NOVEMBER 2, 2017
Prepared for:
Mr. Saleem Malik
WIM Management.
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, ON, L6H 7G9
Cosman Mortgage Capital Corporation
173 Danforth Avenue Toronto, OntarioM4K 1N2
Attn: Jason Cosman.
Prepared by:
Andre Breberina P. Geo
35 Fairview Avenue, Grimsby, On, L3M 3L4
T: 1 (905) 945-7019, F: 1 (905) 945-9735
e-mail: [email protected]
Project Number 17142
November 2, 2017
WIM Management . Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
At the request of Mr. Saleem Malik of WIM Management (the Client), a Phase I
Environmental Site Assessment (P1-ESA) was conducted on a property municipally known as
2478 Ninth Line in the Town of Oakville, Ontario (the Site).
The purpose of a P1-ESA is to identify potential and actual sources of contamination that may
exist on a property. P1-ESAs may assist in reducing the uncertainty about potential
environmental liabilities and may be the basis for further investigation on the property.
This P1-ESA was carried out using the Canadian Standards Association’s Standard Z767-01
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Guidelines. The ESA procedure involved:
▪ records review of current and historical data
▪ interviews with Site personnel
▪ communications/inquiries with relevant government agencies.
▪ A Site reconnaissance
No other sampling or other intrusive testing was conducted as part of this assessment.
The findings of the above tasks are summarized in this report, along with opinions and
recommendations for additional investigations or corrective actions, if required.
The search area of this assessment was limited to the Site and adjacent properties.
The current and past Site uses are summarized as follows:
The Site is a rectangular-shaped property, approximately 10.36 in area, with approximately
6.36 acres of net developable area, and about 4 acres designated as natural area by the
Conservation Land Authorities. The Site is located in a mixed area of residential, agricultural
and natural land use.
There is one building on the Site that was originally developed as a residential home for the
World Sikh Organization of Canada in 1983. The current owner, World Islamic Mission
Canada Inc., purchased the Site in 1998 for its current use as a mosque.
No potentially contaminating activities were identified on the Site or from adjacent properties
No areas of potential environmental concern were identified on the Site or within the study
Based on the above findings, it is the assessor’s considered opinion that no further
investigation is warranted.
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The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………………………………………… i
2.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… 1
2.1 Site Description………………….…..………………………….. 1
2.2 Site Location…………………..………………………………… 1
2.3 Site Occupancy……..…………………………………………… 1
2.4 Site Features….………………………………………………… 2
2.5 Surrounding Properties………………………………………… 3
3.0 SCOPE OF WORK……………………...………………………….. 4
4.0 RECORDS REVIEW……………………………………………….. 5
4.1 General…………………………………………………………… 5
4.2 Environmental Source Information…………………………… 7
4.3 Physical Setting…………………………………………………. 8
4.4 Site Operating Records…………………………………………. 9
5.0 INTERVIEWS……………………………………………………… 11
5.1 Site Personnel…………………………………………………… 11
5.2 Government Agencies…………………………………………… 11
6.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE…….…………………………………... 12 .
6.1 General……………..…………………………………………… 12 Page ii
6.2 Waste Management…..………………………………………… 13
6.3 Special Attention Items……..………………………………….. 13
Project Number 17142
The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
10.0 REFERENCES…………………………………………………… 21
11.0 LIMITATIONS…………………………………………………… 23
12.0 CLOSING REMARKS…………………………………………… 25
Appendix A: Figures and Drawings
Appendix B: Aerial Photographs
Appendix C: Site Photos
Appendix D: ERIS Ecolog Search Results
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The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
At the request of Mr. Saleem Malik of WIM Management (the Client), a Phase I
Environmental Site Assessment (P1-ESA) was conducted on a property municipally known as
2478 Ninth Line in the Town of Oakville, Ontario (the Site).
For the purpose of this report, the portion of Ninth Line that is adjacent to the Site is assumed
to be aligned in an east-west direction (i.e., “Project North” orientation), although it is
actually aligned in a northwest-southeast direction (i.e., relative to “True North”).
2.1 Site Description
The Site’s legal description is “PT LT 6, CON 1 TRAF SDS, AS IN 746106 S&E
1 ON 20R19857 AS IN HR1207347 TOWN OF OAKVILLE. The Site is a rectangular-
shaped property, approximately 10.36 (as per GeoWarehouse) in area, with approximately
6.36 acres of net developable area, and about 4 acres designated as natural area by the
Conservation Land Authorities. The Site is owned by World Islamic Mission Canada Inc.,
which is a community-based Muslim organization.
2.2 Site Location
The Site is a mostly regularly shaped lot with a frontage of about 550’ on the west side of
Ninth Line, just south of Dundas Street, and a depth of about 825’ (as per GeoWarehouse) in
the Town of Oakville (Figure 1). The Site is located in a mixed area of residential, agricultural
and natural land use.
2.3 Site Occupancy
2.3.1 Current Uses
The Site is used as a mosque.
In accordance with the Town of Oakville’s zoning by- laws , the Site and local area are
designated as ‘E2 sp:331 – Business Employment, including place of worship (Figure 3).
In accordance with the Town of Oakville’s Official Plan, the Site and local area are
designated as ‘business employment’ land use (Figure 4).
2.3.2 Past Uses
The building was originally developed as a residential home for the World Sikh Organization
of Canada in 1983. The current owner, World Islamic Mission Canada Inc., purchased the
Site in 1998 for its current use.
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The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
2.4 Site Features
2.4.1 Structures
The Site is developed with a partial two-storey building, which has a footprint of
approximately 334 square metres (3,600 square feet), covering approximately 10% of the total
Site area (see Plates 1 – 4).. The Site building is constructed of a poured concrete slab-on-
grade foundation, concrete block walls with a brick exterior façade, and a pitched shingled
roof. The Site building consists of prayer rooms, meeting rooms, a kitchen, laundry facilities,
a residential suite, several storage rooms, and two mechanical rooms. Surfaces (see Plates 5 –
7). The ceilings within the Site building consist of suspended ceiling in the tiles, stucco,
painted metal decking and drywall. The interior walls within the Site building are constructed
with drywall and are finished with painted surfaces. Lighting throughout the Site building is
mainly provided by fluorescent and incandescent light fixtures.
2.4.2 Roads, Parking and Rights-of-Ways
There is an asphalt paved entrance from the west side of Ninth Line which leads to a pave
parking pad in front of the current building.
2.4.3 Other Improvements
There is a new mosque under construction to the south of the building (see Plate 8) with a
storm water pond behind it (see Plate 10).
2.4.4 Heating and Cooling
Heating is from natural gas fired furnace (see Plate 7). Cooling to the offices is from a ground
mounted HVAC unit (see Plate 2).
2.4.5 Sewage Disposal
The Site is currently on septic service.
2.4.6 Water Supply
The potable water supply from a cistern which is trucked to the Site (see Plate 9).
2.5 Surrounding Properties
The Site is located in a well-established area of residential, agricultural and natural land use.
2.5.1 Current Uses
The west and north of the Site are agricultural fields.
To the east side of the Site is a residential neighborhood.
To the south side of the Site is a residential property and natural lands.
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The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
2.5.2 Past Uses
The residential neighborhood to the east was developed circa 2005/2006 and was previously
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The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
The purpose of a P1-ESA is to identify potential and actual sources of contamination that may
exist on a property. P1-ESAs may assist in reducing the uncertainty about potential
environmental liabilities and may be the basis for further investigation on the property.
This P1-ESA was carried out using the Canadian Standards Association’s Standard Z767-01
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Guidelines. The ESA procedure involved:
▪ records review of current and historical data
▪ interviews with Site personnel
▪ communications/inquiries with relevant government agencies.
▪ A Site reconnaissance.
No other sampling or other intrusive testing was conducted as part of this assessment.
The findings of the above tasks are summarized in this report, along with opinions and
recommendations for additional investigations or corrective actions, if required.
The search area of this assessment was limited to the Site and adjacent to the Site.
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The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
Available public records were reviewed to determine the history of the land use of the Site
and surround properties.
4.1 General
4.1.1 Phase I Study Area Determination
The Phase I study area includes the site and adjacent properties.
4.1.2 First Developed Use Determination
Based on a review of historic aerial photographs, and reports, the building was first
constructed circa 1983. Prior to development the Site and general area were used for
agricultural purposes.
4.1.3 Fire Insurance Plans
Available fire insurance programs (FIP) at the Oakville Public Library were reviewed. No
FIPs with coverage for the Site and area were identified.
4.1.4 Chain of Title
No chain of title was undertaken as part of this assessment based on the findings of other data
4.1.5 Property Use Directories
Might’s and Criss Cross Street Directories on file with the Oakville Public Library were
reviewed for occupancies of the Site and properties in the study area in approximately five
year increments from dates of the most recent publication in 2001 to the earliest publication in
1965. The following occupancies for the Site were identified:
Table 3: Property Use Directories: Site Use
From To Site Occupants
1965 1981 No listings for the Site
1985 2001 Residential
No listings for adjacent properties were identified.
4.1.6 ESA Reports
A report entitled “Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, World Islamic Mission Canada,
2478 Ninth Line Oakville, Ontario,” prepared July 2014 by the Watters Environmental Group
Inc. was reviewed.
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
Based on the Phase I ESA completed, it was Watters Environmental’s opinion that there are
no significant environmental contaminant issues at the Site.
No other previous Phase I or II ESAs were reported or identified in the records search.
4.1.7 Remediation Reports
No previous remediation reports were reported or identified in the records search.
4.1.8 Surveys
A Site plan showing property lines, elevation points, the existing building, the proposed
building and storm water pond was provided by the client for review and is presented as
Figure 2.
4.1.9 Building Plans
There were no building plans for the current building on the Site. Building plans for a new
mosque south of the building were reviewed. The plans show the Site will be fully serviced,
and storm water detention pond constructed west of the new mosque was part of the design.
4.1.10 Site Utility Drawings
There were no utility drawings for the current building on the Site. Building plans for a new
mosque south of the building were reviewed and the plans show the Site will be fully
4.1.11 Inventory of Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks
No above-ground or underground storage tanks were observed currently, or reported, on the
4.1.12 Environmental Audit Reports
None are reported to exist.
4.1.13 Town of Oakville’s Official Plan
The Official Plan was reviewed. The Site and study area are in an area designated as a
business corridor. No environmentally sensitive or hazard lands areas were found within 1 km
of the Site (Figure 3).
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
4.2 Environmental Source Information
4.2.1 National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)
The NPRI data base searched for records in the study area. The Site was not listed in the
4.2.2 PCB Storage Sites
A search of the Ontario Inventory of PCB Storage Sites (1992) did identify any properties in
the study area.
4.2.3 Environmental Registry
The Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) Registry was searched for notices in the study area.
The Site was not listed in the EBR.
4.2.4 Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites
A review of the Inventory of Coal Gasification Plant Waste Sites in Ontario did not identify
any coal gasification plants within the study area.
4.2.5 Inventory of Industrial Sites Producing or Using Coal Tar and Related Tars in Ontario
A review of the MOE’s ‘Inventory of Industrial Sites Producing or Using Coal Tar or Related
Tars in Ontario, November, 1988’ did not identify any coal gasification plants within the
study area.
4.2.6 Waste Management Records
The Site was not currently listed in the HWIN. Waste generated on Site is reported to be
picked up by municipal curbside service.
4.2.7 Fuel Storage Tanks
The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) was contacted regarding records on
file with their office regarding the presence of, or incidents relating to fuel storage tanks on
the Site. No records regarding the Site were on file with their office.
4.2.8 Notices and Instruments
The Brownfields Environmental Site Registry was searched for notices in the study area. The
Site, and properties in the Study area, were not listed in the BESR.
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
4.2.9 Areas of Natural Significance
The National Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) database was searched for areas of natural
significance within a study area. No such sites were identified within the study area.
4.2.10 Waste Disposal Inventory
The MOE’s ‘Waste Disposal Site Inventory, June, 1988’ was reviewed and no such facilities
were found within 1 km of the Site.
4.3 Physical Setting
4.3.1 Aerial Photographs
Aerial photographs from 1978, 1987 and 1994 at 1:5000 scale available at the Region of
Halton Public Works Department were reviewed and are reproduced as Plates 1A to 3A
respectively. Satellite photographs from 1995, 1999, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2015
available from the Google Earth website were reviewed and are reproduced as Plates 4A to
11A respectively.
The 1978 aerial photograph shows the Site as undeveloped.
The 1987, 1995, 1999 and 2002 aerial photographs show the Site with the current building on
it, the house to the south of it, and agricultural fields to the east, north and west of the Site.
The 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 photographs show residential development to the west of the
The 2015 aerial photograph shows the Site with foundation of the new mosque under
Visual analysis of the photos do not indicate other structures or other activities or features
(tank farms, pits, lagoons, etc.) on the Site, or on adjoining properties, that would be of
environmental concern. There are no other former watercourses or depressions identified on
the Site.
4.3.2 Topography, Hydrology and Geology
Topographic Map
The Site Plan in Figure 2 shows elevation points across the Site. The A topographic survey in
the building plans shows the Site at approximately 168 m.a.s.l. and the general topography is
level across the east portion and slopes to the westward to Joshua Creek. Local groundwater is
inferred to flow in this direction.
4.3.3 Soil and Geological Maps
Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) maps, “Surficial Geology of Greater Toronto and Oak
Ridges Moraine Area, Southern Ontario” available on the Ministry of Natural Resources
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
website were reviewed. The Site is situated on a deposit of glaciolucustrine silts and clays of
generally low permeability and the underlying bedrock was identified as paleozoic shale
bedrock of the Queenston Formation consisting of shale, siltstone, minor limestone and
A review of “The Physiography of Southern Ontario” places the Site on a physiographic unit
known as the Iroquois Plain. Which is lowland bordering Lake Ontario that was inundated in
the late Pleistocene by Lake Iroquois. Soils in this area consist of a clayey-silt till (Halton
4.3.4 Hydrology and Hydrogeology
Joshua Creek flows across the west portion of the Site southward to Lake Ontario, and there is
storm water pond between the developed portion of the Site and Joshua Creek. the general
topography is level across the east portion and slopes to the westward to Joshua Creek. Local
groundwater is inferred to flow in this direction.
4.3.5 Fill Materials
There was no indication of fill materials on the Site other than the gravel pad fill and
aforementioned soil stockpile in Section 4.1.7.
4.3.6 Water bodies and Areas of Natural Significance
Joshua Creek runs southward through the west portion of the Site. No other water bodies and
areas of natural significance were identified in the Study Area.
4.3.7 Well Records
The MOECC’s Well Record Map website was searched for wells in the study area. Two wells
were identified on the Site.
One was drilled in 1992 and the log reported topsoil to 2’, followed by red clay to 29’ and red
shale to 93’, with fresh water found at 88’.
The second well was drilled in 2010 and the log reported topsoil to 1’ , followed by red clay
to 29’ and red shale to 70’, with fresh water found at 30’ and again at 60’.
A third well was drilled to the south of the Site in 1996 and the log reported clay to 26’ ,
followed by red shale to 97’ and grey shale to 100’, but water encountered was not reported.
4.4 Site Operating Records .
4.4.1 Permit Records
No permits were reported or identified. Page 9
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The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
4.4.2 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
There were no MSDS for the operation.
4.4.3 Underground Utility Drawings
No underground utility drawings were identified in this assessment.
4.4.4 Inventory of Chemicals and Their Usage
No inventory of chemicals was available for review.
4.4.5 Inventory of Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks
No current or past underground storage tanks (USTs) or aboveground storage tanks (ASTs)
have been identified on the Site.
4.4.6 Environmental Reporting Data
No monitoring was reported as being conducted.
4.4.7 Waste Management Records
Only small volumes of non-hazardous wastes and recyclables are being generated on Site,
which are picked up by municipal curb-side service.
4.4.8 Process, Production and Maintenance Records
None reported.
4.4.9 Spills and Discharges
No spills reported to have occurred.
4.4.10 Emergency Response or Contingency Plan
None reported.
4.4.11 Environmental Audit Reports
None reported.
4.4.12 Facility Site Plans
None reported.
4.4.13 Asbestos Surveys
None reported.
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
5.1 Site Personnel
5.1.Client Representative
Mr. Salim Malik, Site Representative, was interviewed at the time of the Site visit. Comments
and information provided by Mr. Malik have already been incorporated in the preceding
sections of this report. Mr. Malik confirmed:
- The Site was used as a Sikh temple since about 1983 and was purchased by the World
Islamic Mission Canada in 1998, and has been used as a mosque since then.
- The current building relies of water trucked in to cistern on Site for potable drinking
- The building is septic service
- Other than the cistern, he has no knowledge of any other tanks on the Site.
- No spills occurred on Site, nor were there any issues with environmental regulatory
- He has no knowledge of any fill brought on the Site.
5.2 Government Agencies
5.2.1 Technical Standards and Safety Authority
Mr. Prem Lal, of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), which maintains
licenses of storage tanks under the Gasoline Handling Act and the Fuel Safety Act, was
contacted regarding records of such tanks on the Site.
No tanks were on record with TSSA for the Site on their current data base. A request for an
archive search has been requested and is still pending.
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The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
6.1 General
An on-site investigation was conducted on October 27, 2017. Weather conditions at the time
were cool and overcast.
6.1.1 Limitations
No limitations were encountered during the Site reconnaissance.
6.1.2 Property Use, Buildings and Structures
There is one building was originally developed as a residential home for the World Sikh
Organization of Canada in 1983. The current owner, World Islamic Mission Canada Inc.,
purchased the Site in 1998 for its current use as a mosque.
The building is a partial two-storey building, which has a footprint of approximately 334
square metres (3,600 square feet), covering approximately 10% of the total Site area (see
Plates 1 – 4).. The Site building is constructed of a poured concrete slab-on-grade foundation,
concrete block walls with a brick exterior façade, and a pitched shingled roof. The Site
building consists of prayer rooms, meeting rooms, a kitchen, laundry facilities, a residential
suite, several storage rooms, and two mechanical rooms. Surfaces (see Plates 5 – 7). The
ceilings within the Site building consist of suspended ceiling in the tiles, stucco, painted metal
decking and drywall. The interior walls within the Site building are constructed with drywall
and are finished with painted surfaces. Lighting throughout the Site building is mainly
provided by fluorescent and incandescent light fixtures. Heating is from natural gas fired
furnace (see Plate 7). Cooling to the offices is from a ground mounted HVAC unit (see Plate
2). The Site is currently on septic service. The potable water supply from a cistern which is
trucked to the Site (see Plate 9).
There is an asphalt paved entrance from the west side of Ninth Line which leads to a pave
parking pad in front of the current building.
There is a new mosque under construction to the south of the building (see Plate 8) with a
storm water pond behind it (see Plate 10).
6.1.3 Below Ground Structures
The basement of the building has a direct level walkout from the back. The basement is
finished prayer rooms, meeting rooms, several storage rooms, and two mechanical rooms.
There is a cistern used for potable water supply located south of the building.
6.1.4 Storage Tanks
There is a cistern used for potable water supply located south of the building. .
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
6.1.5 Material Storage
No materials were identified being stored on Site.
6.1.6 Hazardous Materials
No hazardous materials were identified on Site.
6.1.7 Potable and Non-potable Water Sources
The Site is currently serviced by water trucked in to cistern.
6.1.8 Underground Utilities
The Site is serviced by natural gas services from surrounding streets.
6.1.9 Interior Building Features
The Site building consists of prayer rooms, meeting rooms, a kitchen, laundry facilities, a
residential suite, several storage rooms, and two mechanical rooms. Surfaces (see Plates 5 –
7). The ceilings within the Site building consist of suspended ceiling in the tiles, stucco,
painted metal decking and drywall. The interior walls within the Site building are constructed
with drywall and are finished with painted surfaces. Lighting throughout the Site building is
mainly provided by fluorescent and incandescent light fixtures.
6.1.10 Exterior Features
The building is a partial two-storey building, which has a footprint of approximately 334
square metres (3,600 square feet), covering approximately 10% of the total Site area (see
Plates 1 – 4).. The Site building is constructed of a poured concrete slab-on-grade foundation,
concrete block walls with a brick exterior façade, and a pitched shingled roof.
There is an asphalt paved entrance from the west side of Ninth Line which leads to a pave
parking pad in front of the current building.
There is a new mosque under construction to the south of the building (see Plate 8) with a
storm water pond behind it (see Plate 10).
6.2 Waste Management
Only small volumes of non-hazardous wastes and recyclables are being generated on Site,
which are picked up by municipal curb-side service.
6.3 Special Attention Items
a) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): Fluorescent and tungsten lighting is employed in
the building. Considering the age of the building, high intensity discharge ballasts
containing PCBs are unlikely to exist as they were phase out of use in the late 1970s. In
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
the event of future renovations or demolition, these materials should be identified and
removed for proper disposal, in accordance with applicable Regulations.
b) Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs): There was no evidence of friable ACMs. No
other suspect pipe wrap was identified in areas of exposed pipe. Given the phase out of
asbestos materials during the 1980s and the age of the building the presence of ACMs is
c) Lead: There was no visible evidence of lead-based materials (i.e. paint, pipes) on the
Site, and none was reported as being used in the building. As lead based paint was
curtailed by the federal government in 1976 they would not be expected considering the
age of the building. It is possible that lead based solder joints may exist on the Site. There
is no requirement for removal of these materials, unless they are in friable condition. In
the event of future renovations or demolition, these materials should be identified and
removed for disposal in accordance with applicable Regulations.
d) Mercury: Mercury is typically found in a variety of building materials including paints,
thermostats and mercury-vapour lights. Potential mercury containing equipment observed
during the reconnaissance consisted of fluorescent light tubes. As these materials burn out
they should be disposed of in accordance with applicable Regulations.
e) Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs): There was no evidence of OSDs on the Site.
f) Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI): There was no visible evidence of UFFI
on the Site.
g) Mould: There was no evidence of mould observed.
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
7.1 Current and Past Site Uses
There is one building on the Site that was originally developed as a residential home for the
World Sikh Organization of Canada in 1983. The current owner, World Islamic Mission
Canada Inc., purchased the Site in 1998 for its current use as a mosque.
7.2 Potential Contaminating Activities (PCAs)
No PCAS were identified on the Site or from adjacent properties
7.3 Areas of Potential Environmental Concern (APEC)
No APECs were identified on the Site or within the study area.
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
The Phase I ESA identified no APECs were identified on the Site or within the study area.
Based on the above findings, it is the assessor’s considered opinion that no further
investigation is warranted.
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Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
Andre Breberina B.E.S. P. Geo. Q.P*.
Environmental Geoscientist
*Qualified Person (Ontario Ministry of Environment O. Reg 153/04) (E&O Insured)
▪ Project development and management.
▪ Environmental Site Assessments – Phase 1 and 2.
▪ Site remediation and Brownfield re-development project design and management.
▪ Aboveground and underground storage tank decommissioning.
▪ Emergency Spill Response assessment, management and abatement.
▪ Waste Transfer Station, Waste Management System Waste Processing Site Certificates
of Approval submissions, including design and operations, environmental management
systems and training.
▪ Waste Audits and Minimization/Diversion Programs.
Client support involving:
▪ Regulatory compliance, complaints and orders.
▪ Records of Site Condition.
▪ Applications for Certificates of Approval.
▪ Property acquisitions, divestitures, leasing and finance.
▪ Stakeholder peer reviews.
▪ Baseline studies for due diligence, environmental management systems and strategic
▪ Site/operation EMS procedures and training.
▪ Expert testimony at Ontario Municipal Board hearing and at Provincial Courts in litigation
Sector involvement: .
▪ Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments and agencies Page 17
▪ Chemical processors and storage facilities
▪ Paint manufacturers and warehousing
▪ Printing and photochemical facilities
▪ Plastics processors
▪ Steel producers
▪ Metal fabricating, plating and warehousing sites
▪ Textile processing
▪ Aggregate producers
▪ Automotive manufacturers, dealerships, service and body repair shops
▪ Trucking companies, service depots and dealerships
▪ Gasoline stations and other private petroleum outlets
▪ Airport, seaport and rail road operations
▪ Salvage, recycling, waste disposal, composting facilities and transfer sites
▪ Public and private utility companies
▪ Federal, provincial and municipal facilities
▪ Hospitals and other health care facilities
▪ Educational institutions and school boards
▪ Retail and other commercial sites
▪ Developers and holding companies
▪ Residential houses and apartments
Project Number17142
The WIM Management Andre Breberina P.Geo
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment CONFIDENTIAL
2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
Teaching and Training Experience
▪ Lecturer - Solid Waste and Hazardous Materials Management Course as part of the
Environmental Engineering Diploma Program at Mohawk College, Hamilton, from 1998 to
▪ Lecturer - Youth Enviro-Entrepenuers Program. Human Resources Canada, Canadian
Environmental Industry Association, Niagara College and the Business Advisory Centre,
▪ Trainer to private environmental contractors and waste management operators of O. Reg
347, TGDA, waste manifesting, sampling and monitoring procedures, EMS record
keeping, hazardous materials handling procedures, level A to D personnel protection
equipment use and maintenance, spills and emergency response procedures.
Education, Professional Development and Certifications
▪ Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours), University of Waterloo. Waterloo, 1983
▪ Environmental Legislative Compliance Program, Mohawk College, Hamilton, 1992
▪ Environmental Chemistry, Mohawk College, Hamilton, 1993
▪ Benthic Marco Invertebrate Survey, McMaster University, Hamilton 1995
▪ WHMIS Certificate, Team-1Environmental Services Inc., Hamilton 1996
▪ Confined Space Entry/Rescue Certificate, Team-1 Environmental Services Inc., 1997
▪ Tanker Truck Roll-over Specialist, Oil Spill Control Services, Toronto, 1997
▪ Explosives Recognition and Forensic Documentation, RSP International Inc, Mississauga,
▪ TDGA and Waste Manifesting Inc., Talon Environmental Inc., Hamilton, 1998
▪ Air Emission Summary and Dispersion Modeling Workshop, Ontario Ministry of
Environment, Toronto, 1999
▪ Radiation Safety Certification, Ontario Power Generation Corp., Pickering Nuclear Station,
Pickering, 1999
▪ Shoreline Clean-up Assessment, Team-1 Environmental Services Inc. Hamilton, 1999
▪ Open Water Oil Spill Marine Containment, Eastern Canada Spills Response Corp.,
Sarnia, 1999
▪ International SCUBA Certifications – Open Water, Advanced, Scuba Rescue and DAN
Oxygen Provider, American and Canadian Underwater Council
▪ First Aid Certification and CPR (current), Canadian Red Cross
▪ Canadian Coast Guard accredited Watercraft Operator Certificate, Watercraft Rescue and
Training Centre, Hamilton, 2000
▪ Technical Standards and Safety Authority Licensed PM2 and PM3 Petroleum Mechanic
▪ ISO 14001 Internal Auditor, Quality Management Institute, Mississauga, 2002
▪ Environmental Sampling, National Contaminated Sites Training Program, Environment
Canada, 2002
▪ Hazmat Technician Certificate, Team 1 Environmental Services Inc. 2003
Professional Associations
▪ Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario – Practicing Member
▪ Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists
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2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
Professional Profile
Andre Breberina has over 25 years experience in environmental consulting in Ontario and has
provided professional services to address environmental concerns for clients in private and public
Environmental Site Assessments:
Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments have been conducted on a wide range of
property types from undeveloped land to industrial parks throughout southern and central Ontario.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments have involved a variety of non-intrusive and intrusive
investigation and sampling techniques of various media on site, and off-site as required, to identify:
chemicals of concern, their presence and concentrations, migration pathways, extent of contamination,
actual and potential receptors, the risk to the receptors and recommendations for mitigation and/or
remedial action. Investigations have included to not only surface and sub-surface conditions but also
hazardous materials in buildings.
Site Remediation and Brownfield Re-development:
Site remediation work has included problem identification, conceptualization of remedial options with
risks and costs, consultation with client to determine preferred remedial option, finalization and
implementation of work plan, arranging necessary sub-contractor and support services, project
management and quality control and regulatory compliance assurance to the target clean-up level.
Upon completion of remedial work, Records of Site Conditions are filed, if requested, or as required
under regulations for Brownfields to be-redeveloped to an active use. Remediated sites have included
problems with a range of contaminants including petroleum products, solvents, (LNAPLs and
DNAPLs), heavy metals and other organics, pesticides and fertilizers and leachate control. Remedial
methods have included: extraction and disposal, ex-situ treatment, in-situ treatment pump and treat
methods and bioremedial methods. Brownfield re-developments projects have included taking former
rail lands, gas stations and industrial sites to high density residential land uses and health care
Aboveground and Underground Tank Management:
Tanks and tank farms have been assessed to determine if decommissioning is warranted by virtue of
actual or potential leakage or regulation. Recommendations were made and implemented to bring
tanks to regulatory requirements and/or leak and spill mitigation measures were undertaken that met
or exceed standards. During the decommissioning of tanks by qualified contractors, either through
voluntary removal or as required under regulation, environmental assessments were conducted of soil
and groundwater conditions to determine if, remedial action plan and/or a containment management
plan was required. Remedial action plans and/or containment management plans were developed and
implement through to completion in accordance with regulatory compliance. The scope of tanks
assessed ranged from residential fuel oil tanks to industrial/commercial tank farms.
Emergency Spill Response:
Consulting services were provided for emergency spills response teams for last 15 years throughout
Ontario to assess the nature and extent of spills, develop emergency responses on site with team
personnel in the unique situations where S.O.Ps did not apply, identification of primary and secondary
hazards, conducted sampling of various media to assess impact from spills, assessed the extent of
emergency clean-up and recommendations for further assessment and remediation. Reports were
written detailing the cause and nature of the spill, work undertaken to contain and clean up the spill
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2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
and the results of the clean-up efforts. The reports were submitted to clients, insurance companies
and regulatory authorities who relied upon them in the event prosecutions were undertaken.
Emergency response situations included: tanker truck roll-overs, chemical tanker car train derailments,
marine spills, chemical and industrial fires. Also, on behalf of Team 1 Environmental Services Inc. Mr.
Breberina designed, assembled and operated mobile laboratory consisting of a converted 34’ mobile
home fitted with PID/GC, FID/GC, ECD/GC, FTIR and IR scanners, meteorological station and support
equipment to provide emergency analytical services at spill sites.
Waste Management:
A cost accounting of a municipal blue box Material Recovery Facility’s operation was conducted to
improve handling and operations procedures. Waste Audits and Waste Minimization programs in
accordance with O. Reg 102/94 and 103/94 were conducted for industrial and commercial operations
and school boards. Certificates of Approval for solid waste and hazardous waste Waste Transfer
Stations and Waste Management Systems have been prepared and submitted on behalf of clients.
Preparation for the client included design and operations details, containment design, handling and
storage procedures, contingency measures, record management and training requirements based on
regulatory requirements, best practices and ISO 14001 practices, as well as financial assurance
calculations and public consultation. Since 2002, consulting services have been provided to
commercial composting operation that have included: routine monitoring of ground and surface waters
to assess potential off-site impacts as required under their Certificate of Approval, annual assessment
of spray irrigation field to control leachate as required under their Certificate of Approval, repair of
existing and setting of new monitoring wells, sampling and assessment compost in compliance with
Certificate of Approval and MOE Guidelines, and, as requested, addressed specific compliance and
operational issues through training, monitoring operational procedures.
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November 2, 2017
Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario, April 2011, “Guidance for
Envrionmental Site Assessments under Ontario Regulation 153/04 (as amended)”
CSA, 2000.’Phase II Environmental Site Assessment’. CSA Publication Z768-00.
CSA, 2001.’Phase I Environmental Site Assessment’. CSA Publication Z768-01.
Chapman, L.J., and D.F. Putnam, 1951. “The Physiography of Southern Ontario”. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press.
Environment Canada, “National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)”
Hazardous Waste Information Network (HWIN, 1986 – 2005)
Natural Heritage Information System,
Ontario’s Environmental Registry,
Ontario Geological Survey “Palezoic Geology of Southern Ontario”
Ontario Geological Survey “Surficial Geology of Southern Ontario”
Ontario Ministry of Environment, June 1988, “Waste Site Disposal Inventory.”
Ontario Ministry of Environment, November 1988, “Inventory of Industrial Sites Producing
or Using Coal Tar or Related Tars in Ontario”.
Ontario Ministry of Environment, 1991, “Ontario Inventory of PCB Storage Sites (October
Ontario Ministry of Environment, June 1996, “Guidelines for Use on Contaminated Sites in
Ontario Ministry of Environment, December, 1996, “Guidance on Sampling and Analytical
Methods for Use on Contaminated Sites in Ontario.”
Ontario Ministry of Environment July, 2011 “Soil, Sediment and Groundwater Standards for
Use in Accordance Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act”
Ontario Ministry of Environment, June, 2011, Guide for Completing Phase One
Environmental Site Assessments Under Ontario Regulation 153/04
Ontario Ministry of Environment, July 1, 2011, Ontario Regulation 153/04 as amended by
Ontario Regulation 511/09. Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, Part XV.1
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2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
Town of Oakville’s Official Plan
Town of Oakville’s Zoning By-Laws
Watters Environmental Group Inc. July 2014, “Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment,
World Islamic Mission Canada, 2478 Ninth Line Oakville, Ontario,”
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2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
11.1 Disclosure of Interest
The author does not have any material interest, direct or indirect, in the Site or the Client.
Except for remuneration and information research fees received for the performance of this
assessment, the author will not receive any profit or specialized information from the Client
that would benefit the author.
11.2 Limitations and Use of this Report
The data reported and the findings, observations, and conclusions expressed in this report are
limited by the Scope of Work.
The author has conducted this assessment in accordance with generally accepted professional
practices, as performed at the same or similar locations related to the nature of this assigned
work. The author’s services are not subject to any expressed or implied warranties
The author has accepted information provided by third parties in good faith, but has not
completed independent evaluations as to the accuracy or completeness of such information,
and shall therefore not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained in such
The Site inspection pertaining to this assessment, and associated findings, observations, and
opinions, are based solely on the Site conditions encountered at the time of the investigation.
Changes in conditions may occur after the completion of this investigation. The passage of
time, manifestation of latent conditions, or future events, may require further study, analysis
of data, and re-evaluation of the findings, observations, and conclusions in this report.
This report is provided as a measure of due diligence and to assess risks with respect to
environmental soil impairment, but it should not be considered as exhaustive or absolute in
coverage; no investigation can totally eliminate the possibility that environmental impairment
may exist at a site.
Regulatory requirements or their interpretations may be revised by the governing agencies,
resulting in future changes to the recommended works, or remediation needs.
The conclusions presented in this report are professional opinions based upon data and
conditions described herein. They are intended only for the purpose, site, and project
indicated. This report is not a definitive study of contamination at the site, and should not be
interpreted as such. A qualitative evaluation of soil conditions was not performed as part of
this investigation. No sampling or chemical analyses of structural materials or other
equipment, processes, or related media was performed in this study unless explicitly stated.
This report presents professional opinions and findings of a scientific and technical nature.
Because of the stated limitations, the findings, observations, opinions and conclusions
expressed by the author in this report are not, nor should not be, considered an opinion
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2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
concerning the compliance of any past or present owner of the site, with any Federal,
Provincial, or municipal law or regulation.
The report shall not be construed to offer legal opinion or representations as to the
requirements of, nor compliance with, environmental laws, rules, regulations or policies of
Federal, Provincial or local government agencies.
The author has prepared this report for the exclusive use of the Client. This report shall not be
used or relied upon by outside parties without the written consent of the author. Any use of
this report constitutes acceptance of the limits of liability that may apply to the author. Any
such liability extends only to the client of the author and not to any other parties who may
obtain the report.
If new information or conditions of concern are discovered during future work, including Site
assessments, excavations, borings, or other studies, the author should be requested to re-
evaluate the assessments and conclusions presented in this report and to provide amendments
as required.
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2478 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario
November 2, 2017
We trust that this report will accommodate your requirements. If you have any questions or
comments, please contact the undersigned.
Andre Breberina P.Geo
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Figure 1 – Location Map
Figure 2 – Survey
Figure 3 – Town of Oakville Zoning By-Law Map
Figure 4 – Town of Oakville Official Plan – General Land Use
Figure 5 – Town of Oakville Official Plan - ESAs
Plate 1A – 1978 Aerial Photograph
Plate 2A – 1987 Aerial Photograph
Plate 3A – 1995 Aerial Photograph
Plate 4A – 1999 Aerial Photograph
Plate 5A – 2002 Aerial Photograph
Plate 6A – 2006 Aerial Photograph
Plate 7A – 2008 Aerial Photograph
Plate 8A – 2010 Aerial Photograph
Plate 9A – 2012 Aerial Photograph
Plate 10A – 2015 Aerial Photograph
1979 Aerial Photograph
1987 Aerial Photograph
1995 Satellite Photograph
1999 Satellite Photograph
2002 Satellite Photograph
2006 Satellite Photograph
2008 Satellite Photograph
2010 Satellite Photograph
2012 Satellite Photograph
2015 Satellite Photograph
Plate 1 – Front of Site
Plate 2 – North Side of the building.
Plate 3 – West side of the Site.
Plate 4 – South side of the building.
Plate 5 – Typical prayer room.
Plate 6 – Typical meeting room.
Plate 7 – Furnace/electrical room.
Plate 8 – New Mosque under construction.
Plate 9 – Water Cistern
Plate 10 – Storm water management pond