unless your injury requires immediate medical attention. An accident report
must be filed within 24 hours of the accident. The report should include a description of the facts surrounding
your injury and the names of any witnesses. Questions about reporting an injury should be directed to
Human Resources.
You will be required to submit to immediate drug testing following any on the job injury or accident. If you
refuse to submit to such a drug test, you will forfeit your right to worker’s compensation benefits. The Code
of Alabama, 25-5-51 state that “no compensation shall be allowed if the employee refuses to submit to or
cooperate with a blood or urine test as set forth above after the accident, being warned in writing by the
employer that such refusal would forfeit the employees right to recover benefits under this chapter”.
If you need medical treatment for your injury, you must obtain written release prior to being allowed to return
to work. The release must be signed by the doctor, show your date of injury and the date you were released
to return to work. The release must be turned in to the Safety Department before you will be allowed to
operate any BMT equipment.
Employment with BMT will require you to regularly travel in the State of Alabama, as well as in other states.
By accepting employment, you acknowledge and agree (1) that your employment with BMT is/was entered
into the State of Alabama, (2) that the employment is principally localized in Alabama for purposes of
workers compensation, (3) that you, if injured, will accept Alabama workers compensation benefits to be
paid under the Alabama Workers Compensation Act, and (4) that the jurisdiction of any claim for workers
compensation benefits will be in Alabama state courts. This agreement is made pursuant to the Code of
Alabama 25-5-35.
All workers compensation claims will be examined under the Alabama Worker’s Compensation Fraud Act.
This act allows for the prosecution of persons who report and/or file fraudulent claims for workers
compensation benefits. The penalties include up to ten (10) years in prison upon conviction.
You may forfeit any workers compensation benefits to which you may be entitled if you knowingly or falsely
make or have made any misrepresentations as to your physical or mental condition and/or your ability to
fulfill the duties of your job with BMT. The Code of Alabama, 25-5-51 provides that “no compensation shall
be allowed if the employee knowingly or falsely misrepresents in writing his or her physical or mental
condition and the condition is aggravated or reinjured in an accident arising out of and in the course of his
or her employment”.
Family Medical Leave
The Company complies with the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Eligible employees will be
provided up to twelve (12) work weeks of unpaid leave within a 12 month period for the birth or adoption of
a child, to provide care for a child, spouse or parent with a serious health condition, or due to your own
serious health condition.
To qualify for FMLA consideration, you must have worked for the Company at least one (1) year and have
worked a minimum of 1,250 hours during the twelve (12) months prior to the effective date of leave. All
available vacation days and sick days (if applicable) must be used at the beginning of the leave period, and
will count toward the total of twelve weeks leave allowed per year.
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Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
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All requests for FMLA leave must be made to the Vice President-Administration or the Safety Director. You
may obtain forms to request FMLA from management. You may elect to continue your medical and other
insurance benefits during the FMLA leave. Under the regulations of the Family Medical Leave Act, both you
and the Company will continue to pay your customary portions of the monthly premiums. Eligible employees
returning at the end of the FMLA leave will be restored to the same or an equivalent position upon return
to work.
If the leave is foreseeable, you must provide a full 30 days’ notice in writing. The failure to provide proper
notice of a foreseeable need will disqualify an employee for FMLA leave benefits. If the need for time away
arises suddenly, the request can be oral and must be made as soon as practical, or within 2 days, as the
law specifies. For medical or childcare emergency requests, leniency may be allowed, depending on the
specific circumstances. Employees must submit requests for FMLA to the Vice President-Administration
and in instances of illness, provide medical documentation to qualify for FMLA leave. An employee on
FMLA leave for a personal illness must provide a return to work release from his/her treating physician prior
to his/her return to work. Questions relating to FMLA should be directed to the Vice President-
Pay Periods and Paychecks
All employees are paid on a weekly basis. The pay period for drivers begins at midnight on Friday and ends
seven (7) days later on Friday at midnight. Drivers will be paid for any loads that are delivered by Friday
night midnight of the previous week if your bills have been turned in. Payroll is put on a EFS card and is
available Friday morning. Your settlement sheet is mailed to your designated address.
Payroll Deductions
Only deductions specifically required by law or authorized in writing by the employee will be withheld from
your wages. Deductions required by law include:
• Income Tax (Federal, State, and Local)
• FICA/Social Security
• Court ordered garnishments
Deductions which may be authorized by employees include, but are not limited to, contributions for group
insurance, additional optional insurance, and regular employee approved deductions. All payroll deductions
are shown on your paycheck stub. Changes in authorized deductions must be made with the Payroll
Expense Clerk.
Customer Service
As a driver for BMT, you are a part of an organization that is dedicated to providing courteous, first quality
service to our valued customer. Your personal conduct, courtesy, and work performances should be in
keeping with the Company’s high standards and ideals.
A high degree of courtesy and willing service must be shown by all employees in dealing with customers
and the general public. BMT employees, regardless of job assignment, must treat all customers and their
associates with respect and courtesy at all times. Any customer problems or complaints that you feel cannot
be satisfied handled by you should be referred to management immediately.
Ethical Standards/Company Reputation
BMT has an excellent reputation for conducting its business with integrity and fairness. In addition, the
Company is committed to conducting business legally and ethically. All Company business activities shall
be carried out in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including laws that relate to
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transportation, safety, the environment, employment practices, antitrust compliances, etc. As an employee,
you are obligated to uphold that reputation by conducting your job with integrity and fairness.
Ignorance of any law, rule, or regulation of the Company will not be accepted as an excuse for violation. In
instances where Company rules and regulations are more stringent than legal requirements, the Company
rules and regulations will prevail. When a situation arises that is not covered by Company rules, good
judgment must be exercised in deciding on the safest and wisest course to follow.
If you are ever in doubt whether an activity meets our ethical standards or compromises the Company’s
reputation, please discuss it with your supervisor and/or the President. If you become aware of a violation
or potential violation of a law, report it to management immediately. However, knowingly filing a false report
will result in disciplinary action. Any employee who fails to comply with the policy is subject to disciplinary
action up to and including dismissal.
Use and Care of Company Equipment
Company owned tractors, trailers, and other equipment are very costly. It is your responsibility to care for
this equipment as you would your own property. Failure to take proper care of Company equipment and
other property may result in disciplinary action. Any flagrant violation of safety regulations with regard to
this equipment that endangers the life or health of the employee or others will result in disciplinary action
up to, and including dismissal.
No driver is authorized to add or remove any accessories (radios, CB’s antennae’s, tag, stickers, etc.)
on/from Company owned tractors or trailers without prior approval from the President. Radar detectors are
strictly prohibited on BMT trucks.
When a tractor is on the road and has to be taken out of service for repair, the driver is to deliver the trailer
to the nearest point designated by the Company. No unit will go out of service with a trailer attached unless
authorized by management. In the event of a tractor break down, the Company will advise the driver as to
how the trailer is to be returned to service.
Internet and Computer Usage
The Company strictly prohibits the possession of pornography or other offensive material on Company
premises, accessing pornography on the internet, downloading, distributing or mailing pornographic
material through the Company’s e-mail system or mail room and/or using the Company’s mailing address
to receive responses to personal advertisements. Anyone who is aware of another employee in violation of
this policy should immediately report the matter to your immediate supervisor, the Vice President-
Administration, or to the President.
BMT reserves the right to access and read any and all information contained on Company computers,
computer files, or e-mail messages. Any information contained on company computers is the property of
BMT, Inc. Employees should have no expectation of privacy with regard to these communications and will
be in violation of the Company’s policy if they send, receive, or access discriminatory, harassing, or
otherwise inappropriate internet sites or e-mails.
Online Services, E-Mail, and Telephone
On-line services and e-mails are BMT property and are to be used for business purposes only. By using
on-line services or e-mail, employees waive any right to privacy and consent to the monitoring by the
Company and disclosure of messages and material to appropriate third parties at any time without notice.
It is against BMT policy to access or download materials from web sites that are not work related or to use
or disseminate any offensive or inappropriate material, including but not limited to material which is racial,
ethnic, obscene, or sexual in content, or to transmit any derogatory comments about fellow employees,
management, supervisors, customers, vendors, or competitors.
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No employee may speak for or on behalf of BMT on-line or by e-mail without permission of the BMT’s
A large amount of BMT’s business is transacted by telephone. The telephone equipment is provided for the
purpose of service for our customer; personal use of telephones for incoming and outgoing calls, including
local calls, is strongly discouraged during normal business hours. If non-emergency personal calls must be
made, confine them to your break or meal period. No long distance personal calls may be made on BMT
phones. Any long distance personal calls should be charged to your home number or credit card number.
Misuse of on-line services, e-mail, or telephone may result in disciplinary action up to and including
termination of employment. Any violation of the BMT on-line, e-mail, or telephone policy should be
immediately reported to the Office Manager or the President.
Personal Conduct
BMT expects that all employees will carry out their assigned duties with the following standards of conduct
in mind:
1. Each employee is expected to be loyal to the Company and to act in the best interest of the
Company. Criticism of BMT or its management to third parties is inappropriate. Loyalty means that
an employee will do everything he/she can to help the Company and ensure its success.
2. Employees must maintain the highest integrity on the job so that the Company can, in turn,
conducts its business in the same manner.
3. Each employee will treat other employees with courtesy and respect. They should treat others as
they would want others to treat them.
4. No employee is allowed to use profanity on the job, nor make statements involving sexual topics
or jokes. Offensive language or activities of any sort are strictly prohibited. Offensive language that
might be overheard by other employees or outside parties may be illegal and may result in
disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
5. No employee will interfere with another employee’s ability to do their assigned work.
6. No employee will take any action or work in any manner that may cause injury to themselves or
their coworkers.
7. Gambling of any kind or bookmaking on Company premises or on Company time is prohibited.
Company Notices
The Company will occasionally send notices to employees via paychecks, bulletin boards, or inter-office
memos. It is the responsibility of each employee to read this material. It is your responsibility to understand
and abide by all such instructions and correspondence. If you do not understand a notification that you
receive, feel free to ask for clarification about any of this correspondence.
Conflict of Interest
The Company expects that drivers/contract owner operators will have no outside or after hour’s interests
during the course of employment that may conflict with the business interest of the Company. This includes
other jobs that might affect your job performance or your financial interest of yourself or a member of your
immediate family that may cause a conflict with your loyalty to the Company in conducting business. If you
have questions about any outside employment that might conflict with your position with BMT ask
management to clarify this for you.
Satellite Communication
BMT has invested a considerable amount of money to provide you with satellite communication. This
program speeds up our operations and helps us become more efficient. Drivers are to abide by Company
policy in the use of the PeopleNet satellite system.
Never use the satellite system while operating a moving vehicle. If you must contact dispatch or respond
to a message from the Company, you should pull a safe distance off of the road and stop until you have
completed your communication and can give your full attention to the road.
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Any reckless misuse of Company equipment or flagrant violation of safety regulations that endangers the
life or health of the employee or others will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of
Smoking and other tobacco use is permitted on trucks by employees as long as the interior is thoroughly
cleaned on a regular basis. Smoking is not allowed in the Drivers Room or the Administrative Offices. While
at the terminal, smoking must be in designated smoking areas only. No cigarette butts should be discarded
on BMT premises. In addition, no smoking is allowed at the fuel island.
Personal Property
The Company provides appropriate parking for its employee’s personal vehicles. You should park in the
designated area and lock your vehicle. The Company is not responsible for loss or damage of an
employee’s vehicle or personal property.
A driver shall report for duty at the time and place designated allowing sufficient time to perform pre-trip
duties. Notify management by phone as early as possible, and at least two hours before reporting time if
you are unable to report for a trip previously agreed upon. Failure to report to work, or to promptly notify the
Company of inability to report for work at the prescribed time, is cause for disciplinary action.
Protection of Company property is the responsibility of the driver in all circumstances. At all stops, the driver
should lock the truck to prevent the unauthorized entry of others while the truck is parked and unattended.
You are also asked to be alert for the entry of unauthorized vehicles or persons on Company premises.
Keep supplies and equipment stored in approved areas so that security measure may be observed. Any
employee caught stealing from the Company will be terminated immediately and prosecuted by law. This
includes selling load locks issued by BMT. If you are aware of any Company driver/contract owner operator
stealing, you are required to report this to your dispatcher/supervisor or to a Company officer immediately.
Workplace Violence
The Company will not tolerate acts of violence by employees on the job or on the Company premises. All
employees should keep in mind that dealing with the public can be stressful and people can be
unreasonable at times. When you encounter unreasonable and demanding people, make every effort to be
more courteous than ever. Report anyone exhibiting unruly behavior to management. Any BMT employee
exhibiting violent behavior to customers or coworkers, including verbal or physical threats, will be
terminated. No firearms or other weapons should be exhibited when on Company premises. Any employee
who violates this policy will be disciplined up to and including termination.
Gifts and Tips
Any gifts or entertainment offered to employees of BMT by customers, visitors, vendors, or other
organizations must be above board. If you have any questions about whether an offer is acceptable or not,
you should let your supervisor make the determinations. Anything deemed inappropriate by the supervisor
must be returned or refunded. If an employee is offered a reward for good service, he/she should explain
that the quality service we provide is a part of our normal operating standards. A letter of appreciation is an
acceptable way to reward outstanding service by Company employees.
Cost Containment
Everyone benefits by effectively containing Company costs. The reality is that, like many businesses, our
profit margin is low and every dollar saved makes a difference in the Company’s “bottom line”. Let’s not be
wasteful. Good cost containment helps ensure our future as a Company. All employee efforts to lower costs
are greatly appreciated by management. Management will welcome any employee’s ideas or suggestions
on reducing overhead expenses.
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Written Resignation
We hope you will enjoy working at BMT. However, if you are considering changing jobs, we ask that you
discuss the situation with the President or Vice President-Administration before making a final decision.
Should you decide to resign, give management at least two (2) weeks’ notice in writing. This courtesy will
allow us enough time to adjust working schedules and secure a replacement. Employees who leave in good
standing will receive consideration for re-hire if they wish to return to work at a later date. Employees leaving
between pay periods will receive their pay on the next regularly scheduled payday. Substituting vacation
for notice of resignation must be approved by management.
Final Paycheck
Before receiving your last paycheck, the following items must be returned to the Payroll Expense Clerk:
• Written letter of resignation
• Keys
• Satellite system
• Fuel cards
• All paperwork (logs, BOL, etc.)
• Expense money
• Driver handbook and manuals
• Any money owed the Company
• Any other Company property
It is the driver’s responsibility to see that all property that belongs with the truck (permits, etc.) remains in
the truck and ready for the next driver.
When a driver resigns or is dismissed, the truck will be examined for damages and overall cleanliness. The
driver will be charged a $100 cleaning fee for the cost of cleaning and/or repairs made to the truck. This
amount will be deducted from the employee’s final paycheck.
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This Driver Handbook describes important information about Buddy Moore Trucking, its policies, and its
benefit programs. I understand that I should consult my immediate supervisor regarding any questions I
may have regarding this document. By signing below, I agree to follow the procedures, policies, and rules
outlined in this document.
As Buddy Moore Trucking continues to grow, the need may arise to change policies described in this Driver
Handbook. Therefore, Buddy Moore Trucking reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any policy
or portion of the handbook from time to time as deemed appropriate, at its sole and absolute discretion. I
acknowledge that revisions to the document may occur. I will be notified of such changes as they occur.
I have voluntarily entered into my employment relationship with Buddy Moore Trucking.
I acknowledge that there is no specified length of employment. Accordingly, either Buddy Moore Trucking
or I can terminate our employment relationship with or without cause, at any time. I acknowledge I am an
employee of Buddy Moore Trucking that Buddy Moore Trucking is solely responsible for my continued
employment, compensation, promotions, benefits, payroll, and discipline processes. Furthermore, I
recognize that our customers are clients that I provide services to and for in my continued employment with
Buddy Moore Trucking.
Furthermore, I acknowledge that this Driver Handbook is neither a contract of employment nor a legal
document. I have received this document and I understand that it is my responsibility to read and comply
with the policies contained in this Driver Handbook and any revisions made to it.
___________________________________________ Date _____/_____/__________
Employee’s Printed Name
___________________________________________ Date _____/_____/__________
Buddy Moore Trucking Management Representative
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Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
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The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of tractor # __________. I understand this vehicle is to be
regularly maintained and serviced, according to the service schedule as explained by the Maintenance
Department which is every _______________ miles.
Further, it is agreed this vehicle will be operated in a safe manner. I agree to wear my seat belt whenever
the vehicle is in motion and will require authorized riders to do so. I agree to be responsible for all traffic
and parking violations that occur while the vehicle is assigned to me.
I agree to promptly report all accidents or incidents resulting in injury or damage to the vehicle or other
property, no matter how slight.
I understand I am required to maintain a valid driver license. Further, I herewith grant Buddy Moore
Trucking, Inc. the right to investigate my motor vehicle driving record at any time. I agree to promptly report
to the company any suspension or revocation of my driver license.
I understand I am not to modify the vehicle in any way without written permission.
I understand the operation of this vehicle in a safe operating condition is my responsibility. If this vehicle
becomes unsafe, it is my responsibility to notify the Maintenance Department immediately.
I have inventoried the equipment assigned to tractor # __________ and I am satisfied with the inventory
and the quality of the equipment.
I have been instructed by the Maintenance Department on how to properly check:
_____ Fluid levels
_____ Air pressure in the tires
_____ Air leaks
_____ Gauges
_____ Fuse box
_____ Other Explain:
Employee Signature Maintenance Department
Employee Name (Please Print)
Date Signed
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I, _____________________________________, have read and understand Buddy Moore Trucking Inc.’s
policy on drugs and alcohol. I understand that as a condition of employment, I am subject to its provisions,
and to changes that may be made in the policy from time to time. I further understand that Buddy Moore
Trucking, Inc. may conduct drug and alcohol testing and/or searches of the person and belongings of its
applicants and employees under the circumstances described in the policy. I hereby give my consent to
Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. and the testing laboratory to release the test results to Buddy Moore Trucking,
Inc. and any Medical Review Officer designated by Buddy Moore Trucking, Inc. I understand that if I refuse
to submit to or cooperate with a blood or urine test after an accident, I forfeit any right to recover Workers’
Compensation benefits that I might have under Alabama Code 25-5-51. I also understand that if I refuse
to submit to or cooperate with a blood or urine test after an accident, and/or are found to be in violation of
the Company Drug & Alcohol Policy, I will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Employee Signature
Employee Name (Please Print)
Date Signed
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03/01/17 Initial creation of the Driver Handbook
07/09/18 BMT Annual Review – Added terminal locations and reformatted pages
Issue Date: July 9, 2018
Supersedes: March 1, 2017
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02A
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 1 of 6
During working hours, a driver’s first contact should always be their Dispatcher. They will be able to answer
most of your questions and direct you to the proper department or person for further information as necessary.
Drivers will be issued a card upon hire with all necessary telephone numbers/contacts.
A contact card is located on the driver’s side sun visor.
Always check the trailer for holes in the floor. All drivers, when unloading freight, are to contact the Operations
Manager and report any cargo that is damaged due to a leaking or faulty tarp or other conditions.
It is the responsibility of the driver to free his empty trailer of all debris such as packing material and nails, dirt,
1. The load should fit properly on the trailer with no danger of over-width or over-length. If these problems
exist, you must obtain a permit to operate legally per state requirements.
2. The load should be secure properly on the trailer. If something falls off your trailer, it could cause an
accident. You should always check the load periodically throughout the course of your trip, in
accordance with D.O.T. Regulations.
3. Your load should be protected from the elements such as rain, fire, dirt, wind, and salt from the roads.
Always remember, the customer may have reasons for tarping which are not apparent to us.
4. Always feel free to discuss each and every load, its tie-down and protection with your Operations
Manager. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
5. There is never a reason for a load to be rejected because it is wet. If we take every precaution, there
will be no problems.
6. Always remember, you are signing for what the Bill of Lading (BOL) says is on your load. This makes
you the responsible party. Make sure you actually have what the BOL calls for; always check the count.
All transporting vehicles, prior to movement, shall have their cargo and any other items firmly and adequately
“tied down” or secured by the methods indicated by the cargo being transported. Thereafter, the cargo must
be closely watched and checked at times required by Federal Regulations and as common sense indicates.
BMT adheres to the North American Cargo Securement Standards as well as the Department of Transportation
Coil Securement
Buddy Moore Trucking requires all new flatbed drivers to pass the Alabama Coil Certification exam. No one is
exempted from this policy. BMT trucks are equipped with chains, binders, straps, timbers, mats, and edge
protectors in order to properly secure metal coils. Chains are 5/16 and rated at 9,700 lbs. A 20,000 lb coil
requires a minimum of 3 chains and one strap. A 35,000 lb coil requires 5 chains and 1 strap. A 40,000 lb coil
requires 6 chains and one strap.
All loads must be tarped unless otherwise instructed. Tarping should take place at the point of loading and not
at a later time.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02A
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
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(Revised 2016-07-12)
Job Summary or Purpose: To transport and deliver freight by driving diesel-powered tractor-trailer
combinations long distances.
Job Duties:
1. Hook and unhook trailers from the tractor itself, including cranking lever to raise and lower the landing
gear on semi-trailers.
2. Inspect the truck and trailer for defects and safe operating condition before, during, and after trips and
submit a written report on the condition of the truck and trailer in accordance with Department of
Transportation (DOT) regulations.
3. Check shipping papers to determine the nature of the load and to check for the presence of hazardous
4. If hazardous materials are found in your load, call Dispatch before leaving the customers site.
5. Remove spare tire from rack and return flat to rack.
6. Install and remove tire chains as required by weather conditions or when directed to do so by
Maintenance or Operations.
7. Drive truck to destinations in accordance with, and maximizing the use of the Federal Hours of Service
8. Apply knowledge of commercial driving skills in maneuvering the vehicle at varying speeds in difficult
situations, such as heavy traffic, inclement weather, construction sites or in tight loading dock areas.
9. Ensure that all shipping documentation (e.g., manifest, bills of lading, shipping orders, etc.), required
to move with the shipment, are available for inspection and that the appropriate paperwork
accompanies the shipment when it is delivered.
10. Maintain records required for compliance with state and Federal regulations including driver’s logs,
roadside inspections, records of fuel purchases, mileage records, and other records required by law.
11. Perform all duties in accordance with the company policies and procedures, and comply with all
Federal, State, and local regulations for the safe operation of a commercial motor vehicle.
12. Report all accidents involving driver or company equipment.
13. Report highway safety hazards noted in route.
14. Promptly report any delays due to breakdowns, weather, or traffic conditions or other emergencies, or
in the event of irregularities relating to pick-up or delivery of cargo.
1. Safe and legal operation of a commercial motor vehicle.
2. Safe and timely transportation of freight from origin to destination.
3. Proper loading and unloading of freight to assure safety and minimal risk of damage to cargo and
danger to persons by following all shipper/consignees/company instructions regarding securement
and tarping.
4. Demonstrate professional representation of the company and the trucking industry by practicing good
hygiene habits, wearing clean and appropriate clothing and by using responsible driving habits.
5. All drivers must wear closed toe shoes with slip resistant soles. No sandals or flip flops of any kind.
No Exceptions.
Job Specifications:
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver License from the state in which you reside.
2. Must meet minimum hiring standards.
3. Must have the ability to read, write, and perform simple mathematical calculations with the mental
ability to handle receipts, read maps, road signs, maintain logs, etc.
4. Must have working knowledge of DOT regulations governing safe driving, hours of service, inspection
and maintenance, and transportation of hazardous materials.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02A
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 3 of 6
5. Must be available for around the clock trips to accommodate freight movements and must be able to
be away from home for extended periods of time.
6. Must meet or exceed the medical standards or the U.S. Department of Transportation.
7. Must satisfactorily pass drug/alcohol test.
Physical Requirements:
1. Must be able to sit and remain alert while driving for periods of time up to maximum allowable driving
time governed by the Hours of Service regulations (14 hours).
2. Must be able to shift a manual transmission and operate foot pedals.
3. Must be able to bend, kneel or squat to inspect beneath the trailer bed.
4. Must be able to enter/exit the vehicle cab two (2) to ten (10) times a day. Cab floor is generally from
36 to 48 inches above ground level, with entry and exit achieved with the assistance of various
configurations of steps and handholds, also requires occasional bending, twisting, climbing, squatting,
crouching, and balancing.
5. Must be able to climb on and off of the tractor platform and flatbed trailer.
6. Must be able to climb on and off of loads to secure; release; and, when necessary, tarp and un-tarp
7. Must be able to walk along the top and edges of loads to secure it and, when necessary, tarp and un-
tarp it.
8. Must be able to exert very heavy pushing and pulling forces when securing and releasing loads.
9. Must be able to handle heavy tarps when necessary to tarp or un-tarp a load.
10. Must be able to balance while walking on uneven surfaces at delivery sites, truck stops, on the truck’s
bobtail platform, and on the trailer.
11. Must be able to balance while carrying a heavy tarp up to the top of a load.
12. Must be able to install and remove tire chains when required due to inclement weather.
13. Must be able to spend at least 5% of the day standing and 5% of the day walking on surfaces such as
concrete, wood, and metal, and sometimes on slippery and wet surfaces.
14. Must be able to hook/unhook various commercial vehicle combinations, manually lower and raise
landing gear, operate the fifth wheel release lever, lock and release pintle-hooks, attach and release
safety chains, enter into and out of vehicles, fuel vehicles, and check engine oil and coolant levels
15. Must possess a full-range of physical motion and mobility and demonstrate proper reaction timing
when maneuvering a unit or reacting to unexpected safety situations.
Work Environment:
1. Drivers may spend 1% - 5% of their time out of doors exposed to potentially difficult environmental
2. Drivers may be subject to irregular work schedules, temperatures and weather extremes, long trips,
short notice for assignments, tight delivery schedules, delays in route and other stress and fatigue
related to driving a large commercial motor vehicle on crowded streets and highways in all kinds of
3. Drivers typically spend 90% - 95% of on-duty time in the truck. While driving, operators are exposed
to noise and vibration levels which may be higher than those typically experienced in passenger cars.
Statements included in this job description do not necessarily represent an exhaustive list of all responsibilities,
skill, duties, requirements, efforts, or working conditions associated with the job. While this is intended to be
an accurate reflection of the current job, management reserves the right to revise the job or to require that
other or different tasks be performed as circumstances change.
(End of Position Description)
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02A
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 4 of 6
I have read and understand the demands of being a flatbed driver as outlined in the Position Description –
Flatbed Division with a revision date of July 12, 2016 and can fulfill the requirements to the job.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Driver Signature Witness Signature
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02A
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 5 of 6
This addendum to the Driver Handbook describes important specific information about the Flatbed Division of
Buddy Moore Trucking. I understand that I should consult my immediate supervisor regarding any questions I
may have regarding this addendum. By signing below, I agree to follow the procedures, policies, and rules
outlined in this addendum.
As Buddy Moore Trucking continues to grow, the need may arise to change policies or procedures described
in this addendum. Therefore, Buddy Moore Trucking reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any
policy, procedure, or portion of the addendum from time to time as deemed appropriate, at its sole and absolute
discretion. I acknowledge that revisions to the addendum may occur. I will be notified of such changes as they
I acknowledge that this addendum to the Driver Handbook is neither a contract of employment nor a legal
document. I have received this addendum and I understand that it is my responsibility to read and comply with
the policies contained herein and any revisions made to it.
___________________________________________ Date _____/_____/__________
Employee’s Printed Name
___________________________________________ Date _____/_____/__________
Buddy Moore Trucking Management Representative
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02A
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 6 of 6
03/01/17 Initial creation of the Driver Handbook – Flatbed Addendum
07/09/18 BMT Annual Review – reformatted pages and updated language in the Position
BMT Description – Flatbed Division signature page
Issue Date: July 9, 2018
Supersedes: March 1, 2017
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02B
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 1 of 7
During working hours, a driver’s first contact should always be their Dispatcher. They will be able to answer
most of your questions and direct you to the proper department or person for further information as
necessary. Drivers will be issued a card upon hire with all necessary telephone numbers/contacts.
A contact card is located on the driver’s side sun visor.
BMT does not expect you to load or unload trailers. However, anything that has to do with hiring a lumper
must be handled through dispatch. Do not pay cash for a lumper. Always get an e-check from dispatch
to pay a lumper.
Always check the trailer for water leaks before loading. Check for holes in the floor, sides, and roof. Check
door seals for water tightness. If any leaks are found, report them to the Operations Manager. He/she will
direct you to repair minor leaks or will direct you to another trailer. This may take a little more time up front
but will save you many headaches later. All drivers, when unloading freight, are to contact the Operations
Manager and report any cargo that is damaged due to a leaking or faulty trailer.
It is the responsibility of the driver to free his empty trailer of all debris such as packing material and nails,
dirt, etc.
Ramp docks can cause you problems. Before backing into a ramp dock, secure freight so that it will not fall
from the trailer. If the freight cannot be secured, you may back in with only one door open and unload the
other door, back in, and finish unloading. You may need to unload and unsecure freight before backing in;
the warehouse may need help with this. Remember, you own the freight on driver load and count loads
until the receiver signs for it.
No person shall be within or enter a van-type trailer while a forklift is picking up or dropping freight within
the trailer. The forklift operator is the responsible party and shall not enter a trailer without specific authority
and the presence of their supervisor while other personnel are inside the trailer. If you think it is unsafe,
contact your Operations Manager.
All transporting vehicles, prior to movement, shall have their cargo and any other items firmly and
adequately “tied down” or secured by the methods indicated by the cargo being transported. Thereafter,
the cargo must be closely watched and checked at times required by Federal Regulations and as common
sense indicates.
Make sure your trailer is locked with a padlock even if it has a seal. Buy a padlock if needed and turn in
your receipt to be reimbursed. Also, if there are any issues with your load (shortage or damages) let your
dispatcher know immediately so it can be handled right then. If you do not call anyone to let them know,
you will pay for the shortage or damage.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02B
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 2 of 7
It is mandatory for drivers to put a seal and a pad lock on every load they pull for BMT and to have the
receiver witness you break the seal and sign the bills “Seal Intact”. If the shipper does not provide a seal, it
is the driver’s responsibility to seal the load with a BMT seal. If you have a multi-stop load, you must reseal
the trailer after each stop and have the receiver notate the new seal number on the bills so you can request
the receiver at each stop to sign the bills “Seal Intact”. In many cases, this is the only weapon we have to
combat a claim if there is shortage discovered on the load.
It is a requirement for every driver to carry at least two load locks and two straps. Check with the shop for
both of these.
A compliance letter will be put in your box around the 15th of the month. The letter will indicate any
deficiencies in your logs for the previous month. You will have 10 days to come into the log department at
Opp to make corrections. If you have “No Violations” for the month you will receive a $50 bonus.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02B
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 3 of 7
(Revised 2016-06-16)
Job Summary or Purpose: To transport and deliver freight by driving diesel-powered tractor-trailer
combinations long distances.
Job Duties:
1. Hook and unhook trailers from the tractor itself, including cranking lever to raise and lower the
landing gear on semi-trailers.
2. Load and unload the trailer, either individually or with assistance of dockworkers, with or without
mechanical freight-handling equipment.
3. Perform frequent lifting, pulling, pushing, and carrying of freight.
4. Inspect the truck and trailer for defects and safe operating condition before, during, and after trips
and submit a written report on the condition of the truck and trailer in accordance with Department
of Transportation (DOT) regulations.
5. Check shipping papers to determine the nature of the load and to check for the presence of
hazardous materials.
6. If hazardous materials are found in your load, call Dispatch before leaving the customers site.
7. Remove spare tire from rack and return flat to rack.
8. Install and remove tire chains as required by weather conditions or when directed to do so by
Maintenance or Operations.
9. Drive truck to destinations in accordance with, and maximizing the use of the Federal Hours of
Service regulations.
10. Apply knowledge of commercial driving skills in maneuvering the vehicle at varying speeds in
difficult situations, such as heavy traffic, inclement weather, or in tight loading dock areas.
11. Ensure that all shipping documentation (e.g., manifest, bills of lading, shipping orders, etc.),
required to move with the shipment, are available for inspection and that the appropriate paperwork
accompanies the shipment when it is delivered.
12. Maintain records required for compliance with state and Federal regulations including driver’s logs,
roadside inspections, records of fuel purchases, mileage records, and other records required by
13. Perform all duties in accordance with the company policies and procedures, and comply with all
Federal, State, and local regulations for the safe operation of a commercial motor vehicle.
14. Report all accidents involving driver or company equipment.
15. Report highway safety hazards noted in route.
16. Promptly report any delays due to breakdowns, weather, or traffic conditions or other emergencies,
or in the event of irregularities relating to pick-up or delivery of cargo.
1. Safe and legal operation of a commercial motor vehicle.
2. Safe and timely transportation of freight from origin to destination.
3. Proper loading and unloading of freight to assure safety and minimal risk of damage to cargo and
danger to persons by following all shipper/consignees/company instructions regarding seals and
4. Demonstrate professional representation of the company and the trucking industry by practicing
good hygiene habits, wearing clean and appropriate clothing and by using responsible driving
5. All drivers must wear closed toe shoes with slip resistant soles. No sandals or flip flops of any kind.
No Exceptions.
Job Specifications:
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver License from the state in which you reside.
2. Must meet minimum hiring standards.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02B
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 4 of 7
3. Must have the ability to read, write, and perform simple mathematical calculations with the mental
ability to handle receipts, read maps, road signs, maintain logs, etc.
4. Must have working knowledge of DOT regulations governing safe driving, hours of service,
inspection and maintenance, and transportation of hazardous materials.
5. Must be available for around the clock trips to accommodate freight movements and must be able
to be away from home for extended periods of time.
6. Must meet or exceed the medical standards or the U.S. Department of Transportation.
7. Must satisfactorily pass drug/alcohol test.
Physical Requirements:
1. Must be able to sit and remain alert while driving for periods of time up to maximum allowable
driving time governed by the Hours of Service regulations.
2. Must be able to shift a manual transmission and operate foot pedals.
3. Must be able to perform occasional squatting to handle and position freight.
4. Must be able to perform occasional crouching to handle and position freight.
5. Must be able to enter/exit the vehicle cab two (2) to ten (10) times a day. Cab floor is generally from
36 to 48 inches above ground level, with entry and exit achieved with the assistance of various
configurations of steps and handholds, also requires occasional bending, twisting, climbing,
squatting, crouching, and balancing.
6. Must be able to reach for freight at waist level and occasionally reach for freight below waist level
for maneuvering and directing the controls to operate the truck.
7. Must be able to install and remove tire chains when required due to inclement weather.
8. Must be able to spend at least 5% of the day standing and 5% of the day walking on surfaces such
as concrete, wood, and metal, and sometimes on slippery and wet surfaces.
9. Must be able to hook/unhook various commercial vehicle combinations, manually lower and raise
landing gear, operate the fifth wheel release lever, lock and release pintle-hooks, attach and
release safety chains, open and close cargo doors, enter into and out of vehicles, fuel vehicles,
and check engine oil and coolant levels
10. Must possess a full-range of physical motion and mobility and demonstrate proper reaction timing
when maneuvering a unit or reacting to unexpected safety situations.
11. On limited occasions, a driver who is physically able may be placed on a customer load that
requires handling the freight. In this instance, the driver may be asked to move containers of
varying sizes and shapes that may weigh up to 75 pounds. These containers may need to be
moved at least one foot but usually no more than 53 feet.
Work Environment:
1. Drivers may spend 1% - 5% of their time out of doors exposed to potentially difficult environmental
2. Drivers may be subject to irregular work schedules, temperatures and weather extremes, long trips,
short notice for assignments, tight delivery schedules, delays in route and other stress and fatigue
related to driving a large commercial motor vehicle on crowded streets and highways in all kinds of
3. Drivers typically spend 90% - 95% of on-duty time in the truck. While driving operators are exposed
to noise and vibration levels which may be higher than those typically experienced in passenger
Statements included in this job description do not necessarily represent an exhaustive list of all
responsibilities, skill, duties, requirements, efforts, or working conditions associated with the job. While this
is intended to be an accurate reflection of the current job, management reserves the right to revise the job
or to require that other or different tasks be performed as circumstances change.
(End of Position Description)
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02B
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 5 of 7
I have read and understand the demands of being a van driver as outlined in the Position Description – Van
Division with a revision date of June 16, 2016 and can fulfill the requirements to the job.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Driver Signature Witness Signature
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02B
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 6 of 7
This addendum to the Driver Handbook describes important specific information about the Van Division of
Buddy Moore Trucking. I understand that I should consult my immediate supervisor regarding any questions
I may have regarding this addendum. By signing below, I agree to follow the procedures, policies, and rules
outlined in this addendum.
As Buddy Moore Trucking continues to grow, the need may arise to change policies or procedures
described in this addendum. Therefore, Buddy Moore Trucking reserves the right to revise, supplement, or
rescind any policy, procedure, or portion of the addendum from time to time as deemed appropriate, at its
sole and absolute discretion. I acknowledge that revisions to the addendum may occur. I will be notified of
such changes as they occur.
I acknowledge that this addendum to the Driver Handbook is neither a contract of employment nor a legal
document. I have received this addendum and I understand that it is my responsibility to read and comply
with the policies contained herein and any revisions made to it.
___________________________________________ Date _____/_____/__________
Employee’s Printed Name Date _____/_____/__________
Buddy Moore Trucking Management Representative
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02B
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: 03/01/17
Page 7 of 7
03/01/17 Initial creation of the Driver Handbook – Van Addendum
07/09/18 BMT Annual Review – reformatted pages and updated language in the Position
BMT Description – Van Division signature page
Issue Date: July 9, 2018
Supersedes: None
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02C
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: None
Page 1 of 10
During working hours, a driver’s first contact should always be their Dispatcher. They will be able to answer
most of your questions and direct you to the proper department or person for further information as
necessary. Drivers will be issued a card upon hire with all necessary telephone numbers/contacts.
A contact card is located on the driver’s side sun visor.
All completed OTR paperwork should be turned in as soon as possible via fax, Tansflo, or personally
handed to Regional Dispatch at the Anderson, SC terminal or placed in the black box marked “Completed
OTR Paperwork” in the break room in Tuscaloosa, AL.
Local paperwork should be turned in daily to Local Dispatch at the appropriate terminal.
Please make sure the driver’s name, signature, and truck numbers are easily readable on all paperwork.
All paperwork electronically submitted must still be turned in every time you return to the terminal.
Failure to turn in your paperwork may result in you not getting paid for the loads/paperwork missing.
All Safety paperwork (DVIR’s, inspection reports, citations, etc.) is to be turned in to the Safety Department
or placed in the mailbox labeled “Safety” located in the break room at the Tuscaloosa, AL terminal. In
Anderson, SC, turn all safety paperwork in to the Dispatch Office and they will forward it to Tuscaloosa.
Payroll Period
Regional drivers’ payroll period is 12:00 AM Saturday through 12:00 PM Friday and they will be paid
practical miles per PC Miler. Local Drivers’ payroll period is 12:00 AM Monday through Midnight Sunday
and all paperwork needs to be turned in daily to be paid for it in that week. Your pay will be deposited
directly into your bank account. All settlement sheets will be emailed to the address provided to us at the
time you are hired. If your address changes, you need to notify the Payroll Department with changes. This
is also where your W-2 will be mailed.
Payroll Discrepancies
If you believe there is a discrepancy in your payroll for a pay period, first notify your Dispatcher of the
problem. Second, fill out the Payroll Discrepancy Form and submit it via fax, Transflo, or in person to the
Dispatch Office. Upon investigation, if an error is found and was made, you may request an advance for
the error amount, or you may choose to let the error be corrected I the following week’s payroll.
Regional drivers are allowed up to $100 cash advance per seven-day workweek that can be put on the
EFS card. EFS charges a fee of $3.00 each time you get an advance unless you get it when you fuel as
one transaction. Sam Lee is the primary contact for cash advances (205-759-9204, ext 153). If she is
unavailable, contact Betty Crane (886-759-9204) Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Requests
may be made by phone or email (no form necessary).
Mileage Bonus
Regional Drivers who driver 12,000 + miles in a month will be paid an extra $0.01 (1 cent) for every mile
driven in that month.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02C
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: None
Page 2 of 10
Driver Unloading Pay
As a general rule, drivers for the Buddy Moore Trucking IWS Division do not unload freight. However, there
are rare occasions when a driver is asked to assist in the unloading process and will be paid. If you
Dispatcher notifies you that load will require unloading assistance, be sure to write it on your trip sheet so
that you will be paid correctly.
If lumpers are to be hired for unloading, you must get prior authorization from your Dispatcher. If driver hires
and pays a lumper without approval from Dispatch, then they will not be reimbursed for the expense. You
must get a paid receipt from the lumper.
If a lumper is provided by the receiving customer or by the broker, you may have to pay with an EFS check.
Be sure to check with your Dispatcher to determine if the lumpers are prepaid or require an EFS check.
Keep all receipts and turn them in with the trip paperwork. Remember to get the paid receipt from the
Layover Pay
Layover pay will start after your 10-hour break is completed. Once the layover starts, you will receive $10.00
per hour for each hour up to 14 hours in a day. Your 10-hour break will not be included as layover. We must
legally give the shipper 2 hours to load/unload us, therefore that 2 hours will not be included as layover.
Layover pay requests are submitted by writing details of layover in the “Notes” section on your appropriate
Trip Sheet.
Reimbursement Request
Out-of-pocket expenses for work will be reimbursed with approval. The original receipt and the
Reimbursement Request Form (both) must be submitted for approval. Original receipts may be faxed or
submitted via Transflo, but the original must be turned in a t a terminal. (Example: toll receipts, bulbs, fuses,
DEF, etc.) BMT only reimburses for toll roads that are in route. Any out-of-route toll road fees will be your
responsibility. Ask Dispatch about routes and approved tolls.
Be sure you scale at the customer or as soon as possible after you load. If you are overweight or cannot
axle out, call Dispatch. If you do not scale or let Dispatch know and you get a ticket, you are responsible
for that ticket. You can use your EFS card to scale at any truck stop where EFS is accepted but if available,
please scale at a Pilot/Flying J with your EFS card and turn your receipt in with your paperwork.
Do a good detailed pre-trip inspection every time you start or end your day. BMT will give a “Clean
Inspection Bonus” of $30.00 for a Leve 3, $60.00 for a Level 2, and $100.00 for a Level 1 Inspection. Pre-
trip and post-trip inspections must be a minimum of 15 minutes or more, recorded and noted on the
Qualcomm unit.
Drivers must request vacation time two weeks in advance by completing the Vacation Request Form and
turning it in to Local or OTR Dispatch. Time off requests must be made no later than 48 hours in advance
of the time requested off and a completed Time Off Request Form must be turned in to Dispatch.
BMT cares about their drivers and want to get you home to see your family and friends as much as possible.
Whereas we cannot guarantee drivers will be home on weekends, Dispatch will do all that is possible to
have drivers home for their 34-hour reset. In order to do this, drivers and dispatch have to work together in
the scheduling process. Drivers are required to contact Dispatch for loads within 2 hours of completing your
10-hour break or 34-hour reset. We expect all drivers to run 100% legal at all times and depend on you to
be honest with us about your available hours. If you have hours to run, we need you to run.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02C
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: None
Page 3 of 10
BMT is a forced dispatch company. If you refuse a load or do not make yourself available to work when
there is available work, BMT may consider that as an act of resignation. If you do not communicate with
BMT within 2 consecutive work days of being off duty without written prior approval, this will also be
considered an act of resignation.
All accidents involving Buddy Moore Trucking must be reported to Mike Warren, Safety Director for the IWS
Division (205-233-8712), Sondra Kelly, Assistant IWS Division Safety Director (205-886-7326), and
Dispatch Operations.
Accident Documentation Kit
You received a complete “Accident Documentation Kit” in orientation. You have also received a
demonstration/training on the proper use of the proper instrumentation enclosed in the kit. The accident kit
is assigned to the driver and not the truck. It is the driver’s responsibility to keep up with the assigned
accident kit. If the accident kit is not returned to the Safety Department when you terminate employment,
whether by resignation or termination by BMT, you will be charged $25.00 through payroll deduction.
Roll-Away Accidents
Most trucks in the IWS Division of Buddy Moore Trucking are equipped with safety features called TRAPS
(Truck Roll Away Prevention System) to prevent roll-away accidents. If the parking brake is not set, a very
loud buzzer will sound to alert you when you open the door. Checking that his feature works should be part
of the pre-trip inspection of the equipment. Any defects noticed should be immediately reported to
maintenance. Anyone caught driving a truck with any disabled or defective safety feature will be
immediately terminated. If your truck does not have a TRAPS, it is the driver’s responsibility to notify the
shop for installation.
When a piece of equipment is inoperable, defective or unsafe, the operator is required to obtain a red tag
from the shop and attach it to the defective equipment in an easily visible location. The red tag indicates
that the equipment is “Out of Service” and is not to be operated until repaired.
When a trailer being dropped at a plant is being red tagged, the driver must write on the Bill of Lading (BOL)
that the trailer is red tagged before the receiving clerk signs the BOL.
Violation of this safety policy will result in disciplinary action and could result in termination of employment
with BMT.
If you drop a trailer, please leave it like you would like to find it. Don’t leave a trailer that needs tires or any
repairs for the next driver to handle before they can leave with it. Follow the Red Tag Policy as outlined
above. Remember…the next time you may be the driver who picks up a trailer in bad shape.
Notify Safety if you pick up a trailer with defects. We will see who dropped the trailer and take necessary
measure to ensure it does not happen again.
Refrigerated Trailers being dropped anywhere should have a minimum of ¾ of a tank of fuel.
If a Regional or Local driving position in the IWS of Buddy Moore Trucking becomes available, a driver may
be eligible for transfer if they have completed six months of driving and if management approves the
department transfer. A driver’s safety record and disciplinary record will be considered before any transfer
is permitted. Contact the Safety Department for a Transfer Request Form. Completion of the Transfer
Request Form does not guarantee approval.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02C
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: None
Page 4 of 10
The Penske Tractor Repair Shop is open from 6:00 AM until 10:30 PM, Monday through Friday and 8:00
AM until 4:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday. The direct number is 205-650-3314. After business hours for 24/7
roadside service, call Penske at 1-800-526-0798.
All preventive maintenance to be performed will be done at the shop on our yard in Tuscaloosa. Penske
will schedule all preventive maintenance.
The Trailer Shop is open from 7:00 AM until 3:30 PM Monday through Friday. If you have a problem with a
trailer, call Ron Beasley at 205-233-0621. For all after-hour trailer repairs, call the Penske toll-free number
(1-800-526-0798). Any trailers dropped at the Tuscaloosa yard after hours are to be placed in the gravel
areas located in front of the General Management Office and the trailer needs to be red tagged.
You will have an EFS card to purchase fuel only. Your card has an $800.00 daily limit that resets at midnight.
If you are on the yard and need oil, you may get it from the shop. DEF is available at the Tuscaloosa and
Anderson yards. Top off your DEF tank anytime you are at either of these locations. Use your truck number
as the unit # when fueling. You may purchase fuel at Pilot/Flying J only. Do not run out of fuel; get enough
fuel to get you to your next fuel stop. If you lose your fuel card or have any problems, contact Sam Lee from
7:00 AM until 4:00 PM. After hours, contact Dispatch immediately and ask them to contact Sam Lee. Any
truck that runs out of fuel due to driver negligence, may result in the driver being charged for the cost
associated with getting the truck back up and moving. The driver may also be subject to disciplinary action
up to and including termination.
Except where otherwise instructed, all personal vehicles are to be parked in the same space where your
truck was parked. DO NOT park in another space. However, since these are subject to change, it is
recommended you verify during orientation the appropriate parking arrangements. Drivers are NOT allowed
to take trucks home. Violation will result in disciplinary action.
Trucks are washed at the Tuscaloosa terminal in the wash bay next to the General Management Office
located above Building 6. The wash area is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM until 3:30 PM. Last
call for truck wash is 2:30 PM. Keep your truck CLEAN. This helps reduce inspections from DOT.
Many of our customers prohibit firearms on their property. Therefore, it is the policy of the IWS Division of
Buddy Moore Trucking that drivers are NOT allowed to have firearms in any truck owned by Buddy Moore
The following guidelines must be met for drivers to be permitted to transport a passenger for any time period
no matter how long or how many times. BMT provides rider insurance at not cost to the driver, but in order
for the policy to be honored if necessary, the following rules must be met:
1. The passenger must be at least 16 years of age.
2. A Rider Authorization Form must be obtained from the Safety Department.
3. Copies of the passenger identification must be kept on file in the Safety Department and appear
on the authorized release form.
4. No passenger authorization will be given to passengers with a CDL license. Only BMT employees
and contract drivers are allowed to operate a CMV.
5. No passengers are allowed to perform any driver job requirements.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02C
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: None
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BMT is NOT responsible for any personal items while on company premises or while in company-owned
vehicles. This includes your personal vehicle and any contents. BMT has procedures in place designed to
help protect your personal items, but it is recommended you not leave high-dollar items in your vehicle
while on the road. This policy also includes any personal items left in a BMT-owned CMV.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02C
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: None
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(Revised 2018-07-09)
Job Summary or Purpose: To transport and deliver freight by driving diesel-powered tractor-trailer
combinations long distances.
Job Duties:
1. Hook and unhook trailers from the tractor itself, including cranking lever to raise and lower the
landing gear on semi-trailers.
2. Load and unload the trailer, either individually or with assistance of dockworkers, with or without
mechanical freight-handling equipment.
3. Perform frequent lifting, pulling, pushing, and carrying of freight.
4. Inspect the truck and trailer for defects and safe operating condition before, during, and after trips
and submit a written report on the condition of the truck and trailer in accordance with Department
of Transportation (DOT) regulations.
5. Check shipping papers to determine the nature of the load and to check for the presence of
hazardous materials.
6. If hazardous materials are found in your load, call Dispatch before leaving the customers site.
7. Remove spare tire from rack and return flat to rack.
8. Install and remove tire chains as required by weather conditions or when directed to do so by
Maintenance or Operations.
9. Drive truck to destinations in accordance with, and maximizing the use of, the Federal Hours of
Service regulations.
10. Apply knowledge of commercial driving skills in maneuvering the vehicle at varying speeds in
difficult situations, such as heavy traffic, inclement weather, or in tight loading dock areas.
11. Ensure that all shipping documentation (e.g., manifest, bills of lading, shipping orders, etc.),
required to move with the shipment, are available for inspection and that the appropriate paperwork
accompanies the shipment when it is delivered.
12. Maintain records required for compliance with state and Federal regulations including driver’s logs,
roadside inspections, records of fuel purchases, mileage records, and other records required by
13. Perform all duties in accordance with the company policies and procedures, and comply with all
Federal, State, and local regulations for the safe operation of a commercial motor vehicle.
14. Report all accidents involving driver or company equipment.
15. Report highway safety hazards noted in route.
16. Promptly report any delays due to breakdowns, weather, or traffic conditions or other emergencies,
or in the event of irregularities relating to pick-up or delivery of cargo.
1. Safe and legal operation of a commercial motor vehicle.
2. Safe and timely transportation of freight from origin to destination.
3. Proper loading and unloading of freight to assure safety and minimal risk of damage to cargo and
danger to persons by following all shipper/consignees/company instructions regarding seals and
4. Demonstrate professional representation of the company and the trucking industry by practicing
good hygiene habits, wearing clean and appropriate clothing and by using responsible driving
5. All drivers must wear closed toe shoes with slip resistant soles. No sandals or flip flops of any kind.
No Exceptions.
Job Specifications:
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Must possess a valid Commercial Driver License from the state in which you reside.
2. Must meet minimum hiring standards.
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02C
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: None
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3. Must have the ability to read, write, and perform simple mathematical calculations with the mental
ability to handle receipts, read maps, road signs, maintain logs, etc.
4. Must have working knowledge of DOT regulations governing safe driving, hours of service,
inspection and maintenance, and transportation of hazardous materials.
5. Must be available for around the clock trips to accommodate freight movements and must be able
to be away from home for extended periods of time.
6. Must meet or exceed the medical standards or the U.S. Department of Transportation.
7. Must satisfactorily pass drug/alcohol test.
Physical Requirements:
1. Must be able to sit and remain alert while driving for periods of time up to maximum allowable
driving time governed by the Hours of Service regulations.
2. Must be able to shift a manual transmission and operate foot pedals.
3. Must be able to perform occasional squatting to handle and position freight.
4. Must be able to perform occasional crouching to handle and position freight.
5. Must be able to enter/exit the vehicle cab two (2) to ten (10) times a day. Cab floor is generally from
36 to 48 inches above ground level, with entry and exit achieved with the assistance of various
configurations of steps and handholds, also requires occasional bending, twisting, climbing,
squatting, crouching, and balancing.
6. Must be able to reach for freight at waist level and occasionally reach for freight below waist level
for maneuvering and directing the controls to operate the truck.
7. Must be able to install and remove tire chains when required due to inclement weather.
8. Must be able to spend at least 5% of the day standing and 5% of the day walking on surfaces such
as concrete, wood, and metal, and sometimes on slippery and wet surfaces.
9. Must be able to hook/unhook various commercial vehicle combinations, manually lower and raise
landing gear, operate the fifth wheel release lever, lock and release pintle-hooks, attach and
release safety chains, open and close cargo doors, enter into and out of vehicles, fuel vehicles,
and check engine oil and coolant levels
10. Must possess a full-range of physical motion and mobility and demonstrate proper reaction timing
when maneuvering a unit or reacting to unexpected safety situations.
11. On limited occasions, a driver who is physically able may be placed on a customer load that
requires handling the freight. In this instance, the driver may be asked to move containers of
varying sizes and shapes that may weigh up to 75 pounds. These containers may need to be
moved at least one foot but usually no more than 53 feet.
Work Environment:
1. Drivers may spend 1% - 5% of their time out of doors exposed to potentially difficult environmental
2. Drivers may be subject to irregular work schedules, temperatures and weather extremes, long trips,
short notice for assignments, tight delivery schedules, delays in route and other stress and fatigue
related to driving a large commercial motor vehicle on crowded streets and highways in all kinds of
3. Drivers typically spend 90% - 95% of on-duty time in the truck. While driving operators are exposed
to noise and vibration levels which may be higher than those typically experienced in passenger
Statements included in this job description do not necessarily represent an exhaustive list of all
responsibilities, skill, duties, requirements, efforts, or working conditions associated with the job. While this
is intended to be an accurate reflection of the current job, management reserves the right to revise the job
or to require that other or different tasks be performed as circumstances change.
(End of Position Description)
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02C
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: None
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I have read and understand the demands of being a driver as outlined in the Position Description – IWS
Division with a revision date of June 16, 2016 and can fulfill the requirements to the job.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Driver Signature Witness Signature
Title: BUDDY MOORE TRUCKING, INC. Document: HR10-02C
Issue Date: 07/09/18
Informational Document Supersedes: None
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This addendum to the Driver Handbook describes important specific information about the IWS Division of
Buddy Moore Trucking. I understand that I should consult my immediate supervisor regarding any questions
I may have regarding this addendum. By signing below, I agree to follow the procedures, policies, and rules
outlined in this addendum.
As Buddy Moore Trucking continues to grow, the need may arise to change policies or procedures
described in this addendum. Therefore, Buddy Moore Trucking reserves the right to revise, supplement, or
rescind any policy, procedure, or portion of the addendum from time to time as deemed appropriate, at its
sole and absolute discretion. I acknowledge that revisions to the addendum may occur. I will be notified of
such changes as they occur.
I acknowledge that this addendum to the Driver Handbook is neither a contract of employment nor a legal
document. I have received this addendum and I understand that it is my responsibility to read and comply
with the policies contained herein and any revisions made to it.
___________________________________________ Date _____/_____/__________
Employee’s Printed Name Date _____/_____/__________
Buddy Moore Trucking Management Representative