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Published by SPS Digital Marketing, 2023-04-19 00:36:31

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Keywords: sps bhopal

Editorial Board Dr. Prabha Agrawal TGT Hindi Ms. Ruchita Gupta PRT Maths Ms. Neha Chakradeo Supervisor III to V TGT Science Mr. Sumit Mangriya TGT Computer Science Ms. Kavita Dwivedi Supervisor I to II TGT English Ms. Rashmi Seth Vice Principal

The quest for happiness is a fundamental part of the human life. The need to be happy is the most sought-after human quality at every level, national, organizational, as well as individual. School plays an active role in developing an instinct for happiness in students. The question is, can happiness flourish in the absence of healthy habits? No. And then, what are the ABC's of healthy habits? Certainly, nourishing food, adequate sleep, quality time with family and the commitment to do something meaningful each day. In today's age of information overdose, it is also necessary to unplug, to limit news, avoid social media and also practice certain level of austerity. By sharing and reinforcing these tenets in our students, we offer preparation for future. We are the country with the youngest workforce in the world – as much as half the population of the country is under the age of 25. At the same time, the eighth India Skills Report reveals almost half of Indian graduates are unemployable. It is time to wrestle this problem to the ground. With a remarkably high fund allocation to education in the budget of 2023, we get the much-needed impetus to do better and contribute substantially in nurturing India's future citizens to be highly skilled and competent. As per the reports, India is on track to become the world's third largest economy by 2027, and much of the onus lies on education. We ought to become more responsive towards preparing our students to be healthy both physically and mentally so that they can imbibe the skills necessary for a fruitful life and make fruitful contributions to the future of our country. Shri SudhirKumarAgrawal Chairman Sagar Group Message of the Chairman

“True education is one that implants humane vibes in the minds of the students.” Time has changed, with that the environment around us has changed too. However, what has not changed are our fundamental values. One book, one pen, one child and one teacher hold the transformational power to change the world. Teachers have been tasked to educate for change and through change. The approach should be to encourage collaboration, negotiation and engagement of the young minds. Just as we have adapted to technology, we should embrace those lessons that are fundamental to living in harmony and social progress, such as tolerance and empathy. Without values we can not create better civil and democratic societies M G Paranjape Director Sri Satya Sai School, MP& CGNational Advisor, Sri Satya Sai School, India Message of the Advisor

Dear Children, You come to an educational institution to lay down a strong foundation for your development to become a useful member of your family, society and country you belong to.This is the most important phase of your life. Your efforts, attention and sincerity for the best education will build your strength and ability to achieve the target to lead a successful life. Human beings have been provided with two rare qualities- Intelligence and Determination. However these will be effective only if they are guided by their vision. Swami Vivekananda has advised that the people themselves should lay down the objectives and vision of their desire to attain success. The example of Lord Krishna is very apt in this regard. He was born in a royal family, he could have lived a very comfortable life. However, due to certain circumstances, he spent the first 12 years of his life in a village where he looked after domestic animals like cows. When he was 12, he returned to his birth place – “Mathura” and helped his grandfather to become the king. Then he left his princely environment and went to Rishi Sandipani's Ashram and for next 12 years he devoted himself towards receiving education and various expertise. He has set an example that when God takes human form even he has to struggle to achieve success in life. Nothing is beyond consistent effort and determination. Teachers are to guide you and you should always take their instructions and advice seriously both in your classroom studies as well as in modifying your behaviour. Face the challenges that come to your way, as a student as well as a member of the society. AirCommodore B.K. Nigam (Retd.) VSM Advisor Message of the Advisor

We can’t change the direction the wind , But we can adjust our sails to reach the destination . Education is never a stagnant process. It’s needs are ever - evolving and school should keep pace with the requirements of changing times. The danger lies in turning a blind eye to the need of the hour. School should empower the child with the right skill sets suitable for new generation. Constructive creativity and innovative thinking are of paramount importance now. The framework of education should not be so rigid that the child’s innate creativity is lost.To a child the word spirituality often signifies rituals and prayers. The school can help them realise that healthy mind is the outcome of practical spirituality. With the divine element active in the mind, it is possible to be positive always. A cheerful disposition in the face of life’s vicissitudes is an attitude that needs to be cultivated with the help of spirituality.Optimism is faith; it is faith that leads to accomplishments. We must know that emphasis on pedagogy alone does not provide complete education. Aschool planner needs to include VHEM that means Values, Humanitarianism, Ethics and Morals. So not only train the mind and body, but simultaneously train the Heart. Shri K.K Dubey Director HRD Sagar Public School Message of the Director

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow “To improve is to change: to perfect is to change often” Metamorphosis is an immutable law of life. We have accepted it as one of the threads in the fabric of existence, yet, we never cease to be amazed by the rate at which the changes are taking place. What seemed fantastic and exciting when we were young, is mundane to the child of today. We have to navigate through this 'swiftly tilting planet' with a holistic and responsible approach and a growth mindset. A morass - of new technologies, new inventions and even new languages - threatens to overwhelm us. It is time to strike out in the new directions envisioned by the New Education Policy. At all the six branches of SPS, we are committed to implementing it with genuine intentions. “You must welcome change as the rule, but not as your ruler” Nevertheless, the precepts that are the bedrock of human nature, the basic precepts of kindness, faith and love, continue to guide and govern us like the pole star. In a world of ephemeral truths, another constant that shines through is the relationship between the 'Guru' and the 'Shishya' founded on the learner's inborn respect and the teacher's instinct to nurture, whether that teacher is a parent or an educationist. This is practiced in true spirit at Sagar Public School where teachers and parents live these virtues and guide, support, mentor and nurture the child with utmost care and love. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” As the roads to learning multiply, we equip our children with the best we can offer in terms of wisdom, insights, ideas and thinking skills. Children learn from everyone, everywhere and all the time, but of all the places where learning happens, nowhere is as safe or as sanctified as the school. For more than two decades, we at SPS have played a significant role in the child's essential journey and promise to continue making a positive and indelible difference in every child's character, behaviour and learning. Dr.Jaishree Kanwar Director Message of the Director

Ÿ “We want education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.” Every child is unique; we appreciate a child’s individuality and try to nurture his strength. The aim of education is all about helping the child to realize and explore his potentialities and latent talents. Future of our world depends on our children. I strongly feel that education is a blend of academic excellence and creativity and as the Vice Principal of the School; my motto is to encourage and empower our students to grow as a strong, reflective and humble individuals with discerning minds, prepared to make a mark in all spheres of life. Effective teaching is about involving students not only in their learning journey, it is also about talking to them about their well-being, encouraging them and helping them develop their skills simultaneously. Value oriented process is crucial for a school’s all round developments. Social and emotional intelligence of a child plays a very significant role in their healthy growth. Along with the association of the experienced educators, I will continue my work to maintain the legacy of the school by building strong relationships with parents, students and community partners. I believe that for the holistic development of a child involvement of parents is extremely important. I request parents to share their valuable inputs for the growth of children. I am certain that our students of yesterday, today and tomorrow will keep up the high values they have learnt at school. We at Sagar Public School also believe that learning is a never ending process and I assure you that this life long journey will be taken by our students and staff. Rashmi Seth Vice Principal Sagar Public School Ratibad Message of the Vice Principal

“The best Teachers are those who show where to look but don't tell what to see .” Teachers' Training Cell invited resource persons from the field of Education, Hindi literature, Information Technology, IISER-Pune, Sanskrit University, Biotechnology, Storytelling, and many more. ASPIRE Sessions, A Specialized Program Integrating Resources and Expertise, for Teachers were also organized in which resource persons like Dr. Kiran Bedi, Dr. JawaharSurisetti, Dr. Srijan Pal Singh, and Dr. Niru Kumar presented their talks on various aspects pertaining to Training the Brain forBetterGain Continuous Teacher Training has a crucial role to play in the overall framework of quality education. Teachers are the brain of every educational institution, who think emotionally, philosophically, logically, intellectually, and strategically for the welfare, and development of students. Teachers' Training Cell of Sagar Public School, Bhopal, frequently organizes trainings on topics related to academics and soft/life skills where teachers equip themselves and provide good learning experiences to our students. school education. Soft Skill Training Sessions are also organized so as to enhance the teaching appropriate features in a teacher. Trainers meticulously prepared their topics pertaining to interpersonal skills, being an effective teacher, communicating to motivate students, developing life skills, and many more. Teachers keep implementing their learnings from the training sessions, in the class to deal effectively with students. “Teachers can change the lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.” The Indelible Imprints, was a series of 25 collectibles inspired by the Footprints of the Mentor - Shri M G Paranjape, our Advisor, were shared every Friday with teachers. Later, a Quiz was organized on February 3, 2023, in which Teachers participated wholeheartedly and won accolades. Teachers also attend CBSE and COE Seminars and Webinars to keep them at par with the principles laid down in the National Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education. Teachers understand their responsibilities and liabilities and mold themselves according to the conditions and requirements. Teachers' Training Cell understands it's prime importance with the underline fact that they are important in the life of their students: Teachers' Training Cell is committed to make provisions for various training programs for teachers to enhance their understanding of curriculum and delivery mechanism and other professional qualities. “Train your teachers to build the nation strong, as strong students are the builder of a strong country.” Mridu PSaxena Vice Principal- Training and Development Sagar Public School, Bhopal

School Staff Admin Team Support Staff:Our Cheerful Champions OUR TEAM Always Geared Up With Us Every Step of the Way

X Board Result Year (2021-22)

Ms. Ruchita Gupta PRT Maths Ms. Kavita Dwivedi Supervisor I to II TGT English (2021-22) Pallavi Akundi (2022-23) Dr. Prabha Agrawal TGT Hindi Teacher of the Year (2019-20) (2022-23) Student of the Year (2019-20) Yatee Agrawal (2018-19) Nandita Kushwaha (2019-20) Achievement

Olympiad Stars S.No Name of the Student Subject Medal Rank 1 Hardik Tak Maths Gold I 1 Vaibhavi Pawar English Gold I 2 Naksh Assudani Maths Gold I 3 Dhiriti Agrawal Maths Gold I 4 Shashwat Gupta Maths Gold I 5 Kavya Arya Maths Gold II 6 Akansha Manjhi Maths Gold I SAGAR PUBLIC SCHOOL RATIBAD, BHOPAL OLYMPIAD RESULT(2022-23)

I started my journey in Sagar Public School, Ratibad as a TGT in the year 2018 and since then my journey has been an incredible one.I grew as a professional in so many aspects and learned a lot from our Vice Principal, Ms.Rashmi Seth, and from our director & mentor Dr Jaishree Kanwar, who motivated and groomed me to give my best. The only thing that satisfied me throughout my journey is when I see my students learning and improving, even if it's just a little bit. It makes me happy to know that I'm making an impact on them and helping them develop into better people.Furthermore being promoted as the 1st supervisor of classes I-V in the year 2021 was a professional milestone and a learning experience both, which helped me gain leadership attribute as well. Being in a managerial position for the first time in my career as a teacher, was quite challenging at times but a wonderful experience.Thank you Sagar for nurturing me as a professional, as a facilitator and as a better person. I thank everyone for their support. Kavita Dwivedi Supervisor I to II TGTEnglish Fiv Year Felicitatio

Dr. Prabha Agraval TGT Hindi Exam cell Incharge Ms. Ruchita Gupta PRT Maths अतीत के झरोखेसेजब म देखती ंऔर झांकती ंतो "सागर,"जैसा िक नाम सेही िस है,इस ान पी सागर म एक छोटेसेमोती के प म यंको देखती ं। 'सागर' ान का , थािय का, ेह का अनिगनत अनुभवोंका ।सीखने-िसखानेके बोध सेभरा मेरा पांच वष का समय कैसे तीत हो गया, मुझेपता ही नहींचला।इस सुदीघ अविध म म ने यं के िवकास के साथ िव ालय को भी गित के सोपानोंपर बढ़ते ए देखा।इस सर ती केमंिदर म िश ा और सं ारोंका अद्भुत सम य जो म ने देखा हैउसकेिलएम व र जनोंका दयतल कीगहराइयोंसेआभार करती ं,साथहीमेरे ित जो ेम और ेह उ ोंनेिदया उसेजीवन पय त याद रखूंगी ।इस िव ालय नेमेरी जीवनधारा को एक नया मोड़ िदया। म आ करती ं िक लंबेसमय तक इस िव ालय की गौरवशाली परंपराओंको आगेबढ़ानेम सू के पम काय िनव हन करती र ंगी । “Strive for excellence not perfection" with this moto in mind five years ago I joined the temple of learning in session 2018.My learning experience in SPS is remarkable it is filled with lots of unforgettable memories to be cherished. I learned from my mentors like Dr.Jaishree Kanwar, Ms Rashmi seth who inspired me and supported me to be the best version of myself. Their guidance has enhanced my knowledge and vision that is reflected in the understanding and creativity of my students.It was SPS that I was able to help students with low academic score and enable them to reach their level.This 5 years period has been pivotal in my growth into the person I am today.

Ÿ Just a shift in your perspective can make all the difference on the road to a happier, healthier and jovial life. It is tough to be optimistic when the world around you isn't. Above all, being optimistic is a choice. If you want to become a more optimistic person - despite the negativity surrounding you - then you can take measures to think positively and bestow positivity in your surroundings. Sometimes, It can be hard to admit that the negative person is you. Sometimes it's your own negativity that hurts you more than anything else. Hence, it is a must to keep a check on your negative thoughts and maintain a distance from toxic people and don't let their negative energies affect your perspective. Pessimists tend to focus on the problems, while optimists focus on the solutions. When you encounter any challenge, train your brain to work forward in coming up with creative ways to solve your quandary. Instead of being envious of others be grateful and content of what you have. No one could ever take hold of your abilities, potentials and talents. Always divert your mind for selfimprovement. You should always compete with one person: YOURSELF. While it's not your job to make everyone happy, it doesn't hurt to perk up someone's day. Once a day, share positive feedback with someone. At work, compliment someone about a good question raised in an email or salient points that they brought up in an important meeting. This will help in maintaining harmonious relations with your colleagues You can brighten your outlook by improving your sense of humour. If you make a mistake while giving a presentation, crack a joke and laugh it off. This will not only release your tension but also create a healthy environment in your surroundings. Eventually, we are human beings " The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Aditi Deshmukh PRT Maths Fight pessimism, Choose optimism

Yes, I may be messy someday and not have my meals at right time, But I feel proud to be a teacher every time! I imbibe my children with values and moral I make them say "I am sorry" I make them differentiate between right and wrong And recognise their potential to let them know where they belong! I teach them how to add their calibre and subtract their weakness I make B+ feel like a battle pain, And a C- feel like a achievement gain! I teach my children to be disciplined and fun loving too I prepare my children for the future by teaching them the past So that they can understand and learn it fast! My students are not just students but my children, too I wipe tears away and fix boo- boos! Yes, I am proud to be a teacher, really do! Jyoti Chorey PPRT I AM PROUD TO BE A TEACHER

यही हो सकता ह ैिक वह सभी कार क थ क बातो ंसे दर ू रहकर अपनी श ा और श ा-जगत के त आ ावान हो जाए। यह आ ा व तु: उसकेअपने और उसकेमा म से समूचे रा ब समूची मानवता के त जाग क होने क तीक ह।ै अनुशासन, ं व ाथ केजीवन का एक मह पूण अगं ह,ै जसके ारा व ाथ अपने जीवन तथा भ व के लए संजोए सपनो को साकार कर सकता ह। ं ं ै व ाथ ही देश का भ व ह। अनुशासन िकसी वग या आय-ु वशेष केलोगो केही नही, ब सभी के लए परम आव क आ करता ह।ै जस जा त, देश और रा -जनो ंम अनुशासन का अभाव रहता ह,ै वे अ धक समय तक अपना अ नही ंबनाए रख सकत।े अनुशासन का अथ ही ह-ैसुशासन और सु व ा। अनुशासन' श 'अनु' उपसग और 'शासन' श केमेल से बना ह।ै 'अनु' उपसग का अथ होता ह-ैप ात या साथ और 'शासन' का अथ ं ह ै नयम या व ा। इस कार जीवन और समाज म अपने घर- ार से लेकर व भ और व वध े ो केसुसंचालन के लए जो ं ं नयम बनाए गए या बन गए ह, जो वसथाएं नधा रत क गई या स सामा जको केआपसी वहारो से आप ही हो गई ह, उनका पालन करना या उनक ं ेअनुसार चलना ही वा व म 'अनुशासन' आ करता ह।ै वशेषकर व ाथ जीवन ोिक पढऩे- सीखने और भ व क ं े लए उ चत समझ बनाने का जीवन आ करता ह,ैअत: सभी कार क नधा रत और मा व ाओ का पालन उसके लए आव क हो जाया करता ह।ै बड़ेखेद केसाथ कहना और मानना पड़ता ह ैिक न केवल भारत ब व का व ाथ वग आज अ धका धक अनुशासनहीन होता जा रहा ह।ै व ाथ वग का अनुशासनहीन होने का अथ ह ैदेश केवतम ान और भ व दोनो ंका अपने ल ो ंसे भटक जाना। इसे शुभ ल ण नही ंकहा जा सकता। भारत जसै े वकासो खु देश के लए तो कदा प ं ं ं ही नही कहा जा सकता। व ाथ को होना यह चािहए िक वह नीर- ीर ववेक बनकर अ बातो को सीखे, थ क बातो क ं ं नतातं उपे ा करता जाए। ोिक अनुशासन कोई बाहर से थोपी जा सकने वाली व ुनही, अत: मा यह ि या अपना लेना से ही वह ंय तो अनुशा सत होगा ही, आने वाली पीढ़ी का भी आदश न बन सकेगा। जसै ा िक हम पहले भी कह आए ह, जीवन-समाज के ं ापक र पर मा ं नयमो केअनुसार चलना ही अनुशासन ह।ै आज का व ाथ पहले से कही अ धक सजग, ब ु मान और भ व के त जाग क ह।ै इसकेसाथ वहार के र पर यिद वह अपने-आपको े ा से अनुशा सत भी कर ले , व ाथ के लए सबसे बड़ा अनुशासन डॉ. भा अ वाल ं टीजीटी िहदी व ाथ और अनशु ासन

सं ृतसािह जग त ीम ागव ीतासमः ंथःनभूतोनभ व त।सं ृत सािह स तमः ः ीम गव ीता अ । इयम ्अ ाकं देशधम सं ृतीनाम ्अमू न ध पेण त ता वतत ।े अ ाः रच यता वेद ासः अ । एषा महाभारतमहाका एकः भागः अ । अ ेअ ादशःअ ायःस शत ् ोकाःचस ।गीता ानधम एकःमहा ोषोऽ ।जीवन वकासायसव ऽ प वचाराःगीताया ं ।े वदेशेषुअ पदश नशा गे ीतापा पु क पेण ीकृताअ ।जीवनेयदा-कदा वयमअ् ाकंजीवनो े ा मुखं भ व ामः।वयंउ चतअनु चत नणय ंकतअु समथः जातः।त समये ीम ागवतगीताजीवने काशपंुज पेण आग त।तथाम जीवनेगीतायाःएकः ोकःअ ा धकं भव ममम।्गीताया ंन ामकम योग महानउ् पदेश व त।े– कम ेवा धकार ेमाफलेषुकदाचन। माकम फलहेतुभ मूा तेस ोऽ कम ण॥ अथः -केवलंकम एवतवअ धकारःअ ,नकम फलेषुतवअ धकारःअ । अतःकेवलंकम कु ,कम फलाय च ामाकु । आ नः अमरताया संदेशः गीताया ंवतत े। आ ाअजरः अमर:अ । इयं गीता सवे ः क ानं द ा मो ाय क त।े परमसुख शा ंत ाप थ च अ ाः पठनं पाठनं च न ं करणीयम ्। पवन पचौरी टीजीटी सं ृ त

MOTIVATION FROM JUNGLE How to stay motivated? In the jungle, which animal is the… Biggest…. Elephant? Tallest…. Giraffe? Wisest…. Fox? Fastest…cheetahs? Yet, the lion is the king of the jungle even without any of these qualities!! Why? Because…the lion is courageous, bold, walks with confidence, dares anything and is never afraid. The lion believes any animal is food for him. The lion believes any opportunity is worth giving a try and never lets it slip from his hands. So …what is it that we get to learn from the lion You don't need to be fastest. You don't need to be the wisest. You don't need to be the smartest. You don't need to be the brilliant. All you need is courage, all you need is the will to try. All you need is the faith to believe, it is possible. All you need is to believe in yourself, that you can do it!! Rishika Verma PPRT

It may thunder, it may rain It may ache, it may pain You may be bound by a prickly chain Just don't give up Break free and live it up Clouds of gloom may hover The darkness may be a vast rubber The failures may prove a bummer Just don't give up Be a crackajack and show up Working hard may be a crunch Temptations may surround in a bunch Defeat may loom as a hunch Just don't give up Crush and erase and stand up. Mind battles may get harder Wallowing in pity and misery may be easier Minor things may look worthier Just don't give up Focus on big picture and toughen up. Priyanka Chakravarty TGT Maths Just don't give up

W ca d i ! G ! Gir ! Gir ! Gir ! Girl ! Differenc or NO Differenc What is the difference between a girl and a guy? I used to always wonder why? They say when happy, that my daughter is my son And why she is not appreciated for who she is And why... Why they say Don't cry like a girl . . . They have this mentality that girls are weak And should do what others say because they're expected to be meek They say that they are modern now I still wonder this is how? Girls are treated in the same way in disguise Still marriages are form for price They find that continuing this practice is wise But this thought is full of lies Girls are at par with boys Or I should say even better than them It's time to prove that they are wrong More than they think girls are strong Sweety Rathore TGT Social Science

मा ंक गोद पता का लाड़। भाई क चपत, बहनो का दुलार। बचपन म बस यही था ार तकरार, इकरार, इसरार, और इज़हार।। अथ प रवार तक सी मत था , खु शया ँथी जसम अपार। ढ ँूढ रही ँ उस बचपन को जसमे छपा ान था हज़ार। चचा के वषय न ए कभी, धन, दौलत, ना तकार। बस जीवन म साथ मला, ेह, म ता, र ो ंका उपहार।। बचपन डॉ. भा अ वाल टीजीटी िहदी ं

Neha Chakradeo Supervisor III to V TGT Science Maths and Life Once I tried, to relate Maths with life, I didn't think that, it would bring Maths alive. Starting from the day we are born We do addition of relations in our life, And make them strong. While sharing our lunch with our friends We learn how to divide with the help of Maths. We make new friends day by day and also help them, when they say. We love being together, and fly high, Now, this is just like the way, we multiply. We cannot see anyone crying, All we want is peace in his/her mind, We want to subtract his/her sorrow, We want to take their sadness as borrow. Add happiness to your life, and that of others, and see how your life also changes further. Subtract the sorrows of others, and share your happiness. This will make the world beautiful and increase your knowledge in excess. So, in simple words, we can say that, Life is Just like Mathematics, in this way or that!!

आदरणीय श क गण, व ाथ का जीवन अनमोल होता ह,ै आप ने हमारेब ो ंको सकारा क ो ाहन तथा पा रवा रक माहौल िदया ह। आपके ारा अ धक अ श ा दी ह। इसी कारण हमारी ब ी म काफ सुधार आ ह। म अपनी बटे ी के लए ूल ारा सखाये जाने वाली श ा व सं ारो से बहे द खुश ँ। मेरेब ेने हर िदन ूल आने का आनंद लया ह तथा श को ंने ब ेक यो ता को पहचाना ह। सागर प क ूल के श को ंकेसहयोग से मेरी ब ी क पढ़ाई म काफ सुधार आया ह। मेरेपास श नही, ं अतं मे म यही क ँगी िक मुझ ेख़ुशी ह िक मेरा ब ा सागर प क ूल म पढ़ रहा ह। सभी श को ंको म तह ेिदल से ध वाद देती ँ। Mrs. Rani Sisodiya Mayank Saxena, Father of Manas Saxena, Class-VI SPS is huge group of school. When I irst visited the Ratibad SPS, the calm environment attracted me alot. My child has shown a progressive growth within a year that is beyond my expectations. No other word can de ine my experience but the sentence said by my child during the practice session of annual day "mummy teacher took care of me just like you do. Mother of Devina Sisodiya Class-VI Ÿ When my son has started his schooling. Initially I was worried about how things will go, but all my worries vanished on day 1 only. Sagar Public School, Ratibad has a curriculum that stimulates creativity and encourages independent learning in young children too. Teachers, and Learning Environment are at top-Notch. Gayatri Mantra at the beginning, Dance, Craft, Music, Sports , what else as a parent we can ask for. My on just loves to attend classes from day one. Classes are very much interactive and fun learning.SPSRB is doing well and I am truly happy and satisfied with the overall progress of my son. Ms. Shikha Shrivastava M/o Kanan Kalekar - Class KG TESTIMONIALS

Testimonials सागर प क ूल म मेरी बिटया आकृ त शमा का एड मशन करा केम म अ भभूत महसूस कर रहा ँ मुझ ेबाद म जानकारी ा ई िक आकृ त शमा का रातीबड़ ाचं म पहला एड मशन ह ैवहा ँका ाफ पढ़ाई को ब ो पर थोपता नही उनकेअनुकूल पढ़ाता ह ैतािक ब ो केउ ल भ व म कोई बाधा उ न हो और साथ ही ं सपल मैडम का तह ेिदल से ध वाद जो िक ब ो को एक पालक के प म छोटी से छोटी बातो ंको हम सभी अ भभावक तक प चाने का काय नरतंर करती ह ैटीचर ाफ भी ब त अ ा ह ैसागर ुप केडायरे र ीमान सुधीर अ वाल सर का ज ोने ं ब े ूल क सौगात रातीबड़ नीलबड़ केब ो ंके लए दी जससे मा म वग का इंसान भी सव श ा ा कर सकता ह ैहमारेडायरे र सर ने ं श ा को भु का साद माना ह ैन िक वसाय पुनः डायरे र सर सपल मैडम व सम सागर ुप के ाफ को ध वाद! Pramod Sharma Parent of Aakrati Sharma Class- IV Ÿ My son is in IV grade and I am happy to share my experience of last three years of his schooling .Teachers have supported students even during odd hours(after school timings)for exam preparation or for clarifying the doubts .They shared additional study material before the exams, to give maximum revision to the students. Above all, guidance was given based on individual student's needs. Each student was motivated to approach the teachers for any kind of support needed. Once again I would like to thank Team Sagar Public School, Ratibad for their commendable work. Mr. Shiv Pratap Singh Bhadoriya F/o Samar Pratap Singh Class-IV Ÿ I would like to appreciate Sagar Public School, Ratibad for the way classes were conducted during this session 2022- 23.It would have never been easy for kids to get adapted to new ways of learning without the efforts of teachers and their support.I appreciate the teachers for ensuring smooth conduction of classes. Thank you all for guiding, supporting, encouraging and moulding Reyaansh throughout the year. All the best SPS RB keep up the good work. Ms.Neeru Singh M/o Reyaansh Singh - Class III

Celestial Awards

Skil Upgradatio Think Edge (AI & Robotics Training) Teachers Training

Computer Lab Science Lab Yoga Activiti

Dance Class Music Class Art & Craft

Think Edge (AI & Robotic) Library Sports

Subject Enrichment Activity English Day Activity Hindi Diwas Maths Day Activity

Subject Enrichment Activity Sanskrit Day Activity Science Activity

Regiona Scienc Centr Bhopa (Educationa Trip)

Foundation Day & Investiture Ceremony Spectrum- The Exhibition

Annual Function-Navras Sports Day

Rangoli Competition Salad Making Competition Parent Activit Ÿ

Sports Mania- A fun day for parents Traditional Costume Competition

The students of Classes V-IX were taken for an educational trip to Hyderabad from 10th of March -13th of March, 2023. They were accompanied by their teacher Ms Kavita Dwivedi to Golconda Fort, Salar Jung Museum, Char Minar, Husain Sagar Lake, Ramoji Film City, Chowmahalla Palace, Snow World etc, were some of the places visited by the students. By the end of the trip, the children were well informed about the history of Hyderabad. They returned home with sweet memories. Nationa Educationa Trip T Hyderaba

Inter-Hous Competition

Inter SPS Athletics @ KE Inter SPS Cricket @ SPS GN Inter-SPS Competitio

Inter SPS Spellathon @ SPS GN Inter SPS Football @ SPS RN Inter SPS Debate Competition @ SPS GN Inter SPS Ninaad @ SPS RN

Independenc Da & Republi Da Celebratio

Celebration Rakhi Celebration Janmashtami Celebration Dussehra Celebration

Diwali Celebration Baisakhi Celebration Lohri Celebration

Mont sorr Activiti

Activiti i Pr -Primar Sectio

Aspir Tal

The body says what words cannot To the ones that still believe in their dreams CHASE THEM. Chase them until you are out of breath. Then KEEP RUNNING, just like tiger chases its prey to live his living. My prey is my dance. Infact, dance is my second heart which beats in its own heart. No matter what song it is, I would find my feet dancing their way in . Just like any other child I didn’t find my passion. Dance was screwed inside me from an early age. My grand father was a great dancer, so was my mother, and this legacy came upon me too. I started loving dance and slowly but gradually it turned into passion, Now I don’t want anything but dance as my parallel career. To me the whole world is my stage and I am dancing on it. In my opinion dance is not a form of human art but of nature’s. I would rather show my emotions through dance than saying it. And thus I believe this quote. “Don’t practice until you get it right, practice until you can” , Pallavi Akundi Class-IX

The roots of Education are bitter but the fruit is sweet Manya Rathore Class-IX WE THE FUTURE LEADERS have the power in hand to change the world but in exchange we have a bag full of duties and responsibilities on our shoulders. I have seen in my day to day life that students forget their rules and responsibilities towards their school. Just like helping your mom in the household chores, taking care of your siblings, sitting besides your father asking him his day's routine to make him calm, doesn’t this all sound normal? We do all these things everyday because they are the responsibilities that we have of being a sibling, being a daughter or son and much more. We also have some duties towards our school, just like we have towards our family and friends. Deep down, we all know our roles to perform but we need someone to give a push to perform all this or sometimes even our zest, our enthusiasm. Does all this fade after sometime? Yeah, its all normal but we should all remember to treat our school like our family. This will help us to remember all the things we have to do, in exchange of the opportunities, homelike vibes, the memories , the inspirations, the non-materialistic things that a school provides. It most importantly transforms you to face out the failures, ups and downs and achieve the success in our life ahead. Life is the best school, Hardship is our best teacher, problem is our best assignment and failure is the best revision.

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