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Published by marketing, 2016-03-02 10:28:59

September Issue of Sticks & Bricks

September Issue of Sticks & Bricks

Paid Advertisement For Armstrong Air 1 or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015


Howdy, and welcome to this month’s edition of “Sticks and Bricks”

By HBA President John Magruder, Magruder Homes

School is back in session and we are all experiencing the growth in our community
even more with students moving about town. We are experiencing hints of cooler
weather, and with that, the HBA is gearing up for several fall events.

Our October 7th luncheon will feature Tim Lomax a Regents Fellow with the Texas
A&M Transportation Institute. He leads a team of researchers and communications
specialists who describe mobility solutions to a wide range of audiences. It will be
interesting to learn some of the innovation coming to our town that may help in re-
lieving some of the traffic congestion we are all experiencing.

The Fall Parade of Homes™ will be on October 10th and 11th. There are already more
than two dozen houses entered in the Parade and we will be introducing a slick new
publication produced by Insite Magazine.

On October 14th, we will learn about changes to the TAB Residential Contracts update from Don Shelton, Attorney
who specializes and assists in the contract updates. Mr. Shelton works to ensure builders and remodelers are given
the highest level of protection for your business through the contracts and related addendums. The program and
lunch at the Wings n’ More Party Room begins at 11:30 am. The fee is minimal: $5 for HBA builder/remodeler
members and $25 for nonmembers. The program is sponsored by Builders Agent Network and StrucSure Home

The Annual Skeet Shoot will be held on Tuesday, October 20th at the Boswell Porter 4-H Shotgun Range in Snook.
It’s bound to be a great day to hang out with fellow HBA members, shoot at clays, eat some food and have a chance
to win some great prizes!! If you haven’t signed up a team yet, contact the HBA office at 979-696-0272.
The Realtor/Builder Fall Festival is on Tuesday, October 27th this year at 7F Lodge. This is always a fun event and a
great way to get to know some of our local realtors and related businesses.

Dr. Jim Gaines was recently named the Chief Economist at Texas A&M Real Estate Research Center. Dr. Gaines
succeeds Dr. Mark Dotzour who retired after 18 years with the Center. We are fortunate to have him back as our
guest speaker for the Annual Housing Forecast sponsored by BMC Building Materials. This event will take place on
Tuesday, November 3rd with doors opening at 5:30 pm and concluding at 8:30 pm be watching your email and this
newsletter for more information.

November 3rd is also Election Day!! Don’t forget to support the candidates who are like minded in business and de-
velopment issues. Some of the most important and impactful races coming up are City Council seats. I encourage
you to be aware of candidate’s platform and make an educated vote.

On December 2nd we will have our own annual meeting and elections of officers and directors. It’s important to have
strong leadership to help guide our organization which in turn assists in cultivating a positive business environment
for the building and related businesses. If you are interested in serving, contact Rose Selman, our Executive Officer,
for the related forms to complete.

Good luck to everyone in the coming months, and please let us know if we can help with anything.

John or| Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks / September 2015 2

ISSUE Contents

979-696-0272 (p) 979-696-0858 (f)

Executive Officer—Rose Selman, CAE
Member Services—Phyllis Fukuda, CRP
Marketing Assistant—Shelby Whittenberg

Executive Committee TABLE OF CONTENTS
2 BCS HBA President’s Letter
John Magruder 4 Calendar of Events
1st Vice President 5 NEW TAB Contracts & Updates Seminar
6 & 7 September Luncheon Photos
Mark Weber 8 & 9 Product & Service Suppliers
Associate Vice President 10 HBA IS LOOKING FOR GREAT LEADERS
11 & 13 2015 Fall Parade of Homes™ GOLD Sponsors
Randy Ripple 12 NAHB Now—HUD Secretary Castro
Secretary/Treasurer 15 Building Permit & Inspection Activity
14 October “Careers in Construction Month”
Jimmy Pitman 16 Construction—Early Starts Important Information
Immediate Past President 17 Member Updates & Spike Report
18 & 19 NAHB Member Advantage & Benefits Information
Michael Schaefer
Builder Directors

Victor Drozd
Jason Marek
Thomas Pack
Randall Pitcock
J.R. Torres
Brian Windham

Associate Directors
Melanie Becka
Frank Clark Jr.
Doug Groves
Gene Joyce
Nathan Leedy
Matt Ratliff

BCS HBA Office Hours:
8:30 am to 5:00
8:30 am—Noon

Sticks & Bricks is the official publication of the
BCS Home Builders Association. Any opinions
expressed in articles are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of
BCSHBA. Contact Rose Selman for article reprint
permission. or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015 3

HBA Events Calendar of Events

September 29—GBVBA Board of Directors Meeting
September 27—30—NAHB Fall Board & Committee Meetings—Dallas
October 7th—GBVBA Member Luncheon at Phillips Event Center @ 11:30 am

October 10 & 11—Fall Parade of Homes™
October 14—TAB Residential Contracts Overview @ 11:30 am—1:00 pm (For Builders & Remodelers)

October 20—GBVBA Annual Skeet Shoot
October 27—GBVBA Board of Directors Meeting
October 27—Realtor/Builder Fall Festival—7F Lodge (NOTE: ON TUESDAY)
November 3rd—Annual Housing Forecast with Dr. Jim Gaines (NOTE: ON TUESDAY)
November 10—12—TAB Board & Committee Meetings—Austin
November (TBD)—GBVBA Board of Directors Meeting
November 26 & 27—GBVBA Office Closed—Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2nd—Annual Election of Officers & Directors/Holiday Celebration
December 24 thru January 4—GBVBA Office Closed—Christmas & New Year Holidays

January 14 or 21—GBVBA Installation and Awards
February 12—Home & Garden Expo Private Preview Party
February 13 & 14—2016 Home & Garden Expo—Brazos County Expo

March (TBD) - Builders BBQ Cook Off
April 30 & May 1 and May 7 & 8, 2016 Spring Parade of Homes™


October 7th HBA Member Luncheon
Speaker: Tim Lomax, Regents Fellow with Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Topic: Transportation Innovations & Technologies
Sponsored by ACES Builders’ Warranty

(TUESDAY) November 3rd Annual Housing Forecast Dinner
Speaker: Dr. Jim Gaines

How the Economy Effects Housing; Local, State and National
Sponsored by BMC Building Materials or| Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks / September 2015 4

BUILDERS & REMODELERS—TAB 2015—2017 Contracts Training

Mark Your Calendar for October 14th—11:30 am to 1:00 pm—Wings n’ More Party Room

Sponsored by: Builder Agent Network and StrucSure Home Warranty

Featured Speaker: Don Shelton of Bush Rudnicki Shelton
NEW TAB Promulgated Contracts Training

This luncheon will introduce the newest version of the TAB
statewide promulgated construction contracts.

5 Customizable Contracts including NEW Design-Build
2015 Legislative Updates

Express Warranty Building Performance Standard
Subcontractors/Suppliers Agreement

Disclosures & OSHA Contract Language

HBA Builder/Remodeler Member Cost: $5.00
Non-Member Builder/Remodeler: $25.00

Reservations must be received by Noon on Monday, October 12th
Call 979-696-0272 or email [email protected] or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015 5

Luncheon attendees

Melanie Becka,
Buck Prewitt,
Clay Roming,
Jeff Mazzolini ,
Keith Roberts &
Nick Cantrell

BCAC’s Randy Seewald presents Tina Sides & Jess Little of ProBuild with Brent of
McCoy’s and Dan w/Suddenlink Development.
door prize to winner Melanie Becka,
Spirit of Texas Bank. or| Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks / September 2015 6

City of Bryan’s Cody Cravatt & Frank Clark
along with 1st Alliance Mortgage’s Theresa Clark.

BCAC’s Randy Seewald presents door
prize to winner Jeff Mazzolini of Twelve

BCAC’s Colleen Waller, Nikki Stutts & JB Knowledge

Andrea Goodson along with James Benham, Presenter
Spirit of Texas’ Bobby Williamson. or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015 7

GEOSTRUCTURAL 1722 Briarcrest
STRUCTURAL Bryan, TX 77802

[email protected]
Cell Phone 979.587.4129


St. Augustine River Rock
Bermuda Mulch

Zoysia Bedding Mix

Builder’s Stone Sand
Boulders Gravel

Dan & Nancy Casey


14581 FM 2154 Bus: 979-690-0300
College Station, TX 77845 Cell: 979-229-4695

[email protected] Fax: 979-690-7737 or| Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks / September 2015 8

PRODUCT & SERVICE SUPPLIERS or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015 9


Every year our association members are contacted about taking an active role in the leadership of our or-
ganization. A Nominating Committee is appointed to interview candidates and their recommendations are
presented to the Board of Directors for approval on the election ballot. The ballot is then mailed to each
member representative to vote and return.

Qualifying Criteria and/or Selection Considerations:
Member in good standing
Professional Skills, Knowledge and Recognition
Leadership Skills (Service on other Boards, etc.)
Civic Involvement
Time Availability/Commitment
Reason(s) for wanting to join this Board
Explicit Commitment to Serve is a Must
Support of Family, Employer or Staff
Other Positive Qualities

Board Service Expectations
Meeting Attendance (Monthly Board and Annual Planning Session)
Association Programs and Event Attendance (Typically one or two programs per month with a reasonable
expectation to attend)
Possible Committee Liaison or Committee Volunteer
Provide thoughtful discussion and ability to make sound decisions for the benefit of the association and its
members without regard to personal or professional gain
Willingness to retain and recruit industry related or like-minded businesses
Respond to President and/or staff requests in a timely manner
Willingness to fundraise and/or financial commitment to association
Be an Advocate for the building industry and the association

About the Board of Directors
The BCSHBA Board of Directors is made up of 17 members that meet monthly. The Board consists of the
President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Associate Vice President, Immediate Past President and 12
elected members the majority of which must be builder members.

Responsibilities and Authorities
The board approves the operating and capital budgets, represents the members of the association, under-
stands issues facing the organization and ensures proper use of assets.

This year aside from the Officers positions, there are 3 Builder/Remodeler member and 3 Associate mem-
ber spots opening up on the Board of Directors for two-year terms. The Past President Advisory Council
representative is appointed by the Past President Advisory Council and serves a one-year term.

If you need any additional information, feel free to call Nominating Committee Chairman, Michael
Schaefer at 979-575-4180 or HBA Executive Officer, Rose Selman at 979-696-0272. Interested Candi-
dates are asked to fill out a questionnaire and return to the HBA by October 2nd. or| Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks / September 2015 10

Thank You 2015 Fall Parade of Homes™ GOLD Sponsor

Additional 2015 Fall Parade of Homes™ Sponsors will be 11
Featured in the October issue of Sticks & Bricks or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015

HUD Secretary Cites Importance of Home Building, Seeks to Expand Housing Credit

From NAHB Now on September 29, 2015

HUD Secretary Julian Castro cited the importance of home building to the economy in an address today to the
NAHB Board of Directors in Dallas.

“Builders are part of our nation’s economic backbone,” said Castro. “You always have been. And HUD is commit-
ted to partnering with you to ensure that the hard-won progress we’re seeing in our housing market continues to
grow for many years to come.”

Equating a strong housing market to a strong econo-
my, Castro said, “We know that when the folks in this
room succeed, it’s good news for our entire economy.
It means that construction workers, electricians and
plumbers are on the job. It means that goods – from
lumber and vinyl siding, to tile, pipes, carpet and lino-
leum flooring – are being shipped from factories and
making their way across our railways and roads. And
it means more small businesses are thriving.”

Expanding Housing Credit

Stating that “expanding access to credit for more
Americans looking to buy a home” is a priority for
HUD, Castro said that HUD has overhauled its “Housing Policy Handbook,” streamlining the compliance process
and bringing together more than 900 mortgagee letters into a single document.

“It’s another step we’re taking to make it easier for lenders to do business with HUD,” he said.

He also observed that hundreds of thousands of buyers are benefitting from a cut in FHA mortgage insurance pre-
miums that were supported by NAHB and went into effect at the beginning of 2015.

“In just the first six months of this year, FHA endorsed more than 735,000 home loans – almost as many as we
endorsed in all of 2014,” said Castro. “A majority of those loans are being secured for first-time home buyers.
Eighty percent of FHA-insured mortgages this past June went to folks opening the door to their first home.”

Castro said that HUD is also working to spur more affordable housing construction.

“One of the ways we’re doing that is by expanding a program that helps builders of Low-Income Housing Tax
Credit projects get those projects approved faster,” the secretary said.

Celebrating HUD’s 50th Anniversary

Before addressing the board, NAHB Chairman Tom Woods presented Castro with a special proclamation from
NAHB commemorating HUD’s 50th anniversary. It reads:

“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Association of Home Builders looks forward to con-
tinuing its successful collaborative relationship with HUD to ensure that housing remains a national priority and to
promote policies that support improved home ownership and rental opportunities for all Americans.” or| Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks / September 2015 12

Thank You 2015 Fall Parade of Homes™ GOLD Sponsor

Additional 2015 Fall Parade of Homes™ Sponsors will be 13
Featured in the October issue of Sticks & Bricks or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015


Governor Abbott declares October 2015 'Careers in Construction Month'


At the request of the Texas Association of Builders, Governor Greg Abbott has proclaimed October 2015
"Careers in Construction Month" in the State of Texas to increase public awareness and appreciation of construc-
tion craft professionals and the entire construction workforce.

The Texas Association of Builders, an affiliate of the National Association of Home Builders, has 28 local home
builders associations and nearly 10,000 members across Texas, representing over 702,500 jobs and more than
$31 billion annually in the Texas economy. For the last several years, Texas' residential construction industry has
faced a shortage of skilled workers and over the next five years, 20 percent of skilled laborers in the construction
industry will retire. According to the Texas State Data Center, in 2014 an estimated 2,600 individuals moved to
Texas every day, and as additional individuals and companies continue to relocate to our great state, the need for
quality, affordable housing will continue to be in demand.

In 2013, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 5, the comprehensive education reform bill, that gives high
school students a choice in their post-graduation path, allowing them to prepare for college, or choosing elective
courses that prepare them for employment immediately upon graduation from high school by, for example, earn-
ing construction industry or trade certifications. This year, the 84th Texas Legislature passed and the Governor
signed into law, House Bill 18 and House Bill 505 that removed the dual credits cap, thereby allowing students
the opportunity to graduate from high school with not only an industry or trade certification, but with an Associates
Degree. Home building companies are excited about the opportunity to welcome these skilled, educated gradu-
ates into our industry to help ensure that we can provide shelter for the citizens of our state.

The mission of the Texas Builders Foundation, the charitable arm of the Texas Association of Builders, is to sup-
port and develop the future of Texas' construction workforce by providing scholarships to students who are en-
rolled in construction related programs in Texas' technical and trade schools and colleges and universities. By
designating October 2015 as "Careers in Construction Month," the Governor has provided the Texas Association
of Builders and the Texas Builders Foundation with an additional tool in their efforts to educate the youth of Texas
on the construction industry as a professional career path. In 2014, the Governor issued a similar proclamation,
and we are honored that Governor Abbott supports the need to continue to promote and recognize the profes-
sional construction workforce in Texas.

For more information, contact Lorraine Urey at the Texas Association of Builders at [email protected]
or (512) 476-6346. or| Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks / September 2015 14

Development News

Bryan - College Station Single Family Permit & Inspection Data

Bryan 8/15 Value YTD15 YTD15 YTD14 YTD14
College Station Value Value
20 4.5M 196 36.7M 159 34.1M
Total 43 8.4M 595 121.7M 516 88.7M
83 609 111.2M
15.3M 736 136.6M
2010 2009
464 536
YEAR 2014 2013 2012 2011 799 864
Bryan 233 Lawn Pool
College Station 753 171 170 127 0 18
Total 725
TYPE Building 575 555 466
Total August 550

Plumbing Electric Mechanical

320 303 232

City of College Station—August Population Estimate 103,562
City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
City Council Workshop begins at 5:30 pm, regular meeting at 7 pm
Planning & Zoning meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7 pm

City of Bryan—2013 Census Number 78,709 citizens
City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 3:30 pm

Planning & Zoning meets 1st and 3rd Thursday
Workshop at 5:00 pm, Regular at 6:00 pm

Building & Standards Commission meets on the 4th Monday at 6:00 pm or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015 15


Excerpt from a blog posting on March 16, 2012 by Ron Opper—Opper & Gambrell, P.L.L.C. (Experienced Lender Attorneys)

A popular type of new home construction financing in Texas is build on your lot financing. This is where the con-
sumer owns the lot or purchases the lot at closing, hires a general contractor to build the home and obtains construc-
tion and/or lot financing from the lender, either through a short-term interim construction loan or a combined con-
struction/permanent one-time close loan. This type of financing is commonly utilized for construction of principal
residences, vacation homes and second homes. Many times, the borrower resides in an existing home which is
claimed as the borrower’s homestead property. Whether or not the borrower has an existing homestead, lenders,
title companies and their attorneys will require that these consumer loans be documented and closed as if the lot se-
curing the loan is the borrower’s homestead. The Texas Constitution and Section 53.154 of the Texas Property
Code require that, for a construction lien for homestead improvements to be valid, there must be a contract for im-
provements signed by the owner (s) of the property, prior to commencement of any work under the contract.

On a contract for repairs or renovations to existing homestead improvements, there are some additional Constitu-
tional requirements namely, (i) the contract for improvements must be signed at the lender’s office, an attorney’s
office or a title company office, (ii) there must be a five day cooling off period between making written loan appli-
cation and signing the contract, and (iii) the owner(s) must be given a three day right to cancel the contract for im-
provements. These additional requirements do not apply to homestead construction of new improvements on a va-
cant lot.

Most lenders understand the basic rule that if work starts on a construction project before the lender’s deed of trust
is recorded, the lender has a lien priority problem. Some lenders think an early start is the title company’s problem.
In most instances, it is a problem for all parties involved in the construction project.

For most “build on your lot’ customers, the construction project is their first foray into new home construction and
they are, therefore, unfamiliar with the legal requirements and the process. Sometimes, this is also true with the
home builder constructing the home. The loan officer should attempt to educate the borrower about the process, in-
cluding selecting the contractor and understanding the need for statutory retainage, the responsibilities of borrower
for timely completion of the construction project, and how draw funding works.

The lender should implement and closely audit a “clear site” inspection plan which requires same day lot inspection
by the loan officer, the lender inspector or the title company, to verify no work has started and no materials have
been delivered.

The lender’s closing instructions to the escrow officer should be clear and require that the escrow officer instruct
the borrower and the general contractor, that no work can be started until the escrow officer has approved the start
either by voice or electronic communication. The escrow officer should be further instructed to not approve com-
mencement until the lender has communicated to the escrow officer that a successful clear lot inspection has been

This information has been presented in portion to make builders aware of an issue that could create significant problems and
delays in construction. For further information, contact the HBA for the complete white paper on this issue or contact your
lender directly for their specific instructions. or| Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks / September 2015 16

Membership Reports

Growing Our Strength Through Member THANK YOU MEMBERS UP FOR
Recruitment, Retention, and Involvement FOR RENEWING RENEWAL

Recruiting new members to your local association is an activity rec- August September
ognized and rewarded through the Spike Club. Those who partici-
pate are called Spikes, and they are among the most valued mem- 1st Alliance Mortgage 2-10 Home Warranty
bers of the association. AAA Overhead Door Amy Supak, Realtor
BCS Habitat for Humanity
Member-to-member recruitment and retention efforts are the largest Brandon Berry Construction KPA Engineers
source of growth for the federation. Spikes bring grassroots growth BV Affordable Housing McDougal & Company
and stability. These efforts lend to the development of the general Brenham National Bank Modern Amenity Homes
membership and our leadership pipeline, keeping the face of the
federation true to that of our industry and the scope of interests we Budget Blinds Pittsburgh Paints
represent. Spikes are the membership leaders of our federation, Built Green Custom Homes River Hill Homes
building the voice, power and influence on every level, in every state. Creekview Custom Builders Rowdy Custom Homes

Life Spikes 6/2015 Prior Yr. New Ret. Tot. Crowley Construction PENDING Cancellation
Ed Froehling Builder
Victor Drozd 626.0 2.00 13.00 641.00 KM Custom Homes
Bill Pitman 333.0 0.00 1.50 334.50 Extraco Banks R&K Plumbing
Gessner Engineering
Randy French 309.0 4.00 8.50 321.50 Godfrey Residential Group Rick Vernon Homes
Gregg Custom Homes Superior Service Co.
Cerene Wharton 216.50 0.00 6.50 223.00 Heath Townsend Homes Surplus Warehouse
Keith Ellis 186.50 0.00 1.50 188.00 Hotchkiss Insurance Agency TAP Electrical & Controls
The Dollar Floor Store
Randy Bayer 172.25 1.00 0.50 173.25 Ironstone Homes
145.50 2.00 30.00 177.50 Jeff Jones Custom Homes Trinity Builders
Michael Schaefer 100.50 3.00 1.00 104.50 Johnson Supply Armstrong Air
97.00 0.00 0.50 97.50 Lawyer’s Title Company Please Don’t Let Your
Larry Mariott 88.50 0.00 1.00 89.50 Membership Lapse
Donald Borski 88.00 0.00 1.00 89.00 Lero & Associates
84.00 0.00 2.00 86.00 Mobley Pool Co
Roger Williams 80.50 0.00 0.50 81.00
69.50 2.00 0.50 72.00 ProBuild
Buck Prewitt 62.00 0.00 1.00 63.00 Ridgewood Custom Homes
57.00 1.00 0.50 58.50
Dawn Bowers Schaefer Custom Homes
Spirit of Texas Bank
John Godfrey
Southern Shingles SRS Dist.
Doug Groves Stearns Design-Build
Tina Sides The Barracks
Billy Chenault Windham Construction

Paul Turney 49.50 1.00 5.00 55.50 WELCOME NEW APPLICANTS
Bill Lero 49.50 0.00 1.00 50.50 Membership Pending Board Approval
Jan Lee 42.00 0.00 0.00 42.00
Melanie Becka 41.00 2.00 0.50 43.50 AmCap Mortgage / Christine Campbell / 979-716-8022
Ron Lightsey Appel Ford / Jake Peery / 979-836-3659
Charles Thomas 29.00 0.00 0.00 29.00 Brazos Trace, LLC. / Paul Leventis / 979-774-2900
Randall Pitcock 29.00 0.00 1.00 30.00 Farmers State Bank / Allen Wood / 979-828-1211
Stacy Worden 28.50 0.00 1.50 30.00 Martin Marietta / Jimmy Moran / 979-412-0752
Coulter Mariott Suddenlink Business / Travis Nance / 979-595-2423
John Magruder 14.50 1.00 0.00 15.50
Jimmy Pitman 12.00 0.00 4.00 16.00
8.00 10.00 0.50 18.50
8.50 0.00 2.00 10.50 or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015 17 or| Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks / September 2015 18

Hole Prize#17 $10,000 CASH
#13 $500 VISA Gift Card
#08 Kindle Fire HDX
#04 Set of Nike Irons or | Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association | sticks& bricks | September 2015 19

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