The 29th of
At The Gilded
This is the fastest ship in
the galaxy at sublight. Nice
and small, perfect shuttle craft
for a C-3, or other capital
ships. This one was suited for
a new monarch of a Xesching
Dynasty that ended swiftly.
You can snap this one up
This ship comes with ownership of the artwork (the image is not
applied to ensure you're the only one with this custom).
Lot #121201
Sprizen Mineral Holdings
Sprizen Mineral Holdings is an infrastructure
development company, the second company in the Galactica
Group, formed by Dex Sehrin on Year 18 Day 31. During the
Galactica Group’s expansion throughout the northern sector of
Sprizen, it repeatedly came up against material shortages, which
in turn, slowed manufacturing in many of Cybot’s production
centres. The only remedy for this problem was to grow the
group’s existing infrastructure development program, creating a
company that could not only build and maintain the controlled
planets, but extract and refine the ores from said planets.
Lot #121201
Life Day Cards
These six stunning Life Day cards
will be separated out into three
different lots.
Each card depicts a different scene to allow
you to personalize the style of card you
decide to give out.
These cards were composed by the
talented Qymaera Sul C`an.
Lot #121202
Lot #121210
Lot #121216
Qymaera Sul C`an
Qymaera Sul C`an is the owner of a bar and grill on
Kalee. She makes a variety of food, and often specializes in
crafting delicious meals for which you can enjoy.
- OOC -
The player behind claims that they're not a super artsy
person. Their art of choice is writing. They get random urges
to try new things and play with new ideas.
They perform little things here and there. It has allowed her
respect and admiration for those whom she calls "real" artists
to grow. (She doesn't see her self as a real artist, sadly.)
Lot #121202 | Lot #121210 |Lot #121216
2 Escape Pods w/ Light Saber Parts
These escape pods contain
the following items; 1 Emitter
Control, 1 Lightsaber Hilt.
While not enough to build a
lightsaber it is certainly a great
Buy these parts while you can! Who knows how long the force will
allow you to craft lightsabers this time!
(Image does not depict those upon the E-Pod)
Lot #121203
Year 20 Grims Hors d'âge Atraken Cognac
Claimed to be the finest
Cognac in the known galaxy!
Enjoy it! While you've a
This Cognac is based on
methods brought to Atraken B
by some of its first inhabitants
and modified over the
The originating Swamp Pear Wine, sourced from the Atraken
Vintners Guild, infused with Swamp Berries gives this premium
beverage a very appealing taste. The wine is then distilled by Wylly’s
Catharian Distillery until its Alcohol content is 50%, then aged to
perfection. There will only be a maximum of 10 bottles of this year’s
vintage made available.
This is bottle 4
Lot #121204
Holiday Stockings!
Everstorm Outfitters
presents a limited holiday
season release of small
backpacks with a festive
twist! In this line of small
backpacks Miss Everstorm is
bringing you and your favorite
Galactic Friends some holiday
cheer. Get yours today
because they won't be back
until next holiday season!
To make things simpler for this
upcoming auction two sets will be
available. Organics and In-organics!
Get your backpacks while supplies
(An image share that can be applied to small backpack item. NOT unique. Limited holiday release)
Lot #121205
Lot #121212
Lorelei Everstorm
Lorelei is from a long line of high end tailors, but is
more down to planet about things. She wanted to be a doctor,
but she was the only one in line to take over the family business
or it would go to "gasp" extended family when her parents died.
She didn't want to make clothes for rich snobs so she hitch a
ride out of sector and fell in with the kayleesh. She's making
clothing to put herself through medical training and she refuses
to make non-useful items
- OOC -
The player behind Lorelei is an art teacher and finds art fun.
They don't make a lot of digital art, so they like experimenting.
Lot #121205 | Lot #121212
Lair of Sandy Claws!
Want to be a hero?!?! Want
to risk your life to defeat an
evil droid! Now is your
Purchase the rights to lay
claim to these defective droids
and access Cybot Galactica's
space to claim your prize!
Sandy Claws the T-Series droid has managed to avoid many needed
wipes. He and his squad Elusive Logistical Variance Executable
Service Droids (E.L.V.E.S.) composed of BN-D0 units have made a
stand and hidden themselves within a cargo container in Asher Space.
Can you defeat Sandy Claws and Capture his rebellious robotic
This package comes with a custom-ed T-Series Droid and a squad of
custom-ed BN-D0 droids as well as a custom cargo container.
Lot #121206
Cybot Galactica
Cybot Galactica is the Premiere Droid Producer in the
galaxy. Cybot Specializes in many well known humanoid droid
forms, most notably the 3PO line. As well as several worker
droid such as the WED or the LIN Miner.
Cybot strives to bring you high quality droids for all needs, at
the most affordable prices. With full construction and
production services and a whole host of others, we also are
proud to have on time guarantees to make sure your order is
ready when you need it.
Lot #121206
Lamp with Style
Not to be confused with
that lamp in that one movie
with no style that doesn't exist
within this galaxy.
This is a Lamp with Style,
so you don't need to worry
about your mom breaking
it to get rid of it.
Sorry! Wrong Galaxy! This
is a simple yet amazing piece.
It is capable of brightening up the interior of any ship! And if worse
comes to worse, you can always claim you won it at Pazaak.
Lot #121207
Ylvia Skelgard
Ylvia the leader of The Veilhal Nomads, famous for their
nature to roam around the galaxy seeking a home. Ylvia has
sought out art to aid in her endeavor to establish more Nomadic
colonial stations.
Lot #121207
Mecrosa is the public face of the Mecrotica
Conglomerate, providing first-class retail sales while at the
same time protecting the Mecrotica Conglomerate and the Phu
Sector from both internal and external threats. Mecrosa supplies
to the public numerous technologies, medical items, and
military hardware through its partners Viraxo, Xucphra, and the
The Angry Rancor Distribution Company.
Purchase from Mecrosa today!
Triple Threat
Three ships, all
customized. This lot
contains the following
three ships:
1 x custom Delta-class
1 x D5-Mantis
1 x DX-9 Dropship
While all their exteriors are different the 3 ships have the same
custom cockpit design.
All 3 ships are U/U/U.
Lot #121208
Winter Wardrobe
Winter Wardrobe is a
collection of 9 different
custom images for you to
apply to your clothes.
Interested in teasing
someone? We've also got a
child's Christmas onsie.
This lot is perfect for anyone that needs a wardrobe or just wants to
have fun.
Get it at GRAH! While you can!
Lot #121209
Alexi Genesys
Began his artistic career with a fervor and passion, because he
believed art would be fun. As far as he was concerned, he was
correct. He has discovered a pleasure in doing artwork. Preferring to
create custom items with a story behind them, he places a lot of
importance on the lore of each item that he crafts. As he's progressed
along his artistic carreer he has also managed to make his way
through the ranks of Shobquix Industries. If you're lucky you may be
able to talk him into customizing a purchase.
Lot #121209
The Bounty
The Bounty, painted by
famous artist and painter
Jaiken Tansden.
This painting is an amazing
piece of art that would be
appreciated within any gallery
or even in your living room.
Rarely does one find work from this fine artist anymore in the form
of paintings.
Get it while it lasts.
Lot #121211
Jaiken Tansden
Jaiken Tansden Chairbeing and CEO of TansCorp. We
strive to bring you finds from all over the galaxy. We plan on
sending our finders out soon again to roam the galaxy searching
for rare and one of a kind items.
- OOC -
The player behind Jaiken started doing basic artwork as
a way to make a few credits and make the game a little more
colourful. He is mostly self taught, and claims to have way more
to learn but enjoys doing artwork when he has the chance.
Lot #121211
Aliit Wren
Speedy Tanks!!
Ever want an army of
tanks? No? Well... what about
a sprint to heal yourself?
Come on you must want one
of these things. This lot
features1 Sprint-class Rescue
Craft loaded up with 36
ROLO Tank Droids (each one
in perfect condition) + a
Toolkit and 100 droid parts for
keeping them in tip top shape.
Something any XP hunter worth his salt would desire! Get yours
Lot #121212
The Bounty Hunter
Like many in the galaxy, I
remember reading this series
as a child. It's a pity these
comics went out of print.
From the centuries-long out of
print series, "Amazing
The Bounty Hunter was number 102 in the series, and is a collector
favorite. Since the rediscovery of this well preserved graphic novel.
Will you claim it as your own, proudly displaying it among your
collection? Become the envy of your friends and enemies today!
Lot #121213
Maligaant Menuk
Maligaant has always been a collector of rare items with
an appreciation for art. During one of his hunts on a mysterious
island adventure, none of his groups electronic devices worked.
So in order to document the adventure he sketched out
the native fauna, sights, creatures & inhabitants. He found it to
be a relaxing distraction during the hunt. Once he started he
found it enjoyable.
This Escape pod is
crammed full of so much stuff...
that it has entered into negative
values for holding it all.
What's inside? Honestly, no one
knows. This Escape pod was
originally bought for more than
anyone has a right to buy an
escape pod in it.
Really.. it should be crammed
full of gold or have a lightsaber
in it or something.
However, the seller has never checked to see what is in it and doesn't
own anything inside it. So, happy bidding. Maybe this e-pod contains
your dream item?
Lot #121215
Wenches of Cantrell Poster Series - Avelyn
Snag this signed poster of
Avelyn ca Vella from the
Wenches of Cantrell Poster
This is only one in the
poster series of the models
that compose the Cantrell
This poster has only been auctioned once before and this is the last
time! As this is it for this set of seven!
Lot #121217
Avelyn ca Vella
Avelyn ca Vella paints and models. Supposedly this is a
cathartic release for her helping her deal with stress as well as a
number of troubles that plague her as she runs her corporation.
- OOC -
The player behind Avelyn claims she only does art because
of the player behind Mishka Sorokin.
Lot #121217
GRAH Stylized Life Day Cards
The art upon these Life Day
cards was hand drawn by
Thearn Nightstaff and
stylized after Avelyn ca
Vella (Top ,Right) Mishka
Sorokin (Top Left),Tachibana
Ryu (Bottom ,Left) and the droid
designated as PR0X-E (Bottom
Each card has a phrase on
the bottom from the staff
member of GRAH that they
are a depiction of.
Enjoy these GRAH exclusive life day cards with limited edition art
by noted painter Thearn Nightstaf. Only while supplies last.
(The images will be sent to winners DM to allow them to share and
spawn them with others. Please note, this does not allow for actual
ownership of art)
Lot #121218
Thearn Nightstaf
Thearn started making art as a way to unwind and relax.
He’s got a pretty busy schedule leading multiple organizations,
planning logistics, and now with his force training on top of it.
- OOC -
For the player behind Thearn it was more of a case of
why not? They've always interested in learning new things, and
find digital painting really enjoyable
Fun fact: They've only been doing the portraits since about
Lot #121218
Mandalorian Life Day Paintings.
These two one of a kind
paintings are only offered
during this auction.
Both paintings were painted
by Mishka Sorokin,
specifically to aid in the
celebration of Life Day.
To the left we have the
dipiction of the iconic
Mando and Child.
Famous due to the renowned Mado that went against his contract to
slay an unknown infant, and instead saved the babe.
We also have the iconic 'The Ascension of Mando'. A depiction of
when Mandalore himself first flew into the heavens strapped to a
jetpack to pew pew his foes!
Lot #121219
Mishka Sorokin
Through grief one occasionally finds something new.
Mishka Sorkin had a rough upbringing. After being rescued by
Dex Sehrin she picked up the brush and became addicted to the
joys of creating art. Henryetta Rico saw some of her paintings
and commissioned her to repaint a ship and ever since the
Falleen has been addicted to the paint.
- OOC -
The player behind Mishka Sorokin has been making
digital 2D art off and on for the last 15 years.
Lot #121219
Custom Ships
2 Custom Pursuer-class Enforcement ships & a custom Delta-class
JV-7. All 3 ships have the same custom cockpit design as well.
Both Pursuer-class are in purrfect shape - U/U/U
The Delta is Undocked/Unshielded however has suffered some hull
damage and is currently at 84/120 hull.
Lot #121220
Burnt Orange Nebulon-B Frigate
The Nebulon-B frigate is
very much the result of the
Rebel Alliance. Due to attacks
on Imperial convoys, the
Empire needed to start
protecting their shipments.
TIE fighters were impractical
here since they lacked
hyperdrive capability, and Star
Destroyers were simply too
expensive to be wasted on
such menial tasks.
So for a while the Empire employed corvettes for escort duty.
However, it was soon discovered that the maneuverable Rebel
starfighters could easily outmatch the corvettes and the Empire
needed a new solution. The answer came in the form of the Nebulon-
B frigate. It has good shields, good weaponry, and is capable of
carrying two squadrons of fighters into battle.
Images are not applied to the ship. Winner will be given the small
and large images to submit themselves. This is a UNIQUE custom!
This lot includes the ship and ownership of the images. Don't miss
Lot #121221
Vaya Pryde Art
This is a rare chance to
obtain a custom 3D model
that is designed specifically
for you.
This piece will be hand
digitally rendered to take
on the form of any item that
you desire and created for
you by Vaya Pride.
Any entity in SWC 3d modeled & customized within the rules of
SWCombine Art Team for personal, public, or professional use.
Does not include set items (such as armor+helmet; just one or the
other for example), internals (cockpit, hanger, etc), creatures or race
All art will be made within one (1) month or repayment in full will be
The 3d art will be 100% made from scratch and done to the best of
Vaya's ability.
Lot #121222
Vaya Pride
Vaya is an outer rim technician and a dancer, looking to
merge function with aesthetic appeasement. It began when she made
armor for her first master, fixing his gear, and developing it so he
could keep up with his hunting contracts. Upon his passing; Vaya
paid her own way as a weapon technician and later an armor smith.
With involvement into larger scale organizations she has been able to
access even greater technological access.
–OOC -
The player behind Vaya does art of every kind. From hand-drawn,
to gimp/photoshop, to 3D Models. Many of the models found around
the Combine were crafted by the artist behind the character.
Originally Vaya got into art to find a sense of self.
Lot #121222
The 29th of
At The Gilded