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Online magazine for Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Technology inform, reflect and promote Bulgarian and foreign specialists, their research, studies, reports, etc. The site will present the upcoming exhibitions, fairs, conferences, workshops, seminars, participation in competitions, fashion shows and trends, business models, as well as other events in the field of Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Technology.

Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base.
Published by Daniel Angelov, 2020-07-27 02:02:53

Number of 7/2020

Online magazine for Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Technology inform, reflect and promote Bulgarian and foreign specialists, their research, studies, reports, etc. The site will present the upcoming exhibitions, fairs, conferences, workshops, seminars, participation in competitions, fashion shows and trends, business models, as well as other events in the field of Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Technology.

Keywords: Textiles, Clothing, Leather





онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-044711-13 November, 2020 BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand

- the largest Nonwovens and Hygiene Technology Exhibition &
Conference in Southeast Asia

Organized by:
E.J. Krause & Associates, Inc.

Officially Supported by:

Supporting Organizations:

Thailand Conven�on & Exhibi�on Bureau (TCEB)
Asia Nonwoven Fabrics Associa�on (ANFA)
All Nippon Nonwovens Associa�on (ANNA)
Korea Nonwoven Industry Coopera�ve (KNIC)
Indonesian Nonwovens Associa�on (INWA)
Taiwan Nonwovens Fabrics Industry Associa�on (TNFIA)
Hong Kong Nonwovens Associa�on (HKNA)
Na�onal Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC)
Thailand Tex�le Ins�tute (THTI)
Thai Man-Made Fiber Industries Associa�on (TMFA)
Center of Excellence in Tex�le, Chulalongkorn University (CET)

For more information, please contact:

USA: Michael Rosenberg <[email protected]>

(EJK Corporate Office) Tel: +1 301 493 5500

China: Mandy Ma <[email protected]> Europe: Monika Blume <[email protected]>

Japan: Sarah Zhou <[email protected]> Gudrun Tegge <[email protected]>

Tel: +86 10 8451 1832 Tel: +49 211 610 730

Nao Kozua <[email protected]> Thailand: Sansanee Srisurayo�n <[email protected]>

Mina Matsuo <[email protected]> Tel: + 66 (0)2 559 0856 ext 19

Tel: +81 3 6459 0444

online 157


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447„ВиДнооетднгриоявСвотараннйеол“ноаЕпОаиОзнвДоазнвааетнпиаоввоеинкшопларнвоааитназевснорадедсртаев.с.е.у.н.р..с..пн..р.а.о.т..ац...е.е.с.ф.,.е..бк..а.т.з.и.и.в..рн..а.о.н..с..т.н..ан...а.И..п.н..р.д.е.у.д.с..пт..рр..ии...яя..т..и4....е01т5ов9

Впнроедирзяввоаднсетвонанаиднаомвсактиивоебнл,екалватоомт „аЛтГиРзПи“рЕаОнОДи.....р..е..с..у..р..с...н..о...е..ф...е..к..т..и..в...е..н.....п...р..о..ц...е..с...1з6а2
Ascend Performance Materials.................................................................................................165

Katerina Despot, Vaska Sandeva, Anja Minova......................................................................................172

ARCHROMA: SOORTY selects ARCHROMA techologies for a new DENIM collection...............................177
ARCHROMA: SOORTY избрани ARCHROMA технологии за нова DENIM колекция.............................177

POLARTEC: Polartec and Myles Collaborate...........................................................................................178
POLARTEC: Polartec и MylesCollaborate................................................................................................178

Реклами/Advertising.............................................................................................157, 170, 171, 176


Поради, постъпващите ежедневно за здравно предупреждение от COVID-19 новини, всички
ИЗЛОЖЕНИЯ, които рекламира онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии в
електронното издание е възможно да бъдат с променена дата или отменени. Затова за всяка
постъпила промяна може да прочетете в секция ”Изложения” или ”Новини” на сайта

онлайн контакти/online contacts: [email protected], [email protected], 158
[email protected], [email protected];



Внедряване на иновативен производствен процес, базиран на
Индустрия 4.0 в „Дони Стайл“ ЕООД за повишаване на ресурсната

ефективност на предприятието и отговорно опазване
на околната среда
онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447
„Дони Стайл“ ЕООД изпълнява проект „Дони Стайл ЕООД внедрява иновативен производствен процес за
повишаване на ресурсната си ефективност и отговорно опазване на околна среда” в рамките на договор
№BG16RFOP002-3.004-0191-C01 по процедура BG16RFOP002-3.004 „Подкрепа за пилотни и демонстрационни
инициативи за ефективно използване на ресурсите“, Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“
2014 – 2020, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейски фонд за регионално развитие. Проектът е на
стойност 780 800.00 лв, от които безвъзмездната финансова помощ – 546 560.00 лв. и 234 240.00 лв. собствено
съфинасиране. Срокът за изпълнение на проекта е 20 месеца от дата 27.11.2018.
Общата цел на проекта е повишаване ресурсната ефективност на Дони Стайл ЕООД чрез внедряване на нови
практики, системи и модели на производство, които да допринасят за по-високи нива на екологосъобразност
на предприятието. Специфичните проектни цели са: 1) намаляване на количеството използвани суровини
при производство на единица продукция; 2) ефективно управление на отпадъците чрез автоматизирани на
работните процеси; 3) повишаване ефективността на производствените разходи и увеличаване устойчивата
конкурентоспособност на предприятието.

Заложените цели се постигат чрез закупуване и внедряване на Автоматична CAD/CAM система; Машина за
полагане на лента; Машина за събиране на два плата; Пневматична притискаща топла преса; Принтер с режещ
кътер; Машина за пакетиране на дрехи. Внедряваната иновация по проекта е производствена, целяща поставяне
началото на пълно цифровизиране на производството във фирмата съгласно Индустрия 4.0.

Mотивацията на “Дони Стайл” за осъществяване на проекта произтича от няколко проблемни области във
фирмата, а именно: невъзможност за отговор на непрекъснатите изисквания на клиентите поради старо и
амортизирано оборудване, което не може да поеме поръчки от големи серии; използване на ръчни операции,
водещи до по-ниска производителност и по-лошо качество на крайните продукти; високо ниво на отделяне на
отпадъци при производство; недостиг на производствен капацитет най-вече в кроялния участък; невъзможност
за изработка на по-сложни модели. Високотехнологичното оборудване, което се закупува и въвежда по
проекта, адресира тези проблеми чрез множеството иновативни характеристики и функции, които ще доведат
до повишаване на ресурсната ефективност.

Този документ е създаден с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма „Иновации и
конкурентоспособност” 2014 – 2020, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейски фонд за
регионално развитие по проект № BG16RFOP002-3.004-0191-C01, „Дони Стайл ЕООД внедрява иновативен
производствен процес за повишаване на ресурсната си ефективност и отговорно опазване на околна среда“.

online 159


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447Автоматичната CAD/CAM система представлява последно поколение иновативна интегрирана автоматична
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447система за управление на кроенето, работеща на базата на Индустрия 4.0 и осигуряваща връзка с други машини
и системи. Системата се окачествява като интелигентен продукт, събиращ и съхраняващ данни за условията на
работа и състоянието на всички нейни компоненти като спомага за оптимизиране на производствените процеси
и намаляване на използваните суровини, както и за своевременна подмяна на износени части на машините,
предотвратявайки грешки в произвежданите изделия. Системата се състои от 7 модула: Автоматичен конвейерен
кътер – 1 бр., Автоматична накатавъчна машина – 1 бр., Накатавъчна маса 14 m – 1 бр., Плотер с две глави – 1
бр., Режещ плотер – 1 бр., Машина за качествен контрол – 1 бр., Визуален дигитайзер – 1 бр. Иновативните
ѝ компоненти позволяват да създава с изключителна бързина и точност модели и маркери за производство.
Автомаркерът води до постигане на максимална ефективност в подреждането на детайлите в него, което от
своя страна намалява отпадъка от кроенето с 40-50%.

По-конкретно, в етапа на подготовка, визуалният дигитайзер е плоскост, която цифровизира кройките като
замества употребата на хартия и създава дигитална база данни на кройки, намалявайки необходимостта
от прошиване на мостри и съответно използването на материали затова. Плотерът с две глави позволява
автоматично завъртане на маркерите по ширина или дължина, за да се постигне оптималната консумация
на хартия и да се минимизира неизползваемия отпадък. Освен това този актив позволява използването на
рециклирана хартия с много ниско тегло. Другият компонент на системата, режещият плотер, премахва
нуждата от печат върху хартия (икономия на хартия и мастило) и има възможност да реже директно картона. В
допълнение, той дава възможност за изключително икономично и ефективно разполагане на детайлите върху
работната ширина на картона, което води до намален разход на картон. Чрез машината за качествен контрол
платовете се преглеждат и пренавиват от една ролка плат на друга като така се проверява и тяхната дължина.
По този начин се контролира дали по плата има излишни конци, нишки, дупки или петна, които да се отстранят
преди накатаването и съответно да се елиминират грешките при изработка на продуктите. В етапа на кроене, при
накатаване с автоматичната накатавъчна машина, процесът е роботизиран и усукване на текстилния материал не
съществува. Накатавъчната машина реже автоматично пластовете плат, трико, хастар и подлепващо по точната
дължина без надбавка 6 см, както е при ръчното настилане. Накатавъчната маса, от своя страна, осигурява
плавното и синхронизирано преминаване на готовия настил към автоматичния конвейерен кътер /робот/. При
производството на връхни облекла при съществуващия в момента технологичен процес се налага огрубяването
на мин. 50% от детайлите от плат и подлепващо, за да се гарантира точното им изрязване след подлепване. При
автоматизираното кроене това не е необходимо, тъй като технологията на автоматичния конвейерен кътер дава
възможност за точна и прецизна работа, без риск от повреждане на детайли, позволяваща фино и бързо кроене
дори и на най-дребните детайли (работи се под вакуум), без да се налага да бъдат огрубявани предварително.
Автоматизираното кроене позволява намалена консумация и на спомагателни материали – хартия за кроене и
картон, тъй като в повечето случаи не е необходимо отпечатване на хартия понеже автоматичният конвейерен
кътер крои без хартиени кройки за разлика от ръчния процес на кроене.

Като резултат, автоматичната CAD/CAM система води до намаляване на използваните текстилни материали
(плат, трико, хастар, подлепващо), спомагателни материали – хартия за кроене и картон, използвани в
производството на всички 8 вида продукти на фирмата, както и до по-ефективно управление на отпадъци от
тези суровини и спомагателни материали. По-ефективното управление на посочените отпадъци с помощта на
системата се постига с „предотвратяване“ образуването им чрез тяхното намаляване (на единица продукция)
при етап „подготовка“.

Този документ е създаден с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма „Иновации и
конкурентоспособност” 2014 – 2020, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейски фонд за
регионално развитие по проект № BG16RFOP002-3.004-0191-C01, „Дони Стайл ЕООД внедрява иновативен
производствен процес за повишаване на ресурсната си ефективност и отговорно опазване на околна среда“.

online 160


Придобиването и внедряването на Машина за полагане на лента; Машина за събиране на два плата;
Пневматична притискаща топла преса довежда до резултат – намаляване (на ед. продукция) на текстилни
материали (плат, трико, хастар и подлепващо) и конци, използвани в производството на тениски. Това е така,
защото с придобиването на линия за безшевно шиене на тениски, ще отпадне необходимостта първо да се
зашият, откъдето ще намалее разхода за конци. Отпада риска за бракуване на продукция от прегаряне на плата,
както е при ръчното подлепване, тъй като новата пневматична притискаща преса може да залепя при ниска
температура, което намалява разхода за текстилни материали. Закупуването и въвеждането на горепосочените
активи води и до резултат – по-ефективно управление на отпадък от текстилни материали и конци, образуван при
производството на тениски, което се постига с „предотвратяване“ образуването му чрез неговото намаляване
(на единица продукция) при етап „шиене“.
Закупуването и въвеждането на Принтер с режещ кътер и Машина за пакетиране на дрехи водят до резултат –
намаляване на суровина полиетиленови пликове за опаковка и спомагателен материал – хартия, използвани
в производството на всички 8 вида продукти в предприятието. Придобиването на Принтер с режещ кътер
допринася за по-ефективно управление на отпадък – хартия, защото отпечатва етикета с точния му размер, а
количеството етикети съответства точно на необходимото за дадена поръчка без излишен остатък от хартия.
Придобиването на Машина за пакетиране на дрехи – 1 бр. допринася за по-ефективно управление на отпадък
– полиетиленови пликове (за опаковки), защото новата машина използва полиетилен на ролка, тип ръкав, при
което изделието се поставя вътре и прерязването се извършва винаги по размер и не се генерира отпадък.
Цялата отговорност за съдържанието на документа се носи от Дони Стайл ЕООД и при никакви обстоятелства не
може да се приема, че този документ отразява официалното становище на Европейския Съюз и Договарящия

Одит за ресурсна ефективност на „Дони Стайл“ ЕООД, приложение Е, подаден към проектно предложение
„Дони Стайл ЕООД внедрява иновативен производствен процес за повишаване на ресурсната си ефективност

и отговорно опазване на околна среда“
онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447
Този документ е създаден с финансовата подкрепа на Оперативна програма „Иновации и
конкурентоспособност” 2014 – 2020, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейски фонд за
регионално развитие по проект № BG16RFOP002-3.004-0191-C01, „Дони Стайл ЕООД внедрява иновативен
производствен процес за повишаване на ресурсната си ефективност и отговорно опазване на околна среда“.

online 161


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447Внедряване на иновативен, автоматизиран и ресурсноефективен
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447процес за производство на дамски облекла от „ЛГРП“ ЕООД

Проект „Внедряване на иновативен, автоматизиран и ресурсноефективен процес за производство на дамски
облекла от “ЛГРП” ЕООД се осъществява в рамките на договор BG16RFOP002-3.004-0194-C01, процедура
BG16RFOP002-3.004 „Подкрепа за пилотни и демонстрационни инициативи за ефективно използване на
ресурсите“ по Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020. Проектът стартира на
27.11.2018 г. със срок за изпълнение 20 месеца.
Общата му стойност е 1 426 000.00 лв., в това число 998 200.00 лв. безвъзмездна финансова помощ.
Общата цел на проекта е оптимизиране на производствения процес за дамски облекла във фирма „ЛГРП“ ЕООД
и повишаване ресурсната ефективност на предприятието.

Специфичните цели на проекта се състоят в:
1. Осигуряване на техническа обезпеченост като база за имплементиране на пилотната ресурсноефективна
технология в производството на „ЛГРП” ЕООД;
2. Намаляване на влаганите в производството основни материали и спомагателни суровини, ограничаване на
количеството образувани отпадъци и свеждане до минимум на генерирания брак;
3. Ограничаване на вредното влияние върху околната среда вследствие на производствения процес;
4. Осигуряване на устойчива конкурентоспособност и повишаване на производствения капацитет на „ЛГРП”
ЕООД. Като резултат от изпълнението на проекта, в предприятието беше внедрена пилотна за България
технология, основана на пълна автоматизация на основните производствени етапи – настилане и кроене, шиене
и гладене, и на ефективно управление на влаганите суровини и генерираните отпадъци.

Технологиите, които бяха внедрени в рамките на проекта, част от иновативното технологично решение,
адресират всеки един от етапите на производствения процес, както следва:
1) Кроене, базирано на Индустрия 4.0-отнася се до четвъртата индустриална революция. Кроенето, базирано на
Индустрия 4.0 е най-иновативното достижение на съвременните технологии в областта на шевната индустрия.
Използвайки тази технология, процесът „Кроене” освен оптимизиран, благодарение на възможността за рязане
„по ръба”, е и изключително гъвкав, позволяващ наблюдение и контрол от всяка точка на света посредством
Интернет връзка.

2) Автоматизирана нискоотпадна шевна технология – тя е базирана на изцяло дигитализирано управление,
което осигурява автоматизация на операциите съгласно предварително зададени параметри. По този начин
става възможно предотвратяването на излишното потребление на ресурсите, намаляването на образуваните
отпадъци, както и образуването на брак.

3) Вакуумна технология на гладене – тя позволява гладене на изделия с намалени резерви на детайлите.
Използвайки точна настройка на подаваните количества вакуум и въздух се постига качествено разглаждане на
шевове и изделия с най-различни форми, с намалени резерви. Благодарение на тази технология бракуваната
продукция може да бъде намалена наполовина. Обединявайки тези отделни технологии в едно цяло
технологично решение, „ЛГРП“ ЕООД постигана ресурсна ефективност при всеки един етап, както и пълна
оптимизация на производството в предприятието.

С цел реализирането на иновативната ресурсноефективна технология за производство на дамски облекла по

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онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447проекта беше закупено следното специализирано оборудване от най-ново поколение, използващо прецизна и
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447нискоотпадна технология:

>> За етап „Кроене“ бяха закупени следните активи:
Настилачна количка и Последно поколение робот за
автоматично кроене. Придобиването на Настилачна
количка в комплект с маса за настилане на плата
направи възможно автоматичното настилане на
целия настил (за разлика от ръчното настилане)
и автоматичното позициониране и срязване в
началото и края на настила (за разлика от ръчното
рязане с ножица), като срязването се осъществява с
точност, без да остават излишни ивици в началото и
в края на настила, което от своя страна спомага за
намален разхода (на ед. продукция) на суровини и
спомагателни материали, използвани при кроенето.
Настилачната маса, снабдена със специална система
със сгъстен въздух, чрез въздушна възглавница и
вакуум за захващане на платовете осигурява висока
прецизност на кроенето и свежда до минимум
възможността за изместване на плата и респективно
грешки при рязането на кройките.
От своя страна, Последно поколение робот за
автоматично кроене, базиран на Индустрия 4.0. е
най-иновативното достижение на съвременните
технологии в областта на шевната индустрия.

С негова помощ става възможно автоматичното 163
задаване на параметрите на кроене, като цялостната
дейност по кроенето се изпълнява от него –
изчертаване, маркиране и рязане на настила. Освен
това, благодарение на подвижността му, е възможно
обслужването на повече на брой настилачни маси,
което допълнително повишава капацитета на кроене.
Роботът разполага с възможност за електронно следене
силата на вакуума, което осигурява допълнителна
точност при кроене на по-сложни модели с по-сложни
за работа материи. Използвайки възможностите, които
технология Индустрия 4.0. предлага, посредством
робота става възможно наблюдението и контрола на
процеса на работа в реално време от всяка точка на

>> Във връзка с оптимизиране на етап „Ушиване“
бяха закупени набор от активи, предназначени
за съединяване на разкроените детайли, които
представляват неразделна част от разработената
от “ЛГРП” ЕООД иновативна ресурсноефективна
технология за производство на дамски облекла. С



онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447тяхна помощ беше въведена автоматизирана нискоотпадна шевна технология за контрол на шевния процес с
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447прецизно регулиране и отрязване на използваните конци.
>> Във връзка с оптимизиране на етап „Гладене“ в рамките на проекта беше закупена и въведена гладачна
линия, съставена от Машина за гладене яката и реверите при дамските сака и палта и Гладачна преса.
Посредством гладачната линия, предприятието
внедри в производството си вакуумна технология
на гладене, с помощта на която стана възможно
гладенето на изделия с намалени резерви на
детайлите. Използвайки точна настройка на
подаваните количества вакуум и въздух се постига
качествено разглаждане на шевове и изделия с най-
различни форми, включително с намалени резерви.
В допълнение, в рамките на проекта предприятието
придоби Балираща вертикална преса, която
допринася както за по-ефективно управление на
следните отпадъци – хартия и шпули/картонени
опаковки, така и за преминаване на по-високо
ниво в йерархията по управление на тази част от
отпадъците от съществуващото производство – от
„обезвреждане“ към „рециклиране“.
Интегрирането на всички гореописани технологии
в едно цялостно производствено решение за
изработка на дамски облекла представлява пилотна
за България иновация, на базата на която „ЛГРП“
ЕООД подобри ресурсната си ефективност и повиши
производствения си капацитет. Нещо повече – тя
е стъпка към предстоящата тенденция в близко
бъдеще за дигитализация на производството,
съгласно Индустрия 4.0. и „ЛГРП“ ЕООД е едно от
първите шевни предприятия в България, които
стартира този процес.

Този публикация е създадена по проект № BG16RFOP002-3.004-0194-C01, „Внедряване на иновативен,
автоматизиран и ресурсноефективен процес за производство на дамски облекла от “ЛГРП” ЕООД“,

финансиран от Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020, съфинансирана от
Европейския съюз чрез Европейски фонд за регионално развитие.

Цялата отговорност за съдържанието на публикацията се носи от „ЛГРП“ ЕООД и при никакви обстоятелства
не може да се приема, че тази публикация отразява официалното становище на Европейския Съюз и
Управляващия орган.

За контакт: „ЛГРП“ ЕООД , гр.Русе, п.код 7013, ул. Дунавски кът 7, Имейл: [email protected]

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онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447Ascend Performance Materials
Surgical mask in development with Acteev™ technology “Previous technologies rely on the materials within a
shows efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 plus Level III filtration mask to retain an electrical charge to achieve filtration ef-
properties. ficiency,” Dr. Gopal said. “But when antimicrobial agents
Ascend’s latest FDA 510(k) submission covers nanofiber are added, those materials lose their charge and begin to
and microfiber designs. fail as barriers.”

Ascend Performance Materials announced today it has Acteev masks, however, achieve antiviral effectiveness
submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration a through active zinc ions embedded within the polymer
510(k) premarket notification for clearance to market structure of polyamide 66, a hygroscopic nylon material
its Acteev™ technology in a pair of high-efficacy surgical whose equilibrium moisture keeps the zinc ions active.
masks to protect against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COV- “With Acteev, we have cracked the code of balancing top
ID-19. physical performance with antiviral protection,” Dr. Gopal
The masks, a nanofiber and a microfiber nonwoven ver- said.
sion each branded under the Acteev Biodefend™ line The technology, covered by more than 15 patent families,
for medical devices, deliver a one-two punch of antiviral has been tested in multiple end forms, including knit and
properties plus top-level barrier protection against mi- woven fabrics; engineered plastics; and nanofiber melt-
crobes, harmful airborne particles and fluid splatter. blown, microfiber meltblown and spunbond nonwoven
Acteev technology has been shown in laboratory tests to materials.
deactivate SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COV- Ascend submitted its first 510(k) to the FDA last month.
ID-19, and other pathogens including H1N1, betacorona- That submittal requests clearance to market a Level I sur-
virus OC43, human coronavirus 229E and Gram-positive gical mask that is effective against SARS-CoV-2.
and Gramnegative bacteria such as staphylococcus and
E. coli, according to Vikram Gopal, Ph.D., Ascend’s chief Alsolast month, Ascend launched Acteev Protect™, an
technology officer. The testing was conducted following antimicrobial line of protection specially formulated to
the protocols of ISO, ASTM or other international stand- guard against the growth of fungi, bacteria and other
ards organizations. microbes to keep textiles and nonwoven fabrics fresher
The proposed masks also meet the requirements to qual- for longer. Acteev Protect, available for sale today in the
ify as Level III under ASTM F2100-19 standards, as tested United States and select other jurisdictions, can be used
by independent laboratories as well as Ascend scientists. to make face coverings, filtration devices, and textiles for
Level III is the highest tier for physical barrier and safety upholstery and apparel such as activewear.
properties, according to the common international test-
ing standard.

Dr. Gopal said the combination of superior physical prop- Source:
erties and antiviral protection is a breakthrough in medi-
cal device technology, as many masks succeed either at
antiviral protection or at filtration and barrier effective-
ness but not at both.

online 165


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447Analysis of smart clothing range
Oksana Zakharkevich, Nataliia Dik, Iryna Poluchovich -
Khmelnitskyi National University, Institytska str., 11, Khmelnitskyi, Ukraine, 29016

Оксана Захаркевич, Наталия Дик, Ирина Получович -
Khmelnitskyi National University, Institytska str., 11, Khmelnitskyi, Ukraine, 29016

Smart clothing is very popular nowadays as it provide benefit to the wearer by enabling him to use a large
variety of computer and mobile technologies in a much convenient way than usual. There are many differ-
ent smart garments, which are developed by now. They are distributed by variety of clothing brands via the
Internet. Due to the novelty and rapid advancement of the smart clothing production, nowadays there is
no explicit classification of such products nor enough categorized knowledge about their design, develop-
ment, and manufacturing.

Thus, the main objective of the current study is to perform an analysis of the range of smart clothing that
is available via online shopping. The source of imagination while a smart clothing item is developed pre-
sumed to be science fiction clothing technologies, the range of which is analyzed as well. Authors catego-
rized smart clothing that is available on the web by their particular features, the main of which are as fol-
lows: a function, which they provide to their wearer, a technology that is a basic of their design, a garment
type, and an area of their application. In addition, the analysis allowed defining the main clothing brands
those are leaders in smart technologies distribution today.

Keywords: smart clothing, innovative technologies, function of clothing, garment type, brand

introduction developed by now. Examples of the many different types
of high tech clothing include smart socks, smart shoes,
smart work clothes, smart sleepwear, smart activewear,
Smart clothing is very popular nowadays as it provide and smart casual wear [3].
benefit to the wearer by enabling him to use a large
variety of computer and mobile technologies in a much They are often distributed by variety of clothing brands
convenient way than usual. Instead of “smart clothing” via the Internet. Therefore, the information about their
such technologies might be called “smart garments”, appearance and performance might be easily gained. On
“smart textiles”, “smart fabrics”, and even “electronic the other hand, the information about the specific features
textiles”. The variety of definitions is due to the and their design particularities exist only like “know-how”
comparative novelty of such technologies and their rapid technologies and cannot be so easily described. Besides
advancement during the recent years. that, due to the novelty and rapid advancement of the
smart clothing production, nowadays there is no explicit
Some smart clothes use advanced textiles with classification of such products nor enough categorized
interwoven circuitry, while others implement sensors knowledge about their design, development, and
and additional hardware to give it its smart functionality. manufacturing.
Many smart clothes can connect to an app or program on
a secondary device using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, however, Thus, the main objective of the current study is to
this wireless connectivity is not necessary to classify a perform an analysis of the range of smart clothing that is
garment as being a type of smart clothing [1]. available via online shopping. Besides, one may presume
that the source of imagination while a smart clothing item
A number of works [2-4] covers the fundamentals is developed is clothing technologies in science fiction.
of electronics and their applications in textiles and Therefore, range of those is to be analyzed as well.
clothing product development. Researchers emphasize
the interface between electronics and textile materials,
detailing diverse methods and techniques used in
industrial practice. However, above-mentioned papers do exposition
lack of exact numbers those describe the smart clothing Science fiction literature, film, television, and other
media have become popular and influential over much
There are many different smart garments, which are of the world. Science fiction (sometimes called Sci-

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онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447Fi or simply SF) is a genre of speculative fiction that Researchers consider at least two causal pathways as
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447typically deals with imaginative and futuristic conceptsto how technologies introduced in science fiction could
such as advanced science and technology, time travel, potentially affect the technologies we have in real-life
parallel universes, fictional worlds, space exploration, [1]. The main one of them suggests that works of science
and extraterrestrial life. It often explores the potential fiction could affect inventors and scientists – either
consequences of scientific innovations. because science fiction provided helpful information or,
more likely, because science fiction motivated individuals
Questions regarding the real-world implications of to delve into a particular problem or to pursue a scientific
recipients’ immersion into fictional story worlds have career in the first place.
fueled numerous empirical studies in recent years [5].
Thus, it is well founded statement that any indus-
It is no big surprise that engineers and scientists working try nowadays might be considered as an area where sci-
in cutting-edge technology are often fans of science ence fictional techs may be applied. The apparel design is
fiction. Nor is it a surprise that, when many of them get to under such influence as well. A number of designers and
a place in their career, they seek to bring to life the kind of technologists and patternmakers use science fiction as a
amazing sci-fi technology they grew up reading about and source of their imagination and creativity.
watching in movies [3].
In the table 1, one can see the fragment of analy-
It is well known fact that a great many of the Silicon sis of the costumes of fictional characters, which might
Valley scientists were influenced by science fiction be the direct source of creativity when the smart clothing
literature. Among them are leaders of Amazon, Blue development is under consideration. The main function
Origin, SpaceX, and Microsoft. They do acknowledge of the majority of costumes is to protect the body of its
the role that science fiction has played in triggering their owner in times of warfare actions and any other physi-
interest in science and inspiring breakthroughs. Indeed, cal activity that proved to be hazardous for human life or
there are many examples of fictional technologies that health.
have later emerged in the real world.
One can assume that technology of such gar-
Here are some examples of tech that was once the ments might be based on using various gadgets as parts
domain of science fiction now turned science fact: of clothing and using high-technological materials, which
communicator watches, videophone calling, holograms, often enough are provided with both properties of fabric
tablet computers, ray guns, A.I. assistants, universal and those of other materials or substances.
translator, etc. [3].

Table 1 – Analysis of the costumes of science fictional characters (fragment)

Source Character Appearance Features End-use
Iron man It is made of incredibly strong, fictional materials bolstered by a
force field. Every suit has a self-contained environment, assorted
onboard weapons systems, enhanced strength, flight, and various
communications arrays and sensors (such as radar and radio).

Nick Fury scUAancuoisancainnntmplfneghnirihcilfenfphinrdeusraodbaoeeeTkaoitsimisnxgertsd.,ohremrivminedareToiemttyreithaisadshbndetfcwtmiuuetueiseousostloutkimrnhen,nldnaowonsr.liniaacefeedyfnfTssiigtwtorstsnge,ichethrabeestorahuglaiana)eetmtuIansolnysetrnlsu,smanndgfFoavdohcgtonphaiasdiit9wishganrsaiipdn-ilei-vossckhoadnrsgshpalia,eoniattmtrnicinanlasabha,sgcynsofcgipBdcneeeumeh”rroaanKa.tlletaoitdllanifriivtiblyea.Aintdnnwgerryeua3havgTsgobhigrs“ronpel6cfnuehetlcoatomtlaka-qea0aiss.eleertrlfrosntirnuitIoincadmsnda(nhctttdairttiagehairpkel5meehamnpyaban.tltgp0lnaeti(iedcmTlreafreiRroteettaekerefdhegtyaenindeaeinit-dctpieiebcnstaosnttetosoeacweiuiugnhodtmgcolcanlrdiwrpdoliCofrto(enpyfetsauiyi1pishi)ltvnnev,aagmton,ttt5ooitettnhebeuhusvgadobahfra”rmssirimrrartoe,iluge1gtofoeansirwiaitrsny)le,eerdriunpsilu.7uonseeeti,esghwtCni0ah,iiutd-tsisihtnhiunrgpiooa0e,shcrfetrbbnrcsor°nbaaacoeec“esnoFyalaynndrtjwuansihxe,lor“mstbd(liilpdtoaduuooctspei9afersaaitrtlon,rrclr3ecnhtslradlsnbeeoeikttzsun0mgancaietmsibevidplive°lnssti.tlioiienmyCegaettdm.ogbataiiushc)tsteoeectya.eoipthctbevonfsstecd”osaifaeiue,fvefsirtim.pcrimwirihicuddrtnlcrsTtiityhaaeaiocipucia-hfurnbnlleilfnlaiagl,stneupegtefhhimcniawrmrgsrdnrcleeyatrrgeinhiogheouwfmaorneneietenwinsdu.gcs.ittstdt4ts,ithlhach-5lopePeawrnoonprdanodobvwbhhdetufioyiaidenltrrtsindicitaehiosnicyctnreoeing,ia’oncsmsaliengtle,s

UMniavrevresle Nova


online 167


Scientists note similar trends in the innovative Friquency12 online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447
technologies that already exist in modern clothing and 10
textile [4].
A growing number of technology companies and fashion 6
brands have dipped their toes into the smart clothing 4
market, with more expected to join them if the smart 2
clothes concept proves popular [3]. 0

In the figure 1 one can see the brands those are providing Brand
the smart clothing nowadays. Information on this regard
can be easily gained on Internet as these garments are Fig. 1. Leaders of smart clothing market
available for shopping online [6-16]. Fifty-eight clothing Sensoria
brands (or other companies) represent total amount of University of Karnegi-…
102 clothing items, which were deemed as “smart”, were Prilion&Tonny Hilfinger
selected for the study.
Among some of the more well-known brands Levi's
experimenting with smart clothing are “Under Armour”,
“Levi’s”, “Tommy Hilfiger”, “Samsung”, “Ralph Lauren”, Blaze Wear
and “Google”. Smaller companies are also making their Wearable Experiments (x)
mark either by releasing their own clothing lines or
collaborating with larger fashion labels [3]. Hi-Fun
The majority of brands propose no more than one item
of “smart clothing”. The list of such brands is as follows: Studio 5050
“Dress Cote”, “Blacksocks”, “Adidas”, “Hi-Call”, “CB Sport”, Microsoft
“Hexoskin”, “L-Ning”, “Arrow”, “GOW”, “Sensatex”, “Intel Xiaomi
Design”, “Stivan Menn”, “Philips”, “Levi Stranss&Co”, Hatsonic
“Reima”, “Future Force Warrior”, “Skiin”, “Massachusets
University”, “Guizhou Guanyu Technology”, “NIT Docom”, Samsung Benelux
“Toray”, “Ford Smart Mobility Team”, “LUMO”, “Tome”, Symantec Betabrand
Levono, “The Verge Aerochronics”, “Jabil Circuit”, Dress Cote, Blacksocks, …
“Netflix”, “Athos”, “Talkers”, “Bangle”, “Ralph Louren
PoloTech”, “Musical Fingers”, “Piano Glovers”, “Sodium”, headgears accessories
“Arno Vaigan”, “Sebastian Master”, “Courrges”, “Polar 5% 11%
Seal”, “Spinali”, “Cardio control”, “Cityzen Sciences”, footwear
“Google”, “72 and Sunny”, “YesYesNo”, “Marchesa”, IBM, apparel 9%
“Bike-2000”, “Kuchofuku Air Conditioned Cooling Shirt”, 69% socks
“Lumo”, “Ford”, “Zeal”, and “C-hab”. These brands are 6%
not included in the graph below.
онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447 Fig. 2. Categories of smart clothing
In the figure 2, one can see all the categories of smart
clothing that were noted in the current study. The main Outerwear; Underwear;
group is apparel, the categories of which are shown in the 20.29 11.59
fig. 3. It must be pointed, that smart clothing for now is
mostly considered as sportswear for specific sports (fig. 3, Sportswear; LIght clothing; Children Men's wear;
fig. 4), though other apparel categories were detected in 52.17 15.94 wear; 7.25
the study as well while on the much lesser scale. 1.45
Women's wear;

Fig. 3. Apparel categories of smart clothing

football motobike
9% racing
skiing 16%
16% bike racing
9% snowmobiling
yoga 9%
9% running; 9%

Fig. 4. Smart clothing for specific sports

online 168


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447The second most numerous group of smart clothingEnvironmentalEmotional interactions
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447under study is group of accessories. It is only 11%, but stilladaptability6%
more than other lesser groups such as footwear, socks, 14%
and headgears. It is observed that gloves are most popular Gadget
accessories that are provided with wearable technologies control
of various sorts (fig. 5).

Health monitoring Safeguards
53% 4%

Online banking

skarf Fig. 6. Functions of smart clothing
10% bracelet
glasses 10%

ski mask belt
10% 10%

gloves outerwear; 3% socks; 3%


casual wear

Fig. 5. Accessories categories sportswear

The results of analysis allow dividing all smart clothing Fig. 7. Apparel categories of smart clothing, the main
items into six categories based on the function they pro- function of which is health monitoring
vide. As one can see in the table 2 each group consists
of several smaller categories, for which the functions are The most commonly used technology of smart cloth-
more specific. The majority of smart clothing provide their ing items, which were observed in the current study, is
wearers health-monitoring functions (fig. 6). Moreover, based on using various gadgets as parts of clothing. About
among such clothing the most numerous one is sports- 58.6% of the garments were using gadgets of one type or
wear group (fig. 7). another. Besides, it was noted that more than third part of
the considered number of smart clothing (about 37.1%) is
Table 2 – Functions of smart clothing using mobile applications of various types and functions
in order to provide user with interface between smart
clothing and the wearer himself.

No Group of func- Function CONCLUSION
tions As a result of the research the smart clothing range was
Thief block
1 Online banking Air pay categorized by their particular features, the main of which
Vital signs measurement are as follows: a function, which they provide to their wearer;
2 Health monitor- Activity control a technology that is a basic of their design; a garment type;
ing Environmental conditions an area of their application. In addition, the analysis allows
monitoring defining the main clothing brands those are leaders in smart
3 Environmental Heating-cooling systems technologies distribution today.

4 Emotional inter- Emotional alterations
Air touch

5 Gadget control Music & Smartphone control REFERENCE
AR (augmented reality) inter- [1] Appel, M., Krause, S., Gleich, U., & Mara, M.
6 Safeguards actions Meaning through fiction: Science fiction and
Social media communication innovative technologies, Psychology of Aesthetics,
Road safety Creativity, and the Arts, Vol. 10(4), 2016, pp. 472-
Children safety 480.

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онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447[2] Ashok Kumar, L., & Vigneswaran, C. Electronics BD%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447in Textiles and Clothing, Boca Raton: CRC Press,B5%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B0.
2015, 460 p. [11] Smart clothing and accessories – future of
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pp. 1-15.
[14] Ulianov, B. Smart clothing: things that
[5] When science fiction inspires real technology – make life easier. Articles, tests, reviews. –
MIT Technology Review. – 2018. – Available at: Available at: item/62292.
when-science-fiction-inspires-real-technology/. [15] Smart clothing: several interesting
[6] Dormehl, L. 7 amazing Sci-Fi Technologies That INNOVATIONS. – 2017. – Available at: http://
Brilliant Engineers Made a Reality | Digital Trends.
– 2018. – Available at: https://www.digitaltrends. neskolko-interesnyh-primerov/.
com/cool-tech/7-sci-fi-gadgets-brought-to-life/. [16] Smart clothing: what one can purchase
today already / Blog of company M.Video / Habr.
[7] Sergeiko, Yu. Smart clothing: 8 examples from – 2017. – Available at:
the future those are on the market. – 2018. – company/mvideo/blog/404635/.
Available at:
dnya/10486763-umnaja-odezhda/. Доклад, презентиран на Втора браншова
конференция “Тенденции и иновации в
[8] Smart clothing – – Available at: https://itc.
ua/tag/umnaya-odezhda/. текстилната и модната индустрия” 2019

[9] Miheev, O. Smart clothing now and in the future:
what outfits are waiting for humanity “just over the
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[10] News on the tag smart clothing //
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online 170


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447December 10-11, 2020

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Industrial Textiles Association

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Katerina Despot, Vaska Sandeva, Anja Minova -
University Goce Delchev - Stip, Department of Architecture and Design, R. N. Macedo-

nia, e-mail: [email protected]
онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447Abstract:
Combinatorics is a mechanism that, according to certain rules and laws, generates a wealth of forms with
given properties. of methods for designing objects of typified elements. What designers are striving for is
the production of various geometric shapes where the size and character of these shapes, their interrela-
tionships, and the colors used during operation have become the defining motives for abstraction. These
abstract compositions created with the help of mathematical combinatorial patterns were conceived as
combinations of shapes and colors. From which many possibilities are created for different combination
and construction of the furniture.
Keywords: composition, form, furniture, design

1.Introduction 2.Exposure

The interaction between art and geometry has existed The essence of constructive activity with combinatorics.
since ancient times. Since the early decades of the twen- At the core of the complex feature of constructive activity
tieth century, beginning with experiments in Cubism and is the possibility of individual participation and its char-
Expressionism, visual art has evolved from figurative to acter in different forms of work. The constructive activity
abstract. A number of artistic movements have emerged, includes in itself a dynamic, impartial and independent
some inspired by mathematics, and some, such as Con- unity of intellectual and practical work and activity with a
structivism, Geometric Abstraction, and Minimalism, have creative, creative character [4,6,8].
been inspired by the simplest forms of geometry [2,3,5].
The creation of structures and forms with a certain func-
Form and formulation are the subject of study in all sci- tional significance, due to its creative character provides
ences-natural, social, and humanistic. Structural combina- favorable educational opportunities for the participation
torics, which is closely related to formulation, as a math- of designers in the competitive activity, for their inten-
ematical term is borrowed from the theory and practice tional involvement in problematic situations and solving
of artistic design and deals with the construction, creation tasks of different nature.
and conception of new forms, as well as the organization,
structuring and construction of matter in certain forms. The content scope of the activity includes the overall pro-
exist in space [1,9]. cess of the creative activity - formulating the problem,
through the design, to the construction of a prototype,
The constant development of the industry imposes con- model or real object. The complexity of this activity is
ditions for unification, typification and serial production also expressed through the synthesis of activities of vari-
of pieces of furniture and other design products. Due to ous nature - artistic / pictorial, decorative, combinatorial,
the nature of the production itself, it is necessary that the compositional / technical, graphic, technological, etc.
forms of the products be maximally simplified and adapt-
ed to the industrial technologies. The rich and varied final solutions of the construction /
combining tasks create a favorable opportunity for the de-
The need for such a dynamic, intellectual and creative ac- velopment of creative artistic and technical abilities.
tivity has arisen from the past, and today it results in nu-
merous objects that have different applications in human Creativity as a combination. To get into the essence of
everyday life. creativity, it is important to understand its nature, its dy-
namics as a process, the artist’s attitude towards the ar-
tistic activity and the activity of creating something new.
In the creative process, new products are not created all
online 172


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447at once from nowhere, but through the transformation of repeated. Because every geometric shape is a complete
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447things that exist in the objective world, by changing theirshape. Each geometric figure can serve as a motive for
form, composition, structure, relationship, by combining the development of a combinatorial decorative element
a new system of elements that previously belonged to an- in the design of furniture. In our opinion, it is important
other system, either by grouping or a new way of connect- to solve two main tasks when searching for the combi-
ing the elements of that same system (Figure 1). natorial element: the originality of the various composite
Nature and matter first appeared, and man is the product techniques and its decorative and aesthetic value [3,10].
of their development. In this regard, the whole variety of When designing furniture, a decorative combinatorial
things in nature is a combination of a limited number of element must fit into any structure, be part of the com-
elements. The artificial environment - the second nature, position. The search for a decorative combinatorial ele-
occurs as a result of the combinatorial transformative ac- ment based on geometric shapes is the most productive.
tivity of man. All its objects are essentially new combina- In nature, there are different geometric shapes. Decora-
tions of already existing elements, objects, phenomena tive combinatorial element, based on the study of nature,
[7,11]. provides unique geometric designs - flower petals, tree
In itself, the visualization of new systems is not considered leaves, fish, animal shells and form the formation of their
creative. Creativity is actually a form of activity and action structural type (geometric parameters).
of a certain subject, person, social group or society. The Furniture design combinatorics allow you to transform
person who creates it has to meet many requirements: the design of jewelry, including constructive, technologi-
the ability to accept the task, speed of thinking, original- cal and functional completeness. The interchangeability
ity, ability to be variable, understanding combinatorics, of the combinatorial-modular elements, the variety of
analogy and synthesis. designs lead to high efficiency of the models. The use of

Figure 1. Creativity as a combination

Module and modular order. The module is a unit of the combinatorial module in the creation of furniture con-
measure. The modular construction laid the foundations tributes to the rhythmic consistency of the parts and the
for combinatorics. The module can be located in a pre- harmonization of the product as a whole. When creating
designed network. Based on the same network and one static, dynamic compositions of geometric shapes, the
module, you can create many compositions. The differ- main task should always be to organize a holistic struc-
ence of the images is obtained by changing the proper- ture, a clearly expressed idea of ​a​ certain category, easily
ties: shape, size, colors of the module. When designing seen by the eye as something indivisible. The static com-
furniture, great attention should be paid to the solution position is an underlined expression of the state of rest,
of decorative combinatorial problems. Working skills in firmness, stability of the form in all its structure, in the
this area allow you to unleash creativity and increase the most geometric basis. The dynamics of the composition is
range of transformations of different pieces of furniture. related to the proportions and ratios of quantities. In the
The basis for creating decorative combinatorial elements case of equality of relations, it is characterized by a static
are geometric shapes. Designers use geometric shapes in character, while with their contrast dynamism is created,
terms of aesthetics, because even the simplest of them while the visual movement is obtained in the direction of
(dots, lines, triangles, etc.) give a decorative effect when greater magnitude.

online 173


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447When developing the combinatorial element when de- The composition is developed in such a way that the lay-
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447signing furniture, precise calculations and accuracy areout of each module is aligned with the adjacent modules
required. The calculation must be such that each side of next to it. There are many combinations with which you
the combinatorial element when connected corresponds can get a decorative image with the help of modules. The
to a modular solution. Then you get a clear, constructive modular composition can be created by „turning“ or by
and complete form of the composition, logically justified alternating (replacing) in the network; on the principle of
in a decorative and rhythmic and aesthetic sense. Guaran- axial symmetry between adjacent modules; by rotation
tee for successful and competent construction of any fur- (turning the module within 4 squares or by parallel align-
niture in its integrity and functional expressiveness. Thus, ment in a specific direction.
combinatorics in furniture design provides a rich material Modular compositions can be constructed from embossed
for creative thinking and contributes to the development modules or arranged in a flat surface. Such compositions
of skills and abilities. In fact, almost all designed works are used to decorate objects and form articulatory parts.
for the production of furniture on individual elements Modular compositions placed in a network are also de-
and shape parameters, the whole process of creating the signed as spatial forms in the architectural environment.
model is a continuous creative flow of searching for com- They are used in the construction and decoration of build-
binatorial solutions. and technology-based elements, and ings, partition bars, furniture as well as in the design of
focuses on quality indicators and the emergence of mod- children‘s toys and playrooms.
els. Thus, decorative combinatorial elements in furniture The variety of forms that differ in type, size, and color, as
design are part of the universal mechanism for the forma- well as the contrasts between them, have been used in
tion of art forms. Through the use of this method, we get compositions for decorative objects and architectural art
not only their diversity, but also the economic efficiency solutions since ancient times.
of the process, because many forms are the essence of Based on the modules, the modular networks are created,
derivatives from the combination of the same initial ele- which invisibly participate in the organization of the ele-
ments. ments in harmonious unity (Figure 3).
Relatively connected and independent stylized images (el- They control the design and construction of the product,
ements), called modules, equal in shape can participate regardless of its character. The modular network also al-
constantly in the construction of a modular decorative
composition (Figure 2). This type of composition has great
application in applied decorative art and architecture.

Figure 2. Module

With the help of modular decorative compositions, many lows the application of electronic programs in the design
elements in design and architecture are formed, such as process. They are widely used in graphic design, architec-
decorative walls, partition bars, floors, etc. ture, interior design, furniture design, industrial design

In the design, a previously drawn network (regular square), and more.
triangular or irregularly shaped, is used as an auxiliary At the base of the modular network is the circle, which is
means for arranging the modules in one composition. quite a suitable module but its tightness is much higher

online 174


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447Figure 3. Application and repetition of a module in design
compared to the square and has a special application in 4.References
the field of furniture design. [1] Barriere, L. (2017). Combinatorics in the Art of the

3.Conclusion Twentieth Century. Dept. de Matematiques, Universi-
The characteristic phenomena of combinatorics and its tat Politecnica de Catalunya,Spain, Bridges 2017 Con-
specifics and advantages for creating a modern design are ference Proceedings, 3.
that it offers variants such as enrichment of new spaces, [2] Despot, K., Sandeva, V. (2019). Дизајн на мебел.
beautification of the composition. This design leads in Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св.
modern times with implications of modernism and how Климент Охридски”, Скопје 684.4:7.05(075.8). ISBN
modular elements should be used in different types of 978-608-244-630-1
spaces. [3] Fomina, L. (2003). Hystory of the composition. Sofia,
Combinatorics, as a method of building shape in design, is pp.325-326. (in Bulgarian)
largely borrowed from nature. The rules and principles of [4] Francis D.K Ching.(2015). Architecture. Form, Space
using output elements (morphotypes) are preserved. The &Order. Fourth Edition. John Wiley & Sons,Canada,
approach, inspired by nature, fits into the understanding 54-63, 76-79
of design methods explained by the emotional-intuitive [5] Indrie, L, Kazlacheva, Z, Ilieva J., Gherghel, S. (2017).
and mimetic characteristics of the creative process. Embroidery-from digital designing to fine art. Revista
Industria Textilă, 68, 5, 366-369.

Through the researches and analyzes for the application [6] Sandeva, V., Despot, K. (2019). Interior and exterior.
of the structural combinatorics in the design and the ways National and University Library «St. Kliment Ohridski
of transformation of the forms, the aesthetic appearance «, Skopje, ISBN 978-608-244-631-8. (in Macedonian)
and the existence of the designed objects in the space are
indirectly influenced. In this study, the opinions of famous [7] Zheleva, D., Petrova, M. (2015). Forming: Concept of
designers are presented, some of which classify furniture system, structure, construction and form. Bismar-So-
as a function and others as an art. With the help of struc- fia, 11. (in Bulgarian)
tural combinatorics and the creation of forms with the
help of combinatorics, the pieces of furniture that are de- [8] Zheleva, D., Petrova, M. (2015). Forming: What I mean
signed at the same time serve both functionality and art. by the term «form». Bismar-Sofia, 32. (in Bulgarian)

[9] Zheleva, D., Tasheva, S. (2014). Composition theory.
Composition Theory v / s Theory of Formation. Color-
Sofia Group, 8-10. (in Bulgarian)

A specific feature of combinatorics that is very close to [10] Zlatev, Z., Ilieva, J. (2015). Design of textile patterns
formulation is the possibility of multifunctional use of de- by using colors from the bulgarian national costumes.
signed objects and their repeated sorting in various ways. Applied research on technics, technology end educa-
This feature is directly related to the unified mass produc- tion (ARTTE), vol. 3, No. 4, pp.309-316.
tion. They can be used for multiple purposes, to be trans-
formed or when they do not have a specific function, they [11] Zlatev, Z., Indrie, L., Ilieva, J., Ivanova, T. (2019). Analy-
act as a work of art in space. sis on colors of folk costume and their application in
contemporary textile design. Annals of the university
of Oradea Fascicle of textiles, leatherwork, vol. 20, No.
1, pp.125-130.

online 175


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447idf 8thinterior
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онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447ARCHROMA: SOORTY selects ARCHROMA techologies for a new DENIM
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447collection

ARCHROMA: SOORTY избрани ARCHROMA технологии за нова DENIM

SOORTY SELECTS ARCHROMA TECHNOLOGIES FOR A finds its origin in Archroma’s deep belief that it is possible
NEW DENIM COLLECTION COMBINING ECO-ADVANCED to make the textile industry sustainable”.
The denim collection will be introduced by Soorty under
the brand SmartCare+ and will include denim fabric, gar-
ments, and, coming soon, masks. The articles will be in-
troduced shortly to major denim brands and retailers, to
be made available to consumers around the globe in the
coming weeks.

“With the COVID-19 crisis impacting our communities in
Pakistan and around the globe, we at Soorty feel that we
need to explore every possibility not only to create beauti-
ful and fashionable denim, as we do but also to help pro-
tect our customers and the consumers”, adds Asad Soorty
(Executive Director) at Soorty. “Archroma presented us
with exactly what we were looking for, an entire system
of ingredients and processes aiming to create durable and
wearable protection for clothing that is comfortable to
wear and gorgeous to look at.”

Soorty’s SmartCare+ collection is using Archroma’s “Archroma is actively supporting manufacturers such as
technologies for eco-advanced colors with hygiene & Soorty who are interested in exploring antimicrobial and
barrier products in everyday articles and fashion prod-
protection (Photo: ©Soorty) ucts,” comments Mujtaba Rahim, CEO of Archroma Paki-
As part of its active engagement in the fight against stan. “Yet, Soorty takes the challenge one step beyond by
COVID-19, Archroma, a global leader in color and spe- associating such hygiene & protection effects with colora-
cialty chemicals towards sustainable solutions, today an- tion technologies that have a much lower impact on our
nounced a collaboration with Soorty for the development planet’s water reserves. Doing so, they tremendously help
of the Pakistan-based denim manufacturer’s new collec- us in our ambition to help create authentic and innovative
tion combining eco-advanced colors with hygiene & pro- denim with a soul, because it’s our nature!”
tection technologies.
* Below limits of detection according to industry-standard
test methods

The collection will include some of the most advanced of About Soorty
Archroma’s technologies, innovations, and systems for Soorty’s competitive advantage: Fully sustainable manufactur-
coloration, hygiene & protection: ing infrastructure. Innovation pioneers through continuous re-
An aniline-free* indigo system, Pure Indigo Flow, based search and development. Design, trend, and co-creation services
on the new Denisol® Pure Indigo developed by Archroma through a global footprint. Speed-to-market business model has
to preserve the health of denim workers and aquatic life; a capacity of 6.5 million meters of fabric per month. Vertically
– A water-saving dyeing technology, ADVANCED DENIM, integrated from fiber to finished goods with a garment capacity
based on innovative dyeing processes used with sulfur- of around 4 million pieces per month. Innovation, design, sus-
based Diresul® RDT blue specialties; tainability: Mission Statement: Soorty is at the forefront of the
– An antibacterial treatment based on Sanitized® technol- creation of denim fabrics and jeans, with special emphasis on
ogy and designed to keep the garment odor-free, fresh, quality, cost, and delivery of our products. Research, innovation
and germ-free. and a sharp focus on our customer’s expectations will enable us
Such technologies were developed and selected by to achieve our goal while ensuring a sustainable impact on our
Archroma for their compliance with “The Archroma Way: stakeholders and the Earth.
safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature”. The approach

online 177


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-0447POLARTEC: Polartec and Myles Collaborate
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447POLARTEC: Polartec и Myles Collaborate

Polartec and Myles Collaborate on “the world’s most comfortable workout tee”.

San Francisco-based athletic apparel brand, Myles, releases its all-new Momentum Tee embodying its tagline: “The
world’s most comfortable workout tee is back and better than ever.” 

Collaborating with pioneering fabric developer  Polartec  to
create a new and improved version of  Polartec® Power
Dry®  moisture management technology, the Tee features
an unprecedented combination of technical performance and
casual look and comfort, bridging the gap between traditional
workout tee and everyday cotton tee. 

Historically, performance fabrics have looked and
felt technical. This particular version has the aesthetic and
hand feel of cotton, though, thanks to its brushed matte
finish and overdye heather appearance, imparting more
sophistication than traditional athletic shirting. At its core is
Polartec’s proprietary Power Dry construction, employing a bi-
component knit which provides mechanical wicking action and
high breathability for fast-drying performance that lasts the
lifetime of the garment.

The Polartec Power Dry technology pulls any moisture away from the body and transfers it to the outer surface for
insanely fast evaporation during activity, so the garment maintains a dry feel even during the toughest workouts. It’s
treated with Polygiene to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria, allowing users to focus on making moves versus
doing laundry.

The product is made in the USA, cut and sewn right down the road from Myles headquarters. Complete with a refined
fit and raglan sleeves with flatlock seams for greater range of motion, a shaped hem, and a minimalistic tonal reflective
logo, the Myles Momentum Tee is the most versatile, easy-wearing and long-lasting shirt for a modern active lifestyle. 

The Momentum tee is available in six colors and online now. 

Source: Polartec

online 178


онлайн списание за Текстил, облекло, кожи и технологии ISSN 2535-04475th International Dyestuff, Pigments, Textile Chemicals, Digital
online magazine for TEXTILES, CLOTHING, LEATHER AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN 2535-0447Textile Printing, Dye and Technologies Exhibition

11 - 13 March 2021

Istanbul Expo Center

In cooperation with Organiser Supporter Media Partners



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