JULY 2016
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“This illness has had a heavy toll on our society and this largely due to dietary and environmental causes according to
available medical data. We have strayed from sound dietary regimes in which we consumed whole, nutritious and
balanced foods in the past and have now made unwholesome and unhealthy foods a mainstay of our diets.
Dear Kenyans,
”We must now return back to our roots and re-introduce into our diets healthy foods.
H.E. Margaret Kenyatta,
The First Lady Of The Republic Of Kenya
As the Government of Kenya, NGOs and “A Juicing Revolution! This
other stakeholders grapple with the is the ultimate driving force
problem of hunger and food insecurity, of The Journey Back to
some effort should be directed towards Nature Movement.”
overweight and obesity because of the
associated health risks. In light of this, Back to Nature Films has
partnered with a creative and PR agency
In terms of practice, the high rates of that will help create a Healthy Lifestyle
overweight and obesity among Kenyans Movement through thoughtfully crafted
point to a need for behaviour change brand experiences at every touch point
related to improved lifestyle through that will capture the market's
increased physical activity and improved imagination in Kenya and Africa
dietary practices. thereafter.
It is against this backdrop that Back to
Nature Films wants to engender a
culture of healthy living and wellness
through a documentary film. The aim of
this documentary film is to act as a
CATALYST for The Journey Back to
Nature Movement.
Back to Nature Films is 'A Health and to practice healthy behaviour. The The 'Unplugged – A Journey Back to
Wellness' Firm that is pioneering the 'Unplugged – A Journey Back to Nature' Film forms part of a strategy
production of the first health and Nature' Movement will not compete employed by Back to Nature Films to
wellness DOCUMENTARY in Africa for with existing Health and Wellness inform broader lifestyle and
the purpose of inspiring A HEALTHIER initiatives but will instead aggregate all therapeutic practices in the 'care of the
LIFESTYLE MOVEMENT through a other existing healthy living initiatives self'.
JUICING REVOLUTION! to strengthen the collective effort
towards 'A Healthy and Happier
The entire programme adopts a multi- Kenya and African Continent'.
pronged approach to create and foster
a supportive environment for Kenyans
369,000 YEARdeaths NCDs are estimated to account
every for 27% of total deaths in Kenya
In Kenya, a 30-year-old has 18.1% }
chance of dying from one of the four
main Non-Communicable Diseases
(NCDs) before his 70th birthday
compared to Tanzanians who have a
16.1% chance
Common behavioral
risk factors
Unhealthy Diets Smoking Inadequate physical Excessive alcohol
activity consumption
The 4 main types of NCD’S
Chronic Respiratory Diabetes
Cardiovascular diseases Cancers Dieases
The prevalence of diabetes
Like heart attacks and stroke 28000 new cases of cancer Fall into 4 categories: has grown has grown from
44.5% of Kenyan adults annually from: Ÿ Acute - pneumonia & 3.3% of the population to
7.2% over the last four
have raised blood pressure Ÿ Genetic predisposition influenza years.
Rheumatic Heart disease is Ÿ Environmental Ÿ Chronic eg. asthma Majority of diabetics are
Ÿ Occupational lung between 20-59 years.
the commonest cause of carcinogens 25% of participants in a
Ÿ Infections by HPV, disease eg. byssinosis, study in Nakuru were found
congestive heart failure to be diabetic.
HepatitisB,c and asbestosis.
accounting for 32% of the Heliobacter pylori Ÿ Other parenchymal lung
cases. diseases -immune
“Kenyans are in dire need of a paradigm shift.
The documentary ‘Unplugged: A Journey Back to Nature’ aims to inspire this shift
in paradigm by highlighting the current health situation (outlining some of the
current statistics) and featuring a few individuals on a journey to health and
wellness to bring the statistics to life. The audience will not only be educated, but
they will be entertained and empowered by the documentary.”
“Unplugged: A Journey Back to Nature” is a documentary that from health professionals and practitioners – thereby taking
will run between 60 and 90 minutes. The film will feature a in sobering statistics of poor lifestyle choices, and amplifying
number of authentic, endearing characters on a journey to the urgency of making drastic lifestyle changes.
improve their health, wellness and awareness of living a
healthy lifestyle. Through observing the transformation of other 10 individuals
on the differing journeys (including their struggles and
Kunga Kahohia, the main character, will go on a 100-day triumphs), and through the advice given by the health
freshly squeezed juice fast. We see him getting familiar with practitioners and professionals, the viewers will be equipped
how the juicer works and figuring out which types of with knowledge of how to make immediate and lasting
vegetables and fruits to combine. Meanwhile we listen to his changes in their lives. Some of this advice will include (but
story before coming to Kenya. We hear the ups and downs, not be limited to): recommendations of places to buy fresh
working himself out of homelessness, until he talks about the fruit and vegetables, recommendations of ways to incorporate
time when he was really successful. Other Kenyans give their more vegetables in their diet, ideas on simple exercises the
opinion in sound bites about how they want to climb the viewers can do at home etc.
career ladder and go abroad, too, build businesses and make
good money. It becomes clear that a career abroad with high The individuals featured in the documentary will be broadly
financial outcomes is a great aspiration and something many representative of Kenyans from differing walks of life and be
Kenyans strive for and value. presented with unique lifestyle/health challenges.
Through Kunga, we will be introduced to Ben Otieno an “Unplugged: A Journey Back to Nature” will leave the
electrician and Grace Wanjiru, a single mother of 2 children, audience will leave the audience with a feeling of inspiration,
both of whom are unwell and need a lifestyle change. hope and empowerment after the viewing the film and
Interweaved between the different journeys, we will hear engender a health-conscious lifestyle change.
The impetus of marketing UNPLUGGED is Ÿ Help Kenyans make informed dietary
to stimulate A JOURNEY BACK TO choices (by driving behavioural choice
NATURE MOVEMENT that will empower of wholesome products such as grains,
Kenyans to engage in healthier dietary vegetables and fruits more while
and fitness habits. controlling their meat intake and
More specifically, The Journey Back to minimizing on sweets and butter or
Nature Movement will other fat-laden products).
Ÿ Use film as a Catalyst for the adoption Ÿ Aggregate all other existing healthy
of healthy dietary and fitness practices living initiatives to strengthen
in Africa. collective effort towards 'A Healthy and
Happier Kenya and African Continent'.
Ÿ Increase awareness of the importance
of living a healthy lifestyle.
Ÿ Promote Good nutrition as essential in
maintaining optimal health and in
preventing Non-
communicable/Lifestyle diseases
VENDORS Manufacturers
Ÿ Insurance Companies
Ÿ Schools
GOVERNMENT Ÿ Organic Farmers
E.G MINISTRY OF Ÿ Sporting Wear & Equipment
Ÿ Media Partners
Ÿ Nutritionists
Ÿ Medical Doctors
Ÿ Health and Fitness Experts
Regulatory Forces eat well and live healthier lifestyles. In Competitive Forces
rural Kenya, most people live active
The institution that governs Health, lives and cook their own meals, their In an effort to align themselves to the
Nutrition and Wellbeing in Kenya is the children walk to and from school. recent trend of health-conscious
Ministry of Health. Further effective However, in Urban areas like Nairobi, practices in Kenya, a good number of
progress in this field requires building people drive to work, drive their healthy lifestyle initiatives have
new structures for health promotion, children to school or pay for school embarked on healthy production for a
new systems for risk reduction and buses to collect and bring them back market more concerned with health
greater emphasis on health policy home. Fast food outlets are a hive of and wellness.
initiatives. Back to Nature Films' activity from morning through to night
believes in the collective efficacy to time. Because frying is fast and Noteworthy initiatives are the efforts
accomplish social change, therefore, enticing, it remains a viable that local and mainstream media are
the intention is to support and commercial practice for restaurants. making to inform Kenyans through
contribute to the ministry of Health's informative health and wellness articles
mandate of playing a key role in the Previously the preserve of the elite, and programmes. Individuals like Jane
policy and public health approach to fast food outlets are now very popular Mukami – 'A Fit Kenyan Girl', Nazizi- a
health promotion and disease with everyone from vendors in the renowned musician, Radio Personalities
prevention. street to affluent residents. This has Kalekye Mumo and Sheila Mwanyigha
raised the concern of health experts, and Her Excellency the First Lady
Back to Nature Films plans to who say this has exposed people to a Margaret Kenyatta are some of the
aggregate all other existing healthy range of diseases e.g. Cancer, recognizable Kenyans engaging in and
living initiatives to strengthen Diabetes, Heart diseases and many empowering others to live a health-
collective effort towards 'A Healthy and more non-communicable diseases. conscious lifestyle.
Happier Kenya and African Continent'.
This will be done through an open call With this type of diets, compounded by Other influencers are the popular
to action to all interested stakeholders little or no physical activity, the preachers Allan Kiuna and his wife
to join the 'Back to Nature Movement'. population is certainly heading for an Kathy Kiuna decided to lose the weight
obese society. they had accumulated over the years.
Economic & Social Cultural Forces Considering themselves a bad example
Back to Nature Films intends to to their congregation weighing 126
In recent years, a good number of engender a Juicing Revolution through kilograms, Allan Kiuna says he felt
Kenyans have become more health affordable juicing equipment and embarrassed and knew he needed to
conscious and some are attempting to recipes of natural ingredients within do something about his weight.
the reach of Kenyans.
Use of Natural Ingredients Healthier food types are more expensive than fast foods
Unplugged Film will stimulate interest as it will be and less
engaging and entertaining accessible in urban areas.
Promotion of healthy eating habits Taste buds are accustomed to fatty and sugary meals.
Delicious way to consume fresh produce Heavy marketing investment required
Ingredients are readily available Possibility of slow traction to gain recognition because
DIY and easy to execute the brand is new
Juicing allows intake of vegetables Kenyans may not
normally enjoy eating whole THREAT
Calorie reduction without nutrient deprivation
Flooding the body with micronutrients Take-out meals on the rise in urban areas
Busy urban life deterring healthier homemade meals
OPPORTUNITIES Loyalties and addiction to fast food chains and processed food products
Stiff competition from fast food chains and processed
Increasing health conscious mindset among many Kenyans foods manufacturers
Expenditure on healthy meals increasing every year Big marketing budgets from fast food chains and processed
Information is ready available on the Internet which foods manufacturers
eases research for healthy products Deceptive claims of healthy products from fast food chains and
Internet will ease marketing and increase reach processed foods manufacturers
Strategic partnerships will ensure sustainability of the
Juicing Movement
Brand Activation will ensure conversion into the movement
Westbrook Consulting will combine both digital and print stories of different individuals and their journey towards
media to effectively reach the goals of Back to Nature a healthy lifestyle.
Films with the 'Unplugged- A Journey Back to Nature'
Campaign. Our creative work will accentuate the health
benefits of Juicing and portray the true and honest
“The Best Stories are those that speak to us as Individuals.”
Unplugged. A Journey Back to Joe hit the road with a juicer in tow,
Nature is campaign whose magnate vowing only to drink fresh fruit and
is one of its king in Africa. The vegetable juices for 60 days with
campaign’s inspiration is drawn one goal: To get off the pills and
from Joe Cross who starred in the achieve a healthy and balanced
film, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, which lifestyle. Reboot with Joe brings
documented his personal journey to Joe’s story and message to
regain his health. Joe was 100 everyone: That losing weight and
pounds overweight, loaded up on getting healthy is within your reach.
steroids and suffering from a
debilitating autoimmune disease.
The project also draws inspiration Recently, Jason tested his theory that
from Jason Vales Super Juice Me chronic disease is caused by toxicity
Documentary. Jason Vale, the Juice and nutritional deficiency, and that the
Master, believes that no other subject best way to treat disease is simply
has been more over-complicated than with high quality nutrition.
diet, nutrition and disease and that
it's time for people to take back their
“I challenge anyone suffering from
being overweight or a lifestyle
disease, to try it on for size.” Jason
All our creative work will capture the campaign name, 'Unplugged – A Journey Back to Nature'. A Copy writing team will
be designated to handle this campaign.
Two logos have been suggested in pursuit
of an appropriate Brand Identity.
3 45
67 8
TARGET generally cares about their health and know someone who is suffering from
that of their families. any lifestyle or non-communicable
MARKET diseases.
The secondary market segment are all
The primary target for the 'Unplugged individuals who are suffering from or
– A Journey Back to Nature' campaign
is women and men between the ages
of 25 – 60 years. This market segment
TARGET MARKET PROFILE c) Meet George Otieno, a 60-year-old man who has
battled with diabetes for 17 years. George has lost most of
a) Meet Caroline. She is 29 years old and exercise is a big his hair as a result of sustained use of drugs for his condition.
part of Caroline's life because she runs in her estate park in He exhibits emotional outbursts, takes aspirin for his
South C every morning with Donna her pet dog. After migraines and feels light headed in the middle of the day.
exercising, Caroline wants to refuel her body properly – the George was introduced to Juicing by his daughter and has not
healthy way. It is not a difficult choice for her to whip up a had a migraine in 3 weeks. His moods have greatly improved,
smoothie on her Black and Decker Juicer and start her day on he is very jolly and even energetic enough to take morning
a high energy boost! walks with his young grandson. Mr. Otieno now believes his
unhealthy lifestyle was the root cause for his diabetes and he
b) This is the Luseno Family. Family is everything to now has control over what he eats and his happiness.
Michael and Grace Luseno. They would like to raise their 6-
year-old son James and 11-year-old daughter Frida to lead
healthy lifestyles, especially instilling values of importance in
a balance of both nutrition and yummy. Because of this,
James and Frida have learned that 'good for you' does not
have to be bad.
To keep building the Unplugged – A difference.
Journey Back to Nature Movement, a
monetizing strategy that is transparent will Ÿ Selected Strategic Partners will be part
be devised and our value proposition on of the story to keep the story real.
what will be offered will be very clear.
Ÿ Partners will be selected based on Back
The Unplugged Campaign will strive to to Nature Films’ belief and message and
sustain the movement through strategic they will be aligned with the movement
and mutually beneficial partnerships. once they come on board.
These relationships will be created through
collaboration with various industry sectors, Ÿ All partners will pay an affiliate fee to
government and NGOs to make a positive ensure campaign sustainability.
As a way to generate awareness and enable customers to interact with the
visibility for the 'Unplugged' Campaign, we brand.
shall conduct brand activations to cultivate
real life engagement experiences with the Strategies for implementing the consumer
target consumers. The activations will take brand activation campaign shall include:
a 360-degree integrated approach to
Voice - All the contact information on all CHAT SUPPORT – The 'Unplugged'
the marketing collateral will publish a call Campaign website will have live chat and
centre number that numerous customers social media linking for real time feedback.
can call at the same time and get real time
feedback to their enquiries. EMAIL – all emails from the contact form
on the website will direct traffic to one
SMS – the marketing material will provide specific email. We shall design newsletter
a SMS line or short code for customer that customers can subscribe to enable
enquiries and USSD functionality will help Back to Nature films to keep in touch with
collect specific information. them.
EXPERIENTIAL sample the variety of juices at all planned
EVENTS events i.e. film launch and post launch.
Throughout the campaign period, Back to The purpose of the experiential events will
Nature Films will help position the brand be to reach people on multiple levels
into the consumers' minds by attracting (emotional, rational, psychological) so that
and emotionally engaging them in personal they walk away from event remembering
experience. We shall achieve this by what is was like to touch, taste, and feel the
blending physical and digital experiences product rather than just reading about it.
together, so that the participants are
encouraged to buy the film and mobile
application, have their photos taken and
PROMOTIONAL Sales promotions will be effected in
MARKETING workshops, event sponsorships, trade
show booths and direct mail campaigns.
Consumer promotions will be executed by
using reward loyalty programs,
giveaways, special offers, product
samplings as well as point of sale
Back to Nature Films shall deploy Ÿ Brand relevance. Is this activation have the ability to integrate with other
activations in popular malls to help strategy and campaign relevant to the types of marketing channels within the
enhance the image of the Unplugged brand's message and core values? client's business?
merchandise and as well as feature the
benefits it offers or introduce the lifestyle Ÿ Return on investment. Can we measure Ÿ Uniqueness. Does the 'Unplugged'
associated with joining the Juicing the benefits vs the cost? Will we be able Campaign have a unique value or selling
Revolution. to capture consumer data, such as proposition that get consumers
emails, social media followers and other attention and make them want to talk
To measure the effectiveness of the Brand future marketing leads and about it?
Activation, we shall evaluate the following: opportunities?
Ÿ Amplification. Is it possible if needed to
Ÿ Consumer reach. How many targeted Ÿ Long term potential. Do these be able to make changes in order to
consumers would this campaign activations campaigns give the brand increase the amplification of the overall
activation touch and reach? Is it a any potential to gain sizeable long term activation campaign?
national scale, worldwide tour, city wide benefits?
or local?
Ÿ Integration capabilities. Will this brand
activation campaign compliment and
The Journey Back to Nature Film juice for 28 days to test what effect, if
'Unplugged' is a performative any, living on a juice only diet would
documentary that will form the genesis have on their overall health.
of a health and wellness movement in
Kenya and Africa thereafter. In the film, The promotional cycle of the film will be
the director will go through a journey multi-phased as follows:
with a selected number of people with
different health stories. The cast will be I. Pre-production phase
housed in an enabling environment and
will live on nothing but freshly extracted II. Production Phase
III. Post Production & Film Launch
During the rehearsal phase, we shall DOCUMENTARY WEBSITE: Journalists, Film Enthusiasts and
identify the Back to Nature Film Corporations, NGOs and fans will find
Ecosystem. By breaking down the To provide audiences with valuable relevant information from this website.
potential audience ecosystem, we shall engaging content, we shall design and
be able to identify the best ways to develop a content-rich, dynamic, This website will show case the
market the film to potential audiences. responsive and interactive website that objectives of the film, direction,
will stimulate interest in the upcoming auditions, rehearsals and casting
To grow and nurture audiences we shall documentary and act as the reference information in preparation for
design: point for all film information. production.
Stakeholders such as Critics,
BLOG products, which will give Back to build mailing lists
Nature Films the opportunity for their
A blog will be a great way to connect ads to appear alongside results for Ÿ Interest corporations that will be
with the public and create a following. those search queries. strategic partners
The making of A Journey Back to
Nature will be documented and BACK TO NATURE FILMS MEDIA
snippets shared on the blog through a RELATIONS LAUNCH
compelling narrative. Transparency We shall use our expertise to launch a
will be shown through sharing media relations outreach for the Film
triumphs and your trials experience and the film director to establish the
during the pre and production phase. brand and offer the validation and
credibility of being featured in the
SOCIAL MEDIA & SEARCH ENGINE different media vehicles. During the
MARKETING launch, we shall have a merchandise
giveaway pack for all media and other
We shall create and design social stakeholders.
media page profiles for the film to help To broaden the target media bull's-eye
develop a social media presence. We as much as possible, we shall liaise
shall then consistently update these with all media that will cover the issues
social media accounts as they shall be that Back to Nature Films raises.
crucial in launching the PR campaign. During this launch Back to Nature
Through social media, we shall carry Films will:
out audience research and online
listening and hold competitions and Ÿ Pitch to large mainstream
quizzes. publications, blogs, entertainment
oriented media and garner a media
We shall use search engine marketing database
to expose the film using paid
advertisements that appear on search Ÿ Successfully placing stories in the
engine results pages. We shall bid on press
keywords that users of services such
as Google and Bing might enter when Ÿ Target Newsletter Subscribers and
looking for health and lifestyle
Advertising & Placement - During the influencers, investors and the target
post-production phase, we shall design market to the screening to help create
creative and targeted digital a buzz and build awareness of the film
advertisements and work on marketing and its director.
plan detailing our recommended media The film will be shown at schools or
and communication channels. colleges, local cinemas, churches,
Trailer Release - Back to Nature Films hospitals, gyms, health clubs, The
will create an impactful trailer that we Kenya National Theatre and Counties
shall use as a pitch and calling card for throughout the country.
potential distributors.
FILM FESTIVALS – We shall submit
PRE-INTERVIEWS Unplugged film to appropriate film
We shall plan and manage interviews festivals and make a list of festivals
of the director with different media that could be worth attending even if
partners where the filming process. Back to Nature films will not be
screening. This can be an opportunity
PUBLIC & PRIVATE SCREENINGS to meet with distributors, buyers,
We shall make a list of all of the investors, influencers, media, etc.
venues where Back to Nature Films will
show the 'Unplugged' Film. We shall
invite the media, distributors,
For further information contact:
Kunga Kahohia 0773 243 546
Salim Keshavjee 0722 516 704