1955 Now in our 60th Year 2015
Norfolk Railway Society
Founded 1955 www.norfolkrailwaysociety.org.uk
Volume 60 No. 2 Mar/Apr 2015
news from railways in and around Norfolk
National Network
March 2015
Mk 3 refurbishment:
Abellio Greater Anglia marked the
completion of the first Mk3 coach
refurbishment upgrade with due
ceremony at Norwich station with local
Norwich MPs present on 2nd February.
The upgrade of the 119 vehicles will
feature plug points, new LED lighting,
new carpets, new tables (fewer in
Standard?), new seat covers and
controlled emission toilets (fewer
provided?). The first completed
refurbished vehicles will need to be
retrofitted with the wc retention tanks as
the design and engineering solution
introduced a delay.
Disruption of GEML services until 22nd
March: D49/1 4-4-0 Morayshire is prepared at Weybourne on 5th March ahead of the NNR’s
Every weekend between 31st January Steam Gala (Steve Cane).
and 22nd March Network Rail has
undertaken schemes costing some £15m, including track Passengers will be delighted not to have to use replacement
renewals at Colchester, Marks Tey and Witham, with some bus services between Billericay and
overhead line renewal work in the Chelmsford area to Colchester/Manningtree/Ipswich but allow direct train services
eliminate compound catenary. Fortunately no “over-running to take the strain instead.
engineering works” scenarios resulted on the Monday
mornings apart from a few days when a handful of services Class 315 EMUs:
scheduled to start from the Down platform at Chelmsford In the last Newsletter (p.2) it was reported that the Class 315s
were unable to do so due to the overhead wiring not being were running with no AGA branding in anticipation of some
complete above the trailing crossover at the London end of West Anglia services, and a number of the 315s, transferring
the platforms. to London Overground in May. The majority are now in the
overall white bodyside livery with red doors. In February the
first unit – 315837 - appeared in a new TfL livery of dark blue
In This Issue lower bodyside with matching doors and blue coach numbers
in TfL’s typeface. Presumably branding will follow when the
Track Report transfer of services happens.
National Network 1
Heritage, Narrow-Gauge & Miniature 3 DRS 57012:
Away From the Tracks 3 This loco had suffered a seized traction motor and had been
Pick-up Goods 4 stabled at Stowmarket for some weeks before a wheel skate
journey to Dereham for collection by road for repair. It was
NRS News 12 noted in the headshunt beside Carrow bridge in Norwich and
Feature had reached Dereham by 15th February awaiting its road
Gone for a Burton - Steve Cane
Working Timetable 15 A traveller’s tale (or should that be nightmare?) - Tuesday
3rd March:
What could be simpler than using the train from Norwich to
reach London City Airport and allow 5 hours from departure 1047 and good progress was made to Ilford – an earlier
from Norwich to flight time? signalling problem at Ingatestone having cleared – but then a
near stand signals check intervened and the train was routed
On 3rd March one was comfortably seated on the 0830 via the Ilford Avoiding Line to the Up Electric so that an Up
departure (90011) and a start was keenly awaited. At 0825 Freightliner service running on the Up Main could be
the Conductor announced that due to “the failure of a light overtaken at Forest Gate. The train regained the Up Main at
between Norwich and Diss” the 0830 service was cancelled Bethnal Green and arrived at Liverpool Street at 1151 (92
and would now form the 0900 departure. What he meant to min. late compared with the 0830 ex-Norwich timing). Two
say was the failure of a light engine (!) which had followed following Norwich services were shown as due to arrive within
the 0800 departure with a DRS 37 failing on Trowse bank. It the next 15 minutes.
was a relief not to have to change on to the stock to form the
0900 service (being a pair of 321 EMUs) which departed A rapid journey via Bank and the DLR to London City allowed
about 0900 (recessed in the Up Loop at Trowse station). a swift transit of the check in and security areas enabling us
to reach the departure gate in time but without much time to
The signaller’s permission was eagerly awaited………..the take breath or take in the duty free shops’ merchandise!
0900 finally departed at 0943 and was promptly stopped
approaching Trowse swingbridge to await 47790, in Northern Needless to say, no delays were encountered over the
Belle livery, towing the errant 37 into Norwich station. following days whilst travelling on the Swiss public transport
systems which are truly co-ordinated……………….
Approaching Stowmarket we were advised that a bridge strike Peter Adds
at Needham Market (needing an inspection of the bridge
structure) was causing delays to services. The semi-fast Tata Steel wins Crossrail contract
service (major stations to Chelmsford then Stratford) would
now run non- stop to London after Ipswich. A 5 minute signal A number of NRS members will have fond memories of visits
stop was encountered at Europa Junction on the approach to to the railway system at Tata Steelworks near Scunthorpe.
Ipswich due to congestion. Departure from Ipswich was at The company has now won a contract to supply steel for 57
kilometres of rail for London’s Crossrail project. About 7,000
Norfolk Railway Society tons of new rail will be installed as part of the project, which
(Founded 1955) will connect Shenfield and Abbey Wood in the east with
Reading in the west.
President: Arnold Hoskins, Esq.
Vice-President: Ken Mills, Esq. Tunnelling should now be complete and attention will then
shift to fitting out the tunnels and laying the track. Steel for
Committee and Officers 2014-2015 Telephone the rails will be manufactured in Scunthorpe and then
transported to Tata’s steel works in Hayange, France, to be
Chairman Peter Cooke rolled before returning to the UK for installation. (AW)
Vice Chairman Brian Cornwell All of a Twitter!
Past Chairman Gordon Bruce The sound of birdsong through an open carriage window as
the train passes slowly through the countryside? No, it is
Secretary Peter Adds passengers letting the railway companies know what they
think of delays and cancellations! Twitter, the social media
Treasurer John Laycock platform, is becoming increasingly popular as a means of
contact between travellers and railway companies to share
Fixtures Arranged by sub-committee information about delays and provide updates on alternative
arrangements for disrupted journeys. Unlike the old system
Membership Sec. Mike Handscomb of written complaints that were dealt with largely free from
public view, exchanges on social media occur in real-time,
Newsletter Editor Edward Mann are interactive and any user may join in. Our railway
companies are open to scrutiny in a way they never have
Publicity Mike Fordham been before.
Committee Members:
Graham Kenworthy
Chris Mitchell
Peter Willis
Website Editor Andrew Wright
Archivist Raymond Meek
Norfolk Railway Society Newsletter
Editor Edward Mann Analysis of Twitter data from 2014 undertaken by Commute
London found a total of 1,778,090 tweets were directed at
Layout and Picture Editor Andrew Wright fourteen rail providers. The @greateranglia handle received
241,038 tweets, coming third behind @virgintrains (257,254)
Distribution Graham Smith and @fgw (First Great Western), who received 265,021
tweets. In breaking the data down into tweets about
Please contact Graham if the next edition does not arrive by cancellations, overcrowding and delays, AGA again received
the end of the month of publication the third highest number of tweets concerning the first two
categories and the second highest regarding delays.
Opinions expressed in any articles are the author's and Commute London argue that rail providers should utilise the
full potential of social media to engage with their passengers,
should not be taken to represent those of the Society. not only to provide information on delays and changes to
Next issue published 4th June 2015 services but also to engage with them about the services they
Copy date: 28th May 2015 offer. But the report authors also say passengers themselves
should make greater use of social media to provide feedback
and not just see it as a forum for frustration and criticism.
The Eastern Daily Press reported this research on 19th Heritage, Narrow-gauge and Miniature
February with a piece about the social media team employed
by AGA to respond to complaints and queries. The team of Turntable for the Mid-Norfolk Railway
four (soon to increase to six) provide information on Twitter
seven days a week. Following a visit by a delegation of Trust Board members to
Buckinghamshire Railway Centre at Quainton Road last year,
As anyone who has followed @greateranglia will know it can the Mid-Norfolk Railway has acquired a vacuum/hand-
be a useful source of information during a journey (assuming operated 60ft turntable. Built in the mid-1930s by Ransome &
there is a mobile phone signal!). It also provides news on Rapier at Ipswich it is believed to have been delivered new to
carriage formations and rolling stock - of particular relevance Htichin on the Great Northern main line. By the late 1960s it
while the Mark 3 coaches are being refurbished. For example had fallen into disuse and was sold into preservation.
the following tweets were spotted on 13th March:
The MNR plans to install the turntable at Dereham between
“Fully refurbished Mk3 coaches numbers 12013/5 (Std open) Norwich Road and the Goods Shed as part of the planned
& 11067 (First Open) will be working: 16:30 Liverpool St - new museum and heritage centre. From this location it will be
Norwich. GK” possible for visitors to watch locomotives and vehicles being
and turned. This is critical given plans to seek external
“Please be advised that the additional MK3 set NC64 (ex grant/lottery funding to support the project which will require
Virgin West Coast) is on the 17:00 Liverpool Street - Norwich the turntable to be visible as an historical or educational
today. GK” attraction.
This brought the following question and response: The MNR has launched a “Turntable Appeal” to help with
storage, restoration and transport costs and has set up a ring-
“@greateranglia how come u have an ex- Virgin Train WC fenced restricted fund for this purpose. Perhaps a project
on the network?” worthy of consideration for the 2016 NRS Show Day raffle
“We are leasing this set whilst we refurbish our current units. and tea money donation? (AW)
Away from the Tracks
The Commute London report can be found at:
www.commutelondon.com/resources/TwitterTrainsofThought Improving Beccles station…perhaps
The EDP (13th February) reported that Beccles station build-
One wonders what Dr. Beeching would have made of such ing is to be returned to more productive use. It’s planned to
research opportunities when he considered the future of the provide a café, waiting room, toilets and a tourist information
railways. (AW) point along with some small offices for rent.
Competition for East Anglia Franchise begins The station’s previous owner – the late Arthur Crisp – hoped
that the station would become a proper welcome to the town
During February the Department for Transport (DfT) as well as having the facilities travellers and visitors expect. A
published procurement documents for the new East Anglia planning application to change the use of the station building
rail franchise which Abellio Greater Anglia has operated since has been submitted. (Mike Handscomb)
February 2012, initially on a two year contract. Following the
West Coast franchising debacle, which led to the whole “Leaves on the Line”
franchising programme being re-set, AGA was given a direct
award extending their contract until the new operator takes This is the title of an enjoyable little book of railway-related
over the route in October 2016. letters published in the Daily Telegraph between 1928 &
2011. No doubt you have a mental picture of typical Daily
The prospectus ‘Delivering Transformation and Growth for Telegraph readers, but their ability to write pithy, humorous
Passengers’ sets out the DfT’s ambitions for the service in letters seems unsurpassed. Here is one, published on 14th
our area. Companies interested in bidding now have the April 1950:
opportunity to pre-qualify – a process that enables the DfT
assess whether a bidder has the appropriate financial position
and managerial competence to be a franchisee. Shortlisting
of bidders takes place during June and Invitations to Tender
will be issued to those successful in August. The contract
award will be announced in June 2016.
The prospectus and other procurement documents are “SIR – When will the Model Railway Club’s exhibition be
available online. Follow the links from the item posted on 19th given its due, and cease to be referred to always as a
February under In the News on the home page of the NRS children’s paradise?
Website. (AW)
The exhibition is not designed for children, and I wonder that
DRS Class 47s your reporter can be surprised at the greater number of adults
attending. Nor are the exhibits toys – they are beautiful scale
Only four DRS Class 47s are left in service after 47853 Rail models, superb examples of craftsmanship.
Express was removed from traffic. It failed at Stowmarket
while hauling empty coaching stock from Norwich to As a railway modeller I know I shall enlist the support of all
Wolverton during February and had to be rescued by 47790 railway modellers in voicing this, our perennial source of
Galloway Princess. 47853 has been stored at Crewe Gresty annoyance.”
47790 and 47818 are on hire to AGA, while 47810 and 47813
are at Crewe having failed while on hire to AGA. (AW)
_________PICK-UP GOODS
A miscellany of news and members’ contributions
Recently at the URC Hall
“Pictures from Here & There”
(David Pearce – 5th February)
David’s presentation was subtitled “A Celebration of Vernac-
ular Railway Photography”, and if you check the meaning of
“vernacular” its principal meaning is concerned with lan-
guage. Open up a Thesaurus and it has various entries in-
cluding ones under “native” & “plain”. Putting all that aside,
once again David had dipped into his vast photographic li-
brary – this time including photographs he had bought from
others – and the audience was forced to think why people
take photographs and about the threads holding groups of
photographs together.
David showed that he is very much a North of England per- Sub-plots galore: There’s an admiring audience as 75069 runs
son – ranging from the Settle & Carlisle, across to Northum- through Stroud with The Red Dragon steam special back in the
berland & Durham, and he enjoyed photographs of the North 1980s. We are, however, left to wonder why the elegant lady in
British Railway’s incursions into England. So it was no sur- the foreground faced the camera when the shutter was pressed,
prise that he began with a shot of a returning Blackpool – and what could be the message (if any) on the scarf the lady in
South Shields holiday service at Bleath Gill on the Stainmore the centre is holding aloft? (David Pearce)
route. I was surprised that his father was a signalman on the
NYMR, duly photographed on duty and on holiday beside the restricted and closure not far away, and the NER’s spindly
Hopton Incline gradient post. David’s grandfather had the Belah viaduct both before closure and its site today.
same interests – witness the photographs (from the Evening
Standard) of a model railway show of 1937. Just before the end of steam, David enjoyed a footplate ride
aboard 45073 hauling a freight train. Many years later he
must have been delighted to secure a print of that very train!
We also saw a Black Five near Buxton. The noted photogra-
pher Paul Riley was on hand to run through the snow to Bux-
ton MPD to procure an assisting loco!
We were treated to some unusual views – from inside the sig-
nalbox at Bottesford West Junc and also of the mail being
wheeled across the tracks after a train departed. At Long Ea-
ton Town signalbox we saw how close the buildings were to
the railway and then moved to Weymouth to see the Channel
Islands Boat Train (that pub was really close!) and then to
Boyces Bridge on the Wisbech & Upwell Tramway for more
parallel rail/road running.
It may have come as a surprise than David resorted to ebay
to acquire some photos, but this enabled us to see Port-
smouth (Lancs) and Wigan (Wallgate). He related how a me-
dium format negative of 10000 (the W1 4-6-4) changed hands
for £127.01! Engine sheds featured, of course, such as Helli-
field, Westhouses and Toton, where a Beyer-Garratt was a
welcome sight.
Who else would have thought of a picture here? 70000
Britannia is seen through the grilles of the luggage trolleys at David had been to S.W. Wales on a family holiday in his
Norwich. (David Pearce) younger days but returned to see the steam specials operat-
ing between Swansea and Fishguard, photographing them
Some people prefer no people in their images, but David pre- from the Llanstephan side of the River Towy as they passed
fers the human angle, and we saw a K1 2-6-0 with plenty of Ferryside.
people in front of it and a much smaller group close to an O2 At the close of David’s presentation David offered several al-
0-4-4T at Ventnor where the pointwork suggested a variety of ternative meanings to his show, including “What was that all
alternative routes. Unsurprisingly we saw David’s earliest about?” I’m not sure how many cared – it was the usual ex-
photographs – a Royal Scot at Nottingham MPD and a Class cellent evening’s entertainment from David, and thanks to
37 on the Bournemouth – York service which used to run via Andy Wright for operating the projector. (EM)
Nottingham (Victoria). In the same area we saw something of
the “last trains” on the Great Central (David’s favourite, per- Editor’s Note: We will all remember different images from
haps?) and an old photograph of Ollerton with the station staff David’s presentation. The couple I have used particularly ap-
– presumably – lined up for the camera for reasons unknown. pealed to me.
Earlier, I referred to David’s interest in the NBR’s cross-bor-
der probes – we saw something of Angerton, Scotsgap in
1937, the Border Counties bridge at Hexham, clearly weight-
_________PICK-UP GOODS
South American Standard Gauge compensated former slave owners to the tune of £20M.
(Ken Mills – 19th February)
As the Liverpool & Manchester Railway was paying a 10%
As a taster for the rather more extensive routes which were to dividend on its shares, the former slave owners realised that
follow, Ken started with a 1968 visit to Trinidad, the island off astute railway investment would be very beneficial. They
the coast of Venezuela. His series of slides started in Port of would take out share options, knowing they’d get “slave
Spain, illustrating the station, signal box and a coach which money” and of the 649 slave owners who were compensated
had been transferred from Canada. We continued via the 164 are known to have invested in railways. The Government
locoshed, which contained - amongst others - an Alco never involved itself in strategic railway planning.
locomotive, to St. Joseph’s Junction where the system
divided into three separate branches. The “Railway Mania” of the mid-1840s was caused by
speculation in railway schemes – 272 Railway Acts of
Ken then moved on to Guyana (formerly British Guiana) Parliament were passed in 1846 covering some 9,500 miles,
where the first railway had been constructed in 1845. Much but about one-third were never built. When the Bank of
British engineering was in evidence, including a Ransome’s England put up interest rates in 1845, the banks began to re-
turntable at Rossignol, the station across the river to the west invest in bonds, which had the effect of taking money away
of the major port of New Amsterdam. The views moved from the railways and schemes simply ran out of funding.
further west to Georgetown by one of the eight daily trains Many small investors were particularly badly hit and our larger
which took four hours to travel the 60 mile journey. Having railway companies were able to enlarge their networks by
seen a 4-6-4 tank engine named Sir Graeme at Rossignol, buying failed companies cheaply. It was generally the case
various members of the audience were pleased to see Sir that smaller and inexperienced investors suffered whilst the
Gordon, Sir John and Sir Geoffrey at Georgetown. A Doubey experienced merchants fared much better.
shunter, constructed from spare parts in 1946 rounded off this
part of the tour. David then turned his attention to the railways’ territorial
nature and their preference for building new lines instead of
The second half of the evening made use of five differently improving facilities. He had made a close study of the London
owned standard gauge lines northwards from Buenos Aires & South Western Railway and drew attention to the Cobham
through the provinces of Entrerios (“between the rivers”) and area where residents were without a railway. The Guildford
Corrientes into land-locked Paraguay. The rivers in question Kingston & London Railway, which they promoted in the
for Entrerios are the Uruguay to the east and the Parana to 1880s, was successfully opposed by the L&SWR and,
the west. Ken had visited each of these railways during a surprise, surprise, they offered what became known as the
number of visits to the area during the late 1960s/early 1970s. “New Line” from Guildford via Cobham to the main line at
Esher. This was poorly patronised until the spread of the
The first railway in the area dated from 1862, the main reason commuter belt in the 1920s.
for the number constructed being to provide freight services
rather than for passengers. During his visits Ken saw a He reported on Professor Mark Casson’s study for a planned
number of examples of locomotives dating from the later rail network. Unplanned, the network covered some 20,000
years of the 19th century. miles in 1914. By contrast Casson came up with a planned
network of some 13,000 miles, with London to Norwich being
We were taken through an alphabet of classes (literally A to via Cambridge. The unplanned network diluted shareholders’
Z), built by a considerable number of different companies in dividends.
the United Kingdom, but also featuring examples from
Belgium, Germany and USA. The British builders featured We had a look at excursion trains, which began running in the
included Dübs, Hudswell Clark, North British and Kerr 1830s, and learnt that Thomas Cook was not a significant
Stewart. There was also a variety of those burning different player. Excursions offered travel outside one’s home area,
fuels – coal, wood and oil. and early excursions went to such diverse events as horse
racing, regattas and executions! The public was not
The British influence in the early railways featured was also in particularly well catered for, with open carriages being used
evidence in many of the views shown, particularly where by the N.E.R. into the 1870s. The growing network also
original semaphore signals and signal boxes survived. helped the development of football leagues, for example.
Surprisingly, the railways did not seem to develop horse-
The customary thanks of the Chairman were expressed racing attendances as 200,000 attended Epsom in the 1830s.
followed by a show of appreciation from the members Nor did they help football supporters in the early days, when
present, not only for Ken’s presentation but also for the many walked or used trams.
button-pushing skills of Ian Woodruff, Ken’s projectionist.
(Graham Kenworthy) David concluded with a look at railway operating ratios –
below 100% operating costs meant profit. An average of 50%
“Victorian Railways – Recent Academic was the ratio in the mid-19th century, but this had worsened to
Research” (Dr David Turner – 5th March) about 60% by 1910, and would continue to worsen.
How often is it that our speaker appears to be younger than A most unusual and fascinating presentation, which was
his audience, and how often does a presentation begin by much enjoyed by the appreciative audience. Thanks to Chris
discussing the slave trade? Our speaker – teaching fellow Dr Mitchell for arranging for David to speak to us, and to Andy
David Turner from the University of York – began by exploring Wright for operating the projector. (EM)
the link between the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833, its
compensation provisions, who received this money and what David leads the Postgraduate Diploma in Railway Studies run
happened to it. Merchants in London, Liverpool and by the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the University of York.
Manchester had become very wealthy on the back of the This is an online course. Details can be found at:
slave trade, and the financial provisions of the Act www.york.ac.uk/lifelonglearning/pg-dip-railways
_________PICK-UP GOODS
It beggars belief!
On 26th January DBS 66176 expired whilst working a china
clay train near Par. This is the jaw-dropper: Apparently
assistance was provided by the only other “large” loco in
Cornwall – FGW’s 57603 Tintagel Castle – which was
booked to work the 2145 Penzance – Paddington Night
Riviera sleeping car train. Having collected the failed train,
and left everything in St Blazey Yard, the 57 returned to
Penzance and left for London 43 min. late. Would you believe
it reached Paddington on time?
In steam days, a 42xx or a Grange might have been sent out
to rescue the failed train, and into the 1990s a spare diesel
could have been procured without difficulty. It’s a different
story for today’s operators!
Which way to London? 34074 46 Squadron heads west from Plymouth on the first
stage of the 1146 to Waterloo in January 1962. The ECS
During Mike Handscomb’s presentation he mentioned that at would have come from Plymouth Friary. Penzance trains
Exeter St David’s London trains departed in opposite would use the same tracks.
directions – east for Paddington but west for Exeter Central &
Waterloo. Chester General, Crewe and Euston. Afon Wen – Caernarvon
closed in 1964.
34081 92 Squadron is at Exeter St David’s, ready to do
battle with the 1 in 37 to Exeter Central. Much closer to home - and lacking a sufficient number of E.R.
timetables to establish for how long it ran - you could, if you
wanted the ride, head north from Ipswich at 0718 and then
go via Bury St Edmunds, Newmarket and Cambridge, finally
reaching Liverpool St at 1018. Makes a change from
Colchester, I suppose! The return left Liverpool St at 1656 but
terminated at Bury St Edmunds at 1905 (summer 1962
timetable). Wonder what the Ipswich - London fare was on
the 0718!
I would appreciate readers’ input. Were there any King’s
Cross services from Harrogate via York?
At present, only Exeter (St David’s) and
Edinburgh/Haymarket offer travellers this unusual option.
A set of images showing what happened at Exeter (St
David’s) & Plymouth (North Road) have been supplied by the
ever-helpful Michael Roach.
If we take the criteria as the same station, the same period Hard to believe, but both trains are heading for Exeter. On the
and a through service here’s a few more: left, the “N” class 2-6-0 has come from Plymouth (Friary) and
Chester General – Crewe/Euston trains would head south- will soon pass through Plymouth (North Road) before reaching
east, but Shrewsbury, Birmingham & Paddington trains used Exeter via Okehampton. 4936 Kinlet Hall is on The Mayflower
to head south-west. from Plymouth (North Road) to Paddington via Newton Abbot
Edinburgh/Haymarket – east to King’s Cross or west to and Exeter. Plymouth Station Tower is still under construction
Euston. When the L.M.S. station at Edinburgh Princes St was in this summer 1961 view, and from 1st January 1963
open Euston portions would, naturally, begin and end there. Plymouth became a short-lived WR Division.
Nottingham Midland – when the line through to Manton was
open you could head east. The usual route to St Pancras is
Plymouth North Road – Paddington trains would head east
but Waterloo trains used to head west towards the Royal
Albert Bridge but not cross it.
Portmadoc is an interesting one. In the good old days of
named trains, a portion of The Cambrian Coast Express ran
to and from Pwllheli from Paddington. Its route would have
been Birmingham Snow Hill, Shrewsbury, Machynlleth, Morfa
Mawddach and then along the Cambrian Coast. Its return
journey would have run south from Pwllheli through
Portmadoc, and thence Morfa Mawddach etc. In the
1950s/60s the LMR competed with the multi-portioned
Welshman to Llandudno, Holyhead, Pwllheli and Portmadoc.
The Portmadoc portion would have run north to Afon Wen (a
junction in the middle of nowhere), Caernarvon, Bangor,
_________PICK-UP GOODS
Annual Show Report (21st February) Modellers’ Group had Tirencester with a 55xx tank loco.
I reported on our Annual Show last year, but it’s one of my For those who liked railway DVDs, Robert Scarfe kept a
tougher assignments as I know next to nothing about model varied programme going to suit the many who came into the
railways etc! Thankfully somebody recognised this and I’ve side room and who probably saw something of a line that was
covered his layout separately. completely new to them.
If we begin in the Sanctuary, Ken Mills had his customary And finally… into the Blake Room where Arthur Barrett’s
display of locomotives – this year ex – NBR freight locos with themed railway was the Lynton & Barnstaple. As always, his
a GE B12, GNSR D40 & an LNER J39 also on show. Kirkley comprehensive display included video footage and extensive
St John’s, Lowestoft, was a show of ex-GE locos, some with publicity. The Southwold Railway Trust had a stand to remind
a passenger function. Our member Geoff Moore & Peter us of their progress whilst our friends from the B17 Steam
Cady had come up with something a bit different. Vice- Locomotive Trust reported they were ready to have the
Chairman Brian Cornwell had a very diverse display of Lego frames cut for Spirit of Sandringham. Ray Meek’s display this
City trains, including a Tube train, an ICE set, some U.S. year was ex-M&GN bridge plates, supplemented by some
freight, and a TGV as well as some road transport! Swiss models of M&GN freight locos and rolling stock, with the
railways were the theme of the Mike Fordham/Philip Moore M&GN Society having its usual feature alongside.
display (Beginners’ LGB). I could remember the Hornby-
Dublo 3-rail, so it was pleasing to see the Hornby Railways David Beeken and Brian Sayer’s Gauge 1 Group had brought
Collectors’ Association with an A4 and N2 running. along some very impressive locos – a Schools 4-4-0, LNER
3021, SR 756 and the very modern DRS 66407. Next to
To make a change from the layouts, our member David them, Mike Handscomb was kept busy selling books on
Rowlands was showing railway and other transport prints, as behalf of members and deceased members (even recruiting
well as some original paintings. The Society Photographic some new members too) but, having been round, time to
Archive display in the middle of the Sanctuary spanned 60 pause for refreshment – and to thank the “Catering Corps”
years with your scribe taking great interest in the prints from comprising (left to right): Janet, Maureen, Jenni, Sandy,
visits to Middleton Towers sand quarries and the B.S.C. Pauline, Jane and Ann who worked hard to keep the troops
Wissington, as well as there being more up-to-date fare
recalling visits to the Leighton Buzzard Light Railway and the
Epping & Ongar Railway. The Diss MRC rounded off this part
of the Show with their 00 gauge Roydon Road, complete with
station, motive power depot etc.
Norwich MRC had a photo/publicity display in the foyer whilst
in the coffee area there were sales/publicity stands from the
Barton House Railway, Bure Valley Railway & RCTS. And so
into the North Room where the 16mm Narrow Gauge
Modellers’ Association had some classy models of engines
that work or worked on the Darjeeling Himalayas Railway, the
Welsh Highland Railway and the long-defunct Campbeltown
& Machrihanish Light Railway, among others, and which were
capable of being steamed. There were a couple of N gauge
layouts courtesy of Roger Upson-Smith and David Hall, the
latter based on the Cheshire end of the Pennines and now
over 30 years old.
Roger Kingstone’s Norfolk 0 Gauge Mardlers caused me a bit supplied (also Rose who is not pictured). Thanks also to Chris
of head-scratching when I saw his elongated J17 but he King & Chris Mitchell for manning the car park on a sunny,
explained the fascinating story of the GER’s Decapod, its but chilly, day, and above all thanks to Peter Willis who
short life before rebuilding to an 0-8-0 and the re-discovery of organised things so well.
the latter’s tender in the 1930s, some 20 years after the
rebuilt engine had gone for scrap. The 009 Gauge Society Many thanks to Peter Adds and Peter Cooke who sold
had brought “Reeds Beck Waterworks” whilst the Border numerous raffle tickets, and immediately before the draw was
_________PICK-UP GOODS “Twixt Hatton & Harbury”
made a cheque for £450 was gratefully received by Steve I was reminded of this title of a photographic collection by the
Ashling (picture below, Gordon Bruce) on behalf of the North late Colin Walker when I learned about the very serious
Norfolk Railway’s “Suburban 4” Appeal. landslip adjacent to Harbury Tunnel on the old G.W. main line
from Birmingham (Snow Hill) to Banbury and London. The
line is now used mainly by Chiltern Railways (Birmingham
(Moor St) – Marylebone services but also by Cross-Country
services from Birmingham to Reading and beyond. It also
sees significant freight flows. A location check puts Hatton
west of Warwick – its station is still open – whilst Southam
Road & Harbury was south-east of Warwick and closed in
Those of you who have “followed me round” will have noticed What happened was that the line had been closed since 31st
no report for Graham Smith’s hard-to-miss G Scale “Dutch” January after an estimated 350,000 tonnes of earth and rock
layout. He told me that this year’s offering was inspired by a slipped down the embankment at the entrance to Harbury
pre-Christmas trip to Holland using Abellio/Stena’s Dutch Tunnel, effectively blocking the line between Leamington Spa
Flyer ticket giving boat and rail travel to any rail-served corner and Banbury. There has been a bus replacement service, or
of the Netherlands, in this case Maastricht and Valkenburg. passengers for London can travel via Coventry.
The country is still blessed with many barrel-organs
performing in the streets, and also has a love for their old
roadside tramways which used to criss-cross Holland and
Belgium – festivals are held for the organs, and there are
There is plenty to read on the internet, and occasions like this
are very difficult for NR’s civil engineers, workers and
contractors. The conditions look appalling! Traffic was
diverted on to the WCML and an engineering block at Watford
had to be delayed.
preserved railways and tramways, one of which is in The Oxford – Birmingham line was constructed through
Amsterdam and we have visited several times, although it is Harbury in 1847 by the Birmingham & Oxford Junction
not always open except at summer weekends. Other lines, Railway with a 100’ deep cutting at Harbury next to the
such as that from Hoorn to Medemblik, give an idea of rural tunnel, which is only 73 yards long. Was the tunnel long
steam or diesel-powered tramways of the past in a most enough? The company’s Engineer was I.K.Brunel, and
charming way and in attractive countryside. Graham’s layout maybe his star is shining a little less brightly in some quarters
is meant to represent these features in G gauge, although it at present. Of course, the B. & O. J. board would have had to
has a way to go yet, but hopefully will give you a flavour and a sanction construction expenditure and maybe IKB’s preferred
wish to visit for yourself! choice was too expensive for them. Who knows? We can also
Did you see the “Telefoon” kiosks and maybe other quirky be sure that soil mechanics were little understood. In the late
items? (EM) 19th century the cutting was widened by the GWR and made
less steep, but for many years it seems to have been a
Editor’s Note: I would hope that someone picks up the baton serious civil engineering “trouble spot” with another landslide
and writes a similar report (perhaps a little shorter) about occurring last year.
their layout next year.
It is good to report that the line re-opened on 13th March,
some 3 weeks ahead of schedule, and a credit to all
concerned. NR will remain on site for several more months as
work continues on the cutting and additional investigations of
the surrounding area take place.
Unless stated images by Andy Wright. Not far away, some of you may be interested to know that a
new station at Kenilworth is due to open next year.
_________PICK-UP GOODS
Down Memory Lane Another quiz to try and solution from the last
I thought I’d include a few bus and trolleybus images as
several of these have come through my Inbox since the Heading north-west (towards Huntly) the 3 stations were
David Clayton/David Cooke presentation to the NTG back in Wardhouse, Kennethmont (also home of the Ardmore
mid-February. Distillery) and Gartly. Congratulations to Malcolm Bown,
Mike Handscomb, Geoff Moore, Anthony Morris & David
It’s just a matter of selection, but all are from South Wales. Pearce for submitting correct answers.
We begin (opposite) with Swansea-registered NCY 887
which is a Burlington Seagull-bodied A.E.C. Reliance Scottish football teams perhaps hide their identities better
acquired new by Neath & Cardiff Luxury Coaches (!) in 1956 than their English counterparts. What are the nearest
and which was taken at the Western Welsh Bus Station in passenger stations for Albion Rovers, St Mirren & Clyde? If
Cardiff (I think), probably in the late 1950s. you’re feeling really brave, then add Partick Thistle to this
list. Please email answers to [email protected] in the
Don’t the single-deck trolleybuses (below), pictured in Bute usual way.
St, Cardiff, look out of proportion with those long poles up to
the catenary? The crew had to struggle to get these poles
back on the wires if they detached. Their use can be
explained by the low bridges in the docks area. Unfortunately
EBO 893 (Cardiff-registered) defies internet searching so if
anyone is able to shed light on the vehicle I’d like to know.
Cardiff’s trolleybuses finished on 11th January 1970 (many
municipal trolleybus operations ended in the 1960s) but
Bradford became the last when its system closed on 26th
March 1972.
Monmouthshire-registered HWO 345 was photographed at
Newport Bus Station in the 1950s, and passengers are in for
a long journey if they’re going to Gloucester. The bus is a Guy
Arab with Duple bodywork – Fleet no. L2049 – in case you
were wondering! It joined the Red & White Services fleet in
1950 and was retired in 1968.
Thanks to Robin Thomas for all of the images. (EM)
Norwich v. Ipswich – 1st March
3 additional trains were run:
321358/315 worked the 1235 from Ipswich and just
managed to reach Platform 5 after some idiot pulled
the passcom.
156422 worked the 1235 from Lowestoft due 1321
and left on the 1336 to Yarmouth.
156407 worked the 1255 from Thetford.
47790 Galloway Princess and 47818 with the DRS
push-pull set were stabled in the centre road between
Platforms 4 & 5 apparently to separate the trains of
Ipswich & Norwich supporters after the match. (John
Hutchinson & John Stewart)
Mayflower’s main line duties
Unfortunately things are not as advanced
Storming up Lakenham bank with The Royal Norfolkman on a dull 11th as I would like them to be.
February morning at 0806 (Mike Fordham).
Enquiries are in hand for a visit to the
Traffic Control Centre at County Hall for our
outdoor visit on the evening of 4th June. As
there won’t be an intervening Newsletter –
and if you’re not on email or won’t be at our
meetings on 16th April, 7th & 21st May -
please register your interest by letter or
I have also made enquiries about an
evening visit to the Ashmanhaugh Light
Railway at the end of June/beginning of
July. We have not been there for a few
years, and it always makes for an enjoyable
We are also planning a visit to the Nene
Valley Railway to coincide with their Steam
Gala on Saturday 12th September. The
usual pro-forma will accompany the next
Edward Mann, 16 Chestnut Hill, Eaton,
Norwich, NR4 6NL – email or phone.
In NRS/NL 59/5 p.4 we reported on a visit
to the Gauge 1 Model Railway at Hepworth,
Suffolk. Mike Fordham has arranged a
repeat visit on Wednesday 12th August from
1300 – 1530. Please speak to Mike if you
wish to know more.
On Sunday 8th March Mayflower was on main-line duty hauling The Only a year ago…
Easterling from London King’s Cross to Norwich via Cambridge and return via
Lowestoft, the East Suffolk Line, Europa Curve, Bury St Edmunds and Last year, Clive Morris, Chairman of the
Cambridge. Seen at Lakenham, above, (Mike Fordham) and shortly after a NNR, visited our Show to receive our
late departure from Norwich, it is seen crossing the River Yare approaching donation towards the NNR’s Suburban Four
Girlings Road level-crossing (Andy Wright). Appeal. I have read in today’s Norwich
Evening News (18th February) that he has
10 passed away after a short illness. We send
our condolences to his widow and family.
Strange but true
An entrepreneur has bought around 200 old
LUL carriages which he believes will be
ideal replacements for the hated Pacers.
The plan is to strip the carriages, fit small
diesel engines and new seating and hey
Corrections Corner
In NRS/NL 60/1 p.5 the date of the
Members’ Evening should have been 18th
December. In addition, our generous
membership, fortified by Kenworthy mince
pies, donated £125 to St Martin’s Housing
Trust. Thanks to Joy & Graham Kenworthy
for their usual display of culinary skills.
The NNR’s March Steam Gala
Over the weekend of 6th - 8th March the new season on
the NNR got well and truly underway featuring visitors
D49 Morayshire and GWR 0-6-0PT 1501. Here are a
selection of images taken on 6th March.
Clockwise from top right: D49/1 62712 Morayshire could
be running close to the Firth of Forth 60 years ago -
actually it’s crossing bridge 303 over the A149 with a
train for Weybourne (Andy Wright). 1501 makes a fine
sight en route to Weybourne (Mike Fordham). BR Class
4MT 2-6-0 76084 approaches Weybourne station with a
train from Sheringham (Andy Wright). The distinguished
visitors pose at Sheringham (Richard Adderson).
Although not appearing on the public timetable, Y7 0-4-
0T 985 was at work in the yard at Weybourne and here
receives another bucket of coal (Andy Wright).
HC1700/38 Wissington heads the NNR’s vintage stock
out of Weybourne (Andy Wright).
_________PICK-UP GOODS
Ferries again!
This is the Saltash ferry, some 3 months
before the opening of the Tamar Bridge.
The Standard Vanguard (I believe) seems
a bit precarious on the back with no stern
doors to afford greater safety but this is
July 1961 and so Health & Safety, Risk
Assessments and the whole Inspection
culture is incredibly distant.
But before the Tamar Bridge was opened,
people still needed to get to and from
Plymouth, so how did they do it? Clearly
there needed to be something more than
the ferry, so there was a frequent Saltash –
Plymouth rail service (see extract from the
summer 1961 Timetable opposite). Its
frequency was astonishing – it would have
catered for dock staff, commuters, scholars
and shoppers alike – as the Gunnislake
New Bridge was the next crossing-point
(please look at a map). Until DMUs took
over in 1959/60 the service was an auto-
train with a 64xx tank being sandwiched in
the middle of up to 4 coaches
I do not have the timetables for subsequent
years, but the bridge opening effectively put
paid to an interesting service.
With thanks to Michael Roach for the image
and help.
___________NRS NEWS
From the Membership Secretary
We’re delighted to welcome two new members to the NRS.
Steve Ashling of Wymondham
Ian Dinmore of Brundall.
Both Steve and Ian are familiar faces, having addressed NRS
meetings on more than one occasion. Steve will also talk to
us about Network Rail’s Signalling Strategy on April 16th -
don’t miss it.
Steve Cane has recruited Stephen Roberts of Norwich.
We were pleased to see Peter Davies at our Show, recently
released from NNUH “Plant” after surgery. We hope his con-
valescence goes well.
Chris Wake is seriously ill and has been in hospital for some
time. We take this opportunity of sending him our best wishes
for the future and hope that we may see him at a meeting
again before long.
And a final reminder…
Most current members have now sent or given me their blue
2015 renewal form and payment – thank you.
___________NRS NEWS
But if you haven’t yet renewed, I must remind you that you News concerning our President
won’t receive any further issues of our Newsletter unless your
form and cheque reach me soon. Over to you! We’re sorry to report that the Society’s President, Arnold
Hoskins was admitted to the NNUH in March with heart
Mike Handscomb problems. He has since been discharged, and has moved to
the care home where his wife has already been for some
Christmas Meal time.
What seems to have become an established fixture was held Despite his health problems Arnold is in good spirits and
at the Maid Marian P.H. on 8th December when 34 diners welcomes visitors. Although he says anyone can call in at any
“tucked in”. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves, and time it would probably be best to ring beforehand.
thanks to Brian Cornwell not only for organising the event but
also for devising one of the now-customary quizzes. You’ve And Also….
got a job for life, Brian!
Philip Pitt has been seriously ill and in hospital, but we’re
delighted to learn that he’s now ‘on the mend slowly’. We
hope to see Philip at meetings again before long.
We were also saddened to learn that long-standing member
Barry Stevens is seriously ill, and send him the Society’s best
Gone for a Burton (Steve Cane)
If you miss the bitter-sweet smell of hops, malts and grains
emanating from the brewery in King Street, Norwich, then
Burton-upon-Trent is the place for you.
I was there on 22nd November to watch “The Hatters” take
on “The Brewers” in a League Division Two match. As
usual I travelled by train from Norwich, changing at
Nottingham, and arriving in Burton after a journey time of
about three hours.
Burton is still the brewing capital of England and the view
from the station forecourt is dominated by breweries, either
used or unused. There are still five major companies
brewing in the town, plus Marmite and Bovril who use the
by-products of the brewing industry.
I was staying the night after the match so had booked a
room in the Travelodge next to the station. The hotel
building is a beautifully renovated Midland Railway Grain
Store (right), built in 1854 and used originally as a cheese
The Midland Railway played a huge part in the brewing
industry, for it was their trains that delivered beer all over
the country to the thirsty population. I can remember as a
young man being able to buy draught Bass at the Luton
station buffet. Probably a few barrels a week were
carefully dropped off at the station from a train destined
for the Capital. When the beer barrels reached London
they were stored in the undercroft at St. Pancras station,
which is now used as the departure lounge and ticket
offices for Eurostar trains.
In the evening at around ten o’clock I noticed from my
hotel window quite a gathering of people on the station
platform. I went to investigate and was delighted to find
that a steam charter train was about to arrive en route to
Derby. Unfortunately I had left my camera in the hotel and
was unable to get pictures of Duchess of Sutherland as it
eased into the station. When 6233 pulled powerfully away
the night sky was lit up by the steam, smoke and ashes
belching from the loco’s chimney, it reminded me of the
famous Howlin’ Wolf blues song Smokestack Lightning.
On Sunday I caught a midday train back to Nottingham. I had a
couple of hours before my East Midlands train to Norwich
departed so I had decided to have a look at the newly refurbished
and redeveloped station (previous page bottom left). The Grade II*
listed station buildings have been restored to a very high
standard and those of you who remember the dilapidated and
frankly filthy former building will be impressed. A new high-level
tram stop has been built next to the station (right), and can be
accessed from the station platforms using a footbridge and lift.
Trams run in one direction into Nottingham City centre, and will
soon run in the other direction across a newly installed bridge to
the University and southern suburbs. This bridge replaced the
original Great Central Railway viaduct which was demolished in
the 1970’s and much of the new tramway will follow the route of
the GCR as it progressed south towards Loughborough.
Oh, nearly forgot, after nine games without defeat “The Hatters”
also went for a Burton losing 1-0 to “The Brewers”!
Editor’s Note: Thanks to Steve for taking the trouble to submit this
article and related images. There is a fair amount of information on
the internet showing the GCR/MR juxtapositioning and maybe our
GCR consultant would be amenable to providing some modern
images of the tram route and new bridge.
If anyone is interested in Burton’s many private sidings etc in its
heyday, Volume 2 of the Midland Railway System Maps is an eye-
opener – see below. This shows about half the private sidings and
other connections in the Midland Railway’s heyday and places
them relative to Burton’s mainline station. It must have been fun
using the roads in those days!
a selective look ahead at local railway events
NORFOLK RAILWAY SOCIETY, GER Society (Norwich Branch) and Norfolk Transport Group meetings take place (unless
otherwise stated) at: United Reformed Church Hall, Ipswich Road, Norwich, NR4 6QR
Events are listed in good faith, but visitors should check with the organisation concerned before travelling.
Great Eastern Railway Society (Norwich Branch) - contact Mike Fordham
Norfolk Transport Group - contact John Laycock
Services on our Local Railways
Ashmanhaugh Light Railway, East View Farm, Stone Lane, Ashmanhaugh, NR12 8YW. For information:
Barton House Railway, Hartwell Road, Wroxham, NR12 8TL. For information: www.bartonhouserailway.org.uk – Tel: 01603-
The Bure Valley Railway - For details of individual events please visit their website - www.bvrw.co.uk - or telephone 01263-
733858. Daily running until 1st November.
The Mid-Norfolk Railway - For details of individual events please visit their website - www.mnr.org.uk - or telephone 01362-
690633. Regular running (at least 3 days per week).
The Mid-Suffolk Light Railway, Brockford Station, Wetheringsett, IP14 5PW - For details of individual events please visit their
website - www.mslr.org.uk - or telephone 01449-766899. Operating days on Sunday31st May and all Sundays in June.
The North Norfolk Railway - For details of individual events please visit their website - www.nnrailway.co.uk - or telephone 01263-
The Norwich & District Society of Model Engineers meets at Eaton Park, Norwich on Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays from
1300-1700. Please visit their website – www.ndsme.co.uk.
The Wells & Walsingham Light Railway. For information: www. wellswalsinghamrailway.co.uk or tel: 01328 711630 (up to 1700
please). Daily running until 31st October.
The Whitwell & Reepham Railway - For details of individual events please visit their website - www.whitwellstation.com - or
telephone 01603-871694.
APRIL Fri - Mon MID-NORFOLK RAILWAY – Easter Egg Specials.
3rd - 6th
3rd - 6th Fri - Mon BURE VALLEY RAILWAY – Easter Eggspresses.
5th - 6th
5th Sun - Mon NORWICH & DISTRICT SOCIETY OF MODEL ENGINEERS – Running commences at Eaton Park.
5th - 6th Sun WHITWELL & REEPHAM RAILWAY – Easter Steam Sunday & Easter Egg Hunt.
9th Sun - Mon MID-SUFFOLK LIGHT RAILWAY - Easter Steam-ups.
11th Mon BARTON HOUSE RAILWAY – Easter Monday Running 1430 – 1730.
11th - 12th Thur 1930 NORFOLK TRANSPORT GROUP – Members’ Evening.
Sat NORWICH M.R.C. Exhibition, Hellesdon High School, Middleton’s Lane, Norwich, NR6 5SB, 1000 –
18th Sat 1630.
19th Sat - Sun NORWICH CITY STATION PRESERVATION GROUP/FONCS - Marriotts Way ‘walk and talk’ from
23rd the former City station to Hellesdon. See the remaining railway architecture and hear a talk on the
25th - 26th history of the line from 1882 to 1969. Meet at 1000 at the former excavated platform wall at
‘Halfords’ roundabout.
WHITWELL & REEPHAM RAILWAY – 1940s Weekend (Steam).
Thur 1930 NORFOLK RAILWAY SOCIETY – “National Operating Strategy – Signalling trains into the next
Sat decade and beyond” – Steve Ashling.
NENTA TRAINTOURS – “The Dean Forest Explorer”. From Dereham (MNR) 0600 (approx) &
Norwich 0700 (approx) then via Cambridge & Royston to Bath & Bristol for Bath/Bristol/Longleat
/D.F.R./ Bristol Harbour & Avon River Cruise. Norwich return 2325 (approx) Dereham return 0030
(approx). Fares from £67.75. First Class & Premier Class available.
Thur 1930 GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY SOCIETY (Norwich Branch) - Railway Signalling 2 - Roger Kingstone.
Sat - Sun BURE VALLEY RAILWAY - Macmillan Charity Sponsored Walk.
APRIL cont. NORFOLK TRANSPORT GROUP - Balloons Airships and miscellaneous transport - Malcolm
30th Thur 1930 Cooper.
MAY Sat RICKINGHALL MODEL RAILWAY SHOW with Diss & District Model Railway Society at Rickinghall
2nd Village Hall, Hinderclay Road IP22 1HD, from 1000 - 1600. Seventeen layouts, trade support and
specialist societies. Admission £4, accompanied children £1. Enquiries 07930 188472 or 01379
2nd - 3rd Sat - Sun 643045.
2nd - 4th Sat - Mon SOUTHWOLD RAILWAY TRUST - 3rd Southwold Railway Exhibition & Model Railway Show at St
Edmunds Hall, Cumberland Road, Southwold, IP18 8JP. From 1030 each day. Featuring an
interesting blend of standard and narrow gauge model railways, plus the latest on SR Trust plans at
Wenhaston. For more details telephone 01502 725422 or email: [email protected].
NORTH NORFOLK RAILWAY - Days out with Thomas.
3rd Sun ASHMANHAUGH LIGHT RAILWAY - Open Day 1400 - 1700 weather permitting.
3rd Sun WHITWELL & REEPHAM RAILWAY - Steam Sunday from 1230.
3rd - 4th Sun - Mon MID-SUFFOLK LIGHT RAILWAY – Middy in the War Years.
7th Thur NORFOLK RAILWAY SOCIETY - Evening visit to the NDSME, Eaton Park, Norwich. Please
assemble after 1830. Partners/wives/friends also welcome.
14th Thur NORFOLK TRANSPORT GROUP - Outing to be arranged.
16th Sat MID-NORFOLK RAILWAY – Spring Jazz Train with live jazz from the Classic Dixieland Trio.
Booking essential.
16th Sat NENTA TRAINTOURS – “The Welsh Highlander”. From Norwich 0505 (approx), then via Ipswich &
Ely to Chester/Llandudno Junc/Holyhead for Chester/Llandudno/Snowdon Mountain Railway
/Welsh Highland Railway/Holyhead. Norwich return 0030 (approx). Fares from £67.75. First Class
& Premier Class available. Details: www.nentatraintours.co.uk or telephone 01692-406152.
17th Sun BARTON HOUSE RAILWAY - Running Day 1430 – 1730.
21st Thur NORFOLK RAILWAY SOCIETY - Bi-annual visit from the Ipswich and District Historical
23rd - 25th Sat - Mon Transport Society.
MID-NORFOLK RAILWAY - 1980s Weekend. Celebrate BR in the 1980s when BR Blue and
Blue/Grey coaches ruled the tracks.
23rd - 25th Sat - Mon BURE VALLEY RAILWAY - Everything Goes. All available BVR engines and coaches in action.
24th - 25th Sun - Mon NORTH NORFOLK RAILWAY - Dad's Army Live!
24th - 25th Sun - Mon MID-SUFFOLK LIGHT RAILWAY – Operating Days.
25th Mon WHITWELL & REEPHAM RAILWAY – Steam Bank Holiday Monday from 1230.
28th Thur GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY SOCIETY (Norwich Branch) - Outing to be arranged..
JUNE Thur NORFOLK RAILWAY SOCIETY - evening visit to be arranged. See page 10 above.
7th Sun ASHMANHAUGH LIGHT RAILWAY - Open Day 1400 - 1700 weather permitting.
7th Sun WHITWELL & REEPHAM RAILWAY – Steam Sunday from 1230.
7th Sun MID-SUFFOLK LIGHT RAILWAY –“Belgian Day” – Official launch into traffic for visiting Cockerill
12th - 14th Fri - Sun 0-4-0VBWT tank engine.
19th - 21st Fri - Sun MID NORFOLK RAILWAY - Steam Gala Weekend.
20th Sat NENTA TRAINTOURS - Torbay Coast Boat Train. Day trip from Norwich by special InterCity train
to Exeter, Torquay and Paignton with optional excursions. Journey will include Dawlish and
Teignmouth seafronts. Details: www.nentatraintours.co.uk or telephone 01692-406152.
21st Sun BARTON HOUSE RAILWAY - Running Day.
21st Sun BURE VALLEY RAILWAY - Father's Day VIP Package.
Printed by Express Impressions. Tel. 01603 301127