ally stands, preventing any fire damage. Fur- caring stewardship of her people. Her serene APPENDIX 1:
thermore, any shapeable (S) spells have manner is legendary, and she tends and
a minimum dimension of 5 feet EPIC NPCS
instead of 10 feet. cherishes the places and people OF FAERÛN
she rules, turning to battle-
Chosen Immunities: Alus- magic only as a last resort.
triel is unaffected by attacks that
duplicate these effects: chill Alustriel spent her rebellious
touch, disintegrate, feeblemind, youth adventuring and learned
flesh to stone, forcecage, lightning very early in life that happiness
boll, maze, polymorph other,
temporal stasis, web. is something that must be
shared, not won alone. She tire-
Chosen Spell-Like Abil- lessly pursues dreams of peace,
ities: 1/day—antimagic races dwelling together in har-
field, clairaudience/clairvoy- mony, and a place where arts
ance, comprehend languages, would be prized and nurtured:
detect thoughts, hold mon- Silverymoon.
ster, minor creation, polymorph
any object, shapechange, tele- It’s seemingly impossible to
port without error. make Alustriel confused or
angry (though she’ll weep at the
Detect Magic (Su): Line personal misfortunes of her
of sight. people), or to overload her con-
centration on multiple matters at
Enhanced Constitution: once. This, coupled with her natural
The Chosen of Mystra tem- talent for perfectly remembering
plate adds +10 to Alustriel’s faces, names, voices, and manner-
Constitution. isms, makes her nearly the perfect
ruler. Her wits and experience
Name and Song Attune- enable her to better anticipate future
ment (Su): Whenever Alustriel’s events in the North than almost
name or the Rune of the Chosen anyone else in Faerûn.
is spoken, she hears it along with Folk of Silverymoon love her as
the next nine words that person their “Lady Hope” or “Shining Lady.”
speaks. Alustriel has the knack of befriending
most people she meets, helping them (even in small
Silver Fire (Su): See Chapter 2 of the ways) with their concerns and needs of the moment.
FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting for details. Only injustice and intolerance anger her, but she seldom
shows rage in anything more than cold, pointed speech.
Wizard Spells per Day: 4/6/6/5/5/5/4/3/4/4; base DC 18 She is a builder and an administrator whose success is
+spell level, 20 + spell level for Enchantment and Trans- rooted in her understanding of others.
mutation spells. Caster level 22nd.
Sorcerer Spells per Day: 6/5; base DC 15 + spell level, 17 +
spell level for Enchantment and Transmutation spells. Male Human Wizard 23/Archmage 2: CR 25;
Medium-size humanoid; HD 23d4+92 plus 2d4+8; hp
Sorcerer Spells Known: 0—detect magic, detect poison, light, 166; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 21;
mage hand, read magic; 1st—comprehend languages, feather fall. Atk +15/+10 melee (1d6+2, staff of power), +16/+11
Caster level 2nd. ranged touch (by spell); SQ Arcane fire, spell-like abil-
ity, enhanced Intelligence, permanent spells, SR 17; AL
Possessions: Alustriel’s sword pendant (transforms the LE; SV Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +21; Str 10, Dex 16, Con
wearer’s arm into a nondisarmable longsword blade for 18, Int 23, Wis 16, Cha 19. Height 5 ft. 9 in.
10 minutes once per day; grants the user Martial Weapon
Proficiency [longsword] as a bonus feat; dismissible), Skills and Feats: Alchemy +17, Concentration +25,
bracers of armor +10, boots of elvenkind, cloak of elvenkind, Craft (gemcutting) +12, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +7,
mulct of proof against detection and location, ring of lesser Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana)
ironguard, ring of protection +5, wand of light, wand of day- +26, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +10,
light, 3 potions of cure serious wounds (10th-level caster), rod Knowledge (Moonsea geography) +10, Knowledge
of splendor, crystal ball with true seeing and telepathy, gem of (Moonsea history) +16, Knowledge (Zhentil Keep
seeing, pearl of power (5th), periapt of proof against poison. As local) +11, Listen +7, Profession (herbalist) +8, Ride
the ruler of a small country, Alustriel has many other (dragon) +9, Ride (horse) +7, Scry +20, Spellcraft +30,
items not listed here at her disposal. Spot +9, Wilderness Lore +7; Combat Casting, Craft
The longtime High Lady of Silverymoon and new
ruler of the Silver Marches is both a powerful mage
and one of the Seven Sisters. Folk in the North revere
Alustriel for her gentle, kindly thoughtfulness and
APPENDIX 1: Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Create Portal, why, but the chaos caused Faerûn to come alive with
Forge Ring, Great Constitution, Improved Spell Capac- ruthless evil archmages, each convinced that he was, in
EPIC NPCS ity (10th), Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe fact, the “real” Manshoon and inexplicably compelled to
OF FAERÛN Scroll, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spellcasting Prodigy, slay his rival clones.
Spell Penetration, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell
Focus (Enchantment). Most of the clones perished in battle, and the caches
of magic items formerly hidden across Faerûn by Man-
Arcane Fire (Su): Manshoon may cast any shoon are now scattered into other hands. Only
spell as an energy bolt (range 480 ft., damage three Manshoons remain. One reclaimed his
2d6 + 1d6 points per spell level). place among the Zhentarim, conceding lead-
ership of the organization to Fzoul Chem-
Spell-Like Ability: 4/day—teleport. bryl but arriving at an understanding
Enhanced Intelligence: Manshoon with the Chosen of Bane that allows
has read a tome of clear thought +3. His him to make use of the resources
Intelligence score has a +3 inherent and manpower of the Zhentarim.
bonus included in its value. One is rumored to have assumed
Permanent Spells: Through the a position of power among the
use of permanency, Manshoon has the thieves of Westgate, calling himself Orbakh. A
following permanent continuous third has taken refuge with Halaster of Under-
magical abilities: comprehend lan- mountain. Those who survive have mastered
guages, darkvision, protection from the slaying-compulsion by means of various
arrows, and see invisibility. spells and devices.
Wizard Spells per Day: 4/6/6/6/ For all intents and purposes, the
9/4/5/5/3/3/1; base DC 17 + Manshoon with the Zhentarim appears
spell level, 19 + spell level for Enchant- to be “the” Manshoon. A master tyrant
ment and Conjuration spells. Caster and diplomat, he’s accustomed to
level 25th. ruling and manipulating from
Spellbook: Manshoon knows more behind the scenes, and is likely
than one hundred spells, to employ adventurers to work
including most wizard/sor- his will wherever he
cerer spells in the Player’s can’t dupe local au-
Handbook. thorities to do so,
Possessions: Staff of power, Relieved of the re-
brooch of shielding, Man- sponsibility of admin
shoon’s battle gorget (gives istering the Black
75% immunity to criti- Network, he is free
cal hits and sneak attacks, to concoct far-ranging
+4 natural armor, quickened designs for the advancement of the Zhen-
lesser ironguard 1/day, feather fall
2/day, repulsion 1/day, lightning bolt 1/day, all at caster tarim, and seems to have learned a lesson in caution
level 17th), ring of spell storing, ring of wizardry IV, black robe and patience from the travails of the last two years. He
of the archmagi. has redoubled his arcane researches, seeking ways to
transfer his consciousness from one clone to another
For years a lord of Zhentil Keep and leader of the at will.
Zhentarim, Manshoon fit the archetype of the sly-
tongued, sinister, and decadent evil master spellcaster. IYRACLEA
He ruthlessly quelled revolts in the ranks of the Black
Network, slaughtered his rivals, and weeded the ranks Female Human Cleric 15/Divine Disciple 5/Hiero-
of the young and ambitious by sending such upstart phant 5 of Auril: CR 25; Medium-size outsider (evil);
mages on impossible missions to slay Elminster or HD 15d8+15 plus 5d8+5 plus 5d8+5; hp 140; Init +0;
seize the spellfire-wielder Shandril Shessair. Hated Spd 30 ft.; AC 33, touch 10, Hat-footed 33; Atk
and mistrusted by his ally Fzoul, Manshoon calmly +20/+15/+10 melee (1d8+4 plus 3d6 cold/×3 plus 9d6
manipulated the priest as he did all others—remaining cold, +3 icy blast battleaxe), +26 ranged (1d8+10 plus 1d6
arrogant, untouchable in his power, and faintly amused cold, +5 icy burst light crossbow with +5 bolts); SA Rebuke
by everything. undead 6/day; SQ Divine emissary, electricity resist-
ance 5, fire resistance 10, hierophant special abilities,
That all came forcibly to an end in 1370 DR, when immune to cold, imbue with spell ability, sacred
Fzoul and Lord Orgauth managed to slay Manshoon— defense +2, transcendence; AL NE; SV Fort +19, Ref
and found themselves facing not the sole clone they + 10, Will +26; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 28,
expected but a dozen or more stasis clones Manshoon Cha 16. Height 5 ft. 7 in.
created. No one knows who activated all the clones or
Skills and Feats: Concentration +29, Diplomacy +31, their spell power to extend the Great Glacier’s reach
Knowledge (religion) +30, Spellcraft +30, Wilderness once again into the Cold Lands.
Lore +24; Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms and Iyraclea is known for her fearsome epic spells, bear-
Armor, Empower Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Extend Spell, ing such names as icerazor, ice fist, and cold claws.
Great Wisdom, Martial Weapon Proficiency (battleaxe),
Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Survivor. Icerazor
Divine Emissary: Telepathically communicate Evocation [Cold]
with outsiders that serve Auril or are neutral evil, 60- Spellcraft DC: 40
foot range. Components: V, S, XP
Hierophant Special Abilities: Blast infidel, divine Casting Time: 1 action APPENDIX 1:
reach, spell power +2, spell-like abilities (cone of cold 2/day Range: 300 ft. EPIC NPCS
and ice storm 4/day). Effect: A bolt of cold 300 ft. long and 10 ft. wide
Immune to Cold: Iyraclea has used a miracle spell to Duration: Instantaneous
make herself completely immune to cold. Saving Throw: Reflex half
Imbue with Spell Ability: Spell-like ability usable at will. Spell Resistance: Yes
Sacred Defense: +2 bonus on saves against divine To Develop: 360,000 gp; 8 days; 14,400 XP. Seeds:
spells and the supernatural and spell-like abilities of destroy (DC 29), energy (DC 19). Factors: 1-action cast-
outsiders. ing time (+20 DC), change target to area (+2 DC).
Transcendence: protection from good as a free action, Mitigating factors: burn 2,000 XP (–20 DC), 10d6
usable at will; +2 bonus on Charisma-based skill and abil- backlash (–10 DC).
ity checks when dealing with followers of Auril.
Cleric Spells per Day: 6/9/8/8/8/8/5/6/5/6; base DC 19 + This spell creates a slicing bolt of energy that deals
spell level. Deity: Auril. Domains: Air (turn earth/rebuke 10d6 points of damage plus 20d6 points of cold dam-
air 6/day), Storm (electricity resistance 5), Water (turn age to creatures it strikes. If the target is killed or
fire/rebuke water 6/day). Caster level 25th. destroyed by the bolt, the remains are utterly destroyed
Epic Cleric Spells per Day: 2; save DC 29. as if disintegrated.
Possessions: Staff of frost (45 charges; can’t use
wall of ice function), +3 icy blast baltleaxe,
+5 fire resistance full plate, +5 moderate for-
tification large steel shield, +5 mighty icy
burst composite shortbow (+2 Str bonus),
50 +5 arrows, ring of evasion, ring of free-
dom of movement, rod of flame extinguish-
ing, periapt of Wisdom +6, amulet of natural
armor +3, cloak of resistance +2, rod of
absorption, minor circlet of blasting.
The self-styled Ice Queen, Iyraclea
lives in or beneath a castle of
sculpted ice somewhere in the
northern reaches of the Great
Glacier. She is a mighty cleric of
Auril, and embodies the Frost-
maiden’s fury in her relentless
assaults on the people of Sossal. She
is served by gelugons, called the
Icy Claws of Iyraclea.
Iyraclea is said to occasionally
use spells to kidnap young, vigor-
ous wizards from Sossal and even
the southern lands of Vaasa and
Damara. Some speculate that she
needs their life essences to pro-
long her own, for she does seem
to be very long-lived. Perhaps
she’s assembling a force of wiz-
ards loyal to her or coerced
into her service, or somehow channeling
APPENDIX 1: The caster takes 10d6 points of damage from the To Develop: 351,000 gp; 8 days; 14,040 XP. Seed: energy
casting. (DC 25). Factor: increase range to 20 miles (+36 DC).
EPIC NPCS Mitigating factor: increase casting time by 9 minutes
OF FAERÛN XP Cost: 2,000 XP. (–18 DC), 4d6 backlash (–4 DC).
Ice Fist This spell creates a blizzard within the area of the spell.
Evocation [Cold] The change in weather takes 10 minutes to complete
Spellcraft DC: 40 once the casting is complete, lasts for 20 hours, and
Components: V, S, XP takes another full day to gradually return to normal. A
Casting Time: 1 action blizzard combines high winds, heavy snow (1d3 feet),
Range: Touch and bitter cold; see the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide for spe-
Target: Creature touched cific effects.
Duration: 20 hours
Saving Throw: Reflex partial (see text) The caster takes 4d6 points of damage from the casting.
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 360,000 gp; 8 days; 14,400 XP. Seed: energy SHURUPPAK
(DC 19). Factors: increase damage to 10d6+20 (+16 Male Human Fighter 20/Rogue 3/Wizard 7: CR 30;
DC), 1-action casting time (+20 DC), change area to
touched target (+4 DC). Mitigating factors: burn 1,300 Medium-size humanoid; HD 20d10+80
XP (–13 DC), 6d6 backlash (–6 DC).
plus 3d6+12 plus 7d4+28; hp 289;
This spell encases the target, whom you
must hit with a melee touch attack, Init +11; Spd 30 ft.; AC 36, touch
in a block of ice that radiates cold
energy. The imprisoned creature 21, flat-footed 36; Atk +38/+33/
takes 10d6+20 points of cold
damage per round it remains +28/+23 melee (2d6+18/17–20 plus
trapped in the block. The
ice is 5 feet thick on every 2d6 unholy/sever head (or ×2), +4
side of the imprisoned
creature (so each wall keen unholy vorpal greatsword), or
around the creature
has 180 hit points). +33/+28/+23/+18 ranged
Any creature passing
through the ice to (1d8+7/×3, +2 mighty com-
free the imprisoned
creature takes the same posite longbow [+4 Str bonus]
cold damage.
with +1 arrows); SA Sneak
If the target makes a suc-
cessful saving throw, it attack +2d6; SQ DR 50/+3,
dodges the forming ice,
but still takes 10d6+20 evasion, electricity and fire
points of cold damage
from your frigid touch. resistance 10, traps, uncanny dodge
The caster takes 6d6 (Dex bonus to AC), SR 32; AL NE; SV
points of damage from
the casting. Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +25; Str 26, Dex
XP Cost: 1,300 XP. 21, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16. Height
Cold Claws 6 ft. 1 in.
Evocation [Cold]
Spellcraft DC: 39 Skills and Feats: Bluff
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes +15, Climb +31, Con-
Range: 20 miles
Area: A 20-mile radius, centered on you centration +18, Diplo-
Duration: 20 hours
Saving Throw: None macy +5, Handle An-
Spell Resistance: No
imal + 26, Intimidate
+32, Jump +31, Knowl-
edge (local) +10,
Knowledge (nobility
and royalty) +10,
Knowledge (religion
+ 10, Listen +9, Ride
(horse) +30, Spot +9,
Swim +31; Cleave, Com-
bat Reflexes, Dodge, En-
ergy Resistance (fire, elec-
tricity), Epic Will, Expertise,
Extended Life Span, Great
Cleave, Heighten Spell, Improved
Critical (greatsword), Improved Initiative, Improved
Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobil-
ity, Power Attack, Scribe Scroll, Spring Attack, Stunning
Fist, Sunder, Thug, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon
Specialization (greatsword), Whirlwind Attack.
Wizard Spells per Day: 4/5/4/3/1; base DC 13 + spell remains a wild card in the complex political games APPENDIX 2:
level. that will shape Unther’s future.
Spellbook: Shuruppak has access to all wizard spells of Ring of Mirror Image: This ring allows its wearer GREYHAWK
4th level and lower detailed in the Player’s Handbook and to use the mirror image spell on command three times
the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting. per day, as if cast by a 6th-level caster (1d4+2 images).
Possessions: bracers of armor +10, +4 keen unholy vorpal Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, mirror image;
greatsword, ring of protection +6, red skull mask (as rod of Market Price: 12,960 gp; Weight: —.
invulnerability), belt of giant strength +6, +2 mighty compos-
ite longbow (+4 Str bonus), 50 +1 arrows, boots of speed, ring Robes of Resisting Enchantment: Shuruppak’s
of mirror image (see below), robes of resisting enchantment black robes give him a +5 luck bonus on his saving
(see below), wand of lightning bolt (10th-level caster), dust throws against enchantment spells and effects.
of appearance.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
The former Chosen of Gilgeam, Shuruppak is still a mind blank; Market Price: 6,250 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
force to be reckoned with in Unther, even since his Appendix 2: Epic
NPCs of Greyhawk
patron deity’s demise. While Gilgeam still lived, Shu-
ruppak was an assassin, the enforcer of Gilgeam’s will
and law. Known as “the Reaper,” he wandered among
the cities of Unther, killing anyone he identified as an
enemy of Gilgeam. Even in those days, he was a psy- CAT LORD
chopath prone to fits of
extreme violence; since Cat Lord, Human Form: Rog37; CR 39;
Gilgeam’s death, Medium-size outsider (lycanthrope: cat);
he has lost any HD 37d6+148; hp 277; Init +14; Spd
vestige of sanity 60 ft.; AC 58, touch 58, flat-footed
he still pos- 49; Atk +40/+35/+30 melee
sessed. (1d6 + 15/15–20, +8 rapier); SA
Sneak attack +20d6, spell-like
abilities, spit, summon felines,
curse of lycanthropy; SQ Blind-
sight, DR 15/silver, darkvision
60 ft., defensive roll, evasion,
improved evasion, oppor-
tunist, scent, slippery
mind, uncanny dodge
(+9 against traps), per-
fect shape control, SR
46; AL N; SV Fort
+27, Ref +36, Will
+26; Str 20, Dex 29,
Con 18, Int 19, Wis
17, Cha 25.
Skills and Feats:
Shuruppak still wears the garb of his Balance +51, Bluff
former office: black robes and a hood
adorned with a magical red skull mask that +47, Climb +41,
covers the top half of his face. He seems to revel in
the terror his appearance causes among the natives of Diplomacy
Unther whom he terrorized for so long. Despite the fact
that he is considered an outlaw against the occupying +11, Escape
forces of Mulhorand, he travels freely through both
free and occupied Unther, no one daring to lay a hand Artist +49,
on him. He is being actively courted by both the
church of Tiamat and the Red Wizards of Thay, both of VARIANT: CAT LORD AS A DEITY
whom would like to see Unther regain its independ- You may prefer to treat the Cat Lord as semidivine. If you use
ence from Mulhorand. He seems reluctant to have any- the rules presented in Deities and Demigods, treat the Cat Lord
thing to do with the goddess who killed his patron, as a rank 0 deity. Among other things, this means that the Cat
and he has received the Thayans no more warmly. He Lord has maximum hit points per HD. Deities and Demigods
contains complete rules for divine beings.
APPENDIX 2: Hide +49, Intimidate +9, Jump +47, Listen +43, Move tigers, or 2d6 dire tigers as a full round action, once per
Silently +49, Search +31, Sense Motive +43, Spot +43, day. The summoned animals arrive at the beginning of
EPIC NPCS OF Tumble +51, Use Magic Device +20; Blinding Speed the Cat Lord’s following round and are completely loyal
GREYHAWK (×3), Combat Reflexes, Dexterous Body, Dexterous to the Cat Lord, as if under the effects of an animal friend-
Will, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (rapier), ship spell cast at 20th level.
Improved Initiative, Improved Sneak Attack, Iron Will,
Lightning Reflexes, Lingering Damage, Self Conceal- Scent (Ex): The creature can detect approaching ene-
ment, Sneak Attack of Opportunity, Superior Initiative, mies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
Weapon Finesse (rapier).
Perfect Shape Control (Ex): The Cat Lord never
Cat Lord, Hybrid or Cat Form: Rog37; CR 39; needs to check to control his shape, having automatic full
Medium-size outsider (lycanthrope: cat); HD 37d6+222; control over his shapeshifting abilities.
hp 351; Init +16; Spd 60 ft.; AC 60, touch 60, flat-footed
48; Atk +46/+41/+36 melee (1d6+21/15–20, +8 rapier), Possessions: Whisker (+8 rapier), pink and green Ioun stone,
or Atk +38 melee (1d8+17, bite) and +36 melee (2d6+8, gloves of Dexterity +6, cloak of resistance +4, winged boots, ring
2 claws); SA Sneak attack +20d6, spell-like abilities, of freedom of movement, Ring of the Cat Lord.
spit, summon felines, curse of lycanthropy; SQ Blind-
sight, DR 15/silver, darkvision 60 ft., defensive roll, Ring of the Cat Lord (Major Artifact): This prized
evasion, improved evasion, opportunist, scent, slippery item grants the Cat Lord a total of nine true resurrections,
mind, uncanny dodge (+9 against traps), SR 46, AL N; each of which occurs in the round following his death.
SV Fort +29, Ref +38, Will +26; Str 32, Dex 33, Con 22,
Int 19, Wis 17, Cha 25. The Cat Lord, or “Master Cat,” is the purported ruler of
felines everywhere, big and small (in fact, some suggest
Skills and Feats: Balance +53, Bluff +47, Climb +47, he is a cat deity, though others claim the Cat Lord is a
Diplomacy +11, Escape Artist +51, Hide +51, Intimidate malign creature of evil). Those who truly understand
+9, Jump +53, Listen +47 , Move Silently +51, Search +35 , felines know that the Cat Lord is neither good nor evil
Sense Motive +43, Spot +47 , Tumble +53, Use Magic but concerned with cat-things alone. To this end, he
Device +20; Blind-Fight, Blinding Speed (×3), Combat roams various planes, including the Material Plane.
Reflexes, Dexterous Body, Dexterous Will, Great Forti-
tude, Improved Critical (rapier), Improved Initiative, The Cat Lord appears alternately as a black cat, a black
Improved Sneak Attack, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, panther, a pale human male with dark hair, or a dark
Lingering Damage, Multiattack, Power Attack, Self Con- skinned male human, or as a hybrid human-cat sharing
cealment, Sneak Attack of Opportunity, Superior Initia- traits of both cat and human forms. In human form he
tive, Weapon Finesse (rapier). always wears black garb with simple gold accessories.
Many admire the Cat Lord’s unique style, others envy
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—astral projection, cure seri- him his artistry, while those who meet him in person are
ous wounds, detect evil, detect good, dimension door, displace- often swayed by his animal magnetism.
ment, ethereal jaunt, hypnotic pattern, improved invisibility,
teleport without error, tongues. Caster level 20th; save DC 17 ECLAVDRA
+ spell level.
Female Drow Cleric 23: CR 23; Medium-size
Alternate Form (Su): The Cat Lord can change form humanoid (elf); HD 23d8+46; hp 150; Init +4; Spd 30
as though using the polymorph self spell (though his gear ft.; AC 32, blinking, touch 17, flat-footed 28; Atk
does not change) into a Medium-size black cat. He can +25/+20/+15 melee (1d8+8 plus 2d6 against good, +5
also assume a bipedal hybrid form with prehensile hands unholy morningstar); SA Rebuke undead 5/day; SQ
and animalistic features. Changing to or from animal or Drow traits, divine emissary, SR 34; AL CE; SV Fort +18,
hybrid form is a standard action. Upon assuming either Ref +14, Will +24; Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 17, Wis
form, the Cat Lord regains hit points as if having rested 26, Cha 12.
for a day. When in animal or hybrid form, the Cat Lord
gains the use of Blind-Fight, Multiattack, and Power Skills and Feats: Concentration +28, Knowledge (reli-
Attack. Likewise, his ability scores change: Str +12, Dex gion) +29, Knowledge (the planes) +29, Listen +13,
+4, Con +4. See the separate statistics block for the Cat Search +4, Spellcraft +29, Spot +13; Scribe Scroll, Brew
Lord’s abilities while in hybrid (or animal) form. Potion, Combat Casting, Forge Wand, Heighten Spell,
Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Improved Spell Capacity
Spit (Ex): While in hybrid or cat form, the Cat Lord (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th).
can spit at any foe within 30 feet as a standard action.
The spittle is a ranged touch attack. If the spittle strikes Cleric Spells per Day: 6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5/1/1; base DC
a foe, the opponent is blinded as if by the blindness spell. 18 + spell level. Domains: Evil (cast evil spells at 24th
The Cat Lord has the option of dismissing the blindness caster level), Destruction (smite; +4 bonus on one attack,
if he desires. +23 damage, 1/day).
Summon Felines (Sp): While in hybrid or cat form, the Drow Traits: Immune to magic sleep spells and
Cat Lord can summon 10d6 domestic cats, 3d6 lions or effects; +2 racial bonus on Will saves against enchant-
ment spells or effects; darkvision 120 ft.; entitled to a
Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed
door as though actively looking for it; spell resistance her 11th-level spell slot to hold a heightened destruction APPENDIX 2:
11 + class level; +2 racial bonus on Will saves against spell, which means her enemies must make a Fortitude
spells or spell-like abilities; spell-like abilities (1/day— save against DC 29 to survive. EPIC NPCS OF
dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire as though cast by a GREYHAWK
sorcerer of the drow’s character level); light blindness LORD ROBILAR
(blinded for 1 round by abrupt exposure to bright light,
–1 circumstance penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and Male Human Fighter 24: CR 24; Medium-size
checks while operating in bright light); +2 racial bonus humanoid; HD 24d10+96; hp 228; Init +11; Spd 20 ft.;
on Listen, Spot, and Search checks (already figured into AC 38, touch 16, flat-footed 37; Atk +36/31/26/21
the statistics given above). melee (1d10+15/15–20 (+1d6 on critical hit) plus 1d6
cold (plus 1d10 cold on critical hit), +5 keen icy burst bas-
Divine Emissary (Su): Tclepathically communicate tard sword), or +31/26/21/16 ranged (1d8+9/19–20/×3,
with outsiders that serve Lolth or are chaotic evil, 60- + 2 mighty composite longbow [+4 Str bonus] with +3
foot range. arrows); AL LE; SV Fort +23, Ref +14, Will +16; Str 27
(with belt), Dex 16, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 16.
Possessions: +5 elven (drow) chainmail, +3 Height 6 ft. 1 in.
large metal shield, +7 unholy morningstar, wand
of cure critical wounds, wand of hold person, Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +12, Ride (horse) +19, Sense
wand of searing dark (as searing light, Motive +12; Exotic Weapon (bastard sword), Weapon
except unholy power, 10th level), peri-
apt of Wisdom +6, rod of absorption, Focus (bastard sword), Improved Initiative, Power
cloak of resistance +3, ring of blinking Attack, Weapon Specialization (bastard sword),
ring of protection +3, Amulet of the Cleave, Point-Blank Shot, Improved Critical
Demonweb Pits. (bastard sword), Great Cleave, Dodge, Pre-
cise Shot, Weapon Focus (composite long-
Amulet of the Demon- bow), Improved Critical (composite long-
web Pits (Major Artifact): bow), Mounted Combat, Blind-Fight,
This token of Lolth’s good Mounted Archery, Far Shot, Combat
will allows its user to cast Reflexes, Penetrate Damage Reduction,
crown of vermin twice per Devastating Critical, Overwhelming Criti-
day as a 30th-level caster. cal (bastard sword), Dire Charge.
The vermin are made Possessions: Blade of Black Ice (+5 keen
up of spiders of every icy burst bastard sword), metal destrier (see
variety. In shape, the below), +2 mighty composite longbow (+4 Str
amulet appears as a bonus), 50 +3 arrows, belt of giant strength
spider of deepest ebony +6, carpel of flying, ring of spell turning,
with tiny fiery red eye- horn of blasting, cloak of resistance +4,
spots that provide red- amulet of natural armor +2, cloak of resist-
dish illumination with- ance +5, ring of protection +5.
in 30 feet, if the wearer
desires. Blade of Black Ice: This +5 keen icy
burst bastard sword is said to have been
Of indeterminate forged by Iuz, and was gifted to Robilar
age, the ivory-haired by Mordenkainen shortly before Robi-
and beautiful priestess lar’s disastrous legendary last foray into
Eclavdra is utterly cold and soul- Castle Greyhawk. Tenser, who was pres-
less. She is the perfect instrument of ent at the time, claims that the blade had
Lolth’s will, and Lolth values her as been enchanted with special dispelling
in emissary to evil enclaves through- magics that aided Robilar in his release of
out the Flanaess. Her expression is the Old One from his magical prison beneath
generally that of a sardonic sneer, though that great edifice. Seemingly made of ice,
when she moves in the realm of the semi- the Blade of Black Ice deals an additional 1d6
divine, such as when she treats with Iuz and other points of cold damage on every strike, plus an
powers at Lolth’s request, she schools her demeanor to additional 1d10 points of cold damage on a criti-
give respect where it is due. In fact, she nutures a long- cal hit (which, due to its keen edge, it is quite likely to
standing hatred for Iuz, but feigns otherwise when achieve). Its wielder is protected from heat and fire,
they meet. because the sword absorbs the first 10 points of fire
damage each round that the wielder would otherwise
Eclavdra is never without a few scrolls inscribed with take. The Blade of Black Ice also has a 50% chance of
word of recall keyed to her home in the Underdark, extinguishing any fire into which its blade is thrust.
below the Crystalmists. Likewise, she generally uses
APPENDIX 2: This power extends to a 10-foot radius and includes during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack
lasting effects such as wall of fire but excludes instanta- even if it has already taken a move action.
EPIC NPCS OF neous effects such as fireball.
GREYHAWK Magic Immunity (Ex): A metal destrier is immune to
Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and all magical and supernatural effects, except as follows. An
Armors, ice storm, dispel magic, protection from elements; electricity effect slows it (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds,
Market Price: 128,335 gp; Cost to Create: 64,335 gp + with no saving throw. A fire effect breaks any slow effect
2,474 XP. on the destrier and cures 1 point of damage for each 3
points of damage it would otherwise deal.
Metal Destrier: Forged by Rary the Traitor, this con-
struct resembles a mechanical heavy warhorse with Rust Vulnerability (Ex): A metal destrier is affected
gleaming silver skin and burning yellow eyes. It follows normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust monster or
the orders of its creator, or whomever its creator desig- a rusting grasp spell.
nates as its new master (currently Robilar).
Lord Robilar, Rary the Traitor’s companion and mili-
Caster Level: 16th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and tary commander, is a grim, black-haired, saturnine
Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, cloudkill, geas/quest, limited man with a brooding countenance, deep-set eyes, and
wish, polymorph any object, Craft (armor/smithing) check a short goatee. Robilar leads Rary’s armies against
(DC 20), 2 months of extended magical ritual to com-
plete; Market Price: 200,000 gp. recalcitrant nomads or centaur tribes, though he
also has been at the head of such high-profile mili-
tary actions as the sacking of both Otiluke’s and
Large Construct Tenser’s citadels.
Hit Dice: 18d10 (99 hp) Robilar began his career as an adven-
Initiative: –1 (Dex) turer, and still has a soft spot for those
Speed: 50 ft. who seek thrills and gold with
AC: 30 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +22 natural) courage (and a touch of brashness)
Attacks: 2 hooves +23 melee, 1 bite in their hearts. He sought his for-
tune in the company of such lumi-
+18 melee naries as Morden-
Damage: Hoof 2d10+11, bite kainen, Bigby, Serten,
and Rary the Mage. Later, he
2d6+5 betrayed them all except Rary, and
Face/Reach: 5 ft. eventually was named Lord of Grey-
hawk (though his titles are now Marshal
by 10 ft./5 ft. of the Bright Lands and Warden of the
Special Attacks: Brass Hills). Although he was once
fanatically loyal to Rary and the
Dire charge Kingdom of the Bright Lands
Special Qualities: Construct traits, (found within the Bright Desert),
Robilar’s relationship with the
fast healing 1, magic immunity, DR wizard has cooled of late due
50/+3, rust vulnerability to Rary’s distant and increas-
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6 ingly amoral demeanor.
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 9, Con —, Int Eventually, the Traitor may
–, Wis 11.Cha 1 become the betrayed, but
Climate/Terrain: Any land for now, Robilar remains
Organization: Solitary or content to ride the desert
with rider on his metal destrier, flying
Challenge Rating: 13 his black unicorn banner, seeking
Treasure: None battle and adventure.
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 19–24 HD MORDENKAINEN
(Large); 25–54 HD (Huge)
Male Human Wizard 27: CR 27; Medium-size
Robilar’s metal destrier cannot speak or make any vocal humanoid; HD 27d4+108; hp 175; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC
noise, nor does it have any distinguishable odor. It moves 28, touch 18, flat-footed 25; AC with epic mage armor
with a quicksilver gait not unlike that of a real warhorse. 48, touch 18, flat-footed 45; Atk +19/+14 melee (1d6+5
Each step causes the floor to tremble unless it is on a plus 1d6 fire, +5 staff of fiery power) or +17/+12 ranged
thick, solid foundation. touch (by spell); AL N; SV Fort +16, Ref +15, Will +20:
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 27, Wis 15, Cha 18.
A metal destrier’s flashing hooves strike with deadly
accuracy and incredible force.
Dire Charge (Ex): If a metal destrier charges a foe
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +38, Bluff +11, Concentration Artist checks. The wielder can call on each of the fol-
+31, Diplomacy +18, Knowledge (arcana) +38, Knowl- lowing powers twice per day, at will: passwall, ethereal
edge (the planes) +23, Knowledge (religion) +23, Scry jaunt, word of recall. These spells are cast as if by a caster
+27, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +38; Scribe Scroll, of 30th level.
Great Fortitude, Combat Casting, Brew Potion, Improved
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Heighten Mordenkainen is one of the most feared and respected
Spell, Craft Wondrous Item, Maximize Spell, Spell Pene-
tration, Craft Staff, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), living mages in the Flanaess. Few spellcasters have not
Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Improved Spell Capacity
(12th), Improved Metamagic, Epic Spellcasting, Epic heard of his fabulous exploits and all recognize his skill
Spell Penetration.
and knowledge of matters both magical and political. In
Wizard Spells per Day: 4/6/6/
12/6/5/5/5/5/4/1/1/1; base fact, most mages know at least one spell originally APPENDIX 2:
DC 18 + spell level.
researched by Mordenkainen. Currently, Mordenkainen EPIC NPCS OF
Spellbook: Mordenkainen GREYHAWK
knows hundreds of spells, leads a powerful group of wizards known as the Circle of
many of which he researched
himself (and have some come Eight, who work to ensure that no one power gains dom-
into wide use on Oerth and
on other worlds). He knows inance over too much of the Flanaess, and
all the wizard/sorcerer
spells in the Player’s Hand- that a balance of power remains constant
book. As new spells are
researched by other mages throughout Eastern Oerik.
and come into circulation,
Mordenkainen is not slow Mordenkainen is in fine physi-
to discover and pen them
into his own vast library cal shape. He wears a dark beard
of spellbooks.
trimmed to a point, sports a shaved
Epic Spells per Day: 3.
Epic Spells Known: epic head, and usually favors black
mage armor, greater spell
resistance, let go of me, ruin. satin coats. His apparent age is
Possessions: +5 staff of fiery
power, bracers of armor +8, around 40 (though his true age
headband of intellect +6, rod of
absorption, pink Ioun stone, is twice that). His penetrating
carpet of flying (6 ft. by 9 ft.),
amulet of natural armor +2, eyes hold hints of genius tinged
wand of fireball (10th-level
caster), ring of protection +5, with madness. Few gainsay his
ring of wizardry III, crystal
ball, silver key of portals. desires after meeting his power-
Silver Key of Portals ful gaze and listening to his per-
(Minor Artifact): This
silver skeleton key, a relic suasive oratory.
created by the god Dalt,
functions like a chime of Mordenkainen sees himself
opening when it is touched
to the bars, door, lock, lid, as a chief instrument of the
portal, or shackles to be
opened. The key automati- Great Balance. His philosophies
cally dispels a hold portal or
arcane lock with a caster are more complex than simple
level of less than 30th level.
The wielder gains a +30 equality—they are highly detailed
insight bonus on Escape
and extremely theoretical ideals
derived from decades of arcane
research. Mordenkainen has
fought ardently for the forces of
good (most recently during the
Greyhawk Wars) with his pri-
vate army, the Obsidian Citadel,
but just as often he has worked
the side of infernal forces. He
prefers to maneuver behind the
scenes, manipulating events to
ensure that no side gains the
upper hand. As a result, the
wizard is not trusted, even
among the likewise neutral
druidic Hierophants of the
Cabal, who find his vision
of balance wholly self-
centered and some-
what arbitrary.
Others count him
as an out-and-out
enemy, including Evard
the Black, Terik, and Rary.
Appendix 3: Composite Longbow (Ranged): +3 mighty (+4 Str
Epic NPCs bonus) (21st–24th); +5 mighty (+5 Str bonus) (25th–30th).
This section provides baseline statistics for NPCs of Arrows: 25 +5.
every standard class from 21st level to 30th level. Potions: 2 neutralize poison, 4 cure serious wounds, 4
haste, 4 heroism.
The NPC descriptions summarize a lot of informa- Other Magic Gear: Boots of striding and springing, bug
of holding 2, belt of giant strength +6, cloak of resistance +5,
rod of thunder and lightning; amulet of natural armor+3
APPENDIX 3: tion about the NPCs. The format is identical with that (21st–22nd); ring of protection +3 (21st–25th); gloves of
presented in Chapter 2 of the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide Dexterity +2 (21st–26th); amulet of natural armor +4
EPIC NPCS in the Reading the NPC Descriptions sidebar. Rules for (23rd); manual of bodily health +5, used (24th); amulet of
how to adjust these statistics by race or kind of mon- natural armor +5 (24th–30th); ring of protection +4
ster, as well as notes on NPC design, can also be found (26th–30th); gloves of Dexterity +6, ring of evasion
in Chapter 2 of the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide. As with (27th–30th); iridescent Ioun stone (28th–30th); cube of
the NPCs in the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide, you will find frost resistance (30th).
it is easiest to use an NPC by copying out the relevant
information for an NPC of a given level onto a separate Other Normal Gear: Climber’s kit, dagger, silver
dagger, 3 flasks alchemist’s fire.
character record or character sheet.
Ability Scores at 21st Level: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12,
Ability Scores at 21st Level: Str 24 (+6 for belt), Dex Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 26 (+6 for cloak).
16 (+2 for gloves), Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8. Increased Ability Scores: 22nd, Con 14 (+2 for Ioun
Increased Ability Scores: 24th, Con 21 (+1 for 24th stone); 24th, Dex 19 (+6 for gloves), Cha 27 (11 for 24th
level, +5 for manual); 27th, Dex 20 (+6 for gloves); 28th, level); 28th, Cha 22 (28).
Con 22 (+1 for 28th level).
Starting Feats: Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus
Starting Feats: Weapon Focus (greataxe), Dodge, (rapier), Weapon Finesse (rapier), Improved Initiative,
Track, Blind-Fight, Improved Critical (greataxe), Power Skill Focus (Perform), Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Skill
Attack, Improved Critical (composite longbow). Focus (Diplomacy).
Feats: 21st, Thundering Rage; 24th, Penetrate Dam- Feats: 21st, Improved Spell Capacity (7th); 24th,
age Reduction; 27th, Damage Reduction; 30th, Damage Deafening Song; 27th, Improved Spell Capacity (8th);
Reduction. 30th, Reactive Countersong.
Class Bonus Feats: 24th, Mighty Rage; 28th, Terri- Class Bonus Feats: 23rd, Lasting Inspiration; 26th,
fying Rage. Hindering Song; 29th, Epic Inspiration.
Starting Class Features: Rage 6/day, greater rage, Starting Class Features: Bardic music, bardic
not winded after rage, damage reduction 4/–, uncanny knowledge.
dodge (Dex bonus to AC, can’t be flanked, +4 against Armor: None.
traps). Rapier (Melee): +4.
Class Features: 22nd, uncanny dodge (+5 against Light Crossbow (Ranged): Masterwork (21st–24th);
traps); 23rd, damage reduction 5/–; 24th, rage 7/day; + 1 (25th); +5 (26th–30th).
25th, uncanny dodge (+6 against traps); 26th, damage Bolts: 25 +1 (21st); 25 +2 (22nd); 25 +5 (23rd–24th);
reduction 6/–; 28th, uncanny dodge (+7 against traps);
29th, damage reduction 7/–. 25 +5 bane (choose monster) (25th–30th).
Potions: 2 tongues, 2 cure serious wounds, 3 fly, 2 glibness.
Armor: +5 breastplate. Other Magic Gear: Horn of blasting, wand of poly-
Greataxe (Melee): +5 (21st–28th); +5 thundering ghost morph self, cloak of Charisma +6, eyes of charming (21st);
touch (29th); +5 shock thundering ghost touch (30th). ring of protection +3, amulet of natural armor +4
(21st–28th); bracers of armor +5 (21st–29th); pink Ioun
Level hp AC Init Spd Greataxe (1d12) Composite Longbow (1d8) F/R/W Cli Ju Intim List Wild
21st 183 29 +3 60 ft. +34/29/24/19 (+12) +33/28/23/18 (+12) +19/+13/+11 +20 +30 +22 +20 +20
22nd 192 29 +3 60 ft. +34/29/24/19 (+12) +33/28/23/18 (+12) +20/+14/+12 +20 +31 +23 +21 +21
23rd 200 30 +3 60 ft. +35/30/25/20 (+12) +34/29/24/19 (+12) +20/+14/+12 +21 +32 +24 +21 +22
24th 276 31 +3 60 ft. +35/30/25/20 (+12) +34/29/24/19 (+12) +21/+15/+13 +21 +33 +25 +22 +23
25th 287 31 +3 60 ft. +36/31/26/21 (+12) +37/32/27/22 (+13) +21/+15/+13 +21 +34 +26 +23 +24
26th 299 33 +3 60 ft. +36/31/26/21 (+12) +37/32/27/22 (+13) +22/+16/+14 +21 +35 +27 +24 +25
27th 310 33 +3 60 ft. +37/32/27/22 (+12) +40/35/30/25 (+13) +22/+18/+14 +21 +36 +28 +25 +26
28th 350 33 +3 60 ft. +37/32/27/22 (+12) +40/35/30/25 (+13) +23/+19/+15 +21 +37 +29 +26 +27
29th 362 33 +3 60 ft. +38/33/28/23 (+12) +41/36/31/26 (+13) +23/+19/+15 +21 +38 +30 +27 +28
30th 375 33 +3 60 ft. +38/33/28/23 (+12) +41/36/31/26 (+13) +24/+20/+16 +22 +39 +31 +27 +29
Level hp AC Init Spd Longsword (1d8) Light Crossbow (1d8) F/R/W Bluff Dipl Perf S Mot Spellc Tum APPENDIX 3:
21st 94 28 +5 30 ft. +22/17/12 (+4) +19 (+1) +7/+13/+11 +31 +33 +33 +23 +28 +25
22nd 99 28 +5 30 ft. +22/17/12 (+4) +20 (+2) +9/+14/+12 +32 +34 +34 +24 +29 +26 EPIC NPCS
23rd 103 28 +5 30 ft. +23/18/13 (+4) +24 (+5) +9/+14/+12 +33 +35 +35 +25 +30 +27
24th 108 31 +5 30 ft. +26/21/16 (+4) +27 (+5) +10/+15/+16 +34 +36 +36 +26 +31 +28
25th 112 31 +5 30 ft. +27/22/17 (+4) +29 (+5, bane) +10/+15/+16 +35 +37 +37 +27 +32 +29
26th 117 31 +5 30 ft. +27/22/17 (+4) +33 (+9, bane) +11/+16/+17 +36 +38 +38 +28 +33 +30
27th 121 31 +5 30 ft. +28/23/18 (+4) +34 (+9, bane) +11/+16/+17 +37 +39 +39 +29 +34 +31
28th 126 31 +5 30 ft. +28/23/18 (+4) +34 (+9, bane) +12/+17/+18 +39 +41 +41 +30 +35 +32
29th 133 33 +5 30 ft. +29/24/19 (+4) +35 (+9, bane) +12/+17/+18 +42 +44 +44 +31 +36 +33
30th 135 36 +5 30 ft. +29/24/19 (+4) +35 (+9, bane) +13/+18/+19 +43 +45 +45 +32 +37 +34
Level hp AC Init Spd Morningstar (1d8) Light Crossbow (1d8) F/R/W Spellc Con
21st 136 26* 0 20 ft. +18/13/8 (+2) +18 (+1) +17/+9/+23 +24 +26
22nd 143 29* 0 20 ft. +19/14/9 (+3) +18 (+1) +18/+10/+24 +25 +27
23rd 149 29* 0 20 ft. +20/15/10 (+3) +19 (+1) +18/+10/+24 +26 +28
24th 156 31* 0 20 ft. +20/15/10 (+3) +19 (+1) +19/+11/+25 +27 +29
25th 162 31* 0 20 ft. +22/17/12 (+4) +20 (+1) +21/+13/+27 +28 +30
26th 169 33* 0 20 ft. +22/17/12 (+4, disruption) +20 (+1) +22/+14/+28 +29 +31
27th 175 33* 0 20 ft. +23/18/13 (+4, disruption) +21 (+1) +22/+14/+28 +30 +32
28th 182 35* 0 20 ft. +24/19/14 (+5, disruption) +21 (+1) +23/+15/+30 +31 +33
29th 188 35* 0 20 ft. +26/21/16 (+6, disruption) +22 (+1) +23/+15/+30 +32 +34
30th 195 35* 0 20 ft. +26/21/16 (+6, disruption) +22 (+1) +24/+16/+31 +33 +35
stone, dark blue Ioun stone, horn of goodness/evil Morningstar (Melee) [or Deity’s Favored Weapon]:
(22nd–30th); gloves of Dexterity +6 (24th–30th); wand of +1 (21st); +2 (22nd–24th); +3 (25th); +3 of disruption
break enchantment, wand of keen edge (27th–30th); laven- (26th–27); +4 of disruption (28th); +5 of disruption
der and green Ioun stone (28th–30th); circlet of persuasion, (29th–30th).
amulet of natural armor +5, ring of protection +4, bottle of air
(29th–30th); lyre of building, ring of protection +5, bracers of Light Crossbow (Ranged): Masterwork.
armor +7 (30th). Bolts: 25 +1.
Scrolls: 4 protection from elements, silence, neutralize
SPELLS CAST/KNOWN poison, ethereal jaunt, wind walk, implosion, 2 resurrection, 2
true resurrection, etherealness, antilife shell, 2 heal, mass heal.
Class ––––––––––––– Spell Level ––––––––––– Potions: Blur, levitate, fly, spider climb, heroism.
Level Other Magic Gear: Wand of cure critical wounds, wand
21st–26th 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th of hold person, gloves of Dexterity +2, wand of searing light
27th (10th-level caster), periapt of Wisdom +6, rod of absorption,
4/6 6/5 6/5 6/5 6/5 5/5 6/4 ring of blinking; cloak of resistance +3 (21st–24th); ring of
protection +1 (21st); ring of protection +3 (22nd–23rd); ring
4/6 7/5 6/5 6/5 6/5 6/5 6/4 of protection +5 (24th–30th); cloak of resistance +5
(25th–30th); orb of storms (27th–30th); major circlet of blast-
28th–30th 4/6 7/5 6/5 6/5 6/5 6/5 7/4 ing (29th–30th); pearl of power (7th level) (30th).
Ability Scores at 21st Level: Str 13, Dex 10 (+2 for Level
gloves), Con 14, Int 10, Wis 26 (+6 for periapt), Cha 12. 21st (spell levels 0–10th) 6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5/1*
22nd (spell levels 0–10th) 6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5/1*
Increased Ability Scores: 24th, Wis 27 (+1 for 24th 23rd (spell levels 0–11th) 6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5/1*/1
level); 28th, Wis 28 (+1 for 28th level). 24th (spell levels 0–12th) 6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5/1*/1/1
25th (spell levels 0–12th) 6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5/1*/1/1
Starting Feats: Scribe Scroll; Brew Potion; Combat 26th (spell levels 0–13th) 6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5/1*/1/1/1
Casting; Forge Wand; Heighten Spell; Maximize Spell; 27th (spell levels 0–14th) 6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5/1*/1/1/1/1
Quicken Spell. 28th (spell levels 0–14th) 6/9/8/8/8/8/6/6/6/6/1*/1/1/1/1
29th (spell levels 0–15th) 6/9/8/8/8/8/6/6/6/6/1*/1/1/1/1/1
Feats: 21st, Improved Spell Capacity (10th); 24th, 30th (spell levels 0–16th) 6/9/8/8/8/8/6/6/6/6/1*/1/1/1/
Improved Spell Capacity (12th); 27th, Improved Spell
Capacity (14th); 30th, Improved Spell Capacity 1/1/1
*10th and higher level spell-slots are used for 0–9th level meta-
Class Bonus Feats: 23rd, Improved Spell Capacity magic spells. They can also be used to hold lower-level spells.
(11th); 26th, Improved Spell Capacity (13th); 29th,
Improved Spell Capacity (15th). Note: You must choose one spell per spell level from the
appropriate domains.
Starting Class Features: Turn or rebuke undead.
Armor, Full Plate: +3 (21st–25th); +4 (26th–27th);
+5 (28th–30th).
Shield, Large Metal: +2 (21st); +3 (22nd–25th); +4
(26th–27th); +5 (28th–30th).
APPENDIX 3: Level hp AC Init Spd Scimitar (1d6) Base F/R/W Spellc/ Con Ani Emp Wild
21st 115 28 +2 30 ft. +18/13/8 (+2) +16/+11/+23 +25 +24 +32
EPIC NPCS 22nd 121 30 +2 30 ft. +18/13/8 (+2) Sling (1d4) Attack +17/+12/+24 Kno +26 +25 +33
23rd 195 31 +2 30 ft. +19/14/9 (+2) +19 +16 +20/+12/+24 +25 +30 +26 +34
24th 207 32 +2 30 ft. +19/14/9 (+2) +19 +16 +22/+14/+26 +26 +31 +27 +35
25th 212 32 +4 30 ft. +20/15/10 (+2) +20 +17 +24/+18/+28 +27 +32 +28 +36
26th 221 32 +4 30 ft. +20/15/10 (+2) +20 +17 +25/+19/+29 +28 +33 +29 +37
27th 229 32 +4 30 ft. +21/16/11 (+2) +23 +18 +25/+19/+29 +29 +34 +30 +38
28th 238 32 +4 30 ft. +21/16/11 (+2) +23 +18 +26/+20/+31 +30 +35 +31 +40
29th 246 32 +4 30 ft. +22/17/12 (+2) +24 +19 +26/+20/+32 +31 +36 +32 +42
30th 255 32 +4 30 ft. +22/17/12 (+2) +24 +19 +27/+21/+33 +32 +37 +33 +43
+25 +20 +33
+25 +20 +34
NPC DRUID understanding +2, used (29th); iron bands of Bilarro
Ability Scores at 21st Level: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, (30th).
Int 12, Wis 26 (+6 for periapt), Cha 8. Animal Companions: 20th, legendary bear;
Increased Ability Scores: 23rd, Con 19 (+6 for brac- 21st–22nd, legendary bear, dire rat; 23rd, legendary
ers); 24th, Wis 27 (+1 for 24th level), Dex 16 (+2 for bear, dire weasel; 24th, legendary bear, dire bat; 25th,
gloves); 28th, Wis 28 (+1 for 28th level); 29th, Wis 30 (+2 legendary bear, dire ape; 26th, legendary tiger;
for tome). 27th–28th, legendary tiger, dire rat; 29th, legendary
Starting Feats: Scribe Scroll, Track, Dodge, Combat tiger, dire weasel; 30th, legendary tiger, dire bat.
Casting, Still Spell, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Maxi-
mize Spell. SPELLS PER DAY
Feats: 21st, Plant Wild Shape; 24th, Magical Beast Level
Wild Shape; 27th, Dragon Wild Shape; 30th, Colossal 21st–27th 6/7/7/7/7/6/5/5/5/4
Wild Shape. 28th 6/8/7/7/7/7/5/5/5/5
Class Bonus Feats: 24th Beast Wild Shape; 28th, Gar- 29th–30th 6/8/8/7/7/7/6/5/5/5
gantuan Wild Shape.
Starting Class Features: Nature sense, animal com- NPC FIGHTER
panion, woodland stride, trackless step, resist nature’s Ability Scores at list Level: Str 26 (+6 for belt), Dex
lure, venom immunity, a thousand faces, timeless body; 13, Con 16 (+2 for Ioun stone), Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
wild shape 6/day, Large shape, Tiny shape, dire shape, Increased Ability Scores: 24th, Str 27 (+1 for 24th
Huge shape, elemental shape. level); 28th, Str 28 (+1 for 28th level); 29th, Wis 14 (+2
Class Features: 22nd, wild shape 7/day; 26th, wild for Ioun stone).
shape 8/day; 30th, wild shape 9/day. Starting Feats: Exotic Weapon (bastard sword),
Armor: +5 hide armor. Weapon Focus (bastard sword), Improved Initiative,
Shield: +4 large wooden shield. Power Attack, Weapon Specialization (bastard sword),
Scimitar (Melee): +2. Cleave, Point-Blank Shot, Improved Critical (bastard
Sling (Ranged): Normal. sword), Great Cleave, Dodge, Precise Shot, Weapon
Bullets: 10 masterwork. Focus (composite longbow), Improved Critical (com-
Scrolls: Heat metal, barkskin, warp wood, call light- posite longbow), Mounted Combat, Blind-Fight,
ning, neutralize poison, protection from elements, speak Mounted Archery, Far Shot, Combat Reflexes.
with plants, flame strike, ice storm, wall of fire, antilife shell, Feats: 21st, Penetrate Damage Reduction; 24th, Dev-
healing circle, fire storm, heal, true seeing, finger of death, astating Critical; 27th, Epic Prowess; 30th, Epic
repel metal or stone, summon nature’s ally IX, earthquake, Prowess.
elemental swarm. Class Bonus Feats: 22nd, Overwhelming Critical;
Other Magic Gear: Ring of protection +2 (21st); 2 24th Dire Charge; 26th, Epic Reflexes; 28th, Epic
Quaal’s feather token (tree), phylactery of faithfulness, Prowess; 30th, Epic Toughness.
wand of faerie fire, druid’s vestment, stone of good luck, Armor, Full Plate: +4 (21st); +5 (23rd–30th).
wand of cure moderate wounds, periapt of Wisdom +6, bag Shield, Large Metal: +3 (21st); +5 (23rd–30th).
of tricks (tan), orb of storms, ring of shooting stars; cloak Bastard Sword (Melee): +4 (21st); +5 (22nd–25th);
of resistance + 2 (21st–23rd); ring of protection +4 +5 shocking burst (26th); +5 shocking burst frost (27th–28th);
(22nd–23rd); bracers of health +6 (23rd–30th); ring of +5 vorpal (29th–30th).
protection +5, gloves of Dexterity +2 (24th–30th); cloak of Composite Longbow (Ranged): +2 mighty (+4 Str
resistance +3 (24th); cloak of resistance +5, wand of searing bonus).
light (6th-level caster) (25th–30th); wand of reincar- Arrows: 50 +2 (21st–22nd); 50 +3 (23rd–27th); 50 +4
nate, wand of call lightning (8th-level caster) (26th–30th); (28th–30th).
stone of controlling earth elementals (28th–30th); tome of Potions: 2 cure serious wounds, heroism.
Level hp AC Init Spd Bastard Sword (1d10) Composite Longbow (1d8) F/R/W Cli Ju Ride
21st 178 34 +5 20 ft. +34/29/24/19 (+14) +19 +18 +13
22nd 187 34 +5 20 ft. +35/30/25/20 (+15) +27/22/17/12 (+8) +19/+11/+11 +19 +18 +15
23rd 195 37 +5 20 ft. +36/31/26/21 (+15) +19 +18 +17
24th 207 38 +5 20 ft. +36/31/26/21 (+15) +27/22/17/12 (+8) +20/+12/+12 +19 + 18 +19
25th 212 40 +5 20 ft. +37/32/27/22 (+15) +19 +18 +21
26th 221 40 +5 20 ft. +37/32/27/22 (+15 +29/24/19/14 (+9) +20/+12/+12 +19 +18 +23
+1d6 electricity) +29/24/19/14 (+9) +22/+14/+14 +18 +25
+39/34/29/24 (+15
+30/25/20/15 (+9) +22/+14/+14 +18 +27
+2d6 electricity/cold)
+40/35/30/25 (+15 +30/25/20/15 (+9) +23/+15/+15 +18 +29
27th 229 41 +5 20 ft. +2d6 electricity/cold) +32/27/22/17 (+9) +23/+19/+15 +19 +18 +31
28th 238 41 +5 20 ft. (+15 vorpal) +34/29/24/19 (+10) +24/+20/+1 6 +19 APPENDIX 3:
29th 246 41 +5 20 ft. (+15 vorpal) +35/30/25/20 (+10) +24/+20/+17 +19 EPIC NPCS
30th 275 41, +5 20 ft. +36/31/26/21 (+10) +25/+21/+18 + 19
Level hp AC* Init Spd Unarmed Kama(1d6) Sling (1d4) F/R/W Jum Ba/Hi/Tum
21st 136 28 +9 100 ft. +21/18/15/12/9 (+5)
22nd 143 28 +9 100 ft. +21/18/15/12/9 (+5) +27/24/21/18/15 (+8) +25/20/15 (1d4+3) +14/+17/+17 +29 +30
23rd 149 28 +9 100 ft. +23/20/17/14/11 (+6)
+27/24/21/18/15 (+8) +25/20/15 (1d4+3) +15/+18/+18 +30 +31
+29/26/23/20/17 (+9) +26/21/16 (1d4+3) +15/+18/+18 +32 +32
24th 159 31 +9 110 ft. +23/20/17/14/11 (+6)† +29/26/23/20/17 (+9) +28/23/18 (1d4+5) +16/+19/+19 +33 +33
25th 182 34 +9 110 ft. +24/21/18/15/12 (+6)† +30/27/24/21/18 (+9) +29/24/19 (1d4+5) +16/+19/+19 +34 +34
26th 189 39 +9 110 ft. +24/21/18/15/12 (+6)† +30/27/24/21/18 (+9) +29/24/19 (1d4+5) +17/+20/+20 +35 +35
27th 195 40 +9 120 ft. +25/22/19/16/13 (+6)† +31/28/25/22/19 (+9) +30/25/20 (1d4+5) +17/+20/+20 +36 +36
28th 202 40 +9 120 ft. +26/23/20/17/14 (+7)† +32/29/26/23/20 (+10) +30/25/20 (1d4+5) +18/+21/+21 +38 +37
29th 208 40 +9 120 ft. +27/24/21/18/15 (+7)† +33/30/27/24/21 (+10) +31/26/21 (1d4+5) +18/+21/+21 +39 +38
30th 215 40 +9 120 ft. +28/25/22/19/16 (+7)†‡ +34/31/28/25/22 (+10) +32/27/22 (1d4+5) +20/+23/+23 +41 +40
*Cloak of displacement grants 50% miss chance for all creatures except those with blindsight or who have use of true sight or similarly powerful effects.
†Keen Strike feat grants unarmed attack a critical threat on natural roll of 19+.
‡Vorpal Strike feat beheads foe who receives a critical hit from an unarmed attack.
Other Magic Gear: Eyes of the eagle, rope of climbing, Starting Feats: Dodge, Weapon Focus (kama),
quiver of Ehlonna, belt of giant strength +6, pink Ioun stone, Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Critical (unarmed),
helm of teleportation; boots of speed (5 rounds of haste/day) Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative.
(21st–29th); ring of protection +4, cloak of resistance +4
(21st–23rd); amulet of natural armor +2 (21st–24th); cloak of Feats: 21st, Penetrate Damage Reduction; 24th,
resistance +5, ring of protection +5 (24th–30th); amulet of natu- Keen Strike; 27th, Exceptional Deflection; 30th, Blind-
ral armor +4 (25th–26th); amulet of natural armor +5 ing Speed.
(27th–30th); incandescent blue Ioun stone (29th–30th); ring of
blinking, boots of speed (10 rounds of haste/day) (30th). Class Bonus Feats: 25th, Epic Toughness; 30th,
Vorpal Strike.
Starting Class Features: Unarmed Strike, stunning
Ability Scores at 21st Level: Str 20 (+6 for belt), Dex attack, Deflect Arrows, still mind, purity of body,
22 (+6 for gloves), Con 14 (+2 for Ioun stone), Int 10, Wis Improved Trip, wholeness of body, leap of the clouds,
23 (+6 for periapt), Cha 8. improved evasion, diamond body, abundant step, dia-
mond soul, quivering palm, ki strike +3, timeless body,
Increased Ability Scores: 23rd, Str 22 (+2 for tongue of the sun and moon, slow fall (any distance),
manual); 24th, Str 23 (+1 for 24th level); 28th, Str 24 (+1 empty body, perfect self.
for 28th level); 30th, Str 25 (+1 for manual).
Class Features: 21st, AC bonus +4, unarmored
speed 100 ft. (65 ft. for Small and dwarven monks);
NONEPIC MAGIC ITEM Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, resist-
Ioun Stone of Resistance: These Ioun stones (usually burnt ance, caster level must be three times that of the Ioun stone’s
bonus; Market Price: 2,000 gp (+1), 8,000 gp (+2), 18,000 gp
orange in color) possess all the features of a standard Ioun (+3), 32,000 gp (+4), 50,000 gp (+5); Weight: —
stone, Ioun stones of resistance offer magic protection in the
form of a +1 to +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws
(Fortitude, Reflex, Will).
Level hp AC Init Spd Longsword (1d8) Composite Longbow (1d8) F/R/W Heal Ride Con
21st 157 32 –1 20 ft. +29/24/19/14 (+7) +19 +16 +13
22nd 165 32 –1 20 ft. +29/24/19/14 (+7) +23/18/13/8 (+5) +21/+15/+15 +19 +18 +13
23rd 172 35 –1 20 ft. +30/25/20/15 (+7) +19 +20 +13
24th 200 35 –1 20 ft. +30/25/20/15 (+7) +23/18/13/8 (+5) +25/+19/+19 +19 +22 +13
25th 207 35 –1 20 ft. +32/27/21/16 (+8 +2d6 holy) +19 +24 +13
26th 215 35 –1 20 ft. +32/27/21/16 (+8 +2d6 holy) +24/19/14/9 (+5) +25/+19/+19 +19 +26 +13
27th 222 38 –1 20 ft. +33/29/23/18 (+8 +2d6 holy) +19 +28 +13
28th 230 41 –1 20 ft. +34/30/24/19 (+9 +2d6 holy) +24/19/14/9 (+5) +25/+20/+20 +19 +30 +13
29th 237 41 –1 20 ft. +35/31/25/29 (+9 +2d6 holy, bane) +19 +32 +13
30th 265 41 –1 20 ft. +35/31/25/29 (+9 +2d6 holy, bane) +25/20/15/10 (+5) +25/+20/+20 +19 +34 +13
+25/20/15/10 (+5) +26/+21/+21
+27/23/17/12 (+5) +26/+21/+21
+27/23/17/12 (+5) +27/+24/+22
APPENDIX 3: +28/24/18/13 (+5) +27/+24/+22
EPIC NPCS +28/24/18/13 (+5) +28/+25/+23
24th, unarmored speed 110 ft. (70 ft.); 25th, AC bonus Potions: 2 cure serious wounds, flying, tongues, wisdom.
+5; 27th, unarmored speed 120 ft. (75 ft.). Scrolls: remove paralysis, 2 resist dements (fire), death
Kama (Melee): +5. ward.
Sling (Ranged): +2. Other Magic Gear: Horn of goodness, Keoghiom’s oint-
Bullets: 25 +1 (21st–23rd); 25 +3 (24th–30th). ment, phylactery of faithfulness, cloak of Charisma +6, circlet
Potions: 3 cure serious wounds, 3 heroism, 3 haste. of blasting (major), pink Ioun stone, ring of protection +5;
Other Magic Gear: Belt of giant strength +6, cloak of Ioun stone of resistance +3, ring of mind shielding
displacement, slippers of spider climbing, pink Ioun stone, (22nd–30th); amulet of natural armor +3 (23rd–26th);
periapt of Wisdom +6, gloves of Dexterity +6; ring of protection wand of resist elements, wand of shield other (24th–30th);
+2 (21st–23rd); manual of gainful exercise +2, used (23rd); amulet of natural armor +4 (27th); amulet of natural armor
ring of protection +5 (24th–30th); bracers of armor +2 +5, gloves of Dexterity +4, stone of good luck (28th–30th);
(25th); bracers of armor +7 (26th); ring of chameleon power Horse and Gear: Bit and bridle, military saddle,
(26th–30th); bracers of armor +8 (27th–30th); figurine of saddlebags, paladin’s mount, +2 half-plate barding.
wondrous power (bronze griffon) (27th–30th); carpet of Other Normal Gear: Dagger, silver holy symbol,
flying (5 ft. by 7 ft.) (28th–30th); manual of gainful exercise healer’s kit, 4 holy water.
+3, used, pale green Ioun stone (30th).
Starting Ability Scores: Str 18 (+4 for belt), Dex 24
Ability Scores at 21st Level: Str 14, Dex 8, Con 14 (+4 for gloves), Con 15 (+2 for Ioun stone), Int 10, Wis 14
(+2 for Ioun stone), Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 25 (+6 for cloak). (+2 for Ioun stone), Cha 8.
Increased Ability Scores: 24th, Str 15 (+1 for 24th Increased Ability Scores: 24th, Dex 25 (+1 for
level); 28th, Str 16 (+1 for 28th level), Dex 12 (+4 for gloves). 24th level), Str 20 (+6 for belt); 28th, Dex 26 (+1 for
Starting Feats: Weapon Focus (longsword), 28th level).
Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Improved Critical Starting Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot,
(longsword), Extra Turning, Cleave, Great Cleave. Weapon Focus (composite longbow), Rapid Shot,
Feats: 21st, Overwhelming Critical; 24th, Epic Improved Critical (composite longbow), Improved
Toughness; 27th, Epic Prowess; 30th, Epic Toughness. Critical (longsword), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting.
Class Bonus Feats: 23rd, Positive Energy Aura; Feats: 21st, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting; 24th,
26th, Improved Aura of Courage; 29th, Devastating Bane of Enemies; 27th, Blinding Speed; 30th, Death
Critical. of Enemies.
Starting Class Features: Detect evil, divine grace, lay Class Bonus Feats: 23rd, Two-Weapon Rend; 26th,
on hands, divine health, aura of courage, smite evil, turn Improved Favored Enemy; 29th, Epic Prowess.
undead, special mount, remove disease 6/week. Starting Class Features: Track, in light or no
Class Features: 21st, remove disease 7/week; 24th, armor possesses Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon
remove disease 8/week; 27th, remove disease 9/week; 30th, Fighting, favored enemy (goblinoid, undead, giant,
remove disease 10/week. dragon, devil).
Spells Per Day: 4/4/3/3. Class Features: 25th, favored enemy (demon); 30th,
Armor, Full Plate: +4 (21st–26th); +5 (27th–30th). favored enemy (abomination).
Shield, Large Metal: +4 (21st–26th); +6 (27th–30th). Spells Per Day: 4/4/3/3.
Longsword (Melee): +5 (21st–25th); +5 holy long- Armor, Studded Leather: +4 (21st–25th); +5
sword (26th–28th); +5 holy bane (choose type) longsword (26th–30th).
(29th); +5 holy bane (choose type) defending longsword Longsword (Melee): +4 (21st); +5 (22nd–30th).
(30th). Short Sword (Melee, Off-Hand): +1 (21st); +2
Composite Longbow (Ranged): +2 mighty (+2 Str (21st–23rd); +3 (24th); +5 (25th–30th).
bonus). Composite Longbow (Ranged): +4 mighty (+4 Str
Arrows: 25 +1 arrows. bonus).
Base Primary hand Offhand Composite
Level hp AC Init Spd Attack Longsword (1d8) Shortsword (1d6) Longbow (1d8) F/R/W
21st 157 25 +11 60 ft. +30* +28/23/18/13 (+8) +25/+20/+15 (+5) +35/30/25/20 (+10) +15/+14/+9
22nd 165 25 +11 60 ft. +31* +29/24/19/14 (+9) +26/+21/+16 (+6) +35/30/25/20 (+10) +16/+15/+10
23rd 172 28 +11 60 ft. +32* +30/25/20/15 (+9) +27/+22/+17 (+6) +36/31/26/21 (+10) +16/+15/+10
24th 180 28 + 11 60 ft. +33* +31/26/21/16 (+10) +29/+24/+19 (+8) +36/31/26/21 (+10) +17/+16/+11
25th 187 28 +11 60 ft. +34* +32/27/22/17 (+10) +32/+27/+22 (+10) +41/36/31/26 (+14) +17/+16/+11
26th 187 31 +11 60 ft. +34* +32/27/22/17 (+10) +32/+27/+22 (+10) +41/36/31/26 (+14) +18/+17/+12 APPENDIX 3:
27th 202 31 +11 60 ft. +34* +33/28/23/18 (+10) +33/+28/+23 (+10) +42/37/32/27 (+14) +18/+17/+12
28th 210 34 +12 60 ft. +34* +33/28/23/18 (+10) +33/+2S/+23 (+10) +43/38/33/28 (+14) +19/+19/+13 EPIC NPCS
29th 217 34 +12 60 ft. +34* +35/30/25/20 (+10) +35/+30/+25 (+10) +45/40/35/30 (+14) +19/+19/+13
30th 225 34 +12 60 ft. +34* +35/30/25/20 (+10) +35/+30/+25 (+10) +45/40/35/30 (+14) +20/+20/+14
Note: As a full attack action, you can use longsword and short sword in combat. Doing so allows three extra attacks with the short sword, once
at the highest attack value, once at a –5 penalty, and the last at a –10 penalty from the highest attack value. (There’s still a –2 penalty on all attacks.)
*If making a full attack action with only the longsword, the ranger gains the base attack and 4 additional attacks, each succeeding attack at a –5
penalty from the previous attack value.
Level Wild Spot M Sil Hide Ability Scores at list Level: Str 12, Dex 26 (+6 for
21st +27 +33 +32 +57 gloves), Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8.
22nd +28 +34 +33 +58 Increased Ability Scores: 21st, Con 15 (+2 for Ioun
stone); 24th, Dex 27 (+1 for 24th level); 25th, Str 16 (+4
23rd +29 +35 +34 +59 for belt); 28th, Dex 28 (+1 for 28th level).
24th +30 +36 +35 +60 Feats: Improved Initiative, Dodge, Alertness, Light-
ning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse (rapier), Improved Crit-
25th +31 +37 +36 +61
26th +32 +38 +37 +62
27th +33 +39 +38 +63 ical (rapier), Combat Reflexes.
28th +34 +40 +40 +65
29th +35 +41 +41 +66 Feats: 21st, Superior Initiative; 24th, Epic Dodge;
30th +36 +42 +42 +67 27th, Sneak Attack of Opportunity; 30th, Self-
Arrows: 25 +1 arrows (21st–24th); 3 greater slaying Concealment.
arrows; 25 +5 (25th–30th). Class Bonus Feats: 24th, Lingering Damage; 28th,
Potions: Potion of hide, 3 potions of cure serious wounds. slippery mind special rogue ability from the Player’s
Other Magic Gear: Eyes of the eagle, cloak of Handbook.
Elvenkind, Heward’s handy haversack, bracers of archery, Starting Class Features: Uncanny dodge (Dex
incandescent blue Ioun stone, boots of striding and spring- bonus to AC, can’t be flanked, +4 against traps),
ing, gloves of Dexterity +4, pale green Ioun stone, ring of improved evasion, defensive roll, crippling strike,
sustenance, robe of blending, scabbard of keen edges, fig- opportunist, sneak attack +10d6.
urine of wondrous power (obsidian steed), pink Ioun stone; Class Features: 21st, sneak attack (increases shown
amulet of natural armor +1, ring of protection +1 on table below); 23rd, uncanny dodge (+5 against traps);
(21st–22nd); belt of giant strength +4 (21st–23rd); ring of 26th, uncanny dodge (+6 against traps); 29th, uncanny
protection +2 (23rd–25th); amulet of natural armor +3 dodge (+7 against traps).
(23rd–27th); belt of giant strength +6 (24th–30th); ring Rapier (Melee): +4 (21st); +5 (22nd–30th).
of protection +4 (26th–27th); ring of protection +5, amulet Composite Shortbow (Ranged): +3 mighty (+2 Str
of natural armor +5 (28th–30th); wand of cure serious bonus) (21st–27th); +5 mighty (+3 Str bonus) (28th–30th).
wounds (28th–30th); cube of force (29th–30th); helm of Arrows: 25 +1 (21st); 25 +3 (22nd–23rd); 25 +5 (24th–
telepathy (30th). 27th); 50 +5 (28th–30th).
Composite Sneak Hi/M Sil/ O List/ Srch/ D UM
Level hp AC Init Spd Rapier (1d6) Shortbow (1d6) Attack F/R/W Tum Lock Spot Appr Dev Dev
+26 +28 +23
21st 115 29 +16 30 ft. +28/23/18 (+5) +28/23/18 (+5) +11d6 +12/+26/+10 +32 +34 +26 +27 +29 +24
+28 +30 +25
22nd 121 29 +16 30 ft. +29/24/19 (+6) +30/25/20 (+7) +11d6 +13/+27/+11 +33 +35 +27 +29 +31 +26
+30 +32 +27
23rd 126 31 +16 30 ft. +30/25/20 (+6) +31/26/21 (+7) +12d6 +13/+27/+11 +34 +36 +28 +31 +33 +28
+32 +34 +29
24th 132 33 +16 30 ft. +30/25/20 (+6) +33/28/23 (+9) +12d6 +14/+28/+12 +35 +37 +29 +33 +36 +30
+34 +37 +31
25th 137 34 +16 30 ft. +31/26/21 (+8) +34/29/24 (+9) +13d6 +14/+28/+12 +36 +38 +30 +35 +38 +32
26th 143 35 +16 30 ft. +31/26/21 (+8) +34/29/24 (+9) +13d6 +15/+29/+13 +37 +39 +31
27th 148 35 +16 30 ft. +32/27/22 (+8) +35/30/25 (+9) +14d6 +15/+29/+13 +38 +40 +32
28th 154 36 +17 30 ft. +33/28/23 (+8) +38/33/28 (+13) +14d6 +16/+31/+14 +40 +42 +33
29th 159 36 +17 30 ft. +34/29/24 (+8) +39/34/29 (+13) +15d6 +16/+31/+14 +41 +43 +34
30th 165 36* +17 30 ft. +34/29/24 (+8) +39/34/29 (+13) +15d6 +17/+32/+15 +42 +44 +35
*Attacks have a 10% miss chance (the equivalent of one-quarter concealment), except when denied Dexterity bonus to AC.
APPENDIX 3: Level hp AC Init Spd Shortspear (1d8) F/R/W Spellc Con Spells per Day
21st 97 24 +7 30 ft. +11/6 (+1) +7/+10/+13 +24 +26 6/8/8/16/8/7/7/7/7/6
EPIC NPCS 22nd 102 25 +7 30 ft. +11/6 (+1) +8/+11/+14 +25 +27 6/8/8/16/8/7/7/7/7/6
23rd 106 27 +7 30 ft. +12/7 (+1) +8/+11/+14 +26 +28 6/8/8/16/8/7/7/7/7/6
24th 111 29 +9 30 ft. +12/7 (+1) +9/+13/+15 +27 +29 6/8/8/16/8/7/7/7/7/6
25th 115 30 +9 30 ft. +13/8 (+1) +9/+13/+15 +28 +30 6/8/8/16/8/7/7/7/7/6
26th 120 30 +9 30 ft. +13/8 (+1) +10/+14/+16 +29 +31 6/8/8/16/8/7/7/7/7/6
27th 124 31 +9 30 ft. +14/9 (+1) +10/+14/+16 +30 +32 6/8/8/16/8/7/7/7/7/6
28th 129 33 +9 30 ft. +14/9 (+1) +11/+15/+17 +31 +33 6/9/8/16/8/8/7/7/7/7
29th 133 33 +9 30 ft. +15/10 (+1) +11/+15/+17 +32 +34 6/9/8/16/8/8/7/7/7/7
30th 138 33 +9 30 ft. +15/10 (+1) +12/+16/+18 +33 +35 6/9/8/16/8/8/7/7/7/7
Potions: 2 neutralize poison, haste, alter self, 3 cure seri- monster IX; horrid wilting, meteor swarm (21st–26th);4
ous wounds, 2 gaseous form. horrid wilting, 4 meteor swarm (27th–30th);
Other Magic Gear: Cloak of resistance +4, ring of invis- Other Magic Gear: Bead of force, wand of lightning bolt
ibility, bag of holding 3, gloves of Dexterity +6, winged boots, (10th-level caster), cloak of Charisma +6, ring of wizardry III,
lavender and green Ioun stone, pink Ioun stone; ring of pro- pink Ioun stone; amulet of natural armor +2 (21st–26th); ring
tection +2 (21st–22nd); bracers of armor +5 (21st–23rd); of protection +4 (21st); bracers of armor +5 (21st–22nd); gloves
ring of protection +4 (23rd–24th); bracers of armor +7 of Dexterity +2 (21st); gloves of Dexterity +4 (22nd–23rd);
(24th–25th); ring of protection +5 (25th–30th); belt of giant ring of protection +5, wand of knock (22nd–30th); bracers of
strength +4 (25th–30th); bracers of armor +8, goggles of armor +7 (23rd–24th); wand of fireball (6th-level caster)
night (26th–30th); ring of freedom of movement (23rd–30th); gloves of Dexterity +6 (24th–30th); bracers of
(27th–30th); rod of enemy detection (29th–30th); cube of armor +8 (25th–30th); wand of improved invisibility, wand of
force (30th). stoneskin (26th–30th); amulet of natural armor +3 (27th);
Other Normal Gear: 50-ft. silk rope, masterwork boots of speed (5 rounds of haste) (27th–30th); amulet of nat-
thieves’ tools. ural armor +5 (28th–30th); crystal ball with telepathy
(29th–30th); pearl of power (6th) (30th).
NPC SORCERER Other Normal Gear: Dagger, alchemist’s fire.
Ability Scores at 21st Level: Str 8, Dex 16 (+2 for
gloves), Con 15 (+2 for Ioun stone), Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 26 NPC WIZARD
(+6 for cloak). Ability Scores at 21st Level: Str 10, Dex 16 (+2 for
Increased Ability Scores: 24th, Cha 27 (+1 for gloves), Con 15 (+2 for Ioun stone), Int 26 (+6 for head-
24th level), Dex 20 (+6 for gloves); 28th, Cha 28 (+1 for band), Wis 12, Cha 8.
28th level). Increased Ability Scores: 22nd, Dex 18 (+4 for
Starting Feats: Toughness, Improved Initiative, gloves); 24th, Int 27 (+1 for 24th level); 28th, Int
Combat Casting, Dodge, Maxi- 28 (+1 for 28th level).
mize Spell, Craft Wand, Spell Starting Feats: Scribe Scroll, Toughness,
Penetration. Combat Casting, Brew Potion, Improved Initia-
Feats: 21st, Energy Resis- tive, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken
tance (choose one energy type); Spell, Heighten Spell, Craft Won-
24th, Master Wand; 27th, drous Item, Maximize Spell, Spell
Spell Stowaway (choose Penetration, Craft Staff.
one spell known); 30th, Feats: 21st, Improved Spell
Familiar Spell (stoneskin). Capacity (10th); 24th, Improved
Class Bonus Feats: 23rd, Spell Capacity (12th); 27th, Spell
Familiar Spell (chain lightning); Stowaway (choose one spell known);
26th, Epic Spell Penetration; 30th, Familiar Spell (teleport with-
29th, Spell Opportunity. out error).
Class Features: Summon Class Bonus Feats: 23rd, Im-
familiar. proved Spell Capacity (11th); 26th,
Spells Known (21st–30th): Epic Spell Penetration; 29th, Im-
9/5/5/4/4/4/3/3/3/3. proved Spell Capacity (13th).
Shortspear (Melee): +1. Class Features: Summon
Potions: 3 cure serious familiar.
wounds. Quarterstaff (Melee): Staff of
Scrolls: Teleport, power frost.
word, stun, domination, prismatic Light Crossbow (Ranged): +1.
spray, Bigby’s clenched fist, horrid wilting, maze, summon Bolts: 25 +1.
Quarterstaff Crossbow Knowledge
Level hp AC Init Spd (1d6) (1d8) F/R/W Spllc (Any 2) (Any 4) Con Alch Scry
21st 97 25 +7 30 ft. +12/7 (+1) +16/11 (+2) +10/+12/+16 +32 +32 +9 +25 +32 +21
22nd 102 27 +8 30 ft. +12/7 (+1) +16/11 (+2) +11/+14/+17 +33 +33 +10 +26 +33 +22
+17/12 (+2) +11/+14/+17 +34 +34 +11 +27 +34 +23
23rd 106 27 +8 30 ft. +13/8 (+1) +17/12 (+2) +12/+15/+18 +35 +35 +12 +28 +35 +24
24th 111 27 +8 30 ft. +13/8 (+1) +18/13 (+2) +12/+15/+18 +36 +36 +13 +29 +36 +25
25th 115 27 +8 30 ft. +14/9 (+1) +18/13 (+2) +13/+16/+19 +37 +37 +14 +29 +37 +26
26th 120 29 +8 30 ft. +14/9 (+1) +19/14 (+2) +13/+16/+19 +38 +38 +15 +30 +38 +27
+19/14 (+2) +14/+17/+20 +40 +40 +17 +31 +40 +29
27th 124 29 +8 30 ft. +15/10 (+1) +20/15 (+2) +14/+17/+20 +41 +41 +18 +32 +41 +31 APPENDIX 3:
28th 129 29 +8 30 ft. +15/10 (+1) +20/15 (+2) +15/+18/+21 +42 +42 +19 +33 +42 +33
29th 133 32 +8 30 ft. +16/11 (+1) EPIC NPCS
30th 138 32 +8 30 ft. +16/11 (+1)
Scrolls: Fireball (10th-level caster), teleport without EPIC NPCS AND EQUIPMENT
error, acid fog, incendiary cloud, shapechange, wail of the ban- Table A3–12, below, gives the gold piece value of the
shee, Bigby’s clenched fist, horrid wilting, maze, summon gear an NPC should have at a given level. If you’re cre-
monster IX. ating an NPC from scratch, select equipment whose
Potions: Cure serious wounds, alter self, haste, fly. total value is this amount or less and let the balance
Other Magic Gear: bracers of armor +8, headband of simply be cash (gold or gems). The NPC tables in this
intellect +6, staff of frost, rod of absorption, pink Ioun stone, appendix use these figures for total equipment value as
wings of flying; ring of wizardry I (21st–26th); ring of pro- well. The value of an NPC’s gear increases more slowly
tection +2, gloves of Dexterity +2 (21st); amulet of natural at epic levels, just as epic treasure and epic PC equip-
armor +2 (21st–28th); gloves of Dexterity +4 (22nd–30th); ment does—and for the same reasons.
ring of protection +3 (22nd–25th); wand of fireball (10th- Because NPC gear accumulates more slowly, you’ll
level caster) (25th–30th); ring of protection +5 discover that it is very difficult for 21st- to 30th-level
(26th–30th); ring of wizardry III (27th–30th); cube of frost NPCs to acquire epic spells or epic magic items. They
resistance (28th–30th); amulet of natural armor +5, wand of simply can’t afford them until long after PCs can. In the
blink (29th–30th); crystal ball with detect invisibility case of epic spells, feel free to just give an epic NPC the
(30th). epic spells you’d like her to have, within reason. Epic
Other Normal Gear: Dagger. spells are not “lootable,” so when your PCs defeat an
NPC with epic spells, the game balance isn’t skewed by
SPELLS PER DAY the PCs picking up equipment whose value breaks the
Level expected average gp value they would otherwise gain
21st (spell levels 0–10th) 4/12/6/6/6/5/5/5/5/4/1* for defeating a challenge at that level.
22nd (spell levels 0–10th) 4/12/6/6/6/5/5/5/5/4/1* If you’re creating an NPC of higher than 30th level,
23rd (spell levels 0–11th) 4/12/6/6/6/5/5/5/5/4/1*/1 simply continue the progression, increasing the trea-
24th (spell levels 0–12th) 4/12/6/6/6/5/5/5/5/4/1*/1/1 sure value by about 10% from the previous level.
25th (spell levels 0–12th) 4/12/6/6/6/5/5/5/5/4/1*/1/1
26th (spell levels 0–12th) 4/12/6/6/6/5/5/5/5/4/1*/1/1 TABLE A3–12: NPC GEAR VALUE
27th (spell levels 0–12th) 4/6/6/12/6/5/5/5/5/4/1*/1/1
28th (spell levels 0–12th) 4/7/6/12/6/6/5/5/5/5/1*/1/1 NPC Level Value of Gear
29th (spell levels 0–13th) 4/7/6/12/6/6/5/5/5/5/1*/1/1/1 21st 240,000 gp
30th (spell levels 0–13th) 4/7/6/12/6/6/5/5/5/5/1*/1/1/1 22nd 265,000 gp
*Spell slots of 10th level and higher are used for 0–9th level 23rd 290,000 gp
metamagic spells. They can also be used to hold lower-level 24th 320,000 gp
spells. 25th 350,000 gp
26th 390,000 gp
27th 430,000 gp
28th 470,000 gp
29th 520,000 gp
30th 570,000 gp
Index contact seed 95 epic paladin 13
cooperative experience point costs (variant) epic psion 22
ability increases 6 epic psionic feats 49
abominations 157–169 125 epic psionic seeds 102
achaierai 84 cosmic connection (cosmic descryer) 26 epic psychic warrior 23
adamantine golem 194 cosmic descryer (prestige class) 26 epic quest 112
adding a second class 8 Craft 40 epic ranger 14
adjust probability (guardian paramount) currency, favors as 114 epic Red Wizard (prestige class) 298
death from massive damage (variant) 110 epic rogue 14
31 Decipher Script 40 epic save bonus 6
advanced dragon 179 delude seed 95 epic shadowdancer 21
advanced ghour demon 286 demilich 174 epic sorcerer 15
advanced mummy 83 epic spell slots 72
adventure ideas 117–119 template 175 epic spell terms 72
adventures 112 destroy seed 95 epic spells by Spellcraft DC 73
afflict seed 92 devastation vermin 177 epic treasure values 122
agent retriever (prestige class) 24 Diplomacy 40 epic wizard 16
Alchemy 38 Disable Device 40 Escape Artist 41
alignment (of intelligent item) 147 Disguise 41 evasive preceptor (guardian paramount)
Alustriel 300 dispel seed 96
Amulet of the Demonweb Pits (major artifact) dispelling epic spells 73 31
divination spells 115 event-based adventures 112
307 divine emissary (prestige class) 27 experience awards 120
anaxim 158 divine feats 48 experience point cost (of magic item)
Animal Empathy 39 divine hand (divine emissary) 28
animate seed 92 divine inspiration (divine emissary) 28 124
animate dead seed 93 divine task 113 experience points 6
antimagic field and epic spells 73 doors (in dungeons) 105 extended “death's door” (variant) 111
Appraise 39 dragon, advanced 179 extra smite (divine emissary) 28
armor 125–129 dragon, epic 181 factors (of epic spells) 72, 89, 91
armor seed 93 dream larva 161 familiars 15
artifacts 122, 150 eagle, behemoth 169 far senses (epic infiltrator) 30
atropal 159 Eclavdra 306 favors (wealth) 114
Autohypnosis 45 effective character level 25,155 feats 45
average damage 108 efreet 248 fire cat 286
Balance 39 Ego (of intelligent item) 149 flesh colossus 171
banish seed 94 elder titan 221 flux slime 107
bardic knowledge 116 elder treant 223 followers 37
bear, legendary 201 Elemental Plane of Fire 275 force dragon 182
beetle, devastation 178 elemental, primal 186 force sphere (agent retriever) 25
behemoth 86,169 Elminster 291 foresee seed 97
black slaad 218 Encounter Level 119 Forgery 41
Bluff 39 encounters 119 FORGOTTEN REALMS setting 25
brachyurus 170 enduring gate (cosmic descryer) 26 fortify seed 97
call back (guardian paramount) 31 energy seed 96 fungi 106
caster level (of magic item) 124 Enhance Item (nonepic feat) 114 Garrote, the 232–234
Cat Lord 305 epic arcane archer 17 Gather Information 41
centipede, devastation 177 epic assassin 18 genesis (nonepic spell) 117
Challenge Ratings 108, 119,121 epic attack bonus 6 genius loci 190
epic barbarian 8 Gerti Orelsdottr 294
for NPCs (variant) 111 epic bard 9 ghour demon, advanced 286
character motivation 112 epic blackguard 19 gibbering orb 191
chichimec 160 epic cleric 10 githyanki 248
City of Brass 248, 276 epic dragon 181 Gleaners, the 234–236
class features 7 epic druid 10 gloom 192
class and level bonuses 5 epic dwarven defender 20 Godkissed, the 236–238
Climb 40 epic feats 45 golem 193
cohorts 37 epic fighter 11 gorilla, behemoth 169
cold claws (epic spell) 304 epic infiltrator (prestige class) 28 granted domain (divine emissary) 28
colossus 170 Epic Leadership 36 guardian paramount (prestige class) 30
communication (of intelligent item) 147 epic loremaster 20 ha-naga 195
community modifiers 114 epic luck (variant) 111 haguncmnon (protean) 196
compel seed 94 epic magic item costs 124 Hala^ter Blackcloak 294
conceal seed 94 epic monk 12 Handle Animal 41
Concentration 40 epic NPCs 310–317 hazards 105
conjure seed 94 ' epic organizations 231 Heal 41
heal seed 98 Order of the Shield, the 240–242 special mount (divine emissary) 27
hecatoncheires 162 paragon half-fire elemental ettin 285 special purpose (of intelligent item) 149
Hide 41 paragon mind flayer 208 specialist training (epic
high proselytizer (prestige class) 31 paragon template 209
hoary hunter 197 perfect wight (prestige class) 34 infiltrator) 29
hoary steed 197 Perform 42 spell resistance for time stop (variant) 111
hunefer 198 phaethon 165 spell slots above 9th level 59
ice fist (epic spell) 304 phane166 Spellcraft 44, 72
icerazor (epic spell) 303 Pick Pocket 42 spider, devastation 177
llkkoo! Rrem 248 portals 250, 267, 268 Spot 44
improved cover identity (epic infiltrator) Planar Cartographic Society 242–244, Stabilize Self 45
staffs 142–144
29 256–257 starting equipment 23
improved legerdemain (perfect wight) planar travel 108 stone colossus 171
portal guardian (Union Sentinel) 36 Storm Silverhand 292
34 prerequisites (of magic item) 124 summon seed 100
incorporeal (perfect wight) 34 primal elemental 186 superior planar summoning (cosmic
infernal 164 prismasaurus 210
intelligent adversaries 109 prismatic dragon 184 descryer) 26
intelligent items 146–150 proselytize (high proselytizer) 32 Swim 44
Intimidate 42 protective aura (guardian paramount) 31 Szass Tam 297
Intuit Direction 42 pseudonatural carrion crawler 291 tayellah 220
iron colossus 171 pseudonatural template 212 thick skinned (legendary dreadnought)
Iyraclca 302 pseudonatural troll 211
Jump 42 psionic feats 49 34
Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun 299 psionic items 124, 135 thorciasid 220
Knowledge checks 116 psionic skills 45 three deaths and you're out (variant) 111
Last Book (major artifact) 239 Read Lips 43 tiger, legendary 201
lavawight 200 read thoughts (epic infiltrator) 30 time stop spell 108, 111
legendary animal 201 red great wyrm, advanced 180 titan, elder 221
legendary dreadnought (prestige class) reflect seed 98 towns, generating 113
Regulators, the 244–246 traps 105, 109
33 Resist Death (variant feat) 111 tracking bonus (agent retriever) 25
leShay 202 reveal seed 99 transform seed 100
level adjustment (for monsters) 155 rewards 120 transport seed 101
life seed 98 Ride 43 treant, elder 223
Listen 42 rings 135–137 treasure 121,122
living vault 203 ritual spells 92 troll, pseudonatural 211
locks and hinges 105 Robilar's metal destrier 308 Tumble 44
Lord Robilar 307 rods 137–140 Tu'narath 248
Manshoon 301 ruin swarm 213 umbral blot (blackball) 223
market price (of magic item) 124 “save or die” 110 uncanny dodge enabler (guardian
massive damage (variant) 110 scorpion, devastation 178
mercane 204 scrolls 140–142 paramount) 30
mind flayer, paragon 208 Scry 43 uncanny location (agent retriever) 24
mind flayers 248 Search 43 Union, city of 248–270
mithral golem 193 seeds (of epic spells) 72, 88 Union Sentinel (prestige class) 35
mitigating factors (of epic spells) 72, 89, Sense Motive 43 Union Sentinels, the (organization)
shadow form (perfect wight) 35
91 shadow of the void 214 246–247
mixed-levels campaign 115 shape of fire 215 unmovable (legendary dreadnought) 33
molds 106 shields 125–129 unstoppable (legendary dreadnought) 33
Mordenkainen 308 shrug off punishment (legendary Use Rope 45
motivation (of characters) 112$ uvuudaum 224
mu spore 205 dreadnought) 34 vermiurge 226
multiclass characters 8 Shuruppak 304 virtual feats 47
mummy, advanced 83 Sigil 248 walls (in dungeons) 105
naturalization (cosmic descryer) 26 silver key of portals (minor artifact) 309 ward seed 101
neh-thalggu (brain collector) 206 Simbul, the 296 weapons 129–135
nonepic feats 69 sirrush 216 white slaad 218
nonepic magic item 136 sirrush ghost 286 wild feats 47
NPC Challenge Ratings (variant) 111 site-based adventures 112 Wilderness Lore 45
NPC gear value 317 slaad 217 winterwight 227
obstacles, hazards, and traps 105 slay seed 99 wish spell 116
Open Lock 42 slimes, molds, and fungi 106 wondrous items 144–146
open-ended rolls (variant) 110 sneak attack (epic infiltrator) 29 worm that walks 228
opposed scrying 43 template 229
Order of the Book, the 238–240 xixecal 167
XP cost (of magic item) 124