A solution
for air
WHAT IT'S THE AIR POLLUTION: CAUSES: Air pollution is caused by
solid and liquid particles and certain
The air pollution is anything in the gases that are suspended in the
air that could harm people's air.These particles and gases can
health.Some are more harmful than
others. Particulate matter, nitrogen
dioxide and ozone are particularly come from car and truck exhaust,
damaging types of air pollution factories, dust, pollen, mold spores,
CONSEQUENCES: Breathing in volcanoes and wildfires. The solid
polluted air can be very bad for and liquid particles suspended in our
our health. Long-term exposure air are called aerosols.
to air pollution has been
associated with diseases of the SOLUTIONS: Use public transport,for
heart and lungs, cancers and short distances use a bike,or go by
other health problems. Air feet,shut down appliances when not in
pollution causes damage on use,Recycle and reuse