"A masterpiece, the best book on technical
analysis in 50 years."
David C. Reif
Vice President Investments
"This book provides the most complete ex
planolion ot Elliott Wove Theory available.
With proper study, the reader should be oble
to master with complete understanding the
technicalities of the Elliott Wove Theory."
Larry Jacobs
Gann & Elliott Wave Magazine
"...what a feast of ideas for both novice and experienced Elliotticians!
Every sentence is devoted to something important. (Neely) has obviously
spent a lot of time on the illustrations to ensure the reader will
understand the concepts."
Bruce Babcock
Commodity Traders Consumer Report
''This book will significantly improve your knowledge of pro_per rule and
technique application, no matter what your current level ot expertise."
Cycles Magazine
"I just received your book Elliott Waves in Motion and found it
foscinating. Both breadth of content and depth of understanding
lead me to soy that you ore probably the leading
Elliott Wove market specialist in the country."
James E. Schildgen
Author of "Analytical Methods for Successful Speculation"
Capital Futures Associates, Ltd.
Chicago, IL
''This book provides everything you wanted to know about Elliott Wove
Theory but were too confused lo ask... the book is copiously illustrated with
diagrams exrlaining every zig and zag."
Technical Analysis ofStocks and Commodities Magazine
"Glenn Neely gives us the most thorough examination of Wove Theory to
expansion and evolution."date. His work provides by far the best1oundation for understanding Elliott
Perrin Gower
Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.
"I've read everything I could find on Elliott and the understanding you've
developedis more than I'd ever hoped for. The things you have taught me
· in 2 months would have taken years to develop on my own.
I con see that the precise market timing I always thought possible is in fact
true when the (Rthoeboerryt)Ri.sSptraorrrly applied."
Merrill Lynch, Inc.
Is it possible to Mastering
Elliott Wave
predict the future?
Natural forces guide all
things in nature. Some of Written, Edited and Illustrated
these forces we understand,
some we do not. Those we by Glenn Neely
understand ollow us to make
predictions about the future. Additional Editing, Production and Computerized Rendering
for example, our undersland by Eric Hall
ing of the earth's revolution Cover Design and Production
around the sun allows us to predict (and explain) the by Evans Design Associates
seasons and their repetition. Published by Windsor Booksfor the Elliott Wave Institute
For those attempting to forecast economic activity
(i.e., the stock market, gold market, bonds, etc.), the
primary force at work is psychology. What people do
and how they feel about the future is a direct result of
their persona/psychology. The price level of a market
is directly linked lo how people currently feel and what
they perceive to be its prospects for the future. The net
result of millions of people interacting-buying ond
selling goodsand services, stocksand commodities
produces a pattern to economic development which is
a reAection of mass psychology. It follows that market
price action, being the by-product of what people
were willing to pay for goods and services, is a record
of the emotions of the people as o whole. As a result,
market price action is nothing more than the graphic
embodiment of mass opinion.
The Elliott Wave Theory, os introduced by R. N.
Elliott in the early 1930's, defines, quantifies and
classifies the seemingly random undulations of mass
psychology (market action) into visual price patterns.
Since R.N. Elliott described psychological develop
ment as structurally repetitive phenomenon which
obeys common mathematical laws of progression,
studying the record of a market's price action will
provide you with strong clues on the current stale and
position of mass psychology (within a standardized
sequence) and its future economic ramifications.
Unfortunately, in its original form, many concepts
and ideas concerning real-time application of the
Elliott Wave Theory were left to the analyst to dis-
cover. After a decade of exhaustive research, real
time trading and teaching, Mr. Neely hos greatly ex·
ponded upon and refined the concepts first discov
ered by R. N. Elliott lo help you more accurately apply
them to your tradingf investments and businesS en
deavors. For the first time, these concepts are pre
sented in a logical, step-by-step fashion, in the actual
order they should be applied to a price chart. Con·
sequentty, all guess worktypical� associatedwith the
Wave theory has been eliminated for you.
If you yearn for a greater understanding of the
dynamics of market price action, if you long for the
ability to predict the future (for profit or for fun), this
book will help you achieve that goal like no other.