By Rodney Nelson
PETS MOST WANTED, a reality investigating series recovering lost and stolen
family pets! PMW will recover dogs, cats and exotic pets as well. PMW
exposes many emotions including disappointment, excitement, sadness,
laughter and tears of joy and pain! Sadly many pets escape from unsecured
fences etc., and many stolen are expensive and some not. Whether an
adopted or high pedigree purchased pet, the owners pain are a mirror image.
Pets are an important part of our lives since the beginning of time! The affects of losing a
family pet traumatic to many owners! Recovering the pet and re-uniting the pet and owner is
the most gratifying feeling! And YES the criminals caught stealing pets are arrested and
PMW recover pets throughout the US. Unfortunately all wanted pets are not recovered
leaving some cases unsolved. And lastly unfortunately some pets are discovered to be
PMW post four different pet’s pictures with current information on the case each week to be
The pets owners will inform the detective’s information of their pet and their unfortunate
circumstance of their pets’ disappearance.
The detectives/investigators use the information/leads received from pet owners and
proceed wit the investigation.
Searching for missing pets for the good of the pets and families each episode, PETS MOST