Editor's Note
" The hand is the visible part of the brain."-
Immanuel Kant
This quotation inspired me to
reintroduce about the origin
of origami and the evolution
of origami. I am a student who
studying Graphic Design and
Multimedia course from Tunku Abdul Raman
University. In many eyes of people, origami
is a time-wasting and unsustainable
handicraft. Due to paper is soft and wet
when it touches water, it can only be
placed indoors and and keep away from
damp places. In addition, many people's
misunderstanding of origami is that
origami is a children's game, but they
don't realize that surrounding things
such as architeture, are also designed
by the principles of origami. Paper art
is also inconspicuous among the public,
and comparing a perfect work takes a lot
of time to complete. This is also the
shortcoming of people in the new era,
because they feel that it is better to
spend their time on earn money. So I
just wanted to publish this magazine to
let them know more about origami and its
upcoming trend. Every piece of art has its
existence value, it only depends on how we
look on it.
S hiAi
Bee Shi Ai
Editor in UTAR
09 Origami,The Japanese Tradition Of Paper Folding
13 The Modern Life of Origami, an Art as Old as Paper
16 Origami as the Shape of Things to Come
26 Origami: Explore the Benefits of Pursuing the Art of Folding Paper
32 As The Paper Folds, The Mind Unfolds
36 Life Lessons that Origami Can Teach
38 The beauty of origami: Life as he folded
46 The Exquisite Art of Origami-Inspired Fashion
49 Life-Size Origami Becomes a Fashion Statement in Dramatic Paper
Costumes Worn by Ballet Dancers
50 Above the Fold: This Origami-Inspired Furniture Adds Sculptural Edge to
Any Room
55 Transforming architectures inspired by origami
58 How Origami Is Revolutionizing Industrial Design
Introduce To Origami: A Childhood Favourite
Do you remember making your Although commonly known no cuts, glue or markings
first paper airplane or paper in Japan today as a during the folding process.
crane? childhood pastime, origami With even a small number
( 折り紙 ) has evolved into a of basic folds anyone can
Do you remember the joy and major medium for artistic create intricate designs.
excitement of learning and expression, with leading The type of paper selected
mastering how to fold your artists transforming simple is also another important
favorite paper-based creations? geometric shapes into awe- ingredient in any origami
inspiring imaginative forms. creation. The color,
Many Japanese people have thickness and porosity of
fond memories of their first the type of paper used
origami experiences, often will influence the crafter’s
having honed their basic desired visual effect.
skills in elementary schools Part of what makes origami
where they learned to create unique is the fact that
paper animals, planes, and it simply requires a piece
other objects with friends of paper and a creative
and family. imagination.
At its essence, origami is Where did origami come from
the traditional Japanese and why is it so popular?
game of folding elaborately A deeper exploration of
designed paper into a the origins of origami
myriad of shapes, typically and its evolution provides
plants, animals, and other enlightening insight into
living things. While the the popularity of this
original rules for ancient craft, showing that it is
origami were less strict, not merely child’s play,
the formula for modern but a medium for profound
origami always requires a artistic expression.
square sheet of paper with
THE HISTORY significant effect on A THOUSAND
& ORIGINS OF the craft’s evolution PAPER CRANES:
ORIGAMI into a sophisticated art THE TALE OF
form and highly cultured SADAKO SASAKI
It is believed that origami contemporary practice.
was first introduced to Yoshizawa is well-known Origami can also be found
Japanese society soon among origami enthusiasts in widely-known stories
after the invention of for having created the from Japan's history.
paper, which originated in practice of “wet-folding” In the aftermath of the
China. Early paper making ( ウェット・フォールディング ). World War II, a young 12-
techniques and paper This technique facilitates year old girl named Sadako
products were imported into the manipulation folding Sasaki fell ill after being
Japan by entrepreneurial paper, giving origami exposed to radiation caused
Buddhist monks who brought shapes a more sculpted by fallout from the atomic
the technology over from look, as opposed to a bomb dropped on Hiroshima
China during the Heian purely geometric one. He in 1945. There is a famous
Period (794-1185). Early also is one of the creators Japanese legend that says
origami creations were of the Yoshizawa-Randlett that, “the one who creates
reserved strictly for diagramming system, a a thousand origami cranes
religious purposes due to groundbreaking method of will earn one wish.”
the high price of paper. diagraming origami folding Bedridden and suffering
instructions. Yoshizawa’s from leukemia, Sadako
Not took long after its genius inspired a decided to fold one thousand
introduction into Japan, renaissance in origami art origami cranes in hopes
origami quickly spread and played a major role in that she might survive.
and became a traditional its internationalization. More than anything, Sadako
cultural practice. simply wished for a long,
Considered an elite skill, "When your hands healthy life.
Heian nobles secularized the are busy your heart is
practice of folding paper by Realizing that she would
using luxuriously rendered serene " never recover from her
chiyogami ( 千代紙 ), washi – Master Origami illness, she instead
paper that has been hand dedicated her beautiful
stenciled or printed with Artist Akira cranes to world peace.
bright, colorful traditional Yoshizawa (1911-2005) Sadako managed to fold only
Japanese floral imagery, 644 paper cranes before
in gift-wrapping. In the she died. Family members,
ancient Japanese Imperial classmates and friends
court, origami served as completed her origami
an an elegant yet amusing project in her honor, and
leisure activity. Eventually later buried her shrouded
origami developed widespread in a wreath of one thousand
appeal, and ultimately the paper cranes. Today, a
practice transformed into large statue of Sadako
an indispensable part of stands prominently in the
everyday life. Hiroshima Peace Park as a
Origami’s influence on testament to her touching
art and society was by story about life, death
no means restricted by and peace. Her melancholy
national boundaries. By tale played a major role
the early 20th century, in transforming the paper
international artists began crane into an important
to incorporate origami or symbol of peace and
origami-inspired folding Japanese culture.
techniques into their works.
One artist, Akira Yoshizawa,
had a particularly
Although it is ever- to harness it in a single,
present, few ever mention tangible form in hopes of
origami’s unique aesthetic creating something with
philosophy as contributing a sense of permanence.
to its appeal. For example, Japanese origami craftsmen
origami celebrates the prefer to create likenesses
importance of minimalism of natural objects, such as
in art. Reflected in the flora and fauna, as opposed
term, shibumi ( 渋味 ), to non-living objects, which
which refers to a kind are more popular in other
of understated beauty or paper-folding cultures.
simplicity, origami is often
praised for transforming Nowadays, contemporary
an unassuming object into artists who are inspired
something beautiful. The by Japan’s uniquely rich
washi that origami is aesthetic tradition are able
made from also reflects to construct extraordinary
another element in Japanese origami that is both
aesthetics. Like life, paper dynamic and realistic,
is fragile and temporary, using this form of true
but origami artists attempt haute artistic expression.
From religious practice of dollars.Undoubtedly,
to artistic innovation, contemporary master origami
the craft of paper folding specialists will continue
has become a substantial to create astonishingly
aesthetic medium in its original paper sculptures
own right, one that has that transcend the typical
influenced everything from exemplars of the humble
architecture to footwear. craft and take it to a
In Japan and around the realm far beyond child’s
world, origami artists are play. With its ability to
increasingly attracting provide simple yet creative
the attention of prominent fun for children, as well
small gallery owners and as a complex and profound
private collectors who medium for artists, origami
are commissioning pieces will only continue to
that sell for thousands inspire people around the
world for years to come.
The Modern Life of
Origami, an Art as
Old as Paper
Written by Kathleen Massara
“I would say the biggest rule is no cutting,” and frogs, it boils down someone is folding a humble
to two basic techniques: crane or a complex modular
said Wendy Zeichner, the president and mountain folds and valley structure with interlocking
folds, which are different parts. So is enthusiasm.
chief executive of Origami USA. It’s “one ways to make the edges "The majority of people
meet. After that, you can are either enthusiasts on
piece of paper and no glue.” get creative. the simple end or on the
complex end," said Jason
Origami USA is a nonprofit Crimps, pleats and petal Ku, a lecturer at M.I.T. and
organization dedicated folds are just some of the a faculty adviser to the
to educating the public ways to create different origami club there, along
about the art form. The shapes. There are also with Erik Demaine, the
group traces its roots to sculptural techniques such youngest professor to be
the 1950s, when Lillian as wet-folding, a process hired at M.I.T. Dr. Demaine
Oppenheimer, one of its in which part of the paper teaches classes dedicated
eventual founders, began is dampened, which weakens to geometric folding; in
to communicate with paper the paper fibers and makes 2001, at the age of 20, he
folders around the world, it easier to shape. When it wrote his doctoral thesis
including Akira Yoshizawa dries, the paper stiffens. on folding in different
in Japan, who is often For more advanced 3D dimensions.
credited as the father projects, folders will use
of modern origami — they something like Origamizer, The goal is to arrive at
would send each other a software that generates the most efficient and
diagrams explaining how crease patterns. elegant means of achieving
to fold different shapes a particular effect. "I want
from a single square sheet A few years ago, NASA the result to be complex,
of paper. Decades later, engineers were able to but I want to simplify the
OrigamiUSA has around 1700 create foldable telescopes process it takes to get
paying members, and it and a flower-shaped shade to there," Dr. Ku said. "It
keeps track of nearly 90 block out light from distant reminds me of the quote
community origami groups in stars by using paper- in 'Amadeus' : "There are
the United States. folding techniques. "If you simply too many notes."
want to send something in a
Origami as an art reaches rocket, it has to be packed As in math, it's important
back thousands of years. small," Ms. Zeichner said. to show your work.
"Origami is really almost "The same algorithms you Sometimes this happens
as old as paper," Ms. would use in origami would at origami gatherings,
Zeichner explained - it be used in this." The same such as OrigaMIT's annual
means "to fold paper" in goes for folding an airbag convention, where paper
Japanese - and paper in into a car, or creating folders from around the
sheet form is thought to pop-up homeless shelters. country come to spend
have been invented in China a day at the school's
around 105 A.D. To start Precision is key, whether campus learning about new
making shapes like cranes
techniques. It can also rectangles," she said. She began folding as a child
happen online, in simple in the 1950s and ’60s, but
YouTube videos such as "How Which leads to another finding origami paper was
To Make a Paper Crane," point: A big part of origami difficult (and expensive). "I
which has over 4 million is the medium. "I feel my folded with the lined paper
views. "Showing your works are collaborations you do your homework on, or
technique is one of the between paper and me," blank white typing paper,"
biggest aspects of origami," Koshiro Hatori, a master she said. "Anytime a piece
said Taro Yaguchi, the folder in Japan, wrote in of paper came into my hands
founder of Taro's Origami an email. I would crease it and see what
Studio in Brooklyn. it did."
And diagrams and algorithms
Before the 1950s, certain won't be much help if Toshiko Kobayashi, an art
origami objects were more you're not using the right therapist in Manhattan who grew
difficult to create, partly materials. "It's a mistake a up folding as a child in Tokyo
because diagrams weren’t lot of beginner's make: they after World War II, believes
standardized. Some guide go online and find the most in the art's ability to heal.
books simply presented beautiful kind of paper," "Just after the war, there was
the results, without said Jewel Kawataki, a New nothing. Paper was one of the
the necessary steps to York-based jewelry maker who readily available toys for me,"
get there. Yoshizawa, creates different designs she said.
in Japan, and Samuel with chiyogami, a sleek
Randlett, in the United fabric-like paper. "You can In New York, she has been
States, helped develop see their frustration in busy introducing the art
a set of international YouTube tutorials. They've to different communities
diagram conventions that used the wrong paper." through the Origami Therapy
is now referred to as the Association in Manhattan, which
Yoshizawa-Randlett system. But even with quality she founded in 2002. She has
paper, it can still be a regular session on paper-
'Before it got codified, it tricky to figure out how to folding techniques for visually
could be very confusing,' get the right result. "One impaired patrons at the Andrew
said Jeannine Mosely, time, it took me about 10 Heiskell Braille and Talking
a software engineer in hours to do a heart," Ms. Book Library in Manhattan.
Cambridge, Mass. Ms. Mosely Kawataki said. "I couldn't For many, the practice is
is known for large-scale understand the diagram. You embraced for its calming
projects such as an origami just have to be persistent." aspects. "It's lessened my
Menger sponge, a series of anxiety a lot," Ms. Kawataki
cubes adding up to a giant Paper folders are as diverse said.
cube, made out of business as their approaches to the
cards. At the time, the art. "I love the fact that Regardless of techniques, the
fact that she didn't use origami artists range from community, whether in person
square paper caused ripples 5 to 100, and there's no age or online, keeps people excited
throughout the origami limit on doing it. Although about the art form. "Origamists
community. "There were I suspect some people from around the world will meet
people who didn't want might get pushed out by and fold together,"Ms. Mosely
anything to do with my arthritis," Ms. Mosely said, said. "They might not be able
work because I started with laughing. to talk to each other, but they
can fold."
Precision is key, whether folding a
humble crane or an interlocking modular
structure. So is enthusiasm.
Origami as
the Shape of
Things to Come
By Margaret Wertheim
"Some people don't
even think this
exists," says Dr.
Erik Demaine, turning
in his hands an elaborately
folded paper structure. The
intricately pleated sail-like
form swooshes gracefully in a
compound curve and certainly
looks real enough -- if
decidedly tricky to make.
Dr. Demaine, an assistant
professor of computer science
at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, is the leading
theoretician in the emerging
field of origami mathematics,
the formal study of what can
be done with a folded sheet
of paper. He believes the form
he is holding is a hyperbolic
parabaloid, a shape well
known to mathematicians -- or
something very close to that
-- but he wants to be able to
prove this conjecture. "It's
not easy to do," he says.
Dr. Demaine is not a man to be
easily defeated by a piece of
paper. Over the past few years
he has published a series of
landmark results about the
theory of folded structures,
including solutions to the
longstanding "single-cut"
problem and the "carpenter's
rule" problem. These days
he is applying insights he
has gleaned from his studies
of wrinkling and crinkling
and hinging to questions in
architecture, robotics and
molecular biology.
Origami may seem an unusual
route to a prestigious
university job, but most
things about Dr. Demaine defy
academic norms.
As a child, he and his father,
Martin, a goldsmith and glass
artist who home-schooled
his son as a single parent,
traveled around the United
States, settling somewhere new
every 6 to 12 months.
At 12 years old, after and computer scientist and sculptures made
Erik had become intensely at Smith College who has by Dr. Demaine and his
interested first in computer been collaborating with father, who is now a
games, then in computer Erik Demaine since he was researcher in his son's
programming, and finally in 16. "He has a very broad lab.
mathematics, he persuaded understanding of a whole
the administrators of range of topics and he Aside from the
Dalhousie University in often brings in ideas that mathematical value
Halifax, Nova Scotia, to at first seem off the wall of the hyperbolic
let him take classes in but really help to enrich forms, Dr. Demaine is
math and computer science. what you are doing." interested in them as
His father sat in as an potential architectural
auditor. Erik Demaine Yet for all Dr. Demaine's structures. At M.I.T.
received his doctorate at 20 smarts, the pleated form in he has also taught
and at the same age became front of him is not giving courses in the school
the youngest professor up its secrets easily. The of architecture and
ever at M.I.T. In 2003 he perplexing question is imagines being able to
was granted a MacArthur whether its concertina-like computationally generate
"genius" fellowship. structure can be derived a scaffolding of these
by purely mathematical shapes over which a
Today, at 23, he has transformations of a flat flexible skin could be
published over 100 academic sheet, or whether the sheet draped.
papers in fields as diverse must be stretched in places
as computational geometry, to take on this complex "If we believe the edges
combinatorial game theory, shape. are really straight,
data stuctures and graph which we do, then you
theory. Along with his As Dr. Demaine explains, could 3-D print the
interest in folding, Dr. stretching would warp the skeleton and really
Demaine is also an expert intrinsic flatness thereby build it," he said.
in algorithms. He is also destroying the underlying
one of the computing world's geometry. If that were the By his own admission,
major collaborators, with case then, mathematically Dr. Demaine is primarily
more than 140 co-authors so speaking, it would not a theoretician. "I love
far. exist. "But if it doesn't the idea of timeless
exist mathematically then truths," he remarked
"He loves working with other something else is going over a sushi lunch in
people," says Dr. Joseph on and it would be nice to the cafeteria of M.I.T.'s
O'Rourke, a mathematician know what that is," he says, Stata Center, the lavish
setting the model down on new Frank Gehry building
his desk. where Dr. Demaine has
his office. But he is
The model is just one of also deeply interested
a whole class of related in relationships between
structures. The hyperbolic disparate disciplines,
parabaloid form has four particularly the
sides, but in theory sciences and the arts.
variations can be made with In this respect his
any number of sides. The father has been a major
complexity depends only on influence.
the patience of the folder.
Though Mr. Demaine
Dr. Demaine's office is trained as a glass
littered with these artist, when his son
models, and a myriad developed a fascination
other constructions made for computing and
of paper, plastic, tubing mathematics he happily
and little wooden sticks. read the books and
The room looks less like a attended lectures with
professor's office than some him. "I don't really
kind of geometric playpen. think of them as such
On the windowsill is a different activities," he
collection of glass vases said of this switch from
art making to mathematical What sorts of shapes can Understanding what you can
theorizing. you make this way? In 1998 do with paper is a two-
the two Demaines, working dimensional problem, but
Today father and son have with Dr. Anna Lubiw at the Dr. Demaine also works
written 43 papers together. University of Waterloo in with the one-dimensional
Meanwhile Mr. Demaine, who Ontario, proved that you analog or what are known
has just been appointed could effectively make any as linkages. A linkage is a
artist in residence in shape just with folding and set of line segments hinged
the computer science a single cut -- a star, a together like the classic
department, also runs swan or a unicorn. carpenter's rule. Though
the M.I.T. glass blowing it sounds simpler, Dr.
workshop, where one of his You can even create multiple Lang noted that the one-
students is his son. shapes with a single snip dimensional case is often
of the scissors -- 2 stars, much harder to understand
Among the topics the two 10 stars or 50 stars if you and analyze than the two-
have researched together is like. One set of shapes dimensional case.
the "single cut" problem, that can be produced this
whose roots go back to way is the letters of the The major part of Dr.
ancient China and to magic alphabet. Demaine's doctoral thesis
tricks. Before Houdini was a solution to the so-
became an escape artist he And since Dr. Demaine's called "carpenter's rule
had a career as a magician proof shows that you can problem," which asks a
and supposedly performed get as many shapes as question about how linkages
a trick in which he folded you want, "in theory you can be unfolded. Put simply:
a piece of paper, then could produce the complete Imagine a carpenter's rule
cut across the creases works of Shakespeare with arranged on a table in a
to "magically" create a a single cut," said Dr. complicated pattern. Is it
five-pointed star. Other Robert Lang, a former laser always possible to unfold
examples of single cut physicist and professional the rule, or are there
magic are sprinkled through folder who is collaborating patterns that cannot be
historical literature. The with Dr. Demaine on a major opened out, that are in
question that arises is, origami math project. what mathematicians call a
"locked" state?
Dr. Robert Connelly, a
mathematician at Cornell
who worked with Dr. Demaine
on the solution, noted by
phone that the problem was
a good deal subtler than it
initially sounded. At first
mathematicians thought all
linkages could be unfolded,
but during the 1990's they
discovered a number of very
clever arrangements that
looked impossible to unfold.
"Many people thought a lot
of these were locked," said
Dr. Connelly.
But he and Dr. Demaine,
along with Dr. Günter Rote
of the Free University of
Berlin, proved that all
linkage arrangements could
be unfolded. It turns out
that the problem of folding
and unfolding linkages is
applicable to one of the
major scientific questions of
our time: how do proteins
fold up? Proteins are made
up of long strings of amino
acids, and as the strings
are produced inside a cell that protein linkages could a branch of mathematics
by the ribosome they fold not become locked. If their called graph theory, a sort
up into complicated shapes. main assumptions hold of generalized version of
up, he said, this result linkages. Graph theory
It is this shape that could help pharmaceutical is known to be fiendishly
largely determines the companies to radically difficult, but Dr. Demaine
biochemical function speed up the time it takes is confident he can make
of each protein. to find useful proteins. headway once he immerses
Molecular biologists and himself in its arcane
pharmaceutical companies Ideally, molecular lore. In the meantime he
are extremely interested in biologists would like to be has origami models to tame
understanding how protein able to predict from the and his new hobby of glass
folding occurs, in part chemical structure of a blowing to practice.
because they would like to protein what shape it would
design specialized proteins fold into. "If you could In the M.I.T. glass lab,
for use as drugs. predict that," said Dr. under the encouraging
Demaine, "then you wouldn't tutelage of his father,
Recently Dr. Demaine have to do all the hard Dr. Demaine gently turned
has been working on the work of synthesizing and a piece of red-hot glass
question of how protein crystallizing the protein on the end of long metal
folding occurs. "We think to find out what it does." blowpipe. He was making a
they fold by keeping their small vase in a shape that
backbones as linkages," he Dr. Demaine hope to he had recently learned to
said. He and Dr. O'Rourke, solve the protein-folding craft.
along with Dr. Stefan problem completely. "I'm
Langerman at the Free an optimist," he said. "I "We haven't found any
University of Brussels, have believe it can be done in mathematics in here yet,"
created a computer model my lifetime." he said, before blowing
of this process and will into the pipe. "But I'm sure
report their results soon Monumental though this it exists." If anyone can
in a paper for the journal challenge is, he is find the formalisms in an
Algorithmica. Dr. O'Rourke pursuing other equally amorphous molten blob it
said their model proved difficult goals. Recently must surely be he.
he has begun to work on
Explore the
Benefits of
Pursuing the
Art of Folding
By Diane
Origami is the art forms. some hot favorite pop stars
Japanese ‘art of We understand that there using old ticket stubs.
paper-folding.’ are diverse types of However, you may browse and
Even though it is origami. Some hot favorites choose from the impressive
generally referred are Kawasaki Rose, Bonsai, collection of art and
to as the part of the Dollar Bill elephant, craft papers of a reputed
Japanese culture, it was Kawasaki Cube, Flamenco and reliable online craft
very much prevalent in both Dancers, and so on. As per store.
China and Europe. This has an article in the Huffington
proved to be an excellent Post, it is supposed to
hobby for children and be the much-acclaimed
adults alike. Origami is Japanese historical 'art
all about folding neatly of folding paper.' However,
some square and flat sheets often it doesn't seem very
of paper using sculpting interesting to make frogs
techniques for transforming and swans as per Mark
the paper into amazing Bolitho, Origami Master,
sculptures of various who has tried experimenting
shapes and decorative and come up with innovative
designs. Many people, who designs. He has created
have a passion for art & little paper versions of
crafts, opt for origami
as it is one of the most
innovative and interesting
Image by M W from Pixabay
Benefits of Pursuing Origami Great for Developing Diverse
as Your Hobby Skills
Origami is renowned for promoting a host Origami is great for enhancing
of skills in a person. For example, it mathematical, logical thinking. It
improves better eye-hand coordination, helps in fortifying the knowledge and
patience, attention to detail, processing understanding of major Geometric formulae
capacity, sequencing capability, and and concepts. The ‘art of folding paper’
mathematical reasoning, etc. These skills helps in improving your problem-solving
go a long way in boosting logical thinking skills by assisting people to determine
and overall mental health. As a hobby, it more than just a single solution to an
is fun and gives you a sense of achievement issue. You could boost your behavioral
and fulfillment. skills by practicing origami. The capacity
to recreate or create an artwork via it
Geometry: is effective in boosting energy, focus,
and confidence. It also helps in improving
Naming a structure with length, width, and thinking skills simply by enhancing
stature, understudies will learn key terms imagination and other visualization-
and approaches to depict a shape. You can oriented skills.
utilize origami to decide the zone by
applying a recipe to an original structure. Therapeutic Benefits
Thinking Skills: Origami promises several therapeutic
benefits. It could help in stimulating
Origami energizes different modalities or triggering a sense of belongingness
of learning. It improves spatial or acceptance by effective interaction.
representation abilities utilizing hands- Enhanced brain stimulation would be
on learning. culminating in a definite boost in memory,
and overall patience.
You can utilize origami to show the
ideas of 50%, 33%, or 25% by collapsing Improves Awareness and Focus:
paper and asking what number of folds
understudies would need to make a specific One of the advantages of rehearsing
shape. The demonstration of collapsing the origami is that it can be as therapeutic as
paper down the middle and into equal parts different health exercises and unwinding
again etc. can likewise be utilized to systems. This is because concentrating
show the idea of interminability. on the folds can improve spatial and
recognition aptitudes. With improved
Fun Science: spatial perception, you can enhance your
consideration and focus on the present
Scaffolds depend on this idea. moment. For these reasons, origami can
Additionally, origami is an enjoyable turn into an approach to participate in
approach to clarify atoms. Numerous centered consideration reflection—a sort
particles have the state of tetrahedrons of contemplation that prepares the brain
and other polyhedral. to fixate on one single item. Origami
specialists guarantee that once you start
Critical thinking: to know the folds by heart, it will end up
being a thoughtful procedure that enables
Origami gives kids a chance to comprehend you to reflect on training, point of view,
something that isn’t endorsed and allows and persistence. Thus, this will prompt a
them to warm up to disappointment (for reinforced feeling of smoothness, as the
example, experimentation). In your group, mind will be settled.
show a shape and request that understudies
think of an approach to make it.
Relinquishing Self-judgment:
Another restorative advantage to rehearsing
origami is its capacity to assist
specialists with being less basic. Origami
is, at last, a quiet leisure activity, and
it is a fulfilling, delightful fine art that
rouses a soul of achievement. By finishing
the folds, you will gradually understand
that you will be less reproachful of
yourself, generally speaking, as you will
discover small victories as you come.
Much the same as different health A Feeling of Pride
rehearses, similar to yoga or reflection,
the way to inward harmony is consistently Origami helps instill in you a sense of
to relinquish self-judgment and fulfillment, happiness, and achievement for
compulsiveness. Origami can fuel this completing a task. This is a vital aspect
inner harmony, as no origami model will of origami that makes it tremendously
ever be totally great—since it is made popular. Creating an innovative,
by a human and not by a machine. Yet, in complicated, or simple design using
understanding this, you can relinquish ordinary materials such as paper could
any claims and appreciate the continuous give a sense of satisfaction.
culmination of whatever you make.
In this manner, origami is an extraordinary
method to enhance the different wellbeing
medicines that you receive to accomplish
internal agreement and a feeling of quiet
Helps in Building Community Origami paper collapsing isn’t
Awareness simply
On most occasions, large designs Stimulation, making normal enhancements.
necessitate smaller design units that could One reason for Origami’s workmanship
depend on the contribution of multiple to turn into an extraordinary image of
people. Such types of practices help in Japanese culture is because Origami paper
generating community-building spirits. collapsing likewise goes about as mental
Origami promotes knowledge-sharing, mutual treatment, quieting the psyche, bringing
cooperation, and coordination. euphoria and motivation for individuals
when finishing work.
A great many people partner origami with
the collapsing of individual pieces. Can The formation of an Origami example should
individual pieces be assembled to frame apply a ton of geometric guidelines.
something valuable? That is the thing that In certain parts of the world, we
a gathering of kids planned to find when I likewise train Origami in craftsmanship
went along with them to an origami workshop classes, visual pictures. Particularly
at the Jacob Ballast Children’s Garden. in kindergarten and first grade, Origami
assists kids with contemplating pictures,
The subject of the workshop was “Plan visual, theoretical, space, 3-dimensional
Your Own Garden.” The youngsters should squares, triangles, squares. Beneficial for
achieve this by masterminding the origami the advancement of kids’ reasoning.
paper pieces, which they collapsed without
anyone else’s input with the assistance of Conclusion
their instructors’ guidelines. They could
likewise utilize reused items, for example, Origami is for everybody. Both adults and
straws, frozen yogurt sticks, egg holders, kids are equally interested in origami
fallen leaves, and woods to finish the because it is fun, challenging, and
undertaking. creative. It promises immense benefits and
necessitates minimum raw materials. It is
an amazing way of improving your skill
sets and building healthy relationships
both on professional and personal levels.
Origami as a rehabilitation tool for special education.
Through a process that combines
mathematics, language arts, Asian
culture and creative design, a square
sheet of paper is transformed into
almost anything imaginable. What’s
more, this transformation occurs
without the use of scissors, glue,
staples, pencils or any materials
other than a sheet of paper. The
technique used is the art of paper
folding, known by its Japanese name—
origami (ori=folding, gami=paper). In
recent years, origami has come into
use by educators and occupational
therapists. Teachers have discovered
that origami is an activity that fits
ideally into interdisciplinary and
multi-cultural programs. In contrast
with forms of art that require one
to be naturally gifted, origami can
be learned by almost anyone. While
origami is a helpful teaching tool
for any student, it is particularly
beneficial for students with learning
Origami and Self-Esteem
A child with learning difficulties is
often beset by a vicious circle of
deficits which may be divided into two
categories: clinical and emotional. Each
plays an integral part with the other.
When clinical skills (auditory processing,
fine and gross motor skills, or visual
memory) are dysfunctional, then reading,
writing or drawing are delayed. The child
may experience emotional frustration,
causing problems with self image and self
confidence. Consequently, the child may not
exert future efforts.
Origami, when properly exercised, can be an
unusually effective teaching tool for the
learning-disabled child. Through origami,
this child learns that mistakes can be
reversed. An improperly folded crease is
not a permanent symbol of failure, since
all the child needs to do is to flatten
the paper and start anew. Learning and
completing an origami model gives the
child a sense of great accomplishment.
When that child is pulled from the class
to receive special service, the child may
feel a sense of inferiority in relation to
the rest of the class. Returning to class
with something special to show classmates
may bolster self-image. Often, peers may
ask the child to teach them how to fold
the model. This is especially important
with preteens, where peer opinion means
One typical characteristic of learning-
disabled children is their inability to
delay gratification. Very often, they become
frustrated from the start to the completion
of a project. The sooner these children see
results, the better it is for them. With
origami, the children enjoy results almost
at once and the finished model is always a
Origami— an Educational Tool
Paper folding is at once instructive and
attractive. It appeals to the creative,
inventive and constructive abilities
of children. Friedrich Froebel (1782–
1852), the German educator and founder
of kindergarten who dedicated most of
his life to exploring young children’s
learning processes, realized that
children’s games are educational tools
of great value. Origami, in that sense,
has the characteristics of a game: it
is an enjoyable activity; it follows
certain rules; it involves emotions; it
excites, entertains, and at the natural educational objective that can
same time, teaches through doing. be achieved through origami is reading.
In this hands-on activity, there Reading, like origami, is based on the
is a continuous interaction of the association of symbols and sounds. Some
action and thought process. Children reading specialists contend that while
learn how each fold leads to a more students are folding origami paper,
advanced one, and how together they are developing essential reading
they all progress to create a life- skills in three main areas: perceiving
like pliable object, which can be a sign as a symbol, recognizing it and
duplicated or creatively elaborated interpreting its meaning. A teacher can
upon. use origami to reinforce reading by virtue
of the children’s desire to produce a
Paper folding is a multi-sensory, three-dimensional model. Origami can
hands-on activity, which is be especially helpful when dealing with
particularly beneficial to children children with language-based disability
with learning difficulties. To for whom reading is a struggle.
complete a model, the child needs
to listen, observe and touch the Origami lends itself to the development of
paper. The process of learning a the concept of sequencing. Origami helps
new model and duplicating it on children to construct the concept of “first
his own provides the child with thing first.” If the children are folding an
an opportunity to improve multiple origami model without carefully watching
cognitive skills in an enjoyable way. and listening to the verbal instructions,
Sequential memory, concentration, and without following the sequence of
ability to follow directions, steps, they will not be successful in
eye/hand coordination, spatial producing their desired results.
perception and fine and gross motor
skills are some examples. When introducing origami to children
with learning difficulties, it is
Paper folding can also help develop important to apply the following
vital academic objectives. The most principles:
obvious applications are mathematics
and reading. Origami demonstrates • Never fold another child’s paper
the fact that mathematics is a for him. You may point, draw or
subject that involves exploration. even use hand-over-hand to guide
For example, when a student folds the child where to crease.
a piece of paper in half and
opens it out again, the nature • If the child cannot fold on his
of one half is shown. Origami is own, you may fold the paper for the
practiced in a highly-engaging and child, then unfold and have the
motivating environment within which child do it.
children extend their geometric
experiences and the skill of spatial • Always respond to the child’s fold
visualization. Through origami’s in a positive way.
intrinsic mathematical nature,
students literally manipulate the
concepts that they are learning. It
seems like a game for young children
to unfold a model and identify the
revealed geometric shapes. The
activity retains in their conscious
memory. When they later develop the
ability to think abstractly, they
will associate math with the time
they spent playing with origami.
Symmetry, proportion, angles,
bisections of angles, fractions,
certain mathematical proofs and a
variety of other math concepts can
be taught with origami.
Since the art of origami is based
on a language of symbols, another
Life Lessons that
Origami Can Teach
by Pooja Nair
They say that
a survivor
always finds an
‘anchor point'
– an aim or a
hobby that eventually saves
him or her. As I sat down
beside a window overlooking
the gloomy grey clouds, I
chanced upon my own saviour
in Origami. For it opened
my eyes to a whole new world
of hope and discovery!
A few things first. If
you think Origami is a
kid’s play, I would say it
definitely is, but it may
not always be a grown-up’s
cup of tea! It requires
you to follow instructions,
be patient, and have an
open mind. It calls for
unlearning things and
adopting newer ways and
techniques. Your mind may
not always be recipient
to them, especially after
years of indoctrination
and generalization (which
is why I feel kids learn
better since arguably their
slates are cleaner).
This was a humbling
experience for me and the
one that taught me, there
is a never an age to learn
anything new, and no
experience is a wasteful one.
Everything that you see or
hear and learn will help
you in some way or the other
in your life. Here are my
takeaways from the “Origami”
• Patience and perseverance is the key • Let go of your ego and judgment while
to achieve any amount of success, never attempting something new!
give up if you fail, continue working
till you achieve success! • Mistakes can be undone. If you have
folded the paper incorrectly, you can
• Follow instructions when you are new always flatten the creases, and start
to stuff, tot up your creative inputs afresh. Similarly, in life, after each
later (once you have mastered the fall, get up, dust yourself and march
basics). on!
• When you fail, go back and check all • Constantly use the skills that you have
the points where you faltered, make mastered to build new skills and level
sure you don't repeat them! up!
• When in doubt, always double-check, • In Origami, a flat sheet of paper can
don't assume! be moulded into a three-dimensional
form, using only two hands. Never
• Always follow a plan; jot down your underestimate the power of simple
steps ahead and follow them diligently! tools, they can weave magic too!
The beauty of origami:
Life as he folded
Nader Habib Egyptian origamist family has also trained him
Kirollos Sami is a to deal with society and
Origami is a fine art, 21-year-old special-needs everyday life.
but it can also provide artist on a mission. His
a reason to learn the exhibition at the Music His family opted not to
art of living, as was Library of the Cairo Opera enrol him in a school for
the case for one special- House probably wouldn’t have special-needs students
needs origamist, writes seen the light of day had specialising in hearing
it not been for the awe- and speech. “We took the
Nader Habib inspiring support system difficult decision not to
led by his mother Germine enrol him in a school where
Magdi. he could learn sign language
and earn a certificate for a
Kirollos has a hearing chance of eventually seeing
impairment that affected him learning to speak and
his language development having a limited education.
as he grew up. His mother Learning sign language
Magdi speaks on his behalf, would have terminated all
telling Al-Ahram Weekly that hopes for him to speak,”
together with his father Magdi said.
their intensive attempts to
communicate with their son He was home-schooled and
have led him to be able to enrolled in an elementary
make some conversation. The school where he coped and
interacted with his peers, he was passionate about Effection
she said. “Our goal was puzzles and electronics. 39
for Kirollos to learn to We fed his passion, but we
lead a life in society, had to stop the electronics
regardless of the academic after he connected a wire
education. He did learn the to an electric source and
basics of the Arabic and received a jolt,” she said.
English languages as well “When Kirollos was in
as mathematics,” she added. school, we obliged him to
do his homework even if he
By grade nine, the education didn’t fully understand it.
authorities decided his By copying the words on
hearing impairment had paper, he learned how to
surpassed the level draw. He filled a sketchbook
according to which he could with drawings of birds and
stay at a regular school, animals, which developed
and he was transferred to a his imagination incredibly.
vocational school to attend Until one day he stopped
preparatory and secondary drawing.
classes. A few years later,
his family decided it was “This was when he went out
time to cease his formal with his friends on a visit
education altogether, Magdi to the Al-Sawy Culture
recounted. Wheel in Zamalek, which
was hosting a workshop on
“Twenty years ago, there origami. He was the only
were far fewer speech one among his peers to make
centres than there are an origami of a pigeon in
now. We resorted to those motion. That’s when he fell
in hospitals, churches and in love with origami. At
mosques for week-round the end of the workshop the
intensive speech sessions teachers gave him a pile
until he improved,” she of origami papers and a
said. magazine containing origami
As much as Magdi,
Kirollos’s father provided He returned home and made
the necessary financial several models of origami
and moral support his son pigeons, and his school
needed, she said. “His asked him to decorate its
father and I started to library with origami. “Then
learn how he talked and the school honoured him
interpreted things to be with a certificate, which
able to communicate with boosted his morale and made
him,” she added, saying him feel like an important
that within the family person. The move positively
circle they got rid of the affected him,” she said.
names for words such as
“father, grandfather, uncle Kirollos logged on to the
and cousin, so that he Internet to learn more
could more easily correlate about origami. He trained
the names with the figures himself to fold paper into
and improve his ability to different shapes. He made
speak. 50 copies of each model, and
he distributed them among
“At that time, we had not his family and friends. “His
learned there was such a hard work and refined skill
thing as the Montessori have now paid off,” his
method of education, but mother commented.
it was how we unknowingly
helped Kirollos develop. FIRST EXHIBITION: Kirollos’s
We integrated numbers and exhibition at the Music
colours into everything Library of the Cairo Opera
in life, and then we found House is his first official
exhibition as an artist. “The children treat Kirollos Kirollos has two younger
a bit like a foreigner sisters who “cope with him
“At the Opera grounds, whose language they don’t in a magnificent manner.”
artist Magdi Saber saw understand. But with his When he went to school, his
Kirollos’ work and told him skill and friendliness, mother wanted him to depend
‘you have an incredible he can break the language on himself.
talent. I will support barrier within a few
you.’ And he did, offering minutes and communicate “In the beginning, he took
Kirollos an exhibition with the children through the school bus, and then I
space at the Music Library,” his origami,” she continued. started taking him myself
Magdi said. to help him memorise the
“When I found out about way. Every once in while I’d
He went on to train in Kirollos’ special needs, wait for him after school
origami for eight years, I completely gave up my at a farther point until he
six of which at home. “Then time and effort to him. started taking the metro on
he held three exhibitions His father, an engineer, his own, eventually making
at the US Embassy in didn’t only take care the trip back home all by
Cairo, another at a of him financially. He himself. I was worried sick
charity organisation, and also sacrificed a lot of about him, especially since
several others at different things for Kirollos’ sake, his hearing impairment
churches. He has won including lucrative job could impede his ability to
several awards,” his mother opportunities abroad. His deal with vehicles on the
said. father decided to dedicate street.I gave him several
his all to us. The thing instructions to follow,
He has also held many about our family is that though, which developed his
origami workshops for it’s tightly knit. Our aim, visual attention skills.
children and adults. as parents, was and remains Now he goes about life
“Unfortunately, he can no to provide our full support by memorising and visual
longer hold workshops in to Kirollos and buy him learning,” she added.
state cultural centres. everything he needs. It was
They refuse because of his his father, our backbone,
condition, wondering how he who made him the tools he
can manage to explain to needed for his origami when
the participants,” she said. they were not available in
the country,” Magdi said.
“But at private and
international schools
they love him. Kirollos
is currently presenting
an origami workshop at
an American school, and
throughout the past school
year he has held several
workshops at many schools
after which he received a
certificate of recognition
in appreciation of his
art that he dedicates to
“Kirollos adopts a practical
method. He communicates
with children in simple
words that may be vague,
but he always reaches out
to them with his art. He
can easily recognise at
which step a child’s origami
figure went wrong, and he
teaches the child how to do
it right. At the classes an
assistant is always present.
After he left school, memory to become sharper and
“a miracle occurred. gave him a confidence boost.
He was offered a job in Like any normal person,
a small firm. The job Kirollos wanted to learn and
required hearing and advance in life,” his mother
speech abilities to buy said.
items and pay attention
to the orders of the firm’s He will now be leaving his
employees and others. This current job as soon as he
opportunity provided him starts his new job as an
with additional speech origami teacher. Having a
skills and was a practical smart phone has also helped
application of coping with him make new strides. He
society,” she said. loves watching foreign films,
and he memorises them by
“Kirollos became an heart, whether comedy, sci-
employee with a steady fi, horror, action or any
income. He toiled to other genre. He also loves
achieve self-worth, even if watching National Geographic.
only through a simple job. “This channel has helped him
After a record time of 15 to develop his imagination,”
days, he had memorised the Magdi noted.
names and looks of all the
employees, and he started Kirollos now hopes to exhibit
to tell us about them every his origami works abroad and
day after he came back compete in international
from work. This helped his competitions. After all,
according to the testimonies
of his origami teachers, he
is a professional origamist.
The Exquisite
Art of Origami-
Inspired Fashion
Raven Montmorency
Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. The aim of origami is to transform
a flat piece of paper into a sculpture-like object. In modern times, the
techniques of origami are being used in the fashion industry as well. The PLI.Ē
project is a creative collaboration between two artists from Montreal who want to
showcase how origami can give an amazing twist to fashion.
The PLI.Ē project
The artists, Pauline Loctin and Melika that we are limitless,” Dez said to
Dez, met in 2018 and decided that they PetaPixel.
should work together on an art project.
This colla b oration led to t he PLI. Loctin designed each aspect of the
Ē project that utilizes Loctin’s skill dresses in the project, from the color
in paper art and Dez’s expertise as palette to the shape, taking into
a movement photographer. The project accou nt the d a ncer’s body a nd sk in
showcases dancers from across the world tone. Dez scouted for locations where
in hand-folded paper costumes. the dancers would be photographed
wearing them. Iconic land marks from
“We did a first version of the project Rome, Paris, Montreal, and New York
in stud io a nd a few m ont hs later, were selected as backgrounds for the
we decided to push the boundaries photographs, which were taken under
even further and risk shooting paper natural light conditions using a Canon
dresses outdoors… Paper can be a 5D Mark IV camera and Sigma Art lenses.
fragile material to work with and that The duo hopes to eventually publish a
is exactly why we decided to make the photo book showcasing the project.
impossible, possible. No matter which
element we would be confronted to,
water (rain), wind, we wanted to show
Origami and fashion
Over the past few years, the fashion Back in 2009, designer Andre Lima featured
industry has taken a liking to origami, origami in his Spring collection, with many
since the technique is useful in creating of the dresses having strong geometric
new types of geometrical dresses. Origami desig ns. The following year, desig ner
folding techniques can be used to make G e or gi n a C h ap m a n i nt ro d uc e d orig a m i-
decorative fabric folds in blouses, pleats, inspired dresses in the Spring/Summer 2010
and so on. collection. In 2012, Lea Freni showcased
the “Fibonacci skirt,” which was modeled
Some believe that silk is best suited after the folding patterns in origa mi.
for origami clothes. A thesis found that In 2016, Sid Neigum debuted his origami
“dupioni silk was lightweight with a collection at the London Fashion Week.
texture like paper that could hold folds
very well while withstanding the heat One of the famous fashion designers from
of the iron. Silk organza gave designs a Japan who incorporates origami in some
pleasant sheen and folded well by hand of his clothes is Junya Watana be. His
because of the fabric’s good memory, but Autu m n/Winter 2015 collection was full
could not wit hsta nd a hot iron.” (The of 3-d i m e nsional for m s. T he 2016 Fall
Spruce Crafts) collection also included 3D cut origami-
like clothes that were made from industrial
Life-Size Origami
Becomes a Fashion Statement
in Dramatic Paper
Costumes Worn
by Ballet Dancers
Laura Staugaitis
Mo n t r e a l- b a s e d a r t i s t s M e l i k a photographing dancers and costumes
Dez and Pauline Loctin met in outside. “Paper can be a fragile
January 2018 and decided to com bine material to work with and that is
their imaginations in a creative exactly why we decided to make the
c olla b orat io n. T h e r es u lt, PLI. impossible, possible. No matter which
Ē Project, fuses Dez’s skills as a element we would be confronted to,
movement photographer with Loctin’s water (rain), wind, we wanted to show
expertise in paper art, and showcases that we are limitless.”
dancers around the world wearing
hand-folded paper costu mes. Loctin The PLI.Ē Project photographs are on
specifically formed each dress’s shape view in Montreal through November
and color palette to the dancer who 4, 2018, and the duo hopes to shoot
would be modeling it, and Dez worked a second series of the work and
to situate her models in iconic eventually pu blish a photo b ook.
settings from the streets of New York You can see more from Loctin on
City to the Louvre Museum in Paris. Instagram and Facebook and from Dez
Loctin’s paper creations range from on Instagram. (via fubiz) `
resem bling traditional ballet tutus
to intricately folded ex perimental
Dez shares that the project came
together in two phases: first as a
studio shoot with professional ballet
dancers wearing Loctin’s creations,
and later as a worldwide endeavor
Above the Fold:
This Origami-
Inspired Furniture
Adds Sculptural
Edge to Any Room
This isn't your grandmother's folding chair.
Origami’s early adopters furniture ripped straight
didn’t have furniture on from the pages of an origami
their minds—they were likely how-to. With shar p edges
more concerned with crafting and points mimicking folded
1,000 paper cranes to curry paper, these chairs, tables
favor with the gods. Yet the and light fixtures add a
Japanese art has left quite welcome structural edge to
the paper trail. Want in the many curvaceous lines
on its current resurgence? found in modern furniture.
If transforming stationery Bonus: no paper cuts.
into sculpture doesn’t fit
your daily routine, consider
plopping down on a piece of