DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT SCIENCE DLP YEAR 3 THEME: INQUIRY IN SCIENCE UNIT: 1.0 SCIENTIFIC SKILLS TOPIC: SCIENTIFIC SKILLS CLASS: 3 BERSIH TIME: 0915 – 0945 1015 - 1115 PERIOD: 90 minutes WEEK: 1 DATE: 29/3/2023 DAY: Wednesday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE 1.1 1.1.1 Concern Environmental Sustainability Awareness Pupils’ Aspiration Knowledge / Thinking skills / Leadership skills Bilingual proficiency Ethics and spirituality National identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): At the end of the class, pupils are able to: State all the senses involved to make observations Pupils can state all the senses involved to make observations TEACHING AIDS Textbook, page 2-3 and activity book, page 1-2 LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Attendance: ___/20 _____ / _____ pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives with guidance and passed reinforcement / enrichment exercise (s). _____ / _____ pupils were not able to achieve the learning objectives and given remedial exercise (s). TODAY’S LESSON: Excellent Need improvemnt Pupils observe the picture and read the dialogue on page 2 of the textbook book Lesson development:- 1. Pupils describe what they see in the picture (CBA) 2. Teacher explains about observation using five senses (HOTS) 3. Teacher brings the pupils to the science park to see the changes in sensitive plant ‘pokok semalu’ before being touched, when touched and after being touched (21st CL) 4. Pupils carry out exercise in the activity book, page 1-2 Post-lesson:- Pupils give conclusion for today’s lesson (21st CL) Science Proscess Skills (SPS) Observing / Making inference Classifying Predicting Measuring using numbers Communicating / Manipulative Skills (MS) Not applicable HOTS Analyzing 21ST CA Brainstorming (Sumbangsaran) PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Presentation STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on ___________________________________________________________