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Published by theeghostvoice, 2018-06-19 05:44:45

Uniforms and Heraldry of The Empire

Uniforms and Heraldry of The Empire

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of the Provinccsand City-States

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Wclcomcto Uniforms and Hcraldry of thc Empirc. This Thc Empircis simply too largc,too varicd'and too full
book has bccn compilcdto aid collcctors'miniaturcs of historv to bc cntircly documcntcd.Insteadwc havc
paintcrs,wartamcrs,and anybodywho has an intcrcst in focusscdon thc most chatactcristictraits rnd rccognisablc
rhc Empirc and its rrmics.Thc informationin thcsc motifs. That mcansthcrc is plcnry of room lcft for your
pagcsvill ccrtainly inspirc and inform' but it is by no own variationsor wholc ncw crcationsif that suits your
nccds.Eaioy and Long Live thc Empcror Karl Franz!
meenscomPlctcor wholly dcfinitivc.


Thc Empirc. ........3 Stirland .....42
P rovinciaMl ap of thc Em pir c ......'4 Talabccland .. .....-46
S oldicrso f th c Emp irc ......6 Talabhcim.
T hc EmpcrorKa rl Fra nz . .....8 FamousRcgimcntsof thc Empirc. '........48
Wisscnland . . . . 5l
lo. Thc ElcctorCounts. ........9 O t h c r R c g i o n so f r h c E m p i r c
Altdorf. ThcRciksguard .. ......52
Avcrland '....10 KnightlyOrdcrs. .. ...'. 56
Hochland . '.. -14 C o l l c g c s o fM a g i c . . .'..58
Middcnhcim ImpcrialEnginccrsSchool. ....60
Middcnland. . ..18 StcamTanks
Nordland .......22 FamousRcgimcntsof thc Empire. .. ......64
Nuln.. ...... '.26 PistolicrsandOutriders . . .66
Ostcrmark Warrior Pricstsof Sigmar.
Ostland ...'28 Flagcllants. . .....67
Rcikland. .....30 . . . . . 68
. . .'69
....36 . . ' 70
. .......71





Ft T h e E - p i r eThc Empircis thc largcstandmost powcrfulrcalmin
many individual and cxtrcmcly indcpcndcnt statcs.Thcsc

thc Old World. Its vastcxpanscstrctchcsfrom the slatcs wcrc built on thc ancicnt tribal lands of thc pcoplcs

I\ rolling,grccnhills of Brctonniain thc wcst to thc that Sigmar lcd to glory. Aftcr swccping cvil from thc
swccpingstcppcso[ Kislcv in thc cast.Thc pridc lands, Si6mar dccrccd the rcalm too large for onc man to
of thc nationis undoubtcdlythc cosmopoliracnitics rulc, and so hc dividcd powcr along old boundarics,with
whcrcthc pinnaclcof humanachicvcmcntcsanbc found. each chicftain answcrablconly to himsclf. Ovcr rhc

Lcgcndaryinstitutionss, uchas univcrsiticsa,cadcmics, ccnturies thc bordcrs havc shiftcd or disappcarcdand somc
states havc riscn or bcen dcstroycd. Vast citics havc grovn
( thc lmpcrialCollcgcof Engincersand thc Collcgcsof

tI Magic,attractthe brighrcsto{ mankindthe world ovcr to in both import and powcr, so much so that many arc
study and lcarn.Convcrsclyt,hc Empireis alsoa now sclf-govcrning city-statcs. But thc mcn of thc Empirc
broodingland of ignoranccand fcar,a land whcrevast today arc still dcsccndanrsof thosc ancient barbariansand
forestcdtracts are ovcrrun by lawlessbanditry or worse thc ordcr of rulc is similar, vith cach state rulcd by an

Out in this wildcrncssthc widesprcavdilhgcs arc likc Elector Count, hcrcdirary rulcrs of cach separatcrcgion
smalland isolatedislandsamidsta vcritablcseaof who 'clcct' onc of thcir mcmbcrs to scrve as Empcror.

dangcroufsorcst.Supcrstitionin thcscsmallcrhamlctsls Each Elcctor Count is responsiblcfor thc wholc of his

rifc and who is to say if thc rituals of thc rural own provincc and answerablconly to the Empcror. This

; pcasantrdyon't actuallyward off lurking thrcats?For cvcn system, cxistctrt sincc thc days of Sigmar, has prcscrvcd
in thc Empire,mighticstof mankind'srcalms,thcrc prowl thc indcpcndencc,idiosyncrasicsand uniquc customs lhat

I many grcat and unfathomablccvils. can bc found in thc diffcrent provinccsof thc Empirc. To

lrr this day, cach of thc surviving statcs is ficrccly proud of
its hcritagc and rightfully wary (or outright disdainful) of
Thc land is scldomat pcaccfor long.Orcs and Goblins its ncighbour's tradirions.
I launchinccssanrtaidsfrorn thc mountainoubsordcrs,
c- while thc impcnctrablfcorcstsat thc vcry hcartof the

Empircarc homc to vilc Bcastmcnw, ho burst from undcr Thc armies of thc Empirc arc rightfully famous. Thcy

rhc canopyof darkncssc,agcrlo dcspoiland dcstroy.To havc stood rcsolutc on countlcss batlcficlds, winning thc

thc cast,in thc ancicntland of Sylvania,the dcaddo not day through might of arms. Thc bulk of thc Empirc's

rcst casyand undcrncathbustlingcitics throughoutthc forccs arc formcd of profcssionalstatc troops, soldicrs

rcalm,thc vcrminousSkavcn{cstcr,cvcr plotting ncw, raiscd,traincd, and girdcd for war by officcrs appointcd

i morc sinistcr assaultsP. crhapsmost dangcrousof all, thc by thc Elcctor Counts, as decrecd by thc Emperor

northcrntribcs who opcnly worshipthc Dark Gods himsclf. At nccd, thc statc troops arc joincd by militia,

thrcatento burst southwardbsringingfirc and dcathwith lcss drillcd pcrhaps, but morc than rcady to fight for

: unrold fury. So it is that thc Empirc is alwaysat war, thcir homeland.Additionally, many commanderscan call

l6 sccuringbordcrsagainsat ncicntencmicsf,cndingoff raids, upon elitc military brothcrhoods to aid rhcm in battlc.

\ and clashingegainsat ll manncrof invadcrsT. hc soldicrs Young aspiring noblcs form units of Pisrolicrs, vhilc thc
It of thc Empirc standshouldcrto shouldcrforming a
most daring of infantrymcn arc promotcd to thc

t bulwarkof couragcand stccllo stavcoff thc darkness formidablc Crcatswords rcgimcnts.Thc Knightly Ordcrs

I that bcsctsthcm. of thc Empirc arc powcrful forccs that stand rcady to
fight ar thc command of thcir Grand Mastcr. Battlc
? Wizards, Warrior Pricsts, Enginccrs, mighty artillcry picccs
tr and fabulous war machincsautmcnt thc armics fortunatc
And so it hascvcr bccn.For wcll ovcr 2,500ycars
thc Empirchascndurcd,survivinginvasionsp,lagucs,

and civil wars.Its vcry birth was forgcd in battlc:thc cnough to havc thcm.

( lcgcndaryvarrior king Sigmarunitingthc disparatc

barbarictribcs in ordcr to drivc off an ovcrwhclming Thcsc soldicrs of thc Empirc march to war undcr many
diffcrcnt banncrsand wcaring diffcrcnt uniforms. Thcir
.{ army of invadingOrcs. Sincethoscfabledtimcs,the

I nationhasgrownto thc promincnccwith which it panoply of wrr is varicd in colour and dccoratcdwith
many imagcs, all of which say somcthing about a soldicr's
+/ dominatcsthc Old World today. bclicfs, his localc, or his rcgimcnt's history. But whcn
thcy form in placc into a battlclinc, it is for onc purposc
t Many rcfcr to thc Empirc as if it werc a wholly unificd
t ,T nation,but morc rcalisticallyit is a conglomcratioonf - to bring victory and glory to thc Empirc.

:.iry -{l|l,-

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Thc city-statcsand provinccsmarkcd vith bordcrs,rivcrs and placcsof notc.


) wHrrE voLF

I'r .,/'-rHEo.n-.1,t.x. v. 'd.r FoREsr -r..}
\WASTELAND ^*a?'+> I

Middcnhcim Frnsrr.sroF
Middcnland 'M4821
? Hf,LSTONM DrrgooCrvc





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Hochland Ostland




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I .ts{ i " fifr'J d : h4Q/*X^u^it,tr"t oou,
I Elvco Ruins

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A cntu voon OF OLD

-*! l.r.'. ( STIRLAND

.,.. i -) BATTLI OF



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Thc Blightcd Towcrs Eo\i // BLACKw{[R

zx/Y\alx)\'' THE

8.\TTLE f-' o t- r MOO.T*'*F-,''
FIYI --r_._1F.>cjJ{
,') ^ garrl'r oi

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Thc Thrcc Towcrs


ol,rcx rrnEmss

_ rlrsr r;Hlq' : ?..F-

Soldiersof the E^Pire

The Empirc is a divcrscnarionand this is rcflcctcdin thc uniformsof its soldicry.From profcssionaalnd highly
polishcdregimcntst,o hastilyraiscdmilitia marchingundcra commonbanncra, n Empirearmy canbc a homogcnous
unifi.d forc-.,or a widcly dirp.r.t. group.Eachprovioccor city-statchasits own distinctcolours'iconographya,nd
hisrory,whilc rcgimcntsi.". ih.i, own iraditions,somcof vhich datcback to thc foundingof thc Empirc itsclf. This
,.rolr, io . wid.' of diffcrcntuniforms,cvcnfor rcgimcntsraiscdfrom thc samctown' and possiblywithin rhc
,cgiwvconrnthtchrEomugphirocu'sttshizccparnodvliennccgstahny.dhcisittyo-rsyt,arhtciss.guidewi ll illustratethc
vcry samcunit. Whii. in no way complctc
panoplyof uniformsa nd how thcy might b

STATETROOPS Hal\erdier of Altdorf in Stccl hclm
troditionol red ond blue
Rcgimentsof statc trooPs Bcvor
typically wcar thc colour or colours uniform,
associatcdwith thcir provincc or Corgct
city-statc, although thcrc arc notablc Brcastplatc
exccptions.Thcrc arc no ovcrriding Tasscl
rules govcrning how, whcrc' or in Lcathcr boots
what proportions thcsc colours arc Stote troops are orgonisedinto
uscd. Insteadcolours differ bascd regimentsbeoringthe sameueaPon'
on individual unit traditions' thc
whim of commandcrsor nobility so o unit could 6eall halberdiers,
(such as dukcs, barons or counts)' cross6oomen,or spearmenfor
or possibly iust rhc availability of instonce.Wile theg moy all haoethe
matcrials and dycs. Onc rcgimcnt sameueopon, it is unusuaflor eaery
mighr bc outfittcd entirely in its soldierto bearmoured and outfttted
provincial colours, whilc anothcr
could only bcar slccvcsor lcggings in enctly the sameuay.
of their associatcdhuc. ManY
rcgimcnts distinguish thcmsclvcsby
usc of a minor dctail such as a
slccvc,cuff, plumc, hat, or collar in
a cornmon colour. Unlcss notcd' thc
uniforms shown throughout this
book dcpict cxamplcs of PoPular
pattcrns - it would bc casY to find
statc regimcnts which mix thc
stvlcs shown with anv of thc

possiblc colour combinations.

Somc rcgimcnts follow a strict The sameuniform uom in colours of different prooincesor city-states'
uniform, but many units lcavc cach
soldier to sourcc his own garb,
rcsulting in a varicty of gcar, oftcn
in differing statcsof wcar. As cach
province cquips its soldicrs from its
own armourics,somc arc bcttcr ablc
to afford fincrics. Rcgardlcss'troops
on thc march, bascd in thc
wilderncss,or out camPaiSningarc
morc ra8ta8 in appcaranccas
cquipmcnt wcars oul and
rcolaccmentsmust be found.

' tF-

SHIELDCOLOURS Many symbolsarc commonto thc Empircand can
be scenin slightly diffcrentguiscsor colourson
E Many rcgimcnts usc simplc colouts or Pattcrnson shicldsthroughoutall the provinccsand city-statcs.
f thcir shiclds.Thesc arc often in provincial or city-
t. statc colours, but may be a complimcntary or cvcn @mr@

7 contrastingcolour.

* t-l





UE Uv,


\lost rcgiments havc a banncr,which could bc a hastily adoprcd flag to identify and rally a formation on thc battlcficld,
:r it could bc an ancicnt hcirloom, stccpcd in martial tradition and important icons of rcgimcntal pridc. Banncrscan bc
simplc dcsigns,rcpcating thc provincc or city-state colours, or evcn in contrast to thcm. Morc complcx designscan bc
:rovincial coats-of-arms, emblcms of local nobility, symbols of patron gods, or rcfercncesto a unit's past glorics.












Thc Banncrsand Shicldsof thc EmpcrorKarl Franz.

Wbt@lecto@r suntr

The pcrsonahl craldryof thc ElectorCounts.







Count Mqrius Leitdorf of Aoerlond Count Aldebrqnd Ludenhof of Hochlond Grof Boris Todbringerof Mi ddenlond

ffi DnOnLiebuoiittzz ofllWissenlqnd CountWolfrom Hertuig of Ostermark

C ount Theoderic Gousser of Nordl and

CountValmir oonRaukoo of Ostland Emperor Karl Franz of Reiklond richHoupt-Anderssen of Stirland

TheElector Counts orehereditary rulers All of theElector Counts mag costo Doteto
uhose fomilies hooelong and often decideahich of their memberuill \ecome the nert
Emperor.Houeoer. thereare other Electors uho ore
complicated histories.Ooer the yeors there not Counts.Theseother Electorsmay casta aote,
houe6eennumerousdynasty changes
but may not becomeEmperor themselaesA. t
orisinglrom /ossesin 6sttle, intermoilioges present,theseadditional Electorsare the Grand
betueenimportont fomilies, or eoenhostile Theogonist of Sigmar,thetuo Arch Lectorsof
Sigmar,the High Priestof Ulric and the Elder of the
takeoaers.Thusthe Elector Counts are Moot. h is usuolfor the sonor heir of the current
aluays aary of their successionand the Emperor to succeed,6ut there haoebeeninstances
future of their noble houses.The banners uhere thereis no suitoblecandidateor o mote
shownhereare currentfor the Elector
Counts of theEmpire in theyear of 2522. pouerful Count hasbeenpreferred.

Count Helmut Feue16achofTolobeclond

TF. -'---r'9


I ltdorf is rhc lrrgcst
I I and wcalrhicsrcitv in
thc Empirc and is homc to thc
Impcrirl Court. Thc Alrdorf
colours arc rcd and bluc and
thc city-sratcflag bcarsicons
bcfitting thc ruling homc of
thc Empcror:thc crown,thc
Hrmmcr of Sigmar,and thc
griffon's hcad.Thcsc symbols
arc commonly rcpcrtcd in variousforms by many Altdorf
rcgimcnts,who takc righrcouspridc in bcilg thc prc-cmincntcity.
Thc lavishuniforms and spit-and-polishof many units hrs cernt
thc ciry-srarca rcputation.Dctractorsarc quick to point out thc
many paradcdrill-marchcs,bur rhc storicd history of Altdorf
rcgimcntsin many battlcsthroughout thc vholc o{ thc Empirc
rclls a trlc of vell-disciplincd bravcry.Mrny rcgimcntscclcbratc
thcir famousvictoricswith commcmorativcmcdalsor scals.



It is not uncommonto seegold trim or filogree on theormour or ueaponsof a soldierof Altdorf.
Mony of thereginents are uell poid and not afroid to shou it'

L Altdorf Captoin

6@ w @ @ff
8r{itl IJFI

@w@ U/. /'z-' ' - -'\-

Most artillery creumon aeor the colours "l1rr.t
of their city-stoteor prooince,but these
As a porticulorly uealthy city-stote,
ore often complementeduith leather Altdorf is uell equippedwith
jerkinsor otherprotectioe clothing- artillery pieces.

Monyof theEmpire'usor
arcmointaineidn specificcolours.

Most regimentsmarch to asr \eneath a

bonner.A \anner is more thon o mereflag or
totem, it is a glorious embodimentof mortial

pride, perhapsconying importont meonng,

decloringollegiance,or stating the oilgins or
honelond of its beoterc.Whethertakenfrcn
honoured disploy out of the most halloued

treasuryof o fortress or hostilyconstructed
on the eoeof 6ottle, the bonner seroesas o

rallying point for a unit ond a rccognition sign
for friend ondfoe alike.

t 16,*ryorrytrhYg


II t,



Itdorf's Companyof Honour, rlso knovn as thc Sons of thc Rcik, rrc r vcll-known sight throughourrhc city. Thc

formrtion rccruits cxclusivclyfrom othcr Altdorf rcaimcots,picking only thc bcst and brevcsttroops out of t[c arar]' '

its that garrisonrhc city valls and watch.Othcr soldicrs instantly rccognizcthc ycllov plumc rnd black stccl rrmd '

Altdorf Comprny of Honour lor thc rcgimcrt's rcputationis vcll cstablishcdi,ts bartlcficld history stccpcdin glory.

lcd by rhc yountcst son o{ olc of thc city's noblc houscs,thc currcnt captainis Otto Hclstcin - r vrlirnt vrnior

his mark. Evcry Alrdorf nativc knows rhc distinctivc trumpct blast lhat announccsvhcn thc rcgimcnt lcavcsthc city
-.oil$r-r.tLp.igo rnd all offcr praiscro Sigmar ro cnsurcthc salc rcturn of Alrdorf's favourcdsons.

Averland T'iF

AA vcilandis an cxlrcmclv \'
.( I vcalrhy provinccI.ts
bordcrsincludcthc dangcrous
BlackfircPass,a common
invasionroutc inro rhc Empirc.
Thc colours of Avcilald arc
black and ycllow and rhc
soldicrsarc known lor showy
unilormsand ostcntrtiouswar
gcar.Thc statc bantrcris a sun,
and has bccn sincc thc surviving noblcs of downfallcl Solland
scttlcd in Avcrland. Thc provincc is currcntly without an
Elcctor Count and thcrc is talk of rcinstrting thc banncr
of thc prcvious houschold.

i \,\

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The prcDiousstote6onnerofAaerlond. ffilEilfilNf-\f l1',GrI. *

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E t.zll Ft; [T*- iil,',," $1il f$
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zAoerlond Coptain
Bothhighty potisght"rdo^inogrJond-bl*?k"n"udr"lo-


a? ,-i8l,
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L Militia member(consuipted) I





Kr The emilemsor deoices usedon ionnen .:

.gerw@M'..iD{ usuolly haaesomereleDonceto pasteDtnts, -,

geographicol locotion, religious 6elief,or l(
general chorocteristicof the unit thot 6earsit.
The lossof o regiment'sbonneirn bottleis
consideredo shomefuleoent,eoenin aictory.
Many fierce com|ots erupt Dhenan enemy l'
attempts to cut doun the stondard besrerond lrl
capturc o rcgiment'sflag. Most units aill go
to any length to recoptureo follen bonner the fl
,y^tit o7 th, ugi^ent's mortiolpride. Ij ;




:t,r .



ccruitcd,traincd,and cquippcdby thc von Kragsburg{amily of Avcrhcim, rhc von KragsburgGuard f,rvc tr*'il&[i
throughout t[c Old World. Likc his farhcr bcforc him, Dukc Bcrrold von Kragsburgis forcvcr r..kiog rich pj i$

spoils of var. Vhcn thc pricc is right thc von KragsburgGuard has safcguar&dmcrchrntselong thc OIC Dj
iOincdrmics strviog off invadcrsin Wisscnland,and lcd cxpcditionsto dcstroy Bcastmcnstronglolds io thc

f,rs fought for Avcrland,but alwaysundcr a contractlor prymclt. Whilc thc scruplcsof thc 'Di4y
lDonc mry contcstthc ulit's fightiog prowcss.Coultlcss trlcs prcvril, {rom wirhsrandingchargcs'bywolf
Are&od to bttdirg towcring Ogrcs in thc Worlds Edgc Mountains,thc proud von Kngsbur! Guard get

-ry. /4?
fhc hcavily forcstcdprovincc
|' of Hochland is vcll knovn Drokaold patrol
forces often 6eor
{or its hunring grourds and for colour schemesor
producingcxccllcnt mrrlsmcn. eoenemblemslinking
Thc sturdy troopcrs of the oorious regiments
Hochland arc clothcd in rhc ond detachments.
slalc colours of rcd and grccn.
Thc provilciJ broncr bcrrs rn
Impcrial Cross on r ficld
of rcd. Thc Empcror'scmblcm
was addcdin thc ycar 2510as a spccialhonour aftcr a Hochland
forcst patrol savcdthc lifc oI Empcror Karl Franz vhcn his
small hunring cxpcdirionvas assailcdby a mrraudiogforcc of
BcasimcoN. ow knovn as thc Battlc of thc Wccpiog Glcn, thc
bloody affair is still sung about in mrny Hochland inns up and
down thc Old Forcst Road.Dcspitc frcqucnt patrols and forrificd
vatchtowcrsalong thc roadvays,ambushcsby bandirsor
vorsc arc common undcr thc dark cavcsof Hochhnd.

WE E g 8 @ @

Vc-^-1 )@@uw@8

E gg M 8rfifr,tlll--l w8
8@fTt T
I @g The noblesof both
Hochland ond Stirlond
H lay cloim to the sym|ol
of the hunting hom.
To this day 6oth sides
\itterly rememberthe
Battles of the Hom.


L HochlandCaptoin Ashort \anoge 6y a \ouery of
mortors hosprooen an inooluoble
tt aid uhen theDrakuald patrols
attock Beastmensettlementsin the
( l Marksmqn deepforest.

uith repeoter

I hondgun



In the Drokuold there is often only time for a single oolley \efore foes
are upon you, so Hochlond morksmen lean to moke each shot count.



Some regimentsodopt
icons ond disploy them
on uniforms or uargeor.

The Imperiol Cross is a common symbol ofthe Enpire, representing loyolty to theEmperor.The cross is especiol/yp reoalent in Hochland - it canbefound on
the state \onner and mony shieldsor standords 6eor crossed suords, keys, or eaenthe crossed strop of o hunting hon. Fortifications ond uotchtouers are
often locoted ot key crossrood junctions olong the Old Forest Bood ond troops gorrisoned therefrequently adopt ooss deoicesto identify their regiment.


Drakvald forcst covcrsHochlandvith a canopyof darkncssR. oadsthcorcticallyconncctrh. far-flung tovls
and logging camps,but contactis tcnuousat bcst.Thc vasl tracts of wildcrncssthat scparatcvillagcsarc akin
hostilc tcrritory. For protcctiona scricsof forts, fortificd inns and vatchtowcrsarc stationcdalong thc highvap.
rcgularlytravcl bctvccn stations,rotating garrisol duty with othcr rcgimcnts.Occasionellytroops will band

ition into thc forcst to scck out aad dcstroy bandits, ncsts of Forcst Goblias, or Bcastmcn sl

I 7, TheKatzbulgerPatol n
'\ guordsthe South rood
( Patrol
\ \etween Fort Defiant and Bodge
:- qip\tAeCuo ond Hom Inn.




Drakuold Patrols are often

madeof a hal\erdier unit

ui th seaerul detachments

uorking o longside them.

G'itl",@ The Gruncapsare oeteran

: : ptrin Katzbulget's reputotion hos patrollers,haoingfought
:-tan sincehe singlehondedlysleuo
!!':otaur in bloodg closecombot. mony in the fotest.


lr' In somecosesporent unitsond their detochmentshaDethe sameor similor uniforms.In this casethe main regiment,
the Gruncaps,ore greenond red quartereduith o detochmentof mostly green- Gundermon'sSurefires,ond one of
I mostlg red - the Crimson Defiants.All formations are olsointerlinhed uith similor insignia,o skull 6adge.


rf rW


I/ The Surefireshoaetrained Taskeduith protecting the
:longside the Gruncopsond
most oulnerobleflonk of the
+ ':earthe sameemblem,Durz Gruncaps,the Crimson

trWGundermanleodsthe unitond Defionts ore uell knoun for
their steadfast\raoery in battle.
I ':earso Hochlond long rifle.

:'E-qF*IFlTll' ,--' '- - r'r.J '-

Middenheim $

fowcring abovc thc Drakvald fr


|' forest is a shccr-sidcdoinnaclc

oI whitc rock rtop vhich sirs

thc fortrcss-city of Middcnhcim,

rhc City of rhc Whitc Wolf. Thc

Whirc Wolf is thc sign of Ullc.

thc aod of battlcsand patrondcity
of Middcnhcim.Thc Cult of Ulric

is ccntrcdaroundthc rcgiol and

thc imprcssivcTcmpleof Ulric is a

vondcr of thc city that attractsmary pilgrims. A povcrful army,

clorhcd in thc city-statc colours of bluc and vhitc, garrisonsthc

nigh-imprcgnablcvalls and tirclessly prtrols thc roadslcadingto thc

Ulricsbcrg - thc rock plrtcau on vhich Middcnhcim standsas if

bcsicgcdby thc surroundingforcst. And so it is, for thc Drakwrld

is dark, dangcrousa, nd synonymouswith pcril. Thc Middcnhcim

banocrdcpicts rhc Whitc Wolf standingguard ovcr thc fortrcss vrlls

and gatcsinto thc city - a sign of Ulric prorcctinghis ovn.

The uhite aoloesof the

Drokaald arefierce and
mercilesspredotors that

are notoriousfor

fighting to the end.

Afitting syn'ibttoeltfor

Ulric, god of \attles.

Many cannons6ear
markings, sym'ols and
colours of their city-stote or




Mony regiments ueor tokens of Ulric to shoa their Some regimentsbear the personal
dedicotion ond to goin thegod's fooour. emblemof theirpotron.This could be
their Elector Count, a locql nobleor

guild, or eoeno fomed officer. For
emmple,Todbringer's Oon is oneof
many Halberdier regimentsormed ond
equippedunderthe direction of the

Elector Count himself.Theoon
Strumpetrcgimentisformed aroundon

inspirationolcaptoin ond the
Grimmhogen Suordsmenare poid ond
equipped 6y a traders guild from the city

street beoilng that title.

Becorse of the
fosnessof the
dyes, the shadeof
6lue often oaries


eoenuithin the
same uniform.

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Svords of Ulric rc onc of thc mrny rcgimcnts formcd by aod pard for by thc Tcmplc of Ulric in Middcilcin Thc

tnining of thc Svords of Ulric consistsnot of muchcsor vapom pnctice bur instcadof parrolsald var Frtics lcd out of
city into thc surroundingDnkvdd Inftiara hopingro ioin thc unit must rccomparysuchcxcursions- only thoscrlrr fi$t
eudsurvivcrrc admittcd It is lcfi to ach mldicr ro cquip himslf io thc bluc andwhirc cotoureof Middcnhcin Silrcct[,c

in fic dap vhcr Count Mandrcdrallicd thc Empircbchindhim ard bcomc Empaor, thc mm of Ulric lnrc bornc

$tdc By tnditior, uch shicld bcan a variationof thc samcdcvicc- a rcd volf, signifyingUlric cmbatlcd T[c arin
for formrl .ccrcmooybut vhar thcy lack il prradc-grounddisciplincthey makcup for vith uvagcryon thc

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vastanddarkly forcstcd
I I orovinccM. iddcnland
is stroogly associatcdwirh Ulrrc,
thc god of battlcs,wolvcs,and
wintcr. Thc hcarty soldicrsof
Middcnlandarc quicklv turncd
into scasoncdvarriors as thc spravling woods of thc untamcd
Drakvald harbourscoulilcss Goblins, Bcastmcna, nd vorsc.
Thc statc colour of Middcnlald is bluc, with ribbons and
slashingof contrastint colours uscd to idcnrify diffcrcnt
rcgimcnts.Thc statc flag bcarsa whitc volf, thc symbol of
Ulric, thc ancicntwarrior-god of thc Empirc who prc-datesrhc
coming of Sigmrr. Thc Elcctor Coult, Craf Boris Todbringcr,
rcsidcsin Middcnhcim and has addeda castlc morif dcpictingthc
provincc'smost importatrt city onto the provincialbanncr.

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fhc provinccof Nordland
I is famousfor its naw and

its hcavilytollcd coastalroads
which providc safcpassagc
for rich mcrchantstravcllint to
Maricnburg.Many scafortrcsscs
rnd vatchlowcrslinc thc coast,
as raidcrsfrom acrossthc Sca
of Clavs arc all too common.
Thc statctroops of Nordhnd,
includingthc Nordland Marincrs,vcar distioctivcbluc and ycllov
uniforms.Thc provincialbanncrbcarsa dcpictionof a scacaglc
clutchinga shicld vith thc aallcy icon. rhc symbol uscd as prrt
of thc coat of arms by thc Elcctor Count Thcodcric Gausscr.
Traditionallyrhc Elcctor Count of Nordland is rlso thc Princc oI
Maricnburg,and this has bccn a point of contcntionsitcc thar ciry
scccdcdfrom thc Empirc. Orhcr oft-sccn cmblcmsil Nordhnd
includc thc Impcrial Cross, variousship, anchoror fish dcsigns,
and rhc fivc-pointcd crown of thc scagod Manann.


, Many Nordland stote troops rotote duty as

F part of a garrisonfor o uotchtouer and
o6oord shipspatrolling the coastlines.










D In addition to oast

ti ttscts of coostland
Nordland is qlsoa
proainceof dense

, uoods, including the

Forestof Shodowsond

theLourelon Forest

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fhac' city of Nuln tnils only
I. Altdorf in trrms of sizc

rnd population.Famousfor its
anciclt rcadcmicsand its
indusrry,Nuln is rhc homc
of vastforgcsand thc Impcrial
Cunncry School.Thc uniforms

of soldicrsfrom Nuln arc black.
although whcthcr this is by
agc-old dcsigl or morc practical
nccdsto hidc thc soot from fighting alongsidcso many canoons
(or from thc pollutcd city itsclf) is uoccrtain.Thc city banncrof
Nuln dcpictsa goldcn lior holding thc scrlcsof iudgcmcnt- a
symbol of Vcrcna,goddcssof lcarning.A blindfoldcd maidcn
crrrying scrlcs is anothcrpopulrr morif amongstmany units of
Nuln. Orhcr symbols vhich appcarlrcqucntly on rcgimcntal
shiclds rnd banncrs,arc cannonst,hc famousbridgc of Nuln, and
variationsof thc lion.



mointained6y theb oeas ondfrcquently 6eal ) Some ortillery
nameseooking greot heroesor \ottlefield p i e c e sb e o r a
stateseol or
oirtues,Thesenomesore sometimesengrooed
or painted onto the \arrel or corriogeof an coster'smotk.
artillery piece. Somereoeredgunshaoe seen
A Hebloster
centuriesof noble seroiceond haDeuell- Volley Gun
esto6lished reputoti ons.

Creu operoting a Hel\loster oolley gun or Helstom rochet \attery
often corry uith them some ossociated token to shou they are paid

up uith the Priests of Mon This often takes the form of o rooen,
hourgloss, or black rose.This proctice is discouroged 6y the Imperial
College of Engineersond the Imperiol Gunnery School, uho seethe

superstitionos 6adfor recruitment.

As firing on ortillery pieceis notoriously ) Helstorm
filthy uork, often coDeilng the crcD in soot Rocket Banery

ond grime, it is conDenienthot the Nuln

uniform colour is 6lack.Dffirently coloured

plumes, sleeoeso, r rib|ons ore usedto


Some Nu/n regimentsare tosked Dith guarding specificuar mochinesu |atteries.
Thesepoirings uill often shorecommon sym6olsor insignio.

Y Arms of theImperial Gunnery School



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Dcfcndcrsvas first raisd rftcr thc disastrousbattlcsof thc yar 2421vhcn Goblin Mrlord Grom T[c Pauoc.hd

ir lcd ar bvuioo through Blackfirc Pas and srvrgclyrarsckcd Nuh bcforc svccpingthrough thc hart of th

vrs occdcdbctvccn rnillcry and infantry,rnd in thc vrkc of thc dcvrstrtionncv rcgfurcntsvcrc formcd hto

fou$t togaha. BaronAlbraht Cruodcl first namcdrnd thc cquippcdthosc undcrhis commnd md his som hap,

dry. Trslad with protcctilg thc httcris of crnlon and morlar from thc cncmy,Cruodcli Dcfcldcrs hevclcrtcr fdhd

Discounringvitchcnft ald r fry ill-fatcd misfircs,Cr[ndd's Dcfcndcs havcyct to losc onc of rhcir prcciouswr n

of grar pridc to thc rcgimcnl

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rFhc rural Drovincc of

I' Ostcrm.rk is a sombrc and

grim land wirh a history abound

with brttles. invasiols. disastcr and

lavless rcavcrs. To thc north lics

ruggcd Kislcv, to the south thc

curscd lands o[ Sylvania.Othcr

landmarks includc thc ruincd city

---:X of Mordhcim, thc Blcak Moors.
---.1 and thc ancicnt battlcsitc of Hcl

Fcnn.Thc Ostcrmark colours arc purplc and ycllov or purplc and

vhitc and lhc statc cmblcm is a crowncdManticorc,famously

rcmcmbcringthc talc of thc firsr flccror Count of Ostcrmark's

heroic dcfcat of such a bcastncarthc World's Edgc Mountains.

A Caproino/Ostermark

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Armi esfrom O stermork haoe
crossedtheir northem border to aid

the nation of Kisleo mony times

throughout history.


fhc provinccof Osrlandis
|. dominarcdby thc Forcstof

Shadovs.Its troopcrswcarblack
ald whirc, a combinationwhich
lcnds irsclf to bold halvcd
or quartcrcduniforms,whilc
stripcs,chccks,and diamond
pattcrnsarc popular on hosc or
slccvcs.Thc symbol of Osdand
is thc bull stubbornald
dcpcndablcl,ikc thc pcoplc oi Osthod thcmsclvcs

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L Ostland Captoin

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Fircfoqlcs of Fcrhngcn rrc r troop of dcrdly rccuratc hrldgunncrs thrt f,rvc fought throughout Ostlrad, oficl

brms of Elcctor Count voo Rtukov himsclf. Wcrring thc blrck rnd vhirc of thcir homc provincc,thc

bcer oo formrl iosignir but supcrstiriouslydccorrtcthcir tnts rnd uniformsvith rf,c bolcs of frllcl

hck charms.Evco amoagsthc srubbornOsthodcrs,rhc Fircloqucsof Fcrhagcl hrvc arincd a rcputationfor
ir gun linc rnd unlcrshingvollcy rftcr vollcy of lirc ilto rpproachilgfocs.Thcir rcfusrl to surrcodcrtfic flall

from thc north during rhc rhrcc-dayBattlc of thc Littcrcd Boncscrrlcd thcm thc nicknamcof Skull Cluhbcrq rc

lq for tf,c cntirc h$ day thcy rcsortcdto usingthcir bclovcdf,andguosrs bluot vcrpous to stcm tf,c ridc of attrctcis,

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Reikland 4 I In theyear 2429 the
Imperial Croun possedto
I Wilheln III, the Princeof

7 Altdorf and Count of
Reikland.h remqinsDit[ liis
fhc Rcikland is thc
I mosr pow.rful and fomily to this day.

cosmopolitan provincc in
thc Empirc. Its wcll-cquippcd
rnd profcssional soldicrs arc
clothcd in vhitc. though in
practicc this is oftcn a fawn
or off-whitc colour. Thc statc
banncr o[ thc Rcikland dcpicts
an Eaglc, in this casc
rcprcscntingthc aoddcssMyrmidia, thc patron dcrty of thc art
of var. Othcr kcy iconsincludca crovn, thc Hammcrof
Sigmar,and a svord, symbolisinga mighty RunclangA. s thc
lcgcndarybirthplaccof Sigmarhimscl{,it is no surpriscthat thc
cult of Signar is highly popularin thc RciklandS. oldicrsfrom
Rciklandconsidcrthcmsclvctso bc supcriorto troops from othcr
rcgions,vhich can occasionalllycad to troublc on campaigns.

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Helmgart is one of the most famous fortressesin the Beikland.
It guordsAte Bite Pass- thegateuoy to Bretonnis uhere many greot

and glorious 6onleshaae6eenfought.

lf L Defender of Helngort L Coptoin of Reikland

Corroburg Greotsuords first eoned its reputation
the Siegeof Carro\urg in I 865.After hol&ng

that d.a! against an army of Mddenlond, the

chonged their uhite uniforms to red in order to honoqr

blood.-drenched oictor s,

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is r ooor orovincc and
9thc rusric customs of its
pcoplc arc thc targct for snidc
commclts fron forcigncrs. Many
of its soldicrs bcar simplc arms
and atmour and thcrc arc many
rcgimcnts that vear rhc Srirland
colours of grccn and ycllow only
in a tokcn fashion, thcir garb oficn
vcll-vorn or prtchcd ovcr. In
cootrastsome Srirland noblcsovcrcompcnsatrcnd cquip thcir
soldicrs as lavishly as any city-statc.Thc Banncrof Stirland shovs
a skclctonsoundinga hunting horn, signifying a call to battlc. Thc
skclctol irsclf is a common symbol of thc lands,an cxprcssionof
borh thc Stirland battlc cry 'victory or dcaih- and a grim rcmindcr
of thc lands of Sylvania.ostcnsiblyparr of Srirlard. bur in rcality
a dangerousrnd ncar-dcscrtcdprovilcc vhcrc thc dcad notoriously
do Dot rcst.

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Becauseof costsand ooailability,nang of Stirlond's soldiersare
equippeduith only bosicueoponry.

.? L Members of the Stiilond Mlitio
L Coptoin of Stirland

BfbelrFstrol ":

Fffhc mighty Srir rivcr runs from thc Worlds Edgc Mountainsto rhc Rcik, forming thc bordcr of Srirlrtd

I r vcll-plicd rradc rourc.Thc wrrcry highvay must bc corstantly prtrollcd, rs tf,c vcahhy mcrchrnt bargc

rl, rfiract attcntionof thc vorst kind. Thc Stir Rivcr Patrol usc grccu end vhitc uniforms, no mattcr vf,ic[

'tf,c mrny fonificd porrs tf,cy usc as r harbour basc.Somc formationserc f,igf,ly polisf,cd rnd wcll cquippcd,{ff

'mr!y rrc voro - shoving off thc vcar rnd tcar of constrnt navalrnd laod ections. "i

q 1 Some of the larger oesselsin the disporate naoy
carrg more than one unit,often equippedfor either
6oarding or ronged ottacks againstenemy ships,

Fish and thefioe-pointed croun of
Manann are common symiols amongst
the RioerPatrols.

L RioerPotrol Coptoin TheGreenLurkerfishis ofierce
predatorof the Stir knounfor its

suift strihe,


Stirlond's orchersare fomousfor their suifness on thefield of 6anle.This is pattly due to skill,6ut often due to
the impoaerishedtroops hoaing lessin the ooy of gear or proaisionsto \urden them.

t llCr dr The occuracyof
Stirlond Huntsmen is
uell knoun throughout

the Empire.


Darhircls rrc rcoovncdrchcn vho cantnck r foc rt spccdtlrou$ rny lorcst First rccordcdol tfic Vurrbd roll of'

honourin thc yar 2004,thc Dathjacls wcrc hircd to scoutahcadof thc mainStirlud ermy during thc civil vus bctvccl

; \VTbt . Empcrors.Thc Dathiacls herc conioucdto bc oI scruicc- rmbuhiag opposirgscoutsmd findhg hiddcr pths

liiticl to takc thc fc unavrre To rhis dry thc Dathiacks still rccruit out of thc Grcrt Forcstrs tf,c rough countrybrccdsoaay ud{
[t\rL" voodscrrft U*d to fcodinglor thcnslvcs, thc Dathircls havcbccr dubbcdrhc Mufioo-sticlcn or Tticr,isgidc by ifl
.s hgt gc mias ud supplia nyscriously go nissilg in thcir prcscnccAll is forgivcn"hovcvcr,vhca thc ucfrcrsrc&'

i-scoutilg missioo vrviag rhci hmcr ro signify clcmics rhcad,or bluing thc rll-dsr ol thcir huntinghoms.

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Thlabecland HI

vast provincc of \
|. Talabccland is hcavily
lorcstcd and sprrscly populatcd. i{
Thc land is namcd aftcr Taal,
thc god of bcasts and wild t'
placcs. It is considcrcd grcat *
luck to cross thc rivcr Tahbcc
and rcgimcnts doing so will dip I
thcir standards into thc watcr,
considcring thc act r sacrcd It
blcssing. Talabccland's colours arc rcd and ycllow and thc statc D
banncr is r crovncd caglc.Shiclds rnd banncrsoftcn portray
antlcrs or a trce - both symbols of Taal. I




L C a ptoin of TaIa6ecIand


Any trcoelling the uoods of theEmpire night offer honage toToal,6ut theGreot
ForestoithinTalabecland is the heartlondof thegod's uorship. Many soldiersbeor

signs of the god as charms to uord off eoil.

Thlabheirn I Many of the
Toal\oston Guard, the
i\ regimentsthat man the

4l { crater uall,6ear the tuin-
toiled comet symbolon
ftccp vithin thc Grcat Forcst their lioery.
I-llics thc citv-statc of
Talabhcim.A mrssivccratcr
scvcnl milcs vidc forms thc basc
of a hcrvily fortificd rim wrll
that cncirclcsthc imprcgnablc
city. Thc Talabhcimcolours arc
rcd and vhitc and sinccthc ycar
llll thc statc banncrhas bccn
dcoictcdas r varrior maiden
bcarirg an icon of thc Impcrirl Griffor holdirg thc Hammcr of
Sigmar.As thc ralcs go, it vas such r maidcn,a hcalcr,who
took up rrms and rallicd thc dcfcndcrsto srvc thc plaguc-riddcn
city from bcing rakcn by Chaos Ratmcn.Shc dicd a hcro. but
hcr lcgcndrs saviourof thc city livcs on in rhc form of
numcrousshicld and banlcr dcsigns.Thc motto of that dcfcocc,
'Nonc Shall Pass'is still uscd by many of thc soldicrs
rcsoonsiblcfor thc dcfcnccof thc cratcr vall.












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